Roses in the country (38 photos): all about varieties and caring for the queen of flowers. What are the best flower options to plant in the garden next to roses: win-win combinations! Beautiful flower beds with roses

Bright, delicate, charming and magnificent roses cannot leave any gardener indifferent. But having set out to settle this natural miracle on their site, many are faced with the problem of how to organize a rose garden so that it turns out to be both spectacular and fit into the overall style of the garden, and not too demanding to care for.

Coping with the task is also not easy because the world of roses is so wide that you can get lost in the names of species alone: ​​standard and polyanthus, miniature and climbing, grandiflora and floribunda ... but there are also varieties, and dozens of shades and shapes. And all this should be taken into account when thinking about the design of a flower bed of roses.

Rose bed location

But you still need to start with choosing a place for the future flower garden. Roses prefer sunny areas protected from the wind, where in the morning and the hottest, midday hours the flowers can hide in partial shade, but in the late afternoon nothing closes the flowers from the sun.

Roses also have their own requirements for soil:

  • Groundwater should not be closer than two meters from the surface;
  • Good drainage and adequate nutrition are essential;
  • And if the soil is dense and heavy, then it is better to add a sandy or peat mixture in advance.

The easiest way to arrange a flower bed with roses is not in the center of the site, but near buildings or fences, near trees or along paths. This will protect the plants from the wind, cover them for the winter and preserve the decorativeness of plantings for a long time.

Regular rose garden

Such plantings in the style of palace parks, although undoubtedly magnificent, are more often justified in the southern regions, where roses can not be afraid of frost. The classic parterre version of the rose garden can be organized as follows: In the center of a geometrically correct composition, located between two park paths, spray roses are placed, tea-hybrid ones are planted closer to the edge, and polyanthus become a living border.

A flowerbed of roses, designed in the style of a regular garden, is also characterized by a static center of the composition, replacing spray roses - it can be, for example, a statue, a tall flowerpot or even a fountain.

landscape rose garden

Often such an informal scheme of a rose bed involves planting a small number of plants of different sizes and shapes, and asymmetry and fantasy are also welcome here. Roses, like no other plant, are suitable for decorating arches and arbors. This style only welcomes such use of a magnificent shrub.

Combining standard, hybrid tea and climbing roses, you can prolong the flowering of the site, make it more versatile and interesting. When planning curtains, it is only important to remember that rounded group plantings look better than single plants.

structural rose garden

Universal design of a rose bed for a corner of the garden with internal paths, or benches, near the terrace or pond. Such plantings are not very large-scale, but you can see every flower, and someone who, and roses deserve it. The elegance of the lines will also be emphasized by paving the site with gravel or natural stone.
There are countless options for decorating flower beds with roses.

One rose garden will be decorated with classical statues or an imitation of an Old English garden in the form of roses arranged in a canopy. Someone will like a Chinese garden with abundant hybrid tea roses, and somewhere there will be an oriental luxurious Moorish-style rose garden with fragrant shrub roses.

How to arrange a flower bed with roses on a slope

If the site is not completely flat, then this will not become an obstacle to planting roses. The main thing is that the selected slope does not have a northern orientation. The larger the area facing south, the longer the flowering will last, and it will be easier to keep the roses from freezing.

And if in the southern regions such a flower bed with roses can consist exclusively of roses alone, then in the middle lane it is better to combine them with ivy and forest violet, shaving and rezuha, alpine phlox, seasonal bulbous, stonecrop mosses. Classically, roses can be combined with hostas.

On the slopes, it is better to plant those types of roses that are located closer to ground level: ground cover and climbing, which can be fixed on stones and supports used on uneven ground.

Making a discount

Rabatka, whatever it may be: one-sided or overlooked from all sides, is planned in accordance with an important principle - the tallest plants are in the center, and the lower ones are closer to the edge. With regard to roses, the sharpness of shrubs is also taken into account, so only roses without thorns should be near the path, otherwise you will have to increase the width of the paths or borders bordering the flower bed with roses.

pink lawn

With enough space on the site, you can organize a solid carpet of ground cover or climbing roses, arranged with cereals and other ornamental flowering plants. Climbers are grown with this, as well as, attaching flexible shoots to the soil with metal studs.

To design a flower bed with roses that looks like a lawn, you should not take plant varieties that have a tendency to strong growth.

A lawn with roses can perform a number of quite utilitarian functions:

  • It is highly decorative for a long time and does not require special care;
  • Helps to formalize vacant lands;
  • Does not require mowing;
  • It has a positive effect on the soil and microclimate of the site;
  • Retain moisture near the soil surface;
  • It hinders the growth of weeds.

From a mixture of traditional lawn grasses, flowering perennials and annuals sown in the spring, you can create a spectacular flower bed with ground cover roses in the style of a Moorish lawn.

roses for hedges

Roses are great for vertical gardening. Prickly shrub hedges are both decoration and protection of the garden, and for such a structure up to one and a half meters high, you can take not only garden roses, such as tall floribunda, grandiflora and park varieties, but also rose hips.

For hedges, bushes are planted in a checkerboard pattern, at a distance of up to half a meter, and in between, low-growing roses or companion plants are planted, suitable in color, size and flowering time.

However, when arranging a hedge of roses, it is important to remember that in addition to the mass of advantages, there are also disadvantages to it:

  • Roses require a sunny, wind-sheltered location;
  • In the autumn months, after the roses shed their leaves, such a hedge can look bare and unattractive. Solving the problem in the selection of varieties that bloom until late autumn, do not drop foliage or have bright decorative fruits;
  • Even with painstaking pruning, it is not always possible to achieve a neat hedge.

For hedges, it is better to take seedlings of two or three years of age, planted in a trench up to 60 cm deep. Deciduous roses of the summer flowering period are planted in the first half of autumn, and evergreen varieties in spring.

