The back wall of the throat is granular. Pharyngitis: photos, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment Treatment of inflammation of the posterior wall of the larynx

Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx of an infectious origin. The pharynx is conditionally divided into 3 sections - nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx; inflammation can be in each of them.

Pharyngitis occurs in children and adults.

Men suffer from pharyngitis in 70% of cases. The disease occurs in acute or chronic form. The disease is caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi. In the place of their growth and development (in 70% of the posterior surface of the pharynx), an expansion of blood and lymphatic vessels occurs, which leads to edema and infiltration of the surface layer of the mucous membrane.

Children under one year often develop streptococcal pharyngitis, which is usually severe, with an increase in body temperature up to 39 degrees and general intoxication of the body.

With untimely or improper treatment, acute pharyngitis flows into chronic. Bacterial complications are also possible:,, etc. Frequent relapses of chronic pharyngitis can cause and.

Causes of pharyngitis

Pharyngitis occurs due to a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection. Negative factors contribute to the development of the disease:

  • inhalation of cold, dirty air;
  • infections of the mouth and nose (,);
  • injuries (burns, foreign bodies);
  • hypothermia;
  • chronic diseases: hiatal hernia;
  • , including, ;
  • , primarily, ;
  • hypovitaminosis (especially vitamin A);
  • drinking cold drinks;
  • smoking.

Symptoms of pharyngitis

In acute pharyngitis, patients complain of tickling and dryness in the throat, discomfort when swallowing. 10% of patients note weakness, headache, rise in body temperature to 38 degrees, an increase in nearby lymph nodes. On examination, the back wall of the pharynx is hyperemic, edematous, even ulcerated.

In chronic pharyngitis, the clinical picture is poorly expressed. Patients complain of dryness and sore throat, constant,.

There are 4 forms of chronic pharyngitis.

Catarrhal pharyngitis manifests itself in the form of:

  • sensation of a foreign body in the throat;
  • soreness and perspiration;
  • accumulation of mucus;
  • desire to cough up and expectorate mucus.

Especially brightly the above-described signs are shown in the morning. On examination, redness (hyperemia) of the pharyngeal mucosa and its edema, proliferation (hypertrophy) of tissues, and a purulent film are revealed.

Hypertrophic pharyngitis. It is characterized by the same symptoms as catarrhal. But they show up stronger. On examination, pronounced hypertrophy of the epithelium of the pharynx with areas of compaction and granules is noted. The mucous membrane is sharply hyperemic. Nearby structures are edematous (uvula, soft palate, lymph nodes,).

Granulosa pharyngitis is accompanied by "tickling and scratching" in the throat, soreness when swallowing, a feeling of non-expectorating secret on the walls of the pharynx, urge to vomit, persistent at night. When viewed against the background of a hyperemic focus of inflammation, you can see red nodules on the back of the pharynx.

Atrophic pharyngitis is the terminal stage of the disease. It is characterized by the development of sclerosis of the anatomical structures involved in the pathological process. The secret covering the pharynx becomes viscous, does not separate, turning into crusts. Patients complain of foreign body sensation in the mouth.

On examination, the pharyngeal mucosa is dry, pale, sluggish, depleted in blood vessels and nerve endings (atrophied). At this stage of the disease, tissue repair is unlikely. It is worth noting that atrophic pharyngitis can occur primarily due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: hypotension, intestinal atrophy, etc.

Diagnosis of pharyngitis

An effective approach to the diagnosis of pharyngitis is an examination,.

To determine the nature of the pathogen, swabs are taken from the pharynx. The disease is differentiated from catarrhal and purulent, Plummer-Vinson, Sjogren, Eagle syndromes. In children - with,.

Treatment of pharyngitis

It is carried out on an outpatient basis, that is, at home. First of all, it is recommended to follow simple recommendations:

  • quitting smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • do not eat irritating food (solid, hot, cold, spicy, salty, sour);
  • drink up to 2.5 liters of liquid per day, adding rosehip broth to the water;
  • gargle every 2 hours;
  • humidify the air at home;
  • exclude irritating factors: dirty, dusty air, inhalation of harmful substances, etc.;
  • do not strain your throat by shouting and talking loudly.

If pharyngitis is caused by a bacterial infection, a course of antibiotics (penicillins, cephalosporins) is prescribed. In addition to tablet forms, antibiotics are prescribed in the form of sprays, aerosols (Ingalipt). Rinses are performed with antiseptic solutions: furatsilin, iodine, salts. With severe dryness in the mouth, the affected areas of the pharynx are lubricated with Lugol's solution with glycerin. With an increase in body temperature, antipyretic drugs are prescribed - Paracetamol. Additionally, multivitamins and interferon preparations are prescribed to strengthen immunity.

With active growth of the tissue of the pharynx, cryotherapy, electrocoagulation (cauterization) are carried out. With atrophic pharyngitis, the regenerative functions of tissues are stimulated using vitamin A, an ATP preparation.

If the inflammatory processes affect the throat, this most likely means an acute viral illness. To understand this, you need to know the symptoms of the course of inflammation and all the features of this process. How does inflammation of the back of the throat manifest itself? What modern methods of treatment of this disease exist?

Features of the inflammatory process that affects the back wall of the throat

Inflammatory processes affecting the back wall of the throat are associated by experts with infections by viruses and pathogenic microorganisms. A number of factors contribute to this infection:

  • reduced immunity;
  • violation of all hygiene norms and rules;
  • constant drafts;
  • the period of seasonal exacerbation of epidemics - influenza, SARS, etc.

People who are constantly in large groups are especially susceptible to infection. Basically, these are children of kindergarten and school age.

How does inflammation of the back of the throat manifest?

First of all, inflammation of the back of the throat can be determined by painful sensations in this area. The nature of the pain is different:

  • sharp;
  • dull or aching;
  • weakly expressed;
  • intense;
  • localized (when a certain part of the throat hurts).

When diagnosing a specific disease, a qualified specialist will necessarily ask about additional symptomatic manifestations:

  1. An increase in overall body temperature.
  2. Runny nose.
  3. There is a burning or scratching sensation in the throat.
  4. Swallowing is difficult.
  5. Mucous swells.
  6. There are headaches.

After the onset of primary symptoms, a cough most often begins, which already indicates the initial stage of pneumonia.

Causes of inflammation of the back of the throat

Unilateral pain, which is localized on the back of the throat, greatly simplifies the diagnosis of the disease. Depending on the cause of the inflammatory process in the pharynx, one of the diagnoses can be made:

  1. Pharyngitis (inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes of the pharynx and its lymphoid tissues, most often occur when air is inhaled - hot, extremely cold, contaminated with chemicals).
  2. Retropharyngeal abscess (the process of purulent inflammation of the lymph nodes and tissue of the retropharyngeal space).
  3. The presence of a foreign body.
  4. Acute tonsillitis or tonsillitis (infectious lesion of the tonsils, with a painful manifestation of both a localized type and a general one).
  5. Paratonsillitis (inflammatory processes in the palatine tonsils, which lead to the development of pathological processes).
  6. Peritonsillar abscess (it is also called peritonsillar abscess, which is a cavity filled with pus, which is located in the tissues of the palatine tonsil).
  7. Dental pathologies (most often in the form of a dental abscess, which manifests itself in an inflammation of an infectious nature, during which pus accumulates inside the alveolar process of one of the jaws).
  8. Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve (one-sided lesion of a non-inflammatory nature, which manifests itself in painful sensations in the root of the tongue, tonsils and pharynx).
  9. Hilger's syndrome (excessive expansion of the external branches of the carotid artery as a result of their overflow with blood).
  10. Stylohyoid syndrome (pathology of the styloid process and deformation of the stylohyoid ligament).

As you can see, there are a sufficient number of diseases that cause inflammation of the back of the throat. Therefore, to make the correct diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe the patient to take tests and undergo a series of examinations.

Diagnosis of inflammation of the back of the throat

The first thing a doctor does when a patient complains of pain in the back of the throat is to question and examine him. During the examination of the patient can be identified:

  1. Redness of the mucous membranes:
    • in the oral cavity;
    • back of the throat.
  2. Significant increase in the size of the tonsils.
  3. Plaque in the form of white-yellow color.
  4. An increase in overall body temperature up to 40 degrees.

During the interview, the doctor will definitely find out the following nuances from the patient:

  • whether there is nausea and vomiting;
  • whether dyspeptic disorders are noted;
  • whether the disease is accompanied by pain in the neck or ears.

If such symptoms are present in the patient, then a qualified doctor will conclude that the infection is developing at a fairly rapid pace.

To confirm a preliminary diagnosis, for example, pharyngitis, a qualified doctor will prescribe a series of tests for the patient:

  • total blood;
  • urine.

This is how the severity of the reaction of the patient's body to inflammatory processes is revealed.

Modern methods of treatment of inflammatory processes in the back of the throat

If the diagnosis of inflammation of the back wall of the throat indicates a viral-infectious nature, then the doctor prescribes drug therapy.

  1. Taking antibiotics in the form of tablets or injections.
  2. Taking probiotics to restore intestinal flora.
  3. Irrigating antihistamines for the throat, which relieve inflammation and restore the structure of tissues, relieve their swelling.
  4. Iodine-containing preparations for lubricating or spraying the throat to stop the development of infection (for example, Lugol).
  5. Preparations for resorption in the oral cavity in the form of lozenges or lozenges (they may contain anti-inflammatory components in small quantities and menthol to dilate blood vessels).
  6. Anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of syrups, tablets or suppositories (prescribed at high temperatures to lower and normalize it).

