At what temperature turn on the heating in the gardens. Provision of heat supply to the kindergarten. Basic solutions for ventilation and air conditioning

According to Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, the number of children in our country who need a place in a kindergarten is growing every year. So, in 2002, 6.7 million children aged 3 to 7 were registered in Russia, in 2012 - 7.6 million, and by 2015 there will be 8.4 million. “And this is not a forecast, but actual data, since these children have already been born, Olga Golodets clarifies. — There are about two million children in the queue for kindergarten.”

On the other hand, the number of preschool children themselves educational institutions has halved since 1990.

The most active mothers of children preschool age a year or two ago they gathered rallies, the leitmotif of speeches and propaganda posters of which was the call “Return kindergartens to children!” It was about the eviction of all kinds of municipal services from the former buildings of preschool institutions that occupied them in the 1990s, as well as the resettlement of families who were given some former kindergartens for housing (often doctors and teachers received it). However, if you look at the situation a little, it turns out that the eviction of state and municipal services from yesterday's kindergartens will not solve the problem.

“The vast majority of those built before the 1990s. preschool institutions do not comply with modern building standards and the provisions of the law "On Energy Saving", and therefore require serious investment in reconstruction,- says the director of Teploset LLC Sergey Ponomarev (Biysk Altai Territory). —The minimum that today solves this problem in existing preschool institutions is the installation plastic windows with triple glazing, metering devices, thermal automation, in some cases - insulation of facades. The return of the old buildings of kindergartens, which are now occupied by civil services and housing, will require reconstruction both in the construction and in the energy sector: the presence of only plastic windows and metal-plastic heating risers will not solve the problem. From an economic point of view, it is much cheaper to build new buildings, providing them with modern energy-saving equipment.”. "Replacement of worn out pipes in operating institutions social sphere, the installation of plastic windows and other similar events are certainly important, but do not play a priority role in solving the problems of creating a comfortable microclimate and heat conservation,- agrees Anton Belov, deputy director of the thermal department of Danfoss. — Without complex automation and the use of modern energy-efficient engineering equipment these issues cannot be resolved. In addition, experience shows that no matter how expensive these solutions may seem at first glance, they pay off in an average of 2-3 years.. The need to create comfortable conditions for children is today another problem of preschool institutions. The unbalanced microclimate in the premises of kindergartens is becoming one of the main reasons for the increase in the incidence of children. “When we got a place in a kindergarten, there was no limit to joy. But very quickly it was replaced by disappointment: the son went to kindergarten for only a week - and fell ill,- says Anna Kudryavtseva, mother of 4-year-old Maxim from Biysk (Altai Territory). — It turned out that there is nothing surprising in this, and it is by no means a matter of the child's adaptation. One teacher makes the children dress warmer, does not ventilate the room, believing that in this way he saves them from a cold, and the other, on the contrary, brings excited children from a walk, although the windows in the group are not yet closed.

As can be seen from the example, often the comfortable level of temperature in the room is assessed by the educator or teacher based on their own feelings and opinions about what should be the optimal microclimate for the child. Moreover, kindergarten employees, as a rule, have to independently regulate the temperature in the kindergarten premises (mainly by opening and closing the windows), since outdated projects do not provide for automation of this process. In particular, acquaintance with the Federal Data Bank for the design of objects capital construction and the most cost-effective projects reuse on the website of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (for example, Moscow, Tomsk Region and Altai Territory) plunges into discouragement - the projects of kindergartens presented here can hardly be called fully heat-saving. At best, the documentation provides for the use of water warm floors and installation of plastic windows.

Meanwhile, today there are successful completed projects, proving that modern solutions for heating and water supply systems are able to provide answers immediately to all existing questions. As Anton Belov (Danfoss) notes, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the solution to the problems of creating a comfortable microclimate and energy saving is achieved through the use of automated individual heating points (AITP) with weather compensation. One of the features of this solution is that automation allows you to set various modes of operation of the heating system. For example, you can program a decrease in the air temperature in the rooms at night and on weekends when there are no children in the kindergarten. And the rest of the time - maintain the temperature at the required sanitary standards level. Thus, the tasks of maintaining a healthy microclimate and saving heat are simultaneously solved.

An essential role in creating comfortable conditions in the premises of kindergartens is also played by automatic radiator thermostats installed on heating appliances. For children's institutions, experts recommend using temperature controllers with a gas-filled sensor, as they are the most sensitive to changes in air temperature.

