The difference between a single-pipe heating system and a two-pipe system. Which heating system to choose two-pipe or one-pipe. Classification: bottom and top wiring

All existing heating systems can be divided into two groups:

  • single-pipe;
  • two-pipe.

To answer the question: which heating system is better single-pipe or two-pipe, it is necessary to understand by what principle each of them works.

This will clearly indicate the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, and will also help to make the most optimal choice both technically and in terms of necessary funds to understand one-pipe or two-pipe heating system is more suitable.

Videos on types of heating systems can be easily found on the World Wide Web.

Advantages of a one-pipe heating system

  • fewer materials and means;
  • hydrodynamic stability;
  • lower complexity of design and installation;
  • no special infrastructure requirements.

But with all these advantages, we can say with full confidence that a single-pipe system is far from the most best circuit through which heating can be realized. Still main reason, why the single-pipe system has become widespread with us - this is an indisputable saving of material.

Single-pipe heating system: principle of operation

Such a system has one riser (main pipe). Through it, heated water (or any other coolant) rises to the upper floors of the building (if it is a multi-storey building).

All heating devices (heat transfer units - batteries or radiators) are connected in series to the downstream line.

Modernization of single-pipe heating systems

A technical solution that makes it possible to regulate the operation of each individual heater has been developed.

It consists in connecting special closing sections (bypasses), which make it possible to embed automatic radiator thermostats in heating. What other benefits are possible with the installation of bypasses? We will talk about this in detail later.

The main advantage of such a modernization is that in this case it becomes possible to regulate the heating temperature of each battery or radiator. In addition, you can completely shut off the coolant supply to the device.

Due to this, such a heater is repaired or replaced without shutting down the entire system.

Bypass is a bypass pipe equipped with valves or taps. With the correct connection of such fittings to the system, it will allow you to redirect the flow of water through the riser, bypassing the repaired or replaced heater.

It is not difficult to understand that the task of installing such devices into the system with your own hands is hardly possible to solve, even if there is detailed instructions. In this case, one cannot do without the participation of a specialist.

The heating system with one main riser must be equipped with heating devices, which have improved performance in terms of reliability. Any devices in a one-pipe system must withstand increased pressure and high temperature.

Vertical and horizontal riser layout

According to the implementation scheme itself, single-column heating can be of two types:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal.

If connection heating appliances occurs from the top floor to the bottom - this is a vertical riser. If the batteries are connected in series to each other in all rooms of the floor of the building, this is a horizontal riser.

Disadvantages of a single-pipe heating system

  • complexity of thermal and hydraulic calculation networks;
  • the difficulty of eliminating errors in the calculations of heating devices;
  • the interdependence of the characteristics of the operation of all devices in the network;
  • increased hydrodynamic resistance;
  • limiting the number of heating devices on one riser;
  • inability to regulate batteries and radiators with regulators (pictured below)

If more than ten heating devices are connected to a vertical riser (for example, eleven), then the water temperature on the first radiator in the network will be about 105 ° C, and on the last - 45 ° C.

Single-column heating in individual construction

If heating with one main riser is installed in one-story building, then it will be possible to get rid of at least one significant drawback of such a scheme - uneven heating.

If such heating is implemented in high-rise building, then the upper floors will be heated much more intensively than the lower floors. This will lead to a situation where it is cold on the first floors of the house, and hot on the upper floors.

A private house (mansion, cottage) is rarely more than two or three stories high. Therefore, the installation of heating, the scheme of which was described above, does not threaten that the temperature on the upper floors will be much higher than on the lower floors.

Two-pipe heating system: advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of a two-pipe collector system

  • It becomes possible to install automatic thermostats for batteries or heating radiators. In this case, such devices are provided at the design stage of the system;
  • Pipes according to this scheme are bred through the premises through a special collector system. If one of the elements in the system fails or starts to work unstably, this does not affect the operation of other devices in the circuit;
  • In other words, with a two-pipe system, the elements of the heat circuit have parallel connection in contrast to sequential - with single-pipe.