Physiotherapeutic procedures are also prescribed, for example, disinfection of the oral cavity using ultraviolet rays. But doctors often prescribe traditional medicine as an additional treatment.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of inflammation of the back of the throat

To traditional medicine, doctors mainly refer to those that contain plant materials and natural products. To relieve inflammation of the back wall of the throat in folk medicine use:

  1. Herbal tinctures and decoctions from:
    • sage (due to the content of salvin in this plant, it has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, softens, cleanses and anesthetizes);
    • St. John's wort (destroys pathogenic microflora, having a bactericidal effect);
    • chamomile (a decoction of its flowers reduces fever, soothes the throat, reduces cough and relieves headaches);
    • oak bark (has tannic properties, strengthens capillaries and veins, has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect);
    • eucalyptus (causes an expectorant, bronchodilator and mucolytic effect, when gargling eliminates pain in it);
    • yarrow (reduces sore throat, has an antimicrobial, antispasmodic and sedative effect);
    • plantain (stops inflammation, removes pathogenic microbes, has an antibacterial effect).
  2. Beekeeping products:
    • honey (has a healing effect, cleanses the mucous membranes);
    • propolis (has pronounced antibacterial properties, successfully treats sore throats and flu).
  3. Inhalations based on aromatic oils:
    • fir (with anti-inflammatory effects, has a vasoconstrictive effect);
    • pine (essential oil vapors normalize blood pressure, restore heart rhythm);
    • rosemary (with disinfectant properties and cleansing effect);
    • clove (has a healing effect on the respiratory system, relieves pain and inflammation);
    • tea tree (has a pronounced antifungal and antiviral, antiseptic effect);
    • lemon balm (relieves inflammation in the throat, has a calming effect).

But still, the main thing for the patient is to timely seek help from a qualified doctor, for example, a local therapist.

Consider several effective recipes for the treatment of inflammation of the back of the throat.

Recipe number 1 - "Aqueous solution of tincture of eucalyptus." To prepare it, you need to dilute 30 drops of eucalyptus tincture in 100 grams of warm boiled water. Scheme of administration: drink before meals, three times a day.

Recipe number 2 - "Rinse with beet juice." To prepare this remedy, you will need fresh medium-sized beets and a teaspoon of vinegar. Wash the beets, peel, grate and squeeze the juice out of it. Vinegar is added to fresh beetroot juice, the mixture is left to infuse. In no case do not drink this composition! They rinse the sore throat with it several times a day - up to four.

Recipe number 3 - "Rinse with chamomile and linden." To prepare a rinse solution, you will need 100 grams of dried chamomile flowers and 100 grams of dried linden flowers. The raw materials are mixed, brewed in one liter of boiling water and infused for about half an hour. The resulting infusion is filtered and gargled with it several times throughout the day.

All of the listed recipes and folk remedies should be prescribed by the attending physician, since they all have contraindications.

A disease of the pharynx, manifested by discomfort, pain and sore throat, is called pharyngitis. This pathology is usually diagnosed in middle-aged and elderly people. Men get sick more often than women. Pharyngitis is an independent nosological unit or a symptom of most respiratory pathologies: acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, adenoiditis in children.

In the structure of the pharynx, 3 sections are conventionally distinguished: nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynx.

Pathological processes occurring in the pharynx are also divided depending on the location. In acute viral or bacterial inflammation, the mucous membrane of all parts of the pharynx is affected. In chronic pathology, the mucosa of one anatomical department is usually affected.

Etiology The cause of acute inflammation of the pharynx is infection:

  • rhinovirus,
  • coronavirus,
  • adenovirus,
  • Flu,
  • parainfluenza,
  • herpetic,
  • Enteroviral,
  • Cytomegalovirus.

In more rare cases, respiratory syncytial virus, Coxsackie, Epstein-Barr and human immunodeficiency viruses become the causative agents of pharyngitis.

  1. The cause of nonspecific bacterial pharyngitis is usually streptococcal, mycoplasmal, chlamydia, staphylococcal infection.
  2. Specific forms of pharyngitis are associated with a specific pathogen: gonococcal pharyngitis is caused by gonococcus, pharyngeal leptotrichosis - Leptotrix buccalis.
  3. The causative agent of fungal pharyngitis is a yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida.
  4. Protozoal lesions of the pharynx are rare and indicate dysfunction of the immune system.
  5. Allergic pharyngitis is associated with the penetration of allergens into the body along with the inhaled air. Food allergies are often the cause.

The irritating factors contributing to the development of the disease include:

  • Cold,
  • Smoking,
  • chemicals - alcohol,
  • Rough, spicy and hot food
  • Infectious foci in the body - caries, sinusitis, rhinitis,
  • long conversation,
  • industrial emissions,
  • Predisposition to allergies
  • Detachable, flowing down the back of the pharynx, with chronic sinusitis.

Chronic pharyngitis develops in the absence of adequate and timely treatment of the acute form of pathology.

The main factors that provoke the disease include the following:

  1. Features of the anatomical structure of the pharynx and digestive tract,
  2. Infection - bacteria, viruses,
  3. Bad habits,
  4. Hypo- and avitaminosis,
  5. Allergy,
  6. Disturbed breathing through the nose
  7. Menopause,
  8. Endocrine diseases - diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism,
  9. Condition after tonsillectomy
  10. Irritants - chemicals, smoke, dust,
  11. Chronic pathology of the digestive system,
  12. weakening of the immune system,
  13. Cardiovascular and hepatic-renal pathology.


Pharyngitis is classified into two main forms - acute and chronic.

  • The acute form of the disease develops as a result of a simultaneous effect of a causative factor on the pharyngeal mucosa.
  • Chronic pharyngitis is a pathology that develops as a result of prolonged exposure to irritating factors.

By origin, pharyngitis is classified into types:

  1. Viral,
  2. Bacterial,
  3. Fungal,
  4. protozoan,
  5. Allergic,
  6. post-traumatic,
  7. Reactive.

By the nature of the lesion and morphological changes:

  • simple or catarrhal,
  • Hypertrophic or granulosa,
  • Subatrophic or atrophic.


The main clinical sign of acute pharyngitis is sore throat, aggravated by coughing. Often, the appearance of pain is preceded by dryness and perspiration, which persist for several days. The more pronounced swelling of the mucosa, the more intense the pain. Severe pain radiates to the ears and causes patients to refuse to eat. After the formation of a persistent pain syndrome, a painful, dry, “scratching” cough appears in the throat.

Common symptoms of pharyngitis are: deterioration in general condition, weakness, malaise, fatigue, fever. These signs of intoxication persist for three days and gradually disappear.

The ENT doctor on examination of the patient detects hyperemia of the posterior pharyngeal wall with areas of mucopurulent plaque, as well as swelling of the palate, tonsils and uvula. Submandibular and cervical lymph nodes are painful and enlarged in most patients.

Pharyngoscopy allows you to detect the inflamed mucosa of the posterior pharyngeal wall with characteristic manifestations - hyperemia, edema, lymphoid granules on the mucosa.

Gonococcal pharyngitis- a symptom of urogenital gonorrhea, and in some cases - an independent pathology. Gonorrheal pharyngitis develops after an unprotected orogenital act with an infected person. In most cases, the pathology is asymptomatic and is detected incidentally during microbiological examination. Some patients develop the classic symptoms of pharyngitis. On the hyperemic and edematous mucosa of the oropharynx, areas with yellow-gray bloom and individual follicles in the form of red grains. Inflammation often spreads from the pharynx to the tonsils, gums, palate, and larynx with the development of corresponding pathologies.

Allergic pharyngitis- inflammation of the pharynx, which develops after the allergen enters the mucous membrane. Allergens can be: dust, pollen, pet hair, feathers, drugs, food, chemicals used in everyday life and at work. All symptoms of allergic pharyngitis are associated with swelling of the pharyngeal mucosa. The disease manifests itself with local signs - dryness, sharp pain when swallowing, increased formation of mucus. In addition to the symptoms of inflammation of the pharynx, nasal congestion, hoarseness and other signs associated with exposure to the allergen on the upper respiratory tract occur. If it is not eliminated in time, then acute pharyngitis can turn into chronic.

With chronic inflammation of the pharynx, the general condition of patients remains stable: the temperature does not rise, there is no intoxication.

Local signs of catarrhal inflammation:

  1. Dryness of the mucous membrane of the pharynx,
  2. Sore throat,
  3. Painful and dry cough
  4. A constant desire to cough up, associated with the irritating effect of the accumulated discharge on the pharyngeal mucosa.

Patients become irritable, their sleep and normal rhythm of life are disturbed.

In adults, some forms of chronic pharyngitis may differ in morphological changes and clinical signs.

  • Granular pharyngitis often complicates the course of inflammatory diseases of the nose, paranasal sinuses, tonsils, caries. In the absence of adequate and timely therapy, red nodules form on the pharyngeal mucosa, causing a paroxysmal cough. Pathology is manifested by painful sensations and sore throat, paroxysmal cough with copious sputum.
  • Subatrophic pharyngitis- a consequence of regular exposure to substances that irritate the throat. This form of the disease often complicates the course of chronic pathologies of the digestive organs - the pancreas, gallbladder, stomach. Treatment consists in eliminating the main etiological factor.
  • Hypertrophic pharyngitis manifested by thickening and hyperemia of the pharyngeal mucosa, as well as the formation of a purulent secret. This pathology is characterized by the formation of lymphoid accumulations in the pharynx and the release of viscous sputum.

