Norms of heating in the apartment sanpin. Permissible temperature standards in apartments. Permissible standards for temperature, relative humidity and air velocity in the premises of residential buildings

Compliance with heating standards in winter is very important, because otherwise the tenants can become very cold.

The standards are set by GOST standards and are taken into account by management companies.

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There are building rules and regulations - SNiPs, according to which the features of the temperature regime in apartments during the winter period are established.

They are used primarily to protect the rights and interests of citizens.

Norms in winter indoors according to GOST

The temperature in the apartment must comply with the standards given in the table. This is especially important when creating a room for a newborn baby in the house.

Ordinary living rooms are heated at an average level, according to GOST, but in the corner temperature should always be 2 to 4 degrees higher due to the peculiarities of its location and cold air blowing.

Room type t air in degrees
t air in degrees
Relative humidity in %
Relative humidity in %
Living room 20 – 22 18 – 24 30 – 45 60
Residential premises in areas where the air temperature reaches -31 degrees and below 21 – 23 20 – 24 30 – 45 60
Toilet 19 – 21 18 – 26 Not installed Not mouth.
Kitchen 19 – 21 18 – 26 Not mouth. Also
Bathroom, combined sanitary unit 24 – 26 18 – 26 Not mouth. Not mouth.
Corridor between apartments 18 – 20 16 – 22 30 – 45 60
Staircase 16 – 18 14 – 20 Not mouth. Not mouth.
Storage rooms 16 – 18 12 – 22 Not mouth. Not mouth.

In spring and summer, heating is turned off after the temperature in the region reaches +8 degrees and lasts for several days.

How to take measurements correctly

After a citizen notices that the heating in the room is insufficient, he begins to demand that the public utilities reduce utility bills.

Before doing this, it is necessary to conduct an independent check for possible hypothermia of the apartment for other reasons.

After the employees of the Criminal Code arrive at the house, they will start checking the battery, the premises, measure how many degrees of heat are stored in the room, but if they notice a draft, they can not hope for a recalculation.

In order to exclude such a situation, before calling the masters at home, you need to do the following:

Check how tightly the windows and doors in the room are closed Representatives of the management company will without fail check possible sources of leakage of incoming heat
It is acceptable to use a regular room thermometer It should be properly positioned - the device should be hung at a distance of at least 1 meter from an external wall, and at a height of at least 1.5 meters
If a citizen suspects That the heating in the apartment is not sufficient, measurements should be taken every hour, during the day. If, as a result of the check, it is found that the temperature in the room does not meet the GOST standard, there are deviations of more than 3 degrees during the day and 5 at night, an act of measurements is drawn up. It will be the basis for the recalculation of utility bills
Measurements are not taken at the time When the weather is clear and the temperature is above 5 degrees. This is due to the fact that the temperature in the room increases when heated by the sun's rays. Therefore, you should call the master on a cold day

After the measurements are made, you can submit an application to the house management, after which a master will be sent with a high-precision measuring device.

The text of the application must contain the following items:

Name of the management company And the name of the director of the organization
The word "Application" in capital letters
The following is a request "Measure the air temperature in the living quarters of apartment No. ...". It is necessary to indicate the air temperature in the room, which is kept at the same level for about one to two weeks.
Below are the regulations governing the process of supplying heating to residential buildings Rules for the provision of commercial services to apartment owners - Government Decree No. 354 and Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the living conditions of citizens in residential premises - Appendix 2
Describe the situation at the time of the call “This morning (afternoon) the temperature in the room was 15 degrees with acceptable readings - 18 C. Please take measurements in accordance with the requirements established by GOST in paragraph 4 - “Control methods”. I would like to be present at the inspection of the apartment by the commission. I demand that an inspection report be drawn up in two copies, one of which will remain with me.
In the last line Put the date and signature with decryption

The commission takes measurements of temperature, microclimate in the room, checks the heating system and draws up an appropriate act.

Then, depending on the detected problems, a decision is made on further actions.

If the house management did not agree with the applicant on the date of the master’s visit to the premises and did not send workers, then you should contact other, higher authorities.

Video: excess heat

Where to contact in case of deviations from the permissible level

If violations of the temperature regime in the room are detected, citizens should contact the following authorities:

  1. House management - in the absence of a result, the application is transferred further.
  2. City housing inspection.
  3. City or village administration.

Appeal is carried out in order of priority. You need to submit documents to the organization at the place of residence, this will speed up the process.

The sequence of actions of the owner of the apartment in case of poor heating:

You should start the proceedings with your management company or housing office To do this, you do not always need to stand in lines, a complaint can be filed through a hotline operating in the city, or through the official website. It is allowed to write an application in the complaint book. A personal visit will still speed up the process. Provided that the masters are free, they can be sent the same day to take measurements.
Complaint about poor heating It is necessary to apply directly to the head of the organization - in the housing office, or any other company. The application is written in his name. If the application remains unanswered for several days - 30, then you can go further and draw up an application for Rospotrebnadzor
After verification has been carried out And the fact of insufficient heat supply to the apartment was established, an application for recalculation is being drawn up

There is a single hotline in Russia, to which citizens from any city can complain about the lack of heating in the apartment - 8 - 800 - 700 - 88 - 00 or +7 - 800 - 700 - 88 - 00.

The operator will ask questions about the city of residence, home address and type of problem, whether self-measurements were made and what is the temperature in the room at the time of the call.

Factors affecting the indoor climate

The microclimate of the premises in a residential building is formed under the influence of several factors. Among them are the following:

  1. Season. In winter, artificial heating is used - from pipes. In summer, the walls of houses warm up under the influence of sunlight.
  2. Climatic conditions, which may differ depending on the region of residence of a citizen.
  3. Technical characteristics and features of the house.
  4. The number of people living in the apartment.

Each factor must be considered separately:

Seasons With the alternation of seasons, the internal climate in apartments can vary significantly. In winter, temperatures invariably drop and various heat sources must be used. In summer, heating of the premises is not carried out. The heating season ends in spring, which immediately leads to temperature fluctuations in the room. In many countries, and in all cities of Russia, the most optimal temperature is 18 - 22 degrees during the heating season. If it is lower, you should file a complaint
Climatic conditions Depending on the region of the country, residents may change preferences for the temperature regime. Of great importance is the level of humidity on the street, indicators of atmospheric pressure and the average amount of precipitation. The standards set by GOST are general, and the exact indicators are set individually for each locality
Technical features of the apartment The temperature indicators in the room can be significantly affected by the dimensions - high ceilings, the presence of bulky furniture, insulation in the walls, and in particular - the type of location of the apartment - central or corner. Even the number of floors has some effect. All these parameters are taken into account by specialists during measurements.
The number of people living in the premises and other features Women always need a higher temperature than men. Children are often prone to hypothermia and heating, because the heat exchange in their body is still poorly developed. GOST standards practically do not provide for the human factor, so it is important to choose the right rooms - do not put the child in the corner, where it is cooler than in other rooms

Before you call a specialist to take measurements and write a complaint to the regulatory authorities, you should independently assess the microclimate in the premises, taking into account all the above factors, since they can have a significant impact on the result.

With the advent of cold weather, people complain that the rooms where they live and work are not warm enough. But public utilities always claim that everything is supplied as it should be on their part - the indicators of the coolant when leaving the boiler rooms comply with sanitary requirements. To figure out who is right in such a situation, you need to know what temperature norm in an apartment during the heating season is set by technical standards by law.

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    Set indicators

    Any person has his own concept of home comfort in the cold season: one feels great in shorts and a T-shirt at 17 ° C, the other will be chilly in a warm jumper and socks at 26 ° C. That is, it all depends on individual perception. Factors affecting the feeling of temperature in the apartment:

    Therefore, when developing the norms for the temperature regime in apartments (SANPIN), not only the wishes of people, but also the opinions of doctors were taken into account.

    Temperature standards in the apartment. Morning with the province. Gubernia TV

    Medical justification

    The opinion of doctors regarding what temperature should be in the apartment in winter is quite unanimous: 22 ° C. It is this indicator that provides optimal comfort for human health. A higher value will make the air dry, and this will make breathing more difficult: a “stuffy” feeling will appear in the nose. The only exception is the bathroom: it can be noticeably warmer than in other areas of the apartment, but this will be compensated by high humidity.

