Recipe for delicious thin pancakes with milk. Sweet pancakes with milk

Thin pancakes not everyone gets it on milk. The dish is quite capricious, requiring skill and culinary skills. Often the pancake turns out lumpy for housewives, and not only the first one. It happens that pancakes are torn in a pan or come out not as tender and tasty as we would like. To avoid these incidents and bake truly delicious thin pancakes, you must adhere to right technology cooking, as well as use products in certain proportions.
The most important thing is to prepare the dough for pancakes of the desired consistency. Too thin dough will tear in the pan, and thick pancakes will come out dense, rough and thick. High-quality pancake dough in its consistency should be moderately pouring, like fresh liquid honey.
To make pancakes, it is better to have a special non-stick pancake pan in your kitchen arsenal. It is a pleasure to cook on such a device - pancakes do not stick to the surface of the pan, are evenly fried and do not require a large number oils. You will also need a deep pan for the dough, a wooden or metal spoon, a ladle and a spatula for turning the pancakes. With ours step by step photos and detailed advice any hostess can cook thin pancakes.
From the specified amount of ingredients, 20 thin pancakes come out, the preparation of which takes only 40 minutes.

Taste Info Pancakes


  • Milk - 2.5 tbsp.;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • Flour - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • Egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt - 1 tsp

How to cook thin pancakes with milk, a recipe with step by step photos

Beat eggs into a deep bowl or saucepan, add salt and sugar. The proportions of salt in the recipe are conditional. If you plan to put a sweet filling in pancakes, then cut the amount of salt in half.

Beat the eggs well with a whisk until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.

Heat the milk on the stove or in the microwave to about 38 degrees. Then pour half of the serving into the egg mixture. Stir.

While stirring the mixture with a whisk, add wheat flour in small portions. You need to beat the dough so intensively to remove all the lumps that have formed. The result should be a very thick, smooth mass.

Pour the remaining milk into the dough.

Be sure to add odorless vegetable oil to the dough. It will make the pancakes softer. And it will also allow you to bake thin pancakes, bypassing such a nuisance as sticking to a frying pan.

To prevent the first pancake from turning out lumpy, before cooking, the pan must be thoroughly heated on the stove, and then greased with any fat: butter, sunflower, a piece of unsalted fat. After that, scoop up the dough with a ladle, pour it into the middle of the surface and quickly rotate the pan in a circle so that it is evenly distributed in a thin layer. Fry pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

You can serve thin pancakes with milk as an independent dish, sprinkled with jam, honey, condensed milk or sour cream. And you can wrap any stuffing inside.

Some useful tips for hostess:

  • If the dough does not whip well and lumps remain in it, then walk over it with an immersion blender.
  • If you started baking pancakes, but they turn out to be too thick, then add half a ladle of water, then mix the dough thoroughly.
  • If you leave the pancake dough to stand for a while at room temperature, it will become more homogeneous, frying pancakes is a little easier.
  • The easiest way to lubricate the pan is with a cooking brush, you need a little oil, spread a few drops on the surface and immediately pour the dough. For convenience and in order not to pour a lot of oil into the pan, pour it into a small bowl and put a cooking brush there.
  • Fry over medium heat, on a small fire the pancakes will fry too long, on a large fire they will burn or not evenly bake.
  • Don't go too far and keep an eye on pancakes, remember that thin pancakes fry quickly. After you turn it over to the other side, the count goes on for seconds, after about ten to twenty seconds, remove the pancake, immediately put it on a plate and grease it with oil.

Pancakes are closely connected with the ancient pagan rituals of the Slavs.

Each nation had and has its own rich ancient traditions, including culinary ones.

It is difficult to find a person in Russia who has not heard of Shrovetide, and the main symbol of this holiday, of course, are pancakes.

Today I want to treat you to the most delicious thin pancakes with milk, recipe which I have inherited.



  • 1 l. milk
  • 3-4 eggs
  • 1 tbsp Sahara
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 300-350 gr. flour (2 cups)
  • 100 gr. butter


  • 30 gr. vegetable oil


In the bowl in which we will knead the dough, beat the eggs, pour out the salt, sugar, and mix thoroughly with a whisk, no need to beat.

Pour in about half of the milk, mix well so that the salt and sugar dissolve.

If you pour out all the milk at once, then after adding the flour, most likely, unmixed lumps will remain.

Then we add pre-sifted flour and since flour is different for everyone, you may need a couple of spoons more.

Mix the dough well, it is more convenient to do this with a whisk, and not with a spoon.

At this stage, the dough is quite thick, knead it to a smooth, homogeneous state without lumps.

Traditionally, vegetable oil is added to pancake dough, but this recipe uses butter, then pancakes, in addition to a beautiful porous texture, also acquire an unusual creamy taste.

Add the remaining milk and mix again, and so that the butter does not freeze in the dough, all products should not be cold, but at least at room temperature.

The dough turns out to be quite liquid, something like heavy cream, you can let it “rest” for 5-10 minutes, or you can immediately start making pancakes.

We set the pans on the stove, and heat them well, because. it is in a hot pan that pancakes turn out beautiful, porous, with holes.

Then lower the heat slightly and brush the pans with oil each time before pouring the batter.

Pour the dough into a hot pan and spread it in a thin layer over the entire surface.

I want to attract your attention.

If the pan is very hot and oiled before each pancake, then no soda is needed, the pancakes will be in the hole anyway and without the taste of soda.

From this amount of dough, 30 pancakes with a diameter of 20 cm come out.

Ready-made pancakes can be served immediately hot with honey, jam, condensed milk, sour cream and, of course, caviar.

They are ideal for stuffing with any fillings.

Pancakes are thin, very soft, with a creamy taste.

This is a proven and very reliable recipe, perhaps the most delicious pancakes.

I will be very happy if you prepare them.

I wish you all bon appetit!

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Dina was with you. See you soon, new recipes!



