Why dream of seeing marine life. Why is the sea dreaming? Winter landscapes in a dream

Sunny beaches and the destructive elements of the sea are interpreted by dream books according to traditions and with an eye to modern realities. The interpreters have deciphered all the secrets of dreams and accurately describe what a walk along the water's edge is dreaming of or dangerous adventures in a dream.

What do waves often mean?

According to the postulates of Vanga's dream book, the blue sea symbolizes renewal, and the wind symbolizes the ability to resist.

A person who dreamed of a hurricane and whirlpools will need incredible efforts to endure the trials, but as a result he will gain power over other people. Why dream that the wind takes him into a funnel? A dream means that the struggle with circumstances will exhaust him, undermine his health. If this happens often in a dream, then you need to change the circumstances.

The downpour personifies cosmic forces, the influence of which is pointless to resist. If you find your place in space, then become famous for great achievements.

Seeing in a dream how the sea boils and foams is a warning about vile slander directed against the dreamer. Someone wants to tarnish his good name.

See the Sea: Miller's Interpretation

Based on long research, Miller deduced the following pattern: the image of the sea, calm or stormy, reflects the current emotional condition. If in a dream a person felt dependent on the elements, then external circumstances will influence his life.

Check out how Miller's dream book explains why a storm, calm and romantic adventures are dreamed of:

  • The sea is stormy - conveys a state of alarm.
  • Calm - the embodiment of despondency, melancholy.
  • Getting into a storm is a warning about obstacles in business.
  • The sound of the surf forced me to wake up - a signal for mobilization.
  • The soothing sound of the sea is a sign of an aimless existence.
  • Romantic sailing means an easy life.
  • Creepy sea adventures are harbingers of trials.

Freud on the meaning of allegories

Freud believed that a person with low self-esteem sees the sea in a dream only from afar. In reality, he dreams of sex, but considers it as something inaccessible. The psychoanalyst advised his patients to forget about appearance as something insignificant, and indulge in pleasures.

If the water splashed at the very feet or dreamed of swimming, then the interpretation of the dream book depends on the emotionality of the plot and the involvement of the dreamer.

Peace and harmony

Does the dreamer remember how he observes from the shore a picture of a pacifying calm? AT real life he strives for peace and is not ready to sacrifice it, even for the sake of love adventures. And indeed, a quite prosperous measured life awaits him.

However, if in a dream he feels the gentle embrace of the sea, then, most likely, he is very pleased with his position and harmonious relations. And he doesn’t even think about the important role that high-quality sex plays in his success.

Courage and passion

Why dream, according to Freud, swimming in a raging sea? You are full of forebodings and hopes. An unforgettable night of passion lies ahead, and despite the absence great experience, you will not only enjoy, but also impress your partner.

The dream book regards the desire to dive to the depths as a manifestation of inappropriate curiosity. You do not need to know absolutely everything about your partner: riddles are often more attractive than clues.

Not only sex

Do not think that seeing other swimmers in a dream means worsening your own prospects. Watching a stranger swimming in the sea entails a situation in which your participation is required. If you can provide a service, you will experience considerable satisfaction from the realization of your own significance.

Islamic dream book: the image of the ruler

In accordance with Muslim tradition, the Islamic dream book interprets the sea as an image of a ruler. In the modern interpretation - the boss, an important official.

Why dream of swimming across the sea? A brave deed prophesies victory over the state machine. A person will be able to protect his rights, win a lawsuit.

If he stood on the shore of a noisy, restless sea, his anxieties are not unfounded. They are dictated by the upcoming report to the authorities - if in a dream a man entered the water, and he could be carried away to the depths of the sea.

Foam on the crests of the waves speaks of dirty intrigues that enemies weave in order to denigrate the dreamer in front of the boss. Islamic dream book clarifies: I dreamed that they were drowning - you will be called to the carpet. If the ocean was stormy, but calmed down, the boss will change his anger to mercy.

Why dream of seeing how the sea rages?

Seeing in a dream how the depths of the sea seethe, or getting into a storm means experiencing strong enough emotions to immediately turn to the dream book in the morning. Why dream of being an outside observer or a victim of the elements?

