Why do you dream about pregnancy? I dreamed that I was pregnant - interpretation of the dream book Why do I dream that I am pregnant

Pregnancy most often symbolizes your desire to have children.

Quite often, pregnancy symbolizes your unfulfilled hopes, dreams and desires of a sexual nature.

If a woman dreams that she is pregnant, it means that in real life this event will not be long in coming. For a man, dreaming of pregnancy means that he would like to have a child with his partner.

I had a dream 😴

Regular 1 Nightmare 0

2 Loff's Dream Book

Pregnancy enters your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself during pregnancy, the second is that your real pregnancy is an IMPACT EVENT and sets its specific content.

Anyone can become pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited by either gender or age barriers. Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, but at the same time having no real intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream may indicate that you are in the stage of primary transition to a new stage of introspection. One of the ARCHETYPES according to JUNG is the archetype of a parent with a prevailing instinct for preserving the family. Seeing yourself involved in an activity in this position means observing your exit from the CHILD stage and transition to the adult level.

If you are sexually active, but have no intention of getting pregnant, such a dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle. In connection with such a dream, ALARMS like “what if” may arise, which require comprehension and resolution.

A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in the reproduction of the population is in question. Such doubts often come to mind for men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be. The dream acts as compensation, highlighting the creative side of their PERSONALITY. Pregnant men not only give birth to children, but also something that somehow justifies their mission in this world.

The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to various events in dreams. By their nature, these events can be anything from the most brutal to the ridiculous. This is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy is a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.

Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may relate to adultery, DEATH of a partner, chronic health problems, loss of pregnancy due to accident or miscarriage, birth defects in the child, twins, triplets, etc., as well as increased fertility, where conception and gestation occur more often and regardless of protection.

Dreams about infidelity or the death of a partner often arise as a response to feelings of insecurity due to changes in appearance or the frequency and nature of sexual relations during pregnancy. Dreams about chronic health problems and defects in a child belong to the category of negative WILL-EXECUTION and are also a result of the anxiety experienced by women in this position.

Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult. Sometimes, at a certain stage, pregnancy overwhelms a woman. This is a consequence of concerns about the ability to properly cope with the role of MOTHER. Multiple pregnancies may be a visual representation of these fears.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

3 Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

For a girl - deception;

for a woman - pride and joy;

for a man - make plans;

seeing a pregnant woman is a nuisance.

Also see Give birth.

Dreams come true day of the week and date

If you had a dream in Tuesday- the dream can come true in 7-10 days

If you had a dream 9th- Meaningless, chaotic, you can not attach any significance to them.

4 Old Russian dream book

deception (for a girl); pride, joy (for a woman); make plans (for a man); seeing a pregnant woman is a nuisance.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


5 Miller's Dream Book

Pregnancy dream meaning:

For a woman to dream that she is pregnant means that she will be unhappy with her husband and her children will be unattractive.

For a virgin, such a dream promises shame and misfortune. If the sleeping woman is really pregnant, then such a dream will serve as a prognosis for her successful delivery of the burden and a speedy restoration of strength.

6 Indian dream book

If a woman, who does not feel pregnant in reality, sees in a dream that she has given birth to a son, this promises her a happy ending to her enterprise. For a girl, such a dream means feasts, fun, dancing, weddings, and sometimes fear of her mother. A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream will soon expect wealth, winnings and profits. When he dreams that he is present at the birth of a woman, this promises fun and prosperity. If a man dreams that his wife is pregnant when she has actually felt the first signs of conception, this foretells that the newborn child will remain alive.

7 Wanderer's Dream Book - Terenty Smirnov

Pregnancy for a girl is a deception; for a woman - joy, fulfillment of desire.

For a man to be pregnant is treason; illness, danger; seeing a pregnant woman is a nuisance.

After sleeping, we must wash our hands immediately, because when we fall asleep, the unclean spirit is applied to our hands and it is still there. You should wash your face without touching your eyes.

8 Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Pregnancy in a dream means:

Being pregnant means making bold plans; see - meet troubles.

9 Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Seeing a pregnant mother in a dream means a desperate situation.

Seeing yourself pregnant is a sign of health problems.

Seeing someone else's woman pregnant is a sign of prosperity.

Seeing your daughter pregnant means a quarrel

10 Slavic dream book

If you dream of a pregnant woman, it means wealth and honors.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

11 Esoteric dream book

Why does a woman dream about pregnancy:

Pregnancy means losses.

Seeing pregnancy means lending.

12 Esoteric dream book

Seeing pregnancy in a dream means:

Seeing yourself or someone else pregnant means profit and prosperity.

13 Home dream book

A dream about pregnancy is interpreted in the dream book as:

You dreamed of Pregnancy - a new idea, business. For a woman who does not have children, this may mean her desire to become pregnant; for a pregnant woman - taking care of her health and preparing for childbirth; you see another woman in a pregnant dream - you have some new character traits.

14 Solomon's Dream Book

Dreaming about pregnancy means:

For a young woman to be pregnant is happiness in love.

15 Dream Interpreter of 1829

Pregnancy dream meaning:

Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream is a very good sign and marks an increase in wealth, honors and glory.

For a poor person to see himself pregnant in a dream, it foretells an improvement in his condition and the acquisition of wealth; and for the rich, on the contrary, the loss of all or some part of the property, sadness, care and various troubles.

16 Dream Interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

What does it mean if a woman dreams of pregnancy:

  • A woman seeing her pregnancy means changes in the family.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth - difficulties in completing a task.
  • A married woman dreams of pregnancy - a courageous plan, a desire to experience the beginning of a new period in life.
  • Dream interpretation about pregnancy for an elderly grandmother - a danger to life.
  • Someone else's pregnancy means success in the household, increased income.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

17 Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What pregnancy can mean in a dream:

What does a pregnant woman mean in a dream - to a change in financial situation for the better. Imagine a pregnant woman with a blooming, contented look. Imagine talking to her and complimenting her. She smiles happily and tells you how happy she is. Her wonderful mood is transmitted to you, and you are filled with hope and confidence that everything will be fine with you.

