Normative service life of a wooden bed. Standard service life of a wooden bed Table 10 average service life of furniture

The service life of furniture is a vague concept and depends on the requirements for maintaining the integrity of the furniture, ease of use of the item and its appearance.

The service life of furniture largely depends on the operating conditions. Obviously, the same chair will last much longer in a ladies' needlework school than in a "biker" club.

Of great importance for the durability of furniture is the execution of objects, that is, in what material and for what purpose the furniture was made.

Graceful tea tables with thin curved legs imply respect for themselves. The tea table will last a long time if it is used strictly for its intended purpose and not subjected to stress. Samovar table - has a marble top that prevents water from entering the tree. Marble is a water-resistant material, but a brittle strong blow will split a seemingly durable countertop. Tables in public places, such as bars at stadiums, rest areas at stations, have an anti-vandal coating and structures. Their service life with the declared type of operation is much higher than that of tables in the usual version. Naturally, the service life of furniture is maintained under the condition of appropriate use of this furniture or its storage.

In "Handbook for the repair and renovation of furniture" Moscow. "Light Industry" 1977 is a table showing the service life of furniture.

Approximate data on the wear of furniture products,% per year.

08.08.2017 Expiration dates: how long modern furniture lasts

This question worries every buyer who chooses furniture for the home: how long will a bed, wardrobe or sofa last? Indeed, what is the service life of modern furniture products - 5, 10, 20 or 50 years? Let's try to figure it out. And let's start with the fact that we will name the main factors on which the duration of operation depends.

What determines the life of the furniture:

    Production material

    Production technology

    Build quality

    Features of care

Now, in 2019, in Russia, the standard service life of children's furniture is regulated by GOST 16371-2014. According to this standard, it is 18 months. And yet, different materials have their own characteristics.

Iron, wood and chipboard

Children's beds are made of metal, solid wood, laminated chipboard (chipboard), less often - from MDF (wood fiber board). Each material has its own advantages. Metal is durable, wood is warm and environmentally friendly, chipboard is a practical inexpensive solution.

Metal furniture is the most reliable and durable. This is due to the high strength of the material itself, as well as the simplicity of metal structures. Take a look, for example, at metal bunk beds presented in our store. The service life of such products is estimated in decades.

The same can be said about wooden furniture. Array is a traditional solution known for its durability. The only thing that the tree is afraid of is water, high humidity. But in favorable conditions with low humidity and constant temperature massive beds serve for decades.

Modern materials - chipboard and MDF - are also durable and more convenient, affordable. They act as an alternative to metal and wood. One of the advantages is a large selection of design options, including styling as a natural array. The average life of such furniture is 5-10 years.

Manufacturer's Warranties

The durability of products depends not only on the selected material, but also on the characteristics of production. The technologies used, as well as such nuances as fittings and auxiliary materials, matter. Depending on this, some products can quickly lose their external gloss and become unusable than others.

Almost all furniture factories today provide customers with a guarantee for a period of 1 to 1.5 years. For example, our solid bed factory "Dream House" provides 18 months warranty for all products. Of course, the service life is much longer, but it depends on the following two factors (build quality and compliance with the rules of care).

Build quality

Without exception, manufacturers strongly recommend professional assembly of furniture. Often at this stage, fatal mistakes are made, which subsequently reduce the life of the products. That is why you should trust the work of professional craftsmen. For example, when assembling by our master in St. Petersburg, we are responsible for the quality of the assembly and eliminate defects, if any, at our own expense. There were such cases that buyers initially refused to be assembled by our specialist. But then, having seen all the details, they called us and ordered professional assembly . Such a service is possible but only for residents of St. Petersburg and the nearest suburbs.

If you are not confident in your abilities and do not have experience in assembling modern furniture, it is worth paying extra for the services of a professional. Firstly, it will save your own strength and time, and most often - nerves. Secondly, the specialist will assemble the furniture strictly in accordance with the technology, with high quality and conscientiously. Therefore, the products will serve you faithfully for as long as possible.