Features of inflammation of the pharynx in childhood

Pharyngitis is a pathology that quite often affects the child's body, occurring in various forms and often a manifestation of another disease - adenoiditis, scarlet fever, tonsillitis. The risk group includes children who walk a little and sleep in a room with dry and warm air.

To avoid severe complications and the transition of the disease to an atrophic or subatrophic form, sick children are forbidden to go outside in wet weather and soar their throats for a week. Soda rinses are also not recommended for children with chronic pharyngitis, since soda dries the mucous membrane, which can lead to the development of severe complications.

It is quite difficult to identify pathology in babies. This is due to mild clinical manifestations that do not allow to identify the disease "by eye". After listening to complaints, the specialist examines the child's throat. The oropharynx in this disease is red, swollen, swollen with the presence of a mucous or purulent discharge, the back wall is granular with pinpoint hemorrhages or vesicles filled with blood.

The main complaints of the child:

  1. Sore throat,
  2. Tickle or itching,
  3. slight cough,
  4. Pain and itching in the ears
  5. Runny nose,
  6. Conjunctivitis.

Local signs persist for a couple of days and gradually disappear. Body temperature is subfebrile or normal. Children usually have more pain in swallowing saliva than food.

With the addition of a secondary infection and the development of complications (tonsillitis or adenoiditis), general symptoms begin to increase with severe intoxication.

Babies cannot express their complaints, so it is very difficult for them to recognize pharyngitis. Sick children become restless, their temperature rises, sleep and appetite are disturbed. These symptoms are not specific: they can indicate any other disease. If these signs appear, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

Pharyngitis during pregnancy

Pharyngitis, like any other disease, is dangerous for the body of a pregnant woman and creates many inconveniences associated with the inability to use the usual methods of treatment.

The disease manifests itself in pregnant women with classic local signs, subfebrile temperature, lymphadenitis, hoarseness, and hoarse cough.

Pharyngitis often complicates the course of pregnancy. In the absence of adequate treatment in the early stages, it can lead to miscarriage, and in the later stages to premature birth.


Diagnosis of pharyngitis includes instrumental examination of the patient - pharyngoscopy, immunodiagnostics, microbiological examination of the discharge of the nasopharynx, determination of streptococcal antigens in the blood.

When the first suspicions of inflammation of the pharynx appear, it is necessary to examine it. Examination of the pharynx is a simple procedure, often performed at home and does not require special skills or abilities. The patient must be brought to the light and the handle of the spoon should be pressed on the central part of the tongue. The depth of advancement of the spoon should be controlled so as not to provoke vomiting.

In patients, the throat is red, the mucous membrane is injected and swollen. If the disease is accompanied by fever, you should consult a doctor, since the symptoms of pharyngitis are in many ways similar to the angina clinic. Acute inflammation of the tonsils is a formidable pathology, often leading to severe complications.

The hallmarks of angina in children are:

  • Purulent plugs on the tonsils;
  • Plaque in the form of yellow dots, islets, threads;
  • Severe intoxication - lack of appetite, fever;
  • Sharply expressed pain syndrome.

Differential diagnosis of pharyngitis is carried out with laryngitis and tonsillitis.

Inflammation of the pharynx and larynx

Pharyngitis is a disease with the localization of the pathological process on the mucous membrane of the pharynx. It is manifested by local inflammatory signs and general symptoms of intoxication - fatigue, fatigue, decreased performance, headache. Pathology complicates the course of rhinitis and SARS.

An inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal cords of bacterial or viral origin is called laryngitis. Local symptoms of laryngitis: hoarseness, hoarseness, barking cough. Systemic signs include: fever, muscle and joint pain, malaise, weakness. In addition to infectious factors, the causes of laryngitis are: overstrain of the vocal cords, injuries of the larynx and their consequences.

Inflammation of the pharynx and larynx differ in the localization of the pathological process, etiology and pathogenesis. Therapy of laryngitis in most cases is carried out using antibiotics, and in the treatment of pharyngitis they are practically not used. Both pathologies are satellites of SARS and make themselves felt from the very beginning of the disease.

Inflammation of the throat and tonsils

Tonsillitis- acute infectious and inflammatory pathology affecting the mucous membrane of the palatine tonsils. Angina is caused by opportunistic bacteria of the droplet group of infection - streptococci and staphylococci, transmitted by airborne droplets from a sick person. In more rare cases, the disease is caused by viruses, fungi and even chlamydia. Angina complicates the course of respiratory infections.

Inflammation of the pharynx and tonsils is manifested by similar clinical signs.

With pharyngitis- morning sore throat, hyperemia and swelling of the mucosa, burning and dryness, coughing, lump in the throat. General signs of intoxication are mild or absent.

With angina- sore throat more intense, radiating to the ears and worse after dinner. The tonsils are covered with a purulent coating. Patients develop characteristic symptoms of intoxication - headache, fever, chills, muscle and joint pain, nausea, vomiting.

The therapeutic principles used in the defeat of the pharynx and inflammation of the tonsils differ significantly. In acute tonsillitis, antibiotics are prescribed, and in chronic tonsillitis, surgical intervention is prescribed. With pharyngitis, antiseptic solutions for rinsing, aerosols, inhalations, and drinking plenty of water are usually used.

Treatment of acute pharyngitis

In acute pharyngitis, hospitalization is not carried out and patients are treated at home. The prognosis is favorable: recovery occurs in about 7 days.

Pathology treatment includes:

  • Compliance with a gentle regimen, in which it is forbidden to eat hot and spicy food, drink alcoholic beverages, strong coffee and tea. These products irritate the pharyngeal mucosa, which requires complete rest during treatment.
  • Gargling should be regular throughout the acute period. The ideal option is to rinse every hour, up to 6 times a day. Adults are recommended to gargle with furacilin or soda solutions.
  • Inhalation with a nebulizer with decoctions of medicinal herbs, alkaline solutions, mineral water, essential oils.
  • Antiseptics in the form of sprays - "Ingalipt", "Chlorophyllipt", "Kameton".
  • Lozenges for sore throat with antimicrobial components - "Faringosept", "Septolete". Lozenges with herbal ingredients and menthol cleanse the mucosa from infection and increase the body's resistance.

Treatment of chronic pharyngitis

It is necessary to begin treatment of chronic pharyngitis with the elimination of causative factors and adverse conditions that slow down the healing process.

In the period of exacerbation, the use of local antibacterial drugs is indicated. Systemic antibiotic therapy is carried out only in the presence of severe symptoms of the disease and signs of intoxication.

Pathology with pronounced trophic changes in the mucosa is difficult to treat, and atrophic pharyngitis is not completely curable.

Basic principles of treatment:

  1. Gargling, the use of drugs in the form of sprays, lozenges, lozenges.
  2. Use of mucolytic agents to cleanse the mucosa from crusts, plaque and mucus,
  3. Mechanical treatment of the pharyngeal mucosa,
  4. Regular hydration of the mucosa by irrigating the pharynx with vegetable oils,
  5. Multivitamins and immunostimulants,
  6. Physiotherapy- ultrasound, inhalation with a nebulizer, UHF.

It is possible to supplement the drug therapy of chronic pharyngitis with traditional medicine.


Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs are widely used to treat acute pharyngitis. They are used for gargles of a sore throat or for inhalation.

  • Sea water- a versatile and very effective remedy used for gargling and rinsing the nose.
  • Baths with essential oils recommended to take with pharyngitis. To do this, add 3-4 drops of eucalyptus or fir oil to hot water.
  • Gargling with salt water. In half a liter of warm water, dissolve a teaspoon of salt and gargle with salt water every hour.
  • Chamomile compresses. In a warm chamomile infusion, moisten a napkin and wrap it around the neck.
  • Garlic- natural antiseptic. A mixture of horseradish, honey and garlic is dissolved in water and gargled with a sore throat.
  • Inhalations soothe a sore throat and reduce unpleasant symptoms. The duration of one procedure is 5 minutes. In total, treatment will require from 5 to 10 inhalations. For this, infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs are used: succession, viburnum, chamomile, yarrow.


  • Inhalations. The main components of solutions for inhalation: infusions and decoctions of lavender, mint, viburnum, linden, succession.
  • Gargle warm decoction of sage, plantain, chamomile tea, calendula infusion.
  • Teas and decoctions for oral administration. To combat the chronic form of inflammation of the pharynx, it is recommended to regularly take ginger tea, tea from lemongrass and mint, chamomile tea, a warm decoction of blackcurrant and sage with the addition of essential oils.

Treatment of pharyngitis in children

Treatment of pathology in children is carried out at home. The main therapeutic measures for pharyngitis:

  1. Gentle nutrition, the use of warm, non-irritating food and sufficient fluids.
  2. Gargling with solutions containing antiseptics or herbal extracts - "Chlorophyllipt", "Rotokan", "Miramistin", infusion of eucalyptus or chamomile.
  3. Take a decoction of sage or calendula 2 times a day, chamomile or linden tea at night.
  4. Irrigate the throat with aerosols with antiseptics or antibiotics - "Proambassador", "Yoks", "Stopangin", "Kameton".
  5. Lozenges and lozenges that relieve pain and soothe the throat can be used by children over 3 years old - Faringosept, Strepsils.
  6. Local antibiotics - "Grammidin", "Septolete".
  7. Local immunostimulating drugs - "Imudon", "Lizobakt".
  8. Antimicrobial agents - interferons "Viferon", "Grippferon", as well as "Arbidol", "Kagocel", "Orvirem". They should be used from the first day of illness in conjunction with local therapy.
  9. You can take antibiotics inside only as directed by a doctor and after passing a swab from the throat for microflora and determining sensitivity to antibiotics.
  10. Dry heat on the neck.
  11. Alkaline inhalations with mineral water, saline, essential oils, decoctions of medicinal herbs.
  12. Foot baths.

