Why dream of a lot of children's toys. The toys are soft. I dreamed of a Toy, what is it for, what does a Toy mean in a dream

Seeing - family joys;
broken - grief will fill your heart with sadness;
children playing with toys are a sign of happiness family life;
to see children's toys - you have huge prospects in front of you, important acquaintances are possible;
disassemble children's toys or choose them in a store - you completely forgot about the main thing, all your attention was absorbed by the little things;
give away toys - friends will ignore you;
giving toys is a sign of joy, friendly relations with colleagues;
play toys - your dreams will not come true.
Also see Children, Game Library, Game, Shop, Yula.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

What does it mean in a dream Toys

Seeing them in a dream - to frustration and grief due to the loss of money. Sometimes such a dream means an undeserved offense for lovers. If you dream that someone is playing with a toy and this causes your surprise in a dream, then a certain person will appear in your life and will twirl you around as he wants. Giving someone a toy in a dream is a sign that this person will effortlessly cope with some business that you entrust him with. To dream of children calmly playing with their toys means peace and tranquility in the family. If the children make a lot of noise during the game, which will cause your irritation, then your family well-being shaken by scandals or quarrels. See interpretation: children.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Meaning of Dreams Toys

If you dreamed that you were sorting through a wide variety of toys, try to get rid of the complexes that prevent you from feeling the charm of sexual relations and showing yourself as a gentle, affectionate and attentive partner.

Giving toys - Your sexual relationship with your loved one will soon lose passion and sharpness, smoothly turning into platonic - warm and friendly.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate dream book

What does toys mean in a dream

Seeing toys in a dream portends sadness, boredom and disappointment in life. Many children's toys mean that you will have numerous offspring. Buying toys in a dream means that the business you are starting is so insignificant that it will not justify the efforts that will have to be made for it. successful implementation. Playing with toys is a sign of meaningless hobbies and wasting money and time.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Meaning of Sleep Toys

New - to joy, broken - danger.

Imagine that instead of broken ones you have new, beautiful, expensive toys. They are given to you or bought.

Interpretation of dreams from

Everyone remembers the phrase that we all come from our childhood. What we become in the future is ninety-nine percent determined by our childhood experiences.

Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to the images of childhood that arise in dreams. For example, why do toys dream.

Moreover, in a dream you can see different toys:

  • Soft
  • pupae
  • New Year decoration

Each toy has its own symbolic meaning, each of which gives a dream book in detail.

Kids toys

If you have to see children's toys, this promises you great joy. Moreover, this joy will be completely sincere and pure - it is not without reason that your dream suggests this in such an innocent way. It is not very good if they are broken in a dream - in this case, the dream book says that you may have to face minor disappointments.

For a woman, buying children's toys in a store or accepting children's toys as a gift is a sign of the desire for motherhood. This is a sign that a woman is morally determined to devote herself to a new life, become a mother and accept a new one.

Children's toys are always associated with the family side of life. Seeing how children play with cubes, dolls and cars means that your home will be filled with love and happiness. But sometimes the dream book interprets children's toys as great prospects that have appeared on the horizon.


A dream in which dolls appear is a great sign. This is a symbol of your extremely huge potential to be revealed. But such a dream may hint to you that it's time to relax a little. You are probably working too hard, overworking yourself and completely immersing yourself in work. Your subconscious mind yearns and seeks to return back to a calm childhood.

The dream interpretation interprets such a dream for a woman in different ways:

  • For a childless woman to see games with dolls - good sign. It is likely that soon the family will replenish.
  • For a pregnant woman, dolls represent her excessive concern for the health of her child, her fear of being a bad mother. They need to be put down because real life no reason to worry.

If in a dream they give you a doll, know that everything will work out. Your dreams will come true, and plans will be realized. It is also possible to improve the financial situation. When you feel that a gift is too good for you, it is a signal that you need to overcome your fears, doubts, and weaknesses.


Soft toys are one of the most significant characters childhood. Do you remember how dear the teddy bear was to you? Perhaps a dream where a soft figure appears indicates that you lack attention or warmth.

Visit relatives, communicate more with friends. Maybe they need your support, and maybe you need it too. If the toy is large, your desire for companionship is especially strong.

Also, a large soft toy can be a symbol of the fact that it's time to move away from the rules and habitual attitudes. Time to look new way, new direction. If you pay attention to this dream, something unforgettable awaits you, a very important turn in your life path.

Christmas decorations

Christmas decorations are always associated with the New Year holidays. Therefore, their appearance in a dream is an omen of imminent happy changes, good luck and future happiness. If you hang decorations with loved ones and relatives, you are waiting for a joyful family life filled with warmth.

