The principle of operation and elements of this heating system. How to make radiator heating at home with your own hands? Principle of operation and design features

If a country house is designed not only for the periodic arrival of its owners during the summer season, but for a long or even permanent residence in it, then you can’t do without a heating system. This issue is always carefully thought out even at the design stage of construction or reconstruction, and is taken into account when buying ready-made housing.

This question is extremely serious, requiring scrupulous consideration of all existing conditions: the periods of future operation of the building, the climatic zone of the area, the availability of power supply lines, utilities, building design features, the total estimated cost of implementing a particular project. And yet, most often, homeowners come to the conclusion that the best solution would be a closed-type water heating system in a private house.

This publication will review basic principles closed system, its differences from the open one, existing advantages and disadvantages. Attention will be drawn to the main elements of such a system with recommendations for their selection, typical wiring diagrams for the heating network in the house are given.

Closed heating system in a private house - main features

A private house can be heated in different ways.

  • For a long time, the main source of heat was one or more stoves (fireplaces), each of which heated one or another part of the building. The disadvantages of this approach are obvious - uneven heating, the need to carry out regular fireboxes, monitor the combustion process, etc.

Furnace heating is already “yesterday”

Currently, this type of heating is used less and less, and as a rule - with the absolute impossibility or complete inexpediency of using another, more efficient system.

  • An electric heating system using convectors or oil coolers is extremely expensive to operate due to the high price of electricity and its high consumption.

True, alternative methods appear, in the form of film infrared elements, but they have not yet gained wide popularity.

  • Most of the owners of private houses still stop at water heating. This is a proven efficient system, which, by the way, can operate from almost all sources of energy - natural gas, liquid or solid fuel, electricity, which makes it completely universal - the difference is only in the type of heating boiler. A well-calculated and properly installed water heating system ensures uniform distribution of heat throughout all rooms, and is easily adjustable.

Not so long ago, the main scheme for organizing water heating in a private house was open with the gravitational principle of moving the coolant through pipes and radiators. Compensation for the thermal expansion of water was due to the presence of a leaky one, which was installed at the highest point of the entire circuit of the heating system. causes constant evaporation of water, so there is a need for constant monitoring of its required level.

The movement of the coolant through the pipes is ensured in this case by the difference in the density of cold and heated water - the denser cold one, as it were, pushes the hot one forward. To facilitate this process, an artificial slope of the pipes is created along their entire length, otherwise the effect of hydrostatic pressure may occur.

It is quite possible to embed a circulation pump into an open system - this will dramatically increase its efficiency. In this case, a system of valves is provided so that it is possible to switch from forced circulation to natural and vice versa if necessary, for example, during power outages.

The closed-type system is arranged somewhat differently. Instead of an expansion tank, a sealed compensation tank of a membrane or balloon type is installed on the pipe. It absorbs all thermal fluctuations in the volume of the coolant, maintaining one pressure level in a closed system.

The main difference between a closed system is the presence of a sealed expansion tank

AT currently this the system is the most popular, as it has many significant advantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of a closed heating system

  • First of all, there is no evaporation of the coolant. This gives one important advantage - you can use not only water, but also antifreeze in this capacity. Therefore, the possibility of freezing of the system during forced interruptions in its operation is eliminated, for example, if it is necessary to leave the house for a long time in winter.
  • The compensation tank can be located almost anywhere in the system. Usually, a place is provided for it directly in the boiler room, in the immediate vicinity of the heater. This ensures the compactness of the system. An open-type expansion tank is often located at the highest point - in an unheated attic, which will require its mandatory thermal insulation. In a closed system, this problem does not exist.
  • Forced circulation in a closed system provides heating of the premises much faster from the moment the boiler is started. No unnecessary losses of thermal energy in the area of ​​the expansion tank.
  • The system is flexible - you can adjust the heating temperature in each specific room, selectively turn off some sections of the general circuit.
  • There is no such significant difference in the temperature of the coolant at the inlet and outlet - and this significantly increases the period of trouble-free operation of the equipment.
  • For heating distribution, pipes of a much smaller diameter can be used than in an open system with natural circulation without any loss in heating efficiency. And this is both a significant simplification of installation work, and significant savings in material resources.
  • The system is sealed, and with proper filling and normal operation of the valve system, there should simply be no air in it. This will eliminate the appearance of air pockets in pipelines and radiators. In addition, the lack of access to oxygen contained in the air does not allow corrosion processes to actively develop.

