Intellectual entertainment for children and parents of the older group. Scenario. Intellectual games for an adult company: a list of programs with prices

A holiday is not only delicious treats, dancing and pleasant company. Often they also involve contests that help not only have a good time, but also show your intelligence, ingenuity and logical thinking, especially when it comes to such a category as intellectual contests. AT recent times they are the most popular among both children and adults, because both of them pay a lot of attention to their mental development.

Intellectual competitions for children

For the younger generation, mental development is no less important than physical development. When planning a children's birthday or other holiday, parents can include interesting intellectual competitions for children in its program, which may differ in the degree of complexity, semantic load and the subject to which they are attached. Q&A contests are popular. Such entertainment can be held for children of all ages. For preschoolers, this can be fun fun, which will be a good addition to any holiday scenario. Competitions are held to develop the ingenuity and ingenuity of children. They will be pleased to receive small prizes at the end - Stuffed Toys or, for example, sweets.

If we are talking about older children who already know how to read and write, you can arrange something like. One of its options involves the presence of two stacks of cards with questions and answers to them. The bottom line is that you need to choose the answer to the question. When the children begin to read out their answers, it will also be very funny. For the even older age category, more serious mental games in the spirit of Brain Rings or “What? Where? When?". In the process, they can demonstrate extensive knowledge and developed ingenuity and simply enjoy the time spent.

Intellectual competitions for adults

Adults will also certainly not mind showing off their knowledge and taking part in such fun. When planning an intellectual competition, tasks for adults should be chosen as unusual and interesting as possible, so that those present seriously strain their brains and show their knowledge and talents. There are many such mini-competitions, some of them will amuse the company a lot:

  1. "Definitions". First you need to choose a few unknown and at the same time funny-sounding words. The facilitator will read them to the players and ask them to write definitions for these terms. Everyone writes them secretly from the rest of the participants, and then the sheet is handed over to the host, who reads out all these options. In the game, everyone can show imagination and creativity, but it will be hard to do without laughter.
  2. "Two Letters" When choosing intellectual contests for a party, be sure to pay attention to this option. One participant must name a word (usually a noun is assumed singular), a next person two letters that end this word, invents another. But he does not name it to the participants, but tries to explain it in other words. The one who understood what he meant does not say the answer, but in turn comes up with a new word, still interpreting it in other words. The point here is in the interpretations themselves, which are often very funny, and also in the fact that everyone can understand what it is, but no one can talk about it.
  3. "Count to 30." The meaning of the game is indicated in the title - you need to count to thirty, but everything is not as simple as you thought. The account implies certain rules: the order of pronouncing the numbers is not agreed in advance, and anyone can do it. But if two people say the same number at the same time, the game starts again. Believe me, even counting to ten will be problematic, but very fun.

Despite the fact that these games are simple and fun, they provide an opportunity to show erudition and ingenuity. Any holiday with them will be more fun.

Other intellectual contests for adults

Do not forget about the most popular contests:

  1. "Cinema chain". In advance, you need to prepare leaves on which the names of the actors will be written. It is advisable to take those that are exactly known to all participants in the game. The players are divided into teams, and from each team the representative pulls out one piece of paper. The task of the team is to “stretch” the chain from one filmmaker to another in a minimum of steps, logically linking them together. The game, of course, is for true moviegoers. By the way, you can replace the actors with writers and poets or musical figures.
  2. "Crocodile". Some participant must think of a word (or phrase). He tells it to another participant, who must show the rest of the players what was thought through postures, facial expressions, gestures, but not words. In the first version of the game, everyone takes part in guessing, except for the guesser. In another, the players are divided into teams. The team that guessed the word can choose a person from the opposing team, who will recognize the hidden one and will show it to their participants. If they don't guess, the guessers get a point.

Intellectual competitions for birthdays and other holidays are a great way to rally the team, bring zest to the celebration, laugh and show off your abilities. There are a lot of variations, and you can choose what, in your opinion, will be appropriate for a particular company and a particular celebration.© - a world of unusual and intellectual entertainment. Interesting optical illusions, optical illusions, logical flash games.

Hello! Do you want to become one of us? Decide
If you are already one of us, then the entrance is here.

On average, a smoker loses two teeth every ten years.

Rubaiyat (Khayyam Omar)

Quatrains about love and friendship, wine and wine drinking, about the search for the meaning of life and much more.

With the book "Rubaiyat" they also read:

Rubai. complete collection

The most witty aphorisms and quotes

Preview of the book "Rubaiyat"

Where are these people, the wisest of our land, now?
They did not find a secret thread at the heart of creation.
How they talked a lot about the essence of God, All their life they shook their beards - and left without a trace.

The chosen one, by whom the path of knowledge began,
Who in the sky on Burak * jumps thoughts,
He drooped his head, knowing his essence,
Like the sky - and crying in confusion.

All who are old and who are young, who now live,
One by one they will be led into the darkness.
Life is not given forever. How they left before us
We will leave; and for us - they will come and go.

If roses are not for us, then there are enough thorns instead of a gift.
If the light is not for us, the hearth heat is enough for us.
If there is no mentor, no khanaka, no diving, We have enough of the church, and the bell, and the zunnar *.

You yourself carved me out of clay! - What to do
to me?
You wove me like fabric on the wall. - What should I do?
All the evil and good that I do in the world, you yourself predetermined,
You yourself inscribed my destiny on my forehead! - What should I do?

Who gave a careless smile to beautiful lips,
Who gave heartfelt sorrow to the lot of the mourners?
Even if he did not give us happiness, it is enough for us and peace,
For to many he gave tears and eternal torment.

It's a pity that we spent a wasted life,
That in the mortar of vanity they pushed us.
O life! We did not have time to blink an eye
And, having achieved nothing, they left!

And your faces and hair are beautiful,
You, like cypresses, are slender, proud.
And yet I can't understand
Why did you grow up in the flower garden of the creator?

If in the family you distinguish mine, you are a sign of the family,
That one hundred species differences will arise before you, saki.
Willingly renounce them, and you give me plenty of wine,
And let me stop being myself then, saki!

What fate decided to give you
It cannot be increased or subtracted.
Don't worry about what you don't own
And from what is, to become free.

If the heart wants freedom and throws off the lasso,
So where can he go, kravchiy? After all, the world is an ocean!
And the Sufi, like a narrow-mouthed vessel, is full of ignorance,
If he drinks even a drop, by God, he will be drunk.

The whole book of youth has been read,
Withered life early spring.
Where is the bird of joy*? Alas, I don't know
Where did she go, where is she now?

When the tablet of fate suddenly became subject to me
I would erase everything from it and write everything from the beginning.
From the world I would banish sadness forever,
So that joy reaches the sky with its head,

You beware of the treachery of the fleeing skies.
You have no friends, and do not know enemies.
Don't rely on tomorrow, live today.
Try to be yourself for a moment.

The month of Day * gives way to blooming spring,
The book of life comes to an end in silence.
Drink wine, don't worry! The sorrows of the world The poison is deadly, and the antidote is in wine.

For a moment, a moment - and life will flash by.
Let this moment sparkle with fun!
Beware, for life is the essence of creation,
As you spend it, so it will pass.

Look at the potters kneading clay, Not a drop of sense in the minds of fools.
How they crush and beat the clay with their feet ..
Come to your senses! - After all, this is the ashes of the fathers.

"In the month of Shaban, do not touch the wine cups!
Do not drink even in Rajab *!" - the guardian of faith tells us.
Shaban, Rajab - time for Allah and the prophet?
Well, drink in Ramadan*. This month is ours!

