Correct money consciousness. Money consciousness Money consciousness — Elena Kotova

financially successful people happy families Tolstoy - equally happy. In other words, all millionaires follow certain rules in their behavior.

Financially successful people, like the happy families of Tolstoy, are equally happy. In other words, all millionaires follow certain rules in their behavior. This is not hard to see when looking at the life histories of both a major investor like Warren Buffett and Internet technology billionaire Mark Zuckerberg.Wealthy people of this level are very selective and self-controlled in their actions. We found 10 principles of behavior for millionaires.

They don't expect instant success. Each of the wealthy people works for the future. Millionaires are not distracted by momentary desires and are focused on achieving the goal.

They do not consider themselves consummate experts. Millionaires understand that self-confidence closes the path to new knowledge, and if you lose the ability to develop, then the business will not be viable.

They do not perceive time as a dimension. Millionaires work for the result, not evaluating the time spent. If the result is worth the effort, time will be sacrificed.

They do not treat time thoughtlessly. If the result is not measured by time, then this does not mean that the millionaire will deal with the issue indefinitely.

They do not store money in a single account. Millionaires put money into circulation: invest, buy land. Money brings profit.

They don't earn all the money actively. There is a concept of passive income, which is a significant part of financial condition successful people. Millionaires invest money, providing themselves with income in addition to their main activity. Without successful investments, it is impossible to become a truly rich person.

They don't make impulse purchases. Every spending of money for a millionaire is an investment, and not ordinary consumerism for the sake of clutter.

They avoid the company of wasteful people. Those who litter with money are not the company of a thrifty person. They have different views on life and it is simply impossible to imagine spending time together without a series of painful compromises.

They don't focus on the negatives.Figuratively speaking, millionaires do not pay attention to small specks under their feet. At their distance, their eyes are fixed only on the finish line.

They don't risk their entire fortune recklessly. Millionaires rarely lose their entire fortune overnight. Games with such stakes can only be allowed by casino customers, millionaires are more careful. Even in gaming houses.

Note that an ideal illustration of these principles is the fourth richest person on the planet, investor Warren Buffett. The $58 billion man still lives in the same five-bedroom home he has lived in since 1958. He drives a 2006 Cadillac and doesn't hire a chauffeur. Instead, he always personally picks up his visitors from the airport. In 2013, it became known that Buffett was earning $37 million a day.

Intensive recording

Recording of the webinar "Psychological barriers to big money"

When asked what is the difference between rich and poor people, they often say: money.))

And this is the wrong answer.

According to scientists, if you collect all the money in the world and distribute it equally to all people, then in less than a year the money will be dispersed in the same way as before the "withdrawal", i.e. The rich will become rich and the poor will become poor.

What is the focus here?

You know that rich people are not always at the top, they also have their downfalls (failures and bankruptcies), some even have a few! But rich people for the most part inevitably "rise" again and become rich!

And there is only one secret: money thinking!

The poor do not have it, so even if you give them a lot of money, after a while they will become poor again. This phenomenon is described in the report of psychologists-researchers, who found and analyzed the lives of ordinary poor people who once won big money in the lottery (more than 1 million dollars).

What happens when the poor are doomed to be poor?

By no means! You just need to work with your mind and make it like the rich!

Then even if you do not have money, they will begin to reach out to you like a magnet!

This is what we will do at the Intensive " money consciousness"

What result will YOU get after completing the Intensive?

Intensive Program

What can hinder you?

  • Environment
  • inertia
  • habits
  • Resistance
  • Fear
  • Disbelief
  • 10 more reasons to leave everything as it is....

What will help to neutralize all this at once?

VIP program, which includes 8 cash intensives, which will be held at intervals of 2-3 weeks for 3.5 months.

What will it give?

  • Consolidation of the correct money thinking.
  • Minimization and neutralization of kickbacks.
  • Chat support.
  • Communication with like-minded people.
  • Regular "kick" from the coach.
  • Answers to questions in the chat throughout the program.
  • Full immersion in money pumping.
  • 100% result and multiple payback of the program!!!

Tempting? I invite you to walk this path easier, which means together!

VIP PROGRAM "Golden Summer":

  • Intensive "20 Best Practices for Attracting Money" July 8, 2017
  • Intensive "Money consciousness" July 22, 2017
  • Intensive "I attract Money!" August 5, 2017
  • Intensive "Energy of Money" August 19, 2017
  • Intensive "Laws of Money" September 2, 2017
  • Intensive "Money is Love" September 16, 2017
  • Intensive "Money fears" September 30, 2017
  • Intensive "Money Breakthrough" October 14, 2017

Elena Kotova

44 years old.