Underfloor heating can also be included in a closed heating system
  • The system is highly versatile: in addition to conventional heating radiators, water “warm floors” or convectors hidden in the floor surface can be connected to it. A domestic water heating circuit is easily connected to such a heating system - through an indirect heating boiler.

The disadvantages of a closed heating system are few:

  • The expansion tank must have a larger volume than with an open system - this is due to the peculiarity of its internal design.
  • Requires installation the so-called "security group"– safety valve systems.
  • The correct operation of a closed heating system with forced circulation depends on the continuity of the power supply. It is possible, of course, to provide, as with the open type, switching to natural circulation, but this will require a completely different arrangement of pipes, which can reduce a number of the main advantages of the system to zero (for example, the use of "warm floors" is completely excluded). In addition, the heating efficiency will also decrease sharply. Therefore, natural circulation, if it can be considered, is only as an “emergency”, but most often a closed system is planned and installed specifically for the use of a circulation pump.

The main elements of a closed heating system

So, the composition of the general closed-type heating system for a private house includes:

- heating device - boiler;

- circulation pump;

— system of distributing pipes for heat carrier transfer;

- Expansion compensation tank of sealed type;

- heating radiators installed in the premises of the house, or other heat transfer devices (“warm floors” or convectors);

— safety group — valve system and air vents;

- necessary shut-off valves;

- in some cases - additional automatic control and management devices that optimize the operation of the system.

Heating boiler

  • by the most widespread are . If a gas main is connected to the house or there is a real opportunity to lay it, then most owners without an alternative prefer this particular method of heating the coolant.

Gas boilers - the best solution if it is possible to install them

Gas boilers are distinguished by high efficiency, ease of operation, reliability and cost-effectiveness in terms of paying for energy. Their disadvantage is the need to coordinate the installation project with the relevant organizations, since such a heating system has very special safety requirements.

The variety of gas boilers is very large - you can choose a floor or wall model, with one or two circuits, simple in device or saturated with electronics, requiring connection to a stationary chimney or equipped with a coaxial combustion products exhaust system.

  • They are usually installed in those conditionswhen gas supply to the house is impossible for some reason. Such an installation will not require coordination - the main thing is that the requirements of electrical safety and compliance of the boiler power with the capabilities of the electrical network are observed. Such heaters are distinguished by compactness, simplicity and ease of adjustment.

Heating systems with electric boilers have a well-established reputation for being “uneconomical” due to the rather high cost of electricity. This is only partly true - modern electric heaters, thanks to new technologies for heating water, have a very high efficiency, and with reliable insulation at home should not burden the budget too much.

In addition to the well-known boilers with heating elements (which are really not very economical), modern developments are actively used.

"Battery" of three electrode boilers

For example, they are widely used in which heating is carried out by flowing alternating current directly through the coolant (although a specially selected chemical composition of water in the system will be required here). By themselves, such boilers are inexpensive, but there are certain problems with adjustment.

Induction boiler - unpretentious and very economical

The main feature in which a closed heating system differs from an open one is its isolation from environmental influences. Such a scheme includes a circulation pump that stimulates the movement of the coolant. The scheme is devoid of many of the disadvantages inherent in an open heating circuit.

You will learn all about the pros and cons of closed heating circuits by reading the article we have proposed. It thoroughly analyzes the device options, the specifics of the assembly and operation of closed-type systems. For independent craftsmen, an example of a hydraulic calculation is given.

The information provided for review is based on building codes. To optimize the perception of a difficult topic, the text is supplemented with useful diagrams, selections of photos and video guides.

Thermal expansions in a closed system are compensated by using a membrane expansion tank filled with water during heating. When cooled, the water from the tank again goes into the system, thereby maintaining a constant pressure in the circuit.

The pressure created in the closed heating circuit during installation is transferred to the entire system. The circulation of the coolant is carried out forcibly, so this system is volatile. Without there will be no movement of heated water through the pipes to the appliances and back to the heat generator.