Oh heaven, you do not have a soul in scoundrels!
Palaces and mills and baths are in their hands;
And the honest one asks for a piece of stale cake as a loan,
Oh heaven, I would spit on you in my heart.

What is the fate of fate? After all, it is given to everyone.
Do not cry about what is swept away by the whirlwind.
You live happily, with an open heart
Don't waste your life in vain, drink wine!

In our vile age, any friend is unfaithful.
Stay away from the crowd of people.
The one on whom you relied in life, Take a better look - the enemy is in front of you.

Who are you, ignorant of the world? See for yourself: you are nothing.
The wind is your foundation, you, forgotten by God, are nothing.
The edge of your being is two abysses of nothingness,
Nothing surrounds you, and inside you are nothing.

How sad that the life of the foundation is cut off forever!
They go into obscurity. and hearts bleed.
No one returned and did not bring the news alive:
What's up with them? And where do they wander in the afterlife?

Drinking wine among us, and the proud would soften,
I saw how the knot, tight with wine, unraveled,
And if the hater of Iblis drank wine *
Two thousand times he would have bowed to a man.

Saki! Jamshida * bowls your face is more beautiful,
Death for you is more joyful than our life.
And dust at your feet - the light of my eyes Brighter than a hundred thousand suns in the heavenly bowl.

I came into the world, but the sky was not alarmed,
I died, but the radiance of the luminaries was not multiplied.
And no one told me why I was born
And why hastily destroyed my life?

I never drank pure wine carelessly,
Until the cup of bitter troubles was served to me.
And I didn’t dip the bread in the salt shaker until it was full
I am with my own heart, burned black.

The shard of the jug is higher than the kingdom that Jam arranged.*
A cup of wine is more comforting than the heavenly food of Mariam.
Early morning sighs of drunkards for my sacred soul
The cries of all Abu Said and the prayers that Adham sang. *

Yesterday I went into the potters' shop,
The hands of the masters were nimble.
But I'm not pitchers with a spiritual eye
I saw in their hands, and the ashes of the fathers.

They say that I am always ready to get drunk - I am like that.
That I am rind * and that I honor idols * as gods - I am like that.
Let everyone think in their own way, I will not argue.
I know them better about myself, what I am, - I am like that.

How long do you break your hearts because of life's troubles?
You can hardly carry your sadness to the end.
Alas! Your affairs and mine are not in our hands,
And here to submit to fate is not better for a sage?

O wretch! Flowers that dazzled in the valley,
From the sultry rays they burned out in a week.
We will drink, tear spring tulips,
Until they crumble and decay.

I am ready to meet death without fear.
Wouldn't it be better there than here - who knows?
Life has been given to me. I will gladly return
When it's time to return.

Our world is like an old discount, *
Dormitory of dawn and dusk,
Remains of a feast after a hundred Jamshids,
Caves of a hundred Fringes * cursed vault.

Where is the benefit that we come and leave the world again?
Where will the ducks of the foundations of our years go?
Flames from the sky fell on the best of people,
It incinerated them - and there is not even smoke.

We do not understand the riddles of eternity - neither you nor I.
We can't read obscure writings - neither you nor I.
We argue before some veil. But the hour will strike
The veil will fall, and neither you nor I will survive.

Don't look to your heart for satisfaction from life,
Where are Jam and Kay-Kubad?* They are prey of decay.
And the whole universe and all the affairs of the earth A false dream, a mirage and a brief moment.

Can't we find a place to rest here?
Or forever go this endless way?
Oh, if only I could hope that in a thousand years
From the belly of the earth we will again, like grass, sprout!

Saki! May I be honored with lovely peri,
Let wine bitterness be replaced by heavenly moisture.
Let Zuhra be a Changist *, the interlocutor - Isa. *
If the heart is not joyful, then feasting is inappropriate.

Chovgan * fate, like a ball, drives you.
Run faster - the argument does not help!
Where? What for? - Do not ask. Player
He knows everything! He knows, he knows

According to the book of life, I wondered about fate.
The sage, hiding the grief of the soul in himself,
Said: "With you - the moon in the night, like a month, long
Have fun with her! What else are you looking for?"

Do not be afraid of the wiles of the running time.
Our troubles in the circle of existence are not eternal.
Spend the moment given to us in fun,
Do not cry about the past, do not fear the future.

I'm afraid that we won't get into this world again,
And there our friends - behind the coffin - we will not find.
Let's feast this moment while we live.
Perhaps a moment will pass - we will all be gone forever.

Here is the wine in the cup of immortality - drink it!
Fun is dissolved in it - drink it!
The larynx, like fire, burns, but grief washes away
It is living water - drink it!

Let there be a flaw in our knowledge, deceit in the postulates.
Full of languishing, we will disperse the fogs of doubt!
Let's fill a wide cup with wine,
Let's drink and be merry - neither sober nor drunk.

Why burden the peace of the heart with sadness?
Why worry about a happy day?
Nobody knows what awaits us then.
Here we need everything that we can wish for.

Meet the dawn and sunset with a carefree heart,
Drink with the moon-face, comfort both the heart and the look.
O friend, this is no time to be tormented by vain care,
After all, none of those who left have returned.

Of course - the goal of all creation - we are,
We are the source of knowledge and insight.
The circle of the universe is like a ring,
The diamond in that ring, without a doubt, is us.

Drink with wise golden-speaking old age,
Drink with youth smilingly beautiful.
Drink, friend, but do not shout about what you drink,
Drink occasionally and secretly - in a happy moment.

You are alive, healthy, carefree, drink bye
With a beauty, like a flower garden rose,
Until the breath of death breaks
Your short life is like a petal.

On roses, the sparkle of New Year's dew is beautiful.
Beloved - the best creation of the Lord - is beautiful.
Should I regret the past, should the wise man scold him?
Let's forget yesterday! After all, our today is wonderful.

I'm sick, spiritual illness torments my body,
Refusal of wine truly threatens me with death.
And it is strange that no matter how much I did not drink medicines and balms, everything is harmful to me! Only one wine does not harm.

My sorrow, a bloody stream would demolish a hundred towers,
Ten thousand buildings would wash away the flow of my tears.
Not eyelashes on my eyelids - rain gutters,
If I close my eyelashes, I would have to run from the flood.

God forbids me - what I wished
So will it come true - what I wished?
If everything is righteous that Ized * wanted just,
So it means that everything is false, sinful, what I wished.

Those who have adorned the sky of knowledge,
Rising as luminaries for the world and times,
Did not melt the darkness of this deep night,
They told us a fairy tale and fell into a dream.

He who set up the earth and raised the firmament over it,
How much grief since then he has been carrying to a sad heart.
How many beautiful faces, like the moon, and lips like rubies,
He hid in the temple of the dust of the earth, under a stone oppression.

You have no control over tomorrow today.
Your plans will be shattered by sleep tomorrow!
You live today if you are not insane.
You are not eternal, like everything in this earthly world.

A small drop of water merged with a wave of the sea.
A small handful of earth mixed with the dust of the earth.
What does your coming into this world and what does your leaving mean?
Where is all this midge that pushed and rang in the spring?

Though I am sinful and unhappy, even though I am disgusting to myself
me myself
But I do not despair, I do not run to the gods in the joss-house,
With a hangover, half dead in the morning - I get up, I go, like yesterday,
To the beauties, to the drinking house, and not to the mosque, not to God's temple!

Friend, do not worry about what is no longer there,
The light of today shines on us.
Tomorrow we all have an unknown path
Following the departed for seven thousand years.

