One-pipe heating system or two-pipe which is better. Heating systems: one-pipe, two-pipe. Variants of wiring diagrams for a two-pipe system

The organization of heating a private house is not an easy job, requiring maximum attention to each stage. First of all, it is necessary to decide which heating system to use: one-pipe or two-pipe? Your task is to choose the most effective option strapping, so that in the future you do not reap the fruits of your mistakes in the form of eternally cold ones. And in order to understand which of the systems is better, we will understand technical nuances and principles of operation of each, as well as compare their pros and cons.

Distinctive features of a one-pipe system

Single-pipe piping functions to the limit simple principle: water circulates in a closed system from heating device to heating radiators. AT this case equipment is connected by one circuit. All technical knots connected in series with a common riser. In a private house for the supply of coolant can be used hydraulic pump- it creates the pressure in the system necessary to effectively push water through the riser. Depending on the installation option, a single-pipe system is divided into two types:

  1. Vertical - involves connecting radiators to one vertical riser according to the "top-down" scheme. Based on the installation features, the system is only suitable for two or three-story private houses. But at the same time, the heating temperature on the floors may vary slightly.
  2. Horizontal - provides for series connection of batteries using a horizontal riser. Best Option for a one-story house.

Important! There should be no more than 10 radiators per riser of a single-pipe system, otherwise too uncomfortable temperature contrasts in different heating zones cannot be avoided.

Pros and cons of a single pipe system

On the issue of the advantages and disadvantages of a single-pipe piping, everything is not so simple, therefore, in order to rationally evaluate the system, we will understand in detail the specifics of its pros and cons.

Among the obvious benefits:

  • Cost-effective - the assembly of a single-pipe system does not require a large number working materials. Savings on pipes and various auxiliary elements makes it possible to reduce financial expenses to connect heating system.
  • Ease of installation - you need to install only one line for the coolant.

Single pipe horizontal system heating

Cons of single-pipe piping:

  • The impossibility of monitoring individual batteries - in basic version single-pipe piping does not allow you to separately regulate the supply of coolant to a specific radiator and adjust the temperature in different rooms.
  • The interdependence of all elements - in order to repair or replace any device, it is necessary to completely turn off the heating system.

At the same time, the indicated shortcomings, if desired, can be easily leveled with the help of closing devices - bypasses. They are jumpers with taps and valves that block the flow of coolant to a separate battery: if you need to repair any device, just block the water supply to it and, without fear of leakage, start performing necessary work– water in normal mode will continue to circulate in common system heating, bypassing the blocked area. In addition, thermostats can be connected to the bypasses to control the power of each particular battery and separately regulate the temperature of space heating.

Technical subtleties of a two-pipe system

The two-pipe system operates according to a complicated scheme: first, the hot coolant is supplied to the radiators through the first branch of the pipeline, and then, having cooled down, the water flows back to the heater through the return branch. Thus, we have two fully functional pipes.

Like a single-pipe piping, a two-pipe piping can be made in two variations. Yes, depending on the connection heating equipment, allocate the following types heating systems:

  1. Vertical - all devices are connected by a vertical riser. The advantage of the system is the absence of air congestion. The downside is the relatively high cost of connection.
  2. Horizontal - all components of the heating system are connected to a horizontal riser. Due to its high functionality, the harness is suitable for one-story dwellings with a large heating area.

Advice. When arranging a two-pipe system horizontal type a special Mayevsky crane must be installed in each radiator - it will perform the function of bleeding air plugs.

In turn, the horizontal system is divided into two subspecies:

  1. With lower wiring: hot and return branches are located in the basement or under the floor of the lower floor. Heating radiators should be above the level of the heater - this improves the circulation of the coolant. An upper air line must be connected to the general circuit - it removes excess air from the network.
  2. With upper wiring: hot and reverse branches are laid in the upper part of the house, for example, in a well-insulated attic. An expansion tank is also located here.

Pros and cons of a two-pipe system

Double-pipe piping boasts a rather large list of advantages:

  • Independence of the system components - pipes are bred in parallel collector circuit which makes them separate from each other.
  • Uniform heating - in all radiators, wherever they are located, the coolant is supplied with the same temperature.

