Small balcony - charming and cozy design (88 photos). Chic design of a small balcony: examples and tips from professionals! Design of small balconies

In our country, the problem of the old housing stock, obsolete, remains relevant. The so-called Khrushchevs alone make up 10% of Russia's housing stock. And in subsequent eras, a choir for the citizens of the country was not erected. The construction of new houses on the site of the Khrushchevs is far from the pace that was announced by the authorities. There are serious and largely objective reasons for this, but small kitchens, bathrooms, and balconies remain an everyday reality for many families.

Let's talk about what can be done with a small balcony. Of course, it is good to live in a modern spacious apartment with a huge loggia. And even with two. But is everything so tragic if the balcony is small? Until you have another, put your hands on and turn the "ugly duckling"

if not a beautiful swan, then something cozy and comfortable. In the end, rich is not the one who has a lot of money, but the one who has enough of it!

Putting in order

We don’t even start with repairs, we start with an examination of the balcony slab. Without understanding what condition it is in and how much more it will “stretch”, it is dangerous to put a load on the old balcony.

Very important! The main task for you is high-quality insulation and glazing of the balcony. Without completing this task, nothing will work. The possibilities for using an unglazed balcony in our climate are much less.

Start with glazing. You can do the glazing yourself, but it is better to turn to professionals. The technology of glazing small balconies from specialized construction companies has long been worked out, and you can choose the option that suits you. Choose a double-glazed window with a thickness of at least 32 mm.

Some companies offer a glazing option with the removal of frames beyond the perimeter of the balcony slab. The area of ​​the balcony will not decrease even after its insulation.

Do not like plastic windows - order or install wooden frames with your own hands. Get a great design in the style of "country".

On three sides of the perimeter, your balcony will be insulated with sandwich panels, which the builders will mount during glazing. The ceiling will also be insulated. Material for insulation must be agreed immediately before signing the contract.

You will need to insulate the floor. A proven way is to lay out penofol-type material on a balcony slab. The most budget option has only foil on one side. Foil up penofol and unfolds. We lay it end-to-end, glue the seams with aluminum tape.

A frame made of timber is arranged on top of the penofol layer, foam plastic of the required thickness is laid in the cells of the frame.

The top layer of the structure is OSB boards, moisture-resistant plywood or floorboard. Floor covering of your choice. Ideal floor insulation will be obtained when using a film underfloor heating. A warm floor of this type is laid out according to the instructions directly on plywood or OSB, contacts are connected, covered with plastic wrap or a substrate to protect it from damage when laying the flooring, and laminate can be laid on it.

Ideas for decoration

After glazing and insulation, your balcony has turned into a small loggia. It's time to live it up. There is not a lot of space, every centimeter must be used rationally, but its appearance is already pleasing!

Advice. Hang blinds on balcony windows, preferably horizontal ones. So you can use the balcony at any time of the day, covering the blinds in the bright sun or at night from prying eyes.


For flower lovers, we are turning the renovated balcony into a charming greenhouse. Agree with a company that makes glazing on the installation of a wide window sill. In addition, ask to make mortgages from timber in the side deaf plastic panels. Then you can hang planters and shelves for pots with plants and various cute knick-knacks on the side walls. The photo below shows an interesting idea for placing shelves at 45°.

Blinds will close your pets from direct sunlight.

Tired of white plastic panels? Look at the options for decorating with plastic and panels under natural stone. Even moss grows on old masonry! And the load on the balcony slab practically does not increase. Today on the market you can buy finishing materials that will turn your idea of ​​​​the possibilities of the same plastic in the design of the room.

Part of the outer wall of the house, which turned out to be “inside” the glazed balcony, is finished in accordance with the general design of the greenhouse. In this case, you don’t have to worry about the weight of the wall covering (tile, stone, decorative plaster).

Rest zone

The main problem when designing a recreation area on a small balcony will be the size of the furniture. Can't find the right size items? Make them with your own hands. Like this comfortable ottoman for relaxing. Two sheets of plywood are laid on the posts of timber. Calculate the height so that two drawers for storing things or a drawer with a pull-out table fit from the end. We throw a mattress with pillows on the plywood, and a wonderful place to relax and sleep is ready.