Practicing psychologist-consultant, an expert in matters of joy and happiness. For more than 14 years she has been researching the issues of personal transformation.

She personally overcame her serious illnesses. He is the author of the "Life Quest. Play by your own rules and win" system. The basis of the system is the method of transformation of reality through the change of consciousness.

The key difference in Elena's approach is healing people through emotions and eliminating destructive patterns of behavior.

Her author's programs "I cost dearly", "I choose love", "I accept myself", "I choose money", "Victim Consciousness", "Stop Fear" help people get rid of the most difficult psychological problems and limiting settings. Thanks to Elena's methods, more than 50% of her clients are healed of psychosomatic illnesses.

Elena is convinced that a person was born not to fulfill his destiny, go through lessons and work off karma, but in order to live in joy and pleasure. Every person, according to Elena, has the right to be happy.

Friends say about her that she "will fall in love with everyone who was not loved in childhood."
Elena's dream is to create a Center for Psychological Rehabilitation for people who find themselves in a difficult life situation (a self-sustaining ecovillage).

Reviews About Working With Elena Kotova

"...After the training, everything happens as planned, as dreamed..."

(Natalya Podilskaya)

"...After the training, changes began, my activities, my clients returned to me..."

(Elena Voishcheva)

"... I got a taste of life... I believed that I can, I have opportunities..."

(Tatyana Shestakova)

"...Now I know for sure that I am stronger and warmer than a few months ago..."

(Olga Andreeva)

"...Elena gave me ways and tools to change my life..."


"...Elena delights with her generosity, depth. She leads people, directs..."

(Elena Afonina)

"...During the training, I have improved relations in the family, with children..."

(Marina Shishkina)

"... I have established contact with relatives, with parents, with the outside world ..."

(Irina Sheboldina)

"...Thanks to the program, I learned to make decisions and changed my activities..."

(Alena Prokopieva)

"...During the training, my friend gave me a car..."


"...Now my favorite activity for me is the main one..."

(Elena Gerasimova)


Nothing in this life happens by chance, like my acquaintance with Lena Kotova.

When I first met Lena at one of the free webinars (it was the “I cost a lot” training), I immediately distinguished her from other trainers. In her words one could feel a huge potential, confidence, energy and at the same time kindness, caring, understanding.

The decision to go into the annual Reboot 2.0 was the first step out of my comfort zone for me. There were many doubts, including greed, distrust, laziness, ego and much more, but I could no longer live my old life. Having paid for the training for the first half of the year, later I went to the second half of the year - there was no doubt.

My work with Lena changed my life - fear, attachment to people, fear of loneliness and old age are gone. Of course, there are setbacks, but now I have the tools to overcome them. Awareness and the inclusion of the “observer” became a common thing for me, confidence in the opportunity to change my life grew stronger, became inside me, in my heart, and not just in my mind. And it's hard to count how many insights there were during this year!
For me, the Loneliness training was a turning point, I simply divided my life into before and after - it became easy, understandable, I had a desire to live in this world, with people. I still cry when I listen to it. Thank you Lenochka! It was a powerful reboot!

Thank you for your honesty, openness, for generously sharing your knowledge and sincerely helping!

During the year of participation in the training, relations with everyone around me, especially with my mother, have changed. But most importantly, I began to understand and accept myself. Of course, when I bought the training, I did not believe in the possibility of change. It seemed to me that I am the way I am, how can I become different? As it turned out, I can be so different and it will still be me! I became more stable, I was no longer manipulated, I learned to see my boundaries and defend them gently, without aggression. Some grievances, feelings of guilt, hearth programs and installations periodically pop up, but this has become a solvable task for me. Lena made it possible to understand that there is a way out and changes can come very quickly.

I want to tell everyone who will read this review - if what Lena is talking about somehow resonates in your soul, take the time and money for your “reboot”. You can become best version yourself, it's real!!!

I would like to thank all the girls who participated in Reboot 2.0 and especially Elena Gerasimova and Marina Shishkina for their attention and motivation, own example changes. It was interesting to chat, you can always count on support, hear unbiased advice. I wish all girls to start life from scratch in love, joy and harmony with themselves and the world around them!

Tatyana Rubtsova

Hello, dear Lenochka!

I thank God, the Universe for meeting with amazing woman, Elena Kotova!