  • Watch like a news feed - hide from problems.
  • Watch from afar, from a height - suffer from phobias.
  • To be in a stormy sea yourself is to fight with passion.
  • Being the captain of a boat in distress is a business failure.
  • People fall overboard - to worry about a sick relative.
  • A friend fell into a raging abyss - his life is in danger.
  • Get out of the alteration unscathed - avoid trouble.
  • The sea is calm - disasters will bypass.
  • Often to see a storm in a dream - in reality, suffer from a routine.

Why dreamed of green algae?

Dream Interpretations are in a hurry to please the dreamer: to come to the seashore after a storm is already good sign. Misfortune will pass by. But why dream of finding algae brought by the tide?

If the whips were green, then in this moment the couple is in crisis, but the relationship has not yet exhausted itself, they can be saved. Pick up black branches dried up under the hot sun after low tide - to part with a partner.

The shallow waters overgrown with dark algae are interpreted by dream books as gloomy reflections on past sins and intrigues.

The algae that entangle the legs and arms while bathing represent obstacles. You can’t move your legs - something will interfere with the trip, with your hands - there will be interference in the service. Stuck in algae with your head - you won’t be able to figure out suspicious business schemes.

Beach holidays - sun and girls

Go on vacation to the seaside in a dream - sure sign overwork. Vacation at sea is filled with additional marks indicating temptations and dangers. Why dream of rest by the water, what do dream books pay attention to?

  • To come to a quiet resort alone - you will become a leader.
  • A man to admire the girls - make a mistake.
  • Lying on the hot sand - enjoy idleness.
  • Sunbathe on the Red Sea - get a share in the profits.
  • Hear the song - you will find out the good news.
  • Meet the dawn - start a new life.
  • Swim in the crowd of vacationers - you will feel guilty.
  • Feel the salt on your lips Dead Sea- cleanse your soul and body.
  • Resting on pebbles by the river - public works are coming.

What does it mean to observe nature

Sometimes animals appear in a dream - and they certainly attract attention. And everything that is remembered has a special meaning.

Why dream of a coastal strip that has become shallow after low tide and the collection of various curiosities? The favorite pastime of travelers migrated to dreams and to the pages of dream books.


Colliding with a crab on the shore is an incident that has several interpretations. According to Freud, a person is not self-confident, but according to Tsvetkov, on the contrary, he is overly ambitious. Many compilers of dream books see in the image a hint of a future disability, fortunately, temporary. But everyone agrees on one thing - if a crab pinched his leg in a dream, the pain experienced prophesies either grief or injury.

Shells and turtles

The one who collected beautiful shells should moderate his desires - fate is already favorable and bestows all sorts of well-being.

One can only envy a person who sees a turtle in a dream - in the morning he will wake up calm and wise. However, great wisdoms are deep sorrows: he will discover what it would be better not to know.


Catching wild fish unusual color, which tried to swim across small channels, striving for the sea - not an easy task. If you managed to hold it in your hands, then Enigma's dream book prophesies good luck - your goldfish catch in life. If the nimble fish constantly slipped out, it will not work to catch luck by the tail. In the coming days, you should not count on luck.

For a girl, the classic plot predicts pregnancy. Dream Interpretations specify that in this case the fish should be small, no larger than the palm of your hand.


A seagull in a dream symbolizes fisted people. The interpretation of dream books depends on who you have to meet. If with the buyer - painful bidding is coming, with the authorities - there is no hope for a salary increase, with relatives - it will not be possible to borrow money.

I dreamed of an albatross - a sign that you have to work together with a very authoritative specialist. But remember why a heart-rending cry is dreaming large bird: he warns of the dangers of deception.

Winter landscapes in a dream

What does the northern sea, ice and fog above the cracks tell about? Why dream harsh Arctic Ocean and the seas around Antarctica? In a dream, it is difficult to determine the geographical affiliation of the landscape, but this does not matter. The main thing is to remember some signs and find their meanings in the dream book. So here's what your winter trip means:

  • Being on the North Sea in winter is a bad prospect.
  • Sailing along the rift between the ice - there is only a struggle ahead.
  • The boundless frozen sea is a long-awaited peace.
  • Journey on a winter night - anxiety.
  • Going on an ice crossing is a huge risk.