The main disadvantages of a two-pipe heating system

  • heating becomes more complex according to the connection scheme;
  • project price requires more funds;
  • circuit wiring is more labor intensive.

Where are two-pipe heating systems used:

  • in individual housing construction;
  • in the projects of the so-called "elite" housing;
  • high-rise buildings (with overhead wiring)

When designing buildings with more than 9-10 storeys, it is better to use either a single-pipe system with a horizontal floor distribution, or a two-pipe system with an upper vertical wiring.
This will provide better circulation.

Advantages of two-pipe collector heating

  • reduced hydrodynamic resistance;
  • the possibility of independent temperature control in each room.

Before starting, the collector heating system requires careful preliminary adjustment. For correct installation, installation and operation two-pipe system appropriate infrastructure is required.

Variants of wiring diagrams for a two-pipe system

Top wiring

The overhead system is suitable for natural circulation (without pumps) (). It has a lower hydrodynamic resistance. In this case, the upper supply main pipe is partially cooled. Due to this, an additional circulation pressure of the coolant is formed.

Bottom wiring

In a system with bottom wiring, both the supply and discharge pipes are located side by side.

There are such modifications of the lower wiring:

So, one-pipe heating system or two-pipe? In each case, it is necessary to have preliminary calculations and a project (see), on the basis of which both heating devices and the main pipes themselves will be selected (see). The final decision is yours.


All heating systems today are divided into two main types: one-pipe and two-pipe heating systems. Each type has its own characteristics and features, but two-pipe heating systems have become the most popular. Sometimes people wonder, one-pipe or two-pipe heating system - what to choose?

Single pipe heating system

Such a heating system is a closed circuit, which is interrupted by the boiler. The installation of such a system involves the installation of a pipeline in all rooms located in the house. Radiators are connected to the pipes, and a coolant is launched into the system (its role is most often played by distilled water), which provides heat transfer to each room. The principle of operation of such a heating system is based on the difference in water temperatures at the beginning of the cycle and during the reverse movement, that is, the water that has passed through the entire circuit returns to the boiler cooled down.
Most often, this design uses the natural circulation of the coolant. To do this, the heated water first rises to the maximum possible height, after which it gradually descends through the pipes, cooling in the process of movement.

The following can be connected to a single-pipe heating system: These mechanisms allow you to fine-tune the heating system for high-quality and uniform heating of the entire building.

Characteristic features of a single-pipe heating system

The most important advantage of a single-pipe heating system with natural circulation- no need for electricity. Instead, a significant drawback appears, which is expressed in rather large diameter pipes and the need to create a permanent slope of the pipeline.

Advantages of single-pipe heating over two-pipe:

  1. Pipes can be connected to warm floors or heating radiators.
  2. Such a system can be installed in any room, regardless of the layout.
  3. A closed circuit allows you to heat the entire building as a single piece.
  4. Such a system is much cheaper, since it requires a much smaller amount of materials.
When using a one-pipe system, the problem of "stagnation" of liquid in the pipeline very often arises. This problem is solved with the help of a pump that crashes into the system directly in front of the boiler, at the very end of the return.
In multi-storey buildings, a vertical one-pipe heating system is most often used, and a horizontal one is better suited for compact one-story houses. In that case, everything heating elements located at the same height, which gives rise to the following problem: the water that has cooled down in one radiator comes to the next already cold one. Such a system is much cheaper, but also has significant drawbacks.

Radiators in such a system are not controlled: a horizontal heating system does not imply free adjustment of each heater. If necessary, bypasses can be built into such a system, which make it possible to let the coolant bypass a separate radiator, but such a device will make the system more expensive. Turning off the radiator leads to the fact that the room begins to be heated due to the heat coming from the pipes or riser.

In addition, for effective use this system it is recommended to use heating elements different sizes. To equalize heat dissipation, the radiator installed first should be quite small, and the last radiator should be much larger.