Not only on Shrovetide, we remember this golden round delicacy, sometimes on ordinary days we cook pancakes for breakfast. From time to time you want to please yourself and your loved ones with a hearty and favorite dish. But still thin pancakes in milk with holes, we bake not so often. The holiday of seeing off winter is just the right occasion, especially since Maslenitsa lasts a whole week.

Usually during the week of the celebration I have time to cook almost all kinds of various pancakes. Well, how else, you want to treat yourself deliciously every day, but you don’t want to eat the same pancakes. You have to apply all your knowledge and skills in the field of cooking to please the family with a variety of pancakes and pancakes. And there is something to please after all. Pancakes can be thick and fluffy yeast dough, and on milk or kefir, and can be thin and openwork, so they glow through, lean or chocolate, even with vegetables or fruits.

But today I will tell you how to cook delicious thin pancakes in milk, very thin and with holes. Even these pancakes, there are many varieties and methods of preparation. So wind on your mustache and be sure to try to cook. And your family members will definitely thank you for it.

How to cook thin pancakes in milk - step by step recipe

We all love classic thin pancakes with milk, and there is no such big secret in their preparation. In order to bake them, complex or rare ingredients are not required, everything is very simple and is in any refrigerator. It is good to eat such thin pancakes in milk with any fillings, although if there are too many holes in them, then with liquid ones, for example, with honey, it is problematic if you want to wrap the filling. It is more convenient to dip such thin pancakes in liquid fillings, and to wrap thick ones. Thin pancakes can be eaten with meat, and with an egg, and with red fish, a lot interesting options. But no one has canceled fresh delicious sour cream and cottage cheese, preparations of jam and jam from the summer, even ice cream.

  • milk - 500 ml,
  • flour - 1 cup,
  • eggs - 2 pcs,
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons,
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • baking soda - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • lemon juice/ vinegar - 1 teaspoon.


1. Remove milk and eggs from the refrigerator in advance so that they are at room temperature. Products at this temperature are better whipped and mixed.

2. Break two eggs into a bowl, add sugar and salt. Beat with a whisk or fork until light foam. You can do this with a mixer, but our task is not to beat the eggs, but to dissolve the sugar and salt. Foam should appear only around the edges of the bowl.

3. Pour milk into eggs and stir.

4. Sift the flour into the milk-egg mixture. Sifted flour will mix better and form less lumps. Then continue to stir the dough with a whisk until all the lumps are dissolved. It is important to grind them, because lumps will remain in the finished pancakes and will not dissolve.

5. Now add vegetable oil to the dough in the dough. This is necessary so that you do not have to pour a lot of it into the pan and the pancakes do not turn out to be too greasy.

6. At the very end, add slaked soda. To do this, mix lemon juice and soda to make foam. Chemical reaction will continue in the dough, which will create gas bubbles, which will later turn into holes.

7. Preheat a flat, heavy-bottomed skillet. Classic cast iron pans work well, as they distribute heat well. But you can also take special non-stick pans for pancakes. The main thing is that it should not be too thin, otherwise the pancakes will burn.

8. For the very first time, the pan should be smeared with a thin layer of vegetable oil. To see if the pan is hot enough, pour the first pancake. It will also become clear to you whether the batter is enough. The density will depend on how thin they will be. The thinner the dough, the thinner the pancakes.

But it is important to find a balance, too thin dough will spread and pancakes will tear when removed. No wonder they say "the first pancake is lumpy." It is just that he is a tester.

9. Use a ladle to pour pancakes. Pour in just enough dough to completely cover the bottom. You can slightly tilt the pan so that the dough spreads evenly over its surface.

In a well-heated frying pan, the dough will seize immediately, and holes will immediately form, which many people love so much.

10. When a blush begins to appear along the edge of the pancake, and the middle stops being liquid, it's time to turn the pancake over. Take a wide spatula and turn the pancake over. Fry it on the other side for just a couple of minutes.

Some people like to bake pancakes on only one side. This is quite acceptable if they are very thin and baked through.

11. To remove the finished pancake, you need to pry it with a spatula and put it on a flat dish. Place the next pancake on top, forming a stack. The pancakes will warm each other and continue to bake. As a result, by the time you serve them, thin pancakes in milk will still be warm or even hot.

It is very tasty if you spread quite a bit of butter on each pancake. But it will add fat to them.

By the way! You can change the amount of sugar in the pancake dough depending on which filling you prefer. For empanadas, eggs or cheese, it is best to make the pancakes less sweet. For dessert toppings, add more sugar. The main thing is not to remove the sugar completely otherwise the pancakes will be bland and tasteless. Sugar and salt must be balanced.

If the pancakes are torn and very thin, then they can be removed from the pan by folding them in half before that. Form a stack of pancakes from such folded halves. Eating them will still be both convenient and tasty.

Happy tea!

Thin pancakes with milk and starch

Another secret to making thin pancakes with milk is that a little potato starch is added to the dough. It helps to increase the viscosity of raw dough, which makes it better baked and pancakes do not tear. Starch practically does not affect the taste, it is not noticeable against the background of eggs, milk and butter, which we use in the classic recipe. Pancakes at the same time will be just as beautiful, ruddy and soft.

For the test you will need:

  • warm milk - 300 ml,
  • flour - 6 tablespoons,
  • potato starch - 1 tablespoon,
  • egg - 1 pc,
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • soda - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • lemon juice or vinegar 9% - 1 teaspoon,


1. Stir the egg with sugar and salt in a bowl to dissolve them. Beat until a very light foam appears.

2. Pour milk into the egg and stir until smooth.

3. Add flour and starch to the mixture, stir well with a whisk until all lumps are dissolved.

4. After mixing the dough with flour, add butter. If you pour it in earlier, then it will not allow the eggs to beat well. Stir the oil with a whisk until it is no longer visible on the surface. At the very end, add soda slaked with lemon juice.

5. Pour the dough into a heated pan with a ladle so that it spreads very evenly. Right at this moment, holes should form, which means that the dough for thin pancakes succeeded.

6. Fry each pancake on both sides until golden color. Remove the finished ruddy pancakes from the pan and put them in a pile.