Mixed flower bed with roses with their own hands

When creating a mixborder with roses, it is extremely important to take into account the grouping of plants, and not only roses, but also all other species, in terms of height and, of course, in terms of flowering.

Ideally, if the end of flowering of one of the varieties coincides with the beginning of flowering of another. As for lawns, mixborders do not need to take fast-growing roses, which will unwittingly crowd out other plants and, thus, over time, significantly reduce the decorative effect of a rose bed.

In one-sided mixborders, tall bushes are planted away from the viewer, the most spectacular medium-sized varieties are planted in the center, and miniature or even ground-cover rose varieties are brought to the fore.

In mixed flower beds overlooked from all sides, tall plants are planted along the line of symmetry or in the center.
Depending on the variety and size, it is important to plant rose bushes at a distance from each other and other plants, and the row closest to the path is organized no less than half a meter from the curb.

Garden border

The same principle applies when planting narrow decorative borders with roses.

Low-growing roses are great for accentuating curves in paths or accentuating the transition from horizontal to vertical gardening.

Borders are planted from floribunda roses, ground cover roses with decorative foliage and undersized varieties.

Rules for creating a flower bed with roses

  • Roses do not like loneliness too much, so the variety should be represented by three or five bushes.
  • Chaotic plantings of roses of different heights look inharmonious.
  • Be sure to take into account the gamut of the created flower bed, where the rose should be in harmony with the rest of the plants, but not merge with the general background.
  • Red flowers are diluted with white and cream, yellow spots and delicate lilac or blue tones are good. But lilac roses will be lost against the background of scarlet inflorescences.
  • Varieties with variegated flowers are best placed separately.
  • A bright tall bush or a single standard rose is placed in the center of a large flower bed with roses.

The main advantage of a mixborder with roses is the duration and change of flowering of plants: while the roses do not bloom, other early-flowering plants, for example, bulbs, give a decorative look to the flower bed; then roses come into force, and after they fall, autumn flowers, cereals or dried flowers will appear.

Companion plants for roses:

  • Coniferous plants of various kinds and sizes;
  • Barberries, silvery types of wormwood, sucker and vesicle;
  • Seasonal bulbous plants;
  • Clematis;
  • Unpretentious decorative perennials that serve as a background for rose bushes;
  • Sowing annual flowering plants that fill voids in plantings.

Around a flower bed of roses, you can make a border of gravel, tile or stone, natural bark or gravel mulch looks good. From the edge of the path to the first row of roses, it is important to leave at least 50 cm.

DIY rose flower bed

First, the boundaries of the flower bed are determined, then the soil is removed by 10 - 15 cm, the bottom is compacted and the fence of the future flower garden is organized to outline its clear boundaries. The external design of flower beds with roses is done with the help of stones or backfilling with small gravel, mulch or gravel.

In plantings with roses, you should not make flowerbeds of complex patterns, and abounding in dozens of plant species. The main focus should be on roses, and the rest of the plants serve only as a worthy background.

On the mixed romantic flowerbed of roses, the photo of which is presented here, the most unpretentious perennials are planted: veronica with purple arrows and pink small petal. However, it cannot be said that a flower garden of only three types looks dull or poor.

Video: combination of roses with other flowers

The combination of a garden rose with other ornamental plants allows you to emphasize the beauty of this flower and divert attention from its possible shortcomings. The right neighborhood will help create a rose garden that will delight you with a riot of colors from spring to late autumn. Roses growing next to other flowers bloom longer and retain their decorative appearance. Cultivated plants adjacent to the queen of flowers protect her from weeds and sudden gusts of wind, creating a favorable microclimate. When wondering what flowers can be planted next to roses, choose companions both in the same color scheme and in contrasting options.

5 best rose companion flowers: descriptions and photos of beautiful compositions in the garden

To create a spectacular flower garden in the neighborhood of a garden rose, you can select annual or perennial plants, the main thing is that the requirements for soil composition, moisture and light conditions match. Friendly plants plant a distance no closer than 30-50 cm to the rose, so as not to damage its root system. When choosing neighbors for a garden rose, it is necessary to evaluate the color of the petals and the shape of the inflorescences, as well as take into account the compactness and size of the plants.


Clematis is a perennial herbaceous flowering plant that can be in the form of a shrub, semi-shrub or liana. The diameter of clematis flowers varies from 7 to 15 cm. The petals are lanceolate, depending on the variety, their color is pink, purple, blue, blue, white or cream. Adult clematis need to be tied to supports, as their shoots grow rapidly.

Rose and clematis emphasize each other's beauty with a contrasting color of the petals.

In garden roses and clematis, the root system is not prone to being too deep in the soil, but these plants are planted no closer than 50–80 cm apart so that they do not have competition for food and moisture. Both flowers prefer good soil drainage and need ample sunlight.

Climbing rose and clematis will help create a lively flower arrangement using an arch support

For a neighborhood with a garden rose, landscape design experts recommend choosing Jacqueman's hybrid clematis, whose flowers are large and expressive, 15 cm in diameter.

A climbing rose of pale pink color looks especially bright against the background of dark purple clematis flowers.

Long shoots of clematis can be fixed on trellises or arches, or they are allowed to grow freely as a ground cover. Clematis can only be planted on adult, well-rooted roses, otherwise a strong and viable vine will dominate, drowning out the growth of young specimens.


Lobularia - compact herbaceous bushes that grow no higher than 30 cm, and during flowering are completely covered with small flowers. Petals can be white, cherry and dark purple. Flowering of lobularia begins in May and ends in early October. In landscape design, lobularia is used to decorate the bottom row of a flower garden.

In combination with white lobularia, red roses look especially bright and majestic.

