Projects of one-story houses with 3 bedrooms and a terrace. Classic brick one-story house with three bedrooms. Project of a one-story house with three bedrooms. What to consider when designing a one-story house with three bedrooms. The advantages of one-story buildings

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Many people dream of building their own home. Before embarking on this process, it is worth developing a high-quality project for the future structure. As an option, you can pick up with three, which are suitable for a family of 3-6 people. This layout is designed to accommodate children and parents under one roof. At the same time, one of the bedrooms belongs to the parents, and the other two are for children or guests.

One-story buildings look stylish and modern from the outside, and inside they are distinguished by amenities and comfort.

Three bedroom home designs have many benefits. They are suitable for the elderly, children or people with disabilities.

Projects of one-story houses of a significant area with three bedrooms can be standard and fully finished or individual. The plan of such a house should include a living room, a kitchen, three bedrooms, a corridor, and a sanitary room. An extra bedroom can be placed on the floor.

Useful information! A project with equal lengths of all walls is simpler, since elongated ones on one side are more difficult to implement.

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How to make an effective layout of the project of a one-story house 12x12 with three bedrooms?

To effectively expand the usable area, you need to combine some rooms and remove extra walls. Interesting layouts are carried out for buildings with an area of ​​​​12 by 12. It is important to first evaluate the premises and their area. In this case, you can select rooms that can be combined.

Calculations of usable area in the house

When creating a plan for a one-story house with 3 bedrooms, you need to consider the design features of each room:

  • the size of the living room depends on the number of people who live in the house. It is also worth considering possible guests;
  • the kitchen area is calculated depending on the planned equipment. At the same time, you need to consider the placement of overall household appliances and kitchen utensils;
  • in the bedrooms, space must be left for;
  • the boiler room is planned taking into account the type and capacity of the heating system and its technological features.
Useful information! There are many interesting projects on the Internet that can be found for free. But for non-standard planning, the help of specialists will be required.

Characteristics of single-story building projects up to 150 sq m with three bedrooms without an attic

If the projects of one-story houses with three bedrooms have an area of ​​\u200b\u200bup to 100 square meters. m, then additional expansion may be required due to additional structures. If a building with an area of ​​up to 150 sq. m, then you can not equip the basement or.

The following methods of combining premises are popular:

  • combining pantry and boiler room;
  • combination of a bathroom;
  • connection of the dining room and living room, kitchen and dining room, as well as living room and kitchen.
Useful advice! The dining room can be combined with another room in the same space. This will free up space for an extra room.

Layouts with a combination of rooms

There are a variety of layouts with a combination of rooms. Rooms can be connected using . At the same time, none of the rooms remains a walk-through. Bedrooms should have sufficient area so that a dressing room, a sleeping place and a work area can be placed on their territory.

It is worth considering the following layout with a dressing room:

  • the entrance hall is combined with a dressing room and a utility block;

  • kitchen combined with a large opening from the living-dining room;

When we think about moving to or, the question always arises: how to choose the right living space that suits everyone? Very often, not knowing the nuances, we simply shelve the dream and continue to live in the conditions that we have. However, the decision is not always as financially costly as it seems at first glance. Today, the editors of Homius will talk about how to create the perfect and relatively inexpensive three-bedroom apartment that all family members will love.

Any object begins with a competent plan. Professional designers will surely provide for important nuances that a non-specialist does not even suspect. However, the editors of Homius will definitely draw the attention of their reader to important points that are worth considering, namely:

  • the functionality of the room should come first;
  • communications in the project should be planned in such a way that the premises use resources as efficiently as possible. In other words, adjacent rooms with should be located through;
  • if the climate of your region cannot be called comfortable, then it is necessary to provide an entrance group or a small dressing room. Thus, you will not lose precious heat;
  • if you plan to stay more than 5 people, then the best solution would be to equip two separate bathrooms;
  • technical rooms must be located in strict accordance with the regulations, otherwise it will not be possible to connect them.

Advice! Any project relies primarily on technical standards and individual conditions for implementation in a particular area. That is why it is important to take into account the nuances and listen to the opinion of reputable experts.

Features of designing a house with three bedrooms

It is very important to think over the purpose of each room in advance. For families with children, the location of rooms and bathrooms becomes very important. For couples living with elderly parents - a convenient location and privacy. It is important to consider the guest rooms as well as the bedrooms of the masters of the house. Each of these rooms has its own nuances of planning and its own characteristics. The task of a competent designer is to correctly plan not only the arrangement of rooms, bathrooms, but also the presence (including built-in ones), location, parking area, and so on.

Do not forget that the idea of ​​any truly comfortable housing is to create an individual, isolated space for all its inhabitants.

Advice! Consider how the ventilation and lighting system will be carried out. At the design stage, you can provide important highlights of your project, for example, a fireplace in the living room or a large terrace, or a flower garden.

One of the rooms of the dwelling must be a carrier. This will provide the correct natural throughout the room. How to arrange the rooms in the house? This issue is considered the most difficult to implement. Consider the most promising and cost-effective solutions in our opinion.

Plan of a one-story house with 3 bedrooms along one of the walls

Typically, such projects are used to separate noisy areas from recreational areas. and carried out on one side, and on the other. Most often, projects involve a certain “layer” in the form of technical rooms to protect the sleep of the household. This layout is suitable for rooms with a rectangular or almost square geometry.

In this case, the far rooms are too far from, which interferes with the rest of the family's restful sleep. However, if such a layout suits you, especially if you live in a small family, then such a solution will allow you to place all zones quite functionally.

Layout of a one-story house with three bedrooms on different sides

A more acceptable option for a large family is the division of bedrooms into different sides. Usually they are organized on one side and have a common bathroom, and the parents' bedroom on the other. Either all rooms are separated or other rooms. We offer to study some interesting projects in our opinion.

Such a typical layout of a 1-storey house with 3 bedrooms has different variations, however, the general rule is the same: the guest bedroom, or children's, should be as far away from the master's bedroom as possible.

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The only drawback may be the need for a good study of the project of the roof and slopes. It will be good if you manage to limit yourself to a simple gable roof. Otherwise, you will have to allocate an additional budget for quality and insulation. The larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, the larger and more expensive the roof - this fact should be taken into account, both when and when planning budgets.

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A special publication of our online magazine presents the brightest photos of facades and interiors of different styles and directions, and collects inspiring planning and design ideas.

The nuances of choosing the best project for a one-story house

The first stage is the study of the site parameters. The optimal choice of a project for a 1-storey house with 3 bedrooms depends on the quality of the land, its position (low or not), as well as the occurrence of groundwater. With their close location, it is worth taking care of a full-fledged one, which will increase the cost of arranging the foundation pit under.

Important! A residential building must be installed taking into account building codes: no closer than 3 meters from the boundaries of the site, 5 meters from the road. Consider the layout of the infield (nowhere without it). If there is a reservoir nearby, then the residential building should be no closer than 50 meters from the shore.

The best projects of one-story houses with three bedrooms

Especially for readers of the Homius online magazine, we have selected interesting projects that will help you choose the best option for your one-story dwelling.

Projects of a one-story house with 3 bedrooms made of brick

- one of the most durable and expensive building materials. It allows you to build a monolithic structure that will last for several tens or even a hundred years. Moreover, the complexity of the architecture does not matter here. Modern materials allow the use of bricks of different consistency. Use it for both cladding and for the construction of load-bearing structures. We offer several projects of houses with 3 bedrooms and a living room for brick construction.

Projects of one-story houses are the basis of modern architecture. Every year, new projects of such structures are developed, taking into account the different areas of buildings, the requirements for their functionality and practicality. Having adopted one of the ideas presented and putting it into practice, you will get a wonderful cozy and comfortable home for a family of several people.

  • frame walls with insulation;
  • roofing, for which Finnish metal tiles are often used;
  • one-story layout of space;
  • strip foundation or base on screw piles;
  • modern drainage system;
  • ceilings in the form of wooden beams.

Such solutions involve flashing the roof overhangs and the exterior finish of the structure.

On a note! External wall panels in most cases are decorated with imitation timber, siding or blockhouse.

The finishing of the plinth deserves special attention. These works are made using innovative decorative tiles imitating stone. Wooden lining is used to finish the internal surfaces of the walls.

The classic version of one-story houses is often presented in the style of a Russian estate, as in the photo above. A similar design can be freely placed in a small area. The project provides everything you need for a comfortable stay. The layout includes:

  • bedroom
  • large living room;
  • spacious kitchen.

Another classic one-story house is presented with an interpretation that is ideal for connoisseurs of simplicity, functionality, comfort and conciseness. The modern project is suitable for a family of several people, as it includes two bedrooms, a bathroom, a large living room, a pantry and a kitchen. The combination of ergonomics and spaciousness allows you to use the cottage for permanent residence or as a country residence.

Note! The unique feature of this version is that it is possible to add another floor by using the space in the attic.

You can create an original interior combination by combining the dining room and kitchen. If you properly organize the space, then the view from the window of this room will be panoramic and will allow you to control the entrance to the territory.

