Which linoleum is better - types and classes, the advantages of coatings. Which linoleum is better for an apartment: class, base, thickness Which linoleum is better in quality

The design of the room not only creates a mood and improves the perception of the surrounding world, but also can tell a lot about the owners of the room. If the view of a house or apartment could be depicted in a play, then the flooring would be in the supporting roles. However, the perception of the whole play would depend on his “play”. Paul not only concludes, leads everything around, but also takes on almost the entire burden of the weight of the actors of the first plan: the furniture.

In this path, linoleum is a completely universal actor. And if once his game was cheap and of poor quality, today he has no equal in reincarnations. It is environmentally friendly, can be both natural and artificial, transform into any material or be itself. Meet linoleum - the king of the floor, the winner of the "Oscar" for the game of the second plan in the design of the premises.

What is the best linoleum?

However, not all linoleum is good. Good, high-quality material still needs to be able to choose. For this flooring, there are several recommendations that will help you figure out which linoleum is best. We are talking about the quality of the coating, because it has to withstand considerable loads.

  • Appointment of linoleum. The European notation system divides linoleum according to its purpose. There are 3 main purposes:
  1. Large industrial buildings, plants, factories, warehouse and logistics complexes. This group is indicated by the number 4 or a pictogram in the form of a plant with a pipe.
  2. The second group - offices of various types, hotels, banquet halls, shopping malls, educational institutions, airport halls, etc. This group is indicated by the number 3 or the pictogram of a high-rise building.
  3. All private, residential buildings are indicated by the number 2 and have a pictogram in the form of a small 2-storey building.

The purpose of linoleum also determines its price, the stronger and more durable the material, the more expensive it is. However, recommended use does not mean mandatory. For a private house, you can choose linoleum with any purpose, but for large shopping malls, linoleum with the purpose of "private house" is definitely not suitable.

  • Abrasion class. In addition to the purpose, each group has 3 classes of abrasion or wear resistance. They are also indicated either by numbers or by pictograms of little men. First class, number 1, 1 man - light load; second class - middle; third class - high load. The purpose and load class for abrasion are applied side by side, complementing one another. So for the most walkable part of the apartment, the corridor at the entrance, assignment 2 and load 3 are suitable, general designation: 23. As well as with the appointment, you can choose any larger class for the premises, the main thing is no less than necessary.
  • Additional protective coating. Of the two copies with the same purpose and load classes, how to choose linoleum that will last a long time and will not cause trouble. It is worth paying attention to the additional protective layer. It is offered mainly by proven, time-tested manufacturers. For all manufacturers, it is called and designated differently, therefore it is not worth listing the names. It is only necessary to say that the best linoleum is likely to have such a layer.

  • Quality certificates. How to choose linoleum that will not emit harmful substances, does not cause allergies, keeps its shape, does not crack? Pay attention to quality certificates. High-quality products of European manufacturers are certified according to European standards EN, domestic - according to GOSTs. Information about this must be indicated on the label.
  • manufacturer and cost. You can buy good linoleum from a responsible manufacturer. The cost of quality material is sometimes comparable to the price of handicraft. How to find a good linoleum, the label will tell. It must contain the address of the manufacturer, his contacts, all information about the product, its service life.

How to choose linoleum for an apartment

You need to choose linoleum for an apartment depending on the number of people living in it and on the purpose of the rooms. For a family of 2-3 people in the walk-through areas, you need to lay linoleum of class 23 and above. In the rest rooms, 22 classes will be enough. If the apartment has an office, a dressing room or a library, class 21 will show itself quite well there. For a larger family, it is better to choose linoleum of higher classes.

The main thing is to choose high-quality linoleum for the apartment, because it will not sell through heavy furniture, and the household will not choke on unpleasant odors or suffer from allergies.

Thanks to various patterns and textures, you can visually increase the area of ​​​​a small apartment, brighten a dark room or delimit zones in a room. Colors and shades set the mood of the rooms. Warm and muted tones will pacify, create coziness. And bright, saturated ones are conducive to creativity, play, active pastime.

For kitchen

The kitchen in an apartment or house stands apart for a reason. This room is extremely demanding on the flooring. The level of load on it is higher than in all other rooms; in this regard, even the entrance corridor cannot be compared with the kitchen. Therefore, you need to choose linoleum for the kitchen from class 31 and above. And 31 - for small apartments for 1-2 people. Why is that?

