Develop proposals for saving heat and. Rules for saving heat, electricity and water in everyday life. Radiator automated thermostats

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about saving heat:

Saving heat in a private house

For the greatest efficiency of saving thermal energy in a private house, as well as at any other facility, it is necessary to take a set of measures.

Such measures in this case include the following methods of heat saving.

  1. Sealing windows - as practice shows, up to 40 percent of the heat can leave the house through the windows. If the windows are old, wooden, then self-adhesive insulation and seals made of foam rubber, polyethylene foam and other heat-insulating materials can be used for insulation. To make the windows warmer even scotch tape pasted on the cracks allows.
  2. By the same principle, it is necessary to eliminate the gaps between the doors and the door frame.
  3. If there are gaps between the door frame and the walls, they must be blown out with mounting foam.
  4. When you should give preference to models with two or even three double-glazed windows. These windows are more expensive, but quickly pay for themselves.

Save heat in your private home

  1. Stick heat-saving film on window glass.
  2. During strong winds and cold weather, windows can be covered with pimpled packaging film.
  3. To through the front door, it is necessary to insulate it or install an additional door.
  4. Significant heat savings will be achieved by insulating the walls with thermal insulation materials such as mineral wool, polyurethane foam or extruded polystyrene foam. The thickness of the insulation should be selected individually - depending on the region, as well as the material and thickness of the walls.
  5. When insulating the outside of the roof, walls, do not forget about the insulation of the foundation.
  6. To reduce heat loss through the walls also allows them to finish with heat-insulating plaster.
  7. The use of "warm" wallpaper, such as cork, is another effective way to insulate walls from the inside. Note that the cork coating can be used not only on the walls, but also on the floor. As a result, the latter will become not only warm, but also pleasant to the touch.

  1. An important measure to save heat in a private house is the thermal insulation of the floor. If the floor is wooden, on logs, then heat-insulating material (mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, expanded clay, ecowool or other) must be laid between the logs. If the floor is concrete - heat-insulating plates are laid under the screed. Another way to insulate the floor is to make a screed from expanded polystyrene concrete. If the floor is wooden, you can also make a dry screed of expanded clay and GVL-plates.

Almost all measures for saving thermal energy described for a private house can be applied in an apartment.

In addition, the following ways to save heat are effective.

  1. Glazing a balcony or loggia gives the same effect as installing an additional window.
  2. Insulation of a balcony or loggia.
  3. Balcony block doors adjustment and timely replacement of seals.
  4. Insulation of walls from the inside that are adjacent to unheated premises, for example, an elevator shaft or an entrance.
  5. Using a carpet on the floor will not only make your home more comfortable, but will also reduce heat loss through the floor.
  6. Insulation of the ceiling from the inside, which is necessary even if there is a heated apartment above the floor. The overlap is adjacent to the cold outer walls. In addition, it is cooled from the side of the street.
  7. After using the oven, leave it open - this will allow the heat accumulated in it to be used to good use.

Note that in a well-insulated apartment, there is enough heating for several hours a day.

In autumn, spring and on warm days of winter, you can do without heating at all.

To maintain the temperature, there is enough heat that is released during cooking, as well as other, physical human activities.

Saving heat in an apartment building

Heat savings in apartment buildings can be achieved in such ways.

  1. Installation of closers on the entrance doors to the entrance and the use of double doors.
  2. Obligatory glazing of premises and elimination of cracks.
  3. Thermal insulation of the building facade.
  4. , thereby reducing the loss of heated air.
  5. Since heat rises, it is necessary. To insulate the floor, you can even use reeds or sawdust.
  6. Behind radiators, for example, from penofol. As practice shows, this procedure allows you to increase the temperature in the room by at least one degree.

  1. Keeping radiators clean - this measure also eliminates the heat loss radiated by radiators.
  2. Do not cover batteries with thick curtains, furniture or other objects.
  3. Be sure to close the windows with curtains at night.
  4. Insulate heating pipes with thermal insulation, even if they only pass through heated rooms. The heat transfer of radiators is higher than pipes, so thermal insulation will reduce heat loss.
  5. Use not air vents to ventilate rooms, but supply valves that are installed on windows or mounted on walls.

Measures to save heat energy at school and kindergarten

In schools and kindergartens, many of the above-described energy saving methods related to the insulation of walls, attics and enclosing structures can be used.

In addition, you can use the following methods to save heat.