But do not delve deeply into the essence of the dream if you dream of Christmas decorations just when they begin to discuss everywhere new year holidays. Most likely, you are just worried about the upcoming turmoil associated with the holidays. And all your thoughts are preoccupied with buying gifts and treats.

Seeing Christmas balls and beads hung on a beautiful New Year tree - such a symbol promises an upcoming celebration that will bring together people very close to you. If in such a dream you also see snow, the holiday will be unforgettable.

Try to remember all the details of such a dream so that the dream book can give you the most accurate interpretation of what the toy is dreaming of. Do not disregard the Christmas decorations that you dreamed about (especially not on the eve of the holiday).

Our dreams are a real guide to action.

I dreamed of a Toy, what is it for, what does a Toy mean in a dream

Slavic dream book The meaning of sleep Toy:

You dreamed of a Toy for what it is - for difficulties in business for stupid things that you can do. Aries.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife Dream had a Toy.

Toy - a frivolous or childish attitude to something; immaturity in a relationship with someone.

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell What does Toy mean:

You dreamed of a toy, what is it for, toys - you are dreaming of a new toy with which the child plays with pleasure - a dream promises you small family joys that will take up a lot of space in your soul. You see in a dream an old toy, in the direction of which the child does not even look - you will be upset due to some kind of deception; someone's transgression will sadden you. You see a lot of toys in a dream - a wide field of activity will open before you in real life; wherever you look - everywhere interest. You are at the window baby store as if choosing a toy - in fact, you should be more critical of your actions; perhaps, carried away by pleasant cute little things, you forgot about some important matter on which your prosperity directly depends. In a dream, you give someone a toy - in your service - in a team - everything will be fine; squabbles, envy, sitting up, gossip - it's all somewhere, it's not with you. You yourself (perhaps in the company of a child) play with toys - some of your dreams are undoubtedly beautiful, but they are not destined to come true.

Jewish dream book What does a toy mean in a dream:

What do toys mean in a dream - Carry toys home - fuss and do trifles. Throw away old toys - take up your mind and try to arrange your life in a new way.

Magical dream book In a dream, why is the Toy dreaming?

What does it mean to see in a dream you dreamed of a Toy, what is it for - petty whims, broken toys - whims that turn into whims. For a young woman to dream of a lot of different toys - to numerous offspring.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does a Toy mean in a dream:

What do Toys mean in a dream - New - to joy, broken - danger. Imagine that instead of broken ones you have new, beautiful, expensive toys. They are given to you or bought.

English dream book What is the dream of a Toy in a dream?

What does it mean to see in a dream you dreamed of Toys for what it is - In childhood, toys helped us to explore the world or entertained. As adults, we look at them with nostalgia or replace them with adult toys. Why dream: In adulthood, dreams about children's toys, especially soft ones, may indicate a desire to either have a child or return to childhood. Educational games involve the desire to shape or change your world to be more in line with your ideas. Dreams about managerial toys, such as Newton's cradle, a pendulum system of five steel balls suspended by strings. - Approx. translation, they talk about the desire to relieve stress at work, and adult sex toys indicate that you want to add pepper to your sex life.

Psychoanalytic dream book If you dream of a Toy, what is it for?

Interprets the dream book: What does a toy mean in a dream. 1. Toys present in a dream inform us about children or about our own childish nature. Toys illuminate the creative, playful or naive side of themselves. 2. It is necessary to consider the type of toys that arise in a dream. They often define what we play with. We may get confused in new ideas or relationships with each other. Or we just need to “play” more, relax, have fun. 3. Toys can suggest that there is an opportunity to "make" your own life. Just as a child creates his own world through toys, so can we.

Why dream of toys?

Dreams are a whole undersea world our subconscious. Sometimes dreams are prophetic, sometimes they simply reflect the course of our lives. But interpreting dreams is always interesting, amusing, unforgettable! If you see toys in your dream, it means that you will soon be able to change the usual and already boring course of your life.

It is not difficult to determine exactly what toys are dreaming of. Firstly, if you dreamed of toys in any form, this means that you have been taking your life and everything that happens in it too seriously lately.

At least sometimes it’s worth letting everything take its course, and enjoying life, and not trying to manage it.

Usually toys are dreamed of for joy, but seeing broken toys in a dream is an unfavorable sign.

If you dreamed of toys that are on the shelves of a children's store, most likely you are wasting your energy on trifles, forgetting about what is actually more important in life.

If you dream that you are given a toy, it means that soon someone will throw you extra trouble.

