How to change the kitchen set with your own hands. New life of an old kitchen: recommendations of a furniture master. Facade decoration with rattan inserts

Remodeling a kitchen is almost the same process as remodeling, only easier and less expensive. It is not always financially possible to acquire new furniture, household appliances, change the decoration of the walls and ceiling. And sometimes you just don’t want to part with the old, but such beloved and good things. Then come to the rescue experienced designers that will help to radically update the interior with minimal cost. How to remake kitchen set with your own hands, how to transform the kitchen in the shortest possible time?

New life for an old headset

Furniture in the kitchen is subjected to serious tests: grease stains, soot deposits, temperature changes make the suites quickly lose their original attractiveness. In addition, headsets are used more often than other furniture, because a woman spends a third of her life at the stove for cooking. The kitchen is also loved for the fact that it is here that the family gathers at the same table, guests, friends and relatives come. Every housewife wants to feel at her best, so a sloppy interior, peeling paint, chips and cracks bring only grief. You can correct the situation with the help of external renovation of the interior. For the kitchen, do-it-yourself furniture alteration can be carried out in the following ways.

Facade painting

If the old kitchen is technically quite suitable for further use, then as an alteration, you can simply refresh the facades by painting. Experts recommend choosing a car enamel that is resistant to mechanical damage, not afraid of moisture, sun rays and temperature difference. You can also take acrylic or alkyd paint but its duration is much shorter. Before starting the alteration, it is necessary to remove the facades, number them (for further convenience during assembly) and unscrew the fittings. Handles, hinges, it is recommended to hold in a solution of water and soda, and then wipe with a solvent.

From an old kitchen set made of wood or veneer, the previous coating should be removed: varnish or paint. To do this, you need to grind the surface sandpaper: at first coarse, then fine-grained. If there are cracks, they need to be puttied and the surface leveled. After that, the facades should be degreased with special solution and let them dry.

Now you can start painting furniture with your own hands. Experts say that spray paint lays down more evenly, but this opinion is controversial. Plain paint brush will also do the job if the paint is applied in one direction. It is advisable to make 2 layers - then the color will be uniform, without pale spots. You can also use stencils to decorate facades with original patterns or designs. After complete drying, the fittings are screwed to the doors, and the parts are put in their original place. Such a renovation of the kitchen will refresh the interior, make it more stylish and modern, in addition, the price of a liter can of paint usually does not exceed 500 rubles, and car enamels - 1000 rubles.

Self-adhesive film

Vinyl film is a simple and budget option for remodeling a kitchen, old surface which can be both wooden and plastic: self-adhesive is suitable in both cases. Before you start reworking furniture, you need to measure the dimensions of the facades in advance and purchase a film with a margin so that you can fix it possible mistakes.

Facades must be removed from the headset, numbered, laid out on the floor or on the table. Having measured the desired piece from the film, it should be applied to the edge of the surface and, carefully removing the part protective coating, stick to the facade. Further, the film is gradually scrolled and attracted, simultaneously leveling with a spatula or a dry rag. If bubbles form during the pasting process, they can be pierced with a needle. In case of unevenness, the film can be peeled off and leveled, but this should be done no more than once, otherwise it will quickly peel off from the kitchen set. After a few hours, the facades can be put in place.

If the appearance of the kitchen after the alteration fully complies with the stated requirements, it is recommended to install new fittings for the convenience of further use. Old broken handles must be unscrewed with a screwdriver or screwdriver and go to a construction hypermarket or market. There, the part should be shown to the sales consultant - and he will quickly select a suitable analogue.

The same goes for hinges, fasteners and other mechanisms. If the holes for the screws and the grooves have become too wide, chips have formed on the surface and the fittings do not hold, it is recommended to restore the furniture with your own hands. All holes can be easily repaired with putty. When it hardens, any screw or nail will easily fall into place and will hold firmly there.


After rework kitchen furniture you can pay attention to household appliances. It is very good if it is built-in and hides behind the facades of the headset. Although the stove that is used most often is usually in plain sight, especially if it is gas. Before alteration, it should be thoroughly washed, removing all possible contaminants. Chips and scuffs can be repaired with heat-resistant paint. Highly original solution will harmoniously combine it with a headset.

As for the refrigerator, it can be pasted over with a vinyl film. Of course, new design alterations will not last long due to the instability of the material to mechanical damage, but at least every month you can change the appearance refrigeration unit. Auto enamel is more resistant, especially in a can. When staining, it is recommended to choose apricot, peach, white, light gray shades.

By the way, the vinyl film can be ordered according to the photo you like, then the refrigerator will acquire an original and unique design.