Linoleum in the kitchen is subject not only to the usual load from passing people. This is a room with an unnatural microclimate: humidity and high temperature. Under these conditions, various microorganisms feel great. Therefore, it is good if the linoleum for the kitchen also has an antibacterial coating.

In the kitchen, various abrasive materials, grease, acids, and dyes often get on the floor. High-quality linoleum for the kitchen must meekly withstand all the burdens. What kind of linoleum to choose for the kitchen, so that it meets all the requirements without exception? Kitchen linoleum must be with an additional protective layer and must be certified.

The color scheme of linoleum for the kitchen is also slightly different from the general apartment. If you want your family to have a good appetite, choose warm colors, like to sit in the kitchen with your family and have a quiet dinner, enjoying your time - look at calm, neutral, uniform tones.

How to choose linoleum for a private house

It would seem, what difference does it make where the floor is located, in an apartment or in a house. But there is a difference. First of all, in the load, the abrasion of the surface layer. In private houses, with the same number of residents, the load on the surface is higher than in apartments. Therefore, you need to choose linoleum for a house of higher classes than for an apartment. For rest rooms, class 23-31 is suitable, for common areas - 31-32, for rooms with increased load (furnace, corridor, warm veranda, kitchen) - 33 and above.

The design of linoleum for the home is often chosen to match the overall interior. Recently, it has become fashionable to create a natural, ecological interior from natural materials. If finances allow, you can lay natural linoleum on the floor, it is much more durable and stronger than its PVC counterpart. However, its colors leave much to be desired.

If you choose PVC linoleum for your home without saving on quality, it will last for many years. And it can be matched to the color and pattern of the walls, imitating wood, stone, brick, various ceramics. For the attic, designers offer an interesting option - light walls and light linoleum, this will visually expand the attic, avoid the "overhanging" of the walls.

In this article, we will try to dissuade you and suggest which linoleum is better to choose for an apartment. Here will be given the characteristics and description of different types, as well as recommendations for choosing the optimal parameters for certain rooms.

Rumors about linoleum and their debunking

Let's start by listing all far-fetched flaws coverage and explain why these fears are unfounded. We deliberately start the article with this information., because, without understanding some of the main points, it will be difficult for you to choose, and you will always remember all sorts of "buts" that will speak against the purchase.

And it is worth buying linoleum, since it is quite a budget and very practical floor covering. Let's go...

Myth #1: Unbelievably unhealthy

Some people are very afraid that linoleum emits toxic fumes, and believe that it is this coating that emits them, almost for life and in huge quantities.

What can be said here? Yes, there is harmful linoleum, but there is also harmful laminate, harmful carpet and even a harmful board covered with low-quality and cheap varnish. Yes, we will tell you more. There are harmful wallpapers, paints and stretch ceilings...

The point here is not at all that it is linoleum, but in production technology and initial components.

Everyone knows that it’s better not to deal with the Chinese: the guys are hacking and reducing the cost of production as much as possible. As a result, their products contain such an amount of phenol that it simply fills the room with an unpleasant, chemical smell. And it's almost impossible to get rid of it.

Yes, and it is difficult to determine in the store which of the coatings has a smell and which does not, because there, in the air, phenol is floating and it seems that all the coatings are wrong ...

Therefore, there is only one way out: look not only at the colors and parameters, but also at the manufacturer. You should not take on faith what is written in the store on the price tag, since, in supermarkets, often not entirely correct information is given.

It’s better to write down this name on a piece of paper, and at home, on the Internet, already read reviews about it the people who used it. If it has a smell, then you will certainly read about it somewhere, now many people write to the network and share their advice.

By the way, in the modern market there is completely safe linoleum, environmentally friendly. It is made from natural ingredients, but the price for it, of course, completely negates these advantages.

It is often easier to put a real board on the floor than to buy linoleum without chemicals. Moreover, the selection of flowers there is quite poor. But since it is on sale, it means that someone takes it. The rich have their quirks, as they say.

Myth #2: Only suitable for narrow rooms

Anyone who has not visited a construction market for a long time is simply sure that the linoleum panels have not changed and there is a choice of width from 1.5 to 3 meters. And this means that in a larger room it will be necessary to make ugly joints from plastic or iron strips, and no beauty, integrity will come out.

But, we hasten to please you: it's not like that for a long time.

Firstly, there are now both four and five-meter panels on the market, but there are certainly far fewer of them than standard ones. If you don’t find the right color from wide canvases, then don’t worry either: no planks are needed anymore.

