How to make a New Year's snow globe from a jar? DIY snow globe Glass globe with your own snow

New Year is a very bright and fabulous holiday. On this day, it is customary to give gifts to everyone and most of us are used to buying them in stores. But how much more pleasant it is to receive original gifts from loved ones that they made with their own hands. Gifts given by children, made by them personally, are especially valued.

An original gift for the new year can serve souvenir - snow globe. It will look especially fabulous under a fluffy Christmas tree. And making an artificial Christmas tree more fluffy is very simple, knowing a few simple tricks, which you can read about in the article How to fluff an artificial Christmas tree.

Even a child can make such a souvenir, but it looks very dignified and symbolic. Such a gift can be given to a person of any age. And with a little imagination, and at all, to do something unique. Instead of figures, you can immerse a laminated photo or other small meaningful object inside the jar. If it breaks down in water, cover it with a water-repellent varnish.

How to make a Christmas snow globe?

Everything is very simple.

To create it, we need:

Nice little jar with a tight fitting lid.

Items you want to load into the jar.

Artificial snow, which you can also make yourself (read about this process in this article).

White paraffin candle.

Waterproof or silicone adhesive.

Distilled or boiled water.


First of all, we are preparing a scene that will be inside the jar. To do this, we place and glue all objects on the inside of the lid with silicone glue. If the figures need to be immersed in snowdrifts, apply glue to the lid and sprinkle with artificial snow. You can replace it with a white paraffin candle. To do this, cool the candle in the refrigerator and rub it on a fine grater, then sprinkle it with a dense layer on the glue and press it well. Thus, you can make the desired number of layers and get the intended result. And if the paraffin is heated to a soft state, then you can immediately mold the necessary snowdrifts, cool them and stick them on the inside of the lid along with other objects.

The silicone adhesive takes a long time to dry, so that snow globe craft, turned out to be of high quality and durable, it is worth being patient and allowing the glue to dry completely.

Fig.1 Figurine for a snow globe

While our composition dries, we prepare a jar for snow globe. We wipe it with alcohol. This is done so that the water does not become cloudy over time, but remains transparent. Then, in a separate container, we dilute warm water and glycerin. The more glycerin, the thicker the solution will be, and the slower the snowflakes will fall. If you want your snowflakes to fall very slowly, use glycerin without water. Pour the resulting mixture into a jar, but not to the brim. It should be borne in mind that the composition on the lid will also need space in the jar and excess liquid will pour over the edges.

Fig. 2 Preparing a solution for a snow globe

After pouring glycerin with water into the jar, we pour artificial snow and sparkles into it. Try throwing a few snowflakes first and see how they sink to the bottom. If they sink too slowly, add some water. If too fast, top up with glycerine.

Artificial snow for a snow globe can be replaced with white sand or finely grated paraffin. Sequins can be bought at the store "All for nails" or "All for creativity". White sand is sold at the pet store, in the fish department.

Try not to throw in a lot of glitter and snow, as the water may appear cloudy while turning over and the snow globe will be spoiled.

Fig. 3 We fall asleep sparkles for a snow globe

When glitter and artificial snow are added to the jar, the most crucial moment comes. It is necessary to check that all the figures are well glued to the lid and only then immerse them in the solution. Excess liquid will begin to spill over the edges, so we advise you to substitute a saucer. If after you lowered the lid with the figurines into the solution, there is still free space in the jar, add more solution. It is better do it yourself syringe. Now that everything is ready, carefully wipe the excess liquid from the threads of the can and apply glue to it. Then screw the lid on tightly. Do not turn over the container immediately. Wait for the glue to dry under the lid.

When everything is dry, you can see what happened. If there are air bubbles in the jar, try removing them with a syringe. You can also add liquid with a syringe if it is not enough.

If water leaks from under the lid, you need to turn the jar over, wipe it dry and re-lubricate it with glue, then let it dry.