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On the territory of our state, the most popular type of home heating is water heating, as the traditional and most rational option. Its high popularity is due to the relatively affordable price of the materials from which the system is assembled, and the fuel, the role of which in most cases is played by natural gas.

How does it function?

The principle of operation of water heating is remarkable for its simplicity. Such heating is characterized by a closed system, the main elements of which are pipes, radiators and a heating boiler.
The heat generator heats up the coolant (water, glycol solution), which, in turn, flows through pipes to radiators installed in heated rooms.

Hot batteries heat up the air due to heat transfer, and a comfortable temperature is set in the rooms. After cooling, the liquid returns to the boiler, where its temperature rises, and the cycle repeats again and again.

Circulation type

As mentioned earlier, water heating functions due to the movement of the coolant through the system. Now we will consider the existing types of water circulation, which have fundamental differences that must be taken into account when choosing a scheme.

Natural (gravitational)

In this case, the heating process consists in different densities of hot and cold coolant.

The heated liquid loses its density and decreases in weight, therefore it is pushed upwards, flowing through the pipeline. Having given off heat and lowering the temperature, the water becomes denser, sinks down and goes back to the boiler.

The advantages of a natural water heating system include its autonomy, since it does not need electricity, and a very simple design.

If we talk about the shortcomings, then an impressive number of pipes with a large diameter will be required here, otherwise the gravity process will be disrupted, and modern radiators with a small cross section will simply not be able to dock with the main. Also, when installing the pipeline, it is necessary to ensure a slope of 2 °, which will contribute to the correct operation of the system.


The flow of water through the pipeline occurs with the help of a circulation pump. The excess mass of the coolant, which is formed after heating, is discharged into the expansion tank (in most cases, a closed design), which prevents the liquid from evaporating.

This rule especially applies when glycol compounds are used as a heat transfer medium. The pressure in forced heating systems must be monitored using a pressure gauge.

The advantages of such a water heating system are very obvious and consist in a small volume of coolant with a low consumption of pipes, the diameter of which is inferior to the previous version.

Also here it becomes possible to set the desired temperature for heating radiators, which can be absolutely any type. The disadvantage is the dependence on the supply of electricity, without which the operation of the pump is impossible.


Water heating will be reliable and efficient only if all its parts are correctly selected and the installation is done correctly. In this case, the elements of the system must interact with each other and match each other by type.


The choice of the main heater is determined by the fuel that will be used to heat the house. According to their type, boilers are:

  • gas;
  • electric;
  • liquid and solid fuel;
  • combined.

Natural gas-powered devices are rightfully considered the most economical, but they require a pipeline and constant monitoring by special services.

Complete independence from the central energy system can be achieved using solid or liquid fuels, but you will have to come to terms with the concerns of harvesting and storing energy resources.

The electric boiler is the least in demand, as it consumes a lot of energy and, as a result, entails high heating costs. In this case, it is better to install radiators that directly convert electricity into heat.

The power of the unit is selected according to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room that will be heated using a water heating system. The selection is made at an average ratio of 1 kW: 10 m², while the height of the walls should be no more than 3 m. You also need to take into account the degree of thermal insulation of the room, the size of the window frames and the presence of third-party heat consumption points.


Traditional pipes for the circuit, which are easily corroded, are increasingly giving way to products that do not have such a significant drawback. They were replaced by samples of galvanized metals and stainless steel.

The most reliable option is considered to be copper parts that are resistant to a sharp drop in pressure and temperature. They do not rust and easily hide in the wall. Their only drawback is the high cost of the material, which is considered a representative of the premium segment.

Pipes from metalplastic differ in the long term of operation. They have excellent strength, are resistant to corrosion, do not accumulate sediments on the inner walls, their installation is simple, and installation work is carried out quickly.

The disadvantage is the high coefficient of linear expansion with temperature changes, which can lead to damage.


Water heating of a private house can be mounted in different ways, depending on what types of functions are assigned to it. There are two schemes:

  1. Single-circuit.
  2. Dual circuit.

One circuit

The first type is designed only for space heating. It includes a single-circuit boiler with air exhaust, single-pipe wiring and batteries with the required number of sections.

To ensure the supply of hot water, which is used for household needs, two such structures can be installed simultaneously. So, one of them will heat the house, and the second will be responsible exclusively for the hot water supply. This is a practical solution, since in the warm season it makes no sense to heat the home in order to get warm water for the shower or kitchen.