There are even more advanced solutions. For example, in Tomsk, an energy-efficient kindergarten of category “A” is successfully operating, where, in order to ensure a comfortable microclimate in groups central heating not used at all. The basis of the heat supply system of the kindergarten is Danfoss heat pumps, which make it possible to obtain from 4 to 6 kW of thermal energy for each kilowatt of electricity that feeds them. In other words, between 75 and 84 percent of heat energy is free, if we compare the heating system of a new kindergarten with classical scheme heat supply. Interestingly, such solutions in Tomsk pay for themselves even at the construction stage, since connection to the city heating network is more expensive than a fully assembled turnkey system based on heat pump. The municipal authorities plan to replicate the experience gained in new social facilities being built in the city.

No less interesting is the example of kindergarten No. 347 in Perm: here, an energy service company at its own expense installed energy saving equipment Danish concern, in order to return the funds spent by saving on the consumption of fuel and energy resources. And already on next year it amounted to 54% of the cost of modernizing the kindergarten.

It is noteworthy that both projects - both in Tomsk and Perm - allow not only to talk about significant savings in resources and financial resources on their payment, high return on investment, but also on the formation of a comfortable climate in the premises of kindergartens. The heads of the institutions note that the pupils get sick less, and they have no problems with regulating the temperature in the rooms at all.

When addressing the issue of the shortage of preschool institutions, one should not forget about the accompanying tasks - creating a comfortable microclimate for kids and energy saving. As practice shows, they not only do not contradict each other, but are links of one inextricable chain: it is possible to save heat without compromising health, first of all, for the smallest citizens of our country.

How to correctly draw up an agreement on heating a kindergarten and how to act for management in the event of interruptions in heat supply, we tell in the article. We will give an answer, which heating systems to choose for kindergartens.

On the issues of providing heating in kindergarten, the head interacts, first of all, with local governments or with heat supply organizations that, on behalf of these bodies, provide heat supply services on the territory of the municipal educational institution.

Organizations supplying heating to kindergartens

Local governments, which are the founders of kindergartens, are required by law to create conditions for the normal functioning of preschool educational institutions, including taking care of heating.

The authority to organize heat supply is vested in local governments of settlements and urban districts (first level) and local governments of municipal districts and urban districts (second level).

Kindergartens should contact heat supply organizations regarding the heating of their premises. In accordance with Law No. 131FZ, local governments can create special enterprises and institutions for the organization of heat supply. At the same time, heating of PEIs located on the territory of settlements and urban districts can be provided not by municipal, but by other (state or private) heat supply enterprises on the basis of municipal contracts.


Distribute cards with instructions to each employee and check the implementation of the electronic checklists in the journal "Reference book of the head of the preschool institution"

Is your preschool ready for winter?

Conclusion of an agreement on heating in a preschool educational institution

Kindergarten on behalf of legal entity concludes a special agreement with heat supply organization for the supply of thermal energy (heat supply). When concluding this agreement, in order to avoid negative consequences Managers need to pay attention to the following points.

    The heating contract must indicate the amount of heat energy that the heat supply organization undertakes to supply to the PEI. Important point: the total amount of thermal energy is better broken down by months. In this case, it will be easier for management to track the work of the performer and make claims in connection with improper performance.

    In the heat supply agreement, it would be correct to establish requirements for temperature regime in the preschool premises. This item is especially relevant if the kindergarten does not have heat meter and in some other way it is impossible to determine the amount of delivered thermal energy. Requirements are prescribed on the basis of clause 2.6 of SanPiN.

    The owner (founder) is mainly responsible for financing the kindergarten. It depends on him how timely and in full the DOW pays for the services rendered. In this regard, it is desirable to exclude from the heating contract penalties (fines, penalties, forfeits, etc.) in relation to the institution for late or incomplete payment for heat supply services. Otherwise, the children's institution will have to be responsible for the violation of the terms (or volumes) of payment for heat supply services established by the contract, although the founder should be held liable.

    In the heating contract between the PEI and the heat supply organization, it would be reasonable to provide for a procedure for reducing payment for underdelivered thermal energy or delivered incompletely.

    In the kindergarten heat supply agreement, you can also determine the procedure for involving the heat supplier in liability for breach of contract. However, this is rarely possible.

The price of the heat supply agreement for the kindergarten is determined based on the established local tariffs for heat energy under the section “budget consumers”.

Interruptions in the heat supply of the kindergarten: the procedure for the head

In practice, situations quite often occur when a kindergarten is left without heat supply (for example, in the event of an accident on heating networks or a suspension of the supply of heat energy to unilaterally). The head in this case must make every effort to protect the legitimate interests and respect the rights of the preschool institution and all participants in the educational process.