If in a dream you give a toy to a child, this is a good and positive sign, but if you also play with these toys with your child, this is not a good sign, you may soon lose money or some of the things that are dear to you - so be careful.

Seeing toys in a dream for a pregnant woman means that she will have twins or more children at once, that is, that she is carrying more than one child.

If children's toys were dreamed of by an adult man, he will fall in love, or his relationship with the other half will switch to new stage.

If in a dream they give you a huge toy, expect good changes in life that will happen later. If you are given a small toy, changes are possible very soon.


pavel parfyonov-inadequate

To a big soft kind and warm man.

Dina Shirokova

toys dream of deception.


Will you marry an entrepreneur or not be married at all ....


You lack affection, both in personal and everyday relationships (family) But you will soon have joy, through long expectations (road) All the best to you.


Usually I dream of toys for a waste of money and time)) Seriously)))

No matter how it is a toy, it is necessary to go shopping or party)))

Grigory Miroshin

Do not trust anyone and any interpretation of advisers from the Internet. Like dreams in general. Can be prophetic dreams. These may be harbingers of the disease, while it is hidden.


You want a lot of tenderness


will interesting meeting you will be very glad at this meeting that you met this person, you will admire him and rejoice at the envy of the rest BUT! the more you get to know him, the more you will be disappointed and finally make sure that you were just rudely deceived (it will be a girl)


uncomfortable hard bed

bob marlon

there will be a conflict, grief is inevitable, a great savior will meet and life with him will be long

Natasha Soshenko(Moiseichenko)

Or maybe it's just a dream? Yes, childhood memories. Anyway, I wish you good luck.


In general, dreams are unnecessary information that the brain gets rid of. Either you really do not have enough attention, understanding, love and tenderness, or you have recently had stress.


You are probably just lonely somewhere deep down in your soul ... although you may not realize it and you want to strong hand and support, which you apparently do not have enough


You will have great joy, that's for sure.


This, most likely, just the subconscious played a joke ... maybe you saw soft toys recently, here's a dream for you ....


Hello! You will have a lot of trouble due to the loss of money, but you will receive news that will console you if you cried sobbing, and the cry was not fake.


maybe under the impression how they were or offended someone and your emotions play in a dream

[email protected]

You won't find the right answer here.
Already answered 35 people and all in different ways ...
Who are you going to believe?
Yes, books are interpreted differently.

I am the one who comes to help.

because you yourself are a big plush ygoushka.


Live as you lived and don’t worry about it, because there is a special table of Ptolemy designed for sleep depending on the lunar month, and its outcome is already specified there, you don’t have it, consider everything wasted

Soft toy hare

Dream Interpretation Soft toy hare had a dream about why a soft toy hare is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a soft toy hare in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Soft toy

A serious life conflict can be reflected in the game, which shows that the individual is ready to realize the unconscious causes of the conflict.

The fundamental features of the game, in contrast to real actions, are ritualization, stereotypes, the lack of bringing behavior to the end.

Dream Interpretation - Toys

Seeing - family joys;
broken - grief will fill your heart with sadness;
children playing with toys are a sign of a happy family life;
to see children's toys - you have huge prospects in front of you, important acquaintances are possible;
disassemble children's toys or choose them in a store - you completely forgot about the main thing, all your attention was absorbed by the little things;
give away toys - friends will ignore you;
giving toys is a sign of joy, friendly relations with colleagues;
play toys - your dreams will not come true.
Also see Children, Game Library, Game, Shop, Yula.

Dream Interpretation - Hare

The image of a hare that arose in a dream, most likely, was caused in reality by such well-known folk expressions as: “You chase two hares, you won’t catch one” or “Cowardly, like a hare.” Maybe in real life you encountered a two-faced person and thought about what it is like for a hare to change its color. There is also a well-known folk omen, which also, deposited in your subconscious, could cause the image of a hare to appear in your dream: “A hare runs around the village - to the fire.”

Everyone knows that a hare is a cowardly animal, and how can he be brave if so many predatory animals hunt him. In a word, if you dreamed of a hare, then your subconscious reminded you of such human weaknesses as cowardice and excessive shyness.

Watching a hare in a dream, which, hiding, runs around a fox's hole, is a sign that before deciding on a very important act, you should think carefully about whether it will cause great misfortune. The bitter experience of your loved ones will help you understand this.

Chasing two hares in a dream means that in real life you need to follow the well-known folk wisdom: “You chase two hares, you won’t catch a single one,” that is, don’t take on several things at once, because you won’t be able to do any of them properly.

To dream of a hare hiding under a bush is evidence that in real life you cannot rely on your friend, because, in all likelihood, he will lead you.