The design involves the design of several ancillary premises. Thanks to a spacious bathroom, an ergonomic pantry, a free room for household needs, the space becomes functional and very comfortable.

Another feature that lies in this project is the extremely simple form of the house in combination with a conventional roof. Thanks to these criteria, the construction of the structure will not take much time. Such solutions are really comfortable, thought out in detail and budget.

One-story house with a garage: an example of a project

The project of a one-story house with a garage is a very common solution that allows you to compactly and conveniently arrange 2 most important objects on the site. However, it should be borne in mind in advance that such buildings can only be placed on large plots of land.

The area of ​​the house shown in the example below, including the garage, is 250 sq.m. Small, compact version meets the requirements of:

  • profitability;
  • reliability;
  • simplicity in the process of construction;
  • practicality during operation.

The peculiarity of such one-story houses is that the building is easy to erect. A lot of time and physical resources will not be required for this.

On a note! The project of this one-story house with a garage allows you to get a finished structure in just 1 construction season.

The uniqueness of this option is due to the possibility of building a building on a relatively miniature land plot. At the same time, the plan combines comfort, ergonomics, a presentable interior appearance and solid exterior performance.

The modern solution provides for the design of an original, comfortable outdoor terrace. Its area is 33 sq.m. Such a house can be decorated with a broken or gable roof. These types of roofs are attractive in that they allow you to significantly increase the usable space due to the attic.

Project of a one-story house with three bedrooms: an example

Functional projects of one-story houses with three bedrooms can be very different. The layout of this type of structure does not belong to the category of simple structures. It is very important to provide for the organic placement of all areas necessary for comfortable living in the building.

The complex configuration of the building and its large area leave some imprints on the building. Many try to build it in 2 floors. However, a one-story building will look no less stylish and presentable. It is important to consider here that the construction will take 100-130 sq.m.

Note! It is desirable to provide equal parameters for all walls of the building. This will make it look proportionate. Walls elongated on one side can also look attractive, but are very difficult to implement.

Since such projects of one-story houses involve the use of a large area, when working on them, the issue of energy saving will have to be put at the forefront. It is optimal to build walls from:

  • clinker brick;
  • foam blocks;
  • aerated concrete.

Installation of window openings and roof insulation is recommended to be carried out using modern energy-saving coatings.

The foundation of the building should be created according to the principle of a shallow tape base. In this situation, only versions with a deep basement are an exception.

Ready-made or individual house project?

Projects of one-story houses can be individual or ready-made. Which option is better? Typical or ready-made planning is good for those who do not have time to wait for a long time to complete complex work that requires thoughtfulness and consideration of hundreds of details. The documentation required to start construction can be obtained in just a couple of days.

As for the individual approach, this option will be an ideal solution for people who are not ready to give up certain habits and tastes. Thanks to individual planning, they can get a real family estate, exclusive and unusual.

Even over the years, the construction of residential buildings in suburban areas has not lost its relevance. Projects of one-story houses with three bedrooms are designed for comfortable living of a family, which can consist of 3 or more people. This layout is optimal for placing parents and children under one roof. Most often, one of the bedrooms is the master's, the remaining two are for children or are intended for guests.

House with three bedrooms - the best option for a family with children of different sexes

Common projects of one-story houses with three bedrooms

The advantage of projects of one-story houses with 3 bedrooms compared to buildings with a higher number of floors is that this building has the most comfortable living conditions for special categories of people.

  • elderly people;
  • children;
  • people with disabilities and inactive.

3D project of a one-story house, including a bedroom for parents and two children's rooms

Due to the absence of stairs, the interior space becomes comfortable for moving and absolutely safe. Therefore, three-bedroom house designs are so popular among developers.

Plan of a one-story house with 3 bedrooms: the initial stage of construction

The construction of any building begins with the design stage. The layout of the future home is carefully thought out and included in the drawings.

Useful advice! Use ready-made diagrams and drawings, projects, photos of beautiful one-story houses, which are presented on the Internet in large numbers, to create an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat a cottage on a country site can be like and quickly decide on the design of the building.

Project of a house with a terrace, a fireplace, a home sauna and three bedrooms

Design Benefits:

  • the layout of the building, thought out to the smallest detail, will achieve maximum comfort and convenience of living;
  • This stage makes it possible to facilitate the process of selection of building materials, as well as their purchase. A well-thought-out project of a one-story house with a terrace or other structural addition will make it possible to accurately determine the type of materials needed for construction, their quantity, and also draw up a preliminary estimate;
  • at the design stage, a scheme is outlined for supplying the building with water, heating and electricity, which allows for approximate calculations of the costs of communications and consider methods of economical use;
  • it is possible to achieve savings in terms of the cost of building materials as well as their use;

Three-dimensional project of the house with a competent separation of night and day zones

  • reduction in overall construction costs;
  • all work processes are simplified and accelerated as much as possible.

For a small family, a building with a total area of ​​\u200b\u200bup to 100 m² is suitable. Such projects are good for the elderly, for young families without children or with babies. The layouts of one-story houses 12 by 12 m are used to accommodate a large number of people, including families with several children of different ages.

Designing a plan for a one-story house with three bedrooms

Modern buildings of cottages with three bedrooms are especially in demand among owners of summer cottages and suburban areas. They look great against the backdrop of natural landscapes. The photo below shows a project of a one-story house with a garage. The layout is designed to meet the needs of the whole family.

Project 1. View of the facade of a one-story house with a main entrance

The entrance to the house is located on the side of the porch, to the right of the garage for one car. On the other side of the house there is a small terrace suitable for outdoor recreation. It has two entrances at once, one of which leads to the bedroom, the other to the spacious corridor.

The total area of ​​the building with a strip-type foundation and walls made of ceramic blocks and aerated concrete is 108.7 m². The total height of the house is 6.76 m. The living room with a fireplace, combined with the kitchen and dining room, has the largest area in the house. The project includes a bathroom, toilet and laundry. Due to the long corridor, the spaces of all rooms are connected, so that none of them is a walk-through (if you do not consider the room with the entrance through the terrace).

Project 1. View of the garage equipped with a ramp

A spacious entrance hall separates the corridor from the street. Here you can place a wardrobe for outerwear and shoes. From the hallway you can get to the garage, which is separated from the house by a solid wall.

Note! In accordance with the requirements, the garage room is separated from the common part of the house by solid walls on each side, which adjoins the interior rooms.

Project 1. Layout of a house with a garage and three bedrooms

How to increase the functionality of the project of a one-story house 12x12 with three bedrooms

The most convenient way to increase the functionality of the building is the method of combining the spaces of those rooms that have adjacent placement in relation to each other. This can be seen in the photo of one-story 12 by 12 houses, the layouts of which can often be found on the Internet.

Useful advice! Perform a preliminary assessment of the premises, their purpose and usable areas. This will identify rooms that can be combined without compromising the functionality of the home.

An example of decorating the parents' bedroom in a minimalist style

Assessment of usable area in the house

Features of the design of each of the rooms:

  • living room area is calculated based on the number of family members permanently residing in the house. Do not forget to add the maximum number of guests to them;
  • the dimensions of the kitchen are developed on the basis of its technical equipment. Think over the situation of this room in advance: large pieces of furniture and features of the placement of overall household appliances (stove, refrigerator, washing machine or dishwasher, additional oven, etc.). Cooking in this space should not come with inconvenience;
  • each living room should have space to install a wardrobe. For a small family, you can make a design with your own hands;
  • the boiler room is calculated taking into account the size of the heater, as well as its technological needs. Do not forget about security measures.

Bright colors in a boy's room

There are a lot of beautiful projects of one-story houses offered free of charge. But if you want to get a layout with combined rooms, it is likely that you will need the help of a professional who will correct the drawings.

Features of projects of one-story houses up to 150 sq.m with three bedrooms without an attic

If building projects up to 100 m² need to expand the space by installing additional structural elements, then the layout of a private house with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bup to 150 sq. m can already do without the organization of the attic or basement floor. Here you can use the method of combining space.

A house without an attic with an area of ​​​​100-150 sq.m will comfortably accommodate a family with two or three children

Common combination examples:

  • bathroom integration;
  • combining a pantry and a boiler room in one room (this method is not uncommon, however, from the point of view of safety standards, such a layout cannot be considered correct);
  • connecting the spaces of the living room and dining room, kitchen and living room, kitchen and dining room.

Useful advice! Only one room can be allocated for the kitchen and dining room or living room and dining room. In the end, you will have enough free space to organize an additional small room, a dressing room, for example, or increase the space of one of the bedrooms.

Laconic design of a children's room for a girl

If you are using the space matching method, be prepared to increase each room by about the thickness of the wall or partition, provided that this figure is at least 0.1 m.

An example of the layout of a one-story house with three bedrooms and a combination of rooms

Below is a project of a house with three bedrooms, one of which has a dressing room. As can be seen on the plan, the main entrance to the building is located in the center of the facade. On the reverse side there is a terrace with a corner type of accommodation, which has two exits - one from the living room, the other from the master bedroom.