Run from the flood

If the dreamer's imagination is occupied with the latest news about the tsunami, then the pictures of cataclysms in a dream do not contain prophetic information.

The person who witnessed the flood and ran away will witness violent social change. If the disaster was accompanied by an explosion, then you will suffer from someone else's mistakes.

If in a dream you see sea game animals - in reality this portends a meeting with a wayward, sometimes stubborn to an impossible person, but at the same time exceptional honesty and decency.

In a dream, hunting marine animals from the shore suggests that your competitors will do everything possible to frustrate your far-reaching plans.

To engage in the extraction of marine animals from the board of a fishing vessel - you will be unable to arouse or maintain interest in your really interesting and promising proposal.

If in a dream you buy frozen meat of marine animals, in reality share the joy with a friend. Canned marine animals - to the loss, which will be found a long time later, when there is no need for it and it ceases to represent at least some value.

Cooking sea animals at home - you will not justify the trust placed in you by your superiors. Eat the meat of marine animals in an expensive fashionable restaurant - in reality, you will receive a tempting offer to go on a cruise.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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As scientists say, the existence on this planet appeared from the water. And in general, water is of great importance for living beings. Also, this symbol means a lot if it appears in dreams.

As a rule, at the symbolic and associative level, water is associated with the subconscious level, your feelings and emotions. Therefore, if you dream of the ocean or the sea, then these signs are associated with the level of the unconscious, in particular:

  • sea ​​- symbolizes your own unconscious, as well as a lake;
  • the ocean is the collective unconscious.

Sea animals that appear in your dreams can indicate your own inclinations and the current prevailing mental trends, as well as some external factors.

In addition, expanses of water can also talk about your previous incarnations. If you are interested in the topic of reincarnations, you can use the interpretation of these dreams in order to find out some secrets of your own soul.

Why do dolphins dream?

It is considered the most auspicious symbol to see a dolphin in a dream, since this representative marine life is the most reasonable. In addition, they are cheerful and playful, thanks to which they are symbols of spiritual joy and progress.

If you dreamed about how dolphins jumped out of the water and returned back, such a dream indicates an interaction and a normal connection between your consciousness and subconscious.

Why do sharks dream?

The shark is considered the most ferocious marine predator and this animal indicates various aggressive tendencies. In particular, the shark can become a symbol of one of the people who have predatory intentions towards you. Such people may seek to use or compete with you.

Sharks can also indicate your own personality. Perhaps you have some negative tendencies in your own character that you should reflect on.

Why do crabs dream?

Crabs, too, can sometimes appear in dreams and often indicate your instincts for physical or intellectual pleasure. In addition, they indicate external hardness, and even some cynicism, behind which lies sensitivity. Sometimes the crab indicates internal emotional tension.

Why do jellyfish dream?

Medusa is a symbol of unscrupulousness or spinelessness. In addition, this animal indicates plasticity and changeability.

Why do clams dream?

The mollusk is a double symbol, which on the one hand speaks of isolation and detachment from the outside world, and on the other hand hints at a pearl. The pearl is a sign of spiritual wealth. In turn, the shell in which the mollusks live is a symbol of abundance and purity.

If you dreamed of any of the above inhabitants of the sea, then perhaps our tips will help you understand the depths of your unconscious.

If in a dream you see sea game animals - in reality this portends a meeting with a wayward, sometimes stubborn to an impossible person, but at the same time exceptional honesty and decency.

In a dream, hunting marine animals from the shore suggests that your competitors will do everything possible to frustrate your far-reaching plans.

To engage in the extraction of marine animals from the board of a fishing vessel - you will be unable to arouse or maintain interest in your really interesting and promising proposal.

Why do sea animals dream

Big dream book

Sea animals - If in a dream you see sea game animals - in reality this portends a meeting with a wayward, sometimes stubborn to an impossible person, but at the same time exceptional honesty and decency.

In a dream, hunting marine animals from the shore suggests that your competitors will do everything possible to frustrate your far-reaching plans.

Marine animals - To engage in the extraction of marine animals from the board of a fishing vessel - you will be unable to arouse or maintain interest in your really interesting and promising offer.