Finishing work

Do-it-yourself kitchen remodeling is a simple and even exciting process, especially if all family members are involved in the work. It is better to entrust the replacement of electrical wiring, global redevelopment and transfer of communications to professionals, and you can refresh the interior on your own with the help of wall decoration. To do this, it is necessary to remove the old coating, putty, level the walls and cover with new paint.

If it is not possible to make the surface perfectly flat, ordinary wallpaper help hide minor imperfections. It is recommended to paste over a free bare wall with photo wallpapers with a 3D effect. Any room, thanks to a drawing with a perspective, will only increase in volume. It is noteworthy that coloring, along with leveling, costs about 3,000 rubles, so this rework option is very economical. Shattered or cracked old tiles? There is no need to remove all the old coating when it is enough to replace only the section that has failed.

  • Doors to the kitchen can be refreshed with staining. To do this, you need to clean the canvas and apply new paint, which will be combined in color with the interior. Another interesting option- wallpapering. They will adhere perfectly to the PVA glue. You can also upholstery with faux leather. glass sliding doors help save space. The roller sliding mechanism will allow the canvas to hide along the wall.
  • old wooden frames it is not necessary to change to metal-plastic glazing. To insulate the kitchen, it is recommended to install a conventional sealant. Thanks to such sealing, the room will become more comfortable, drafts will disappear.
  • Chairs usually need reworking too. Due to frequent use, the base loosens, making the item unstable and flimsy. Replacing the fittings will help restore the original condition. First you need to tighten the bolts, if desired, replace. The old foam lining is recommended to be updated, the same goes for the upholstery. With a hammer, nails or construction stapler the fabric is stretched and fixed with bottom side seats. You can also make your own removable chair covers. The wooden stool needs to be sanded and painted.
  • An old chest of drawers can also be used as an additional work surface or storage space. A new countertop will help to give it a stylish look. The surface can also be updated with staining or decoupage technique. A new tablecloth will help hide defects.

Show your imagination and do not be afraid to combine - for example, you can paint only the frames of the facade, and paste over the inserts with a film, or add decor to the painted cabinet doors

Woodgrain inserts and painted front frames

Renovation and restoration old kitchen not such a hard work: all you need is time, desire and a creative creative approach. You can take on arms interesting ideas home improvement from the Internet or magazines. But, no matter what the result is, the kitchen will become fresher, more fashionable, and most importantly, more exclusive.

Video: how to paint the facades of a kitchen set yourself.

Video: how to paste over facades with self-adhesive film.

Buying a kitchen set is not always advisable due to financial costs. For any person who owns minimal skills repair work, the problem of how to update the facades of the old kitchen with your own hands will not arise. This will allow not only to save on the work of the masters, but also to create your own personal design, which will decorate your house or apartment. To do this, you should know several methods for transforming an old kitchen and choose the most practical among them.

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Restoration of the kitchen set begins with the choice of the color of the facade. If necessary, you can replace it completely by ordering new doors and a countertop in any furniture showroom or small workshop. Companies that sell parts of the kitchen provide a service for their installation. When choosing a method, it is necessary to take into account the main aspect - what should be the surface according to the type of material and its structure. The surface of the facade is of various types:

  • wood (pine or solid wood) valuable breeds trees) - fit the Empire, Baroque and Classicism styles;
  • MDF (with frame or film coating);
  • glass;
  • plastic.

If the kitchen set itself is durable, but outside- significant deformations or chips, you can change the doors and countertop, leaving the "skeleton" of the kitchen unchanged. When ordering new facades, it is possible to change styling throughout the kitchen: classic rectangular doors - on smooth shapes protruding along the edges, which will give the room exclusivity and chic. To correctly place an order, you should measure the facades, sides and drawers. This is done with a ruler and a centimeter, laying the elements in a horizontal position.

But the disadvantage of this method is its cost. It is necessary not only to pay for the production of new facades, but also to buy the appropriate consumables. You will also have to drill holes for the hinges yourself. A 35 mm drill bit is used to screw in the screws.

Use of decorative inserts

If it was decided to paint the doors or even completely replace them, decorative patch inserts made of wallpaper, self-adhesive film, ceramic tiles and rattan will help to give individuality to the decor. As with gluing and painting, the canvas is laid horizontally and any surface contaminants are removed.

It should be noted that ceramics are fixed to the facade with tile adhesive, and not with paper-based materials.

A feature of the rattan installation is that it must first be wetted, then cut and fixed on the facade of the door with framing wooden or plastic planks. Planks that will fix the rattan should be prepared in advance. Attention is paid to the edges, they need to be cut at an angle of 45 °. For work, you will need furniture nails without hats, a hammer and acrylic varnish. Rattan looks beautiful if it is placed not across the entire width, but only in the center of the door facade.