Secondly, now there is a special welding for linoleum, and the seam comes out almost imperceptible. The name is, of course, very exemplary. In fact, welding is nothing more than the usual butt-gluing of seams, but the composition of the bonding compound is such that it literally dissolves the linoleum and splices the pieces together. As a result, the surface comes out whole, and it cannot burst at the junction in any way.

Myth #3: Very impractical and short-lived

And here we also, as in the first block, say: depending on what kind of linoleum.

Yes, to this day there are coatings on the surface of which the slightest pressure leaves sagging marks, not to mention heel marks and other aggressive things. But not all linoleum is like that!

There are incredibly durable floors that will serve you faithfully for decades without losing their original appearance. But we are talking about this moment in more detail below, in a separate block, since the topic of the right choice is extensive.

Here the class is important, and the top coat and a lot of other things that you should pay attention to.

We can only say that in 90% of cases, the basis of linoleum is fiberglass, and this ensures that the canvas does not "sit down" over time and does not deform, and there is no reason to fear that it will tear from some little thing.

Myth #4: It's not prestigious and embarrassing

Here, yes, if you take the cheapest linoleum, which will be painted in unnatural colors and looks like oilcloth - it is, it looks disgusting, to put it mildly. But if you choose something more expensive, with a good texture and color, without any oilcloth highlights, then the floor looks pretty decent.

Often, a good linoleum is much more effective than an inexpensive laminate. And practical, which is the most important thing. It is necessary to monitor the laminate: in no case should water droplets fall on it, otherwise it will swell ... And linoleum is an unpretentious thing, absolutely.

Myth number 5: under linoleum you need to perfectly level the floor

Many believe that linoleum requires too careful leveling of the screed, and this is expensive and, it seems, in this case, the game is not worth the candle. You will save on the coating, but on the screed you will lose. Isn't it easier then to take carpet or laminate?

It is not easier, because it is necessary to level the floor under any coating, especially under a laminate! If the linoleum can withstand small irregularities, then the laminate is definitely not, and over time, in places of small holes, the locks of the boards will diverge ... Under the carpet, however, you can’t really equate if we are talking about a carpet with a high pile. But after all and care of it is more difficult.

Try to put a soft floor in the house where there are children. Yes, in a year they will turn the once pretty floor into something sloppy ... And it is simply unrealistic to wash it off on your own.

Here, in general, is the whole list of common prejudices that simply do not let buyers go to stands with linoleum. As you can see, there are definitely no grounds for categorical judgments here, and it's all about the quality of the material itself.

What classes does he have?

And now let's get down to specifics. In this block, you will learn what kind of linoleum is and how, in fact, to choose it.

Linoleum comes in several classes, here they are:

1st class The most short-lived, but also the most inexpensive. It is intended for rooms with very little traffic and, on such a coating, it is advisable not to walk in heels. It would be ideal if a rug is laid on the places of greatest trampling (for example, by the bed, if such linoleum is in the bedroom).
2nd grade This species is already stronger, and, by and large, suitable for all living spaces. But its service life is short, about seven years, while it must also be handled with care.
3rd grade commercial linoleum, very strong, durable, not afraid of heels and moving furniture. One trouble, with the colors in this class - rather weak. As a rule, commercial linoleum has a neutral color, solid and not very bright. For example, gray and blue coatings are popular.
4th grade Industrial. Very durable linoleum, is not afraid of practically nothing. But, as in the previous case, this class cannot boast of original colors.

In addition to these classes, linoleum has varieties according to the materials of manufacture, which you also need to know in order to make the right choice. But we will talk about them in a separate block, and now we will consider which class is suitable for specific rooms.

So what do we have? Or very durable coatings, but not distinguished by original colors, or beautiful, stylish, but their service life is not so long.

In our opinion, there is no point in chasing excessive strength, since third-class linoleum, subject to certain conditions, can please you not for ten years, but much more.

The most versatile option is linoleum of the 3rd class.

In general, it is very good when the floor covering for the whole apartment goes one color. Therefore, sometimes it makes no sense to talk about the classes of linoleum for rooms. In fact, you won’t cover the kitchen with one color, and the corridor will be different, because it is less passable and, therefore, you can take cheaper linoleum?

Now let's talk about the materials from which linoleum is made.

What material?


