Tasks in English for children 8 years old. English for children - interesting tasks - learning is a joy. Alphabet exercises. Alphabet assignments

At a younger age, children tend to be curious. They are captivated by everything new, and the information received leaves an intense trace in memory for a long time. When a child is interested, he freely concentrates his attention and performs tasks, especially if they are entertaining and have a playful form.

For children, of course, it is not difficult to bring elements of fun into any kind of activities and tasks. English language learning exercises should contain interesting tasks that will keep the child's attention. As a rule, the attention of children is held for only 10-20 minutes - subject to the involvement of children in the learning process.

Typically, this type of game includes the following aspects and load:

  • lexical;
  • phonetic;
  • spelling;
  • grammar.

In each of the individual games, first of all, the goal should be traced, and also in the planning process, easy-to-understand, feasible rules should be envisaged and determined, which will slightly resemble situations that are habitually close to kids.

From the article you will learn:

Phonetic task

"Sensitive Hearing"

Target: the formation of phonetic hearing skills.

Rules: the leader pronounces English words for two teams in turn. Children clap their hands if they hear just that sound that is not present at all in their native speech.

Bottom line: the team that fully mastered the rules and tasks will win.

Words: mother, cat, jam, name, tree, doctor, thick, thin, dog, father…..

"Wonderful Apple Trees"

First, we build schematic fruit trees from a paper and cardboard base, and cut out apples in the same way. Next, we write transcription symbols on the trees, and English letters and their specific combinations on apples.

Target: Strengthening the ability to match letters and transcription, that is, sounds.

Rules: Sets of apples are distributed to teams, which children hang on a tree designated for the team. Each individual sound on the tree corresponds to its own letter or their combination variant, reflected on apples.

Outcome: the team that placed the letters correctly will win.

Lexical task

"Magic Bus Driver"

Let's lay out cards with images of the supposed stops of the magic bus right on the rug or floor in a circle. Participants are given English words.

Target: Consolidation of vocabulary related to the topic.

Rules: Participants chosen by the passengers read out the English names and the driver directs the imaginary bus lane to these imaginary stops, but only in a situation that he hears their correct reading, and the passenger participants watch carefully so that the vehicle moves to the correct destination.

Outcome: one who accurately read and pronounced the vocabulary

Words: supermarket, hospital, school, garden, office, toy shop, post office, bank, kindergarten, kids’ café, book shop, marketplace, palace of culture, English club, swimming pool, stadium.

Spelling task

"Forgetful chalk"

Purpose: development of writing skills on the topic.

Rules: forgetful chalk skips letters in the vocabulary written on the board, and participants save English words by adding them and commenting on how the meanings of words change from moving letters.

Bottom line: the one who saved more words picks up a forgetful crayon and becomes the leader.

grammar task

"Fairy Spells"

We cut the leaves with the studied proverbs or expressions into parts.

Target: development of a sense of the composition of the proposal.

Rules: we cut the sheets with studied proverbs or English expressions into pieces, not forgetting to additionally attach a completely inappropriate word to this sentence in this group of words. Then, groups of children collect the complete expressions and read them.

Outcome: The winning team plays the game.

Thus, you need to look for and select interesting tasks for the child and English will be learned easily and naturally - what the child really needs.

Below is a video where an interesting selection in English is presented in an interesting form in the form of an educational cartoon:

Every modern parent understands that kids need knowledge of a foreign language, and they must come to school with the basic baggage they already have. Therefore, at the peak of popularity, English for children in a playful way, which allows you to explain important information in an accessible way for preschoolers, as well as have fun with them.

best age

Some parents believe that studying English at home is not necessary at all, since the child will receive all the necessary knowledge and skills at school. But this is not so, a modern first-grader must already have some information, otherwise it will be very difficult for him. On the one hand, get used to a new main activity - learning, abandoning the usual game. On the other hand, to memorize huge flows of information in all subjects.

To avoid such a load, you should start training in a timely manner. The first fun classes can be held at the age of 3, but without trying to convey to the child everything that the parent knows, studying several groups of words is enough.

At 3-4 years old, the child has the following qualities that will help him in learning:

  • the ability to memorize a huge flow of information;
  • interest in knowing the world, curiosity;
  • lack of embarrassment in pronouncing foreign words, which will appear over time;
  • the ability to imitate speakers well in the peculiarities of their pronunciation.

Lessons become more serious by the age of 5 - at this time, so parents should think in advance what educational games and exercises they will use.