A simpler option is almost "eastern". Spread pillows on the floor and relax.

Instead of an ottoman, you can assemble a small bench. Make the seat folding, you get a box for storing all sorts of things. And to make it softer to sit, we upholster the back and seat with soft material.

Do not forget about the design techniques of visual expansion of space. We use light colors in the decoration, enlivening the design with bright color spots. Don't like the view from your window? We make the side walls deaf and glue beautiful photo wallpapers on one of them.

Why don't we have a cup of coffee?

Placing a recreation area on a small balcony, it is easy to arrange a place where you can enjoy a cup of coffee. For this you need only a folding table. A diagram of how to make such a table with your own hands, and a few photos are given below.

What should be the design of a small balcony? If the balcony is glazed, this is very good - you can turn it into a place to relax, into a study, into a greenhouse, into a workshop. Usually it is used for drying clothes, if there is no dryer in the bathroom, as a place for smoking, food storage, any things. Things can be shifted to the pantry, reduce the supply of food, quit smoking, buy a clothes dryer. Or leave everything as it is, but create a beautiful design that can amaze, dazzle with its grace.

Balcony door

Photos of a small balcony convince: this area cannot be superfluous. This is understood by the manicurist who decided to start his own business and a fan of the culture of greenhouses. A person who once visited a salt cave will understand this, and decided to take care of his health in the future. The smoker who doesn't want to disturb other family members will understand this.

On the insulated balcony, you can retire with a friend, discuss something important, read a book, listen to music, admiring the dawn, sunset, the beauty of the surrounding world, nature. Whether it is necessary to combine it with the room, remove the doors - the first question that should be answered when choosing the optimal design.

Even if the apartment is spacious, it makes sense to remove the balcony door, thereby increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe adjacent room. In this case, you can easily hide the radiator. The space will become more aesthetic, beautiful, fabulous.

The illusion that everything happens by itself - water appears, the air warms up, the night does not make you quit everything, go to sleep - the basis of civilization, the cornerstone. This is real magic, only thanks to it you can understand what carelessness, carelessness is.

The radiator should not destroy it, having caught the eye, reminding of itself. It can be hidden by turning the window sill into a bar counter, a beautiful monolithic cabinet, an unusual partition. The atmosphere will be completely different.

You can buy salt lamps and put them on the balcony or a lot of plants - they synthesize phytoncides, help strengthen the immune system. Tomato seedlings, for example, although they do not have flowers, are associated by people who are familiar with them with a delicate, pleasant aroma. Many people like grape leaves and stems, which is why they are added to salads, and raspberry leaves are added to tea - plants are a source of vitamins and positive emotions.

Indoor flowers give an intoxicating aroma, improve mood, make you forget about air fresheners, air conditioners. Plants are fun to watch and take care of. For cultivation and a small area, in particular, a balcony is enough.

It will be convenient to engage in watering, pruning, spraying, there will be enough light, but you need to leave the balcony door in place. The goal is to create a closed space with a specific purpose, it is better to hide the radiator in a different way.

A small balcony in a Khrushchev or Gorbachev-era house can actually be turned into a place for healing. Also, you can place an aquarium with fish on the balcony. Fish, however, do not want to be left alone for a long time. The balcony will have to be combined with the apartment, remove the door, make a beautiful arch, perhaps.

Curtains - the basis of aesthetics

What is the central element in the interior design of a small balcony - curtains or chairs? Curtains set the tone, they are the frame for the style, the basis of the aesthetics of the space. You can choose blinds, curtains, or beaded curtains, the so-called muslin, hang translucent curtains.

This element of interior design was created to drive you crazy, to influence the subconscious, to enchant. Like radiators, curtains, curtains, blinds, kisei support the magic of civilization, the world of people, strengthen reality, helping to control light and darkness. They should be as the heart and emotions dictate. This is a highlight, a landmark, a guiding star, a compass.

A bright canvas, a source of colors, flowers - these are all curtains. They will help create twilight at the right time, hide from prying eyes what you want to hide. Blinds do not take up much space, it is important to choose them from this point of view. This is a modern solution, they are close to minimalism, they are easy to clean from everyday pollution - easier than curtains.

