How many eggs does a chicken carry per year, week, day: possible problems and ways to solve them. How many eggs per day does a laying hen lay? Egg breeds of chickens. How many years do chickens lay eggs

Almost all farmers have a question, the answer to which worries: how many eggs does a laying hen carry per month, per day or per year at home? This question does not have a clear answer, because this fact is influenced by various factors. What exactly and how to increase egg production? We will talk about this later in the article.

How many eggs can a hen lay?

The number of eggs laid per day or per month directly depends on the conditions of detention. The main ones are maintaining the right microclimate and a properly composed diet. Incorrect management of the laying hen can lead to poor performance or to a stoppage. The time of year also has an influence - in summer, hens rush more intensively, in winter, the laying rate decreases. Thus, it is impossible to say exactly how many eggs a laying hen gives daily, we can only talk about average values.

In a day

One chicken, subject to proper maintenance, at home lays one testicle a day. In winter, the egg production of chickens drops. Representatives of egg breeds begin to rush every other day, while other hens in winter time practically do not rush at all. The explanation for this fact lies in the biorhythms of the bird, because in winter there is no need for procreation.

In Week

One hen lays stably from 3-4 and up to 7 eggs weekly. How much exactly - it depends, again, on the time of year, breed, conditions of detention.

Per month

The hen lays about 15-30 eggs every month, it depends on various factors such as breed, season, and conditions in which the bird is kept.

In year

A bird brings an average of 200 to 300 eggs per year, and under the most favorable conditions, up to 330. These figures are typical for laying hens that are kept in right conditions. If the lighting, temperature or nutrition is organized incorrectly, then egg production can drop sharply, up to the complete cessation of laying.

Above are averages, but sometimes there are exceptions. For example, there were cases when one laying hen laid 371 eggs per year. There were also very interesting cases when a chicken laid an egg with two yolks and in a double shell. Quite often, you can find cases with two yolks, but there have also been cases in history when nine yolks were found under the shell at once.

Comparative indicators of egg production

It depends on the breed how many eggs per day or month one chicken can lay. Breeds of laying hens are divided into three types: egg, meat-egg and meat. Accordingly, the breeds of the first two types demonstrate the highest egg production. The table shows the egg production rates of the most popular egg breeds and notes how many eggs per year, on average, chickens carry.

BreedAverage weight of eggs Number of eggs per year Peculiarities
Russian whiteFrom 55 to 60200-240 The breed is different rapid growth young, birds begin to rush from the age of 4 months.
leghornFrom 55 to 65200-240, up to 300This breed is widespread in our country, has a high egg production, is well acclimatized, the shell is usually white.
Loman Brown63-64from 315 to 320Light brown eggshell
High Linefrom 60 to 65from 340 to 350white eggs
Hisex white63-64from 300 to 315Both plumage and shell color are white

How to improve performance?

Any farmer who breeds poultry, tries to achieve as much egg production as possible. How many eggs will be laid is influenced not only by the breed, but also by several factors - this is the age of the animal, the conditions of detention, the presence of stress, the time of year, and so on. In summer, when the day is long and the food supply is more diverse, the birds usually rush much more actively. In winter, to maintain high egg production, it is required good backlight and fortification with vitamins and microelements.

  • Proper diet. A balanced ratio of macro- and microelements will ensure good health and high egg production for laying hens. Nutrition should be evenly distributed over time, it is unacceptable to create periods of overfeeding and underfeeding. The composition of the feed is important, which should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the right proportions. mix well different types grains and add water or milk to it. To increase egg production, chickens need to be given calcium and phosphorus, green vegetables.
  • Temperature regime. Low temperatures reduce egg production. The chicken coop must be insulated.
  • Illumination. With an increase daylight hours the chicken increases egg production and vice versa. Therefore, in autumn winter period The chicken coop needs to be well lit. For this, of course, the best option lamps will be used daylight. It is necessary to ensure that the daylight hours are not more than 14 hours, otherwise the bird will not have time to rest properly. Increased daylight hours, not exceeding 14 hours, will provide productivity up to one egg per day, even at home.
  • It is important to maintain air humidity at a level of 60 to 70%, otherwise egg production will decrease, laying hens will feel uncomfortable.

In this video, you will learn what conditions you need to create for laying hens so that they rush all year round.