Study Rules

To make English lessons at home desirable and beloved, it is important to make them interesting for the baby. Parents need to follow a few guidelines.

  1. Only a game form - in the classroom there should not be boring cramming and the strictest discipline.
  2. Using a variety of games and tasks.
  3. Appeal to didactic material.
  4. An excellent motivator is praise, so it is imperative to rejoice at the success of the baby, and swearing and anger from parents can forever destroy the craving for new knowledge - that's why you can't do this. The child tried, so you can praise him at least for that.
  5. Coercion is also unacceptable. If the baby does not feel well, is naughty, then it is better to postpone the lesson for a more suitable time.
  6. Work on the principle of "from simple to complex". At first, it will be enough to tell the child the name of some flowers in English, and during the walk, ask them to find everything that is “red” (red). Gradually, homework will become more and more difficult.

The most important thing in the learning process is to use the child’s natural desire to learn about the world and give him material useful for his future life in an easy, unobtrusive form.

Types of games

All games are divided into 2 large categories: individual and group. The second type is most often used in kindergartens and special courses, while at home, together with their parents, the baby will be happy to play an individual game. Among them, you can choose those that are really interesting for a particular child. It can be outdoor games, fun with elements of drawing and singing, competitions. The main thing is that the baby should be fun and interesting, only in this case he will study with pleasure.

Here are examples of individual games for preschoolers.

  • colors. A fun game that allows you to explore colors and consolidate your knowledge. After getting acquainted with the next shade in English, the parent gives the task “bring me something red”, inviting the child to bring any object of red color. You can play not only at home, but also on a walk, on the way to kindergarten.
  • Where is it? These are a kind of hide and seek that will help the baby improve their speaking skills. The essence is simple: the child hides some object, such as a pen, the task of the parents is to find it, using the baby's clues made in English, for example, look at the wall (look at the wall).
  • What am I doing? Another fun is an outdoor game that will help not only to consolidate knowledge of words, but also to have fun. The parent depicts some kind of action (for example, dancing, running), the child calls it in English.
  • Opposites. The game helps to remember the known vocabulary and consolidate it. The parent throws the ball to the baby and says a word, for example "white" (white), the child catches the ball, returns it and says the antonym - "black" (black).
  • Can you draw? The game will help not only to learn new English words, but also to dream up plenty. The parent introduces the child to a new word, for example - a cat. The kid should draw a cat or, if he still has a poor command of a pencil and a brush, just color in a picture prepared in advance by his mother.
  • As many as you can. The task is simple - in a set time, for example 2-3 minutes, come up with as many English phrases as possible. The game is good because you can vary the difficulty depending on the level of training. So, for the smallest, it will be enough to simply list all the words they know, for older children - to single out certain thematic groups (for example, words denoting animals), at 5 years old it is already proposed to compose grammatically correct phrases. A parent can take part in the competition and, of course, lose.

These games will help improve communication skills in English, memorize new words and be able to use them “on the spot”, and also help you feel more confident, because learning in an informal setting for children is always much more effective than boring memorization.

In addition, you can learn vocabulary by playing a game similar to "Edible - inedible" with your child. First, the rules are discussed - for example, you will need to catch the ball if mom says the word from the topic “Vegetables”, and discard it if she says any other word.

Working with cards

It is this form of conducting classes with kids 4-5 years old that will help them remember a large number of English words of certain thematic groups. First, mom selects the material - she makes cards herself or prints cards from the Internet that contain images of objects and their names in English.

For preschoolers, the following card options are suitable:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • Food;
  • vehicles;
  • animals;
  • plants;
  • body parts;
  • colors;
  • clothing and footwear;
  • furniture.

You should not overload the child, 8-10 words of a given topic are enough, which he will quickly master. You can play the following games with them:

  • "Find the extra." Mom puts on the table in front of the child several pictures from the thematic group "Vegetables" and one from another group, for example "Clothes". The task of the child is to find the extra one and, having named the object in English, remove the card.
  • "What's missing?" Exercise well trains memory and attentiveness. A group of cards is laid out on the table (first of one subject, then, to complicate things, pictures that are not related to each other). The child remembers the sequence for some time, then turns away, and when the mother hides one of the cards, she must figure out what exactly was missing and name the English word.