For those to whom the knowledge of secrets is given,
Both joy and sadness - is it all the same?
But if good and evil pass without a trace,
Cry if you want - or drink wine.

We were a drop from the heat of passion
Appeared in the world - not by our power,
And if tomorrow the whirlwind dispels us,
Find at least in the cup a wine reflection of happiness.

We will kill the sadness of hearts with a bowl weighing in mans,
Let us enrich ourselves with jugs of wine.
Three times giving a divorce to consciousness, rank, faith,
We will marry the daughter of the vine later.

How strange life's caravan passes.
Blessed is he who goes his own way, cheerful, drunk.
Why guess about the future, saki?
Give me wine! The night fog is gone!

The fire of my passion is high before you - so be it!
In my hands - bunches of fiery juice - so be it!
You tell me: "Repent, and you will be forgiven."
And if I'm not forgiven, be what will happen to me! - so be it!

The sun, shining in the morning, threw a lasso into the air,
And over the ball in the bowl, Khosrow * is obsessed with meditation.
Drink wine! These are the cliques of love in the infinite universe
They respond with a response: "Drink while you're not drunk."

Hey mufti*, look. We are smarter and more efficient than
No matter how drunk we are in the morning, we are still more sober than you.
We drink the blood of the vine, but you are the blood of your neighbors;
Judge for yourself which of us is more bloodthirsty and meaner than you.

How long will I live in deceit, how to wander in a fog?
How long shall I, oh life, drink cloudy sediments?
I'm tired of your cunning, treacherous saki,
And I'm ready to shed the remnants of life, like from a bowl.

Beloved, whose gaze hurts the heart,
She herself is lassoed with a noose of grief.
Where can I find balm when consciousness
Our healers are bewildered?

A cup of wine is dearer to me than the power of Kavus,
The throne of Kubad and the glory of the brave Tus.*
The groans of lovers that I hear at dawn
Above prayers and hermit's temptation.

You do not dream to pass for seven decades.
So let the dawn always catch you drunk.
Until they made a jug out of your head,
Give a vow to a jug with a bowl of love and fidelity.

Before experiencing the vicissitudes in full,
Let's drink ratl * wine today.
What does the rotation of the sky promise us tomorrow?
Perhaps water will not be given to us.

My spirit is completely fed up with wanderings,
But I have no money in the treasury, as before.
I don't grumble at life. Even though it was difficult
Wine and beauty still smiled at me.

You ruined earthly days for the sake of worldly blessings,
But remember the day of Judgment, look at your life.
After all, many before you were ruined by acquisitiveness.
And what happened to them? Where are they all now?

Who wrote the word of reason on the heart,
He didn't waste a single moment.
He tried to earn the mercy of the Eternal with labor Or he found peace of the soul behind the cup.

We came clean and defiled
We blossomed with joy and grieved.
Hearts burned with tears, life in vain
They squandered and disappeared underground.

The sun of the fiery sky is love,
The bird of happiness among the green thicket is love,
No, love is not sobbing, not tears, not the moan of a nightingale,
That's when you die without a groan - this is love.

When I have no wine, on that day, as a sick person,
i'm dragging myself
Taking a healing balm, I, as if from poison, languish.
The vicissitudes of the world are poison to me, and the antidote is wine,
When I drink wine, I am not afraid of poison.

No one has united with his beloved,
Until I hurt my heart with thorns, like a nightingale,
Until the tortoiseshell comb is split into a hundred teeth,
He, too, is not free to touch your fragrant curls.

I came from heaven or hell - I don’t know about myself,
I live the way I am - it was fate that way.
A full goblet, an idol and a barat * in a flowering meadow by the stream;
These three - in cash to me, the promised paradise - in debt to you.

I said to myself: I will not drink wine,
I will not shed the blood of the vines now.
"Have you really decided not to drink?" my mind asked me
And I: "How can I not drink? Then I will not live."

Give me clean wine again, oh friends, give me a drink,
Return roses of spring to yellowed cheeks.
On the day of my death you wash my ashes with wine,
From the vine, make me a tabout*.

With wine and peri, happiness is given to me.
May your heart be full of joy.
Always, as long as I, was, and is, and will be,
I drank, and I drink, and I will drink wine.

Roses bloom again in the morning breeze
And the song of the nightingale resounded all around.
Let's sit under the pink canopy! Will be, as now, above us
Their petals will crumble when we go down to the grave.

Khayyam, fate itself would be ashamed
The one whose chest was crushed in vain.
So drink under the chang * wine from a full cup,
Until the bowl shattered on the stone.

When again you knock on the secluded cellar,
You will cheer up the hearts with the sight of friends.
When saki treats you to the intoxicating moisture of magicians,
With a kind word, remember me, poor fellow.

If a secret among the slums I reveal to you, loving,
It's better than empty prayers, even in the mihrab * - but without you,
You are the end and the beginning of everything, without you there is nothing,
If you want, give me yourself, or burn me, destroying me forever.

You broke my jug of wine, oh my God!
You closed the door of joy to me, oh Lord!
You spilled purple wine on the ground.
Trouble me! Or were you drunk, oh my god?

That potter, who, like bowls, rounded our skulls,
Indeed, he showed art in his pottery craft.
Over the wide sufra * of being he overturned the cup
And he concluded all the bitterness of the universe under that cup.

You are good, why should I think about sins.
You are generous, should I think about bread on the way?
Kohl, having resurrected, you will whitewash me,
Why should I think about black letters?*

Will the sky grow a rose in the world,
What after the heat of the afternoon will not burn?
When the ashes of the dead accumulated in the clouds,
That bloody rain would fall from the heights.

You give wine to mountain - the mountain would go to dance.
Let a fool frighten you with punishment for wine,
I am that I drink wine, I will never repent,
After all, it brings up thought and spirit in you.

Raise the bowl and jug, O light of my eyes,
And circle in the meadow, by the stream at this joyful hour,
For many moon-faced and slender potters
Hundreds of times turned into a bowl, and into a jug - hundreds of times.

Yesterday I crushed a pouring jug on a stone.
Being drunk, I made such an absurd act.
The pitcher whispered to me: "I was like you before,
It wouldn't be the same with you that happened with me!"

The mind of mortals does not know what the essence of your being is.
What is my disobedience and my obedience to you?
Drunk with my sins, I'm sober in hope
This means: I believe that your mercy is immeasurable.

Residents of silent tombs, forgotten for centuries,
Long since crumbled and turned to dust.
What did they get drunk, so that - to Kiyomata *
Oversleep without memory, forgetting about the two worlds?

At the feast of the mind, the mind always tells me one thing,
Although in Arabia and Rum, there has been a lot of talk for a long time:
"Drinking wine is a sin, but the name of grace is Maysara. *
Maisara, - said the creator, - means: drink wine.

Now, while you are free, get up, go,
Lead your love to a bright feast.
After all, this kingdom of beauty is not eternal,
Who knows what will be ahead?

Get up, my dear boy, the dawn flashed with a ray.
Fill the crystal cups with ruby ​​wine.
We have been given a little time in the mortal vale.
What is gone forever, we will not return.

The wine is a transparent ruby, and the jug is a mine.
Vial is the flesh, and the wine in it is the spring of the soul,
Fire wine sparkles in a crystal bowl, That is a shower of tears that arose from the blood of clusters.

Those who praise hypocrisy instead of piety,
They put a middle wall between the living soul and the body.
After listening to them, I put hum * with wine on the crown,
At least, like a rooster, they will bloody my crown with a comb.

