Types of entrance doors for a private house. Entrance metal doors to the house. Choosing the dimensions of the front door

Choosing an exterior door is not as easy as it seems. After all, she performs several important and responsible tasks at once. First of all, there must be reliable protection from unauthorized entry. Equally important are good thermal insulation and cutting off external noise. Not final attention given to durability and visual appeal. This is the first thing that sets the mood for your guests, visitors or customers.

The front door should reliably protect the house from burglars, wind, low temperatures and noise.

Attractive classic

Today on the market there are a lot of offers for every taste. Traditionally, buyers choose an exterior door made of wood or steel.

Closer to nature

The device of the entrance metal door.

Wooden products are highly susceptible to atmospheric influences. Precipitation, ultraviolet radiation, seasonal fluctuations in temperature and humidity lead to changes in their geometric dimensions. The attractive texture of natural wood, which is so pleasing to the eye in the first few years of operation, fades over time and no longer seems so attractive.

The main difficulty of application natural materials consists in the simultaneous presence of two very different environments and multidirectional influences. From the outside, it can be winter frost and close to 100% relative humidity. At the same time, the room temperature and the excessive dryness of the air caused by the operation of the heating system are maintained inside.

The wooden block, in addition to purely decorative properties, has its own objective advantages. Solid wood is a good thermal insulator. In it, due to the solidity and uniformity of the material, there are no cold bridges. Most of the production is done under individual sizes openings and according to the preferences of the customer. There is no need to look for a door suitable for your size and external data for a long time - just order what you want.

But very carefully you need to consider the choice of the artist. wooden canvas must be of the correct thickness, at least 50-60 mm, from dried in compliance with the technology the right varieties wood and processed good materials without extra savings. A good wooden door made of wood species such as larch turns out to be quite expensive, while burglary resistance still remains at a very low level.

The key is strength

Filling scheme front door.

Much better with this is the case with metal structures. The strength of steel gives good protection from force methods of opening. A steel sheet with a thickness of 3-4 mm on the main area, stiffening ribs, an armor plate of 5-6 mm locks, additional pins on the side of the sheds, the use of cylinder and lever locks at the same time will make potential intruders seriously think about the profitability of opening.

Not bad metal doors carry and weathering. With proper processing, they are not afraid of temperature changes, high humidity, and even oblique rain falling directly on them. quality steel doors durable. But here are the heat-insulating and aesthetic properties steel blocks require the introduction of additional elements into the structure.

We have to deal with cutting off cold bridges, which are stiffeners, fill the cavities with heat and sound insulating materials. To add attractiveness to such products, special coatings, veneer lining, and forged decor are used. As a result, the metal door in the section resembles a puff sandwich.

The main disadvantage of this option is the standardization of sizes. Good factory made metal doors won't fit in every opening, and local craftsmanship can be durable but rarely attractive. The tightness of wood and steel blocks is usually not very good. As a result, a lot of heat is carried away with drafts.

From tradition to technology

Schematic diagram of the front door.

Many of the disadvantages of traditional designs are devoid of plastic doors. Often, buyers are skeptical about such products. They perceive the front plastic door as a variant of the balcony, only more. In fact, serious structural differences are hidden behind the external similarity.

Such doors are made of a more durable and massive profile. entrance group. Everything is different: depth, width, wall thickness, structure internal chambers and even chemical composition polymer composition. Rigidity, strength and resistance to force effects are ensured by the presence of a frame made of steel profiles closed section. Docking is performed on the basis of permanent welded joints.

The entrance group provides for the use of reinforced and burglar-resistant fittings. A massive external plastic door, in contrast to the balcony door, which is simply high window, involves hanging each sash on 3 or even 4 loops. Load bearing capacity loops door type also significantly higher. They must withstand hundreds of thousands of opening and closing cycles.

The most common models of entrance doors.

The tightness of the fit is ensured by the accuracy of geometric dimensions, several sealing contours, as well as the use of a crab locking mechanism. In such a system, the locking bolts attract the door at several points. Adjusting the door in canopies allows you to precisely set the sash to the optimal position for a snug fit. Push set or office arc handles are designed for a long service life.

While the threshold of the balcony door has a height of about 7 cm, the plastic door of the entrance group is supplied with an aluminum threshold with a separating insulated core up to 25 mm high. This makes operation more convenient without compromising the quality of the seal.

A sufficient level of thermal insulation is ensured by the use of multi-chamber profiles and filling with sandwich panels and double-glazed windows with 2 chambers and special glass. To increase the strength over the area of ​​the door, additional intersecting profiles can be located, filling with a sandwich with two steel sheets is used, impact-resistant triplex glass is used in double-glazed windows, and reinforcements of the locking part are built in.

The fact that such doors are quite warm, strong and durable follows from their very design, but a plastic door can also be very attractive. Production on site, but according to the technology and equipment of the world's leading manufacturers, provides wide opportunities individualization.

You can order a plastic door for any opening and any configuration. To enhance the decorative properties, lamination is used under various varieties wood, painting in any color according to the RAL standard. Interior and exterior design may vary. It is possible to use tinted, frosted or stained glass with various decorative elements. Freedom of layout allows dividing wide openings into 2 leaves with any aspect ratio.

The disadvantages of plastic doors are mostly associated with the unscrupulous attitude of manufacturers or installers, as well as the use of low-quality materials and components.