Two-pipe heating system

Despite the presence of a number of modifications, a two-pipe heating system works on the same principle. The heated liquid rises through the riser, from where it enters the radiators. But if one pipeline circuit goes to the radiators, then the cooled liquid is removed using the second circuit. This is what makes sense. Water in such a system comes directly from the water supply. For normal functioning she needs a system expansion tank which can be simple or complex.

In a simple one, there is a container to which two pipes are connected. One of them is a riser designed to supply water, and the second pipe allows you to eliminate excess fluid (read: ""). AT complex design four pipes are installed, two of which are responsible for the circulation of the liquid, and the other two monitor the water level in the system and the tank itself.

Two-pipe heating systems work great in conjunction with a pump. Circulation can be carried out both with a passing flow and a dead-end method. In the latter case, the heated and cooled liquid move in the opposite direction. Both circulation circuits are of the same length, so all radiators provide equal heat dissipation.

A two-pipe heating system bypasses a single-pipe heating system in a number of ways:
  1. Ability to precisely control the uniformity of heat supply in different rooms.
  2. The system is well suited for heating one-story buildings.
  3. Locking riser systems can be located in the basement, thus saving on usable area building.
  4. There are practically no heat losses in this system.
Among the disadvantages of a two-pipe system is its high cost: the number of pipes will double compared to a single-pipe counterpart. In addition, air will periodically appear in the supply line, and to eliminate it, it is necessary to install taps.

Horizontal closed two-pipe scheme can be equipped with top and bottom wiring. The use of lower wiring allows you to add new heaters to the system gradually, as new floors are built (more: ""). The vertical system is well suited for houses with variable number of floors. In any case, a two-pipe heating system will cost more than a single-pipe one, but its use will provide much more comfort and convenience.

One-pipe or two-pipe heating system: advantages and disadvantages

In single-pipe systems, there are no return risers. The movement of the coolant in this case is provided by natural circulation or a pump. The cooled liquid enters the lower part of the system, and along the way it mixes with the coolant from the supply riser. The closed circuit ensures constant circulation of liquid in the system. Passing through the pipeline, the water cools, so the surface area of ​​​​the heater located further from the boiler must be larger in order to increase heat transfer.

Single-pipe heating systems can be built according to two schemes: flow and mixed (read: ""). The flow circuit completely lacks any bypasses, therefore, if one heating element fails, the entire system has to be turned off. This option is currently practically not used, since it is extremely irrational. However, single-pipe systems have a low cost due to a minimum of materials and simple installation. When installing such systems, top wiring is required.

Installation of heating systems

One-pipe and two-pipe heating systems are installed differently, and installation suitable system will depend on the selected parameters, and the calculation of the installation cost can be carried out by any specialist. If natural circulation is chosen for the installation, then it will be advisable to install the upper wiring, and if there is a pump and there are no problems with the power supply, the lower one can be used.

In addition, installation methods heating systems can be classified according to:

  • type of wiring;
  • the number of risers;
  • pipe connection type.
Bottom connection pipes is the most common. Usage this method allows you to run pipes under the floor or baseboard, which has a positive effect on the interior of the premises (in more detail: "").

The main classification of heating installation methods is still based on the chosen scheme. One-pipe and two-pipe heating systems have much in common, but the difference between them is too great to put them in the same row. The advantages of single-pipe heating lie on the surface: low cost and ease of operation. But this system also has enough disadvantages, and the most important of them is that if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house is too large (more than 100 sq.m.) or if there is a second floor, the single-pipe scheme simply will not justify itself. In such cases, it will be much more profitable to opt for a two-pipe heating system.

The latter option also makes it possible to choose the appropriate method for installing radiators:

  • sequentially;
  • parallel;
  • diagonally;
  • on the side.
You can see the installation methods in detail in the photo.

The classification of installation methods can also be carried out according to the location of the risers:

  • heating with horizontal wiring;
  • heating with vertical wiring;
  • heating without risers.

