How to get rid of the smell of new or old furniture. How to get rid of the smell of new furniture New upholstered furniture smells strongly what to do

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Absolutely New furniture that has just been delivered to you. This is a lovely sofa and two cozy armchairs. What could be better?

You already imagine how you will relax with a cup of coffee on a comfortable and attractive sofa. Moreover, it is now possible to take a large number of guests, because now there is enough space for everyone. Agree, this is very positive traits which are hard to argue with. But one problem remains, namely the smell of new furniture, which spoils our idyllic picture. Of course, you immediately want to get rid of the smell of new furniture, but what is needed for this?

First of all, in order to find out how to get rid of the smell of furniture, ask your friends and acquaintances about this issue, because they have probably come across this more than once, and they know a large number various ways, which can perfectly remove the smell from the furniture. After all, once everyone acquired new furniture, so do not be afraid to ask, maybe you will get friendly advice and quickly deal with this problem.

I would also like to mention that you can always purchase new furniture on the recommendation of consultants, which will certainly not exude any odors. This is a fact that is hard to argue with. I think many will agree with this statement.

You can also learn how to get rid of the smell of new furniture by reading the necessary information on the Internet. After all, today there you can find a large number of forums where people communicate on this topic. Thus, we have put together some real methods that can save you from constant unpleasant odor. First of all, in order to understand how to get rid of the smell of new furniture, you need to determine the cause of the smell.

For example, it became clear to you that the reason for the unpleasant smell was that the furniture was made of chipboard. In this case, it is necessary to understand that, as modern practice shows, furniture made of chipboard is weathered for a long time, respectively, has a characteristic, bad smell. And there is a simple explanation for this, because in this case the smell of glue, shavings, various chemicals, etc. sticks together.

Immediately, the question begins to bother you: “How to remove the smell from furniture made from chipboard”? We can say with confidence that first of all it is necessary to weather the furniture for a long time in order to get rid of the unpleasant smell. Thus, open the windows in the room where the source of the smell is located. It is especially difficult for those who have purchased furniture made of laminated chipboard.

In this case, it is necessary to make a decision regarding the issue of how to get rid of the unpleasant smell of furniture - quickly, because the composition of the laminated coating on chipboard includes formaldehyde. You need to know that this substance is hazardous to health.

But in order to rid the furniture of an unpleasant smell, it is not at all necessary to buy special expensive means, trying to wash and fill the chipboard cabinet with a refreshing deodorant. It won't help.

And as for ordinary tea bags, they can help you. To do this, you need to take a few unused tea bags of green or black tea, and arrange them in all corners and shelves, in new furniture.

They must be left in the furniture for at least a week, and then you will be surprised how miraculously, the unpleasant smell will disappear.

After all, as you know, tea bags absorb harmful substances, which come from new furniture, so the unpleasant smell disappears with them. After your new furniture stops smelling, be sure to collect the bags and throw them in the trash. As you understand, it will no longer be possible to brew tea from these bags.

As you understand, this method does not work in all cases, but if you have a choice between folk methods wrestling and more modern, then, of course, it is best to use both, i.e. complex.

Of course, one cannot fail to mention the old furniture. After all, as a rule, the older the furniture, the higher its value becomes. And as modern practice shows, today, an antique cabinet, at a cost, can exceed the entire furnishings of a modern apartment. And these are not just empty words, but a reality that can be observed in our days.

But it is worth noting that old furniture there is a significant drawback.

Improper storage of old furniture in the past sometimes leads to the fact that the wood begins to become saturated with an unpleasant odor that can overshadow the joy of owning an expensive product.

Remember that if your old wardrobe is a source of unpleasant odor, it must be eliminated as soon as possible.

I also want to mention about folk way remove that bad odor. For this procedure, it is necessary to dilute vinegar in water, and thus make a concentrated solution. To do this, put on rubber gloves, a protective mask, moisten a rag with vinegar and begin to wipe all the internal and external surfaces of the cabinet with it. You can be sure that this procedure will not only remove the smell, but will also become an excellent disinfection for old wood. So in the usual way, you can kill two birds with one stone, easily and simply.

Then do not forget to leave the cabinet doors open, this is necessary in order for the wood to dry out properly. You need to understand that after this procedure, the smell will decrease, but will not disappear completely.