Remember: poor-quality assembly can blur the impression of buying new furniture and even lead to breakdowns!

Operation features

Finally, the very part when it comes to the responsibility of the buyer himself - the owner of furniture products. How you maintain and care for your products matters a lot. By the way, care is reduced to a minimum: it is enough to wipe the case from time to time from dust. It is more important to provide a favorable environment for the maintenance of furniture.

When the crib is in the country, where there are frequent changes in humidity and temperature, there is a risk of swelling of chipboard furniture. This is not covered under warranty. Since this is a violation of the rules for the operation of furniture.

And do not forget that the child should sleep in the crib, not the parents. Otherwise, this may happen.

But furniture made of laminated chipboard can withstand even an adult, if there is a base for a mattress made of a solid sheet of laminated chipboard, for example, in a bed Baby mini.

As already mentioned, the ideal option is a constant room temperature and a low level of humidity. Wood and chipboard structures should not be wetted, otherwise they will lose their original shape and strength properties. In addition, soft materials are afraid of scratches and strong impacts. Therefore, immediately after buying and assembling the bed, it is worth warning the children about the rules for caring for it. When the assembly is carried out by our specialists in St. Petersburg, they always explain the basic rules for the operation of furniture.

How to determine the useful life of office furniture if the object falls under the criteria for classifying as a fixed asset (clause 1, article 257 of the Tax Code, clause 4 PBU 6/01)? How is furniture depreciation calculated? Let's take a look at the legal nuances.

Depreciation period for office furniture - where to get it

To recognize property as a fixed asset in accounting, an object must meet the requirements of clause 4 of PBU 6/01, that is, it must be used for its own purposes, for a long (over 12 months) time, without further resale and for profit. The cost criterion varies and amounts to 40,000 rubles. for accounting (clause 5 PBU 6/01) and 100,000 rubles. - for the tax (clause 1 of article 257 of the Tax Code).

If an organization purchases furniture, the useful life is approved in the order of the head when the facility is put into operation. For the correct inclusion of an asset in the depreciation group, it is necessary to study the norms of the Decree of the Government of Russia No. 1 dated 01.01.02. But the updated version of this legal document no longer contains the required name in the Classifier, how then to determine the useful life of office furniture?

For an answer, see Art. 258 of the Tax Code, which says that the STI is established by taxpayers independently on the basis of the requirements of the OS Classification and the norms of Art. 258. And in paragraph 6 of Art. 258 it is determined that for objects not named in the Classification, the period is set on the basis of manufacturers' recommendations or TS (technical specifications). This means that the depreciation period for office furniture is determined by the company, based on the specific characteristics of the acquired property - durability, reliability, etc.

Note! Prior to the entry into force of the new OKOF codes (SNA-2008), put into effect by the Order of Rosstandart of Russia No. 2018-st dated December 12, 2014, when calculating the depreciation of furniture, the period of use was set for group 4 - from 5 years 1 month. up to 7 years old inclusive.

Office furniture depreciation calculation

Given the above, it turns out that in 2017 office furniture can be attributed to the 4th group according to the Classifier. How to calculate depreciation in tax and accounting?

Consider an example

Suppose, in August, a wholesale trade enterprise purchased a set of leather furniture for the manager's office worth 270 thousand rubles. without VAT. The property was credited as a single inventory object in the same month on the basis of the OS-1 act. Since September, the accountant begins to calculate depreciation. The depreciation period for office furniture is approved in tax and accounting at 7 years or 84 months. The object is assigned to the 4th group according to the OS Classifier. Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method.

Calculation formula \u003d PS x NA, where NA (depreciation rate) \u003d 1 / n, where n is the SPI (in years or months).

Depreciation per year \u003d 270,000 x (1/7) \u003d 38,571.43 rubles.

Depreciation per month \u003d 270,000 x (1/84) \u003d 3214.28 rubles.


  • D 08 K 60 for 270,000 rubles. - furnished furniture.
  • D 19 K 60 for 48,600 rubles. - allocated VAT.
  • D 01 K 08 for 270,000 rubles. - put into operation.
  • D 44 K 02 for 3214.28 rubles. - Monthly depreciation charge.

