Upholster the safe door with dermantine with foam rubber with self-tapping screws. How to sheathe a door with dermantine. Sheathing of metal fabric clapboard

Upholstery of metal and wooden entrance doors with leatherette, insulation. The choice of materials for insulation, options for decorative upholstery. Step by step instructions.

Reasons for the popularity of dermantin

Dermantin (the correct name is “dermatin”) was invented and began to be used at the beginning of the 20th century to replace genuine leather. In terms of strength, durability, and other indicators, it is comparable to it, but it costs 50-60% cheaper.

It is used in various fields: for upholstery of furniture and car interiors, tailoring and footwear. In construction and repair, it is used as a universal material for upholstery of doors, usually entrance doors. Facing with dermantine is done on both wooden and metal doors.

AT recent times the traditional term "dermantine" gives way to the term "vinyl leather" or simply "vinyl".

Dermantin, used for upholstery of entrance doors, has such qualities as:

  • durability (resistance to changes in humidity and temperature, exposure to sunlight);
  • ease of operation (easy to care for, ordinary soap is enough);
  • environmental friendliness (hypoallergenicity, immunity to microflora);
  • economy (upholstery can be changed without significant costs and assistants);
  • aesthetics ( wide selection colors, textures, the possibility of embossing).

The disadvantages of the material include:

  • specific smell (almost imperceptible, but not passing over time);
  • low resistance to fire (relevant if the door falls into the field of view of hooligans);
  • impossibility of repair (damage to dermantin cannot be repaired).

How to choose materials for door upholstery

In the vast majority of cases, simultaneously with the upholstery of the front door with leatherette, it is insulated and the level of sound insulation is increased. Therefore, in addition to choosing a fabric for door trim, you should pay attention to the insulation material, which simultaneously plays the role of a noise absorber.

The door decorated with dermantine will retain a presentable appearance for a long time.

In addition, visually dermantin is suitable for making the door beautiful and original, not only with the help of the material itself, but also through decoration: nails with caps matching the color of the upholstery, colored wire or cords. In this way, you can not only decorate the outer side of the door with traditional "diamonds", but even depict a certain composition.

The choice of dermantine for door upholstery

Modern leatherette is conditionally divided into 3 groups in terms of thickness: thin for haberdashery, thick for shoes, and medium for upholstery. For a door, a thickness of 0.45–0.7 mm is suitable. Color, texture (gloss, embossing) - at the choice of the buyer. As a rule, leatherette is sold in cuts 1.2–1.5 meters wide, enough for a door. High-quality leatherette slightly springy when stretched, painted evenly.

It is better to buy leatherette for upholstery in specialized stores by contacting the seller for advice.

The choice of material for door insulation

The range of materials for insulation and soundproofing doors today is able to satisfy the most demanding taste. Some of them are especially popular.

  • Foamed polyurethane ( polyurethane foam). Rarely used for insulation of doors in residential premises, it is usually used for insulation of garages, warehouses, industrial premises. Among the advantages is the ability to fill cracks and cavities that are not amenable to traditional heaters and the simplicity of the method. The downside is its price.

    Foamed polyurethane - expensive, but effective method door and wall insulation

  • Felt. It is made from natural wool, so the moth considers it as nutrient medium, mice and other rodents are pulled apart to warm their burrows. Advantage - low cost in comparison with other heaters.

    Felt is cheap, but not the best way for insulating the front door

  • Batting. Like felt, it is made from natural materials, the same shortcomings.
  • Mineral wool. It accumulates moisture, deforms and falls into lumps. There is still debate about the carcinogenicity of this material.
  • Styrofoam. Perhaps the most popular door insulation. High moisture resistance, low thermal conductivity, high rate sound insulation, low cost. Disadvantages: fragility, high flammability with release when open fire toxic substances.

    Styrofoam is used for insulation almost more often than any other material.

  • Foam rubber. Advantages: ease of installation, attractive price. Disadvantages: low moisture resistance and high flammability. Fragility (crumbles after 2-3 seasons).
  • Isolon (foamed polyethylene). Universal material with high performance, non-flammable. The foil layer provides the highest rate of heat and sound insulation compared to other heaters. The material is simply glued to the door tightly and covered with a second layer. Service life - up to 100 years. The disadvantages include the high cost.