Project 2. Facade of a one-story house and a view of the main entrance

Note! The porch and terrace are under the roof. This provides protection from wind and rain.

Thanks to the long corridor that connects all the living spaces of the house, none of the rooms is a walk-through. The bedrooms have enough space to organize a sleeping place, a dressing room and a work area. Conventionally, the house can be divided into two zones: night and day. In the front part of the house (where the entrance from the porch is located) all household premises are located.

Project 2. View of the terrace and backyard

Here we see:

  • an entrance hall with a wardrobe and an entrance to the laundry room;
  • a kitchen partly open towards the living-dining room;
  • one shared spacious bathroom.

The project diagram shows how well the spaces of the living room, kitchen and dining room are combined. This site can be used as one large recreation area with friends and family. Everything you need for cooking dinner, the meal itself and communication in comfortable conditions in front of the TV is at hand. Thanks to this decision, a small hall was formed in the house, separating the rooms intended for relaxation. It is also noteworthy that all bedrooms are protected from unpleasant odors that can come from the kitchen.

Project 2. Layout of a house with 3 bedrooms and a terrace

The second example of a successful combination of space

In some cases, comfort may require a different type of layout. This project with a total area of ​​106.7 m² is suitable for a family with children of different ages. This can be seen in the diagram by analyzing the features of the placement of the bedrooms.

Amenities are determined by the following points:

  • the parents' bedroom has enough space for a large bed, it has a separate dressing room, access to a large terrace designed for family recreation, equipped with a TV;

Project 3. View of the facade of a one-story house with a garage and an additional parking space

  • Opposite the parent bedroom, there may be a room for a younger child, which allows you to organize a sleeping place, a work area. There is a wardrobe here;
  • The older child's room is separated from the second nursery by a bathroom. It has everything you need: wardrobe, desk, bed;
  • all rooms of the bedrooms open onto a small hall, where a common wardrobe can be installed.

Note! The parent bedroom can be walk-through if you need to go to the terrace. But if desired, access can be limited, and a large living room will be used for the transition, which also has access to the terrace.

Project 3. Backyard view with terrace and pool

In this case, the dining room, living room and kitchen are also combined with each other. Adjacent to the kitchen is a small storage room. Due to the remoteness of this zone, unnecessary noise and smells will not create problems for those living in the house.

Particularly noteworthy is the concept of creating a garage. The project implies the presence of an area for the placement of two cars at once. Moreover, one parking space is protected by a roof and is located right in front of the front door, the other looks like a capital garage with roller shutters, from which you can get into the house through the laundry room.

Project 3. Layout of a house with three bedrooms

Features of the development of projects of one-story brick houses

For capital construction, various materials can be used, but brickwork is more reliable and durable.

The construction scheme in this case is the same as for buildings made of foam blocks:

  • Installation of the foundation base of the tape type.
  • Installation of reinforced concrete floors.
  • Organization of a roof truss system (wood is used if an attic is to be built).

  • Facade plaster was used to finish the brick walls of the house

    Flat roof projects require the installation of waterproofing material to protect the reinforced concrete floors. The layout in this case can be absolutely any. But it must include:

    • living room;
    • kitchen;
    • dining room
    • pantry;
    • bathroom, which can be separate or combined.

    3D project of a one-story house with two bathrooms, a laundry room and three bedrooms

    A dressing room with a sliding door can be included in the bedroom space or be present as a separate room with a small area.

    In matters of planning a cottage, you should be guided by your own preferences, and also do not forget about the technical requirements, safety rules and the needs of a particular family.

    Photo gallery (19 photos)

    If you are going to build a house, you can order its design to a specialist, or you can try to remake one of the available options to suit your requirements. In any case, you need to clearly understand what you want. It is highly desirable that your desires be well thought out. Not everything that seems attractive as an idea is easy to use. And such "little things" you need to know. We will analyze some of the information, trying to find a suitable project for a one-story house with three bedrooms. Why is that? Because this is the most common option, which is suitable for families of 4 people. Those are the majority.

    General planning principles

    When you're looking for ready-made projects for one-story three-bedroom houses, or trying to create your own based on what you find, it's important to remember a few things.

    These are the principles that it is desirable to adhere to. But this is not a dogma either. Everything can be solved (except for the requirements for boiler rooms). There are really different solutions, for different needs and tastes. All you need is a desire and a certain amount.

    If all three bedrooms are placed side by side

    Many three-bedroom one-story house designs are designed so that all the bedrooms are on one side of the house. On the one hand, it's convenient. Relatively noisy rooms - the living room and the kitchen are on the opposite side. On the other hand, not everyone likes this arrangement - they are afraid that children may be witnesses of unnecessary scenes.

    The above project did just that. All three bedrooms are located on the right side of the house and have approximately the same area. On the positive side, all the bedrooms are far from the living room, you can safely watch TV without fear of being interrupted.

    Of the shortcomings - the toilet and bathroom are far from the kitchen and boiler room. Not the most convenient option for laying communications. Other features include a long corridor with many doors. This area is not used in any way.

    When planning a terrace, you need to pay attention to several points at once. First - for optimal illumination, it is better if the terrace faces south or east. The second is from which room the exit will be. Most often they make an exit from the living room. This is the most logical case. The second case is from the corridor, which, as a rule, adjoins the living room or kitchen (much worse, but possible). Please note that it is very convenient if there is a kitchen next to the entrance to the terrace - bring in / take out dishes, drinks, etc. After all, the terrace is often used specifically for outdoor gatherings.

    These two points already partially determine the layout of your home - the living room should have access to the south or east side. So her position is determined. A kitchen should adjoin the living room, and it is also desirable to “collect” all the rooms connected to technical communications in one zone ... That is, you have practically decided where the living room, kitchen, technical rooms are located. It remains to arrange the bedrooms and organize a convenient passage.

    But that's not all that needs to be considered when planning a terrace. There is a third point - its size. Here the approach is individual - someone needs a lot of space, someone needs less. An interesting option is L-shaped, which covers the southern and eastern walls of the building. If you glaze it, You can turn it into a summer garden ... If you are interested.

    And the fourth point, without which you can not do. The terrace is heavily used and is a favorite place to relax if it overlooks the garden, the beautifully decorated backyard, the river, etc. If the eye rests on the neighbor's fence, no one is interested, the terrace is not used, it gradually turns into a "technical room" - put a lawn mower, dryer, etc. This also determines the position of the house on the site. That is, you have solved most of the tasks of planning a house.

    Option 1: with a terrace along the entire short wall

    Let's look at several projects of one-story houses with three bedrooms and terraces. Exit to the terrace from the living room. It also has a kitchen window. All technical rooms are collected in one place and located near the kitchen. The bedrooms are located at the opposite end of the house, which, in general, is convenient - you can receive guests or watch TV in the living room and not disturb those who decide to relax.

    There is only one load-bearing wall in this project - along the long side. The rest of the walls are partitions. The kitchen-living room is one, but you can install a partition and separate the rooms. In this case, you will have to allocate part of the living room, but, with a given area - almost 17 meters - this is not very critical. The bedrooms in this project have different sizes: 9, 11, 13 meters. Whether it's convenient or not is up to you. If desired, the size of the bedrooms can be increased by reducing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe boiler room (with 3-meter ceilings, an area of ​​\u200b\u200b5 squares is enough, so there is a resource. The smallest bedroom can be increased by moving the closet to another wall by moving the partition that encloses the living room. By the way , this project of a one-story house with three bedrooms has another plus - a dressing room at the entrance.It's really convenient.

    Option 2: with a short terrace along the long side of the house

    Consider another option for planning a one-story house with three bedrooms and a terrace. It differs in the position of the "wet" block - kitchen / bathroom / boiler room / toilet. They have been moved to the opposite side. The areas of the bedrooms are "levelled" by reducing the area of ​​the kitchen. Please note that the vestibule is made remote. This also contributed to the fact that with a relatively small size of the house - 10 * 14 meters (area 140 square meters) - the dimensions of all rooms are solid, the width of the corridor is 1.7 meters, which is also not bad.

    The terrace has an exit from the living room, it occupies only part of a long wall. If you beat this option, it will turn out very well. For example, you can put a pond nearby, install a fountain, break a beautiful flower bed.

    With place under or garage

    If you need to place a carport or garage next to the house, you can change the layout so that the entrance to the house is closer to the parking lot. Then there is the possibility to combine the parking shed and the porch. It might turn out to be very interesting.

    When planning a shed, it's best to find space for two cars. Even if you have one car, guests will come to you and it is much more convenient if it can be put under the roof. The cost of arrangement is not too different, but you should always look to the future. Maybe you will have a second car.

    What is another good carport? Under it, you can equip a place to store any inventory: automobile, garden. In the same place, you can fence off a place for a firewood shed or woodpile - in order to have a supply of dry firewood near the house. In general, this zone can be used in different ways. And its optimal dimensions are 8 * 9 meters or so. This is if the area of ​​the site allows. If not, you can proceed from the minimum dimensions - 2 meters wider and 1.5 longer than your car.