Cards are a great way to enrich vocabulary, the main thing is to use them correctly, not to force the baby to passively memorize words, but to actively include them in speech. For example, if this week a mother is working with a tiny topic of vegetables, then during lunch or when preparing a dish, she can ask the child what this or that vegetable is called in English. If the kid could not remember, he will need to find a suitable card and use the hint.

fun drawing

Interesting exercises in English are very diverse, you can also use drawing elements. It is known that many preschool children love to work with paints and brushes - this should be used for educational purposes.

There are several options for using drawing.

  • Assignment in English. First, the child is introduced to the phrase, without requiring him to fully memorize it. For example, mom explains that "Color the table green" is "Paint the table green." Then he gives the task simultaneously in Russian and in English. And, finally, when the child has completely memorized the phrase, it sounds only in a foreign language.
  • Fixing flowers. The child is given a blank sheet of paper or a blank for coloring (depending on his preferences), then the parents call the colors in English, asking the child to draw something or paint over with the appropriate shade. If the baby finds it difficult and cannot remember what, for example, blue means, you need to indirectly suggest (remember, the ocean is blue).
  • Step by step drawing. The task is to draw an animal, for example a cat. The parent in English will give tasks (draw circle, triangle and oval), at the same time showing the child a card with a ready-made sketch (should be drawn in advance), the kid repeats using both the verbal command and the finished sample.

Such games can also be accompanied by music, including children's songs in English for the child - they will help to have fun and reinforce pronunciation features again.

Magical forest

To develop the English language and increase interest in it, you can play such an exciting game with your baby. Of course, preliminary preparation will be required, but the result is worth it, because in one lesson it is possible to recall and systematize all the knowledge gained.

First, mom sets a game situation: “Today we will go on a journey to a magical forest where mysterious living creatures live, they will ask you to complete various tasks. It will be interesting and fun!” Then includes selected music.

  1. First step- go to the magical forest. Circles are placed on the floor, painted in various colors familiar to the child, at a distance of about a step from each other. The task of the baby is to walk along this path, naming the colors. If he's lost, he'll have to start all over again. If some color is stubbornly not remembered, you should not torment the child, it is permissible to suggest. Still, the game should bring joy, not disappointment.
  2. Second step- open the door. We walked along the magical path to the entrance to the mysterious forest, now it remains only to open the door. For interest, mom can prepare an ordinary lock and a key in advance to make the image more visual. But the lock is not just unlocked with a key, you must first count from 1 to 10 words in English (or name 5 animals, plants, fruits, depending on what was studied with the baby).
  3. Step three. Acquaintance with local residents. It turned out that amazing animals live in our magical forest, which look like the ones we are used to, but are slightly different (illustrations of a green cat, a blue fox, and so on are being prepared in advance). It is necessary to greet them using English greetings familiar to the child. To make it fun, mom says that you need to communicate with each of the inhabitants in a special way, for example, with a cat - on one leg, with a fox - standing on tiptoes. Thus, the child first assumes the necessary position, then greets the animal: Hello, Hi, Good morning.
  4. Step four. A short story about yourself. The inhabitants of the mysterious forest ask the child to tell something about himself using English. The kid says his name, how old he is, shares any other information that he is able to voice.
  5. Step five. Answers on questions. Fairy-tale creatures ask questions or offer to perform some kind of task (for example, list in English everything that the child sees in a red room, or name all the pieces of furniture and transport familiar to him). The main thing is to formulate tasks in such a way that the child has every chance to successfully cope with them.
  6. Step six. Parting. The child again assumes the necessary position (stands on one leg when communicating with the cat, and so on), says Bye, Good bye). After that, his mother gives him a small gift for his efforts, and the game is considered over.

Sweets or toys can be used as a prize. You should not give clothes or something useful - the child will not appreciate this and will be disappointed.

Fun English lessons for kids are a great way to prepare them for school and have fun. Using various games and interesting exercises, you can achieve much more success than with boring cramming. The main rules are to practice regularly, in a good mood, using a variety of game forms.

It is known that the best motivation for successful learning is interest. It is especially important to maintain interest in the subject among modern schoolchildren, who, with the advent of the Internet, have unlimited access to entertainment resources. In addition to monotonous tasks in grammar, reading texts and performing standard exercises, the process of teaching a foreign language must necessarily include game elements that can arouse students' interest in the subject. Interesting tasks in English help students to focus, tune in to learning a foreign language and better remember new material.

Task for grade 1 (6-7 years). hand puppet

The level of socialization of first-graders may vary. Some of them attended preschool institutions, while others were preparing for school at home with their mother or grandmother. At first, communication with the teacher may be shy and afraid of making a mistake.

