The principle of operation of the hydraulic arrow for heating. Scheme for the manufacture of a homemade hydraulic arrow for heating. The main advantages of using hydraulic separators

In complex branched heating systems, it becomes necessary to adjust devices and assemblies for their well-coordinated work. To combine disparate nodes into a single system and ensure their coordinated work, a hydraulic arrow is used for heating. We will consider the device and principle of operation of the hydraulic separator, its different modes of operation and additional features. It will also be useful to learn how the hydraulic separator is calculated, and how it is combined with the collector.

In complex branched heating systems, even oversized pumps will not be able to match the different parameters and operating conditions of the system. This will negatively affect the functioning of the boiler and the service life of expensive equipment. In addition, each of the connected circuits has its own pressure and performance. This leads to the fact that the entire system cannot work simultaneously.

Even if each circuit is provided with its own circulation pump, which will meet the parameters of a given line, the problem will only get worse. The whole system will become unbalanced, because the parameters of each circuit will differ significantly.

To solve the problem, the boiler must produce the required volume of coolant, and each circuit must take exactly as much as it needs from the collector. In this case, the collector performs the functions of a hydraulic system separator. It is in order to isolate the “small boiler” flow from the general circuit that a hydraulic separator is needed. Its second name is a hydraulic arrow (GS) or a hydraulic arrow.

The device received this name because, just like a railway switch, it can separate the coolant flows and direct them to the desired circuit. This is a rectangular or round tank with end caps. It connects to the boiler and manifold and has several embedded pipes.

The principle of operation of the hydraulic separator

The coolant flow passes through the hydraulic separator for heating at a speed of 0.1-0.2 meters per second, and the boiler pump accelerates the water to 0.7-0.9 meters. The speed of the water flow is damped by changing the direction of movement and the volume of the passing fluid. In this case, heat loss in the system will be minimal.

The principle of operation of the hydraulic arrow is that the laminar movement of the water flow practically does not cause hydraulic resistance inside the body. This helps to maintain the flow rate and reduce heat loss. Such a buffer zone separates the consumer chain and the boiler. This contributes to the autonomous operation of each pump without disturbing the hydraulic balance.

Operating modes

The hydraulic arrow for heating systems has 3 modes of operation:

  1. In the first mode, the hydraulic separator in the heating system creates equilibrium conditions. That is, the flow rate of the boiler circuit does not differ from the total flow rate of all circuits that are connected to the hydraulic arrow and the collector. In this case, the coolant does not linger in the device and moves through it horizontally. The temperature of the heat carrier at the inlet and outlet pipes is the same. This is a rather rare mode of operation in which the hydraulic gun does not affect the operation of the system.
  2. Sometimes there is a situation when the flow rate on all circuits exceeds the performance of the boiler. This happens at maximum fluid flow by all circuits at once. That is, the demand for heat carrier exceeded the capacity of the boiler circuit. This will not stop or unbalance the system, because a vertical upward flow will form in the hydraulic arrow, which will ensure the admixture of hot coolant from the small circuit.
  3. In the third mode, the thermometer for heating works most often. In this case, the flow rate of the heated liquid in the small circuit is higher than the total flow rate in the collector. That is, demand in all circuits is lower than supply. This will also not unbalance the system, because a vertical downward flow is formed in the device, which will ensure that excess liquid is discharged into the return.

Additional features of the hydraulic gun

The principle of operation of the hydraulic separator in the heating system described above allows the device to realize other possibilities:

  • After entering the separator body, the flow rate decreases, which leads to the settling of insoluble impurities contained in the coolant. To drain the accumulated sediment, a crane is installed in the lower part of the hydraulic gun.
  • By reducing the speed of the ceiling, gas bubbles are released from the liquid, which are removed from the device through an automatic air vent installed in the upper part. In fact, it performs the functions of an additional separator in the system. It is especially important to remove gas at the outlet of the boiler, because when the liquid is heated to high temperatures, gas formation increases.
  • The hydraulic separator is very important in systems with cast iron boilers. If such a boiler is connected directly to the collector, then the ingress of cold water into the heat exchanger will lead to the formation of cracks and failure of the equipment.

Hydrogun device

Now consider the device of the hydraulic gun. The device has a simple design. There are units of different sizes and configurations, but they all meet certain rules. On sale you can find models that combine a separator and a collector.

Important! The classic device is assembled in compliance with the rule of "three diameters". This takes into account the dimensions of the internal passage without wall thickness.

A hydraulic gun is a device in the form of a cylindrical body with branch pipes extending from it. It's easy to do it yourself. The classic location of the hydraulic separator is vertical, but it is not mandatory. It's just that with a vertical arrangement it is more convenient to remove air and collect solid suspensions. The hydraulic separator is not necessarily a welded structure. The device can be made of polypropylene or copper pipes.

Calculation of a hydraulic separator for heating

The calculation of the hydraulic arrow for heating is made depending on the flow rate of the heat carrier, which in turn is associated with the needs for heat power. This also takes into account the difference in the temperature of the liquid in the supply and discharge pipes and the heat capacity of the carrier itself.

Formula for calculating the separator diameter:

How to combine a manifold with a hydraulic gun?

Small private buildings are heated by a boiler with a built-in pump. The installation of a hydraulic arrow in the heating system is necessary if secondary circuits are connected to the boiler. At the same time, the contours of houses with a significant area (more than 150 squares) are connected by means of a comb, since the hydraulic separator in this case will be very bulky.

As a rule, the distribution manifold is connected after the hydraulic arrow. This is a device consisting of two separated parts, which are connected by jumpers. The number of paired nozzles depends on the number of circuits. For each circuit - two nozzles.

Distribution comb simplifies the use and repair of the system. Shut-off and control valves are located in one place, which is very convenient. Due to the increased diameter of the collector, a uniform flow of the heat carrier is ensured by all circuits.

The manifold together with the separator form a hydraulic module. This is very convenient if the boiler room is small.

The following mounting outlets are provided for strapping:

  • a high-pressure radiator circuit is located on top;
  • a low-pressure circuit for underfloor heating systems is connected from below;
  • a heat exchanger is located on the side (it is located on the other side of the hydraulic arrow).

Balancing valves must be installed between the return and supply manifolds. Thanks to the control valves, the desired pressure is created on distant circuits and maximum flow. Due to balancing, the flows are divided more evenly, which ensures the calculated supply of heat carrier to each circuit.

Before you make a hydraulic arrow yourself, you need to carry out the necessary calculations, make drawings or draw up a diagram. Only a person with skills and experience in working with various tools and equipment, as well as versed in heat engineering, can cope with the work.

Read in the article

Scheme for the manufacture of a hydraulic arrow with a collector

Before you buy a hydraulic arrow or start making it yourself, it does not hurt to study the device of this element. It is very simple: a hollow pipe of round or rectangular cross section is equipped with several branch pipes from different sides for connection to the heating network. Moreover, the branch pipes for connecting the supply are located, as a rule, in the upper part of the pipe, and the return pipes - in the lower part.

Note. The specified connection method is relevant for vertical installation of the hydraulic arrow. At the same time, it can also be installed in a horizontal position.

Most often, a hydraulic separator is used for heating, whose device provides for the installation of a collector. They are even sold in one set, and are made from the following materials:

  • low carbon steel;
  • stainless steel;
  • from polypropylene.

There are also more complex models, equipped not only with an air vent and a drain fitting, but also with sleeves for connecting control devices and sensors, as well as various meshes and plates. They serve to clean the coolant and separate flows. Such a hydraulic gun, whose device is shown in the drawing, has a decent cost and requires periodic maintenance:

Among home craftsmen, it is customary to make a hydraulic arrow from a metal pipe, but due to the considerable popularity and cheapness of polypropylene, this trend is changing. After all, even an element made of PPR, together with a collector, costs a lot of money. Therefore, more and more people prefer to make a polypropylene separator at home than to buy it in a store. To do this, you need a PPR pipe of the appropriate diameter, tees according to the number of future nozzles and 2 plugs.

Since the diameter of the pipe for the manufacture of a hydraulic arrow is quite large, you will need to purchase an appropriate nozzle for the welding machine, and when soldering, withstand a sufficient period of time. In principle, there is nothing complicated, the tees are interconnected by pipe segments, and plugs are placed at the ends. Another thing is that such a separator may not look very aesthetically pleasing, and it can not be used in any system.

The fact is that solid fuel heat generators can often reach the maximum operating mode, in which the water temperature is close to 90-95 ° C. Of course, polypropylene will withstand it, but in an emergency (for example, when the electricity is turned off), the supply temperature can jump up to 130 ° C. This happens due to the inertia of solid fuel boilers, so all piping to them, including the hydraulic arrow, must be metal. Otherwise, disastrous consequences await you, as in the photo:

Calculation of the hydraulic gun

The separator for any heating system is selected or manufactured according to 2 parameters:

  • number of nozzles for connecting all circuits;
  • diameter or cross-sectional area of ​​the body.

S = G / 3600 ʋ, where:

  • S is the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe, m2;
  • G is the coolant flow rate, m3/h;
  • ʋ - flow velocity, taken equal to 0.1 m/s.

For reference. Such a low water flow rate inside the hydraulic separator is due to the need to provide a zone of almost zero pressure. If the speed is increased, the pressure will also increase.

The value of the coolant flow rate is determined earlier, based on the required heat output of the heating system. If you decide to pick up or buy an element of a circular cross section, then it is quite simple to calculate the diameter of the hydraulic arrow from the cross-sectional area. We take the school formula for the area of ​​a circle and determine the size of the pipe:

When assembling a homemade hydraulic gun, it is necessary to place the nozzles at a certain distance from each other, and not haphazardly. Focusing on the diameter of the connected pipes, calculate the distance between the tie-ins using one of the schemes:

Appointment of a hydraulic gun. Video

The video below tells about the device, purpose and principle of operation of the hydraulic gun.