Seeing a hare curled up in a dream is a sign that in real life you tend to be “in the shadows”, that is, not to interfere in any business and try not to attract the attention of other people. The dream says that you need to fight your shyness, otherwise your life will be boring and unnoticed.

Watching in a dream how a hare changes color is a harbinger of your meeting with an unreliable two-faced person who will not only deceive your expectations, but also bring you a lot of grief.

Seeing a hare in a cage in a dream is a prophecy that you will finally be able to cope with your shyness.

If you dreamed of a wounded hare, then in reality one of your loved ones needs your help very much, but is embarrassed to contact you.

Seeing a hare running around the city in a dream means that in real life you should be more careful with matches. Exist real threat fire.

Dream Interpretation - Toy

Old toys - to sadness and frustration, a new toy is a sign of success in the future.

To receive a toy as a gift - to changes in life, which will not be soon.

Give someone a toy - such a dream is the respect of colleagues and management, and possibly a promotion.

Children's doll - you will have a pleasant pastime and entertainment that will remind you of your childhood years.

Playing with inflatable toys yourself or with children is a harbinger of your overwork and heavy loads. You need to rest more and pay attention to your health.

Dream Interpretation - Hare. rabbit

A symbol of indecision and heightened intuition.

A killed or runaway hare is a jump to success.

A caught hare in the hands is a disease, a nuisance.

The hare is dreaming - You are probably far from the top of the service pyramid.

Maybe you are not assertive enough - the hare in your dream hints at this.

Even old dream books report that seeing a hare is bad luck.

However, hares also have good useful qualities: fast reaction, keen hearing.

Sometimes, the appearance of a hare in a dream, as it were, warns you: "be on the lookout."

Dream Interpretation - Toy

The toy is a substitute object and, depending on its type, it can act as a model of mother/father, siblings, objects of aggression.

But the toy is also an object of projection and a model of the future (Barbie).

The need to replace real objects and objects may be associated with fear of them (aggressive toy), deprivation (doll as a mother model).

Control symbol (a toy in the hands of others).

Dream Interpretation - Toys

Seeing them in a dream - to frustration and grief due to the loss of money. Sometimes such a dream means an undeserved offense for lovers. If you dream that someone is playing with a toy and this causes your surprise in a dream, then a certain person will appear in your life and will twirl you around as he wants. Giving someone a toy in a dream is a sign that this person will effortlessly cope with some business that you entrust him with. To dream of children calmly playing with their toys means peace and tranquility in the family. If the children make a lot of noise during the game, which will cause your irritation, then your family well-being will be shaken due to scandals or quarrels. See interpretation: children.

Dream Interpretation - Toys

Seeing toys in a dream portends sadness, boredom and disappointment in life. Many children's toys mean that you will have numerous offspring. Buying toys in a dream means that the business you are starting is so insignificant that it will not justify the efforts that will have to be made for its successful implementation. Playing with toys is a sign of meaningless hobbies and wasting money and time.

Dream Interpretation - Hare

A sign of weakness. You have to experience some kind of fear.

For newlyweds and unmarried girls, it can also be a symbol of love and marital fidelity.

Running hare - dreams of wealth or profit.

Run after a hare - fortunately.

Drive in the network - to gossip.

Catch a hare - at a loss.

Feed a hare - to poverty.

White hare - marks friendship and success.

Black hare - marks chagrin.

Dream Interpretation - Hare Rabbit

Hare, rabbit - fulfillment of desires.

To see a running hare - happiness, wealth.

Walking behind him is an unexpected happiness.

To catch up with him is consent to marriage or a marriage proposal.

Feed a hare - get married / well-being in business.

They give you a hare - love.

There is a hare - malaise / some secret / conversation with his wife.

A hare gnaws something - poverty.

Catching a hare, holding it in your hands is a short illness.

Breeding rabbits is fortunate.

To see a lot of hares, rabbits is to experience fear.

A hare, a rabbit in dreams - can also symbolize marital fidelity, love, attraction of spouses to each other.

To remove a skin from a rabbit or a hare - to be in a hopeless situation.

Why dream of big soft toys?



Toys - dream of joy. Dream Interpretations say that a soft toy portends some pleasant events. To receive a toy as a gift in a dream - to changes in life, which will not be soon. Toys are the prerogative of childhood. Their appearance in a dream indicates that you are missing a child, too focused on problems.

Timakka Achi

love will be nice

Why dream of soft toys?


