Drawings on the theme we are neighbors. "your neighbors on the planet" class hour on the topic. High Latitude Animals - Arctic and Antarctica


June 5 World Environment Day. On this day, people think about whether they are doing everything to save our planet and our smaller friends living on it.





Host: June 5 World Environment Day. On this day, people think about whether they are doing everything to save our planet and our smaller friends living on it.

Leading: Watching animals and plants, we are surprised at the whole world around us. Today we will test your animal knowledge and award the winners of our quiz.


The wounded bird was not given in the hands.

A wounded bird remained a bird.

This dream is old

I still dream.
A bird shudders on the bloody grass.


Solve riddles about animals.

At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark, lies a mustachioed log. (som)

The children fell asleep, the light went out. The throaty one is silent ... (rooster)

Apples on the branch in winter! Rather collect! And suddenly, apples fluttered, because they are ... (bullfinches).

I’ll visit everyone in a day, I’ll tell you everything that I learned. (Forty).

In a skullcap, a boy sat down to dine on a stump. The boy ate. The stump became shorter. (woodpecker).

Less tiger, more cat. Behind the ears of the brush are horns. (lynx).

Who jumps along the slippery path, as if the ball jumps deftly. (Frog).

Whoever is a winged fashionista, a striped dress, although a baby is tall, bites - it will be bad. (Wasp)

Blue airplane, sat on a white dandelion. (Dragonfly)

My tail is indistinguishable from my head, you will always find me in the ground. (worm).

Leading: Guys, name us famous writers who write about animals and plants?

(Eduard Shim, Vitaly Bianchi, Fet)

Host: And now our quiz “Who? What for? Why?"

- The penguin, although a bird, does not fly. Why does he need wings?

(To paddle underwater).

Why does a seal dive into the water all winter?


Why does a polar bear cover its nose with its paw when sneaking up on prey?

(to go unnoticed)

What does a brown bear do in autumn?

(preparing for hibernation, arranges a lair. Changes the fur to a thicker one. Works up fat.)

How does a bear build a den?

(Finds a place, collects moss, foliage, small spruce branches and throws them at the found place.

Where does the squirrel live?

(in the hollow of a tree).

What does a squirrel eat?

(mushrooms, cones, acorns, nuts.)

Why does an elk roar in autumn sometimes?

(Challenges opponents to fight).

Why do I eat thorns?

(for guard).

Leading: This concludes our quiz.

We invite you to draw those animals that were discussed in our questions.

(Children start drawing. Drawn drawings are hung on the stand. Presenter:

People are people!

Countries and peoples!

We are now eternally debtors of nature.

We need to pay off this debt somehow.

Let the wounded bird spread its wings!

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Pictures from the exhibition

"We are neighbours"

This spring, flocks of bright, interesting, bold children's drawings have been added to the flocks of migratory birds. All of them rushed to the old Ivangorod, to the traditional competition "We are neighbors." Ninety-nine studios from different cities and towns - from the Far East to the Baltic States - sent their drawings. One thousand five hundred and eighty wonderful works! Of course, it was very difficult for the jury to choose the best of them, because every time the skill of young artists grows, gets stronger, the topics become more interesting, the technique and genres become more diverse. Only the main idea of ​​the competition does not change: friendship between neighbors, between neighboring states, trust and love for each other, respect for the history and culture of other peoples. In a word, a peaceful and creative life as the only possible way of life on Earth.

The jury evaluated the artistry and individuality of the competitive works. The drawings were presented at the festive final exposition in the Exhibition Halls of the Ivangorod Art Gallery. That's where the bold flight of fantasy and bright colors of childhood were! It turned out to be a real celebration of friendship and creativity.

The organizers of the International Competition for Children's Drawings "We are Neighbors" are convinced that children's creativity is a pass to a new, future world, a world without aggression, where people rejoice together and empathize with each other, where talent and a kind view of the world are highly valued.

director of the Ivangorod children's art school,
Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation

Zoogeographic competition for children aged 9-13 can be used during any event related to ecology, biology, geography or natural history. It is easy to organize, conduct and evaluate. We selected for the competition photos of endemic animals, that is, those that live only in Africa, America or Eurasia. This was done to facilitate the work of the leader in evaluating the result - the answers are unequivocal. Even if animals are very similar in appearance or name, they can always be differentiated and their habitats determined. So, the brown bear is a Eurasian inhabitant. And his American counterpart, although very similar to him, is called a grizzly bear. There is still a difference between these bears, although it is not immediately noticeable. For example, the grizzly bear has huge claws that prevent it from even climbing trees. Or two types of elephants - Indian and African, savannah. They are quite different in appearance and character.
If you want to use other, more famous animals of our latitudes in the competition: elk, hare, fox, then, most likely, the guys will place them on the Eurasian continent. But there will be more than one correct answer, and the leader should be prepared for this.