For a year now I have been training with Lenochka at trainings, the results are amazing! I became a completely different person, learned to enjoy, love life and myself, became healthier. Miracles happen! There was a cyst - it is not there, there was a fibroid - it is not there, tests are like those of an 18-year-old. Life is Beautiful! Lenochka, thank you for your love for people, for the knowledge that you sincerely give us! You are a wonderful person! Thanks for being you. Low bow to you! I love you!

I met Elena at one of the webinars. Her murmuring voice, like a brook, fascinated me. So much sincerity and confidence in this voice! I followed Lenochka every evening from one webinar to another. When Elena offered her training "School of Joy" I decided that I would definitely go, despite the fact that there was no money to pay for the training. The universe gave me the opportunity to pay for the training. And I didn't regret it for a second.

Elena's training is amazing! Despite my age, I began to treat men differently, positively, with love. Elena opened my eyes to many things. From a very insecure person, I became more confident. My life has become happier. The exercises from the training made it clear that there are many more joys, but I did not notice them before the training. I keep changing better side. Elena, I want to thank you so much for being you!

Sincerely, Gulgen Makhamatullin

My name is Irena, I live in the USA.

I became interested in webinars a year and a half ago when I came to the point that something needs to be changed in life. Listen, I think we should go and all efforts ended there. At one of these webinars, the speaker said you can come to me, but in general you should listen to your inner self.

I came to Elena Kotova at the call of my heart, listening to her webinar, I realized that she is here: I believe her, I trust her. And when she said that her training would be called I AM EXPENSIVE, a storm arose in my soul, here it is mine. I signed up for the training and then my obstacles began: either the money is not transferred, I sent it 3 times and they return back, then the phone turns off when you need to contact, then Lena explained everything why it all happened.

I passed all the obstacles and here I am. The atmosphere is sunny, the support team is just class. Lena pays attention to everyone and helps to deal with all issues, sparing no time and effort. And what I got, I got an awareness - what needs to be done, how to do it, love and self-confidence and even wonderful friends from all over the world. And I can honestly say to everyone I AM EXPENSIVE!!!

Irena Kolonji

My acquaintance with Elena Kotova was accidental (although there are no accidents in life).

Heard for the first time on one of the webinars. The voice was mesmerizing - lively, full of joy of life, inspiring confidence and at the same time so soulful, penetrating and warm. I immediately felt her desire to give people joy, to help everyone understand themselves, in their life issues. I listened to more than one webinar (I "went" right behind it).

And when Elena offered the training "I cost a lot!", I went without hesitation (although I usually think for a long time).

Girls, the training is GORGEOUS!!! He revealed and showed where and what my uncertainty is. Lenochka step by step - very accessible (as always) and scrupulously explains - how to deal with your situations, how to overcome yourself, how to reveal yourself, how to defeat yourself. It teaches us to love ourselves and everything and everyone that and who surrounds us. I gained a lot of new knowledge and discoveries during this training.

Lenochka leaves no participant unattended. And her love for each of us is so felt. She has invested so much, instilled in us confidence, love, warmth! She is simply mesmerizing. She has amazing energy! To which you can not respond! There is a lot of material - what to work with and what to work on, and Elena is always there when you need help and support.

I am very grateful to Lenochka for her training, where each participant after him believed that I AM EXPENSIVE!!!

Elena Afonina

No fear! - my first paid training with Lena. He brought me much more than I could have expected. A huge number of working techniques, a chat in which both support from Lena and help from fellow students. The effect is colossal. When you start sorting out fears, you find a multi-layered pie of them. And it turns out that he was not afraid of that!!!

As a result, the power to act appears, and fears become allies. I want to note the kindness and care of Lena, who is ready to help around the clock when fears come out, and the soul becomes unwell. But then you feel like a balloon !!! Life is changing beyond recognition. People around become different, as if the roles were rewritten for the actors. After all the miracles, I signed up for the annual program. If after the first training so what will happen next!

I came to Joy after fears, although I was not originally going to join the annual program. And I was not mistaken. I looked forward to every lesson, like a holiday. Excellent techniques, communication with like-minded people, and joy! She really began to show up everywhere, in the simplest things, even coffee was served to me with a cinnamon smiley!

Acquaintances and strangers do pleasant things, things began to move forward easier. And if I happen to be upset, I remember that joy splashes around like an ocean. You don't want to be an unfortunate sufferer if joy is SO close. Even the weight of the body has decreased, fears and suffering do not need a warehouse.