The most common complaint about a metal-plastic door is sagging, changes in the leaf geometry, lack of tightness, condensation on the inner surface. All this indicates errors in the manufacture and selection of components.

Before ordering a door, you should ask the manufacturer if the manufacturer has certificates from the technology supplier, look at the documentation for the raw materials. You need to choose proven organizations that work with proven components.

To increase resistance to burglary, a plastic door is often installed as a second door, after a simple steel door without insulation or after a simple lattice. In such a tandem, each element performs its function. The first metal door provides maximum burglary resistance, and the second plastic door provides tightness, insulation and noise insulation. The presence of glazing in the door makes it an additional source of lighting.


Entrance doors to the apartment: metal, plastic or wooden?

The first and main function of entrance doors is protection against unauthorized entry. The second is heat and sound insulation. Accordingly, the characteristics of the materials and the design of the door block must correspond to the tasks.

Choosing an entrance door

Characteristics of the outer door block

Entrance - a kind of external doors. These include all door modules that separate the living space of an apartment or work space from the outside world. These are entrance, balcony and access door structures. As a rule, the owner of the apartment needs to choose the front door, since its role in ensuring the security of the home is much higher.

The most important classification for the consumer is related to the level of burglary resistance.

  • 1st class - the door module is opened by a non-specialist using a mechanical lever tool: pry bar, nail puller, crowbar.
  • 2nd class - the block can be opened by a specialist using any non-electric tool.
  • 3rd class - the door unit can be opened only when using power tools with a power of at least 0.5 kW.
  • 4th class - differs from the third in that the door leaf is bulletproof.

The classification according to the level of security is not limited to this, since when hacking, not only the tool used is important, but also the time of opening, as well as the noise emitted during this. For example, for a first class outdoor unit, the full access time is 9 minutes, and no electric tools are supposed to be used, that is, opening is not accompanied by noticeable noise. The installation of crossbars on such a structure will not turn it into a third-class product, but at the same time, an electric tool with cutting disc. Since its use is accompanied by very strong noise, it is obvious that it does not make sense to use this method in a residential building.

The external door structure of the third class is opened in 35 minutes with the help of a power tool, which again makes breaking pointless.

Plastic doors

Such a solution is possible only when it comes to balconies. As a rule, they are not designed to protect the apartment from burglary and can be made of both wood and plastic. It is possible when plastic panels sheathed metal sheet, but such a product belongs to another class. In the photo - a plastic balcony sash.

Wooden entrance block

To date, this is a rarely used option, since the tree does not provide the proper strength of the product and resistance to breaking. You can select it only if the main load on the implementation of protection is performed by some other devices, for example: fencing country house or the presence of round-the-clock security near the office.

The tree has best performance in terms of heat and sound insulation, it was precisely these qualities that made them so attractive. But if you use wooden doors as external, other factors should be taken into account.

  • Moisture resistance - the outer door unit is exposed to rain and snow to a much greater extent than the interior. So, the tree must be treated accordingly and covered with a protective varnish.
  • Action resistance sun rays- wood under the influence of rays loses moisture and deforms. The problem is solved by applying special processing. To extend the life of the product, as well as guarantee the preservation appearance, it is recommended to install a visor above the entrance.

  • Filling the web - the optimal for the entrance web is continuous execution, otherwise the thermal insulation and strength characteristics are greatly reduced. It should be noted that the cost of a canvas from a solid array is no less than the cost of steel 3rd class. In the photo - a sample of a wooden door.

Metal exterior doors

The most popular material for manufacturing is steel. Iron and various alloys are also used. It is recommended to choose steel, as it has higher strength characteristics with a smaller sheet thickness.

Steel blocks are produced using different technologies.

  • Bending-profile - seamless construction, made by bending the sheet and profile.
  • Pipe-angle - welding is used in the construction of the block. This design is supposed to be stronger and more reliable.

The thickness of the steel sheet matters. In the canvas of the lower price category, this parameter is 0.7-0.8 mm. This is absolutely not enough. A thickness of 1.2 mm provides a higher level of protection, but also belongs to the first class of burglary resistance. The thickness of the steel sheet from 3 to 4 mm is used for the production of entrance doors of the 2nd and 3rd class, which is one of the reasons for their high cost. In the photo - a metal door structure.

The weakest point of the door block is the hinges, since they can simply be cut off with a grinder or knocked out with a sledgehammer. This disadvantage is eliminated in two ways.

  • Anti-removable pins - when closing, the hinges are lowered into special sockets on the door frame. In this case, the door leaf is firmly held in the frame even when the hinges are cut.
  • Hidden - the loops are hidden from the outside observer. It's impossible to cut them.

Today the steel door is best solution to ensure the safety of the apartment.


Features of street plastic doors: requirements, design and protection

In our country, a fairly popular product is street plastic doors, which is quite logical given that they have a large number merits.

Regardless of where exactly it is planned to install a plastic door - in a cottage or a country house, it is very important that it meets certain requirements. In addition to the aesthetic appearance, it must have a hermetic design, have excellent noise and heat insulation properties, and also not create problems in maintenance.

Unfortunately, there are quite a few models of outdoor plastic doors on the market that have all of the above qualities. For this reason, in this article we will pay attention to the features that should be considered at the stage of choosing an outdoor plastic door for a house or apartment.

