Methodological development on the topic: Games with children for the Defender of the Fatherland Day. Competition program for boys dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day


To the ankles and wrists of men you need to tie inflated air balloons. Thus, each participant has four balls on their arms and legs, which they must protect. The task of the players is not only to try to keep all their values, but also to burst others. The one with the most whole balls left wins.


Empty glass beer bottles are tied to the back of the men by a belt, on a rope, the length of which is approximately 50 cm. The stick should not reach the floor. Balls are placed in front of the players - matchboxes. At a distance of about 10m from the start, you need to draw a finish line. The task of the participants is to swing the bottle without the help of hands and push the boxes to the finish line with it. The best "golf player" is the one whose "ball" "gets into the hole" the fastest, i.e. crosses the finish line.


Men are given props - each with an empty glass and a bottle of beer. Their task is to pour a foamy drink into a glass without spilling a drop. But the task is complicated by the fact that this must be done without the help of hands. Have the participants hold the bottle between their legs just above the knees and carefully pour the contents into the glass. The fastest and most accurate bartender wins!


For the competition you need a long rope, salted or smoked fish and two members. Exactly in the middle of the twine, a fish is tied, and at the ends - a small stick each: these are "fishing rods". The players take the sticks in their hands and, on command, begin to "reel in the fishing rods", i.e. wrap a rope around a stick. The one who gets to the middle of the rope faster (and therefore to the fish) gets the catch.


Players are given several cards on which letters are written. Their task is certain time make yourself a kind of "anatomical table", where a person is drawn and the names of all parts of his body are signed, i.e. participants must attach cards to those places on their bodies whose names begin with written letters (for example, P - mouth or hand). Then, each participant is approached by an "excursion of schoolchildren" led by a "biology teacher", who check whether the task is completed correctly and count the cards. The one who places large quantity"plates" in right places and at the same time will be able not to drop a single one in the process of "excursion".


Invite your men to try themselves in the role of a paper shredder, which is usually found in offices. To do this, distribute each sheet of newspaper. Have the participants stand in a row, stretch right hand with the newspaper forward and will try to tear it into small, small pieces. The second hand must be free, it cannot be used in the competition. In fact, the competition is quite difficult, because to complete such a seemingly a simple task with one hand is almost impossible without some skill. The man who has the smallest pieces, the newspaper will be torn all over (in general, whose work will be done better), and wins.


As we know, men are polygamous by nature and adore female attention. Invite them to create their own harem from the ladies present in the hall. Give participants different colored rubber bands for money (each certain color) or ribbons of different colors. Then the "sheikhs" must run as far as possible in a certain time more women and put on each of them on the wrist or on the ankle one of their "bracelets". The more ladies embrace the "sultan", the larger will be his harem. You cannot wear more than one rubber band on one girl. The man with the most "wives" wins.


To find out which of your men is the most observant, offer them this contest. In addition to several "Stirlitz", you will need one girl. Let the scouts carefully examine her and remember her clothes in the slightest detail. Then the lady needs to be taken out of the hall and one or several small details should be changed on her: unbutton the button on the jacket, remove the earrings, put a ring on her finger or something else. Then the girl needs to be returned back, and let the men look for differences between the previous image of the lady and the created one. The one who finds all the differences or more of them is recognized as the most suitable person for the role of scout.


Another competition for attentiveness and memory. Only for this game you will need not a girl, but a tray and 10-15 different small items (a lighter, a box of matches, a key chain, a coin, a flash drive, a pencil, a pen, etc.). We put the items on the tray and let our scouts look at it all and remember as many things as possible. Then we take the tray away and change something on it: remove some of the items and (or) add something else. Now the task of Stirlitz is to guess what you hid and what you put. The task can be complicated by removing and adding several items at once.


If you spend a holiday in the company of adults, then for sure many men have children. Invite them to remember the past and try to swaddle the doll. Those representatives of the stronger sex, who do not yet have offspring, can also take part in the competition, practice. Players are given plastic babies. diapers, ribbons. The speed and quality of the task are evaluated.


To play, you will need a children's book with any of the fairy tales known to everyone: Kolobok, Teremok, or others. Then you need to write out all the heroes of the fairy tale on separate sheets of paper. If there are many future actors, then write out as many characters as possible, right up to the forest, stumps, the tower itself, etc. Then the participants draw out a card for themselves with the role of the character they will portray. The facilitator reads the story aloud, and the characters act out what they read. As a rule, it turns out a very funny and unusual production.


Surely all the men of your team, when they were little boys, carried toy cars with them on a string. Invite them to remember their childhood and check how their driving skills have improved since then. For this competition, you will need several trucks on ropes of the same length and glasses of water. There are two possible assignments.

1) men line up along one line and begin to carefully pull cars with glasses standing on them, full to the brim. It is important not only to complete the task faster than anyone else, but also not to spill water: the truck, in which the contents of the glass begin to splash over the edges, returns to the start and starts its journey anew.

2) participants must pass the obstacle course and at the same time pull the car along. Arrange a few pins and let the water trucks snake around them, then they can take the truck over the bridge (a sheet of paper or a plank on the floor), go around some obstacle and return to the garage. The winner is the one who brings the water first and does not spill it.