Interesting tasks in English for children help to quickly adapt to the school environment. The puppet that the teacher puts on his hand and communicates with the students is also an excellent psychological technique. Shy children are more likely to make contact with a hand puppet than with a teacher. You can buy a puppet from a toy store or make your own. For example, it could be a Mr.Snowman snowman. Working with a puppet can be built according to the following scenario:

  1. At the start of the class, Mr.Snowman sleeps in a bag. To wake him up, each student must shout into the bag: “Wake up, Mr. Snowman!
  2. The puppet wakes up, greets each student personally and starts asking questions (what are their names, how are you today, how is the weather, etc.);
  3. Then Mr. Snowman sings a song with the students;
  4. Mr. Snowman says goodbye to each student and goes back to sleep in his bag.

In most cases, learning English at school begins in the second grade. Therefore, the methodological materials offer numerous interesting tasks in English for grade 2.

Task for grade 2 (7-8 years). Stand up, children, stand in a circle!

This exercise will help you quickly learn the score from 1 to 50. All students, together with the teacher, stand in a circle, holding hands. The teacher starts counting - 1 (one), the student standing next to him continues - 2 (two) and so on. Students who incorrectly name or cannot remember the next number stand in the middle of the circle. The winners are the players who successfully reach the final number - 50. The winners receive additional points and stickers.

Interesting grade 2 English assignments should include repetition, encouragement and praise.

Task for grade 3 (8-9 years). Guess how?

Interesting tasks in English for grade 3 should be mobile, team-based, with many elements. You can use a variation of the Crocodile game, the purpose of which is to consolidate or repeat adverbs. The game is suitable for older students, 8-9 years old, who have already managed to get acquainted with the basic vocabulary related to the topic "Daily routine".

The teacher writes an action phrase on the board, such as eat your breakfast. Then he calls one student and shows him a card on which an adverb is written, for example, slowly. The student must show the action, and the rest of the students guess what adverb was written on the card. The one who first correctly calls the adverb gets a point and goes to the board to show the next action.

Interesting tasks in English for grade 3 help children gradually and organically expand their vocabulary.

Task for grade 4 (9-10 years). Cross the river

The teacher asks the students to line up at the blackboard and explains that a magical invisible river flows in front of them. To return to the school desk, you need to cross this river along the "pebbles". Each "pebble" is a sheet of paper with a task written on it (remember the meaning of the word, days of the week, count to 10, etc.).

The teacher divides the class into two teams, and one participant is selected from each team. If the student does the task correctly, he can step on the pebble and continue moving on. Interesting tasks in English for grade 4 combine elements of the game and more complex lexical and grammatical content.

Tasks for grade 5 (10-11 years old). Grammar Marathon

A win-win mobile game for children who at this age can be so difficult to distract from the Internet and social networks. The main goal of the game is the repetition of vocabulary. Can be used when studying the table of irregular verbs.

The class is divided into two teams, each gets its own half of the board. The players of each team are assigned their own serial number. For example, team A (1-12) and team B (1-12). The teacher names one irregular verb in Present Simple and the player's number. The task of the players under the corresponding number is to run out to the blackboard and write the form of the verb named by the teacher in the past tense. Such interesting tasks in English help teenagers feel like part of a team, teach responsibility for a common cause.

Tasks for grade 6 (11-12 years old). Rhythmic reading

The task is suitable for students who already have the ability to read texts in English. With its help, students improve diction, increase reading speed and gain self-confidence.

For this task, the teacher prepares a text (the first half may be easier, the second half more difficult) and begins to tap the rhythm with a pencil or pen on the table. You can also search the Internet and download different types of musical rhythms to your smartphone. One of the students begins to read the first sentence, adhering to the rhythm set by the teacher. At the same time, he must follow the pronunciation and avoid mistakes. As soon as the sentence ends, the next student immediately continues, trying to get into the rhythm. The one who makes a mistake loses a point or leaves the game. Those who dropped out are given the task of tracking down mistakes or helping to tap out the rhythm.

Interesting tasks in English for children are a guarantee of love for foreign languages ​​in a child.

All about me (book) are intended for children of different ages, from about 5 to 8 years old, depending on when the child began to learn the language. With the right approach and teaching, literally 2-3 months after the start of learning the language, the child will easily complete any of these 12 tasks. When working with kids 5-6 years old, I usually take the Oxford Happy House as a basis. Such concepts as numbers, colors, family - they are taken literally from the first lessons. True, I always also use additional tasks from other programs, especially since children do not like monotony.

