What successful people who are strong in spirit do not do. Losers "promise little and deliver a lot." Bill Gates: Leave time for reflection

It is unlikely that you want to be old and infirm. But old age is not wrinkles. This is primarily a slowdown in recovery processes. It's like a wormy apple. If the rot is visible from the outside, then inside it appeared a long time ago. In babies, everything heals quickly. But from the age of 15, these processes slow down. So, in fact, aging begins in the […]

I have already run 5 marathons. The best result is 3 hours 12 minutes. To run like this, I ran 70 km a week for 3 months. So I had to look for ways to quickly recover. After all, I trained 5 times a week. And with sore muscles, it is impossible to conduct an effective workout. So now I'm going to talk about ways […]

Your body is made up of many organs and receptors. But they are never taught how to use them. You are taught to read and write. But how and why your body works is not taught in school. Well, let's fix this. Learn to use your body the way nature intended. And then it will become healthier, and […]

Many underestimate the importance of sleep. But in vain. Here are the sad statistics from the documentary Sleepless in America. That is, many of your problems in life can be solved if you just start getting enough sleep. And it largely depends on how quickly you can fall asleep. If you have insomnia and trouble falling asleep, then your sleep will be poor. That's why […]

The more you get sick, the easier it is to get sick again. Because the body has to spend its vitality to recover faster. So, being sick, you live for three years. So the fewer diseases, the longer you will retain youth and beauty, and the later you will begin to age. These 10 secrets from always healthy people will help you with this. […]

Your success in any business is 100% dependent on your current state. If there is little energy in the body, laziness and drowsiness attacked it, then great success cannot be achieved at a given moment in time. It is better to spend 20 minutes to bring yourself to life and already energized to go out to fight with the problem. So choose any of […]

Your appearance can ruin everything. Or vice versa, add you extra points when applying for a job or somewhere else. But what if you need to get prettier in a week. After all, even if you start eating right, quit smoking and start playing sports, you won’t achieve a big effect in such a short time. So use these tips. They are […]

If you are familiar with these experiences, this video is for you. Without vital energy, you will not be able to do much. Without action, success is impossible. So remove these causes of lack of energy from your life. You don't give enough energy. The more you move physically, the more energy you have. The more often you sit still, the less vivacity. Physical […]

Success or failure in our life is by no means the whims of fate, which allegedly decides for us who will be successful and who will be bypassed by success, but exclusively the result of our own activities, and above all, it is the result of our conscious or unconscious choice. By nature, people are all the same, but as a result of the choices that each of us makes, some people rise up, while others remain at the bottom and even sink to the very bottom. Success and failure have a completely understandable pattern and, accordingly, a successful and unsuccessful person is formed in a completely understandable way. Given the fact that we are all molded from the same test, even at the very bottom, none of us have any reason to feel inferior to those whose lives are admired and envied. After all, in fact, successful and unsuccessful people are the same people by nature, but at the same time they have chosen different life paths, living according to different life laws, adhering to different ideologies, thinking differently and, therefore, acting in different ways. logical algorithms. In order for you to better understand my thought, I suggest you, dear readers, ask yourself the question of what distinguishes a successful person from a loser, from your point of view, and what distinguishes you personally from that successful person whom you consider more successful than yourself?

Try not to be biased and not look for excuses for yourself or others, just pay attention to the facts that take place in your life and the lives of other people. Personally, I can notice one extremely negative quality inherent in every person, with which some are able to fight, but others, unfortunately, are not, and as a result they become a victim of this quality. This, my friends, is laziness. About why nature has awarded us with this quality, I will tell you in my future articles. Laziness is an integral part of each of us, and in order to achieve our goals in life, to achieve success, we need to learn how to control it. We don't need to completely get rid of laziness, we need to take it under control. There are ways to do this, you need to know them and you need to be able to use them. A successful person in life is, firstly, a person who has made the right choice, and this can only be the choice of an active life, and secondly, this is a person who acts, does business, that is, he is at work, this is not a passive person who waits until luck itself falls on his head. Obvious truth? It seems to be obvious, but for some reason many people ignore it.