At all times, men dedicated poems to their ladies. Invite your participants to write a few lines of poetry and even help them by handing out pre-prepared rhymes. They should be funny and kind of ridiculous. For example, a bunch of clouds, a husband is a pear, a song is a ladder, etc. Let the players be sure to use these rhymed words in their works.


For this competition, prepare clothes for future servicemen - helmets, boots, footcloths, huge pants, etc. Outfits can be not only soldier's.
Many people know that in the army, the rank and file must have time to get dressed while the match is burning. Let your men run up to the chairs with clothes on the “Rise” command and begin to put on everything that they have been given. Whoever manages to pull the most items wins. To make it more fun, put baby caps, nipples, women's toilet items among typically military paraphernalia. And then look at what your valiant defenders of the Fatherland are going to intimidate the enemy. The most suitable soldier for service and the most extravagant receive prizes.


Several heterosexual couples are selected from the audience. The wife is blindfolded and given a plate with a piece of cake and a spoon in her hands. The husband sits on a chair, and his missus tries to feed her beloved. A man can tell a lady what to do, but he has no right to help with his hands. The winner is the couple in which the treat was eaten the fastest, and the husband was the least dirty in the cake.


For this contest you will need several empty bottles from under beer, an ordinary fishing rod and a fairly heavy and voluminous sinker or weight. We hook up a load to the fishing line, arrange the bottles like skittles in a bowling alley. Participants take turns taking a fishing rod and trying to hit the neck of the bottle with a sinker, and then make a hook, i.e. pull the rod so that the bottle falls on its side. And now we note the time for each participant (it should be the same). The winner of the fishing championship is the one who catches the most fish, i.e. knock down more bottles.

GAMES for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Game Stop! Who goes?"Two border guards are selected, they are blindfolded, the third - the offender tries to quietly pass between them. If the border guard heard, he should say “Stop! Who goes?"

Dismantle projectiles.In the basket together are objects round and square shape(from Gyenes blocks). The child's eyes are closed, and he must, without looking into the right basket, put round objects, in the left - square. Option. Put with your left hand. Option: with the right hand, look for round objects, with the left - square.

Collect a duffel bag.Fold items quickly into a duffel bag and tie it. (mug, spoon, soap, bread…)

Crossing The boat is a hoop. Put one person in it and run together in a hoop to the other side, the “saved” is left there. Who quickly

Rescue a fighting friend.The girls lay on the floor and hid in an ambush. It is necessary to run up, holding hands, and covering the girl with you, run together, bending over., Crossing to the other side.

Be smart! (to the music) There are chairs in a large circle, backs out. Behind every chair stands a child. In the center is the driver, he squats down.

Measure 1. All the children crouch behind the chairs, as if hiding, and the leader gets up, trying, without leaving his seat, to look behind the backs of the chairs.

Measure 2. The children stand up, the leader squats down, as if hiding.

Measure 3-4. The movements are repeated.

Bar 5-12. All players run in the same direction in a circle (behind the chairs). The driver runs with everyone together in a general circle. When the music ends, everyone sits on any chair. The one left without a seat becomes the driver. The game is repeated.

Find a place. Chairs are placed in a row, seats through one in different directions. The driver takes a stick and walks around those sitting on chairs. If he hits the floor with a stick near someone, this player should get up from his chair and follow the leader. So the driver walks around the chairs, knocks here and there, and now he is followed bya whole retinue. The driver begins to move away from the chairs, walks in circles, like a snake; the rest follow his movements. Suddenly, the driver knocks twice on the floor. This is the signal for everyone to immediately take their places. And this is not so easy to do, because the chairs look in different directions. The driver himself tries to take a place one of the first. Now the one who did not get the place leads.

Destroy the mine (Hit the target.)To play, you need multi-colored balls or balls and four large carton boxes(baskets, basins). Four teams with an equal number of participants take part in the game. Each team has balls of the same color. All participants form four circles, and each receives one ball. In the middle of each circle of the box (basket, basin). On a signal, the children simultaneously throw the balls into the box. The team that hits all the balls wins.

Infantry - air - tanks.

Attention game. The leader says commands. On command: go (infantry), lie on the floor in the air), crawl (tanks).

Navigator. One child walks blindfolded, the other guides him, tells him where to go (left, right, straight), bypassing obstacles - pins, you must try not to knock down the pins.

Scouts . Find a package with a report (according to the map, according to the scheme, according to the plan ...)

Lifebuoy. Throw a hoop over a person and run together in one hoop, "escaping." Option: increase the number of children in the hoop.

divers . Two teams are playing. The children stand next to each other with their legs wide apart. The child crawls between the legs and stands in front of the first, after that the latter begins to crawl and also stands in front of the first, and so on until the end, until they crawl to the line - the coast. Who will crawl first to the line first. Option: stand, bent over, leaning on hands and feet.

Raise the sail. Two teams play. An adult (dad) lies on his back, holding one end of the rope. Behind the other, the children hold on and try to “lift” dad from the floor, pulling the rope. Which team will quickly raise the sail (dad from the floor), she won.