After you bake at least half of the pancakes, you can roll them up into tubes or an envelope. Wrap the finished stuffing in them or put them beautifully on a plate.

Arrange sour cream, jam, honey in bowls and serve with pancakes to the table. Eat and enjoy your family!

Custard pancakes in milk - thin and with holes

What is the difference between ordinary thin pancakes in milk and custard pancakes? If the dough is also cooked in milk, then there are not so many differences. The taste of pancakes is excellent. But main secret in the fact that in the process of kneading, boiling water is added to the dough, which, as it were, brews it. If you have not tried thin pancakes with holes according to this recipe, then you should do it.

For pancakes you will need:

  • milk - 200 ml,
  • boiling water - 200 ml,
  • flour - 150 grams,
  • eggs - 2 pcs,
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons,
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon,
  • butter as desired.


1. In a bowl or saucepan, beat eggs with sugar and salt. Then add milk to it. Mix well with a whisk or mixer.

2. Add baking powder to the future dough. You can use a special baking powder, or you can make your own baking powder by mixing 0.5 tablespoons baking soda with 1 teaspoon of vinegar or citric acid.

3. Sift flour into a bowl. Sifted flour mixes much better with the liquid part and leaves fewer lumps. Plus, air-saturated flour will make the dough more airy, which is why everyone's favorite holes will appear.

4. Thoroughly stir the flour so that not a single lump remains. The batter will be a bit thick for thin pancakes, but that's by design because we've only added part of the liquid so far, namely milk and eggs.

5. Now add vegetable oil to the dough and mix well. Boil the kettle and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Stir the dough immediately so that it does not brew into lumps. Stir for a couple of minutes, then leave the dough for a while to infuse it. During this time, you can just heat up the pan.

6. A preheated pan for pancakes, usually with a thick bottom and low sides, spread a thin layer of vegetable oil with a brush. Then take the dough with a ladle and carefully pour it into the hot pan, tilting it slightly. The dough should spread evenly in a thin layer.

7. As soon as the middle of the pancake ceases to be liquid and a golden crust appears around the edges, the pancake can be turned over to the other side. on this side, bake it for another 5-7 seconds, then remove and stack it in a pile.

Serve pancakes with butter, get the most delicious jam and other toppings. Wrap meat or cottage cheese.

Bon appetit!

Cooking delicious thin pancakes in milk without eggs

Sometimes pancakes with milk without eggs are a necessary measure, if suddenly there were no eggs at home, and sometimes it is a conscious choice. These pancakes are also very tasty and the difference is really noticeable. It turns out that eggs give a very recognizable flavor to pancake dough. If they are removed from the recipe, then the taste will change. But there are some charms in such pancakes. They still turn out fragrant, ruddy and with holes.

In this recipe, I will tell you how to make choux pastry with hot milk, but without using eggs.

We will need:

  • milk - 1 liter,
  • flour - 500 grams,
  • butter - 100 grams,
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons,
  • salt - 1 teaspoon,
  • starch - 2 teaspoons.


1. The procedure for preparing custard pancakes without eggs is slightly different from those that I have already described above. To begin, mix 500 ml of milk at room temperature with flour.

2. Add sugar, salt and starch to the same place. Now knead the dough well. It will turn out thick enough, as if you are going to bake not thin pancakes with holes, but fluffy pancakes.

3. Put a saucepan on the fire and heat the second half of the milk in it (another 500 ml.). Put a 10 gram piece of butter into the milk and let it dissolve completely.

4. As soon as the milk begins to boil, pour it into the previously prepared dough. Carefully stir the brewed dough with a whisk or spoon until it becomes uniform and all lumps disappear.

6. The dough ready for baking should resemble good kefir in density.

7. Preheat the pan and pour the dough onto it with a ladle. Spread the dough over the entire surface in a thin layer. It will immediately begin to bake and holes will appear.

8. As soon as the middle is baked, turn the pancake over to the other side. Remove the finished ruddy pancake to a plate. You can stack them in a pile, or you can fold each pancake.

Delicious thin pancakes in milk without eggs are ready. You can set the table!

Chocolate pancakes with milk - a step by step recipe with a photo

And you may not have had time to try such thin delicious chocolate pancakes. Surprisingly, not many people themselves come up with such a recipe, but since they cook thin pancakes in milk as a dessert, why not make them chocolate themselves? This idea seemed very entertaining to me, since my family is not indifferent to chocolate. Pancakes were greeted with enthusiasm and disappeared from the table in one tea party. Requests to cook were repeated several times. Chocolate pancakes are also good on Maslenitsa to add variety to the everyday pancake marathon.

To make chocolate pancakes you will need:

  • flour - 330 grams,
  • milk - 1 liter,
  • eggs - 2 pieces,
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons,
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons,
  • cocoa powder - 3-4 tablespoons,
  • vanilla sugar or vanilla extract.


1. Break eggs into a bowl and add sugar and salt. Beat well with a whisk until a light foam forms.

2. After the eggs have been beaten a little, you can add vegetable oil to them and mix well again. Don't add the oil all at once, it prevents the eggs from beating by enveloping them.

3. Take the classic cocoa powder, with it the pancakes will turn out tastier than with an instant cocoa drink like Nesquik. Sift the powder through a sieve like flour, as quite large lumps are very often found in it.

4. Whisk the eggs and cocoa well until the cocoa is smooth. Now you need to add about a third of the milk. It is best to warm the milk in advance so that the cocoa is well dissolved and the powder is not felt. Stir milk into this mixture.

5. Sift the flour through a sieve and add it all at once to the future dough. Now you need to mix it well until all the lumps are dissolved. Thick dough is easier to mix than liquid, so we will bring the dough to the condition later.

6. Knead the dough for several minutes until it becomes homogeneous like sour cream. In the process, add a packet of vanilla sugar or a teaspoon of vanilla extract for a more intense taste.

7. Add remaining milk and mix well. If suddenly lumps remain in the dough, then it can be filtered through a sieve. After all, lumps in pancakes will not be very pleasant. let the dough rest for 30 minutes before baking thin chocolate pancakes with milk.