Self-adhesive film as a budget kitchen makeover

Pasting kitchen furniture with a film - simple and economical option. For this you will need:

  • the film itself;
  • centimeter and ruler;
  • pointed scissors and a construction knife;
  • plastic scraper for smoothing the film.

The doors should be freed from fittings. They take measurements and make marks on the centimeter grid on the back of the self-adhesive film. Carefully cut out required size with a gap of 2 cm. It is necessary to start gluing from the center, gradually applying 5-10 mm to the edges of the facade surface. If it was not possible to level the formation of irregularities, the folds are cut, and the air bulges are pierced with a needle.

How to update the wooden parts of the kitchen

For decoration various surfaces varnishes can be used. This is a simple method for upgrading small parts. From expensive look wood kitchen facades are expensive, but they will also wear out. You can touch up, but this will significantly change the appearance, especially if it is oak, and not cheap pine material.

To do this, remove the selected parts by unscrewing the screws with a screwdriver, but they must be marked. Update doors or individual elements kitchen set will succeed with the help of inserts, if they do not violate the general design composition. You need to use the decor thoughtfully so that it is not clumsy.

Moldings, fittings and other decorations for the kitchen facade

Moldings and paint can significantly change the style of a kitchen set. To do this, use all the tools, as when painting the facade. Moldings are cut with a miter saw to the required length. At the same time, the edges of the planks can either touch or be of different abstract lengths on each door. To fix it, you need wood glue. Then the surface is primed and painted. For both cases, a spray gun is used.

Decoupage has become a popular method of upgrading the kitchen. A drawing, ornament or picture is placed on the facade, fixing it with varnish.

Thanks to the decoupage technique, you can decorate walls, tiles near the sink, and other surfaces in the kitchen to make the decor whole and complete.

What do you do with old furniture?

Sometimes old interior get bored and want to update the situation with new ones interesting elements. The question is how to update the kitchen set, in this case becomes very relevant. Especially if the old kitchen furniture functions quite well, and there is no desire to change the set to similar analogues. There is no point in contacting restoration specialists when you can remake kitchen furniture with your own hands at minimal cost. Designers will reveal the secrets of a unique headset upgrade.


Repair of kitchen sets, first of all, should be started with an inspection of hinges, guides, handles - all fittings that are responsible for ease of use and functionality. It often happens that at the junctions of the mechanisms with the facade, the holes have become wider than necessary, or part of the canvas is completely missing. Then the headset door becomes loose and lopsided. Dismantling and moving the fittings to a new location will help correct the situation. For work you will need:

  • putty;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • putty knife;
  • sandpaper;
  • new fittings;
  • varnish or paint to match the color of the headset.

Updating the kitchen set begins with the dismantling of old mechanisms. It is better to remove the doors altogether for ease of repair. Old holes are no longer suitable for fixing fittings, so they must be sealed with putty in 2-3 layers. It is better to choose a substance on acrylic base, matching the color of the facade for good camouflage. After the material settles a little, it must be sanded with sandpaper so that there are no bumps and bulges and opened with varnish or paint.

Next, you need to drill new holes and install the appropriate fittings. It is not difficult to pick it up yourself: just show the old part to the sales assistant in hardware store- and he will immediately offer a suitable analogue. AT drawers when the guides fail, it is recommended to update the roller mechanism with a new ball mechanism, because it is more reliable. If you need to update the handle, it is advisable to choose it according to style and material. For example, plastic product looks inappropriate on a wooden kitchen facade, so it is better to stay on a metal handle with wooden or glass inserts.

Perhaps someone will like the mortise handles, ideal for a modern kitchen

Vinyl film

Pasting kitchen facades with self-adhesive film is the most budget option on how to update an old kitchen set with your own hands. Manufacturers offer a wide range of self-adhesives of different colors and textures: matte or glossy, textured and even, with or without drawings. The service life of such a coating is on average 3-4 years. The material is characterized by good moisture resistance, resistance to temperature extremes. It is noteworthy that you can update the facade of the kitchen with this method even on plastic coatings. In order to transform old furniture, you will need:

  • scissors;
  • plastic spatula or scraper;
  • vinyl film;
  • soft centimeter and ruler.

Before you restore a kitchen set, you should measure all doors and cabinets in order to understand how much vinyl film you need to purchase in order to update the kitchen set. It is advisable to purchase a little more self-adhesive tape so that you can correct possible errors. Next, you should disassemble the facade, number each part to facilitate the final assembly of the headset. Using a ruler, you need to measure the desired pieces on paper and cut them out with scissors. For ease of use, there are usually markings in the form of 1x1 cm squares on the reverse side. When cutting out parts, it is recommended to leave a margin of 2 cm on the sides and be sure to take into account bends.