Rescuers. Children stand with their backs to the leader. The leader throws a sounding projectile. Children should crawl in the direction where the projectile fell, whoever gets to it first, he takes it to the basket, and the rest crawl to their original position. Option. Two teams are playing. Whose team will “neutralize” more shells (crawl and take them to the basket).

Transmit in Morse code.The host shows the child radio operator from the team a rhythmic pattern. He must clap that rhythm, passing it to the other team on the ship, the scheme of which he saw on the card. The child radio operator from the crew of the second ship remembers and tries to repeat this rhythm exactly. Option . The child must repeat and clap the rhythm, the sample of which was clapped by the adult. Option . The child-radio operator remembers the rhythm and chooses among the cards-diagrams the version of the picture that corresponds to the rhythm he heard. Varian t. The child draws a diagram of the rhythm himself. Option . The rhythm pattern is demonstrated behind the child. Variants of rhythmic schemes: 1) - - 2) - - - 3) - - - 4) - - 5) - - - - 6) - - - - 7) - - - - -

sappers . Two teams are playing. First, one child “mines” - lays out small hoops in places marked with a cross (chalk). The second “defuses” – collects the hoops and passes them to the third child, etc. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

Spy on the chair.

Try to get up from a chair without lifting your feet off the floor and without leaning on anything.

Walk down the ladder.

Two teams are playing. A narrow path lined with ropes. Pass without stepping back.

Wear a papa.

A man is sitting on a bench - a rookie. The other player turns his back, takes six steps with his eyes closed, turns around, walks forward six steps and tries to put a hat on the one who is sitting.

Option: not one person can sit, but several.

Cook competition» . A bucket of water, on the other side is a saucepan.

(carry water for porridge over obstacles)

"Strongman Competition"»

Pair competition, sitting on the floor, resting their feet on each other, pull the partner to their side.


All participants dance to the music of "Sailor".

The driver imitates washing the deck.

When the music ends, the players get into pairs, the one left without a pair becomes the leader.

Put the fish in the net."

Two teams compete. Each has a Fisherman and a Cook.

The fishermen drive the fish into the net - the "fish" lies on the floor, it needs to be moved by a gust of air created by energetic swings of a large cardboard sheet. So "fish swim" to the Cooks. The cooks put the fish in the galley, peel the potatoes, cut them up and put them in the same place. The first team to complete the task wins.

"Platoon line up." All participants line up in a row along the line. To the music on the command "disperse!" children are running around. At the command "platoon form up"! Everyone must find their place in the ranks.

Who will raise the anchor faster?

Wind the ribbons with the anchor on the stick.


Children stand next to each other on outstretched arms and legs. The last child crawls on all fours under them to the end and gets into line.


All players are blindfolded and given baskets in their hands.. Corks are scattered on the floor (or scattered in a hoop). On a signal, the participants begin to collect corks in baskets by touch.

Obstacle Course”

It is necessary to overcome an obstacle - to cross the swamp over bumps (rugs), crawl through the “tunnel”, get a projectile (pin) and return to the team at a run.

Ships with sailors (cf gr)

Hold each other, hands on the belt. Slowly sailing, a storm has risen, faster. The main thing is not to disengage


They start the engine, fly - hands to the sides, landed (sat down on their knees)

"Tunnel". All participants line up in pairs facing each other, hold hands and squat. The last pair crawls into the tunnel on their stomachs (like scouts) and get out to freedom. Children forming a tunnel touch the scouts with their hands on the back, tickle, lightly tap. And so, in turn, all the participants in the game climb into the tunnel.

"Heroes ". Two players get into the hoop, spread their legs wide, tilting their torso forward, the players rest their palms and foreheads against each other. Opponents must confront each other without moving. Who moved, lost.

Put things in order.Cubes and balls are scattered on the floor. One team collects cubes in a basket, the other - balls. Who is faster.

Minefield . Mine. (Collect "bullets" - metal with a magnet). Who is faster.

Scenario dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day for students elementary school, 1-2 class

Author: Yants Elena Nikolaevna, teacher primary school MBOU secondary school No. 3 of the city of Kuibyshev, Novosibirsk region.
An event script might be helpful Primary school teachers and daycare teachers.
Since the event was held at the parallel of the first two classes, purpose served: "Education of a sense of collectivism and patriotism"
- military songs,
- a poster with congratulations on February 23,
- bowling pins or checkers
- several sheets for crossing the swamp,
-2 drawn and cut tanks in envelopes.
- paper wads
- cards with jumbled words.
Training: Girls learn poems for congratulations in advance. The boys in the teams come up with the logo and the name of the team.

