Fire safety and security alarm system. Fire alarm equipment. Standard set of OPS

Even in ancient times, people used the transmission of information about the beginning of the occurrence of some events over a distance in the form of light signals or well-audible sounds, when fires were kindled on hills or bells were rung.

The life of a modern person is associated with the operation of a large number of various equipment, the work of which is often monitored remotely using various types of alarms. Among them, information about the beginning of a fire at critical industrial facilities and inside multi-storey buildings with a large number of people is of paramount importance.

The purpose of the fire alarm

Its main task is to ensure that, at the first sign of fire, promptly transmit information to the duty service, which is able to quickly arrive at the scene and take emergency measures to extinguish the fire that has arisen and prevent its spread.

Additional tasks of fire alarm systems (SPS) can be:

    remote activation of pre-arranged fire extinguishing means - various types of fire extinguishers, created in relation to specific conditions of production or facility;

    ensuring the unlocking of access control systems to facilitate the mass evacuation of people from a dangerous place;

    transmission of information to additional dispatch control points;

    other features.

Fire alarm composition

The fire alarm system is considered as a specific electrical control system, the circuit of which consists of various parts:

    special sensors - detectors that report the onset of a fire;

    channels for transmitting signals about the operation of the sensor;

    consoles for control, reception (PKP) and display of information for operational personnel;

    public warning systems.

How fire detectors are arranged and work

The appearance of the first signs of fire can be assessed by the appearance of smoke, the rapid heating of the environment, or a strong flash of light. These three factors are embedded in the principle of operation of various technical devices.

In the industrial and residential sector, four types of sensors operating on different principles are most widely used:

1. detection of the beginning of the spread of smoke - smoke detectors;

2. the appearance of a sharp heating inside the room - thermal;

3. separation of electromagnetic waves of the optical range of the visible, ultraviolet or infrared spectrum - flame;

4. simultaneous exposure to heat and smoke, and often in combination, taking into account the appearance of bright light - combined.

Fire alarm sensors can only monitor the state of the monitored parameter or respond to its change by issuing a signal to an external system. According to this principle, they apply not only to passive, but also to active devices. Detectors can be created to control a specific local area or an extended, elongated space. The latter constructions are called linear.

How smoke detectors work

The sensor is placed on the ceiling in the place where smoke rises and begins to concentrate when a fire starts.

Structurally, the smoke detector consists of:

1. detachable body;

2. electronic board;

3. optical system.

These parts are individually assembled on automated production lines and, after passing various tests and checks, are manually assembled into a single module.

The operation of the sensor is based on fixing the moment when smoke appears in its body due to the operation of the optical system, which includes:

    Emitting a strictly directed beam of light;

    Which converts the light flux falling on it into an electrical signal.

Structurally, the light beam from the source is directed slightly away from the photocell. Under normal operating conditions with the normal indoor air condition, the light cannot reach the surface of the photocell, as shown in picture #1.

If smoke appears in the sensor housing, light rays are reflected in all directions. They fall on the photocell, and it works. This moment is controlled by an electronic circuit. It generates an information command, transmits it via communication channels to the fire alarm receiver.

If water vapor or gases that deflect the light flux enter the sensor cavity, the photocell will also work, and the logic circuit will give false information about the occurrence of a fire.

For this reason, smoke detectors are not installed in places where they are capable of malfunctioning. These include kitchens, bathrooms, showers. Installing smoke detectors in places where smokers gather will also cause them to work frequently and falsely.

Such a fire detector will not react to an increase in temperature and a flash of light from an open flame. Therefore, such modules are installed in those rooms where ignition is associated with smoke in the environment from thermal damage to the insulation of electrical wires, fabrics, and other similar materials.

They are installed in places with a large number of operating electrical equipment in industrial plants, warehouses for storing material assets, electrical substations and laboratories.

The principle of operation of heat detectors

They are also placed on the ceiling, where the heat generated by open fire rises. They can work on the factor:

1. reaching the maximum allowable heating value;

2. the rate of temperature rise.

Threshold devices

Sensors of this type were the very first to be created. At first, they worked by flowing a fusible alloy from a fuse installed at the point of contact between two conductors. Due to this, when the environment was heated to 60 ÷ 70 degrees, an electrical circuit was broken and a signal was given about the start of a fire.

The principle of operation of one of these designs of a disposable, non-recoverable heat detector type IP-104 is shown in the picture.

Inside the housing there are spring contacts, which are removed from each other by mechanical tension forces, and are held by Wood's alloy, consisting of low-melting metals. The sensor is triggered when heated to 68 degrees, and cocked springs provide a circuit break.

Such designs are constantly being improved. Now they are available with interchangeable fuses or elements controlled from a distance. The logic circuit can be made on different principles and electronic components.

Integrated detectors

The sensor operation is based on measurements of the rate of change in the electrical resistance of metals when they are heated.

A stabilized voltage is supplied to the terminals of the thermal control element from the power source. Under its action in the electrical circuit through the wire resistor and the measuring device, a current flows, determined by Ohm's law. Its value strictly depends on the resistance.

Under the influence of normal room temperature, its value remains almost unchanged. With a stabilized voltage, the current also does not change.

When the temperature of the open fire from the appeared flame begins to act on the control element, the resistance of the sensor begins to increase rapidly and the current begins to change according to the same law. The speed of its deviation from the previously established value is fixed by an electronic circuit, which is usually set to increase by 5 degrees per second.

When the critical value of the heating rate is reached, the logic circuit of the sensor sends a signal to the receiving module via communication channels.

This circuit does not have devices that react to smoke, and it will not work on it.

Such designs work most effectively on fires caused by the ignition of combustible liquids from petroleum products, carbon fuels, and flammable solid materials. They are installed in storage areas for containers with flammable liquids, building materials warehouses and similar industrial buildings.

The principle of operation of flame detectors

Quite a large class of these sensors responds to an open fire or a smoldering fire without smoke.

A sensitive photocell captures the appearance of one of the spectra of optical waves or its full range. In this case, the design turns out to be quite complex and expensive. For this reason, they are not used in residential buildings, but are used in oil and gas industry enterprises.

The simplest models of this type are capable of being triggered by the effects of a welding arc, the light of a bright sun, fluorescent lamps, and electromagnetic interference of the optical spectrum. Various filters can be used to eliminate false work.

The principle of operation of combined detectors

All designs of fire detectors that work on any one sign of fire can falsely work. In order to expand the reliability limit of the transmitted information, devices are created that immediately combine the capabilities of smoke and thermal models, or are supplemented with a flame response function.