  1. Basement insulation.
  2. Floor insulation.
  3. Arrangement of vestibules.
  4. Reducing ceiling heights in classrooms.
  5. Removal of vegetation shading the windows, which will allow the premises to warm up on sunny days.

Note that it is possible to identify the main sources of thermal energy losses and eliminate them with a competent,.

Saving heat at the enterprise

You can save heat in enterprises in the following ways.

  1. The use of a heat-saving film made of polyvinyl chloride, which is mounted in the inter-frame space of windows. These are the so-called.
  2. The use of canvas curtains at the entrances to production facilities and workshops.
  3. Glazing of industrial premises.

In addition, it is necessary to take the measures described above, that is, to make the glazing of the premises, the insulation of the walls, to eliminate the cracks in the windows, and so on.

Saving heat in the office

Saving energy in the office implies the implementation of the same measures as in apartments, schools and kindergartens.

In addition, you can use such ways to save heat, which are suggested below.

  1. Using carpet on the floor will reduce the amount of heat loss through the floor.
  2. The use of foam or extruded polystyrene foam tiles for finishing the ceiling will reduce heat loss through the ceiling.
  3. A fan located under the ceiling allows you to disperse warm air throughout the room, which will make the use of thermal energy more rational.
  4. Rubber strips fixed along the lower edge of the door leaf, allows you to eliminate the gap between the door and the floor. The use of such overlays is especially necessary if additional heaters are used in the office and the temperature is higher than in the corridor.

The application of all the above measures will reduce heating costs by several times, and most importantly, it will provide comfortable living, learning and working conditions.

Other ways to save heat:

Modern man is well aware that utility bills have recently skyrocketed. Therefore, saving heat, gas, water and other resources is very relevant today. When there is a will, there is always a way. Therefore, it is worth exploring how you can save heat in the house as profitably as possible and save the family budget.
You can save money by not only buying something for this purpose. There are free heat saving technologies that are implemented with the help of human hands. The main thing is to treat heating devices thoughtfully and carefully and not to waste natural gifts.

Saving heat in the house can be carried out if you follow some rules:

  • If the heating is controlled by a gas boiler, then it is worth heating it only to the required temperature. A room thermometer or a special gas saving panel will help with this, in which you can set the automatic shutdown function when the space warms up to the required temperature. This will help to significantly save the family budget.
  • It is worth insulating the facade of a house or apartment so that for a normal temperature in the space it is not necessary to use additional heating systems. Special layers of insulating material will help retain heat and keep cold from entering the apartment through the walls of the building.
  • A reflective surface placed behind the battery can significantly increase the air temperature in space.
  • Anyone who cares about saving heat and electricity must definitely pay attention to the rational use of heating appliances. That is, if it is not possible not to use the radiator due to the low temperature in the room, then you should turn it on only until the room warms up to a certain temperature, then turn off the device so as not to waste electricity.

  • Underfloor heating will also help to be used to heat the space of the room. Of course, such a device also requires electricity, but it can be turned on for a certain period, and then the heated floor surface maintains its temperature for quite a long time.
  • It is worth checking if there are any cracks in the window frames and walls. If such are found, they must be closed. Even the most seemingly insignificant crack can significantly lower the air temperature in the room. Depending on the nature of the flaw, you can repair it either with foam or glue it with paper.
  • In rooms with a sunny side, curtains should be opened during the daytime. Such manipulation will help to raise the temperature of the air in the room by several degrees.
  • Thick curtains will help protect the space of the room from drafts. And also, securely closed curtains will help maintain a constant temperature in the room.
  • Carpeting for the floor or carpet will also help to significantly warm the room. Thanks to such products, the surface of the lower part of the room space will always be warm. The layer of air formed between the villi makes the air temperature in the rooms higher.
  • There is another tricky method. After taking water procedures, you should leave the bathroom door open. This will help to make the air temperature in adjacent rooms higher.
  • Residents of private houses should ensure that the chimney from the stove or fireplace is closed. When the device is not working, but the chimney is open, cold air enters the room.
  • Attention should be paid to such a method of additional heating as the insulation of walls, floors and ceilings from the inside of the room. To do this, panel blocks are installed over the entire surface and material is placed in them to help retain heat. Then, drywall or other coating is installed on top.