Event progress

The song "A soldier is walking through the city" by V. Shainsky is playing. The leader steps out.
Leading- Dear friends! We have gathered here today to congratulate our boys on their holiday from February 23rd. On February 23, our country celebrates Defender of the Fatherland Day!
Who is the hero in the Russian army?
Understandable without prompting
If not, then our advice is
Read bedtime stories.
Who cooked soup from an ax
Devils fooled more than once.
He gave them such heat,
Check who wants.
Who is this? Without whom there is not a single army in the world? That's right, it's a soldier. Everyone knows that Russian soldiers have always been famous for their strength, ingenuity, and courage. And I am sure that such people will grow out of our today's boys. And now we welcome our participants with loud applause.
The guys introduce themselves, the name of the team and emblems.
1 team - Tankers
Team 2 - Sailors

Leading: Today our competition is evaluated by a teacher and girls.
Leading: For each correctly completed competition or correct answer, the team receives an “asterisk”. And now, our dear boys, accept congratulations from our girls. The word is given to the girls.
Girls read poetry.
Our pugnacious half
We send our congratulations.
There are reasons for congratulations:
Hooray! Defenders of the country!

When to your brawls
We look at the changes
We believe: with your preparation
We will always protect the country!

Let it bloom under the eye
The bruise is purple-blue.
Teaching is hard.
The fight will be much easier.

Enemies will not be laughing there.
So the good fellows will treat them,
That, having picked up his armor,
They run all over the place.

And we are under your protection
We can live quite calmly.
As long as your muscles are strong,
We will have nothing to worry about.

So let's go friends
With all my heart, without further ado,
Protect us from all adversity
But only, chur, without bruises!

We know that you deserve
The titles of men are warriors.
For a man - a matter of honor
Defend your Fatherland!

We congratulate the boys!
And we wish them good health
So that they grow big
And they were great!

Leading: And so, the first competition "Warm-up" "The Russian soldier is rich in mind and strength"
In turn, the teams should continue the proverb:
1. Quieter driving...
2. Under a lying stone...
3. You can’t take it out without labor ...
4. It's time...
1. Contest “Minefield”
Night. Dark. You need to go through the "mined field" and not touch any "mines". Go around blindfolded (skittles or plastic bottles). The more mines you hit, the less points you get.

2. Contest "Expert on female names".
The teams take turns calling the names of the girls. Whose team will call the last name wins
3. Competition "Crossing".
We have to cross the swamp. We move with the help of sheets from one coast to another. Whoever gets over faster and more correctly, he will win.

4. "Young Artist"
Draw a tank with your eyes closed.

5. Competition “Sharpshooter”
All teams are built in two lines. Before the teams at some distance is placed plastic basket(bucket) and the teams are given balls (tennis or similar). The purpose of the competition: each member of the team throws the ball into the basket. What team more number once it hits, it wins. Each participant throws one time.
6. Competition “Collect a picture”.
Teams are given a cut postcard into 8 parts. The team that assembles the card correctly and fastest wins.

7. Encryption Contest(participants form words from letters)
ASCT (tank)
SALYOTMO (airplane)
KETARA (rocket)
SOTLDA (soldier)
8. Contest "Builders"
Build an airplane out of a piece of paper. Participants launch them, whose flies the farthest, he will win.
Leading: This was the last competition. Now our strict but fair jury will sum up the results. In the meantime, we will play with the audience.
Riddles for viewers:
1. He buzzes and draws with chalk,
He paints in white
blue on paper
Over my head.
He draws, he sings,
What is this? (airplane)
2. The turtle is crawling -
Steel shirt;
The enemy is in the ravine
Turtle - where is the enemy (tank)
3. On the hill
The old women are groaning
If oh
People go deaf (a gun)
4. The girl walks,
Starts the song
German will hear
And immediately does not breathe (mortar "Katyusha")
5. You can become a sailor,
To protect the border
And serve not on earth,
And in the military... (ship)
6. With the enemy of Egor -
Talked -
And instilled fear.
Just a grip
Talkative… (machine)
7. The trunk sticks out of the fence,
He scribbles relentlessly.
Who is smart will understand
What it is… (machine gun)
8. Although my name is manual,
But the character is spiky.
Will remember forever
The enemy is my fragments. (grenade).
Summarizing. Awards for teams.

Each boy was given an additional small certificate for participation and a sweet prize chupa-chups. It was very fun)))

Scenario for the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland "Forward, boys!", Grade 8

game program, dedicated to the Day defender of the Fatherland. Scenario for grade 8

Goals: to awaken the cognitive activity of children; contribute to broadening one's horizons, vocabulary; develop curiosity, ingenuity; develop communication skills, aesthetic taste, skills of joint creative activity; to form techniques of creative non-standard thinking; to cultivate a sense of pride in their homeland, the need to study its history and traditions.

The form: intellectual game.

Preparatory work : two teams of boys of 6-7 people take part in this competition. The girls act as hosts, judges, designers, etc. The children are told the topic of the competition, the main content of the tasks is told, and reference literature on military topics is recommended. Students choose the name and emblem of their team in advance.


1. For the contest "Guess the enemy's password": two envelopes with cards with words from which you can make proverbs ("Russian fighter is a model for everyone"; "Russian soldier knows no barriers").

2. For the competition "Encryption": prepare 2 packages with charades. Charade text:

Find the first syllable in the dance

And give them a suggestion.

In general - one who protects

Glory, honor of the native country,

He knows no fear in battle

And in battles - a hero.

3. For the "Reconnaissance" contest: for this contest, old clothes will be required as props: scarves, hats, skirts, scarves, as well as paper, boxes and any improvised means.