The hydraulic separator is considered one of the most successful solutions for regulating the heating system. Despite its disadvantages, such as, for example, the need to use additional pumps and the inability to work in a non-pressure mode, the use of a hydraulic arrow in a heating system has a number of advantages. It copes best with the distribution of hydraulic resistance and temperature gradient in the heating network, while it can be made by hand from improvised means. This cannot be said, for example, about a three-way valve, for the manufacture of which at least a lathe is needed. And subsequent operating costs are minimized. So the hydraulic separator can be considered one of the best means for regulating the heating system in terms of price / functionality.

Hydroarrow principle of operation, purpose and calculations

So, what is called a hydraulic arrow in the heating system of a private house? The temperature and hydraulic buffer, which provides the processes of correlation of return and supply temperatures, an ordered maximum flow of the coolant, is called a hydraulic arrow. What is a hydraulic arrow for?

It is very easy to explain why a hydraulic arrow is needed in the heating system? Owners of private houses are well aware of what an imbalance in heat supply is. Modern boilers have a smaller circuit. At the same time, the consumption of the consumer during circulation is less. With the help of a hydraulic arrow, you can separate its work from the heat generator of the secondary circuit, increase the reliability and quality of the system.

Hydro separator in the heating system

To understand why a hydraulic arrow is needed in a heating system, it is necessary to name a number of advantages of heating systems with a hydraulic thermal separator. First of all, the separator is a mandatory condition for equipment manufacturers to guarantee maintenance on a boiler with a power of up to 50 kilowatts and more. With the help of an auxiliary unit, the maximum flow with a laminar flow of the coolant is ensured. The temperature and hydraulic balance in the heating system is constantly maintained. The hydraulic arrow and the heating circuit are connected in parallel. This creates minimal pressure, performance and heat losses. The supply and return pipes are located on the knee principle. This provides a temperature gradient to the secondary circuits. If you choose the optimal hydraulic arrow for heating, you can protect the boiler from the difference in supply and return temperatures.

The equipment is protected from thermal shock. The hydraulic arrow increases the efficiency of the boiler. In addition, a secondary circulation of a part of the coolant in the boiler circuit is provided. Fuel and electricity are saved. The volume of boiler water is kept constant. If necessary, you can use a separator to compensate for the flow deficit in the secondary circuit. If the pumps have a high power, then their influence can be reduced using a hollow separator. The load is applied to the secondary circuit and the boiler.

Hydrodynamic processes in the system are stabilized by the principle of operation of the hydraulic arrow. In order to extend the life of the pump, it is necessary to remove mechanical impurities from the coolant in a timely manner. In addition, the service life of sensors, meters, valves is extended. When dividing the flows (an independent consumer circuit and a heat generator circuit), the hydraulic arrow ensures maximum use of the heat of combustion of the fuel.

Video: What is a hydraulic arrow (hydraulic arrow)

Manufacturing schemes

Industrial-made hydraulic guns are not cheap and many make them with their own hands. In this case, you need to make preliminary calculations. The main design dimensions are shown in the figure below.

Scheme of a hydraulic arrow with the main calculated dimensions

As can be seen from the figure, the diameter of the hydraulic arrow itself is taken equal to three diameters of the inlet pipes, so the calculations are reduced mainly to determining the diameter of the hydraulic arrow.

The figure shows two options for hydraulic guns. The purpose of the second option is better than the first one in that the water, when crossing the supply pipeline, is freed from air bubbles, and when it returns, it gets rid of sludge better.

The calculation is reduced mainly to determining the diameter of the hydraulic arrow:


  • D is the diameter of the hydraulic arrow in mm;
  • d is the diameter of the inlet in mm, usually taken equal to D / 3;
  • 1000 - conversion factor meters in mm;
  • P - boiler power in kJ;
  • π is the number pi = 3.14;
  • C - heat capacity of the coolant (water - 4.183 kJ / kg C °);
  • W - the maximum vertical speed of water movement in the hydraulic arrow, m / s, usually taken equal to 0.1 m / s;
  • ΔT is the temperature difference of the heat carrier at the inlet and outlet of the boiler, С°.

You can also calculate using the following formula:

  • Q is the coolant flow rate, m³/s;
  • V is the speed of water movement in the hydraulic arrow, m/s;

Also, to calculate the diameter of the hydraulic arrow, there is such a formula:

  • G - consumption, m³ / hour;
  • W is the speed of water movement, m/s;

The height of the hydraulic arrow can be any and is limited only by the height of the ceiling in the room.

If you make the diameter of the hydraulic arrow large enough, you can get two in one: a hydraulic arrow and a heat accumulator, the so-called capacitive separator.

Scheme of a capacitive separator in a heating system

As can be seen from the figure, this type of hydraulic arrow has a large volume, about 300 liters or more, therefore, in addition to fulfilling its main task, it is also capable of accumulating heat. The use of a hydraulic arrow of this type is especially justified when heating with a solid fuel boiler, as it is able to smooth out the temperature fluctuations of the heating boiler and store the thermal energy of the boiler after the end of combustion for quite a long time.

You need to know some of the nuances when using this type of hydraulic gun:

  1. Firstly, such a hydraulic arrow must be insulated, because otherwise it will heat the boiler room, and not give off heat to the heating system.
  2. The boiler will produce less power. This is due to the fact that a high coolant temperature is required, and automatic equipment is installed on the boilers, which will automatically reduce its power to reduce the outlet temperature.

Manufacturers and prices

It will be easier to buy a hydraulic arrow for heating after reading the data from the following table. Current price offers can be clarified immediately before purchasing the goods. But this information is useful for comparative analysis, taking into account the different characteristics of products.

Table 1. Characteristics and average cost of hydraulic guns

ImageEquipment modelHeating system output in kW (maximum)Price in rub.Notes
GR-40-20, Gidruss (Russia)40 3 600 — 3 800 The cubic body is made of carbon steel with anti-corrosion coating, the simplest model.
GRSS-60-25, Gidruss (Russia)60 9 800 — 10 600 Stainless steel body, six nozzles, integrated separation screen and mounting brackets as standard.
TGR-60-25х5, Gidruss (Russia)60 10 300 — 11 800 Housing made of low-alloy steel, the ability to connect up to 4 external circuits + heating.
GRSS-150-40, Gidruss (Russia)150 15 100 — 16 400 Stainless steel, 6 connections.
MH50, Meibes (Germany)135 54 600 — 56 200 Sophisticated design with built-in sludge and air removal devices.

Modern water gun

From the table it is clear that the cost, in addition to general technical parameters, is influenced by the following factors:

  • case material;
  • the possibility of connecting additional circuits;
  • design complexity;
  • availability of additional equipment;
  • manufacturer's name.

Number of connections on the hydraulic arrow

Classical circuitry determines the supply of four pipelines to the design of the hydraulic separator. This inevitably raises the question of the possibility of increasing the number of inputs/outputs. In principle, such a constructive approach is not excluded. However, the efficiency of the circuit decreases with an increase in the number of inlets/outlets.

Let's consider a possible option with a large number of nozzles, unlike the classics, and analyze the operation of the hydraulic separation system for such installation conditions.

Scheme of a separator for multichannel distribution of heat flows. This option allows you to serve more voluminous systems, but if the number of nozzles increases more than four, the efficiency of the system as a whole decreases sharply

In this case, the heat flow Q1 is completely absorbed by the heat flow Q2 for the state of the system, when the flow rate for these flows is actually equivalent (Q1=Q2). In the same state of the system, the heat flux Q3 in terms of temperature is approximately equal to the average values ​​of Tav., Flowing through the return lines (Q6, Q7, Q8). At the same time, there is an insignificant temperature difference in the lines with Q3 and Q4.

If the heat flux Q1 becomes equal in terms of the thermal component Q2+Q3, the distribution of the temperature difference is noted in the following relationship: T1=T2, T4=T5, while T3= T1+T5/2. If the heat flow Q1 becomes equal to the sum of the heat of all other flows Q2, Q3, Q4, in this state all four temperature differences are equalized (T1=T2=T3=T4).

Multi-channel dividing system for four inputs / four outputs, quite often used in practice. For maintenance of heating systems of a private sector, this solution is quite satisfactory in terms of technological parameters and stabilization of the boiler

With this state of affairs on multichannel systems (more than four), the following factors are noted that have a negative impact on the operation of the device as a whole:

  • natural convection inside the hydraulic separator is reduced;
  • the effect of natural mixing of the supply with the return is reduced;
  • the overall efficiency of the system tends to zero.

It turns out that the departure from the classical scheme with an increase in the number of outlet pipes almost completely eliminates the working property that a gyro gun should have.

The principle of operation and the device of the hydraulic gun

The device is a pipe with an internal section in the form of a rectangle or circle. The pipe is plugged at both ends and equipped with branch pipes for connecting pipes. This design allows you to connect to the system two interconnected circuits that do not affect each other. The first "small" circuit is presented as follows: "boiler - hydraulic separator". The second "large" circuit has the following form: "boiler - hydraulic separator - end-use circuit".

Each of the circuits has its own performance characteristics and differs in the rate of circulation of the coolant, its temperature and pressure. During the installation of the device, its diameter is selected so that a section with low hydraulic resistance is formed on the circuit. This makes it possible to stabilize the pressure even during emergency downtime of the working circuits.