Requirements for outdoor plastic doors

First of all, you need to find out by the presence of which functions you can understand that we have a high-quality plastic door.

When choosing an outdoor plastic door, it is important to remember that it should be able to handle the following tasks:

PVC outdoor door blocks

If we turn to history, then a few decades ago, the most common material that was used for the manufacture of door products, there was a tree. But gradually, natural solid wood began to lose its popularity due to the appearance on the market of more durable steel door blocks, which have become more in demand. And after a while, after them, armored models became available to the domestic consumer.

Over time, when production began to increase the scale of production and technologies began to improve, they began to use as a material for creating door products. plastic profile. It was on its basis that the first balcony ceilings began to be produced. After some time, the first samples of balcony doors made of this material began to enter the market. And pretty soon new products appeared on sale in the form of metal-plastic door structures.

Having become acquainted with the novelties, the majority of consumers realized that the use of the latest modern materials in the construction of objects does not provide negative impact on their performance characteristics. Moreover, such a solution is beneficial for them, as it allows you to increase the level of protection for entering private house. Against this background, designers and constructors decided to turn their attention to them, and soon projects became available to consumers. suburban buildings, for which these novelties acted as the main material.

Functions of street doors made of plastic

The high interest in outdoor plastic doors is largely due to the advantages due to which plastic products can be used for solutions certain tasks , which include the following:

Design features

  • Most often, street plastic doors are made based on a special profile, providing 5 or 7 chambers, filled with a steel reinforcing frame.
  • The role of the box is performed by a profile frame, the increased strength of which is given by a metal frame, where the corner joints are fastened with special structural elements giving the structure increased rigidity.
  • basis door leaf speaks profile frame, for the sheathing of which on one or both sides is used a metal sheet with galvanized coating. The web space is filled with a special material that provides high protection against external noise and reduces heat loss.
  • To create glazing of door blocks from PVC profile armored glass is used or past special hardening triplex. The final version is determined by the class of the product, which ultimately affects the retail price of the door. The sashes can have a deaf version, a design without glazing.
  • The role of fittings in such input blocks is performed by crossbars lock systems, thanks to which, when closing the canvas, it is possible to achieve extremely high density and reliability.
  • Plastic door products may include different kinds thresholds. The latter are made in the form of a block frame element and can be made on the basis of steel or aluminum, provide for a heat-insulating layer or not have it.

Correct selection options

For anyone door product from plastic, it is important to have advantages that correlate with its price. Similar designs offered today, which are available to every consumer, can provide high level of protection from unauthorized entry into private property, as well as to protect against external noise, negative impacts from external factors, including temperature fluctuations.

These benefits can be achieved through quality characteristics, which are inherent in the profile used in the design of these products and the combination of sealing materials placed along the contour of the block.

Key elements

Worthy of special attention constituent elements designs, which determine the correctness of the decision to purchase a plastic outdoor door to protect the house:

  • Frame. It must have a steel frame fixed around the entire perimeter. At the same time, its walls should be thicker in contrast to the window frame and be at least 3 millimeters.
  • Door leaf profile. Must have a design based on a five-chamber design. The door itself must provide a frame that has the appropriate structure and configuration. The frame with longitudinal and transverse ribs that provide the entire block with the necessary rigidity demonstrates the highest performance characteristics.
  • Lock systems of plastic doors. For them, it is mandatory to have locking devices located on all parts of the perimeter of the web.
  • Loops. An important element of plastic door structure, for which an anti-removable version is mandatory, which is implemented through a multilayer structure.
  • Double-glazed windows. If you pay attention to most modern stores, then the plastic entrance blocks installed in them must have double-glazed windows. Moreover, their characteristics should have more high performance as opposed to window glazing.
  • Door leaf heater. The issue of its presence is decided individually by the consumer, which is associated with the ability of PVC material to successfully withstand low temperatures.
  • Tightness of the street entrance block from plastic. To give a similar property to the structure, it provides seals based on rubber, silicone and other materials, which are located with outer side sash, as well as along the inner perimeter of the box.

Burglar resistance level

A plastic door product intended for outdoor use must have high performance reliability, which is realized through equipment with additional structural elements:


Despite the fact that plastic doors are especially popular today, their variety creates a problem for consumers who decided to install them in their home. Input blocks street capable of providing housing effective protection from various external factors. However, in order for the owner to be able to take advantage of all their advantages, he needs to correctly approach the choice of a door product. To do this, it is necessary to take into account key parameters, not forgetting about personal preferences. A door that has a similar combination of characteristics will be the best option for a modern consumer.


Which entrance doors are better: wooden or iron?

Which doors are better to put and with what locks?


7 years ago

AT apartment buildings better two doors (input). The first is iron, the second is wooden. Between them is obtained a vestibule along the width of the wall. Firstly, you cut off the noise from the entrance, and secondly, if this is the first floor and the entrance is not heated, then to cut off cold air.

the system selected this answer as the best

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3 years ago

In our difficult time, it is better to put iron, metal doors with complex system locks and locks. This is primarily due to the safety of the home. The house must be securely guarded with burglar-resistant doors. You can order external and interior decoration under a tree, or natural wood, then outwardly such a door will be difficult to distinguish from a wooden one. It will be seen only at the end that it is reliable steel.