4. For the "Attack" competition: two plastic or wooden spoons, two tennis balls, a stopwatch.


Put up posters depicting various branches of the military, portraits of great commanders: Alexander the Great, Alexander Nevsky, A.V. Suvorov, M.I. Kutuzov. You can involve the military head of the school in the design of the class;

write on the board apt statements and aphorisms about the art of war:

"Surprise - win"; "The army is untrained, that the saber is not sharpened"; "Death flees from the saber and bayonet of the brave"; "The more convenience, the less courage"; “A warrior and in peacetime at war” (A.V. Suvorov).

“If someone comes to us with a sword, he will die by the sword. On this the Russian land stands and will stand” (Alexander Nevsky).

Plan class hour

I. Opening remarks.

II. The game "Forward, boys!".

1. Guess the opponent's password.

2. Encryption.

3. Intelligence.

5. Silushka heroic.

III. Summing up (reflection).

Class hour progress

I. Opening remarks

Classroom teacher. The native land can do everything: it can feed with its bread, it can give drink from its springs, it can surprise with the beauty of its nature. But mother earth cannot protect herself. Therefore, the protection of the native land is the sacred duty of those who live on it. We dedicate today's event to the Defender of the Fatherland Day. Our future warriors will demonstrate not only dexterity, invention and dexterity, but also their knowledge of military science - "the science of winning."

Compete teams "Star", captain (first name, last name), and "Torch", captain (first name, last name). All our girls will act as judges today. They will applaud.

(Girls applaud.)

If the team is applauded, it gets 5 points. Scores on the board will be (names, surnames). So let's start the competition. I give the floor to the leaders (names, surnames).

II. The game "Forward, boys!"

1. Guess the opponent's password

Presenter 1. The first test is called "Guess the opponent's password." Each team receives a bag containing word cards.

Presenter 2. It is necessary to add a proverb from these words - this proverb is the opponent's password. You have 1 minute to complete the task.

(The music turns on, the guys do the task.)

Presenter 1. We listen to the answers of the teams. The jury evaluates the answers of the participants with applause.

(Participants take turns pronouncing the guessed proverbs, the girls applaud.)

2. Encryption

Presenter 1. So, knowing the opponent's password allows us to move on. However, a message came from the headquarters: “Encrypted reports intercepted, super-qualified ciphers are required!”

Presenter 2. In this competition, one task is offered for both teams - a charade. The team that deciphers the secret message the fastest wins.

Presenter 1. Teams, get the encryption. Attention, let's start!

(The music turns on, the teams solve the charade.)

Presenter 2. One team has already completed the task. What word was encrypted in this secret message? (Patriot.)

(Team representatives answer. The girls reward them with applause. Assistants write down the results on the board.)

Presenter 1. Judging by the applause, the victory is awarded to the team ... (calls).

Presenter 2. Results of the competition ... (Announces the result.)

3. Intelligence

Presenter 1. Our new competition is called "Intelligence".

Leading 2. For reconnaissance behind enemy lines, each team needs to equip a scout. Moreover, he needs to reincarnate in such a way that the enemy could not recognize him.

Presenter 1. We ask the commanders to send scouts on a mission.

("The scouts" leave the classroom.)

4. Attack

Presenter 1. It is known that weapons are the main attribute of a warrior. In the next competition, the main weapon of our warriors will be a spoon. The advance detachment is on the attack - three participants from each team.

Presenter 2. The task is to attack the opponent in order to disarm him or at least unload the weapon.

Presenter 1. Participants hold a spoon between their teeth, and put their hands behind their backs. The spoon contains a tennis ball. It is necessary to overturn the contents of the enemy’s spoon, but not to drop your own.

Presenter 2. You need to attack only with your head, without the help of hands, it is forbidden to push. Participants fight in pairs. Each pair is given 1 minute.

Presenter 1. The team with the most armed participants wins.

(Music sounds. Participants line up in two lines opposite each other at a distance of 3 m and start the competition.)

Presenter 2. Well, the results are obvious to everyone. What assessment will the jury give to the Zvezda team?

(Girls applaud.)

Presenter 1. And how does the jury evaluate the performance of the Fakel team?

(Girls applaud.)

Presenter 2. Thus, the total account ... (calls the account).

5. Silushka heroic

Presenter 1. The last competition is "Silushka Bogatyrskaya". Now our assistants will draw a line on the floor in front of the board, which will depict a defensive rampart. This shaft will separate opponents.

(Helpers draw a line.)

Presenter 2. A righteous fight is an honest fight. Opponents meet face to face. In such a battle there is no place for tricks and tricks. Strength, endurance and skill win here. In our final duel, the teams will measure the heroic strength.

Presenter 1. Conditions of the competition: three people from each team stand at the back of each other’s heads, put their hands on the waist of the neighbor in front and, as in a fairy tale about a turnip, pull and pull to break the enemy’s chain or pull him through the defensive rampart to their positions .

The competition lasts 2-3 minutes while the music is playing.

(Music plays.)

Presenter 2. The competition is over, the applause of the jury will determine the winner. This is a team ... (name).

(Girls applaud.)

