DIY games for the development of children's speech. Educational games for the development of speech with their own hands. Photo gallery: examples of logical tasks and games for older children

My friend, you and I have already been in space - it was an unforgettable adventure. Tell us about your impressions: what you saw, whom you met, what you were surprised and admired. Let's draw space together using unconventional techniques and a variety of materials!

Aqua- and monotype are techniques that allow you to make masterpieces even for those who have “stepped on the brush”. How it's done? Very simple! Dilute the gouache to a state of sour cream and drip thick paint on a flat, smooth surface (plastic, glass, mirror, etc.). Gently place a sheet of paper on top and, pressing lightly, pull it off. Get an unusual pattern-print. You can finish it by fantasizing about what happened and what the spots look like. Can you cut individual elements and stick them on another background.

If you paint with watercolors, try to salt it while it is still wet. dark background- get beautiful stars like in space!

You can also draw with plasticine. Take thick cardboard as a basis and outline the outlines of objects with a pencil. Then warm up the plasticine in your palms and smear it with a thin layer, trying not to go beyond the contour line. If something does not work out, remove the excess stack. I am sure you will get an amazing cosmic picture: voluminous and bright.

Plasticine can be divided into small pieces and rolled into multi-colored flagella-sausages. By twisting them into spirals immediately on a cardboard base, you will get unusual space landscapes.

Do you know why the surface of the moon is full of bumps and holes? These craters left falling in in large numbers meteorites. How to convey this in your work? Roll out the plasticine with a rolling pin into a thin layer and make “cheese holes” with something like a felt-tip pen cap. Spread the plasticine over the surface of the base within the outline drawing, and then glue the “perforated” piece on top.

And here is another way to draw the moon. Cut out the circle and apply the rings with PVA glue. When the glue dries, cover the workpiece with paint - you get a textured surface, very reminiscent of craters.

The word "grattage" comes from the French gratter - scrape, scratch.

Take a dense and preferably smooth sheet of cardboard. Cover it with colored wax crayons - this is the background. Paint the surface with black ink or gouache. Let dry well. Then, with a sharp stick or a non-writing refill, scratch space objects - they will glow from the darkness!

Drawing in the "passe-partout" technique is unusual and exciting. First, as in the previous example, you need to color a sheet of paper with colored wax crayons. Then draw patterns of planets, flying saucers, space rockets, stars, etc. Cut out templates (preferably from cardboard, it will be more convenient to circle them). Lay out the templates on a thick sheet of black paper, making a beautiful space composition. Circle them with a pencil and cut them out. manicure scissors(This step should be done by an adult!). Now put a black sheet of paper with holes cut out in the form of planets and stars on the “rug” painted with crayons.

"Collage" is a technique that allows you to combine various materials. Draw or print spacesuits, glue them to the space background. Instead of the astronauts' faces, substitute your photos. It worked out great!

Surely, during a space journey through the expanses of the Universe, you met amazing and unusual creatures. Tell me who was it?

Could it be space cats? Or aliens with many eyes and horns?

Here it is worth trying yourself in the technique of "blotography". Drop on a sheet of liquid paint and blow on it through a cocktail tube. What this colorful spot will turn into depends only on your imagination.

If you want to invite some of your friends or relatives on a space trip, make themed postcards for such an occasion.

The next time you fly into space yourself, be sure to send me a space postcard and tell me about your adventures.

Dear readers! We are waiting for your ideas in the comments! Share space impressions with us.

"Each atom of our body
was once a star.
Vincent Freeman

A week ago on our creative instagram @miftvorchestvo we launched a competition for best performance assignments from the notebook "642 ideas of what to draw" . The task sounded simple - space. Many creative and creative works were published for the competition. You can see them all by the tag. We publish best work and give step by step master class how to learn to draw space.

The best works for the contest #642 ideascosmos

"If you can't fly into space, make it fly to you." Photo by @al.ex_kv.

And when darkness sleeps beside you, And the morning is far away, I wanna hold your hand and guide you…” Parov Stelar ft. Lilja Bloom - Shine. Photo by @julia_owlie.

Are they really cool? 🙂

Step by step master class

If you did not participate in the competition, but also want to learn how to draw space, save yourself somewhere these step by step instructions what and how to do to make it bright and beautiful.

1. In order to draw the Universe, only 3-4 colors are enough. At least that's how much you can start with. Important: watercolor sheet should be very dense so that it does not wrinkle from water and so that the paint spreads nicely and evenly.

2. The outline can be drawn with a hard pencil to indicate the area that you will wet with water. Wet some of the allocated space.