If in a dream you buy frozen meat of marine animals, share the joy with a friend in reality.

Sea animals - Canned sea animals - to the loss, which will be found a long time later, when there is no need for it and it ceases to be at least some value.

Cooking sea animals at home - you will not justify the trust placed in you by your superiors. Eat the meat of marine animals in an expensive fashionable restaurant - in reality, you will receive a tempting offer to go on a cruise.

Realization and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday

The picture seen tells about the people who play a leading role in the dreamer's life, or his secret desires, which he successfully suppresses. dream with pleasant emotional coloring promises good changes bad dream- depletion of strength. The fulfillment of sleep should be expected before lunch.

23 lunar day

Sleep most often immerses the sleeper in a tense atmosphere with scary or unpleasant pictures. Such dreams do not always carry negative meaning: often events with a good semantic connotation are hidden behind them.

Waning moon

A dream on a waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose its value in real life. Only dreams with negative content are embodied: they carry a good meaning.

April 28

A dream is a mirror image of events from the sleeper's past. Often it contains an assessment of his actions, words, important decisions. Such dreams have nothing to do with the future.

according to Freud's dream book

The sea that you see in a dream from afar indicates that you currently think of sex as something inaccessible and unreal, at least not that you can enjoy it. In fact, the reason for such an idea is your attitude towards your own appearance, which does not give you the opportunity to fully relax and enjoy. The calm sea that you looked at from the coast or from the ship indicates that you lack the peace that you are looking for wherever you can. Soon the situation will change, everything will stabilize, and you will get what you lack so much. If you dreamed about someone swimming in the sea, the dream has good value- you can help the person you saw solve some problem that he could not cope with in any way. If in a dream you saw yourself swimming in the sea, this means that at present you feel great, everything works out for you the way you yourself wish, and the reason for this is a full-fledged sex life, although until now you have not attached any importance to it. If in your dream you tried to enter a restless, raging sea, then expect such a night of love that you have not had for a long time, and you have completely forgotten that you can make love like this. Do not do anything special for this - everything will happen by itself. Swim underwater in the sea - you are trying to learn something that you absolutely do not need to know. Your meticulousness will not lead to anything good, and you will only be upset.

Why is the sea dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

walk along the coast, the beach - the road; look at the sea - lead from afar; sail on a boat important changes; blue water, blue - meeting; swim in the sea - fulfillment of desires; sea ​​depth - gastric, hidden anxiety; look from the depths through the water - unrealizability; drowning in the sea is a danger to life, a dangerous undertaking, a business; see Drown.

Dreamed of the sea

according to Miller's dream book

If you hear the melancholy sound of the sea in a dream, it means that you are destined to a tedious and fruitless life, devoid of love and friendly participation. Dreams about the sea testify to the futility of your expectations, because, indulging in carnal pleasures, you will yearn for the delight of the spirit, which the flesh cannot replace. If a girl dreams that she is quickly gliding over the surface of the sea with her beloved, it means that her girlish dreams will happily come true, and joy will guard vows of fidelity.


according to the Ayurvedic dream book

It is a symbol of birth.