18 Dream Interpretation Maya

Pregnancy in a dream means:

Good meaning: You or one of your relatives is expecting a girl - get ready to receive a pleasant surprise in the near future. In the evening, shout to the closed window: “Thank you, sun, for lighting my way!” Take a glass of water and place it on the windowsill, and in the morning pour this water on the top of your head.

Bad meaning: You or one of your relatives is expecting a boy - there is a high probability that you will have an accident. Drink 1 teaspoon of oil (preferably corn oil) and do not take off your shoes until the first star.

19 Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

If a girl dreams of pregnancy, it means:

Pregnancy is a symbol of bearing (carrying) another. Usually this image is viewed as negative, denoting the fact that the subject is subject to alien influences (semantized by others) or indicates organic diseases. When “in se” wants to indicate the birth of an expected child, a person with certain physiognomic features is seen.

20 Ukrainian dream book

Why does a woman dream about pregnancy:

Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream is a nuisance; being pregnant means making bold plans. Pregnancy for a girl is a deception, for a woman it is joy, for an old woman - death is behind her.

A dream seen by a church person on a holiday can come true no later than half of the next day. They say: “A holiday nap is until lunch,” but on Friday it is “valid” all day. Whoever cries in a dream will laugh in reality.

21 Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

Seeing pregnancy in a dream means:

Pregnancy. Dreams about pregnancy are often associated with creativity and the “conception” of a new idea or project. Jung considered pregnancy dreams to symbolize the beginning of a new phase of personal development.

Positive meaning

When a woman longs for the birth of a child, a dream about childbirth can mean the fulfillment of this desire. Many women report having these dreams just before they found out they were pregnant.

Negative implications

If a woman does not want a child, such a dream may express fear of pregnancy, labor pain, or the very thought of being a parent.

For both men and women, dreaming about pregnancy can mean wanting to care for someone else.

Multiple pregnancy. Dreams that pregnancy foretells the birth of multiple babies may indicate a conflict of loyalties; perhaps priorities should be carefully assessed rather than trying to serve everyone at once. Difficult pregnancy. Pain or difficulty during pregnancy is often associated with the demands of the person who depends on you. It may be worth considering how to ease this burden. Friend's pregnancy. Saying that a friend has become pregnant is a sincere wish for her to have a long and healthy life, which presupposes a strong friendship.

22 Dream book Meneghetti

Interpretation of dreams about pregnancy:

Symbolizes the gestation of someone else, mainly in a negative sense, indicating either organic diseases or a hidden unconscious influence on the subject of something different, alien. When In-se* wants to talk about the birth of an expected child, it shows the image of a person with certain facial features.

*Onto In-se (Italian: In-S?ontico – ontic “in-itself”) – the basic project of human nature; a vital principle without which life is impossible. Compliance with this principle leads a person to self-realization, health, happiness, deviation from it causes illness, pain, suffering (synonymous with soul).

23 English dream book

Interpretation of dreams about pregnancy:

You Dreamed of Pregnancy - Your feelings about pregnancy in a dream usually accurately reflect your true (but perhaps hidden) feelings about a corresponding event in real life, be it a real pregnancy or something to which it can serve as an analogy, such as a long-term plan. What is the dream about: What emotions accompanied pregnancy? Joy because the child was wanted, fear that something will go wrong? Despair because the child was not planned, or was the result of rape, or is sick with something?

If a married woman dreams that she is pregnant, this foretells the birth of twins. And if a young unmarried woman sees such a dream, it means that her lover’s motives are dishonest and he is not truthful with her.

You should never sleep along the floorboards (only dead people are placed along the floor), but you should definitely make your bed across the boards.

24 Women's dream book

Pregnancy in a dream predicts:

If a woman dreams that she is pregnant, it means that in real life this event will soon happen. If the sleeping woman is really pregnant, then such a dream will serve as a forecast for her successful delivery of the burden and a quick restoration of strength. For a man, dreaming of pregnancy means that he would like to have a child with his beloved.

25 Family dream book

Why dream about Pregnancy:

For a woman to see herself pregnant in a dream means a quarrel with her husband.

If she is really pregnant, then such a dream predicts a successful birth and a quick restoration of strength.

26 Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Pregnancy - sometimes this dream symbolizes a long-awaited pregnancy.

Seeing a pregnant mother in a dream means illness or death of the mother.

27 Azar's Dream Book

Pregnancy is a concern, encountering troubles.

Having a pregnancy means making bold plans.

28 Combined dream book

Pregnancy is one of the most common dreams. This is a very interesting dream.

If in a dream you see yourself pregnant, it promises wealth or financial profit to a person without income; on the contrary, bankruptcy to a rich person; for a married man, dreaming of pregnancy can mean a quarrel or separation with his wife; for a bachelor - a quick marriage.

For a young girl, the dream of pregnancy is a feeling of shame or disgrace; for a mature woman - immediate joy or a feeling of pride for something; for an elderly woman - a sad event.

Very often, dreams about your pregnancy lead to various diseases, and dreams about childbirth mean that you will get rid of or pay off debts.

Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream is a sign of great financial profit, and quite unexpected.

If you dreamed of the birth of a son, expect an improvement in your financial situation; the birth of a daughter - your life will be full of joyful events.

If a pregnant woman dreams about pregnancy, this dream promises an easy and safe birth without complications.

If a man sees his wife or mistress in a state of pregnancy in a dream, the wife (mistress) should be happy, because the man’s love for her is practically limitless.

29 Dream book of lovers

If a pregnant woman dreams of such a dream, it means that the birth will go well and the child will be born healthy. However, for other women such a dream does not bode well. For an unmarried woman, this promises an unsuccessful marriage and disagreements with her husband, and for a virgin - shame and misfortune.

30 Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

Why dream about Pregnancy:

I dream that my wife is pregnant. - She says that she has connections on the side.

31 Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Pregnant - profit, honor/trouble, gossip; to be pregnant - to have bold hopes, joy (for a woman), wealth or profit (for a man or only for a poor person) / losses, deception (for a girl), death (for an old woman), sadness and troubles (for a rich man), illness of a wife (for a married man).