Before you update the facades of the old kitchen, you should thoroughly wash the surfaces of the headset from grease and soot, otherwise the film simply will not stick. After washing, the parts should be degreased and allowed to dry completely. The next stage of work is directly pasting with a film. It is necessary to remove a part of the protective layer from the wrong side of 5-10 cm and press it to the surface. The film must be immediately straightened and smoothed with a spatula or scraper so that there are no bumps and bends. The formed bubbles can be pierced with a needle. It is necessary to glue in the direction from top to bottom, gradually removing protective layer and at the same time smoothing the self-adhesive. If something went wrong, the film can be removed and re-glued, but not more than twice, since the adhesive will quickly lose its properties. The film is strongly attracted to the surface after 5-6 hours, so there is a chance to correct errors and update the headset at the proper level.

After work, kitchen facades can be installed back and fastened with fittings. A bright stylish set will certainly refresh the interior, bring a touch of originality and style. You can take a pattern with imitation of wood or marble, or you can choose just a plain coating. Designers recommend combining 2 colors when pasting a headset: for example, white hanging drawers and a brown lower tier. Photos of the updated kitchen furniture with their own hands are presented on the site.


For interior in ethnic style country, Provence kitchen restoration can be based on the decoupage method, which is widely used contemporary designers. Hand-made things are in great demand, as they reflect the inner world of the hostess, her talent and skills. As a material, you can use fabric or oilcloth with a pattern or ornament you like, for example, “Gzhel” or “Petrikovskaya painting”. For work you will also need:

  • spatula and paint brush with a long narrow brush;
  • sandpaper;
  • putty;
  • PVA glue;
  • solvent.

Before updating the facade of a kitchen set, the surface should be sanded first with coarse-grained and then fine-grained sandpaper. Significantly facilitate manual labor will help Sander. If there are cracks in the headset, they should be repaired with putty. After applying a thin layer, it is necessary to wait until it dries completely and grind again so that the surface becomes smooth and even, without depressions and bumps. The solvent will help degrease the facade so that future material well attached to the panel. By the way, the decoupage technique can be used not only for wooden, but also for plastic and glass kitchen sets. It is necessary to process only those parts of the surface where the new material will be attached.

After drying, glue the fabric on ordinary PVA glue, and then open the surface acrylic varnish. For this, a narrow and flexible brush with long bristles is suitable so that there are no gaps and pale spots on the facades. The varnish is applied to the headset in 3-4 thin layers. Each layer dries in about 1-2 hours, and the headset will be ready in a day.

The rattan fabric on the facades looks very interesting. To work, you need to measure and cut off the desired piece and soak the material in cold water. After half an hour, it will swell and increase slightly in size, so it will be easier to update the product. Wet rattan must be applied to the surface, smoothed, stretched and fixed at the edges furniture stapler. This fastening is more reliable, however, if desired, you can use superglue or PVA. After that, you should attach the planks around the perimeter, join them to each other at an angle of 45 degrees and nail them with nails without caps. Such moldings will close the visible fasteners and give the headset a coherent and harmonious appearance. After drying, the rattan will look like a stretched string.

Is there some more interesting way how to update the kitchen set with your own hands. If there are no doors in the hanging cabinets or they are transparent, you can upholster the inside of the kitchen furniture with fabric. The material should be selected from general concept interior to harmonize with other elements. First you need to measure the cabinet and cut the fabric into the desired pieces, leaving a small gap. Next, the fabric is strongly stretched at the corners of the niche and fixed with self-tapping screws or a furniture stapler. Such restoration of kitchen furniture will make the room more comfortable and homely. In addition, dishes and decor items on decorated shelves look very elegant than on a plain background, especially in a Provence or country interior.

Painting and moldings

Peeling paint, cracks, chips - all these are the consequences of long-term operation of the kitchen set. You can eliminate them and update the furniture yourself with the help of ordinary staining. Designers recommend choosing auto enamel, which, in terms of properties and characteristics, significantly outperforms acrylic paint. The substance makes the surface more durable, moisture resistant, wear-resistant and resistant to mechanical damage. Advantage acrylic paint lies in the low price (100–400 rubles per 1 liter), while car enamel costs 2–3 times more. However, the acrylic surface will become unusable much faster, so before restoring the old kitchen set with your own hands, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

For work you will need:

  • grinder or sandpaper;
  • putty;
  • primer;
  • solvent;
  • wooden planks;
  • paint or enamel matching the color of the original form products;
  • brush or roller.