This design is very easy to assemble and affordable. It is suitable for houses with a small area (up to 100 m²). This explains its popularity among owners of small cottages. Single-circuit water heating can be improved by installing a circulation pump, battery-powered temperature controllers and two-pipe wiring.

Two circuits

This principle of wiring provides for the simultaneous supply of hot water and heating of the area. Suitable for houses where no more than 4 people live.

It should be borne in mind that tap or softened water is suitable here. Hard fluid from the well can damage the equipment of the system and therefore cannot be used.

System type

Having familiarized yourself with the methods of circulation of the coolant through the mains, it is worth knowing that the circuit of the water heating system can be single-pipe, two-pipe and manifold. Let's consider all three options in more detail.

One pipe

In this case, water sequentially moves from radiator to radiator, while losing temperature along the way, which makes each subsequent battery colder.

This negatively affects the achievement of a comfortable climate in the rooms.

two pipes

Such a scheme is characterized by better heating of the premises. It provides for the installation of two pipes that are connected to each radiator. One of them supplies the batteries with hot coolant, and the second takes the cooled water back to the boiler, so heat loss will be minimal.

The most effective option, in which a mandatory element is a collector, which separately supplies a pipe with hot water to each heating element. Another pipe returns the cooled coolant back.

Given this feature, it is possible to carry out repairs and set the temperature of each radiator separately without decommissioning the entire circuit. Unfortunately, here the consumption of pipes increases significantly and it becomes necessary to carry out work on the installation of a manifold cabinet.

Distinctive characteristics

If we compare with air and electric heating, then water heating has firmly taken a leading position due to many factors. First of all, this is an affordable price for materials, work and operation of the system, including payment for the spent energy resource, which other types of home heating cannot boast of.

Here we can note the high heat transfer of the heating elements, which contributes to the uniform heating of the rooms and the establishment of a comfortable climate. Also important is the fact that the coolant can be heated using any type of fuel, which is impossible with electric heating.

All work on installing a water system is easily done by hand and this is also a huge plus. With air routes, things are more complicated and, most likely, you will have to seek help from specialists.

Heating of the premises of a country cottage can be organized in various ways - a stove, gas or electric convectors, infrared devices and other air heaters. But for living rooms, traditional water heating remains the preferred option. The device of such a system in a private house or apartment begins with the choice of the correct scheme, taking into account the layout of the building and the arrangement of heating equipment.

How the system works

If you plan to independently conduct heat into the premises, it is worth understanding the design and principle of operation of water heating. Three components of any scheme:

  • installation that generates thermal energy and transfers it to water;
  • piping;
  • heaters located in heated rooms.
One of the ways to organize heating in a dwelling on 2 floors is a two-pipe shoulder wiring

Note. Shut-off valves - taps, balancing valves, mixing valves - are always part of the wiring. Additional equipment -, - are part of the boiler or mounted separately.

The principle of operation of the system is based on the transfer of heat from the source to the heating devices through a liquid working fluid - ordinary water, capable of absorbing a large amount of energy (specific heat capacity - 4.18 kJ / kg ° C). In some cases, an antifreeze liquid is used - an aqueous solution of ethylene glycol or propylene glycol. How does this happen:

  1. By burning hydrocarbon fuel or consuming electricity, the unit heats water to a temperature of 40…90 degrees.
  2. The hot coolant moves through the pipes with the help of a pump or naturally (due to convection) to water radiators.
  3. Heat exchange occurs between the heating devices and the air of the rooms - the water flowing through the battery cools by 10-20 ° C, the atmosphere of the room warms up. Plus, the hot surface of the radiator emits infrared heat radiation.
  4. The cooled coolant is returned through the pipeline to the heat generator, where it is again heated to the required temperature.
  5. Excess water formed during thermal expansion enters a special container. When the temperature in the system drops, the fluid contracts again and leaves the expansion tank.

Operating cycle of heating - water is heated by the boiler plant, it is sent through pipes to radiators, where it gives off heat to the surrounding air

Reference. Intense generation of infrared heat from the surface of the batteries begins at temperatures above 60 °C.

