How to update an old wooden kitchen cabinet. How to change the facades on the kitchen set with your own hands? Art painting of the kitchen

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Long-term use of the kitchen sooner or later makes itself felt: no matter how high-quality the set is, over time it loses its experienced appearance. And then you have to choose: buy a new set or update the kitchen at minimal cost. Many stop at the second option, namely, they update the facades with a special film.

Kitchen up to:

Kitchen in an intermediate state: buy a new one or update the facades?

On the right, traces of glue are visible - the consequences of an attempt to repair the headset.

Options for "upgrade"

Since the headset itself is not yet falling apart, it is necessary to update the facades. This will benefit both the appearance and protect the material from moisture. There are two options for updating facades:

  1. Finished self-adhesive film
  2. Custom photo printing on adhesive paper

The owner of this kitchen settled on the second option, after which he indulged in thinking about the topic of photo printing. The original version with a separate picture for each door was rejected: the overall look would be too colorful. After some more thought, it was decided to choose a print with nature, the "breaking" of which with an apron will not affect the perception of the picture.

When looking for a suitable print, the picture should be chosen with the maximum resolution - only in this case it will not be blurry.

Getting Started

The owner of the kitchen used a rather simple method: he searched for pictures with the word "nature" with a resolution of at least 40 megapixels.

This option turned out to be the most suitable, but with minor amendments: it was decided to remove the huge butterfly. This is how the print should have looked in the kitchen.

A sketch was made in the photo editing program, for a clear understanding of what would be lost from the drawing. Butterfly has been replaced with grass.

With this picture, you can safely go to an advertising agency. The print was chosen with lamination, so that after the renovation of the facades they can be washed.

It is necessary to print in a slightly enlarged size so that it is possible to glue the ends and wrap the film inside.

After that, you can proceed directly to pasting the facades:

  1. Knowing the dimensions of the door, it is necessary to throw 1-2 cm on each side for the ends and another 1-2 cm for the inversion.
  2. Cut the image to the desired size.
  3. We degrease the door and remove all irregularities.
  4. Carefully stick and smooth.
  5. We make holes for the handles and install them.

Use a hair dryer like you would with a car wrap it is forbidden: the film is deformed.

The hardest part is the corners of the door. You can paste them in two ways, here it is already a matter of taste:

  1. butt
  2. overlap

The corners should be pasted over with the utmost care, since the self-adhesive film will not adhere to superglue.

During the renovation of the kitchen, it was decided to unload the shelf for drying plates from the covers accumulated there by hanging them on the doors from the back. To do this, you need to purchase ordinary hooks and fix them in any convenient way.

To prevent the self-tapping screws from being visible under the film, the holes for their installation must first be countersunk, i.e. make holes for them to sink.

The final stage of updating the headset was the doors under the hob, which were not originally there. The doors were made of 5 mm. plywood. With a special desire, you can assemble a complete set of plywood with your own hands.

Defects in pasting can be removed with a blade, but for this you need to wait 1-2 weeks: then the film will finally take its place.

The refrigerator can be the heaviest item to wrap. Get ready for the fact that the film will have to be repeatedly removed and pasted again, fortunately, it allows this. Getting rid of small bubbles is very problematic, so it is better to expel excess air after the process is completed with a needle.

Conclusions and prices

A few conclusions from the renovation of the facades:

  • The film can be washed and rubbed.
  • It stays on very well and is very hard to remove.
  • Door corners are the weakest points.
  • The film scratches easily.

The cost of such a renovation of the kitchen was as follows: about $120 for a self-adhesive print with lamination and about $90 for plywood, hooks and handles. When buying a regular film, the budget can be reduced significantly.

Many are faced with the need to refresh the interior quickly and as cheaply as possible. Such a need may arise for people who have rented an inexpensive apartment for a long time. Or those who have spent all available funds to buy their own housing, postponing repairs and changing furniture until better times. Those who live in the temporary territory are also in no hurry to invest in the situation. In general, the situation is ordinary. Let it be transient, but you want to live in cleanliness and comfort now, and not someday later.

Is it possible to transform the interior literally for a penny, without making a complete renovation and without changing the furniture? Yes, and there are many possibilities for this. Today we will talk about improving the appearance of the kitchen. We bring to your attention 16 ideas for a low-budget easy metamorphosis. Of course, the patched up will not look completely new, and the old kitchen will remain old, but if you approach the issue creatively, with imagination and a twinkle, you can achieve an excellent result.