Such a door will withstand the installation of an additional number of locks. It is better to make locks mortise, so the door will look better. When secretly placing locks, you can make several of them, or more. Noteworthy are the locking systems, where the locking mechanisms are extended on the sides of the door, that is, from above, and from below, additionally. This complicates the breaking of such a door. Nice castles Elbor. From invoices, I usually put a Barrier, with a wide tongue, and complex configuration key. Such a lock is also convenient to use as an internal valve.

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4 years ago

So, entrance doors are different, both in design and in appearance. Here, first you need to decide what exactly you want. How many locks, the exit of crossbars, whether there will be refinement after the front door, what kind of opening, with or without a peephole, how much noise bothers you, that is, soundproofing, and then the appearance. When choosing a door, it is MANDATORY to pay attention to the design of the box, many factories assemble the box by welding from plates, and there are factories that make a one-piece box, that is, at the time of operation of the door, you will not blow through, because even good welding can subsequently blunder, that is, there must be a one-piece bent box

. Further, the canvas must contain at least three stiffeners
, thanks to the ribs, the canvas does not lead, that is, there are no problems with opening and closing the door. Further locks, it is best (if you want two locks, which is most often) that the door contains one cylinder lock, the second lever , classes of burglary resistance for level 3-4 class, for cylinder 4 and more. By the number of crossbars 3-5 for each lock. Further, it is not unimportant that the locks (if you look at the side of the canvas) are screwed onto the screws
if it is riveted or recessed under the metal , then such a lock will be difficult to change by yourself. Insulation, not a bad option, is a mineral plate, it differs from mineral wool in high density, and at the time of operation it does not fall down the canvas and retains its shape. Interior design doors can be either the same metal, or maybe MDF, it is better if the thickness is about 16 mm, this increases sound insulation, like a minplate. In general, I advise you to turn to those shops and salons that work to order, we have such a factory "City of Masters", you come to the salon and the door is assembled exactly as you want, you choose the thickness of the metal, color, design, interior design, the thickness of the box, what will be the threshold, what accessories, and anything, it's like you were given a naked doll, and you dress her as you like. And now they are already getting rid of double doors, that is, one metal door is enough.

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4 years ago

If the question is, which entrance door to put in the apartment in high-rise building then it primarily depends on the size of the family budget. If the budget is small, then it is better to put an inexpensive iron door, but if the budget allows, then you can put a wooden one, because an armored wooden door will cost more.

The lock must be secure.

On the landing of a residential building it does not rain and the sun does not shine, which greatly simplifies the choice of a door, which cannot be said about a private house.

I have a private house and I thought for a very long time which front door to put in a private house:

beautiful wooden- which will dry out very quickly under the influence of a moisture difference or metal who is not very beautiful and is also afraid atmospheric phenomena(changes the color of the paint and stains appear).

To avoid shortcomings, it was necessary to take either a very expensive wooden one or a very expensive metal one. I gave up both options and put myself a plastic front door and for 7 years I have not regretted it a bit.

Plastic front door has a number of advantages - it does not freeze through, there are no gaps, it practically does not require maintenance, it does not lose its appearance over the years, it harmonizes perfectly with plastic windows and is relatively cheaper than wooden and metal structures High Quality.

The door was ordered with a double-glazed window of two glasses with frosted glass and with bars for an individual order.

The lock on such a door is not very complicated, because a thief can easily break glass in it or climb into the house through a window.

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Tartar Assia

2 years ago

Anyone who wants to pick up carpentry tools will be able to make a solid wooden door.

And, if he still picks up a set of cutters, then he has the opportunity to find a work of art for his home.

Not from any metal such a miracle cannot be created, even if you weight it with forging.

And with regards to reliability (this is the only thing in which there is, as it were, the superiority of metal), then in our age of technology, with the help of a grinder, met. the door is much faster to open than a wooden one.

I am telling you this as a specialist in the field of metal cutting and welding. This wooden door must either be hammered or chopped, and a steel door can be cut instantly at any place with the simple press of a button.

This is about security.

Well, in terms of heat and sound insulation, without any condensate and corrosion during temperature changes, freezing of ice in the area where seals lie, environmental friendliness, in these parameters a wooden door has no equal.

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4 years ago

Consider several parameters when choosing doors and write down their advantages:

1) Thermal conductivity

  • a wooden door is one of the best materials that do not let in temperature, both cold and heat ...
  • metal door - although the metal is highly susceptible to thermal diffusivity, good insulation is now being placed inside the doors ...

2) drafts

  • a wooden door - if there are no cracks, then it does not let in drafts, and any sealant can be glued into the joints ...
  • metal door - the metal will definitely not let in a draft, and any sealant can be used ...

3) Strength

  • wooden door - can be cut through with an ax, soft enough material ...
  • metal door - of course there are tools for cutting metal, but they are more cumbersome and in many cases power supply is required ...

4) wear resistance

  • a wooden door - the service life with decent maintenance is calculated in centuries, it is afraid of moisture (rotting) ...
  • metal door - Service life is not limited, it is also afraid of water (corrosion) ...

5) Fire-fighting component

  • wooden door - burns even if impregnated by special means, then all the same, when exposed to fire, it ignites after a while ...
  • metal door - practically not affected by fire ...