Before heating, remember one rule: the heating efficiency is practically independent of the volume of water in the system. This indicator only affects the rate of warming up / cooling down at home when starting or stopping the heat generator.

Here are some really important features:

  • temperature difference at the inlet and outlet of the home heater, the maximum allowable is 25 degrees;
  • source power - heat losses through external walls + air heating for ventilation should be selected;
  • coolant consumption - the volume of water passing through the heating devices for 1 hour;
  • the hydraulic resistance of the pipeline network, together with radiators, should ideally not exceed 1 bar (10 m of water column).

An explanation regarding the total volume of coolant in the pipes will be given by expert Vladimir Sukhorukov in his video:

Types of boilers and other water heaters

The efficiency of heating in a private house depends on the installation that heats the working fluid (water). A properly selected unit generates the amount of heat required for radiators and an indirect heating boiler (if any), saving energy.

Autonomous water system can be powered by:

  • a hot water boiler that uses a certain fuel - natural gas, firewood, coal, diesel fuel;
  • electric boiler;
  • wood-burning stoves with a water circuit ();
  • heat pump.

Addition. There are combined types of heaters that simultaneously combine 2-3 energy carriers, for example, coal - natural gas, firewood - electricity (one copy is shown below in the photo). There are also universal boilers where you can install a diesel nozzle, gas or pellet burner - to choose from.

Most often, boilers are used to organize heating in cottages - gas, electric and solid fuel. The latter are made only in the floor version, the rest of the heat generators - wall and stationary. Diesel units are used less often, the reason is the high price of fuel. As a domestic hot water boiler, discussed in the detailed manual.

Stove heating combined with water registers or modern radiators is a good solution for heating a summer house, garage and a small residential house with an area of ​​50-100 m². The disadvantage is that the heat exchanger placed inside the stove heats the water uncontrollably. To avoid boiling, it is important to ensure forced circulation in the system.

Reference. Previously, such schemes were made by gravity - without a pump, with an open expansion tank. Registers and mains were welded from steel pipes with a diameter of 40 ... 80 mm (internal), laid with a slope of 3-5 mm per 1 m for better gravity flow. Heating was called steam, because the system was not afraid of boiling.

Modern gravity system without a pumping unit, powered by the water circuit of a brick kiln

Heat pumps are not widely used in the countries of the former Soviet Union. The reasons:

  • the main problem is the high cost of equipment;
  • due to the cold climate, air-to-water devices are simply inefficient;
  • geothermal systems "land - water" are difficult to install;
  • electronic units and compressors of heat pumps are very expensive to repair and maintain.

Due to the high price, the payback period of the units exceeds 15 years. But the efficiency of installations (3-4 kW of heat per 1 kilowatt of electricity consumed) attracts craftsmen who are trying to assemble home-made analogues from old air conditioners.

  1. The diameter of the main pipe is at least 20 mm (internal passage), which corresponds to the outer size of metal-plastic 26 mm, polypropylene - 32 mm. The specified section remains the same along the entire length of the pipeline.
  2. The number of batteries in 1 branch is a maximum of 6 pieces, otherwise you will have to increase the diameter of the distribution pipe to 32-50 mm. Installation becomes more complicated and more expensive by 15-20% (minimum).
  3. Since less heated water comes to the distant radiators, their heat exchange surface must be increased by 10 ... 30% by adding the number of sections.
  4. Manual or automatic adjustment of the flow through 1 heater affects the operation of other devices, since the temperature and water flow in the common line changes.

Batteries of a single-pipe system discharge cooled water back into a common collector

Reference. In Soviet-built apartment buildings, vertical single-pipe systems are operated, where batteries are connected to risers, the principle of "Leningrad" is preserved. Similar schemes, only in miniature, are used in two-story private cottages when it is necessary to organize gravity flow.

A single-pipe closed circuit of water heating is suitable for country and residential houses with an area of ​​​​60 ... 100 m². Two floors is not a problem, the system is divided into 2 annular branches converging on tees near the boiler, the pump is used alone.

Two-pipe schemes - ring and dead-end

A characteristic difference is the division of the hot and cooled coolant into 2 lines - supply and return. Here two pipes come to the batteries - one by one the water enters the radiators, through the second it flows back to the boiler. There are 2 systems used for home heating:

  1. With a dead-end scheme, the coolant goes along the line to the last device, then returns through the return line - it flows in the opposite direction.
  2. In the Tichelman loop, water does not change direction after leaving the battery. That is, the coolant in both lines flows in the same direction.