How to transform the kitchen without spending a lot of money?

1. Paint the facades of kitchen furniture

This will not only refresh the doors, hiding the traces of time, but also change the color to a more current/light/cheerful one.

9. Cover the apron with new material

If the wall in the work area looks more than deplorable, you can hide it behind laminated chipboard, MDF panels, plywood sheets, a mirror, etc. At the same time, it is not necessary to remove the old apron finish.

10. Paste the wall in the working area with wallpaper and cover with glass

Tempered glass, if it is not decorated with photo printing, is not too expensive. This method of mounting the apron is easy, clean and fast. However, the old finish, if present, will most likely have to be removed.

11. Paste the floor with PVC tiles

There are vinyl coverings in the form of tiles, the size of which corresponds to the dimensions of the floor tiles. However, there are also variations for parquet. You can glue them directly on the tiles or on the boards. This will allow you to quickly and very inexpensively update and transform the floor. Of course, such a finish will not last too long, but as a temporary option it will definitely justify itself.

12. Lay a large carpet

Not so bad carpeting in the kitchen. They are warm and cozy. And it’s easy to maintain order if there is a vacuum cleaner in the house. It is better, of course, to take a dark carpet so that the stains (and they will appear sooner or later) are not so noticeable.

Hygienic wicker carpets-mats - they can be washed with a rag and a mop, like a regular floor.

13. Decorate the wall near the dining table

A stylish and comfortable dining area can become the main decoration of the kitchen interior. It will draw attention to itself, making the flaws of the old kitchen much less noticeable. Fortunately, transforming the dining area is much easier than working.

Particular attention should be paid to the wall near which the table is located. If the finish in the kitchen is very old and there is no way to change it, you definitely need to refresh at least this wall. It is not necessary to remove the old coating and carefully prepare the surface. Even on top of old wallpaper, tiles or paint, you can mount, for example, lining, panels, laminate, mirror or glass panels, etc.

14. Change dining chairs

This will instantly change the look of the kitchen (for the better, of course). Especially if the choice falls not on classic elegant models, but on something modern and / or bright.

15. Introduce bright accents

Colored elements will make even the most gloomy kitchen more lively, modern and cheerful. However, it is important to prevent chaos and excessive diversity. Accents should be one or two colors. The number of bright details also needs to be limited. Everything is good in moderation.

In the photo: the tiles on the walls and on the floor were painted, the facades were painted, the fittings were replaced, accents were added. The kitchen looks completely new.

16. Decorate the interior

Decorative little things turn the kitchen into a cute cozy nest. Minimalism is good in an expensive interpretation, and the old interior needs to be properly decorated - new design elements will draw much of the attention from old surfaces and worn objects.

To the place there will be wall decorations that hide the old finish (paintings, posters, mirrors), baskets and storage boxes, live plants (visually refresh the environment). However, don't overdo it! Don't let decor clutter up your kitchen.

Low-budget kitchen makeover: additional examples

So let's update the kitchen! This room is one of the most used in any apartment or house. We are sure that in your kitchen there are also a couple of points that can be improved or refreshed.

1. How to update the kitchen: replace the doors

Hanging new doors on kitchen cabinets is an economical alternative to completely replacing furniture. The appearance of the kitchen will change beyond recognition if you change their color or texture. However, there is an important point here, especially for “older” kitchens: when hanging new doors, fasteners often have to be changed, and this can weaken the design of the kitchen, lead to sagging and shorten the life of the entire set.

2. Paint the facades

This method will help to achieve the same strong effect as when replacing the doors, and there are fewer risks. Arm yourself with your favorite paint and update old doors. The spray can do better than the brush: there will be less streaks, it is easier to achieve an even coverage. If you want to use liquid paint left over from the last repair, it is best to apply it with a sponge in a dabbing motion. And don't forget to apply a couple of coats of varnish on top.

3. Install new handles

It's amazing what role such a small detail as a handle plays in the perception of the entire kitchen. While replacing them is simple and inexpensive. If you are repainting cabinets at the same time, you can repair and paint the old handle holes, then the choice of new parts will not be limited by anything. If you only change handles, you will have to find a similar format.

4. Cunning with the countertop

If the surface of your countertop is completely worn out or just already annoying you, you can replace it. However, if it is glued to the cabinets, it may be difficult for you to mask the damage from dismantling later. There is a simpler option and, if we are talking about a countertop made of natural materials, cheaper: invite a specialist home who will mount a thin layer of wood veneer or stone on top of your countertop.