People who run their own households, for the most part, breed chickens. These are not necessarily meat breeds, chickens are also kept in order to get fresh eggs. Therefore, especially novice farmers, the question is seriously concerned: how many laying hens carry a day, because they want to know how many eggs it is possible to get per month, per year. Is it possible to do business on this.

It is impossible to give an exact figure, since various factors affect how often a chicken will be laid. Let's find out what these factors are, and how many eggs can give us laying hen. What makes her carry better?

How many eggs does a hen lay

The number of eggs brought by chickens per day, per month or per year depends directly on the conditions of detention. The main thing to do is to maintain the desired microclimate in the chicken coop all year round and right feed chickens.

It is interesting to note that a case was recorded when a laying hen laid 371 eggs per year. So, sometimes she gave more eggs a day. It is not uncommon for two yolks to be found under one shell, for sure, you have seen this. But, nine yolks in one egg is a rarity, however, this has also happened.

How many eggs a chicken lays per day, per year, depends on the breed of the laying hen.

All breeds are divided into three categories:

  • meat;
  • egg;
  • meat-egg.

Increasing performance

Farmers specializing in poultry breeding try to get as many eggs as possible per year if they are interested in this product. How much a bird will carry is affected by its breed, age, and, as noted, the conditions of detention. Stress and a unkempt chicken coop will not make the bird rush better, but they can discourage rushing.

In summer, when the day is long and food more varied birds tend to be more active. In winter they need high-quality backlight and food enriched with vitamins and microelements.

Consider the factors that determine how much product is produced.

Proper nutrition. The balance of macro- and microelements will provide chickens with a strong health and high performance. Food should be served on schedule, overfeeding as well as underfeeding should be avoided. The food should contain fats, proteins, carbohydrates (in the correct proportions). Different grains are mixed and water or milk is added to them. To improve egg production, the bird needs green vegetables, calcium and phosphorus.

Temperature. Low temperature will reduce the efficiency of laying eggs, so the chicken coop should be insulated.

Illumination. As the day length increases, egg production increases. In this regard, in the autumn-winter period, the chicken coop should have high-quality artificial lighting. It is recommended to use fluorescent lamps. Make sure that there is at least 14 hours of light, otherwise the bird will not have enough time to rest properly. Extended, 14-hour day, will provide a productivity of about 1pc / day.

Humidity should be 60-70%, otherwise the performance will be reduced, as the laying hens will be uncomfortable.

egg production depends on how many chickens live per unit area. Too much density will cause a decrease in poultry productivity. It is recommended to settle 4-6 chickens per 1 m², depending on their weight. An increase in the number of hens will negatively affect the number of eggs that hens carry in a certain period of time.

To increase performance in the winter, it is necessary to adjust the walking of the bird. Birds need to be released into the yard at least for a short time so that they compensate for the lack of movement.

When the chickens start laying

Eggs are one of the most popular food items in many countries. Many delicious and inexpensive dishes are prepared from them. Who thinks about where this product comes from and when the bird begins to rush. But farmers are interested in this.

The beginning of laying says that the bird has become sexually mature. If the bird grows and develops normally, it will mature exactly by the time set for this breed.

A variety of hens with a combined degree of productivity, begins to carry after the fifth or sixth month.

Representatives belonging to heavy meat breeds start laying eggs after eight months.

Fighting hens start laying eggs after the 9th month. Small breeds with high productivity begin to produce eggs at 5-6 months. Chickens of small breeds with low productivity will start laying after the seventh month. In a hybrid autosex type bird, eggs appear at six months.

Light egg-laying hens at puberty enter after 5.5 months. If the bird was reared in suitable conditions, and she is healthy, the indicators are relevant. When ripening occurs in autumn or winter, the temperature indicators, and daylight hours are shortening, she may not start producing eggs at the specified time. The hen, which began to rush before winter, provided that it is kept in a warm pen and properly fed, lays eggs in the winter.

Is a rooster required?

Most ignorant people think that there must certainly be a rooster in the house, because without it, chickens will not be able to lay eggs on natural causes. However, in reality it is not so. The process of oviposition in adult sexually mature chickens is natural, and a rooster is not needed for this. However, such chicks will remain unfertilized. However, they can be eaten without fear. The quality and taste will be fine. In this case, summer residents get rid of poultry every autumn, because keeping them in winter is a troublesome task, and rarely anyone lives in the country all winter. Vein give birth to new chickens. If a required breed a bird, get a rooster. With it, productivity should be higher than in an incubator.