    Izolon provides almost 100% heat retention

Sometimes multi-layer insulation is used. For example, first on inside the door is fixed isolon, foam rubber is placed on it. And since after a few years the foam rubber begins to “crumble”, then the whole structure is covered from above with batting or similar material, and only then with dermantine.

Other cladding elements

To give the door individuality, decorative (usually brass) wire, a strong cord, suitable in color and texture, or ordinary fishing line are used. At the final stage of upholstery, they are passed through nails that are not completely driven into the upholstery, decorating appearance doors. Nails are wrapped in turn in a given order, from one to another, and then driven in completely.

With the help of a decorative screed on the door, you can depict a complex pattern

With the help of decorative nails, you can decorate the door with an image or even text.

Decorative (wallpaper) nails are matched to the color of the coating. Hats can be of any size, shape, color. You can pick up nails, the caps of which will be covered with the same material as the coating. Or, on the contrary, they will be in harmony with the details of the fittings: door handle, locks, peephole.

The choice of decorative nails for upholstery of doors is almost limitless.

Facing the door involves working not only with the door leaf. The door must be in doorway, decorated in the same or in harmony with it style. This applies to platbands and door slopes.

Preparation for sheathing the front door with dermantine

Before starting work, you should make sure that the door is not skewed and that the seal is functioning effectively. If the door is skewed, then you first need to solve the problem, and then proceed to the sheathing. The seal is usually changed every 2-3 seasons (depending on how actively the door is used).

It will not be superfluous to prepare a sketch of the skin, in the form of a drawing with calculations or a rough sketch of how the door should look.

Many before starting repairs do not take into account one important point. Namely: Murphy's basic law works always and everywhere. Let me remind you how it sounds. “If something can go wrong, it will definitely go wrong.” Even if the door trim looks like a breeze, it will probably take twice as long as planned.

Tools for sheathing the front door with dermantine:

  • scissors;
  • screwdrivers;
  • pliers;
  • a hammer;
  • nails (for 1 m² of area you will need 50 g construction nails, and 75 g decorative);
  • glue, brush, roller;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • wire (cord, fishing line);
  • Styrofoam;
  • assembly foam.

The list of tools does not include door paint, surface degreasers. Painting the door is desirable, but not required. Can be added to it sandpaper (grinder) for cleaning from traces of corrosion of a metal door and polishing a wooden one.

Standard items like gloves or goggles are used for any work with wood or metal.

Simple ways to upholster and insulate a door

If you simplify the process as much as possible, you can do without rollers. However, it is usually an integral part of an insulated door.

Roller - an element of insulation, located at the edges door leaf or on doorframes. Its task is to ensure the tightness of the structure at the points of contact between the ends of the door and the door frame. The future roller is a leatherette tape as long as the part of the door where it is located, 10–15 centimeters wide. Inside the tape, the remnants of insulation or factory material, sold in specialized stores, are laid.

Factory made polyethylene foam roller

Depending on whether the door opens outward or inward, the rollers are attached to the corresponding side. If the door opens inward, the rollers are attached to it from 4 sides, if it opens outward - from above, below and from the side of the handle.

The roller can be attached with glue, a construction stapler or nails

The edges of the leatherette tape are wrapped lengthwise, the resulting roller is attached with nails or glue. The distance between the nails should be 10-15 centimeters. A gap is left on the side of the handle for the lock.

Metal door, paneling on the outside

When sheathing outer side doors, in addition to the aesthetic aspect, it is necessary to take into account the impact of aggressive environment. And not only the weather, but also aggressive people. Therefore, the costs of the outer skin of the door must be compared with the risks. Dermantin is not repaired, it can only be changed completely.

I understand that if you do everything wisely, then the door for cladding must be removed, put on chairs or a table. Surely then it will be more convenient to work. But on personal experience I can say that on our landings this is not very convenient. It's easier to do everything without removing the door from the hinges. In my opinion, this does not complicate the work very much. I'm talking about the door of an ordinary city apartment. You can find a place in the country.