I can list you many useful qualities of a successful person in life, a person who succeeds in everything that he has in mind and what he does, but many books have been written about this even without me, so I will not repeat well-known truths, at least in their habitual form. You will read about them in other sources. In principle, the book of any successful person is replete with all these important qualities for a person that you need to know about, and most importantly, that you need to develop in yourself. Therefore, in order to give you something new in this sense, I suggest that you think about another fact - a successful person is a person who succeeds in what he has conceived. Friends, do not neglect my request to think about this on your own, of course I will give you all the answers in this article that I want to give, but still, since you are reading an article on psychology, you should delve into everything that I am telling you here, because only this will allow you to realize my words and re-tune to another wave. Otherwise, it will be like me treating you to hot ready-made pies, which you can and will be pleased to eat, but you will not learn how to bake them.

And so, if you have already thought about a successful person, as a person who succeeds in everything that he has in mind, then you will not be surprised by my statement that every person in this life is successful, because everyone has a result. The result is the finished product of your activity, and it, in turn, has become possible thanks to your choice and what you have conceived for yourself. You understand what I mean, there are no losers in this life, there are no unsuccessful people from a logical point of view, there are only people who do not have what others have and what they themselves would like to have. It’s just that we all do different things, some do things that are closest to what they want, others do the same close things to what they want, but that they don’t realize, and this is already a question of the wrong choice. That is why I have always said and continue to say that, for example, a person does not really want money, if after work he lies on the couch and watches TV, if on the day off he goes to drink beer with friends or have fun in any other way, he does not need money, no matter what he said.

It is possible to grow a waterskin for yourself while lying on the couch and sipping beer, and this is the choice of such a person, this is his idea in reality, and there is no doubt that he will succeed in this. Raising the level of consciousness is what will help each of us become more successful in the concept that we used to call him, because knowing what you really need means doing it. All other brakes do not play a significant role, it won’t work out, I won’t be able to, to hell with all this husk, if you have decided on what you need from life, then just go and do it. Being a good psychologist, which I proved during all the years of my work, in the meantime I was completely unable to write and express in writing all my thoughts. And if you read my first articles, including on this site, then you can grab your head, which is why I don’t do it. But being like a dog, understanding everything but not being able to explain it through writing, I still write, as you see, and even though I still haven’t learned how to do it right, I can’t be stopped.

You understand that the main thing here, the main thing here is just to do what you think is necessary, and the result will be in any case, another thing is what it will be, but so far, in any case, everything suits me. Now fourteen people consult with me on a paid basis, from time to time questions come for a free consultation, and after all, just a year ago I just created my website, and with my own hands, although I could have paid for it. By the way, it is very important to be able to do everything with your own hands, in any case, everything that is very closely connected with your life, because this indicates your possibilities, or rather, their limitlessness. Tell me friends, can I call my activity successful, and what is so unusual about it that each of you cannot? There is nothing unusual here, there is no secret to success that everyone is so passionately looking for, either you do everything necessary to achieve what you want, or you do something else in which you are guaranteed success. Perhaps some of you will rely on not knowing what they should be doing, which I often hear in my line of work.

Such a saying indicates ignorance not of the type of activity that should be done, but of ignorance of one's own desires, with which the person has not really decided. You can not know a lot, we all do not know something, and obviously we will never know. But what prevents you from finding out, what prevents you from taking a step towards your own desire, if you have decided on it, only laziness, what else can be? A lot of people complain about their fate, consider their life unhappy, and expect that someday everything will change for the better, that at the behest of external forces, something will happen that will be good for them, but what kind of miracle it should be , no one can really say, everyone only speaks in general phrases, pointing to the culprits on the sides. If I offered such people help, I would tell them what and how they should do, after which their life is guaranteed to improve, they will not listen to me and will not do anything. Although what does it mean if, I have done this many times and still do it, but few people need this kind of help, few people want to become a successful and happy person, that's the whole point.

Well, if a person does not want, if he is more satisfied with another life, if he really wants another, forcing him to do something against his own will is somehow not very reasonable for a reasonable person. Let's not talk about others, let's talk about you, dear reader, consider that I am addressing each of you personally. YOU have already understood that successful and unsuccessful people are the same people who just want a different life, there are no more differences in people, even everyone has laziness equally, only some are too lazy to be nobody, while others are too lazy to be people . What do you personally want from life, and what prevents you from getting it? There is something you don't know right? You don't know what to do, what to do, where to start? You have read this article of mine to these lines, excellent, therefore, you are not a lazy person, in any case, you are not lazy to read, which means that you are ready to work, ready to do something, and not wait until everything happens by itself. Great, this is the most important thing, I hope you have already decided with your desires, because at this stage, the creative work of your brain is finished. What follows is the physical process of realizing your plans, which you will get everything you want with impeccable and disciplined execution.