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Ways to save electricity

  • There is also a tricky method of keeping the bed warm. To do this, you can put several heating pads with hot water under the blanket. This will help to warm the bed itself and the mattress, and it will be warm and comfortable to sleep.
  • If you are cooking any dishes in the oven, you should open the oven after cooking. This will help to slightly increase the temperature of the air in the kitchen.
  • If there is a draft from windows or doors, then this can also be easily eliminated. It is enough just to put towels or blankets rolled into a tube in these places. This will help to neutralize drafts that take heat from the rooms.
  • If you have just moved into a house or apartment and there are rooms in which no one lives, then the doors of such rooms should be closed. This will allow you not to waste heat in the house.
  • Heat savings can also be achieved by sticking a film with bubbles on the windows from the side of the room. This measure will help keep cold air out of the apartment.
  • Providing warm nights can be very simple. It is enough to change the usual bedding for flannel. Such a product retains heat better and cools less. Therefore, it will be comfortable and not cold to sleep.
  • If the apartment has a ceiling fan, then with its help you can also increase the temperature of the air in the room. Warm air is usually concentrated at ceiling level. The included fan will disperse the accumulated air throughout the room.
  • In apartments with a balcony, it is possible to insulate the room by making the glazing of this space. Thus, less cold air will enter the apartment in autumn and winter.

What appliances will help save heat

There are heat-saving products that you can buy in stores. This includes automated equipment and devices that help keep heat at no additional cost. Each of them, despite the cost, is sure to pay off. To decide which option to choose, you should understand the prices of fixtures and how effective certain methods are. To save heat use:

  • Radiator automated thermostats;
  • Windows to help keep warm;
  • Ventilation systems instead of open windows;
  • Warm wallpaper.

Each of these devices is worthy of attention. The most important thing is to calculate the efficiency personally for each consumer. This is easy to do, just familiarize yourself with the principle of operation of each of their options.

Radiator automated thermostats

Often, to save heat in the house, special thermostatic equipment is installed. Thanks to this, saving heat in an apartment or house will be reduced to setting the necessary functional indicators.

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Economy of gasoline and fuel

Operating principle

A thermostat is an equipment that looks like a wall panel, the system of which has a number of functions that allow you to adjust the degrees in the room. To do this, you need to set the parameters in the program by setting the air temperature, upon reaching which the gas boiler for heating the space automatically turns off. Thanks to this, the use of a gas boiler will be rational and the payment for heat supply will be much lower than it was without a thermostat. As a rule, the functions set to turn off the heating during the absence of the owners of the apartment at home. And also at night, a lower temperature is set than during the day. It is good for health and helps to save money.

The service life of such an installation is approximately twenty-five years. That is, a fairly long period. The equipment costs about 1500 rubles, and the services of the master who will carry out the installation varies from 800 to 1300 rubles. Using such an installation, you can save approximately 35% of the amount that came for payment during the absence of a thermostat in an apartment or house. Consequently, energy is significantly reduced in terms of money. Thanks to such equipment, you can save about 2 thousand rubles a year. With the right settings, the cost of the thermostat system will pay off within a year - one and a half.


  • Helps to significantly reduce heating costs;
  • Easy to use;
  • Affordable, and given the payback of the equipment, we can say that it is quite inexpensive;
  • Releases a person from controlling the air temperature and turning off the gas or electric boiler for heating. The role of a person is reduced to setting the necessary parameters. The device will do the rest.


  • Requires installation by a wizard. However, this can hardly be called a disadvantage. After all, installation by a professional will allow the device to work without interruption.

In any case, if you use the thermostat for its intended purpose, it will give significant savings to the family budget. Already in the first month it will be noticeable that the savings in electricity and gas with such a device are significant.

Heat saving windows

Plastic (PVC) windows will help to keep the heat in the apartment significantly. Thanks to the installation of such windows, the savings in electricity, water, gas and, of course, heat, are significantly increased. The heat meter will indicate significant savings.

Operating principle

A special technology for the production of plastic windows helps to significantly save heat in the apartment. Saving resources of heat and water, gas and electricity is possible due to the design of windows thought out to the smallest detail. Plastic windows are assembled from several plastic glasses. Their close distance from each other forms air spaces that do not allow cold air to enter the apartment. Special rubber membranes are placed between the double-glazed windows, which provide protection against drafts and blowing. And high-quality fasteners will help maintain the strength and durability of the structure.

