Horizontal hydraulic arrow in the system of individual heating. Hydro arrow for heating: principle of operation and purpose. How it works

Often, on the pages of Internet resources, you can find a very concise, written only in technical terms, description hydroguns. In this article, we will try to reveal what is a hydraulic gun and why is it needed.

Hydrogun- used for hydraulic separation of flows. Thus, the hydraulic separator is a kind of channel between the circuits, which allows you to make dynamically independent circuits for transferring movement from the coolant. Most often used on the Internet official name: hydro gunhydraulic separator.

Why do you need a hydraulic arrow in the heating system?

In a heating system, a hydraulic arrow is a link between two separate heat transfer circuits and it completely neutralizes the dynamic influence between the circuits. She has two purposes:

  • firstly, it eliminates the hydrodynamic influence, when turning off and on some circuits in the heating system, on the entire hydrodynamic balance. For example, when using radiator heating, warm floors and heating the boiler, it makes sense to separate each flow into a separate circuit, in order to exclude influence on each other. ()
  • the second - with a small flow rate of the coolant - it should receive a large flow rate for the second, artificially created circuit. For example, when using a boiler with a flow rate of 40 l / min, the heating system turns out to be 2-3 times more in flow (consumes 120 l / min). In this case, it is advisable to install the first circuit as the boiler circuit and install the heating decoupling system as the second circuit. In general, it is not economically feasible to accelerate the boiler more than it is provided by the boiler manufacturer; in this case, the hydraulic resistance, it either does not give required flow, or increases the load of fluid movement, this leads to increased energy consumption of the pump.

On what principle does a hydraulic gun work?

The circulation of the coolant in the primary circuit is created using the first pump. The second pump creates circulation through the hydraulic arrow in the second circuit. Thus, the coolant is mixed in the hydraulic arrow. If the flow rate in both circuits is the same for us, then the coolant freely penetrates from circuit to circuit, creating, as it were, a single, common circuit. In this case, no vertical movement is created in the hydraulic gun, or this movement is close to zero. If the flow rate in the second circuit is greater than in the first circuit, then the coolant moves from bottom to top in the hydraulic arrow and, with an increased flow rate in the first circuit, from top to bottom.

And when setting up the hydraulic gun, you need to achieve a minimum vertical movement. Economic calculation shows that this movement should not exceed 0.1 m/s.

Why reduce the vertical speed in a hydraulic gun?

The hydraulic arrow also serves as a sump for debris in the system; at low vertical speeds, the garbage gradually settles in the hydraulic arrow, being removed from the heating system.

Creation of natural convection of the coolant in the hydraulic arrow, so the cold coolant goes down, and the hot one rushes up. Thus, the necessary temperature difference is created. When using a warm floor, you can get in a secondary circuit low temperature coolant, and for the boiler higher, providing rapid heating of water.

Reducing the hydraulic resistance in the hydraulic arrow,

Separation of microscopic air bubbles from the coolant, thereby removing it from the heating system through the air vent.

How to find out that you need a hydraulic gun?

As a rule, a hydraulic arrow is installed in houses with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bmore than 200 sq.m., in those houses where there is a complex heating system. Where the distribution of the coolant into several circuits is used. It is desirable to make such circuits independent of others in common system heating. The hydraulic arrow allows you to create a perfectly stable heating system and distribute heat throughout the house in the right proportions. When using such a system, the distribution of heat along the contours becomes accurate and deviations from the set parameters are excluded.

Benefits of using hydraulic guns.

Protection of cast iron heat exchangers eliminating thermal shock. AT regular system, without the use of a hydraulic arrow, a sharp increase in temperature is created when some branches are turned off and the subsequent arrival of an already cold coolant. Hydraulic arrow gives constant flow boiler, reducing the temperature difference between supply and return.

Increases the durability and reliability of boiler equipment due to stable operation without temperature fluctuations.

Lack of imbalance and creation of hydraulic stability of the heating system. It is the hydraulic arrow that allows you to increase additional expense coolant, which is very difficult to achieve by installing additional pumps.