The most common linoleum, it is made of PVC, that is, polyvinyl chloride. There is no need to be afraid of this terrible word, there is nothing harmful in it, provided that the product is produced by a decent company and does not have a sharp, unpleasant smell.

It is a good choice as PVC is a practical material. Naturally, it is not eternal, and it must be protected. He is afraid of fire, you can’t put hot pans on him (absurd, but the same children can think of this), he doesn’t “like” shoes with heels ...

Other than that, it's a hassle-free and easy-to-clean coating.

natural linoleum

Absolutely environmentally friendly, suitable for kids' rooms and allergy sufferers. Made from jute fabric, wood flour, natural resins. There are a lot of colors and they, as a rule, look very natural and expensive.

But he is very expensive, this is one thing, and the second - he is afraid of moisture. Therefore, if we are talking about a children's room, then this is not the best choice, since children can pour water often and thickly. Due to this, the coating will look sloppy and covered with indelible stains.

Glyptal linoleum

This is alkyd resin linoleum, which is applied to a fabric base.

Its advantages are that it is quite strong and wear-resistant, but at the same time fragile, and before spreading it, the roll should rest in a warm room (especially if you bought it in the winter and it froze during delivery ). If you spread it immediately, then there is a high probability of cracks.


This is linoleum without a base at all, there is neither fabric nor rubber underneath. Made from cellulose and, in general, it is also a fairly environmentally friendly material. But, unlike purely natural linoleum, this coating is not afraid of water.

In care, it is unpretentious and in no way inferior to PVC in properties. The only bad thing is that such coatings are rare in supermarkets, and ordering such a thing via the Internet is a big risk.

On one of the forums, we read a review: there a woman complained that she got one color, but they sent another. In general, we do not recommend doing this. This is exactly the product that you need to see and feel before buying ...


It's not even linoleum, but rather, a rubber coating. Very durable, comfortable, has good soundproofing properties. But, if we are talking about an apartment, it is not recommended to lay such linoleum, since it still has harmful fumes that do not disappear for a very long time.

Yes, it is puncture resistant, and the only place it can and should be adjusted is the vestibule where you take off your shoes. Not a corridor, but a vestibule, in which people stay for a few minutes. And the price is loyal, by the way.

Which company's linoleum is better to choose?

And finally, let's touch on the topic of manufacturers. Naturally, the ideal option is European manufacturers, but the price of such a coating "bites" in comparison with domestic or Chinese factories.

It makes no sense to list the names of companies, since they are expanding every day, and you can’t simply keep track of everyone.

The only thing that can be said is that European linoleum is better than domestic, and domestic is better than Chinese.

That is, see for yourself, think for yourself, but be sure to pay attention to the smell!

As we wrote above, it is advisable to first look at the linoleum, then read real reviews about it, and only then give the command to the sellers: "Cut!"

In conclusion, what more can be said? We have told you all the possible nuances, and now you will be pretty savvy when you come to the store. Now you know what material is better in quality, what width, what thickness linoleum is and what size is the most optimal.

In building supermarkets there is a huge selection of flooring. The most popular and affordable is linoleum. For little money, you can make the floor in an apartment or house beautiful and well-groomed. In addition, this coating is not afraid of moisture and mechanical damage.

How to choose linoleum for an apartment in terms of quality

This cover is so popular that it is used for the floor in public buildings, private homes, schools, hospitals and sanatoriums. In other words, they are used everywhere. And all because the coating is not only universal, but also has many colors, so it fits into any interior.

How to choose linoleum

The larger the range of goods, the more difficult the choice. Each person has his own criteria for choosing, but there are basic ones that you need to navigate when choosing a floor covering:

If you take into account all the points, then it will not be difficult for you to choose linoleum. For a very long time you will be happy with your purchase, which you planned in advance and for a long time, but chose correctly.

If your choice is made and you decide to buy high-quality and safe linoleum for the floor in your apartment, then you need not rush, but thoroughly study all possible types of this coating in order to make the right choice. The material for the manufacture of the coating can be both natural components, and synthetic materials - the choice is huge. Let's consider in more detail all types.

natural material

For its production, the following components are used: wood flour, flax oil, limestone powder, various resins, cork flour and natural dyes. Dyes are applied to the base, which is a jute woven material.

Such a coating is used in those rooms where people with allergies and asthma, as well as children spend the most time, linoleum is considered antibacterial.

The advantages of the material include:

Despite the naturalness of all the materials that make up linoleum, it also has some disadvantages:

  • too high price (due to the naturalness of the components);
  • weak strength;
  • fear of moisture.