Beloved, may your life be longer than mine
Today grace has shown me, as before, once at the beginning.
She glanced at me and left, as if she wanted to say:
"Do good and throw it into the stream, so that the waves will rush people away."

I drink wine, but I am not a slave to vanity.
Behind the cup, my thoughts are pure.
What is the meaning and power of worshiping the cup?
I do not worship myself like you.

You, kravchiy, lit up my destiny,
You are the light of a lover, not a slave.
And the one who did not die in the stream of grief,
Lives in Noah's ark, as in a coffin.

I went to the pottery row to the market,
There was a pottery exhibited.
And suddenly - one jug with a secret verb
He asked: "Where is the buyer? Where is the potter?"

What are the thrones of sultans to me? What is their palaces and treasury to me?
I don't need a kasaba turban*, I need a flute!
The sound of prayer beads - messengers of the rati of deceit
I give in full for an evening cup of wine;

Yesterday, drunk, I went to the tavern through the ruins of the city;
And the drunken old man in the Maikhana met me with a jug.
I said: "Be ashamed of God. Think of the soul!"
And he: "God is merciful! Sit down! And help us drink."

Do not defame the vine - the bride of the immaculate grape,
Over the hypocrite malicious mockery laugh mercilessly.
Shed the blood of two thousand hypocrites - there is no sin in that, But, sipping wine from khum, do not spill a jet of consolation,

There is no way for people behind the veil of secrets,
We do not know the time long way go,
All one end awaits us. Drink wine!
There will be a fairy tale world without end!

I'm a madman - in love with wine - well, well:
Don't be afraid of shame while you're drinking.
I drank so much that a passer-by would ask:
"Hey wine jug, where are you coming from?"

Today a good name is a shame,
To be tormented by the violence of fate is nonsense!
No, it's better to be drunk than to become an ascetic,
Set your eyes on the unknown.

You tell me: "At least drink less!
What is the cause of your pernicious passion?"
The face of a dear friend, morning cup That's the whole reason, there are no more important reasons.

You can be happy, you can drink
But you must be diligent in everything
Be wise, everything else is not worth it
In order to ruin his life for him.

I know the whole visible essence of being and non-being.
All the secrets of the heights and lowlands comprehended my soul.
But I will renounce everything and be ashamed of my knowledge,
If I remember a moment of sobering up one in a century.

Miracle bowl. Immortal my spirit praises her
And a hundred times in the forehead tenderly kisses her.
Why is the potter this marvelous bowl,
Not having time to sculpt, then he breaks it himself?

While spring, health and love are with you
Let them give us wine - a crimson bunch of blood.
After all, you are not gold! You, careless fool,
Once buried, they will not dig out again.

Saki! My chest is full of sadness
Today I drank wine without measure.
Your downy cheeks are so young and tender,
That a new spring has come to me.

The sky is a sash that clothed my exhausted camp,
Waves of Jeyhun * - the ocean gave birth to our tears,
Hell is a spark of our burning sighs.
Paradise is a rest that is given to us for a moment,

You - the idol and the temple, we - idols and a bowl of wine.
You live in paradise, we live in burning hell.
What is our fault? It is he himself - the eternal artist
On the tablets of fate he inscribed with his prophetic chisel.

Caravans go on a long journey, bells ring.
Who told about the troubles that lie ahead of us on the way?
Watch out! In this old discount, greed and need
Don't drop anything, for you won't come back.

From the skin, muscles, bones and veins, the foundation is given to us by the Creator.
Do not cross the threshold of fate. What awaits us is unknown, there,
Do not retreat, let your opponent be Rustam himself *.
Do not be indebted to anyone, even if you give Khatam a loan*.

If springtime, shining with beauty,
Peri will sit down with me, filling my cup,
At the edge of the rustling golden fields,
Let me be unfaithful if I remember paradise

Know that a great sin does not believe in the mercy of the creator.
If you, mired in sins, have turned into a filthy one,
If you're sleeping in a drinking house now, dead drunk,
He will forgive your perishable frame after the end of death.

It is better to avoid everything in life, except for a cup of wine,
If the peri, that she gave the cup, is cheerful and intoxicated.
Intoxication, debauchery, believe me, from the moon to Pisces,
It's best here if the wine cup is full.

Stalk of fresh grass under the morning sun
The hair was the one who was killed so early by fate.
Do not trample this tender grass with your rough foot
After all, she sprouted from tulip-colored cheeks

When I'm sober, there's nothing for me to enjoy.
When I'm drunk, the light of the mind weakens.
There is a time of bliss between sobriety and drunkenness.
And this is life. Am I right or not? Give an answer.

I greedily clung to the lips of the jug,
As if the beginning of the desired life returned.
"I was just like you. So stay with me for a moment," So the pitcher whispered to me with a wet clay lip.

With a phial in one hand, with a curl of peri in the other,
He sits in a pleasant shade, over a bright river.
He drinks, despising the threats of the running vault,
Until he gets drunk, tasting blissful peace

The sky is heaping up the mountain of suffering,
As soon as one is born, the other is killed.
But the unborn would not be born,
If only he knew what was in store for him.

Blessed is he who in our days has tasted freedom,
Bypassing grief, tears and adversity;
I was pleased with everything that Yazdan sent,
Lived with a pure heart, drank wine - not water.

Alas! My ignorance is
That I - helpless - fear everything.
I'll go put on a zunnar - I'm so ashamed
Sins and my Islam!

How can I turn to another love?
And who is she, oh my God, name.
How can I forget my old love
When the eyes are in tears, the soul is in the blood!

This unjudged firmament is the destroyer of all that exists,
It will destroy me and you, and leave nothing.
Sit on fresh grass, drink wine with a carefree heart,
For tomorrow grass will grow, O friend, from your ashes.

What have lily and cypress become famous for centuries?
And where did all these parables about them come from?
The cypress is multilingual, and the flower is multilingual.
Why are they silent? Have you voluntarily renounced love?

If life has passed, does it matter - is it sweet,
is she bitter?
What about Balkh and Nishanur before a cup of wine?
Drink, friend! After all, they will change after us many times
A broken sickle, and a new sickle, and a full moon.

Do I have a friend to listen to my story?
What was man in the beginning, barely created?
Born in pain, mixed with blood and clay,
He lived in torment and froze until the end of time.

O friend, the dawn has risen.
So let the bowl sparkle with wine!
Winter killed thousands of Jamshids,
May spring bloom today.

To those who carry news of the unknown,
Who went around the whole world - honor and honor.
But do they know more than we do?
About the world - about such what it is?

As long as the smoke of the joss-house is glorified,
Talk about heaven and hell?
Look at the boards of fate; there since ancient times
Everything that should be written is written.

Let this bowl boil, sparkle!
Living wine that transforms life
Give me a cup! We all know what awaits us.
Hurry! After all, life is always running away.

Whose hand will break this age-old circle?
Who will find the end and the beginning of the circle?
And no one has yet revealed to the human race How, where, why our coming and going.

Only a spring shower will wash the cheeks of a tulip,
Getting up in the morning, you cling to the bowl with this drunken moisture.
After all, the same grass that today pleases your look,
In a century, deceit will grow out of you in this world.

Why torment yourself and bother,
Why wish for too much.
What is meant to be will be with us.
Nothing less and nothing more we can take.

You have unlocked all the secrets of the world. But still
You yearn, secretly shed tears.
Everything here is not done according to your will.
Be wise, be happy with what you live.

And again the firmament of an unsolved mystery will light up.
Neither Mahmud nor Ayaz * will be saved from his deceit,
Drink wine, for eternal life is not given to anyone.
Whoever left life, he, alas, will never return.