Before starting work, it is necessary to dismantle the facades and number each part of the headset for the convenience of subsequent assembly. It is desirable to comfortably equip workplace, covering it with newspapers or oilcloth so that the paint does not get on the floor or other furniture. If the facades have decorative elements, it is worth sealing them with masking tape, as well as other accessories, including hinges. Then the surface should be sanded with a machine or sandpaper to remove old varnish or paint. If the headset is covered with PVC film, it is recommended to use a building hair dryer. It will melt the coating and make it easier to remove. In the process of work, it is necessary to wear a respirator, since the smell from the film will be very caustic and toxic. Next, putty and primed the surface in two layers, leave to dry.

During this time, you can prepare the moldings. They can be smooth, textured, with imitation of stucco - it all depends on the desire and ability of the owner. Wooden panels it is necessary to grind and dock to each other at an angle of 45 degrees to get an even rectangle or square. After that, they should be applied to the dried surface and glued to the construction adhesive or fixed with nails without hats. The facade is degreased with a solvent, and the staining process begins.

Paint or car enamel is recommended to be applied with a brush in one direction, or you can use a soft roller if the surface is large enough. To update the headset, you can use an aerosol, but in the process, be sure to wear a respirator and goggles. After the layer has completely dried, repeat the procedure 1-2 more times. After a day, the parts can be installed in place.

Varnishing, glisal or stain treatment

Sometimes ordinary staining seems very banal - then glisal comes to the rescue. This is a thick translucent paint with a glossy finish. It must be diluted with water in the proportion indicated in the instructions. The technology of work is the same as conventional painting, however, until the layer is dry, the surface of the headset can be given an unusual texture. With the help of polyethylene or a damp sponge, you should chaotically sweep along the facade, leaving behind whimsical patterns and lines. If you don’t like some drawings, you can remove them with a roller. This way, how to update the facades of the kitchen with your own hands, will appeal to lovers of decoupage and ethnic style.

For a wooden headset, ordinary varnishing is suitable. Such restoration will help to preserve the original appearance of the product without violating its structure and design. Opening with varnish is desirable to do on the street or in non-residential premises, since the substance has a sharp and pungent odor. The same applies to stains. This is the coating with which the headset takes on a retro look. Furniture aging is also suitable for Provence or country interiors. Both stain and varnish are applied to a previously cleaned and sanded surface. After work, you need to leave the headset to dry for a day.

Table top restoration

The question of how to update the countertop of a kitchen set is most common, since the surface is systematically subjected to mechanical damage and quickly becomes unusable. To the most budget options staining and opening with varnish can be attributed, however, decoupage and finishing the headset will become a more practical way ceramic tiles. Well, if the material is combined with the finish of the apron - then the interior will look stylish and harmonious. The tile is glued to the base with a special adhesive that firmly fixes the parts and dries quickly.

As for the restoration kitchen table, varnishing and staining are also suitable here. If the product is made of fiberboard, you can apply film pasting and decoupage technique.

Chair renovation

Knowing how to update the kitchen with your own hands, you should not forget about the chairs, which also wear out quickly and become less attractive. If these are ordinary wooden stools, you can simply paint and varnish them like the rest of the set, after sanding and treating them with a degreaser. If there is fabric upholstery, it is recommended to replace it. For seat upholstery you will need:

  • the cloth;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • foam rubber or batting;
  • Super glue;
  • construction gun.

Dismantle before starting work old upholstery, worn out foam rubber. If the legs are loose, the fittings must be tightened to give stability or replaced with a new one. Next, you need to attach the cardboard to the seat and circle around the contour, leaving a gap of 3 cm. Using the pattern, the desired piece of batting or foam rubber is cut out, which is glued to the seat with superglue. Next, the template is applied to the fabric and outlined along the contour, but with a gap of 12 cm, which are necessary to wrap around the fabric of the chair. When cutting fabric, it is recommended to pay attention to the pattern so that it is not skewed or displaced. Next, the material should be applied to the seat, stretched, smoothed and fixed with a construction gun or staples from the bottom of the chair, under the base. It is desirable that there are no large folds. The new chair is ready.

Another practical option is the sewing of chair covers. Firstly, the frame is not visible, so there is no need to repaint the base, back and legs. Secondly, if necessary, the cover can be removed and washed, so the furniture will always have a neat and clean look. When choosing a material, pay attention to the quality and color so that the fabric is easily washed off stains and does not absorb odors so much.

There are many ways to update old furniture yourself at home. It’s good if household members join the process - this way the work will go easier and more fun. The main thing is a creative non-standard approach, creativity and a little imagination. Then the updated set will become the real pride of the owners and the decoration of any interior.

Video: how to independently paste over the headset with vinyl film.