Pregnancy dreams of starting a new business.

32 Dream book of Nina Grishina

For a man to see a pregnant woman - changes in the family.

For a woman giving birth - great difficulties in completing the task.

Lying down with a pregnant woman is a pleasant change.

Seeing the afterbirth means conquering an ardent woman.

For a man to see himself pregnant - to carry within himself a courageous plan / a very strong desire to experience / the beginning of a new period in life.

For a woman to see herself pregnant - fear of pregnancy or desire to become pregnant.

For a girl to see herself pregnant - treason.

The old woman is in danger of life.

For a woman to see another pregnant woman - success in the household, increased income.

Giving birth in a dream is something bad; love happiness will deceive.

Feeling labor pains is life-threatening.

33 Dream book of the 21st century

For a man to see a pregnant woman in a dream - to changes, material well-being; to see a woman giving birth - to difficulties in business, upcoming difficulties.

Lying next to a pregnant woman brings pleasant hopes.

Being pregnant in a dream means the realization of promising plans, profit, and wealth.

For a woman to see a pregnant woman in a dream - to success in the household, prosperity in the family, to be pregnant herself - to joy.

For a girl to be pregnant in a dream is a sign of deception.

34 Dream book of the 21st century

You are ready to give life to a new idea, a new feeling, a new emotion.

New creative project. Moving in a new direction.

May indicate your desire to become pregnant.

A mighty sign.

35 Modern dream book

Why dream about Pregnancy:

Pregnancy - Happiness in love for a girl, illness for an older woman

Seeing pregnancy in a dream means profit

Pregnancy for you personally - Now is a favorable time to bring to life an idea that you have been thinking about for a long time. Don't give up and you will achieve results

36 Russian dream book

Pregnancy - for a girl - happiness in love; if the sleeping woman is actually pregnant - to a successful birth.

Both men and women can have dreams about pregnancy. We have found that most often dreams of pregnancy and conception refer to a part of the dreamer's life or work that is now growing and developing, but perhaps too early to talk about or too early to put into action. In fact, the dreamer may not be able to explain what it is that is growing inside him. Ideas and feelings, like living beings, have their own period of maturation.

You dreamed of Pregnancy - The most important thing is how the dreamer or dreamer relates to his “pregnancy”. Sometimes they are not sure if they are pregnant. This surprise may be welcome, or, oddly enough, it may not evoke any emotions. Dreamers may experience pleasant excitement or bliss, or perhaps fear (How will we raise a child?), disgust (What is this sitting inside of me?) or weakness (How can I carry this extra weight?).

Another interpretation of dreams Pregnancy has only recently been developed. With scientific advances helping peri-menopausal and post-menopausal women get pregnant, dreams of pregnancy may also herald the feeling that nothing is impossible, that there are no obstacles to achieving your desires.

And don’t forget the obvious: women of childbearing age can find out in this way that they are, in fact, pregnant!

What does Pregnancy mean in a dream: “I - and not my wife - am in a state of pregnancy. I see through my skin that there are rotting vegetables inside me. I know that if I don’t give birth right now, the vegetables (the child) will die. But I don't know how to do this." Quite a disturbing dream, isn't it? But it's completely normal. When men or women are expecting a baby, they usually have strange dreams that express their anxiety about pregnancy, birth and parenting. the dreamer feels completely helpless in the face of the changes that are taking place in his life, and in a dream he cannot give birth because he does not know what he needs to do.

You dreamed of Pregnancy - So, you are giving birth. It doesn’t matter that you are actually 64 years old, that you are a man and, moreover, unmarried. Although many pregnant women often dream about childbirth in anticipation of the upcoming event, these dreams have more to do with a feeling of rebirth, new beginnings, and ideas coming to fruition.

37 Online dream book

These dreams can reflect a person’s state during the period of bearing a child or about what events will happen after it happens in reality. In general, stories about pregnancy have, first of all, a creative background, because they are common to all people, regardless of gender and age, therefore such stories require a more detailed interpretation, for this we turn to dream books.

In addition, pregnancy in the plot of a dream is often an expression of the desire to create something new; depending on the emotional coloring of the dream, one can evaluate a person’s creative freedom and potential.

For a married woman, being pregnant in a dream usually promises her to give birth to twins. But for a young unmarried girl such a plot

If she dreams of having a child, but does not intend to do this right now, the dream suggests that she will have to analyze her personality in more detail.

If the woman who saw the dream is pregnant in reality, according to the dream book, the birth of her baby will be successful and without complications.

If a virgin dreams about pregnancy, it foretells being humiliated.

Dreaming of pregnancy and contractions means an imminent threat to life or health. Beware of household injuries.

If, according to the plot of the dream, you do not see yourself in this state, enrichment awaits you.

Sometimes a pregnancy that happens in reality is reflected in dreams. The plots of such dreams are very diverse, because this state carries a spectrum of very different feelings and experiences for a woman.

Attention should be paid to dreams in which pregnancy occurs repeatedly - such stories, as a rule, reflect a woman’s uncertainty that she is able to adequately realize herself as a mother.

If you dreamed of an unwanted pregnancy, then this means changes in life that you will accept with hostility. Unable to influence the situation, you will experience fear of impending changes. The responsibility that will fall on your shoulders will burden you.

A dream in which you decided to get rid of pregnancy means that you need to be attentive to your words and actions so as not to incur the wrath of others.

Pregnancy in men's dreams is a reflection of the desire to have a child with a permanent partner. If he is married

For a man to see his wife or mistress pregnant is an expression of his strong feelings.

If he gets pregnant himself, this is a signal that on a subconscious level he feels that he is not actively participating in procreation.

If he sees someone’s pregnancy from the outside, he will soon receive material benefits.

Seeing a girl with a big belly and being pregnant in the final stages is often a prophetic dream. Either it means a significant event or good news. For men, this means additional housework, the hassle of building a house or non-residential premises. For a woman to see pregnancy and a rounded belly - to small, but annoying mistakes and mistakes in work.