The covenant says: "Paradise is beautiful with the love of an unearthly virgin"
And I answered: "It's more comforting for me to have intoxicated grape juice here"
Take cash, refuse non-cash payment.
The only pleasant thing is the disturbing drumming from a distance.

Be cheerful! The sea of ​​disasters is endless.
The cycle of stars will last forever.
But tomorrow you'll go to the bricks
The bricklayer has a careless hand.

If our life is one moment,
To live without wine is truly sinful.
What to argue, the world is eternal or not eternal, When we leave, we will not care.

0 fate! You assert violence in everything yourself.
Your oppression is boundless, like the darkness that gave birth to you.
You give good to the vile, and sorrow to noble hearts.
Or are you incapable of goodness, or have you gone mad?

I know my own vices. - What should I do?
I am mired in sinful being. - What should I do?
Let me be forgiven, but where will I hide
From shame for my actions? - What should I do?

We first buy young wine,
For two grains we give up everything earthly.
You asked! "Where will you be - in hell or in heaven?"
Give me wine and leave me alone, brother.

If the truth in the world is conditional, why destroy the heart,
You indulge in sorrow, loving your suffering.
Reconcile with what is, O sage. That which is eternal kalam
Destined for everyone, won't change for you.

I will not forget the pain of our separation.
Looking for you, involuntarily believing in a miracle.
You return to the suffering, abandoned!
And in the host of your souls I will be a victim.

Don't share your secrets with people.
After all, you do not know which of them is mean.
How do you deal with God's creation,
Expect the same from yourself and from people.

I accept autocracy of beauty.
I myself am ready to fall on her threshold.
Don't be offended by her quirks.
After all, everything that comes from her is happiness.

Lovers, drunk - again we are without fear
We worship wine, having risen from the dust,
And throwing off, like rags, the captivity of being,
Today we enter the halls of Allah.

What a pity that life has passed uselessly,
Died like it was burned to the ground.
How bitter that the soul languished idly
And departed from your commands.

Although I did not take an oath in obedience,
Although the dust of sins from the face did not wash,
But I believed in your generosity.
And he didn't call one two.

You teach: "Faithful in heaven holy
Gouris will get drunk with caress and wine"
What is the sin now in love and drunkenness,
When will we eventually come to that?

If I get two mines of wine,
Flatbread and roast lamb
And with a sweetheart among the ruins I will retire, That will be a world worthy only of the Sultan.

When our souls leave, with the bodies forever parted,
From the ashes of the dead, a tombstone will be built for us long ago.
And long years pass away, and our great-grandchildren will die,
Let's go to the tombstone for them and we, turning into bricks.

"Those who live piously, - the imams say, will enter the same as they were, into the Lord's Garden of Eden."
Therefore, we do not part with our beloved, with wine. After all, as we lived here, so they will resurrect us.

Firmament! Only from your malice our troubles come.
justice from you wise people don't wait.
Oh earth! If you blow up the depths of your chest cold,
How many precious diamonds and lals will be found there?

"All drunkards and lovers await Gehenna."
Do not believe, brothers, this despicable lie! If drunkards and lovers are driven to hell,
Paradise will be empty tomorrow, no doubt.

Along the edges of this beautiful cup, letters curled,
But she is broken and thrown into the dust on the road.
Go around the shards carefully. There was, perhaps,
This bowl was created from the bowl of the beautiful chapter.

Why do you expect benefit from your wisdom?
You will soon wait for milk from the goat.
Pretend to be a fool - and it will be more useful.
And wisdom these days is cheaper than leeks.

Why, remembering sins, Khayyam, are you killing yourself?
O sinner, do you doubt the mercy of God's soul?
If there were no sins, then there would be no forgiveness.
Forgiveness lives for sin. So what are you complaining about?

Hey, sissy, open your eyes towards the morning,
And drink wine and sing, tuning the string fret.
After all, who is alive today will be taken tomorrow,
And who is gone forever, he will not come back.

When death seizes me, the enthusiasm is full,
How she plucks me like a bird,
You will make a jug out of my dust.
Maybe the smell of wine will enliven me.

To wash my body, bring wine,
Sprinkle the head of the grave with wine.
If you want to find me on Sunday, Look for my corpse in the ashes of the drinking house.

They tell me: "Don't drink, so as not to get into trouble,
Otherwise, on the Day of Judgment, you will end up in hell."
- So be it, but I will give both worlds for a cup
And I'll get drunk, and drunk I'll go down to the coffin.

Who we are - Dolls on strings, and our puppeteer is the firmament
He leads his performance in a big booth.
He is now on the carpet of life will make us jump,
And then he will remove one by one into his chest.

I saw a bird among the ruins of the stronghold
Above the skull of the king, lying in the desert.
And the bird said: "Are you Kay-Kavus? *
Where is the thunder of your timpani? Where is your throne and sword now?"

Having taken out two manas of wine, do not regret Drink it yourself and treat your friends to your heart's content.
After all, the creator of the world does not need
In your mustache and in my beard.

O firmament! that you make my heart sad,
Happiness shirt on me you tear to shreds,
You make the north wind a breath of fire
You turn the water in my bowl into sand.

Why accumulate goodness in the desert of being?
Who has always lived among us? I didn't see those.
After all, life is given to us in debt, and then - for a short period,
And what is given in debt is not your property.

One hand is on the Koran, the other is on the bowl of feasts.
Sometimes we are pious, sometimes there are no words for prayer.
Under this marble vault, in enamel turquoise
Who are we - Muslims, infidels? - It's not clear, after all.

After all, long before us, the night was replaced by a brilliant
And the constellations rose over the world in their own way.
Be careful on the ground! Every lump of clay
Each dusty lump was a beautiful young pupil.

Friend, from a jug full of that
Draw some wine, we'll drink it
Until the potter makes a jar.
From my ashes and yours.

Hearts, wake up We will run our hands along the strings,
Let's drop a good name in the morning for wine.
We will lay a prayer rug in the drinking house,
Let's break the bottle of shame and honor, laughing.

Because of the fate of the unfaithful, angry, do not be upset.
because of ancient world deplorable do not be upset.
Be merry! What happened is past, and what will be is not visible.
For the sake of the vanities of the lot of two days, do not be upset.

Be cheerful, the holiday will be glorified again,
The feasts will begin, the post will be left.
Defective month skinny. A day or two will pass And he will be delivered from all adversity.

In love with you, I am not afraid of reproach,
I do not argue with the ignorant.
Love cup - healing to her husband,
And not for husbands - a fall and a shame.

All this motley world's deeds - as I see Contemptible, worthless, full of evil - as I see.
Well, glory to the creator! This house that I've been building all my life
The ignorant will burn and destroy to the ground, as I see it.

Friends, let's make a vow to be together at this hour,
In fun, together against sadness,
And sit down to drink wine today until dawn!
Another dawn will come when we are gone.

If you excel in the city, you will become human malice
If you retire in a cell - a reason for vile suspicion.
Even if you are the prophet Ilyas, even if you are the immortal Khyzr.*
Better become unknown to anyone, better become an invisible shadow.

You created the ebb forms of people long ago.
Why is our nature full of various flaws?
If the form of clay is beautiful, why break it,
And if this form is bad, whose fault is it?

We can neither increase nor diminish our
Do not grieve, sage, because of empty or important deeds.
Alas, I came to the conclusion: is it your fate, is it my fate
Not wax in hand. No one has been able to shape it yet.