The principle of operation of the hydraulic arrow video

design own system heating is far from easy. Even if its installers “plan” it, you need to be aware of many nuances. Firstly, to control their work, and secondly, to assess the necessity and expediency of their proposals. For example, in last years the hydraulic arrow for heating is strongly promoted. This is a small addition, the installation of which results in a considerable amount. In some cases it is very useful, in others it can be easily dispensed with.

What is a hydraulic gun and where is it installed

The correct name for this device is hydraulic arrow or hydraulic separator. It is a piece of round or square pipe with welded pipes. Usually there is nothing inside. In some cases, there may be two grids. One (above) for a better “discharge” of air bubbles, the second (below) for screening out contaminants.

In the heating system, the hydraulic arrow is placed between the boiler and consumers - heating circuits. Can be positioned both horizontally and vertically. Most often placed vertically. With this arrangement, an automatic air vent is placed in the upper part, and a stopcock is placed below. Some of the water with accumulated dirt is periodically drained through the tap.

That is, it turns out that a vertically placed hydraulic separator, simultaneously with the main functions, removes air and makes it possible to remove sludge.

Purpose and principle of operation

A hydraulic gun is needed for branched systems in which several pumps are installed. It provides the required coolant flow for all pumps, regardless of their performance. That is, in other words, it serves for hydraulic decoupling of the heating system pumps. Therefore, this device is also called a hydraulic separator or hydraulic separator.

A hydraulic arrow is installed if the system has several pumps: one on the boiler circuit, the rest on the heating circuits (radiators, water-heated floor, boiler indirect heating). For correct operation, their performance is selected so that the boiler pump can pump a little more coolant (10-20%) than is required for the rest of the system.

Why do you need a hydraulic arrow for heating? Let's look at an example. In a heating system with several pumps, they often have different capacities. Often it turns out that one pump is many times more powerful. All pumps have to be installed side by side - in the collector unit, where they are hydraulically connected. When the powerful pump is turned on at full power, all other circuits are left without coolant. This happens all the time. To avoid such situations, they put a hydraulic arrow in the heating system. The second way is to spread the pumps over a long distance.

Operating modes

Theoretically, there are three possible modes of operation of the heating system with a hydraulic arrow. They are shown in the figure below. The first is when the boiler pump pumps exactly the same amount of coolant as the entire heating system requires. This is the ideal situation in real life occurring very rarely. Let's explain why. Modern heating adjusts the operation according to the temperature of the coolant or the temperature in the room. Let's imagine that everything was perfectly calculated, the valves were tightened, and after the adjustment, equality was achieved. But after a while, the operating parameters of the boiler or one of the heating circuits will change. The equipment will adapt to the situation, and the equality of performance will be violated. So this mode can exist for a few minutes (or even less).

The second mode of operation of the hydraulic arrow is when the flow rate of the heating circuits is greater than the power of the boiler pump (middle figure). This situation is dangerous for the system and should not be allowed. It is possible if the pumps are selected incorrectly. Rather, the boiler pump has too little capacity. In this case, to ensure the required flow rate, the heating medium from the return will be supplied to the circuits together with the heated coolant from the boiler. That is, at the outlet of the boiler, for example, 80 ° C, into the circuit after mixing cold water is coming eg 65°C (actual temperature depends on flow deficit). Going through heating appliances, the coolant temperature drops by 20-25°C. That is, the temperature of the heat carrier supplied to the boiler will be at best 45°C. Compared to the output - 80 ° C, then the temperature delta is too large for a conventional (non-condensing) boiler. This mode of operation is not normal and the boiler will quickly fail.

The third mode of operation is when the boiler pump supplies more heated coolant than required heating circuits(right figure). In this case, part of the heated coolant is returned to the boiler. As a result, the temperature of the incoming coolant rises, it works in a sparing mode. This is the normal mode of operation of the heating system with a hydraulic arrow.