    The above project of a one-story house with three bedrooms has an area of ​​100 square meters, made in the form of a rectangle with sides of 8.8 * 12 meters. The location of the bedrooms is the same - one block, all the technical rooms are also brought together in one place. With such a layout, the corridor turns out to be quite small, which will please many, but it will be a “passing” zone in which you can’t put anything.

    If you need to place the parents' bedroom separately

    When choosing a layout, many believe that the parents' bedroom should be located at some distance from the nursery. In this case, the approach to planning changes - the elongated rectangular shape of the house is optimal. The long side is divided into three parts by two load-bearing walls (in the above projects, there is only one load-bearing wall, it runs along the length of the side of the house).

    Option 1: without a corridor

    One third is divided into two bedrooms for children, the middle one is occupied by the kitchen/living room. Another third is divided by the entrance group. On one side of the entrance is a bedroom for parents, on the other - a bathroom and an entrance bathroom. How successful is this solution? Plus, it looks like this - a large kitchen / living room. But she is completely passable. That is, it will definitely not work to retire in it. but, perhaps you like this idea, although in order to appreciate the convenience / inconvenience it is worth living in such a house. As a result, not everyone likes it, although it seemed tempting at the idea stage.

    Location of rooms in a one-story house with three bedrooms - the parents' room is located separately

    Please note that this project of a one-story house with three bedrooms does not have a boiler room. If it is necessary, it can be allocated by reducing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen / living room. But then it will be necessary to think over the layout, how to organize the entrance to it. A possible, but not very convenient option is from the kitchen, if it is located near the bathroom.

    Option 2: with a corridor

    A similar layout can be implemented in a square house (in the figure below). The minimum possible dimensions are 12*12 meters. In terms of area, this is a little more than 140 squares. Then the dimensions of all rooms are close to optimal and the living room will be highlighted. If possible / desired, it can also be done in a rectangular house, just a square, with an equal perimeter of the walls, it has a gain in area. I must say that the winnings are quite small, so you shouldn't bother with it too much. It is better to proceed from convenience, because you choose the project of a one-story house with three bedrooms for your own life. The house will be square or rectangular - it is not so important. The difference in construction costs is minimal.

    In this layout option, the parents' bedroom is generally isolated. The advantage of the above option is that in children there is a place under. There is also a drawback here - "wet" rooms are located on opposite edges of the house. The arrangement of engineering systems will be more difficult (in addition to sewerage and water supply, you will also have to think about separate ventilation).

    Not everyone likes the idea of ​​combining the kitchen and living room. In this case, you can easily solve the problem by installing a partition. The entrance to the kitchen can be either from the corridor or from the living room.

    But, if you do not make other changes, the entrance to the living room is only through the kitchen, which is inconvenient. You can solve the problem by doing some transformations. The first - the "recessed" entrance zone becomes "normal", in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls, the partition separating the corridor is removed. A large entrance area is formed, but without a warm vestibule. But we get an additional large room, which can be well equipped. True, this is another project of a one-story house with three bedrooms.

    From this area you can make an entrance to the living room. It turns out next to the entrance, which is quite logical. True, only part of the room remains functional, but the “damage” can be minimized by bringing the doors closer.

    You can go even further - remove the partition separating the living room from the corridor. The wall here is load-bearing, so it will require the installation of columns. But the layout of the house will be in a modern style - from the entrance there is a single space that acts as a living room and a common room. For many, this seems convenient.

    More options

    Having a certain set of premises and requirements for their location, you will not get too many options. The layouts below differ in some details. Maybe one of them will suit you.

    Some things in us, indeed, initially, more out of ignorance, cause distrust. In this situation, we simply find ourselves hostages of a common opinion, a general trend, which, due to its limitations, cannot, and often is incapable, go beyond the boundaries imposed from outside. This fully applies to one-story country houses.

    What is the project of a house with two bedrooms on one floor! This is often not considered. At the same time, such projects can and should be in demand among those who come to nature as a guest and are going to stay outside the stone walls.

    Come as a guest and stay as a host

    Preferences are preferences, but what gives us a one-story house in a constructive way.


    So, it turns out that there are many advantages and they are all very significant:

    • Firstly, such a house can really be designed with your own hands, after all, the second floor requires special knowledge to comply with increased strength characteristics.
    • Secondly, the entire available area is at your disposal, you will not have to give a part for transitions from bottom to top, and this is a loss of at least 10 square meters.
    • Thirdly, which is obvious, it is much cheaper to build such a house, starting from the order for the development of the project and ending with its implementation.
    • Fourth, wiring communications for a one-story house is much simpler - here there is not such a powerful pump of the heating system, the water supply system is much simpler.
    • Fifth, such a house will not require increased foundation costs, moreover, the construction itself can be lighter, which allows making much larger windows - the desire of everyone who settles outside the city is almost “always”.
    • At sixth, you just need to be able to study the proposed options. And some unambiguously speak of a greater “spiritual” disposition of such buildings to the surrounding nature. They themselves make you treat it more carefully and involve it in the course of your life. One floor, which hides even a project of a house with 4 bedrooms, is undoubtedly preferable to a two-story colossus. But…

    But, on one indispensable condition that makes you remember the words of the wonderful Galina Vishnevskaya - if you want to truly understand and love opera, listen only to the best performers and in the best productions.

    Among these, we include the two presented projects with drawings.

    First project

    This project is characterized by a complete set of premises ().

    At your disposal:

    • very solid living room 5.5 by 4 - 22.68 sq.m;
    • quite spacious kitchen 3 by 4 - 12.26 sq.m;
    • three bedrooms, prudently located at the other end of the building from the kitchen, but close to the boiler room, at 16.81, 15.60 and 11.20 sq.m;
    • each bedroom has a large window.

    Also, don't forget:

    • a large hall with a total area of ​​17.04 sq.m;
    • bathroom - 5.43;
    • boiler room - 6.18;
    • even a pantry at 2.32;
    • a rather large terrace with an entrance directly to the kitchen - almost 10 squares, and,
    • vestibule - a useful room for a country house.

    The total area of ​​the house, including the terrace and vestibule, is 160 square meters - 11.2 by 14.3 m.

    Among the distinguishing features of this project we note:

    • compact reasonableness of the location of the bedrooms on the floor - they are collected on one wing, and not scattered over the entire floor area;
    • the kitchen is essentially combined with the living room, but it is separated from the vestibule and the hall by a wall;
    • The kitchen has its own utility room, which is also a plus.

    Among the shortcomings can be noted:

    • The lack of a full-fledged bathroom, but what can you do, you have to sacrifice something.
    • Too small window openings, taking into account the one-story building.

    When space is very limited

    The second project, represented by a drawing and a photo, shows that even with a strong lack of space, if desired, everything can be arranged.

    Second project

    Features of this:

    • total area - less than 80 sq.m (78.82);
    • , also three, but already 8.7, 8.5 and 7.5 each - in total less than 25 sq.m (24.7);
    • The place is very limited, there are 70 squares for everything, and here is the kitchen, and the hallway, and the bathroom, but the smart layout allows you to avoid crowding, the main thing is to determine your goals (see description in the text)

      Useful advice! Before choosing a project for your country house, we advise you to carefully consider everything, starting with the cost of the development itself. Both presented projects can be provided to you by developers for 6-7 thousand rubles.

      Projects with the same foundation area on 2 floors already cost at least 15 thousand, and the price of a three-story project is from 25. The trend is clear - the instruction requires the developer to pay much more attention to communications and strength.


      Be sure to pay attention to the advantages of one-story country houses. Everything can fit in 100 square meters - and several bedrooms, and a boiler room, and a kitchen. And do not forget to give part of your attention to the surrounding landscape (

    Some things due to ignorance can cause the strongest mistrust. And in such situations, we are subject to the general opinion. And it is extremely limited. And this applies to many topics, among which one can single out the project of a one-story house with three bedrooms. Even the option with two similar rooms is not perceived. Not everyone is able to understand how it will be possible to place several bedrooms on one floor. Especially when you consider that other rooms are needed. However, such a project is real. And in this review we will try to consider its main nuances.

    The advantages of one-story buildings

    What are the advantages of the project of a one-story house with three bedrooms?

    1. Such a structure can be designed with your own hands. But to create a second floor, it is better to involve professionals, since strength characteristics must be taken into account.
    2. All available space goes to your disposal. You do not need to give separate parts for floor transitions. Accordingly, the loss of several square meters can be avoided.
    3. The project of a one-story house with three bedrooms will cost less even if you decide to involve professionals in this.
    4. It is easier to carry out all the necessary communications for a one-story building. The heating system pump may not be too powerful, and the water supply system is simpler.
    5. The construction of the foundation does not require increased costs. The structure can be lightweight. And this leads to the fact that it will be possible to install larger glasses, which is what many people who move to live in their own house outside the city dream of.
    6. You just need to learn how to analyze the available options. One floor is more preferable than a two-story colossus. Even taking into account the fact that it is necessary to make 3 bedrooms.