Ella Borodina

Soft toys are a symbol of affection and tenderness. You will be touched in reality


girlish padruzhki soft toys



I chose a zebra-colored bra with pink inserts in the mebe store, and below there were soft bears, and I chose one and bought too


Hello! My husband and I are planning a child. I dreamed that I was sorting out my niece’s medium soft toys, my husband was standing nearby and looking. Of these, I found a soft toy of my childhood (a dog) and I told him: “Look, this one is from my childhood! »Why would such a dream) Thanks for the answer)


in a dream, I sort out a huge pile of soft toys and lay them out in 2 bags. One is old and ugly, the other is new and beautiful. The ones that are beautiful are going to give the three children of their tenants.


I dreamed that I went out to meet my young man (whom I actually meet). We met in a place familiar to me. The atmosphere was very familiar, not far from my house. We hugged at the meeting. From the yard behind my boyfriend, a man of 30-35 years old yelled at us, saying: “And then it’s someone’s birthday.” Although it was an ordinary day. kind and said: “Birthday is good, you can drink for it.” She had a bottle of beer in her hand. And, having finished speaking, she drank a little and went on. .Turning back, the guy was not around, I, thinking that he would return now, remained waiting for him in the same place and after a while he returned with a bouquet of pink tulips, in my opinion, in a beautiful wrapper and with 3 teddy bears, from small to big, but not too big. And he gave it all to me with the words: “Once you told me that you love teddy bears, so I decided to please you.” In my life, I didn’t say such a guy, but maybe in another dream of that night. After that I thanked him and good mood went home. In life, my boyfriend tends to give me gifts for no reason. But usually it's something insignificant, like a little juice, headphones, some yummy.



Good afternoon. I dreamed that we had one person (a person I know). He brought us dried fruits. There were a lot of Christmas decorations. I chose them


Good afternoon!!! I dreamed of such beautiful white snow, big snow flakes, z I was driving a car and then I went to the store and was going to buy Christmas decorations, so beautiful, different sizes and shapes, shiny toys. Why dream such a dream ???


I dreamed that I was looking at a Christmas tree decorated with New Year's decorations and told my children (I really don’t have children) that if their father, my husband (actually I have a husband) takes away at least some of these decorations, then I will divorce him


Tatyana, good afternoon! i dreamed that I was spinning like a “top” toy only a Christmas tree decoration made of glass in the shape and coloring of Santa Claus, after which, during rotation, it falls off the table and breaks, at that time I say that luckily .. I have not seen such a decoration before . but I’m more worried about another dream - I often dream about how I climb the stairs either in the theater, or in the circus, or at school to the concert hall (I haven’t been a schoolgirl for a long time), up the stairs to the stadium and then sit down in the spectator’s seat and look at the empty hall/arena. and then I leave through some dirty, damp basement, always, as if through a back door..i.e. I don’t see the idea itself, the places are different, but the essence is the same. I've been dreaming for 3-4 years now. in general, stairs, steps and basements are often dreamed of. Thanks in advance.


Christmas tree with colorful toys and she fell some of the toys broke, A lot of people nearby. i'm drunk.


Hello! My name is Svetlana .. I want to tell you my dream. In the morning I had a dream about my son-in-law and he had some toys, dolls, etc. in his hands. solve the dream. I will be very glad to see you. Thank you in advance.


I dreamed about how I collect colorful Christmas tree toys lying on the snow. But the snow is not quite white and fluffy. There is a lot of it, but there is melted blackness. And I bring home a whole bunch of New Year's toys. But she brought it not to her home, but to a house unknown to me, similar to a hotel room or an office. But she didn't leave it there. On this I woke up.


at first my husband was decorating the New Year tree, then I came up and it seemed to me that I still needed to decorate it and I finished decorating it, but everything beat in a strange house there it was very clean toys were round balls of different sizes


our old apartment(in this moment this apartment is not there,) mom is busy in the kitchen, and dad tells her (he died a long time ago) that he needs to prepare for the guests, mom does not evilly answer him that dirt in the kitchen he tells her with a smile that her kitchen is always in order. and at that time I stand nearby and look at them, and in my head the thought is how to tell them that I am pregnant (I am not 100 percent pregnant) and then dad goes to the hall and passing looked into the bedroom and there the room is hung with Christmas tree decorations everything shimmers (there is no Christmas tree) and then I find myself on the street, winter, snowdrifts. I wave my head that I won’t go, then he himself comes to me and smiling says that he’s not at all afraid to get to know them and everything will be fine and in a dream I understand that I’m pregnant from him (I haven’t slept with him in my life) then I woke up


I dreamed of two spools of thread - one dark pink and the second green, what is it for? And today I painted in a dream christmas balls and the colors were the same.