When a hydraulic gun is needed

A hydraulic arrow for heating is 100% needed if the system has several boilers operating in a cascade. Moreover, they must work simultaneously (at least most of the time). Here, for correct operation, a hydraulic separator is the best way out.

In the presence of two simultaneously operating boilers (in a cascade), a hydraulic arrow is the best option

Another hydraulic arrow for heating can be useful for boilers with a cast-iron heat exchanger. In the tank of the hydraulic separator, there is a constant mixing of warm and cold water. This reduces the temperature delta at the outlet and inlet of the boiler. For cast iron heat exchanger is a blessing. But a bypass with a three-way adjustable valve will cope with the same task and it will cost much less. So even for cast-iron boilers in small heating systems, with approximately the same flow rate, it is quite possible to do without connecting a hydraulic arrow.

When can I put

If there is only one pump in the heating system - on the boiler, the hydraulic arrow is not needed at all. You can do without if one or two pumps are installed on the circuits. Such a system can be balanced using control valves. When is the installation of a hydraulic gun justified? When the conditions are:

  • Three or more contours, everything is very different power(different circuit volume, different temperature required). In this case, even with perfectly accurate selection of pumps and calculation of parameters, there is a possibility of unstable operation of the system. For example, a situation often occurs when, when the floor heating pump is turned on, the radiators freeze. In this case, hydraulic decoupling of the pumps is needed and therefore a hydraulic arrow is installed.
  • In addition to radiators, there is a water-heated floor that heats large areas. Yes, it can be connected through a collector and mixing unit, but it can force the boiler pump to work in extreme mode. If your heating pumps often burn, you most likely need to install a hydraulic gun.
  • In a system of medium or large volume (with two or more pumps), you are going to install automatic control equipment - according to the temperature of the coolant or air temperature. At the same time, you do not want / cannot regulate the system manually (with taps).

In the first case, hydraulic decoupling is most likely needed, in the second, it is worth thinking about installing it. Why only think? Because it's a big expense. And it's not just the cost of the water gun. It costs about $300. You will have to install additional equipment. At a minimum, you need collectors at the inlet and outlet, pumps for each circuit (with a small system, you can do without a hydraulic arrow), as well as a pump speed control unit, since they can no longer be controlled through the boiler. In total, with the payment for the installation of equipment, this "appendage" translates into about two thousand dollars. Indeed a lot.

Why then put this equipment? Because with a hydraulic arrow, heating works more stable, it does not require constant adjustment of the coolant flow in the circuits. If you ask the owners of cottages whose heating is done without a hydraulic separator, they will tell you that you often have to reconfigure the system - turn the valves, adjusting the coolant flows in the circuits. This is typical if different heating elements are used. For example, on the ground floor there is a warm floor, radiators on two floors, heated utility rooms, in which it is necessary to maintain a minimum temperature (garage, for example). If you are supposed to have approximately the same system, and the prospect of “tuning” does not suit you, you can install a hydraulic arrow for heating. If it is present, each circuit receives as much coolant as it requires in this moment and in no way depends on the operating parameters of pumps operating nearby in other circuits.

How to choose parameters

The hydraulic separator is selected taking into account the maximum possible flow rate of the coolant. The fact is that at a high speed of movement of the liquid through the pipes, it begins to make noise. To avoid this effect, the maximum speed is assumed to be 0.2 m/s.

Parameters required for the hydraulic separator

According to the maximum coolant flow

To calculate the diameter of the hydraulic arrow using this method, the only thing you need to know is the maximum coolant flow that is possible in the system and the diameter of the nozzles. With branch pipes, everything is simple - you know which pipe you will do the wiring. We know the maximum flow that the boiler can provide (there is in technical specifications), while the flow rate in the circuits depends on their size/volume and is determined when selecting the circuit pumps. The flow rate for all circuits is added up, compared with the power of the boiler pump. A large value is substituted into the formula for calculating the volume of the hydraulic gun.