Presenter 1. We were informed by radio that just now the scouts of both teams were on our territory, let's see if they successfully reincarnated.

(Music sounds. Assistants open the door, “scouts” enter the class. The girls applaud both participants.)

Presenter 2. Judging by the applause, both participants showed themselves to be real scouts and receive the same number of points.

Presenter 1. We ask the assistants to announce the final score.

Presenter 2. Our competition is over, congratulations to the winners. They will be rewarded with medals and...

Presenter 1 ... .stormy prolonged applause!

(Girls applaud.)

III. Summing up (reflection)

Classroom teacher. So our game “Forward, boys!” ended.

Which contest did you like the most?

What competitions would you like to participate in?

In which competition, in your opinion, did you reveal your capabilities to the end?

In which competition did you not fully realize yourself? What hindered you?

What are your wishes?

(Children speak up.)

Target: to continue work on patriotic education.

Tasks: - expand the horizons of children;

Strengthen parent-child cooperation;

Develop dexterity, motor activity.

1."Get dressed quickly"

The first child puts on a shirt, a helmet runs to the counter, returns, undresses. The next one does the same. Etc

2. "Nimble and fast"

Each dad stands at the opposite wall of the hall behind the marked line, holds a basket in his hands, and the son takes the ball from the hoop, runs up to the marked line and throws the ball into the basket. Each player receives 5 balls.

3."Clear the field"

There are two circles on the floor, checkers are scattered in them. (kinder surprises).

Suggest to children "clear the field", blindfolded, collect the checkers, it is advisable not to step on them.

4."Mom's Helpers"

Each team has a bag and a list necessary purchases. Dads stand by "cashier" with a list, sons run up to dads, they call one by one according to the list of purchases, and sons run to the table, choose the thing or product they need, return to their dad, give him the purchase, get the next name and .... so until the whole list is will be collected.

5. "Friendly Guys"

Dads and children stand next to each other, dad ties his left leg to his son's right leg. They must reach the ball without falling, take it and come back. A friendly team that never fell down gets a maximum - 3 points, the first team that completed the task - plus 1 point. Reade set Go.

Teams perform the task, the jury sums up the results.

6. "Collect a picture"

Each team receives an envelope, collects a picture, dad writes the name of the resulting picture and the son takes the sheet to the jury. It takes into account the speed and correctness of the answer.

7. Game "Sailors"

Participants must put the deck in order.

Collect garbage in one minute with your eyes closed.

The amount of garbage collected (dice, checkers, etc.).

8. Game "Sailors"

Sailors are cheerful people live well

And in their free moments they dance and sing.

All members dance to the music "Sailor". The driver imitates washing the deck.

When the music ends, the players get into pairs, the one left without a pair becomes the leader.

9. "Doctor"

Participants are given an unwound bandage, it needs to be twisted.

Whoever does it the fastest wins.

10. Game "Go down the ladder"

There is a rope on the floor, you need to go blindfolded and not stumble.

11."Who will get dressed faster"

Jackets hanging on chairs (jackets, sailor shirts) turned inside out.

Who will turn the jacket inside out faster, put it on and say “Soldier (sailor) ready".

He won.

12."Accurate shooter"

Hit the ball in the bucket (basket).

13. Competition "Orders"

Provide first aid for wounds in the hand.

Two participants are called, the one who quickly bandages his hand wins

14. Relay game "Deliver the package".

The boys are divided into 2 teams.

At a signal, the first ones pass under the arc, along the boards, between the skittles,

take a flag - give a sign to the next.

The package is in the hands of the last boy.

The team that delivers the package the fastest wins.

15. "Fast Boat"

2 halves of the album sheet are placed on the floor. Participants must get on all fours and blow to move these sheets without the help of their hands.

16. "Bombers"

You will need 20-30 inflated balloons scattered randomly around the room. The song turns on "Bombers". The task of the participants, while the music is playing, is to run around the hall and portray an airplane. As soon as the music is turned off, immediately our bombers will have to detonate the bombs, that is, sit on the ball and burst. The winner is the one who blew up the most a large number of bombs.

17. "Combat Alert"

On signal "Combat Alert" team members, on a signal, run one at a time to the designated place, put on sea ​​uniform caps and peakless caps and come back.

18. "Raise Anchor" (for captains)

The relay race is attended by one participant from each team. Each participant is given a stick on which a cardboard anchor is tied. You need to wind the rope as quickly as possible (ribbon) on a stick until the anchor collides with the stick.

19. "Runway"

The first member of the team puts on outstretched hand with an outstretched palm landscape sheet of paper. In this position, he must go to the agreed place and leave his sheet there. You need to move carefully, because the sheet is light and always strives to fly off your hand. The next player will place their sheet next to the first sheet. Etc. Laid out from sheets "runway".

20. "Ammunition depot"

Each team must move the pins from the hoop to the boxes at the finish line. There should be as many skittles in the hoop as there are players in the teams.

21. Game "In the trench - fire"

The players of each team pick up two soft balls and begin to throw them into the territory of the enemy. After the signal, it is calculated how many balls are left in the territory. The fewer balls, the better and more points the team earned.