Many thanks to Lena for the chat to communicate with fellow students. I read about the successes of others, and I believe that I will succeed too! If everyone has such huge changes, then it really works!!! I really change, and life changes unrealistically. I advise everyone! I, according to friends, disgustingly rational. If I got so carried away, everyone has less advanced cases the result is sure to come. More courses to come annual program I don't recognize the world and myself.

I always lacked joy in life, that is, it certainly was and is, but I realized that I can’t be happy with what I have, and I don’t know how to appreciate it. With you, Lena, I learned to enjoy what is near and around me! The Gratitude Stone is doing its job! I thanked before, but now I began to do it consciously! I liked counting the reasons for joy throughout the day, at first they were needed for my own report, and then I realized that living with them is much more fun. Moreover, they are here nearby, one has only to notice them, and not poop on the sidewalk.

I was very pleased that you, Lena. do not be afraid to talk about your life, it brings you very close, makes you earthly and gives strength and confidence that I can! At the training, I made a discovery for myself that I push a lot of sores and experiences inside. I used to participate in many different trainings and after them for a couple of days such a flight that the class, I’ll redo and rebuild everything now, the world will just be brand new and happy!

Then came the realization that my new thought forms do not fit in with the world and the lives of other people, I faced a wall of misunderstanding of what I want from them. Then, of course, I went into anguish and under the baseboard, I sat there until the next training. Awareness of the law of the mirror at one time turned my life upside down, but at the same time, it brought in what I was doing with myself. For many years I pushed inside what I did not want to see in myself.

Greed is annoying, so I tried to push it inside and deliberately not dwell on greedy people, as if not noticing their behavior. But at the same time, I did not become more generous myself! Greed is not only when money is not given or sweets are not shared, but for me it is also an unwillingness to spend time with me, an unwillingness to give me love, an unwillingness to do something with me together. Because it's a pity for a person to do this for me!

With you, Lena, I learned to accept myself in all its manifestations! I am a person and can be different, moreover, I have the right to do so! The main thing is not to get stuck in what makes you most disgusted.
It's great that you taught me what to do with rollbacks! This is the first time in my life! I listened to the positive so many times, but I never heard what to do when he died! It's also very cool that there is a chat where you can talk with those who understand what I'm talking about)

Thank you Lenochka! Creative success to you and happiness in life! I look forward to seeing you many, many more times! Just because you are good and happy!

The main thing I learned from the training is that there is joy, it can be in small things, you just need to allow yourself to feel it, and also sometimes open your head from the computer and see what pleases the eye, as well as hear your husband and talk to him! It is also much more pleasant to be joyful than to wear a sour face on your face.

Money training.

I am very glad that he came right after I learned to plant joy in my heart. Thanks to you, Lena, I released the brakes and took off my cloak! I stopped thinking that this is nonsense and not for me. You understand that we are talking about high jumps and throwing something on the chandelier that has never been there before, even at the peak of passion! When I did this, such an adrenaline rushed through, so cool, I wanted more feats on myself! Not scary and funny!

The reaction of my husband was cheerful, and then I let go of the moments! If earlier I was afraid to say something to him, I didn’t know what the reaction would be, but then it turned out - you can! That's what got me! No one else will judge or punish me! You know, our relationship with my husband once changed when I let him into my life, opened the curtain on my financial life.

Now, thanks to you, Lena, I also see that my way to a prosperous life is not only to work like a horse, which I have been doing all my adult life, but also to get them in a different way, female! It's important for me. Therefore, I thought about other things, other sources of income, which I will definitely make real thanks to you! You need to do what brings success and fills your heart with joy, and your purse and pockets with banknotes. It's simple and I do it.

What are the real successes? Thanks to the training, I met my student and a pleasant person for communication and support. That is, money and joy came! Relations with my husband are improving every day, becoming closer and warmer, I am very glad about this. Gradually, other students appear who bring money and fill me with the pleasure of sharing my knowledge and enjoying it. I no longer suffer from a lack of work, as much as there is - mine, an additional one is already on its way to me! I found time for myself and stopped driving horses. I'll make it! Everything at your own pace.

It turns out to think and let go of what used to bring pain and slow down in life.
I think maybe my weight has suddenly grown from the fact that it's time to share knowledge and stop being too serious, as if I'm carrying the mantle of a professor)

I love you, Lena, and I am happy that life brought you to me or me to you)) Thank you!

But most of all I was amazed that every evening, after the speech of all the speakers, Elena conducted a meditation with us and answered all our questions and often these "gatherings" ended at about 3 am!!! She gave everything 100%, her responsibility was felt, and most importantly, her sincere desire to help all those who contacted her.