To do this, they immediately include an infrared, thermal and optical sensor. In most cases, they can be configured to operate from each input parameter separately or only when they appear simultaneously.

For critical industrial premises, there are four-channel combined detectors that additionally take into account the appearance of carbon monoxide.

The principle of operation of manual fire detectors

The simplest designs from an ordinary spring-loaded self-resetting button are used to manually notify operational workers about the onset of a fire. To do this, personnel who have noticed the beginning of signs of a fire, just open the protective cover and press the button.

This action closes the contacts of the circuit and activates the "Fire alarm" alert. When the button is released, the signal is not interrupted: its power supply circuit is automatically set to self-locking. The warning of people about the fire danger will occur until the responsible employee unlocks it with a special key.

Such hand-held sensors are mounted in all premises where masses of people gather (shops, hospitals, cinemas, industrial facilities) at a height of one and a half meters and at a distance of up to 50 m between them.

Brief conclusions on the choice of fire detectors

The design and principle of operation of the sensor should correspond as much as possible to the conditions that ensure the fire safety of the controlled room.

In large industrial buildings with different equipment, it is not always advisable to use the same type of detectors, and their number, even with limited financial capabilities, should cover all hazardous fire zones in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents.

Channels for transmitting signals about the operation of detectors

After the types and number of fire detectors are determined for installation in the premises, they are connected by wires to loops that are assembled on the control panel in the operational security service.

For loops, wires with copper conductors are selected and laid with the possibility of monitoring the technical condition. SNIP and GOST impose requirements on them for methods of separate laying with other cable lines and for ensuring protection against mechanical damage.

Devices for receiving and monitoring signals

Control panels are created by manufacturers of varying degrees of complexity for professional, semi-professional or domestic use.

Professional Devices designed to address not only fire safety issues, but also the protection of facilities. They are:

    track the status of multipath circuits and are able to simultaneously process analog and digital signals;

    allow cascading into blocks to create a complex hierarchy of control schemes;

    are connected to the computer of the fire and security service;

    fix in time and transmit all the information that occurs at the controlled object;

    used only in critical industrial facilities.

Semi-professional devices work with digital signals. They are made in a single package, combining:

    power supply from a stationary electrical network;

    a backup power supply source - a powerful battery capable of providing autonomous operation of the system from several hours to a day;

    electronic control unit;


At critical facilities, the processor is protected from unauthorized access by placement in hard-to-reach places with full shielding that prevents hacking attempts by a special remote scanner, and complex coding of processed and transmitted information.

Such models are capable of processing signals from two hundred and fifty sensors. They can already be used in the residential sector.

Multibeam household control panels

Created to work in private households with various outbuildings.

They are capable of processing signals from electrical contacts of reed switches or electronic circuits, as well as information received via wireless channels from two to eight different sources.

The simplest apartment control panels

They are represented by the simplest models operating in single-channel mode, which is quite enough for the owner of the apartment. Even such a device is capable of transmitting information about the operation of sensors to the owner's mobile phone in the form of SMS.

Control panels intended for domestic purposes are accompanied by detailed manufacturer's technical documentation with instructions and connection diagrams. For them, the European standard EN54 has been introduced.

Fire alarm systems

In crowded buildings, a light and sound system is used to warn staff and visitors by alerting the “Alarm” command. At the same time, information is transmitted to the management of the enterprise and duty services for taking emergency measures.

An example of the distribution of various fire alarm devices and the organization of the warning system is shown in the picture.

Like all technical devices, fire alarms require periodic monitoring and performance checks, a set of maintenance measures, settings, and adjustments. In this case, it is necessary to follow the rules for their operation.

I would like to express my confidence that the initial information presented about the design of a modern fire alarm system will give the reader an idea: in practice, create an optimal system for yourself that excludes a fire in case of accidental ignition or deliberate arson.

One of the most important elements of security is a burglar and fire alarm. These two systems have much in common with each other - communication channels, similar algorithms for receiving and processing information, giving alarm signals, etc. Therefore, they are often (for economic reasons) combined into a single security and fire alarm (OPS). The fire and security alarm is one of the oldest technical means of protection. And so far this system is one of the most effective security systems.

Modern protection systems are built on several signaling subsystems (the totality of their application allows you to track any threats):

security - fixes an attempt to penetrate;

alarm - an emergency call system for help in case of a sudden attack;

fire department - registers the appearance of the first signs of a fire;

emergency - notifies of a gas leak, water leaks, etc.

task fire alarm are the receipt, processing, transmission and presentation in a given form to consumers with the help of technical means of information about a fire at protected facilities (detection of a fire source, determination of the place of its occurrence, signaling for automatic fire extinguishing and smoke removal systems). A task burglar alarm- timely notification of intrusion or attempted intrusion into a protected facility, with fixation of the fact, place and time of violation of the security line. The common goal of both alarm systems is to provide instant response with accurate information about the nature of the event.

An analysis of domestic and foreign statistics of unauthorized intrusions into various objects shows that more than 50% of intrusions are made into objects with free access for personnel and clients; about 25% - for objects with unguarded elements of mechanical protection such as fences, gratings; about 20% - for objects with a throughput system and only 5% - for objects with an enhanced security regime, using complex technical systems and specially trained personnel. From the practice of security services in the protection of objects, six main zones of protected areas are distinguished:

zone I - the perimeter of the territory in front of the building;

zone II - the perimeter of the building itself;

zone III - premises for receiving visitors;

zone IV - employees' offices and corridors;

zones V and VI - management offices, meeting rooms with partners, storage of valuables and information.

In order to ensure the necessary level of reliability of protection of critical facilities (banks, cash desks, weapons storage areas), it is necessary to organize multi-layered protection of the facility. The first line signaling sensors are installed on the outer perimeter. The second frontier is represented by sensors installed in places of possible penetration into the object (doors, windows, vents, etc.). The third frontier is volumetric sensors in the interior, the fourth is directly guarded items (safes, cabinets, drawers, etc.). At the same time, each boundary must be connected to an independent cell of the control panel so that, if an intruder bypasses one of the security boundaries, an alarm signal is given from the other.

Modern alarm systems are often integrated with other security systems into single complexes.

2.2. The structure of the fire and security alarm

In general, the fire alarm system includes:

sensors- alarm detectors that respond to an alarm event (fire, an attempt to enter an object, etc.), the characteristics of the sensors determine the main parameters of the entire alarm system;

control panels(PKP) - devices that receive an alarm signal from detectors and control actuators according to a given algorithm (in the simplest case, control over the operation of a fire and security alarm consists of turning sensors on and off, fixing alarms, in complex, branched alarm systems, control and controlled by computers).

executive devices- units that ensure the execution of a given algorithm of the system's actions in response to a particular alarm event (alert signal, activation of fire extinguishing mechanisms, auto-dial to specified phone numbers, etc.).

