How to find an apartment interior designer. How and Where to Find an Interior Designer: The Complete Guide. the main criteria for finding a designer

The eternal problem of those who are just starting their business: you have already understood how important high-quality design is right now - after all, this is the “face” of the company. And then they realized something else: there is no money for this from the word “generally”.

Have you already asked for help from a friend who accidentally had a '96 photoshop on his computer? Tried to find an undemanding student on YouDo? There are many options - and we have tried them all. Most of them turned out to be a waste of time and money.

If you want great design at a great price, then design outsourcing services are your option. Compared to the usual search for acquaintances, it will be faster, cheaper and more reliable (thematic sites give you guarantees). It will not be easy to get high-quality results on “cheap” freelance sites. But it is quite real - if you know the right approach.

It is better if you can translate the TK into English - this will greatly expand your possibilities.

All prices are at the time of writing.

Method one: design competition

You place a task and choose the reward amount. Several designers will work on your project for free at once. You choose the winner who gets the money.

Yes, you can get up to hundreds of options. And in many cases, you can not pay if none of the options suits you.

At first glance, this is an ideal option. But the designers themselves are far from perfect.

Most of them are either inexperienced students or guys from India (or another country with low salaries) who are desperately trying to make money. They enter competitions because they can't get another job. So you're left with a hundred options from twenty different designers. And they are all absolutely terrible. That's what happened to us.

To attract better designers, you need to offer a good reward. In our experience, contests are the best for creating logos. Even if you don't get a logo that suits you 100%, you have at least the initial concepts that can be improved. Tasks that require attention and involvement (UI, website design, and others) simply do not work in competitions.

The most popular sites with design contests:

It's more of a competitive platform than a regular freelance exchange. The minimum price for placing a project is $299 (remuneration to the contractor is $200). Crowdspring promises you will get around 50 options.

As the work comes in, you can make changes for free and choose the best option after the corrected versions are sent to you. Next, you choose the winner and finalize the best one with him. The designer will receive payment when you finalize the work.

If you have not found a suitable option, crowdspring returns the money (except for service fees).

You submit a project, set a deadline and leave a deposit equal to the price of your project. The project is seen by more than 33 thousand designers and design studios around the world. DesignCrowd states that tasks on the site receive an average of 50 responses. The minimum price for placement is $59. Add to that the price you are willing to pay for the design. The support team will help you decide on the price, if necessary.

If you do not find a suitable option, the money will be returned except for the service commission.

Everything is as usual: you place technical specifications, designers send options. You give feedback, make edits, and choose a winner. The designer gets paid, and you get the rights to his work. Minimum prices vary by project, ranging from $79 for a Facebook page header to $599 for a web page or WordPress theme.

It is difficult to say which of these services is better. In our experience, DesignCrowd has more experienced designers from Australia. But if you want to attract designers from developed countries, you need to offer high rewards. But 99designs is the most popular site, there is a huge database of designers. We tried other services, such as Hatchwise, but we do not advise you: at least they have an inconvenient interface.

Freelancer Warning / Good News for Clients

99designs and Сrowdspring are scolded for dumping the work of designers and promoting the principle of speculative work (when people invest a lot of time and effort without any guarantee of payment). 99designs also transfers to the customer all rights to the original work.

Yes, some designers do not recognize such a scheme, but others are happy to respond to orders. Therefore, these sites remain a good option for those who want to get a project done quickly, have a choice, and still fit within a budget.

Method 2: project and hourly work

If you find yourself a good designer - take care of him. After all, he already knows what you like, and will give the desired result faster than a new person.

Posting contests for any reason is simply not profitable. To begin with, you can arrange a competition, choose a winner, and then hire him on an hourly basis for the following tasks.

Which is better - pay by the hour or by the result? It is possible and so, and so. If you do not have a lot of tasks, then it is better to pay for the result. If there is a constant flow of tasks for several months or longer, then it is more convenient to pay by the hour. Then you do not have to constantly calculate how much the next task costs. You will need a time tracking tool (for example, Time Doctor or Upwork).

Where else can you find designers for hourly or project work

Freelance sites like Upwork (formerly oDesk) allow you to post a job offer, and contractors from all over the world will bid for your project (virtually an auction).