5. Upgrade light

Buying new fixtures or at least changing the shade of a pendant lamp will give you a boost of novelty. Think original pendants, they look more elegant than just hanging cord.

If your kitchen has only one common light source, you are guaranteed to add comfort and improve the atmosphere in the room by hanging a lamp above the work surface and a couple of sconces in the table area. If you don't want to hire an electrician to mount the fixtures on the wall, those that simply plug into a wall outlet will do.

6. Switch to energy efficient lighting

So much is said about it for a reason - they are more expensive than other light bulbs (although the price decreases over time), but at the same time they work for a very long time, are extremely energy efficient and you can’t get burned about them. Changing light bulbs is probably the easiest change you can make to your kitchen, but brighter light will improve the look and feel of the space, and energy savings will be good for your budget. LEDs are sold with a wide variety of base types, so even built-in halogens can be easily replaced.

7. Paint the ceiling

Paint or re-whitewash the ceiling. Even if this is the only thing you will do to update the kitchen, you will be surprised how much lighter and brighter the surroundings will become. Kitchen ceilings are under a lot of pressure due to steam, smoke, dust and grease splashes, and you may not notice this until you compare the "before" and "after".

8. Update your kitchen apron

If the wall covering behind the kitchen worktop is outdated or, moreover, was not initially adapted to kitchen everyday life, it's time to make a beautiful and practical kitchen apron. There are many interesting ideas in our articles:

  • Rating of materials for a kitchen apron: all the advantages and disadvantages

Fast and inexpensive solution: redeem or, if you're lucky, pick up for free the remains of various tiles in warehouses or from friends who have recently completed repairs. Combine tiles of different sizes, colors and textures to create a unique and vibrant backsplash that will become a real highlight of your kitchen. If you want a mosaic apron, then broken tiles are also suitable for these purposes. By the way, if the condition of the old tile is still normal, it can also be simply spray-painted and varnished.

9. Change the flooring

Are the floors in need of updating? On a budget, this problem can be solved by doing the work yourself and choosing flooring that feels good on top of the old floor (as long as it's not too crooked). Vinyl tile, cork, laminate or linoleum is easy enough to install that you can do it yourself with a little diligence.

10. Get rid of junk

Whatever changes you make to your kitchen, clutter and excessive visual “garbage” can ruin everything. Perhaps not all the accessories on the kitchen shelves and magnets on the refrigerator are so dear to you. In the vacated space, you can put a few new carefully selected items: vases or bowls, vintage bottles or commemorative photographs. Or just leave more free space.


Buying a kitchen set is not always advisable due to financial costs. For any person who has minimal repair skills, the problem of how to update the facades of an old kitchen with your own hands will not arise. This will allow not only to save on the work of the masters, but also to create your own personal design, which will decorate your house or apartment. To do this, you should know several methods for transforming an old kitchen and choose the most practical among them.

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If the kitchen set itself is durable, but there are significant deformations or chips on the outside, you can change the doors and countertop, leaving the "skeleton" of the kitchen unchanged. When ordering new facades, it is possible to change the style of the entire kitchen: classic rectangular doors to smooth shapes protruding along the edges, which will give the room exclusivity and chic. To correctly place an order, you should measure the facades, sides and drawers. This is done with a ruler and a centimeter, laying the elements in a horizontal position.

But the disadvantage of this method is its cost. It is necessary not only to pay for the production of new facades, but also to buy the appropriate consumables. You will also have to drill holes for the hinges yourself. A 35 mm drill bit is used to screw in the screws.

Use of decorative inserts

If it was decided to paint the doors or even completely replace them, decorative patch inserts made of wallpaper, self-adhesive film, ceramic tiles and rattan will help to give individuality to the decor. As with gluing and painting, the canvas is laid horizontally and any surface contaminants are removed.

It should be noted that ceramics are fixed to the facade with tile adhesive, and not with paper-based materials.

A feature of the rattan installation is that it must first be wetted, then cut and fixed on the facade of the door with framing wooden or plastic planks. Planks that will fix the rattan should be prepared in advance. Attention is paid to the edges, they need to be cut at an angle of 45 °. For work, you will need furniture nails without hats, a hammer and acrylic varnish. Rattan looks beautiful if it is placed not across the entire width, but only in the center of the door facade.

Self-adhesive film as a budget kitchen makeover

- a simple and economical option. For this you will need:

  • the film itself;
  • centimeter and ruler;
  • pointed scissors and a construction knife;
  • plastic scraper for smoothing the film.