Pricing policy and payback

The cost of plastic windows and installation may vary depending on the manufacturer and the company in which the order is made. On average, windows will cost ten thousand rubles. But this money is justified, because the service life of such windows exceeds fifty years. The difference in utility bills will decrease significantly already in the first month after the installation of windows. The difference in payment will be approximately 30%. The cost of installing windows pays off in about 10 years, depending on the size of the apartment and the availability of other appliances that save electricity and gas.

The results of inspections carried out by employees of energy supervision found that due to the negligence and negligence of consumers, the excess consumption of electricity used for domestic needs is approximately 15-20%.

Where is the most noticeable way to save electrical energy in everyday life?

When using an electric stove. Electric stove burners have several heating elements (switching ranges). When you turn on the electric stove, you must first turn on all the heating elements (the entire power of the burner), and then, after heating, when the water boils, reduce the power, since excess heat will not speed up cooking and the water temperature will not rise by more than 100 degrees. Savings are achieved if you cook several dishes in a preheated oven. Utensils for cooking or heating food should be made of aluminum or enameled with a flat thick bottom and closed with a lid.

Foods that take a long time to cook are best cooked in pressure cookers. The amount of water for cooking should be minimal so that after boiling it does not drain into the sewer. The included oven does not need to be opened unnecessarily, this reduces the temperature inside the chamber.

It is advisable to turn off the electric stove before the kettle boils: due to thermal inertia, the kettle will still boil, and this will save up to 20% of energy.

The use of an electric kettle is preferable (90% efficiency) than stove burners (50-60% efficiency). The record holder for efficiency is a conventional boiler - efficiency up to 92%.

The use of cooling electric hotplates for heating water before boiling it in a kettle allows you to save 10-30% of electricity. In addition, the water will settle and the elements used for disinfection (chlorine) will leave it, which is important for health.

After soaking the cereal overnight with water, you can cook porridge from it 2-4 times faster, depending on the temperature of the water.

When using a refrigerator, 30-40% of the electricity consumed in the house comes from the refrigerator. Since the refrigerator is connected to the mains around the clock, despite its low power, it consumes no less electricity than an electric stove. The population uses electric refrigerators of two types: compressor (with an electric motor and compressor) and absorption (with a heater). Compressor refrigerators are 3-4 times more economical than absorption refrigerators. Recently, the industry has been producing deep-freezing electric refrigerators. Compared to compressors, they consume 2 times more electricity. The installation location of the refrigerator and the ambient temperature are of great importance for its normal operation and economical energy consumption. The refrigerator should not be installed near the stove and radiators, on the sunny side of the room. There must be air space around the refrigerator for air circulation. Food is placed in the refrigerator, cooled to room temperature and in a sealed container. Products in the refrigerator are placed in such a way that they have access to cold air. The temperature controller must be installed so that the temperature in the cooling chamber is maintained at the temperature necessary to preserve the products, and not too low. When ice forms on the walls of the refrigerating chamber with a thickness of 5-10 mm, the refrigerator must be defrosted. Cooling the chamber below the temperature required to preserve food, as well as increasing the temperature of the air surrounding the refrigerator, leads to an excess of energy consumption.

Regular defrosting gives 3-5% savings. You can not install a refrigerator in a niche, this blocks the ventilation of the lower neighbors and worsens the cooling conditions of the condenser coil, which is cooled by room air, and in a closed space it cools much worse, energy consumption increases by 20% (frequent switching on).

When using a TV> radio, tape recorder, sewing and washing machines, vacuum cleaner, iron and other household appliances. Through the correct use of these devices, you can get significant energy savings. Household appliances should not be allowed to idle, it is necessary to turn them off if they are no longer used. Many household electrical appliances are equipped with automatic temperature controllers or timers. This allows you to maintain an automatically set temperature or turn on the device after a set operating time. So, for example, when using an electric iron with a temperature controller, power consumption is reduced by 10-15%.

When illuminated. With electric lighting, first of all, you need to pay attention to the correct choice of the power of electric lamps. High-power electric lamps not only waste electricity unnecessarily, but also harm eyesight.

When connected to an electrical network, the light bulb shines equally brightly in all directions and does not provide the necessary illumination, and when we work, we need light focused on a specific surface or part. To do this, an electric light bulb is placed in a lamp.

The illumination of a room or workplace, as well as the efficiency of lighting fixtures, largely depends on the correctly selected lamp.

Rational lighting of the room is achieved with the help of semi-reflected or direct lighting. It should be noted that direct lighting is more economical than semi-reflected, since in the first case the lamp has a reflector located at the bottom of the lamp.