Change appearance kitchens can be done in many ways: repaint the walls or decorate them with photo wallpapers, install blinds instead of the usual curtains, use a different lighting scheme, and so on. But of all the possibilities, it is the upgrade that is the most desirable option and, as many believe, the most difficult and costly.

In fact this is not true.

Basic Kitchen Update Methods

In fact, the work that can be resorted to House master, are determined by 2 main factors: the material of the headset and the intended style of furniture. Moreover, the first question is of fundamental importance, only in what form: wood or all other materials. The second decides which design techniques are acceptable and which are not.

The most available conversion methods include:

  • coloring - an operation that is not available only for acrylic sheeting;
  • molding fastening - not suitable only for the same option, and also impossible with;
  • pasting with a film - has no restrictions;
  • aging is an option for;
  • decoupage - not suitable only for acrylic coating;
  • Well, the most radical way - is possible in any case.

classic kitchen

It is worth referring here both the classical interior itself and the palace interior, since in such a functional room the difference will be small. How to update the facades of the kitchen in a classic manner?

The easiest way to remodel, of course, is smooth facades. Not as many problems as it seems to cause curved fronts, since cabinetmakers have been using curved fronts for a long time. But with finishing, difficulties may arise when it comes to sheet plastic– HPL and acrylic. In fact, nothing but pasting under a tree can be done here.

In all other cases, do so.

Select the appropriate furniture molding - this product has many types and sizes. For classic interior a simpler elegant molding is preferable; for palace styles, you can choose the option with complex configuration, with gilding. Even overhead carvings can go into business.

  1. The updated facade is removed from the hinges, the fittings are removed. Whole old layer trim also needs to be removed. Enamel and varnish are removed with a solvent, PVC film is strongly heated, and so on. If necessary, clean the surface of the sash with sandpaper.
  2. The molding is cut to size, the corners are cut at 45 degrees. Then the fragments are fixed to the surface regular glue for a tree.
    After drying, the updated sash is primed. You can use a brush or spray gun.
  3. After drying - about 1 hour, paint the product. If, in addition to the molding, carved elements are also attached, it is better to paint them with a brush, it is recommended to repeat the painting.
  4. Then fittings are fixed to the facade- old or new, and install the sash in its place.

Despite the fact that wood is considered the traditional material for wood, monochrome facades with moldings are quite suitable for a classic interior. And for the palace style, light shades - salmon, pastel pink, champagne, are even more suitable than imitation wood.

rustic cuisine

Updating facades, Provence or English will require the use of other methods. The main differences of the rustic style are the apparent simplicity, but in combination with the smoother outlines characteristic of antiques. The strict geometry of even facades is not suitable here.

Another feature is the effect of antiquity. It is created mainly through the use of special paints. In addition, when reworking, you can combine several colors to create the effect of several times repainted old furniture.

How to update a kitchen set with your own hands for the interior in rustic style? The following methods will work.

For wooden kitchen facades and sashes made of wood material, staining is ideal, but specific. To do this, the facade is removed, the fittings are dismantled, cleaned of old finish and be sure to degrease - the product is used depending on what paint they are going to cover the product with.

Requires multiple colors of paint. You can get by with 2, but still, they use 3 more often, and even bright ones.

  1. For example, first paint the surface with a white base paint, then, without waiting for complete drying, with a layer of blue.
  2. With a dry sponge, wipe off part of the paint so that white shines through the blue layer.
  3. At the next stage, a third layer is applied - for example, green, and also partially wiped off, without waiting for the paint to set.
  4. The appearance of the kitchen with your own hands acquires the effect of antiquity, as if the set was painted several times and served in the home for decades.

Updates can be achieved in another way, but, however, this method is only suitable for natural wood. In this case, the facade, cleared of varnish or paint, is treated with a stiff metal brush to get scratches and grooves. Then blowtorch cauterize the surface so that the edges of the grooves are charred. Soot is not removed, but, on the contrary, rubbed with a soft brush into the wood, and varnished with it.

This headset looks really old and authentic.

retro kitchen

Update to look old fashion trend and implemented in the most different styles. Moreover, such an alteration in fact takes less effort and money than an attempt to give the kitchen a novelty.

For the retro style, the ideal method, and suitable for absolutely any furniture, is decoupage - the technique of fixing patterns on the surface of the sash. You can use any options as a drawing: images on special napkins for decoupage, drawings from a magazine or album, book illustrations, photographs are especially spectacular. black and white photographs and newspaper clippings. Pieces of fabric, lace, leather, leatherette, dried flowers and herbs, spikelets, grains, flat beads and rhinestones, and so on are used.

Decoupage is very easy to do.