Information about interruptions in heat supply is immediately transferred by the head to the founder, local governments, and the education management body. Information is also submitted to the heat supply organization and the dispatch service (if any). Such efficiency will allow to restore heat supply in the kindergarten in a short time.

A preschool institution is obliged to suspend its activities if, as a result of a restriction or shutdown of thermal energy, the air temperature in the premises has dropped below the limits, permissible SanPiN and there is no possibility to heat the premises with alternative heat sources.

Otherwise, the institution or its head will bear administrative responsibility and will be required to pay a fine. In accordance with Art. 6.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation "Violation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions of education and training", the institution will pay a fine in the amount of 20,000 to 30,000 rubles, and the head may be fined in the amount of 2,000 to 3,000 rubles.

The kindergarten belongs to the first category of heat supply reliability, that is, it does not allow interruptions in the supply of heat energy and a decrease in air temperature in the premises below those stipulated by GOST 30494.

For kindergartens, the following heating standards are established:

    for bedrooms in nursery groups - 21 degrees, in preschool groups - 19 degrees; allowable more low temperature for bedrooms - 18 degrees;

    temperature in group rooms and locker rooms of preschool groups - 21 degrees;

    for nursery toilets optimum temperature- 22 degrees, for preschool groups - 20 degrees;

    in music and gymnastic halls- 19 degrees;

    in pools - 29 degrees;

    in the medical office - 22 degrees;

    in heated transitions - 15 degrees.

The specified norms of heating in kindergartens are obligatory for areas with an average temperature in January below -14 degrees Celsius.

Responsibilities of the company providing heat supply to the kindergarten

Sometimes there are interruptions in heat supply due to the fault of the heat supply company. In this case, the company shall reimburse the preschool institution for losses in the manner established by law and heating contracts.

Thus, if during the period of the absence of central heating, the kindergarten used alternative sources heat (eg. electric heaters), the costs associated with their acquisition and operation are paid by the heat supply organization.

In addition, the heat supply organization is obliged to compensate for the losses incurred by the preschool institution in the event that it is necessary to temporarily close the kindergarten due to lack of heat supply and return part of the parental payment for this period.

The procedure for paying for heating in kindergarten

Preschool institutions are exempted from the obligation to pay for heat energy using advance payments. That is, kindergartens can pay for heat supply services at the end of the billing period (the month in which the service was actually provided). This is stated in paragraph 2 of the Procedure for Payments for Electricity, Thermal Energy and Natural Gas, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.04.2000 No. 294.

Heat supply organization for requirement of the DOW is obliged to issue invoices for the heat actually received by the institution, and to recalculate the payment for the period when the heat supply was supplied intermittently or was actually absent.

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Reconstruction of heating systems for kindergartens

During the reconstruction of heating systems in kindergartens, a lot of problems arise related to

    wear of pipes and heating devices;

    redevelopment of premises;

    insulation of the outer walls of buildings;

    tightening norms and rules in the design;

    transition to a heat supply system independent of heating networks.

Often these problems can only be solved by a complete replacement of the heating system circuit. For kindergartens, the most optimal is a horizontal floor dead-end heating system.

As heating appliances it is allowed to use bimetallic sectional radiators. This is the most best option for today. Heating radiators installed in the kindergarten must be covered with plasterboard boxes with gratings (for heating appliances) made of wood or other heat-resistant materials. When using a radiator, it is necessary to ventilate the room every 1.5 hours for 10 minutes.

On the first floors, for group, sleeping and dressing rooms, a warm floor is recommended. The floor surface in winter should be at least 22 degrees.

In kindergartens, as a rule, it is not allowed steam heating. For newly constructed and designed buildings of preschool institutions is not used stove heating.

The heating system of the kindergarten is designed according to the following regulatory documents:

    SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the arrangement, content and organization of the work regime in preschool organizations”;

    SP 118.13330.2012 “ Public buildings and structures”;

    SP 60.13330.2012 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”.

Summing up, it can be noted that in order to protect their interests in relations with a heat supply organization, a preschool educational institution must have a well-drafted contract for the supply of thermal energy and metering devices (heat meters).

Control over the conditions of keeping children in kindergartens and schools is carried out by state regulatory bodies. Them the main task consists in complying with the norms established by regulatory documents. According to government regulations, special documents have been developed that define the permissible conditions in institutions for children.