The only treatment for pharyngitis in infants is to drink plenty of fluids, since antiseptic sprays can cause reflex bronchospasm, and they still cannot gargle and dissolve lozenges.

If, after carrying out all the measures described at home, the child's condition worsens, and the body temperature rises, you should consult a doctor.

Treatment of pharyngitis in pregnant women

All pregnant women experiencing sore throat should see a specialist. Self-treatment in this case is unacceptable, since we are talking about preserving the health and life of a woman and an unborn child. The specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the disease and the condition of the pregnant woman, will determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Therapeutic measures in pregnant women are in compliance with the basic principles:

  • peace,
  • sparing diet,
  • Regular ventilation of the room and humidification of the air in the room,
  • Gargling with herbal decoctions,
  • Inhalations with essential oils - eucalyptus, pine needles, fir,
  • Use of lozenges, lozenges and aerosols.

Traditional medicine used to treat pharyngitis in pregnant women - propolis, honey, garlic, herbal medicine.


Simple rules will help prevent the development of the disease:

  1. Sanitize foci of infection in the mouth,
  2. Avoid large gatherings of people
  3. Use antiviral ointment or drops before going outside,
  4. Rinse your nose with saline after returning home,
  5. Take regular walks outdoors
  6. Don't drink cold drinks
  7. Take multivitamins.

Complications of pharyngitis

A complication of the acute form of the disease is chronic inflammation of the pharynx, which over time leads to the development of a number of serious pathologies.

Streptococcal pharyngitis is complicated by the formation of a peritonsillar abscess, manifested by unilateral symptoms: soft tissue swelling, pain and erythema.

With pharyngitis, the infection spreads downward, which leads to the development of inflammation of the larynx, trachea and bronchi. In addition to laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis, articular rheumatism occurs in patients with a prolonged course of streptococcal inflammation of the pharynx.

The main complication of pharyngitis is a general decrease in the quality of life. For people whose professional activities involve the need to speak, this disease becomes a real problem. Long-term inflammation leads to a change in the timbre of the voice.

  • Among the local complications of pharyngitis, there are: tonsillitis, abscesses, otitis, phlegmon, inflammation of the salivary glands, cervical lymphadenitis.
  • Common complications of pharyngitis: scarlet fever, rheumatism, glomerulonephritis, myocarditis, sepsis, false croup in children, shock, respiratory arrest.

Video: sore throat in a child, "Doctor Komarovsky"

Almost every one of us has encountered such a disease as inflammation of the posterior pharyngeal wall. This pathology is the most common among the population. Doctors often encounter patients complaining of sore throats.

Inflammation of the posterior pharyngeal wall in medical terminology is called pharyngitis. The disease can occur as a result of contact with the mucous membrane of various pathogenic microorganisms, substances. Allergy can also be called a provoking factor.

It is important to determine the causes of this disease in a timely manner, then the prescribed treatment will be effective. It is always necessary to pay attention to the clinical course and the severity of the disease. In many cases, with wall dysfunction, in addition to the main symptoms, there are concomitant ones.

Pharyngitis (in other words, inflammation of the posterior pharyngeal wall) is similar in signs and course to tonsillitis. The clinical manifestations of the pathology are unpleasant and bring the patient severe discomfort. But to distinguish tonsillitis from pharyngitis is quite easy. Indeed, at the beginning of the onset of the disease, a cough appears, whereas with tonsillitis it is absent. This symptom occurs as a result of inflammation and irritation of the posterior pharyngeal wall.

Etiology of the disease

To choose the right treatment tactics, you need to identify the causes that led to the occurrence of this disorder. Both adults and children suffer from this disease. Inflammation of the back of the throat can provoke:

  • Cold air.
  • Various chemicals that irritate the mucous membrane.
  • Infection penetration.
  • If your throat is dry.
  • Drinking alcohol, smoking.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body.
  • Constant fatigue.
  • Dysfunction of the immune system.
  • Finding a person in through air.

Often, the occurrence of pharyngitis against the background of infection is determined in patients. Viruses and fungal pathogens can also cause inflammation of the posterior pharyngeal wall.

If there is a process of inflammation near the underlying organs and tissues, then the risk of pharyngitis is extremely high. Examples include dental caries, rhinitis, sinusitis or tonsillitis.

This disease is dangerous if you do not start treatment on time. The reason for this is that inflammation can quickly move to other organs and tissues. People are not serious about the disease, they do not treat it as required. The result - the disease passes to the lungs, thereby provoking the occurrence of pneumonia.

This condition is observed in children who attend kindergartens. An infection that causes inflammation of the pharynx spreads favorably in enclosed spaces. A virus with lightning activity begins to infect healthy children. The route of transmission of the infection is airborne, so the disease spreads quickly.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of pharyngitis are quite specific, and it is absolutely not difficult to identify them. The larger the area of ​​the inflamed area of ​​the pharynx, the more pronounced the clinical manifestations.

Pharyngitis is divided into two forms: acute and chronic. The latter in frequency occurs much less frequently than acute. In almost all cases, the chronic process occurs as a result of untreated acute pharyngitis or ineffective treatment. The front wall of the throat can also become inflamed, so the patient may lose his voice and experience hoarseness.

There are common symptoms for pain if the walls of the throat become inflamed:

  • Hyperemia and irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat.
  • Moderate enlargement of the tonsils.
  • Pain and discomfort in joints and muscles.
  • Febrile temperature reaching high numbers.
  • Unpleasant sore throat.
  • Feels like pain in the back of the throat.
  • Palpation reveals pain behind the ears.
  • Abdominal pain, with signs of diarrhea.
  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • Diphtheria plaque, upon removal of which bleeding is observed.

If there is general weakness, apathy and pain throughout the body, then it is safe to say that this is a disease of viral origin. To stop this pathology, you should immediately consult a doctor. If an inflammatory disease has affected a child, then it is necessary to determine the pathogen with special care and exclude other childhood infections. An example would be scarlet fever, diphtheria. You need to take a scraping, which will help determine the cause.

If you do not start treatment on time, then there may be complications from the muscles, joints, heart, blood, and organs of the reproductive system. Signs of the disease can be:

  • Redness of the painful area.
  • Edema at the site of hyperemia.
  • Burning in throat.
  • Sensation of loss of moisture in the mouth.
  • The cough is paroxysmal and irritating.
  • Soreness in the ears and pain during palpation.
  • Enlargement of regional lymph nodes, in particular cervical.
  • Temperature jump up to 38-39 degrees.
  • Disturbance of appetite and sleep.
  • Unpleasant sensation of a foreign body in the throat.

One of the most important signs of the disease is the feeling when you want to cough up and swallow the mucus that constantly appears on the back of the throat. Because of such unpleasant and uncomfortable symptoms, the patient cannot sleep. Almost constantly the patient wants to clear his throat.

The more it becomes dry in the throat, the more you want to cough. Therefore, you need to periodically drink water in small sips. Goes to bed preferably on a large pillow.

Chronic inflammation of the posterior pharyngeal wall

The symptoms of chronic pharyngitis differ significantly from the acute form. In chronic pharyngitis, there is no sharp increase in temperature. In general, a person's condition is relatively better than in the acute form of the disease.

Patients complain of pain in the throat, a feeling of itching and a "lump" in the back of the throat. These factors cause an unbearable cough that constantly worries a person. This symptom is typical only in chronic inflammation of the posterior pharyngeal wall.

Mucus that accumulates on the wall of the pharynx, especially on the back, forces the patient to constantly swallow. During swallowing, a person complains of unpleasant pain. This worsens the quality of life, it does not allow a person to sleep normally. At the same time, appetite is significantly reduced. Therefore, if the throat is constantly inflamed, then a chronic form can overtake.

There are several forms of chronic pharyngitis:

  1. atrophic.
  2. Granular.
  3. Hypertrophic.

The mucous membrane is slightly thinned in the atrophic form. There is a sharp dryness, in some cases, the mucus that was on the wall gradually begins to dry out. On examination, the doctor notes a pronounced network of capillaries on the wall.

With hypertrophic chronic inflammation of the posterior pharyngeal wall, excessive formation of lymphoid tissue is observed. The lateral tubopharyngeal ridges, which are localized behind the palatine arches, increase. In addition to these pathological manifestations, edema with severe hyperemia also occurs.

In most cases, chronic pharyngitis does not occur as an independent disease. Concomitant diseases are observed, for example, chronic atrophic gastritis in various forms of pancreatitis and cholecystitis. This is due to the fact that there is a reflux of contents from the stomach, which begins to affect the pharyngeal mucosa, disrupting trophism and leading to dysfunction. This process occurs at night, during sleep. Bad habits, such as tobacco smoking, lead to the death of mucosal cells. Therefore, you need to get rid of the bad habit.