Curtains cannot stop the sun's rays, but they refract and scatter them. Kisei also refract and scatter light, but at the same time create glare, they are not suitable if you plan to install an aquarium on the balcony or create a small garden: they can do harm by creating a lens effect.

rational element

The basis of practicality, rationality of the interior design of a small balcony are chairs. They are not here for beauty, unlike curtains. The balcony should be comfortable, which means you need a place to sit down.

Rarely they are on the balcony, although this is strange. The bench is one of the best solutions for a space with a modest area. It can be anything - hard and soft, wooden or with a metal frame. For many years, people did not remember about the shop; other furniture was used in houses and apartments, because it is simple, associated with a peasant hut.

Nowadays, it is back in fashion, a new look at its characteristics, meaning and essence contributes to its popularization. It is an elegant, stylish, beautiful element. It is logical to complement the interior of a small balcony with it.

Two armchairs will surely fit on a small balcony, but in this case it is logical to try to place a table as well - they are associated with an ensemble, a furniture group. You can make chairs of optimal dimensions to order, turn one of the walls into the basis for a folding tabletop of small sizes.

Stools are an alternative, but in this case it is difficult to relax, because you need to monitor your posture, which means that rest cannot be absolute. It is better to choose either armchairs or chairs.

Wall decoration

The interior decoration of a small balcony requires less expense than the decoration of a spacious balcony. You can choose any materials, any idea to put into practice. Full-length plastic frames, double-glazed window, rubber seal, polyurethane foam avoids drafts, protects from frost and precipitation.

The only drawback is the color - standard white. It is promising to decorate this cold, standard monolith with a vinyl sticker. It is easy to stick, it will last for a long time, make the interior not so strict, cancel boredom.

Sometimes the balcony is half made of plastic, only a plastic window frame is installed, the base is sheathed in this case with siding, plastered or tiled. This option loses some of the elegance due to its complexity.

Modern technologies imply integrity, reminiscent of a designer. It is important to pay attention to the decor of the outside, to try to surprise passers-by - this is the main advantage of the design.

A building with a beautiful facade, tastefully decorated, there should be more than one on every street. The more of them, the more interesting and the decor of the front side of the balcony is the first step to this, so it's worth trying.

If several people live in the apartment, the balcony is located in the living room, and this is how it usually happens, it is desirable to create a design that everyone will like, even if more than three people do not fit in this space. It should become a reflection of the inner world created by all together. It is permissible to express your inner world in design only when it comes to personal space.

Photo of a small balcony

Apartments with a small balcony in our country are by no means common. And nothing can be done about it - the houses of the old fund with small balconies are no less than the new buildings with chic balconies. And people live in them too. If you enter into this “too”, instead of feeling sorry and killing yourself, you can show your imagination and turn an ordinary balcony littered with rubbish and not useful into an interesting and very useful place. About everything in more detail later in the article.

Where do we start?

The first step in this is to bring the balcony into proper condition:
  • Cleaning. Before embarking on design feats, you need to throw everything unnecessary from the balcony, and shift everything you need somewhere else. Brush off the cobwebs from the ceiling, wash the floor, dust the walls with a duster.
  • Grade. Leaving the balcony empty and clean, you need to inspect it. What is the condition of the floor and the concrete slab underneath? Are there any cracks, does it crumble? What condition are the walls in? Is the coating on them normal, are there any cracks, holes and similar defects? How is the ceiling? Does not flow, does not threaten to collapse on the head? And, of course, what about the windows? Is it available at all or is the balcony open? If so, how do they cope with thermal insulation?
  • Repair. If the ceiling is leaking, it must be repaired. If there are cracks in the slab, they need to be caulked. If the windows are wooden and blowing out of them, they need to be replaced.

When the immediate problems are solved, you can stop and examine the balcony with a critical eye. How do you want to see it next? There are two solutions.