    However, if there is a newborn child in the house, then a temperature of 23 ° C will be more comfortable for him. And in the room where he is bathed, it can even reach a value of 28 ° C. With regard to bedrooms, the situation is different: adults are much more pleasant to sleep in rooms where it is cool. Therefore, for these rooms, 18-20 degrees is quite enough. It is this indicator that will guarantee a deeper and more sound sleep, which means that a person will wake up well rested.

    Standard values

    These indicators are based on GOST 51617-2000, according to which the temperature in apartments should correspond to the range of 18-26 ° C, depending on the season: in winter it is 18-22 ° C, in summer - no higher than 26 degrees. Within this area were established optimal and permissible deviation values ​​for each type of dwelling:

    Deviations towards a decrease in the value during the heating season are allowed only at night (from midnight to 5 am). The maximum decrease cannot be more than 2-3 °C. The basis is the order of SANPIN on the norm of temperature in the apartment.

    Norms of heating and hot water

    Taking measurements

    In order to monitor compliance with temperature standards in the apartment, you need to periodically take measurements. And to get true results you need to follow a few simple rules:

    It is necessary to take measurements not in one room, but at least in two (for example, in the hall and the bedroom, or the kitchen and the room). This will make the results more informative.

    From the temperature to which the coolant entering the heating radiators is heated, it will also depend on how warm it will be at home during the cold season. You can measure the level of water heating in batteries using conventional thermometers. How it's done:

    Another option for determining is with the help of a common house heating meter. On this meter, you can see at what temperature the coolant enters the pipes, and how much the value of this indicator decreases when it leaves the system. These values ​​must comply with the following:

    • If the outdoor air temperature is not lower than +6 °C, then the coolant should enter with a temperature of about 60 °C, and leave with a temperature of 40 °C.
    • The outside atmospheric temperature is about zero degrees - the required temperature at the inlet to the system is 66 ° C, at the outlet - 49 ° C.
    • If it is -5°C or lower outside, then the water for space heating must enter at a temperature of at least 77°C, and leave at 55°C.

    In the event that the result obtained deviates from the standard temperature in residential premises specified by law, the tenant may require recalculation for the service. To do this, there must be the following fluctuation threshold: 4 °C during the day and 5 °C at night.

    Comfortable air temperature for the child.

    Research result

    If, during independent measurements, it turns out that the temperature indicators are below the established standards, then this must be reported to the heat supply service. From there, a specialist will be sent to conduct a control measurement and draw up an appropriate act. What should be in the document:

    • The date of the paper.
    • Information about the technical characteristics of the apartment.
    • Full name of the employees of the utility service included in the inspection commission.
    • Meter readings.
    • Signatures of those present.

    The document must be drawn up in two copies, one of which will remain with the owner of the housing, and the other will be sent to the public utility.

    Liability for non-compliance

    According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354, heating must be supplied to houses without interruptions and be of the required quality. Otherwise, residents may require a recalculation for this service: 0.15% of the established rate for each hour when the standards were not met.

    However, the same document also indicates the permissible norms for the absence of heat. They directly relate to force majeure situations (accidents on the heating main, repairs) and cannot exceed the set time:

    • Maximum 24 hours per calendar month.
    • No longer than 16 hours, provided that the room temperature does not drop below 12°C.
    • Up to 8 hours - in the event that the temperature in the living room has dropped to 12-10 ° C.
    • If the dwelling has cooled down to 8-10 ° C, then the heat supply must be resumed no later than after 4 hours.

    In order to find out what exactly caused the lack of heat in the apartment, just call the emergency dispatch service: if the culprit is a force majeure situation, then an employee of the organization will certainly tell about it, as well as about how much time it will take to eliminate the problem. problems. It must contain the following information:

    This request can also be sent by mail - by registered mail with notification. Then the HOA employees will not have any opportunity to “brush off” the complaint: all letters received by the organization are necessarily recorded as incoming correspondence and are subject to mandatory consideration.

    Terms of proceedings

    The application is accepted for consideration only within 30 days after the fact of poor-quality provision of the service was established. The resolution on recalculation is issued for a period of six months. And it will begin to be calculated from the next calendar month.

    But there is a caveat: you can reduce the amount of payment only if the overall temperature in the room is significantly below the established norm. And how hot or cold the batteries are in each of the rooms is not taken into account.

    Another feature is the fact that any repairs carried out on the heating system in the apartment on their own may become the basis for refusing claims to reduce the amount of heat payment. But, on the other hand, no one can force a person to pay for a non-existent or low-quality service - you also need to remember this and not be afraid to defend your case.


Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations
"Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises"

With changes and additions from:

I. General provisions and scope

1.2. These sanitary rules establish mandatory sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises, which must be observed when placing, designing, reconstructing, constructing and operating residential buildings and premises intended for permanent residence.

1.3. The requirements of these sanitary rules do not apply to living conditions in the buildings and premises of hotels, hostels, specialized homes for the disabled, orphanages, shift camps.

1.4. Sanitary rules are intended for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities whose activities are related to the design, construction, reconstruction and operation of residential buildings and premises, as well as for bodies authorized to exercise state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

1.5. Control over compliance with the requirements of these sanitary rules is carried out by bodies authorized to exercise state sanitary and epidemiological supervision in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

II. Hygienic requirements for the site and territory of residential buildings during their placement

Information about changes:

2.1. Residential buildings should be located in accordance with the general plan of the territory, functional zoning of the territory of the city, village and other settlements.

2.2. The land allocated for the placement of residential buildings must:

Be outside the territory of industrial and communal, sanitary protection zones of enterprises, structures and other objects, the first belt of the zone of sanitary protection of water supply sources and drinking water pipelines;

Comply with the requirements for the content of chemical and biological substances potentially hazardous to humans, biological and microbiological organisms in the soil, the quality of atmospheric air, the level of ionizing radiation, physical factors (noise, infrasound, vibration, electromagnetic fields) in accordance with the sanitary legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.3. The land plot allotted for the construction of a residential building should provide for the possibility of organizing a house adjoining territory with a clear functional zoning and placement of recreation areas, playgrounds, sports, utility sites, guest parking lots, green spaces.

2.4. When landscaping the adjacent territory of residential buildings, it must be taken into account that the distance from the walls of residential buildings to the axis of tree trunks with a crown with a diameter of up to 5 m should be at least 5 m. For larger trees, the distance should be more than 5 m, for shrubs - 1.5 m The height of shrubs should not exceed the lower edge of the window opening of the premises on the ground floor.

2.5. There should be no transit traffic along the intra-yard driveways of the local area. It is necessary to provide an entrance for special vehicles to the sites of garbage collectors.

2.6. The distances between residential, residential and public, as well as industrial buildings should be taken in accordance with the hygienic requirements for insolation and sun protection of the premises of residential and public buildings and territories.

Information about changes:

2.7. When placing residential buildings, it is planned to provide them with water supply, sewerage, heat supply, and electricity supply.

2.8. On the land plots, entrances and passages to each building should be provided. Places for placing parking lots or garages for cars must comply with hygienic requirements for sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects.

In the adjoining territories it is forbidden to wash cars, drain fuel and oils, adjust sound signals, brakes and engines.

2.9. Areas in front of the entrances of houses, driveways and footpaths must have hard surfaces. When installing hard coatings, the possibility of free flow of melt and storm water should be provided.

Information about changes:

2.10. It is forbidden to place any trade and public catering establishments on the territory of the courtyards of residential buildings, including tents, kiosks, stalls, mini-markets, pavilions, summer cafes, production facilities, enterprises for minor repairs of cars, household appliances, shoes, as well as parking lots except for guest ones.

2.11. Cleaning of the territory should be carried out daily, including in the warm season - watering the territory, in winter - anti-icing measures (removal, sprinkling with sand, anti-icing reagents, etc.).

2.12. The territory of the courtyards of residential buildings should be illuminated in the evening. Lighting standards are given in Appendix 1

III. Hygienic requirements for residential premises and public premises located in residential buildings

3.1. Placement of residential premises of apartments in the basement and basement floors is not allowed.

3.2. It is allowed to place public premises, engineering equipment and communications in residential buildings, subject to hygienic standards for noise, infrasound, vibration, and electromagnetic fields.