8. Bake thin chocolate pancakes with milk in a well-heated heavy-bottomed pan. We have already added vegetable oil to the dough, so it should not stick to the bottom of the pan. But if you have an old frying pan or pancakes that cannot be removed, then you can oil the frying pan with a brush every time. Bake pancakes on both sides.

If in your opinion there are not enough holes in the pancakes, then you need to add some kind of baking powder to the dough. It can be slaked soda or baking powder. You can put it at the end of kneading the dough.

Ready pancakes stack or roll into tubes. They can be served with sour cream, jam, honey, whipped cream and fruit. It will also be good with condensed milk or syrups.

Happy carnival!

Buckwheat pancakes with milk - a recipe without yeast

We continue to cook thin pancakes in milk with holes. We have already prepared classic, custard and even chocolate pancakes, and now it's time for buckwheat pancakes. These are very tasty pancakes, which rightfully occupy a worthy place on the table of good housewives. In addition to being delicious, they are also healthy. Did you know that this is an old Russian recipe, it was from buckwheat flour that our distant ancestors prepared pancakes.

For cooking you will need:

  • milk - 1 glass,
  • eggs - 2 pcs,
  • sugar - a tablespoon without a hillock,
  • salt - a pinch,
  • buckwheat flour - 2 tablespoons with a slide,
  • wheat flour - 2 tablespoons with a slide,
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon.

For a detailed and understandable recipe for making thin buckwheat pancakes, see the video.

Thin openwork pancakes with milk and mineral water

Openwork thin pancakes in milk can be obtained not only thanks to baking powder or a special way to brew the dough, but also thanks to an interesting ingredient - mineral water. Thanks to the gas bubbles in the water, bubbles also form in the dough, which, when baking pancakes, become our favorite holes.

For cooking you will need:

  • flour - 200 grams,
  • eggs - 3 pcs,
  • milk - 1 glass,
  • mineral water with gas - 1 glass,
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.


1. Cooking thin openwork pancakes on mineral water is practically no different from classic recipe pancakes with milk. Start by whisking the eggs, sugar and salt together.

2. Pour in a glass of milk at room temperature. Stir.

3. Gradually add the sifted flour, continuing to stir the dough. Gradually, all lumps should be rubbed and the dough should become homogeneous.

4. Pour vegetable oil into the dough and stir well until it disappears from the surface.

5. Now it's time to add sparkling mineral water. Do not use strongly flavored water to make pancakes, otherwise it may spoil the pancakes. It is better to take neutral water or just carbonated drinking water. Water should not be from the refrigerator, but also at room temperature.

6. Stir the water with the dough and now you can start baking pancakes. To do this, heat the pan and pour the dough onto it with a ladle. In a well-heated pan, the dough will bake very quickly. Don't forget to flip the pancake and fry it on the other side for a few seconds before removing it.

such pancakes are very thin and openwork, almost like lace. there is a pleasure. Choose toppings to your taste and enjoy ruddy pancakes with your family!

Lacy pancakes with milk - a detailed video recipe

You may have already seen that now lace pancakes have become incredibly popular, which seem to openwork napkins woven with intricate patterns. You can cook them different ways, but I will show you a recipe for making milk dough. The main thing you need to make thin lace pancakes is a special bottle with a narrow neck, which is used to pour the dough into the pan. It is with such a bottle that they are drawn beautiful patterns to then bake into an original lace pancake. Fantasy can be turned on to the fullest, someone draws flowers, someone draws hearts, there are no limits to your ideas. The main thing is that the pancakes are well browned on both sides.

How to cook thin lace pancakes in milk, see below.

We either complain about an unsuccessful recipe, or about the “wrong” frying pan, or about bad products. But if thin pancakes are not obtained in any way, the matter is most likely a deviation from the recipe or a banal rush.

Another mistake - we are trying to bake pancakes on a fancy, advertised pan with many functions. But the most ordinary cheap pancake, and even left over from Soviet times Cast-iron pan better for this mission.

  • We are too afraid liquid dough- it seems to us that it is impossible to bake it, that it is already completely liquid, and we specially add density to it, which is the whole mistake;
  • Milk straight from the fridge is not the best the best way, it is not necessary to boil it, but you need to warm it up;
  • Pour vegetable oil into the dough after the first batch of poured milk, pour the second batch into the resulting mixture after the oil.
  • Take the time to remove all lumps from the dough. You can, of course, connect a mixer to this task, but experienced housewives say that the taste of pancakes in this case may change slightly.
  • In the process of cooking thin pancakes, do not forget to periodically stir the dough.
  • Before baking, the pan must be thoroughly heated by adding literally two tablespoons of vegetable oil (preferably odorless);
  • Don't experiment unnecessarily. On kefir, for example, thin pancakes will not work.
  • The dough should only contain products at room temperature.
  • It is better to sift flour for baking several times.
  • Each ready-made pancake, stacked in a pile, is recommended to be poured with melted butter.

Cake for the New Year 2019: the best recipes

Empirically, you will find your wisdom in making pancakes, and get the hang of cooking them with holes, and openwork, and ruddy.

Best Recipes

No matter how beautiful the pancakes in the photo are, their main advantage is the taste. We have selected some of the most best recipes pancakes - try and enjoy.

Recipe 1. Classic version


  • 800-850 ml warmed milk
  • 9-10 Art. l. flour (with a slide)
  • 4-5 eggs
  • a teaspoon of salt and sugar
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. oil (sunflower)


  • Mix milk, eggs, sugar and, of course, salt. Do not forget that all products must be at the same temperature.
  • Gently add the sifted flour 2-3 times. Stir for a long time until the last lumps disappear.
  • It's time for vegetable oil.
  • Then we pour milk again, we get the dough of the consistency we need.
  • Fire should be slightly above average. We heat up the pan. If we use oil, then a little bit.
  • Bake on both sides. Once the pancake is browned, flip/remove. Don't forget to stir the dough.

Classic recipe - delicious pancakes!