from afar I see a lake, I come closer to it and instead of water there are New Year's toys, all the same, and now I start to swim in them


hello. I dreamed that the president settled in our house. he made an extraordinary beauty in our entrance. when the residents came in, they were surprised and began to doubt whether they had entered their own entrance. on each residential balcony were hung christmas garlands. our house was just all lit up with colorful lights. each residential apartment was decorated with New Year decorations. I remember a blue ribbon with a large bow that allegedly hung on against entrance doors, in my apartment. then I woke up.


i dreamed that a woman I knew gave me 5-6 New Year's toys, one of them was big, they were in a red bag


i dreamed that I saw a huge dark blue New Year's toy more than a Christmas tree, then dad ran after me to say something, then my friend betrayed me and burned my shoes, though not much


I dreamed that some guy was handing me a New Year's toy of blue color, all iridescent - it was a horse, but I did not take it. Then he handed me into my hands a huge Christmas tree all iridescent red toy, I examine it in my hands, and this is a tumbler. And a feeling of happiness!


Hello Tatiana. I dreamed of two Christmas balls tonight, in my opinion one is red and the other is yellow. , they hung on a Christmas tree branch, and on Friday I dreamed of a big beautiful Christmas tree, in toys, it seems, as if abroad, such types of animals are different wooden


I dreamed about how I put scattered Christmas tree decorations in a bag, somewhere on a matinee. It seemed to me in a dream that these toys were familiar to me, and I had already seen them. All decorations were bright and shiny.


I remember that there were many beautiful, multi-colored balls on the table. I rolled them and was going to hang them on the Christmas tree, but I didn’t see the Christmas tree itself. And there was another person next to me, I definitely didn’t see him. But in a dream I understood that it was someone close


old apartment. there are two Christmas trees with toys in it, but there are needles and toys only on the tops. there is almost no furniture - there are big Christmas balls on the old wardrobe. on the empty wall stud on it are keys, another stud on it is old trousers. says radio announcer man. The apartment itself is unfamiliar. but it’s not the first time she’s dreaming .. it’s clear that outside the window is gray weather-autumn or spring. old wallpaper. everything is shabby


I dreamed how I stole a New Year's toy from a box
She was in the form of an oval, closer to the ball, light colors with some ornament.


dead sister came with her red dachshund affectionate dog wears shiny christmas balls With me, a red-haired curly dog ​​barks loudly. In front of me is a table on it, layers of fish fat meat, I pass them partially to my sister and ask what else she needs. and I say that the dogs will not protect us. She replies that they are small but will cling tightly


mne prisnilsa magazin gde prodavalis novogodnie ykrashenia ia vziala neskolko no k vixodu zametila chto nekotorix razobrali savsem. ia ogochilas i sprosila chto sovsem ne ostalos? mne answered chto zabrali vsiu partiu.


I’m at a high construction site with my friends and suddenly they tell me that they are all Christmas toys it was very creepy


Some area similar to kindergarten. Lots and lots of snow. Paths cleared in the snow. Trees around. New Year's toys and garlands are hung on the trees. I noticed one thing. It is very beautiful, bright, it has most of all toys. I admired them. Then I find myself visiting some women. And I tell them how beautifully they decorated everything. Then I'm going to leave. And I start putting on my shoes. New winter short boots, and I see that I mixed up the right and left, I try to put on the other way around. And at this moment I wake up.


I walked along a dark street and went into the house climbed 3 steps and went into a light beautiful apartment the doorway was decorated with Christmas tree decorations and tinsel in the room there was a beautifully decorated Christmas tree and in the center a boy frolicked, his appearance was familiar to me, this is my cousin, but only he dreamed of me as a small one. the room was large and beautifully bright. The beauty took my breath away.


I'm going down the hill. This is shopping center and there should be stairs, but everything is covered with snow. I'm going downstairs collecting Christmas decorations of the same color pink. They are glass, but among them there are also retro designs. I collect them and put them in the car, admiring.


I saw a freight train coming out of the tunnel, and on it lay a lot of Christmas toys and decorations. I even reached out and snagged the blue cape.


I'm walking with my daughter around the city. There is a trading tent in it new. gifts, New Year's costumes, Candies in a pink and white wrapper are so long in different sizes. I look into the ball and see a girl putting on a New Year's costume and barely fastening a button on her chest.


hung all over the apartment new Year decoration: gnomes, Santa Claus, some beautiful symbols of the new year


In the old grandmother's house I'm looking for New Year's toys to pick up for myself. I often dream about this, but this time I found it. The house is old, no one lives there, it is collapsing, and I keep trying to pick up some rubbish from there. Although in fact I know that the house has long been destroyed.