6) Anti-burglary

  • a wooden door - it is difficult to use bolt locks, the door itself is not strong, it is not difficult to crack ...
  • metal door - it has the ability to use any locks and it is quite difficult to crack ...

7) Environmental friendliness

  • wooden door - A fairly environmentally friendly material, if impregnations and paints harmful to health are not used ...
  • a metal door is an environmentally friendly material if the paint is not harmful to health ...

8) the beauty

  • Any door with various materials can be decorated for any available design, no matter what. What material is it made of...

From all of the above, I conclude that a metal door is inferior to a wooden one only in terms of security, although now there are many mechanisms that can crack any solid door!

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3 years ago

Here the answer is unequivocal - it is better to put metal doors. There are many reasons for this and, as for me, in any case, metal doors only win as entrance doors. However, metal doors are also different, because there are such “manufacturers” who seem to make metal doors that are simply cut with a can opener.

What I personally would like to recommend. Doors, if they are of really good quality, are installed once in, well, every 20-30 years, and with proper care they can last 100 years. I like the Mul-T-Lock company, these are high-strength metal doors, installing the door frame on concrete very good quality locks. I am very glad. The only and very significant drawback is the price. However, it is worth choosing, besides, you install such a door and no longer worry that someone will break it, well, and the locks, of course, are advanced, but you can open anything, but it will also take a lot of time, effort, and what noise will stand, if suddenly that. I think it's better to fork out once than to change the door lock every two years and change the door itself once every 5 years.

As for the appearance, lovers of wooden doors (I myself like it when the door does not look like a piece of metal) can order veneered panels with some nice pattern and even double-glazed windows and wrought iron bars.

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3 years ago

Definitely, if there is no question of price, then good, expensive, high-quality, wooden, or even better combined - this is a metal door with a wooden inner side and a wooden inner box, such a door carries all the power and reliability of the metal outside and is ready to resist burglars with dignity, but at the same time having wood flooring and wood paneling The inside of the box is cozy, warm and beautiful.

As for locks, there should be at least two of them:

The first is simple for all days and constant use, it is enough to lock in only one direction.

The second is complex with additional all-round constipation, such that it closes tightly so that it is not scary to leave a home on it.

If we consider a budget option, then the choice must be stopped on a metal one, it will significantly benefit in reliability, and it will have to be insulated and sealed additionally separately.

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free attitude

4 years ago

Let's consider two situations.

First situation. You live in an apartment with a wooden door. You've gone. The burglar broke the door and stole everything.

You live in a country house with a wooden door. Guests have arrived. The door smells like wood. Friends love it. Country mood.

Second situation. You live in an apartment with a metal door. You've gone. The burglar is trying to break it in. When a neighbor arrives, he shoots the robber with Makar in the leg. The robber caught your things on the spot.

You live in a country house. You have guests. They saw this door and remembered the prison. There is little country mood.

The best combinations are a cottage and a wooden door, and this is an apartment with an iron door.

Here is our conclusion with you: we need different doors and in different places.

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3 years ago

If we are talking about the front door to the apartment, then I definitely choose the iron door. But not just an iron door of the cheapest assembly, but with good thermal insulation and sound insulation. These doors are commercially available. If you want to save money, but you already have a wooden door, you can put a second door - an iron one, and there will be two doors, with two locks. When it comes to security, it is also important to choose the right locks, not the cheapest ones.

We made a wooden door ourselves at our dacha, its thickness is 20 centimeters, the lock is internal, the burglar resistance is high. No one has hacked yet, although they wanted to. So who knows how - you can make the door yourself, this will be the best solution.

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4 years ago

We are going to buy an apartment and we have a question: which front door to put. But the decision was made immediately by the husband that the front door would be only iron because it was safer and more reliable. Wooden doors are also different - expensive and thick, you can put them on the entrance, but iron is better.

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Do you know the answer?

For any person, the safety of his loved ones is important, so most of us approach the choice of a door with special care. Modern manufacturers offer a huge number of the most diverse options in terms of their characteristics, which differ from each other in their technical specifications, indicators of quality and reliability, design and, accordingly, cost. As a result, the price of visually similar models can differ significantly.

In most cases, the best solution to the question of which entrance doors to choose for a private house is the analysis of the models on the market in accordance with the principle of necessary sufficiency. For example, it is unlikely ordinary person install a bulletproof structure, which is usually used only in banking institutions.

Which entrance metal door to choose for a private house

To choose the right front door for the house, you should pay attention to the fact that in any case it must meet the requirements of the customer according to several basic criteria:

  • reliability,
  • burglary resistance,
  • effective heat and noise insulation,
  • ease of use.

For each of the listed parameters, manufacturers offer many solutions, among which you can choose the option that is ideal for installation for each specific case.

How to choose the front door to a private house: the main criteria

There are several points that require special attention, which are rightfully considered fundamental in this case.