It also does not hurt to sprinkle vanilla sugar on the shelves, and leave it in this form for a couple of days to take effect. As you know, vanillin perfectly draws out the remnants of an unpleasant odor, and impregnates the wood with its own. Agree that this is a very valuable quality that will not leave you indifferent.

For that category of people who do not like vanilla smells, you can offer an arrangement in the closet, cups of warm milk, ground coffee, or flavored bath salts. Thus, do not forget that it is necessary to change the contents of the cups daily so that it does not have time to deteriorate. You can be sure that this method will help get rid of the unpleasant odor.

In conclusion, I would like to say only that after reading this article, you will be able to choose the very option that is ideal for you personally. Thus, you can easily solve the problem associated with an unpleasant smell emanating from new furniture. Now if sometime friends or acquaintances ask you about how you can get rid of the unpleasant smell of new furniture, you know what to answer.

How to eliminate the smell in the apartment from new furniture?

Lacquer to cover wooden furniture also exudes odor and releases harmful substances into the air. Air environment apartments are polluted, and this negatively affects the well-being of people.

Laminate can also be used in the production of furniture, decorative tiles, upholstery materials impregnated with special substances that allow the furniture to maintain an impeccable appearance for a long time. This "chemistry" not only smells, but can also cause allergic reactions, headache, asthmatic attacks and other unhealthy reactions of the body. Children and the elderly are at risk.

To reduce the risk of possible poisoning to zero, you need to buy certified furniture that meets established standards and has passed quality control. If a chip or other damage is found, the purchase should be returned to the store.

The use of specialized tools

Smells exude any furniture, whether it be a bedroom set or Kitchen Area, bookcase or sofa-transformer. Remove the smell of new furniture will help modern device, capable of eliminating any, even the most corrosive aroma in a short time. It's called an ozonizer.

The device generates ozone from the air, which is an odor neutralizer. It is enough to turn on the ozonator in the network and let it work for several hours. Windows and doors in the room must be closed.

The ozonator will not only remove the unpleasant odor, but also disinfect the air, while all harmful and toxic compounds will be neutralized.

The disadvantage of the ozonizer is only one - the high cost. Not every family can purchase it to eliminate the smell of new furniture. On sale you can find liquid to eliminate odors. According to the instructions, it is diluted with water and applied to hard surfaces of wooden and plastic furniture, forming a film. The film coating will prevent the spread of unpleasant odors.

However, the liquid also has disadvantages:

  • it can only be used for wood, chipboard and plastic products;
  • people prone to allergic reactions, it is not recommended to use it.

We use improvised methods

There are quite available funds fight odors, especially since they are in every home. For example, tea bags (black, green, herbal) or orange and lemon peels.

If the bad smell comes from the new cabinet, bookshelves or bedside tables, you need to pull out all the drawers, open the doors and put bags of salt or tea bags in all compartments. The neutralization of the smell will last for several days. And then it is recommended to ventilate the room well and wipe all surfaces with water with the addition of a few drops. lemon juice.

If the source of the odor is cushioned furniture, it is laid out, and citrus peels are placed around. Another option is to put saucers with vinegar or use aromatic sachets.

It happens that new furniture smells musty. This suggests that it was stored in a room with high humidity. You can remove the smell in the following way: hold the furniture in a draft for a day, and then warm the room with a fireplace or other heater. However, these actions may not be enough. If the source of an unpleasant odor has penetrated deep into the upholstery, then the furniture must be cleaned or returned to the store with a warranty card. Moreover, the case is likely to be deformed from dampness in the near future.

How to remove the specific smell of leather furniture? The room must first be ventilated, while the sofa or chairs must be laid out. When the strong smell is gone, you need to spread around leather goods the same absorbents: tea bags, salt bags or citrus peels. You can put a container with ground coffee beans next to the sofa. However, tune in for a long period, up to several months, of getting rid of the smell exuded by the skin.

And do not forget to regularly ventilate the room, then neither new nor old furniture will cause discomfort in the form of extraneous odors.

When buying new cabinets in the apartment, it can smell like glue and varnish for a long time. It is quite possible to remove the smell of new furniture from chipboard or MDF. To do this, you need to use ozonizers or use folk remedies.