Two-pipe heating system

  • No need to use a strong hydraulic pump - the coolant circulates through the two-pipe system by gravity due to only gravitational force, so you do not need to use a powerful one for heating pump equipment. And if it is observed weak pressure water flow, you can connect the simplest pump.
  • The possibility of "building" batteries - if necessary, after assembling the equipment, you can extend the existing horizontal or vertical piping, which is unrealistic with a single-pipe version of the heating system.

The disadvantages of the two-pipe system are also available:

  • Complicated scheme for connecting heating equipment.
  • The complexity of installation.
  • The high cost of organizing heating due to a large number pipes and accessories.

Now you know the difference between single-pipe and two-pipe systems heating, which means it will be easier for you to decide in favor of one of them. Before making a final choice, carefully evaluate the technical and functional advantages and the disadvantages of each of the strappings - so you will understand exactly which system is needed to heat your private house.

Connecting heating radiators: video

Heating system: photo

Sometimes it is very difficult for an uninformed homeowner to decide on the choice of a heating system. This problem is as old as the world. The debate over which is better - a single-pipe or two-pipe heating system, has been going on for a long time and has not subsided to this day. In our article, we will try to approach the issue objectively and impartially, having considered both schemes in relation to a private house.

Pros and cons of a single pipe system

To begin with, we recall that a single-pipe circuit is one horizontal collector or vertical riser, common to several radiators connected to it by both connections. The coolant, circulating through the main pipe, partially flows into the batteries, gives off heat and returns back to the same collector. The next radiator comes with a mixture of cooled and hot water with the temperature lowered by several degrees. And so on until the very last radiator.

The main difference between a single-pipe heating system and a two-pipe one, which gives it some advantage, is the lack of separation into supply and return pipelines. One line instead of two fewer pipes and work on their laying (punching of walls and ceilings, fastening). In theory, it should be lower and total cost, But it is not always the case. Below we will explain why.

Thanks to the advent of modern fittings, it became possible to regulate the heat transfer of each radiator in automatic mode. True, this requires special thermostats with an increased flow area. But even they will not save the system from its main drawback - the cooling of the coolant from battery to battery. As a result, the heat transfer of each subsequent device decreases and it is necessary to increase its power by increasing the sections. And this is a cost increase.

If the line and the connection to the device are of the same diameter, then the flow will be divided approximately equally. This should not be allowed, the coolant will cool down greatly in the very first radiator. In order for a third of the flow to get into it, the size of the common collector must be made twice as large, and along the entire perimeter. Imagine if this two-storey house with an area of ​​100 m2 or more, where a DN25 or DN32 pipe is laid in a circle. This is the second price increase.

If in a one-story private house it is necessary to ensure natural circulation of water, then here a one-pipe heating system differs from a two-pipe one by the presence of a vertical accelerating collector with a height of at least 2 m, installed immediately after the boiler. Exception - pumping systems with wall boiler suspended on required height. This is the third price increase.

Conclusion. A single pipe system is complex. It is necessary to calculate the diameters of pipelines and the power of radiators very well, to think carefully about laying highways. Then it will work efficiently and reliably. The statement about the cheapness of "Leningrad" is very controversial, especially when it is decided to assemble a scheme from metal-plastic pipes, you'll just go broke on the fittings. Metal and PPR will cost less.

Pros and cons of a two-pipe system

All more or less understanding people know the difference between a single-pipe and two-pipe heating system. It lies in the fact that in the latter, each battery is connected with one supply line to the supply line, and the second - to the return line. That is, hot and cooled coolant flows through different pipelines. What does it give? Let's put the answer in the form of a list:

  • distribution of water to all radiators with the same temperature;
  • accordingly, the number of sections does not need to be increased;
  • it is much easier to regulate and automate the entire system;
  • pipe diameters for forced circulation at least 1 size smaller than with a single-pipe scheme.

As for the shortcomings, there is only one worthy of attention. This is the consumption of pipes and the cost of laying them. But these pipes are of smaller diameter with a relatively small number of fittings. A detailed calculation of materials for one and the other system, as well as the nuances of their work, are shown in the video:

Conclusion. The advantage of a two-pipe heating system is its simplicity. Master small house, having correctly determined the power of the batteries, can randomly make the wiring with a DN20 pipe, and make the connections from DN15, and the circuit will work fine. As for the high cost, it all depends on the material used, the branching of the system, and so on. Let's take the liberty of asserting that a two-pipe scheme is better than a one-pipe one.

