Why do you dream of a burgundy robe? Why see a robe in a dream? Why do you dream and what does a Robe mean in a dream?

Seeing doctors in white coats in a dream foreshadows illness or fear of an upcoming serious test, examination, exams, etc. A black work coat on someone foreshadows the funeral of a stranger, in which you will have to take a direct part. A blue satin robe means long standing in lines and humiliating requests.

Seeing yourself in a dressing gown among an elegantly dressed audience means that in reality you will find yourself in a stupid position by believing false rumors. A silk robe - for a love date, a terry robe - they will ask you to borrow a large sum of money, a torn old robe - for emotional distress and nervousness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Seeing a Robe in a dream

Putting on a robe in a dream means getting involved in troublesome matters that will subsequently bring significant income.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

What does the dream Robe mean?

A white coat means constant illness or a specific illness.

Wearing a dressing gown means taking on a lot of trouble in some matter.

You will understand in advance that it is worth it: subsequently you will receive significant benefits and money.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

Seeing a Robe in a dream

To put it on yourself means to get involved in troublesome affairs, which, however, will later bring significant benefits.

Interpretation of dreams from the Nameless Dream Book

What does it mean to see a Robe in a dream?

If in a dream you put on a robe, then in reality you need to try to bring something new and unusual into your life. You need to show maximum imagination, otherwise your partner will start looking for something new on the side.

If you saw in a dream someone dressed in a robe in some inappropriate setting - in real life you will find yourself in an absurd position. Don’t be frank with strangers, then nothing like this will happen.

If you dreamed of an old, torn robe, in reality you are trying to manipulate others, and if you fail, you begin to get terribly angry. How can you avoid being left alone?

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Robe

Robe - A dream in which you happily wrap yourself in a terry robe means that you are already tired of loneliness and are now in search of love.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Seeing a Robe in a dream

Boasting in a dream: a sign that in reality you do not have enough strength to carry out this or that task.

If in reality you want to avoid failure and embarrassment, you should soberly assess your capabilities, otherwise some of your immediate plans may be disrupted.

To dream about others boasting: a sign that you are at risk of getting involved in some unreliable business or trusting unreliable people.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

What does the dream Robe mean?

If you dreamed that you were putting on a beautiful silk robe, the dream promises a man that he will be very lucky in love, and a woman - success in her professional activities.

You are given or given a robe - the interpretation intensifies.

The robe is old or torn: to a quarrel in the house. Oriental robe - you will be lucky and get an unexpected win.

Putting on a robe is a warning: you need to get rid of tension, take the circumstances easier - and you will succeed.

Someone is wearing a white coat - you can trust this person.

You are in a white coat - trust your intuition and take the decisive step.

A stained or soiled robe is an obstacle.

Wash your robe: illness will prevent you.

Throwing away your robe means getting rid of unnecessary connections. If it's a nice robe, be careful: you may quarrel with important people.

Imagine that the robe that you dreamed of as Cinderella’s outfit turns into a beautiful dress or a chic raincoat.

Interpretation of dreams from

In our dreams we can see a robe in several variations - male and female, medical or home. In each case, the dream will have its own interpretation, which can help the dreamer understand himself and influence future events. The dream book will help you figure out why you dream about a robe. The main thing is not to forget the details of the dreamed plot, because everything depends on them.

The housecoat itself is dreamed of by those people who should pay more attention to their household skills. Perhaps it’s worth mastering a recipe for a new dish or organizing your home environment more rationally.

An unfavorable sign is a dream of a doctor in a dressing gown. There are three explanations for this night vision. The first indicates that the dreamer will be ill, and the second indicates that he will fail in an upcoming exam or other test. The third version is suitable for those who lead a wild and chaotic lifestyle. The dream warns them that this will not lead to good consequences.

If in a night vision a sleeping person meets a stranger dressed in a dressing gown, in real life he will not be able to get help in a matter that is important to him, even from close people.

A dream in which the dreamer tries on a robe predicts longevity, prosperity and family happiness. Buying a robe portends joy and good luck, while washing it in a dream foretells grief and resentment.

A bad omen is a dream in which a sleeping person is given a robe, but he does not want to accept it or wear it. Such a dream symbolizes liars in close circles. Someone knows the dreamer well and wants to take advantage of this to harm him.