Assembly of furniture products For furniture assembly it is recommended to use the services of assemblers from the factory of your furniture manufacturer or specialized organizations with qualified personnel with experience in assembly work. The assemblers must have professional equipment and appropriate tools, since this organization, whose services you decide to use, will be responsible for the quality of the service provided. It is not recommended to carry out assembly work yourself if you do not have certain experience, or to resort to the help of specialists of dubious qualifications for these purposes. As practice shows, the prices for the assembly of specialists from the manufacturer's factory or specialized firms are 10% -15% of the cost of furniture with a quality guarantee for the services they provide. The consumer can assemble and disassemble furniture independently.

What is the legal warranty period for upholstered furniture?

GOST 19917-93) - Maximum deviations from the overall dimensions of upholstered furniture products can be ± 20 mm, cabinet furniture ± 5 mm, chairs and mattresses ± 10 mm (GOST 19917-93) - Folds on the facing material due to the artistic decision of the product (GOST 19917-93) - The appearance of wrinkles on the upholstery material, caused by operational loads and stretching of the material - is the norm during the operation of the product - Provided gaps between the transformable parts of the product for ease of operation - Slight discrepancy between the facing material and the sample in tone; differences in shades of upholstery fabrics, leathers, suede in the composition of the product, as well as from a fabric sample (leather, suede) - Insignificant differences in the texture and / or shades of solid wood, natural veneer, natural stone, etc.

Warranty period for furniture

At the discretion of furniture manufacturers, packages with products can additionally be completed with an accessible assembly instruction, which will facilitate the assembly work. Unlike amateurs, it is enough for a professional assembler to see only the external and internal appearance of the assembled product in order to competently do his job.

The quality and exceptional accuracy of technological holes made on the most modern equipment do not require any additional refinement. The only and necessary condition is that at least two people must participate in the assembly.
But!!! it should be remembered that in case of illiterate self-assembly of furniture products, shortcomings or accidental damage arising in its course cannot be eliminated under the manufacturer's warranty.

Who set the life of the sofa

In our work, we rely on the Law of the Russian Federation of 07.02.1992 N 2300-1 "On Protection of Consumer Rights", Rules and conditions for the effective and safe use of furniture for sitting and lying (armchairs, chairs, stools, banquettes, poufs, sofas, sofas - beds, armchairs - beds, couches, ottomans, benches, etc.) - GOST R 19917-93, Rules for the sale of certain types of goods, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55 dated 19.01.98 (as amended), Rules for the sale of goods according to samples, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 918 dated July 21, 1997 (as amended). GUARANTEE 1. The guarantee for upholstered furniture for sitting and lying is (GOST 19917-93): - household: 18 months; - for public premises: 12 months; - for children: 12 months 2.

Law of the Russian Federation on consumer protection


The issue of primary delivery and assembly of furniture is determined by the contract, but the delivery of bulky goods or goods weighing more than five kilograms for discounting, repair, replacement and (or) their return to the buyer is carried out at the expense and by the seller (manufacturer, authorized individual entrepreneur or organization, importer). In case of failure to fulfill this obligation, and also if the seller is absent at the location of the consumer, the return and (or) delivery of these goods may be made by the consumer.

In this case, the seller (manufacturer, authorized individual entrepreneur or organization, importer) is obliged to reimburse the consumer for the costs incurred in connection with the delivery and (or) return of these goods. This rule is specified in paragraph 7 of Article 18 of Law No. 2300-1 "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

Furniture Warranty

Free Furniture Repair - Factory Warranty - Furniture Warranty The factory warranty provides for free furniture repair, but does not cover malfunctions and defects caused by the following reasons: * fire, flood, etc.; * if there are mechanical damages, thermal effects or traces of chemicals on the furniture surfaces; * malfunctions resulting from normal wear and tear of the product; * intentional damage to the product or erroneous actions of the consumer (buyer); * in case of illiterate self-lifting or assembly of the product, making changes to its design; * in case of violation of the rules for the operation of a furniture product, as well as after the expiration of the warranty period for a furniture product.
Site Users. A seeks by all available means to ensure the safety of using the Site. By this Agreement, the Site informs its Users about what information about the User may be available to the Site, as well as about how the information received by the Site is used.