22. Competition "Tug of War".

23. Relay "Passing the Baton" (with checkbox).

Dad and child run hand in hand, run around the bar, return to the team, pass the baton to the next pair.

24. "Firework".

Balls of two colors are scattered throughout the hall. (for one team). On a signal, the teams collect the balls of their color. Child, dad and others in turn.

25. "The Ant and the Bug".

Children crawl with support on the forearm and knees, the ball in two hands in front. They crawl to the rack, take the ball in their hands and run to the start. Dad "bug" crawls, sitting on the floor, hands in support behind the back, the ball on the stomach, legs together bent at the knees. He crawls to the counter and returns to his team, etc.

26. "Minefield".

Guide the children's car by the rope, going around the skittles. You can't knock down pins. Skittles are mines. (The child who knocked down the skittle starts the relay from the beginning) The child is driving a children's car, going around the skittles. Having reached the counter, the child leaves the children's car and runs back to the team. Then dad runs to the counter, takes the children's car and drives it around the skittles back to the team.

27. Relay "Shoot down the enemy plane".

Get in "shells" (sandbags) into the plane, which is suspended on a rope. The child starts, then the father. We must return to the team and pass the baton.

28. "FIN RACE" Participants are divided into two teams. Children start the race, they put on small flippers. They must run around the chair and return to their starting position. The race is continued by dads, who are put on big flippers. Thus, the younger generation and the older one alternate. That team wins which will get the job done faster.

29. "Attack".

Children ride a horse, and dad on a sled - "carts" behind. Then they go around the counter and return to their team.

30. "Jumping and Lucky".

The child jumps on the ball to the landmark, goes around it and returns to the team. Dad continues the baton, dribbling the ball with one hand.

31. "Difficult to learn, easy to fight" (for dads).

Dads do push-ups. The winner is the one who does the most push-ups in set time.

32. "Tie a handkerchief and put on a hat".

The child runs to a chair, sits down. Dad runs up to the child with a basin, ties a handkerchief to him, then the child puts on a hat for dad and together they run to the team, take off their hats and put them in a basin.

33. "Disassemble and assemble the machine": (dads - assemble and disassemble the meat grinder, you can with your eyes closed).

34. "One Day Without Mom": (dad and child make a salad).

35. "Disassemble the ammunition": (basket with balls, cubes - you need to quickly sort it out, children are involved).

36."Bring the ammo": (dad in arms "steering wheel", behind - a child, "go" between pins, played by 2 families or teams).

37."Deliver the message to headquarters": (2 teams run one at a time along the obstacle course, the last one brings a report package).

38. "Good Fight"(in a circle with pillows, you need to push each other out of the circle, the hat is pulled over your eyes).

39."Football": (drag the ball with the foot between the cubes).

40. "Save a friend"

2 boys are invited to the competition. Each of them is given a soft toy of medium size. The task of the kids is to carry the "comrade-in-arms" through the minefield. In this case, low obstacles, balls that need to be run around, or other objects can serve as a "minefield". The competition can be repeated with several pairs of babies.

41. "Signal"

Competition between 2 teams. The boys are helped to line up in a column, each of them, in turn, must run to the indicated line, near which the cord hangs and pull on it. After completing the task, you need to return and pass the baton to your friend. The team wins the game, the boys from which were able to complete the task faster.

42. "epaulettes"

At the start, small boxes are placed on the shoulders of the children. The task of the participants is to walk with "shoulder straps" to the specified line as quickly as possible without dropping them. If the box has fallen, the participant starts the distance from the beginning. The game can be continued until everyone has participated.

43. "CROSSING" Participants are divided into two teams. Dads cross their arms and plant one child. Whoever sends more children, that team won. At the end of the holiday, the results of the competition are summed up. All participants will be awarded with commemorative certificates and chocolate medals.

44. "Line Up"

Participants stand in a circle and close their eyes. The host says the name geometric figure and word "build up". for example: "Square, line up!" Participants, without opening their eyes, must line up in the form of a specified figure. You can talk and touch each other with your hands. It is better to hold this competition as a competition of teams and award the victory to the team that completed the task better.

45. "Battle Wound"

The task of each participant in the competition is to run the distance in turn and throw the ball into the basket. However, before doing this, they take turns taking out cards from the bag with an inscription indicating the part of some body into which they are supposedly "wounded". For example, left hand, right leg, left eye, etc. While running and throwing the ball, they must not use the specified part of the body. The competition can be held in a team version, then the team that copes with the task faster and better wins.

46. "Dispatch"

A balloon on a thread is tied to both legs of each participant - this is "dispatches" to be delivered to "headquarters", that is, to the finish line. At the signal of the leader, the children run to the designated place. The winner is the participant who brought his dispatches safe and sound and got to "headquarters" first.

47. « tank battle»

Team competition. Two lines are drawn in the center of the hall at a distance of about three meters from each other. Between them is "front". Teams are located in different sides front, behind them lay out 10 flags. The task of the team is to protect their flags as much as possible and to collect and bring to their side as many flags of the other team as possible. However, it is forbidden to touch the hands of other participants and you can only move by crawling on your knees.