The balcony can be
  • Open. If you live in a warm climate (for example, somewhere in Krasnodar) and you rarely experience natural disasters like snowfall, then you can not spend money on glazing. Then it will be possible to arrange something like an observation platform on the balcony, where you can drink coffee, look at the stars or read in the fresh air. In this case, you no longer need to do anything - clean, put in a conditional order and you can think about the style.
  • Closed. If you live in Siberia and winter comes in October, an open balcony will not suit you, of course. Therefore, you need one more step - to insulate it. You can invite specialists for this, you can cope on your own, the main thing is that even in winter it should be warm and comfortable.

What you like best depends on what result you can get and what you use it for.

Use of open balconies

The open balconies have a peculiar charm that is reminiscent of the streets of Paris and Rome. They can be used in three main ways.


A small garden on your own little balcony is a great relaxing hobby for people of all ages. In it, children can clearly show what the life cycle of plants looks like, adults can relax after work, the elderly can start growing, for example, tomatoes.

Making a garden on an open balcony implies the presence of the following elements:
  • pots. There are three varieties. These are either oblong artificial beds in which seedlings can be planted, or classic pots, the design of which can be chosen to taste, or wall planters that can be hung on either side of the entrance.
  • Holder for pots. Mounted on the balcony, from the outside - if in other places you can plant any plants, then flowers look best here. They will be visible from below, from the street, and they will look great.
  • Shelf for tools. It is better to do it right on the balcony - it will be inconvenient every time to go to the apartment for them. You can attach it to the wall or put it on the floor if you like.
  • The plants themselves. As a rule, these are flowers or vegetables that tolerate the Russian climate well and can live a full season outside without problems. Do not forget that in winter it will not be possible to leave them on the balcony, unless they are specifically designed for wintering on the street. Therefore, at home it is necessary to find a place for them in advance.

Such a balcony does not require any stylistic frills. It is enough to renew the paint on the walls, on the floor and on the railings, carefully arrange the flower boxes and, perhaps, put a folding chair in an empty place. Nothing more is required - the greenery itself looks very beautiful, you do not need to decorate it additionally.

Place to rest

Drinking a cup of tea in the fresh air, eating breakfast or just sitting, looking at the passers-by below, is always a pleasure. And no one will stop you from doing it all on the open balcony with chic and comfort.

It doesn't take much to do this:
  • Seating area. It can be a chair, an easy chair or even a small sofa - you can choose according to your tastes and inclinations.
  • Table. To have a place to put the cup. It can be anything, but small folding tables usually fit best on balconies.


If you do not want to spend time bringing furniture in and out, you can buy a chair and table designed for summer cottages. They can be plastic or metal, with a simple design and great reliability.

The main plus of an open balcony is that it is not a separate room. It does not need to be furnished according to any style, because, thanks to its location, it looks good anyway.

Closed balconies are a completely different matter.

Use of covered balconies

A closed balcony, even the smallest one, is a separate room that needs stylistic design, design solutions, and creativity.

The first thing to do to ensure all this is to choose the right style. You can apply one of those that are used most often, or you can, starting from them, find or come up with something more original.


An ideal solution for a small balcony, which it was decided to turn into something like a living room where you can eat or receive guests. It allows you to organize a narrow space well, make it comfortable, beautiful, interesting.

Loft design requires the following elements:

  • materials. Considering that the loft originated in America, in the factory premises given over to people's lives, the materials must be appropriate. The ceiling is light, with beams. The walls are made of decorative bricks (if your house is originally brick, so much the better), they can be partially plastered. Leave a concrete screed on the floor or cover the linoleum under concrete.
  • Colors. The loft is gray concrete, red bricks, white stucco. There are no bright colors among its main colors, but they blend well.
  • Furniture. Regardless of what role the resulting room will play, the furniture should be made of leather and metal, reminiscent of an office one. Looks good bar countermade of a window sill, with bar stools. No worse - a leather chair in which you can comfortably relax.
  • Accessories. Open communications act as accessories (keep this in mind and when you conduct electricity, leave a few wires in sight), intricate graffiti on the wall, small trinkets showing the taste of the owner. You can add fresh flowers.
  • Light. Fully open if natural. Artificial should be made with small spotlights.

Of course, what happens as a result will be far from the "canonical" loft, which implies spaciousness, high ceilings, large rooms. But it will still be effective and beautiful.