Everything - both evil and good, that human nature hides,
It is subject to the higher will, and here freedom is not given to us.
Do not blame your misfortunes on the firmament.
A hundred times worse than yours, the bonded lot of the firmament,

Look at the hundred-star inverted firmament
Under which the wisest suffer violence and oppression.
Look at the kiss of love bowls and bottles How they clung to each other, and the blood flows between them.

Hey heart, gather what you need in this world
Let only the joy of the lawn be wider.
Sit like dew on the green meadow in the evening,
And get up in the morning, having spent the whole night at the feast,

You, who keeps score of all earthly affairs, Be wise among the ignorant, be dumb,
To save eyes, tongue and ears,
Pretend here dumb, blind, deaf.

It's better to drink wine and hug peri,
Than beat off hypocritical bows.
You threaten us, mufti, that drunkards will be driven to hell,
To whom, then, in paradise for a cup to feast?

You are full of cheerful strength - drink wine,
With a beautiful-faced sweetheart - drink wine.
This mortal world is a dark ruin.
Forget what is and was - drink wine.

How long to be a prisoner of rouge and incense,
For perishable beauty and abomination in pursuit?
Be the spring of Zamzam, the key of Living Water, In due time you will hide in the deep earthly womb.

One hundred hearts and one hundred faiths is more expensive.
The whole Chinese realm is not worth a sip of wine.
What else is there in the world, except lala-colored wine? Only grief that all the joy of the earth is not free to please

At the hour when the tulips of the evening fields are wet
the violets will bend, becoming heavier from the dew, Only those flowers I like that are from the dampness of the night
They pick up the jealous floors of their clothes.

From the tree of old age, the last yellow leaf flies,
The pomegranates of withered and shriveled cheeks turned blue.
Roof, door and four pillars of the wall of being
They threaten to fall. The time for destruction has come.

In vain do not mourn the former day,
Don't think about the next day.
Don't waste your time, live today
Here in this - the sky illumined day.

I haven't been sober for a day, I don't melt.
I'm always drunk; at night Frame * I drink,
Mouth - to the mouth of the phial; until dawn
I wrap my hand around the neck of the hum.

Are you not drunk? But don't blame the drunk!
You do not live by deceit, do not commit baseness!
Are you proud of me because you didn't drink wine?
You are sober, but full of filth, and filth overflows!

Drink wine, only it will bring you oblivion,
Only it will shake the soul of the enemy with confusion.
What is the use of being sober? Sobriety is the source of fruitless thoughts.
Everyone in this world is mortal, and everything will pass without a trace.

O chosen one, bow down to my words,
Do not be afraid of the inconstancy of the sky!
Sit humbly in the corner of contentment with small things,
Pay attention to the game of fate.

We plugged the jug with a dervish hack,
They washed the slums with earth.
Maybe we'll find a cellar in the dust
The life we ​​lost in the cellars?

The secrets of the world that I set out in the secret notebook,
I hid from people, for my own safety,
I can't tell anyone what I hide in my soul
Too many ignoramuses in this evil human herd

I just won’t hide before you, I’ll share my great secret:
Loving you, I will descend into grave dust,
And I will rise from the dust for you.

You tame greed, live by yourself,
Show contempt for the affairs of fate!
Your five-day age will rush quickly
Indulge in guilt, songs and love!

Although this world is only for you, you think, you are created,
Do not rely on him, be wise in heart.
After all, many people came before you - gone forever
Take what is yours before you yourself are taken to execution.

When everything is done not according to our desires,
What is the use of indulging in unnecessary suffering all your life?
We sit forever in sadness, thinking about
That a late arrival will be crowned with a quick farewell.

Not cold, not hot, a wonderful day.
The flowers of the meadows were sprinkled with heavenly rain.
And the nightingale sings - we will drink! Leaning towards a rose swarthy and lovely.

Say: who has not covered himself with sins,
You, glorified by good deeds?
I do evil, you repay me with evil, Tell me: what is the difference between us?

I am fed up with my life - full of vanity,
Fed up with troubles and poverty! Oh my god if you
Brought existence out of non-existence, then bring me out In the name of your existence - from woeful poverty!

You are the creator, and as I am, I am created by you.
I am in love with golden wine, and with strings, and with songs.
In the days of creation, so you create and conceived me.
So why am I doomed to burn in hell now?

Get up, don't worry! What sadness about the mortal languish?
Come join us for a cup of fun.
If the disposition of fate were constant,
Then you would never have had to be born.

In vain to grieve - you will not find useless worries,
He sowed and reaped the sky for generations before us.
Pour me a cup soon! Give it to me!
Everything that has happened has long been decided in advance.

0 god! Are you great in mercy?
Why is a rebel expelled from paradise?
There is no mercy - to forgive the obedient slaves, Forgive me, whose cry is full of rebellion!

Count at least seven heavens, at least eight above the earth, After all, your mind will not change their movement.
Since you have to die, does it matter: in the tomb
An ant will eat you, or a wolf in the wilderness of the steppe.

Cupbearer! What should I do with my heart?
The dead are better off in the grave, calmer for them.
No matter how many times I repented, no matter how many times I cried, I sin! Obviously, I'm incorrigible.

If you want the foundation of being to be strong
And spend at least two days without evil despondency,
Never shy away from fun and always drink,
To have time to drink all the delights from the earthly phial.

Worldly anxieties are a deadly hell, the cup is its antidote.
Blessed is the one who drinks the antidote, the fatal poison is not terrible for him.
With young peris, drink wine on a fresh carpet of green grass
All your days, until grass grows from your dust.

Be decisive! Refuse empty rites
long time ago
Do not be stingy, share with others what fate has given you.
In this world, do not encroach on the life and prosperity of poor people.
I answer with my head - you will be in paradise. So quickly bring the wine!

By the deeds of this world my mind is crushed,
My cloak on my chest is torn, irrigated with streams of tears.
The phial of the head of a drooping knowledge cannot be filled with wine, After all, a vessel cannot be filled when it is overturned.

I heed your reproaches as a word of malicious slander, You call me godless, a reveler, a reviling of the world.
I admit: you are right, I am a sinner, but look at yourself first,
Tell me the truth: are you really worthy to tell me all this?

From the world of the righteous spirit, not defiled by the valley
Came to you. Stand before him with a smile, not with fear,
And pour the cup of morning wine for the guest to the top,
So that he would say: "May Allah give you a happy day"

Again, from the clouds over the meadow, tears silently flow.
Wise men do not live in this world without wine.
We see the stems of thin blades of grass now,
Who will see the blades of grass that will sprout from us?

That you are busy with the future,
Are you tormented by a senseless struggle?
Live safely, have fun. at first
They didn't consult with you.

When I was the creator - the lord of the universe,
I would overthrow the ancient sky from the base
And he created a new one - one under which
All good wishes would be fulfilled instantly.

O wise one, get up early in the morning when it's cool,
And look how the boy kicks up the dust behind the fence
You kindly give him advice: "Quiet! No dust!
After all, this dust is Parviza * dust and the heart of Kay-Kubad"

My soul is always full of thirst for fiery wine,
Hearing needs the tunes of flutes and the rubaba string.
Let me become a jug after death on a potter's wheel,
If only this jug was full of a pure ruby ​​of wine.

If in our time the mind is both useless and harmful
And fate gives all the gifts to the ignorant and unreasonable,
Give me the cup that steals my mind; let me grow stupid And fate, perhaps, will turn a favorable look on me.