  • The selected model in terms of the degree of insulation and finishing material must correspond to the product that is planned to be installed in the opening facing the street.
  • The security level of the web must comply with safety requirements: metal thickness from 1.5 mm, number of steel layers in the structure (it is recommended to use two), frame design (it must be reliable enough to resist hacking during operation and ensure reliable operation of the web while maintaining their geometric parameters), the number of stiffening ribs in the internal space, the number of hinge groups (determined depending on the weight of the product), their design, the presence of an element for controlling the situation behind the door - a peephole.
  • To ensure the proper level of thermal insulation inner space doors must be filled with insulation with a thickness of 40 mm or more. You can choose an insulated front door for the house with polyurethane foam filling, mineral wool or foam. In economy class models, cardboard is often used, which in fact has little effect on both the heat and sound insulation of the room.
  • A high-quality door provides for the presence of seals that will protect the house from external noise and heat loss, which is especially important for private buildings. They can be stacked in several rows (usually no more than 3).
  • Canvas weight. The best option considered 70 kg. It takes into account the use by the manufacturer of two steel sheets with a thickness of 1.5 mm, effective internal filling, which will allow the structure, if necessary, to resist hacking.
  • The fire-fighting characteristics of the structure can be increased by using sheets of the corresponding special design.
  • Anti-vandal materials. Despite the fact that in most cases for private houses that are located inside the yard, they are additionally protected by a fence, the issue of hooliganism and damage to coatings by outsiders is less acute in comparison with apartments, yet the use of resistant to mechanical damage has the meaning. Especially when there are animals in the house that can scratch the upholstery.
  • A prerequisite for the choice is that the product has a quality certificate, manufacturer's guarantees, a passport, which will display all the technical characteristics.

How to choose a metal front door to the house: division into classes

In this industry, the classification of products has become generally accepted in accordance with the price category formed by the materials and technologies chosen for manufacturing.

  • Economy class. Models available for affordable prices with minimal safety and reliability indicators. The cost is reduced due to the use of thinner metal 1-1.5 mm, a simple locking mechanism. As a heater, either foam plastic or just corrugated cardboard is often used. The outer surface is painted or covered with leatherette. They are easy to hack, although they have a very presentable appearance.
  • Standard. In the course of manufacturing, the enterprises fulfill all the requirements in force in this industry in terms of quality, reliability, resistance to mechanical damage, burglaries. An optimal number of stiffeners is provided, metal with a thickness of 1.5-1.8 mm is used, 2 locking mechanisms are installed. For the exterior decoration of such a door, PVC panels, polymer powder coating, and lamination are most often used.
  • Business Class. To increase the reliability of the structure, when forming the frame, a rectangular or square pipe is used, vertical, horizontal, diagonally directed stiffening ribs are provided. Used for cladding sheet metal 2 mm. Two locks are included in the package. It corresponds to the 3rd class of reliability. As finishing material MDF panels, solid wood can be used, it is possible to use inserts made of impact-resistant glass, forged elements, stained-glass windows. Basalt wool or polyurethane foam can be used as a heater.
  • Premium class. Products are distinguished by expensive finishes using natural materials, non-ferrous metals. In terms of its reliability standard equipment canvases of this category differ little from those presented in the business class category. But at the same time, the emphasis here is on the use of individual design projects in the manufacture, which will correspond to the design and decoration of the room and the style of the building as a whole.

How to choose an entrance iron door to a wooden house

If you have to choose an input iron door to install it in wooden house, it is important to initially consider that there are no special requirements for the design itself in this regard. The only caveat in this case is that you should not use too heavy a structure. Average weight standard door of sufficient reliability is 70 kg, its structure will easily withstand during the entire period of operation.

All the subtleties that take place in the matter of buying a door are associated with the features of its installation. This is due to the fact that any wooden building has a tendency to permanent deformations depending on the seasonal factor, weather conditions, and climate features. If the installation is not done correctly, the sash will simply stop opening or will periodically jam, which is always quite unpleasant (especially if you have to resort to hacking to open the lock).

Regardless of the chosen price category and performance features, in any case, a metal front door must meet all the criteria for safety and ease of use, meet the aesthetic preferences of its owners. Practice shows that there are enough opportunities for choice so that everyone can find the ideal option for themselves.

The right front door is not only a reliable barrier to unwanted visitors, but also an aesthetically perfect detail that fits into both the exterior and interior of the house. And it should not release heat and let sound through. We will tell you what to look for when choosing a door.

Choosing the dimensions of the front door

The standard height of the front door leaf is 200 cm. Therefore, external doors with a smaller or larger dimension will be sold to you only for an additional fee. A product beyond the standard is made piece by piece, and such products are always more expensive.

With the width of the door, everything is not so clear. Manufacturers offer a wide range of sizes - from 80 to 120 or more centimeters. Moreover, meter-long street doors are made predominantly single-leaf. Well, if the width of the entrance opening in a private house exceeds 100 cm, then they will most likely put a double-leaf door there.

Option with two wings allows you to bring in and take out of the house assembled furniture and other large-format objects, but weakens the strength characteristics of the building envelope. In turn, an opening of 60-80 cm violates throughput input structure.

As a result, in a private house it is better to install doors 200 cm high and 90-100 cm wide. Such dimensions will suit most homeowners.

Which door does not let in frost and noise

The maximum level of protection against low temperatures gives a polymer door. Such a building envelope is assembled on the basis of a PVC sheet, supplemented with a double-glazed window and reinforced steel parts. In fact, this design does not differ from the already familiar plastic window. Therefore, for the owner of such a door, it absolutely does not matter what temperature the thermometer shows on the street: the 5-chamber leaf does not freeze through even at -30 ° C.