The arrow allows you to control the pressure in the heating system of a multi-storey building, a private cottage or in the autonomous heating system of an ordinary apartment with underfloor heating and radiator water heating. If the maximum pressure in the heating system is reached or the circuit stops, the arrow will redirect the coolant flow and protect the boiler and heaters from damage. And what is better to choose - one-pipe or two-pipe heating system - you can read here.

How it works

Although the hydraulic arrow is very important in the heating system, its device and design are quite simple. This is a fragment of a round or square pipe, in which there are two holes on the side of the boiler and the same number of holes on the side of the heating system. To prevent clogging of the hydraulic separator, it can be equipped with mesh filters that trap debris formed in the coolant. After a certain period of time, the meshes may become clogged and will need to be cleaned.

The device is installed in a vertical or horizontal position, but it does not really matter. However, most often the hydraulic arrow is mounted vertically, as this allows you to additionally install an air vent in the upper part, and a tap through which debris is removed at the bottom of the device.

Using this device, it is possible to separate the hydraulic systems of the heating unit and the heating system itself. Moreover, the hydraulic separator can be used with a manifold for four, three, two circuits and with one branch boiler. The circuit of the heating system and the boiler receive their hydraulic regime.

When choosing a hydraulic gun, you need to understand its principle of operation and the advantages that it has:

  • provides good performance, minimal pressure and performance losses;
  • creates a hydraulic balance and the necessary temperature conditions;
  • serves as protection against thermal shock;
  • saves energy;
  • lowers hydraulic resistance.

This device also has additional features. In advanced factory models, there are temperature controllers and separators. A special temperature control valve controls the temperature gradient for the various circuits in the heating system.

The air vent valve removes oxygen bubbles from the device, thereby protecting the rest of the equipment from corrosion, prolonging its use and ensuring its stable operation. The same applies to filters that trap debris.

Inside the hydraulic separator, a device with perforated partitions is provided. They are necessary to divide the internal space in half so that unnecessary resistance is not created.

Hydraulic arrow diagram for heating systems

Simply, the scheme of operation of the hydraulic arrow can be represented as follows. The letters K, H and A denote the boiler, circulation pump and coolant, respectively. The coolant moves through the supply pipes (let's mark them with red lines) and "processing" pipes (blue lines). This will complete the diagram. For a small house, this simplest circuit, consisting of a circuit, a boiler and a coolant, is quite enough, but for a larger house, the circuit should be complicated.

Where is it installed

The hydraulic arrow is installed on floor-standing boilers without a built-in pump to ensure effective protection of the boiler against large temperature differences during the first start of the heating system. For example, with the help of this equipment, standard steel boilers can be protected from the generated condensate, while cast iron devices can be protected from the possibility of failure of individual sections.

To eliminate such unpleasant situations, a specialized hydraulic gun is used. The drawing and diagram of the boiler room in this case play an important role, since, depending on the characteristics of the heated object, it is necessary to choose the appropriate equipment. The only thing worth noting is that you also need to use an additional pump for various floor boilers.

Schematic solution for shifting nozzles

The classic version of the hydraulic separator involves the creation of pipes symmetrically located relative to one another. However, a circuit variant of a slightly different configuration is also practiced, where the nozzles are arranged asymmetrically. What does it give?

Scheme of manufacturing a hydraulic separator, where the branch pipes of the secondary circuit are somewhat offset relative to the pipes of the primary circuit. According to the inventors (and proven by practice), this option seems to be more productive in filtering particles and separating air.

As the practical application of asymmetric schemes shows, in this case, more efficient air separation occurs, and better filtration (settlement) of suspended particles present in the coolant is also achieved.

Hydrogun device

Anuloid or hydraulic separator - pipe with four nozzles welded into its body. The general view is shown in Fig.1.

However, there may be more branch pipes, but such systems become much more complicated in terms of hydraulic and thermodynamic calculations, their consideration within the framework of this article is inappropriate.

Possible options for the forms of simple hydraulic arrows are shown in Figures 2 and 3.

Round anuloids differ from rectangular only in appearance. True, the rectangular version looks better, but the round hydraulic arrow is more beneficial in terms of hydraulics. But in general, the operation parameters of these devices do not depend on their shape.

Additionally, hydraulic separators can be equipped with:

  • filters;
  • air separators with automatic air vents;
  • a drain tap (for example, a Mayevsky tap, Fig. 4);
  • additional thermal insulation;
  • sludge trap;
  • three-way valves with a thermostatic element to prevent cold water from entering the return branch of the boiler circuit;
  • thermometer;
  • pressure gauge.

Typical switching circuit hydraulic separator into the heating circuit is shown in Fig.5.

Q1 - boiler circuit;

Q2 - Heating circuit (heating decoupling);

H1 and H2 - circulation pumps of circuits.

Fig.5. Typical diagram of hydraulic separator installation.

Sometimes you can find capacitive hydraulic separators in the form of a barrel. A diagram of such a device is shown in Fig.6.

Fig.6. Hydro separator in the form of a barrel as a heat accumulator in the heating system.

In this form, the hydraulic arrow serves not only as a separator of hydraulic circuits, but also heat accumulator, helping to smooth the process of temperature change in the secondary circuit.

Fig. 7 shows a diagram of a hydraulic switch in a heating system with a height shift of the nozzles.

Fig.7. Hydraulic separator with nozzle offset.

Here: T1-supply pipeline from the boiler.

T3-Feeding pipeline to the heating junction.

Branch pipes T2 and T4 are the outlets of the return lines of the corresponding circuits.

Nozzle excess pipeline T1 relative to T2 allows you to create conditions under which the coolant coming from the boiler has the ability to slow down and release an additional amount of air bubbles.

The T2 pipeline branch pipe is located above the T4 branch pipe to ensure conditions for effective separation of sludge and prevent it from entering the T2 pipeline.

We already know what the hydraulic arrow is used for, in which autonomous heating systems it is recommended to use it, what parameters the device should have. But despite this, after installing the hydraulic separator, many questions arise. In this section of our review, we will provide several recommendations and answers to frequently asked questions about the operation of this device and malfunctions in the heating system.

Why is the temperature of the coolant after the hydraulic gun lower than at the inlet?

In different circuits, the flow rate of the coolant is different. A high temperature is observed in the hydraulic separator, but cold coolant enters there, because the cooled coolant is consumed more than the hot one.

Why is there a small vertical speed in a hydraulic gun?

The presence of debris in the heating system is the rule rather than the exception. Rust, sand and other fine particles are the main cause of low vertical speed, but after a certain period of time, fine debris settles on the distributor. Please note that the low speed in the hydraulic distributor contributes to the natural convection of the coolant. This means that the cold liquid goes down while the hot liquid goes up. This effect contributes to the formation of the necessary pressure and pressure.

For example, let's take a floor heating system in which the coolant temperature is lower than in an indirect pressure boiler, which requires a high temperature and pressure, which contributes to the rapid heating of water for a hot water supply system. In addition, low speed in the hydraulic gun lowers the hydraulic resistance and also removes air bubbles.

Can the hydraulic separator be installed at a right angle?

If there are no problems with the temperature of the coolant and the vertical speed in the hydraulic distributor, then the device can be mounted at this angle.

Is the volume of the hydraulic gun important?

This parameter is of great importance

It is especially worth paying attention to the volume of the hydraulic arrow if a solid fuel boiler is used in the autonomous heating system, since its operation is characterized by unstable pressure and large pressure drops.

Summing up, we can conclude that the hydraulic separator- a very important component in an autonomous heating system. But, despite this, the hydraulic gun is not a mandatory device, and in many cases you can do without it.

The price of the product is quite high, so many craftsmen make it on their own. If you have welding skills or you have a soldering iron for plastic pipes with nozzles of different diameters, then using the calculation formulas given in the article, you can easily build a high-quality hydraulic distributor.

Using the above information, you can choose the right device for your heating system, taking into account its technical characteristics and parameters.

This will save money and ensure the stable operation of all heating devices: radiators, convectors, water heaters, underfloor heating systems without a drop in the temperature of the coolant in them.

You can learn more about the choice and feasibility of using a hydraulic arrow in a heating system from this video.

What is needed for

To find out for what purposes a hydraulic arrow is used, it is necessary to understand the principle of operation of the simplest heating system with forced circulation of the coolant.

The main components of the above scheme are:

  • boiler;
  • radiators or convectors that are placed on the same circuit (the number of heaters may be different);
  • pump - a device with which the heat carrier circulates through the main.

In addition, other elements are included in the system, for example, an expansion tank, but we will not focus on them, since they are not so important for explaining the principle of operation of the hydraulic gun. . Note that the choice of pump is very important for the normal operation of autonomous heating.

The choice of this device depends on various factors: the length of the circuits, the technical parameters of the heat exchange devices, the thermal power of the system.

Note that the choice of the pump is very important for the normal operation of autonomous heating. The choice of this device depends on various factors: the length of the circuits, the technical parameters of the heat exchange devices, the thermal power of the system.

The scheme described above is suitable for a summer house or a small house, but if the building has a large area or several floors, then a more complex heating system using a collector circuit will be required.

The diagram shows that the following devices are connected to the collector:

  • Circuits with a different number of heating radiators. There can be several contours and their length can also differ from each other (in the diagram P).
  • Systems of water heat-insulated floors to which other temperature parameters of the heat carrier are presented. In addition, the length of underfloor heating is much longer than the contours, which increases the level of hydraulic resistance (on the STP diagram).
  • Boiler of indirect heating. The task of this equipment is to provide hot water. The boiler also has completely different requirements (on the Bgvs diagram).

You do not need to be an expert to understand that one pump cannot cope with all the components of an autonomous heating system, even if it is of sufficient power. It is worth considering that a pump that is too powerful will create increased pressure, and this will adversely affect the operation of an expensive boiler and lead to a reduction in its service life.