3. By joining this Agreement and leaving his data on the Site by filling in the fields of the online application (registration), the User: - confirms that the personal data indicated by him is reliable and belongs to him personally; - acknowledges and confirms that he has carefully and fully read with this Agreement and all the provisions of this Agreement and the conditions for processing his personal data are clear to him;
The Site Administration uses the User's personal data for: - responding to the User's requests through the feedback form on the Site, by e-mail or by telephone; - processing personal data that is necessary for the provision and provision of services to the User under the Agreement with him; - creating, analysis and monitoring of the client base; - informing the User about promotions, special offers, news, new products and services; - notification of the User about various events within the framework of the concluded Agreement and customer support. 5. The basis for the processing of personal data are: Art.

24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; Art. 6 of the Federal Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data".

The service life of upholstered furniture according to the law of the Russian Federation


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 No. 55 does not apply to furniture. According to the Rules of Trade, Art. 26.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 7, 1992 No.

No. 2300-1, the buyer does not have the right to refuse furniture (goods) that have individually defined properties, if the goods can be used exclusively by the consumer who purchases it, but did not suit him for some reason, even not being in use! Therefore, when choosing furniture and making a purchase of goods, be careful about the size, shape, style, color scheme and other qualities of furniture. If, having already bought a piece of furniture, you suddenly found the same product, but cheaper, or it turned out that instead of a chest of drawers you needed, for example, a shoe cabinet, do not try to return the purchased item.
Both the seller and the lawyer will answer you in the same way: “You are wrong, because.
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9. The Site Administration undertakes to use the User's personal data obtained as a result of using the Site in accordance with the requirements of the legislation on the protection of personal data, including Federal Law No. 152-FZ of February 22, 2017 "On Personal Data" as amended at the time of processing such personal data. 10. The Site Administration has the right to send information, including advertising messages, to the User's e-mail and mobile phone with his consent.

Is it required to certify furniture made according to individual orders of the population?

Furniture manufactured according to individual orders of the population, drawings and customer requirements, in single copies, under a contract that reflects all the design features, is not subject to mandatory certification.

Is the service life of furniture established, and in what documents is it affixed?

In accordance with the Consumer Protection Law, products are subject to a service life. It can be set in the regulatory documentation. For furniture, the service life in state standards is not established. In this case, the Law comes into force, which states that the service life must be at least 10 years.

What documents establish the warranty period for the operation of furniture and how does it differ from the service life?

The warranty period of operation is set in GOST 16371-93 and GOST 19917-93. For cabinet and household furniture, it is 24 months, for furniture for sitting and lying -18 months. The warranty period is calculated from the date of sale of the furniture.

How to choose the glass thickness for cabinet furniture shelves?

The thickness of glass for shelves is selected according to GOST 16371-93 "Furniture. General specifications" depending on their length.

What are the terms of the furniture warranty?

The warranty period for cabinet furniture is 24 months for household furniture and 18 months for children's and furniture for public spaces - from the date of transfer of the furniture to the buyer. The warranty period for upholstered furniture is 18 months for household furniture from the date of transfer of furniture to the buyer, children's and office furniture - 12 months from the date of transfer of furniture to the buyer. Furniture made to order according to an individual project - 12 months from the date of transfer of furniture to the buyer.
The service life of furniture products is 5-10 years.
In the case of purchasing discounted furniture, claims for quality and appearance related to the reason for the discount are not accepted.
Free warranty repairs only cover defects caused by the manufacturer.
Claims for the appearance of the product, incompleteness, as well as non-compliance with the order are accepted only immediately upon receipt of the product. In the future, such claims are not accepted, all work is carried out only at the expense of the buyer.
Warranty service includes repair work and replacement of defective parts of products.
Warranty service for customers is carried out only upon a written application submitted at the place of purchase of furniture, subject to compliance with all the recommendations given in the Instructions for Use of the furniture, in the presence of a warranty card for the furniture.