There will still be a place for creativity in your life, these are not only dreams of something good, these are also numerous options for your actions, the unusualness of which will determine what you consider success for yourself. You see the inscription “Paid consultation” at the top of the page - you know what it is - this is what you need when you don’t know. Paying for something that will give you the opportunity to change your life is the most profitable investment that can be, because you are investing in your excellence, this applies to all moments when you pay for knowledge. Such an investment cannot have a price, because it is priceless, but there can be a price set by a person that pays for his personal time working with you, and time, you must also agree, has a high price. Well, what are the problems to use my helping hand, which is extended to you, for what you are ready to pay your money and to whom you are ready to pay it. You are happy to pay the alcohol and tobacco industries, you pay garment factories, cell phone companies, automakers, who else do you pay and for what?

And what do you get in return, temporary pleasure, look at how the above industries fatten and chic with your money, or rather, their cream, while your life stands still, it does not change for the better, you have not even come close to the life that the people you pay live, which many, perhaps you, consider a successful life. Well, what about you yourself, are you really not worthy to pay yourself, so as not to spend money on the endless satisfaction of your desires, which lead you nowhere, and thus be content with little in this life. Why don't you pay yourself, in yourself, why not invest in your own, and not in someone else's future? After all, the best thing you can invest your money in is yourself. By developing yourself, you will never lose.

After all, money can go away forever, or it can return having increased many times over, this, friends, is called an investment, and in order to pay yourself, you need to pay those who will make you better - stronger, skill, healthier and so on. So think about how much you want to be successful in this life and what you consider success for yourself. Is success for you - the possession of some beautiful and expensive thing, or success for you - is the development of your capabilities, your mind, your strength, in the broadest sense of the word, thanks to which you can influence a lot in this life. Think about what you really want. After all, if you do something that does not fit with your desire, then this desire is false. And your desire is a consequence of what your needs and beliefs? Think about it.

From my point of view, it is not so terrible when a person does not know something, it is much more terrible when he thinks that he knows what he needs in this life and what he wants, whereas in reality this is not so. Here a successful person is a person who came to what made him feel good, and not to what made his life more stressful, difficult, nervous and generally unhappy.

We all want to achieve something in this life, we all strive for something. But why do some people achieve success, and quite quickly, while others - all their lives, striving for something, and remain on the same rung of the ladder from where they started? There are a few things that strong-willed, fast-moving people avoid doing. These are the actions that prevent us from getting the most benefit in the shortest time. What are the actions? Let's find out!

So, if you want to achieve your goals in life, you should not do:

1. Talk about the past
Successful people are able to focus on the present moment and the near future. They understand that the past is beyond our control and the distant future is about as predictable as the weather this winter.

2. Stay in your comfort zone
The comfort zone is a dangerous place where those who stay there too long can get lost. Staying in your comfort zone means giving up on your aspirations and a better life.

3. Do not listen to the opinions of others
Only stupid people think they know and can do enough. A good idea is still good, even if you didn't generate it. Don't let your ego turn down good advice given by other people.

4. Trying to avoid change
Successful and strong-willed individuals understand that change is inevitable. Trying to avoid the inevitable is pointless. Therefore, trying to avoid change is pointless; it's a waste of time and energy.

5. Keep your mind closed
You cannot know everything. Even what you think you know is most likely not entirely true. If you keep your mind closed, you close yourself off from learning new material. If you stop learning, you stop moving forward.

6. Let others make decisions for you.
Only you must make your own decisions; you cannot let others do it for you. You cannot shift responsibility for your decisions to others. If you don't have the courage to fail, then you won't have the courage to succeed.

7. Jealous of the success of others
When others are successful, you should be happy. If they could do it, you can too. This should motivate you to keep moving forward.

8. Think about possible failures
There is always the possibility that you may fail, but as long as there is a chance of success, you must try.