Fig. 4 Finished craft - snow globe

Your snowball almost ready, it remains only to decorate the cover beautifully. To do this, you can use multi-colored foil, openwork ribbons or beads. You can also glue the lid with polymer clay and paint with acrylic paints. This will be the final part of the work.

Now you know, how to make a snow globe at home. It is absolutely easy, and the gift is very original and unique. When creating such gifts, you can also try to make a New Year's wreath with your own hands (about this process). Decorating your house with them, you will create a unique New Year's atmosphere.

WikiHow is a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. When creating this article, 10 people worked on editing and improving it, including anonymously.

Do you want to have fun next weekend with your kids (or parents) doing something together? Then you can make a snow globe! The snow globe looks cute and interesting and can be made using common items found in every home. Alternatively, you can buy a ready-made kit online or at a craft store to make your snow globe look truly professional and enjoy year after year. Whatever you choose, read step 1 to get started.


Making a snow globe from household items

  1. Find a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Any size will do, as long as you have the right figures to fit inside the jar.

    • Cans of olives, mushrooms or baby food are well suited - the main thing is that there is a tight-fitting lid; just look in the fridge.
    • Wash the jar inside and out. To clean the label if it doesn't come off easily, try rubbing it under hot soapy water using a plastic card or knife. Dry the jar thoroughly.
  2. Think about what you want to put inside. Anything can be placed in a snow globe. Cake figurines or small winter-themed children's toys (such as a snowman, Santa Claus, and a Christmas tree) that can be purchased at craft or gift shops are good.

    • Make sure the figurines are made of plastic or ceramic, as other materials (such as metal) may start to rust or turn funny over after being submerged in water.
    • If you want to get creative, you can make your own clay figurines. You can buy clay from a craft store, shape it into any shape you want (snowmans are easy to make), and bake them in the oven. Paint them with water-repellent paint and they're done.
    • There is another suggestion: take a picture of yourself, your family or pets and laminate them. Then you can cut out each person along the contour and put their photo in a snow globe, it will turn out very realistic!
    • Even if it's called snowy balloon, you don't have to limit yourself to creating only winter landscapes. You can create a beach scene using seashells and sand, or something playful and fun like a dinosaur or a ballerina.
  3. Create a decoration on the inside of the lid. Apply hot glue, super glue, or epoxy to the inside of the jar lid. You can first rub the cover with sandpaper - thanks to this, the surface will become rougher and the glue will hold better.

    • While the glue is still wet, place your decorations on the inside of the lid. Glue your figurines, laminated photographs, clay sculptures, or whatever else you want to put on there.
    • If your piece has a narrow base (such as laminated photos, a piece of garland, or a plastic Christmas tree), it may be best to glue a few colored pebbles to the inside of the lid. Then you can simply clamp the object between the pebbles.
    • Keep in mind that the decoration you are making will need to fit in the neck of the jar, so don't make it too wide. Place the figurines in the center of the lid.
    • Once you've created your plot, set the lid aside for a while to dry. The glue must dry completely before you can submerge it in water.
  4. Fill the jar with water, glycerine and glitter. Fill the jar almost to the brim with water and add 2-3 teaspoons of glycerin (found in the bakery section of the supermarket). Glycerin "compacts" the water, which will allow the glitter to fall more slowly. The same effect can be achieved with baby oil.

    • Then add glitter. The amount depends on the size of the jar and your tastes. Just add just enough glitter to compensate for the fact that some of it will get stuck in the bottom of the jar, but not too much or it will completely obscure your decoration.
    • Silver and gold sequins are great for a winter or Christmas theme, but you can choose any color you like. It is also possible to buy special "snow" for the snow globe online and in craft stores.
    • If you don't have glitter on hand, you can make some pretty believable snow out of crushed eggshells. Use a rolling pin to crush the shell well.
  5. Put on the cover carefully. Take the lid and secure it firmly to the jar. Close it as tightly as you can and wipe off the displaced water with a paper towel.