Permissible and recommended norms for keeping children in educational institutions, which were included in regulatory documents, were established several decades ago. The norms were determined on the basis scientific research. The conditions determined by the norms are most conducive to the preservation of children's health. The correctness of the requirements of regulatory documents has been confirmed by a long history of observations, with deviations from the norms in some institutions, a surge in the incidence of children visiting them is inevitably observed. Thus, any children's institution should strive to adhere to the established standards as much as possible.

Most important indicators that are required to monitor in child care facilities are:

  • air temperature during indoor areas kindergartens;
  • air humidity;
  • freshness of the air.

It should be noted that the norms for these indicators are approximately the same throughout the territory of the former Soviet Union. This is a consequence not only of the general physiology of children, but also of the fact that the new states inherited all the regulatory documents of the Soviet Union, since then there has not been any special correction of them. Thus, this article is relevant for the entire CIS and several other countries as of the current year and the next 2019.

Requirements for indicators in kindergartens

For kindergartens, the rules are as follows: game rooms the temperature should not fall below 21 degrees Celsius, the recommended temperature is 24 degrees. In bedrooms, a lower temperature is allowed, up to 18 degrees, it is recommended to bring the temperature to 22 degrees Celsius. These temperatures are mandatory for areas with an average temperature in January below -14 degrees Celsius.

From what you read, you may get the impression that the higher the temperature in the interior of the kindergarten, the better. In fact, too high temperatures can be even more harmful than low ones. So, if temporary and slight deviations in the direction of lowering the temperature below the recommended level are allowed, then reverse deviations are highly undesirable. For game rooms max. allowable temperature is 24 degrees Celsius, and for bedrooms - 22 degrees.

There are well-defined standards for air humidity, its value should be from 40% to 60%. In practice, the correct value of this indicator is not always monitored. This is very unfortunate, as humidity meters are not easily accessible or difficult to handle and operate. Nevertheless, it is necessary to monitor air humidity, maintaining an optimal level of humidity has a good effect on the body's resistance to diseases, and unfavorable humidity increases the risk of various ailments, especially the respiratory tract.

For the freshness of the air, exact quantitative norms are not indicated, however, it is noted that ventilation should be carried out regularly. It is ventilation that is the main and the only way actually available in most kindergartens to maintain an acceptable level of air freshness.

According to the regulations, ventilation should be carried out periodically throughout the daytime. One-sided ventilation is also allowed in the presence of children in the room. Bilateral ventilation, that is, a draft, should be carried out during the absence of children. In winter, before a quiet hour in the bedrooms, cross-ventilation ends half an hour before the arrival of a group of children.

One-sided ventilation is also recommended during the quiet time when the air warms up after double-sided ventilation. However, it is important to remember that cross-ventilation should be stopped half an hour before the start of quiet time, and one-way ventilation should be stopped half an hour before its end. In the warm season, one-way ventilation is carried out constantly both during the day and at night.

Unfortunately, the norms of the state of air in the internal premises of kindergartens are systematically violated in most institutions. No one, in fact, monitors the humidity of the air; airings are carried out at different frequencies, but almost always with insufficient. Indoor temperatures tend to be well above recommended limits, often exceeding 30 degrees Celsius and rarely below 28 degrees.

Heat and episodic ventilation lead to a strong drying of the air in kindergartens. The last circumstance is not of much concern to the management of the institutions, if only because they do not monitor the humidity indicators at all. Find a hygrometer in kindergarten (a device for measuring humidity levels) - a rarity. Too low air humidity in kindergartens is big problem which contributes to the high incidence of colds.

It is interesting that often the management of children's institutions uses the air temperature exceeding the norm as a means of combating morbidity among children. In fact, the temperature is higher than recommended, drying the air only increases the incidence. The recommended temperature is quite sufficient for a comfortable state of the child's body, but low air humidity dries out the mucous surfaces of the respiratory tract. Mucus in the respiratory tract performs an important function, it provides local immunity. If it dries out, then the body's vulnerability to diseases will increase dramatically. Dried mucus loses its immune properties, at the same time it is an excellent nutrient medium for development. various microorganisms, including pathogens. On the contrary, it is difficult for pathogenic microbes to gain a foothold on the airways moistened with mucus, even if they can catch on, they will immediately be exposed to local immunity.

Of particular importance is the maintenance of optimal humidity in the cold season. At this time, children spend most of the day in closed and heated rooms. Consequently, a large number of children concentrated in one place create excellent conditions for the spread of diseases transmitted by airborne droplets, that is, through the respiratory tract. Do not underestimate the danger of dry air, according to scientific data, it is insufficient air humidity that is one of the main causes of the following diseases:

  1. Sinusitis.
  2. Tonsillitis.
  3. Bronchitis.
  4. Otitis.
  5. Pneumonia.
  6. Allergic diseases of the respiratory tract.