9. Feel sorry for yourself
Anything can happen in life. People get sick, die, life is not only roses and butterflies. You will fall again and again. The question is, how strong are you to keep going forward?

10. Focus on your weaknesses
While working with weaknesses has its benefits, it's more important to focus on your greatest strengths. Mastering a certain set of skills or traits will allow you to beat the competition with less effort.

11. Trying to please people
You can't please everyone, but you can always try your best.

12. Blame yourself for things that are out of your control.
Successful people know that they can control and understand that they cannot and avoid thinking about things that are beyond their control.

13. Be impatient
Most people are impatient, they refuse to move on before their time for success has come.

14. Thinking you owe something
Life doesn't owe you anything. Others don't owe you anything. You were born - the rest is up to you. If you want to achieve something in this life, you must do it only for yourself.

15. Go with your fears
Some things scare us, but most of our fears are illogical. If you know what you want to do try this.

16. Refusing help from others
You are not Superman; You cannot do everything at once. And even if you can, why should you? If others offer help, accept it. Listen to their ideas, watch how they do things. You can learn a lot from others.

17. Surrender
The biggest weakness of all mankind is to quit what you started. Successful people do the things that matter to them until they succeed, until they succeed. And no exceptions!

Sir Richard Branson is more than just a talented entrepreneur who built the unique Virgin brand, bringing together several dozen completely different businesses, including music disc stores, air and rail companies, a radio station and a publishing house. He is also a bright, non-standard personality. Branson's book is a manifesto of life, action, risk. The credo of its author is to take everything from life. It means not being afraid to do what you want. It does not matter at all whether you have enough knowledge, experience or education. Life is too short to waste it on things that don't bring you pleasure. If you have a head on your shoulders and enough enthusiasm in your heart, any goal will be possible. If you like something, do it. If you don't like it, leave it without hesitation. The book carries a huge charge of optimism, wisdom and faith in the capabilities of each person.

What does this phrase mean for successful people? This phrase means a lot to them, because it is it that determines their success in life. Some observations show that successful people never go back to the mistakes they learned from. And that is exactly what they started with.

A few years ago I played chess with my mentor, and we started a discussion that once a person makes a conclusion and a lesson for himself, he never returns to the same place. At least that's what successful people do. And I wondered what lessons and conclusions they draw in order to become successful? I began to research this question by observing the lives of many famous and successful people. And found 6 things they never go back to.
Dr. Henry Cloud

6 things successful people don't do

1. Don't go back to what didn't work.

They understand that where they have made efforts, and it has not yielded anything, a better result can not be expected. That's why successful people don't go back there.

2. They don't do things that require them to be something they aren't.

In everything we do, we must ask ourselves, “Why am I doing this? Am I eligible for this? Does everything suit me? "

In the case of a negative answer to at least one question, successful people leave what they were doing. Unsuccessful people continue to do their job, even if they do not see the meaning and their part in it.

3. Don't try to change the other person again

Successful people understand that it is impossible to change a person unless he himself wants to change. Therefore, they never waste their efforts on those who do not want to take their advice.

4. Don't try to please everyone

After successful people discover that they can't please everyone anyway, they start living their purpose.

5. Don't trust those who seem perfect.

It's natural for us to pay attention to those who are perfect, but usually someone who tries to appear so is actually flawed. Successful people know this, because every person has flaws. Once, when they still believed that there are wonderful ideal people, they got burned and since then they have not repeated their mistake.

No matter how good someone looks on the outside, successful people don't miss the opportunity to take another look at them because they remember their bitter experiences of mindlessly trusting other people and therefore no longer follow someone blindly.

Everyone makes mistakes, even the most successful people are wrong, but they never go back to their mistakes, never step on the same rake a second time. This is what makes them so successful.

James Altucher lists ten things that successful people will never do:

I personally did all ten things on my list and saw where it led. Woe to me, woe.
And before I give you this list, let me start with the evidence.

I founded about 20 startups and failed 17 of them. I also screwed up as a husband and as someone who wants to get rich.
I hope I wasn't as terrible as my father, but I bet others will look at my list of accomplishments and nod confidently, "Yeah, he screwed up as a parent."