Typically, fire and security alarm systems are created in two versions - fire alarm system with local or closed protection of the facility or fire alarm system with transfer under protection to non-departmental security units (or a private security company) and the fire service of the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

The whole variety of fire and security alarm systems, with a certain degree of conventionality, is divided into addressable, analog and combined systems.

1. Analogue (conventional) systems built according to the following principle. The protected object is divided into areas by laying separate loops that combine a certain number of sensors (detectors). When any sensor is triggered, an alarm is generated throughout the loop. The decision on the occurrence of an event here is “taken” only by the detector, the performance of which can only be checked during the maintenance of the alarm system. Also, the disadvantages of such systems are the high probability of false alarms, signal localization accurate to the loop, and limited controlled area. The cost of such a system is relatively low, although a large number of loops must be laid. The tasks of centralized control are performed by the security and fire panel. The use of analog systems is possible on all types of objects. But with a large number of alarm areas, there is a need for a large amount of work on the installation of wired communications.

2. Address systems assume installation on one loop of the alarm system of addressable sensors. Such systems make it possible to replace the multi-core cables connecting the detectors with the alarm control panel (PKP) with one pair of data bus wires.

3. Address non-interrogation systems are, in fact, threshold, supplemented only by the possibility of transmitting the address code of the triggered detector. These systems have all the shortcomings of analog systems - the impossibility of automatic control of the fire detectors performance (in case of any failure of the electronics, the detector's connection with the control panel is terminated).

4. Address polling systems carry out periodic interrogation of the detectors, provide control of their performance in case of any type of failure, which allows you to install one detector in each room instead of two. In addressable polling OPS, complex information processing algorithms can be implemented, for example, auto-compensation for changes in the sensitivity of detectors over time. Reduces the likelihood of false positives. For example, an addressable glass break sensor, unlike a non-addressable one, will indicate which window was broken. The decision about the event that has occurred is also “taken” by the detector.

5. The most promising direction in the field of building alarm systems are combined (address-analogue) systems. Addressable analog detectors measure the amount of smoke or temperature on the object, and the signal is formed on the basis of mathematical processing of the received data in the control panel (specialized computer). It is possible to connect any sensors, the system is able to determine their type and the required algorithm for working with them, even if all these devices are included in one security alarm loop. These systems provide maximum speed of decision-making and control. For the correct operation of addressable analog equipment, it is necessary to take into account the language of communication of its components (protocol) that is unique for each system. The use of these systems makes it possible to quickly, without high costs, make changes to an existing system when changing and expanding the zones of an object. The cost of such systems is higher than the previous two.

Now there is a huge variety of detectors, control panels and sirens with different characteristics and capabilities. It should be recognized that the defining elements of the security and fire alarm are sensors. The parameters of the sensors determine the main characteristics of the entire alarm system. In any of the detectors, the processing of controlled alarm factors is, to one degree or another, an analog process, and the division of detectors into threshold and analog refers to the method of transmitting information from them.

According to the place of installation on the object, sensors can be divided into internal and external installed respectively inside and outside the protected objects. They have the same principle of operation, the differences lie in the design and technological characteristics. The installation location may be the most important factor influencing the choice of detector type.

Announcers (sensors) OPS operate on the principle of registering changes in the environment. These are devices designed to determine the presence of a threat to the security of a protected object and transmit an alarm message for timely response. Conventionally, they can be divided into three-dimensional (allowing to control space), linear, or surface, - to control the perimeters of territories and buildings, local, or point, - to control individual objects.

Detectors can be classified according to the type of controlled physical parameter, the principle of operation of the sensitive element, the method of transmitting information to the central alarm control panel.

According to the principle of generating an information signal about penetration into an object or a fire, fire alarm detectors are divided into active(the alarm generates a signal in the protected area and reacts to changes in its parameters) and passive(react to changes in environmental parameters). Such types of security detectors as passive infrared, magnetic glass break detectors, perimeter active detectors, combined active detectors are widely used. In fire alarm systems, heat, smoke, light, ionization, combined and manual call points are used.

The type of alarm system sensors is determined by the physical principle of operation. Depending on the type of sensors, security alarm systems can be capacitive, radio beam, seismic, responding to the closing or opening of an electrical circuit, etc.

The possibilities of installing security systems, depending on the sensors used, their advantages and disadvantages are given in Table. 2.

table 2

Perimeter security systems

2.3. Types of security detectors

Contact detectors serve to detect unauthorized opening of doors, windows, gates, etc. Magnetic detectors consist of a magnetically controlled reed switch mounted on the fixed part, and a master element (magnet) mounted on the opening module. When the magnet is near the reed switch, its contacts are in a closed state. These detectors differ from each other in the type of installation and the material from which they are made. The disadvantage is the possibility of neutralizing them with a powerful external magnet. Shielded reed sensors are protected from an extraneous magnetic field by special plates and are equipped with signal reed contacts that operate in the presence of an extraneous field and warn about it. When installing magnetic contacts in metal doors, it is very important to shield the field of the main magnet from the induced field of the entire door.

Electrocontact devices- sensors that sharply change the voltage in the circuit with a certain impact on them. They can either be uniquely “open” (current flows through them) or “closed” (no current flows). The simplest way to build such an alarm is thin wires or foil strips, connected to a door or window. Wire, foil or conductive composition "Paste" are connected to the alarm system through door hinges, shutters, as well as through special contact blocks. When they try to penetrate, they are easily destroyed and form an alarm signal. Electrocontact devices provide reliable protection against false alarms.

AT mechanical door electrocontact devices the moving contact protrudes from the sensor housing and closes the circuit when pressed (door closed). The installation location of such mechanical devices is difficult to hide, they can be easily disabled by securing the lever in the closed position (for example, with chewing gum).

contact mats are made of two decorated sheets of metal foil and a layer of foamed plastic between them. Under the weight of the body, the foil sags, and this provides an electrical contact that generates an alarm signal. Contact mats operate on the "normally open" principle, and a signal is given when the electrocontact device closes the circuit. Therefore, if you cut the wire leading to the rug, the alarm will not work in the future. A flat cable is used to connect the mats.