The course of the zoogeographic competition for children "Neighbors on the Planet".

Some equipment is required to run the competition. First of all, cards with names and photos of animals. Still need a map of the world. Any large card that can be placed on a table or on the floor will do. But it will be more convenient to evaluate the competition if it is only the outlines of the continents. You can make such a map yourself by drawing it on a Whatman sheet and signing the names of the continents. Special precision is not required. And the easiest option is to do without a map. Just type in the names of the continents and ask the children to put cards with animals under the desired name.
The easiest way is to give each team its own card and its own set of cards and offer to “settle” the animals in a certain time. As soon as the time is up, the teams move away from the cards and the leader sums up the results, points out the mistakes. For each correctly placed card, the team receives one point.
You can make the zoogeographic competition for children more dynamic by introducing a relay element. Then only one card and one set of cards is needed. Teams line up in a column one by one on both sides of the table. One team should "settle", for example, Africa and South America, and the other Australia and Eurasia. Two sets of cards with animals of these continents are placed on the table - from one end for one team, from the other for the other. In addition to the animals of the "competitive" continents, you can add completely "left" animals to the sets of cards. There should be more or as many cards with the "correct" animals as there are children in the team. As a last resort, duplicate the same animals.
Children take turns taking cards from the table, run to the card and place the animal where it should live. After this, the child returns to the team and stands last in the column. As soon as all the participants of one of the teams run once, the game stops. Points are counted - each correctly placed animal plus one point, and an error - minus one point.

Animal cards for the zoogeographic competition for children 9-13 years old "Neighbors on the Planet"

How to copy and print animal cards for a zoogeographic competition for children.

To print the cards, click on the picture to enlarge it. Right-click and select "copy image" from the menu that appears. Open the Microsoft Word application and paste the copied picture. Set the image dimensions. You can choose any scale, but in all pictures set the same value for the width of the picture. We suggest choosing 18 cm, then after cutting the size of each card will be about 6x3.8 cm.
Put all the necessary pictures on the sheet and print. Stick the pictures on a thick base (cardboard) and cut out the cards.

Animals of Eurasia.

Please note that Eurasian animals are similar to North American ones! But, nevertheless, in Europe the bison, and in America the bison and the American brown bear are called grizzly.

Animals of Eurasia. Cards for the zoogeographic competition for children 9-13 years old "Neighbors on the Planet"

Animals of North and South America.

Here are five animals that live only in North and only in South America. And three animals that live here and there.

Animals of North America. Cards for the zoogeographic competition for children 9-13 years old "Neighbors on the Planet"

Animals of South America. Cards for the zoogeographic competition for children 9-13 years old "Neighbors on the Planet"

Animals found in both North and South America. Cards for the zoogeographic competition for children 9-13 years old "Neighbors on the Planet"
The armadillo is distributed up to Mexico and the southern states of the USA, although (perhaps thanks to Kipling's fairy tales) it is clearly associated with South America. The amazing bird hummingbird, not only the smallest in the world, but also the only bird that can fly backwards, also lives in the two Americas. Moreover, some of their species survive even in the harsh conditions of cold Alaska. The cougar or mountain lion is also found in the south of North America, and in South America - throughout the continent.

Animals of Africa

African animals are quite well recognized by children. The only difficulty can cause an elephant, which is also Indian. But the guys have known since kindergarten that the elephant lives in Africa and without a doubt “populate” the African savannahs with Indian elephants.

Animals of Africa. Cards for the zoogeographic competition for children 9-13 years old "Neighbors on the Planet"

Animals of Australia

The fauna of the Australian continent is so peculiar that it is difficult to confuse it with any other. Unless the wild dog Dingo is very reminiscent of the neighbor's outbred Sharik.

Animals of Australia. Cards for the zoogeographic competition for children 9-13 years old "Neighbors on the Planet"

High Latitude Animals - Arctic and Antarctica

Animals of high latitudes potentially harbor opportunities for discrepancy. Young zoologists can legitimately place an arctic fox, a polar bear or a polar partridge in the north of Eurasia or North America. And penguins - at the southern tip of Africa or South America. The only true endemic in this series is the wingless ringing mosquito. But, in any case, penguins should not suddenly be at the North Pole, and polar bears at the South.

Animals of the Arctic. Cards for the zoogeographic competition for children 9-13 years old "Neighbors on the Planet"

Animals of Antarctica. Cards for the zoogeographic competition for children 9-13 years old "Neighbors on the Planet"


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