What is an egg

This is a large female reproductive cell. The cell consists of the main shell - the yolk. When it is ripe, it descends into the oviduct. As you move, the yolk is covered with protein. The process can take up to 20 hours. Later, a shell is formed. It protects the yolk and protein from damage. After 40 min. after the release of the testicle, its place in the genital tract is occupied by the next cell and everything repeats.

To receive a large number products, chickens need to be properly fed. High-quality feed will become the foundation for the formation of good fruits.

How many eggs does a hen lay a day?

Answering the question of how many eggs a chicken brings in a day is both simple and difficult at the same time. You can call the average number for all breeds. But there are many factors that affect the performance of a laying hen. Among them are the feeding regimen, diet, season, conditions of detention, health status, etc. Changing any of them will increase or decrease egg laying.

Features of the process of laying hens

Breed is a key factor for egg production in chickens. She lays down the minimum and maximum for the bird. By arranging a warm chicken coop, a balanced diet, and additional lighting, the breeder can increase productivity only within the interval laid down by nature.

The ideal for the farmer is 1 egg per day. In fact, it turns out less: about 1 piece in two days.

Attention! In winter, most hens significantly reduce the intensity of oviposition. Natural biorhythms are to blame: in cold weather, birds do not feel the need to procreate.

Annual productivity for chickens of different directions:

  • egg breeds - 200-240 pcs. (about 4 pieces per week);
  • egg hybrids - up to 320 pcs. (6-7 eggs per week);
  • meat and egg breeds - 160-180 pcs. (3.5 pieces per week);
  • meat - 120-160 pcs. (2-3 eggs per week).

Chickens reduce egg laying in such cases:

  1. During the molting period, once a year at the end of autumn.
  2. During the activation of the maternal instinct. Chickens of meat or meat and egg breeds sometimes sit in a nest with a goal. Breeding processes have minimized the influence of instinct in pure egg varieties.

Egg control

The breeder needs to work on obtaining high egg performance from the moment the chickens are purchased. Natural egg breeds are distinguished by an early start of laying: from about 4.5-5.5 months. against 7 months in purely meat varieties. Only a thoroughbred bird can withstand the deadlines. Crossbred chickens may not start laying at all.

Advice. Purchase young animals from certified breeding farms, poultry farms or private breeders with a proven track record.

As the chickens mature, experienced farmers create optimal conditions for life and get the most possible number eggs:

And what in your opinion can cause a decrease in the productivity of chickens?

How many chickens lay: video

Today I want to be clear: how many eggs does a hen lay per day, month, year, not at a poultry farm, but in a private courtyard. I often read statements - a chicken should carry at least 300 eggs during the year. Is it so overpriced production plan do it? If so, it turns out that the poor bird has to work (lay eggs) all the time without holidays and days off, for wear and tear. Is it so?

In our village (I can’t say anything about strangers) chicken eggs have disappeared. You can't buy it in stores, they sell it instantly. The local village population has a complete absence of them. It seems that all the chickens conspired and gave us a real chicken mayhem simultaneously stopped laying eggs. How are my chickens? And they are there. I want to introduce them to you. Chickens of egg breed Hisex Brown, age 1 year 4 months 21 days. Here it is the whole impudent company in the amount of 29 pieces.

Today is exactly a month since these chickens also stopped laying eggs. Even three roosters cannot help me in any way, the guys are powerless this time. The temperature outside is -3. It's worth autumn. Today is November 02, 2016.

Chickens Hisex Brown belong to the egg-laying breed of chickens, are a cross. They have a brown plumage with a rare manifestation of white tips. The eggs are large: weight 50-70 grams, the shell is thick and strong.

According to internet sources: have high productivity, the average number of eggs is 300 pieces per year. AT household begin to lay eggs at the age of 4 months, every day an egg. The highest egg production is tracked in the first year of cultivation.

Egg laying of chickens.

On June 12, 2015, my chickens were born. In the beginning, they were such diurnal sympathizers.