Thus, dry air can lead to asthma and other unpleasant diseases in a child.

Additional complications are caused by the fact that children tolerate heat much worse than adults. Metabolism and, accordingly, heat generation in children are more intense, while heat transfer to environment occurs mainly through the exhalation of air.

Thus, for children, the comfortable and safe ambient temperature is lower than for adults. High ambient temperature leads to excessive sweating, thickening of the blood, adverse conditions work of internal organs. Since heat transfer occurs mainly through the exhalation of air, the airways in children dry out even more than in adults.

It is important to know that most of the infections that cause SARS are very poorly tolerated. cold air, especially if the temperature change happened quickly, they feel great in dry and warm atmosphere. Thus, the hot and dry environment in kindergartens contributes to the spread of infections that are transmitted by airborne droplets. On the contrary, frequent ventilation humidifies the air and reduces the concentration of pathogens in the air.

Ways to achieve ideal parameters

However, not all ventilation increases air humidity. The colder the air, the less moisture it contains, so ventilation during the cold season may not always help maintain optimal humidity air in the room. In order to create optimal conditions for children, it is necessary, first of all, to have a thermometer and a hygrometer in each room. Kindergarten staff should monitor their readings.

The air temperature must remain optimal, then the air humidity will not fall too much. Additionally, you can increase the humidity with the help of a humidifier - a special device that saturates the air with water. Preference should be given ultrasonic devices, steam humidifiers are not approved by experts. It is desirable to limit the access of air to the radiators, for this they should be closed with a special screen or casing.

It is not always possible to maintain ideal air parameters. However, it is worth striving for the greatest correspondence between the real and recommended indicators, the closer the real indicators are to the reference ones, the lower the incidence in the institution.

Heating this year began later than usual. The country, after all, goes to Europe! It goes so fast that the gas does not keep up with it ... In general, someone did not agree with someone, someone did not buy, someone was not given a loan, something broke through, etc. In short , outside + 5 ° C, and the batteries are cold.

Every day there were reports on television about unfortunate children freezing to death in kindergartens. It's only +17 °C, the kids are in sweaters, but courageous: jumping, smiling... Close-up angry mothers. They certainly understand the seriousness of the situation: a nightmare, something must be done, because we will freeze the children!

Well, finally, WAIT! Turned on the heating. Feel better. Relieved.

The thermometers crept up, quickly overcame the symbolic 20 °C, left behind the normal 22 °C, jumped over the comfortable 25 °C and finally froze at a warm 28-30 °C.

Everyone calmed down. Moms are happy, journalists have lost interest, children ... And what, in fact, children? Let them take off their sweaters and rejoice quickly. Why faster? Yes, because there is not much time left to rejoice ...

We all understand very well: the air temperature in the premises of preschool institutions (DDU) cannot be the same as the kindergarten director, nanny or teacher wants. She (this temperature) is not set at the whim of any particularly active mother or by the decision of a particularly democratic body called "parents' meeting."

The air temperature in the kindergarten is strictly regulated by a special document, which is proudly called "State sanitary rules and norms...

The state decided that it needed special, again state, bodies that would take care of the health of children. As a result, in all the republics of the former USSR, without exception, there are ministries that control everything related to the protection of children's health, and organize the work of kindergartens and schools. These ministries are called differently: health, health, education, education and science, etc. etc., but the essence and direction of actions does not depend on the name.

Under the leadership of the ministries, scientists have been conducting research for many decades, aiming to find out what the air parameters should be in schools and kindergartens. It is quite obvious that the proper, correct, normal air parameters are those parameters at which the negative impact on the health of the child, and hence the incidence, is minimal.

Scientists have found that there are three main indicators to be monitored:

1) air temperature;

2) relative air humidity;

3) intensity of air exchange.

For each indicator, medical science has determined the optimal values, which, in fact, are included in the above-mentioned "State Sanitary Rules and Norms ...". Whatever state we are talking about (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, etc.), these values ​​are approximately the same. No, they may differ by 1 °C or 5% relative humidity, but these differences are more an attempt to demonstrate originality and independence from the totalitarian instructions of the former USSR than a divergence of opinion.

No one has conducted any new research, and why, if everything is already clear and answers to questions have been received.