Finding out in a dream that your wife is pregnant means you will be planning the birth of a child or a new addition to your family is already waiting for you.

An interrupted pregnancy or miscarriage is a bad sign. For a girl who doesn't have children,

If a man dreamed of seeing himself pregnant, know that a man’s pregnancy is a damaged reputation; someone may doubt your determination and willpower.

To dream of a sister who is unmarried being pregnant - a happy marriage awaits her in the near future. If at the same time you are happy for her

Pregnancy of a sister who is married - her relationship with her husband will undergo various changes.

If you see your sister pregnant with twins, nothing threatens the financial well-being of your family, prosperity and prosperity await you.

A dream in which you have to quarrel with your pregnant sister means spreading rumors and speculation that could ruin your reputation.

Talking to your pregnant sister, having a conversation with her, dialogue - in life, your sister wants to tell you about something.

Someone else’s pregnancy according to the dream book - fortunately, if there are any troubles, they will be quickly resolved and soon there will be no trace of them left.

A dream in which you learn about your mother’s pregnancy means that nothing threatens your plans, everything will come true in the very near future. It is quite possible that someone will assist you in conducting business. Positive changes will have an impact on your personal life and career growth.

Pregnancy with twins is a happy love. A bright and cloudless future awaits your couple. For a man, pregnancy with twins and her birth indicates vicious desires: greed and selfishness, which will lead to the fact that he may be left completely alone. At the same time, the dream indicates grief and disharmony, the causes of which must be sought in oneself.

If you find out in a dream that you are pregnant with a girl, you will be given a generous gift that you will like and will come in handy.

I dreamed of seeing my daughter’s pregnancy - to good news, happy news. Good events will affect not only you, but your entire family. If the head of the family sees such a dream, it means that his daughter will find happiness with a worthy person soon. If a mother-daughter has found a suitable passion, her lover will be to your liking.

My daughter's pregnancy is in the early stages - significant events are already on the way.

If your daughter is pregnant in the later stages, reasons for joy will appear a little later, you need to wait a while.

If a woman dreams of being pregnant with a boy, a traffic accident is possible. Be careful while driving and be careful on the road.

For an unmarried man, a friend’s pregnancy is a fear of becoming a father. Major changes are coming in your relationships. If a woman sees a friend’s pregnancy in a dream

For a man to see a girl pregnant in a dream means his indecision in proposing marriage to his beloved. It may also indicate concerns about having children.

38 Online dream book

Pregnant - potentially a new life, full of possibilities and hopes. Wearing is the introjection of the Other, the subject is exposed to alien influences. An image colored by ambivalent concealment “for the time being.”

39 Dream book of healer Akulina

What does Pregnancy mean in a dream - your efforts will be crowned with brilliant success. Imagine that the pregnancy is going perfectly, you feel great, you are having fun, you and everyone around you are happy with everything.

40 Creative dream book

Why dream about Pregnancy:

You dreamed about Pregnancy, what does it mean? 1. A dream about pregnancy is usually associated with some limited period, the need to complete something in a certain period of time. It is believed that at this moment the personality develops. An interesting fact is that a pregnancy dream is almost never a real pregnancy of someone we know. 2. Dreaming of someone being pregnant suggests that we are watching the development of some of our own qualities or skills. And we will probably not know the outcome of such a development. And seeing a pregnant man in a dream, especially if the dreamer is a woman, is most likely a projection of your own desire for someone to take responsibility for you. 3. In spiritual work, there are periods when you need to be patient and wait for something to end naturally.

41 Psychological interpreter Furtseva

A dream about pregnancy represents puberty, creativity, and financial achievements. The significance of the pregnancy period in a woman’s life is difficult to assess: she gains strength not only from her own family, but also from her husband’s family. During pregnancy, women discover the ability to increase the fertility of livestock and poultry, help the infertile and increase the harvest.

The energy of pregnancy is sacred, shrouded in the mystery of life and death, therefore a pregnant woman is considered “dirty” and even dangerous if you behave incorrectly with her. Pregnant women cannot be denied food; in the presence of a pregnant woman, you cannot raise your voice or quarrel.

  • Pregnancy - pregnancy for a single woman is an impetus to action, the development of postponed events.
  • This is a fantastic sign that you are ready to give birth to a new idea, a new vision of the world or establish a new relationship. This is also

    may symbolize the imminent birth of a new creative project.

    It can also mean that you want to become pregnant or that you are pregnant.

    45 Dream Interpretation 2012

    Why dream about Pregnancy:

    Pregnancy is a reflection of the readiness to give life to a new vision of the world (worldview), a new idea or a new relationship. The need to realize creative potential. Reflecting the possibility of the birth of any new project. Reflection of desire or fear (unwillingness) to become pregnant (have a child).

    46 Romantic dream book

    • Pregnancy - pregnancy for a married woman - wants or is already expecting a baby.
    • For an unmarried woman, pregnancy in a dream foreshadows a stormy relationship.
    • Pregnancy with a boy - a quick meeting with your lover awaits.
    • Pregnancy and childbirth in a hospital under the supervision of doctors are failures in your personal life.
    • She dreams of pregnancy and childbirth on the floor at home - the girl dreams of getting her ex back.
    • Seeing a pregnancy with a girl in a dream means romance and the attention of a loved one will return to life.

    47 Dream book alphabetically

    Feeling yourself pregnant in a dream or seeing yourself from the outside means discord with your husband and alienation in your relationship with your children. For a girl, such a dream does not portend anything but trouble. If you are actually pregnant, the dream foreshadows a successful birth, a healthy child and a quick recovery of strength. Seeing someone else pregnant means trouble if this person is unfamiliar to you, but if you know him, you can make the most daring plans, you are valued, loved and respected.

    48 Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

    Your efforts will be crowned with brilliant success.

    A pregnant woman sees in a dream how her pregnancy is progressing - foreshadows childbirth without complications, after which the woman’s body will quickly recover.

    Seeing a pregnant woman - a dream means a change in financial situation for the better.