To complete almost all tasks, the child will need a variety of school supplies, especially school stationery such as: an eraser, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, a ballpoint pen and a pencil. Almost all children love to draw and color, so by combining their favorite activities with learning English, you will achieve excellent results. When coloring any picture, you can always pronounce and memorize additionally. In this case, a lot depends on you.

These 12 great worksheets for kids learning English can be used singly or in combination. It is important to remember not to apply the school system to young children. Control, possible bad grades - this is still waiting for children at school, change tactics. Praise more, so you get a child who will try to do even better. Use colored pencils and felt-tip pens, even in tasks where colors are not mentioned, for example, in My house. All tasks are easily printed on the printer, the file is in pdf format.

So, this All about me book is a great helper for a teacher and a parent whose child is learning English. The very process of teaching English to children is very different from what we are used to seeing at school. Kids learn everything much better in a playful way, and the most important thing is to make classes look like a game. In this case, the child will not be bored, and, accordingly, tired. The second important point - be sure to alternate tasks. Variety is the second important key to success. It may seem complicated, but it's very simple. Good luck!


This page has been compiled entirely from material submitted by Anna Kink.

"Eat - Don't eat"

"Edible - inedible". The driver throws the ball to one of the players, and if the driver calls the edible, the ball must be caught, if the inedible is not.


The game is played with cards. P1 calls the first card, P2 - the first and second, P3 - the first, second and third.
For example: P1: Rabbit; P2: rabbit-rose; P3: rabbit-rose-road.

"What is missing"

Cards with words are laid out on the carpet, the children call them. The teacher gives the command: "Close your eyes!" and removes 1-2 cards. Then he gives the command: "Open your eyes!" and asks the question: "What is missing?" Children remember the missing words.

"Pass the card"

Children sit in a semicircle and pass each other a card, calling it. The teacher calls the word first. To complicate the task, children can say: “I have a…” / “I have a… and a…”.

"What words do you know?"

The teacher calls the sound/letter and shows the children how many words they need to remember. The teacher then asks the question: "What words for this sound/letter do you know?", and children remember and name words for a given sound / letter.
(The game can be played by teams).


The game is played with dice. On each side of the cube is a word for a certain sound. Children, throwing a die, name the drop-down words.
(You can play in teams using two/three dice.)

Word road

Cards are laid out on the carpet one after another, with small gaps. The child walks along the "path", naming all the words.


All words for a certain sound are used. They make up a story. When a word with a sound is found in a story, it is shown to the children on a card, and they call it a chorus.
For example: once upon a time (Rabbit). And he had a wonderful (rope). Our (Rabbit) just loved to ride through his (rope) long (road). And along (road) grew extraordinarily beautiful (roses). Every morning, if not (rain), our (Rabbit) collected beautiful (roses) and take it to your friends! etc.

* * *

Children sit in a circle and a card with the word (clothes / food) is placed in front of each of them. One of the children becomes the leader and goes around in a circle counting "one, two, three". At the last count, the driver stops and asks a question to the player who is closest to him: "What are you wearing?"/ "What do you like?" The player names his card: "I am wearing my…."/"I like…." And he becomes the leader.

"Let's change!"

Children sit in a circle and a card with the word (clothes / food) is placed in front of each of them. The teacher asks the children to name their cards: "What are you wearing?" and the children in a circle take turns answering the question. Then the teacher calls the players in pairs and invites them to switch places: "Lena and Dima, change your places! Sergey and Sveta, change your places!" After that, the teacher again invites the children to name their cards.

"Find the house"

Cards (5-6) with words for 2-3 sounds are laid out on the carpet, and cards with the corresponding sounds (houses) are placed on the board. Children, picking up a card with a word, call it and put it in the corresponding "house", i.e. under the card with the sound on which this word begins.

* * *

The cards are laid out on the carpet with the reverse side up. Children pick up a card and say a word.

"color letters"

Sounds / letters are drawn on the sheet in different colors. The teacher gives the command: "Find yellow", the child stands on the letter of the specified color and calls it.
(For complication, in addition to the letter, the child can name words that begin with it).


The teacher calls the word, and the children answer with the opposite meaning.
(You can play in teams: one team calls the word, and the other selects the opposite in meaning).
For example:
Brave- cowardly Clean-dirty
strong-weak Wet-dry
fast-slow hard-soft
long-short Low-loud
young-old Furry-bald
new-old happy-sad
Smooth-rough Hungry-full

* * *

The driver calls the letter and throws the ball to the player. He must name any word starting with this letter.
A variant is possible when the ball is passed in a circle from hand to hand and each player becomes the driver.