Passive infrared detectors (PIR) serve to detect the intrusion of an intruder into a controlled volume. This is one of the most common types of security detectors. The principle of operation is based on registering changes in the flow of thermal radiation and converting infrared radiation into an electrical signal using a pyroelectric element. Currently, two- and four-area pyroelements are used. This can significantly reduce the likelihood of false alarms. In simple PIRs, signal processing is performed by analog methods, in more complex ones - digitally, using a built-in processor. The detection zone is formed by a Fresnel lens or mirrors. There are three-dimensional, linear and surface detection zones. It is not recommended to install infrared detectors in the immediate vicinity of ventilation openings, windows and doors where convection air currents are created, as well as heating radiators and sources of thermal noise. It is also undesirable to directly hit the light radiation of incandescent lamps, car headlights, the sun on the input window of the detector. It is possible to use a thermal compensation circuit to ensure operability in the high temperature range (33–37 °C), when the value of the signal from human movement sharply decreases due to a decrease in the thermal contrast between the human body and the background.

Active detectors They are an optical system of an LED that emits infrared radiation in the direction of the receiver lens. The beam of light is modulated in brightness and acts at a distance of up to 125 m and allows you to form a line of protection invisible to the eye. These emitters are both single-beam and multi-beam. If the number of beams is more than two, the possibility of false alarms is reduced, since the alarm signal is generated only when all beams cross simultaneously. The configuration of the zones is different - "curtain" (intersection of the surface), "beam" (linear movement), "volume" (movement in space). The detectors may not work in rain or heavy fog.

Radio wave volumetric detectors are used to detect penetration into the protected object by registering the Doppler shift in the frequency of the reflected microwave signal that occurs when an intruder moves in the electromagnetic field generated by the microwave module. It is possible to covertly install them on an object behind materials that transmit radio waves (fabrics, wood boards, etc.). Linear radio wave detectors consist of a transmitting and receiving unit. They generate an alarm when a person crosses their zone of action. The transmitting unit emits electromagnetic oscillations, the receiving unit receives these oscillations, analyzes the amplitude and time characteristics of the received signal, and if they correspond to the “intruder” model embedded in the processing algorithm, generates an alarm.

Microwave sensors have lost their former popularity, although they are still in demand. In relatively new developments, a significant reduction in their dimensions and energy consumption has been achieved.

Volumetric ultrasonic detectors serve to detect movement in the protected volume. Ultrasonic sensors are designed to protect premises by volume and give an alarm signal both when an intruder appears and when a fire occurs. The radiating element of the detector is a piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer that emits acoustic vibrations of the air in the protected area under the influence of electrical voltage. The sensitive element of the detector, located in the receiver, is a piezoelectric ultrasonic receiving converter of acoustic vibrations into an alternating electrical signal. The signal from the receiver is processed in the control circuit, depending on the algorithm embedded in it, and generates one or another notification.

Acoustic detectors are equipped with a highly sensitive miniature microphone that captures the sound emitted during the destruction of sheet glass. The sensitive element of such detectors is a condenser electret microphone with a built-in FET preamplifier. When glass breaks, two types of sound vibrations occur in a strictly defined sequence: first, a shock wave from vibrations of the entire glass mass with a frequency of about 100 Hz, and then a glass breaking wave with a frequency of about 5 kHz. The microphone converts the sound vibrations of the air into electrical signals. The detector processes these signals and makes a decision about the presence of penetration. When installing the detector, all sections of the protected glass must be within its direct line of sight.

Capacitive system sensor represents one or more metal electrodes placed on the structure of the protected opening. The principle of operation of capacitive security detectors is based on registering the value, speed and duration of the change in the capacitance of the sensitive element, which is used as metal objects connected to the detector or specially laid wires. The detector generates an alarm signal when the electrical capacitance of a security item (safe, metal cabinet) changes relative to the "ground", caused by a person approaching this item. Can be used to protect the perimeter of the building through stretched wires.

Vibration detectors serve to protect against penetration into a protected object by destroying various building structures, as well as protecting safes, ATMs, etc. The principle of operation of vibration sensors is based on the piezoelectric effect (piezoelectrics generate electric current when the crystal is pressed or released), which consists in changing the electric signal when the piezoelectric element vibrates. An electrical signal proportional to the level of vibration is amplified and processed by the detector circuit according to a special algorithm in order to separate the damaging effect from the interference signal. The principle of operation of vibration systems with sensor cables is based on the triboelectric effect. When such a cable is deformed, electrization occurs in the dielectric located between the central conductor and the conductive braid, which is recorded as a potential difference between the cable conductors. The sensing element is a sensor cable that converts mechanical vibrations into an electrical signal. There are also better electromagnetic microphone cables.

A relatively new principle of premises protection is to use the change in air pressure when opening a closed room ( barometric sensors) has not yet met the expectations placed on it and is almost never used in the equipment of multifunctional and large facilities. These sensors have a high false alarm rate and rather severe application restrictions.

It is necessary to dwell separately on distributed fiber optic systems to secure the perimeter. Modern fiber optic sensors can measure pressure, temperature, distance, position in space, accelerations, vibrations, mass of sound waves, liquid level, strain, refractive index, electric field, electric current, magnetic field, gas concentration, radiation dose and etc. Optical fiber is both a communication line and a sensitive element. Laser light with a high output power and a short radiation pulse is fed into the optical fiber, then the parameters of Rayleigh backscattering, as well as Fresnel reflection from the joints and ends of the fiber, are measured. Under the influence of various factors (deformation, acoustic vibrations, temperature, and with an appropriate coating of the fiber - an electric or magnetic field), the phase difference between the applied and reflected light pulses changes. The location of the inhomogeneity is determined from the time delay between the moment of pulse emission and the moment of arrival of the backscattering signal, and the losses in the line section are determined from the intensity of the backscattered radiation.

To separate the signals generated by the intruder from noise and interference, a signal analyzer based on the principle of a neural network is used. The signal to the input of the neural network analyzer is supplied in the form of a spectral vector generated by the DSP processor (Digital Signal Processing), the principle of which is based on the fast Fourier transform algorithms.

The advantages of distributed fiber-optic systems are the ability to determine the location of violation of the object's border, use these systems to protect perimeters up to 100 km long, low level of false positives and relatively low price per linear meter.

The leader among burglar alarm equipment is currently combined sensor, built on the use of two channels of human detection simultaneously - IR-passive and microwave. It is currently replacing all other devices and many alarm installers use it as the only sensor for volumetric room protection. The average operating time for a false alarm is 3-5 thousand hours, and in some conditions reaches a year. It allows you to block rooms where IR-passive or microwave sensors are not applicable at all (the first - in rooms with drafts and thermal interference, the second - with thin non-metallic walls). But the detection probability of such sensors is always less than that of any of its two constituent channels. The same success can be achieved by using both sensors (IR and microwave) separately in the same room, and an alarm is generated only when both detectors are triggered in a given time interval (usually a few seconds), using for this purpose the capabilities of the control equipment.