    • If you're not sure the lid will close properly, you can make a ring of glue around the rim of the jar before closing it. You can also wrap some colored ribbon around the lid.
    • In any case, sometimes you will need to open the jar to touch up loose parts or add fresh water or glitter, so think about this before you seal the jar.
  6. Decorate the lid (optional). If you wish, you can finish your snow globe by decorating the lid.

    • You can paint it in bright colors, wrap a decorative ribbon around it, cover it with felt, or stick on holiday berries, holly or bluebells.
    • Once you're done, all that's left to do is give the snow globe a good shake and watch the glitter gently fall around the beautiful decoration you've created!

    Create a snow globe from a store-bought kit

    • Add glitter, beads, or other small particles to the water. Anything will do, the main thing is that they do not obscure the main decoration.
    • To create an unusual effect, try adding a few drops of food coloring to the water before adding glitter, beads, etc.
    • An object inside a snow globe can look more fun if you add glitter or fake snow to it. This can be achieved by first painting the object with clear varnish or glue, and then pouring glitter or artificial snow on top of the wet glue. Note: This must be done before the item is placed in water, and the glue must dry completely. Otherwise, this effect will not work!
    • Small plastic dolls, plastic animals and/or elements from board games such as Monopoly can be used as the main item, as well as a set of model trains.

The New Year is getting closer, and more and more we want magic, snowflakes swirling in the golden light of lanterns, a festive atmosphere ... In the meantime, there is still a long time before the holiday, we ourselves can make a small miracle - a snow globe with our own hands. Adults will definitely like this magical gift, and the kid will be fascinated by the magic hidden behind the glass.

How to make a snow globe When you look at the magical swirling snowflakes over a small, like a gingerbread house or a toy snowman, it seems that you can’t repeat such a miracle yourself. But we assure you - if you follow simple instructions, you will succeed!

What do we need to create a ball?

  • a small glass jar with a fairly tightly closed lid (volume - no more than 1 liter);
  • a small figure that will need to be placed inside the ball - a house with luminous windows, Santa Claus or a snow-covered Christmas tree - anything that will help create a New Year's mood;
  • waterproof glue (it will be more convenient to use a glue gun);
  • distilled water;
  • glitter (you can use artificial snow);
  • glycerin (sold at any pharmacy);
  • if you want to create an imitation of snowdrifts in a ball, self-curing plastic can be used for this purpose.

Snow globe making process:

It is most convenient to start creating a snow globe with your own hands by gluing the toy to the lid of the jar. If you will use metal figurines, it is better to pre-treat them with an anti-corrosion agent. Beautifully combine them into a single composition (it will be more convenient to use a gun with super glue for this), you can make plastic snowdrifts with your own hands - in general, show your imagination and create a truly magical New Year's composition! In this case, it will be necessary to allow the plastic to dry completely before placing the lid in the jar.

Then clean the jar, pour water into it and add glycerin. It should be slightly less than water, the more it is, the slower the sparkles or snow will fall on our figures. If in doubt about the dosage, throw a few sparkles into the water and see how fast they fall. Too fast - add to solution glycerine, slowly -water .

Add half a teaspoon of glitter or artificial snow. By the way, making it with your own hands is very simple: just peel the eggshell from the film and grind it in a mortar.

When the glue on which the toys are planted dries, tightly (very tightly!) Close the lid of the jar. Tip: over time, water from the ball may begin to leak, and to prevent this from happening, the lid and the threads of the jar along the edge can be well smeared with glue.

To complete the composition, decorate the resulting snow globe around the edge of the lid with decorative braid or ribbon. The little Christmas miracle is ready!

…and also a gift for a loved one!