* * *

The teacher pronounces the sound and then calls the words. If the given sound is present in the word, the children clap their hands; if they do not hear it, no.
To complicate the task, words are called for a given sound, in which the sound is either at the beginning, or in the middle, or at the end of the word.
For example: "T"
"T iger" - children clap their hands.
"An t elope" - children stomp their feet.
"Ca t"- the children click the tongue.

"Is it true or not?"

The game can be played with a ball. The driver throws the ball to any of the players and calls the phrase, asking the question: "Is it true or not?" The player catches the ball and answers: "Yes, it's true", or "No, it's not true". Then he becomes the leader and throws the ball to the next player.
For example:
yellow lemon pink pig
orange bearbrown monkey
white snow Red crocodile
purple mouse green grapes
gray elephantpurple cucumber
blue apple black sun

"What doesn't belong?"

The game is played with cards. The teacher places on the board / on the floor in groups of cards (3-4 each) with words. Children take turns calling a card that does not fit into one or another group, and the teacher removes it. Then each of the groups is called one generalizing word.
(To complicate the task, the game can be played without cards - orally.)
For example:
What doesn't belong?
The window doesn't belong!
Cow-horse-pig are domestic animals.

"It will be a…"

The game can be played with or without cards. In the first case, the teacher places a card on the board, and the children select the appropriate pair.
For example:
Egg-chicken Break–house
boy-man fabric-dress
girl-woman night-day
Seed - flower Inchworm-butterfly
Flour-bread Puppy-dog
snow-snowman kitten-cat
paper-book Berries-jam

"Do you see?"

The game is played on the board or on the floor. The driver (or teacher) places an image of an object on the board (for example, on the topic "furniture" - a table) and asks a question: "Do you see a table?" The rest of the children answer, looking at the blackboard: "Yes, I do. (I see a table)". The leader asks the following question without placing the image of the object on the board:
"Do you see a chair?" The children again answer in chorus: "No, I don't.(I don't see a chair)". The driver next to the existing image of the table places the image of the chair and asks questions:
"Do you see a table?" Children answer: "Yes, I do.(I see a table)."
"Do you see a chair?" Children answer: "Yes, I do.(I see a chair)". Then the driver again, without placing the image of the object on the board, asks the question: "Do you see a sofa?" Children answer looking at the blackboard: "No, I don't. (I don't see a sofa)".
According to this scheme, the game continues until images of 5-6 objects appear on the board. Then it can be started again by selecting a new driver. The game can be played on any lexical topic.

"It smells like..." "

The game is played by teams. It is necessary to fill plastic boxes from under the film with the following smells (you can put a cotton swab soaked in the smell into the box):

Team members try to guess the smell one by one. The team with the most scents wins.

board race

Line up the cards on the board. Divide the children into two teams. The driver calls one of the cards attached to the board. The first two children from each team run up to the board and touch the card. If the card is shown correctly, the team gets a point. etc.

"What can you see?"

Prepare a card with a small hole in the middle. Cover the picture with the word with this card and, moving the hole across the picture, give the children the opportunity to answer the question: “What is it?”

"Chinese whispers"

Arrange cards on the board. Divide the children into two teams. The first team members approach the driver, and he whispers the instruction: "Give me the doll, please / Put the car on the table / Etc." the children return to their commands and whisper the instructions to the next player in the chain. When the instruction reaches the last player of the team, he must execute it as quickly as possible. If everything is done correctly, the team gets a point.

"Mine it"

Choose one of the children as the driver. The driver is shown one of the cards, which he must remember. Place the cards on the board. The rest of the children ask the leader a question: "Is it a ...?" To which the driver replies: "No, it's not a ..." - if the card is not guessed and "Yes, it's a ..." - if the card is guessed correctly!

"Crouching game"

Put the children in two or three lines (depending on the number of children, there may be four or five lines). Each team is given a specific card/word. The teacher pronounces the words in a chaotic order, and if this is the word of one of the teams, this team should sit down. When the words do not belong to any of the teams, they remain standing.

"Repeat if true"

Place 5-6 cards on the board. Pointing to one of the cards, the teacher calls it and describes it in 2-3 sentences. If the teacher pronounces everything correctly, the children repeat, if not, they are silent (correctly - raise their hands up / clap their hands / say: "Yes" Etc.).