The doors should be freed from fittings. They take measurements and make marks on the centimeter grid on the back of the self-adhesive film. The required size is carefully cut out with a gap of 2 cm. It is necessary to start gluing from the center, gradually applying 5-10 mm to the edges of the facade surface. If it was not possible to level the formation of irregularities, the folds are cut, and the air bulges are pierced with a needle.

How to update the wooden parts of the kitchen

Lacquers can be used to finish various surfaces. This is a simple method for upgrading small parts. From an expensive type of wood, kitchen facades are expensive, but they will also wear out. You can touch up, but this will significantly change the appearance, especially if it is oak, and not cheap pine material.

To do this, remove the selected parts by unscrewing the screws with a screwdriver, but they must be marked. It will be possible to update the doors or individual elements of the kitchen set with the help of inserts, if they do not violate the overall design composition. You need to use the decor thoughtfully so that it is not clumsy.

Moldings, fittings and other decorations for the kitchen facade

Moldings and paint can significantly change the style of a kitchen set. To do this, use all the tools, as when painting the facade. Moldings are cut with a miter saw to the required length. At the same time, the edges of the planks can either touch or be of different abstract lengths on each door. To fix it, you need wood glue. Then the surface is primed and painted. For both cases, a spray gun is used.

Decoupage has become a popular method of upgrading the kitchen. A drawing, ornament or picture is placed on the facade, fixing it with varnish.

Thanks to the decoupage technique, you can decorate walls, tiles near the sink, and other surfaces in the kitchen to make the decor whole and complete.

What do you do with old furniture?

When you can't afford a new kitchen set, you don't have to sit and sigh looking at a chipped countertop or worn backs of chairs. A little effort - and the restoration of kitchen furniture with your own hands will breathe new life into it.

Restoration of a kitchen set

Of course, the replacement of functional elements of furniture (tabletops, etc.) can only be done by a pro. But lighter types of restoration work are available to any home master. These include:

  • replacement and restoration of accessories;
  • attaching a self-adhesive film;
  • staining;
  • varnishing;
  • fabric trim;
  • seat upholstery;
  • gluing tiles.


First of all, the replacement of the following elements is needed to restore the functionality of the furniture, but at the same time, a minimal update of its appearance is also ensured:

  • loops;
  • guides;
  • pens.

Replacing and relocating door hinges

A common problem is that the hinges are still in working order, but the places where they are connected to the elements are loose or pieces are torn out altogether. In this case, door hinges need to be moved.

Stages of work:

  • dismantling of old hinges;
  • marking holes for new hinges;
  • drilling holes;
  • installation .

Now the cabinet doors hang straight and shine with new hinges. But what to do with the holes for the old hinges? They must be carefully sealed with an acrylic-based putty.

On the construction market, you can find a whole range of such putties, designed specifically to mask bumps and depressions in wooden surfaces. Since these compounds shrink, they need to be applied in 3-4 layers and then level the surface of the putty with sandpaper. The final stage of masking the old grooves under the hinges is the application of varnish or paint (the choice depends on the color of the furniture). You can read about design ideas for the kitchen at.

An equally common type of breakdown of kitchen fittings is the failure of guides in drawers. If the original assembly had roller guides, it is better to replace them with ball guides. The replacement technology is simple: fasteners are unwound, old guides are removed and new ones are installed.

Replacing handles can already bring new notes to the appearance of the kitchen facade. But they will look aesthetically pleasing only if the entire set of handles is replaced, so it is important to choose the same ones for all cabinets and drawers.

When choosing handles, show your imagination, choose a design that is different from the previous one. At the same time, it is worth remembering the compatibility of materials: for example, plastic ones will look inappropriate on a fiberboard facade, and metal ones will be trite. Handles made of combined materials look spectacular, for example, metal with wooden or glass inserts. You can read about the kitchen in art style in this.


At home, the following types of restoration of kitchen facades are available without the use of paints and varnishes:

  • gluing a vinyl film;
  • pasting with a cloth or oilcloth (decoupage);
  • molding.

Wrapping with vinyl film

This type of furniture redesign is cardinal (you can completely change the color and pattern), but it does not hit the pocket.

The range of self-adhesive film is huge, there are plenty to choose from.

When buying a self-adhesive, first of all, pay attention to the print quality - the pattern should be even, without color differences along the entire length of the material.