Recipe 2. Pancakes on the water


  • half a liter of water
  • 2 eggs
  • flour (300-340 g)
  • a pinch of salt
  • a teaspoon of sugar
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sunflower oil


  • Crack eggs into a bowl, add sugar and salt.
  • We pour water. Mix well.
  • Gently, slowly, we introduce the double-sifted flour into the dough. We mix everything with a whisk.
  • We bake pancakes. They should come with holes.

Garden strawberry jelly: preparation, storage and benefits of dessert

The recipe for pancakes on the water is perfect for spring rolls, this will help reduce the overall calorie content of the dish.

Pancakes on the water (video)

Recipe 3. Pancakes on kefir


  • half a liter of kefir
  • one and a half to two tbsp. flour
  • 2 large (preferably brown) eggs
  • a glass of milk
  • a teaspoon of soda
  • a tablespoon of sugar
  • half spoon of salt
  • 1/2 spoon of oil

Pancakes, of course, will not be so thin, but they cannot be denied delicacy and appetizing.


  • In warmed kefir, add eggs, soda, sugar and salt.
  • Add flour, bring to the consistency of sour cream.
  • There should be no lumps, mix well.
  • Pour warm milk in a thin stream into the dough.
  • Add oil, mix. You can bake!

More than one generation has been true to this pancake recipe.

The recipe for delicious pancakes on kefir (video)

Feed options

  • Today, simplicity and naturalness are welcomed. Therefore, you can put pancakes in a stack on a wide plate, and put two cups with jam and honey next to them.
  • Greens and fresh berries can also decorate a still life, only, of course, separately.
  • You can even arrange a “pancake party” with all sorts of different toppings. From fast food sauce to grandma's jam. Berries, jams, caviar are welcome.
  • And yet, thin pancakes have strong associations with the Russian feast, grandmother's cuisine, and rustic flavor. Most correct options submissions are built on this. Thematic tablecloths, napkins, painted wooden utensils are best suited.
  • But you can go more modern way, you get culinary eclecticism. For example, our pancakes and exotic fruits.

How to cook a recipe for thin pancakes - Full description cooking to make the dish very tasty and original.

To gather the whole family at the table and organize cozy gatherings, it is enough to make a hefty pile of delicious pancakes and brew fragrant tea. This may well be limited, since everyone will be full and satisfied.

Thin pancakes with milk prepared according to this recipe are quite easy to bake and turn over. They turn out moderately sweet and tasty, go well with sour cream, jams, syrups and do not need additional filling.

  • milk - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • baking soda - ½ teaspoon;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 250 g.

Thin pancakes with milk recipe with photo

How to make thin pancakes

  1. We heat the milk, but do not boil it. We throw a pinch of salt and drive in two medium-sized raw eggs.
  2. Then add sugar, the portion of which can be varied. It all depends on your preferences and how the dish is served. If pancakes are eventually supplemented with condensed milk or sweet jams, you can reduce the dosage of granulated sugar. Beat the milk mass with a mixer or a regular whisk.
  3. Mix the flour with baking soda, sift through a fine sieve and add to the milk in parts, continuing to whisk or mix the mass intensively. If it seemed to you that the dough turned out to be too liquid, you can add a little more flour, but it is important not to overdo it here. The less flour, the thinner the pancakes will be!
  4. Pour in 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, mix. We leave the prepared dough for half an hour alone, so that the gluten contained in the flour “earns”. After the specified time, heat the pan, lightly lubricating it vegetable oil(if the dishes have a high-quality non-stick coating, you can not lubricate). Pour a portion of the dough onto a hot surface with a ladle, scroll the pan, distributing the pancake composition around the entire perimeter in an even thin layer.
  • Keep on medium heat until browned bottom side, then, prying the pancake with a culinary spatula, turn it over to the other side and brown for literally 20-30 seconds. If desired, coat hot freshly baked pancakes with butter to soften the edges as much as possible.
  • Ready-made thin pancakes in milk are in harmony with sour cream, jam, sweet topping or other additives.
  • Thin pancakes with milk

    Who doesn't love pancakes? The question is rhetorical. Today we will treat households and neighbors with delicious thin pancakes in milk. Although you probably won’t be able to cook a whole stack like for Shrovetide. As it usually happens, during the baking process, ready-made milk pancakes are taken away by everyone who smells their aroma. Do not despair, an empty plate is an indicator of the great culinary skills of the hostess. And the fact that pancakes with milk really turn out with a bang, you will now see for yourself.

    • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
    • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
    • Salt - 1 teaspoon
    • Milk - 3 cups
    • Flour - 2 cups
    • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon
    • Vanilla to taste

    Break three eggs into a bowl. Add 1 teaspoon of salt.

    1 st. a spoonful of sugar and 0.5 teaspoon of vanilla essence are also sent to the dough.

    Stir the dough with a fork. Whipping the mixture into foam is not necessary at all, it is enough to achieve uniformity.

    Pour in 1 cup of milk at room temperature. Attention: according to the recipe, we need 3 glasses of milk - but we are pouring only one so far.

    In the resulting mixture, sift 2 cups of flour, stir. At this stage, the most important thing is to achieve uniformity. A mixer will help to achieve the smoothness of the dough.

    When all the flour is mixed in and there is not a single lump in the dough, pour in the rest of the milk. Remember that milk should be warm, but not hot.

    Stir the dough and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil. Adding oil will allow the pancakes to be easily removed from the pan and fry less oil.

    As a substitute for vegetable, you can add two tablespoons of melted butter, the dough will be with holes and the pancakes will acquire a beautiful golden color.

    The dough for thin pancakes in milk should turn out to be liquid, smooth, homogeneous.

    Thin pancakes on kefir are prepared on a similar dough in consistency.

    The dough for pancakes with milk ends up like very thin sour cream or like thick cream, but not like water.

    We heat a frying pan (it is better to take a non-stick coating) on ​​the stove until it is hot. Grease with vegetable oil (only before the first pancake), you can grease with a piece of butter or even a piece of lard. Pour a ladle (it takes a little more than half of a standard ladle for one pancake), fry the pancake until golden brown. Using a spatula, flip the pancake to the other side and fry again. We do this with everyone.