In what cases is free warranty repair not provided??

  • expiration of the warranty period
  • the presence of obvious mechanical damage to the product
  • violation of the rules of transportation, delivery, storage, operation and maintenance of furniture
  • the presence of traces of outside intervention or repair without an examination certificate agreed with the manufacturer
  • detection of traces of exposure to liquids, chemicals, solvents, as well as animal damage
  • the presence of traces of exceeding the permissible loads on the transformation mechanisms
  • use of a product purchased for personal use by the consumer for other purposes
  • damage to the product due to force majeure (fire, flood, accidents, etc.).
  • changes in the design of the product, made by the buyer or third parties,
  • when transferring the product to third parties.

The warranty does not cover batteries, power supplies, connecting cables and other accessories and parts with a limited lifespan.

Assembly of furniture products

It is recommended to use the assembly service of specialized (having for this purpose professional equipment, tools, technologies and qualified personnel) organizations, since in this case this organization is responsible for the quality of the service provided. It is not recommended to resort for these purposes to the help of specialists of dubious qualifications. According to statistics, assembly costs are approx. 10% of the cost of furniture (at the discretion of the manufacturer or specialized firms). The consumer can assemble and disassemble furniture independently. All products are supplied with simple and clear assembly instructions. The quality and exceptional accuracy of technological holes made on the most modern equipment do not require any additional refinement. The only necessary condition is that at least two people must participate in the assembly. But it should be remembered that with an illiterate self-assembly of furniture products, the shortcomings or damage that occur during its course cannot be eliminated under the manufacturer's warranty.

***List of non-food items not subject to exchange or return.

Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 N55 "LIST OF NON-FOOD PRODUCTS OF GOOD QUALITY NOT SUBJECT TO RETURN OR EXCHANGE FOR A SIMILAR GOODS OF OTHER SIZE, SHAPE, DIMENSION, STYLE, COLOR OR PACKAGE" (as amended. 1998 N1222)

  1. Goods for the prevention and treatment of diseases at home (sanitary and hygiene items made of metal, rubber, textiles and other materials, medical tools, instruments and equipment, oral hygiene products, spectacle lenses, child care items), medicines.
  2. Personal hygiene items (toothbrushes, combs, hair clips, hair curlers, wigs, hairpieces and other similar products).
  3. Perfumery and cosmetic products.
  4. Textile goods (cotton, linen, silk, woolen and synthetic fabrics, goods from non-woven materials such as fabrics - ribbons, braid, lace and others); cable products (wires, cords, cables); construction and finishing materials (linoleum, film, carpeting, etc.) and other goods sold per meter.
  5. Sewing and knitwear (sewing and knitted underwear, hosiery products).
  6. Products and materials in contact with food, made of polymeric materials, including those for single use (tableware and tableware and kitchen utensils, containers and packaging materials for storing and transporting food products).
  7. Household chemicals, pesticides and agrochemicals.
  8. Household furniture (furniture sets and sets).
  9. Products made of precious metals, with precious stones, made of precious metals with inserts of semi-precious and synthetic stones, faceted precious stones.
  10. Automobiles and motorcycle goods, trailers and numbered units for them; mobile means of small-scale mechanization of agricultural work; pleasure boats and other watercraft for domestic use.
  11. Technically complex household goods for which warranty periods are established (household metal-cutting and woodworking machines; household electrical machines and appliances; household radio-electronic equipment; household computing and duplicating equipment; photographic and film equipment; telephone sets and facsimile equipment; electric musical instruments; electronic toys) .
  12. Civil weapons, main parts of civil and service firearms, cartridges for them.
  13. Animals and plants.
  14. Non-periodical publications (books, brochures, albums, cartographic and musical publications, sheet publications, calendars, booklets, publications reproduced on technical media).