Self-adhesive film can be smooth and textured, imitating various materials: the surface of marble, wood, fabric, etc. The average service life of such a film is 3-4 years. The convenience of self-adhesive film as a material for redesign is that a damaged or torn off area is easy to replace.

An interesting solution is the restoration of the kitchen facade with a film in two color variations: the upper part in light colors, the lower part in dark colors, or vice versa.

Working mechanism:

  1. Height and width measurements of cabinets and drawers. For the convenience of measurements, there is a grid with a 1X1 cm square on the back of the vinyl film. All the necessary parameters should be marked only on the back! In places where the film is bent, an allowance of 20 mm is left.
  2. Open the films. The vinyl film is cut with sharp construction scissors, with an indent of 2-3 mm from the contour line.
  3. Preparation of pasted parts of the facade. The handles are unscrewed, the surface of the panels is cleaned, degreased and left to dry completely.
  4. The film is glued from top to bottom, the back, the paper layer is removed gradually. It is important to ensure that there are no air bubbles between the film and the surface of the furniture: they are very difficult to remove when the part is already pasted.
  5. Smoothing the surface of the film with a rubber roller.
  6. Screwing the fittings into place.

Watch the video instruction, where you will see clearly about all the nuances of work.

It is difficult to carefully stick the film on weight, so it is better to unscrew the facade elements and place them on the floor for measurements and pasting. It will take longer, but the work will be done more carefully.


The decor of furniture facades with dense fabric is a distinctive element of the fashionable Provence style. You can imitate Provencal design using an equally fashionable decor method - decoupage.

The choice of decoupage material depends entirely on your personal preferences. Decoupage elements in ethnic style look original and appropriate in the decor of the kitchen in light colors - ornaments “Petrikovskaya painting” or “Gzhel”.

Decoupage steps:

  • Surface cleaning. In order for the fabric to lie on the surface of the facade evenly, without wrinkles and creases, it is necessary to get rid of pores or microcracks, if any, using the same wood putty. After the putty dries, the entire surface on which the fabric will be glued must be treated with fine-grained sandpaper.
  • Bonding the fabric to the prepared surface. For this, ordinary PVA glue is suitable.
  • Covering the decoupage surface with acrylic varnish. Varnishing is carried out in 3-4 layers, the next layer is applied only after the previous one has dried. It is most convenient to use a brush with a long, but narrow brush.

The fabric can be pasted over not only wooden, but also plastic or glass surfaces of the kitchen set. It is not necessary to clean them, it is enough just to thoroughly degrease the place where the fabric will be glued.

The material for decoupage can be not only fabric, but also a regular one with a pattern you like.

Another interesting option for restoring kitchen furniture with fabric is decorating hanging cabinets with fabric from the inside. It will give new life even to ancient cabinets that do not have doors. The fabric is stretched over the corners of the cabinet and fixed with nails and screws. Crockery and kitchen utensils look much more interesting against the background of stretched plain or patterned fabric than against the background of a bare board.

Decoration molding (pasting)

Molding is another type of affordable decor for kitchen set panels. It is an overhead element made of wood or plastic, which are attached to the facade with wood glue. Classic molding is available in the form of wooden planks that are cut to the desired length and with which you can form decorative elements to your liking. But you can also purchase a decorative molding that imitates stucco or carved elements. We can say with confidence that if you have such a set, you can read about how to choose wallpaper for a classic kitchen in.

The combination of molding with other types of restoration, for example, repainting, can completely update the appearance of a kitchen set.

Processing of furniture with paints and varnishes

Restoration of kitchen furniture with the help of paintwork materials provides for the following types of work:

  • staining
  • varnishing;
  • stain processing.

Painting in a contrasting previous color will radically update the look of the entire kitchen space. The most suitable coloring agent is car enamel, which is resistant to aggressive environments (high temperatures, high acidity, etc.)


  1. Disassembly of the facade. At this stage, the headset elements to be painted are removed, all handles are unscrewed and the glasses are removed. Areas that are not planned to be painted must be sealed with mounting tape (you can also glue the glass with it if they cannot be removed). If the surface of the facade is covered with MDF film, it must be completely removed. For this purpose, a building hair dryer is used.
  2. Sanding the surface with sandpaper. It is convenient to use a construction grater.
  3. Coating the surface to be painted with a primer for wood. The composition is applied in two layers.
  4. Direct staining. Here you can use a different tool: brush, roller, spray gun. It all depends on the skills of the master. If the hand in the finishing area is not stuffed enough, it is easier to use a roller.