    After removing from the pan, the pancake can be greased with a piece of butter.

    Probably, thin pancakes with milk are the best that skillful chefs could come up with. Such lovely gift It's hard for people to appreciate. After all, pancakes themselves are incredibly tasty, but you can also make incomparable rolls, original cakes from them, you can fill other dishes with them, and you can use the filling for them. Pancakes can be sweet, or they can contain liver, zucchini, oatmeal, etc.

    Today I shared the basic recipe. Having mastered it, you can begin to experiment, try and look for options that you can surprise your family and friends with. For those who have just embarked on a fascinating, full of discoveries path to the country of Cooking, I want to say: Do not worry about the first pancake, let it be lumpy, it's not scary. But without the first, there will be no second pancake, there will be no your personal victories, you will not be able to feel the satisfaction of your creative needs. And so - keep it up! And I will try to help you in everything. If you have any questions about the recipe - always happy to answer.

    The best thanks for the recipe is the addition of a photo. If you have a minute to take a photo and post it in the comments - I will be very grateful to you. Thank you!

    Have you conquered loved ones with delicious pancakes?

    “Damn is a symbol of the sun, red days, good harvests, good marriages and healthy children.

    Pancakes are the most delicious culinary product of all time. Well, who doesn't love them? Is there such a person? Their presentation is different, it all depends on taste preferences. Pancakes - incredible, extremely tasty snack for any table! The “Answer” team has prepared for you two of the simplest and most delicious recipe. If you have not yet learned how to fry pancakes, today you will definitely succeed!

    Recipe for thin pancakes with milk

    The main secret, thanks to which pancakes are thin and perfectly even, is the dough. It should not contain yeast starter.

    For cooking we need:

    • flour (2 cups);
    • milk (0.5 liters);
    • eggs (3 pcs);
    • sugar (1 tablespoon);
    • vegetable oil (1 tablespoon);
    • salt (a pinch).

    So that there are no lumps in the dough, you should first mix the eggs with sugar and salt, and add the flour gradually, stirring. When the flour is mixed and a homogeneous mass is obtained, it is necessary to gradually add milk and mix. In order to make the dough for pancakes in milk perfect, you can use a blender. Add a couple of tablespoons of water to the dough, then it will be ruddy and beautiful. Thin pancakes fry instantly, so you need to be careful not to overcook them on fire. Do not pour too much oil into the pan, as it is already present in the dough. Pour the dough into the pan with a wooden spoon, it should cover the entire round surface of the pan with a thin layer. When you see that the dough is not liquid and has already browned - turn over! The second side will be ready in a second. These pancakes can be served on their own or with any filling you like!

    water pancake recipe

    Pancakes on mineral water are extremely tender and soft.

    To prepare them, we need:

    • mineral water (500 ml);
    • flour (glass);
    • eggs (3 pcs);
    • sugar (2 tsp);
    • salt (1 pinch);
    • vegetable oil (2 tablespoons).

    First of all, sugar and salt should be dissolved in mineral water. In the future dough for pancakes without milk, add vegetable oil, eggs and mix all the ingredients. Gradually add flour until the consistency is similar to liquid sour cream. Heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan. Using a ladle or a large wooden spoon, pour the batter into the pan and fry the pancakes on both sides until a delicate shade is obtained. Turn the pancake over with a dessert knife or a spatula if it is thin - a wooden one can destroy the structure and shape of the pancake) and fry until done. Serve the pancakes hot or stuff them with mushrooms, meat, cheese and other favorite ingredients!

    Delicious and ruddy pancakes for you, along with “Answer”!

    Delicious pancakes with milk

    I have long had a dream - to bake a high stack of pancakes, luxurious, such as on the most gorgeous photos on the theme of Maslenitsa!

    But so far it has been possible to achieve the desired height only once. The fact is that when we bake pancakes, no matter how much you put on the dish - and for some reason their number remains the same! In my opinion, this is the main indicator delicious pastries:) So we love pancakes very much, even more than pancakes.

    I tried many recipes for pancakes - and lush, plump on kefir. and openwork yeast. and thin, lacy on milk, and even patterned pancakes in the form of drawings! All of them are good in their own way, delicious with different fillings and on their own. And recently I came across a very simple and easy recipe for pancakes with milk. So lucky that I baked a full portion twice a day!

    Imagine: pancakes are thin, perforated, and most importantly, it is a pleasure to remove from the pan! They do not stick to the pan, they turn over very easily, there is a minimum of products, compared to other recipes where you need a lot of eggs, and you get a lot of pancakes. In general, I recommend.

    • 3 cups of milk (glass = 250 ml);
    • 3 eggs;
    • 2 tablespoons of sugar (or 1 if the filling is unsweetened);
    • 2 cups of flour;
    • 1 teaspoon of soda;
    • a tablespoon of lemon juice;
    • a pinch of salt;
    • 2-3 tablespoons of sunflower oil.

    Dough for pancakes with milk:

    Add salt and sugar to the eggs.

    Beat with a mixer for a minute until fluffy.

    Gradually, in 3-4 doses, stirring all the time, sift the flour into the dough one by one.

    Half a glass of flour - mixed - half a glass of milk - mixed - again flour, until we add everything. If there are lumps in the dough, don't worry: I just beat the dough with a mixer after I add all the milk and flour, and it becomes fluffy and smooth, without lumps!

    Pour a teaspoon of baking soda into the dough, squeeze a little lemon juice into it, mix.
    As I recently learned, it is better to mix the soda with the last portion of flour and sift everything together into the dough, mix, and then pour the lemon juice into the dough. Then the soda will not be felt, and the openwork effect will be the same.

    Then pour 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the dough and mix well or beat a little more. Thanks to the oil, the pancakes will not stick to the pan.

    The dough turns out to be liquid, pouring, and if it seems too liquid to you, resist the temptation to add flour there! The dough for thin pancakes should be such as you will see when you start baking.