Then grown up a little

The first egg was laid on December 12, 2015, at 6 months, one for all 29 hens. True, a month later, egg production increased significantly, every day he began to collect 8-9 eggs, and only by 12 months the chickens entered the normal mode - 20-24 chicken eggs per day. In the summer months, about once a week, the number of eggs decreased to 15, the next day everything returned to normal. It was not possible to find out the reason for this behavior of chickens.

How many eggs does a hen lay in a year?

From my own experience, using the example of Hisex Brown egg breed chickens, I will try to answer the question - how many eggs does a chicken carry per year in a private courtyard. Egg production of 29 hens in the period of 6 - 16 months:

  • age 7 months - 1-5 eggs / day;
  • age 8 months 8-9 eggs/day;
  • age 9-11 months 12-15 eggs/day;
  • age 12-15 months 20-24 eggs/day;
  • age 16 months - rest.

How much I love math. I take a pen and paper, I count, considering only maximum amount laid eggs, taking into account the age of the hens. Small mathematical calculations:

7 months = 1 month x 5 eggs x 30 days = 150 eggs

8 months = 1 month X 9 eggs X 30 days = 270 eggs

9-11 months = 3 months X 15 eggs X 30 days = 1350 eggs

12-15 months = 4 months x 24 eggs x. 30 days = 2880 eggs

Total: 4650 eggs.

For the first year (16 months) of growing hens of the egg-bearing breed Hisex Brown in the amount of 29 individuals, I received 4650 eggs, which amounted to 160 pieces per hen. It turns out that a chicken in the first year of life, or rather, up to the age of 1 year 4 months, on average, can lay 160 eggs, imagine - this is an egg-bearing breed of chickens. Where do reports of 300 eggs per hen per year come from then? I don't even know where this information comes from. My personal experience confirms quite different figures.

Conclusion. Hens do not begin to lay eggs and carry eggs at the same time, some earlier than others later, in different time - different amount. It all depends on individual characteristics organism. Based on my statistics, it turns out that the chicken does not rush every day (or there are hard workers in the herd of chickens and there are parasites, peculiar drone chickens). The total number of eggs laid per year is less than 300 pieces - the number that Internet sites so successfully talk about.

All information in this article is based on personal experience growing chickens of the egg-bearing breed Hisex Brown at home from June 2015 to October 2016. In the absence of any stimulants and all kinds of chemicals.

It may be objected to me that the data I have given refer to the first year of the life of chickens, and then egg production will be greater. Let me disagree with this. Reason: in the second year, the egg production of chickens decreases by 20-25%. Poultry farms knowingly get rid of one-year-old chickens, considering them waste material with low profitability. This means that the size of the eggs should decrease every year. It is also necessary to take into account the winter season, the rest of the chickens will also be needed in a year.

What's next? While the chickens rest for a month. Passed their molt. They live in a warm barn. Nutrition - wheat grain, grain grinding with additives ( boiled potatoes, zucchini, pumpkins, carrots, beets). Light day 14 hours. How long they will rest - I do not know. The article is not finished yet, to be continued. It's all the chickens' fault. Let's wait!

P.S. A new generation is coming. chickens grow up domestic breed, the so-called outbred.

raising chickens at home

Age 6 months 5 days. There are no eggs yet. I'm looking forward to it.

Continuation. How many eggs does a hen lay.

After a long break, since November 26, 2016, the old hens of the Hisex Brown egg breed started laying eggs. Rested for 56 days. Few eggs. The first five days there were two eggs a day. Three eggs were laid today on the sixth day. And that's 29 chickens. I wonder when they will enter normal mode?

Young domestic hens are silent. They are 7 months 5 days old today. We continue to wait.

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When raising poultry, every farmer wonders what level productive activity his livestock. After all, the profitability of the business and the percentage of profit that the poultry farmer will receive in the future depend on this indicator. The number of egg products obtained from one individual is directly affected by many factors - from the conditions of detention to the diet.

An egg is a widely demanded product, which is indispensable in any culinary business. But few people know when chickens start laying eggs and how many eggs one laying hen can give per day or month. The first laid egg indicates that the bird has reached puberty and is ready for production activities.

The beginning of egg laying in chickens directly depends on the breed.