How to convert a one-pipe heating system into a two-pipe one?

Since the difference between a single-pipe and a two-pipe system is the separation of the two streams, it is technically quite easy to make a conversion. It is necessary to lay a second pipeline along the existing highway, whose diameter can be taken 1 size smaller. The end of the old collector must be cut off near the last device and plugged, the remaining section to the boiler must be connected to a new pipe.

You will get a scheme with a passing movement of water, only the coolant leaving the batteries must be sent to a new line. To do this, one inlet section of each radiator will have to be reconnected from the old collector to the new one, as shown in the diagram:

It must be understood that in the process of alteration, one may encounter such difficulties as lack of space for a second pipe, the inability to punch a hole in a wall or ceiling, and so on. Therefore, before starting such a reconstruction, it is necessary to think over everything well. It might be possible to fix normal work existing one-pipe system.


In the field of private housing construction, the advantages of a two-pipe heating system over a single-pipe one are obvious. But the latter does not give up its positions, because it has many fans. In any case, the choice is yours.

Owners of private houses often face the choice of which type of home heating to give preference. There are only two types of heating systems traditionally used in everyday life: one-pipe and two-pipe. Each type has both advantages and disadvantages. The difference between the two systems is in a different way delivery of coolant to heating devices. Which heating structure for own house better, one-pipe or two-pipe - choose directly to the owner of the house, taking into account their own household needs, the estimated heated area and the availability of finances.

In the first version, heat is distributed throughout the house through one pipe, sequentially heating each room of the house. In the second case, the complex is equipped with two pipes. One is a direct supply of coolant to. Another pipe serves to drain the cooled liquid back to the boiler for subsequent heating. Correct assessment of your own financial capabilities, accurate calculation optimal parameters coolant in each separate case, will help not only determine the type of heating system, but also competently.

You can understand and figure out what is best for you, a one-pipe or two-pipe heating system, only after a thorough study of the technical nuances.

Single pipe heating system. General representations

A single-pipe heating system can work both with a pump and with natural circulation coolant. Considering the second type, you should delve a little into the existing laws of physics. It is based on the principle of expansion of a liquid when heated. During operation, the heating boiler heats the coolant, which, due to the temperature difference and generated pressure rises up the riser to the highest point of the system. The movement of the coolant upwards is carried out along one pipe, reaching the expansion tank. Accumulating there, hot water fills all series-connected batteries through a descending pipe.

Accordingly, the first connection points along the coolant will receive maximum warmth, while the radiators located further will already receive partially cooled liquid.

For large, multi-storey buildings, such a scheme is extremely inefficient, although in terms of installation and maintenance costs, a single-pipe system looks attractive. For private one-story houses, residential buildings on two floors, a similar principle of heat distribution is acceptable. Heating of residential premises using a single-pipe scheme in one-story house effective enough. With a small heated area, the temperature in the radiators is almost the same. The use of the pump in longer systems also has a positive effect on the uniformity of heat distribution.

The quality of heating and the cost of installation in this case may depend on the type of connection. Diagonal connection radiators gives greater heat transfer, but is used less often, due to the larger number of pipes needed to connect all heating appliances in residential premises.

The scheme with the lower connection of radiators looks more economical due to the lower consumption of materials. From an aesthetic point of view, this type of connection looks preferable.

Advantages of a single-pipe heating system and its disadvantages

For owners of small residential buildings a single-pipe heating system looks tempting, especially if you pay attention to its following advantages:

  • has stable hydrodynamics;
  • convenience and ease of design and installation;
  • low costs for equipment and materials.

The indirect advantages of a single-pipe system include the safety of the supply of coolant, which diverges through the pipeline through natural circulation.

The most common problems that owners of a single-pipe heating system have to face include the following aspects:

  • technical difficulties in eliminating miscalculations in the work made during the design;
  • close relationship of all elements;
  • high hydrodynamic resistance of the system;
  • technological limitations associated with the impossibility self adjustment coolant consumption.

Despite the listed disadvantages of this type of heating, a well-designed heating system will avoid many difficulties even at the installation stage. In view of the listed advantages and the economic component, single-pipe schemes have become quite widespread. Real Benefits have both a single-pipe and another type, a two-pipe heating system. What can you win and what can you lose by choosing one of the types for your home?