Causes of chronic pharyngitis

There are factors that lead to chronic inflammation of the posterior pharyngeal wall. The most important of them are:

  • The specificity of the structure of the anatomical sections of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, larynx and digestive system, in particular the esophagus and stomach.
  • Permanent defeat of the posterior pharyngeal wall by various factors from the outside (polluted air, dust particles, etc.).
  • Forced breathing through the mouth, due to the inability to breathe through the nose.
  • Drinking large amounts of alcohol and smoking cigarettes.
  • Exposure to various allergens.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland and other endocrine pathologies.
  • Lack of vitamins, in particular vitamin A.
  • Pathology of the heart, kidneys.
  • Insipidus and diabetes mellitus.

Important is the fact that pharyngitis often occurs as a result of breathing through the nose. This phenomenon is observed as a result of a disease of the nasal cavity. Frequent use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops adversely affects the back of the throat due to its irritating effect. A negative feeling is caused by a phenomenon in which part of the mucus flowing from the nasal cavity enters the throat. Constant dripping may be manifested by wheezing and whistling. Such a clinical sign is inherent in children, so you need to differentiate it with a disease such as bronchitis.

Therapeutic measures

How to treat the disease? Before starting therapy, you need to conduct an examination to make a diagnosis. Treatment should be prescribed by an ENT doctor. There are 2 types - this is a general and local drug therapy.

General therapy is:

  1. In the treatment and irrigation of the respiratory tract of the upper section.
  2. In the rehabilitation of the oral cavity.
  3. In the presence of adenoids, they are removed, the nasal septum is aligned.
  4. In the treatment of diseased teeth.
  5. In the relief of diseases of the stomach and intestines (throwing of gastric contents).
  6. In the use of drugs that increase immunity and normalize and its activities;
  7. In taking vitamins and minerals.
  8. In the ban on smoking and alcohol.
  9. In the destruction of sources leading to the emergence of allergies.

The principles of local drug therapy are:

  1. Taking antibiotics (Ceftriaxone, Amikacin, Cefazolin, Cefalexin).
  2. Treatment of the site of inflammation with drugs that lubricate the mucous membrane.
  3. Irrigation with antiseptics.
  4. The use of inhalations (alkaline, oil, herbal).
  5. The use of antiallergic drugs (Suprastin, Dimedrol, Loratadin).
  6. Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen).
  7. The use of Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone.
  8. Warm drink.

Treatment of a child is practically no different from adults. The duration of therapy will depend on the severity and characteristics of the course of the disease. It is not difficult to cure inflammation of the back of the throat.

The outcome of this disease is favorable, without any complications. After recovery, you need to protect yourself from the factors leading to the appearance of pharyngitis. The throat must be protected from the cold!

Prevention principles

Prevention consists in preventing those causes that cause the inflammatory process of the posterior pharyngeal wall. The most important points to prevent the disease are:

  • Sports, hardening procedures that improve the protective factors of the body.
  • Complete exclusion of smoking cigarettes, hookahs, electronic cigarettes.
  • Diet, which consists in reducing the consumption of foods that irritate the pharyngeal mucosa.
  • Being in fresh air.
  • Protect throat from cold.
  • Timely treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, organs and tissues adjacent to the pharynx.
  • Therapy of maxillary and frontal sinuses.
  • The place of residence (apartment, house) must be constantly under a certain normalized temperature, with moderate humidity.
  • Treatment of diseases of a chronic course, because they can provoke the development of inflammation in the throat area, including on the back wall.
  • Try to sleep on a pillow at night. This avoids the ingress of various masses and acids from the stomach and esophagus, leading to irritation and inflammation of the mucosa. The head should be at a certain height relative to the body (recommended 15–20 cm higher).
  • Use personal hygiene products, in particular a toothbrush. You should also change the brush from time to time - doctors have proven the accumulation of various bacteria on it, causing damage to the throat.
  • Eating foods rich in vitamins and nutrients.
  • Immune system support.
  • Sanatorium and spa treatment.

If the throat is inflamed, then you need to consult a doctor and listen to his advice and recommendations. Non-compliance with the rules of treatment or self-medication almost always leads to serious complications.

As a result of inhalation of cold air or chemicals, irritation of the throat wall with too hot or cold liquid or food, a disease such as pharyngitis occurs. The disease can be triggered by bacteria, viruses, fungus. It is often caused by nearby organs (tonsils, teeth with caries), which have foci of inflammation.

Treatment of pharyngitis in children is radical and lasts up to a month

To get rid of the disease, it is necessary to accurately diagnose pharyngitis, its symptoms and treatment are in many ways similar to other throat diseases. However, each disease has its own characteristics, the neglect of which can lead to complications, the transition of the disease to the chronic stage.

Pharyngitis is an inflammatory process, the localization of which is the back wall of the throat. Often it occurs along with other diseases that involve the upper respiratory tract, but can begin on its own. A massive disease with pharyngitis usually falls on the spring-autumn cooling. The body has not yet switched to the "winter" period, it does not resist negative factors well. Before treating pharyngitis, you need to accurately establish its form, find out the presence of concomitant diseases.

Types and causes of the disease

There are two main forms of pharyngitis: acute and chronic. The acute form is characterized by a vivid manifestation of symptoms, its causes are:

  • viruses - any infection transmitted through the nose or mouth (rhinovirus, adenovirus, influenza virus, herpes, others),
  • bacteria - most often pharyngitis is caused by streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, pneumococci,
  • fungus of the genus Candida,
  • a complex of pathogens, for example, the combined effect of fungus and viruses, bacteria and fungus,
  • exposure to irritants (tobacco, alcohol, chemicals),
  • an allergic reaction to any substance,
  • traumatic mucosal injury.

If pharyngitis lasts 2-3 weeks, then it becomes chronic

Acute pharyngitis occurs immediately after a negative impact. The most common is catarrhal pharyngitis. It is considered a simple form of the disease that occurs with SARS. Given the external changes in the mucous membrane of the throat, there are three forms:

  • simple - characterized by a moderate thickening of the mucosa, through which the veins are slightly visible, a slight increase in the follicles,
  • hypertrophic (granular) - accompanied by a thickening of the lateral ridges, accumulation of mucus,
  • atrophic - the shell becomes thinner, looks smooth, shiny, like varnished.

If the acute form is not treated or treatment is abandoned at a stage when viruses or bacteria have not yet been destroyed, it can become chronic. Reduced immunity also leads to it, which causes frequent colds. At the same time, the mucous membrane is constantly in an irritated state, the symptoms of pharyngitis persist for a long time.

There are phases of remission and exacerbation.

If it is established that streptococcus has become the cause of the disease, this form is often called streptococcal pharyngitis, its symptoms are characterized by a sharp increase in temperature, difficulty swallowing, and severe swelling of the pharynx. Often the disease is complicated by an abscess, when inflammation covers the peripharyngeal space, accompanied by suppuration of the prevertebral lymph nodes. On the back wall of the throat, a dense swelling of the mucous membrane is clearly visible. Diagnosis of this form allows a set of actions:

  • examination and identification of clinical symptoms,
  • blood tests,
  • bacteriological examination of mucus,
  • serological analysis for the presence and behavior of antibodies.

In mild and moderate forms, the disease can be treated at home, in severe cases, hospitalization is required.


Depending on what form overtook a person, the symptoms of pharyngitis will also be different. The acute form is characterized by the appearance of dryness, discomfort in the throat, a feeling of tickling, each sip causes pain. Sometimes it is accompanied by fever, general malaise. If the inflammation has captured the lateral ridges, then the pain can radiate to the ears.

Palpation shows an increase in lymph nodes, their soreness. Inspection of the back wall of the throat reveals hyperemia, inflammation of the lymphoid granules. Considering that pharyngitis sometimes accompanies such serious infectious diseases as measles or scarlet fever, it is imperative to see a doctor.

Symptoms and treatment of chronic pharyngitis are generally similar to acute, but the temperature usually remains normal, there is no significant deterioration in the condition. Characteristic signs are perspiration, dryness of the throat, the appearance of a sensation of "coma" that prevents swallowing. You constantly want to get rid of it, so a dry cough appears. Mucus that accumulates on the back of the throat irritates the mucous membrane and interferes with normal sleep.

From angina, the disease differs in the localization of inflammation

If the cause of the disease was the Candida fungus, then fungal pharyngitis is diagnosed. It affects people of all ages. The cause of the disease is reduced immunity, allergies, the consequences of viral or bacterial infections. Often it becomes the result of unreasonable and improper use of antibiotics. Damage to the mucosa in chronic gastritis can also provoke the disease, when gastric juice is thrown into the throat during sleep.

Fungal pharyngitis is manifested by dryness of the throat, swelling of the mucous membrane, the appearance of a yellowish or whitish coating on it, and fever. By the color of the plaque, the doctor can judge the cause of the disease: yellow indicates the presence of mold microorganisms, whitish - yeast-like.

Curd plaque is easily scraped off with a scalpel, it is also quickly restored. A characteristic feature of the fungal form is the uneven redness of the mucosa, when the inflammation covers more one side of the throat. The final diagnosis can only be made based on the results of laboratory tests.

How to distinguish pharyngitis from other diseases?