So, wherever you live - if your child attends kindergarten, there should be a temperature in the playrooms of 21-24 ° C, and in the bedrooms 18 - 22 ° C. At the same time, 24 °С in the playroom and 22 °С in the bedroom is a recommendation for nursery groups located in climatic regions where the average monthly temperature in January ranges from -14 to -32 °С.

Let's repeat it again. Please remember:

air temperature in game room kindergarten should never and under no circumstances exceed 24 ° C ;

air temperature in bedroom kindergarten should never and under no circumstances exceed 22 ° C .

At first glance, it is easier with air humidity: no one really understands what it is, why and how to measure it, how to regulate it, and who should do it. It is not surprising that the recommendations, according to which the relative humidity of the air should be 40-60%, are perceived as something abstract and incomprehensible. Nevertheless, at this stage, let's at least repeat and remember:

relative humidity in the premises of the kindergarten should be 40-60%.

Now school norms:

air temperature in classrooms 17-20 °С, in workshops 16-18 °С, in the gym - 15-17 °С;

relative air humidity 40-60% .

A few words about air exchange. The main method of its practical implementation is ventilation, but ventilation is extremely difficult to regulate and control. However, you will probably be interested to read some of the provisions State regulations and rules for DDU:

- To create favorable environmental conditions, it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate all rooms daily. The most effective through and corner ventilation. It should be carried out only in the absence of children: before their arrival, during classes in the hall, during a walk.

- One-way ventilation is carried out in the presence of children.

- In the bedrooms, cross-ventilation should be carried out in the absence of children. In the cold season, transoms, vents should be closed 30 minutes beforehand. before sleep children; open during sleep on one side and close in 30 minutes. before the rise. AT warm time year sleep (day and night) is carried out with open windows(avoid draft).

A bit about ventilation in schools. It is recommended to carry it out at breaks, while the duration of airing is determined by the temperature outside. At temperatures above +6 ° C, it is necessary to ventilate at a small change from 4 to 10 minutes, and at a large one - from 25 to 35 minutes. At outdoor temperatures below -10 ° C, it is necessary to ventilate at a small change from 1 to 1.5 minutes, and at a large one - from 5 to 10 minutes.

What do we have in practice? In the vast majority of kindergartens and schools, the air indicators do not meet the State requirements. Of course, exceptions are possible, but these exceptions take place only when an emergency situation arises: the heating was not turned on, an accident, an extremely low temperature outside, low gas pressure, etc. etc. Nonetheless, if we consider a normal average kindergarten in which "normally" works heating system, so in this kindergarten the temperature and humidity of the air almost always do not meet the existing requirements .

Complaints that it is very hot in the kindergarten and there is nothing to breathe come from everywhere. A temperature of 28 ° C is almost standard, 30 ° C is not at all uncommon. The value of air humidity is a secret with seven seals. A kindergarten with a hygrometer (a device for measuring humidity) is as rare as a kindergarten with its own swimming pool, although swimming pools appear to be more common.

At first glance, the situation is absolutely incomprehensible, absurd, inexplicable:

There are State requirements;

There are persons who are obliged to fulfill these requirements - the administration of kindergartens and schools;

There are again government bodies responsible for monitoring the fulfillment of these requirements are the bodies of sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

Requests are ignored, nothing happens.

Maybe it's all nonsense? It's OK? Maybe that's how it should be? Heat is not cold (heat does not break bones)!

Any heating system dries out the air. The more intensively the heaters work and, accordingly, the higher the temperature in the room, the drier the air.

Dry air is very bad and dangerous.


The mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract come into contact with billions of microbes every day. The vast majority of microbes do not have any negative effect on the body, because, firstly, they cannot gain a foothold on the surface of the mucous membranes (in the nose, throat), and secondly, the mucous membranes produce liquid (mucus, snot, sputum), which in large quantities contains substances that kill viruses and bacteria.

The ability of mucous membranes to stop and destroy microbes at the injection site is called local immunity . If the local immunity has not coped, then the disease is already developing and the general immunity begins to work.

If your child often suffers from "cold" diseases, then he has a weak local immunity.

Congenitally weak local immunity is almost never. Local immunity is destroyed by parents and the administration of preschool institutions.

We live in a country where at least six months heating season. This means that at least half a year (half a lifetime!) Our children spend most of their time in rooms with dry and warm air.

Snot, sputum, mucus can kill the infection only when they are liquid. Dry mucus is rich in protein culture medium for bacteria.

Dry air leads to drying of the mucous membranes and disables the system of local immunity.