If the usual coloring does not impress you, try adding zest to it with the help of a glitz. It is a translucent paint with a thick texture. Glizal is applied to the prepared (cleaned and primed) surface in a thick layer. Further, patterns are formed on the paint that has not yet dried with the help of a sponge moistened with water. An unsuccessful line or curl can always be removed by running a roller over the work surface. You can find out about ceramic tiles for an apron.

Expert advice on working with paints and step-by-step instructions on how to transform a wooden instruction:

Lacquering and stain treatment

Opening with varnish will help restore the presentation of kitchen sets made of natural wood. Choosing a clear varnish will update the natural color of the wood, and if you use a varnish with a pigment, you can change its shade. You can read about built-in kitchen appliances.

Opening facade elements with varnish is best done in non-residential premises - a dry coating is very toxic.

Stages of work:

  1. Preparation of varnished surfaces. Just like when painting, fittings are removed from the facade elements, glass inserts are sealed with adhesive tape;
  2. Removing the old layer of varnish. To do this, use fine-grained sandpaper. The surface of the wood is sanded until the remnants of the old coating are completely removed. Wood-chemical dust arising in the process can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner. After dedusting, the surface is carefully wiped with a damp flannel or sponge and thoroughly dried.
  3. Applying a primer. We make sure that the primer composition is evenly distributed over the surface to be treated. Let the primer dry completely.
  4. Lacquering in several layers with a brush. To maximize the natural beauty of wood, we make each top layer thinner than the bottom one.

Mahogany furniture can be updated by covering the elements of the facade with three to four layers of stain. This will give it a solid retro look. The stain is applied in the same way as varnish, on a previously cleaned and sanded surface.

How to update kitchen furniture

Restoration of the facade of the kitchen set is only part of the resuscitation of its beautiful appearance. But it is quite realistic to restore other elements of the headset with your own hands: the tabletop.

DIY repair chairs

Types of work that can be done at home include:

  • updating varnishing;
  • seat stretch.

How to apply paintwork is described above - the mechanism for varnishing chair parts is no different from working with facade elements. Consider how the seat upholstery is replaced:

  • The seat is dismantled, the old fabric and upholstery are removed. Try not to damage the wooden base - it will still serve.
  • A pattern for the future seat is made of thick cardboard. Lay the plywood base on the cardboard and circle it with a pencil, taking into account 3 cm for allowances.
  • Using a template, cut out a blank for a new seat from foam rubber or batting. Next, using the same pattern, we cut out the fabric base of the new seat. On each side, you need to leave at least 12 cm for the hem. If the fabric is not plain, it is important to monitor the location of the pattern or ornament on it. The image should be strictly in the center of the fabric base.
  • Glue the foam blank to the plywood base using regular superglue.
  • The fabric is fastened with a staple gun or a construction gun. First, a fabric blank is spread face down on a flat surface, then plywood is applied to it, the side to which the foam rubber was attached should be at the bottom. Stretch the fabric around the entire perimeter or circumference of the chair and secure with staples. Try not to have large folds between the staples.

If the old upholstery of the chair has not leaked and still retains its density, you can stretch the fabric directly over it. In the same way, you can restore a worn one.

Countertop in the kitchen

The countertop is one of the most vulnerable places of the kitchen set, because it is located in the working area. That is why or other materials lose their presentable appearance before the rest of the furniture elements. There are several ways to simple and not very expensive restoration of countertops:

  • staining;
  • varnishing;
  • decoupage;
  • ceramic tiling.

The first three methods have already been described above. Tiling involves gluing to the surface of the tile (it is better if it repeats the finish of the kitchen apron in color and texture) using tile adhesive. The final stage of laying - grouting. You can read about wall decoration in the kitchen by clicking on this.

Tile adhesive dries very quickly, so do not smear the entire surface of the countertop with it at once. Apply glue to the new area after you lay the tile over the previous one. You can choose the original skirting boards for the countertop

Kitchen table

The tabletop, as well as the kitchen worktop of the working area, loses its presentable appearance before the rest of the headset elements. Various restoration methods are suitable for updating it, the schemes of which were described above:

  • for tables made of natural wood - painting and varnishing;
  • for tables made of fiberboard - painting, varnishing, pasting with a vinyl film, decoupage, gluing tiles.

And finally, another master class on how to restore kitchen furniture:

A comprehensive restoration of a kitchen set, from replacing (changing) fittings to reupholstering chair seats, will cost several times cheaper than purchasing a new set. If you do, the design will be completely unique.