A single pipe system is cheaper and easier. The two-pipe system is more convenient and reliable. Regardless of whether a single-pipe or two-pipe heating system is installed in the house, space heating will still occur. The final choice depends on the homeowner, but still the two-pipe system has a large number advantages, and its performance characteristics indicate that the use of such a scheme in your home will be more profitable and convenient.

In the video, a single-pipe and two-pipe heating system for comparison:

Two-pipe heating system

There are only two types of heating systems: one-pipe and two-pipe. In private houses, they try to establish the most effective system heating. It is very important not to sell too cheap, trying to reduce the cost of buying and installing a heating system. Providing heat at home is a lot of work, and in order not to have to reinstall the system, it is better to understand it thoroughly and make “reasonable” savings. And in order to draw a conclusion about which of the systems is better, it is necessary to understand the principle of operation of each of them. Having studied the advantages and disadvantages of both systems, both from the technical side and from the material side, it becomes clear how to make the best choice.

Single pipe heating system

It works on the principle: through one main pipe (riser), the coolant rises to the top floor of the house (in the case of high-rise building); all heating devices are connected in series to the descending line. In this case, all the upper floors will be heated more intensively than the lower ones. A well-known practice in Soviet-era high-rise buildings when it is very hot on the upper floors and cold on the lower ones. Private houses, most often have 2-3 floors, so single-pipe heating does not threaten with a large temperature contrast on different floors. In a one-story building, heating is almost uniform.

Advantages of a one-pipe heating system: hydrodynamic stability, ease of design and installation, low costs of materials and funds, since installation of only one line for the coolant is required. High blood pressure water will ensure normal natural circulation. The use of antifreeze increases the efficiency of the system. And, although this is not the best example of a heating system, it has become very widespread among us due to the high material savings.

Disadvantages of a single-pipe heating system: complex thermal and hydraulic calculation of the network;
- it is difficult to eliminate errors in the calculations of heating devices;
- the interdependence of the work of all elements of the network;
- high hydrodynamic resistance;
- a limited number of heating devices on one riser;
- the inability to regulate the flow of coolant into individual heating devices;
- high heat losses.

Improvement of single-pipe heating systems
Developed technical solution, allowing you to regulate the operation of individual heaters connected to one pipe. Special closing sections - bypasses - are connected to the network. The bypass is a jumper in the form of a pipe segment that connects the direct pipe of the heating radiator and the return pipe. It is equipped with taps or valves. The bypass makes it possible to connect automatic thermostats to the radiator. This allows you to adjust the temperature of each battery and, if necessary, shut off the coolant supply to any individual heating device. Thanks to this, it is possible to repair and replace individual devices without completely shutting down the entire heating system. Correct connection bypass makes it possible to redirect the coolant flow through the riser, bypassing the replaced or repaired element. For quality installation such devices it is better to invite a specialist.

Vertical and horizontal riser layout
According to the installation scheme, single-pipe heating can be horizontal and vertical. A vertical riser is the connection of all heaters in series from top to bottom. If the batteries are connected in series to each other throughout the floor, this is a horizontal riser. The disadvantage of both connections is the air locks that occur in heating radiators and pipes due to accumulating air.

The heating system with one main riser is equipped with heating devices with improved characteristics in terms of reliability. All single-pipe system devices are designed for high temperatures and must withstand high pressure.

Installation technology of a single-pipe heating system
1. Installation of the boiler in the selected location. It is better to use the services of a specialist from service center if the boiler is under warranty.
2. Mounting main pipeline. If an advanced system is installed, then mandatory installation tees at the connection points of radiators and bypasses. For heating system with natural circulation when installing pipes
create a slope of 3 - 5o per meter of length, for a system with forced circulation coolant - 1 cm per meter of length.
3. Installation of a circulation pump. Calculated circulation pump at temperatures up to 60 ° C, so it is installed in that part of the system where the most low temperature, that is, at the entrance of the return pipe to the boiler. The pump is powered by the power supply.
4. Installation of the expansion tank. An open expansion tank is installed at the highest point of the system, a closed one - more often near the boiler.
5. Installation of radiators. They make markings for installing radiators, fix the latter with brackets. At the same time, they comply with the recommendations of instrument manufacturers on observing distances from walls, window sills, and floors.
6. The radiators are connected according to the selected scheme, installing Mayevsky taps (for airing the radiators), blocking taps, plugs.
7. Pressure testing of the system is carried out (air or water is supplied to the system under pressure to check the quality of connection of all elements of the system). Only after that, the coolant is poured into the heating system and a test run of the system is performed, the adjustment elements are adjusted.