    The project of a one-story house with three bedrooms should be entrusted to the creation of real professionals, if there is no relevant experience in this area. Only in this case it will be possible to get comfortable housing. Some options should be considered.

    Spacious one-story housing

    Agree that in your own house it is desirable to have all the premises that you may need. Accordingly, when drafting a one-story 12x12 house with three bedrooms, one must take into account a simple factor. Rooms needed are:

    • large living room;
    • quite spacious kitchen;
    • three bedrooms (this is the main condition), which are desirable to be located at the other end of the building from the kitchen, but next to the boiler room;
    • bathroom;
    • spacious hall;
    • boiler room;
    • pantry;
    • a spacious terrace from which one could get into the kitchen;
    • vestibule (a very useful room for country buildings).

    We should not forget that it is desirable to equip each sleeping room with at least one large window. Such a project of a one-story house 12x12 with three bedrooms requires a thorough attitude to the total area. It will be at your complete disposal. And it must be used wisely and thoughtfully.

    Features of a spacious house

    What are the distinguishing features of this project?

    1. It is characterized by compact thoughtfulness. It is necessary to arrange the bedrooms on the floor, collecting them in one wing, and not scattering them over the entire area.
    2. The kitchen is combined with the living room. However, a wall separates it from the vestibule and the hall. Therefore, a person entering the house will not be immediately in front of the plates, which is an advantage of the project.
    3. On a positive note, the kitchen has its own utility room.
    4. With the help of a terrace, you can expand the house to a personal plot. Accordingly, a person will be closer to nature, which in itself is a great advantage.

    Negative features of the project

    What are the disadvantages of such projects of one-story houses with three bedrooms (their photos can be seen in the course of reading the review)?

    1. There is no complete bathroom. However, it is a necessary sacrifice that must be accepted.
    2. The windows are too small for a one-story building.

    There is another version of the project that can appeal to those who are quite limited in area. However, if there is a desire, then everything can be arranged so that in the end you get a cozy home.

    What if space is limited?

    So what should a three bedroom project consider?

    1. The total area is 10x10, and sometimes even less than 80 square meters. meters.
    2. There should still be three bedrooms.
    3. The rest of the area should be divided between a large kitchen and a spacious living room.
    4. There is a bathroom.
    5. From the kitchen you can get to the spacious terrace.
    6. If the area is 10x10, then you can build a boiler room or utility rooms. When the size is less than 80 sq. meters, then you should forget about these premises.

    Naturally, the area is limited. But with a competent approach, all of the above premises can be placed without cramping. The main thing is to decide on your goals.

    Everything needs to be thought out

    Before choosing a project for a one-story house 10x10 with three bedrooms (or 12x12), you need to carefully consider everything. You need to start with how much development costs will require. Both projects described above can cost 6-7 thousand rubles. If you decide to build, then the scheme in such a situation will cost 15 thousand already. Three-story building - 25 thousand. But this is understandable, since the developers need to pay more attention to communication and the strength of the structure.

    It should be understood that even a five-bedroom house project will look preferable compared to multi-storey buildings. But at the same time, there must be an appropriate area available, as well as the ability to use it.

    What materials can be used for construction?

    Any project of a one-story house with three bedrooms (120 sq. Meters or 80 sq. Meters - not so important) should consider the possibility of building housing, using some interesting materials.

    1. Assembly "Canadian technology". Perfect for single storey buildings. Allows you to create a house quickly. The quality will not suffer. You will be able to use the housing for a long period of time.
    2. The use of foam blocks. With this material, you can also quickly build a house, saving time. In addition, this material allows you to make insulation using a simplified scheme.
    3. Standard brick building. This work is more thorough. And one floor is much easier to build.

    What must be included in the project?

    The most common materials are brick and foam block. If you are interested in a one-story three-bedroom project, then you should know what will be included in it without fail:

    1. Strip foundation.
    2. Reinforced concrete roof.
    3. If an attic option is being considered, then it is worth using wooden rafters. If you plan to build a flat roof, it is necessary to take into account the waterproofing of the floors.

    What can be said about the distribution of rooms by size? In this situation, you need to be guided by a large number of components. The project of a one-story house should include not only three bedrooms. You will also need to find a place for:

    • spacious living room;
    • a small closet;
    • wardrobe (this room is optional);
    • kitchen;
    • large dining room;
    • shared or separate bathroom.

    Available space should be used wisely

    When planning your own housing, pay attention to the possibility of combining some rooms. Due to this, it will be possible to increase the functionality of the whole house. It will also be possible to use the entire available area with maximum benefit.

    The project of a narrow one-story house with three bedrooms must take into account that the area should be used wisely. How to increase the functionality of rooms in such a situation?

    1. The living room should be calculated for the whole family and for the maximum possible number of invited guests.
    2. The kitchen should be planned with functionality in mind. The main thing is that it is convenient to cook.
    3. Wardrobe area can be deducted from the bedrooms. You can also make one common room for these purposes.
    4. The room for the boiler room should be calculated for the use of one boiler.

    There is no specific guide

    When distributing premises, taking into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing, it should be understood that there are many nuances. Accordingly, it is better to entrust the formation of the project to professionals. So you can't get rid of it for free.

    It cannot be said that there is a specific guide to help design houses for all occasions. This process needs to be approached individually. Be sure to consider the advantages that country houses have. All the necessary rooms can be placed even if the area is not large. And do not forget about landscape design. The whole site should look beautiful, not just the house.


    In this review, the main nuances that need to be taken into account when designing a one-story house with several bedrooms were considered. But that's not all. Therefore, if you do not have the skill in designing housing, then this business should be entrusted to professionals. They will be able to competently dispose of the available space, without missing a single nuance.

    If you are going to build a house, you can order its design to a specialist, or you can try to remake one of the available options to suit your requirements. In any case, you need to clearly understand what you want. It is highly desirable that your desires be well thought out. Not everything that seems attractive as an idea is easy to use. And such "little things" you need to know. We will analyze some of the information, trying to find a suitable project for a one-story house with three bedrooms. Why is that? Because this is the most common option, which is suitable for families of 4 people. Those are the majority.

    General planning principles

    When you're looking for ready-made projects for one-story three-bedroom houses, or trying to create your own based on what you find, it's important to remember a few things.

    These are the principles that it is desirable to adhere to. But this is not a dogma either. Everything can be solved (except for the requirements for boiler rooms). There are really different solutions, for different needs and tastes. All you need is a desire and a certain amount.

    If all three bedrooms are placed side by side

    Many three-bedroom one-story house designs are designed so that all the bedrooms are on one side of the house. On the one hand, it's convenient. Relatively noisy rooms - the living room and the kitchen are on the opposite side. On the other hand, not everyone likes this arrangement - they are afraid that children may be witnesses of unnecessary scenes.

    The above project did just that. All three bedrooms are located on the right side of the house and have approximately the same area. On the positive side, all the bedrooms are far from the living room, you can safely watch TV without fear of being interrupted.

    Of the shortcomings - the toilet and bathroom are far from the kitchen and boiler room. Not the most convenient option for laying communications. Other features include a long corridor with many doors. This area is not used in any way.

    When planning a terrace, you need to pay attention to several points at once. First - for optimal illumination, it is better if the terrace faces south or east. The second is from which room the exit will be. Most often they make an exit from the living room. This is the most logical case. The second case is from the corridor, which, as a rule, adjoins the living room or kitchen (much worse, but possible). Please note that it is very convenient if there is a kitchen next to the entrance to the terrace - bring in / take out dishes, drinks, etc. After all, the terrace is often used specifically for outdoor gatherings.

    These two points already partially determine the layout of your home - the living room should have access to the south or east side. So her position is determined. A kitchen should adjoin the living room, and it is also desirable to “collect” all the rooms connected to technical communications in one zone ... That is, you have practically decided where the living room, kitchen, technical rooms are located. It remains to arrange the bedrooms and organize a convenient passage.

    But that's not all that needs to be considered when planning a terrace. There is a third point - its size. Here the approach is individual - someone needs a lot of space, someone needs less. - L-shaped, which covers the southern and eastern walls of the building. If you glaze it, You can turn it into a summer garden ... If you are interested.

    And the fourth point, without which you can not do. The terrace is heavily used and is a favorite place to relax if it overlooks the garden, the beautifully decorated backyard, the river, etc. If the eye rests on the neighbor's fence, no one is interested, the terrace is not used, it gradually turns into a "technical room" - put a lawn mower, dryer, etc. This also determines the position of the house on the site. That is, you have solved most of the tasks of planning a house.

    Option 1: with a terrace along the entire short wall

    Let's look at several projects of one-story houses with three bedrooms and terraces. Exit to the terrace from the living room. It also has a kitchen window. All technical rooms are collected in one place and located near the kitchen. The bedrooms are located at the opposite end of the house, which, in general, is convenient - you can receive guests or watch TV in the living room and not disturb those who decide to relax.