Energy savings are facilitated by the use of local lighting: table lamps when working at the table. The work table should be installed near the window, this will reduce the burning time of electric lamps with sufficient daylight. Ceilings and walls, as well as light-colored wallpapers, can reduce the power of lamps by one and a half times.

Incandescent lamps continue to be the most common and main sources of light in our apartments. The reason for this is the simplicity of design, compactness, ease of use, low cost, a large selection of their power. However, incandescent lamps have a number of disadvantages. They have a low efficiency (1.8-2.2%); with a 2% increase in mains voltage, the service life is reduced by 15%, frequent switching on, disconnection and shock also affect the service life, which is 1000 hours.

More economical light sources are fluorescent lamps. They have auspicious light radiation. Fluorescent lighting creates favorable conditions for relaxation, reduces fatigue, and increases productivity.

According to the color of the radiation, fluorescent lamps are divided

1) white light lamps (LB);

2) fluorescent lamps (LD);

3) fluorescent lamps with corrected color (CLC);

4) lamps of cold white light (LHB);

5) warm white light (LTB) lamps, which have a pronounced pink tint.

The most economical and versatile are white light lamps (LB). They provide significantly better color reproduction than incandescent lamps and reproduce approximately the color of sunlight reflected by clouds. The use of LB lamps is advisable in children's rooms for the preparation of school assignments and for drawing work.

The most important characteristics of fluorescent lamps include the fact that their luminous flux is greater than that of incandescent lamps. The luminous efficacy of fluorescent lamps is on average 42-62 lm/W, while incandescent lamps are only 10-20 lm/W. The service life of fluorescent lamps is 5000 hours.

Timely and systematic cleaning of fixtures, lamps and chandeliers can save up to 30% of electricity consumed for lighting.

Energy savings are also facilitated by the installation of double switches in the rooms. This allows, if necessary, to turn on the chandeliers in whole or in part.

A table lamp with a 30W light bulb allows you to achieve better illumination on the table than a chandelier with 3-5 bulbs with a power of 18Q-300W. Double win - vision and energy. From the point of view, a device for smoothly switching on light is good. CFL lamps (compact fluorescent lamps) consume electricity 6-7 times. less compared to incandescent lamps at the same illumination. But they are more expensive than the existing ones, although it is beneficial for the state to reduce their price.

The Brest Electric Lamp Plant, the only one of its kind in the republic, produces compact fluorescent lamps that consume six times less electricity and burn continuously, eight times longer (8000 hours) than conventional ones. \

At present, an important section of the nomenclature list of products produced by BelOMO is the production of lamps designed for local and general lighting of premises of the most diverse profile - housing, offices, workshops, shops. The use of compact fluorescent and halogen lamps in fixtures imparts energy-saving properties to these electrical appliances. Thus, due to the use of halogen lamps with a power of 20 W, characterized by an intense luminous flux, it is possible to reduce electricity consumption by 2-2.5 times.

When lighting landings and corridors. In houses, time relays or automatic switches with a time delay are installed. From the control over the correct operation of these devices by house managements and residents, the economical consumption of electricity in public places will largely depend.

Saving heat in the apartment, and with it, saving heat - loenergy - is a simple matter and does not require large expenses. It is estimated that the insulation of windows and doors saves up to 40% of the heat in the apartment. Thorough insulation of the apartment creates comfort, reduces the cost of its heating three times, which saves fuel.

Thermal energy savings are obtained with the rational use of hot water, since its losses in everyday life are 23%. In order to wash your face, hands, brush your teeth, a small jet or a few glasses of water is enough instead of many liters.

A great contribution to the saving of thermal energy is made by house management, which in a timely manner, before the onset of cold weather, repair the doors in the entrances and glaze the windows, conduct explanatory work with residents.

One of the most promising and fast-payback areas of the republican energy saving program is the equipment of buildings and structures with devices for individual and group accounting and control of energy consumption. Since 1997, meters for hot and cold water, heat and gas have been installed without fail in all newly built residential buildings. In addition, work is underway to equip the rest of the housing stock with such devices. According to the calculations of the committee's specialists, already in 2002 such meters should be installed in every Belarusian house.

However, it should be noted that while the majority of the population is wary of this innovation: residents are encouraged to purchase the necessary at their own expense. And in the public mind, the idea is firmly rooted that after the installation of meters, you will have to pay more for utilities than now.