The complexity of diagnosing pharyngitis is the similarity of symptoms with other diseases. For example, the symptoms of laryngitis and pharyngitis are very similar. External manifestations - hyperemia of the throat mucosa, the appearance of viscous mucus, pain - are characteristic of both diseases. The main difference lies in the localization of inflammation. With pharyngitis, the pharyngeal mucosa becomes inflamed, and with laryngitis, the larynx becomes inflamed, a person loses his voice, begins to speak hoarsely.

Acute laryngitis develops against the background of viral diseases (flu, SARS). The chronic stage is the result of untreated or frequent inflammation, it occurs with alcohol abuse, smoking, constant heavy stress on the vocal cords. The mucous membrane of the larynx acquires a gray-red color, thickenings appear on it, provoking constant hoarseness.

Treatment of laryngitis is to reduce the load on the larynx. It is recommended to talk in a whisper or be silent for 5-7 days. Moisturizing procedures in the form of inhalations help well, inhalation of sea air is shown. It is important to restore nasal breathing, otherwise the mucous membrane will be constantly overdried. Preparations containing menthol or mint are not recommended. Distracting procedures in the form of foot baths with mustard or compresses on the larynx area help to improve the condition.

The cause of acute pharyngitis is often the "lowering" of the disease from the nose due to a runny nose. Mucus constantly irritates the pharyngeal wall, causing it to become inflamed. In this case, there is a feeling of perspiration, dryness, the temperature rises.

To avoid the disease, it is necessary to give up too spicy food, cold drinks, smoking.

Soda-iodine rinses, herbal infusions, inhalations with decoctions of herbs help to get rid of discomfort with pharyngitis. Severe dryness of the throat can be removed by dripping a few drops of olive, peach, apricot oils through the nose. Lozenges help well. In order to increase immunity, herbal teas, herbal decoctions are recommended.

Features of the course and symptoms of different forms of pharyngitis

If the inflammatory process covers the pharynx and nose, then rhinopharyngitis is diagnosed. Its symptoms include manifestations of pharyngitis and rhinitis:

  • tingling, dryness in the nasopharynx,
  • difficulty in nasal breathing
  • the appearance of bloody mucous discharge,
  • spread of pain to the ears,
  • hyperemia and swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa,
  • enlargement of the cervical and occipital lymph nodes.

The disease can be acute, chronic, allergic form. Its symptoms and treatment in adults are less severe than in children. Babies have a high temperature, they quickly lose the ability to breathe through their nose. This condition often occurs before the disease progresses to pneumonia or bronchitis. The sooner the diagnosis is established, the sooner the correct treatment can be started. The first step is to eliminate the causes that caused the cough. To do this, the nasal cavity must be freed from mucus by washing and antibacterial sprays.

According to the symptoms, granular pharyngitis manifests itself, as well as the usual form: perspiration, coughing fits, soreness in swallowing. In the morning, viscous mucus accumulates on the back wall, which is difficult to cough up. Sometimes it provokes vomiting. It is believed that two factors can provoke the emergence of this form: hereditary predisposition, the negative impact of the external environment.

Only a doctor can accurately diagnose and prescribe treatment. On examination, it reveals thickening of the tissues, their redness and swelling. The aim of the treatment is to get rid of the granules, to prevent tissue growth. To do this, use cauterization, cryotherapy, anti-inflammatory measures.

Treatment of pharyngitis

Despite the fact that catarrhal pharyngitis is considered the simplest form of the disease, it causes many problems and disrupts the usual way of life. Chronic inflammation leads to hypertrophy and thickening of the mucous membrane, an increase in lymphoid follicles. The development of the disease is facilitated by the presence of a constant infection in the nasopharynx, caries, and poor nasal breathing. This form is often found in announcers, singers, people whose profession is associated with constant voice loads.

When diagnosed with catarrhal pharyngitis, the symptoms and treatment of which are in many ways similar to chronic pharyngitis, the first step is to exclude irritating factors. The patient is advised to stop smoking and drinking cold drinks. A good soothing effect is exerted by rinsing with salt water, lubricating with Lugol's solution. If the disease is advanced and changes in the structure of the mucosa have begun, then electrocoagulation and cryotherapy are prescribed.

Treatment of granulosa pharyngitis is carried out with medication, as well as with the use of various medical procedures. The main task is to eliminate negative factors that can aggravate the course of the disease. It is recommended to revise the diet, exclude irritating foods, allergens from the diet. Alcohol and smoking are strictly prohibited. Gargling with special solutions will help get rid of pathogenic nodules in the throat. Additionally, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • oil-alkaline inhalations with sage, chamomile, eucalyptus,
  • rinsing with herbal infusions,
  • cauterization of granules with iodine-containing preparations (collargol, protargol),
  • taking antiviral or antibacterial agents:
  • physiotherapy with vitamins.

Exacerbation of pharyngomycosis (acute fungal pharyngitis) can disturb up to 10 times a year. Antifungal drugs in the form of tablets, injections, rinses, sprays will help get rid of it. Only rinsing with soda or herbs is powerless against the fungus. If time does not start treatment, the disease will become chronic.

With the correct use of the drug "Sumamed" there are no side effects.

An important component of the treatment of pharyngitis of any kind and form is to increase immunity. Prevention is reduced to the exclusion of provoking factors, quitting smoking and alcohol, spicy food, and general strengthening therapy. Timely elimination of any inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx will help protect against exacerbations. The air in the room should be humid, so it is recommended to use humidifiers during the heating season.

Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the pharynx, the part of the throat that is just behind the palate and extends to the Adam's apple (larynx). Inflammation usually occurs when viruses (or sometimes bacteria) from a cold, flu, or sinus infection enter the throat.

With pharyngitis, symptoms are manifested by perspiration, a sensation of a "lump" and sore throat, aggravated by swallowing, dry cough, fever.

In most cases, a complete cure is possible, the transition of an acute process to a chronic one is possible. Terrible complications may occur less frequently: rheumatic damage to the heart and joints.

Depending on which pathogen caused pharyngitis (virus or bacterium), treatment is also prescribed, since bacterial inflammation must be treated with antibiotics that the doctor selects, and viral inflammation goes away on its own and requires only symptomatic treatment.

This pathology very rarely occurs in isolation, it is mainly combined with acute inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Pharyngitis, symptoms and treatment of the disease, we will consider in this article.


In about 70% of cases, the cause of pharyngitis is a virus, the remaining 30% are divided between bacteria and pathogenic fungi, as well as allergens. Separately, it is possible to single out a traumatic lesion. Such pharyngitis, the causes of which are listed above, is acute, with a very favorable prognosis for the patient.

The transition of the disease into a chronic form is noted with a long-term course of frequent (especially untreated) respiratory infections by attaching bacterial inflammation to the primary viral infection.

To cure pharyngitis, you should stop smoking at the first symptoms and consult a doctor for advice.

Symptoms of pharyngitis

In the case of acute pharyngitis, symptoms include fever (slight or up to 37.5 degrees), painful swallowing, dry throat, dry cough, redness of the throat, mucopurulent plaque on the walls of the throat (see photo).

When diagnosed with chronic pharyngitis, the symptoms are not accompanied by fever. As a rule, there are complaints of tickling, tickling, scratching or burning in the throat, dryness of the throat, pain when swallowing, dry cough, the need to expectorate thick and viscous mucus.

With pharyngitis, symptoms in adults can be combined with signs of a concomitant disease: SARS, influenza, etc. Symptoms of acute pharyngitis are sometimes mistaken for signs of tonsillitis (tonsillitis). It may escalate from time to time. At the same time, its symptoms manifest themselves similarly to the symptoms of the acute phase.

Signs of an atrophic type are expressed by severe dryness of the pharynx. Its mucous membrane is thinned, sometimes it is covered with dried mucus. Sometimes the injected vessels are visible on the mucosal surface. The hypertrophic type is characterized by the presence of foci of hyperplastic lymphoid tissue on the back wall of the pharynx. The tubopharyngeal folds may also increase. In case of an exacerbation of the disease, hyperemia, swelling of the mucous membrane is added to these symptoms.

Chronic pharyngitis in children is sometimes expressed not only by a constant dry cough, but also by the presence of wheezing. Therefore, upon examination, the doctor must clearly differentiate this condition with bronchial asthma. How to treat pharyngitis will depend on the cause of its occurrence, so you should not self-medicate.

Pharyngitis in children

Pharyngitis is very difficult in young children, this disease is especially dangerous for babies under one year old. Sometimes OF in babies is accompanied by a temperature increase of up to 400. Due to a sore throat, the child refuses to eat. Swelling of the mucosa can cause symptoms of suffocation. The presence of a focus of inflammation in the pharynx in young children often leads to the development of acute otitis media.

An attempt at self-treatment can cause irreparable harm to a child's fragile body. At the slightest suspicion of OF in a baby, it is urgent to consult a doctor.

Factors contributing to the development of the chronic form

  • constitutional features of the structure of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  • prolonged exposure to exogenous factors (dust, hot dry or smoky air, chemicals);
  • difficulty in nasal breathing (breathing through the mouth, abuse of decongestants);
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • allergy;
  • endocrine disorders (menopause, hypothyroidism, etc.);
  • avitaminosis A;
  • diabetes mellitus, pulmonary, renal and heart failure.


Avoid staying in dry, heavily dusty and smoky rooms, categorically exclude alcohol, smoking, spicy and spicy foods, cold drinks and, of course, try to talk less. In the prevention and treatment of pharyngitis in adults, the elimination of various harmful factors that act negatively on the pharyngeal mucosa is of great importance.