    Grease the frying pan with sunflower oil (we grease it, not pour it, as for pancakes!) just before the first pancake, there is no further such need - the pancakes themselves are perfectly removed!

    We heat the pan well on fire, then pour the dough with a ladle, and with the other hand turn the pan so that the dough spreads over it in a uniform thin layer. Holes appear on pancakes instantly! Thin pancakes are baked on a fire above average just instantly: make sure you have time to turn over in time!

    We turn it over like this: under the edge of the pancake we slip a wide spatula with a thin edge (this is important, I have a metal spatula - so it is thin and removes well, but plastic, thicker, does not fit). Pry off the pancake with a spatula (if necessary, carefully so as not to burn yourself, help with your fingers free hand) and times! - Flip over to the other side.

    A couple of tens of seconds - and the pancake was fried on the second side. Remove pancakes with a spatula to a platter. They will be fatter and tastier if each, removed from the pan, greased with butter.

    So they baked many, many beautiful, ruddy, thin pancakes!

    It's best to eat them right away, or you can make them. beautiful rose, or stuffed rolls, or nalistniki. or even pancake. Such pancakes can be made chocolate - this is a separate recipe.

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    The following recipe for a stove product will undoubtedly find its fans. These culinary delicacies must have been especially tasty when cooked in a Russian oven, as was done about a century ago. The taste of thin pancakes will plunge you into the unforgettable past.

    1. Milk - 500 ml;
    2. Eggs - 3 pieces;
    3. Flour - 280 grams;
    4. Sugar - 1-2 tablespoons;
    5. Salt - 1 teaspoon (without a slide);
    6. Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
    7. Butter - for greasing ready-made pancakes.

    1. First, beat the eggs into a bowl, add salt, sugar and just mix with a whisk or fork (without beating).
    2. Then pour 200 ml of milk into a bowl, mix, add flour and beat until the dough has a consistency like sour cream.
    3. Next, pour in the remaining 300 grams of milk and beat until the dough becomes liquid and easily pourable.
    4. Now add vegetable oil, mix and let stand for 15 minutes.
    5. Let's start frying pancakes: in a well-heated frying pan lightly greased with vegetable oil, pour about half a scoop or a scoop (depending on the diameter of the pan) of dough in the center and quickly spread it over the entire surface of the pan with a thin layer, slightly turning the pan.
    6. When the edges of the dough begin to dry out and blush slightly, pry off the pancake with a thin wide spatula and gently turn it over.
    7. Let the pancake lightly brown on the other side.
    8. Using a spatula, remove the pancake from the pan and place it on a clean plate of a suitable diameter.
    9. Thus, fry the rest of the pancakes, if necessary, lubricating the pan with vegetable oil.

    Thin Pancake Recipes

    It is convenient to wrap fillings in thin pancakes - meat, mushroom, berry, fish and any other. If the pancakes are served as an appetizer, they can be baked bland or even slightly salty so that the sweet dough does not contrast with the filling. You can also bake thin pancakes with the addition of buckwheat or pea flour, for example, for a more interesting taste and aroma.

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    Thin pancakes with milk

    Not everyone gets thin pancakes with milk. The dish is quite capricious, requiring skill and culinary skills. Often the pancake turns out lumpy for housewives, and not only the first one. It happens that pancakes are torn in a pan or come out not as tender and tasty as we would like. To avoid these incidents and bake truly delicious thin pancakes, you must adhere to the correct cooking technology, as well as use products in certain proportions.

    The most important thing is to prepare the dough for pancakes of the desired consistency. Too thin dough will tear in the pan, and thick pancakes will come out dense, rough and thick. High-quality pancake dough in its consistency should be moderately pouring, like fresh liquid honey.

    To make pancakes, it is better to have a special non-stick pancake pan in your kitchen arsenal. It is a pleasure to cook on such a device - pancakes do not stick to the surface of the pan, are evenly fried and do not require a large amount of oil. You will also need a deep pan for the dough, a wooden or metal spoon, a ladle and a spatula for turning the pancakes. With our step-by-step photos and detailed tips, any housewife can cook thin pancakes.

    From the specified amount of ingredients, 20 thin pancakes come out, the preparation of which takes only 40 minutes.

    How to cook thin pancakes with milk, a recipe with step by step photos

    Beat eggs into a deep bowl or saucepan, add salt and sugar. The proportions of salt in the recipe are conditional. If you plan to put a sweet filling in pancakes, then cut the amount of salt in half.

    Beat the eggs well with a whisk until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.

    Heat the milk on the stove or in the microwave to about 38 degrees. Then pour half of the serving into the egg mixture. Stir.

    While stirring the mixture with a whisk, add wheat flour in small portions. You need to beat the dough so intensively to remove all the lumps that have formed. The result should be a very thick, smooth mass.

    Pour the remaining milk into the dough.

    Be sure to add odorless vegetable oil to the dough. It will make the pancakes softer. And it will also allow you to bake thin pancakes, bypassing such a nuisance as sticking to a frying pan.

    So that the first pancake does not turn out to be lumpy, before cooking, the pan must be thoroughly heated on the stove, and then greased with any fat: butter, sunflower, a piece of unsalted lard. After that, scoop up the dough with a ladle, pour it into the middle of the surface and quickly rotate the pan in a circle so that it is evenly distributed in a thin layer. Fry pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

    You can serve thin pancakes with milk as an independent dish, sprinkled with jam, honey, condensed milk or sour cream. And you can wrap any stuffing inside.

    Some useful tips for the hostess:

    • If the dough does not whip well and lumps remain in it, then walk over it with an immersion blender.
    • If you started baking pancakes, but they turn out to be too thick, then add half a ladle of water, then mix the dough thoroughly.
    • If you leave the pancake dough to stand for a while at room temperature, it will become more homogeneous, frying pancakes is a little easier.
    • The easiest way to lubricate the pan is with a cooking brush, you need a little oil, spread a few drops on the surface and immediately pour the dough. For convenience and in order not to pour a lot of oil into the pan, pour it into a small bowl and put a cooking brush there.
    • Fry over medium heat, on a small fire the pancakes will fry too long, on a large fire they will burn or not evenly bake.
    • Don't go too far and keep an eye on pancakes, remember that thin pancakes fry quickly. After you turn it over to the other side, the count goes on for seconds, after about ten to twenty seconds, remove the pancake, immediately put it on a plate and grease it with oil.