Technology for connecting and locating a single-pipe heating system

Single-pipe systems are divided into vertical and horizontal. In most cases for multi-storey buildings vertical wiring is used. In this case, all radiators are connected in series from top to bottom. At horizontal wiring Batteries are connected one after the other horizontally. The main disadvantage of both options is frequent air locks due to the accumulation of air in the radiators. The proposed scheme makes it possible to get an idea of ​​​​some wiring options.

Connection methods in this case are selected at the discretion of the owner. Heating radiators can be connected via lateral connection, diagonal or bottom connection. The figure shows similar connection options.

For the owner of the house always important aspect remains economic expediency equipment installed in the house and the resulting effect. Do not underestimate the option with a single-pipe heating system. Today, in practice, there are quite a few effective measures to improve heating schemes of this type.

For example: there is technical solution, which allows you to independently adjust the heating of individual radiators connected to the same line. For this purpose, bypasses are created in the system - a pipe segment that creates a bypass movement of the coolant from a straight pipe to the return line, bypassing the circuit of a certain battery.

Valves and valves are placed on the bypasses, blocking the flow of the coolant. You can install thermostats on radiators that allow you to control the heating temperature in each radiator or throughout the system as a whole. A competent specialist will be able to calculate and install bypasses to achieve maximum efficiency. In the diagram you can see the principle of operation of bypasses.

Two-pipe heating system. Operating principle

Having become acquainted with the first type of heating system, one-pipe, it's time to deal with the features and principle of operation of a two-pipe heating scheme. Thorough analysis of technological and technical parameters heating of this type allows consumers to make independent choice- which heating is more efficient in a particular case, one-pipe or two-pipe.

The basic principle is the presence of two circuits along which the coolant diverges through the system. One pipe provides the coolant supply to the heating radiators. The second branch is designed so that the already cooled coolant, after passing through the radiator, returns back to the boiler. And so constantly, in a circle, while the heating is on. At first glance, the very presence of two pipelines in the scheme can repel consumers. The long length of highways, the complexity of wiring are factors that often scare owners of private houses away from a two-pipe heating system.

This is at first glance. Like single-pipe systems, two-pipe systems are divided into closed and open. The difference in this case lies in the design of the expansion tank.

Closed with a membrane expansion tank are the most practical, convenient and safe to use. The obvious benefits are confirmed by:

  • even at the design stage, it is possible to equip heating devices with thermostats;
  • parallel, independent connection of radiators;
  • the technical possibility of adding heating devices after the installation is completed;
  • ease of use of hidden gaskets;
  • the ability to turn off individual radiators or branches;
  • ease of adjustment of the system.

Based on the foregoing, one unambiguous conclusion can be drawn. A two-pipe heating system is much more flexible and more technologically advanced than a single-pipe one.

For comparison, the following diagram is presented:

The two-pipe system is very convenient for operation in a house in which it is planned to increase the living space, extension options are possible, both up and along the perimeter of the building. Already at the stage of work, it is possible to easily eliminate the allowed during the design technical errors. Such a scheme is more stable and reliable than a single-pipe one.

For all obvious benefits, before choosing this type of heating, it is appropriate to recall the disadvantages of a two-pipe system.

It is important to know! The system is characterized by a higher complexity and cost of installation and rather cumbersome connection options.

If you have a competent specialist at hand, the necessary technical calculations have been carried out, then the listed disadvantages are easily compensated by the advantages of a two-pipe heating scheme.

As in the case of a single-pipe system, the two-pipe option involves the use of a vertical or horizontal arrangement of pipelines. Vertical system– radiators are connected to a vertical riser. This type is convenient for two-story private houses and cottages. Air congestion is not terrible for you. In case of horizontal option- the radiators in each room or room are connected to a horizontal piping. Two-pipe horizontal heating schemes are mainly designed for heating one-story buildings and large residential buildings with the need for floor-by-floor adjustment. Arising air jams are easily eliminated by installing Mayevsky cranes on radiators.

The figure shows a vertical two-pipe heating system. Below you can see what a two-pipe horizontal type system looks like.

Traditionally, radiators can be connected using bottom and top wiring. Depending on the specifications and the project - the choice of wiring option depends on the owner of the house. The top wiring is more convenient. All highways can be hidden in attic space. The system creates the circulation necessary for a good distribution of the coolant. The main disadvantage of a two-pipe heating scheme with top option wiring - the need for installation membrane tank outside heated rooms. The top wiring does not allow to make a fence technical water for household needs, as well as connect expansion tank with domestic hot water tank. This scheme is not suitable for flat-roofed residential properties.