In our experience, finding a qualified designer there is very, very difficult. Most of the designers are from low income countries such as India. Their skills, to be honest, range from mediocre before terrible(or maybe they just have a different understanding of aesthetics). There are exceptions, but to find them, you will have to work hard and spend a lot of time scrolling through profiles.

Design orders that are best suited for outsourcing


In our experience, design contests work best here.

Simple layouts for websites or printed products

Design competitions are also quite suitable for this. If you don't have any special design requirements, you can make everything even easier - use ready-made templates (google design templates).

Complex sites

If the site has more than 20 pages, it is better to find a permanent designer and pay him by the hour or as the work is done. You can pay for the entire project at once, but then try to make a very clear statement of work.

Interface design

Can new users quickly find what they need? Do the forms on the site work effectively or is it difficult for users to fill them out? If you have a complex site with many features, then usability is everything. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find a designer who understands the principles of UX well. And it's even harder to find an inexpensive UX designer. If you're on a tight budget, it's best to try to figure out the theme yourself and then guide the designer carefully. You can also copy solutions from sites that have already spent billions of dollars on usability (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google).

Conversion improvement

Do you want your site to actually sell for you? This is a very advanced skill that is not found in low-paid designers (and even high-paid ones!) Again, you will have to find out all about the conversion yourself (and refer the designer yourself). You can find a lot of free conversion information on these sites: and

The right brief for a designer

One of the most important factors for getting quality work is a competent task. 99designs offer a very competent sample of the TOR, it contains all the information that you need to provide to the designer. For example, is your new logo just a word (text logo), a symbol, a single letter?

In terms of style, should it be feminine, youthful, funny and catchy, simple and modern? A good designer will definitely ask about this before starting work. It would be nice to prepare examples of logos that you like.

Hint: ask for the finished design to be sent to you in as many different formats as possible. For example, a vector version of the logo will be much more useful than a raster image in Photoshop (you can resize without losing quality). But also the usual .png may be useful for certain purposes.

Other useful information to include in the TOR

In addition to a general description, you should clarify for yourself and indicate to the designer:

  1. Project name.
  2. Where will the project files need to be uploaded? FTP? dropbox?
  3. Deadline and end dates for milestones.
  4. Any sketches and other existing resources you already have, including market research.
  5. Headlines, calls to action, body text to include in the design.


  • Design contests are a great way to get started, especially if it's a logo.
  • If you have a more complex and lengthy job, it is better to find a full-time designer with hourly pay.
  • You don't have to spend $10,000 on a design for your business. You can get great results for a much more modest amount.

If you're looking for a full-time job, post on one of the design forums like DesignerTalk (English speaking, international audience). If you need only a Russian-speaking specialist, you should look at Freelance (paid subscription, from 500 rubles).


If you have not yet tried to work with outsourced specialists, this guide will allow you to do everything as efficiently as possible.

If you want to read more about design services, here is a list of 101 Design Blogs to Follow.

To find a talented designer who understands the client perfectly and is able to embody the most daring ideas, you need to work hard. The services of professionals cost a lot, but you should not focus on the minimum price list: the revision of improperly rendered services will cost even more. It's wise to find a high-end specialist or design studio and figure out how you can cut costs or get a discount. We've got some helpful tips for you to help you find your dream designer.

Before starting your search, take a few minutes to introspect, namely, to explore your own method of working. The more clearly you describe it to yourself, the easier it will be for you to choose a business partner to implement your ideas. Answer the questions for yourself:

  • How deeply do you want to be privy to the creative process? Do you want to be aware of the smallest details or do you want to see the plan and the final result?
  • Do you need a turnkey design or do you just need professional advice in one area (for example, in choosing a color or zoning)?
  • What type of perception are you - visual or kinesthetic? To make a choice, is it easier for you to see the project in the picture or “feel” it in reality?

The qualifications and experience of the designer you need largely depend on the amount of work and the budget you set. If you are building a new house or planning an overhaul in an apartment, you will certainly need the services of not only a designer, but also an architect. Often these professionals work in tandem. If you have successfully chosen an architect, then he will certainly be able to advise you on a good designer. To carry out a small, cosmetic repair in a small apartment, you can do without a designer at all, unless you need his one-time consultations on certain issues.