The plant is not capricious, can live on soils with different levels of acidity. Lobularia loves dry and open areas of the garden, accessible to sunlight. This annual should be planted to roses at a distance of 20–30 cm, since dense thickets of lobularia do not allow air to pass through well and contribute to moisture stagnation, which can cause diseases of garden roses.

Lobularia, planted along the edge of the flower bed, gives visual completeness to the entire flower arrangement.

Low-growing lobularia does not compete with garden roses for nutrients and moisture. The annual does not need frequent watering and top dressing, the lack of which does not reduce the abundance of its flowering. The plant does not require pruning, it does not overshadow the beauty of the rose with its appearance, but favorably emphasizes its dignity.


In regions with severe winters, the plant lives only one season, and in warm climates, the herbaceous shrub is known as an evergreen perennial. Lavender is prized for its fragrance and the beauty of its light lilac spikelets. The height of the plant does not exceed 30–40 cm. Some varieties may have a white or pink shade of inflorescences. Lavender has at least 30 hybrid species, the narrow-leaved English variety is considered the most common.

Blooming roses and lavender are a romantic combination of delicate colors and fragrance.

Lavender is sensitive to the presence of sunlight and heat. In a favorable climate, it blooms from late spring until the beginning of autumn frosts. The specific aroma of essential oils that the perennial exudes protects the garden rose from the invasion of aphids and ants.

Inflorescences of yellow roses look bright and expressive against the background of purple lavender flowers.

So that perennial lavender does not lose its decorative appearance, the plant is regularly pruned. You can emphasize the beauty of blooming roses in landscape design with the help of accent plants, and lavender is one of them.

The combination of red and pink roses with lavender bushes is a well-known landscape design technique.

Next to the lilac flowers of a fragrant perennial, it is advisable to plant tall varieties of garden roses, including their climbing varieties. The flower garden looks the most harmonious and attractive, where rose bushes are 1.5–2 times higher than lavender.


Lobelia is a ground cover plant that belongs to the Bellflower family. Lobelia flowers are small in size and consist of several petals arranged in a fan. Flowering begins in June and continues until September. Multiple delicate flowers of blue, light blue, pale lilac or white look like a living openwork bedspread.

Unpretentious lobelia makes the composition with roses more harmonious

Lobelia can be planted both in open sunny areas and in partial shade. This plant does not like waterlogging of the soil, so its proximity to roses is considered friendly. For such a community, low-growing perennial varieties of lobelia should be selected, which are placed at the foot of rose bushes.

The blue openwork coverlet of lobelia flowers covers the stems of rose bushes and emphasizes the beauty of their flowering.

So that the lobelia does not drown out the rose bush with its active growth, it can only be planted with tall varieties of roses. Low-growing specimens of lobelia are braided with their shoots, preventing excess moisture from evaporating and preventing air movement. Such a neighborhood will be unfavorable due to an increase in the level of humidity near the plants. Against this background, fungal diseases often develop.


This is a tall flowering perennial that is used in flower beds to create a background or to place visual accents. The plant is thermophilic, its flowering lasts 30 days and it begins at the end of June. The flower prefers moderately moist soils and tolerates dry periods well. Stems with inflorescences at the delphinium reach 70–80 cm, the color of their petals can be blue, light blue, pale purple, red, pink or white.

Delphinium as part of a flower bed acts as a contrasting color accent

With the help of tall delphiniums in the rose garden, they fill the voids that form during the visual transition from one rose bush to another. In some cases, flowering delphiniums are used to create a multi-tiered effect in a flower garden.

Delphinium can become a contrasting background for a blooming rose garden

Delphiniums are also planted next to garden roses to create visual contrast. Both plants do not suppress the growth of each other and look bright and romantic in a duet. Delphiniums in combination with roses look equally impressive both when creating a flower garden in a rustic style, and in more restrained presentable compositions.

List of worst companions for a rose

Not every plant is able to favorably coexist with the queen of flowers - the rose. It often happens that flowers with similar preferences for comfortable growth conditions crowd each other out of the flower garden. When choosing which flowers to plant with roses in a flower bed, do not give preference to such flowers:

  • tree peony- this plant is unfavorable for roses for the reason that it actively competes with it for moisture and nutrients. The peony has a strong root system and within a radius of 1.5 m it dominates not only flower plants, but also small trees and shrubs. Such a neighborhood is disastrous for a rose; it has no chance for growth and development next to a peony.
  • - Another representative that has a developed root system that can compete with less strong neighbors growing nearby. Gardeners know that dahlias can stifle the growth of not only nearby cultivated plants, but also weeds. In competition, the rose loses to the dahlia.
  • - in close proximity to a rose bush, a dense and abundant deciduous mass of a peony impairs the circulation of air and moisture between these plants, which can cause fungal diseases. In addition, peony roots secrete a special substance that has a detrimental effect on the growth and flowering of roses. There is one more fact: peonies have the property of rapid growth and inhibit the development of roses.
  • is a flowering perennial that grows in soils with a pH shift to the acid side. Such a soil substrate is not suitable for a rose, so these two plants will not be able to side by side.
  • Fern- looks spectacular, but its growth requires shady and cool corners of the garden, and the rose loves warmth and sunlight. The different conditions necessary for the life of these plants make it impossible for them to be in close proximity.
  • Loosestrife- perennial plant with yellow flowers and erect stem. The loosestrife is able to grow rapidly and occupy all the free space, depriving the rose of the opportunity to grow.
  • Physostegia- perennial, 1.5 m high flowering plant. In the wild, physostegia chooses moist soils near swamps and along the banks of reservoirs. Despite the beauty of the plant, it is risky to plant it next to a rose, as the physiostegia will begin to take away moisture from the queen of flowers. In addition, the moisture-loving perennial is prone to aggressive growth and can fill all the free space around the rose.
  • - a popular garden plant, the beauty of flowering of which could be effectively combined with a blooming rose, but they cannot grow together. For rhododendron, highly moistened acidic soil is needed, since in the wild this perennial grows near swamps, and the root system of the rose quickly rots in such conditions.