Just do not make a loft-style balcony if the rest of your apartment is made in one of the classic styles. There will be too much dissonance.


The design of minimalism is as follows:
  • materials. Any. Light wood, thin wood-like plastic or light colors are well suited. But you can enter glass, metal, natural stone, even reeds.
  • Colors. The colors of minimalism are light - white, cream, milky, you can use the color of light wood or light gray. Sometimes you can use light shades of brighter colors - yellow, red, blue.
  • Furniture. Whatever you want to get as a result, the furniture should be light, not too bulky. If the chair is thin, made of metal or wood. If a sofa, then with light upholstery, without armrests. Simplicity, moderation - the less furniture, the better, you can just put a mattress on the floor.
  • Accessories. In minimalism, they are practically not used. No photographs, figurines and other things. You can put a live flower in a pot on the windowsill.
  • Light. Natural - cover with roller blinds or blinds, they are best suited. Artificial - built-in, small spotlights.

Made in the right minimalism, a small balcony looks larger than it actually is. And due to the fact that the windows in it occupy most of the walls, this feeling only intensifies.


It is not worth using minimalism to design an office - few people have an unbridled desire to work without accessories. But for recreation, it is more than suitable. Especially if you make a bookcase.


The artsy, bright Arabic style for the balcony is ideal due to the fact that it is still not cluttered with objects. Even in a small room, it can look good. Its attributes are as follows:

  • materials. Preferably natural - plastic will definitely not look. But a dark or light wood, and even more so a bright mosaic tile will look great.

The incense burner fits well into the interior, and their very smell is sweetish, pleasant.


Arabic style is well suited for a balcony where children will play. The entourage from "A Thousand and One Nights" they should definitely like.


This is also a minimalist style, but with a reference to wildlife. If you want to make a greenhouse on the balcony, it will do better than ever - but you can also make a place of rest in it.

Eco - minimalist style with a touch of nature

Its attributes are as follows:
  • materials. Natural. You can take light wood, you can more original cane or rattan. Thin with paint so that the result does not look like a sauna - or with plaster.
  • Colour. natural colors. Different shades of wood, green in different shades, soft shades of yellow, red closer to brown.
  • Furniture. Preferably, from natural materials, and not from wood, but from those that can be woven. Beds, chairs. Ideal to fit into the eco hanging rattan chair - it can be hung in the corner and read in it. Tables are also desirable wicker.
  • Accessories. Wicker mats look good instead of textiles, various figurines imitating primitive art, painting in the form of simple plant patterns.
  • Light. There are cane curtains on the windows. Artificial light - preferably a small yellow desktop. You can use candlesticks and wax candles, as long as they do not have a chance to tip over.

They fit well into a variety of eco charms in the spirits of primitive art. Dream catcher, wooden wind chime, clay beads hanging from the ceiling, earthenware. It all looks interesting and natural.


Eco looks surprisingly good if you take up space with trinkets, accessories, funny little things. But it is very important to maintain a balance and not overdo it, otherwise it will not turn around on the balcony.

Little tricks

Of course, there are many more styles and many of them are suitable for small balconies. But from the four examples given, you can get some idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow the design idea moves when it comes to small spaces, and begin to refine it yourself.

To do this, you only need to know a few little secrets:

  • The smaller the room, the more light it should have. Light shades of flowers, constantly open windows give a feeling of spaciousness, even if the balcony itself is small and you can’t really turn around on it.
  • Mirror . Allows you to visually expand the space. It is usually placed on the end wall, it should be the height of a person. Or you can decorate the ceiling with mirror tiles - it will look original, interesting.
  • Wall mural. They allow you to create the feeling that the windows near the balcony are not on one wall, and not even on three, but on all in general. You can take any drawing, from an intricate abstraction to a continuation of the landscape that can be seen in the windows.
  • Accents. Properly placed accents allow you to shift attention from the size of the room to how it is decorated. In a light, minimalist interior, place a bright flower pot, hang a picture or photograph. Let them be of interest.
  • Colors. Light, as already mentioned, they must also be combined with each other. For this, either a shade of the same color or contrasting colors is used. The contrast is more interesting and dynamic, with a shade of the same color it is more difficult to make a mistake.