If you want to make not just a Christmas decoration, but a gift that will be intended only for one person and can show your love for him, we offer a great idea - a balloon with a photo! It is done in exactly the same way as we have just described, only inside you will need to place a pre-laminated photograph of the person to whom the gift is intended. Well, or your joint one with him, looking at which on long winter evenings, he will remember you with warmth and joy 🙂

New Year is a very bright and fabulous holiday. On this day, it is customary to give gifts to everyone and most of us are used to buying them in stores. But how much more pleasant it is to receive original gifts from loved ones that they made with their own hands. Gifts given by children, made by them personally, are especially valued. An original gift for the new year can serve as a souvenir - a snow globe. It will look especially fabulous under a fluffy Christmas tree.

Even a child can make such a souvenir, but it looks very dignified and symbolic. Such a gift can be given to a person of any age. And with a little imagination, and at all, to do something unique. Instead of figures, you can immerse a laminated photo or other small meaningful object inside the jar. If it breaks down in water, cover it with a water-repellent varnish. How to make a Christmas snow globe? Everything is very simple.

To create it, we need:

  • Nice little jar with a tight fitting lid.
  • Items you want to load into the jar.
  • Artificial snow, which can also be made by hand.
  • White paraffin candle.
  • Sequins.
  • Waterproof or silicone adhesive.
  • Distilled or boiled water.
  • Glycerol.

First of all, we are preparing a scene that will be inside the jar. To do this, we place and glue all objects on the inside of the lid with silicone glue. If the figures need to be immersed in snowdrifts, apply glue to the lid and sprinkle with artificial snow. You can replace it with a white paraffin candle.

To do this, cool the candle in the refrigerator and rub it on a fine grater, then sprinkle it with a dense layer on the glue and press it well. Thus, you can make the desired number of layers and get the intended result. And if the paraffin is heated to a soft state, then you can immediately mold the necessary snowdrifts, cool them and stick them on the inside of the lid along with other objects.

Silicone glue dries long enough, therefore, in order for the snow globe to be of high quality and durable, you should be patient and allow the glue to dry completely.

fig. 1 Figure for a snow globe

While our composition dries, we prepare a jar for a snow globe. We wipe it with alcohol. This is done so that the water does not become cloudy over time, but remains transparent.

Then, in a separate container, we dilute warm water and glycerin. The more glycerin, the thicker the solution will be, and the slower the snowflakes will fall. If you want your snowflakes to fall very slowly, use glycerin without water. Pour the resulting mixture into a jar, but not to the brim.

It should be borne in mind that the composition on the lid will also need space in the jar and excess liquid will pour over the edges.

fig.2 Preparing a solution for a snow globe

After pouring glycerin with water into the jar, we pour artificial snow and sparkles into it. Try throwing a few snowflakes first and see how they sink to the bottom. If they sink too slowly, add some water. If too fast, top up with glycerine. Artificial snow for a snow globe can be replaced with white sand or finely grated paraffin. Sequins can be bought at the store "All for nails" or "All for creativity". White sand is sold at the pet store, in the fish department.

Try not to throw in a lot of glitter and snow, as the water may appear cloudy while turning over and the snow globe will be spoiled.

Fig. 3 We fall asleep sparkles for a snow globe

When glitter and artificial snow are added to the jar, the most crucial moment comes. It is necessary to check that all the figures are well glued to the lid and only then immerse them in the solution. Excess liquid will begin to spill over the edges, so we advise you to substitute a saucer. If after you lowered the lid with the figurines into the solution, there is still free space in the jar, add more solution. It is better to do it yourself with a syringe.

Now that everything is ready, carefully wipe the excess liquid from the threads of the can and apply glue to it. Then screw the lid on tightly. Do not turn over the container immediately. Wait for the glue to dry under the lid. When everything is dry, you can see what happened.

If there are air bubbles in the jar, try removing them with a syringe. You can also add liquid with a syringe if it is not enough. If water leaks from under the lid, you need to turn the jar over, wipe it dry and re-lubricate it with glue, then let it dry.

fig. 4 Finished crafts - a snow globe

Your snow globe is almost ready, it remains only to decorate the lid beautifully. To do this, you can use multi-colored foil, openwork ribbons or beads. You can also glue the lid with polymer clay and paint with acrylic paints. This will be the final part of the work. Now you know how to make a snow globe at home. It is absolutely easy, and the gift is very original and unique. Decorating your house with them, you will create a unique New Year's atmosphere.