Dry air dries out the mucus and promotes its infection. Dried slime - main reason otitis, sinusitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.

Dry air is the main reason for the growth of adenoids and the development of chronic tonsillitis.

Dry air increases the sensitivity of mucous membranes to dust and allergens, hence the risk of allergic diseases - from rhinitis to asthma.

Dry air is much more dangerous for children compared to adults: children have a more intense metabolism, they produce more heat, and they regulate heat transfer not so much with their skin (like mom and dad), but with their lungs. dry and warm air does not allow the child to normally “dump” excess heat, this leads to fluid loss during breathing and increases sweating. Hence the thickening of the blood, disruption of the internal organs, endless drinking at night, etc.

We repeat once again: during the heating season, the warmer the air, the drier it is.

And one more point, extremely important in relation to ventilation.

Bottom line: the most common childhood illnesses are SARS (acute respiratory viral infections). The main epidemiological feature of respiratory viruses is that they instantly die in cool, moist, moving air and remain active for hours in dry, warm, and still air. Thus, ventilation is the most effective method prevention of SARS in children's groups.

The heating practice existing in children's institutions is a genocide of local immunity . This is one of the main reasons for the endless kindergarten snot, it's millions of state-paid sick leave, these are tons of antibiotics eaten, these are tens of liters of blood and hundreds of liters of urine collected for analysis, these are thousands of hospitalizations.

And this practice exists. And journalists don't write about it. And no one seems to care. If the air temperature drops 2 ° C below the set temperature, all the central channels will tell about it in the news, although there is no risk here and the “problem” is easily solved by an additional shirt.

Why is everyone silent or saying things that would be better if they were silent?

1. First of all, because they do not know what is right, how it should be. Moreover, everyone is convinced that the child is small and weak, so he needs to be warmed and fed. Numerous examples showing that naked and not overfed get sick less often do not convince anyone of anything.

2. Public opinion unequivocally regards heat as good. Cold (20 ° C), an open window, a walk in wet weather are supposedly the main enemies of children's health. No one can or does not want to understand: children get sick not because they are cold, but because they sweat! Otitis did not begin because the window was open, but because, due to the dryness of the air, the mucus in the auditory tube dried up ...

3. Journalists are the bearers of public opinion and do everything to indulge public opinion. Report on freezing children! What a response, what a rating! The mayor himself called and asked for forgiveness!

4. The administration of the kindergarten and employees of the sanitary services have neither the strength, nor the authority, nor the desire to resist public opinion. One mother, who made a scandal due to the fact that her child fell ill with bronchitis, allegedly because the window was open, will discourage the teacher from opening this window on long years. Moreover, it is this teacher who will be accused of all mortal sins and no one will stand up to her defense.

5. Endless childhood "colds" is an endless business, it's billions received from the sale of immune stimulants, vitamins, antibiotics, expectorants, nose drops, etc. etc. There are thousands of laboratories looking for reasons your common illnesses.


First of all, understand:

if the temperature and humidity in the kindergarten do not meet state requirements, then the kindergarten employees commit an malfeasance, and the sanitary supervision authorities, which do not respond to this, cover up the crime and thus become its accomplices .

There must be thermometers and hygrometers in the bedrooms and playrooms of each kindergarten.

The easiest way to purchase electronic multifunctional devices - as a rule, these are watches that show both temperature and humidity, and much more (depending on price).

To humidify the air, it is necessary to use special Appliances- Humidifiers. Steam humidifiers for kindergartens are highly undesirable, and ultrasonic humidifiers- are optimal.

Municipal kindergartens should demand financing the purchase of humidifiers, relying on requirements parent community. However, the sooner you hold a parent-teacher meeting and discuss how you can afford to buy a thermometer, hygrometer, and humidifier, the more chances you have to save on medicines.

Heating elements (heating batteries) in children's institutions must have regulators. If there are no regulators, think about how to install them in the summer, but for now, reduce the heat transfer of the batteries - cover them with a heat insulator (for example, foam), cover with blankets, etc.

Remember: if winter time you open the window, then cold air enters the room, in which there is practically no water (the lower the air temperature, the less water vapor in it). When heated, this air dries the air in the room. The main conclusion is that it is necessary to regulate the air temperature closed battery rather than an open window.

Board of administration of the DDU. Write the following text on paper in large letters:



The air temperature in the playrooms is 21-23°C, and in the bedrooms 18-21°C.

Relative air humidity 40-60%.