The rose said: "I am Yusuf of Egypt * among the meadows,
Like a precious lal in a crown of gold and pearls."
I said: "If you are Yusuf, where is the sign?" And a rose to me:
"Look at the blood of my clothes and you will understand everything without words?"

With wine and my beloved, I forgot both need and labor,
I do not expect mercy, I have no need for judgment.
I gave my soul, and my heart, and clothes as a pledge for wine, I am free from air, from earth, and fire, and water.

All that is - only fiction, flies away in a dream,
And not the chosen one who does not know about it.
Sit down, drink this cup and have fun!
Don't let regret torment you later.

Life is like a wall painting, created by you,
But the picture of strange absurdities is full.
I can't be better! You yourself in your crucible
My alloy created; you gave me the form.

Better to drink a sip of wine than conquer the kingdom!
Wise, everything that is not wine, try to avoid here,
One bowl is a hundred times higher than Faridun's * throne,
I will not want to exchange a wine jug for Khosrov's crown.

You tend to give explanations for various signs
Why is the rooster crowing so anxiously before dawn?
He saw in the mirror of the morning: another night
Gone irretrievably. And you didn't know about it?

Those three - in their incredible stupidity They probably honor themselves with the luminaries of knowledge.
You with them be a donkey. For these three donkeys
Whoever is not an ass at all is, therefore, unfaithful.

My jug was previously in love, all my torments
he knew
Curly curls captivated, like me, languished from love
And the handle on the neck of the jug - probably once was
The hand with which he hugged the neck of his beloved.

I am drawn to cheeks like a rose in spring.
I reach for the jug of wine and reach for the bowl with my hand.
Before my living vessel crumbles to dust,
I take a share from the joy of every earthly stretch.

Khayyam, if you are drunk with wine, thank fate,
If you are alone with your beloved, thank fate
End, extermination - the completion of all phenomena,
Until you are exterminated by death, give thanks to fate,

If you can, do not worry about the running time,
Do not burden your soul with the past or the future.
Spend your treasures while you are alive;
After all, all the same, in that world you will appear poor.

You take your share from the cycle of time
Sit on the throne of joy, drunk with wine.
Allah does not care whether we are obedient or disobedient,
Here take your happiness; Here is the eternal law of mortals.

In a dream, a feast said to me: "Leave your bed,
After all, the rose of joy cannot be plucked in a dream.

A true life hacker is designed in such a way that he just needs to periodically “sharpen his brain” - like cats sharpen their claws in order to be constantly in shape. May holidays are coming soon, summer is coming, and many of us will have a rest in the company or travel with friends. We would like to offer you some cool logic games to have fun in the company and once again train the convolutions. Games were selected according to the principle:

- no special props (such as cards, chips, dice, etc.)
- the ability to play in any environment (on the train, on the bus, in the country, by the fire or somewhere else).


Perhaps one of the most popular party games.

Number of players: minimum 3 people.

Rules: the host thinks of a word, a noun in nominative case, common noun, and announces to everyone the first letter of this word. The rest of the participants take turns asking questions-definitions, trying to guess what they have planned.

For example, I thought of the word "lifehacker", the first letter is "L". To the question "Is this not a predatory animal?" I need to quickly issue an answer that satisfies the conditions, that is, a predatory animal with the letter "L". Answer: "No, it's not a lion." Further similar questions without clarification (“Is this not another predatory animal?”) Are prohibited.

Participants need to come up with such a question, the answer to which at least two of them know, but the leader does not know (whispering and contracts are prohibited).

For example: "Is this not such an auxiliary statement for the proof of the theorem?" The answer is unknown to me, but one of the players understood what it was about. In this case, he shouts: "There is a contact!" and starts the countdown from 10 to 1. On the count of "1", the players shout out in chorus correct option. If they voiced the same thing, the contact is considered completed. In this case, the leader calls the second letter of the hidden word, and the game continues in the same vein until the whole word is guessed. The author of the correct question becomes the next presenter.

"Keeper of the Secret"

Mind-blowing and very exciting game. The host thinks of a phrase, slogan, quote known to all participants. Names the number of words in it. The players ask the "keeper" any questions. Each answer must contain a word from the hidden phrase. The answer must fit in one sentence.

Example: I thought of our slogan “Life is not perfect. Fix it!" I can ask 4 questions.

Vasya: What did you eat for breakfast today?
Me: All life I only eat tea sandwiches for breakfast.
Petya: Do you like Zemfira's last song?
Me: I don't listen to it, modern music imperfect, for my taste.

…and so on. After that, the participants analyze what they heard for some time (it is better to specify in advance how much exactly) and give out their version of the original phrase. It is allowed to record the host's answers: write them down on the phone or just on a piece of paper.


Number of players: even, minimum four

Everyone comes up with 5-10 words, nouns, common nouns, and writes them down on pieces of paper. Then all the pieces are collected in a heap and mixed. Players are divided into teams in pairs. In 30 seconds, you need to explain to your partner as many words as possible from randomly selected pieces of paper (we draw one at a time). Single-root words are prohibited in explanation. The opposing team turns on the stopwatch on the phone and keeps track of the time. We leave the successfully solved shreds to ourselves, put the unsolved ones back in a pile. Until the papers run out, the game continues. At the end, the teams count their points and determine the winner.


Good old detective fun. Danetka is a word puzzle, a confusing or strange story, part of which the presenter tells, and the rest must restore the sequence of events. Questions can only be asked that can be answered with "Yes", "No" or "Irrelevant", hence the name of the game. There is even a website dedicated to danetki.

"On the Road"

The facilitator writes down on paper (as an option - on the phone) a rule that determines what things you can take with you on the road. Then he says: “I will take with me ...” - and names the thing that you can take without violating the rule. The rest of the participants take turns asking if they can take this or that item with them, and the leader answers whether the rule allows taking this item or not.

The winner is the one who can guess the rule first. Rules can be both simple and very pretentious.

Of course, there is still the immortal "Crocodile", where the hidden words must be explained with gestures. But it still depends more on the acting abilities of the participants, and not on the intellectual ones.

What games are popular in your company?

Gambling intellectual games for adults for money, which you can play on the Internet, you can see here:

Other popular and common mind games for adults, as well as their detailed description, look on the relevant pages:

The age of computerization and high technology. The Internet consumes a lot of time: social networks, online games, skype have almost completely replaced live communication. Even gathering with friends in a cafe to drink a mug of delicious coffee, discuss last news and just chat, people get distracted by Cell phones and social networks. And yet, young people quite often hold parties, meetings, meetings under the slogan “no gadgets”. Perhaps this a good idea! Live communication is much more interesting, useful and more fun than talking on the World Wide Web.

In addition to talking at parties, you can also play various games. This will provide a fun, friendly atmosphere and will help rally the team. It will help to organize interesting and useful leisure time visiting the site page ""..

Intellectual games as a way of teaching communication

Intellectual games provide an opportunity not only to have a good time in an interesting company, but also to stimulate brain activity, improve memory, direct thinking in a creative direction! This kind of games will be of interest to everyone who likes to solve challenging tasks and think. They are fascinating and useful, they develop logic well.

Often in large corporations, intellectual games are used to get to know employees.

You can easily find any game or page on our resource. To do this, you need to use it - it is very convenient and understandable.

Entertainment scenario for children 5-6 years old with TNR with parents “I want to know everything”

Target: Development of cognitive interest
Tasks: 1. Correctional and educational tasks: to consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about spring and its signs, about the heroes of fairy tales, about animals and their habits, features; expand and activate the dictionary; to consolidate the skills of sound and syllabic analysis; development of expressiveness of speech.
2. Correction-developing tasks: development of visual attention, perception, logical thinking, memory, general motor skills, expressiveness of movements.
3. Correctional and educational tasks: the development of curiosity, cognitive interest, emotional responsiveness.
Material and equipment used: TV, audio recordings, tape recorder, two easels, two A3 sheets, two markers, scarf, puddles, two umbrellas, tokens.