Then I "accidentally" got to Elena's webinar and I fell in love with her, fell in love with her sincerity, perky, optimistic voice, her energy, professionalism and love for people, for life! I wanted to participate in her training live. For Elena, there is no difference if she speaks at a training or at a free webinar - the return is the same.

But on webinars, we can only identify what we should work with, in which direction to move, understand our problems or answer some questions, and learning how to solve them in one webinar will not work. And I signed up for the training "I STAND EXPENSIVE!". :).

It was great! Elena always goes beyond the topic of the training, so it is always interesting to work with her. In addition to a bunch of material, different techniques, a lot practical work, Elena shared with us her personal experience when solving different life situations and it seems that she has answers for all occasions, from which confidence in her own strength grows.

Elena taught us to look at things we know in a new way, and we even had in-sites, for example:
- There are always secondary benefits in everything!
- Any dissatisfaction is a projection of internal dissatisfaction with yourself!
- From the unconscious to the conscious - I already control! (if you do not accept something in yourself - it controls you, accepting - you become the master) ...

Another benefit of training is teamwork. We had a very friendly and responsive group that complemented each other perfectly. It was very warm and cozy in our "room". We continue to communicate in the same company after the training and it's great! And Elena Kotova is our "mother" and our beloved guest, who continues to help us become DEAR.

I devoted my whole life to studying and when I got the second higher education realized that all this is useless.

My education is a psychologist, but permanent job was not, knowledge without practice melted away. and I stopped coping with my piled problems. It is for their decision. looking for ways to understand myself and change something a year ago, I started attending online conferences on psychology.
Of course, like everyone else, I was tormented by doubts - who to turn to, whether their method would help.

And then one day I was at one of the webinars with a speech by Elena Kotova. It was the end of the speech, I did not know the topic, I did not hear about who was speaking, what work experience he had. But suddenly I heard those very necessary and most important words for me that hooked me so that I didn’t sleep all night deciding for myself to pay for the base or VIP course! And I chose VIP.

With the sea of ​​​​my problems, something had to be done urgently. Relations with my parents did not go well - as an adult, they continued to consider me an awkward child who knows nothing and cannot do anything. Children punched the remnants of my personal boundaries. My husband began to mirror my behavior and emotions, saying: “Why can you yell when everything is tired, but I don’t?” It seemed that it would not be me - all this would not happen to the people who surround me.

All my knowledge of psychology that was studied was not suitable for practical application, their action was enough for a short time.

I bought the course “I am worth a lot” in order to raise self-esteem, believe in myself, my strength, finally stop self-sabotaging myself and live in a state of sacrifice, looking for someone who will regret.
Lena did not regret it - Lena shook her up, gave the CC, methods, showed the direction, made her think and analyze. explained what to do about it.

The work went according to plan, with the obligatory completion of assignments, a personal report, a discussion right at the online meeting of the next lesson. Lenochka even devoted one of her lessons to the analysis of my problem.
Of course, I still apply all this knowledge, for example, I pay attention to counting the joys I noticed every day. I do not forget to write down everything that I succeed in order to reinforce my self-confidence. I also fell in love with the technique. phased implementation planned - just for those cases when it's scary and it's not clear what will follow from what.

I solved my self-doubt problem and got trained by Elena as an online event organizer. Now I do not hesitate to speak to a large audience, communicate with different people, I believe in myself and my abilities, I established relationships with my relatives and learned to defend my borders. Many of the goals set have already been achieved, and what remains is on the way to implementation.

I want to give advice to the doubter. Decide for yourself only one thing - do you really want to change something in your life and are you ready to work on yourself for this. It often happens that a person only wants. And that's where it all ends. The familiar comfort zone pulls you not to change anything and not even try.

On the this moment I have already completed 2 recorded trainings and 2 live online training courses with Elena Kotova and would recommend any of her products (services). I found my master, I completely trust Elena and would not exchange it for anyone else. Because now I live a completely different life, not a bit like the one that was before I met her.

Emelyanova Anna Alexandrovna

The poor think in terms of poverty, while rich people think in terms of prosperity, success, wealth. If you learn to create success, wealth and prosperity in your mind, then all this will materialize in your life. This is the law.

Many say that it is simply impossible to change his situation. That there are too many negative things in life and you can’t take it and just change everything, that. Of course, it is much easier to justify what is happening to you now. You just need to take into account the fact that if you do nothing, then nothing will change. If you do not start changing your consciousness now, then problems less will not, they will only begin to multiply. Your life will change only when you change the way you think about yourself.