Metal door, paneling from the inside

  1. Removed from the inside of the door decorative panel(usually this is a hardboard canvas).
  2. Wooden slats are screwed onto the inner ribs (before this, the ribs of the door leaf and the slats are drilled through).

    Wooden slats are required for mounting insulation on the inside of the door

  3. The gaps between the rails and metal frame filled with mounting foam.
  4. Pieces of insulation (polystyrene, felt, foam rubber, etc.) cut to size are inserted into the resulting cavities.

    Mounting foam is needed for sealing

  5. The resulting layer of insulation is covered with a sheet of plywood (hardboard). The location is pre-marked on the sheet wooden slats. The sheet is attached only to the rails in the middle of the door, dermantin will be wound from the sides under it.
  6. On top of the sheet, you can put another layer of insulation, it depends on outdoor temperature. AT northern regions it's justified. Leatherette is placed on top of the second layer of insulation, its edges are tucked under a sheet of plywood (hardboard). At the corners, edges and in the middle of the sheet, leatherette and plywood sheet are screwed to wooden frame self-tapping screws, the heads of which are sunk into the sheet. You can hide these places later with decorative nails.

    The pros don't count batting ideal material but it is often used

  7. It is important that while nailing to the door leaf, the dermantine is constantly stretched. Then it is nailed around the perimeter with the same decorative nails.
  8. In the resulting structure, holes for fittings are cut (drilled).

Wooden door, cladding inside and out

Differences from a metal door in outer skin not fundamental. The difference is that nails and construction stapler not glue.

Fastening with nails of dermantine begins from the central vertical row (from top to bottom), while the sheathing material must constantly be stretched. After fixing the leatherette from above and below, both edges of the coating are nailed. Nails around the perimeter of the door leaf can be hidden under the rollers.

The principles of door trim from the inside are the same as for exterior design.

As of the summer of 2017, sheathe a wooden door with dermantine in summer house in the country it cost me 1600 rubles. It could have been cheaper, but I took a set for 600 rubles: foam rubber 0.7x2.1 m, thickness 10 mm, leatherette 1.05x2.1 m, 50 nails and 10 meters of fishing line. Another 1000 rubles - birch plywood 1.22x2.44, thickness 9 mm. We managed with a neighbor in about five hours (with smoke breaks, lunch and afternoon rest).

Decorative door upholstery

Facing the front door with dermantine allows you to decorate it additionally with the help of a decorative banner. It can be done by stretching a wire or cord between decorative nails, or you can use furniture buttons. They consist of two parts - a metal base with a thread and a decorative cap.

Along with the buttons, you will need one-sided frame profiles to stretch the leatherette fabric on the door. The profiles are cut according to the dimensions of the door leaf.

This method of upholstery is called "carriage screed".

  1. Markings are made on the door leaf: with the help of a square and a tape measure, the canvas is divided into 4 parts, the places where the buttons will be attached are marked.
  2. One-sided frame profiles are being prepared, into which dermantine will be filled.

    "Carriage coupler" of the door requires a large number Supplies

  3. On those places where the buttons will be located, applied mounting adhesive. Threaded button details are attached to it.
  4. Profiles are glued around the perimeter of the door.
  5. Holes are cut out in the sheet of insulation and dermantin, corresponding to the buttons glued to the door leaf.

    The holes in the seals must match the markings on the door leaf

  6. The insulation is attached between the profiles, dermantin is pulled from above. Its edges are tucked under the profiles around the perimeter of the door.
  7. The upper (decorative) parts of the buttons are screwed over the dermantine,

    Buttons must be fastened as securely as possible.

This upholstery option is suitable for both interior and exterior outside doors.

The appearance of the door with a "carriage coupler"

This is a labor-intensive option and it is more expensive than a simple door trim, so the door itself with a “coach tie” should be, if not new, then well-preserved.

Video: variant of the "carriage coupler" of the door

This method involves planning the entire upholstery process and testing the method on a breadboard. That is, it is better for a beginner to model the entire sequence of actions on the “training ground” before upholstery: pieces of wood, insulation and leatherette.

Tiled door upholstery

Another option to decorate a door lined with dermantine is called tiled. The essence of the method is that the door is sheathed with pieces of leatherette traditionally in the form of rhombuses) the same size. In this case, you can use a coating of different colors.