In the spring, young shoots should begin to grow at the garden rose and buds should form. It is necessary to ensure that there are no plants from the ranunculus family near it: caustic buttercup, hellebore, backache, larkspur, anemone. All these plants have the ability to draw moisture from the soil in large quantities, worsening the conditions for growth and development of roses.

Photo: plants from the Buttercup family, next to which the growth and development of roses will deteriorate

Backache (snowdrop)

In addition to ornamental plants, fruit trees, as well as birch, spruce, pine and various shrubs with a superficial root system, can become undesirable neighbors for a garden rose. Being rooted at the same level as roses, competing plants will take food and moisture from the flower, depriving it of vitality.

What properties should friendly plants have

A single-growing garden rose can die from a sharp gust of wind, heavy rain, and the rays of the scorching sun. For these reasons, it is most comfortable for plants to grow in commonwealth, placed in the same flower bed.

Roses in association with perennial flowering plants

The main properties of a friendly neighborhood are as follows:

  • garden roses will grow comfortably with those neighbors who do not take away space, light, moisture and nutrition from them;
  • the ideal combination in the rose garden will be plants that protect the rose with their aromas from the invasion of pests and attract pollinating insects to it;
  • in order for the flower garden to look harmonious, the color of the petals of neighboring specimens should be beautifully combined with the color of roses.

Companions for roses in the garden

It is pleasant to give roses in the garden royal attention, therefore, when placing them with other flowers, it is necessary to place rose bushes so that the main focus of the entire flower arrangement is turned to them, and friendly plants play a secondary role. When choosing neighbors, you should observe the measure and use 1-3 types of plants. If a lot of diverse flowers are collected in the flower garden, the rose will lose its regal appearance against the background of such a variety.

Creating a rose garden on your site is always a pleasant experience. Every year, its appearance can be changed by adding new plants to the rose as companions. We wish you a successful search for original combinations of friendly plants and let your flower garden be the most beautiful!

Beautiful garden decoration with roses (photo)

It is believed that the rose itself is an ornament and does not need a company. But the “queen”, which is recognized as a rose, needs a “retinue” in garden design, where it is dominant, and this is not at all a bad option for a general decorative perception.

If you are a big fan of roses, you should create a rose garden in your garden. It is broken up in a large open parterre space. It is an independent composition that emphasizes the beauty of your site.

When decorating a garden with roses, a rose garden is laid in a regular or landscape style in the form of a huge flower garden, which is cut into separate sectors by paths. A fountain, a pool, sculptures, vases, arches, trellises, pergolas, etc. can be included in the overall layout of the rose garden.

As you can see in the photo, for roses in landscape design, the lawn can serve as the main background against which these plants are placed in the appropriate groups:

Roses in landscape design in the photo

Roses in the general composition of the garden in the photo (photo)

Evergreens and deciduous shrubs are used to highlight and emphasize individual details.

In the rose garden, you can imagine all groups of roses: curb, and even potted ones. The goal of showing the largest assortment of roses in landscape design should not be set. It is necessary to carefully consider and select groups and varieties of plants in such a way as to obtain the greatest decorative effect in the created colorful and voluminous composition.

Before you beautifully arrange a rose garden, decide on the shape and size of the groups. They are determined depending on the scale and nature of the layout of the rose garden; at the same time, winter protection requirements must be taken into account. The latter puts forward the need to plant roses in relatively small isolated groups of a simple configuration. Volumetric groups are created from hybrid tea and remontant roses in the background. Polyanthus roses in the landscape design of the garden should be planted in the foreground, as they have the most abundant and long flowering. Along the edge of the rose garden planted with curb roses. If the site has a slope oriented to the south or west, it is appropriate to plant ground cover roses.

Pay attention to the photo - when decorating a plot with roses, taking into account the biological and decorative features of these plants, you should not mix groups of rose bushes in plantings:

Along with roses, perennials should also be planted in the rose garden, which will replenish the flowering in the early spring and serve as a backdrop for showing the decorative virtues of roses.

Before proceeding with the design of the site, you need to carefully consider and weigh everything.

To begin with, it is necessary to assess the possibilities of the area, its illumination, soil conditions, dimensions. Roses in the design of the site should be given both a bright place protected from the wind and a sufficient amount of nutrition - they suffer if, for example, a tree growing nearby takes away their nutrients and creates a shadow. Other roses planted too close can also compete. Therefore, it is very important to foresee such moments in advance.

As for the design approach, the use of roses gives the widest possibilities. This is a versatile plant for design, and thanks to the huge number of species and varieties, everyone can find their own option that will make the site uniquely beautiful.

The video "Roses in Landscape Design" shows what beautiful compositions can be made with these shrubs:

Roses in the design of your garden are always welcome guests in flowerbeds, in discounts, mixborders. With their help, unsightly areas of brick or wooden walls, trees, gratings are closed. Roses are planted in rockeries and on alpine hills, as hedges, as accent plants (especially in standard form) and as ground cover plants. Planted in containers, they certainly become a decoration of the house or courtyard.

Look at the photo - hybrid tea roses in the design of a summer cottage are mainly planted in flower beds, in mixborders and borders:

Hybrid tea roses in the design of a summer cottage in the photo

Hybrid tea roses are planted in flower beds (photo)

Recently it has become fashionable to grow them in standard form as single plants.

When decorating a flower bed, floribunda roses add color to the garden. Tall varieties are used to create hedges, dwarf varieties (recently singled out as a separate group of patio roses) are used to decorate borders and as a container culture. The use of roses in flower beds in the design of the site is justified both in landscape and regular planning.