Two-pipe heating system

In a two-pipe heating system, the heated coolant circulates from the heater to the radiators and back. Such a system is distinguished by the presence of two branches of the pipeline. On one branch, the hot coolant is transported and distributed, on the second, the cooled liquid from the radiator returns to the boiler.

Two-pipe heating systems, like single-pipe ones, are divided into open and closed depending on the type of expansion tank. In modern two-pipe closed heating systems, membrane-type expansion tanks are used. The systems are officially recognized as the most environmentally friendly and safe.

According to the method of connecting elements in a two-pipe heating system, there are: vertical and horizontal systems.

AT vertical system All radiators are connected to a vertical riser. Such a system allows you to connect each floor separately to the riser in a multi-storey building. With this connection, there are no air pockets during operation. But the cost of this connection is somewhat higher.

Two-pipe horizontal heating system is mainly used in one-story houses with a large area. In this system, heaters are connected to a horizontal pipeline. Risers for wiring the connection of heating elements are best installed on stairwell or in the hallway. Air locks are vented by Mayevsky's cranes.

Horizontal heating system is with bottom and top wiring. If the wiring is lower, then the “hot” pipeline runs in the lower part of the building: under the floor, in the basement. In this case, the return line is laid even lower. To improve the circulation of the coolant, the boiler is deepened so that all radiators are above it. Below is the return line. Upper overhead line, necessarily included in the circuit, serves to remove air from the network. If the wiring is top, then the “hot” pipeline runs along the top of the building. The place for laying the pipeline is usually an insulated attic. At good insulation pipes heat loss is minimal. At flat roof this design is unacceptable.

Advantages of a two-pipe heating system:
- even at the design stage, it is planned to install automatic thermostats for heating radiators and, therefore, the possibility of controlling the temperature in each room;
- pipes in the premises are bred according to a special collector system, which ensures the independence of the circuit devices;
- in other words, the circuit elements in a two-pipe system are connected in parallel, in contrast to a single-pipe system, where the connection is sequential;
- batteries can be inserted into this system even after the main line is assembled, which is impossible with a single-pipe system;
- a two-pipe heating system is easy to extend in the vertical and horizontal direction (if you have to complete the construction of the house, then the heating system does not need to be changed).

For this system, it is not necessary to increase the number of sections in the radiators in order to increase the volume of coolants. Errors made at the design stage are easily eliminated. The system is less vulnerable to defrosting.

Disadvantages of a two-pipe heating system:
- more complex scheme connections;
- more high price project (much more pipes are required);
- more labor-intensive installation.
But these shortcomings are very well compensated in winter time when the maximum heat accumulation occurs in the house.

Installation of a two-pipe heating system
I. Installation of a heating system with upper horizontal wiring
1. An angle fitting is mounted to the branch pipe leaving the boiler, which turns the pipe upwards.
2. Using tees and angles, mount the top line. Moreover, the tees are mounted above the batteries.
3. When the upper line is mounted, the tees are connected to the upper pipe of the battery, a shut-off valve is installed at the junction.
4. Then the lower branch of the discharge pipeline is mounted. She bypasses the perimeter of the house and collects all the pipes coming from the lowest point of the batteries. Usually this branch is mounted at the basement level.
5. The free end of the outlet pipe is mounted in the receiving pipe of the boiler, if necessary, a circulation pump is installed in front of the inlet.

Mounted in a similar way closed system with a constant pressure maintained by a pressure pump and an open heating system with an open expansion tank at the highest point.