    There is only one load-bearing wall in this project - along the long side. The rest of the walls are partitions. The kitchen-living room is one, but you can install a partition and separate the rooms. In this case, you will have to allocate part of the living room, but, with a given area - almost 17 meters - this is not very critical. The bedrooms in this project have different sizes: 9, 11, 13 meters. Whether it's convenient or not is up to you. If desired, the size of the bedrooms can be increased by reducing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe boiler room (with 3-meter ceilings, an area of ​​\u200b\u200b5 squares is enough, so there is a resource. The smallest bedroom can be increased by moving the closet to another wall by moving the partition that encloses the living room. By the way , this project of a one-story house with three bedrooms has another plus - a dressing room at the entrance.It's really convenient.

    Option 2: with a short terrace along the long side of the house

    Consider another option for planning a one-story house with three bedrooms and a terrace. It differs in the position of the "wet" block - kitchen / bathroom / boiler room / toilet. They have been moved to the opposite side. The areas of the bedrooms are "levelled" by reducing the area of ​​the kitchen. Please note that the vestibule is made remote. This also contributed to the fact that with a relatively small size of the house - 10 * 14 meters (area 140 square meters) - the dimensions of all rooms are solid, the width of the corridor is 1.7 meters, which is also not bad.

    The terrace has an exit from the living room, it occupies only part of a long wall. If you beat this option, it will turn out very well. For example, you can put a pond nearby, install a fountain, break a beautiful flower bed.

    With place under or garage

    If you need to place a carport or garage next to the house, you can change the layout so that the entrance to the house is closer to the parking lot. Then there is the possibility to combine the parking shed and the porch. It might turn out to be very interesting.

    When planning a shed, it's best to find space for two cars. Even if you have one car, guests will come to you and it is much more convenient if it can be put under the roof. The cost of arrangement is not too different, but you should always look to the future. Maybe you will have a second car.

    What is another good carport? Under it, you can equip a place to store any inventory: automobile, garden. In the same place, you can fence off a place for a firewood shed or woodpile - in order to have a supply of dry firewood near the house. In general, this zone can be used in different ways. And its optimal dimensions are 8 * 9 meters or so. This is if the area of ​​the site allows. If not, you can proceed from the minimum dimensions - 2 meters wider and 1.5 longer than your car.

    The above project of a one-story house with three bedrooms has an area of ​​100 square meters, made in the form of a rectangle with sides of 8.8 * 12 meters. The location of the bedrooms is the same - one block, all the technical rooms are also brought together in one place. With such a layout, the corridor turns out to be quite small, which will please many, but it will be a “passing” zone in which you can’t put anything.

    If you need to place the parents' bedroom separately

    When choosing a layout, many believe that the parents' bedroom should be located at some distance from the nursery. In this case, the approach to planning changes - the elongated rectangular shape of the house is optimal. The long side is divided into three parts by two load-bearing walls (in the above projects, there is only one load-bearing wall, it runs along the length of the side of the house).

    Option 1: without a corridor

    One third is divided into two bedrooms for children, the middle one is occupied by the kitchen/living room. Another third is divided by the entrance group. On one side of the entrance is a bedroom for parents, on the other - a bathroom and an entrance bathroom. How successful is this solution? Plus, it looks like this - a large kitchen / living room. But she is completely passable. That is, it will definitely not work to retire in it. but, perhaps you like this idea, although in order to appreciate the convenience / inconvenience it is worth living in such a house. As a result, not everyone likes it, although it seemed tempting at the idea stage.

    Location of rooms in a one-story house with three bedrooms - the parents' room is located separately

    Please note that this project of a one-story house with three bedrooms does not have a boiler room. If it is necessary, it can be allocated by reducing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen / living room. But then it will be necessary to think over the layout, how to organize the entrance to it. A possible, but not very convenient option is from the kitchen, if it is located near the bathroom.

    Option 2: with a corridor

    A similar layout can be implemented in a square house (in the figure below). The minimum possible dimensions are 12*12 meters. In terms of area, this is a little more than 140 squares. Then the dimensions of all rooms are close to optimal and the living room will be highlighted. If possible / desired, it can also be done in a rectangular house, just a square, with an equal perimeter of the walls, it has a gain in area. I must say that the winnings are quite small, so you shouldn't bother with it too much. It is better to proceed from convenience, because you choose the project of a one-story house with three bedrooms for your own life. The house will be square or rectangular - it is not so important. The difference in construction costs is minimal.

    In this layout option, the parents' bedroom is generally isolated. The advantage of the above option is that in children there is a place under. There is also a drawback here - "wet" rooms are located on opposite edges of the house. The arrangement of engineering systems will be more difficult (in addition to sewerage and water supply, you will also have to think about separate ventilation).

    Not everyone likes the idea of ​​combining the kitchen and living room. In this case, you can easily solve the problem by installing a partition. The entrance to the kitchen can be either from the corridor or from the living room.

    But, if you do not make other changes, the entrance to the living room is only through the kitchen, which is inconvenient. You can solve the problem by doing some transformations. The first - the "recessed" entrance zone becomes "normal", in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls, the partition separating the corridor is removed. A large entrance area is formed, but without a warm vestibule. But we get an additional large room, which can be well equipped. True, this is another project of a one-story house with three bedrooms.

    From this area you can make an entrance to the living room. It turns out next to the entrance, which is quite logical. True, only part of the room remains functional, but the “damage” can be minimized by bringing the doors closer.

    You can go even further - remove the partition separating the living room from the corridor. The wall here is load-bearing, so it will require the installation of columns. But the layout of the house will be in a modern style - from the entrance there is a single space that acts as a living room and a common room. For many, this seems convenient.

    More options

    Having a certain set of premises and requirements for their location, you will not get too many options. The layouts below differ in some details. Maybe one of them will suit you.

    Even over the years, the construction of residential buildings in suburban areas has not lost its relevance. Projects of one-story houses with three bedrooms are designed for comfortable living of a family, which can consist of 3 or more people. This layout is optimal for placing parents and children under one roof. Most often, one of the bedrooms is the master's, the remaining two are for children or are intended for guests.

    House with three bedrooms - the best option for a family with children of different sexes

    Common projects of one-story houses with three bedrooms

    The advantage of projects of one-story houses with 3 bedrooms compared to buildings with a higher number of floors is that this building has the most comfortable living conditions for special categories of people.

    • elderly people;
    • children;
    • people with disabilities and inactive.

    3D project of a one-story house, including a bedroom for parents and two children's rooms

    Due to the absence of stairs, the interior space becomes comfortable for moving and absolutely safe. Therefore, three-bedroom house designs are so popular among developers.

    Plan of a one-story house with 3 bedrooms: the initial stage of construction

    The construction of any building begins with the design stage. The layout of the future home is carefully thought out and included in the drawings.

    Useful advice! Use ready-made diagrams and drawings, projects, photos of beautiful one-story houses, which are presented on the Internet in large numbers, to create an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat a cottage on a country site can be, and quickly decide on the design of the building.

    Project of a house with a terrace, a fireplace, a home sauna and three bedrooms

    Design Benefits:

    • the layout of the building, thought out to the smallest detail, will achieve maximum comfort and convenience of living;
    • This stage makes it possible to facilitate the process of selection of building materials, as well as their purchase. A well-thought-out project of a one-story house with a terrace or other structural addition will make it possible to accurately determine the type of materials needed for construction, their quantity, and also draw up a preliminary estimate;
    • at the design stage, a scheme is outlined for supplying the building with water, heating and electricity, which allows for approximate calculations of the costs of communications and consider methods of economical use;
    • it is possible to achieve savings in terms of the cost of building materials as well as their use;

    Three-dimensional project of the house with a competent separation of night and day zones

    • reduction in overall construction costs;
    • all work processes are simplified and accelerated as much as possible.

    For a small family, a building with a total area of ​​\u200b\u200bup to 100 m² is suitable. Such projects are good for the elderly, for young families without children or with babies. The layouts of one-story houses 12 by 12 m are used to accommodate a large number of people, including families with several children of different ages.

    Designing a plan for a one-story house with three bedrooms

    Modern buildings of cottages with three bedrooms are especially in demand among owners of summer cottages and suburban areas. They look great against the backdrop of natural landscapes. The photo below shows a project of a one-story house with a garage. The layout is designed to meet the needs of the whole family.

    Project 1. View of the facade of a one-story house with a main entrance

    The entrance to the house is located on the side of the porch, to the right of the garage for one car. On the other side of the house there is a small terrace suitable for outdoor recreation. It has two entrances at once, one of which leads to the bedroom, the other to the spacious corridor.

    The total area of ​​the building with a strip-type foundation and walls made of ceramic blocks and aerated concrete is 108.7 m². The total height of the house is 6.76 m. The living room with a fireplace, combined with the kitchen and dining room, has the largest area in the house. The project includes a bathroom, toilet and laundry. Due to the long corridor, the spaces of all rooms are connected, so that none of them is a walk-through (if you do not consider the room with the entrance through the terrace).