As shown in the photo, climbing roses in the design of the garden give a huge scope for the realization of the ideas of a real artist:

Possessing the ability to climb vertical surfaces, they close large spaces in a short time, which makes them indispensable for draping walls, trees, trellises, etc. In addition, climbing roses are used for stage plantings, decorating arches and garden arbors. Baskets of climbing roses with a high handle, which are braided with shoots completely covered with flowers, look spectacular.

Look at the photo - ground cover roses in garden design can play a big role:

Quickly forming a dense carpet of stems and leaves, they prevent the growth of weeds and at the same time play a decorative role - they hide unevenness and other imperfections in the landscape. Ground cover roses are also good in rockeries, to which they give a natural look.

Miniature roses have found use mainly as houseplants. But they can also be used as a border. A new word in landscape design - growing roses in rock gardens. But here care comes first, since the food area will be small.

As you can see in the photo, park roses in the landscape design of a summer cottage are mainly used to create a hedge:

Also, park roses can also be included in decorative garden groups consisting of trees and shrubs.

Knowing which plants to plant with roses in landscape design, with the right selection of varieties and satellite plants, you can make a wonderful mixborder. And in the spring, while the pink shrubs have not yet reached the peak of decorativeness, early-flowering bulbs can bloom between them - crocuses, snowdrops, scillas, muscaria, etc.

Roses are genetically programmed for a very long life. An example of this is wild roses (rose hips), whose life span is estimated at 500 years.

Cultivated roses, of course, live much less - up to 25-50 years, and under insufficiently favorable conditions, even less - 10-15 years.

And in order to prolong the life of your favorite roses, enjoying their beauty, drawing strength and vigor from them, using healing gifts, it is necessary, in addition to proper care, to correctly position and combine them with other plants.

A rose lover needs to know that all the colorful variety requires a certain system when planting.

Look at the photo - when designing flower beds with variety roses, you need to have uniform spots, which should include at least 3 bushes:

Design of flower beds with roses in the photo

Flower beds of roses in the photo

At the same time, the overall picture of the rose garden looks like areas of pure white, pure pink, pure red or yellow roses. Mixing different colors in one spot is unacceptable.

In addition, homogeneous spots should be combined in color with each other. So, orange roses, purple, pink are not combined with red.

Red roses in the design of the garden plot can be separated from the same pink ones with white or cream.

Red color is classically combined with green, blue, lilac. Accepted combinations - light pink with light blue, purple - with yellow and orange, blue - with white.

The video "Roses in Garden Landscape Design" shows ideas for placing these plants on the site:

The next point when placing roses in the garden is the choice of separate groups in different functional areas of the garden. So, in the front part of the garden it is necessary to place hybrid tea, remontant roses. Their nobility of form, richness of color and aroma create an impression of beauty and dignity, artistic taste and harmony.

Red roses in the design of the cottage look good along the white wall of the house. They are cozy and sentimental here.

Roses should not be planted in the center of the lawn, as they will not only make lawn maintenance more difficult, but will also interfere with the sense of peace that comes from the greenery of the lawn.

A group of polyanthus roses blooming all summer is indispensable in the corners of relaxation, along the paths at the entrance to the gazebo, under the bedroom window.

Pay attention to the photo - polyanthus roses in the landscape design of the garden can border the roads of the site as a border, but for this you need to choose only low varieties:

Polyanthus roses in the landscape design of the garden in the photo

Polyanthus roses in the photo

If you have flower beds in your garden where you want to arrange roses, then keep in mind that for roses they should not be oval, but rectangular. It is desirable that one variety be planted, then your flower bed will acquire the status of solidity and splendor. Since you will have cut material from the same flower bed, use a group of hybrid tea and repair roses.

We should not forget about wild roses. They delight us with beautiful fragrant, abundant inflorescences and bright fruits.

There will be a place for them along the boundaries of the site, where they will also carry a protective function as an impassable fence. In addition, this is a great place for nesting birds. And the abundance of birds in the garden is a sharp decline in numbers.

As shown in the photo, climbing roses in the design of the site are indispensable where there are gazebos, pergolas, iron bars and other supports:

They are planted 2-3 near the support and the shoots are directed, fixing in the right direction.

You can decorate shrunken trees and bare poles with roses, as well as create amazing pyramids using a metal or wooden frame for this.

Beautifully flowering and beautifully fruited shrubs look good with roses, which are planted behind roses and at a distance of at least 1-1.5 m from them.

Among deciduous shrubs, lilac, skumpia, yellow acacia, cotoneaster, euonymus, snowberry, sucker, sea buckthorn, privet, tamariks, mock orange are combined with a rose.

The classic combination of roses with evergreen species is not only shrubby, but also woody - spruce, arborvitae, junipers. As evergreens, breeds such as mahonia, pyrocantha, cotoneaster horizontal can also be used.

The blue color, symbolizing the purity of the sky, enhances the beauty of the flower of a lush rose, white - gives splendor to the rose garden.

As you can see in the photo, when decorating a plot, roses in the garden are perfectly combined with lavender, periwinkles, speedwells, bluebells, delphiniums, watersheds, asters with blue and white flowers:

Roses in the garden go well with lavender (photo)

Roses in the garden go well with bluebells (photo)

Roses can be combined with summer blooming flower annuals and perennials. The main condition is that they have blue, blue, lilac, silver shades of flowers and leaves.

The classic combination of roses with gypsophila, not only in bouquets, but also in a flower bed or mixborder.

Plant letniki, acroclinum, lobelia, agerantum for standard roses.

A successful combination of roses with creepers is generally recognized. Roses against the background of blue clematis, honeysuckle, actinidia become even more expressive.