See water in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Water plays a huge role in human history. Whether it is a deep freshwater lake, a river that brings life, or an ocean that swallows people, water is both friend and foe. If the dream contains this significant character in whatever form, it is essential to understand its role. Water in dreams is a strong symbol, because very often its appearance coincides with the highest point of feelings. If other objects have a relaxing effect, then a murmuring stream flowing through a meadow enhances this effect. If some symbols give rise to a feeling of fear or anxiety, then the stormy ocean enhances it. Water has a symbolic, primary meaning, according to which it either ensures the existence of life, or keeps a secret, is fraught with danger. It is a reflection of the human experience with water. At the dawn of mankind, hunter-gatherers quickly realized that water was the central ingredient of life. They die much faster from thirst than from hunger. It was even more important to know where the water was, for it made it clear where the food was. However, with the spread of trade, water became a necessary evil, which was fraught with unknown dangers. Travel by water was dangerous and mysterious, as sea creatures, storms and rough seas claimed the lives of many travelers; contaminated water affected livestock and spread disease. Emphasizing a positive view of water, it should be noted that it is often a symbol of new life, restoration of strength and energy. Water, in controlled amounts or in a controlled environment, almost always evokes this feeling in the sleeper. Managed water is the key to problem solving. If there is a lake in a dream, is the entire coast line within sight and likely reach? If you dream of a river or stream, then have they overflowed their banks, and can they, in your opinion, be overcome in the usual ways? These are all examples of managed water. Water presented in this way often indicates renewal. For example, a traveler and tired, dreamer suddenly comes across a stream. A place where you can refresh yourself and gain strength to continue your journey, close at hand. Perhaps the dreamer is sailing on a boat, slowly sliding on the surface of the water. The sleeper must be looking forward to a respite from worldly worries or is trying to create such an opportunity on purpose. Unmanaged water creates anxiety. Raging rivers, rapids and boundless lakes reflect the uncontrollability of the circumstances in which the dreamer is. Quiet deep water Seemingly refreshing, it can also give rise to feelings of anxiety. The reason for this is the danger potentially lurking in the darkness and the lack of knowledge of what is in the depths. The exception to the general statements listed above are water taps. In a dream, it is important to determine whether the crane is controlled by a dreamer or another person and for what purpose this is done. If the dreamer does not operate the faucet effectively, then it can be assumed that he feels that he is not in control and is not able to cope with simple circumstances, or, even worse, perhaps there is no water in the faucet. If the tap is controlled by another person, then it can be concluded that the dreamer feels that his position, whether good or bad, is determined by the whim of the other. This whim can cause considerable discomfort or comfort, depending on whether it comes from an unpredictable boss. , lover or other persons significant to you.

Water in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Water is a symbol of life. Seeing crystal clear water collected in a huge ball - this dream portends favorable weather, which will bring many benefits for agricultural work. Drinking water and seeing a fly at the bottom of a glass - this dream means a lawsuit, litigation or slander that will change the mood of society and its faith in tomorrow. Walking on water and seeing flocks of carps - this dream suggests that relations with Japan will be brought to a critical point, but it will not come to violence or a declaration of war. Walking underwater and talking with dolphins is a harbinger of discovering a previously unknown nation to the world. Seeing strongly seething water is a sign of the birth of a new doctrine or science, a favorable period for discoveries and complex experiments. Seeing water with blood - this dream portends the birth of Scorpio, who will become a great man and declare himself publicly.

Dreamed of water

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing pure water in a dream portends that a joyful prospect of prosperity and pleasure awaits you. If the water is cloudy, you will be in danger and discouragement will take the place of joy. If you see that water has flooded your house and is rising, this means that you will fight, resist evil, but if you see that the water is decreasing, you will succumb to a dangerous influence. If you walk on wet ground and feel that your feet are getting wet, this portends trouble, illness and poverty that will make you solve difficult problems, but you will be able to warn them with your vigilance. The same interpretation can be applied to the muddy water that fills the ship. fall in muddy water- a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes and will be painfully upset by this. Drinking muddy water portends a disease, but drinking clean and fresh water is a sign of a favorable end to the wildest hopes. Playing sports in the water means a sudden awakening of love and passion. If you dream that water splashes fall on your head, this means a passionate awakening of love, which will end happily. The following dream and subsequent events in real life are thus conveyed by a young woman who studies dreams: “It is not known how in a dream I ended up in a boat sailing on a blue clean water to the pier, which seemed to me snow-white. The next evening I had a delightful guest - a young man who stayed with me beyond the time prescribed by my mother, and I was severely condemned for this. Blue water and a beautiful white boat in the distance were symbols of disappointment.

Why dream of water

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

drink clean, cold - fortunately, health; muddy, warm - to the disease; walking in troubled waters is a disappointment for the better; immersion in water - get into a personal predicament; plunge headlong - avoid danger; get wet - a shame in love, betrayal and the collapse of personal plans; wash - to joy, liberation; pour - to shame, mistake; water - to loss; look at the waterfall - a terrible meeting; splashed on the head - an unexpected passion; to draw water - grief; to draw water from the River - to money from someone; from the well - unfortunately; warm water drink - unfortunately, illness; to see something underwater is the past; pops up - resumption of relationships or litigation, regret about the past; see scoop; (flowing from a well) - loss of property; misfortune with loved ones; (it flows from where it is not supposed to flow) - troubles depending on the place of the leak: from the wall - troubles from the husband or in the family; from the ceiling - from the authorities; from under the floor - trouble from enemies or betrayal of friends; from pipes - slander and slander on the sleeping person.