Many prosperous people also started from scratch, and do not think that they were just lucky. As they say, "he who is lucky himself is lucky." There are things that only you can do for yourself. No matter how much you want to lose weight, and at the same time your neighbor would be on a diet and do exercises for you every day, this will not help you. Only you yourself can go on a diet, start exercising and then you will certainly lose weight. After all, there can be no doubt about that, right? And note that while dieting, a day or two, a week, a month - the result will be miserable, in contrast to if you lead a healthy lifestyle for several years, never breaking the diet and not missing a single workout. I hope you will not argue with this?

If you still want change, then you need action. After all, the way you thought and acted before did not lead you to the possession of a state, which means that something needs to be changed in yourself. Believe that you yourself can transform poverty into wealth, unhappiness into happiness, and weakness into great strength. If millions of people have been able to do this before you, then you certainly can. Just believe in yourself. Believe that you deserve the very best. Perhaps somewhere very deep inside you do not believe in this, which is why blockages are created on the path of the flow of abundance into your life. Many people do not have enough self-confidence for serious transformations, in order. A negative present is created when your thoughts are negative. If you think positively, then there can be no negativity in your life. As soon as you change your idea of ​​yourself to a positive one, something invisible, but very powerful, begins to happen in your life.

Think of yourself with respect, with a clear and clear attitude that you deserve all the best, the most beautiful, strive for this. You are entitled to the power, and all the benefits that life has to offer. Everything that you have in mind will surely come true. You have every opportunity to create what you dream of, if your inner beliefs correspond to your desires in reality.

You have an amazing future ahead of you that you are building every minute of your life when you think positively. Only this path you will need to go yourself. Nobody can do it for you. When you change your consciousness, you must definitely protect it from encroachments from the outside. The fact is that there are a lot of “well-wishers” around you who are happy to help you when everything is bad for you, who are happy to take pity on you when you tell them how hard it was for you. But rarely will someone from the bottom of their hearts be happy for you if, for example, you buy yourself a brand new Porsche or get a job. high paying job. At best, they will ask for money in debt, they will quietly envy, but hardly anyone will be sincerely happy.

Why? Because you will change, you will change your inner attitude, and your outer image will change accordingly. Your lifestyle will definitely change. But most importantly - Over time, you will begin to understand that no matter what you do, no matter what country you live in, prosperity will always be with you, because it will become part of you.

When will the money start showing up? Then, when you attune yourself to the cosmic flow of abundance and begin to receive them with gratitude. Doubt? Then let's outline the main rules of your miraculous transformation, following which you can change.

Rule number 1.

Make friends with money. Count your money, keep it in order, don't let it lie crumpled in your pocket, arrange it lovingly in your wallet bill by bill, don't carry change with you, it's better to give it to charity. Just not from hand to hand to the poor. Receive and give money with pleasure.

Rule number 2.

Pay your bills with joy! Every time you pay a bill, give money with a light train of love and gratitude for what you received. Think that you are rich enough to pay all your bills.

Rule number 3.

Focus on abundance, train your mind. For you, the glass of water should always be half full, not empty.

Rule number 4.

Make room for the best to come. - first learn how to give money, do charity work, for example. - give other people your love and it will return to you. If you want to be happy - be it, spread happiness around you.

Rule number 5.

Learn from the worthy. Learn from the experience of other successful people. Create a role model for yourself, learn as much as you can about him or her, and try to look like him or her. Success can be repeated, and even surpassed.

Rule number 6.

Become a filter for negativity. Stop watching news, TV shows, movies that contain at least a fraction of negativity and poverty. It's better not to watch TV at all. Keep your mind free of negativity. As soon as negative information comes to you, immediately.

Rule number 7.

Become a giver, for his hand will not fail. Use every opportunity to do good. Do charity work, then you will become a conductor of money and they will begin to flow to you.

Rule number 8.

Thank you. Give thanks for everything. Tune in to the Higher Good and your standard of living will improve.

In order to strengthen your confidence, we advise you to watch the movie The Secret, Opus, The Pursuit of Happyness and other positive films. Your life will definitely change for the better, just don't stop reading this article, but move on! Take action!

“If you take all the money in the world and divide it equally among everyone, then soon they will again be in the same pockets in which they were before”
Jim Rohn 7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness

We get from life not what we want, but what we expect
Unknown author

People who think they are rich act differently than people who think they are poor.

And they don't even have to try.

This happens absolutely automatically.