Two-pipe heating network of a one-story house with dead ends

Addition. The first system consists of one or more dead-end branches - shoulders of different or the same length. The second is made in the form of one or more closed rings converging on the boiler.

Advantages of two-pipe battery connection methods:

  • small diameters of highways - 15-20 mm (internal);
  • all radiators are filled with coolant of the same temperature;
  • no restrictions on the number of heaters per line;
  • the system is amenable to automation and adjustment, a change in consumption or a complete shutdown of one battery does not affect the operation of neighboring ones;
  • correctly assembled passing wiring is well balanced hydraulically;
  • low installation costs.

In the Tichelmann loop, the first radiator on the supply line becomes the last one on the return line, and water flows through the pipelines in one direction

It is easy to assemble a dead-end circuit with your own hands - it “forgives” frivolous mistakes and is easily balanced. It is more difficult with the Tichelman loop - in a one-story building, a double highway will certainly cross the front door opening, which will have to be rounded with pipes from above or below under the floors.

Collector system

Here, the connection of radiators is organized in a beam way from a distribution comb located close to the center of the building. It is connected to the boiler with two pipes, and each battery has its own two-pipe line - supply and return. Radiator connections go to the devices along the shortest path - they hide in the floor screed or are attached under the ceiling of the lower floor.

Note. Removal of air from hidden pipelines is carried out through automatic air vents installed on the comb.

It is very desirable to place the comb distributing the coolant in the middle of the building in order to make all the connections the same length

The ray scheme is , which preserves the advantages of a dead-end system. There are additional advantages:

  • pipes, piping and a cabinet with a collector are hidden inside building structures, so the scheme is suitable for any interior solutions;
  • convenience and ease of regulation (balancing), the controls are located in one place - the control cabinet;
  • If you equip the thermostatic valves of the comb with servo drives and install an electronic control unit, then you can fully automate the water heating of the building.

To connect the heaters to the manifold, cross-linked polyethylene pipes Ø10 mm (internal section) are used, protected by a heat-insulating sheath. From the boiler plant to the comb, a line with a diameter of 26 ... 40 mm is laid, depending on the number of consumers.

Disadvantages of beam wiring:

  • in a lived-in house it is difficult to run pipelines to radiators - open a screed or cut out strobes;
  • high cost of materials and work;
  • the circuit does not work without a pump;
  • lines laid inside a concrete monolith cannot be altered or replaced.

Laying insulated pipes from the collector to the radiators in different rooms

Finally, the advantages and disadvantages

First, we will reveal the main disadvantages of this heating:

  • significant investment in construction - the homeowner bears the cost of purchasing materials, equipment and installation;
  • during operation, it is necessary to monitor the operation of the thermal power plant, diesel and wood-burning boilers are loaded with fuel in time;
  • there is a possibility of leakage or defrosting of elements of the heating network.

These shortcomings can not be called critical. Investments gradually pay off, with a lack of funds, installation is carried out independently. The probability of leaks is reduced to zero due to high-quality assembly and filling of a non-freezing coolant (antifreeze), if the heating is turned on periodically.

The list of pros looks much more impressive:

As you understand, the publication is for informational purposes and will be useful to homeowners who have not decided on the method of heating their home. You will find more detailed instructions for choosing heat power equipment, pipes and fittings used on other pages of our resource (transitions are highlighted in blue in the text of the article).

Rating: 731

To organize maximum comfort when living in a house, an extremely necessary element, such as a heating system, must be installed in it. Only a heating system can really create very pleasant and comfortable living conditions. Of course, the heat carrier is one of the most important parts.

Do not forget that sometimes the owners of houses do not want to hire additional workers. Because of this, the owners themselves install the heating system of a private house. In fact, everything is simple here. You need to follow the exact installation rules.

Most often, the core, the main part of any heating system is. It is the boiler that performs the process of heating the heat carrier. The duty of the coolant is to distribute heat throughout the house. The best way to cope with this task is liquid. Most heating systems use water as a heat carrier. The heating system with a heat carrier of this type is designed closed. This means that the water in the system circulates in a circle. In this case, the need for topping up is quite rare.