The factor is also taken into account that each individual circuit differs in pressure and other technical characteristics. Therefore, using one pump, it is impossible to achieve coordinated operation of the system.

What if you try to use not one pump, but several? That is, a separate circuit will be equipped with its own pump. Alas, but such a decision will not save the situation. On the contrary, it can lead to other problems in the heating system.

For the normal operation of several circuits, maximum accuracy in setting the pumps is required., but it is impossible to achieve such an effect. This is due to the fact that such quantities as pressure, productivity and degree of heating are variables. There are many situations in which one circuit can affect the state of another. They may appear in different ways. For example, the pressure or temperature of the coolant can change dramatically, but in any case, the effect will be negative. Such disorders will adversely affect both the operation of the pump and the condition of the boiler.

It is known that the collector is responsible for the separation of hydraulic systems. But is it possible for the boiler circuits to be autonomous? This means that the boiler must supply a certain amount of heat carrier for each circuit, and the circuit, in turn, would receive a certain amount of liquid.

This task is quite real. To do this, it is necessary to select a small circuit of the boiler, which is carried out using a hydraulic distributor. That is, this element can change the direction of the coolant when it is required for the correct operation of the heating system.

What capabilities are attributed to the hydroseparator

Among heating engineers, there are diametrically opposed opinions about the need to install hydraulic arrows in heating systems. Oils are added to the fire by the statements of hydraulic equipment manufacturers, promising an increase in the flexibility of setting operating modes, an increase in efficiency and heat transfer efficiency. To separate the wheat from the chaff, let's first look at the absolutely groundless claims about the "outstanding" abilities of hydraulic separators.

The efficiency of the boiler installation does not depend in any way on the devices installed after the boiler connecting pipes. The useful effect of the boiler is entirely contained in the conversion capacity, that is, in the percentage of heat released by the generator to the heat absorbed by the coolant. No special strapping methods can increase the efficiency, it depends only on the surface area of ​​the heat exchanger and the correct choice of the coolant circulation rate.

The multi-mode, which is allegedly provided by the installation of a hydraulic gun, is also an absolute myth.

The essence of the promises boils down to the fact that in the presence of a hydraulic switch, three options for the ratio of consumption in the generator and consumer parts can be implemented.

The first is absolute flow equalization, which in practice is just possible only if there is no shunting and there is only one circuit in the system. The second option, in which the flow in the circuits is greater than through the boiler, supposedly provides increased savings, however, in this mode, the supercooled coolant inevitably enters the heat exchanger, which gives rise to a number of negative effects: fogging of the internal surfaces of the combustion chamber or temperature shock.

There are also a number of arguments, each of which represents an incoherent set of terms, but in essence does not reflect anything specific. These include increasing hydrodynamic stability, increasing equipment life, controlling temperature distribution, and others like them.

You can also find the statement that the hydraulic separator allows you to stabilize the balancing of the hydraulic system, which in practice turns out to be the exact opposite. If, in the absence of a hydraulic arrow, the reaction of the system to a change in the flow in any part of it is inevitable, then in the presence of a separator, it is also absolutely unpredictable.

Real scope

Nevertheless, the thermohydraulic separator is far from being a useless device. This is a hydraulic device and the principle of its operation is described in sufficient detail in the special literature. The water gun has a well-defined, albeit rather narrow, scope.

The most important benefit of a hydraulic separator is the ability to coordinate the operation of several circulation pumps in the generator and consumer parts of the system. It often happens that the circuits connected to a common collector node are supplied with pumps whose performance differs by 2 or more times.

The most powerful pump at the same time creates a pressure difference so high that the coolant intake by the other circulation devices is impossible. Several decades ago, this problem was solved by the so-called washer - artificially lowering the flow in consumer circuits by welding metal plates with different hole diameters into the pipe.

The hydraulic arrow shunts the supply and return lines, due to which the vacuum and excess pressure in them are leveled.

The second particular case is the excessive boiler capacity in relation to the consumption of distribution circuits. This situation is typical for systems in which a number of consumers do not work on a permanent basis. For example, an indirect heating boiler, pool heat exchanger and heating circuits of buildings that are heated only occasionally can be linked to the general hydraulics.

Installing a hydraulic arrow in such systems allows you to maintain the nominal power of the boiler and the circulation rate all the time, while the excess of the heated coolant flows back into the boiler. When an additional consumer is turned on, the difference in costs decreases and the excess is no longer directed to the heat exchanger, but to an open circuit.

The hydraulic arrow can also serve as a collector of the generator part when coordinating the operation of two boilers, especially if their power differs significantly.

An additional effect from the operation of the hydraulic arrow can be called the protection of the boiler from temperature shock, but for this, the flow in the generator part must exceed the flow in the consumer network by at least 20%. The latter is achieved by installing pumps of appropriate capacity.

How to make a water gun

If you do not want to spend money on a water gun, you can try to make it yourself. The main thing here is to correctly perform a series of calculations and have the skills of gas or electric welding.

First, determine the optimal dimensions of the hydraulic separator pipe:

  • internal diameter: divide the sum of all heating boiler capacities in kW by the temperature difference between supply and return, take the square root of the resulting parameter, and then multiply the last value by 49;
  • height: multiply the inside diameter by six.
  • nozzle spacing: multiply the inside diameter by two.

Based on the calculated parameters, draw up a drawing of the future hydraulic gun. Then prepare a steel tube of round or square section, corresponding to the calculated values, and weld into it the required number of threaded fittings.

As you can see, if the house has a complex heating system that serves large areas, you can’t do without a hydraulic arrow. Fortunately, even despite the complex principle of operation and a lot of tasks, this device is quite simple in terms of design, so it’s really possible to do it yourself. So you always have a choice: either buy a water gun or trust your own skills.

Design, purpose and principle of operation of the hydraulic switch

The hydraulic arrow for heating consists of a bronze or steel body with two pipes for connecting to the boiler circuit (supply pipe + return pipe), as well as several pipes (usually 2) for connecting heat consumer circuits. An automatic air vent is mounted in the upper part of the hydraulic separator through a ball valve or a shut-off valve, and a drainage (drain) valve is installed in the lower part. A special mesh is often installed inside the body of factory hydraulic arrows, which allows you to direct small air bubbles into the air vent.

The design of the Valtec VT model. VAR00.

The hydraulic arrow for heating performs the following functions:

  1. Maintaining the hydraulic balance of the system. Turning on / off one of the circuits does not affect the hydraulic characteristics of the remaining circuits;
  2. Ensuring the safety of cast-iron heat exchangers of boilers. The use of a hydraulic arrow allows you to protect cast iron heat exchangers from sudden temperature changes (for example, during repair work, when the circulation pump is turned off, or when the boiler is turned on for the first time). As you know, a sharp change in the temperature of the coolant adversely affects the cast-iron heat exchangers;
  3. Air vent. The hydraulic arrow for heating performs the functions of removing air from the heating system. To do this, in the upper part of the device there is a branch pipe for mounting an automatic air vent;
  4. Filling or draining the coolant. Most of both factory-made and self-made hydraulic switches are equipped with drain valves through which it is possible to fill or drain the coolant from the system;
  5. Cleaning the system from mechanical impurities. The low flow rate of the coolant in the hydraulic separator makes it an ideal device for collecting various mechanical impurities (scale, scale, rust, sand, and other sludge). Solid particles circulating through the heating system gradually accumulate in the lower part of the device, after which they can be removed through the drain cock. Some models of hydraulic arrows can be additionally equipped with magnetic traps that attract metal particles.

Scheme of a heating system using a hydraulic separator.

The process of removing mechanical particles through the drain valve:

  1. Turn off the boiler and circulation pumps;
  2. After the coolant has cooled down, we block the section of the pipeline where the drain cock is located;
  3. We put on a hose of a suitable diameter on the drain tap, or, if space permits, we substitute a bucket or any other container;
  4. We open the tap, drain the coolant until clean water flows without contaminants;
  5. We close the drain valve, after which we open the blocked section of the pipeline;
  6. We subscribe the system and start the equipment.

Combining a heating manifold with a hydraulic arrow

Small houses are heated by a boiler with a built-in pump. Secondary circuits are connected to the boiler through a hydraulic arrow. Independent circuits of residential buildings with a large area (from 150 m 2) are connected through a comb, the hydraulic separator will be bulky.

which pipes for underfloor heating are better and more convenient to use. Technical characteristics of each type of pipe products used for underfloor heating.

The distribution manifold is mounted after the hydraulic gun. The device consists of two independent parts that combine jumpers. According to the number of secondary circuits, branch pipes are cut in pairs.

The distributing comb facilitates operation and repair of the equipment. The shut-off and control valves of the heat supply system of the house are located in one place. The enlarged manifold diameter ensures even flow between the individual circuits.

The use of a hydraulic arrow will save the boiler from thermal shock

The separator and the coplanar distribution manifold form the hydraulic module. The compact unit is convenient for the cramped conditions of small boiler rooms.

Mounting releases are provided for tying with an asterisk:

  • low-pressure circuit of underfloor heating is connected from below;
  • high-pressure radiator circuit - from above;
  • heat exchanger - on the side, on the opposite side from the hydraulic arrow.

The figure shows a hydraulic arrow with a collector. The manufacturing scheme provides for the installation of balancing valves between the supply / return manifolds:

Scheme of a hydraulic arrow with a collector

Control valves provide maximum flow and pressure on the circuits farthest from the hydraulic gun. Balancing reduces the processes of improper throttling of the flow, allows you to achieve the estimated supply of coolant.