Marking is best done not with a felt-tip pen, but with a simple pencil.

  • A heater is placed on top with holes cut out at the locations of the buttons. The insulation is fixed with a construction stapler around the perimeter of the door leaf.

    The holes in the insulation should match the markings of the door leaf as closely as possible.

  • Leatherette is cut into identical rhombuses, slightly larger in size than those marked on the door. Excess material will be folded around the perimeter of the fragment. The corner of the diamond that overlaps the previous diamond is cut out. The joints of the rhombuses correspond to the lower parts of the furniture buttons placed on the door.

    This process will take much longer, but the result will justify the effort.

  • The fastening of the diamonds starts from the edge of the door.
  • The technology consists in the fact that the corners of the rhombus are fastened with a stapler, then a button is screwed on. The corners of the diamonds should be where the buttonhole protrudes. Rhombuses are placed on the insulation at the marking points, the cut corner should be on top. The bottom corner is fastened with a stapler, the upper part of the button is screwed onto the top.
  • But if you still don’t want to complicate the process, then quite decent results can be achieved without frills.

    Video: a simple way to trim and insulate the front door

    In conclusion, we can add that leatherette has not just been one of the main materials for door cladding for many years. It is economical, it is easy to use when facing and insulating doors, it is easy to replace if necessary.

    Over time, any door loses its external characteristics, but still continues to work properly. What to do in this case? Acquisition new door quite costly. The easiest way is to do the upholstery of the doors with your own hands. It can be sheathed with leather or cheaper material - dermantin. You will not only give the door an attractive look, but also improve the sound and heat insulation in the apartment. Below is an instruction with a photo, how to perform all the steps step by step. It does not hurt to additionally watch a video with a master class from professionals.

    What materials are suitable for door upholstery?

    The choice of materials for upholstery of doors is quite extensive. The most popular include:

    • leather substitute (dermantin);
    • natural leather;
    • MDF panels;
    • lining and wood.

    Each material has its positive and negative sides. Therefore, before proceeding with the upholstery of doors, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons and calculate your budget.

    Most often, doors are sheathed with leatherette or dermantine. This is inexpensive option and very attractive. But its main disadvantage is a short service life. It requires careful handling.

    Genuine leather is considered a more durable material, but its cost differs from dermantin in a big way. It will last much longer. The door, sheathed with genuine leather, has a rich and beautiful appearance.

    Advice. Using decorative nails, you can create unique patterns on the door.

    If your door is metal, then MDF panels are suitable for upholstery. They are durable, resistant to external influences and not very expensive.

    MDF panels are divided into three categories:

    • painted;
    • wooden (made of oak, beech, etc.);
    • laminated.

    Some panels, such as laminated ones, can mimic the look of wood. Manufacturers achieve this effect through a special coating of panels. And, of course, panels from natural wood- the most reliable and sustainable option. The choice of material for upholstery of doors depends on your preferences and budget for the work.

    Removing the old layer of door upholstery

    The process of door trim is preceded by the removal of the old layer. For work you will need:

    • pliers;
    • screwdrivers;
    • knife (construction).

    Withdrawal old upholstery won't take long. The main thing is to clearly follow the instructions, perform actions step by step and not rush anywhere.

    • Remove door from hinges.
    • Dismantle the lock and other fittings.

    Attention! If you consider it necessary to replace the lock at the same time, then check whether the grooves in the door fit.

    • Remove the upholstery layer. First external, then internal. You will need pliers. The door is best installed in a horizontal position.
    • Check if the plywood sheet attached to the door frame needs to be updated (if any). If the plywood is in satisfactory condition, then there is no need to dismantle it. Update if needed plywood sheet, the old one will have to be removed. As a rule, it is attached to the frame liquid nails. To remove them, you will need to apply a thermal method of exposure. First heat the attachment point with hot air and then quickly cool it down with ice or cool water. Liquid nails do not tolerate such sudden changes temperature.
    • The dismantling of the old upholstery has been completed, you can proceed to the sheathing with finishing material.

    Upholstery of doors with dermantine: step by step instructions

    After preparatory work completed, you can do the upholstery of the door. Finishing wooden and metal doors has some differences.