Imagine that you consider yourself a poor person. How will you approach choosing a job?

You will certainly accept any job that will ensure survival, and you will hold on to it with all your might. How will you approach saving money?

Based on the belief that you are poor, you will always assume that you do not have extra money to save or invest.

Will you be doing what you love?

Probably not. For a poor person, this is an unforgivable luxury.

Will you demand high fees and refuse any work that you do not like enough?

Of course not. The poor man needs a job to survive.

What would you do if you considered yourself rich?

You would only search for yourself best job, since with your wealth it is pointless to settle for less.

You would have the money and time to invest.

You would do the things that you like, because there is no reason for a rich person to do otherwise.

Notice what happens.

A person who considers himself rich tends automatically, simply on the basis of his conviction, to do more activities that bring wealth.

On the contrary, for a person who is convinced of his limitations, it is precisely such actions that always turn out to be “not affordable”.

Now I am talking about decisions and choices that are made completely unconsciously. You have certain beliefs in your subconscious mind. On their basis, the subconscious itself gives you answers to many questions that arise in front of you every day.

"Rich" and "poor" answer these questions in different ways and take small steps in different directions. Gradually, over time, these steps add up to long roads that lead people to completely different places.

Now think about this. After all, wealth and poverty are just words. Of course, you will have less reason to consider yourself poor if you have a seven-figure bank account. But you don't have to be rich to feel rich.

If you can make yourself feel rich, your daily behavior will change a little.

However, just these small changes will gradually begin to move you towards wealth.

You will suddenly begin to see and use more financial opportunities that were previously invisible or seemed unrealistic.

Gradually, step by step, you will come to absolutely new levels of real wealth.

You can't change what happened. You cannot change the situation you are in right now. The only thing that can be changed is your perception.

But as practice shows, it is this change that is quite enough to build exactly the life you want, on the foundation of the situation in which you are now.

After all this, one question remains: How to create a sense of wealth in yourself?

Just say to yourself, "Am I rich?"

Won't work.

You can say a lot of things, but you don't believe in everything you say.

You can say to yourself: "I'm a Martian", but you won't believe it for a second, right?

You can work directly with the subconscious mind using suggestions. Through repetition, the subconscious gradually begins to accept new beliefs. All the nuances this method I described in the express report “Create a Billion Dollar Brain! ".

But now I want to tell you about another way.

It consists in using symbols of wealth.

In short, here is its essence.

You need to find and use symbols of wealth that are compelling FOR YOU and that you can afford now.

Now let's figure out what these symbols of wealth are.

Although wealth is perceived as an objective phenomenon, the situation is different with the symbols of wealth.

Wealth symbols are completely subjective.

Each person identifies with wealth completely different attributes.

Let's fantasize about what these symbols might be.

1) Expensive things, clothes, equipment

You don't have to go into unreasonable expenses. It may well be a clip for banknotes of a good company, an expensive player.

Try to buy something expensive, even if it is a small purchase.

As you begin your journey into a world of better quality items, you may find that they can even be better for your budget (things like this tend to last longer).

2) Distribution of money

Try handing out money.

Magically, this act brings wondrous new possibilities when done with joy.

One of the reasons is that you destroy your own belief that you do not have enough money.

3) Savings

The rich have extra money to save and invest, right?

Start and you find such "extra money" in your budget.

You will start to feel different.

Start with a simple accumulation, over time you can move on to investments.

4) Places for the rich

Go to an expensive store.

Go to an expensive cafe.

Go to an expensive restaurant.

It can either cost you nothing or be very cheap.

In a cafe you can order only tea, in a restaurant - the cheapest dish.

You don't have to buy anything at the store.

Soak up the atmosphere of these places. Get used to them. Feel confident. Do not complex.

Rich people do not have to do this and you.

5) Lifestyle

What would you do if you were rich?

Would you like to go clubbing? Start doing it now.

Would you like to go on holiday to Europe? Start doing it now (at least go to Prague for a couple of days).

Would you like to take up a hobby that you “can’t” do now? Do it without waiting for the growth of the bank account.

All these are associations that are EXACTLY IN YOUR brain. That is why they will work for you.

Start any characters that are convincing to you. Start using them.

You will immediately notice the changes. First of all, your attitude to life will change. Life will become much more interesting and enjoyable. You will feel more joyful and confident.

Gradually, you will naturally begin to take small steps in a new direction.

Over time, these steps will lead you into a whole new, much more prosperous life.

Good day beloved and desired!