Important! An autonomous heating system refers to systems operating with a high ambient temperature under pressure (including a hydraulic arrow for heating a private house). . A specialist who has a sufficient stock of knowledge in heat engineering, experience and work skills (electric and gas welding, plumbing, working with hand power tools) can make a heating arrow with their own hands.

Numerous Internet sites offer step-by-step instructions for making a hydraulic arrow for heating, videos can also help in this process.

A specialist who has a sufficient stock of knowledge in heat engineering, experience and work skills (electric and gas welding, plumbing, working with hand-held power tools) can make a heating hydraulic arrow with their own hands. Numerous Internet sites offer step-by-step instructions for making a hydraulic arrow for heating, videos can also help in this process.

Dimensions of the heating manifold with a hydraulic arrow

Theoretical knowledge will help to draw up diagrams and drawings of a heating hydraulic switch, make an individual order for equipment in a specialized organization, and control the work of a contractor. Entrusting the manufacture of critical components of the heating system to non-professionals is dangerous to life and health. It should be remembered that equipment damaged due to the fault of the owner is not subject to warranty repair and return.

Designs of hydraulic arrows

There is nothing complicated in the design. However, certain rules must be followed. Manufacturers offer models of various configurations and sizes. You can easily select the desired product according to its characteristics. There are hydraulic arrows for heating, in which the work of a separator and a collector for connecting a circuit is combined.

The high cost of factory production suggests the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bself-manufacturing a hydraulic gun. To do this, you must have the initial skills of welding and metalwork. The main thing is the observance of dimensions to ensure the smooth operation of the product.

Consider the main designs of hydraulic separators:

A photo Construction types

Classical– operates according to the “3D” rule (three diameters). The diagram shows the internal diameters and passage, regardless of the thickness of the walls of the housing.

Alternating spigots. It is generally accepted that the step down arrangement improves the separation of gases, while the step up improves the separation of solid suspensions.

Horizontal option the location of the hydraulic arrow with a different arrangement of nozzles.
Hydrogun in the form of a lattice. In everyday life, you can find a design of sections of a heating radiator. Such a system needs additional insulation to avoid heat loss.

The concept of a water gun

In a professional environment, you can find other names for the hydraulic gun:

  • hydraulic or thermohydraulic separator;
  • anuloid.

The main purpose of the hydraulic separator (this is the official name of the hydraulic arrow) is the separation of hydraulic flows. The circuits are separated by a channel, making them independent and autonomous when transferring the heat carrier through the heating system. In this case, heat is well transferred from one circuit to another.

Joint work of the hydraulic arrow and the heating collector

When making a hydraulic gun from polypropylene with your own hands, you need to perform the correct calculations and select the equipment with which it will work. In houses, secondary circuits are connected using this device. The distribution manifold is connected in the circuit after the hydraulic arrow. The design consists of separate elements, which are combined by jumpers.

Collector connection

The number of cut-in nozzles depends on the contours. With the help of a distribution comb, easier repair and maintenance of the device is carried out.

The manifold and separator create a hydraulic element. Such a device is convenient for cramped spaces.

There are the following types of connections:

  • a high-pressure circuit for radiators is connected from above;
  • contour for the construction of underfloor heating from below;
  • a heat exchanger is connected to the side.

With the help of control valves, pressure and flow are produced on distant circuits. Such a design can be made by a specialist with knowledge in heat engineering, as well as professional skills in plumbing, electric welding and working with special tools.

Option to use hydraulic separation equipment

Before work, you need to draw up the correct drawings and diagrams of the device. Performing critical heating elements by beginners can be life-threatening.

Hydrogun and its purpose

It is easy to assemble a hydraulic arrow for heating yourself using a welding machine and pipe sections of the required length. To do this, you need to find a suitable drawing and select materials.

We examined the principle of operation of the heating hydraulic arrow - it simply distributes the coolant over several circuits. Its main task is to create ideal conditions for the operation of the secondary and primary circuits. The primary circuit includes a heating boiler with pipes connected to a hydraulic switch. The secondary circuits are everything else. With equal pressure in the entire circuit, the boiler operates in a sparing mode - part of the heated coolant enters the return pipe, which reduces the load on the heat source.

If there is a low-power boiler in the system, and the heating has a high capacity, conditions are created for supplying the coolant from the return pipe to the supply pipe, bypassing the boiler (partially). In this case, the equipment is practically worn out - heat exchangers can become unusable in the shortest possible time.

Uniform heat distribution

Ideally balanced heating is a uniform temperature throughout the house, equal pressure in the secondary circuits and a balanced load on the boiler. In this case, the task of the hydraulic arrow is simple - it “distributes” the coolant into several circuits, each of which has a circulation pump. By adjusting its performance and the supply of coolant, you can achieve a uniform temperature throughout the house.

The most important thing is that thanks to this distribution, there will be no cold circuits in the house, since the coolant will flow into each pipe, and not just where it is easier.

The principle of operation of the hydraulic gun

Pressure balancing

An imbalance in the heating system can affect the stability of its operation. A long circuit needs one pressure, a shorter circuit needs another. The same applies to underfloor heating and boilers. If the system had one large pump for all circuits at once, there would be overloads in some places - it could break pipes or a heat exchanger in a storage water heater. The hydraulic gun will distribute the pressure and allow you to properly balance all circuits.

Working with multiple boilers

There are heating systems with two or even three boilers (sometimes more). Such solutions allow you to heat a fairly large area or use one of the boilers as a reserve. If not serial, but parallel connection of equipment is used, then this is done through a hydraulic arrow. At the same time, this helps to neutralize the mutual influence of the secondary circuits on each other.

The hydraulic arrow allows you to achieve balance in heating systems of any complexity. Two or three boilers, five or seven circuits - the degree may be different. It also reveals the potential for system expansion. For example, in the future, one more boiler, a heated towel rail, a summer kitchen with a separate heating circuit can be connected here. All these works can be carried out even on the move, without stopping the boiler equipment while maintaining the heating of the building.

Why do we need a hydraulic arrow, the principle of operation, purpose and calculations

During the operation of an individual heating system, problems arise associated with a discrepancy between the volume of consumption and the performance of the boiler. In some modes, it is possible to receive signals from temperature sensors that will increase power to maximum values. At the same time, insufficient consumption of the medium by the secondary circuit will increase the thermal loads excessively. Such situations increase the likelihood of accidents.

In case of breakdowns, you will need the help of specialists

To describe another situation, it is necessary to assume that the boiler capacity specified in the technical data sheet is 50 l/min. despite the fact that it is necessary to connect heating radiators with a consumption twice as much. It will not work to increase the power so much without excessive loads on the equipment.

The next problem is the mutual influence of different types of consumers (heat-insulated floors, an external boiler, several groups of radiators). For their normal functioning, different volumes and temperatures of the coolant are needed.

It is possible to solve such problems using additional sensors and settings. But this will lead to a significant complication of the design and a decrease in the overall level of reliability. In practice, experienced professionals recommend using an elegant engineering solution, which is discussed in detail in this article.

The principles of operation of hydraulic arrows in heating systems and the main functions

The main purpose of this device is to limit, and ideally, to exclude the hydrodynamic influence of different circuits in the heating system on each other. To do this, use special containers that are inserted into the gap between the two circuits.

Typical hydraulic arrows in the form of a cylinder and a cube in section

This picture shows a schematic of a set of equipment with two pumps and connected radiators.

Dual loop system

Here Q1 and Q2 are the water flow rates in each circuit. When these values ​​are equal, the fluid moves along a common complete contour, as shown in the figure below.

Standard movement along a common contour

Return flow is higher than supply

Consumption in the supply, more than in the return

In order to get a high-quality hydraulic arrow that performs its functions, the principle of operation, purpose and calculations will be coordinated in a special way. It is necessary to create the last option with a slow movement of water inside the device in the direction from top to bottom. Experts recommend limiting the speed of this process to the level of 0.09-0.12 m / s. This will help solve the following problems:

  • Under such conditions, mechanical impurities will gradually settle to the bottom of the tank. When equipped with a special device, a collection, it will be possible to clean the system during routine maintenance.
  • A slow speed will allow the hydraulic arrow to be used to withdraw fluid to other circuits with different temperature gradients.
  • It is also useful for the accumulation of gas bubbles in the upper part of the body. There you can install an automatic device for removing air.

Scheme of using a hydraulic arrow in a complex heating system

Heating hydraulic arrow device

The following picture shows a standard product in this category.

The valve installed at the bottom is designed to drain the liquid along with mechanical impurities

Pay attention to the special narrowing at the bottom. Contaminants accumulate in it, are not carried out by the fluid flow further into the system

An automatic air release valve is mounted on top.

If necessary, hydraulic arrows are equipped with pressure gauges, valves and other devices

Is it possible to install one pump per circuit

It would seem quite logical to equip each heating circuit with its own circulation pump that meets all the necessary parameters in order to solve the problem. Is it so? Unfortunately, even in this case, the problem will not be solved - it will simply move to another plane! Indeed, for the stable functioning of such a system, an accurate calculation of each pump is necessary, however, even in this case, a complex multi-circuit system will not become equilibrium. Each pump here will be associated with its own circuit, and its characteristics will change (that is, will not be stable). In this case, one of the circuits can fully work, and the second can be turned off. Due to the circulation in one circuit, an inertial movement of the working fluid can form in the adjacent circuit, where this is not required at all (at least for the moment). And there can be many such examples.

As a result, the underfloor heating system may overheat unacceptably, different rooms may be heated unevenly, individual circuits may be “locked”. In a word, everything happens so that your efforts to equip the system with high efficiency go down the drain.

Note! Especially because of this, the pump installed next to the heating boiler suffers. And in many homes, several heating devices are used at once, which are extremely difficult, almost impossible to manage.