Why dream about water

according to Vanga's dream book

Water is a symbol of change, resolution of contradictions, evolution, renewal, washing away of sins and oblivion. In a dream, drink clean cold water- in reality, the world will be renewed, and you will be involved in this process of purification and resurrection in a new capacity, along with many people around you. If you dreamed that water was pouring on you from above, then this is an omen of the coming wave of cosmic influence on you, which is unreasonable to resist. If you manage to find harmony with the cosmos, then you will become a great person and become famous throughout the world. Seeing muddy water is a sign of trouble, the complexity of situations and relationships with people. Show kindness and patience, otherwise you will stain your soul with unworthy impressions. If in a dream you saw water flooding your house, then in reality wait for a stream of news, one of which will radically change your sense of self and relationships with people. Drowning in water - in reality, resisting the natural course of events, as a result of which you will tear your health and shorten your life. Seeing circles or ripples on the surface of the water in a dream - you will hardly endure the coming changes, but by standing in this stormy stream of the event, you will gain power over yourself and other people.

Dreamed of a storm

according to Miller's dream book

In a dream, getting into a strong storm is a harbinger of losses and failures in business.

Dreamed of a dolphin

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a dolphin means your tendency to fall under the influence of the new government. This is not a very good dream.

The meaning of a dream about a dolphin

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a dolphin, it means that in sex you lack the sharpness of sensations and you are looking for a way to experience them. It also seems to you that you have definitely lost the novelty of the relationship and this has lost its charm. If in a dream you rode a dolphin, it means that in the near future you will make love in the water. Someone else's example will inspire you to do this, since you yourself could not decide on such a thing. But in vain! Unforgettable experience, by the way, gives water sex!

Seeing a dolphin in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

Savior and psychopomp, escort of souls in the underworld, savior of shipwrecked people, king of fish. Symbolizes maritime power, safety and speed. Two dolphins looking in different sides, represent the duality of nature. An anchored dolphin means speed and slowness, two dolphins together mean the middle between the extremes of "hurry slowly." In the Celtic epic, the dolphin is associated with the worship of springs and with the powers of the waters. In Christianity, this is Christ, the savior of souls, carrying them through the depths of death. A dolphin with an anchor or a ship represents the church led by Christ. In Christianity, this symbol sometimes replaces the ark of salvation and rebirth. A dolphin pierced by a trident or chained to an anchor means the crucified Christ. The dolphin taking the place of the whale signifies resurrection. The Egyptians are an attribute of Isis. AT Ancient Greece- a psychopomp who accompanies souls to the Isles of the Blessed. It has both lunar and solar signs: in connection with Delphic Apollo, it symbolizes light and the sun; being consonant with the word womb - the lunar beginning. It has erotic symbolism if depicted with the "woman of the sea" Aphrodite or Eros. Attribute of the sea lord Poseidon and Dionysus. The naked Tethys floats on the sea on a dolphin. In Minoan culture, it represents power on the seas. In Mithraism, it is associated with Mithra, the symbol of light. The Romans symbolize the journey of the soul through the sea of ​​death to the Isles of the Blessed. In Sumero-Semitic mythology, the dolphin was used instead of the fish in the presentations of Ea-Oannes. It is an attribute of Ishtar and dedicated to Atargatis.

Why is the dolphin dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

a messenger of a stranger; other people's influences (good or bad, depending on the side they are sailing to).

Why is the shark dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

floats - failure of affairs; dead - protection.

Dreamed of a shark

according to Miller's dream book

Sharks in a dream portend formidable, terrible enemies. If sharks chase and attack you, then failures are inevitable that will plunge you into the abyss of despair. Seeing sharks frolicking in clear, clear water means that while you prosper and enjoy female society, someone's envy quietly but surely wants to deprive you of peace and happiness. If you dream of a dead shark, then you will regain prosperity and peace.