2.4. Types of fire detectors

The following basic activation principles can be used for fire detection fire detectors:

smoke detectors - based on ionization or photoelectric principle;

heat detectors - based on fixing the level of temperature rise or some specific indicator of it;

flame detectors - based on the use of ultraviolet or infrared radiation;

gas detectors.

Manual call points necessary to force the system to switch to the fire alarm mode by a person. They can be implemented as levers or buttons covered with transparent materials (easily broken in case of fire). Most often they are installed in easily accessible public places.

Heat detectors respond to changes in ambient temperature. Certain materials burn with little or no smoke (e.g. wood), or the spread of smoke is difficult due to the small space (behind false ceilings). They are used in cases where there is a high concentration of aerosol particles in the air that have nothing to do with combustion processes (water vapor, flour in a mill, etc.). Thermal threshold fire detectors give a “fire” signal when the threshold temperature is reached, differential- fix a fire hazardous situation by the rate of temperature increase.

Contact threshold heat detector generates an alarm when the pre-set temperature limit is exceeded. When heated, the contact plate melts, the electrical circuit breaks and an alarm is generated. These are the simplest detectors. Typically, the threshold temperature is 75 °C.

A semiconductor element can also be used as a sensitive element. As the temperature rises, the resistance of the circuit decreases, and more current flows through it. When the threshold value of the electric current is exceeded, an alarm signal is generated. Semiconductor sensitive elements have a higher response speed, the threshold temperature can be set arbitrarily, and when the sensor is triggered, the device is not destroyed.

Differential heat detectors usually consist of two thermoelements, one of which is located inside the detector housing, and the second is placed outside. The currents flowing through these two circuits are fed into the inputs of a differential amplifier. As the temperature rises, the current flowing through the external circuit changes dramatically. In the internal circuit, it almost does not change, which leads to an imbalance of currents and the formation of an alarm signal. The use of a thermocouple eliminates the influence of gradual temperature changes caused by natural causes. These sensors are the fastest in response and stable in operation.

Linear heat detectors. The design consists of four copper conductors with sheaths made of a special material with a negative temperature coefficient. The conductors are packed in a common casing so that they are in close contact with their shells. The wires are connected at the end of the line in pairs with each other, forming two loops that are in contact with the shells. Operating principle: as the temperature increases, the shells change their resistance, also changing the total resistance between the loops, which is measured by a special results processing unit. According to the magnitude of this resistance, a decision is made about the presence of ignition. The longer the cable length (up to 1.5 km), the higher the sensitivity of the device.

Smoke detectors designed to detect the presence of a given concentration of smoke particles in the air. The composition of the smoke particles can be different. Therefore, according to the principle of operation, smoke detectors are divided into two main types - optoelectronic and ionization.

Ionization smoke detector. The stream of radioactive particles (usually americium-241 is used) enters two separate chambers. When smoke particles (smoke color is not important) enter the measuring (external) chamber, the current flowing through it decreases, since this leads to a decrease in the path length of α-particles and an increase in ion recombination. For processing, the difference between the currents in the measuring and control chambers is used. Ionization detectors do not harm human health (a source of radioactive radiation is about 0.9 μCi). These sensors provide real fire protection in hazardous areas. They also have a record low current consumption. The disadvantages are the complexity of burial after the end of the service life (at least 5 years) and vulnerability to changes in humidity, pressure, temperature, air velocity.

Optical smoke detector. The measuring chamber of this device contains an optoelectronic pair. An LED or a laser (aspiration sensor) is used as a driving element. The radiation of the master element of the infrared spectrum under normal conditions does not fall on the photodetector. When smoke particles enter the optical chamber, radiation from the LED is scattered. Due to the optical effect of scattering of infrared radiation on smoke particles, light enters the photodetector, providing an electrical signal. The greater the concentration of scattering smoke particles in the air, the higher the signal level. For the correct operation of the optical detector, the design of the optical chamber is very important.

Comparative characteristics of ionization and optical types of detectors are given in Table. 3.

Table 3

Comparison of the effectiveness of smoke detection methods

Laser detector provides smoke detection at specific optical density levels approximately 100 times lower than current LED sensors. There are more expensive systems with forced air suction. To maintain sensitivity and prevent false alarms, both types of detectors (ionization or photoelectric) require periodic cleaning.

Smoke detectors indispensable in rooms with high ceilings and large areas. They are widely used in fire alarm systems, as it becomes possible to fix a fire hazardous situation at an extremely early stage. The ease of installation, configuration and operation of modern linear sensors allow them to compete in price with point detectors even in medium-sized rooms.

Combined smoke detector(ionization and optical types of detectors are assembled in one housing) operates at two light reflection angles, which allows you to measure and analyze the ratio of forward and back light scattering characteristics, identifying smoke types and reducing the number of false alarms. This is done through the use of two-angle light scattering technology. It is known that the ratio of direct scattered light to the reverse for dark smoke (soot) is greater than for light types of smoke (smoldering wood), and even higher for dry substances (cement dust).

It should be noted that the most effective is a detector that combines photoelectric and thermal sensing elements. Today they are producing 3D combined detectors, they combine the smoke optical, smoke ionization and thermal detection principles. In practice, they are rarely used.

Flame detectors. An open fire has characteristic radiation in both the ultraviolet and infrared parts of the spectrum. Accordingly, two types of devices are produced:

ultraviolet– a high-voltage gas-discharge indicator constantly monitors the radiation power in the ultraviolet range. When an open fire appears, the intensity of the discharges between the indicator electrodes increases greatly and an alarm signal is issued. Such a sensor can control an area up to 200 m 2 at installation height up to 20 m. response time does not exceed 5 s;

infrared- with the help of an IR-sensitive element and an optical focusing system, characteristic bursts of IR radiation are recorded when a fire occurs. This device allows you to determine within 3 s the presence of a flame with a size of 10 cm at a distance of up to 20 m at a viewing angle of 90 °.

Now there are sensors of a new class - analog detectors with external addressing. The sensors are analog, but are addressed by the alarm loop in which they are installed. The sensor performs self-testing of all its components, checks the dust content of the smoke chamber, and transmits the test results to the control panel. Smoke chamber dust compensation allows you to increase the detector's operating time until the next service, self-testing eliminates false alarms. Such detectors retain all the advantages of analogue addressable detectors, have a low cost and are able to work with inexpensive non-address control panels. When placing several detectors in the alarm loop, each of which will be installed alone in the room, it is necessary to install remote optical indication devices in the common corridor.