Because of all this, expensive equipment simply fails.

Is there a way out? Yes - not only divide the network into circuits, but also take care of a separate circuit for the heating boiler. And we will help with balancing the hydraulic arrow for heating or, as it is also called, the hydraulic separator.

Purchased models

A typical example is the Sever-M5 collector. It works in heating systems up to 70 kW. The cost of the unit is about 9.5 thousand rubles.

A hydraulic arrow in a heating system is a hydraulic distribution device designed to distribute the coolant over several circuits. Its installation is recommended in cases where the power of the boiler used is over 50 kW. Also, the arrow is used in complex branched systems with many secondary circuits - it is needed for balancing. You can buy it or build it yourself.

The easiest way is to buy a hydraulic gun in a ready-made factory version. The simplest model, for example, SINTEK ST-35, will cost 2,700 rubles if taken directly from the manufacturer. It withstands pressure up to 6 bar and can be installed in heating systems with heating power up to 35 kW.

The heating manifold with a hydraulic arrow for 5 circuits is designed for branched systems, which were mentioned above. It can be connected to an indirect heating boiler, heated floors in the bathroom, kitchen and hallway, as well as three main circuits - on the ground floor, in the basement, and also in the attic.

Other store equipment:

  • Hydroarrow WOODSTOKE 331 - for heating up to 70 kW for 7 circuits. The cost of the device is 11 thousand rubles.
  • Warme WGR 80 is a simple hydraulic gun with two nozzles and two outlets for connecting an air vent and a tap. The cost is 4000 rubles. The model can work in heating systems up to 80 kW.
  • Proxiterm GS 32-1 - the hydraulic gun is made in a shiny case, as it is made of stainless steel. It is designed to work in heating systems up to 85 kW. The cost is about 7-8 thousand rubles.
  • Gidruss BM is a whole series of hydraulic guns for heating systems with power from 60 to 150 kW. They are made of high quality structural steel and withstand pressure up to 6 bar at temperatures up to +110 degrees. The cost varies from 9 to 30 thousand rubles.

There are thousands of ready-made hydraulic guns, there are plenty to choose from.

The advantages of magazine hydraulic guns are quite obvious. First of all, they are characterized by impeccable build quality. The equipment must withstand a solid pressure - up to 3-4 atmospheres for autonomous heating and up to 20-25 atmospheres for general house heating. It is made from proven grades of steel, created for the construction of heating equipment and other systems.

Secondly, factory hydraulic arrows are already designed for use in heating systems with one or another power. They are verified many times, so their use will not cause any accidents. Also, the stores will offer auxiliary equipment for the installation of heating systems. And then there will be no problems with the guarantee for boilers and radiators.

Do-it-yourself hydraulic arrow manufacturing scheme for heating

It is not easy to make a water gun on your own. First you need to draw up a diagram and preliminary calculations. In addition, it is necessary to have the skills of welding and metalwork.

A step-by-step process for making a 6-way splitter will help in this matter:

A photo Description of works

Before starting work, you need to prepare the following materials and tools: 2 inch threads for the main circuit and 6 ¾ threads for the heating system circuit, 80 profile pipe with a wall thickness of 3 mm, 25 inch pipe, 20 × 20 profile pipe, 2 square washers on the ends , 2 steel threads, a welding machine with electrodes, a grinder, 2 metal crowns 25 and 29 diameters, an 8.5 mm drill bit, a quick-drying primer and hammer paint.

Cut off a piece of square pipe measuring 900 mm.

We drill preliminary holes with a multi-stage drill according to pre-applied marks. On one side, the distance from the edge is 50×150×150×200×150×150×50, on the opposite side 325×250×325. This is sufficient for a solid fuel boiler.

We expand the holes with a crown of 25 diameters. Similarly, holes are made with a crown of 29 diameters.

Finished holes in the pipe.

We weld steel couplings to washers

At this stage, the couplings with plugs must be cleaned.

Washers are welded to the ends in 2 stages. First, they are tacked at several points, then the main welding seam is performed. After that, everything needs to be cleaned up.

Threads are welded to the holes made on the pipe in the same way, after which the pipe must be cleaned.

At the end of the process, a test must be carried out. To do this, plugs are screwed onto all threads, and the system is connected to a pump with a pressure gauge reading of 7.2 atmospheres.

After the tests, the hydraulic arrow must be primed and painted. While the paint dries, you can prepare the mounts for the separator.

This process can be clearly seen in the master class of a professional specialist:

It is even easier to make a hydraulic arrow from polypropylene with your own hands. This requires special tools for cutting plastic and a special apparatus for welding.

Hydraulic separator diagram

Operating modes

The hydraulic separator can be operated in three main modes. The first one is activated when the system's demand for heat corresponds to the amount already produced. In the second mode, the heating system needs less heat than has already been generated. In this case, a certain proportion of the liquid returns to the boiler through the hydraulic separator and signals the automation to reduce its power or even temporarily turn it off. The third mode of operation is that the system requires more heat. If this happens, part of the heat carrier flow is taken over by the pumps, after which the automation receives a signal to increase the boiler power.

What is a hydraulic arrow in a heating system? The hydraulic and temperature buffer, which provides the processes of correlation of supply / return temperatures and an ordered maximum flow of the coolant, is called a hydraulic arrow. An article on the topic: “Hydroarrow: the principle of operation, purpose and calculations” reveals the essence of the hydraulic separation of heating circuits.

Why do you need a hydraulic arrow in the heating system?

It is very simple to explain why a hydraulic arrow is needed for heating. The processes of unbalancing heat supply are familiar to the owners of private houses. A modern boiler has a circuit smaller in volume than the circulation flow of the consumer. The operation of the heating hydraulic switch allows you to separate the hydraulic circuit of the heat generator from the secondary circuit, improve the reliability and quality of the system.

The answer to the question: “Why do we need a hydraulic arrow in the heating system?” Is a list of the advantages of heating with a hydraulic thermal separator:

  • separator - a mandatory condition of the equipment manufacturer to guarantee maintenance for a boiler with a capacity of 50 kW or more, or a heat generator with a cast-iron heat exchanger;
  • the unit provides maximum flow with a laminar flow of the coolant, maintains the hydraulic and temperature balance of the heating system;
  • parallel connection of the heating hydraulic switch and the consumer circuit creates minimal pressure, performance and thermal energy losses;
  • the knee arrangement of the supply-return pipes provides a temperature gradient of the secondary circuits;

  • optimal selection and calculation of a hydraulic arrow for heating protects the boiler from the difference in supply-return temperatures, protects equipment from thermal shock, equalizes the circulating volume of water flows in the primary and secondary circuits;
  • the unit increases the efficiency of the boiler, allows the secondary circulation of a part of the coolant in the boiler circuit, saves electricity and fuel;
  • mixing keeps the volume of boiler water constant;
  • in case of emergency, the separator compensates for the flow deficit in the secondary circuit;
  • a hollow separator reduces the influence of pumps with different kW power on the secondary circuits and the boiler;
  • additional functions of the hydraulic separator - reduces hydraulic resistance, creates conditions for the separation of dissolved gases and sludge.

The principle of operation of the heating hydraulic arrow allows you to stabilize the hydrodynamic processes in the system. Timely removal of mechanical impurities from the coolant will extend the service life of pumps, valves, meters, sensors, heaters. By separating the flows (the heat generator circuit and the independent consumer circuit), the hydraulic arrow ensures maximum use of the heat of combustion of the fuel.

Heating hydraulic arrow device

The hydraulic separator is a vertical hollow vessel made of pipes of large diameter (square profile) with elliptical end caps. The dimensions of the separator are determined by the power (kW) of the boiler, depend on the number and volume of circuits.

A heavy metal casing is mounted on support posts so as not to create a linear stress on the pipeline. Compact devices are attached to the wall, placed on brackets.

The branch pipe of the hydraulic arrow and the heating pipeline are connected using flanges or threads.

The automatic air vent valve is located at the top of the housing. The sediment is removed through a valve or a special valve, which is embedded from below.

The material for the manufacture of hydraulic arrows is low-carbon or stainless steel, copper, polypropylene. The body is treated with an anti-corrosion compound, covered with thermal insulation.

Hydraulic switch "Meibes"

Additional functions of water guns

Advanced models combine the functions of a separator, temperature controller and separator. The thermostatic valve provides a temperature gradient to the secondary circuits. The release of dissolved oxygen from the coolant reduces the risk of erosion of the internal surfaces of the equipment. Removal of suspended particles from the flow extends the life of the impeller and bearings of circulation pumps.

The photo shows a model of a hydraulic arrow for heating in a section:

Horizontal perforated partitions divide the internal volume in half. The supply-return flows touch in the “zero point” zone and slide in different directions without creating additional resistance.

Above, in the high-temperature zone, there are porous vertical deaeration plates. The sludge collector and magnetic trap (magnesium anode) are located in the lower part of the housing.

Design options of the hydraulic arrow: pressure gauge, temperature sensor, thermostatic valve and line for powering the system at startup. Complex equipment requires adjustment, regular inspections and maintenance.

The principle of operation of the hydraulic arrow in the heating system of a private house

The coolant flow passes through the separator at a speed of 0.1-0.2 m/s. The boiler pump accelerates hot water to 0.7-0.9 m / s. The recommended speed mode gives an idea of ​​​​what a hydraulic arrow is needed for heating.

Changing the volume and direction of movement dampens the speed of water flows with minimal loss of thermal energy in the system. The laminar movement of the flow leads to the fact that there is practically no hydraulic resistance inside the body. The buffer zone separates the boiler and the consumer circuit. The pump of each of the heating circuits operates autonomously, without disturbing the hydraulic balance.