  1. First, the surface is prepared: the material without the old finish is sanded, the varnished, polished plastic surfaces are degreased.
  2. Cut out a picture - from a napkin, from a newspaper, from a photo, generously smeared with glue - the material should be soaked.
  3. The drawing is carefully applied: to the entire surface of the facade (in this case, the fittings are first dismantled) and to the inside of the paneled sash, only to a certain area. Smooth the image with a brush to remove all air bubbles.
  4. After the glue dries, the sash is opened with varnish. The procedure is repeated three more times after the previous layer of varnish dries.

Kitchen in modern style

How to update kitchen sets with your own hands, the photo cannot be conveyed, but they allow you to see the result. Sometimes these updates look so amazing that they seem to be the result of the efforts of professionals. In fact, the secret lies in modern materials.

Vinyl decorative sticker- the simplest, most affordable, and perhaps the most spectacular method turn any kitchen into something completely new. Often used for this purpose (on its rear surface adhesive has already been applied). The design is very different: one-color, with images, patterned, imitation of natural textures and even 3D images - there are a lot of options.

To give a unique look to your headset, do this.

  1. Remove the sashes and remove the fittings. An additional plus of this method of decoration is that the facades can be of any shape and size.
  2. The film is cut according to the dimensions of the facades. You should not do this without preliminary measurements, even if the dimensions of the headset are quite standard: during the operation, the dimensions have changed at least a little. When cutting, it is necessary to take into account the coincidence of the boundaries of the images and motifs of the ornament.
  3. The surface of the furniture is thoroughly wiped and degreased.
  4. Peel off 2-3 cm of protective paper and fix with the adhesive side to the sash. Then, holding the film with one hand, the paper is gradually peeled off with the other and the film is pressed. Smooth with a spatula if necessary.
  5. Mount fittings (preferably new) and put the facades in place.

Fashionable trends today - facades with different design, allow you to combine one-color doors and doors with images or patterns. This technique is very effective when it is necessary to change the proportions of the room and is readily used by professional designers.

Eco style kitchen

An ideal option for such an update is a rattan fabric, offered in rolls or cut. The material is not cheap, but the type of furniture is very spectacular. Preparation for rework takes a little more time.

  1. Rattan fabric should be moistened with water and left for at least 30 minutes so that the material absorbs moisture. When swollen, the rattan increases in volume, and when dried, it stretches like a drum.
  2. Will be required wooden slats, with which you will need to hold and press the canvas to the sash. Reiki are selected by color and texture. The shade can be changed with a stain or colored varnish.
  3. Measure the facades and cut the canvas to size. The sash looks more elegant, on which the rattan occupies the central part, so that the fragments are cut out somewhat smaller than the sashes, and the planks are selected wider.
  4. The material is fixed to the kitchen facades using a conventional stapler.
    The edges of the rattan insert are pressed with planks and fixed with furniture studs - without hats.
    After the update, the sashes are installed in their places.

There are many ways to update a kitchen set. Most of them do not require large expenses at all, take very little time and are done by hand.

Renovation of the facades of the kitchen - right choice when the budget is small, and the result is of high quality. If your furniture in the kitchen is intact, but already pretty tired, then do not rush to spend money and buy a new set. You can do it easier - update the facade of the kitchen with your own hands. At first glance it may seem that this is a very complicated procedure. But, following all the rules and showing all your accuracy, the restoration of kitchen facades will take place quickly and as efficiently as possible.

    • Facade fittings
    • Materials when replacing facades
    • Facade replacement process
    • Film pasting
    • Facade decoration with rattan

Preparing for facade renovation

To replace the facades of the kitchen, a standard set of tools is suitable, which, as a rule, is in every home.

Before you start updating kitchen facades with your own hands, you need to prepare the entire essential tool and materials. In order for the work to be successful, you will need:

  • tool kit;
  • doors for furniture or components for their manufacture;
  • loops;
  • pens;
  • dowels and screws;
  • Important to consider: even if you do not use some tools in the process of work, they should be ready so that later you do not have to waste time looking for them.

    Facade fittings

    Not a single kitchen furniture is complete without fittings, the quality of which determines the life of the furniture. That is why you should not save on accessories. And if you are going to update the kitchen facades, then you will need:

    High-quality fittings are the pleasure of using the new facades of the headset, and this pleasure is just as important as aesthetic

  • loops;
  • pens;
  • locks;
  • towel hanger;
  • coasters for plates;
  • drying for dishes;
  • corners;
  • cladding pads;
  • When repairing or updating kitchen furniture, try to select fittings so that all elements correspond to the same style.

    Materials when replacing facades

    Facades are the face of the kitchen. That is why, as a rule, after replacing the old kitchen it is difficult to recognize

    If you don't have the skills carpentry, and you don’t know how to update the facades of the kitchen with your own hands, then you can purchase ready-made products or made according to individual sizes in special workshops. At the same time, it is important to take accurate measurements from old furniture, and having previously bought the material.