The criterion for the effectiveness of the OPS equipment is to minimize the number of errors and false positives. It is considered an excellent result of the work the presence of one false alarm from one zone per month. The frequency of false alarms is the main characteristic by which one can judge the noise immunity of the detector. Noise immunity- This is a quality indicator of the sensor, characterizing its ability to work stably in various conditions.

The fire and security alarm system is controlled from the control panel (concentrator). The composition and characteristics of this equipment depend on the importance of the object, the complexity and branching of the signaling system. In the simplest case, the control over the operation of the alarm system consists of turning sensors on and off, fixing alarms. In complex, branched signaling systems, control and management are carried out using computers.

Modern security alarm systems are based on the use of microprocessor control panels connected to the monitoring station via wired lines or radio channels. There can be several hundreds of security zones in the system, for ease of management, the zones are grouped into sections. This allows you to arm and disarm not only each sensor individually, but also the floor, building, etc. Usually, a section reflects some logical part of the object, for example, a room or a group of rooms, united by some essential logical feature. Control and reception devices allow to carry out: management and control over the state of both the entire alarm system and each sensor (on-off, alarm, failure, failure on the communication channel, attempts to open sensors or the communication channel); analysis of alarm signals from various types of sensors; checking the performance of all nodes of the system; alarm recording; interaction of the signaling with other technical means; integration with other security systems (CCTV, security lighting, fire extinguishing system, etc.). Characteristics of conventional, addressable and addressable-analog fire alarm systems are given in Table. four.

Table 4

Characteristics of conventional, addressable and addressable analog fire alarm systems

2.5. Processing and logging of information, formation of control alarms of the fire alarm system

For processing and logging information and generating control alarms, various receiving and control equipment can be used - central stations, control panels, control panels.

Reception and control device (PKP) supplies power to security and fire detectors via security and fire alarm loops, receives alarm notifications from sensors, generates alarm messages, and also transmits them to a centralized monitoring station and generates alarm signals for triggering other systems. Such equipment is distinguished by information capacity - the number of controlled alarm loops and the degree of development of control and warning functions.

To ensure that the device complies with the chosen tactics of use, fire alarm control panels are allocated for small, medium and large objects.

Typically, small objects are equipped with non-address systems that control several loops of the security and fire alarm, and at medium and large objects, addressable and addressable analog systems are used.

PKP of small information capacity. Typically, these systems use security and fire control panels, where the maximum allowable number of sensors is included in one loop. These control panels allow solving a maximum of tasks at a relatively low cost for completing the system. Small control panels have the universality of loops according to their purpose, i.e. it is possible to transmit signal and control commands (alarm, security, fire modes of operation). They have a sufficient number of outputs to the central monitoring console, allow you to keep a record of events. The output circuits of small control panels have outputs with sufficient current to power the detectors from the built-in power supply, they can control fire or technological equipment.

At present, there is a tendency to use instead of PKP of small information capacity PKP of medium information capacity. With this replacement, the one-time costs almost do not increase, but the labor costs for eliminating faults in the linear part are significantly reduced due to the exact location of the failure.

PKP medium and large information capacity. For centralized reception, processing and playback of information from a large number of security objects, consoles and centralized monitoring systems are used. When using a device with a common central processor with a lumped or tree-like structure for laying loops (both addressable and non-addressable FSOs), incomplete use of the information capacity of the control panel leads to some increase in the cost of the system.

AT address systems one address must correspond to one addressable device (detector). When using a computer, due to the lack of a central control panel with limited monitoring and control functions in the control panel units themselves, there are difficulties in backing up the power supply and the impossibility of the full functioning of the alarm system if the computer itself fails.

AT addressable analog fire control panels the price of equipment per address (control panel and sensor) is twice as high as that of analogue systems. But the number of addressable analog sensors in separate rooms, compared with threshold (maximum) detectors, can be reduced from two to one. Increased adaptability, informativeness, self-diagnostics of the system minimize operating costs. The use of addressable, distributed or tree-like structures minimizes the cost of cables and their laying, as well as the cost of maintenance by up to 30-50%.

The use of the control panel for fire alarm systems has some peculiarities. The system structures used are subdivided as follows:

1) Control panel with a concentrated structure (in the form of a single unit, with unaddressed radial loops) for fire alarm systems of medium and large information capacity. Such control panels are used less and less; it can be recommended to use them in systems with up to 10–20 loops;

2) control panel for analog addressable fire alarm systems. Addressable analog control panels are much more expensive than addressable threshold ones, but they do not have any special advantages. They are easier to install, maintain and repair. They have significantly increased information content;

3) Control panel for addressable fire alarm systems. Groups of threshold sensors form address control zones. Control panels structurally and programmatically consist of complete functional blocks. The system is compatible with detectors of any design and principle of operation, turning them into addressable ones. All devices in the system are usually addressed automatically. They allow to combine most of the advantages of addressable analog systems with the low cost of maximum (threshold) sensors.

To date, a digital-to-analogue signaling loop has been developed that combines the advantages of analog and digital loops. It has more information content (in addition to ordinary signals, additional ones can be transmitted). The ability to transmit additional signals allows you to refuse from setting up and programming alarm loops, to use several types of detectors in one loop at once with automatic configuration to work with any of them. This reduces the required number of signaling loops for each object. At the same time, the control panel can imitate the operation of the alarm loop at the command of its own detector in order to transmit information to another similar device that acts as central monitoring console (monitoring station).

The monitoring station can not only receive information, but also transmit basic commands. This fire and security device does not need to be specially programmed (the setting is automatic, similar to the function in the Plug & Play computer). Therefore, highly qualified specialists are not required for maintenance. In one fire loop, the device receives signals from heat, smoke, manual detectors, engineering systems control sensors, distinguishes between the operation of one or two detectors, and can even work with analog fire detectors. The address of the alarm loop becomes the address of the room, and without programming the parameters of the device or detectors.

2.6. Operating devices of the OPS

Operating devices of the OPS must ensure that the system responds to an alarm event as specified. The use of intelligent systems makes it possible to carry out a set of measures related to the elimination of a fire (detection of a fire, notification of special services, information and evacuation of personnel, activation of the fire extinguishing system), and carry them out in a fully automatic mode. Automatic fire extinguishing systems have been used for a long time, releasing a fire suppressant into the protected room. They can localize and eliminate fires before they develop into a real fire, and act directly on the fires. Now there are a number of systems that can be used without damage to technology (including those with electronic filling).

It should be noted that the connection of automatic fire extinguishing installations to security and fire control panels is somewhat inefficient. Therefore, experts recommend using a separate fire control panel with the ability to control automatic fire extinguishing installations and voice notification.