Surely someone from your environment already has experience in communicating with designers. It's a good idea to start your search for the specialist you need by asking friends, colleagues, neighbors and loved ones. If your friends, who hired a designer, recently completed the renovation, be sure to visit them and see the results of the project. But keep in mind that you may not like the interior, because everyone has different tastes. It is more important to pay attention to how accurately the tasks were completed, the conditions were met and whether the customers themselves are satisfied with the project.

Stay up to date: regularly browse print and online resources about interiors and renovations. They often publish descriptions and photographs of successful projects by various designers. If you like any of the proposed ideas, find its author and learn about his work in detail: look at his website, check out his portfolio, read reviews about him on the Internet. Don't be afraid to call high-end project designers, everyone wants to showcase their best work. But there is always an opportunity to agree: to find the best solution for price and quality, or to get a discount.

Before the start of any repair, many arrange a “store reconnaissance”: they walk around the outlets where they sell building materials, furniture, and interior items. This is not only a good way to ask the price and get inspiration for your project, but also to find a designer. Most renovation or construction stores work closely with design and architecture professionals. Often, designers arrange consultations right on the trading floor. Talk to them or get their contacts from the sellers.

Before you meet with a potential designer, talk to him on the phone or Skype. The manner of communication and professional answers to questions will help create the first (and sometimes the most correct) impression of a person. If it was unpleasant for you to talk with him, then it is unlikely that you will have further cooperation. Sometimes the experience and skill level of a specialist can be determined by several phrases. If you hear slurred or incorrect answers to elementary questions, then why waste time on a personal meeting? But try not to make your conversation look like an obvious aptitude test: let tricky questions sound a little indirect and casual.

Tip number 7: get to know the designer, with his workplace and documents

If the designer has his own office or studio, be sure to check it out. Pay attention to how they are designed, carefully study the available certificates, diplomas, certificates, licenses. Sometimes the environment in the workplace can say a lot about a person and their way of working. But not all designers have their own offices - many work from home or in large companies that often do not welcome the projects of their employees on the side. Invite the designer to choose the meeting place on their own. If he successfully copes with this, he will receive a plus in his favor. But the main thing for you is his completed works: it is difficult to trust a person without a portfolio. If there are projects in public places, don't be too lazy to see them live.

To make the best decision, the client must always have a choice. Even if you liked one designer the first time, get to know at least one more. Compare their experience, skills, achievements, communication style, approaches to work and, last but not least, the terms of the contract. It's a good idea to give them a little test task. A thorough comparative analysis of candidates will help you make the right decision.

Solving the problem of how to find a good interior designer is akin to finding a good dentist. You need to meet and communicate with the designer several times a week, as well as spend many hours discussing the project.

Communication will drag on for months, unless, of course, the object is large, and you are not in too much of a hurry. Therefore, the choice of a designer is a responsible issue and involves the expenditure of time and effort.

Let's consider how it is more reasonable to plan the search for a specialist and by what criteria to evaluate candidates. What is more important - professionalism or a loyal price, great experience or a fresh look of a young specialist? Today we will tell you how to find an interior designer inexpensively, but with a good portfolio and professional qualities. And also - where to look and what to look for.

Looking for you - ways to find a designer

You should think about where to find an interior designer as early as possible. It is advisable to start looking two to three months before the start of the repair or the moment when you need design services. The sooner you decide on the choice of a specialist, the better the end result will be.

The ideal option is to invite a designer at the stage of buying a home or planning a house.

In any case, at the time of the start of repair and construction work, you should already be provided with a fully prepared design project for the future interior. Just remember, you may still need to make changes to it, as well as agree on them, which also takes time.

Search work can be organized in any of the following ways:

  • word of mouth

The most common method in Russia. For some reason, we usually trust the opinion of our friends and relatives more than our own eyes. With a request to help find an interior designer, you can turn to friends and relatives.

Ask around those who have recently moved, renovated, or are just twiddling their thumbs in construction, architecture, and design. Good designers are usually very popular, and their clients are happy to pass on contacts to other people.