A canvas made of wood copes a little worse with frost and noise. Therefore, to protect against extreme cold, two canvases are used, between which there is an unheated vestibule. Moreover, as a vestibule, you can use a veranda, a closed porch or a whole extension. If only one wooden door is placed at the entrance to the house, then heat loss will be inevitable. For full protection from 20-25 degrees of frost, the thickness of the canvas should be at least 10-15 cm.

All-steel doors do not protect against cold or noise. But if a layer of a good heat insulator is integrated into the metal shell, and thermal breaks are provided in the frame structure that separate the outer layer from the inner one, then the situation changes to the opposite. Such doors will withstand 30-degree frosts.

True, manufacturers decided to supply steel structures with thermal breaks in the leaf to the market only after the noisy failure of the previous generation of metal doors. Therefore, among the inhabitants, this option is not yet particularly trusted. And the owners of metal enclosing structures complement the main doors with additional ones, with a PVC or wood leaf.

Which door is hard to break

According to this criterion, it is very difficult to choose which door is better and which is worse, since intruders can break into any enclosing structure. But good doors with a high level of protection against hacking, you can still choose. To do this, you need to follow the following selection criteria:

  • the door must correspond to at least the second class of resistance against break-ins, and ideally the third. The stability class is specified in the specification.
  • door hinges should not be located from the street (on the outer surface), but from the side of the house or in special grooves of the box.
  • inside the door leaf there should be a reinforcing frame, designed in the form of a lattice with narrow cells.
  • at the end of the web there must be anti-removable crossbars - pins included in specially equipped grooves in the box.
  • all gaps between the door frame and the opening must be covered with thick metal trim.

It is very difficult to break a door chosen according to such criteria. Even with the second class of resistance to hacking, attackers will have to tinker with 10-15 minutes. And the third class can resist for 30-40 minutes. Moreover, statistics claim that after 10-20 minutes of unsuccessful attempts to open the door, thieves leave their venture, fearing the appearance of unwanted witnesses.

The internal location of the hinges guarantees protection from inexperienced thieves who open the building envelope by cutting off the rotary mechanisms with a saw or a grinder. Therefore, such doors will be useful both for a private house and for a summer residence designed for seasonal living.

The reinforcing frame, platbands and anti-removable crossbars exclude rough burglary based on physical strength attacker. Breaking through a thin door leaf is much easier than a hardened wire grill, and anti-removable crossbars will hold the door even after thieves cut the hinges.

However, only reliable locks can give the maximum guarantee of protecting the entrance to a private house. Since all these crossbars, platbands and gratings are more protection from hooligans than from experienced burglars.

Door locks: which model is better

Reliable locks give about 70 percent resistance to burglary. And maximum result provide locking devices of various types. Therefore, before buying a lock, a prudent owner should get acquainted with each type of constipation. Which we will do below.

Now the mass consumer is offered four options for mechanisms:

  • lever lock with a "safe" T-shaped key,
  • lock with a cylinder-cylinder and a key-plate with characteristic grinding on the ribs,
  • cruciform constipation with a bar key, the working part of which is framed under a cruciform section,
  • disc lock, the key of which has the shape of a semicircle with cut grooves.

The first pair gives maximum resistance to break-ins: lever and cylinder locks. Lever plates and spring-loaded pins of the cylindrical version require burglars to high level skill. And it is very difficult to take these constipations by force. Crossbars of modern locks rotate around the axis, making cutting difficult.

As a result, even an experienced attacker must know the design and methods of working with mechanisms of the first and second types, and universal specialists are very rare in any business. That is why it is necessary to install different locks on the door, and not two lever or cylindrical locks. Although in terms of burglary resistance, the level option provides maximum protection.

In addition, a good alternative to the cylindrical version is a disc lock. It gives good protection against master keys. Therefore, a pair of "lever + disk constipation" is able to detain a highly qualified burglar. But cross-shaped locks in a private house do not need to be used. Even an inexperienced robber can open such constipation.

Let's deal with the question of which entrance doors are better to choose for a private house and apartment. The main materials that are used for the manufacture of doors in our time are usually wood and metal. Like any element of the house, the door must meet its purpose and have certain properties. We list the main ones that are inherent in any good door, regardless of the material of manufacture.

  • Strength. The front door serves to protect the home from the entry of strangers.
  • As a result - resistance to hacking. This concept implies both design features and the use of special locks, including on the door.
  • It should be warm and soundproof to the maximum. For these qualities, it is desirable not to be much inferior to the wall on which the door frame is attached.
  • Today it is difficult to imagine an entrance door without a “peephole” or a video surveillance camera combined with an intercom and a button remote control lock. These devices make our lives much easier.
  • Good appearance. After all, if the theater begins with a hanger, then your home starts with the front door.

Which entrance door is better to choose

The determining factor is the properties of the door leaf and frame

To begin with, consider what material the base of the door is made of. Of the two above, it is worth choosing metal as the base base. Wood is much inferior to metal in strength and fire safety.

For the sake of observing the truth, it is worth mentioning that there are also wooden doors, for example, made of alder or oak, impregnated special composition which makes them fire resistant. But this is more the exception than the rule.

A good, durable and beautiful front door is no longer a rarity today, therefore it is not an object of increased interest of individuals who seek to encroach on your property. And, therefore, it is simply necessary to have it. Therefore, we begin by considering the construction of a qualitative modern door from metal.