    Along with wealth, honors will certainly come.

    Lying next to a pregnant woman in a dream - the dream promises good news that will be unexpected for you.

    Imagine that the pregnancy is going perfectly, the pregnant woman feels great, you are having fun, you and everyone around you are happy with everything.

    49 Rommel's Dream Book

    Seeing yourself in a dream while pregnant: foretells wealth for the poor, ruin for the rich.

    For a married man, this is a sign that he will lose his wife.

    To a single person - that he will have a wife.

    For a girl, such a dream is a deception, a shame.

    For a woman - pride and joy.

    For an elderly woman - death.

    Frequent dreams about your own pregnancy - to illness, about childbirth - to liberation from debts, worries and sorrows, as well as to the fact that many secret affairs will become apparent.

    Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream is a sign of unexpected profits.

    The birth of a son is a quick profit.

    Daughters are new events on the path to happiness.

    If a woman who dreams about pregnancy is actually pregnant, this dream means a safe birth for her.

    If a man sees his wife or mistress pregnant in a dream, it means that he loves her very much.

    50 The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

    Seeing yourself pregnant means unexpected profits.

    To the new thing.

    Bearing a child means material profit and prosperity.

    51 Astrological dream book

    A great gift of fate and profit awaits you.

    There is an opportunity to win the lottery.

    For women - good luck in love.

    52 Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

    Being pregnant means making bold plans; to see a pregnant woman - to encounter troubles; for a young woman - happiness in love; for an elderly woman - death.

    53 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

    Why do you dream? What does Pregnancy mean in a dream - A woman sees herself pregnant in a dream - this woman’s married life cannot be called happy; a woman will always be oppressed by the thought that she was in a hurry, that she was cheap, that if she had been a little more experienced at one time, she could have made a better match (and there were more worthy contenders!); the woman doesn’t like everything in her life, even her children don’t bring her joy, because they look like her husband and you can’t call them child prodigies. A young unmarried girl dreams that she is pregnant - this dream does not bode well for her; if a girl is imprudent and frivolous, she will find herself in a situation from which she can only get out of it with shame; in former times, for such deeds, the gates were smeared with tar; let this girl be more selective in her relationships.

    If a pregnant woman sees herself pregnant in a dream, this is a good dream; he says that the birth will occur on time and will proceed without complications; this woman will have healthy offspring. A man sees a pregnant woman in a dream - in real life - to minor troubles.

    54 Historical women's dream book

    • A woman dreamed of her own pregnancy - this woman’s married life cannot be called happy.
    • A young unmarried girl dreams of pregnancy - if the girl is imprudent and frivolous, she will find herself in a situation from which she will only emerge in disgrace; in the old days, for such things, the gates were smeared with tar.
    • If a woman is really pregnant, the birth will occur on time and will proceed without complications; this woman will have healthy offspring.
    • For a guy to be pregnant means minor troubles.

    55 Dream interpretation of a modern woman

    • The dream book interprets seeing your pregnancy as an early pregnancy in real life.
    • I dreamed of pregnancy; if I am pregnant, the dream will serve as a forecast for a successful resolution of the burden and a speedy restoration of strength.
    • A difficult pregnancy for a guy - he wants a child from his beloved.
    • A positive pregnancy test with two lines - if you wanted to conceive a child, then your prayers have been answered.
    • A pregnancy test with two lines for an unmarried man means promiscuity and this will not end well for him.

    56 Dream book of the white magician Yuri Longo

    • For a man to see his wife pregnant - a new idea is fruitful, and if you make an effort, success and profit are guaranteed.
    • In a dream, a woman dreamed of pregnancy - she was expecting an addition to the family.
    • If a young girl sees you pregnant - you have spent too much time “in the girls”; the awakening maternal instinct tells you that it’s time to realize it.

An idea that you have been thinking about for a long time. Don't give up and you will achieve results

Freud's Dream Book

If a woman dreamed that she was pregnant- this means that in real life this event will not be long in coming.

For a man to dream about pregnancy- means that he would like to have a child with his partner.

Pregnancy most often- symbolizes your desire to have children.

Quite often pregnancy- symbolizes your unfulfilled hopes, dreams and desires of a sexual nature.

Jewish dream book

Pregnancy- care.

Solomon's Dream Book

Young woman being pregnant- happiness in love.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Pregnancy enters your dreams in two main ways. First- these are dreams about yourself during pregnancy, the second - your real pregnancy is a trigger event and sets its specific content. Anyone can become pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited by either gender or age barriers. Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, but at the same time having no real intention of becoming pregnant- such a dream may indicate that you are in the stage of primary transition to a new stage of introspection. One of the archetypes according to Jung is the archetype of a parent with a prevailing instinct for preserving the family.

Seeing yourself involved in activities in this position- means observing your exit from the child stage and transition to the adult level.

If you are sexually active but have no intention of becoming pregnant- such a dream can be a harmonious accompaniment of your monthly cycle. In connection with such a dream, anxieties of the “what if” type may arise, which require comprehension and resolution.

A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream- is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in the reproduction of the population is in question. Such doubts often come to mind for men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be. The dream acts as compensation, highlighting the creative side of their personality. Pregnant men not only give birth to children, but also something that somehow justifies their mission in this world.

Pregnancy fact in real life- can lead to a variety of events in dreams. By their nature, these events can be anything from the most brutal to the ridiculous. This is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy is a source of a whole range of sensations from excitement to euphoria. Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may relate to adultery, death of a partner, chronic health problems, loss of pregnancy due to accident or miscarriage, birth defects in the child, twins, triplets, etc., as well as increased fertility, where conception and gestation occur more often and regardless of protection. Dreams about infidelity or the death of a partner often arise as a response to feelings of insecurity due to changes in appearance or the frequency and nature of sexual relations during pregnancy. Dreams about chronic health problems and defects in a child belong to the category of negative will-fulfillment, and are also the result of the anxiety experienced by women in this position.

Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies- are the most difficult. Sometimes, at a certain stage, pregnancy overwhelms a woman. This is a consequence of concerns about the ability to properly cope with the role of a mother. Multiple pregnancies may be a visual representation of these fears.