Let's take an example. Let be maximum flow in the system 7.6 cubic meters / hour. The permissible maximum speed is taken as standard - 0.2 m / s, the diameter of the nozzles is 6.3 cm (pipes 2.5 inches). In this case, we get: 18.9 * √ 7.6 / 0.2 = 18.9 * √38 = 18.9 * 6.16 = 116.424 mm. If we round it up, we get that the diameter of the hydraulic arrow should be 116 mm.

According to the maximum power of the boiler

The second method is the selection of a hydraulic arrow according to the power of the boiler. The estimate will be approximate, but it can be trusted. You will need the power of the boiler and the temperature difference of the coolant in the supply and return pipelines.

The calculation is also easy. Let the maximum power of the boiler be 50 kW, the temperature delta be 10 ° C, the diameters of the pipes are the same - 6.3 cm. Substituting the numbers, we get - 18.9 * √ 50 / 0.2 * 10 = 18.9 * √ 25 = 18.9 * 5 = 94.5 mm. Rounding, we get the diameter of the hydraulic arrow 95 mm.

How to find the length of a water gun

We decided on the diameter of the hydraulic separator for heating, but we also need to know the length. It is selected depending on the diameter of the connected nozzles. There are two types of hydraulic arrows for heating - with outlets located one opposite the other and with alternating pipes (they are offset one relative to the other).

Determine the length of the hydraulic gun from a round pipe

Calculating the length in this case is easy - in the first case it is 12d, in the second - 13d. For medium systems, you can choose the diameter depending on the nozzles - 3 * d. As you can see, nothing complicated. You can calculate on your own.

Buy or do it yourself?

As they said, a ready-made hydraulic arrow for heating costs a lot - $ 200-300, depending on the manufacturer. To reduce costs, there is a natural desire to do it yourself. If you know how to cook, no problem - you bought the materials and did it. However, the following points must be taken into account:

  • The carving on the sleds should be well cut and symmetrical.
  • The walls of the outlets are of the same thickness.

Quality homemade product maybe "not very"

Like obvious things. But you will be surprised how difficult it is to find four normal spurs with a normally made carving. Further, all welds must be of high quality - the system will work under pressure. The shanks are welded strictly perpendicular to the surface, at the right distance. In general, this is not such an easy task.

If you yourself do not know how, you will have to look for a performer. Finding him is not at all easy: either they ask for expensive services, or the quality of work, to put it mildly, is “not very good”. In general, many people decide to buy a water gun, despite the considerable cost. Moreover, in recent times, domestic producers They do the same, but much cheaper.

Boiler room equipment is a separate extensive topic, which we have already somehow touched upon. One of the elements of the boiler room, which is constantly on hearing, is the hydraulic separator. In this article, we will touch on the principle of operation of the hydro insole, why it is needed and its main purpose.

In pursuit of additional profit, many sellers, managers and even production workers are ready to tell anything they want if it will help sell the product. So various miracle hoses appear, incredibly reliable boilers and so on.

But the real scope for the activity of swindlers is goods about which the consumer knows little. Heard something about its benefits, but does not know what it is.

One of these devices, fanned by a mass of legends and rumors, is a hydraulic gun. The device is necessary, but for absolutely specific task Everything else is marketing and profanity.

Hydrogun device

This is just a small pipe with a cross section in the form of a circle or a rectangle, in which there are four nozzles through which heat flows to the consumer in one direction and return to the boiler in the other.

The purpose of the hydraulic arrow is to separate the boiler circuit and the consumer circuit.

The separator can be positioned both vertically and vertically. horizontal plane, it all depends on the characteristics of the room. Most often they are placed vertically, since in this position it is easier to install an air vent on top, and at the bottom - a tap to remove unnecessary substances.

The principle of operation of the hydraulic gun is such that it cannot work independently, a complex is needed. The whole system includes the following components:

  • The water gun itself
  • Main manifold
  • Pump groups (one direct and two mixing)
  • strapping
  • control controller

The principle of operation of the hydraulic gun

Manufacturers and cunning marketers declare three possible modes of operation of the hydraulic gun. While experts say that there is only one way to use this device.