Hydro arrow schemes for heating (operating mode):

  • Neutral operating mode of the hydraulic separator, in which the pressure, flow rate, temperature and thermal energy of the supply - return flow correspond to the design parameters of the system. Pumping equipment has sufficient total capacity. The laminar movement of the flow in the hydraulic arrow provides the processes of deaeration and sedimentation of suspended particles.

  • The diagram reflects the principle of operation of the heating hydraulic arrow, in which the boiler does not have sufficient power to ensure the flow in the secondary circuit. The flow deficit leads to the admixture of cold coolant. The difference in flow / return temperatures leads to the operation of thermal sensors. Automation will bring the heat generator to the maximum combustion mode, but the consumer does not receive enough heat. The heating system is unbalanced, there is a threat of thermal shock.

  • The volumetric flow of the primary circuit is greater than the flow rate of the coolant of the dependent circuit. The option in which the boiler operates in optimal mode. When the unit is ignited or the pumps of the secondary circuits are turned off in parallel, the coolant circulates through the hydraulic arrow along the primary (small) circuit. The return temperature, which enters the boiler, is equalized by a mixture from the supply. A sufficient volume of coolant is supplied to the consumer.

Prerequisite: the performance that the circulation pump of the primary (boiler) circuit has is 10% higher than the total maximum head of the pumps in the secondary circuit.

Methods for calculating the hydraulic arrow in the heating system of a private house

  • The formula determines the diameter (D) according to the maximum throughput of the hydraulic separator (calculations according to the passport data for the boiler):

  • The formula determines the diameter of the hydraulic arrow according to the power of the heat generator. ?T flow/return temperature difference - 10°C:

  • The diameter of the branch pipe included in the hydraulic arrow or distribution manifold:

Designation Symbol decoding unit of measurement
D Body diameter mm
d Pipe diameter mm
P The maximum power that the boiler has (passport data of the boiler) kW
G Maximum flow (throughput, flow rate) through the hydraulic separator per hour m3/hour
? Constant value (3.14)
? Maximum vertical velocity of the coolant through the separator (0.2) m/s
?T Difference between supply and return temperatures (passport data of the boiler) °C
C Heat capacity of water (relative unit) W/(kg°C)
V Coolant velocity through secondary circuits m/s
Q Maximum flow in the consumer circuit m3/h
  • Determination of the parameters of the hydraulic arrow by a practical method:

The approximate size for small separators is chosen according to the diameter of the inlet (outlet) pipes. The distance between the tie-ins is at least 10 choke diameters. The height of the body is much greater than the diameter.

The crankshaft hydraulic arrow for heating is used in the selection of large installations. According to the “3d rule”, the body diameter is three nozzle diameters. The 3d distance determines the proportions of the structure.

Determination of the parameters of the hydraulic gun according to the “3d rule”

  • Distribution of tie-ins along the separator column height:

If the system does not provide a distribution manifold, then the number of tie-ins into the separator is increased. The pipeline connecting the first (boiler) circuit with the hydraulic arrow is distributed in height. The method allows you to adjust the temperature gradient in dynamics. The fulfillment of the condition is necessary for the high-quality selection of the coolant by the secondary circuits.

Combining a heating manifold with a hydraulic arrow

Small houses are heated by a boiler with a built-in pump. Secondary circuits are connected to the boiler through a hydraulic arrow. Independent circuits of residential buildings with a large area (from 150 m2) are connected through a comb, the hydraulic separator will be bulky.

The distribution manifold is mounted after the hydraulic gun. The device consists of two independent parts that combine jumpers. According to the number of secondary circuits, branch pipes are cut in pairs.

The distributing comb facilitates operation and repair of the equipment. The shut-off and control valves of the heat supply system of the house are located in one place. The enlarged manifold diameter ensures even flow between the individual circuits.

The separator and the coplanar distribution manifold form the hydraulic module. The compact unit is convenient for the cramped conditions of small boiler rooms.

Mounting releases are provided for tying with an asterisk:

  • low-pressure circuit of underfloor heating is connected from below;
  • high-pressure radiator circuit - from above;
  • heat exchanger - on the side, on the opposite side from the hydraulic arrow.

The figure shows a hydraulic arrow with a collector. The manufacturing scheme provides for the installation of balancing valves between the supply / return manifolds:

Control valves provide maximum flow and pressure on the circuits farthest from the hydraulic gun. Balancing reduces the processes of improper throttling of the flow, allows you to achieve the estimated supply of coolant.

A specialist who has a sufficient stock of knowledge in heat engineering, experience and work skills (electric and gas welding, plumbing, working with hand-held power tools) can make a heating hydraulic arrow with their own hands. Numerous Internet sites offer step-by-step instructions for making a hydraulic arrow for heating, videos can also help in this process.

Theoretical knowledge will help to draw up diagrams and drawings of a heating hydraulic switch, make an individual order for equipment in a specialized organization, and control the work of a contractor. Entrusting the manufacture of critical components of the heating system to non-professionals is dangerous to life and health. It should be remembered that equipment damaged due to the fault of the owner is not subject to warranty repair and return.

A hydraulic arrow is often used in the heating system. The principle of operation, purpose and calculations of this device will help you understand what it is used for. The hydraulic arrow is a temperature and hydraulic buffer that provides the correct correlation of the coolant flow and the temperature regime. With the help of the device, hydraulic separation of the heating circuits is performed.

With the help of a hydraulic arrow, you can create a safe heating system

Many heating systems in private households are unbalanced. The hydraulic arrow allows you to separate the circuit of the heating unit and the secondary circuit of the heating system. This improves the quality and reliability of the system.

When choosing a hydraulic arrow, you need to carefully study the principle of operation, purpose and calculations, as well as find out the advantages of the device:

  • the separator is necessary to ensure that the technical specifications are met;
  • the device maintains temperature and hydraulic balance;
  • parallel connection provides minimum losses of thermal energy, productivity and pressure;
  • protects the boiler from thermal shock, and also equalizes the circulation in the circuits;
  • allows you to save fuel and;
  • a constant volume of water is maintained;
  • reduces hydraulic resistance.

Features of the operation of the hydraulic arrow allow you to normalize the hydrodynamic processes in the system.

Helpful information! Timely elimination of impurities allows you to extend the life of meters, heaters and valves.

Heating hydraulic arrow device

Before you buy a hydraulic arrow for heating, you need to understand the structure of the structure.

The hydraulic separator is a vertical vessel made of large diameter pipes with special end caps. The dimensions of the structure depend on the length and volume of the circuits, as well as on the power. In this case, the metal case is mounted on support racks, and small-sized products are mounted on brackets.

Connection to the heating pipeline is made using threads and flanges. Stainless steel, copper or polypropylene is used as a material for the hydraulic gun. In this case, the body is treated with an anti-corrosion agent.

Note! Polymer products are used in a system with a 14-35 kW boiler. Making such a device with your own hands requires professional skills.

Additional equipment features

The principle of operation, purpose and calculations of the hydraulic arrow can be learned and performed independently. The new models have the functions of a separator, a separator and a temperature controller. The thermostatic valve provides a temperature gradient for the secondary circuits. The elimination of oxygen from the system reduces the risk of erosion of the internal surfaces of the equipment. Removing excess particles increases the life of the impeller.

Inside the device there are perforated partitions that divide the internal volume in half. This does not create additional resistance.

Helpful information! Complex equipment requires a temperature sensor, a pressure gauge and a line to power the system.

The principle of operation of the hydraulic arrow in heating systems

The choice of a hydraulic arrow depends on the speed mode of the coolant. In this case, the buffer zone separates the heating circuit and the heating boiler.

There are the following schemes for connecting a hydraulic gun:

  • neutral scheme of operation, in which all parameters correspond to the calculated values. At the same time, the design has sufficient total power;
  • a certain scheme is applied if the boiler does not have sufficient power. With a lack of flow, the admixture of a cooled coolant is required. When the temperature difference triggered thermal sensors;
  • the volume of flow in the primary circuit is greater than the consumption of the coolant in the secondary circuit. In this case, the heating unit operates in optimal mode. When the pumps in the second circuit are turned off, the coolant moves through the hydraulic arrow along the first circuit.

The performance of the circulation pump should be 10% higher than in the second circuit.

This table shows some models and their cost.

ImageModelsPropertiesCost, rub.
Cidruss TPK -40-20*3Low alloy steel.
The power of the heating system is 40 kW.
The maximum coolant temperature is 110 degrees.
5 680
North - 60 K2 AISIConnects two heating circuits, a collector and a hydraulic booster.
Warranty period 5 years.
Power - 50 kW.
7 180
IVR Hydraulic arrowThe maximum pressure is 6 bar.
Material - steel.
8 700
Meibes BT 25 to 50 kW.Suitable for closed type heating system.
Working pressure - 6 bar.
The maximum temperature is 110 degrees.
15 200
ValtecPower -104.
The body is made of bronze.
Includes air vent, steel brackets and ball valves.
16 500
Everest, flanged hydraulic separator.Designed to protect cast iron equipment from thermal shock.13 900
Water Gun WattsProduction material - high-alloy steel11 800

Methods for calculating the device in the heating system

To make a hydraulic arrow for, you need to make calculations

This formula determines the diameter of the device according to passport data:

The diameter is determined by the power of the heater.

Using this formula, you can determine the diameter of the nozzle:

The diameter of the nozzle must be combined with the diameter of the outlet of the heating unit. The approximate size of small products is selected according to the size of the outlet pipes.

If a collector is not used in the design, then the number of tie-ins should be increased.