Dream book for a bitch

Pregnant woman- unexpected profit, advantageous offer.

Being pregnant in a dream- new interesting things and happy love await you.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing yourself in a dream while pregnant:

Pregnancy poor- portends wealth,

Pregnancy rich- ruin;

Pregnancy married man- a sign that he will lose his wife;

Pregnancy single- that he will have a wife;

Pregnancy for girls- deception, shame;

Pregnancy for women- pride, joy;

Pregnancy for an elderly woman- death.

Frequent dreams about your own pregnancy- to diseases,

Pregnancy, childbirth- to liberation from debts, worries and sorrows, as well as to the fact that many secret affairs will become apparent.

Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream- a sign of unexpected profit.

Pregnancy, birth of a son- quick profit;

Pregnancy, birth of daughter- new events on the path to happiness.

If a woman who dreams about pregnancy is actually pregnant- this dream means a successful birth for her.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Pregnant- a potentially new life, full of possibilities and hopes.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Pregnancy for a girl- deception;

Pregnancy for women- joy, fulfillment of desire.

A man to be pregnant- treason; illness, danger;

see a pregnant woman- trouble.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Pregnant- profit, honor/trouble, gossip;

be pregnant- to have bold hopes, joy (for a woman), wealth or profit (for a man or only for a poor person) / losses, deception (for a girl), death (for an old woman), sadness and troubles (for a rich man), illness of a wife (for a married man).

Esoteric dream book

Pregnancy of its own- to losses.

Ukrainian dream book

Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream- trouble;

be pregnant- make bold plans.

Pregnancy for a girl- deception,

Pregnancy for women- joy,

Pregnancy for the old one- death behind us.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Pregnancy- deception (for a girl); pride, joy (for a woman); make plans (for a man);

see a pregnant woman- trouble.

Collection of dream books

Seeing yourself pregnant- a harbinger of failures in family life;

seeing a pregnant woman in a dream- to the gossip that awaits you

Pregnant woman in a dream- to wealth and honors.

Pregnancy- one of the most common dreams. This is a very interesting dream.

If in a dream you see yourself pregnant- to a person without income, it promises wealth or financial profit; to a rich person, on the contrary, bankruptcy;

for a married man dream of pregnancy- may mean a quarrel or separation from his wife;

Pregnancy bachelor- a quick marriage.

For a young girl, a dream of pregnancy- feeling of shame or disgrace;

Pregnancy for a mature woman- immediate joy or feeling of pride for something;

Pregnancy for an elderly woman- a sad event.

Very often dreams about your pregnancy- lead to various diseases, and dreams about childbirth mean that you will get rid of or pay off debts.

Watching a pregnant woman in a dream- a sign of great financial profit, and quite unexpected.

If you dreamed about the birth of a son- expect an improvement in your financial situation;

Pregnancy birth of a daughter- your life will be full of joyful events.

If a pregnant woman dreams about pregnancy- this dream promises an easy and safe birth without complications.

If a man sees his wife or mistress in a state of pregnancy in a dream -
Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

The birth of a child is always associated with joy, so in most cases a dream about pregnancy has a good meaning; it portends profit, creative growth, and a transition to a new stage in life. Why dream of being pregnant in a dream? Dream books interpret this dream differently, taking into account different nuances.

Why does a girl dream about pregnancy?

Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream means that a young girl is ready to start a family; it’s time for her to get married, become a wife and mother. It is a symbol of the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Perhaps this promises her a new man who will look after her beautifully and the relationship will be long-lasting. Often such a dream tells a girl about problems with her significant other. It's time for her to look at her partner from a different perspective and think about possible changes.

Why does an unmarried girl dream about pregnancy? If a girl is sexually active, then a dream about pregnancy symbolizes her worries about an unwanted child. It's better for her to find out everything with a test from the pharmacy. If a girl has already become pregnant and is about to give birth, then a dream about pregnancy portends pleasant troubles and worries for her. According to the esoteric dream book, the main meaning is losses, losses, and books compiled “according to Vanga’s recommendations” warn the girl against betrayal and lies on the part of her chosen one.


Why does a married girl dream about pregnancy? Often this is filmed by adults, married women. If you dream of pregnancy, then your dreams will come true or you will soon become a mother. For a pregnant woman, Vanga’s dream book promises the appearance of twins. If you dream of a woman in a position with a big belly, then this means success in business and prosperity. For those who have a husband, the dream has the opposite meaning according to Miller’s dream book: he warns against failures in marriage, quarrels with the husband, and disobedient children. An elderly woman will face a serious illness, and a very sick woman will face a quick death.

Why do you dream about pregnancy with a girl?

Sleep is the fruit of our subconscious, which is formed by our numerous thoughts. Why do you dream about your own pregnancy with a girl? If a woman in an “interesting position” dreams of being pregnant with a girl, then so it will be, and soon she will have a daughter. And if a girl is not pregnant, but feels a baby in her stomach, then the dream foreshadows her unexpected joy, which she will soon experience in reality. Our grandmothers believed that if you dream of a child, expect a miracle, a miracle, joy.

As a boy

People's advice is simple: seeing a boy in a dream is good news; successful completion of projects and transactions awaits you. Why does a woman dream about her own pregnancy with a boy:

  1. Seeing this in a dream means a possible car accident.
  2. According to other dream books, the birth of a boy portends important changes. Wait for an event that will change your life.
  3. A boy - a future man - is a symbol of strength, determination, rage. Perhaps the girl will have a situation that she can solve only with a lot of effort.


For an unmarried girl to see such a dream means upcoming grief, loss, deception. For a married woman, twins are a harbinger of pleasant troubles. The dream promises family happiness. A lonely girl who dreams of twins needs to be extremely prudent - in real life she may face slander and disrepute. Why does a man dream about being pregnant with twins? If a husband dreams of a woman expecting twins, he is “threatened” with a big profit - twice as much as what he expects.

Why does a virgin dream of pregnancy?