In the basement and basement floors of such residential buildings, it is allowed to build built-in and built-in-attached parking lots for cars and motorcycles, provided that the ceiling ceilings are sealed and equipped with a device for removing vehicle exhaust gases.

3.3. Public premises built into residential buildings must have entrances isolated from the residential part of the building.

3.4. Placement in residential premises of industrial production is not allowed.

3.5. When placing parking garages under residential buildings, it is necessary to separate them from the residential part of the building by a non-residential floor. Placement above the garages of premises for working with children, premises for medical and preventive purposes is not allowed.

3.6. In residential buildings of any number of storeys, on the ground, basement or basement floors, a pantry for storing cleaning equipment, equipped with a sink, should be provided. It is allowed to arrange pantries with an area of ​​​​at least 3 for residents of the house: household, for storing vegetables, as well as for solid fuel. At the same time, the exit from the floor where the pantries are located must be isolated from the residential part. The laying of sewer networks in utility storerooms is prohibited.

3.7. Public premises built into residential buildings must have entrances isolated from the residential part of the building, while parking areas for staff vehicles must be located outside the local area.

Loading materials, products for public premises from the courtyard of a residential building, where windows and entrances to apartments are located, is not allowed. Loading should be carried out: from the ends of residential buildings that do not have windows; from underground tunnels or closed landing stages; from the highways.

It is allowed not to arrange loading rooms if the area of ​​built-in public premises is up to 150 square meters.

Information about changes:

3.8. In residential buildings, the location of bathrooms and toilets directly above the living rooms and kitchens is not allowed, with the exception of two-level apartments, in which the placement of a toilet and a bathroom (or shower room) directly above the kitchen is allowed.

3.9. It is not allowed to arrange an entrance to a room equipped with a toilet bowl directly from the kitchen and living rooms, with the exception of the entrance from the bedroom to the combined bathroom, provided that the apartment has a second room equipped with a toilet bowl, with an entrance to it from the corridor or hall.

3.10. Residential buildings with a height of more than five floors must be equipped with elevators (freight and passenger). When equipping the house with elevators, the dimensions of one of the cabins should provide the possibility of transporting a person on a stretcher or wheelchair.

3.11. Above the living rooms, under them, and also adjacent to them, it is not allowed to place the engine room and elevator shafts, the garbage collection chamber, the trunk of the garbage chute and the device for cleaning and washing it, the electrical panel room.

IV. Hygienic requirements for heating, ventilation, microclimate and indoor air

Information about changes:

4.1. Heating and ventilation systems must provide acceptable microclimate and indoor air conditions. The optimal and permissible parameters of the microclimate in the premises of residential buildings are given in Appendix 2 to these sanitary rules.

4.2. Heating systems must ensure uniform heating of indoor air throughout the entire heating period, do not create odors, do not pollute indoor air with harmful substances emitted during operation, do not create additional noise, and must be accessible for routine repairs and maintenance.

4.4. Heaters should be easily accessible for cleaning. In case of water heating, the surface temperature of the heating devices must not exceed 90°C. For devices with a heating surface temperature of more than 75 ° C, it is necessary to provide protective barriers.

4.5. The premises of the first floors of residential buildings located in the I climatic region must have heating systems for uniform heating of the floor surface.

4.6. The device of autonomous boiler houses for heat supply of residential buildings is allowed subject to hygienic requirements for the quality of atmospheric air in populated areas, hygienic standards for noise and vibration.

4.7. Natural ventilation of residential premises should be carried out by air flow through the windows, transoms, or through special openings in the window sashes and ventilation ducts. Exhaust duct openings should be provided in kitchens, bathrooms, toilets and drying cabinets.

The device of the ventilation system must exclude the flow of air from one apartment to another.

It is not allowed to combine the ventilation ducts of kitchens and sanitary facilities with living rooms.

4.8. Ventilation of objects located in residential buildings should be autonomous. It is allowed to connect exhaust ventilation of public premises that do not have harmful emissions to the general exhaust system of a residential building.

4.9. Exhaust ventilation shafts should protrude above the ridge of the roof or flat roof to a height of at least 1 m.

4.10. The concentration of chemicals in the air of residential premises during the commissioning of buildings should not exceed the average daily maximum allowable concentrations (hereinafter referred to as MPC) of pollutants established for the atmospheric air of populated areas, and in the absence of average daily MPC, not exceed the maximum one-time MPC or estimated safe exposure levels ( hereinafter - SHOES).

Information about changes:

V. Hygienic requirements for natural and artificial lighting and insolation

5.1. Living rooms and kitchens of residential buildings should have natural lighting through light apertures in the outer building envelope.

5.2. The coefficient of natural illumination (hereinafter referred to as KEO) in living rooms and kitchens must be at least 0.5%.

5.3. With one-sided side lighting in residential buildings, the standard value of KEO should be provided at the design point located at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the floor plane at a distance of 1 m from the wall farthest from the light openings: in one room - for one-, two- and three-room apartments, and two rooms for four- and five-room apartments. In the remaining rooms of multi-room apartments and in the kitchen, the standard value of KEO with side lighting should be provided at the design point located in the center of the room on the floor plane.

5.4. All premises of residential buildings must be provided with general and local artificial lighting.

5.5. Illumination on landings, stairs, elevator lobbies, floor corridors, lobbies, basements and attics should be at least 20 lux on the floor.

5.6. Above each main entrance to a residential building, luminaires must be installed that provide illumination at the entrance site of at least 6 lux for a horizontal surface and at least 10 lux for a vertical surface at a height of 2.0 m from the floor. Lighting of the pedestrian path at the entrance to the building should also be provided.

5.7. Residential premises and adjacent territory should be provided with insolation in accordance with the hygienic requirements for insolation and sun protection of premises of residential and public buildings.

5.8. The normalized duration of continuous insolation for the premises of residential buildings is set for certain calendar periods differentially depending on the type of apartments, the functional purpose of the premises, the planning zones of the city and the geographic latitude of the area:

For the central zone (58°N - 48°N) - at least 2.0 hours per day from March 22 to September 22;

5.9. The normative duration of insolation must be ensured in at least one room of 1-3-room apartments and at least two rooms of 4-room apartments or more.

5.10. Discontinuity in the duration of insolation is allowed, in which one of the periods must be at least 1 hour. In this case, the total duration of normalized insolation should increase by 0.5 hours, respectively, for each zone.

5.11. For residential buildings located in the northern and central zones, it is allowed to reduce the duration of insolation by 0.5 hours in the following cases:

In two-room and three-room apartments, where at least two rooms are insolated;

In four and multi-room apartments, where at least three rooms are insolated;

During the reconstruction of residential buildings located in the central and historical zones of cities, determined by their general development plans.

5.12. At children's playgrounds and sports grounds located in the local area, the duration of insolation should be at least 3 hours for 50% of the sites of the site, regardless of geographic latitude.

Information about changes:

VI. Hygienic requirements for the levels of noise, vibration, ultrasound and infrasound, electromagnetic fields and radiation, ionizing radiation

6.1. The maximum permissible sound pressure levels, equivalent and maximum sound levels in the premises of residential buildings and on the territory of residential development are given in Appendix 3 to these sanitary rules.

6.1.1. Noise levels from external sources in residential premises are evaluated taking into account their measurement with open windows, transoms, narrow window sashes.

6.1.2. Equivalent and maximum sound levels in dBA for noise generated on the territory by means of road and rail transport within 2 m from the enclosing structures of the first echelon of noise-protective types of residential buildings facing the main streets of citywide and regional significance, railways, it is allowed to take 10 dBA higher (correction = +10 dBA) specified in the second line of Appendix 3 to these sanitary rules.

6.1.3. Sound pressure levels in octave frequency bands in dB, sound levels and equivalent sound levels in dBA for noise generated in rooms and areas adjacent to buildings, air conditioning, air heating and ventilation systems and other engineering and technological equipment of the building itself should be take 5 dBA lower (correction = minus (-) 5 dBA) specified in Appendix 3 to these sanitary rules (the correction for tonal and impulse noise should not be accepted in this case).