When the boiler provides more energy than the entire heating system of the consumer needs, in this case, the excess heat returns in the direction of the arrow to the boiler itself.

This protects our boiler from the return flow, which, at low thermal values, can damage the entire system and provide additional heating.

The main principle of operation of the hydraulic gun- not manipulations with the redistribution of heat between the main supply and return, but ensuring the possibility of operation of pumps of all circuits of the heating system.

Let us explain: if one powerful pump gives high blood pressure to one of the circuits, then the second pump, which is weaker in its characteristics, ceases to perform its task and takes absolutely nothing, which causes interruptions, temperature drops and other troubles.

The hydraulic separator creates an area of ​​zero resistance. Thanks to this, it is possible to distribute the load evenly over all circuits and pumps, and there will never be such problems. Uniformity also makes it possible to increase the stability and reliability of the entire system as a whole, since none of the sections is no longer subjected to critical loads.

Alternative modes of operation of the hydraulic gun

Despite the fact that right principle the operation of the hydraulic gun is only the method described above, it must be borne in mind that there is technical possibility use the alternative.

One of them is when the boiler works in a balanced way, it gives off as much heat as it goes to the return line. But this condition is similar to a spherical horse in a vacuum, since the complete identity of the values ​​of Q1 (boiler circuit) and Q2 (consumer circuit) is achieved extremely rarely and for very short periods of time. So it is impossible to seriously build work on this mode.

The second mode of operation of the hydraulic gun is a threat and should be avoided in every possible way.

It is based on the fact that the boiler gives off less heat than the consumer needs, and in this case, part of the heat from the return flow through the hydraulic separator goes back to the consumption circuit, which does not benefit either the system or consumers.

The disadvantages are obvious - the return to the boiler goes with lower temperature values, that is, the boiler actually cools down when the return coolant is received, which is prohibited by all standards, GOSTs and even common sense, since the total power delivered to the consumption circuit becomes less and the desired result is not is achieved.

Additional features and myths

It is believed that the design of the hydraulic gun also allows you to perform the following tasks:

  • Boiler thermal shock protection
  • Increasing the durability of the heating system
  • Increases the coefficient useful action(efficiency) of the boiler

However, independent experts argue that these are just fairy tales to increase sales.

Wherein additional options anyway, it is additional protection from dirt, air removal, protection of the boiler from a return with a low temperature.

But these functions can be provided by much cheaper devices.

When and under what conditions should a hydraulic gun be installed?

The boundary of the need to include such a device as a hydraulic arrow in the heating system, in the boiler room, is considered individually and depends on a number of conditions - the power of the pumps, their interaction, the total power of the system, the presence of additional boilers used in conjunction with the main one.

Professional engineers recommend including a hydraulic arrow in the heating system when the number of boilers is more than one and the number of pumps is more than three. Otherwise, there is no need for it. It will not hurt, but there will be no benefit from complicating the whole structure.

Therefore, this device is only suitable for a large branched system, for example, in apartment buildings or large dachas with large quantity outbuildings, otherwise. Especially when there is only one or two pumps, this is simply a waste of money and an inefficient use of funds.

Owners individual houses when organizing, the concept of unbalancing after connecting the circuits to the boiler is familiar. To equalize the pressure and reduce it, a hydraulic arrow is installed. We will analyze the principle of operation, purpose and calculations in today's review.

The hydraulic separator can be round or rectangular. The principle of operation is practically the same. rectangular shape looks better. Round - more suitable in terms of the organization of hydraulics. But basically, the form has practically no effect on the organization of the functioning of the system.

Additionally, the composition of the hydraulic arrow may include:

  • filters;
  • air separators with removal of air masses;
  • cranes;
  • with thermal control elements that prevent cold water from entering the boiler circuit return;
  • additional ;
  • sludge trap;
  • manometer.