    Thin pancakes with milk

    Recipe Author Alexandra Sedova

    I won't go into detail here about what it is. pancakes. I think you already know everything. Pancakes there are yeast and yeast-free, we will cook simple yeast-free pancakes with milk. My only question is how to call them correctly, pancakes or still pancakes, if we are talking about thin pancakes. I always thought that a pancake is a thinly fried dough in a pan, and a pancake is a pancake in which the filling is wrapped. However, after delving into the history of this dish, I am inclined to believe that we will still cook with you today. thin pancakes with milk. Because traditional Russian pancakes were baked from thick yeast dough and were quite thick. Thin pancakes came to us from France, and began to be called pancakes, they can be both with filling and without it, because only in thin pancake you can wrap the stuffing. And although everything is clear with the word, it seems, I sometimes still continue to call thin pancakes - pancakes.

    And now directly about the recipe. When it comes to thin pancakes, probably the biggest controversy is whether or not to put soda or baking powder in the batter. So, no baking powder is put into unleavened pancake dough, pancakes they turn out thin due to the consistency of the dough, and you will get holes in them if you just heat the pan well. In general, in this recipe I will try to tell you about various little things and subtleties of cooking. thin pancakes with milk. I hope that after that you will succeed, because there is nothing complicated in this.

    From the indicated amount of ingredients, I get about 15 pancakes with a diameter of 22 cm.

    Let's prepare all the ingredients. Well, if they are all at room temperature, then they will connect better. Therefore, it is better to take eggs and milk out of the refrigerator in advance. Oil can be used as vegetable refined (odorless), and butter. Butter gives the pancakes more ruddy and creamy taste. If using butter, melt it and let it cool.

    Wash the eggs well, beat them into a mixing bowl, add sugar and salt. Mix until smooth with a mixer, whisk or just a fork. Here we do not need to beat the eggs into foam, we just need to mix until smooth and completely dissolve the salt and sugar.

    Add a small part of milk to the egg mass, somewhere around 100-150 ml. We do not pour all the milk at once, because when adding flour, a thicker dough is easier to mix until smooth. If we pour out all the milk at once, most likely, unmixed lumps of flour will remain in the dough, and we will have to filter the dough in the future to get rid of them. So for now, add only a small part of the milk and mix the mass until smooth.

    Sift flour into a bowl with dough. This is necessary in order to saturate the flour with oxygen and purify it of possible impurities, so I recommend not to skip this point.

    We mix the dough. Now it is quite thick, and should be mixed until smooth, homogeneous, without lumps.

    Now add the remaining milk and mix again.

    Pour the cooled melted butter or vegetable oil into the dough. Stir until smooth, the dough will turn out to be quite liquid, approximately like heavy cream.

    In this photo, I tried to convey the consistency of the dough that I got. In any case, when you fry 2-3 pancakes, you will understand whether you got the right consistency or not. If the dough is very thick, add some water or milk, if it is liquid, add a little flour.

    Well, now that the dough is ready, it's time to fry the pancakes. I prefer to use a special pancake pan, or even better two at once, so it turns out to fry twice as fast. I grease the pan with oil only before frying the first pancake, then this is not required, the oil that we added to the dough is enough. However, it all depends on the pan, if the pancakes stick to the pan, then grease it every time before pouring the dough. It is better to lubricate the pan with vegetable oil, because. butter starts to burn very quickly. Use a silicone brush to grease the pan or just a napkin soaked in oil.

    So, we heat the pan well, because it is in a hot pan that porous pancakes are obtained, with holes, and this is what we are trying to achieve. In a poorly heated frying pan, you will not be able to make holes in the pancake.

    Pour the dough into the hot pan and at the same time rotate it in a circle so that the dough covers the bottom with an even thin layer. You see, I immediately got holes in the pancake, this is because the pan is very hot, and no soda is needed.

    When you fry a few pancakes, you will understand how much dough you need to put in a ladle so that it is enough for the entire surface of the pan. But I use one method that helps me not to think about how much dough I need.

    Scoop up a full ladleful of batter, pour it into the hot pan while swirling it around, do it quickly. When the batter covers the entire bottom of the pan, simply pour the excess batter over the edge of the pan back into the bowl. This method will help you fry very thin and even pancakes. However, it is only good if you use a pancake pan with low walls. If you also fry in an ordinary frying pan with high sides, then the pancakes will turn out not round, but with a process on one side. In a pancake pan with small walls, this process turns out to be completely invisible.

    Depending on the heat of your burner, you may need to different time for frying one pancake. Turn the pancake over when the dough on top grabs and stops being sticky, and the edges begin to darken a little. Pry off the pancake with a spatula and gently flip to the other side. Flatten the pancake in the pan if it turned over unevenly.

    Fry the pancake on the other side. Lift the edge with a spatula and watch that it does not burn on the bottom. When the bottom of the pancake is golden brown, remove it from the pan.

    Put the finished pancakes on a large flat plate, and it is better to cover them with a lid to keep them hot. If you like more oily pancakes, then grease each pancake with melted butter, it is very convenient to do this with a silicone brush. I usually do not grease pancakes, the oil that I have already put in the dough is enough for me.

    To make it easier for you to navigate, I made a video of how one pancake is fried. I think now you will definitely succeed. And do not forget, each time, before pouring the dough, let the pan heat up well.

    After you have fried all the pancakes, flip the stack so that the bottom pancake is on top, the pancakes are prettier from this side, and the bottom pancakes are softer.

    Here is a stack of pancakes I got from a double portion of the ingredients. Eat pancakes right away while they are hot, with sour cream, condensed milk, honey, jam, or any other toppings you like.

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    Lush milk pancakes without yeast recipe