The reason for the smell of new furniture

New cabinets, including a wardrobe with a computer desk, dressing rooms, libraries, cannot help but smell in the first six months after installation. The smell comes from the glue, which is used in production to form particle boards, and also, in some cases, furniture varnish. If the furniture is upholstered with leatherette or laminate inserts, then this material can also give its own note in the fragrance palette.

There is nothing harmful in these odors if the toxicity class of the material is at the level of E1 or E2. But if the room is small and poorly ventilated, then an unpleasant odor can still irritate the owners.

Getting rid of furniture odor

If new furniture made of MDF or chipboard smells, then you need to ventilate the room where it is installed more often. If the cabinets are made from natural wood, then the smell of the wood will last longer than the weather. It is not worth fighting with it, as this is the first sign of expensive and high-quality furniture.

When choosing cabinets from cheaper materials, you can immediately arrange the furniture in the living room so that it is closer to the window. You can also hide it for a while in a non-residential area (in a pantry or on a balcony).

It is better not to install built-in wardrobes made of MDF or chipboard in cramped rooms if you are allergic to the smell of formaldehyde or if they are made of a material without indicating a toxicity class that meets European standards.

If the furniture is made of chipboard or MDF, then it will help:

  • ventilation and ozonation of the room;
  • the use of substances that absorb unpleasant odors (bags of salt or aromatic tea (plain black, green, jasmine, with different aromas);
  • closing slices from chipboard with silicone, varnish or tape;
  • air fresheners.

Packets with salt or tea laid out inside the cabinet absorb not only the smell, but the molecules of formaldehyde resins themselves. This is the simplest and effective method get rid of unpleasant odor.

Deodorizing liquid, essential oils, including citrus aromas, as well as surface treatment with soft detergents for furniture maintenance. Peculiarity professional tools for the care of cabinets made of chipboard and MDF in that after them there is a protective film that closes the possibility of spreading the smell of resins or varnish.

We remove persistent smells of MDF and chipboard

The smell from MDF furniture lasts as long as from chipboard. The best way to combat it - an ozone generator that generates ozone. It is left switched on for several hours and the persistent smell is neutralized. Many housewives also use aromatic sachets (mixtures of dried flower petals and herbs), as well as orange or tangerine peels simply laid out in the corners. This is not enough for a long time, but if the furniture has been in the room for a long time, then this method can be quite effective.

The best absorbents:

  • table or sea salt;
  • vinegar (poured into a small container);
  • dry tea or herbal mixtures;
  • coffee beans or ground natural coffee.

In the most extreme case, if the smell does not want to disappear in any way, it may make sense to complain to the manufacturer and replace low-quality furniture. When ordering, you need to take into account the factor of the appearance of an extraneous smell in the apartment and negotiate it in advance with the company that will make cabinets for the home.

If the manufacturer is good, for example, like our company Rosmebel, then all these little things will be taken into account and discussed at the stage of creating the project.

How to get rid of the smell of new furniture? Many people have experienced the unpleasant smell of recently purchased furniture, which is difficult to eliminate. Not only does it not disappear for several days, but it can also cause painful conditions in the household. Headaches, nausea, dizziness, allergic reactions may appear. All this provokes chemical substances with which components are processed.

1 Odors on upholstered furniture

There is already such a beautiful and long-awaited sofa in the room. It fits perfectly to the interior, soft and comfortable, but emits a terrible smell. How to remove the smell of new furniture?

Airing the room with new furniture

First of all, you need to expand the sofas and chairs as much as possible. Open windows, ventilate the room well. Remove all pillows and lay out separately. It is necessary to weather at least 12 hours. Best of all day, ideally in open space. After airing, proceed to the assembly of furniture, you need to carefully put bottles with essential oils or bags of aromatic herbs. Or place tea bags at the joints of furniture pieces. You can also spread citrus peel around the sofa, they neutralize unpleasant odors well.

It’s a good idea to pour vinegar into a saucer and put it next to the products.

Smell from new unpacked furniture

If upholstered furniture smells of dampness, mustiness, this means that the room (warehouse) in which the products were stored was damp, poorly ventilated, and there was high humidity. First you need to weather in a draft. Then close the windows and the door to the room. Warm up well with a heater aimed at furniture. Usually the dampness goes away after 3 hours of warming up the average temperature. High temperatures and prolonged heating may cause some parts of the product to dry out. Carry out on straight lines Sun rays upholstered furniture is dangerous, the upholstery may lose color. If the smell of dampness does not disappear for a long time, it is better to resort to dry cleaning services, since mold and fungus can multiply in the deep layers of the sofa or chairs. And this is dangerous for human health and the life of the furniture.