Hang the paper with the specified text so that all parents can see it. As soon as someone opens their mouth and starts screaming about the cold, etc. - send him to sort things out with the state. Introduce the norms to everyone you accept at the kindergarten. If such requirements are not satisfactory, let them sit at home hugging the heater.

Dear moms and dads!

What they do in most kindergartens with the health of our children is unbearable, and this must be fought.

State requirements are ignored, regulatory authorities do not perform their functions.

Let's act on our own! After all, we are talking about the health of our children! This is more than enough reason to stop relying on anyone and wait for mercy from officials.

First of all, we must try to change public opinion, do everything to ensure that people receive elementary information. We must all understand: our beloved, kind and affectionate grandmothers are not bearers of the truth. If the grandmother is convinced that an open window is bad, and science believes (and practice confirms) that this is good, then you need to somehow determine! What is more valuable to us? Nerves of the grandmother or health of the child? Difficult choice, but it is necessary to decide.

As soon as the state has washed its hands, let's form public opinion. Share this document with all your friends. Discuss on the forums. Print, distribute to parents, spend parent meetings. Tell here what you did, share your experience.

Get the point: if a normal child from God does not get out of sores, then this child has a conflict with the environment. And it is necessary not to feed the child with medicines, but to the best of our ability and ability to change the environment . This is our duty to God and conscience. Well, think: what kind of health can we talk about if our children have nothing to breathe for half a year!

During the reconstruction of heating systems in preschool institutions, a huge number of problems arise that can only be solved by a complete replacement of the heating system layout, piping and heating devices. The reason for these problems is:

  • wear of pipes and heating devices;
  • redevelopment of premises;
  • insulation of the outer walls of the building;
  • tightening of norms and rules in the design;
  • go to independent system heat supply from thermal networks.

The most optimal heating system for kindergartens is a horizontal dead-end floor-by-floor heating system. If a horizontal pipes it is impossible to lay in the construction of the floor or walls and a huge number of passages through the main walls are required, then you can use a riser two-pipe scheme heating.

It is not allowed, as a coolant, to use antifreeze liquid with additives harmful substances 1st - 4th hazard classes.

The system is assembled from metal-plastic pipes. Pipes laid openly along the walls must be closed drywall boxes. Pipes are laid in thermal insulation, providing a surface temperature of not more than 40 ° C,

Bimetallic sectional radiators are optimal as heating devices. In this case, the radiators must be closed with plasterboard boxes with gratings (for heating appliances) made of wood or other heat-resistant materials. The length of the radiator must be at least 75% of the width window opening. The radiator can be installed at a height of 50mm from the floor level. All heating appliances must be equipped with thermostatic valves with a device for balancing the system. Heating appliances are calculated taking into account ventilation. When airing, a short-term decrease in the air temperature in the room is allowed, but not more than 2-4 degrees C. Airing is carried out for at least 10 minutes every 1.5 hours.

On the first floors, for group rooms, bedrooms and dressing rooms, a heated floor is required, mounted from metal-plastic pipes or pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene. AT winter period the temperature of the floor surface must be at least 22 degrees C,

As a rule, steam heating is not allowed in kindergartens. Stove heating is not used for newly constructed and reconstructed buildings of kindergartens.

The design of the kindergarten heating system should be carried out in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

  • SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the arrangement, content and organization of the work regime in preschool organizations”;
  • SP 118.13330.2012 “Public buildings and structures”;
  • SP 60.13330.2012 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”.
Technical and economic indicators of the kindergarten heating system
Name of indicator Meaning
Density of heating pipeline networks average
Specific maximum power consumption per 1 sq.m. from total area object 60 W*h/sq.m.
Specific annual consumption thermal energy per 1 sq.m. from the total area of ​​the object 0.136 Gcal*year/sq.m.
Specific financial expenses for heat supply of the heating system of the facility by heat generating companies at a cost of 1 Gcal - 1100 rubles. 149.6 rubles*year/sq.m.
Specific fuel consumption for heat supply of the heating system of the facility natural gas 19 m.cub.*year/sq.m.
Specific financial costs for the heat supply of the heating system of the object with natural gas at the cost of 1 cubic meter. - 4 rub. 76 rub.*year/sq.m.
Specific fuel consumption for heat supply of the facility heating system with firewood 53 kg*year/sq.m.
Specific financial costs for the heat supply of the heating system of the object with firewood at a cost of 1 kg. - 3.4 rubles. 180.2 rubles*year/sq.m.

It is profitable to order a high-quality heating project for a kindergarten without intermediaries in the engineering studio of Kiselyov - a designer of ventilation, heating and air conditioning