    Project 1. View of the garage equipped with a ramp

    A spacious entrance hall separates the corridor from the street. Here you can place a wardrobe for outerwear and shoes. From the hallway you can get to the garage, which is separated from the house by a solid wall.

    Note! In accordance with the requirements, the garage room is separated from the common part of the house by solid walls on each side, which adjoins the interior rooms.

    Project 1. Layout of a house with a garage and three bedrooms

    How to increase the functionality of the project of a one-story house 12x12 with three bedrooms

    The most convenient way to increase the functionality of the building is the method of combining the spaces of those rooms that have adjacent placement in relation to each other. This can be seen in the photo of one-story 12 by 12 houses, the layouts of which can often be found on the Internet.

    Useful advice! Perform a preliminary assessment of the premises, their purpose and usable areas. This will identify rooms that can be combined without compromising the functionality of the home.

    An example of decorating the parents' bedroom in a minimalist style

    Assessment of usable area in the house

    Features of the design of each of the rooms:

    • living room area is calculated based on the number of family members permanently residing in the house. Do not forget to add the maximum number of guests to them;
    • the dimensions of the kitchen are developed on the basis of its technical equipment. Think over the situation of this room in advance: large pieces of furniture and features of the placement of overall household appliances (stove, refrigerator, washing machine or dishwasher, additional oven, etc.). Cooking in this space should not come with inconvenience;
    • each living room should have space to install a wardrobe. For a small family, you can make a design with your own hands;
    • the boiler room is calculated taking into account the dimensions of the heater, as well as its technological needs. Do not forget about security measures.

    Bright colors in a boy's room

    There are a lot of beautiful projects of one-story houses offered free of charge. But if you want to get a layout with combined rooms, it is likely that you will need the help of a professional who will correct the drawings.

    Features of projects of one-story houses up to 150 sq.m with three bedrooms without an attic

    If building projects up to 100 m² need to expand the space by installing additional structural elements, then the layout of a private house with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bup to 150 sq. m can already do without the organization of the attic or basement floor. Here you can use the method of combining space.

    A house without an attic with an area of ​​​​100-150 sq.m will comfortably accommodate a family with two or three children

    Common combination examples:

    • bathroom integration;
    • combining a pantry and a boiler room in one room (this method is not uncommon, however, from the point of view of safety standards, such a layout cannot be considered correct);
    • connecting the spaces of the living room and dining room, kitchen and living room, kitchen and dining room.

    Useful advice! Only one room can be allocated for the kitchen and dining room or living room and dining room. In the end, you will have enough free space to organize an additional small room, a dressing room, for example, or increase the space of one of the bedrooms.

    Laconic design of a children's room for a girl

    If you are using the space matching method, be prepared to increase each room by about the thickness of the wall or partition, provided that this figure is at least 0.1 m.

    An example of the layout of a one-story house with three bedrooms and a combination of rooms

    Below is a project of a house with three bedrooms, one of which has a dressing room. As can be seen on the plan, the main entrance to the building is located in the center of the facade. On the reverse side there is a terrace with a corner type of accommodation, which has two exits - one from the living room, the other from the master bedroom.

    Project 2. Facade of a one-story house and a view of the main entrance

    Note! The porch and terrace are under the roof. This provides protection from wind and rain.

    Thanks to the long corridor that connects all the living spaces of the house, none of the rooms is a walk-through. The bedrooms have enough space to organize a sleeping place, a dressing room and a work area. Conventionally, the house can be divided into two zones: night and day. In the front part of the house (where the entrance from the porch is located) all household premises are located.

    Project 2. View of the terrace and backyard

    Here we see:

    • an entrance hall with a wardrobe and an entrance to the laundry room;
    • a kitchen partly open towards the living-dining room;
    • one shared spacious bathroom.

    The project diagram shows how well the spaces of the living room, kitchen and dining room are combined. This site can be used as one large recreation area with friends and family. Everything you need for cooking dinner, the meal itself and communication in comfortable conditions in front of the TV is at hand. Thanks to this decision, a small hall was formed in the house, separating the rooms intended for relaxation. It is also noteworthy that all bedrooms are protected from unpleasant odors that can come from the kitchen.

    Project 2. Layout of a house with 3 bedrooms and a terrace

    The second example of a successful combination of space

    In some cases, comfort may require a different type of layout. This project with a total area of ​​106.7 m² is suitable for a family with children of different ages. This can be seen in the diagram by analyzing the features of the placement of the bedrooms.

    Amenities are determined by the following points:

    • the parents' bedroom has enough space for a large bed, it has a separate dressing room, access to a large terrace designed for family recreation, equipped with a TV;

    Project 3. View of the facade of a one-story house with a garage and an additional parking space

    • Opposite the parent bedroom, there may be a room for a younger child, which allows you to organize a sleeping place, a work area. There is a wardrobe here;
    • The older child's room is separated from the second nursery by a bathroom. It has everything you need: wardrobe, desk, bed;
    • all rooms of the bedrooms open onto a small hall, where a common wardrobe can be installed.

    Note! The parent bedroom can be walk-through if you need to go to the terrace. But if desired, access can be limited, and a large living room will be used for the transition, which also has access to the terrace.

    Project 3. Backyard view with terrace and pool

    In this case, the dining room, living room and kitchen are also combined with each other. Adjacent to the kitchen is a small storage room. Due to the remoteness of this zone, unnecessary noise and smells will not create problems for those living in the house.

    Particularly noteworthy is the concept of creating a garage. The project implies the presence of an area for the placement of two cars at once. Moreover, one parking space is protected by a roof and is located right in front of the front door, the other looks like a capital garage with roller shutters, from which you can get into the house through the laundry room.

    Project 3. Layout of a house with three bedrooms

    Features of the development of projects of one-story brick houses

    They can be used for capital construction, however, brickwork is more reliable and durable.

    The construction scheme in this case is the same as for buildings made of foam blocks:

  • Installation of the foundation base of the tape type.
  • Installation of reinforced concrete floors.
  • Organization of a roof truss system (wood is used if an attic is to be built).

  • Facade plaster was used to finish the brick walls of the house

    Flat roof projects require the installation of waterproofing material to protect the reinforced concrete floors. The layout in this case can be absolutely any. But it must include:

    • living room;
    • kitchen;
    • dining room
    • pantry;
    • bathroom, which can be separate or combined.

    3D project of a one-story house with two bathrooms, a laundry room and three bedrooms

    A dressing room with a sliding door can be included in the bedroom space or be present as a separate room with a small area.

    In matters of cottage planning, you should be guided by your own preferences, and also do not forget about technical requirements, safety rules and the needs of a particular family.

    Photo gallery (19 photos)

    Any project of a one-story house with three bedrooms should be prepared well in advance of construction. Moreover, it does not matter at all whether it will be a cottage with an area of ​​120 sq.m. or a modest house on the outskirts of the city. To make your dreams come true, you must first put them on paper.

    At the moment, the price for a project of a one-story house with 3 bedrooms can cost you a pretty tidy sum. Therefore, today we would like to talk about how you can create a project with your own hands and save money at the same time.

    Determining the main points

    Before you start designing, you need to decide on the main points that will primarily determine the purpose of the house. Therefore, you need to know:

    • What do you want to get as a result, a cottage for temporary residence or a solid cottage;
    • What other buildings will be on the site besides the house. It is worth considering whether your family needs a garage, a well, a bathhouse or a sauna. Based on this, you should decide on the size of the house and its location.
    • How many people will live in it. If you have 3 people in your family, but you like to host guests, you may need to provide a separate guest bedroom. In this case, you will need to look at projects of one-story houses with 4 bedrooms.
    • Geodetic features of the site and possible slope. This work should be entrusted to professionals, as it will depend on how long your house will stand idle.
    • Yard location. If you want that the yard was created for privacy and relaxation, then it is better to place it behind the house. If you're more into showing your neighbors the perfect lawn and pretty facade, then a patio should be placed in front of the house.

    Based on the solution of the above issues, a master plan of the site will be developed, which will save you not only money, but also time.

    After you have decided on the location of the house and its dimensions, you should proceed directly to the design.

    First, we create a sketch of the house, it can be done quite simply even by a non-professional. Only after the approval of the sketch, the project of a one-story house with 3 bedrooms will be approved by the architect. He, in turn, will determine the layout and solve spatial and style issues.

    The draft design includes the development of a building plan and the roof of the house. The facade should be displayed in a longitudinal and transverse section of the house. It should also display what the building is built from and describe the design features. This project is the foundation on which the work plan will be created, it is at it that the builders will look. Instructions for its development are located below.

    The development of a work plan includes 4 main stages, which we will discuss below.

    1) Architectural stage. This design stage is the simplest. It provides for drawing the location of the rooms, a clear definition of their size, and it is also noted where the window and door openings are located.

    At this stage, the material from which the house will be made is taken into account, so it is necessary to determine whether you need a three-bedroom one-story frame house project or a three-bedroom one-story brick house project. It is on this that the possible slope of the roof, the size of the window and door openings, and, of course, the thickness of the walls will depend. At this design stage, a set of explanatory notes with drawings should be obtained. They can be made using computer programs or drawn by hand. For clarity, we have placed a video in this article, which shows an example.