  • Internet

Runet is full of necessary and important information, the main thing is to be able to find it. Here you can’t fake photos of already implemented objects. At the same time, you can save your favorite photos and apply to your own interior.

Advice: narrow down your search queries. For example, by location - " interior designer Pskov" or " interior designer services Samara". Another way to search is by the style you like: for example, "the best designers in Provence style."

  • Thematic exhibitions

Visiting an interior design exhibition gives you the opportunity not only to see the works of the masters, but also to get to know them yourself. Here you can start a casual conversation, get answers to all your questions in an informal setting, agree on cooperation or just make an appointment.

At the exhibition, it is more likely to find a private interior designer - with a good work experience, his own website and a team of craftsmen. Usually such a specialist has already achieved a lot and earns not by the number of orders, but by quality.

Therefore, he finds time to participate in exhibitions. Usually this is a much more professional specialist than a young and inexperienced employee of a design bureau. But the cost of the work of such a master will be higher.

  • Design agency visit

Here you can choose a specialist from several candidates offered to you. One small downside to this type of search is that usually design firms position their employees as jack-of-all-trades. In fact, this state of affairs is almost impossible.

If a specialist is ready to take on any style direction, this does not mean that each of his projects will be equally good and original. Much more interesting and professional work is obtained from those who specialize in a particular style.

But to understand which style is best for a particular designer, you need to look at his portfolio.

Finding a designer in the capital and major cities

This issue should be given special attention. Unfortunately, it is much more difficult to look for a specialist in large cities of Russia, especially in Moscow and St. Petersburg, than in regions that are small or remote from the capital. Especially if you want to save on design services.

For example, any search engine will give you a query " find an interior designer in St. Petersburg» more than two million links. It is practically impossible to process these results, and there is no reason to go in such a complicated way.

The best option is to search by type word of mouth or at a design show. The first way is still more reliable. When a person works with a designer for 3-6 months and then lives in a space organized by this master, he can say with certainty whether his specialist was a professional or not.

Finding an interior designer in Moscow at an affordable price is an almost impossible task. Doable only if you agree to the work of a young master with no experience. This, however, does not doom your project to failure, although it is still more reliable to trust a professional.

In Moscow, good designers charge quite a lot for their services compared to other regions. But at the same time, 80% of these people are really excellent specialists.

An important question is how not to fall into the clutches of the remaining 20%, those who, even being mediocre craftsmen, charge dearly for their services. And here everything is also quite simple - ask for a photo of the finished work, project materials and customer contacts.

5 main criteria for finding a designer

After identifying several desired candidates, you need to meet with them in person. Of course, one by one, and not all at once. But it is better if it is a casual meeting in an informal setting. And not yet on the object of design.

Prepare for it in advance: think about the issues that you want to discuss with a specialist and prepare photos that reflect your vision of the future interior. The following criteria are of great importance in how to choose an interior designer for an apartment:

1. Project budget

Each designer calculates the cost of his services differently: if one is ready to provide a ready-made price list for several types of services, then the other will name the cost only after receiving the terms of reference and analyzing it.

But in any case, according to experts, it is better to plan for a design project at least 5-10% of the total amount that will be spent on repairs. This roughly corresponds to current market prices. Another important nuance is that the larger the total amount of the budget, the smaller part of it will have to be invested in the interior.

The most important financial issues to discuss in advance are:

  • How much can a designer expect?
  • Can the amount be increased and under what conditions.
  • Will your ideas be able to meet this amount.
  • What part of the money the designer wants to receive in advance: an advance payment, a percentage of the total budget, money for materials, etc.

The cost of one project in Moscow at the moment is from 1 thousand rubles. for 1 m 2. In St. Petersburg, prices are about the same. They depend not only on the region, professionalism and experience of the designer. The housing segment is also important: elite, business class or economy class. Another criterion is whether your project is author's or typical, exclusive or standard.

In no case should you agree to a strangely low cost of work. A professional will never offer a price below the market. Fans of extreme savings should remember that it’s good, cheap, and fast just doesn’t happen. You can choose only any two of these parameters, but any.

The work of good designers and architects is not cheap, but there is a simple explanation for this - in order to earn good money, they have to work hard and hard.