6.1.4. For tonal and impulse noise, a correction of minus (-) 5 dBA should be taken.

6.2. The maximum permissible levels of vibration in residential premises are given in Appendix 4 to these sanitary rules.

6.2.1. In the daytime in residential premises it is permissible to exceed the normative levels by 5 dB.

6.2.2 For non-permanent vibration, to the allowable values ​​of the levels given in Annex 4 to these sanitary rules, a correction minus (-) 10 dB is introduced, and the absolute values ​​are multiplied by 0.32.

6.3. The maximum permissible levels of infrasound in residential areas and in residential buildings are given in Appendix 5 to these sanitary rules.

6.4. Maximum permissible levels of electromagnetic fields (hereinafter - EMF) when exposed to the population.

6.4.1. The maximum permissible level of weakening of the geomagnetic field in the premises of residential buildings is set equal to 1.5.

6.4.2. The maximum permissible level of electrostatic field strength in residential premises is 15 kV/m.

6.4.3. On the territory of populated areas, the maximum permissible intensity of an alternating electric field with a frequency of 50 Hz at a height of 2 m is 1000 V / m, and in residential premises the maximum permissible intensity of an alternating electric field with a frequency of 50 Hz at a height of 0.5 to 2 m from the floor is 500 W/m.

6.4.4. Permissible levels of EMF in the frequency range 30 kHz - 300 GHz for the population (in the residential area, in places of mass recreation, inside residential premises) are given in Appendix 6 to these sanitary rules.

6.4.5. The requirements of this section do not apply to electromagnetic effects of a random nature, as well as those created by mobile transmitting radio engineering objects.

6.4.6. The permissible intensity of the alternating magnetic field is given in Appendix 7 to these sanitary rules.

6.4.7. The levels of electric field strength with a frequency of 50 Hz, created by the supply and power equipment of transmitting radio engineering facilities (PRTO) inside residential buildings, should not exceed the maximum permissible levels for the population.

6.5. Permissible levels of ionizing radiation.

6.5.1. The effective dose rate of gamma radiation inside buildings should not exceed the dose rate in open areas by more than 0.2 µSv/h.

6.5.2. The average annual equivalent equilibrium volumetric activity of the daughter products of radon and thoron in indoor air should not exceed 100 for buildings under construction and reconstruction and 200 for buildings in operation.

VII. Requirements for interior decoration of residential premises

7.1. The release of harmful chemicals from building and finishing materials, as well as from materials used for the manufacture of built-in furniture, should not create concentrations in residential premises that exceed the standard levels established for atmospheric air in populated areas.

Information about changes:

7.2. The level of electrostatic potential on the surface of building and finishing materials should not exceed 15 kV / m (at a relative humidity of 30-60%).

7.3. The effective specific activity of natural radionuclides in building materials used in buildings under construction and reconstruction should not exceed 370 Bq/kg.

VIII. Requirements for engineering equipment

8.1. Requirements for water supply and sewerage

8.1.1. In residential buildings, it is necessary to provide domestic and drinking and hot water supply, as well as sewerage and drains.

In areas without centralized engineering networks, it is allowed to provide for the construction of 1- and 2-storey residential buildings with non-sewered latrines.

In I, II, III climatic regions, with the exception of subdistrict IIIB, in 1- and 2-story buildings, warm non-sewered latrines (backlash closets, and so on) are allowed within the heated part of the building.

8.1.2. The connection of drinking water supply networks with water supply networks supplying water of non-potable quality is not allowed. The quality of tap water must meet the hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems.

8.1.3. It is not allowed to connect the exhaust part of the sewer risers with ventilation systems and chimneys. On domestic sewerage networks, the installation of manholes inside the building is not allowed.

8.2. Requirements for the disposal of household waste and garbage

8.2.1. If there is a garbage chute in a residential building, garbage chute hatches should be located on landings. The covers of the loading valves of the garbage chutes on the stairwells must have a tight porch, equipped with rubber gaskets. It is not allowed to place garbage chutes in the walls enclosing living rooms.

8.2.2. The garbage chute must be kept in good condition, be equipped with devices that enable it to be cleaned, disinfected and disinfested.

8.2.3. The garbage collection chamber must be equipped with water supply, sewerage and the simplest devices for the mechanization of garbage removal, as well as an independent exhaust channel that provides ventilation of the chamber, and be kept in good condition. The entrance to the waste collection chamber must be isolated from the entrance to the building and other premises. The front door must have a sealed porch.

It is not allowed to place the garbage chamber directly under the living rooms or adjacent to them.

8.2.4. Containers and other containers intended for collecting household waste and garbage must be removed or emptied daily.

8.2.5. For the installation of containers, a special site with a concrete or asphalt pavement should be equipped, limited by a curb and green spaces (bushes) along the perimeter and having an access road for vehicles.

The size of the sites should be designed for the installation of the required number of containers, but not more than 5. The distance from containers to residential buildings, children's playgrounds, places of recreation and sports should be at least 20 m, but not more than 100 m.

IX. Requirements for the maintenance of residential premises

9.1. When operating residential buildings and premises, it is not allowed:

Use of residential premises for purposes not provided for by project documentation;

Storage and use in residential premises and in public premises located in a residential building of hazardous chemicals that pollute the air;

Performance of works that are sources of increased levels of noise, vibration, air pollution, or that violate the living conditions of citizens in neighboring residential premises;

Cluttering, pollution and flooding of residential premises, basements and technical undergrounds, flights of stairs and cages, attics.

9.2. When operating residential premises, it is required:

Take timely measures to eliminate malfunctions of engineering and other equipment located in a residential area (water supply, sewerage, ventilation, heating, waste disposal, elevator facilities, and others) that violate the sanitary and hygienic conditions of residence;

Carry out measures aimed at preventing the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases associated with the sanitary condition of a residential building, to destroy insects and rodents (disinfestation and deratization).

Norm for an apartment

  • for a living room it is +18;
  • for the kitchen +18;
  • bathroom - +25.
  • at the entrance +16;
  • for the elevator - this is +5 degrees;
  • in the basement and in the attic +4.


Unfortunately, therefore, you have to navigate by the air temperature in the room.

The temperature in the living room

What heating temperature should be in the apartment? The norms for heating an apartment in an apartment building should vary from +16 to +25 degrees.

Maximum rate

For this:

Usually, as heating tariffs go up, people are just as dissatisfied with its quality.

Perhaps this is just a negative reaction to new payments, or maybe the heating standards in the apartment in 2017 are really far from perfect.

In this case, consumers should know their rights and demand recalculation of payment for heat.

When autumn comes and it gets colder outside, apartment building residents check their radiators daily in the hope that they have become hot. If this does not happen, then they begin to look for the guilty, although the norms for the supply of heating in an apartment building are prescribed in Decree No. 354 of 2011.

So it states that the supply of heat to the apartments begins, provided that the air in the street has cooled to +8 degrees and stayed at this mark or lower for at least 5 days in a row.

Measurement of temperature in the living room

In the event that the temperature rises, then drops to a critical one, the radiators will remain cold.

Heating is turned on only on the sixth day, and in most regions of the country this happens from October 15 and the season lasts until April 15.

Norm for an apartment

What temperature should be in the heating batteries of an apartment building? It is useful to know that each room has its own heating standard in an apartment building (2017).

Heating norms in apartment buildings 2017:

  • for a living room it is +18;
  • heating rates in corner apartments due to the presence of external cold walls are higher - +20 degrees;
  • for the kitchen +18;
  • bathroom - +25.

This applies to apartments, while for common premises the indicators are as follows:

  • at the entrance +16;
  • for the elevator - this is +5 degrees;
  • in the basement and in the attic +4.

All measurements in the apartment should be carried out along the inner wall of the room at least 1 m from the nearest outer wall and 1.5 m from the floor. If the obtained parameters do not meet the standards, then they should be presented to the heating network management. In this case, the payment may decrease by 0.15% for each hour of deviation.