Find out why a virgin dreams of pregnancy. Such a dream is symbolic and indicates that the young girl is ripe for sexual relations, her feminine strength, physical attraction to men, and readiness to become a mother are awakening. The dream has a bad meaning for a sick girl - her condition may worsen. If events are accompanied by negative emotions and experiences, then the young lady will face difficulties in her personal life. A girl may be judged by other people for having promiscuous relationships with the opposite sex.

Why do you dream about pregnancy and the birth of a child?

Success, wealth, successful completion of a business transaction - this is what a girl dreams of about pregnancy and childbirth. Young people, if they see their big belly in a dream or give birth, will get married soon. For women with a family - happiness in the home, the possible birth of a child, pride in their children. For an elderly woman, this does not bode well - the collections predict illness for her. If the sleeper is a man, then his own childbirth is a sign of success and prosperity, but for this, according to the esoteric dream book, he will need to make a lot of effort.


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If a girl (or maybe a guy) dreams of pregnancy, you should carefully understand what this means. Carefully remember your dream and refer to various interpretations to most accurately understand the meaning of pregnancy in a dream.

Why do you dream about pregnancy according to Miller's Dream Book?

When a girl who is already pregnant dreams of pregnancy (or childbirth) - this is a good sign. Most likely, it is her internal anxiety that is being transformed into a dream in such a way that it symbolizes that everything will go well. When a virgin girl dreams that she is pregnant, this is a sign of imminent misfortune. Pregnancy in any other woman's dream means dissatisfaction or future failures in married or family life, perhaps problems with children.

Why do you dream about being pregnant - Vanga’s dream book

Everything is very individual, depending on who and under what circumstances dreamed of pregnancy. For women and girls who are wondering why I dream about pregnancy, Vanga explains this with various things related to female nature and personal life. This may be a hidden desire to have a child, which is based on internal hormonal changes and is reflected in dreams. Or, for example, care and strong affection for a beloved man. For an already pregnant woman, such a dream will symbolize a smooth pregnancy and an easy birth. If you dreamed that you were giving birth, this means a quick resolution of some conflict or important matter, so to speak, “a weight off your shoulders.” Vanga believes that for a girl to see someone else in her position is a sign of profit. If a guy or man dreams of his pregnant companion, then this is an expression of his thirst for a serious relationship and family life, perhaps his readiness to conceive a child.

Seeing pregnancy in a dream - Loff's Dream Book

Loff interprets pregnancy dreams depending on gender. For a woman or girl, such a dream always has a positive meaning. It can mean sudden good news or cash flow, a new event in life, a new stage, or an actual pregnancy. Very often, the hormonal background of a girl at a certain period of the cycle throws up similar symbols to the brain in a dream. This may mean a woman's hormonal readiness to conceive a child, or the onset of menstruation. Being pregnant in a dream is extremely dangerous for a man, because it is a reflection of his complexes and dissatisfaction with his sex life. By trying on the female role of a mother, a man seems to emphasize that he himself cannot become a father and is not satisfied enough with his level of masculinity. If a woman dreams of not only pregnancy, but also labor and childbirth, Loff’s dream book interprets this as an opportunity to start life anew, to change the usual way of life. A dream about an easy birth - you will shift responsibility for some important matter onto someone else’s shoulders.

Pregnancy in a dream according to Freud

Freud explains the fact of a dreamed pregnancy by the readiness of the body and brain for its real onset. If a girl dreams that she is in an interesting position, or a man dreams of his girlfriend’s pregnancy, then this symbolizes a new stage in the relationship in a couple. If a man dreamed that he himself became pregnant, this will, on the contrary, lead to quarrels or a deterioration in family relationships.

Why do you dream about pregnancy according to Tsvetkov’s dream book?

This dream book gives completely opposite interpretations. If you dreamed that someone became pregnant, then this is a sign of minor troubles. Being pregnant in a dream is also not very good for a young girl, but for an older woman it promises good luck, prosperity, pleasant news or events. If a man or guy dreamed that he was pregnant, this is a good sign; a new stage in life, a great accomplishment, awaits him.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation - interpretation of dreams about pregnancy

Hasse interprets a woman's pregnancy in a dream based on the age of the females. For a young girl, being in a position means success on the personal front and in love affairs, but for an older woman it means illness or even death.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Longo interprets dreams of pregnancy as a manifestation of hidden desires; he believes that this is a reflection of a person’s internal readiness to become a parent; perhaps his wedding is just around the corner. If a woman sees herself pregnant in a dream, and a man sees his passion, then this is a good sign for conceiving a child.

Pregnancy in a dream

A pregnancy dreamed of by a person of any gender can promise a radical change in his current status. For example, rich people may soon lose their wealth, while poor people may suddenly become rich. For single men, this kind of dream will be a signal that they are ready to start a serious relationship and meet a good girl. For married people, divorce is just around the corner. If your mother (or daughter) turns out to be pregnant in a dream, this means family scandals and troubles.

The situation is completely different if you dreamed about the process of terminating a pregnancy. This may mean the imminent death of loved ones or a serious illness. If in a dream you gave birth, then the meaning of this dream is a quick positive achievement, success. If a man sees the labor and delivery of his wife and the birth of his own children, then depending on the number of children there will be a directly proportional amount of good news in the near future. Seeing someone stranger in an interesting position in a dream means money. For a woman to see her own pregnancy is not a very good sign; it can lead to the loss of her name or reputation, and play a cruel joke on her. If a woman is actually pregnant, then all dream books are unanimous in the opinion that this means an easy and painless birth. If a man or guy dreams that he met a stranger pregnant woman, this is a sign of an imminent successful turn in life, in a career or another area, a pleasant achievement that will happen easily and effortlessly.