In the field of poultry farming, there are three main areas of activity for chickens, and each breed or cross belongs to specific maturation periods. Of course, deviations from the standard are possible, but they are insignificant.

Egg hens mature early enough and begin to lay eggs at the age of 4.5-5.5 months. This also applies to birds of pure breeds, and hybrids, which can please the first egg as early as 4 months.

Kvochki meat and egg activity mature a little longer and begin to rush 5.5-6.5 months after birth. As for meat chickens, their stable egg production can only be guaranteed at 7-8 months of age. As a rule, heavy breeds of chickens first actively build up muscle mass, and only then take care of the offspring.

Important. When puberty occurs in autumn or winter, the laying hen may begin to lay later than expected. This happens as a result of shorter daylight hours and lower temperatures. If the chicken has reached puberty before winter and is kept in a warm room, then it will continue to actively produce products in the cold season.

Chickens of egg breeds begin to give eggs as early as 4-4.5 months.

The number of eggs laid is directly affected by the conditions in which the bird lives. While maintaining the optimal microclimate and a properly organized diet, the laying hen will consistently delight the owner with products. However, violation of the requirements for conditions of detention and care can provoke a deterioration in productivity or even its suspension.

Seasonality can also affect productivity indicators: in summer, chickens more often give eggs, in winter the rate decreases markedly. Therefore, there is no exact answer to the question of how many eggs a day or a year a klusha can give.

Under the condition of responsible keeping at home, one chicken gives one egg per day. In winter, their egg production decreases, and representatives of the egg direction begin to lay every other day, while other breeds completely stop producing products.

A chicken is capable of producing a maximum of 1 egg per day, and this limit is set by nature. The biological maturation of the yolk, its entry into the oviduct, further promotion, protein fouling and shelling take at least 25 hours, and it is impossible to speed up the process of egg formation.

A chicken of any breed can lay no more than 1 egg per day.

AT modern conditions In factories specializing in raising birds and breeding new breeds, more than 300 eggs are collected from one bird per year, which means that one chicken can lay no more than one egg per day in a poultry farm.

Egg production rates reach an average of 3-4 to 7 pieces per week. One hen produces about 15-30 eggs per month, and about 200-300 eggs can be expected from a laying hen per year. Under the most favorable conditions, one can hope for 330 eggs.

It is important to remember that egg production is affected not only by the conditions of detention, season and diet, but also stressful situations, the presence of foreign animals and loud sounds in the room.

When choosing chickens for breeding in a private household, you should know the comparative indicators of the annual egg production of some breeds:

Leghorn hens can lay up to 300 eggs per year.
  • Russian white - carries about 200-240 eggs per year weighing 55-60 grams;
  • Leghorn - gives about 200-250 pieces per year (sometimes up to 300) weighing 55-65 grams;
  • New Hampshire - lays 180-240 eggs annually weighing 60-70 grams;
  • - gives every year about 340-350 pieces weighing 60-65 grams;
  • Loman Brown - carries 315-320 eggs weighing about 63-64 grams;
  • Hisex white - lays about 300-315 pieces per year weighing 63-64 grams;
  • Brekel - gives annually 180-200 eggs weighing 58-60 grams;
  • Russian Crested - carries about 160-180 pieces weighing 55-60 grams;
  • Hisex Brown - gives 280-300 eggs per year weighing about 70 grams.

Not knowing the characteristics of the body of poultry, most of the ordinary inhabitants mistakenly believe that it is impossible to get eggs without the participation of a rooster. This is not so, since laying in adult layers is a physiological process that does not require the presence of a gentleman. The main thing to remember is that females who have reached puberty, without the direct participation of a rooster, will only carry unfertilized eggs that can be eaten.

In cases where the bird is bred only to obtain eggs, they usually get rid of the livestock for the winter, because it is not at all easy to keep it in cold conditions. The chicken community resumes in the spring. Often, this method of growing birds is used by summer residents who do not have the opportunity to be on suburban area whole year.

Attention. If the purpose of breeding chickens is to produce offspring, then you cannot do without a rooster. It is known that the natural instincts of brood hens suggest better productivity in the presence of a rooster in the house than when using an incubator.

Hens lay eggs regardless of whether there is a rooster on the farm.