Autonomous fire extinguishing systems it is most effective to install in places where a fire is especially dangerous and can cause irreparable damage. Autonomous installations necessarily include devices for storing and supplying a fire extinguishing agent, devices for detecting fires, automatic start-up devices, and means for signaling a fire or the operation of an installation. According to the type of fire suppressant, the systems are divided into water, foam, gas, powder, aerosol.

sprinkler and deluge automatic fire extinguishing systems used to extinguish fires with water over large areas with finely sprayed streams of water. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of indirect damage associated with the loss of consumer properties of the equipment and (or) goods when wet.

Foam fire extinguishing systems use air-mechanical foam for extinguishing and are used without restrictions. The system kit includes a foam mixer complete with piping and a bladder tank with an elastic container for storing and dosing foam concentrate.

Gas extinguishing systems used to protect libraries, computer centers, bank depositories, small offices. In this case, additional costs may be required to ensure proper tightness of the protected object and to carry out organizational and technical measures for preventive evacuation of personnel.

Powder extinguishing systems are used where it is necessary to localize the source of the fire and ensure the safety of material assets and equipment not damaged by fire. Compared to other types of autonomous fire extinguishers, powder modules are distinguished by their low price, ease of maintenance, and environmental safety. Most powder fire extinguishing modules can operate both in electric start mode (by signals from fire detectors) and in self-start mode (when the critical temperature is exceeded). In addition to the autonomous mode of operation, as a rule, they provide for the possibility of manual start. These systems are used to localize and extinguish fires in enclosed spaces and in the open air.

Aerosol fire extinguishing systems- systems that use finely dispersed solid particles for extinguishing. The only difference between an aerosol fire extinguishing system and a powder one is that at the moment of operation, an aerosol is released, and not a powder (larger than an aerosol). These two fire extinguishing systems are similar to each other both in function and in principle of operation.

The advantages of such a fire extinguishing system (such as ease of installation and installation, versatility, high extinguishing capacity, efficiency, use at low temperatures and the ability to extinguish live materials) are primarily economic, technical and operational.

The disadvantage of such a fire extinguishing system is the danger to human health. The service life is limited to 10 years, after which it must be dismantled and replaced with a new one.

Alert notification is another important element of the OPS. Alarm notification can be operated manually, semi-automatically or automatically. The main purpose of the warning system is to warn people in the building about a fire or other emergency and control their movement to a safe area. Notification of fire or other emergencies should be significantly different from the notification of a burglar alarm. Clarity and uniformity of the information provided in a voice announcement are crucial.

Warning systems differ in composition and principle of operation. Block operation management analog public address system carried out using a matrix control unit. Control digital public address system usually implemented using a computer. Local notification systems broadcast in a limited number of rooms a previously recorded text message. Typically, such systems do not allow you to quickly control the evacuation, for example, from a microphone console. Centralized systems automatically broadcasts a recorded emergency message to predetermined zones. If necessary, the dispatcher can transmit messages from the microphone console ( semi-automatic transmission mode).

Most fire alarm systems are built on a modular basis. The procedure for organizing a warning system depends on the characteristics of the protected object - the architecture of the object, the nature of production activities, the number of personnel, visitors, etc. For most small and medium-sized objects, fire safety standards define the installation of warning systems of the 1st and 2nd type and light signals to all areas of the building). In warning systems of the 3rd, 4th and 5th types, one of the main methods of notification is speech. The choice of the number and power of activation of sirens in a particular room directly depends on such fundamental parameters as the noise level in the room, the size of the room and the sound pressure of the installed sirens.

Loud bells, sirens, loudspeakers, etc. are used as sources of sound alarms. Light displays “Exit”, light indicators “Direction of movement”, light flashing annunciators (strobe flashes) are most often used as light sources.

Typically, an alert controls other security features. For example, in the case of a non-standard situation between advertising messages, ordinary at first glance announcements can be transmitted, which inform the security service and the personnel of the enterprise about incidents with conditional phrases. For example: "Guard on duty, call 112." The number 112 could mean a potential attempt to carry unpaid clothing out of the store. Under emergency circumstances, the warning system should ensure the management of the evacuation of people from premises and buildings. In normal mode, the public address system can also be used to transmit background music or advertisements.

Also, the warning system can be hardware or software integrated with the access control system, and upon receipt of an alarm pulse from the sensors, the warning system will issue a command to open the doors of additional evacuation exits. For example, in the event of a fire, an alarm activates the automatic fire extinguishing system, turns on the smoke exhaust system, turns off the forced ventilation of the premises, turns off the power supply, dials automatically to the specified telephone numbers (including emergency services), turns on emergency lighting, etc. e. And when unauthorized access to the premises is detected, the automatic door lock system is triggered, SMS messages are sent to the cell phone, messages are sent to the pager, etc.

Communication channels in the fire alarm system can be specially laid wire lines or telephone lines, telegraph lines and radio channels already available at the facility.

The most common communication systems are stranded shielded cables, which, to increase the reliability and safety of the alarm, are placed in metal or plastic pipes, metal hoses. The transmission lines through which the signals from the detectors are received are physical loops.

In addition to traditional wired communication lines, security and fire alarms operating using a radio communication channel are now offered in fire alarm systems. They have high mobility, commissioning is minimized, and quick installation and dismantling of fire alarm systems is ensured. Setting up radio channel systems is very simple, because each radio button has its own individual code. Such systems are used in situations where it is impossible to stretch the cable or it is not financially justified. The secrecy of these systems is combined with the ability to easily expand or reconfigure them.

Also, we must not forget that there is always a risk of deliberate damage to the electrical circuit by an intruder or a power outage due to an accident. Still, security systems must remain operational. All fire and security alarm devices must be provided with uninterrupted power supply. The power supply of the security alarm system must necessarily have redundancy capabilities. In the absence of voltage in the network, the system must automatically switch to backup power.

In the event of a power outage, the alarm operation does not stop due to the automatic connection of a backup (emergency) power source. To ensure uninterrupted and protected power supply to the system, uninterruptible power supplies, batteries, backup power lines, etc. are used. on the object of backup power sources does not allow to control their state. To implement their control, the inclusion of a power source in the OPS address system with an independent address is used.

It is necessary to provide for the possibility of duplicating the power supply using various electrical substations. It is also possible to implement backup power line from your generator. Fire safety standards require that the fire and security alarm system be able to remain operational in the event of a mains power failure during the day in standby mode and at least three hours in alarm mode.

Currently, the integrated use of fire alarm systems to ensure the security of an object is used with a high degree of integration with other security systems such as access control systems, video surveillance, etc. When building integrated security systems, compatibility problems with other systems appear. To combine security and fire alarm systems, warning, access control and management, security television, automatic fire extinguishing installations, etc., software, hardware (which is the most preferable) and the development of a single finished product are used.