I dreamed at first that I was picking a watermelon at the market, and such things looked bad, and when I knew the right one, it turned out to be very darling. And tonight I also dreamed that together with my armchair I put New Year's ball toys in 2 boxes


i dreamed as if I were buying new New Year's toys and putting them in a box


Hello! I saw an unusual, vivid dream, with the sky on which we threw some snowballs and they blurred and lined up in sea ​​battle, or in a crossword puzzle, I dreamed that I didn’t live in an apartment, but in a house, the neighbors came out, all the fences and houses were decorated, but not ours with bright pears and something completely magical unusual


dressed up the Christmas tree with red New Year's toys, with older sister pregnant,


I installed a Christmas tree on the grave of my parents so that they would be beautiful. What did it have to do with the night and I was very surprised that I was not afraid to be in the cemetery at night.


I dreamed that I was in the apartment of my grandmother, now deceased. I came there, but she's not there, I'm worried, I'm looking for her. She suddenly comes, we go into the room, the light turns on, the mood changes to joyful. I look around, and on the table, on which we usually have lunch, dressed up Christmas tree, with beautiful balls, one especially large and shiny.


laid out Christmas decorations - green balls in the director's office


I’m leaving by taxi from the station, a dwarf sits down with me, I don’t know him, he has a bag, he puts it next to me and the taxi leaves without him, I look into the bag and there are sweets, a box with large Christmas balls and jewelry made of stones (not precious, but simply pebbles that are lying under your feet (and the fur coat is beautiful, natural, but small for me. And I have a complete feeling that I stole it.

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Dreams can be completely different, but not only children, but also adults are worried about what soft toys dream of. At first glance, it may seem that a teddy bear in a dream can mean bad things, such as children's things.

On the one hand, the toy shows the dreamer's dreams and the possibility of their implementation, and on the other, obstacles and troubles. Depending on the plot of the dream, it is interpreted in different ways, but still you should think about your inappropriate behavior, which can hurt both friends and closest people.

Miller's dream book

According to Miller, what soft toys dream about in a dream promises new useful acquaintances and excellent prospects.

If the sleeper chooses it in a store or takes it apart, then he devotes too much time to trifles, forgetting about the main thing. Children playing with toys are a symbol of a happy family life. A person who dreams that he is playing with toys will have to say goodbye to his dream. If in a dream you have to give away a toy, then the acquaintances of the sleeping person will stop noticing him. Giving toys predicts joy and friendship with work colleagues. Playing with toys with your children in a dream shows that a person needs to take a break and rest. Basically, dreaming toys mean family happiness, but if they are broken, then trouble or an accident should be expected.

Freud's dream book

The Austrian founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, has his own view of dreams, in which soft toys are the main characters. This children's item is a symbol of sexual relations between partners. This is especially true for dreamers who have too right consciousness or, to be more precise, puritanical. The neurologist is sure that toys indicate that you should be a little liberated and at least sometimes give free rein to your desires. Otherwise, intimate problems will arise, which will lead to the separation of lovers.

Modern dream book

By modern interpretation dreams of a soft toy means problems and sorrows due to finances. Sometimes such a dream is interpreted as unreasonable anger at a loved one. If a child plays with a new toy, then soon the sleeper will find small family joys that warm the soul. old toy does not bode well, she promises deceit loved one which is very upsetting. A large number of toys shows the dreamer that he has a huge field of activity in real life, you just need to figure out what exactly you want to do. If you dream of someone playing with toys, then a bad person will appear in the life of the sleeping person who will use his love and kindness. A dream showing how children play calmly portends a peaceful family life. But if they suddenly begin to make noise and scream, causing irritation, this warns the woman that quarrels and scandals may soon arise in the family. If the dreamer sees himself with a toy, then not all his dreams will come true, and you should not be sad about this. Passing a toy to another person means that he will not let you down and will cope with all his duties. Choosing a toy in a dream shows that you should first think about the most important thing, and only then deal with the little things.


After reading the predictions of the most popular dream interpreters, you can make sure what soft toys are dreaming of. not always positive. The dreamer should seriously think about why he had such a dream and how to proceed. The main thing to remember is that soft toys warn of possible problems in the future and give time to make a difference.

Video interpretation

If young parents dream of children's toys that they see constantly and in reality, this will not be surprising. But why dream of toys if you have already left childhood, and you either don’t have children yet, or have they already grown out of the “toy” age?

The 21st century dream book gives the following interpretation: children's items for games in a dream portend: the sleeping person opens up new horizons in life, he will have to get acquainted with interesting people and the start of new successful businesses. But the Alphabetical Dream Book explains: to see such a picture is a harbinger of a prosperous family life and many children in a sleeping person. Therefore, you need to interpret your dream based on your own life circumstances.