    Best to use:

  • wood;
  • The tree is considered the most preferred material for those purposes when it is necessary to update the facades in the kitchen with your own hands. This material is distinguished by its strength, durability, environmental friendliness, has a solid appearance.

    MDF is wood fiber board. coniferous trees obtained by pressing under high pressure and temperature. By repairing a kitchen set, and trying to update its facades with your own hands, MDF can become indispensable assistants. In work, this material is unpretentious, and its quality is always on top.

    Facade replacement process

    The process of replacing facades made of wood or MDF consists of several stages:

  • You should dismantle the old doors with your own hands, then take their dimensions. We carefully produce and dismantle drawers;
  • It is necessary to select fittings and make new facades using materials such as MDF or wood;
  • Installation of fittings on new doors;
  • Installation of doors on hinges;
  • Installation of other accessories.
  • Renovation of facades with paint

    It is not difficult to paint the facades, and the result will be a completely updated look of the kitchen.

    After painting the facades, you can try to update the apron in the same style

    You can update the facades of the headset in the kitchen using a method such as painting. This method of repairing old kitchen furniture can be called the simplest, but radical.

    It is important to remember that painting facades is only suitable if wood flooring or the coating on the MDF is kept in good condition.

    When repairing old furniture in the kitchen, applying painting, one cannot do without such materials:

  • paint (it can be enamel, acrylic or car spray);
  • solvent;
  • sandpaper;
  • accessories;
  • tool;
  • Before repairing facades using a method such as painting, you must:

    With the help of paint and stencil, you can add new details to the facades that will refresh the design of the kitchen.

  • Remove the doors and unscrew the hinges from them.
  • Next, wash the removed facades well and degrease with a special solvent.
  • After the facade dries and is degreased, you need to clean all the planes with sandpaper with your own hands.
  • Remove the resulting dust and degrease the surface again.
  • And only after that you can update the facade with paint, starting to paint over hard-to-reach places, smoothly moving to flat surfaces.
  • After the facade repair is completed and the paint has dried, you can proceed to the decor. You can use a stencil to apply the pattern. You can also use the leaves of plants, having previously opened with varnish. Such accessories will, by the way, look great on furniture made of wood or MDF.

    After all the work on updating the facade is completed, you can screw the fittings into place and install the doors in place.

    Film pasting

    So that the kitchen set is not monotonous and boring, you can paste over with a film only its lower part, or the upper

    Films for facades are not only various shades, but also with imitation of wood or metal

    Having decided to update the facade of your kitchen, you can use a self-adhesive film. Such material is available good performance and its range is amazing.

    Stages of work:

    • Before proceeding with gluing, remove the facades and lay them on a horizontal surface;
    • Remove all fittings;
    • Next, wash the facades well with soda or soap;
    • Wipe dry and degrease;
    • After that, you can start cutting necessary elements from a self-adhesive film, having previously decided on its color;
    • The cut elements are laid face up on the facade and lifted from one edge;
    • The paper backing must be peeled off and applied to the surface of the facade, gradually removing the paper from under the bottom;
    • The film must be leveled using a spatula or a simple clean cloth, dispersing it from the center to the sides;

    If small bubbles form during the pasting of facades, they can be pierced with a needle. If large, it is better to cut them with a cutter and level them.

    Facade decoration with rattan

    Rattan kitchen interior can bring a feeling of warmth and comfort. The most important thing in the process of finishing facades with rattan is to choose the right color that will be combined with the rest of the style.

    Rattan is ideal for a retro kitchen, country style and their varieties. Finishing the facades of a kitchen set with rattan with your own hands involves the following steps:

  • The canvas is placed in the bathroom, where it is thoroughly watered. cold water. In this state, the rattan should be left for 30 minutes so that the fibers swell and increase in size;
  • Cooking decorative strips, which will press the rattan to the door. Don't forget about color scheme, which should fit the overall picture;
  • Rattan is spread on the table and cuts are made on the canvas with sharp scissors according to the marks;
  • With the help of special paper clips, a rattan pattern is attached to the door. The paper clips will not be visible, since then they are covered with a decorative frame;
  • The corners of the rails should be sawn down at 45 degrees. The saw cuts are cleaned and varnished;
  • They fasten the slats around the perimeter of the rattan, closing the paper clips.
  • Inexpensive update of the facade of the kitchen (video)

    Renovation or replacement of facades in recent times is gaining more and more popularity. People understand that the appearance of their kitchen largely depends on the facades. And by applying some techniques for updating kitchen facades, they have a great opportunity to show all their imagination and independently make changes to the interior of their kitchen.