The main disadvantage of a two-pipe heating system with top wiring is the installation of an expansion tank outside warm room on the ceiling. The heating system with the upper wiring also does not allow the selection of hot water for technical needs, as well as combining the expansion tank with the supply tank of the house's water supply system.

II. Installation of a heating system with lower horizontal piping
The bottom piping system replaced the two-pipe heating system with the top piping. This made it possible to place an open-type expansion tank in a warm room and an easily accessible place. It also became possible to save some pipes, combining expansion tank and supply tank of the water supply system of the house. The compatibility of the two tanks eliminated the need to control the coolant level, made it possible, if necessary, to use hot water straight from the heating system.
In such a scheme, the outlet line remains at the same level, and the supply line drops to the level of the outlet line. This improves aesthetics and reduces pipe consumption. But it works only in systems with forced circulation.

Installation sequence:
1. Downward-facing elbow fittings are mounted on the boiler nozzles.
2. At floor level, two lines of pipes are mounted along the walls. One line is connected to the supply outlet of the boiler, and the second to the receiving outlet.
3. T-pieces are installed under each battery, connecting the batteries to the pipeline.
4. An expansion tank is installed at the top of the supply pipe.
5. As in the case of the upper wiring, the free end of the outlet pipe is connected to the circulation pump, and the pump to the inlet heating tank.

Maintenance of a two-pipe heating system
For high-quality maintenance of the heating system, it is necessary to implement a whole range of measures, including adjustment, balancing and tuning of a two-pipe heating system. To adjust and balance the system, special pipes are used, located at the highest and lowest points of the heat pipe. Air is discharged through the upper pipe, and water is supplied or drained through the lower pipe. With the help of special taps, excess air in the batteries is bled. To regulate the pressure in the system, a special container is used, into which, with the help of conventional pump air is pumped. Special regulators, reducing the pressure in a particular battery, adjust the two-pipe heating system. The consequence of pressure redistribution is the equalization of temperatures between the first and last batteries.

Currently, two types of piping are used for heating systems: single-pipe and two-pipe. The presence of various housing stock allows you to choose the most efficient type of heating for each individual situation.

From right choice heating system largely depends on the comfort in the home during the cold season and reasonable economy money for the purchase of material and installation. Having studied the pros and cons of the systems, it will be possible to make the best choice for your home, apartment.

Single pipe heating

The principle of operation of such a system is quite simple, along the riser (supply line) the hot coolant rises to top floor apartment building and goes down the highway, passing through the heating devices of each floor. The intensity of heating will decrease from top to bottom, although in a private 1-2-storey household there is no big difference in temperature difference, the heating of radiators occurs evenly.

The advantages of such a system:

  • Hydraulic stability of the system;
  • Ease of design and installation of the system, which significantly affects the timing of the work;
  • The cost of the material is reduced by a line consisting of one pipe with a coolant;
  • A single-pipe line does not overload the design of the premises with complex engineering solutions wiring and connection of radiators;
  • Application modern radiators, stop valves for balancing the system and automatic thermostats provides uniform heating of the air in the premises;
  • Shut-off valves provide the ability to dismantle any radiator in the system without stopping the heating system and discharging water in the system.

Negative aspects of using a single-pipe system

  • Requires the production of precise hydraulic and thermal calculation systems;
  • Difficulty in performing system reconstruction or eliminating calculation and installation errors due to system imbalance;
  • High degree of dependence in the operation of heating devices from each other;
  • The system is limited to 8-10 radiators on one riser, the temperature difference from the first radiator to the last one depends on their number and can cause significant underheating of the premises in winter;
  • High hydraulic resistance overloads the circulation pump and requires more performance from it;
  • To compensate for heat loss, an increase in the number of radiator sections at the end of the riser is required.

During the operation of such a system, many measures have been developed to improve its operation, which allow you to control the operation of heaters connected to one riser without significant changes temperature regime neighboring radiators in a common system.