In addition to general tips, there are also tips for decorating a particular room.

On the closed balcony you can arrange a garden:
  • The best style is eco and the like, they will create the feeling that you did not go out onto the balcony, but into a real greenhouse.
  • Pots must be the same color, made from the same material. If they have a drawing, it should fit the general theme.
  • Pots can be placed on the floor, hung on the walls and placed on the windowsill. The main thing is that all colors have enough color.
  • Among the pots, you can place an attribute of a real garden - a flashlight or, for example, a small garden figurine made of ceramics.

It is better to lay something on the floors that will be easy to clean. Buy lamps suitable for heating plants and set them so that they do not interfere with the passage. It is better to refuse carpets, take washable curtains.

On the closed balcony you can arrange an office:
  • The best style is loft or classic, like English. More light, more natural materials. The space needs to be optimized.
  • The desktop is usually placed at the end wall, where it is convenient to approach it.
  • Shelves with the necessary books, papers, accessories are located either above the table or on the opposite wall, where they are easy to reach.
  • Lighting emphasizes the desktop - it is both beautiful and functional, since working in good lighting is healthier.
  • A good solution would be to put double-glazed windows on both internal and external windows. As a result, in the process of work, you will be provided with an adequate level of noise - that is, its almost complete absence.

The office allows the presence of textiles (curtains are especially relevant if you live on the first floor), cute trinkets and the usual attributes of the workplace.

You should not overload it, but you should not be afraid to put too many things. The balance is usually found intuitively.

On the closed balcony, you can arrange a continuation of the kitchen - a kind of living room:

  • Of the styles, again, the loft and the like are best suited. They leave enough free space for those who wish to eat outdoors.
  • Instead of a table, a window sill is usually used, but if it is important for you that there is a table, you can make it folding or folding. Such designs do not take up space, and in terms of comfort they are in no way inferior to a real large table.
  • Stools look good if they are bar stools - besides, they take up less space.
  • A wall cabinet is sure to come in handy - you can put cutlery, spices that are used during meals and other useful little things in it.

We offer you a selection of 100 photos of modern loggia design ideas 2018 - 2019 so that you can find inspiration for creating a beautiful and functional additional space. This collection and tips for designing a beautiful and functional interior will help turn your loggia into one of your favorite places to relax or work.

Modern loggia design ideas with photos

It doesn't take much effort, furniture or money to give a small loggia space of 3-6 meters a modern look, and the end result is a new interior, perfect for entertaining a few guests or enjoying privacy.

And with a little effort in design and redevelopment, you can put a bed on the loggia and create an inviting and ideal atmosphere in this room, which will become a welcome place to relax at the end of the day.

There are many amazing design ideas for decorating the interior of a small loggia. The key to decorating is to determine the purpose of a particular use, such as whether it will be a place to eat, garden, read, sleep, or work.

Beautiful loggia design 5 or 6 meters

Minimalist style design ideas are one of the modern interior trends. They are ideal for small loggias measuring 5 or 6 meters. Compact furniture, small decorations, simple layout and clear lines create a visually large space and the illusion of a larger room.

To use the area of ​​​​the loggia of 6 meters to the maximum, without cluttering up the space with unnecessary things, pay attention to the interior design with built-in wardrobes. Cabinets with a sliding facade are the best option: they hide things from the eyes and do not take up extra space, unlike furniture with hinged doors.

Design ideas for a small loggia for 4 sq. m

Built-in wardrobes and shelves under the ceiling are space-saving ideas for a small loggia of only 4 sq.m, which visually increase the space. Straight lines, compact furniture, bright fixtures and white decor design will turn a small space into a well-organized and functional room.

Design of a small loggia 2 - 3 meters

It is usually difficult to create a beautiful design of a loggia in a panel house, since it is often small, for example, with an area of ​​​​only 2 or 3 meters, but it is possible, because modern balcony structures are made using various materials. Mixing PVC, metal and wood with unique and colorful details creates a beautiful minimalist loggia interior that looks bright and interesting.