The temperature of the heating batteries in the apartment: normal


It happens that even when the heating is turned on, the apartment still does not have enough heat. This happens if the standard temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment does not correspond to the real one. As a rule, this happens for several reasons, the most popular of which is the airiness of the system. To eliminate it, you can call the master or handle it yourself using the Mayevsky crane.

If the culprit was the unsuitability of batteries or pipes, then here you can’t do without specialists. In any case, the period that the heating system was inoperative, and the temperature of the heating batteries in the apartment did not meet the standards according to GOST, should not be paid by the consumer.

Unfortunately, there is no minimum temperature for heating radiators in an apartment

In order to fix that the temperature of the heating pipes in the apartment does not correspond to the norm, you need to invite a representative of the organization that provides heat to the house.

Maximum rate

Heating parameters in an apartment building are described in some detail in SNiP 41-01 of 2003:

  1. If the building uses a two-pipe heating structure, then the maximum allowable temperature of the radiators is +95 degrees.
  2. For a one-pipe system, the temperature of the heating pipes in the apartment is +115.
  3. The optimal temperature of the heating batteries in the apartment (the norm in winter) is + 80-90 degrees. In the event that it approaches +100 ° C, urgent measures are needed to prevent the coolant from boiling in the system.

Although radiator manufacturers indicate on their products the maximum temperature threshold is quite high, you should not reach it too often, as this is fraught with failure.

To make sure that the heating standards in the apartment in winter correspond to the state standards, you need to measure the temperature of the batteries.

For this:

  1. You can use an ordinary medical thermometer, but it should be noted that a couple of degrees will need to be added to its result.
  2. Use an infrared thermometer.
  3. If only an alcohol thermometer is at hand, then it must be tightly wound to the radiator, after wrapping it in a heat-insulating material.

If the temperature does not match the norm, then it is necessary to write a request to the heating network office for a control measurement. According to this request, a commission is required to come, which makes all the calculations.

What to do if there is no heating?

In the event that GOST for heating in an apartment is far from its norm, it is necessary to determine the cause of cold batteries. To do this, it is better to call the representatives of the appropriate service., as they can simultaneously record the temperature in residential premises.

If the problem is poor-quality maintenance of the heating system at home by heating network workers, then all the burden of troubleshooting will fall on the organization. At the same time, residents of the house must either recalculate for heating if the batteries do not heat enough, or fix the period when they were completely cold and exempt from payment.

Thus, the law on heating of multi-apartment buildings (2017) guarantees residents protection in case of non-compliance of utilities with their duties.

Any application from them should be considered as soon as possible, after which a special commission comes and documents the discrepancies.

Knowing how many degrees the heating should be in the apartment, and at what time the system is turned on, each owner can independently determine whether the indicators correspond to the heating standards in the apartment and take measures if this is not the case.

Usually, as heating tariffs go up, people are just as dissatisfied with its quality.

Perhaps this is just a negative reaction to new payments, or maybe the heating standards in the apartment in 2017 are really far from perfect.

In this case, consumers should know their rights and demand recalculation of payment for heat.

Parameters by which heating is turned on

When autumn comes and it gets colder outside, apartment building residents check their radiators daily in the hope that they have become hot. If this does not happen, then they begin to look for the guilty, although the norms for the supply of heating in an apartment building are prescribed in Decree No. 354 of 2011.

So it states that the supply of heat to the apartments begins, provided that the air in the street has cooled to +8 degrees and stayed at this mark or lower for at least 5 days in a row. In the event that the temperature rises, then drops to a critical one, the radiators will remain cold.

Heating is turned on only on the sixth day, and in most regions of the country this happens from October 15 and the season lasts until April 15.

Norm for an apartment

What temperature should be in the heating batteries of an apartment building? It is useful to know that each room has its own heating standard in an apartment building (2017).

Heating norms in apartment buildings 2017:

  • for a living room it is +18;
  • heating rates in corner apartments due to the presence of external cold walls are higher - +20 degrees;
  • for the kitchen +18;
  • bathroom - +25.

This applies to apartments, while for common premises the indicators are as follows:

  • at the entrance +16;
  • for the elevator - this is +5 degrees;
  • in the basement and in the attic +4.

All measurements in the apartment should be carried out along the inner wall of the room at least 1 m from the nearest outer wall and 1.5 m from the floor. If the obtained parameters do not meet the standards, then they should be presented to the heating network management. In this case, the payment may decrease by 0.15% for each hour of deviation.

The temperature of the heating batteries in the apartment: normal


It happens that even when the heating is turned on, the apartment still does not have enough heat. This happens if the standard temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment does not correspond to the real one. As a rule, this happens for several reasons, the most popular of which is the airiness of the system. To eliminate it, you can call the master or handle it yourself using the Mayevsky crane.

If the culprit was the unsuitability of batteries or pipes, then here you can’t do without specialists.

The temperature regime in the apartment is the norm (SanPiN)

In any case, the period that the heating system was inoperative, and the temperature of the heating batteries in the apartment did not meet the standards according to GOST, should not be paid by the consumer.

Unfortunately, there is no minimum temperature for heating radiators in an apartment, so you have to navigate by the temperature of the air in the room. What heating temperature should be in the apartment? The norms for heating an apartment in an apartment building should vary from +16 to +25 degrees.

In order to fix that the temperature of the heating pipes in the apartment does not correspond to the norm, you need to invite a representative of the organization that provides heat to the house.

Maximum rate

Heating parameters in an apartment building are described in some detail in SNiP 41-01 of 2003:

  1. If the building uses a two-pipe heating structure, then the maximum allowable temperature of the radiators is +95 degrees.
  2. For a one-pipe system, the temperature of the heating pipes in the apartment is +115.
  3. The optimal temperature of the heating batteries in the apartment (the norm in winter) is + 80-90 degrees. In the event that it approaches +100 ° C, urgent measures are needed to prevent the coolant from boiling in the system.

Although radiator manufacturers indicate on their products the maximum temperature threshold is quite high, you should not reach it too often, as this is fraught with failure.

To make sure that the heating standards in the apartment in winter correspond to the state standards, you need to measure the temperature of the batteries.

For this:

  1. You can use an ordinary medical thermometer, but it should be noted that a couple of degrees will need to be added to its result.
  2. Use an infrared thermometer.
  3. If only an alcohol thermometer is at hand, then it must be tightly wound to the radiator, after wrapping it in a heat-insulating material.

If the temperature does not match the norm, then it is necessary to write a request to the heating network office for a control measurement. According to this request, a commission is required to come, which makes all the calculations.

What to do if there is no heating?

In the event that GOST for heating in an apartment is far from its norm, it is necessary to determine the cause of cold batteries. To do this, it is better to call the representatives of the appropriate service., as they can simultaneously record the temperature in residential premises.

If the problem is poor-quality maintenance of the heating system at home by heating network workers, then all the burden of troubleshooting will fall on the organization. At the same time, residents of the house must either recalculate for heating if the batteries do not heat enough, or fix the period when they were completely cold and exempt from payment.

Thus, the law on heating of multi-apartment buildings (2017) guarantees residents protection in case of non-compliance of utilities with their duties.

Any application from them should be considered as soon as possible, after which a special commission comes and documents the discrepancies.

Knowing how many degrees the heating should be in the apartment, and at what time the system is turned on, each owner can independently determine whether the indicators correspond to the heating standards in the apartment and take measures if this is not the case.

What are the temperature standards in the apartment during the heating season according to SanPin?

Usually, as heating tariffs go up, people are just as dissatisfied with its quality.

Perhaps this is just a negative reaction to new payments, or maybe the heating standards in the apartment in 2017 are really far from perfect.

In this case, consumers should know their rights and demand recalculation of payment for heat.

Parameters by which heating is turned on

When autumn comes and it gets colder outside, apartment building residents check their radiators daily in the hope that they have become hot. If this does not happen, then they begin to look for the guilty, although the norms for the supply of heating in an apartment building are prescribed in Decree No. 354 of 2011.

So it states that the supply of heat to the apartments begins, provided that the air in the street has cooled to +8 degrees and stayed at this mark or lower for at least 5 days in a row. In the event that the temperature rises, then drops to a critical one, the radiators will remain cold.