Treatment of pharyngitis

First of all, the treatment of pharyngitis involves the elimination of the factor that provoked the disease. With the help of antibiotics, this is achieved in the case of a bacterial type of disease, and in the case of pharyngitis that was caused by prolonged inhalation of irritants or smoke, the use of personal protection methods or a change of work.

In acute and exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis, not accompanied by severe disorders of the general condition, symptomatic treatment is sufficient, including a sparing diet, hot foot baths, warming compresses on the front surface of the neck, milk with honey, steam inhalations and gargling.

  1. You need to gargle at least 6 times a day, if possible, every hour. For rinsing use furatsilin, diluted 1:5000 or alkaline solutions.
  2. Exclude irritating food (hot, cold, sour, spicy, salty) from the diet. It is recommended to drink plenty of water up to 1.5-2 liters per day. Smoking should be stopped.
  3. Combined preparations based on vegetable oils are used with the addition of antiseptics in the form of sprays (ingalipt, angilex, chlorophyllipt, etc.), which must be regularly applied to the inflamed mucous membrane of the pharyngeal cavity at least 3-4 times a day.
  4. Lozenges containing sulfonamides (septifril, pharyngosept).
  5. With a viral infection, antibiotics are not recommended; they are prescribed by a doctor only when a bacterial or fungal pathogen is detected.

In chronic pharyngitis, treatment begins with the sanitation of foci of chronic infection of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity. With inefficiency, surgical sanitation is possible strictly according to indications. In hypertrophic forms, areas of hypertrophy (hyperplasia) must be cauterized, cryodestruction, laser coagulation should be used.

Antibiotics for pharyngitis

For prophylactic purposes, in order to prevent the development of complications of bacterial etiology, indications for the use of antibiotics for pharyngitis are:

  • development of bacterial tonsillitis, or exacerbation of the chronic form of tonsillitis;
  • facts indicating the danger of developing pneumonia;
  • inflammatory disease of the bronchi (especially the obstructive form);
  • purulent otitis media;
  • spread of infection in the sinuses;
  • febrile conditions lasting more than 2 days, or earlier, at the discretion of the doctor;
  • subfebrile temperature, which persists for more than 5-6 days;
  • protracted course of pharyngitis (more than a month).

Antibiotics for acute pharyngitis are prescribed, as a rule, from the penicillin series. Less commonly, oral cephalosporins (cefazolin, ceftriaxone) may be used.

How to treat pharyngitis at home

Of the folk remedies for the treatment of pharyngitis at home, the following are widely used:

  1. It is recommended to do inhalations on a couple of potatoes or rinsing with fresh potato juice.
  2. Gargling, inhalation with herbs: chamomile, sage, calendula, eucalyptus.
  3. To restore the mucosa, which is necessary for subatrophic pharyngitis, it is good to lubricate the throat with rosehip or peach oil.
  4. Home treatment of pharyngitis with propolis. 30 drops of tincture of 30% propolis in 0.5 cups of warm water - use for rinsing. This folk remedy is best used to treat an acute form of the disease.
  5. As an antipyretic for pharyngitis, you can use a decoction of linden, tea from raspberries, wild strawberries.
  6. Warming drink of warm milk with honey, hot (but not burning!) tea with lemon, or chamomile tea;
  7. A blackberry leaf is brewed with a glass of boiling water. It is good to gargle with this decoction, it is effective for inflammation of the oral mucosa (oral mucosa): pharyngitis, bleeding gums, tonsillitis, laryngitis, etc.
  8. A 27-year-old patient suffered from acute respiratory infection complicated by bacterial pharyngitis

What is pharyngitis? This is a disease in which the inflammatory process in the pharynx affects its mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue. Symptoms of pharyngitis are similar to other diseases of the pharynx: sore throat, sensation of itching, dry superficial cough. Untimely or incorrect treatment of pharyngitis is dangerous by the transition to a chronic form of the disease, severe complications, the spread of infection in the body and damage to other tissues and organs. It is necessary to distinguish between diseases similar in symptoms and methods of their treatment, so, with a sore throat, they can talk about pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis and other diseases and their combinations.

Causes of pharyngitis

The disease is caused by various factors. Most pharyngitis have an infectious etiology, the process develops under the influence of an infectious agent.

Among the most common causative agents of the acute form of the disease are:

  • viruses (parainfluenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus, cytomegalovirus, enterovirus, coronavirus, influenza viruses, herpes simplex, Epstein-Barr, Coxsackie, etc.;
  • pathogenic microorganisms: staphylococci of different groups, pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae and others;
  • fungi, most often of the genus Candida;
  • specific forms of the disease are possible when the pharynx is affected by gonococci, chlamydia.

With a group effect on the pharyngeal mucosa of various infectious agents, they speak of an association of pathogens: viral-bacterial, viral-fungal, etc. Such forms of the disease require combined therapy.
Among the causes of the acute form of the disease, there are also pharyngitis of allergic etiology, diseases that occur when exposed to irritating factors of a chemical or physical (internal, external trauma to the pharyngeal region) nature.
A prolonged inflammatory process of the pharyngeal mucosa provokes the development of a chronic form of the disease. The factors contributing to the occurrence of chronic forms include the following groups:

  • frequent diseases of the nasopharynx of a bacterial nature (""), frequent or chronic diseases of the nasopharynx (sinusitis, tonsillitis) and oral cavity (caries, stomatitis, gingivitis, etc.), poor hygiene;
  • prolonged or constant exposure to the pharyngeal mucosa of chemical irritants due to bad habits, work in adverse conditions, living in an area with environmentally harmful production, non-compliance with the rules for handling household or construction chemicals, certain diseases. The most common irritants include tobacco smoke, alcohol, fumes from paints and varnishes, chlorine-containing materials, some topical drugs, stomach contents with gastroesophageal reflux, frequent vomiting, regurgitation, etc .;
  • physical impact on the pharynx with frequent use of spicy, hot, cold food, inhalation of hot, excessively dry, cold air, air masses with inclusions (dust, small particles of materials, sand);
  • prolonged allergic reaction, most often with hay fever or allergies to pets, dust mites;
  • professional factor: constant tension of the muscles of the pharynx among lecturers, announcers, singers, guides, teachers, etc.;
  • endocrine disorders and diseases accompanied by Sjögren's syndrome: insufficiency of fluid production by the salivary glands, which provokes drying of the mucous surface of the pharynx.

Depending on the form in which the disease proceeds, the symptoms of the disease also differ.

Signs of pharyngitis in the acute stage

The first symptom of the disease is a feeling of discomfort in the throat. With an increase in symptoms in the clinical picture, there are:

  • sensation of perspiration, dryness of the pharyngeal mucosa, the throat “scratches”, “sores”; sore throat;
  • discomfort when swallowing;
  • dry cough, worsening pain in the throat;
  • swelling, hyperemia of the posterior pharyngeal wall, palatine arches;
  • inflammation of the lymphoid grains, with a bacterial etiology of the disease - the formation of a mucopurulent plaque on them;
  • irradiation of pain in the ear, ear canals;
  • enlargement of the cervical, occipital, submandibular lymph nodes, pain on palpation;
  • general signs of malaise: weakness, deterioration of health, headache, fever.

With the development of complications, otitis media, mastoiditis, sinusitis, purulent tonsillitis, purulent lymphadenitis may join, and purulent abscesses in the pharynx may form.

Symptoms of chronic pharyngitis

The chronic form of the disease is divided into several types:

    • granular or hypertrophic appearance;
    • atrophic or subatrophic;
    • mixed type;
    • catarrhal chronic form.

The chronic form of the disease proceeds without pronounced signs of deterioration in well-being. The main symptom is discomfort in the pharynx: perspiration, a feeling of dryness, a foreign body in the throat, an obsessive dry cough without mucus. In the pharynx there is an accumulation of viscous sputum.
With atrophic pharyngitis, the process of thinning of the mucous membrane develops, its drying. Visual inspection shows the effect of a "varnished surface" with the inclusion of dried crusts. The hypertrophic chronic form is manifested by the growth of lymphoid tissue on the back of the pharynx and / or an increase in tubopharyngeal ridges.
With an exacerbation of the chronic course of the disease, the symptoms are supplemented by hyperemia, swelling, and deterioration in well-being.

Photo: Africa Studio/

Manifestations depending on the causative agent of the disease

To a large extent, typical and / or specific manifestations of the disease depend on the type
infectious agent or other cause of the development of the inflammatory process.

infectious agent Symptoms
Rhinovirus Rhinitis associated with mild sore throat
Adenovirus Pain is pronounced, the addition of purulent tonsillitis, conjunctivitis, the formation of abscesses of the pharynx is possible
Streptococcus Febrile hyperthermia, the spread of the inflammatory process to the tongue, palatine arches, severe swelling of the mucosa
Influenza viruses Symptoms of intoxication of the body, feverish condition
Human herpes simplex virus Stomatitis, herpetic eruptions in the oral cavity, on the lips
Coxsackie virus Herpetic sore throat, blisters on the back of the throat, severe pain
Epstein-Barr virus Clinical picture of infectious mononucleosis with persistent sore throat, severe swelling of the pharyngeal mucosa, purulent-mucous discharge from lacunae, lymphadenopathy

For any etiology of pharyngitis, symptoms and treatment should be evaluated and prescribed by a specialist.