Interpretation by color and condition

The correct interpretation of a dream, which can help to unravel its secret meaning and influence future events, also depends on the color and condition in which the robe was in the dream.

A new robe portends an acquaintance with a member of the opposite sex, which can develop into a romantic relationship. An old and torn robe speaks of the dreamer’s habit of manipulating people around him and getting annoyed when he fails to do this. If you continue to act in this way, the dreamer risks being left alone.

If you happen to see a bright red robe in your dream, this may mean that your romantic relationship lacks passion between partners. It is worth thinking about how you can diversify intimacy in order to not only brighten up the relationship, but also eliminate the possibility of betrayal.

Interpretations of other robe colors:

  • Blue - portends a long trip;
  • Green – happiness;
  • Beige - peace;
  • Yellow – entertainment;
  • Multi-colored is a sign of good luck and success in all endeavors.

This white wardrobe item also has its own interpretation. It portends a harmonious and peaceful family life. From this moment you can relax - conflicts, omissions and quarrels will bypass your home. The dream book also recommends going on a trip with your significant other.

Interpretation based on the dreamer's actions

If in night vision you had to put on a robe, in real life you will be given new obligations. However, if this item of clothing was terry, you should expect a present or a surprise.

Did you dream about taking off your robe? In the foreseeable future, you will complete a task that has been weighing on you for a long time. Walking in a robe means being satisfied with your social status and social position.

Buying a robe portends a profitable financial investment that will bring profit. His washing represents the desire to drown out the memories of past mistakes. If in a night vision you happen to sew up this piece of clothing, it means that a damaged relationship will soon be restored.

A dream in which a sleeping person is given a robe foreshadows the receipt of an unusual gift in real life. If the dreamer cut it with scissors, you should be wary of a conflict with a loved one. A robe that was thrown into the trash warns against committing a rash act. If you spent a long time choosing it in the store, in real life you cannot decide on any step.

A night vision in which a sleeping person fastens his robe indicates that it is worth diversifying your sex life. This interpretation especially applies to married women. If you had such a dream, you should show your imagination and give free rein to your imagination so that your husband does not get bored and start looking for thrills on the side.

Freud's Dream Book

If you rely on the interpretation that the famous psychiatrist included in his dream book, the robe is an unusual symbol. If you have a dream in which a person is present in a robe in an environment where you need to be dressed differently - for example, at a meeting or a party - in real life you will find yourself in a situation that will put you in an awkward position. To prevent this from happening, you should show less trust in others. By deciding to have a frank conversation with a stranger, you can expose your weaknesses.

Rommel's Dream Book

According to this dream book, a white robe portends a long-term illness or constant illness. If you had to put on a dressing gown, you risk taking on a lot of tasks in any area. However, you should not try to throw them off on someone else, as in the end they will bring you impressive dividends.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dreamed of an expensive oriental silk robe, this is an extremely favorable omen. In the near future, you can expect great luck - winning the lottery, receiving an inheritance, or a successful acquaintance, which can develop into great love.

If you dreamed that you were putting on a beautiful silk robe, the dream promises a man that he will be very lucky in love, and a woman - success in her professional activities.

You are given or given a robe - the interpretation intensifies.

The robe is old or torn: to a quarrel in the house. Oriental robe - you will be lucky and get an unexpected win.

Putting on a robe is a warning: you need to get rid of tension, take the circumstances easier - and you will succeed.

Someone is wearing a white coat - you can trust this person.

You are in a white coat - trust your intuition and take the decisive step.

A stained or soiled robe is an obstacle.

Wash your robe: illness will prevent you.

Throwing away your robe means getting rid of unnecessary connections. If it's a nice robe, be careful: you may quarrel with important people.

Imagine that the robe that you dreamed of as Cinderella’s outfit turns into a beautiful dress or a chic raincoat.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream of a robe?

Freud's Dream Book

If in a dream you put on a robe, it means that you need to try to bring something unusual and new into your sex life. This warning especially applies to women who are homemakers.

Having seen such a dream, they need to show maximum imagination, otherwise the partner will want to look for some “zest” on the side. And then - who knows how tasty these raisins will turn out to be.

To dream of seeing someone dressed in a robe in some inappropriate setting, say, at a fun party - in real life you will find yourself in some kind of ridiculous position, having opened up with a person who does not deserve and does not understand such an attitude.