The body of the hydraulic separator can be made of mild steel, stainless steel or copper. They also produce a hydraulic arrow made of polypropylene. Additionally, it is treated with special anti-corrosion compounds and insulate if necessary.

This should be known! Polymer hydraulic separators can be used for heating system served by boiler equipment power 13-35 kW. They should not be used for equipment that runs on solid fuels.

Features of mounting a hydraulic arrow

The hydraulic arrow is installed behind the boiler, in the presence of a collector - in front of it. Branch pipes are connected using flanges or threads in next order: on one side of the separator they are connected to the outputs in the order 1, 2, 3, on opposite side in mirror order 3, 2, 1. This is not a dogma, depending on the conditions, the location of the pipe interchange may change.

The most commonly used vertical distributor. This is the most successful location for screening water flows from suspensions. If conditions require, it can be positioned horizontally.

Brackets can be used to mount small models. Heavy weight hydraulic guns will be placed on the floor or stand so as not to overload the piping system.


So, now you know what it is: a hydraulic arrow. In summing up, we can note its main advantages. It reliably protects the heat exchanger made of cast iron from thermal and hydraulic shocks, simplifies the selection pumping equipment all equipment is operating normally. The heating system is balanced, the operation of the circuits does not affect each other.

And finally, watch video reviews of the device, purpose and operation of the hydraulic gun:

The hydraulic separator is more often called a hydraulic arrow. It is so simple that there should be no problems with its use. You can answer why such a device is needed just by looking at it.

The hydraulic gun is not a long pipe with respect to large diameter, with taps of smaller diameter, it looks like an elongated barrel.

Obviously, a hydraulic separator is needed to equalize the pressure in all pipelines connected to it. Indeed, if you connect the supply and return pipelines to this piece of thick pipe, then the pressure in them will immediately equalize, because the hydraulic resistance of the device itself is not significant, experts call it “zero”.

But what is the practical use of this? In what cases do we need to equalize the pressure between supply and return?

Let us consider in more detail how the hydraulic arrow is used, and what needs to be taken into account in the heating system in order to decide whether it is necessary to use it. But first you need to understand something else - where does such a thing come from? simple device so many interpretations and recommendations for its installation? And the legs grow from the c.u., i.e. from $.

Where do difficulties come from?

The water gun itself, although simple in appearance, is not so cheap. Not in a garage, but in a branded version - $ 250. And its use also entails its piping (fittings, plums, taps), which is under $ 100. And with the installation, all this together is already as much as $ 400. Really not cheap it turns out a piece of pipe in a proprietary design.

But this is not enough. If a simple system, under the sauce “installing the most useful hydraulic gun”, convert it into a complex one, and stuff it with automation (like in the diagram below), i.e. remove 3 circuits from under the boiler pump (boiler, radiators, underfloor heating) and provide each with its own pumping group and connect it all to a proprietary manifold with this device, and install an automation controller, then all this together can pull as much as $ 2500. So we got to the gold mine of "radiator installers".

And for what it is necessary to throw out such sum? It turns out that there is nothing, since in the vast majority of cases a hydraulic arrow in the heating system is not needed, and does not play any special role. It is necessary only in really complex heating systems, with many circuits departing from the main line, provided with their own pumps.

So that each circuit does not greatly affect the adjacent one parallel to it, it is necessary to equalize the pressure between the supply and return lines. That's when they use the hydroster and all the accessories necessary for its operation.

In more detail, why a hydraulic separator is needed and what role we will consider in the diagrams.

Features of the use of hydraulic arrows

Consider a heating scheme with several pumps and two boilers.

A radiator circuit, a warm floor circuit, a water boiler circuit (the heating coolant heats water for domestic needs) branch off from the supply (red), there may also be a circuit for heating other remote premises - floors, a greenhouse, a garage, a sauna, another house ...