Differential diagnosis of pharyngitis: symptoms, treatment of similar diseases

The disease requires differentiation due to the similarity of symptoms and the possible addition of inflammatory processes in other parts of the pharynx. With the same sensations, diseases can have a different etiology, area of ​​​​damage, course and complications. So, in the presence of a sore throat, patients can talk about pharyngitis, and experts share pharyngitis and tonsillitis, laryngitis, as well as mixed diagnoses (laryngopharyngitis, pharyngotonsillitis). Symptoms and treatment can be very close both in terms of clinical manifestations and methods of therapy, however, it is necessary in each individual case to contact a specialist in order to diagnose the disease and receive prescriptions. Attempts at self-diagnosis, finding out the differences between tonsillitis and laryngitis, the form and cause of pharyngitis, “what it is and how to treat it” can lead to a deterioration in the condition, the transition of the disease to a chronic form, and the development of serious complications.

Primary diagnosis is carried out by an ENT doctor using a visual examination of the patient's oral cavity and pharynx, collecting an anamnesis, and analyzing the patient's complaints. If visual inspection is not enough, use the instrumental method in good light.

Photo: : Minerva Studio/

To identify the pathogen and the cause of the disease, a microbiological examination of a smear, a blood test for the presence of antibodies to streptococcus, general indicators, and a urine test for sugar are carried out. If a chronic inflammatory process is suspected, the diagnosis is carried out by endoscopic examination of the larynx, pharynx and nasal cavity.

Pharyngitis: treatment of acute and chronic forms of the disease

Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. The primary condition is the exclusion of factors that irritate the pharyngeal mucosa: spicy, sour, salty foods, excessively hot and cold foods, drinks, smoking, alcohol, tension of the vocal cords, being in a smoky, polluted space, etc.

It is desirable to puree food before eating, to exclude dishes that can injure the inflamed mucosa (nuts, seeds, crackers, etc.). Drinking regimen - at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day, preferably unsweetened compotes, diluted fruit drinks, warm rosehip broth,.

General recommendations also include maintaining the temperature in the room where the sick person is located, within 21-22 ° C, and humidity at least 60%. The patient is advised to refrain from physical exertion, excessive activity, stress. Bed rest is prescribed in the presence of a pronounced clinical picture of intoxication of the body, severe disease, general weakness of the body.

Photo: Dejan Dundjerski/

Complex treatment of pharyngitis

Drug treatment of pharyngitis is carried out under the dynamic supervision of a doctor. The appointment of drugs of local and general action, auxiliary therapeutic procedures has two directions: a decrease in local inflammatory or allergic reactions, a decrease in mucosal edema and an active effect on the causes of the disease (with the proven presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the etiology of the disease).
There are several groups of drugs used in this disease:

  • anti-inflammatory, antiseptic agents of local action (solutions for rinsing, inhalation, lubrication of the pharyngeal mucosa, sprays, tablets and other forms of medicines for resorption);
  • painkillers of local or general action;
  • if necessary: ​​antipyretics, antibiotics, antivirals, local immunostimulants, etc.

In acute pharyngitis, the symptoms of which are expressed in a vivid form, it is recommended to take combined anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs in the form of sprays or aerosols (Stopangin, Antiangin, Strepsils, Pharyngosept). Tablets, lozenges, lozenges for resorption are used for mild illness.

Regular (3-5 times a day) gargling is considered the most important and highly effective treatment for the acute form of the disease. It is possible to use ready-made antiseptic solutions, decoctions of herbs (calendula, chamomile, mint), saline solutions, a combination of a solution of baking soda and salt, etc.

The greatest therapeutic effect is achieved with a combination of antiseptics and soda-salt solutions, however, the determining factor is the number and duration of rinses, and not the composition of the solutions.
Inhalation methods are also used to treat the disease. With this disease, both modern nebulizers and inhalers can be used, as well as old methods of inhaling steam over a container with a hot decoction of herbs, since the penetration of steam particles into the lower respiratory tract is not required.

Important: when choosing drugs for inhalation, you should consult a doctor, otherwise you should limit yourself to saline or mineral water. When inhaling steam over a container with a decoction of herbs, one must be aware of a possible allergy to some medicinal plants, limit the temperature of the liquid and do not use this method at elevated body temperature.

Treatment of pharyngitis in a chronic form

Treatment of chronic forms of any disease is a long process. Symptoms and treatment of chronic forms depend on the cause of the disease. Speaking of "pharyngitis" as a minor disease that causes little discomfort, it is worth remembering that it can cause complications, severe consequences, both local and systemic, due to the constant presence of a focus of inflammation in the body.
For effective therapy, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of pharyngitis (concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, foci of infection in the nasopharynx, oral cavity, endocrine disorders, exposure to industrial and occupational hazards, negative factors of smoking, etc.).
In addition to the general procedures of regular rinsing, irrigation of the mucosa, taking anti-inflammatory drugs, treatment is also aimed at eliminating the formed pathologies.
In the hypertrophic form, the growth of lymphoid tissue requires correction by exposure to electric current or cold (electrocoagulation, cryotherapy).
The atrophic form requires regeneration procedures, moisturizing the mucosa, and stimulating the process of mucus secretion. Used lubrication with Lugol's solution in glycerin, vitamin therapy (vitamin A preparations, ATP).
For the treatment of chronic forms, various physiotherapy procedures are recommended, such as electrophoresis, inductothermy, magnetic and laser therapy, ultraviolet irradiation of the nasopharynx. In the treatment of the chronic form, it is recommended to stay in sanatoriums of the appropriate direction.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Inflammation of the back of the throat in babies can bring a lot of inconvenience to both children and adults. This condition definitely needs treatment.

Therefore, one cannot ignore this symptom: it can be a sign of an infectious disease. Consider the name of this pathology, and what means can be used to treat it.


If the back of the throat is red in a child, this condition is called, although it can easily be confused with a sore throat. In this case, the lymphoid tissue or mucous membrane becomes inflamed. The causes of pathology can be different:

  • the baby breathed in cold, hot or polluted air;
  • the child had contact with chemical irritants, for example, tobacco smoke, gases, dust, paint;
  • exposure to bacteria and viruses;
  • fungal infection;
  • predisposition caused by genes;
  • avitaminosis;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • abnormal development of the nasopharynx;
  • low humidity of the room in which the baby is located;
  • disorders in the digestive tract, heart, liver.

Depending on the degree of exposure to the irritant, acute and chronic pharyngitis are distinguished. In an acute course, the disease is just beginning, and it can be cured with medication.

At a later stage, the disease becomes chronic and may require surgery. So the sooner parents notice the symptoms, the better.

Signs of the disease

Pharyngitis, tonsillitis - all these diseases are characterized by inflammation of the larynx. Parents may think that the child has problems with the bronchi or lungs, but this is not so. An inflamed larynx has quite definite signs:

  • in the goal it tickles, burns, while the sensations become stronger when swallowing;
  • voice becomes hoarse;
  • cough dry but not deep;
  • the temperature can rise to 38 degrees;
  • sores, redness on the larynx;
  • the bacterial form of the disease may have complications in the form of a pharyngeal abscess or purulent otitis media;
  • with atrophic pharyngitis on the back of the pharynx, the vessels are well translucent and crusts are visible;
  • with a fungal infection, wounds appear in the corners of the mouth, a curdled coating appears on the wall of the pharynx;
  • with granular pharyngitis, red plaques, abscesses appear on the pharynx, the mucus becomes viscous, dry.

With tonsillitis, the nasopharynx becomes inflamed, tonsillitis is accompanied by high fever and severe reddening of the throat.

In infants, diagnosing inflammation is much more difficult, because they cannot tell about their feelings. That is why parents should be attentive to additional signs of illness:

  • bowel disorder;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • fever;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • rash;
  • increased salivation.

If you suspect a disease, you should call a doctor. Sometimes parents, noticing inflammation of the larynx, begin to treat the baby incorrectly, as a result of which the disease drags on and becomes chronic. So it is better to trust the doctor's prescription.

How to treat?

Any doctor, dear readers, will prescribe you, first of all, medication. It may include the following activities:

  • Taking antibiotics. Relevant for infectious lesions of the larynx. As a rule, topical medications, such as Bioparox, Biseptol or Geksoral, are sufficient to relieve inflammation. In severe forms of the disease, oral antibiotics are prescribed.
  • Sprays with antiseptic action. They are good at relieving pain and inflammation. These drugs include Septolete, Dr. Theis, Imudon, Strepsils. Sprays are pleasant to the taste and well perceived by kids.
  • Antifungal medicines such as Diflucan, Nizoral.

  • Miramistin. This medicine is recommended for children from three years of age. It is used to lubricate diseased areas of the pharynx in order to relieve inflammation. Miramistin does not apply to antibiotics, but enhances their effect on the body.
  • In severe cases, an operation is prescribed to remove abscesses and inflamed areas of the mucosa with a laser.

Treatment with folk remedies can be carried out along with drug therapy:

  • compress with honey on the feet for half an hour;
  • gargling with infusions of herbs (mint, oregano, sage, eucalyptus, raspberry leaves, oak bark);
  • compress with vodka on the neck for 2 hours;
  • inhalation over boiled potatoes;
  • baths with mustard, for which 100 grams of powder must be diluted in 5 liters of warm water (babies can make a dry compress by pouring mustard into socks).

All the remedies described will help to quickly cope with inflammation of the back of the throat. But you should not use them without the advice of a doctor if you do not want to harm the child.

See you soon, friends!