An old, torn robe is a sign that you are trying to manipulate others, and when you fail to do this, you begin to get angry at the whole world. Be careful: if you continue to feel the need to feel that people are subject to your will, then in the end it may turn out that you will be left completely alone.

Why do you dream of a robe?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A dressing gown in a dream symbolizes relaxation.

If you dream that you are putting on a robe, this means that it is time for you to distract yourself from extraneous problems and devote time to yourself and your family.

A dirty or torn dressing gown portends a quarrel in your home.

Meeting a person dressed in a dressing gown suggests that your attempts to attract someone to a certain cause will be unsuccessful.

A work robe usually portends certain business chores.

Seeing someone you know in a white medical coat in a dream is a sign that you may need this person’s help. The dream also suggests that you can trust him with what you don’t trust others.

Why do you dream of a robe?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Robe - on this day, try to leave the house as little as possible; criminal troubles are possible.

Why do you dream of a robe?

Spring dream book

Trying on a robe means a long life, washing it means chagrin, buying a robe means joy.

Seeing a camouflage robe or camouflage items means that one of your acquaintances is completely ready to serve you, but you will not believe him.

Why do you dream of a robe?

Summer dream book

Trying on a robe means family happiness; selling a robe - to envy; buying a robe means separation.

Wearing a camouflage robe in a dream means hiding your income.

Why do you dream of a robe?

Autumn dream book

Trying on a robe means going to a hospital bed.

The camouflage robe you saw in a dream means participation in hostilities.

Why do you dream of a robe?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing doctors in white coats in a dream portends illness or fear of an upcoming serious test, test, exams, etc.

A black work coat on someone foreshadows the funeral of a stranger, in which you will have to take a direct part. A blue satin robe means long standing in lines and humiliating requests.

Seeing yourself in a dressing gown among an elegantly dressed audience means that in reality you will find yourself in a stupid position by believing false rumors.

A silk robe - for a love date, a terry robe - you will be asked to borrow a large sum of money, a torn old robe - for emotional distress and nervousness.

Why do you dream of a robe?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Robe - long-term internal illness

Why do you dream of a robe?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Walking around in a robe means visiting an uninvited guest.

If you dreamed that you were buying a robe, you would casually invite someone to visit, without even hoping that the person would come, but he would certainly appear, and not alone.

In a dream, you were given a robe - your wife, bride or lover (husband, groom or lover) will invite to your house a person whom you would not want to see in your house, and he will certainly come to visit.

You sold your robe - an uninvited guest will come to you, whom you do not want to see, but you will be able to quickly get rid of him.

If you dreamed that you gave or threw away a robe, you yourself will invite a guest into the house of your wife, fiancee or beloved (husband, groom or lover), and because of his visit you will have big troubles.

Darning a robe means a visit from an uninvited guest, whom you will be terribly happy about.

Why do you dream of a robe?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Robe - illness, painful sensations.

Why do you dream of a robe?

Modern dream book

If you washed your robe and it became very small or faded a lot, this portends a surprise for you.

Buying a terry bathrobe, which later turns into a medical one, means for a man that a new acquaintance will complicate his life; For a woman, this dream foreshadows difficulties in her personal life or health problems.

If you come to a dinner party in evening dress, and all the guests are dressed in dressing gowns, it means that you are about to receive a promotion, an award, or attract the attention of an inaccessible person.

If you exchanged your robe for a chic fur coat or a coat of a random passer-by, it means that luck awaits you ahead of you, which you never dreamed of.

If you are given a robe, although you have never expressed a desire to wear it in your life, it means that people who know you very well will want to interfere with your affairs, will try to harm you, ruin your mood.

Why do you dream of a robe?

Eastern dream book

Expensive oriental robe - dreams of great luck. Perhaps you will win a large sum or receive an inheritance.

Why do you dream of a robe?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

long-term internal illness.

Why do you dream of a robe?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Robe - It’s as if you are putting on a robe - you will have to work hard in the near future, but you will also achieve significant benefits.

Why do you dream of a robe?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Robe - painful sensations; luxurious - imaginary exaltation.