Snowball- one of the most popular Christmas souvenirs in the world. Inside a glass toy, there are usually some figures - snowmen, small Christmas trees, elegant houses or other traditional characters. It is worth shaking this unpretentious composition, as a fairy tale comes to life: artificial snow or sparkles slowly swirl and gradually settle. Such an interesting craft and a memorable gift can be easily made with your own hands and at home.

How to make a snow globe?

To snowball was bright, add sparkles, but not too small. If you are not sure about the quality of the sequins, which may contain gold dust instead of small grains, then you can use ordinary tinsel, which is finely cut with ordinary scissors. You can also use artificial snow or beads.

You will also need:

  • figurine (any suitable size and which does not dissolve in water, you can even laminated a photo or picture),
  • a beautiful jar with a well-closing lid (I used a half-liter, but you can even use baby food jars, the main thing is to find a figure that is suitable in size),
  • universal glue moment,
  • liquid glycerin at least 1/3 of the volume of the jar (the amount also depends on how slowly you want the “snow” to fall, the more glycerin, the slower. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the “snow” will hang in the air all the time ),
  • water (either filtered, or boiled, or distilled. If you take plain tap water, your snow globe will become cloudy over time),
  • glue gun.

If you decorate a jar or make a decorative coaster, like me, additionally prepare:

  • satin ribbons, decorative twigs, flowers, etc. to decorate the jar,
  • cardboard (but not hard),
  • scotch,
  • scissors,
  • self-adhesive film - gold,
  • PVA glue,
  • dry glitter - gold,
  • fine brush,
  • Well, and, already listed, the adhesive thermal gun.

So let's get started!

Wash the jar, lid, figurine, and any additional decorations well so that the water does not become cloudy over time. I processed everything with boiling water, as for conservation.

We fix all the decorative elements to the lid with hot glue.

I have already used as an imitation of snow: tinsel, sparkles and beads.

I'll tell you how to make a snow globe with sparkles, as there are subtleties here. With tinsel and beads, such problems do not arise.

We take a clean jar, in my case half a liter, pour 150-250 ml of glycerin.

The rest is filled with water (we don’t fill the jar to the edge, because we still have a figurine in there, which will displace a certain amount of water).

Add glitter and mix with a clean spoon.

Even if the sparkles are large, there are particles that did not settle to the bottom of the jar. We must definitely collect them, otherwise they will always float on top, and this, frankly, does not look very good. You can do this with a small spoon or the tip of a clean waffle towel.

Now very carefully, preferably over a plate, we immerse our composition in a jar, twist it a little so that there are no air bubbles anywhere. Screw on the lid tightly. You need to try to close so that there are no air bubbles left in the jar. Since we did not glue the lid inside, if necessary, it will be possible to redo it.

When the lid is screwed on, for insurance, you can walk along the joint from above with universal glue (if any, it can be waterproof). There have never been problems with such jars, so the glue, in principle, serves only to fix the lid so that no one accidentally opens it.

Our snow globe is ready! Let's decorate it a little to hide all traces of the lid and jar.

From several strips of cardboard, you can make a strong stand, paste over it with a gold self-adhesive film. The diameter is equal to the diameter of the cap. We decorate with all kinds of ribbons, twigs, it all depends on your desire and imagination!

I added a little curls of sequins, with their help I hid the carving on the bottom of the jar and all sorts of numbers we didn’t need. To do this, dilute 1: 1 water and PVA glue, generously add dry sparkles to this mixture. Curls painted with a regular thin brush.

And here's what I got!

And with flying sequins ...

This magical gift is sure to please both children and adults. Everyone will be mesmerized by the magic behind the glass. Give each other joy and such wonderful snow globes made by yourself, in which a piece of your soul and warmth is invested!

I was glad to help!