At present, we pay for consumed energy resources on the basis of an average indicator equal to approximately 35% of the real consumption per capita in the country.

When calculating the current universal tariffs, the overestimated consumption of energy resources was taken as a basis. The committee's experiment showed unexpected results. It turns out that potentially our compatriots are quite able to spend heat and water much more economically than now. Residents of apartments in which meters were installed paid less than usual for water and heat. This means that today the absolute majority of the population overpays for energy resources by at least 3-4 times.

What does the implementation of the program for the introduction of individual and group metering and control of energy consumption give to the state? According to the Committee's experts, the mass installation of meters will save heat by 1.5 times, cold water - by 2 times, hot - by 2.5 times. On a national scale, this is a huge amount of money, which, of course, is not superfluous for our budget.

Today, the meter installed in the apartment pays off in 4 years. By 2002 - the moment of completion of the program for the mass introduction of individual energy consumption metering and control devices - this figure will decrease to 1.5 years. The higher energy prices are, the faster energy savings will take root in the mass consciousness.

Gradually in Belarus TE. KZh6 will be equipped with devices-regulators of heat consumption. When heat meters and regulators for its consumption are installed in all apartments, all the problems associated with the beginning of the heating season will disappear. They will turn it on earlier, because in any case, its consumption will be paid by the population and enterprises.

Saving energy resources should become an element of our mentality, production and everyday culture, the duty of every citizen. We hope you find this guide useful. The main thing we must remember is that our housing, our comfort and order are in our hands.

Rules for saving heat, electricity and water in everyday life.

Saving heat, electricity and water is not a rejection of comfort, but the provision of the necessary living conditions for citizens through their rational use. In order to save, we need to count what we consume. This is possible if metering devices are installed in the apartments. In our apartments, it is not technically difficult to organize accounting for electricity, gas, hot and cold water, and to provide accounting for thermal energy with a common house heat meter.

According to the Federal Law "On Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" dated November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ, until January 1, 2012, owners of residential buildings, owners of premises in apartment buildings put into operation on the day of the entry into force of this Federal Law, are obliged to ensure that such houses are equipped with metering devices for used water, natural gas, thermal energy, electric energy, as well as putting the installed metering devices into operation (at the same time, apartment buildings must be equipped with common house metering devices for used water within the specified period , thermal energy, electric energy, as well as individual and common metering devices for the communal apartment used for water, natural gas, electric energy).

Since July 1, 2010, organizations that supply water, natural gas, thermal energy, electric energy or their transmission and whose engineering and technical support networks are directly connected to the networks that are part of the engineering and technical equipment of facilities to be equipped with metering devices used energy resources are obliged to carry out activities for the installation, replacement, operation of metering devices for the used energy resources, the supply of which or the transfer of which they carry out. These organizations are not entitled to refuse the persons who applied to them to conclude an agreement regulating the conditions for the installation, replacement and (or) operation of metering devices for the energy resources used, the supply of which or the transfer of which they carry out. The price of such an agreement is determined by agreement of the parties. For the delay in fulfilling the obligation to install, replace and (or) operate these metering devices, these organizations pay the consumer for each day of delay a penalty (penalty), determined in the amount of one three hundredth of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, effective on the day the obligation is fulfilled, but not more than than in the amount of the price for the performance of work, the provision of services under the contract. The procedure for concluding and the essential terms of such an agreement were approved by order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated April 7, 2010 No. 149. An agreement regulating the conditions for installing a collective or individual (common for a communal apartment) meter for the used energy resource (supply or transfer of which is carried out by these organizations) and concluded with a citizen - the owner of a residential building, with a citizen - the owner of premises in an apartment building or a person responsible for the maintenance of an apartment building, must contain a condition for paying the price determined by such an agreement in equal installments within five years from the date of its conclusion, except for the case if the consumer has expressed his intention to pay the price determined by such an agreement at a time or with a shorter installment period. When an installment clause is included in such an agreement, the price determined by such an agreement shall include the amount of interest accrued in connection with the provision of an installment plan, but not more than in the amount of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in force on the day of accrual, unless appropriate compensation is carried out at the expense of the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the local budget. A constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipality shall have the right to provide, in accordance with the procedure established by the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation, at the expense of the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the local budget, support to these organizations by allocating funds to them to reimburse the expenses incurred by them in connection with the provision of installment plans.