Heating is turned on only on the sixth day, and in most regions of the country this happens from October 15 and the season lasts until April 15.

Norm for an apartment

What temperature should be in the heating batteries of an apartment building? It is useful to know that each room has its own heating standard in an apartment building (2017).

Heating norms in apartment buildings 2017:

  • for a living room it is +18;
  • heating rates in corner apartments due to the presence of external cold walls are higher - +20 degrees;
  • for the kitchen +18;
  • bathroom - +25.

This applies to apartments, while for common premises the indicators are as follows:

  • at the entrance +16;
  • for the elevator - this is +5 degrees;
  • in the basement and in the attic +4.

All measurements in the apartment should be carried out along the inner wall of the room at least 1 m from the nearest outer wall and 1.5 m from the floor. If the obtained parameters do not meet the standards, then they should be presented to the heating network management. In this case, the payment may decrease by 0.15% for each hour of deviation.

The temperature of the heating batteries in the apartment: normal


It happens that even when the heating is turned on, the apartment still does not have enough heat. This happens if the standard temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment does not correspond to the real one. As a rule, this happens for several reasons, the most popular of which is the airiness of the system. To eliminate it, you can call the master or handle it yourself using the Mayevsky crane.

If the culprit was the unsuitability of batteries or pipes, then here you can’t do without specialists. In any case, the period that the heating system was inoperative, and the temperature of the heating batteries in the apartment did not meet the standards according to GOST, should not be paid by the consumer.

Unfortunately, there is no minimum temperature for heating radiators in an apartment, so you have to navigate by the temperature of the air in the room. What heating temperature should be in the apartment? The norms for heating an apartment in an apartment building should vary from +16 to +25 degrees.

In order to fix that the temperature of the heating pipes in the apartment does not correspond to the norm, you need to invite a representative of the organization that provides heat to the house.

Maximum rate

Heating parameters in an apartment building are described in some detail in SNiP 41-01 of 2003:

  1. If the building uses a two-pipe heating structure, then the maximum allowable temperature of the radiators is +95 degrees.
  2. For a one-pipe system, the temperature of the heating pipes in the apartment is +115.
  3. The optimal temperature of the heating batteries in the apartment (the norm in winter) is + 80-90 degrees. In the event that it approaches +100 ° C, urgent measures are needed to prevent the coolant from boiling in the system.

Although radiator manufacturers indicate on their products the maximum temperature threshold is quite high, you should not reach it too often, as this is fraught with failure.

To make sure that the heating standards in the apartment in winter correspond to the state standards, you need to measure the temperature of the batteries.

For this:

  1. You can use an ordinary medical thermometer, but it should be noted that a couple of degrees will need to be added to its result.
  2. Use an infrared thermometer.
  3. If only an alcohol thermometer is at hand, then it must be tightly wound to the radiator, after wrapping it in a heat-insulating material.

If the temperature does not match the norm, then it is necessary to write a request to the heating network office for a control measurement. According to this request, a commission is required to come, which makes all the calculations.

What to do if there is no heating?

In the event that GOST for heating in an apartment is far from its norm, it is necessary to determine the cause of cold batteries. To do this, it is better to call the representatives of the appropriate service., as they can simultaneously record the temperature in residential premises.

If the problem is poor-quality maintenance of the heating system at home by heating network workers, then all the burden of troubleshooting will fall on the organization. At the same time, residents of the house must either recalculate for heating if the batteries do not heat enough, or fix the period when they were completely cold and exempt from payment.

Thus, the law on heating of multi-apartment buildings (2017) guarantees residents protection in case of non-compliance of utilities with their duties.

Any application from them should be considered as soon as possible, after which a special commission comes and documents the discrepancies.

Knowing how many degrees the heating should be in the apartment, and at what time the system is turned on, each owner can independently determine whether the indicators correspond to the heating standards in the apartment and take measures if this is not the case.

Usually, as heating tariffs go up, people are just as dissatisfied with its quality.

Perhaps this is just a negative reaction to new payments, or maybe the heating standards in the apartment in 2017 are really far from perfect.

In this case, consumers should know their rights and demand recalculation of payment for heat.

Parameters by which heating is turned on

When autumn comes and it gets colder outside, apartment building residents check their radiators daily in the hope that they have become hot. If this does not happen, then they begin to look for the guilty, although the norms for the supply of heating in an apartment building are prescribed in Decree No. 354 of 2011.

So it states that the supply of heat to the apartments begins, provided that the air in the street has cooled to +8 degrees and stayed at this mark or lower for at least 5 days in a row. In the event that the temperature rises, then drops to a critical one, the radiators will remain cold.

Heating is turned on only on the sixth day, and in most regions of the country this happens from October 15 and the season lasts until April 15.

Norm for an apartment

What temperature should be in the heating batteries of an apartment building?

The temperature of the walls in the apartment according to legislative norms

It is useful to know that each room has its own heating standard in an apartment building (2017).

Heating norms in apartment buildings 2017:

  • for a living room it is +18;
  • heating rates in corner apartments due to the presence of external cold walls are higher - +20 degrees;
  • for the kitchen +18;
  • bathroom - +25.

This applies to apartments, while for common premises the indicators are as follows:

  • at the entrance +16;
  • for the elevator - this is +5 degrees;
  • in the basement and in the attic +4.

All measurements in the apartment should be carried out along the inner wall of the room at least 1 m from the nearest outer wall and 1.5 m from the floor. If the obtained parameters do not meet the standards, then they should be presented to the heating network management. In this case, the payment may decrease by 0.15% for each hour of deviation.

The temperature of the heating batteries in the apartment: normal


It happens that even when the heating is turned on, the apartment still does not have enough heat. This happens if the standard temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment does not correspond to the real one. As a rule, this happens for several reasons, the most popular of which is the airiness of the system. To eliminate it, you can call the master or handle it yourself using the Mayevsky crane.

If the culprit was the unsuitability of batteries or pipes, then here you can’t do without specialists. In any case, the period that the heating system was inoperative, and the temperature of the heating batteries in the apartment did not meet the standards according to GOST, should not be paid by the consumer.

Unfortunately, there is no minimum temperature for heating radiators in an apartment, so you have to navigate by the temperature of the air in the room. What heating temperature should be in the apartment? The norms for heating an apartment in an apartment building should vary from +16 to +25 degrees.

In order to fix that the temperature of the heating pipes in the apartment does not correspond to the norm, you need to invite a representative of the organization that provides heat to the house.

Maximum rate

Heating parameters in an apartment building are described in some detail in SNiP 41-01 of 2003:

  1. If the building uses a two-pipe heating structure, then the maximum allowable temperature of the radiators is +95 degrees.
  2. For a one-pipe system, the temperature of the heating pipes in the apartment is +115.
  3. The optimal temperature of the heating batteries in the apartment (the norm in winter) is + 80-90 degrees. In the event that it approaches +100 ° C, urgent measures are needed to prevent the coolant from boiling in the system.

Although radiator manufacturers indicate on their products the maximum temperature threshold is quite high, you should not reach it too often, as this is fraught with failure.

To make sure that the heating standards in the apartment in winter correspond to the state standards, you need to measure the temperature of the batteries.

For this:

  1. You can use an ordinary medical thermometer, but it should be noted that a couple of degrees will need to be added to its result.
  2. Use an infrared thermometer.
  3. If only an alcohol thermometer is at hand, then it must be tightly wound to the radiator, after wrapping it in a heat-insulating material.

If the temperature does not match the norm, then it is necessary to write a request to the heating network office for a control measurement. According to this request, a commission is required to come, which makes all the calculations.

What to do if there is no heating?

In the event that GOST for heating in an apartment is far from its norm, it is necessary to determine the cause of cold batteries. To do this, it is better to call the representatives of the appropriate service., as they can simultaneously record the temperature in residential premises.

If the problem is poor-quality maintenance of the heating system at home by heating network workers, then all the burden of troubleshooting will fall on the organization. At the same time, residents of the house must either recalculate for heating if the batteries do not heat enough, or fix the period when they were completely cold and exempt from payment.

Thus, the law on heating of multi-apartment buildings (2017) guarantees residents protection in case of non-compliance of utilities with their duties.