However, such a general explanation is unlikely to be able to "decipher" any dream in which toys appear. Especially if the sleeper remembered the details of what he happened to see in a dream. Interpreters distinguish several main plots of "toy" dreams:

  • The dreamer himself played with them.
  • Given or received as a gift.
  • Could be a customer in a store for goods for children's games.
  • It will also be of great importance appearance objects in a dream, their condition and varieties.

Hobby and leisure

To dream about your own game in, trains, soldiers, a zoo and so on, says Vostochny female dream book, - tells: the dreamer will have a new hobby. However, you will need to try to “fit” your new hobby into your usual way of life so that it does not harm either work or family affairs. And here you have to show a rich imagination, usually characteristic of children.

Medea's dream book advises the dreamer who has a dream that he enthusiastically and selflessly plays children's toys, not to be too serious in reality. Even when serious work or study makes you “keep up the mark”, you need to find time to walk, meet friends, ride in the park, fool around and have fun - of course, within the limits of decency.

If in a dream you had a chance to see another person playing with children's toys, and yours, - apparently, he is not a standard of seriousness for you. Modern universal dream book just sure of it. Try to understand why this is happening and consider whether you need to have serious business with this person in the future.

A modern combined dream book interprets: when your game with children dreamed up in a dream - you laid out children's cubes together or arranged soldiers - then you should think about rest. Perhaps in recent times you have worked hard and hard, and in this way the body gives a signal: it needs a break. But if you have a dream where only kids are passionate about toys, it means that the dreamer's family will be happy.

There is a dream that you give toys to someone - most likely, your relationship with friends is developing the best way, similar dream also portends that relations in the work team will improve. If you dream that the gift was intended for a child, then the dreamer will receive an invitation to a name day or other family holiday.

When you have a dream in which you came to the store to buy toys and choose for a long time before buying something, in reality you also have to make a choice. The store in this case means that you will need to prioritize your affairs.

When you have decided on the choice of what exactly you will buy, this means that in the near future you will have to work hard in reality, but after that you can take a time out to rest. If you dream of a store where you happened to buy toys and you leave it with a pile of purchases, it means that the business you are starting will end in success and bring you satisfaction and a good income.

glass, plastic, plush

All dream books say that “toy” dreams have a favorable meaning if the toys in dreams were clean, neat and whole. Better yet, new.

If they turned out to be dirty or broken, then this is an occasion to think about what needs to be fixed in own life to turn things around for the better.

For example, if you bought a broken toy in your night dreams, then the vision warns: you are ready to make the wrong choice, which will bring you disappointment. You need to change your mind before it's too late, and choose the option that you previously considered unworthy of your attention.

No less important is what kind of toys you saw in your night dreams. So, dolls for a business person or employee may dream on the eve of business expansion or promotion. In this case, dolls mean that the sleeping person will be in submission more people, he will have more rights, but also more responsibilities, and therefore the new position will need to be approached with all responsibility.

For a woman who wants to have children, dolls in night visions may mean that her dream will soon come true. For family people, such a plot may mean that financial position family will be stable.

Soft toys in dreams are a signal that you need to spend more time with your family. Soft animals call to your memory, reminding you how great it is when parents play with children - and now it's your turn to play with the kids. Soft toys can also symbolize the fact that you need rest - and best of all, if it is family.

A teddy bear means that a new stage begins in your life - do not be afraid to start new business, they will be successful. A soft bear in a dream will tell a lover that his feelings are mutual. A toy bear tells a parent that he can be proud of his children.

New Year's tree decorations, which appeared in dreams, portend a joyful family event. If you bought Christmas tree toys in a dream in a store, it means that thanks to your own efforts you will soon achieve noticeable positive changes in life. If you are hanging New Year's decorations, then soon you will have to participate in a big family celebration.

A serious life conflict can be reflected in the game, which shows that the individual is ready to realize the unconscious causes of the conflict.

The fundamental features of the game, in contrast to real actions, are ritualization, stereotypes, the lack of bringing behavior to the end.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychoanalytic dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Toy

If you dreamed that you were playing with toys, in the near future everything will be fine with you and nothing will disturb you. To make this time last as long as possible, cut a doll out of wood (from Styrofoam) and drop your blood on it at midnight, then put it on the windowsill for a week.

If you dreamed that you broke a toy, then very soon you will lose something important. To avoid loss, make a doll out of clay (plasticine). At midnight, make a fire on the street and put a toy in it, when the flame goes out, cover the ashes with earth.

Interpretation of dreams from