3. Apply paint to wetted area. Try to keep the outlines nice.

4. Wet the rest of the space with water and paint a different color. Selectively make bright inclusions throughout the pattern. The drawing must be wet so that the paint spreads beautifully.

5. After the drawing is completely dry, apply the stars. This can be done with white or yellow paint using an old toothbrush.

6. Some stars can be drawn more carefully.

Photo for the master class from

If you sprinkle salt on a wet drawing, then the structure of the cosmos will turn out to be even more interesting. Salt will absorb some of the paint, and shaking it off after it dries completely, in place of the salt there will be beautiful white dots and clouds.

On our creative Instagram @miftvorchestvo we will regularly hold competitions for notebooks "642 ideas what to draw", "642 ideas what to write about" and "642 ideas what else to write about" (new!). Subscribe to be aware of everything creatively interesting and creatively fun.

P.S. Did you like it? Subscribe to our new newsletter. Every two weeks we will send 10 of the most interesting and useful materials from the MIF blog.

Every year in early April, schoolchildren are introduced to such a Russian holiday as Cosmonautics Day. This date is famous for the first manned flight into space. To make it more interesting for children to study this topic, usually hold competitions for the best drawing for Cosmonautics Day. " What to draw by April 12? - this question interests many parents and their children.

I have collected for you a bunch of interesting and modern ideas for drawings that children can repeat different ages, from primary school to the elders. Some ideas come with step by step tutorials. I hope you find for yourself

What can you draw for Cosmonautics Day?


How to draw an astronaut in four different options you will find in .


There are a lot of lessons on drawing space on the Internet, there are both step-by-step photo tutorials and videos. Most often, when drawing space, watercolor is used, because. it is translucent and blends easily.

I like the videos on the channel TILLITH. She has a whole playlist of how to draw space.

Here is one of her videos:

There is also a step by step on my site.


In a recent tutorial, I showed:


How to draw artificial satellite I found colored pencils on the site


The planet is easy to draw, but it always looks epic, especially if it is beautifully painted.

Below step by step lesson how to draw a planet like saturn.

Step 1

First draw a nice and big circle to illustrate the volume of the planet. Leave some space on each side to draw the rings later.

Step 2

Now for the rings: draw a long and thin oval shape in the center of the circle. You can tilt this shape (nearly a 45 degree angle) to make the planet look more inviting.

Step 3

Now transform the oval shape into a beautiful and sharp ring. Gently erase the extra lines.

Step 4

Then add some lines on the planet to create various stripes gas. You can also add a couple more rings.

Step 5

Use several colors of orange and yellow shades. The combination of these colors will make the planet more realistic.

Step 6

The last step is to add shadows: one on the right side, one under the ring, and one behind the planet on the right side of the rings.

A beautiful, colorful and voluminous planet drawn in just six simple steps ready!

Orbital station

You will find a lesson on drawing a station.


space doodles

This direction in drawing arose not so long ago and now it is mega popular. Verbatim doodle- these are dashes, scribbles, meaningless drawings that are created mechanically, thinking about something else. Drawing space objects in the doodle style looks very welcome. Here are a few examples that you can easily repeat with a black helium pen. And if you then color the drawing, then you have every chance to take first place in the competition for the best drawing for Cosmonautics Day!

Images taken from


moon with starry sky

Hope you find it for yourself interesting idea for drawing for the Day of Cosmonautics. Connect your imagination and you will succeed!

Congratulations to all the greatest event in history! This morning, August 6, 2012 reached its goal and landed in the region of the Martian crater Gale - the Mars rover Curiosity!

Introduction: Where are we from and why are we the way we are? People never stop evolving. Human possibilities are getting better and better every day. Although the duration of our life is short, but with the help of modern technologies kids so quickly absorb new knowledge that it seems that a modern kid is a real scientist compared to people who lived two hundred years ago. Don't believe? I'll prove. AT this moment, You, my dear readers, are near your monitor and, surfing the net, are looking for pencil drawing lessons, it is so? But in order to get them, you use a lot of knowledge and skills that are not available common man earlier, for example:

  1. Fast typing on the keyboard
  2. Use of search engines
  3. Use of key combinations, sets of codes, ciphers
  4. Even for a simple VKontakte registration, knowledge of a certain algorithm will be required.

Are you still unsure? But today, at this particular moment, you have much more knowledge than advanced programmers 30 years ago! And you try to explain to your grandfather, who never used a computer, that it is possible to see Paris from a bird's eye view without leaving your home on Google Maps, or even cooler to take a virtual walk through the streets of the city. And this opportunity has become a common thing for us for a long time! I will return to my question. Who are we? Why can't kote know how to type on the keyboard, even though he lives with us? We are different. Maybe not even from this planet, not from this galaxy. Unsuccessful attempts to find out here on Earth no longer leave hope. Therefore, the most brainy people from our planet are trying so hard to explore the expanses of space. I'm sure the answer is there. Let's just wish them luck! Let's get back to drawing.