Until January 1, 2013, in relation to residential buildings and apartment buildings, the above organizations are required to take actions to equip them with metering devices for used energy resources, if these objects were not equipped with metering devices for used energy resources within the prescribed period (until 01.01.2012). A person who has not fulfilled the obligation to equip these facilities with metering devices for used energy resources within the prescribed period must ensure the admission of these organizations to the installation sites of metering devices for used energy resources and pay the costs of these organizations for the installation of these metering devices. In case of refusal to pay expenses on a voluntary basis, a person who has not fulfilled the obligation to equip these facilities with metering devices for the energy resources used within the prescribed period must also pay the expenses incurred by these organizations due to the need for enforcement. At the same time, citizens - owners of residential buildings, citizens - owners of premises in apartment buildings who did not fulfill their obligations to equip these objects with metering devices for used energy resources within the prescribed period, if this required the said organizations to take actions to install metering devices for used energy resources, pay equal in installments within five years from the date of their installation, the costs of these organizations for the installation of these metering devices, provided that they do not express their intention to pay such costs at a time or with a shorter installment period. If an installment plan is granted, the costs of installing metering devices for the energy resources used are subject to an increase in the amount of interest accrued in connection with the provision of an installment plan, but not more than in the amount of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in force on the date of accrual, unless the corresponding compensation carried out at the expense of the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation, the local budget.

Equipping residential buildings and apartment buildings with metering devices for used energy resources will allow you to:

  • pay only the amount of utility resources that you received;
  • refuse to pay for a low-quality communal resource (the normative parameters of communal resources in the provision of housing and communal services are established by GOST R 51617− 2000 “Housing and communal services. General specifications.”);
  • effectively save on utilities.

To install common house metering devices for the energy resources used, it is necessary to hold a general meeting of the owners of premises in an apartment building in order to decide on the need to perform the specified work, as well as the conditions for paying the costs of installing metering devices (without installments, payment by installments for 5 years or less installment period). The decision of the general meeting is drawn up in the minutes of the general meeting and brought to the attention of the managing organization.

The managing organization, on the basis of a decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, concludes contracts for the installation of common house meters for used energy resources with organizations that supply or transmit energy resources and whose engineering and technical support networks are directly connected to networks that are part of the engineering and technical equipment of facilities to be equipped with metering devices used energy resources. The actions to install metering devices for the energy resources used are also entitled to be carried out by persons who meet the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for the implementation of such actions.

Saving thermal energy.

A lot of heat is lost

  • through window and door openings - 40 ... 50%;
  • through the ceilings of basements and attics - 20%;
  • through the outer walls - 30 ... .40%.

To increase heat transfer, radiators must be clean both inside and out. Over many years of operation, they are clogged with internal deposits so that water does not seep through (how warm it is!). Radiators need to be flushed. The governing body is responsible for this.

Covering heaters with decorative plates, panels and even curtains reduces heat transfer by 10%. Painting radiators with oil paints reduces heat transfer by 8%, and zinc white increases heat transfer by 3%.

Windows and doors should be insulated (or better changed), since the main heat losses go through them.

It is useful to cover the wall behind the heating radiator with heat-reflecting materials.

Before insulating windows for the winter, you should thoroughly wash the glass. In general, this should be done more often, as it helps to save electricity for lighting.

For the winter, window frames can be sealed with paper. This should be done from the inside and in calm weather. However, it is better to use special sealing materials. There are many of them on the market, and some are able to work for several years. They are also successfully used for insulation of entrance doors (including metal ones).

Installing a low-e thermal reflective film on the inside of a window pane reduces heat loss through windows by 40%.

Glazing of balconies and loggias can reduce total heat loss by 10%. Double front doors will also help keep the heat in the house.

Saving electricity.

In an apartment, electricity is consumed for many purposes, and from year to year, energy consumption is only growing due to the use of new household appliances. Home appliances are becoming one of the main "eaters" of electricity. Electric stoves, washing machines and dishwashers, computers, home theaters and other household appliances consume a surprisingly large amount of electricity, even in the "stand by" position (this is when the device is connected to the network and is waiting for a signal from the remote control). Do not leave the equipment in "stand by" mode - use the on / off buttons on the equipment itself or unplug it from the outlet. Turning off unused devices from the network (for example, a TV, VCR, music center) will reduce electricity consumption by an average of 300 kWh per year. A mobile phone charger left plugged in gets hot even if the phone is not there. This is because the device is still consuming electricity, with 95% of the energy being wasted when the charger is plugged in all the time.