Design features of a good door leaf

The basis of the door is made up of two steel sheet, front and rear. These sheets, especially the front one, must be solid. Otherwise, at the junction of the pieces, they can be quite easily separated. The sheet thickness is preferably 1.8 mm.

This figure is derived from practice. On the one hand, a door that is too thin is easily cut with an ordinary can opener, even if not a kitchen knife, then a knife for opening ammo boxes. It's been verified.

On the other hand, there are sufficiency considerations. They produce doors with both 3- and 4-mm sheet thickness! Yes, even with reinforcement and an additional sheet between the two main ones. Such a door is mounted not on hinges, but on special levers. Steel is applied at the same time hardened. Neither a sledgehammer, nor a crowbar, nor a grinder, nor a drill are suitable against her. In a word - a tank. Opening it yourself is worth the trouble. And its price, offhand, is about $ 2,000. Let's just say, a lot.

If you have a dacha somewhere in the forest, away from people, and you don’t go there often, this option may come up. And in the conditions staircase apartment building, it's still a luxury. To break the door in the city, a crowbar, a sledgehammer, and no more are usually used. Therefore, the thickness, as we said, of 1.8 mm is quite enough. Such a door, when exposed to the above tools, can simply bend, but not give up.

Entrance doors and architraves

Another important condition is the absence of slots in the door structure through which a lever can be inserted to bend the door leaf or the door itself. door frame. For this, porches and platbands are used. The platbands save the box itself from breaking, and the porches do not allow crawling to the door leaf.

It is appropriate to say here that the box itself must be attached properly. Otherwise, the end result may be a “colossus with feet of clay”, when a powerful door is stuck with a box to the wall with almost one building foam. Once again, we will make a reservation that gaps are not allowed either on the door itself in relation to the box, or between the box and the wall.

Inside the door is not hollow. Between the sheets there is a heater for the front door, it is also a means for soundproofing. The choice of materials here is wide: from mineral wool to cardboard. It all depends on the availability of certain materials from the manufacturer, and of course, the cost of such a door.

What insulation is best for the front door?

There are many options, it can be foam, and wooden blocks, and sawdust ... In general, who has what and what he is capable of. And if we are talking about non-metallic materials, we should not forget that between the door leaf and the frame, in order to eliminate or reduce the penetration of odors, it is necessary to glue a rubber strip. In addition, when closing such a door, there will be no rumble.

In which direction should the front door open?

Before installing new door in the apartment, pay attention to the fact where the front door should open. According to the fire safety rules, it is forbidden to change the direction of opening the doors in order to prevent creating difficulties in the event of an emergency evacuation of people.

The fact is that the old wooden doors opened, as a rule, inwards. And new metal ones will open outwards and interfere with neighbors. So, a very corrosive comrade can get caught, and you will be recognized as a violator. The case may end in a fine, so it is better to kindly agree with all the neighbors in advance.

The reliability of doors largely depends on the hinges used. The best option is closed door hinges (canopies). They are more reliable, and the door at the same time looks neater.

If the loops are used with the connection going out, it is worth using the so-called "anti-removable pins" (they are also "tongues", "fingers").

Even if the loop connection was knocked down or cut off, the presence of anti-removable pins will not allow an intruder to freely enter the room for a certain time. It may take 10-20 minutes to remove pins. It is clear that the size, design and strength of the loops themselves matter.

In addition, you need to know that the hinges on the door should not be 2, but 3 or even 4 pieces. This provides additional security. It also helps to redistribute the load from the weight of the door to all hinges.

When the hinges are produced, they are erased, the door leaf sags. Often, in order to avoid such consequences, a hardened ball from a ball bearing is placed inside the loop under the working pin during manufacture. This reduces wear and prolongs the life of the hinges.

Elements of external control

As we have already discussed above, the door must contain surveillance devices, such as an electronic peephole or a video surveillance system. We will not dwell on video surveillance systems today. This is the whole world! But about the eyes it must be said that they must be armored. Otherwise, they may not save you in case of a critical situation from encroachment on your life.

There should preferably be two places for installing locks. One castle is not enough, three castles is a lot. And two - just. A woman will cope very well with the choice of the appearance of the door. The fair sex does not care what materials and how many loops there are, but in matters of design they are the best experts.

There are two standard ways to fasten the box: with a U-shaped bracket and flat. The first is preferable, since it allows you to create the necessary structural strength with less time. But due to the different location of the walls, it is not always suitable. Then you have to put up with and tinker with a flat mount. Although, if everything is done correctly, this method is not inferior in strength to the previous one.

Entrance door manufacturers and cost

In addition to everything, and maybe first of all, you are interested in the price of the front door. This largely depends on the manufacturer.

Domestic producers are traditionally distinguished by lower quality (although there are many exceptions), but also, accordingly, also by a low price. It ranges from $200 to $500.

Imported doors cost between $400 and $1,000. Here the choice is yours. Do not forget to check the completeness of the goods only at the final stage of the purchase. Another small but important note. Before going to the store, do not forget to measure the doorway. Doors, especially foreign-made, are produced in various sizes. If you are not an expert, it is better to entrust the installation of the door knowledgeable people. This will save you from big and small mistakes, as well as headaches.

We hope that now you know which front door to choose for a house or apartment. In conclusion, I would like to say that break-ins of doors are carried out by "crowbar" and "master key". Moreover, "master keys" are used much more often. But more about that another time.