Separately, it should be mentioned that the Russian SNiP 2.01.02-85 also requires that the evacuation doors of buildings do not have locks that cannot be opened from the inside without a key. In such conditions, special handles for emergency exits are used. Anti-panic handle ( push bar) is a horizontal bar, pressing on which at any point causes the door to open.

Fire and security alarm systems(OPS) is something that no real estate object can do without. In Russia (as in other countries) there is a national GOST that regulates the installation and maintenance of fire alarm systems. Compliance with it is monitored by the relevant services, applying tough measures to violators, which is not surprising - after all, a fire that has arisen and not extinguished in a timely manner threatens not only property, but the health and lives of people.

That is why it is so important to know:

What is an OPS;

Varieties of fire and security alarm systems;

Their advantages and disadvantages;

What are their main components?

What functions do they perform;

What to be guided by when choosing an OPS.

If we ignore purely technical terms, a fire and security alarm is a set of sensors, detectors, control and monitoring devices, as well as auxiliary equipment, designed to ensure the fire safety of an object. The connection of the elements of the complex into a single whole can be wired or wireless, depending on the specific situation and the wishes of the customer - but this does not affect the tasks assigned to the OPS.

● Timely detection of the source of ignition.

● Prompt notification of fire to people and fire services.

● Prevention of false positives.

● Switching on the automatic fire extinguishing system.

● Regulation of air flow (from the air conditioning system, ventilation, etc.).

● Smoke removal.

● Emergency management of building elements (doors, elevators, etc.).

Sensors(smoke, heat, flames, gas, etc.) detect the presence of a fire and transmit a signal to the control panel and control panel, which process the signal to prevent false alarms and, when a fire is confirmed, turn on annunciators, a fire extinguishing system and perform other programmed actions.

There are several types of OPS, differing in the type of connection of sensors and other parameters. Consider some common types of OPS.

Threshold or unaddressed SSOs

The sensors are connected to common loops without specifying the number and location. In the event of an alarm from a sensor at the station, only the number of the loop to which the triggered sensor is connected will be known. Therefore, such fire alarm systems are installed only at small-sized facilities, where there are no more than 30 rooms.

The advantage of such OPS is budget. Disadvantages - a rather large number of false positives, the difficulty of finding a source of fire (especially in smoky rooms), expensive installation due to the high consumption of mounting materials and sensors (at least two per room).

Addressed OPS

Sensors are connected to loops with an exchange protocol, so the information about each triggered sensor is visible at the station, i.e. there is an exact indication of the place of ignition. This increases the responsiveness, but ... other disadvantages of threshold TSOs remain (it should also be taken into account that targeted TSOs are more expensive than threshold ones). Such fire alarm systems are also installed on small-sized objects.

Addressable analog OPS

If the first two types of OPS considered by us were characterized by low cost of equipment and rather high - installation, then with addressable analog OPS everything is different: high cost of equipment and budget installation. As a rule, such fire alarm systems are installed on large objects (shopping and office centers, etc.), but they can also be installed on a small object (if the issue of price is not relevant for the owner).

If in addressable and threshold alarm systems the decision about the presence of fire was made by the detector, then in addressable analog alarm systems it was the control system that monitors the state of the sensors and makes a decision based on the change in parameters. Such systems are among the most modern and reliable, since the level of reliability of the alarm signal is very high. In addition, notification of the relevant services is also carried out promptly.

The advantages of addressable analog OPS include:

Reliability of the system even in the event of a loop break;

There are algorithms that prevent false alarms (the sensitivity of the sensors is automatically checked, there is a day / night mode, etc.);

It is possible to build up the system without serious material costs;

A large number of additional and service options that simplify the work with the system;

Ease of interaction with automatic building systems (elevators, ventilation, etc.);

Ease and low cost of installation and service.

The disadvantage is the need to use twisted pair for installation, with a limitation in length.

Combined OPS

The receiving and control equipment in such fire alarm systems has a modular structure, and there are modules for address-analog, and for connecting one- and two-port loops.

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In the modern world, reliability and safety have long been synonymous with peace of mind, which is why fire alarms are the best solution for protecting commercial and residential premises. Fire alarm systems are a whole integrated complex of fire and security systems that prevent unwanted entry into the premises and prevent the occurrence of fires.

When faced with a choice between an integrated fire alarm system and individual systems, it is better to immediately pay attention to the fire alarm complex. It is not only much more profitable to maintain, but also more convenient to use. The convenience of control lies in the fact that the equipment of security fire systems in control is displayed on one remote control, which allows you to simultaneously monitor a number of violations at once: fires, unwanted penetration, etc.

Fire alarm systems divided into several options, the choice of which is a purely individual matter. It should be noted that when choosing a particular system, it is worth considering the specifics of installation and maintenance. It is these details that will help you make the right choice and choose the option that meets all your requirements.

Addressable fire alarm systems

Addressable fire alarm systems are understood as a combination of technical elements of a fire alarm to turn on a fire alarm, and it can be either automatic or manual. The signal goes to the control panel from the detectors, which are located in rooms that require protection. Addressable fire alarm systems are relatively low cost and provide the ability to quickly respond to emergencies, thus avoiding major problems.

Radio channel security systems

Radio channel security systems are devices aimed at creating a workable security and fire protection system. The convenience of the radio channel system mainly lies in the fact that it can be placed even on complex sites with several buildings or an unusual layout. The signal goes through radio waves, which avoids dependence on the integrity of cables and busy telephone lines.

GSM alarm

The GSM system is a combination of a gsm alarm device and fire and security detectors. Efficiency and instant notification is the main advantage of GSM Monitoring. Timely notification and quick response can reduce damage and risks to a minimum.

Security and fire equipment

If you decide to buy a security fire alarm system, then special attention should be paid to the equipment of security fire systems. The OPS complex includes: receiving and control devices, to which all information is directly received; security detectors; fire detectors, technological detectors, annunciators and much more.

Progress does not stand still, which is why when choosing equipment, it is better to turn to qualified specialists who will easily tell you about the latest innovations and developments. Many years of experience and the largest supplies of security fire equipment make it possible to offer you only the best in the field of security on the most attractive terms.

When purchasing a security fire alarm system from Layta, you can be sure of its high quality and reliability. The equipment presented on the site meets all the technical requirements and has passed all the necessary checks. The supply of security fire equipment is carried out by reliable and trusted partners: Bolid, Argus-Spectrum, Rubezh. By choosing Layta, you are choosing the true quality of your security.