Today we will once again touch upon the topic of financial thinking and the expansion of consciousness in this area of ​​life.

Money money money. How many of these strange paper rectangles and metal circles are around))).

In relation to money energy, as in everything, one should constantly develop until this thinking reaches automatic growth.

Develop and expand your money consciousness constantly!

In my life, I myself started and stopped my growth in this direction more than once, until I realized that life is changeable and subject to constant change and development. What was relevant and enough yesterday is already coming back to normal today and the next step is required, otherwise the mind begins to create artificial problems for illusory growth and movement.

So in financial matter has two important components:

1. These are our internal limitations that should be found, reviewed and transformed into more modern programs.

2. This is the choice of wealth and prosperity once and every day))).

As for the first point, there are some of the most basic areas for identifying limiting beliefs:

1. Religious issues and spirituality. Poverty is virtue, wealth is power and tyranny.

2. Identification of yourself as an extension of your parents.

3. Imposed social evaluation of money, wealth, stereotypes about rich people.

The rest of the beliefs one way or another can be attributed to one of the categories. There are already many articles on the site on working with negative beliefs, p.

Briefly to the point:

either you live with what you were offered, or you consciously form your idea of ​​the world and create your life.

It is more effective to identify and work through your limiting judgments and beliefs then. when you set goals that go beyond the comfort zone of your mind and begin to get used to them, that is, play in your imagination the role of a person who has already realized the goals. At first, the goal inspires you, you like the idea of ​​​​this goal, but often, when we dive, we create a parallel reality, where we are successful, where we are rich - hidden fears, assessments, condemnations, and so on begin to rise. Here is the time to recognize these programs, accept and transform. Many people make the mistake of trying to convince themselves that all is well at this step; trying to drive away different thoughts and beliefs, thereby running away from the task, not solving it. Be wiser, if some thought flew into your field and you noticed it - take it apart right away))).

Let's move on to the second part of the conscious work on development and expansion of the consciousness of money thinking:

Constantly expand. You are not a table that is in a static state, and not even a flower that has grown, blossomed and fallen; you are a constantly changing energy system. And change happens both consciously and unconsciously. Even if you just walk around the city among people, fly in an airplane, live in panel house, you are surrounded by ideas and thoughts of other people, we are not authorized to control this process, but we can direct our thinking according to our goals or stop this process when it is not needed.

1. Do not get into the heads of others, hoping to change people without their expressed desire. Often we put on the costume of a lifeguard and all the missionary to enlighten this world ... leave this role to the actors of the films, put things in order in your life. After that, people themselves will come for advice. They ask you to help. They don’t ask - let the person solve his problems himself, he will cope if he wants, believe me.

2. Set filters for incoming information, having previously formed life values ​​and priorities for yourself. Why do you need to watch war news if you are for peace? We put the filter - this is wrong information. We don’t deny, we don’t run, but we calmly look and listen, but we decide for ourselves - I choose something else. Why do you need to watch how another oligarch was killed? About unemployment? How do you help the unemployed or the dead oligarch with your viewing? Don't let the ego create illusory importance and false compassion for the world. Be honest with yourself.

3. Conscious choice of information. Every day, read about success, look at success, find confirmation of success, wealth and prosperity for yourself. It's easy if it's worth it. But don't overdo it and go to the other extreme when people become obsessed with money and wealth. Money is great, but it is a consequence of your inner transformation and prosperity. If money comes through struggle and hellish labor, there will always be greed and fear of loss, since a myriad of energy has been invested.

4. More subtle processes, watch your thoughts. Do you have values, goals, desires, dreams - watch your thoughts, how do they correspond to the path you have chosen? Haven't chosen a destination yet? I'm sorry, this is the first step. If there is no direction, where are you going? Just live and enjoy life to the fullest! Great, then why are you wasting your precious time on an article on financial thinking? Be honest with yourself first! There are tasks, there is dissatisfaction - admit it, set a task and solve it. There is always a solution, but often we pretend that there is no problem))).

If the first three points are explicit and easy to manage, then observation is awareness, an invisible process. If you are just starting to practice this, start with the body - it is a reflection of your mind. Observe your emotions and reactions, slowly return to the past and find the information after which you had such a reaction and change your thoughts and beliefs. Yes, the process is unpleasant, the mind jumps like a mad monkey, but practice will help you!))) You will succeed.

You can also watch the webinars:

1. How our condition affects prosperity:

2. What part of me is against wealth and what to do about it:

3. How to expand your consciousness and open up to possibilities:

Money to you and wealth in everything!