Polyvinyl chloride type (PVC)

This type of linoleum has gained popularity among synthetic materials having a different basis or without it at all.

If such material is chosen for an apartment, then it must be on a felt basis. Due to the thick layer under such a coating, it is not necessary to lay a substrate, and it also does not need to be glued to the floor.

Such linoleum has some subtleties that you need to know when buying. First of all, it has a specific smell and shrinks over time. There are rumors that this synthetic material emits harmful substances; and quality certificates for it confirm that the material is non-toxic and harmless.

Linoleum glyptal

This coating is very dense, obtained by fixing alkyd resin to the fabric. It has excellent sound and heat insulating properties. But there are also disadvantages, the main of which is the complex installation process. If the work is done quickly and carelessly, then chips and cracks may appear on the coating. To make this process less problematic, it is necessary that this material lie warm in the room in which it will be laid.

colloxin type

The main raw material for the manufacture of such a coating is cellulose. The coating goes on sale without a base, so it is not afraid of moisture. The material is not combustible, has a decorative sheen.

Among its shortcomings, it can be distinguished that the coating must be laid on a perfectly flat surface, additionally treated with a special material. In addition, the coating is very susceptible to temperature changes and may shrink.

Linoleum relin

This view is double layered. For the bottom layer, a bitumen-rubber mixture is used; and for the top, a mixture of rubber, paint and filler is made.

Of the advantages of such a coating, one can single out resistance to moisture and the elasticity of the material itself. Its negative side is the presence of volatile, toxic components, which makes it impossible to lay it in residential premises, offices, hospitals and kindergartens.

Wear classes

When choosing linoleum in an apartment, you need to consider the type of room and its purpose. If this is a dining room where the whole family gathers in the evenings, and friends come on weekends, then the wear resistance of the floor covering should be high. Even higher, it should be at the cover, which will lie in the corridor of the school.

If we take into account the speed of erasing and the size of the applied protective layer, then the entire range of linoleum can be divided into three classes:

  • commercial;
  • semi-commercial;
  • domestic.

Commercial linoleum has the highest degree of wear resistance. It can be either single layer or multilayer. The strength of the material is ensured by the compaction of the material or the addition of special stabilizing substances to it. This coating is used in schools, offices, kindergartens and hospitals.

semi-commercial is middle class linoleum both in terms of quality and price. Its strength is lower than that of a commercial one, but higher than that of a domestic one. On sale you can see a large range of colors, from which you can choose colors for the corridor, the kitchen, the living room. The material quality is good; material can withstand moderate loads.

Household grade linoleum has the most colors and designs, but it doesn't resist abrasion well. It is recommended to lay it on the floor in those rooms where there is little traffic, for example, in the bedroom. Such coverage is inexpensive, and looks good and effective. In an apartment, in places with high traffic, it is not recommended to lay it, as it will quickly wear off.

Abrasion groups

This parameter is often used by builders and indicates the speed of wear of the coating. There are several groups, in order to determine which group this or that linoleum belongs to, you need to do the following experiment.

A piece of material must be brought to a rotating abrasive, which must make 25 thousand rotations. After this experiment, the layer thickness is measured, and then the involvement of the material is determined to one group or the other.

Groups are denoted by English letters, and look like this:

  • T - such a coating does not have inclusions and decreases by 0.08 mm, which indicates a high wear of the material;
  • P - the coating layer decreases in thickness by 0.8-0.15 mm, which indicates an average wear;
  • M - the coating decreases in thickness by 0.15-0.3 mm, which indicates low wear;
  • F - the layer decreases in thickness by 0.3-0.6 mm, which indicates that the material is fragile.

The wear resistance of the material depends on the inclusions that may be included in its composition. These are additives of a mixture of quartz sand and chalk. If these are present in the material, then its wear resistance is reduced. Pure linoleum resists abrasion well, so it has a high wear resistance group.

Which linoleum is better to choose for an apartment

When choosing a floor covering, you need to pay attention to the markings that are indicated on the roll. It has two numbers and denotes coverage class. The first number indicates the type of room, and the second - the expected patency. For example, if you choose linoleum for the living room or bedroom, then look for the marking "21", and if the coating is needed for the kitchen or corridor, then the class should be "23-24".