Two-pipe heating system

In our time, it is considered the most effective and trouble-free.

The design incorporates two circuits that close on the boiler. This is the supply of heat carrier and its return. The first is designed to supply liquid heated in the boiler. It is there that she transfers her warmth. After cooling, the heat carrier returns to the boiler through the return pipes for subsequent heating.

To do this, the most competent and efficient to the maximum will be the solution for the parallel arrangement of radiators. In this case, they can warm up at the same time. Because of this, all rooms will warm up evenly. Also, do not forget that the quality of heating is affected by the distance between the return and supply circuits of the heat carrier. The minimum that is possible is the distance from the floor to the windowsill.

Most professionals believe that such a heating system is less efficient than the old stove heating method.

We can agree that these experts are right in some way. Since due to the passage through the process of a certain loss of heat carrier occurs. But do not forget at the same time that heating with a stove does not make it possible to simultaneously uniformly heat all rooms. Among other things, it is rather inconvenient due to the need to store an extensive supply of firewood. When using a boiler that runs on wood, the need for fuel will be significantly lower.

Stove heating scheme

The most commonly used is a fairly simple and at the same time productive two-pipe heating system with a heat carrier. This system enables high-quality heating of the house, without the additional use of units for this - circulation type electric pumps. There is a great demand for this model of the heating system due to the fact that power outages often occur. In the absence of electricity, the system will not simply function.

The most important thing for the efficient and as productive operation of such a system as possible is the exact following of the rules when installing it and also the fuel supply.

The most important factor that must be observed for the reliable operation of the system in the future is the technical implementation of the maximum possible height distance between the system outlet and the highest point. It is for this reason that the most rational decision would be to install a boiler with a pipe in the basement. In the absence of a basement, it is produced on the ground floor in a recessed place. It will also be important to work on creating a slope of the obrat highway. This slope is made horizontally starting from the first system radiator.

Basement heating boiler

In such a heating system, there is another important part of the design -. Its purpose is to create maximum pressure in the system. This is very important for good circulation. The functioning of the tank is based on the principle of ordinary gravity. It should be placed as high as possible. The most ideal solution would be to place it in the attic. The pressure will depend on the height of the placement, and not on the volume of liquid contained in the tank.

The tank must have an average volume. Another functionality of the tank is to control the level of heat carrier. If necessary, it is drained from the tank.

Also, one should not forget that such systems function correctly only when water is a heat carrier. Such a scheme is called an open system.

Where the expansion tank is absolutely in no way connected with the external environment. Simply put, there is no way to pump out the heat carrier. In such systems, an expansion tank is usually used. The expansion tank is a small tank, the inside of which is divided in two by a flexible membrane. The heat carrier fills one of these parts. in such a system, it is carried out by bending the membrane in different directions. Due to the fact that the system is closed, it is possible to use antifreeze as a heat carrier.

Expansion tank

Pipes for heating system

For a long time, when installing a heating system, they installed only. This caused inconvenience, since the installation required a lot of time, and rough seams then significantly worsened the appearance of the system.

But today it is already possible to install a heating system of any design complexity using. These pipes are more flexible and thinner. The surface of these pipes is made of a special heat-resistant plastic, and the inner space is made of a thin aluminum layer. On sale there is a very large selection of elements for pipes made of metal-plastic. These are: taps, connections, corners. These elements make it possible to connect pipes to each other and connect pipes of other types to them.

Due to the fact that these days there is a wide selection of metal-plastic pipes, it is also important to pay attention to the markings. Pipes for heating systems are marked with the symbols "PE-RT-AL-PE-RT".

An important advantage of pipes made of metal-plastic is the ease of working with them. They are quite light and flexible, and they are easy to cut with the most common hacksaw or metal shears.

To achieve maximum tightness of the heating system, it is necessary to mount all components very securely. The best way to do this is to use a press fitting - they will be able to keep the integrity of the pipe well.

We can consider the decision to create a reliable and high-quality heating system in the house that works with a liquid heat carrier accepted. The very first thing will be, when creating any kind of heating systems, is the creation of a detailed plan,. In this scheme, it is required to indicate: the level and location of the boiler, the length of the pipeline, the location of radiators and other parts of the system to the Mayevsky taps.