We should not forget about the successful combination of roses with ears of perennial and annual herbs. They give grace and airiness to rose plantings. Among the herbs are sheep's fescue, evergreen oats, maned bonfire.

Roses can be combined with bulbous, but not with all, and, perhaps, only with a white lily, but, again, not in a bouquet and not with a fragrant lily.

All that has been said about the possible combinations of roses, their placement on the site is important not only in terms of harmony and visual perception. It has been established that successful combinations have a positive effect on the overall life span of the plant and the manifestation of its inherent advantages.

Only those plants that have similar requirements for growing conditions can be satellites of roses. It is important to consider the time of flowering - it is better when the satellites of roses bloom before or after the queen of flowers. Equally important is the combination of plants by aroma: you can not plant flowers next to a rose that exude a strong smell, interrupting the delicate aroma of a rose.

The background against which roses grow is very important. Conifers can also be used as a background, especially blue spruce.

Compositions of roses with other shrubs with beautifully colored foliage are also successful: red, yellow, variegated - these include vesicles, barberries, black elderberry, etc. Roses look wonderful against the background of silvery foliage of poplar, suckers.

Look at the photo - roses in garden design look harmoniously against the background of flower plants with small flowers of white, blue and blue color, among which gypsophila occupies the first place:

If we talk about tamping rose bushes, then ornamental cereals (miscanthus, falyaris, moliniya, ozhika and various fescue) come first, which are the ideal companion of roses.

Support cereal grasses in the composition and irises with their linear leaves. Irises bloom before many roses, so their flowers will not distract attention, and after flowering, the leaves will adorn rose plantings.

These photos show what can be planted next to roses for a beautiful garden design:

When placing roses in the garden, consider the following recommendations:

  • White roses are in harmony with all the colors of the rainbow. White roses are good next to other white flowers, especially if you add plants with gray foliage. This combination can be complemented with pale blue, pink or lemon yellow flowers.
  • Yellow roses are showy with green and yellow-green tones; with blue and blue; and in compositions of warm tones - with different shades of orange.
  • Bright orange and orange-red roses are so catchy that they are hard to miss. They are very beautifully combined with different shades of blue and blue, especially in the presence of yellow-green.
  • Orange, apricot and peach roses of pale shades are completely lost in the motley flower garden. Such roses are best surrounded by other delicately colored plants. If there is pinkness in the color of the rose, it will be combined with pink or crimson flowers.
  • Red roses do not blend well with other shades of red and pink, so they are best surrounded by yellow or blue flowers. Red roses come with an orange or purple hue, and these two tones do not harmonize with each other at all, so they are not planted next to each other.
  • Pale pink roses look great against the background of plants with bluish-green foliage; they are in harmony with pale blue flowers and deep pink roses.
  • Lilac and purple roses pair well with pinks, blues, and yellow-greens.

After watching the video "Roses in Garden Design" you can learn a lot of original ideas for yourself:

Beautiful, well-groomed ... In a word, not a garden, but a photo from a magazine. Are you dreaming about this? Select a corner for a rose garden on the site. Create it according to your own scheme, without involving a designer in the design. How to make a rose garden in the country with your own hands - read the article.

To create a perennial flower garden of roses that will delight you for more than one year, decide on a goal. Think about what you would like to see in this corner, what mood you want to charge from it. Before you make a rose garden with your own hands, look at photos of different flower beds and choose the one that suits you. There are several types of design:

  • Romantic. This flower garden looks good near the gazebo. Consists of roses of gentle shades. In combination with tall plants creates an atmosphere of comfort, peace;

romantic rose garden
  • front door. As the name implies, these are festive compositions with bright, often contrasting colors. Greenery looks very elegant and advantageous here;

front rose garden
  • Visible from one side. Suitable for small areas. As an option, place it near a wall or near a fence. For example, place tall park roses in the background. Closer to the edges - medium-sized climbing, in the foreground - ground cover;

Rosary, visible from one side
  • Visible from different angles. Flowers for this rose garden should be planted from the center to the edges. Inside there will be the tallest plants, they need to be surrounded by medium-sized roses. The composition should be completed by low-growing varieties;

Rosary seen from different angles
  • Vertical. Climbing perennial varieties of roses will perfectly decorate an arch or gazebo, completely covering them over time;

Vertical rose garden

Advice. Remember that roses cannot grow in the right direction on their own. Do it by hand, using supports and garters. Form weaving in accordance with your idea.

  • Rosary-rock garden. Ground cover varieties are used for it. They bloom profusely and are unpretentious in care. Roses of this type grow well, so they quickly make a fragrant motley carpet. A beautiful ensemble is obtained from a combination of roses with stones on an alpine hill;

Rosary-rock garden
  • Mobile. The name speaks for itself: this is a mobile rose garden that can be arranged in containers, flowerpots. Looks harmoniously along the paths, at the entrance, best of all in a sunny place. For such a flower garden, take low, profusely flowering varieties of roses. After planting, drain, do not forget about watering and fertilizing. For the winter, store the containers in a heated room.

Mobile rose garden

In addition, decide on the style of your future rosary. In modern design, the most common:

landscape rose garden

How to chart a rosary

Having decided on the place, type and style of the rose garden, draw up its plan. It will help you visualize the final version of the flower garden. To begin with, mark the borders of the future kingdom of roses on the diagram. For them, you can use borders or undersized flowers.

So that different plants do not interfere with each other, decide on sizes and varieties. Look at the photos of blooming roses, choose the ones you like. Write down their names and mark them on the diagram with numbers. Mark where you are going to take place undersized, and where - tall.

Rosary plan

Which corners will be occupied by perennial flowers, and where new bushes will need to be planted annually is another aspect of the plan. Mark on the diagram the areas where you want to plant certain groups of roses. Think about whether their color combination will be harmonious.