But just from different dream books
Dream Interpretation Pregnancy
Freud's Dream Book
For a woman, a dream in which she saw herself pregnant suggests that she will soon find out about her situation. Such a dream reminds a man that he longs for a child. At the moment, he is satisfied with everything about her current partner, and he would like to continue his family line with her.
Miller's Dream Book
If a woman dreams that she is pregnant, then in reality her marriage will be unhappy. Most likely, the offspring that are conceived in this family union will be completely devoid of attractiveness.
If a virgin sees herself pregnant during a dream, it means that in life she will face misfortunes and shame.
For a pregnant woman in reality, such a dream is a harbinger of a successful birth and a speedy recovery of health. Such a dream promises only good things for the mother and her unborn child.
Loff's Dream Book
Basically, in a dream, pregnancy appears in two versions: a person sees himself as pregnant; also, dreams of pregnancy can be triggered by the fact that in real life a woman is pregnant. Anyone can see themselves in a pregnant woman's dream, regardless of gender and age. Traditionally, such a dream is interpreted as a symbol of wealth, readiness to engage in sexual relations and creativity.
However, we recommend that you pay attention to the following symbols because... They are the ones that require deeper consideration.
For a woman who in reality wants to have a child, but for various reasons is not yet pregnant and is not doing anything to get pregnant, this dream should be interpreted as a harbinger that she is at the stage of a primary transition to a new level of introspection. Also, this dream may be evidence that you are close to one of the archetypes described by Carl Jung, “a parent with a prevailing instinct to preserve the family.”
If in a dream you saw yourself pregnant (oops) and at that time you were doing something important, such a dream suggests that you are at the stage of transition from the “child” stage to the “adult” stage, this is a good sign that says that you can be responsible for yourself and for others.
A dream about pregnancy for a woman who is sexually active but does not seek procreation is a sign that she may be overcome by thoughts like “what if...”, these thoughts require permission and analysis from the sleeping woman. Such a dream is a harmonious accompaniment of her monthly cycle.
For a man, a dream about his pregnancy is a symbol of the fact that he is in a situation where his masculinity and procreation are in doubt. Traditionally, such thoughts plague men who have a less active sex life than they would like. This dream shows the creative activity of the sleeper, because a pregnant man has nothing to do with the birth of a child, but he may have an active mission in this world, and a dream about pregnancy is most likely a consequence of his life goals and positions.
Real pregnancy can also affect the course of your dreams, because... Pregnancy itself is a source of strong emotions and experiences. Events in a dream can be very different, from unusually cruel to funny.
Some dreams about pregnancy, for pregnant women, may be a symbol of adultery on the part of a partner, his death or chronic health problems. This dream also calls for caution, because... you may lose a child in an accident or miscarriage, perhaps the dream warns of birth defects, or maybe simply that the mother is expecting twins or triplets. Increased fertility of partners, which leads to pregnancy regardless of contraception, can also cause such a dream.
If we consider each of the omens separately, then thoughts about your partner’s infidelity may be caused by the fact that you feel insecure due to changes in appearance and lack of sexual intercourse with your husband.
Defects and chronic health problems for the child are predicted by a dream in which the woman experiences anxiety.
Dreams about multiple pregnancies and births are the most difficult to interpret. At some stages of pregnancy, a woman's consciousness is suppressed due to the fact that she considers herself not responsible enough to become a mother. Multiple pregnancies in a dream are a direct consequence of this perception of the world.
Khamidova's Dream Interpretation
A dream in which a pregnant woman saw herself in a position is evidence of her successful release from pregnancy. The birth will go well, and the child’s health will be excellent.
For a woman who is not in an interesting position and is not even married, such a dream predicts entering into an unsuccessful marriage.
For a virgin, a dream about pregnancy is a symbol of shame and misfortune that will soon happen to her.
Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation
The deception promises a dream in which the girl saw herself pregnant.
This dream can be a sign of pride and joy for a woman.
For a man to see himself pregnant means that in reality he will make some bold plans.
Did you see a pregnant woman in a dream? Expect trouble.
Dream Interpretation of Hasse
Acting as a pregnant woman in a dream is a symbol of the fact that you are making bold plans; take a closer look at other dream symbols, maybe they will tell you about the outcome of the matter.
Did you see a pregnant woman in a dream? Troubles will overtake you, try to survive this time with dignity.
Dream Interpretation of Semenova
For a woman, a dream about pregnancy is, first of all, a symbol of her future position. For an already pregnant woman, such a dream is a happy sign that her child will be born healthy, and the birth itself will be successful, her health will soon be restored, and she will be blessed with life.
For a man, such a dream indicates that he is ready to become a father. His desire to have a child with his current partner is so great that it manifests itself even in his dreams.
English dream book
The one who, being married, sees herself pregnant in a dream, will give birth to twins.
If an unmarried girl sees herself pregnant, she should take a closer look at her boyfriend, perhaps he is dishonest with her and is unlikely to experience a strong feeling, his motives are not pious towards her.
Azar's Dream Book
A dream about pregnancy promises the sleeper (her) troubles and worries; try not to let everything go in vain.
Dream Interpretation Meneghetti
Did you see pregnancy in a dream? think about who you might be carrying. Such a dream literally means that you are carrying someone or something.
Perhaps this is an organic disease or the impact on the psyche of a hidden unconscious influence from the outside. This influence is manifested in the sleeping person’s clear awareness of his facial features.
We recommend that you also look at the meaning of sleep using a combined dream book.
Lunar dream book
For a woman, a dream about pregnancy is a sign of joy and future success. If a young girl has such a dream, then she should beware of deception.
Correct dream book
Dishonor and trouble await a girl who sees herself as pregnant in a dream.
For a pregnant woman, this dream is a symbol of a future successful birth. Her child will be born healthy and will bring her happiness, and her health will quickly return to normal.
If a woman who is not pregnant has a dream about pregnancy, she should prepare for the fact that she will soon find out about her interesting situation.
For an unmarried woman, pregnancy seen in a dream should be interpreted as an unsuccessful marriage.
Ukrainian dream book
Trouble awaits the one who saw a pregnant woman in a dream.
If you dreamed that you yourself were in an interesting position, then in reality you are making bold and risky plans.
For a young girl, a dream about pregnancy is a sign of imminent deception. For a woman, such a dream promises joy, and for an elderly lady - the news that death is behind her.