May have a stronger odor leather furniture. It is repeatedly treated with various chemicals. Ammonia solution will help eliminate the pungent odor. It is necessary to dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of water. ammonia. Wipe the furniture with a cloth soaked in the solution. You can also add a little vinegar or lemon juice to this mixture. A few procedures will permanently remove the chemical smell from the furniture. It is also worth periodically ventilating the room. It will not be superfluous to lay out side by side ground coffee, bags of herbs, bottles of oils.

Bars of anti-odor soap from a new leather sofa

It will perfectly freshen the air and kill the unpleasant smell of leather new clothes with a bar of soap with your favorite scent. It is enough to lay it out on a leather upholstery.

How to remove odor from furniture

How to get rid of the smell of new chipboard furniture? There are several ways. You need to try them all. But first you need to find the source of the chemical, unpleasant odor. Most likely, it will be a varnish with which chipboard is painted. This varnish contains life-threatening chemicals, especially for furniture in the children's room. This is not safe for children, so for the time being it is better to move the child from a room with a new set, wardrobe or bed to a safe one.

Bubbles with essential aromatic oils

You need to start with airing, open the windows in the room wide open. Open all drawers, doors, shelves. Wipe the inside of the furniture with a solution of vinegar or lemon juice. For several days, ventilate everything and keep it open. You can decompose bags or bags with aromatic herbs, bubbles with essential aromatic oils. Ground coffee and the peel of oranges and lemons clean the air well.

They also use sorbents that absorb odors. You can decompose bags or containers with salt, soda, crush tablets activated carbon. Disposable green or black tea bags also absorb odors well and purify the air, they must be new. After brewing is no longer possible, you must immediately send it to the trash can. Put all this in many places, on every shelf, in every drawer.

In any case, it will take several days to remove the smell, there will be no instant results. It takes a little patience and time to finally take advantage of the newly acquired furniture.

3 Special agent

In specialized stores there is a special tool for furniture that helps to deal with strong odors recent purchase. There are a sufficient number of such funds, and the price for them is affordable.

You need to use it only based on the instructions. First, the substance is dissolved with water in certain proportions indicated on the label. Hands must be protected with gloves. The solution is applied with a rag, sponge or roller, whichever is more convenient. The upholstery material cannot be touched. Then you need to wait for the time for the product to dry, it is indicated on the package. Active substances of the drug form a thin protective film on the surface of the product, which does not let the chemical smells of the new thing out.

Special agent against the smell of new furniture

There are some caveats:

  • this remedy is not suitable for people prone to allergic manifestations;
  • can only be used on products made of chipboard, plastic, solid wood.

4 Air cleaner

An ideal method for purifying the air from extraneous pungent odors is an ozonator. This is the latest achievement modern technologies. Allows for very short term qualitatively clean the air in the room from caustic, harmful, hazardous substances. Ozone is known to be an excellent odor neutralizer. This device generates it from atmospheric air. In addition, the device promotes air disinfection, binds and destroys hazardous chemical compounds.

air purifier

The ozonizer is placed near an object that emits a heavy, repulsive aroma. The room must be closed. The device is turned on and left for several hours.

The only drawback of such a device is its not affordable price. Very few people can afford to purchase an ozonator. You can try to do without it by the above methods.

5 Precautions

Wear gloves when using the vinegar solution. And first, check the reaction of the product materials to vinegar or other processing agents in an inconspicuous place, in order to avoid an unpleasant situation.

Allergy sufferers should be careful with new furniture. Vapors can cause an attack. In addition, furniture treatment products against unpleasant odors can adversely affect the health of such people.

It's difficult to imagine modern apartment no sofa. And now, you have purchased it, it is already in the room, new and beautiful. But here's the problem: it smells strongly not of roses at all, and not even like clean new furniture. Why does it happen that new sofa smells like chemicals, what to do in such a situation? Is it really necessary to try to return it to the store or can the situation still be corrected? Let's deal with this issue in this article.