Chickens are divided into meat, egg and meat-egg breeds. There are such meat and egg species of poultry that can boast not only impressive dimensions, but also good egg production. For example, breeds such as Orlovskaya, Sussex and Augsburger each year supply the owner with up to 250 pieces of products.

Egg laying hens are quite light, weigh no more than 2 kg, are distinguished by their activity and special grace, they independently get food and are very fond of walking on fresh air. Such chickens are enough early age reach puberty, and already at 4 months they bear their first fruits.

Cross-country hens are distinguished by unique egg production indicators, which are capable of producing about 315 eggs per year. The only caveat in their breeding is that it makes no sense to expect offspring from them, since these birds were bred genetically. To obtain egg products, crosses are purchased at 4 months of age. For example, the popular white Hisex cross lays about 300-315 eggs per year, Tetra SL - 300 pieces, and Isa Brown - as many as 320 eggs annually.

Isa Brown chickens are one of the most egg-laying crosses.

For any farmer, it is important not only to increase the number of eggs received, but also to achieve the stability of these indicators every year. To do this, it is necessary to strictly implement a number of special measures to ensure proper living conditions and a balanced daily menu.

Optimum temperature

In household farming, due to temperature fluctuations, jumps in productivity are often observed: in summer, egg production increases, and in winter it declines.

Chickens are overreacting to change climatic conditions for the worse, but excessively low, or vice versa, heat adversely affects the egg activity of the laying hen.

To provide for the birds comfortable conditions life should follow a few rules:

In winter, a heater should be placed in the chicken coop.
  • The poultry house for keeping in winter should not have cracks that will let the cold wind through. To do this, close them tightly, close the manholes and insulate the floor with peat bedding, with the addition of dry sawdust or straw. After trampling down the first layer, apply the second layer on top, and repeat this several times. These measures are enough to ensure the temperature in the chicken coop is between 12 and 18 degrees, which is ideal for winter time.
  • If the winter is too cold, as additional measure heaters need to be installed. Sleeping perches should be installed at a level of 60 cm from the ground, and provide fresh air to the room.
  • The optimal microclimate in the chicken coop should be no higher than 18 degrees, and humidity - 70%.

Important. If chickens are kept in a room with a temperature not higher than 5 degrees, then their productivity is reduced by 15%, but if in an excessively warm chicken coop with a temperature of 30 degrees, productivity drops by 30%.

Illumination of the poultry house

When the light level decreases, the hens begin to prepare for bed, their activity subsides, feed intake decreases significantly, which together leads to a decline in egg activity. The duration of daylight hours should not be less than 12 hours and more than 14. In the autumn-winter period, you can extend the lighting time using electric lamps- this will increase the rate of laying eggs by 30%.

Properly selected nutrition is the main factor affecting the performance of the bird. It is extremely important to follow the regime and feed the bird in the prescribed portions, avoiding overfeeding and underfeeding. In the morning, food is given immediately after waking up, and in the evening 1 hour before going to bed.

The composition of the feed should include proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the required proportions. Food should be rich in macro- and micronutrients to ensure a laying hen good health and good productivity.

Good egg production directly depends on the diet of chickens.

For the daily menu, different types of cereals, diluted with water or milk, are perfect. You can also feed individuals with a combination feed, which will greatly facilitate the feeding process.

We must not forget about fresh herbs, which are the main source useful substances. Dandelion, nettle, clover and alfalfa will supply the bird's body with the necessary vitamins, and eggshell, chalk and crushed shell rock will enrich it with minerals.

The right choice of breed

To increase egg production, the poultry breeder should give preference to chickens of egg breeds, rather than meat ones. Such breeds reach sexual maturity early and will produce a sufficient amount of egg production. Among the common egg breeds, Russian white chickens, Italian partridges, Leghorns, Czech goldens, etc. can be distinguished.

From a theoretical point of view, chickens are able to produce eggs for about 7-10 years. However, in practice, the end of egg production for laying hens is 1.5 years, for meat and egg breeds - about 4 years.

Meat and egg chickens are laid up to 4 years, egg - up to 2 years.

Every year the productivity of poultry decreases by 15%, while they consume the same amount of feed as the young livestock. Therefore, any experienced poultry farmer understands that it is not advisable to keep a chicken for more than 2-3 years. It is recommended to cut such birds, which is practiced regularly in poultry farms.