Why do you dream of a robe?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does a Robe mean in a dream - If the robe is beautiful: a man will be very lucky in love, and a woman will be successful in her professional activities. You are given or given a robe - the interpretation intensifies. The robe is old or torn: to a quarrel in the house. Oriental robe - you will be lucky and get an unexpected win. Wearing a robe is a warning: you need to get rid of tension, deal with circumstances more easily, and everything will work out for you. Someone is wearing a white coat - you can trust this person. You are in a white coat - trust your intuition and take the decisive step. A stained or soiled robe is an obstacle. Wash your robe - illness will prevent you. Throwing away your robe means getting rid of unnecessary connections. If it's a nice robe, be careful: you may quarrel with important people. Imagine that the robe that you dreamed of as Cinderella’s outfit turns into a beautiful dress or a chic raincoat.

Why do you dream of a robe?

Love dream book

A dream in which you happily wrap yourself in a terry robe means that you are already tired of loneliness and are now in search of love.

Why do you dream of a robe?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What does a White Coat (medical coat) mean in a dream - you will have a chance to improve your professional skills so much that all your work problems will be resolved and you will achieve success. Imagine that you came to your work and saw a closet or hanger where a clean, starched and ironed white robe hangs. You put it on and begin your normal work. Immediately you are convinced that your work is progressing as deftly and quickly as ever, as if it is being done by itself, without your participation, and you only get pleasure from the fact that your work is so successful. This dream will come true if you do not neglect the opportunity to improve your skills or learn from more experienced colleagues.

Why do you dream of a robe?

Ancient Russian dream book

Robe - To put on oneself means to get involved in troublesome affairs, which, however, will later bring significant benefits.

Why do you dream of a robe?

Dream book of E. Ericson

What is a robe for? 1. A robe in a dream has a double meaning. On the one hand, our vulnerability is revealed, on the other hand, relaxation is easy for us. Putting a robe on someone in a dream means protecting that person. 2. The robe can represent our attitude towards sex and relationships. If it is clean, then we have a good self-esteem, and if it is dirty, then vice versa. A dirty robe can also suggest depression. 3. From a spiritual perspective, a white robe represents innocence, while a seamless robe represents integrity.

Why do you dream of a robe?

Jewish dream book

What does a Robe mean in a dream? A light terry robe means melancholy, failure, fear and loss of hope. A dark terry robe means a quick improvement in your well-being and mood.

Why do you dream of a robe?

Magic dream book

You dreamed of a Robe - for a long life, if the robe is old - for a long but poor life.

Why do you dream of a robe?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does a Robe mean in a dream - home life.

Why do you dream of a robe?

Old Russian dream book

illnesses, painful sensations.

Why do you dream of a robe?

Dream book of relationships

A dream in which you are dressed in a robe suggests that you should change your intimate life. The relationship has become familiar and ordinary, so there is a chance that your partner will begin to look for entertainment on the side. Try to prevent such a turn of events.

If you dream that someone is wearing a robe, but the situation is absolutely not consistent with such attire, this means that you will find yourself in a stupid position, having laid out all your problems to a stranger.

If the robe is old and torn, this indicates that you want to control other people, but they do not always give in to you, and therefore you feel angry at everything and everyone. This approach can lead to loneliness.

Why do you dream of a robe?

Online dream book

If you dreamed that your robe shrunk after washing, it means that something extremely unexpected will happen to you.

If you bought it, you can bring new colors into your life if you are a little more sociable.

Why do you dream of a terry robe? A reflection of possible problems with your emotional health, especially if the robe was a light shade. It is possible that psychological problems may arise.

Try to rest more and not overexert yourself, otherwise everything will end in prolonged depression. Be positive.

Medical gown

A medical gown seen in a dream is a symbol of self-realization, and also indicates the need to take certain actions to achieve your plans.

Trying on a robe in a dream

A dream about trying on a robe foreshadows future longevity and a prosperous life in reality. A kaleidoscope of events filled with different content awaits you ahead, but no matter what happens, your lover will always be there.

Follow your principles, adhere to the rules, moving along the intended path to achieve your goals. This is the only way everything will work out as you plan.

Why do you dream about so many robes?

I dreamed of a lot of dressing gowns - an indication of the lack of tenderness and affection you are experiencing from the stalls. In the future, the situation is unlikely to change; you are in a relationship with a person who is not capable of openly showing feelings.

Think about the nature of your relationships. If there are serious differences in needs and opportunities to fulfill them, it's time to think about a break.