The selected type of heating for a private house should provide all the inhabitants of the residential building with the necessary comfort. Save on heating is not worth it. By installing a heating system in your house that does not meet the parameters of a residential facility and domestic needs, you run the risk of spending a lot of money on refurbishment in the future.

Two-pipe or one-pipe heating system - the choice must always be justified, both from a technical point of view and from an economic one.

It is rather difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of which heating system is better single-pipe or two-pipe. each system is suitable for various situations. In this article, we will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each of the systems and answer the question in what situations one or another scheme should be used.

What systems will be compared?

It should be noted right away that for comparison we will take equally well-functioning systems, i.e. one-pipe and two-pipe schemes, in which all heaters are heated to approximately the same temperature and are able to maintain the required temperature in a single private house. Those. we will not consider a one-pipe system in which, for example, the first radiator is heated to 60°C and the last to 40°C, because such indicators indicate that the system is not working correctly.

Therefore, it makes no sense to consider such a “non-working” system, even though such a single-tube will have some advantages over a similar two-tube, primarily in terms of cost. Such a single tube initial stage will be cheaper, but in the future this cheapness will lead to unsatisfactory heating of the last radiators. That is why we consider only correctly working systems that will delight the owners of the house with equally heated radiators in all rooms.

Compared parameters

The following parameters will determine which heating system is better one-pipe or two-pipe and in what situations one or another system should be used.


A single pipe heating system is more expensive. The high cost consists of two main factors:

  • The need to increase the number of sections in each radiator next in the direction of circulation of the coolant. The single-pipe circuit consists of one supply pipeline through which the coolant passes through the entire heating circuit, sequentially entering each heating device. From each radiator, the coolant exits a few degrees colder than when it enters the radiator (part of the heat, about 10°C, is given to the room). Therefore, if a coolant with a temperature of 60 ° C enters the first radiator, then a coolant with a temperature of 50 ° C leaves the radiator, after which 2 flows are mixed in the supply line, as a result of which the coolant enters the second heating device already with a temperature of about 55 ° C . Thus, after each radiator there will be a loss of about 5°C. It is to compensate for these losses that it is necessary to increase the number of sections for each subsequent heating device.

In a two-pipe scheme, there is no need to increase the number of radiator sections, because. each device receives a coolant of almost the same temperature. In the two-pipe there is both a supply and a return line, to which each heater is connected at the same time. After passing through the radiator, the coolant immediately enters the return line and is sent for further heating to the boiler. Thus, each radiator receives almost the same temperature (heat losses are present, but they are very small).

Note! best application single-pipe schemes are small heating systems, where there are no more than 5 radiators. With such a quantity heating appliances, the coolant, passing through all 5 radiators in series, does not lose heat in such critical quantities as in single-pipe systems with large quantity heating appliances.

  • The need to use an enlarged supply pipeline. If the supply pipeline is too “thin”, this will lead to the fact that many radiators simply will not get the heated coolant. Pipe large diameter allows you to deliver the heated coolant to as many heating devices as possible. The thicker the supply pipe, the fewer sections you need to add to each radiator.

Thus, an increase in the number of radiator sections and an increase in the diameter of the supply line makes a single-pipe system more expensive than a similar two-pipe system.


The two-pipe scheme is more economical in operation. As noted above, in order to achieve uniform heating of all radiators in a single-pipe circuit, the use of a “thick” feed is required, as well as an increase in the number of sections in the radiators. All this increases the volume of the coolant, and the more coolant in the system, the more fuel is required to heat it. Therefore, to the question of which heating system is better single-pipe or two-pipe in terms of efficiency, the answer will be in favor of a two-pipe system.

Mounting process

A single-tube system is more complex in calculations, because it is necessary to correctly calculate how many sections each subsequent heater should be increased. Besides, Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the calculation of the supply line and radiator connection.


The two-pipe scheme is most advisable to use in extended heating systems with a large number of heaters. It is an economical, efficient, easy-to-install system.

The single-pipe scheme, on the contrary, is most suitable for small systems in which there is a small number of heaters (no more than 5 radiators).