    2) Constructive stage. Here the main elements of your home should be calculated. These include determining the type of foundation and the depth of its location, interfloor ceilings, the presence or absence of a chimney, etc.

    As a result, a set of drawings comes out, where wall structures, lintels are painted, all beams are calculated, and a plan for the truss system is prescribed. Also at this stage, it is necessary to calculate the amount of all materials used in order to buy everything at once.

    3) Engineering and technical stage. Such a project can be seen on any building plan. It involves the design of a heating, sewerage, ventilation and water supply system.

    At this stage, a phased work should be scheduled to ensure all communications. The grounding system, the design capacity of the building and the electrical wiring must also be indicated.

    4) Design project. The last design stage, here the entire color scheme (facade, walls, roof, etc.) must be determined. It would be nice at this stage to think about the style of your home and the location of the furniture.

    If you are going to build a house, relying only on your own strength, then, for example, the project of a one-story 12x12 house with three bedrooms can be done independently. In addition, if you order an organization project, you are unlikely to be able to figure it out and build a house based on it.

    What to pay attention to

    First of all, before creating a project for a one-story house with two bedrooms or more, it is necessary to take into account all engineering, as well as design features.

    It greatly simplifies the work that there is a huge amount of information on the Internet not only about how to make a house project, but typical house designs. In case you take a project from the Internet, remember that it needs serious processing. In addition, geodetic features of the area are not taken into account there.

    Also, most individual developers, in order not to work out a detailed project, buy a house kit that is sold at furniture factories. In this case, the plan, of course, will be required, but it will take much less time. Basically, the developer will only have to assemble the finished kit. An example of such a kit is located in the photo.

    As a result, I would like to say that creating a house project is a very difficult and painstaking task, which will have to be given a lot of time. You can develop a sketch of a house yourself, but we still recommend entrusting the bulk of the work to professionals. Without the help of an architect, you are unlikely to be able to draw up a work plan; it will help bring the project to the city administration, which should allow construction.

    Projects of one-story houses are the basis of modern architecture. Every year, new projects of such structures are developed, taking into account the different areas of buildings, the requirements for their functionality and practicality. Having adopted one of the ideas presented and putting it into practice, you will get a wonderful cozy and comfortable home for a family of several people.

    • frame walls with insulation;
    • roofing, for which Finnish metal tiles are often used;
    • one-story layout of space;
    • strip foundation or base on screw piles;
    • modern drainage system;
    • ceilings in the form of wooden beams.

    Such solutions involve flashing the roof overhangs and the exterior finish of the structure.

    On a note! External wall panels in most cases are decorated with imitation timber, siding or blockhouse.

    The finishing of the plinth deserves special attention. These works are made using innovative decorative tiles imitating stone. Wooden lining is used to finish the internal surfaces of the walls.

    The classic version of one-story houses is often presented in the style of a Russian estate, as in the photo above. A similar design can be freely placed in a small area. The project provides everything you need for a comfortable stay. The layout includes:

    • bedroom
    • large living room;
    • spacious kitchen.

    Another classic one-story house is presented with an interpretation that is ideal for connoisseurs of simplicity, functionality, comfort and conciseness. The modern project is suitable for a family of several people, as it includes two bedrooms, a bathroom, a large living room, a pantry and a kitchen. The combination of ergonomics and spaciousness allows you to use the cottage for permanent residence or as a country residence.

    Note! The unique feature of this version is that it is possible to add another floor by using the space in the attic.

    You can create an original interior combination by combining the dining room and kitchen. If you properly organize the space, then the view from the window of this room will be panoramic and will allow you to control the entrance to the territory.

    The design involves the design of several ancillary premises. Thanks to a spacious bathroom, an ergonomic pantry, a free room for household needs, the space becomes functional and very comfortable.

    Another feature that lies in this project is the extremely simple form of the house in combination with a conventional roof. Thanks to these criteria, the construction of the structure will not take much time. Such solutions are really comfortable, thought out in detail and budget.

    One-story house with a garage: an example of a project

    The project of a one-story house with a garage is a very common solution that allows you to compactly and conveniently arrange 2 most important objects on the site. However, it should be borne in mind in advance that such buildings can only be placed on large plots of land.

    The area of ​​the house shown in the example below, including the garage, is 250 sq.m. Small, compact version meets the requirements of:

    • profitability;
    • reliability;
    • simplicity in the process of construction;
    • practicality during operation.

    The peculiarity of such one-story houses is that the building is easy to erect. A lot of time and physical resources will not be required for this.

    On a note! The project of this one-story house with a garage allows you to get a finished structure in just 1 construction season.

    The uniqueness of this option is due to the possibility of building a building on a relatively miniature land plot. At the same time, the plan combines comfort, ergonomics, a presentable interior appearance and solid exterior performance.

    The modern solution provides for the design of an original, comfortable outdoor terrace. Its area is 33 sq.m. Such a house can be decorated with a broken or gable roof. These types of roofs are attractive in that they allow you to significantly increase the usable space due to the attic.

    Project of a one-story house with three bedrooms: an example

    Functional projects of one-story houses with three bedrooms can be very different. The layout of this type of structure does not belong to the category of simple structures. It is very important to provide for the organic placement of all areas necessary for comfortable living in the building.

    The complex configuration of the building and its large area leave some imprints on the building. Many try to build it in 2 floors. However, a one-story building will look no less stylish and presentable. It is important to consider here that the construction will take 100-130 sq.m.

    Note! It is desirable to provide equal parameters for all walls of the building. This will make it look proportionate. Walls elongated on one side can also look attractive, but are very difficult to implement.

    Since such projects of one-story houses involve the use of a large area, when working on them, the issue of energy saving will have to be put at the forefront. It is optimal to build walls from:

    • clinker brick;
    • foam blocks;
    • aerated concrete.

    Installation of window openings and roof insulation is recommended to be carried out using modern energy-saving coatings.

    The foundation of the building should be created according to the principle of a shallow tape base. In this situation, only versions with a deep basement are an exception.

    Ready-made or individual house project?

    Projects of one-story houses can be individual or ready-made. Which option is better? Typical or ready-made planning is good for those who do not have time to wait for a long time to complete complex work that requires thoughtfulness and consideration of hundreds of details. The documentation required to start construction can be obtained in just a couple of days.

    As for the individual approach, this option will be an ideal solution for people who are not ready to give up certain habits and tastes. Thanks to individual planning, they can get a real family estate, exclusive and unusual.

    Good afternoon, forum users! Here is such a layout, I would like to hear your opinion, maybe someone did something similar. Well, in this layout, share a bathroom.
    1. Development region - Ryazan region, Ryazan district.

    2 . Planned materials for construction - aerated concrete block, facing brick

    3. Plan / description of the site with the proposed location of the house and indication of the cardinal points, the presence of a good view - a plot of 10.5 acres, 25 * 41, an extreme plot, the location of the house is the northeast of the plot, the entrance to the site and the house - from the north.

    4. Planned number and height of floors, used attic, ground floor? Will the house be used for permanent residence or seasonal use 1 floor, cold attic, permanent residence

    5. Planned type of heating, the need for a separate boiler room - gas, boiler room

    6. Family composition (with age and gender of children) - while two adults with the prospect of children

    7. What premises should be obtained according to their functional purpose (number of bedrooms (minimum allowable size), bathrooms, the need for a "second light", a guest bedroom, an office, a separate laundry room, a utility pantry, a pantry in the kitchen, a garage in the house, etc.) - kitchen-living room, 3 bedrooms (bedroom, guest bedroom, nursery, dressing room, boiler room (possibly with an entrance from the street, a separate bathroom, a porch on the side of the house under one roof, access to the veranda from the living room. Still, the bedrooms should probably be located in the north and north -west, kitchen-living room in the south and southeast.

    8. Please check that the volume of your boiler room for a gas boiler exceeds 15 cubic meters (if the boiler is gas and is not located in the kitchen)

    9. Your decision on the following questions:
    - do you need a separate vestibule to reduce heat loss or a vestibule-entrance hall?, entrance hall

    Can the kitchen and living room be combined or should they be 2 separate rooms?, combined

    Can the bedroom doors open into the kitchen/living area or do they need to be soundproofed by the hallway? isolated

    Do you need an isolated dirty hallway area or is it not difficult to wipe the floor once again?, an isolated area

    Personal sous and dressing room in the bedroom dream or excess?, excess

    Entrance to the bathroom the node should not be visible from the front door or is it not important?, not important

    The working area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen should not be visible from the sofa or is it not important ?, not essential
    10. Planned construction and financing schedule.
    -indicate the planned budget for building a house for interior decoration (with facade work, communications, etc.) about 2.5 million, how will it go

    Indicate the planned construction schedule (season, year, several years) and performers (self-build, private company / team, 50/50), 50/50, no particular urgency