Now it is clear that different pumps are needed on these circuits. The lengths of these circuits and their resistance are different .... If a powerful pump is turned on in one circuit, then it will change the pressure at the boundaries of the parallel circuit, whether we like it or not. It can reduce the amount of coolant passing through the adjacent circuit, stop movement there, or even overturn the jet. It is necessary to get out of this situation somehow, which is indicated in the following diagram.

Now the supply and return are connected near the boiler with a hydraulic arrow. And this means that the pressure in them has leveled off, and the influence of the pumps in the circuits on the neighboring circuits has come to naught. We have a stable system.

It is clear that liquid will begin to circulate through the hydraulic arrow between the supply and return. It moves from the supply to the return line, i.e. the boiler partially closes on itself. Isn't it harmful? But can the coolant change the direction of movement in the other direction?

How a heating system with a hydraulic separator works

The mode of operation of the heating system with a hydraulic arrow, when the liquid does not move between the supply and return through the hydraulic arrow, is in principle impossible. This is from the category of fantasy, since there are no absolutely identical pressures in the supply and return circuits.

The mode when the liquid moves from the return to the supply is, in principle, possible if for some reason a too weak boiler is selected, or a boiler circuit pump, or if this pump is out of order.

Then the liquid under the influence of pumps of additional circuits can circulate from the return to the supply through the hydraulic arrow. This is an emergency mode, it will be clearly visible on the hot boiler and cold consumers and must be eliminated. A boiler with this mode will operate at maximum temperature, and the coolant in the circuits will be cool.

At the same time, the temperature difference between the supply and return on the boiler will be very large, in any case, more than the manufacturers recommend - “no more than 20 degrees”. This mode is harmful to the boiler, it will form condensate on the combustion chamber or even lead to a breakdown of the heat exchanger.

The mode when the liquid partially circulates through the hydraulic arrow from the supply to the return is normal (a slight excess of the flow rate in the boiler circuit over the total consumption of consumers).

At the same time, the temperature difference between the supply and return on the boiler decreases, which is normal for its operation, and even useful during start-up. cold system. It is only important that this downward flow through the low loss header does not turn out to be too large, which is possible with a completely illiterate installation of the system or with a breakdown in the circuits. A boiler running on its own will stop too often, which is also not good.

"Special Properties"

The water gun is credited with "wonderful" properties in the form of:
- "increasing the efficiency of the boiler";
— “optimization of pump operation with increasing their durability”;
- "cleaning the system of garbage";
- "increasing the life of the entire system";
— “normalization of hydraulic equipment operation”;
- "temperature optimization of collectors, with an integral connection of the fence with the improvement of all connecting components of the system and built-in circuits, for optimal heating of organic matter by infrared radiation";
- "removal of damage from residents", - and so on.
All this is either an advertising fiction that has nothing to do with reality, or replication in a free interpretation of a previously invented absurdity. Following some statements can harm the system. A hydraulic separator is only needed to equalize pressures between supply and return in complex systems.

Do I need to install

Most likely, there is no need to install a hydraulic gun. After all, the system is not so complex that one circuit “clogs” another?

If there is a common set - a boiler, radiators, a boiler - then a separator is not needed. Even if the radiator circuit is provided with its own separate pump, when the boiler pump is periodically turned on, the radiator pump is turned off automatically (boiler priority) and there is no conflict between these pumps. And the conflict of only two pumps (difference in pressure and flow rates), floors and radiators, is easily eliminated even without a hydraulic gun.

As a rule, it is necessary to adjust the pressure if more than one boiler is connected in parallel (the reserve is not taken into account), or there are 4 or more pumps in the system. Those. there are many contours - 1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor, gazebo, winter Garden, workshop, sauna ...., then with such complex system you will have to fork out for a hydraulic gun and related equipment.

In other cases, the need for hydraulic separator is absent. And heating the return in order to optimize the operation of the boiler (the difference is not more than 20 degrees), especially during the heating of the cold system, can also perform a small bypass with a faucet between the supply and return for manual adjustment, which will amount to “penny” compared to piling up unnecessary hydraulic arrows ....