Living room. Considering this room, I would like to say that it occupies an average place in terms of patency and load. Linoleum is suitable for it, the thickness of which is 1.5 mm. If you are satisfied with the budget option, then you need to choose from a household PVC coating, which has a rather pleasant cost, and, despite this, there is a large selection.

For those who can afford expensive floor materials, experts recommend an antibacterial PVC coating on a jute or felt basis. The material will be soft, warm and elastic, which makes it possible to walk on it barefoot at any time of the year without feeling discomfort. Linoleum with a pattern will look great: erasing will be subtle.

Bedroom. In this room, the load on the floor is the smallest, since friends and relatives do not gather here every weekend. Therefore, household polyester or PVC linoleum, on a foam basis, is suitable for such a room. Its thickness must be at least 1.2 mm. As in the case of linoleum for the living room, this type of coating also has many colors and shades that are suitable for any interior.

Kitchen. This is a high traffic area with high humidity. The presence of dirt and soot implies the use of detergents that should not be washed off along with the coating pattern. For the kitchen, you need to choose a durable material, from the category of semi-commercial, the thickness of which is at least 3 mm.

The coating can be with or without a pattern, it depends on the preferences of the owners. But to be honest, such a coating as linoleum in a kitchen with high traffic will not last long, it will have to be changed again and again. Experts recommend spending money once, so that it is enough for a lifetime - for this you just need to lay ceramic tiles on the floor instead of linoleum.

Children's room. The coating in this room should be natural, ecological and hypoallergenic. If it is natural, then its service life will be short, but this is not as important as the health of your own child.

Balcony. The coating here must be durable, as it will be affected by the sun's rays, heavy rains and other negative factors. Linoleum must be moisture-resistant and frost-resistant, in addition, its surface must be non-slip. The coating must be selected as for office premises that have a large load.

The corridor. For a corridor, hall or hallway, you need to choose a durable, wear-resistant coating. This is a high traffic area and pollution, so the coating must withstand regular cleaning. You should pay attention to PVC linoleum, a household or semi-commercial option. Its thickness must be at least 3 mm, only such material can cope with the loads in the corridor.

How to choose high-quality linoleum for an apartment? To choose the correct option linoleum for the floor in the apartment, you must, first of all, take your time, so as not to do stupid things, since this task will not be easy. You need to stock up on certain knowledge and have an idea about its classification and rating. And yet, you need to trust your intuition and adhere to the following rules:

  • if the coating does not have a pungent odor, then there are no harmful substances in it;
  • the pattern on the coating should be clear, without greasy sheen;
  • there must be quality certificates for the coating;
  • if the material has a protective layer, then its appearance can remain unchanged for a long time;
  • when buying a coating, you need to take more of it, taking into account the pattern, thresholds, ledges and niches;
  • in the process of measuring the coating, you need to check the outer layer so that there is no marriage on it.

Worth knowing

Only well-known manufacturers can provide the best flooring option. The thing is that each new batch of goods large firms manufacturers send for research. After its implementation, the company has a whole package of different certificates. For a small manufacturer who just wants to make money by selling goods of unknown quality, such documents are useless.

Linoleum for home- quite democratic, public material. It has been used as a practical floor covering for over a hundred years. What explains its continued popularity? It has a relatively low price, is easy to install, and is presented in a variety of options. In addition, it is comfortable to use: soft and springy underfoot. At the same time, the coating has the necessary strength - it does not tear, does not crack, does not swell from water, like a laminate. The modern consumer has a wide choice of numerous types offered by the market. A competent choice of good linoleum will be the key to its successful and long service. So how to choose and lay linoleum at home correctly, what should you pay attention to so that linoleum serves faithfully for the prescribed period? Let's figure it out together.

  • Thickness from 0.15 to 3 millimeters.
  • Weight 1.25 - 2.25 kg per square meter.
  • It should have such elasticity and flexibility that it does not break or crack when wound on a standard rod d 45 mm.
  • The water absorption index is not more than 1.5%.
  • Indicators and - from 13-18 dB.
  • Shrinkage during use - should not exceed 0.2 mm per meter.

Semi-commercial linoleum

This is linoleum from class 31 to 34, which is usually used in typical office and office spaces.

It has the following characteristics: Refers to classes 41-43. It is used as a floor covering in rooms where the floor has a particularly high load, and where there is an active movement of people and even equipment. It is equipped with a special hardening layer, has minimal shrinkage, and has a service life of up to 25 years. The combination of the high price of such a material, with such technical characteristics that are not required for ordinary residential apartments, makes its use at home impractical.