Dangerous components of the sofa

An unpleasant smell can signal that the sofa contains parts that can be hazardous to health. Consider what the sofa consists of and what can be harmful to health.

The foundation

The structure of the frame includes chipboard. In order to fasten this material, synthetic glue is used, one of its components is phenol-formaldehyde resin. This substance is extremely poisonous, moreover, it is volatile.

Important! The release of carcinogenic substances occurs for more than ten years, which leads to the appearance of the most various diseases. Evaporation increases if furniture is installed near a heating radiator.

Determining chipboard as part of a sofa is quite simple: it will be too heavy.

But do not think that the smell of a new sofa is associated only with this material.

Important! Chipboard is safe enough if the entire surface has been laminated or covered with a special protective paint.


Polyurethane foam is often used as a filler. Its composition includes toluene, but it causes harm only in the combustion process. This can be avoided by keeping the furniture away from possible sources of ignition.

Important! If the furniture is made in China, most often it contains bags with dimethyl furamate, which is a protection against mold. When this substance is in a dry, warm room, it begins to evaporate, which leads to irritation on the skin.

Exterior decor

Also toxic substances may be contained in the upholstery. For example:

  • when dyeing the skin, aniline is used - a colorless poisonous liquid with a pungent odor;
  • when tanning leather, chromium compounds are used.

In high concentrations, these substances can lead to poisoning.

Important! The presence of a sharp chemical odor and uneven skin coloration should be alarming. Besides, leather sofa can't be cheap!

Getting rid of the smell

Is it possible to remove the smell of a new sofa? We practically know why a new sofa smells. But how to get rid of it? In the manufacture of furniture, a variety of chemical components are used:

  • Dyes and impregnations;
  • Resins with formaldehyde;
  • Antifungal fungicides;
  • Polishes, varnishes and solvents.

Important! According to experts, it is better to plan the purchase and assembly of a new sofa for the days when you have the opportunity to leave your home for a couple of days. If you leave the window open in the room, the specific smell will disappear.

The smell of a new sofa - what to do when you can’t cope with airing alone. In this case, it will be necessary to process not only the sofa, but the entire room in which it is located. However, such measures may not immediately help, the smell will simply become less intense.

What not to do?

When I bought a sofa, everyone tries to kill the smell with an air freshener or a neutralizing spray. However, this is completely wrong. As a result, you saturate the air with chemistry even more, and such a measure will save the situation for only ten minutes, then it will only get worse.

Important! To increase the efficiency of weathering, it is necessary to increase the microcirculation of air in the room.

Let's start the fight against unpleasant amber

Well, still, the new sofa stinks, what should I do?

  1. First of all, for a couple of weeks we get rid of extra items in the room where the new furniture will stand. We remove all obstructions.
  2. Be sure to get rid of wool carpets, as they perfectly absorb all odors.
  3. We vacuum everything that is left in the room. This applies especially to the sofa. There is definitely chip dust left in it, and it is this that can be the source of the smell. Cleaned with a vacuum cleaner inner part sofa, back side and legroom.

Important! For weathering characteristic persistent odor new furniture will take a lot of time. Both in winter and in summer you will have to constantly open the window, the air conditioner will not help here.

The next step will be the use of sorbents of natural origin. And in the room itself, and in the sofa, and on the floor under it, we lay out bags of gauze, in which there are aromatic herbs: lemon balm, mint or thyme. Or you can cover the sofa itself with flavored tea bags, and pour a couple of spoons of ground coffee under it.

You will also find the following tools useful:

  • You can lay a dry sheet on the sofa, and sprinkle fine sea salt with flavors on top of it. As a result, odors become less intense.
  • You can safely pour soda on the sofa itself. After that, it is shaken off with a soft brush, and the surfaces around are vacuumed.
  • It is possible to use a damp terry sheet - it must first be soaked in a solution that includes vinegar or water peroxide.

Important! If one of the household members has allergic reaction, it is better not to use the sofa to sleep for a while.


How harmless the sofa is can be determined by observing the behavior of pets. They are much more sensitive to all smells. If the animal sleeps quietly near the new furniture, and you can relax. If you have not been able to get rid of the smell within a few weeks, it is worth sounding the alarm. Otherwise, both you and your loved ones may suffer from poisoning.