Calculator for calculating a hydraulic arrow based on the power of the boiler

Calculator for calculating the parameters of the hydraulic arrow based on the performance of the pumps

Joint work of the hydraulic arrow and the heating collector

When making a hydraulic gun from polypropylene with your own hands, you need to perform the correct calculations and select the equipment with which it will work. In houses, secondary circuits are connected using this device. The distribution manifold is connected in the circuit after the hydraulic arrow. The design consists of separate elements, which are combined by jumpers.

The number of cut-in nozzles depends on the contours. With the help of a distribution comb, easier repair and maintenance of the device is carried out.

The manifold and separator create a hydraulic element. Such a device is convenient for cramped spaces.

There are the following types of connections:

  • a high-pressure circuit for radiators is connected from above;
  • contour for the construction of underfloor heating from below;
  • a heat exchanger is connected to the side.

With the help of control valves, pressure and flow are produced on distant circuits. Such a design can be made by a specialist with knowledge in heat engineering, as well as professional skills in plumbing, electric welding and working with special tools.

Before work, you need to draw up the correct drawings and diagrams of the device. Performing critical heating elements by beginners can be life-threatening.

Hydrogun. Device and purpose (video)

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How to make heating in a private house from polypropylene pipes with your own hands

The problems of connecting heating systems to boilers have a long history. Traditional schemes of such structures have a number of disadvantages, the main of which were the threat of hydraulic imbalance, the difficulty of regulating operating parameters and the threat of damage to the boiler due to water hammer.

But in our time, an excellent solution has been found to successfully combat these problems - a hydraulic gun.

This element serves as a link between two heat transfer circuits, making them independent of each other in the course of hydraulic processes. That is, the dynamics of the coolant in the heat transfer circuit does not affect the dynamics of the coolant in the boiler circuit in terms of hydraulic processes. And vice versa.

Being a very simple device for protecting and balancing a heating system, a hydraulic gun is widely in demand. It is known under different names: hydraulic separator, thermohydraulic separator, anuloid, bottle (a term from the dictionary of professional installers).

Hydrogun device

Anuloid or hydraulic separator - pipe with four nozzles welded into its body. The general view is shown in Fig.1.

However, there may be more branch pipes, but such systems become much more complicated in terms of hydraulic and thermodynamic calculations, their consideration within the framework of this article is inappropriate.

Possible options for the forms of simple hydraulic arrows are shown in Figures 2 and 3.

Round anuloids differ from rectangular only in appearance. True, the rectangular version looks better, but the round hydraulic arrow is more beneficial in terms of hydraulics. But in general, the operation parameters of these devices do not depend on their shape.

Additionally, hydraulic separators can be equipped with:

Typical switching circuit hydraulic separator into the heating circuit is shown in Fig.5.

Q1 - boiler circuit;

Q2 - Heating circuit (heating decoupling);

H1 and H2 - circulation pumps of circuits.

Fig.5. Typical diagram of hydraulic separator installation.

Sometimes you can find capacitive hydraulic separators in the form of a barrel. A diagram of such a device is shown in Fig.6.

Fig.6. Hydro separator in the form of a barrel as a heat accumulator in the heating system.

In this form, the hydraulic arrow serves not only as a separator of hydraulic circuits, but also heat accumulator, helping to smooth the process of temperature change in the secondary circuit.

Fig. 7 shows a diagram of a hydraulic switch in a heating system with a height shift of the nozzles.

Fig.7. Hydraulic separator with nozzle offset.

Here: T1-supply pipeline from the boiler.

T3-Feeding pipeline to the heating junction.

Branch pipes T2 and T4 are the outlets of the return lines of the corresponding circuits.

Nozzle excess pipeline T1 relative to T2 allows you to create conditions under which the coolant coming from the boiler has the ability to slow down and release an additional amount of air bubbles.

The T2 pipeline branch pipe is located above the T4 branch pipe to ensure conditions for effective separation of sludge and prevent it from entering the T2 pipeline.

Principle of operation

As can be seen from the diagrams in Fig. 5 and 6, in the boiler circuit, thanks to the pump H1, a flow Q1 is created. In the decoupling circuit, respectively, the pump H2 creates a flow Q2.

Fig. 8 Operating modes of the hydraulic arrow in the heating system. Blue and red arrows show directions cold and hot coolant flows.

So, when the entire heating system is turned on, the heat carrier water is not yet heated to the set temperature, the H2 pumps do not work. This means that the movement of water occurs only in the boiler circuit. Getting into the hydraulic arrow, the water goes down, then moves along the reverse branch within the first circuit. The scheme is shown in Fig. 8 on the left side.

When the predetermined level of water heating is reached, the selection of the water flow by the second circuit is initiated. The hydraulic arrow at this stage works only as an air separator and a trap for dirt and fuel oil contained in the water. The heating process proceeds in a standard stable mode. Both contours are merge into a single stream. Since the observance of the condition Q1=Q2 in strict form is almost impossible, it becomes clear the need to install a hydraulic separator at the intersection point of the heating system circuits. The scheme is shown in Fig. 8 in the center.

In case of heating above the set temperature, in the absence of a hydraulic arrow, circulation pumps may fail and other troubles may occur. But, in the scheme under consideration, the performance of the H2 pumps will simply decrease (the control automation will work) and, accordingly, the Q2 flow rate value will become less than the Q1 flow rate value. In the hydraulic arrow, we will observe the upward movement of the coolant. However, this situation is rare. The scheme is shown in Fig. 8 on the right side.

In the presence of 2 or more circuits in the heating system and the cast-iron heat exchanger in the boiler, which is very vulnerable to water hammer, the use of a hydraulic arrow becomes a vital necessity. This circumstance is so important that the installation of hydraulic separators in the heating systems of private houses is often a mandatory requirement in providing a guarantee from the manufacturer for equipment and installation work.

In houses with a living area of ​​​​more than two hundred square meters, having several heating circuits (mainly underfloor heating, a bathroom, a kitchen), hydraulic arrows will not only increase the life of boilers and pumps, but also ensure economical and smooth operation of the entire system.

Making a water gun with your own hands

Often, consumers, having decided to save on the purchase of ready-made hydraulic separators, try to make them on their own. Well, if a person can qualitatively perform turning and welding operations or he has familiar experienced specialists who are ready to make a discount on their work, then, perhaps, this option can be implemented. The services of advertising specialists are very expensive (first of all, this applies to welders). And the qualifications of the hired specialist may often be insufficient. Marriage in welding and damage to parts and assemblies incur additional material costs and increased waste of nerves.

In addition, an optimally sized and efficient hydraulic gun requires correct calculations.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude: in the presence of a complex heating system, it is easier and more reliable to entrust its calculation and selection of hydraulic switch specialists. They also have to develop a drawing of the heating system. It is better to purchase a ready-made hydraulic gun that has an anti-corrosion coating, thermal insulation, a sludge trap, etc.

For those who still take the risk of independent work, the following is a brief simplified calculation of the hydraulic gun.

The material for self-manufacturing of hydraulic arrows is steel. But there is a difficulty with the anti-corrosion properties of such pipes, and rust will be a threat to the home heating network. Plastic pipes of large diameter are difficult to pick up. Therefore, in some cases, a lattice made of a metal-plastic pipe d 32 mm and tees can act as a hydraulic arrow. For its manufacture possible to use polypropylene in networks with a temperature not higher than 70 degrees. The image is in Fig.9.

Fig.9. Hydro arrow for the heating system in the form of a lattice. The arrows show the direction of the coolant shelves.

Possible layouts of nozzles are shown in fig. ten.

Fig.10. Pipe layouts. The arrows indicate the directions of the coolant flows.


With self-calculation of the hydraulic gun, you can be limited to the calculation of its dimensions. There are two ways to do this, the three-diameter method and the alternating nozzle method. Calculation schemes for both methods are shown in Fig.11.

Fig.11. Methods for determining the size of a hydraulic arrow.

Having found the diameter of the hydraulic separator (or inlet pipe) using the appropriate formula, you can determine the remaining dimensions.

So, calculation formula according to the maximum coolant flow in the system:

  • D, mm - diameter of the hydraulic gun;
  • G, cube m/hour, - the maximum flow through the separator;
  • W, m / s - the maximum speed of the coolant (recommended value 0.2),

The temperature difference between the supply and return pipelines is recommended to be applied equal to 10 degrees.

The formula for calculating the maximum power of the boiler ( temperature difference in the supply and return pipes 10 degrees):

  • D, mm - diameter of the hydraulic gun;
  • P, kW, - maximum power of the boiler;
  • ∆T, deg. C, is the temperature difference between the supply and return branches.

Water flow rate in the hydraulic arrow should be low, about 0.1 - 0.2 m / s in order to:

  • allow debris in the water to settle down;
  • create conditions for natural convection of the coolant in the hydraulic arrow
  • reduce the hydraulic resistance in the hydraulic separator
  • create optimal conditions for separating air bubbles from the water and removing them through the hydraulic separator air vent.

You can position the hydraulic arrow in space as you like, as long as it does not interfere with the sedimentation of sludge into the sump.

Between the branch pipes of the supply and return branches of the circuit, it is desirable to withstand distance at least 20 cm. In general, the distance between any nozzles should not be less than their quadruple diameter (L greater than 4d). It is important to remember this when making a water gun with your own hands.

There are many commercially manufactured hydraulic guns on the market. They are chosen according to catalogs based on the power and maximum water consumption of their boiler equipment.

These products are made according to the canons of modern design, have corrosion protection and insulation, are equipped, as a rule, with additional gadgets in the form of an automatic degasser, a sludge separator, etc. Examples of commercially available hydraulic arrows of industrial production for heating systems are shown in Fig. 12. Products are priced at $200 or more.