Any application from them should be considered as soon as possible, after which a special commission comes and documents the discrepancies.

Knowing how many degrees the heating should be in the apartment, and at what time the system is turned on, each owner can independently determine whether the indicators correspond to the heating standards in the apartment and take measures if this is not the case.

For many Russians, paying utility bills is associated with constant stress, especially in winter. Indeed, often residents of houses, in most cases of old construction, complain about the cold in the apartment, but at the same time they have to pay for the missing heat in full.

Insufficient space heating is caused by the fact that for some reason the coolant does not warm up as it should. To control this issue, the temperature norm in the apartment during the heating season was introduced. It helps, with the help of state regulatory documents, to prove that it is not the tenants who are too thermophilic, and the public utility is not able to troubleshoot in time.

Factors affecting temperature

The final temperature in the apartment can depend on many factors. The main and most significant are the following:

  • The climate in the region;
  • Season;
  • Human factor: number of residents, their age and subjective preferences;
  • The location of the apartment, its technical features and the condition of the heat carriers.

Since each parameter affects the final result in its own way, we will study them in more detail.

Climatic conditions

Depending on the region in which the consumer's home is located, the temperature level inside is also set. So, in remote regions in the north it is quite cold, and in the southern latitudes, the home temperature will be significantly higher. In addition, it is important to take into account the humidity of outdoor air, atmospheric pressure and the amount of precipitation outside the window.


The time of the year has the most direct impact on the climate in the apartment: in summer the temperature will be high, and in winter it will drop significantly. In the spring, public utilities stop the heating season, which also affects the thermometer readings. If the autumn turned out to be cold, it can be cold in the apartment almost the same as in winter.

According to GOST R 51617-2000 “Housing and communal services. General technical conditions "the temperature in the apartment should be within 18-25 degrees Celsius

In most Russian regions, the optimum temperature in a residential area is in the following range:

  • from 19 to 23 o - in the winter months;
  • from 24 to 27 o - in the summer months.

Despite the fact that the difference of 3-4 degrees at first glance seems insignificant, in fact, these changes are very noticeable. In winter, due to the lack of ventilation, the air becomes drier, and the temperature seems to be lower than it really is.

Housing Features

A few more components of a comfortable atmosphere in the house are the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises, the height of the ceilings, the location of the dwelling, and even the presence of furniture. An apartment with high ceilings will warm up worse due to the large area. And in the corner apartment it will be a little colder than in the central one - the latter is protected from the wind by neighboring apartments.

The technical characteristics of housing also affect. Among them:

  1. Battery size. The larger the radiator, the higher the room temperature will be. However, experts do not recommend residents to change the number of battery sections on their own. Due to such manipulations, the pressure in the heating system may drop, and the radiators will not fully warm up.
  2. Energy saving double-glazed windows. In the room where such a double-glazed window is installed, it is much warmer than in the rest. This design reliably protects from cold and wind, but at the same time easily passes the sun's rays inside.
  3. Wall insulation. Walls finished inside or outside with heat-insulating material will help reduce heat loss in the room.
  4. Additional elements. If you install a heat-reflecting screen next to the battery, the resulting heat will be directed inside the apartment, warming up the room better. Carpet on the walls or insulated linoleum on the floor will also help maintain a comfortable temperature.

Human factor

Temperature has a different effect on people of different sex and age. For example, men will feel comfortable in colder temperatures than women.

Pets feel warm and in case of cold weather they look for the warmest place

In an apartment where children live, it is very important to regularly check the norm, because the body of babies is not yet able to independently increase or decrease heat transfer. Children tend to freeze or overheat faster than adults, so the average temperature in the children's room should be kept at +22 degrees. The same applies to older people: they are very sensitive to temperature changes.

Temperature standards in the apartment

Standards for the temperature in residential premises during the heating season are legalized, and administrative or criminal penalties may follow for their violation. They are determined by sanitary and building codes and regulations, and are an absolute law for utilities.

At what temperature turn on the heating

The nuances of the beginning of the heating season are provided for by Decree of the Russian Government No. 354 of May 6, 2011. According to him, the batteries in the apartments turn on when the average daily temperature drops below +8 C on. Moreover, this indicator should not change within 5 days.

According to the rules, the heating season begins at an average daily temperature below 8 °C for 5 consecutive days

For example, if for two days in a row the temperature was at +6, and then rose to +9, and in the next two days it fell again to +7, then heating will not be turned on. The batteries are disconnected according to the same scheme: on the street for 5 days in a row the temperature should be above +8 C о.

It is important! As a rule, the heating season in most Russian regions starts in mid-October and ends in April.

Temperature standards

To make it pleasant for tenants to be in their apartment, each room and room should have its own temperature indicators. According to GOST and SNiP, the most comfortable temperature for a person ranges from 19 to 25 degrees.

The standards for residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building can be found in the table below.

SeasonroomAir temperature, C o
Winter/cold springfrom 1820-22
Bedroomfrom 1618-20
Living room in regions where the temperature stays below -31C for 5 days ofrom 2021-23
Children's roomfrom 2122-24
Kitchen, toiletfrom 1819-22
Bathroom / WCfrom 1824-26
Landingfrom 1416-18
Pantryfrom 1216-18
SummerLiving room or any living roomfrom 2020-25

According to the norms of SanPin, the minimum run-up between temperatures in different rooms should not be more than 3 degrees.

It is important! At night, the air temperature outside the windows drops sharply regardless of the season, so slight temperature fluctuations are acceptable at night.

The minimum temperature in a corner apartment is 20 °C

Medical component

We found that the optimum temperature for a living room is 22 C. However, medical standards introduce another very important indicator - air humidity. If it does not exceed 40%, and the temperature standards are observed, then the person in the room will be comfortable. Otherwise, health problems may begin:

  • Irritation of the nasal mucosa;
  • Mucus production in the nasopharynx;
  • Decreased immunity to acute respiratory viral infections;
  • Violation of the psycho-emotional state.

Higher humidity is allowed only in the bathroom. The bathroom must be protected from mold and excessive dampness, so a higher temperature is acceptable here. It neutralizes the harmful effects of water vapor, so the threat to health is excluded.

The cool temperature in the bedroom promotes rapid relaxation and deep sleep, helping the body to fully rest during the night. The kitchen should not be too hot, because the stove and other heating elements will cause the temperature to rise anyway.

The elevated temperature in the nursery creates the optimal level for the regulation of heat transfer in small tenants. So, in the apartment where the child is currently located, the temperature should be increased by at least 1 degree. During bathing, the temperature in the bathroom should be 28 C.

How to measure the temperature in the apartment

In order to track the deviation from the norms, it is recommended to regularly measure the temperature in living rooms. And it is important to do it correctly, taking into account all the technical requirements. They look like this:

  • The measurement is made at the level of 1 m from the outer wall and 1.5 m from the floor covering;
  • The presence of factors that can affect the temperature is not allowed in the room: slots, heaters, open windows / doors, direct sunlight;
  • Indications are recorded hourly during the day, after which the average is calculated;
  • The weather on the day of the inspection must be neutral, with no extreme heat or abnormal cold allowed.

When measuring, a deviation is considered to be a temperature below the standard. In cases where an independent measurement showed a deviation from the norm, it is necessary to contact the dispatch service. After a call to the address of the tenant, an emergency team is sent, which draws up an official inspection report. The document contains the following information:

  • Technical description of the apartment, including its location (corner, central), area and other data;
  • List of persons who measured the temperature;
  • Description of the instrument used for measurements;
  • Recorded temperature indicators;
  • Signatures of all participants.

The act is filled in two copies: one of them remains in the hands of the owners of the apartment.

It is important! If the measurements showed that the temperature of the water in the radiator during the day was lower by 3 C o, and at night by 5 C o, the management company is obliged to recalculate the cost of utilities. The amount by which the cost of housing and communal services will be reduced depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises. The more spacious the apartment, the less you will have to pay.

Air exchange rate in living quarters

In addition to temperature and humidity, another important factor affects the comfortable state of a person in an apartment - air exchange. This is a process during which the already exhausted air in the room is replaced with fresh partially or completely. Ventilation is carried out regularly to start air exchange.