Design of an insulated loggia combined with a room - photo

Modern ideas for connecting an outdoor living space to a room create beautiful interiors that combine home comfort and nature, increase the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, improve the room. The loggia can be used for entertainment with friends, as a small home office or as a room for rest and relaxation.

Check out a collection of photos of beautiful, comfortable and modern ideas for designing elegant and attractive loggias combined with a room. Now, on the insulated loggia, you can arrange a working or sleeping place, or move the dining area there.

Kitchens with a combined loggia - photo

Ideas for combining a kitchen with a loggia for small apartments is the creation of a bright, functional, comfortable and modern interior design in small spaces.

Colors for decoration can be any - dark and light, saturated and muted. It all depends on your preferences and design style. The main condition is a harmonious combination of shades among themselves.

Cozy bedrooms with a combined loggia - photo

Combining a bedroom with a loggia requires calm, soothing, light and neutral colors. Soft whites and light grays, pale greens and blues are ideal. As bright accents, you can use warm yellow, orange, peach, pink and red colors.

Living rooms with a combined loggia - photo

Living rooms in light colors, combined with a loggia, look more spacious and elegant. Natural design and finishing materials, portable bio-fireplaces, small water fountains, cozy lamps and pots with flowering and green plants create a magnificent room for receiving guests.

Compact furniture, ergonomic layout, creative room dividers combined with bright lighting are great ideas for modern room design with a combined loggia and decorating small apartments and houses.

Finishing loggias inside - photo design ideas

For finishing glazed and insulated loggias, the same materials are used as for finishing other rooms, but the most popular way is finishing with wooden or plastic clapboard. Finishing the loggia inside with a wooden clapboard creates a more comfortable atmosphere, and plastic is easier to care for and does not need to be painted regularly.

Loggia design with panoramic windows

Panoramic glazing looks beautiful and makes the room filled with light. Loggias can be designed in any shape, size and style. Basically, the forms of loggias are divided into types:

  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • semicircular;
  • in the form of a trapezoid.

Attractive potted plants, light curtains and paintings are modern ideas that will decorate outdoor living spaces with panoramic windows, turning them into elegant retreats.

Panoramic glazing involves a powerful stream of natural light, so choose fading-resistant finishing materials, especially if you have a sunny side.

Purchase comfortable and compact seating furniture. Corner furniture will help maximize space and create a beautiful setting. Decorative accessories, plants in floor and hanging pots, curtains or blinds, pillows will help you fully experience the romance of a new vacation spot.

Useful ideas for landscaping the loggia

Plastic flower pots and hanging planters are the cheapest and most beautiful way to freshen up the interior of a loggia, turning it into an amazing place to relax. Contemporary home furnishings come in stylish neutrals, earthy greens, and vibrant colors so they blend seamlessly with the color scheme of your loggia.

Use this collection of designer fashion ideas and make your loggia a truly cozy place where you, your friends and family will feel comfortable and pleasant.

The balcony has long ceased to be the place that is used only as additional square meters in the apartment for storing and storing various things. With the right approach, even a small balcony can be functionally equipped, turning it into a place for relaxation, solitude or work.

Design of a small balcony in Khrushchev

A small balcony, as a rule, is found in Khrushchev houses. With the help of some small balcony design ideas, you can turn this place into a useful, comfortable and stylish area.

The interior design of a balcony in Khrushchev or just a small balcony begins with what functional load this room will have. If necessary or personal preferences, the following places can be equipped from the balcony area:

  • Terrace for relaxation. To equip a recreation area, it is necessary to create conditions for a comfortable stay on a small balcony. To do this, you need cozy furniture and a table. In accordance with its small dimensions, it should not be bulky - for this you can use a folding table and chairs, or equip a small multifunctional soft sofa, inside of which storage boxes are hidden. Numerous pillows and other textiles will add comfort.
  • WorkplaceIf privacy is required for work, this place is just right for that. There is enough space on a small balcony to accommodate a computer desk for one computer and an easy chair. To work with a laptop, you only need a soft sofa and a table, which are also used for relaxation.
  • Tea or dining area If the balcony is small but wide, in the summer you can equip a dining or tea area with a full dining table for two or three people.
  • Winter gardenFlowering plants and greenery growing all year round on the balcony will create a summer atmosphere even in winter. Hanging racks with pots can be equipped on the walls, pallets with flowers can be placed on the balcony windowsill (example in the photo). Instead of a greenhouse, you can even arrange a greenhouse.
  • Gym Placed sports equipment or a simulator will create a small gym on the balcony. Thus, space in the apartment for storing shells is saved, and in the summer there will be an opportunity to play sports in the fresh air.
  • Enlargement of the main room due to the balcony A more time-consuming process of arranging and creating a design is the combination of small balconies with the rooms to which they adjoin. At the same time, the window frame and the door are removed, in some cases the radiator is transferred, a room is formed that is extended by the size of the adjoining balcony. At the same time, he begins to perform the function that belongs to the room: if the balcony is combined with the kitchen, it can turn into a dining area, a place for a bar counter, or household appliances, such as a refrigerator, are placed on it. If a living room or study is combined, another functional area is formed there. When combining the bedroom on the balcony, you can equip a workplace or boudoir, and in the nursery - a playroom.

If it’s not worth the goal to remake the balcony into a specific functional area, you can simply decorate it in style by placing a neat, ergonomic storage system on it.

Area preparation

The design of a small balcony begins with the preparation of its area for decoration and further decoration.

Initially, you should clear the area of ​​unnecessary things, put things in order. The main task of preparing for registration is glazing and insulation of the balcony. Without these works, the practical use of the balcony space is significantly limited.

When glazing, double-glazed windows with a thickness of at least 32 mm should be used. When all three sides of the balcony are glazed, it will become bright and cozy, but at the same time there will be fewer sides that are useful for practical use. If only the front part is glazed, it will later be possible to equip storage systems on the side walls, hang flower pots and so on.

Warming is usually done with sandwich panels from the outside of the balcony and from above, and inside the floor insulation is done using penofol, penoplex, covered with plywood or laminate on top. When combining a room with a balcony, a floor with electric or water heating is required.


When decorating a balcony room, you can use one of two options: stylistically combine the space with the main room, decorating the balcony in accordance with the room using the same materials, or creating an individual balcony style that differs from the main design of the apartment, but at the same time, does not escaping from it.

It is worth using moisture-resistant and heat-resistant materials, and for glazed and insulated loggias, you can use any material for cladding, from wallpaper to stone and decorative plaster. Since the balcony space belongs more to the outer space of the apartment than to the inner one, durable materials are often used for surface finishing - artificial stone, plaster, decorative panels, as well as their various combinations with each other. With their help, you can embody any design ideas, creating an original style. In order not to waste time and money on finishing with stone or plaster, you can process the brick wall of the house, paint it or varnish it, while creating an urban style. Lining or wooden panels when finishing form a pleasant eco-style, moreover, they additionally serve as a heat insulator.

From the flooring, laminate, wood or tile is used.

Receptions for decorating a small balcony

When designing a small balcony space, it is important not to overload it with unnecessary details. In addition, for visual correction of a small area, you can follow some design recommendations:

  • Light colors in the decoration will visually expand the narrow balcony walls.
  • You can not load the space with bulky furniture. Wicker, glass furniture, hanging and folding tables, storage systems with sliding doors, hidden drawers inside the seats should be used.
  • Windows should also be sliding. It is recommended to decorate them with blinds - it's beautiful and practical. To create a more comfortable atmosphere, roller blinds or Roman blinds are used. With long curtains and heavy curtains, it is better to decorate the balcony window of the combined space with the room to create a unified style.
  • Wallpaper with a perspective on the side walls of the balcony will visually make it more spacious.
  • A wide window sill can be turned into a kind of bar counter or a place for flowers (see photo). And under it, you can equip hidden shelves with doors for food storage and preservation.
  • Mirror and glossy surfaces will visually increase the area. Stretch glossy ceiling with spotlights also contributes to this.
  • It is better to refuse open hinged shelves, they clutter up the space.
  • The accent with the help of color on one of the walls contributes to the visual increase in square meters.
  • When landscaping with flowers, you should not place pots and pallets on the floor, so as not to take up extra space.