Shark dream meaning

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a shark, this indicates that your partner (partner) is a real predator who likes to enslave and rule over you completely. He dictates his will everywhere and in everything - and this is unlikely to give you pleasure in the sphere of intimate relationships. Try to talk to him and explain what suits you in intimate life and what not. You should not be afraid of this conversation or, worse, be embarrassed, because the problem cannot be solved by silence, and the person himself is unlikely to guess what is tormenting you.

Dream of a tidal wave

according to Loff's dream book

Dreams of impending misfortune, as a rule, indicate that the dreamer feels he has lost control of the situation. In the case of a tidal wave, the feeling of losing control of the situation is often combined with the need to start over. A 16-year-old boy recounts his dream: “I am running, trying to escape the tidal wave before it hits me. In the end, I understand the hopelessness of the situation. I turn around and the wave hits me with all its force. Surprisingly, despite the force of the blow, I stay on my feet. When I turn back, in the direction I was running, I see that everything - my house, my parents, my car - everything has disappeared. At the beginning of the discussion, the young man told about numerous complaints that were somehow connected with home life and the absence of his father. During further questioning, the young man admitted that he abused drugs and had problems with the realization of sexual needs. He desperately wanted a second chance, realizing that he had ruined his own life before. Often, seeing catastrophic events in a dream means a desire for purification in real life.

The meaning of a dream about a cabin boy

according to Freud's dream book

If you dream of a cabin boy, then you just want to have sex with someone younger than you. Do not worry - you are still far from pedophilia, it is just a craving for the unusual. To be a cabin boy in a dream - you will soon become the object of harassment by a person much older than yourself. Of course, the first thought that comes to your mind is that he suits you as a father (mother). But if you show your emancipation and agree to experience with the "wise ancestor", then, perhaps, not only enrich your amorous collection, but also learn a lot about sex.

Why is the raft dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

profitable trip; sailing on it along the river is the completion of affairs.

Dreamed of a raft

according to Miller's dream book

Dreamed of a steamer

according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream you see an approaching steamboat, this portends that pleasant entertainment is in store for you by fate. Seeing a departing steamer means that you will experience slight losses and disappointments.

See a pond in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

A dream about swimming or relaxing on the shore of a reservoir is the most desired dream of volitional fulfillment for many people. Recreation and recuperation in nature seem like a wonderful prospect. However, the persons present in the pond with you may indicate events that take place without your participation in real life. The evaluation of the message conveyed in the dream depends on those persons who are in the reservoir, as well as the general topics and interests that; unite you with these people in real life. Perhaps you should not watch but join them? Do you feel the need to join the bathers instead of standing aside and limiting yourself to sunbathing. The unattractive appearance of the water may indicate a certain situation that portrays the body of water as something that you have been drawn into against your will. In that. In this case, the people bathing in the pond may be people who you trust but have concerns about. sea

I dreamed that I was swimming in the open sea, then I approached the shore and I want to go out on it, but I can’t - the undercurrent interferes. I swam along the shore for a very long time. And then this current began to drag me into a narrow river that flowed from the sea. It wasn't bad, but I didn't want to go there. I began to struggle with this current, it was not difficult (I swam back!), And went ashore. What would it be for? (Lyudmila)

A dream means that in reality you are on the verge of major changes in your life, however, you are worried about the fact that it is difficult for you to control the situation and it is scary to be left without the support of loved ones. The struggle with the flow indicates your resistance to what is happening in real life, perhaps, despite the opening prospects, you would prefer to leave everything as it is.


Calm and clear sea. It was as if I was hovering over the sea sitting on a rope, like a swing. I looked down, saw the sea and felt complete calm despite the fact that I hung quite high. I saw the shore and people sitting on it. There were three of them and they were my friends, but in real life I don't know them. They saw me, waved and smiled at me. At the moment I jumped into the sea, dived and swam. Why sleep? (Maria)

A dream means that in reality you are bored, your current life seems too calm to you, and you are thinking about how to diversify it. Judging by the description of the dream, you are considering some new business or adventure (in a good sense of the word) and plan to dive headlong into it. You know that friends will always support you .