This indicator indicates how many times per hour the air in the room is completely replaced with clean air. This value depends on the characteristics of the room and its area. So, if in an hour the volume of air in the room was replaced equal to the volume of the room - this is called a single air exchange. And if the volume of air is updated, similar to only half the volume of the room, this is considered 0.5-fold air exchange.

Air exchange rates

This parameter, like the others, is controlled by SanPiN norms. According to the document, the standards for the types of premises are distributed as follows:

  • Residential premises up to 25 m 2 - air exchange of at least 3 m 3 / h per m 2;
  • Kitchen with gas stove - 9 m 3 / h per m 2, with electric - 9 m 3 / h per m 2;
  • Other rooms up to 20 m 2 - 1 m 3 / h per m 2.

As a rule, residents of apartment buildings do not undertake to independently measure the air exchange rate, since this is a complex procedure that requires additional equipment. Most often, professional bureaus and laboratories are engaged in measurements.

However, if there is no trust in experts or there is a strong desire to fix the indicators on your own, then this can be done in two ways:

  1. Purchase of the Air Door device. The design is installed in a door or window opening. The fan in its structure draws air into the room, then the multiplicity index is measured.
  2. Thermal anemometer and balometer. The first device shows the speed at which the air moves in the room, and the second - its volume.

Determination of coolant temperature in batteries

The temperature in the room largely depends on how hot the batteries are in the apartment. For the temperature of the coolant, there are also their own standards and ways to fix the indicators.

The infrared thermometer is designed for non-contact measurement of the temperature of various objects, including heating radiators.

You can measure the temperature of the coolant in several ways:

  1. Ordinary thermometer. The hot water that flows from the tap in the bathroom is the coolant from the radiator. Therefore, the easiest way is to draw hot water into a glass and measure its temperature by lowering an ordinary thermometer into it.
  2. Infrared/alcohol thermometer. In this way, the indicator is measured directly on the heating battery. If the procedure is performed with an alcohol thermometer, it is necessary to tightly tie it to the radiator and cover it with thermal insulation from above.
  3. Electrothermometer. More complex, but the most accurate measuring device. Thermocouples are fixed on the battery, after which the “temperature measurement” function is activated and a measurement is taken.

Each equipment has tolerances: for an alcohol thermometer, a deviation of 2 C o is considered normal, for an infrared thermometer - 0.5 C o.

Central heating

In some situations, after turning on the heating, nothing changes. The apartment is still as cold as before due to the fact that the radiators are not warm enough. There may be several reasons for this, and the most common is the ingress of a large amount of air into the system.

For most heating systems installed in apartment buildings, there is no minimum temperature standard. The reference point is the air temperature in the room: if it meets the standards, then everything is in order with the degree of heating of the radiators.

Some heating systems can still be controlled. Thus, the norms existing in the regulatory acts can be applied to structures in which the pipe has a lower central supply to the radiator. These norms depend on the climatic conditions outside the apartment.

You need to focus on the following indicators:

  • Outdoor temperature from +6 C o: water inlet - min. +55 C o, output - no more than +40 C o;
  • Temperature 0 ... +6 C o: at the inlet - +66 C o, return - up to +50 C o;
  • The temperature outside the window is from -5 C o: the beginning is +77 C o, the end is not higher than 55 C o.

In addition, sanitary standards provide for permissible temperature indicators for two-pipe and one-pipe heating systems. The following maximum temperatures are allowed by regulation:

  • For a two-pipe system - 95 C o;
  • For single-pipe - 105 C about.

It is important! If during daytime measurements the average is below the norm by 4 C o, and at night - by 5 C o, you need to contact the public utilities for recalculation of the cost of services.

Hot water supply

In winter, the main indicator of problems in the heating system is the temperature of hot water from the tap. It should be in the range from +64 o to +76 o. To find out the water temperature, the following algorithm of actions is performed:

  1. A deep bowl is placed in the bath or sink.
  2. It is immediately necessary to put an alcohol thermometer in the container, then it is filled with hot water.
  3. The thermometer remains in the water for about 10 minutes, after which you can pour out the liquid and record the temperature.

If the result obtained is 3 degrees less or more than normal, then everything is in order with the temperature.

In winter, the temperature of hot water should be in the range from +64 o to +76 o

And if the temperature during the heating season is below normal

If the central heating does not cope with the tasks set, and the apartments are not much warmer than on the street in the cool season, then the service is not of sufficient quality. The procedure for resolving the situation is regulated by the Rules for the provision of public services.

According to federal documents, both the owner of the apartment and the tenant can apply to the management company. The tariff will be recalculated by 0.15% for each hour when the specified standards were not observed. The reversal algorithm will be as follows:

  1. The person living in the apartment notifies the municipal service about the violation of the temperature regime by calling or in writing.
  2. The dispatcher records the owner's appeal and informs the applicant of his full name, time of registration of the appeal and its number.
  3. In agreement with the applicant, the date of the inspection is set. Specialists of the UK come to the place and independently measure the temperature.

It is important! If the applicant has not set a convenient date for the inspection, the utility companies are required to start measurements before two hours have passed from the date of registration of the application.

Based on the results, an act is filled out, where, if any, all violations found are indicated. It should also be recorded with which device the temperature was measured and at what time. All those present must sign the document. In the event that the representatives of the Criminal Code refuse to confirm the poor quality of the services provided, a re-inspection begins under the control of representatives of the housing inspectorate.

Responsibility of utilities for violation of the temperature regime

If the public utilities have not carried out the check within the agreed time frame, the owner of the apartment can independently draw up an inspection report with the participation of a representative of the HOA and two neighbors. Witnesses will have to monitor the correctness of the check and the reliability of the data entered into the act.

After drawing up the act, the victim has the right to send a claim to the management company with a document attached and demand a recalculation of the cost of the services provided.

It is important! Based on the claim, representatives of the managing organization must eliminate all violations found, after which it is necessary to make sure that the situation has improved. After the work has been completed, the public utilities again check the premises and draw up an act where new data is recorded.

How to make a complaint

In the event that the public utilities failed to completely eliminate the problems or completely ignored the claim, the homeowner has the right to send a complaint to higher authorities. Representatives of such cases are involved in:

  • Housing Inspection;
  • Prosecutor's offices;
  • Society for the protection of consumer rights.

An act with recorded temperature indicators and a letter describing the problem must be sent to the supervisory authority.

To achieve a solution to the problem through the court, you need to prepare:

  • Completed certificate of the passed inspection;
  • Application issued by the dispatch service;
  • Copies of all applications;
  • Confirmation of the serviceability of the device that measured the temperature (copies of compliance).

By decision of the court, the representative of the management company is obliged to eliminate all violations within the period specified in the court order.

Recalculation of payment for heating

The recalculation is regulated by the appendix to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307 of May 23, 2006. Representatives of the management company have the right to reduce the amount on the account if:

  • During the day, the temperature in the rooms in the apartment is less than 17 C o, in the corner room - up to 21 C o;
  • For one calendar month, the total duration of heating shutdown reached 24 hours;
  • At a street temperature of less than -30 C about, the heating norms did not reach +20 C about for an ordinary living room and +22 C about for a corner room.
  • There were one-time shutdowns of radiators for at least 15 hours at outdoor air temperatures below 11 C о.

If the temperature in the apartment is below 14 C for several days, citizens have the right not to pay for the service at all. In addition, an application for recalculation is submitted in the event of a breakdown of the heating battery.

By law, citizens have the right to demand a recalculation of heat fees by 0.15% for each hour of non-compliance with the temperature norm

At the same time, a reduction in the cost of services provided may be refused if:

  • In the room, heat is lost through cracks or open windows;
  • Walls, windows or doors are not insulated;
  • Increased air content was recorded in risers.

During the year, a one-time recalculation of the cost of utilities is possible. Experts warn that the recalculation is a lengthy procedure that requires the collection of a large number of documents. Therefore, before starting to deal with the registration process, it is necessary to carefully prepare.

The utility is an organization that is obliged to monitor the level of customer service and respond to the slightest temperature discrepancies. A homeowner who knows exactly what the temperature should be in each room will be able to quickly respond to problems and regain their rights to receive quality services.