How to draw space with a pencil step by step

Step one. We draw a round shape for the planet and the outlines of the landscape.
Step two. Let's correct the contours of the planet and its satellite. In the foreground we draw two little men, these are astronauts sent to the moon.
Step three. Let's add strokes.
Step four. Let's draw a starry sky. Or, to be more precise, this outer space. In the middle of the lunar landscape we will draw several craters.
Step five. And it remains to add some shadows. As a result, we got such a picture of space:
I hope scientists will still be able to find life on this planet. And in the near future we will fly to Mars not like scientific expeditions, but as if it were a vacation ticket, like Korben Dallas in the movie The Fifth Element. See the continuation of this lesson.

Drawing master class for preschoolers of the senior preparatory group on the topic: "COSMOS" in stages with a photo

Sredina Olga Stanislavovna, educator, head of the art studio of MDOU CRR d.s. No. 1 "Bear cub", Yuryuzan, Chelyabinsk region

Creation of educational, gift or competitive work
Paper A3 white or colored double-sided, wax crayons, salt, gouache or black watercolor, soft brush No. 3-5
Creation of works on the space theme
Education different ways space images
Improving practical skills in wax crayons and watercolors
Education of patriotism.
Development of curiosity

Preliminary work:

1 We consider photographs of space depths.

2 We get acquainted with the history of cosmonautics, with the names and achievements of our outstanding cosmonauts. We remember the names: Yuri Gagarin, Valentina Tereshkova, Alexei Leonov. The world's first astronaut, the first woman in space, the first man to go into outer space. We look at photographs, talk about the difficulties and charms of the profession of space explorers. How did test pilots become cosmonauts? What kind of training did they have? We dwell in more detail on the first manned spacewalk.

2 - We think about space, UFOs, aliens. We discuss films and cartoons. We think what they can be - aliens: good or evil?

3 - Literary lounge:

Arkady Khait
In order, all the planets will be called by any of us:
One is Mercury, two is Venus, three is Earth, four is Mars.
Five is Jupiter, six is ​​Saturn, seven is Uranus, followed by Neptune.
He is eighth in a row. And after him already, then,
And a ninth planet called Pluto.

V. Orlov
Flying in space
Steel ship around the Earth.
And though its windows are small,
Everything is visible in them at a glance:
Steppe expanse, sea surf,
Or maybe you and me!

Practical work No. 1: "Deep Space"

To draw a cosmic landscape, we need stencils of circles of various diameters. You can use special rulers or various "improvised tools".

We draw several planets with wax crayons, placing them arbitrarily on the plane of the sheet. You can apply the technique of superimposing the near planets on the planets, or depict one of the planets only partially.

After creating a space composition, we crumple a sheet of paper, twisting it several times, and gently straighten it

Coloring the planets. So that the planets do not look like grandmother's balls with threads, we draw very carefully with crayons, do not go beyond the edges.
Before we start working in color, we remember how forests, mountains, deserts and oceans look from space, we think about whether all planets can look the same? Fiery and foggy, sandy, gaseous and icy - they can look absolutely fantastic. Coming up with complex color combinations.

We cover the entire sheet with black watercolor. Paint, accumulating in cracks, creates a mysterious depth of outer space.

Practical work No. 2: "Exit to open space"

For this work, we need a figurine of an astronaut in a spacesuit, circles of various diameters and a silhouette of a rocket.

All figures are placed on the sheet in random order. We start with a rocket and an astronaut. Then add the planets.

Inside the silhouettes we delimit the planes. We add portholes on the rocket, we divide the spacesuit into separate parts. We begin to color the rocket, the astronaut and the planets in stages. In order to create a festive atmosphere, we take bright, juicy colors.

Adding stars. We take yellow and white crayons. We place them in small groups, in the form of constellations, or line them up, (as Milky Way). Each star is a distant, distant sun, around which planets can revolve and there can be life on them.

We take a brush and black paint (watercolor or gouache) and begin to paint over the entire work. First we draw lines along the edge of the sheet, then we work along the entire sheet.

While the paint is not dry, we “salt” the drawing. In the place where a grain of salt has fallen, the paint seems to collect, and with the help of this technique, the cosmos again becomes deep and mysterious.

Children's work (5-6 years old)

Pattern options
Flying saucers (UFOs) can be very diverse. Turning on the fantasy, we depict the aircraft of aliens.