I'm not a very good friend. Once I broke up with a girl right in the elevator when I was driving to her apartment. I just pressed the down button and never spoke to her again.

But there have been successes in my life.



We don't live long enough to really "fail". For example, if a planet 4 billion years old has not been able to give rise to life on itself, then yes, this is a failed planet. Everything else is just an experiment.

Thomas Edison never said, "I failed 10,000 times before I made my light bulb."

He also worked in the LABORATORY. He experimented. And now everyone, as if wound up, says "I failed, I failed." What the hell!

John Coltrane is not a failure at all, because he did not stay with the Miles Davis Quartet.

He experimented with style with Miles Davis, but eventually, after 20 years of practice and study under him, John developed his own unique style to create his own successful quartet.

He experimented, got a lot of valuable experience and began to move on.

And here is the KEY to experimentation:


Why? It's all about the brain: when you make a mistake, you try again and again until you succeed.

This repetition is "practice". Only practice makes perfect.
When people do something for the first time (for example, when I sold my first business), they never get all the intricacies that practice gives.

So they remain in the belief that "successful" means "good", while in truth "mistakes + repetitions = good."


Everyone always lies: in order to succeed, you need to promise little and do a lot.

This is the worst form of lack of integrity. The idea is that you feel "protected". Well, for example, if you promise little and do little.

You will incorrectly decide: "Well, at least I promised what I did."

No, it's not like that. You are just like everyone else. Like 3,000,000,000 workers around the world who take on little and do just as little.

And you are exactly the same.


BIG PROMISES will already set you apart from other people. A similar result will make you better than people with ordinary results.

And it's not hard to do (it's very easy to promise a little more than everyone else and deliver a little more than everything, simply because no one else does).

Just try it and you will see amazing results.


They forget important papers in the subway. Get sick.
Their dog is sick. Friends and girlfriends part with them. And there is no way to escape from a series of these failures.

You cannot succeed by lying sick in bed. You won't do well if you're emailing your wife all night because you just don't trust her.

You will not be successful if you are not grateful that you at least had a chance to become better than you are now.

When someone makes too many excuses, they are definitely not ready to improve and move on to the next step.

When I was young, I often justified myself. Literally every day. Yes, I'm good at this stuff. But I didn't fool anyone. So I had little chance of success.

And you know what: I was right! If I read my wife's letters and she cheated on me, then that's what I should be doing.

So here's what you'll do: You can't be perfect.

But every day you can move, eat, sleep, and...

Work on relationships with others (call a friend, please your significant other, support your children).

Be creative (here you figure out how, I advise you to come up with at least 10 ideas a day).

Be grateful for what you have now (appreciate the current moment).


They did Bobby Fischer. No one suspected that he would become the most talented chess player. He had a very mediocre gift.

But he always said: "How can I reach a new level of chess."

And after that, he never lost in the US Championships. And he was only 13.

He was so far ahead of all Americans that he stopped competing in US tournaments.

And he went higher and higher until the World Cup.

For the first time in his life, he played a non-standard first move for himself.

His opponent, the former world champion, was ONLY ready for his past strategy that everyone knew. So Fischer crossed everything out with his first move.

Gandhi has risen to a new level. Every revolution before him was full of violence.

He experimented, he had his own vision of the world. And he understood that 300 million Indians did not need violence at all.

And he was right, despite the fact that everyone was against him.

Listen to other people's advice, and then move on to the next level. This can not be done without practice (because the first time will not work).

Come up with your own ideas, be aware of “This has never happened before” (it’s not true that everything in the world was invented before and not by us, before there were only vague hints that you put into shape).

But keep doing it over and over again and you will become THAT PERSON who knows how to do things never seen before.


Due to failure, a person becomes insecure. When a person makes mistakes at work, he wants a little confidence.

Trust other people. And then you will become a source of trust, like its bank.

And when people need confidence, who will they go to? To you! Just like the bank if they need money.

Trust is like a currency, and if you become its bank, then in the end all the real trust will revolve in your hands.


I'm not talking about "be honest". Well, it's obvious.
But how do you take your honesty and integrity to the next level?

Be vulnerable. Admit mistakes before you are forced to. Offer people their money back, even when you don't have to.