48. "Toy Rescue Operation"

Participants are divided into teams and stand in a chain one after another. Each team is placed in front of a basket with soft toys, and at the end of the column - an empty basket. At the command of the facilitator, the participants begin to pass toys to each other, one by one, and place them in the basket at the finish line. The team that quickly transfers all the toys from one basket to another wins.

49. "Commander"

The participants are divided into teams. In each of them, one commander is chosen. At the signal of the leader, the commanders make the first run to the impromptu banner and return back. They are joined by one soldier from the team, and now they are already running together to the banner and back, then one more soldier joins, and so on, until the entire army is at the banner. The team that does this first is the winner.

50. "Military parade"

The leader goes ahead. All participants, lined up in a column, follow him. The task of the participants is to accurately repeat all the movements of the leader, who either speeds up or slows down the pace, alternates between sharp and smooth movements. The one who makes a mistake goes to the tail of the column. Those participants who at the end of the competition will be in the first half of the column win.

51. "WHO MORE MEN'S PROFESSIONS" This competition does not need detailed description. Participants are divided into two teams and alternately name men's professions. The task can be complicated by the fact that children name professions, and parents give examples of feats from history for these or military professions

52. "Snake walking between objects".

Each child in the team needs to snake between the cubes without hitting them. The speed and accuracy of the children in each team is evaluated. At the start line, the baton is passed to the next one.

54. "Taking "language"

Children are divided into teams. One of them (scouts) is divided into groups, in each group there are three people, they join hands, forming a chain. The task of each group is to take "language" from the members of the other team. To do this, you need to close the chain around someone. After 5-10 minutes, the teams switch roles. The team that takes "languages" more.

55."Jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop".

Each team has 5 hoops. It is necessary to jump from hoop to hoop as quickly as possible, without hitting them. The speed and accuracy of the child is evaluated.

56. "Jumping on two legs through a hoop".

The guys of each team need to jump through all 5 hoops as quickly as possible, without hitting them. The speed and accuracy of the children in each team is evaluated.

57. "Hit the ball in the hoop".

Each child in the team has a ball and 5 hoops in front. It is necessary to go to the finish line, stopping at each hoop and hitting the ball into it. The hit of each child in the hoop is evaluated and the total number of points is summed up.

58. "Roll the ball".

Roll the ball with both hands to the rack, then pick it up and run back to your team. At the start line, the baton is passed to the next one.

59. "Jumping on two legs with the ball clamped by the legs".

Each child on the team holds the ball between their knees and jumps to the finish line, being careful not to drop the ball. He comes back running.

At the start line, passes the baton to the next with a touch of the hand.

60. "Crossing".

Each child in the team has 1 cube. The first one runs and the captain carries his cube. He stays at the crossing. It is necessary to transfer all the cubes 1 at a time as soon as possible and give them to the captain, climbing into the hoop.

61. "Build a Tower".

Team captains build towers at speed. The time and beauty of the building are evaluated.

62. "Jumps".

jumping on one right leg forward. Back - on the other left leg. Hands on the belt. At the start line, passes the baton to the next with a touch of the hand.

63. "Knock down the pin".

Team captains are welcome. It is necessary, rolling the ball with both hands, to knock down the pin, standing in front at a distance of 3m. Each captain has 3 attempts, for each pin knocked down - 1 point.

64. "Jumping Hops".

The children of each team, on a signal, jump on the hop ball to the turning point and back. At the start line, the baton is passed to the next one.

65. "Bring - do not drop".

The children of each team take turns carrying a bag of sand on their heads to the turning point and running back. At the start line, the baton is passed to the next touch of the hand.

66. "BREAK YOUR HAT" Only children can take part in this competition. Children wear hats or caps on their heads. The task is to take off the hat of another, but at the same time keep your own on your head - not give it away.

67. "Hit the target".

Each child has a bag of sand in his hand. Participants need to hit the target with a bag (throw him into a hoop). Estimated total number hits on each team.

68. "Who will quickly carry the water and pour it over".

Each child has a glass of water in their hand. It is necessary to run to the finish line as quickly as possible and pour water into a basin without spilling a single drop of water. Whose basin fills with water faster, that team gets a point. At the start line, the baton is passed to the next touch of the hand.

69. "Who will roll the tape faster".

Children from each team compete in pairs. Roll up the tape as soon as possible. The total number of points in the team earned by each child is calculated.

70. "Running with a rope".

Children from each team compete in pairs. It is necessary as quickly as possible, jumping over the rope, to run to the finish line. We come back running. At the start line, the baton is passed to the next touch of the hand.

71. "Climb, Jump, Deliver the Pouch".

Each child has a bag of sand in his hand. The participant needs to crawl under the arc, jump over the hoop and put the bag in the basket. Whose basket fills up faster, that team gets a point.

72. "Passing the Ball".

Children line up in a chain in each team and, on a signal, begin to pass the ball forward to each other. The captain, who is first given the ball, raises it up.

73. "POWERFUL". Teams are divided into even number Human. It is desirable that both children and fathers take part in the competition. A ribbon is placed in the middle of the hall, marking the border. Whistle commands start "rewind" balloons into enemy territory. Whoever has more balls in the territory, he lost