Advice. In order for groups of plants that are inharmonious in color to “get along” in one rose garden, dilute them with varieties with white inflorescences. Do not combine warm shades (cream, orange) with cold ones (burgundy, cherry).

Before you make a rose garden with your own hands, decide: where and what crops will be planted as background. Consider whether perennial shrubs or stone compositions fit into the ensemble you created. Look at various photos with diagrams and draw up your plan on paper.

How to make a rose garden with your own hands. Instruction

  1. Prepare the area. It should be sunny, but not blown, free from debris, weeds. "Queens of flowers" like well-drained soil, by no means clay. The ideal option is to take care of the soil in advance, around the middle of summer, in order to plant roses in the fall. To do this, dig the ground (approximate depth - 60 cm), loosen the top layer and apply fertilizer. In 2-3 months, get good soil suitable for roses.

    Garden tools for arranging a rose garden with your own hands

  2. Make holes. Their depth is about 10 cm more than the length of the roots (50-60 cm), width - from 25 cm to 1.5 m (depending on the variety). If the groundwater in your area is more than 1 m, you can do without drainage. Otherwise, put small stones, gravel or expanded clay on the bottom of each hole, pour some earth on top.

    Preparing holes for planting roses

  3. Prepare seedlings. Cut the roots to a length of 30 cm, remove the damaged ones. The part that remains above the ground, shorten to 2-3 strong shoots. Leaves on the handle should not be.

    Seedling prepared for planting in open ground

  4. Remove the bush from the container or pot and plant, after moistening it. This is necessary so that the earthen ball does not crumble. Depending on the growing conditions, seedlings are distinguished:
    • with a closed root system (initially, each sprout was planted in a separate container, in which it grew);
    • with an open root system (such specimens grew in the field and were placed in containers immediately before the sale).

    Scheme: the process of planting rose bushes

  5. Based on this, there are differences in landing. Bushes with a closed root system are simply lowered vertically into the hole and evenly covered with earth (for this they need to be shaken periodically). For seedlings of the second type, you should first make a small mound in a dug hole. They put a bush on it and cover it with earth. In both cases, make sure that the roots do not bend upwards.
  6. After planting, compact the soil, and loosen the top layer. Water the seedlings.

    Bush after planting in the ground

Rules for the care of the rosary

Regardless of which rose garden you prefer (romantic or rock garden), within 2 weeks after planting, do not forget about regular watering of the bushes. For the winter, you need to spud the holes with earth (20-30 cm) or cover the shoots with sawdust and sand. Mulch the soil to keep it from drying out.

Watering rose bushes

Apply organic or mineral fertilizers. Weed and prune roses in summer, spring and after flowering. If grafting plants, remove wild growth. Form bushes in a timely manner. For tall varieties, put props.

Combinations of roses with other plants

If you decide not to make a rose garden exclusively from roses alone, think about the flowers that will grow next to them. After all, the general appearance of your flower garden will depend on how successful the combination will be. Carefully select the border for the bushes. It will hide their lower, non-flowering part. For example, for a rose garden in a romantic style, a green or silver frame made of boxwood, chistets is suitable.

Rose bushes next to other crops

For a vibrant rose garden, add greenery, gold, or purple to the fence. Barberry, santolina are suitable for this. Good neighbors for the "Queen of Flowers":

  • perennials - carnation, periwinkle, primrose;
  • annuals - salvia, begonia, delphinia.

Advice. To protect against pests and diseases, it is worth planting marigolds, lavender or sage next to roses.

Roses look beautiful with plants that are not afraid of shade: hosta or geyhera. The company will be climbing. Any ground cover plants are suitable for rock garden. In combination with stones on a hill in a rose garden, ferns or conifers look advantageous.

Landscape composition with a rose

Of course, the design of the rosary requires a lot of work and considerable time. But the result is worth it. You will be reminded of this every year by the colorful blooms and aroma of the flower garden, lovingly created by your hands.

Flower bed with roses- it's just a diamond in the design of a suburban area,. No wonder these flowers are called royal, they attract attention with the beauty of their bright, lush inflorescences, and an incredible delicate aroma. If it seems to you not pompous enough to plant just a few bushes side by side, and you have a desire to make professional complex work from many components, then the tips from this article will help you with this.

How to arrange a flower bed with roses

We already talked about how to properly grow in its pure form in a previous article. Although these flowers are quite capricious, however, with good care, they will delight you with a very long and high-quality flowering, almost the entire summer season. That is why in the question how to arrange a flower bed with roses it is so important to decide whether it will be mono-shaped or whether you will use other plants in order to emphasize the beauty of the queen of the flower garden.

Fortunately, there are a lot of varieties of roses so that in any case you get an original and unusual one. So, under the common name, ordinary hybrid tea varieties with several fairly large peduncles and a powerful bush are hidden, as well as English varieties with abundant long flowering, floribunda, undersized roses, climbing and standard roses, which are formed in the form of a tree. All this helps to diversify the appearance of the flower garden so much that beautiful flower beds of roses look absolutely self-sufficient and autonomous.

As an example, let's look at the schemes developed for the design of flower beds, where we can see: roses of different sizes and different varieties grow on the site. In the first example, you see a tall hybrid tea bush whose large flowers will draw the main attention to the collection, becoming the main color accent. A bush of a park variety moves to the background, with abundant flowering of a small size, its shade is chosen lighter and more neutral, as it should be for the background element. And in the very foreground is a ground cover variety that allows you to form a beautiful border, while the format of the inflorescences themselves does not change from level to level.