I recently spoke with Eve Williams, the founder of Twitter. His first company, Odeo, didn't do well, and the board of directors decided to give everyone their money back before closing.
This is integrity. No one has ever returned my money to me.

Give advice and help people when you really want them to get better.

Do this every day. Little by little it will lift you higher. No, not just taller, it will make you bigger, it will make you stronger.

There is "negative integrity" and "positive integrity".

"Negative integrity" is telling your boss, "I failed because I missed the train."

“Positive integrity” is: “I like points A and C in your idea, but maybe try D and E? I bet we can make our boss really like our idea.”

And then you trust the boss.

Remember, you can bring your own vision.

On average, a person lives 75 years. But your vision can live for thousands of years.


I used to think that there is only ONE rule in money: make money.
So I lost them. Because first I had to understand that there are three main rules in money.




We are constantly struggling to make money. But I have to pay bills, I want to stop constantly being nervous about money.

But too many people mistakenly believe that once they've made money, they're done.
I thought so too when I had millions in my bank account.

So I stopped caring about my health. Stopped being nice to others.

I spent money on a penthouse, bought paintings and a house in Atlantic City, and then got into gambling, flying everywhere in helicopters.

I invested in any initiative just to impress the people.
And then I had only $143 left, I was completely bankrupt, and I also blamed myself for the death of at least two people.

When you earn money, try to save it. No need to invest. Put them in the bank. Do not be greedy, you are already rich, and that is enough.

Well, unless you want to buy a basketball team, then you don't have to get rich again.

Please trust me here.

Almost all the losers I know (and I've seen a lot of them) didn't fail because they couldn't make money. They failed because they couldn't keep them and went bankrupt.


I had a very good friend, a very talented scientist. Probably the best one I know of.

I told him honestly: you do not finish the job.

He had no idea. Everyone told him: You are amazing! INCREDIBLE! You're so clever!

And he did everything only by 30%.

And then he came up with another brilliant idea. True genius!

And his kids were on food stamps. But each of his ideas was not just a million dollars, but a BILLION! I'm not exaggerating.

But he did not bring them to mind. And all his next ideas were better.

Thomas Edison didn't say "I'm done!" when he made the light bulb.

He called the mayor of New York and arranged for downtown New York to be lit. The first city with electric light in history.

And he was paid for it. He opened his own company. Brought it to mind and got rich.

And here is the difference between Edison and Tesla, who was smarter than the first in everything, but died in poverty.

If you can't finish everything yourself, delegate responsibilities. But don't forget the first rule: DO A LOT.


I carry a notebook with me everywhere. I have a hundred of them.
Right now I have one in my pocket. And one on the nightstand next to the bed.

Saul Bellow once said, "You never have to rewrite what you write in the middle of the night."

How many times have you come up with something great and thought, “This is SO COOL, I WILL NEVER FORGET,” and then promptly forgot.

This happened to me this morning. Claudia and I were chatting last night and she said, “We need to write this down,” and I said, “I will never forget this!”.

Well, what - I forgot. I prayed to all the gods of memory to remember, but I could not.


Every day I speak about 10,000 words a day.
I ALREADY KNOW what I'm going to say today. The words are already in my head and I'm just waiting for an opportunity to blurt them out.

When you listen, you learn. When you learn, you get better. And when you get better, you will have your own vision, you will start to achieve results, become more creative and so on.

So I go on a verbal diet.

2500 words per day. MAXIMUM. It may not work out for me (this is an experiment), but I hope today it turned out better. And tomorrow.

Listening is a chance to express trust. It means you value other people's words.

Listening is an opportunity to be whole. Because you accept what others offer.

Listening is an opportunity to improve relationships with others.

Listening is an opportunity to get good ideas, when others talk they often come up with interesting ideas that you didn't think of.

Buddha founded religion not by chatter. It all started with him sitting under a tree and listening.

Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness. He listened.

Moses listened to his wife (oh, that is, the burning bush).

Everything that changed the world happened because someone listened, not chatted. Conversations are inspiring. But listening creates that inspiration.

Of course, I can write to you at the end: "the main rule, spit on all the rules."

But I do not think so.

Do you know why? Because they are intelligent.

And they are not about how to succeed or fail. Such rules are written on birthday cards.

It's about how I failed and succeeded. Well, now I can die with peace of mind.