Basic rules for saving electricity:

Cooking food.

  • Use cookware with a thick bottom. The diameter of the bottom of the burner must not exceed the diameter of the bottom of the cookware. All dishes must have lids. Without a lid, three times as much energy is needed. The bottom of cookware for electric stoves should be flat and fit snugly on the heating element. Be sure to use a pressure cooker: it saves a lot of effort, money and, which is especially pleasant, it saves a lot of time.
  • Use preheat temperature. Many dishes: pastries, fresh-frozen vegetables and prepared foods can be placed in a cold oven. In this case, the power consumption will decrease by 10-15%.
  • The board must be correct. Bursting, with chips and blisters, dirty heating elements perform their function much worse.
  • It is necessary to have an alternative to the stove: to drink tea it is better to use an electric kettle. For cooking, choose the most suitable method according to the quantity and cooking method. Thus, the most efficient in terms of energy consumption is defrosting, cooking and reheating small portions in the microwave.

Storing food in the refrigerator.

  • The refrigerator should be placed in the coolest place in the kitchen, preferably near the outer wall, but in no case next to the stove. If you put a refrigerator in a room where the temperature reaches 30ºC, the energy consumption will double.
  • The most economical mode for the refrigerator is + 5 degrees and - 18 for the freezer. Increasing the temperature by one degree increases energy consumption by 5%. Use the quick freeze button only when necessary, as this mode increases energy consumption by 30-55%. Remember that frequent opening of the refrigerator and freezer doors also increase energy consumption by 15-20%, and in older units even up to 50%.
  • Refrigerator is best kept full. The high heat capacity of the stored products will maintain an even temperature in it, and the compressor will turn on much less often. In the event of a power outage, this can save food from defrosting. It is unacceptable to put pots that have not cooled down in the refrigerator.
  • Be sure to defrost the freezer when ice forms in it. A thick layer of ice impairs the refrigeration of frozen food and increases energy consumption.

Water heating.

Most of the electricity for heating water is used by the dishwasher and washing machine. Here's how you can cut costs:

  • Load the machine completely.
  • Choose the optimal mode It is recommended to sort the laundry before washing each time, and in case of light or medium soiling, do not pre-wash. With the wrong washing program, the energy consumption is overrun - up to 30%.
  • More often put rinsing instead of washing.


A huge amount of electricity is spent on lighting. You can completely take care that the lamps do not burn in vain in those rooms where you are not. It is most effective to use local, spot lighting. New energy-saving lamps save energy consumption and pay for themselves over time, despite their high cost. When you change an incandescent lamp to an energy saving one and compare the ratio of radiation power per unit of power consumed, you understand that you will have the same lighting for less electricity. It is possible that modern energy-saving lamps will soon be replaced by even more economical LED lamps. Such lamps already exist and their energy consumption is a small part compared to conventional incandescent lamps.

Don't neglect natural light. Light curtains, light wallpaper and ceiling, clean windows, a moderate amount of flowers on the windowsills will increase the illumination of the apartment and reduce the use of lamps. Keep in mind that dusty windows reduce natural light by 30%.

Comparative table of energy consumption of various lighting sources.

Water saving.

First of all, it is necessary to put in order the plumbing and all water supply equipment. Often water just flows without any benefit, but meanwhile:

  • dripping from the tap, this is ~ 24 liters per day or 720 liters per month;
  • flowing from the tap is ~ 144 liters per day or 4000 liters per month;
  • the cistern in the toilet is flowing ~ 2,000 liters per day or 60,000 liters per month.

Modern faucet boxes with ceramic-metal elements instead of rubber gaskets allow you to forget about the eternal dripping from faucets. With high reliability, they are simple and easy to use.

The use of high-quality spray aerators (a special nozzle on the faucet) on mixers and shower units allows you to comfortably use water at half the flow rate. As a rule, such nozzles on new taps are included in the kit and are already mounted at the factory.

A shower handle with a water flow interrupter reduces its consumption by another quarter, unless of course it is used.

Washing dishes under running water is wasteful twice, in addition to water, the consumption of detergents increases. It is more economical and more convenient to use two filled sinks, in one the detergent is dissolved, and in the other the dishes are rinsed. Water consumption is reduced tenfold, detergents are saved.

By following these elementary rules, you can significantly redistribute expenses in your family budget.