2. Style direction

The designer must be able to work with the style that you want to use for the interior. It is possible that he will offer a more reasonable option than the one that you originally planned.

This is due to the fact that usually people who are far from the world of design create for themselves an image of an aesthetically beautiful space, but at the same time forget about its functionality. Whereas the designer will help create both a beautiful and comfortable interior for living. In any case, discuss these issues before starting work.

If you are not good at style trends, just take with you those interior photos that you like. Thus, the designer will understand what you want from him.

Another good way is to try to create your own design project in one of the computer programs that designers use. So you can clearly show the specialist how you want to see the end result.

Be sure to ask if your candidate has a portfolio and references. If all good designers have the first, then the second may not be. But it is possible that the designer works on a freelance site, and real professional designers always have their own site. On these resources, you can see reviews of the work, and examples of finished projects.

An occasion to show distrust and caution if there are few works in the portfolio or there are practically no projects in the style direction that you need. Then maybe you really should look for another specialist. Unless you agree that the work on the interior design of your apartment should be the first work of the master in a style in which he has not previously worked.

Do not hesitate to ask a specialist to provide contacts of previous customers, ask about education, certificates, experience and membership in professional clubs. This will allow you to form an opinion about the expert level of the candidate.

Another nuance - ask the designer to take with him, in addition to the portfolio, intermediate materials for two or three completed projects: sketches, drawings, a design project and a photo of the finished interior. This is necessary to compare the master's original plan with the finished work: did he get what he planned.

Even if you do not understand anything in design, evaluate the work according to the principle - “beautiful - ugly”, whether you would like to implement this in your apartment or not.

To better understand the specifics of the job and navigate the design world (and this will greatly facilitate communication with the designer), check out some useful books on interior design.

4. Drawing up a contract

A huge number of problems arise for the client and the designer, even if both are adequate people, due to misunderstanding. Therefore, before starting cooperation, it is extremely important to draw up a contract. Think over this document as carefully as possible, indicate on paper the smallest details and nuances of the work.

Issues that are important to pay attention to:

  • Technical task.
  • Price and payment procedure (including individual services: specialist advice, delivery, materials).
  • The composition of the project.
  • Work order.
  • Project timelines (plus the last working dates if the project is delayed).
  • Delivery of the project: in parts or in whole (the first option is more practical).
  • Hiring a team of workers (often the designer has his own team).
  • Penalties for non-compliance with deadlines.
  • Termination options.

Discuss all your questions with the designer beforehand. It is important to come to a common understanding of how the cooperation process will be organized: whether you will interfere in the design of the premises or the development of the project, how often you will do this.

5. Comfortable communication

When two people work together, albeit for a short time, trust and comfortable communication are very important for them. If the designer completely suits you professionally, but you don’t like it as a person, it’s better to choose another specialist.

If you get annoyed and quarrel at every step, the project will not end in anything good. And there will definitely be disputes and difficult situations.

Finding a good interior designer is quite a solvable task. In Russia, there are a huge number of experienced specialists in their field with extensive work experience and wonderful portfolios. The main thing is not to rush and show maximum patience and attention to all the criteria for selecting candidates. A worthy result of the time and effort spent will be a functional and aesthetically pleasing interior.

A huge number of designers. Different prices. Various works. How to find an interior designer, your contractor for the design of an apartment or house? Why somewhere the project costs 300 rubles per square meter, and somewhere - 3,000 rubles?

Choosing an interior designer

What should you pay special attention to when choosing a designer? Here is the required a list of what you should pay special attention to when choosing a designer.

1. Portfolio of your chosen designer:

You must like the work of the designer. If viewing the work does not make you feel anything, this is not your designer. The atmosphere of your future home is in the hands of the designer. If you don't like the work that's in your portfolio, or if it just doesn't feel right, then don't expect a better interior design. A designer can have many awards, multiple diplomas, and be an excellent specialist, but if you don't like the work, this designer just isn't for you.

2. High-quality images in 3D graphics

The more realistic 3D images (3D visualization) in the designer's portfolio, the easier it will be for you to understand, even at the design stage, how your interior will look like. Attention should be paid to the clarity of the transmitted materials, to their lighting.
Compare 3D visualizations of the project with photographs after the renovation of the same object. This is what the quality of 3D visualization and the detail of the project development will show.