Entertainment progress:

Presenter 1:
We have an unusual day.
We sincerely welcome you
Children gathered for a smart game
It's time for us to start!
1. All the children all day
Ask questions:
Why does Vanechka have
Is the nose so snub-nosed?
Why is there water in the river?
Where are the clouds going?
Why do birds fly
And they can't get lost?

2. Why should we sleep,
Will you get up again tomorrow?
Brush your teeth, wash your face
AT kindergarten going to?
Why should we eat
listen to the teacher?

3. One hundred questions - one hundred answers!
Do not tell everything right away.
Little by little you will know
Everyone learns to read.

4. The world is mysterious, spacious
Waiting for discoveries, good deeds.
Everything will give you, no doubt
What did you want to know.
Lead 2 Today, the most curious, the most inquisitive guys from the Dandelion group have gathered in our hall.
There is a knock on the door, a sad Dunno enters.
Leading:- Why are you so sad Dunno, what happened to you?
Dunno:- My friends from the "Flower City" were offended by me because I do not want to study. They say I'm not interested in being friends because I don't know anything.
Leading:- Guys, can we help Dunno become smarter and make peace with friends? (Children: yes) - Moms, can you help Dunno, because you know a lot of things? (moms: yes)
Well, then come out and help us as soon as possible.
Answer the questions and help the Dunno!
We want to find out now who will be better to help: mothers or children?
Leading (Dunno):- Introducing your assistants: the team
Children: "Inquisitive"
and team
Moms: "The wisest"
Dunno: Yes, and I'm a daredevil and I'm not stupid at all.
Leading: We believe in this, but we will verify it anyway. One - two, one - two, the game begins. Children: In spring, leaves or flowers bloom near a tree? (flowers)
Parents: Can a penguin call itself a bird? (no, he can't speak)
Children: In spring, streams or rooks murmur? (brooks)
Parents: How to pick a branch so as not to frighten away a bird? (you have to wait until she flies away)
Children: Do buds or leaves swell in spring? (kidneys)
Parents: Why do you go to the kitchen when you want to eat? (by gender)

Children: Do insects or birds come to us in spring? (birds)
Parents: Which street is sent to a person they do not want to see? (on the small Spasskaya roll sausage)
Children: Who comes out of the den in spring: a bear or a hare? (bear)
Parents: What strange metamorphoses happen to people who eat? When I eat... (I am deaf and dumb)
Children: Does the day get longer or shorter in spring? (longer)
Parents: What two notes are suitable for preparing the first hot dish? (beans)
Children: Does it get colder or warmer outside in spring? (warmer)
Parents: What a person female complains about his memory and distraction? (Masha-confused)
Children: Grandma Masha has a granddaughter Dasha, a cat Fluff and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does a grandmother have? (one)
Parents: I am in the seas and lakes. But I'm not in the water. What am I? (letter R)
Children: How many nuts are in an empty glass? (not at all)
Parents: What day of the week does it usually rain? (after the rain on Thursday)
Children: What will happen to a white handkerchief if you put it in Black Sea? (it will get wet)
Parents: How is the year usually: rectangular, round or square? (round)
Dunno at the same time tries all the time to answer questions incorrectly.
Leading: The jury sums up the results of the "Funny Questions" contest. We give them a word. How many syllables are in the word cat? (one)
The name of which of these items fits this scheme? (a lion)
The name of which subject begins with a solid consonant [l]? (boat)
What letter do these names begin with? Choose an object whose name begins with the same letter. (ram)
How many stacks are in the word plane? (3)
Leading: Dear jury, you have the floor, which of the teams turned out to be the most competent. Dunno: So stop boring me already, I want to play.
V.: And how?
N .: In my favorite game, and it's called "Puddles"
V .: Dear jury, evaluate the most athletic team. For children: The longest animal? (Giraffe)
Parents: Who sleeps upside down? ( bat)
To children: Who carries a cub in a bag? (kangaroo)
Parents: Which snake wears a hood? (cobra)
Children: A bird that cannot fly and is not afraid of frost? (penguin)
Parents: What animal builds dams on rivers? (beavers)
Children: Long-eared coward? (hare)
Parents: Which bird has the most beautiful tail? (peacock)
Children: What is the largest animal that lives on land? (elephant)
Parents: A tabby relative of a cat? (tiger)
Kids: What is the largest animal that lives in the ocean? (whale)
Parents: What animal is called the ship of the desert? (camel)
Children: Who wears his house on himself? (snail, turtle)
Parents: What bird does not build a nest? (cuckoo)
Leading: The jury will now tell us who loves animals more, children or parents. You need to guess the animal and show it to you.
Children - Who clicks with their teeth, yes click
Near the village wanders ... (wolf)
Genus. - Not a bird on the branch
The animal is small
The fur is warm like a heating pad
Who is this? (squirrel)
Children - In summer, a gray fur coat
And in winter - white
Wears a jumper
Fearful ... (bunny)
Genus. - Cunning cheat
red head
Fluffy tail - beauty
And her name is ... (fox)
Children - He sleeps in a den in winter
Under a tall pine
He is not an elephant or a monkey
This is a clubfoot ... (bear)
Genus. - Who digs tunnels in the forest
Builds dams on streams
Teeth like axes
They are working ... (beavers)
The jury evaluates who showed the best answer the team of “Knowers” ​​or “The Wisest”. Dance “We will go with you to the left 1-2-3 ...”
Leading: We give the floor to the jury, tell me who was the most "dancing". Dunno: Who are we going to draw?
Leading: But guess the riddle and portray it.
In a round-brimmed hat
And in pants to the knees,
Busy with different things
He's just too lazy to learn.
He is a famous artist
He is a famous poet
Wonderfully educated
He is very fashionably dressed.
Well guess it fast
What is his name? (Dunno)
- We will draw
Dunno portrait
Children will see the drawing
And there is no mother.
We'll blindfold them
And you can't peek
Let's take turns drawing
One part of the body
To move things faster.
Leading: The jury, I ask you to choose the best artists, and Dunno will help them. Children: What delicacy did Carlson love the most in Astrid Lindgren's tale? (jam)
Parents: What did the Distracted Man put on his head in S. Marshak's poem? (pan)
Children: Where did the bear sit down to eat the pie in the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"? (on a stump)
Parents: From what dishes did the Fox treat the Crane in Russian folk tale? (from a plate)
Children: What delicacy did Winnie the Pooh love the most (honey)
Parents: Who rode the tram in K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Cockroach"? (bunnies)
Children: Which character from the fairy tale fits this pattern? (kolobok)
Parents: Who helped Khavroshechka in a Russian folk tale? (cow)
Leading: Dear jury, we give you the floor.
Results of the Jury - certificates of the medal.
Dunno (crying): I can’t know everything, I can’t answer your difficult questions. Ah-ah-ah-ah.
B: Stop shedding tears.
To know a lot
Gotta not be lazy
kids: learn
V: What else?
Child: To know a lot
Gotta read a lot of books
V: That's right. What else?
Child: First think, think,
And then answer.
Stranger: Well, thanks for the advice,
I'll probably study all summer!
B .: Get more rest in the summer
Yes, read different books
Get back to school in the fall.
Stranger: Understood.