Separate linoleums of this group are produced with a special purpose, these are:

  • Coatings for sports. They are characterized by special elasticity and softness, which provide excellent grip of the floor surface with shoes.
  • Coatings are antistatic.
  • Coatings that are resistant to chemicals and have high bactericidal properties. Designed for various medical institutions.
  • Coatings are anti-slip. Used in swimming pools and other areas characterized by a high level of humidity.

How to choose linoleum?

We examined in detail the different types and types of linoleum. Based on their description, we have identified those important conditions, guided by which, it will be easier for you to choose the most suitable material for.

The characteristic features of high-quality linoleum are the absence of a pungent odor, oily sheen, but the presence of a relief. Drawing in the original high-quality coating looks natural and clear. One and a half meter pattern step is considered the most preferable. Flooring manufacturers always affix a special company logo on their products. Also, high-class linoleum should have from five layers.

Comfortable for the feet, easy to install, durable, at the same time affordable and accessible - these are the properties of linoleum, which has been used as a floor covering for more than a century. There are many types of material on the market, a wide variety of exterior design options. Let's figure out which linoleum to choose for the house? When purchasing flooring, you should take into account the features of the room and the technical characteristics of the material.

A consumer who wants to purchase linoleum for the home is often confused when he sees a wide range. To buy the right material, you need to consider the following:

  • for which room in the house coverage is required (kitchen, hallway, nursery, living room, bathroom);
  • the maximum load recommended for a certain type of material, the parameters of the room (how many people live in the apartment, what is the room's patency);
  • the desired qualities of the future floor (the level of heat and sound insulation, the degree of moisture resistance);
  • the ability of the flooring to harmonize with the interior of the home.


The material has the following advantages:

  • environmentally friendly, made from natural substances (linseed oil, flax and jute fiber, limestone, wood flour, natural resin);
  • has high strength, wear resistance, bactericidal property;
  • ease of care, the flooring is easy to clean up with ordinary detergents;
  • not electrified, resistant to the effects of the sun, fire.
Natural type brand Armstrong

The disadvantages of environmentally friendly linoleum for the home include:

  • high price;
  • exposure to moisture;
  • reduced elasticity, making it difficult to lay in a cold room;
  • specific smell of freshly laid material, disappearing after a few months.


PVC linoleum for the home is equipped with a fabric or non-woven heat-insulating base, has one or more layers. Coverage benefits include:

  • reduced thermal conductivity;
  • dielectric property;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • decay resistance;
  • a variety of options for exterior decoration in the house;
  • ease of installation.

PVC look

The material has the following disadvantages:

  • afraid of high temperature;
  • resistant to chemical solvents, fats, alkalis;
  • loses elasticity in the cold, which leads to the appearance of cracks.


Another name for the coating is glyptal. The material has a fabric bottom layer, on top of which resins are applied using a special technology. Flooring has the following advantages:

  • well absorbs sound;
  • perfectly retains heat;
  • has high wear resistance;
  • ease of maintenance.

Alkyd type

The disadvantages of alkyd material include:

  • decrease in elasticity under the influence of cold;
  • the need for professional styling;
  • low fire resistance of linoleum, which limits its use in a wooden house.

Rubber linoleum (relin)

The coating has a two-layer structure. The lining is made of rubber with the addition of bitumen. The top layer is obtained by combining rubber, filler, coloring pigment. Undoubted advantages of flooring:

  • excellent elasticity, high resistance to moisture;
  • anti-slip property;
  • long service life.

rubber type

The disadvantages of the rubber sheet are:

  • high toxicity;
  • inability to use in a residential area.

Nitrocellulose (coloxylin)

The material belongs to the category of baseless. The base component used in the production of the coating is nitrocellulose. Colloxylin linoleum has the following advantages:

  • resistance to water;
  • excellent elasticity;
  • low flammability;
  • shiny appearance.

Nitrocellulose type

When choosing linoleum for a bathroom in a wooden house, it is important to consider the cons of the coating:

  • the possibility of shrinkage after the arrangement of the floor;
  • instability to sudden changes in temperature.

The best linoleum for the home

The abundance of information on the types of floor finishes makes it difficult to select the material. Which is better - laminate or linoleum in the house? Both materials have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is difficult to say unequivocally which coverage is better. It all depends on the type of laminate or linoleum, the type of room, the operating conditions of the floor, the features of the exterior finish, the personal preferences of the consumer and other factors.