Each radiator is equipped with a bypass transit pipeline, this is a jumper with a tap, valve or automatic thermostat that manually or automatically regulates the supply of boiler water to the heating radiator. The presence of shutoff valves allows you to completely exclude the radiator from the system without compromising the heating of the entire house. The correct calculation, installation and balancing of such a system can only be performed by a certified heating engineer.

Distribution of the heating system with two pipes

Such a system serves the battery system with two pipes: a hot coolant supply and a return to return the cooled water back to the boiler.

Currently, this system is recognized by most experts as the most reliable in operation and safe for the heating devices used.

Advantages of a two-pipe system:

  • Ease of implementation of temperature control in each room without changing the operation parameters of neighboring radiators in the system (on the riser);
  • Ease of installation of radiators, which ensures the independent operation of each element of the system;
  • Changes in the heating system in the future will in no way lead to a violation of the temperature balance in the premises, in other words, you can add a radiator anywhere or change the number of its sections;
  • The possibility of freezing of the heating system in the end sections in insufficiently insulated or office premises has been minimized.

The disadvantages of such a system:

  • More complex installation of the system due to the connection diagram of heating devices;
  • Additional material consumption due to the increase in the number of pipes;
  • Complex decoration of pipes and assemblies in conditions small apartment and limited areas.

Each type of heating system has its pros and cons, but if you want to get more comfort with total area heated premises over 100 sq. m, you need to opt for a two-pipe system. In European countries, the single-pipe system was abandoned in the last century. Well, problems arise in any systems with a certain curvature of the hands ...

The heating system is divided into two types: one-pipe and two-pipe. Obviously, it is most advantageous to install a more efficient one that will not only cope with its functions, but will also serve you for more than one year. In order not to remain "out of the blue" and not make a mistake with the choice of the heating system.

You need to properly understand which of the systems heating fit is best for you and why.

Thus, you will know which system is better from a technical point of view and how to choose it, taking into account your budget.

High water pressure ensures a natural cycle, and antifreeze makes the system more economical.

Disadvantages of a single pipe system - a very complex thermal and hydraulic calculation of the network, since, having made a mistake in the calculations of devices, it is very difficult to eliminate it.

Also, this is a very high hydrodynamic resistance and an involuntary number of heating devices on one line.

The flow of the coolant goes immediately to everything and is not subject to separate adjustment.

In addition, very high heat losses.

In order to be able to regulate the operation of individual devices connected to one riser, bypasses (closing sections) are connected to the network - this is a jumper in the form of a piece of pipe connected by a direct and return radiator pipes, with taps and valves.

To be able to control the temperature of each individually, the bypass allows you to connect automatic thermostats to the radiator.

In addition, it also makes it possible, in the event of a breakdown, to replace or repair individual devices without turning off the entire heating system.

Single-pipe heating is divided into vertical and horizontal:

  • vertical - this is the connection of all batteries in series from top to bottom.
  • horizontal - this is a serial connection of all heating devices on all floors.

Due to the accumulation of air in batteries and pipes, so-called traffic jams occur, which is a disadvantage of both systems.

Installation of a one-pipe system

Connection is made according to the scheme, using valves for airing radiators, which block the valves and plugs.

Crimping system - after which the coolant is poured into the battery and the system adjustment is directly adjusted.

Two-pipe heating system

The advantage of a two-pipe heating system - this is the installation of automatic thermostats, which gives you the full ability to adjust the temperature in individual rooms.

This also includes the independence of the operation of the circuit devices, which is provided by a special collector system.

The difference between a two-pipe and a single-pipe system is that in the first one you can connect additional batteries after connecting the main ones, as well as the possibility of extending in vertical and horizontal directions.

Unlike a single-pipe, here you can also easily correct permissible errors.

The disadvantages of this system are minimal if you have enough material resources and have the opportunity to call the master.

Installation of a heating system with lower horizontal piping

This system allows you to locate the open tank in a convenient warm place. Also, it is possible to combine expansion and supply tanks allow you to use hot water directly from the heating system itself.

In systems with forced circulation, to reduce pipe consumption, the discharge and supply risers are located at the level of the first.