Heating system plan

Then you need to decide which boiler with what power is exactly required. Since a weak boiler will not create the desired level and speed of heating. It will also be unprofitable to use a more powerful one - since it will function at half power.

Is simple: 1 kW corresponds to 1 square meter. This simple match gives a specific parameter. The result obtained must be multiplied by 1.5 - this will be a suitable boiler power parameter.

Often, when designing a heating system, boilers made can be used. These boilers are more affordable, but it is not possible to calculate their exact power.

Provided that the client nevertheless decided to supplement his heating with the help of such a boiler, then you just need to make calculations of the maximum volume of heat carrier that can fit in this boiler. For such calculations, you need the volume of the room (or the total volume of the rooms) that will be heated, divided by 1000, and as a result, 300 comes out. This shows the amount of heat carrier that the boiler made by yourself will accommodate.

Also, one should not forget that the size of the boiler is completely related to its power. Accordingly: for more power, a larger boiler is required. Of course, before working on creating a heating system plan, you need to choose a suitable place where the mounted boiler will not create any interference.

You also need to consider height. The boiler must be at the very bottom of the entire system. The best choice would be to install the boiler in the basement. In the absence of a basement, you should take care of a niche in the floor. It is recommended that the boiler be installed in a separate room where access would be limited for security reasons.

It is also important not to forget that individual models of boilers (electric boilers, gas boilers) need special conditions for placement. If the customer does not have information about this - before the installation of the system, it is necessary to seek advice from professionals.

When installing the main, you need to take such pipes, which will have a diameter twice that of those pipes through which the heat carrier will be supplied directly to the radiator. This norm is needed both for the pipes through which the supply goes, and for the return. When working on the installation of the line, the pipes are fixed with the help of special rings. With this, it will be possible to avoid sagging.

Even if the entire system is made using metal-plastic pipes, the vertical riser that goes from the heating boiler to the expansion tank must be made of steel pipe. In the absence of a tank, the initial couple of meters of the pipe are made of steel. If a membrane expansion tank is connected, it is possible to use pipes with a smaller diameter.

It is highly undesirable to use metal-plastic pipes in the room where the heating boiler is installed.

This is due to the fact that the hot air that rises from the boiler can damage part of the plastic pipe. The best solution would be to place a metal-plastic pipe only in a room with heating.

If there are conditions, two heating circuits can be laid. Each of them will include supply and return pipes. Such heating solutions will be more expensive. But if there is a need for repair work, one of the circuits may be blocked.

An example of piping a heating boiler

On all radiators, also on the mains through which the heat carrier and return are supplied, it is imperative to install taps through which air is bled.

A large excess of air in the system can lead to serious damage. The installation of radiators is carried out with the implementation of an important feature - the side from which the return pipe exits must be located slightly lower. This is required for systems where the heat carrier circulates naturally.

When using a do-it-yourself boiler for heating, one should not forget that the branch pipe of the direct line must be located as high as possible. This will make it possible to avoid dangerous water hammers. The boiler for heating is mounted with a slope of 5 mm. This slope is made towards the return lines.

The principle of operation of the heating system

After the complete installation of the system, it is filled with a heat carrier. When performing such work, all valves that bleed air must remain open. After filling the entire system with a heat carrier, it is necessary to fire up the boiler using a small amount of fuel. This will provide an opportunity to check the even level of heating of the system. Under these conditions, there should not be very hot or cold areas. In such a situation, it is required to open the valve on the radiator and drain the water until it starts to go hot.

During the kindling process, extraneous sounds cannot be present in the boiler. A small leakage of the heat carrier at the threaded joints is acceptable.

At the end of the initial start-ups, the threaded joints will no longer let water through. Then it will be possible to kindle the boiler already at maximum power.

Boiler power is an extremely important value. She has to get right in. If the power exceeds the norm, the boiler may boil. This can bring tragic results not only for heating, but for the entire building. If the boiler power is too low, this will be displayed on the return temperature readings. It will not exceed 40 degrees.

Correctly installed parts of the heating system should not produce any unnecessary noise. Among other things, the temperature difference between the supplied heat carrier and the return is not higher than 40 degrees. A video with information on mounting the system is available below for viewing.

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