The choice of linoleum, suitable for arranging a warm floor in a particular room, is also not an easy task. The canvas can be a combination of several different layers. What is the best linoleum for the home? Western manufacturers have developed a special standardization based on the purpose of the flooring, the strength characteristics of the flooring.


The home covering is intended for arrangement of a heat-insulated floor in premises. The flooring differs in reasonable cost, short service life. The name suggests that this material is suitable for apartments and houses. The use of cheap residential coverage is justified when renovating a rental property or if the property is planned to be sold or the owners like frequent changes in exterior decoration.

We dismantled everything about: characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Inexpensive household type


This coating combines the characteristics of household and commercial materials. Semi-commercial linoleum is recommended for use in a frame residential building with a large load on the floor, for example, if a large family lives in an apartment. Another option is the use in the office, where there is no high traffic.

The coating is more durable than household material, it is cheaper than commercial flooring, while it will cost more than home linoleum.

Semi-commercial type in a residential building


The material is laid in a room where the load on the floor is especially high. The flooring is designed for the active movement of equipment, people. A special hardening layer increases the service life of the flooring, which is up to 25 years. The cloth gives the minimum shrinkage after installation.
The cost of a commercial canvas is high. In addition, increased strength is not always required for an ordinary residential building. The use of commercial coverage in an apartment does not make sense.

Commercial type structure

Cover thickness

Linoleum in most cases is equipped with a protective film made of pure PVC. The thickness of the top layer is different, depending on the purpose of the coating, the degree of load on the floor. The gradation offered by the manufacturers looks like this:

  • film thickness 0.15mm suitable for living room, bedroom floor;
  • a layer of 0.2 mm is optimal for a child's room;
  • 0.25 mm film is designed for kitchen, hallway, corridor;
  • a layer of 0.3 mm is recommended for an office with a small load;
  • film thickness from 0.5 mm is designed for high and very high permeability.

Linoleum marking

When purchasing a coating for your home, you should pay attention to the technical characteristics of the canvas. The manufacturer leaves the logo and the necessary information on the back of the material:

Graphic marking
  • Linoleum class. The first digit indicates the type of premises (2 - residential, 3 - public, 4 - industrial), the second indicates the permissible load (1 - moderate, light, 2 - medium, 3 - intensive);
  • Party number. If you need to purchase a large amount of material, it is desirable that it be from the same lot. This will avoid discrepancies in the external design;
  • Manufacturing date. The canvas can be stored for no more than 12 months after production, then it begins to lose its characteristics.
  • Additional icons. The applied drawings indicate additional properties of the coating.

Advantages of linoleum in the house

The coating has gained wide popularity due to:

  • Ease of transportation. The elastic fabric is easily rolled into rolls, which simplifies the delivery process;
  • Ease of installation. Independent in the house is carried out simply, does not require highly specialized skills, the presence of a perfectly even base;
  • Unpretentiousness in care. The coating is not afraid of water. The flooring is easy to clean with ordinary detergents;

Coating in the interior
  • Strength, wear resistance;
  • Non-slip top. This property makes the material convenient for home use;
  • A wide variety of exterior design options. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of colors, patterns, making it easier to choose linoleum for the home.


When purchasing this or that coating, it is important to consider the disadvantages of linoleum in a frame house:

  • The presence of seams formed after laying. In a small room, laying a solid canvas is possible. In a spacious room, you can not do without joints. Over time, the seams begin to diverge, peel off the floor, wrap. This situation requires minor repairs. When choosing material for the home, it is better to give preference to a wider canvas. This will minimize the number of joints;
  • The occurrence of air voids as a result of non-compliance with the laying rules;

Air voids when laying
  • Loss of elasticity. Improper care, prolonged use lead to a deterioration in extensibility. The coating becomes hard, hard, which leads to cracks, deformation;
  • Susceptibility to mechanical damage. The flooring is afraid of physical impact. The flooring can be inadvertently burned, damaged by a fallen knife, scratched with a metal heel. When choosing a suitable coating, you need to give preference to durable options that are not afraid of high humidity, sudden changes in temperature.

Having prepared warm floors in a wooden house under linoleum, you need to competently approach the choice of a suitable finish. Taking into account the technical characteristics of the material, the features of the room allows you to choose the best option, equip a beautiful and comfortable floor. Proper care of the flooring, careful operation increases the life of the coating.