3. The presence of photos in the portfolio and video reviews

It is one thing to draw beautiful images and quite another thing to bring the project to life. Ask the designer for photos of completed projects. Ask them to describe the object in the photo. Find out what difficulties were in the implementation? What material did the designer use?

Everything is never perfect at a construction site: there are always problems, some inconsistencies, difficulties. The point is who will solve these difficulties: the customer or the designer. You should definitely ask about this in order to understand how the designer organizes the work on project implementation.

It's one thing - a photo of projects. And quite another thing is that the designer has a video with reviews of completed projects. With the advent of YouTube, finding specialists has become easier. Now, in order to look at the designer, to understand how he communicates with clients, works with builders, it is enough to watch video reviews of interiors.

In general, the presence of a video confirming the live already implemented
interior is an indisputable confirmation of the results of the designer's work. It is very difficult to fake such a video.

4. Price

As for the cost of designer services, most often it depends on how much the designer or studio frees up time for clients. A high-quality serious project is not cheap - we will not talk about this, since this is a constant that everyone understands.

One of the most significant investments after buying a property is renovation. Therefore, the most important thing is to find out the cost of all repairs, ask the designer how he is going to work with this budget. Therefore, always look at the cost of the final implementation, and this cost should be reasonable. The task of the designer is to correctly distribute the budget, and not just draw everything beautifully.

It is clear that it is possible to present the budget for the entire project at once quite approximately. Therefore, we recommend discussing the reality of the proposed budget with the designer, ask him to show you estimates of similar and already implemented design projects.

Based on the information received, determine how much time you need to free up for all these processes. And, depending on how much your time is worth, you can determine for yourself the adequate composition and cost of designer services.

5. Cooperation with factories of materials and furniture

In Europe, it is customary that when turning to a designer, a client saves money during repairs, as designers work directly with furniture and material factories. Therefore, buying furniture through a designer is cheaper. In Russia, on the other hand, there is a stereotype (and there are indeed cases) that a designer is in “collusion” with suppliers and increases his value by offering a service to a client. Therefore, ask: does the designer cooperate with furniture suppliers and will you save on materials, which factories are these?

6. Comfortable in communication

You should be comfortable communicating with your designer. A professional designer will work with you for a long time. It also happens that the project is implemented over several years. And throughout the time you will tell him about your lifestyle, share your features. Therefore, mutual understanding with the designer from the very beginning and from the very first contact is very important.

7. Specialization should match your desires

Ask the designer what he does best and what are his weaknesses. A specialist who is good at designing both restaurants and residential interiors, both classic and modern, should alert you. There are no super specialists in everything. It is better for a designer to specialize in one thing and be a professional in this specialization. And your task is to find a designer whose specialization matches your needs.

If you are looking for a designer for a 250 m2 house, it is advisable to find a professional who has a lot of practice with such projects, rather than going to a super specialist who does everything. A designer with your specialization will make the project better, faster, offer the best solutions, as he constantly makes similar projects. And this is obvious.

Be careful when looking for a designer, take a responsible approach to the process of choosing an artist. Get to the bottom of the details and essence of the designer's presentation. Pay attention to the designer's response to your questions.

8. Reviews

Of course, video reviews are a very rare case. But, if there is at least one such review, this is a high indicator. Not every customer agrees to a video review, so text reviews also need to be read. It doesn't get too perfect. Therefore, if everything is written very well, then either the designer does not post everything, or the reviews are not real. A genuine review can always be understood from the description; it is difficult to fake real emotions in the text.

9. Publications in the media, speeches.

A real expert is invited everywhere: to write an article, to comment, to speak at an event. Professionals in their field share their knowledge, since it is very difficult to keep it a secret and keep it in oneself. There comes a moment when the owner of skills and knowledge begins to transfer them, because he wants to share his experience.

Pay attention to publications of works, designer articles, speeches. But it is important to remember our first rule - not every expert is right for you. First of all, a designer in spirit should suit you, the designer's philosophy and his approach to design should suit you. You should look in the same direction with the designer and your views on design should match - this is the only way to create the perfect interior for you.

Gerasimov Pavel