Pay attention also to the excellent combination of plants with conifers, which will fill the necessary voids with greenery, moreover, from the beginning to the end of the flowering of the main plants. Thuja, juniper, pines - this is an excellent solution for the question, what to plant with roses in a flower bed, this will be a very noble combination, plus, it is believed that conifers have healing properties for disinfecting the soil and draining it, which cannot but have a positive effect on the health of roses. In the second example, climbing varieties are also added to the multi-level rose garden, which will be happy to master the supports offered to them in the form of pergolas, garden arches, canopies and other things. It is the reception with the arrangement of plants of different heights on the same flower garden that is one of the most successful solutions to the issue,.

A combination of roses in a flower bed

In the following example, we will consider the issue in more detail. combination of roses in a flower bed which of them form the most successful unions for a spectacular appearance. You can plant, guided by their shade or the shape of the inflorescence itself, the height of the bush and its area. In these cases, the resulting effect will be different.

For example, you can see in the picture above combination of roses in a flower bed, which are selected according to the principle of common shade. In this case, these are yellow-orange tones, which are quite widely represented today. Curb varieties are necessarily brought to the fore, they are miniature, which absolutely does not interfere with their decorative effect, and may not cover other plants. It turns out a wonderful visual effect when it seems that the flower garden is one continuous flowering ball, while just plants cover the bases of each other's bushes. The last level is the highest park bushes, usually they grow quite strongly, so that they even have to be shaped for an attractive and neat appearance of the whole group.

In another example, you see the reverse approach, when plants are selected approximately similar to each other in terms of texture, size, bud diameter, but due to the choice of fundamentally different shades, you get the original a flower bed of roses with their own hands. A photo shows in one composition yellow, white, pink, scarlet varieties, which each in their own way add notes to a beautiful floral symphony. In the third example, we recall that the wall of the house can also become an excellent support for vertical gardening. Spiny vines are run up the walls using stretched ropes or small guides, emphasizing the complex architecture of arches, wrapping around the pillars of sheds, or simply covering brick walls with a colored carpet. Do not forget to arrange the base of the vertical flower bed, but it is better if these are other plants that do not form thorny thickets. For example, it can be daisies, bindweeds, delphiniums, as in the example, or other plants of your choice.

Scheme of a flower bed with roses

You should be more careful about the selection, which are created in a park manner, using many other varieties. In this case, you will need ready-made rose flower bed plan which you can find on the net. In this case, for you and me, we have already carefully selected not only the varieties of related plants, but also their shades.

The first composition is called "The Charm of Summer" for good reason, because it is made up for the most part. The central elements are the pink varieties Benjamin Britain and Queen of Swieden, which you can also see in the photo. They were selected for similar bud shapes and beautifully contrasting shades of rich reds and soft pinks, but you might as well swap them out for similar varieties. Their retinue is made up of numerous annual plants: large clematis in the background, Japanese spirea, varieties of iris with light pink or white flowers, lush rich blue sage and hybrid carnation with small fragrant flowers to decorate the lower tier. As you can see, varietal English rose bushes have a rich, lush design.

The second scheme, which we present to your attention in two variations, uses an emphasis on beauty flower beds with roses, design evergreen non-flowering plants, such as hosta. These very durable and unpretentious bushes can create a decent external design for roses, but be sure to learn that rose bushes cannot stand waterlogging of the soil, which hostas can easily withstand, watering too often is not worth it for sure. Or place the central bushes on an artificial hill with the design of drainage grooves.

In the third scheme, which is presented to your attention, the companions on rose beds - photo this is shown - decorative juniper and small bushes of forest sage stand out. But the main centers of attention are four luxurious specimens of the English selection of various shades. This sequence will look most interesting - bright shades alternating with pastel, light ones, that is, white - red - cream - burgundy. You can choose varieties for such a planting individually, armed with catalogs and examples with photos. After all, it will be twice as pleasant to get an excellent result of work when we.

Decorating a flower bed with roses

The use of other varieties of plants to decorate flower beds with roses in the country has recently been used more and more often, it has long been considered the only right thing to plant royal flowers in splendid isolation. They, of course, will always be the center of the composition, but you can and should use other varieties and varieties to decorate the backdrop, side parts and border.

Curly clematis are often used to decorate the background, their flowering is almost as bright, attracting attention, and at the same time, they will master the site offered to them much faster and better, for example, decorative pergolas. In addition to clematis, delphiniums also deserve attention, they can be of various shades and their large bells will also be a wonderful background. Among the perennial varieties, delphiniums and large irises stand out, they also tolerate the pink neighborhood quite well.

On the sides, as has already been mentioned more than once in today's article, evergreen conifers can perfectly accommodate, ranging from small thujas to sprawling junipers. Miniature pines and firs, hostas and ferns - the more lush greenery around, the better.

The border helps to decorate the ground cover plants that creep on the lower floors, covering the somewhat bare, devoid of leaves, bushes from below. Such a neighborhood will be especially relevant for standard varieties, which are molded in the form of a tree. Miniature marigolds, sedum moss with small abundant color, stonecrop and so on are well suited. Among the annual plants that fill the space between the stems, I would like to highlight petunias, lobelia, verbena, forget-me-nots.

Flower beds with roses in the country

Having flower beds with roses in the country is a real dream of any gardener. At least a small space for them is allocated on each site. If you look at photo examples of planting varieties, you can be filled with great ideas for the correct arrangement of shrubs in the landscape.

The location of climbing subspecies near arbors or summer terraces will always be successful. Their smell and decorative appearance will make your stay on such a terrace even more pleasant. No wonder they even make a separate garden bench near the rose garden, so that you can enjoy its beauty in close proximity.

They decorate small architectural forms, such as fountains or sculptures, with creepers, this gives a touch of vintage. Also, fences or curtains hidden by thorny thickets always look elegant, moreover, it looks equally impressive on brick buildings and on wooden ones.