    Upholstery of wooden doors

    • From small strips of leatherette or dermantin, make rollers that are fixed along the edges of the canvas on the front side. They are made empty or stuffed.
    • Lay a sheet of heat and sound insulation on the entire surface of the door, and put leatherette on top.
    • Leave about 10 cm from the side where the door is attached to the hinges. Turn the edges over and nail them with decorative carnations in 7–9 cm increments. Near the hinges finishing material nailed down last. They create a roller that is nailed to the jamb.
    • To thermal insulation material inside it did not deform and did not fall off, the dermantin must be pulled over with a cord and nailed with small carnations.

    Advice. With the help of a decorative cord on the door, you can create various beautiful patterns.

    Upholstery of metal doors

    Finishing a metal door is somewhat different from a wooden one: it is faster and easier, because there is no need to fix the dermantine with decorative nails.

    • The door is laid in a horizontal position and its surface is lubricated with glue.
    • Heat-insulating material is laid on top and lightly pressed against the surface. When the glue sets, the excess material must be cut off with a knife or scissors.
    • The ends are treated with glue and dermantin is fixed on it. First fix with glue upper part finishing material, then - the bottom. Make sure that the dermantin does not warp or an accordion forms.
    • After the glue has completely dried, the excess leatherette is cut off, and the door is hung back on the hinges.

    • The surface of the door can be decorated with a cord, but without the use of carnations. Glue is used to fasten it.

    Upholstery of the door with dermantine or other finishing material is not such a difficult matter. High-quality upholstery will not only update the appearance of the door, but will last for many years, as well as improve thermal insulation in the apartment.

    How to upholster doors with dermantine with your own hands: video

    Door upholstery: photo

    How do we nail rollers?

    The roller is nailed to door frame and serves as a stop for the door leaf.
    At correct upholstery, the tightness of the door is taken into account. When closing, the roller should not create significant resistance, but there should not be any free space. Roller upholstery is a complex and time-consuming job that requires great experience. The installation of rollers is carried out only on wooden doors, since the fastening is carried out with special nails that are not hammered into the metal.
    The design of metal doors initially assumes the presence of stops, seals and porches, which act as rollers. Installing the roller metal door possible only if it was originally installed on the door. In the process of manufacturing a metal door wooden blocks hammered into the frame, for fastening wallpaper nails. In the presence of such a design, upholstery with rollers is possible without additional refinement.

    When is it impossible to upholster the front door?

    After removing the upholstery, you have to deal with unpleasant surprises. Unfortunately, door manufacturers, in the fight to reduce the final cost of the product, go to all sorts of tricks to save on materials used in the production of doors. Therefore, you should not be surprised if, under the upholstery of the door, it suddenly turns out that the door is not made of a whole sheet of steel, but of strips of metal, between which they left a gap of a centimeter, or hardboard, that is, pressed paper, was used instead of metal.
    Of course, such surprises will not please not only the owner of the door, but also the master who came to order, since they greatly complicate his work. Also, the inner sheet can be made of plywood. When using plywood instead of metal, the thickness of the plywood is critical. When using a thin sheet of plywood, there is simply nowhere to hammer nails. In this case, the master has to resort to pasting the door with leatherette.
    Doors equipped with crossbar mechanisms may have non-separable handles for driving the crossbars. In such a situation, upholstery without dismantling and replacing the handles is impossible. Replacing handles increases the cost of the work. And in some cases, the production of work in general becomes impossible.

    To Entrance door always had an attractive appearance, it constantly needs to be looked after: painted, puttied, etc. To save yourself from unnecessary trouble, you can do otherwise - buy dermantin and sheathe the door leaf with it. In this case, all care for the door will be reduced to wiping its surface with a damp cloth. Do-it-yourself upholstery of doors with dermantine will also increase its heat and sound insulation, making your apartment more secure and comfortable.

    Types of materials for upholstery of the front door.

    Preparatory work

    To independently sheathe the door with dermantine, you need to prepare the following tools:

    • construction stapler;
    • roulette;
    • a hammer;
    • scissors;
    • screwdriver
    • pliers;
    • brush.

    From the materials should be prepared:

    Door upholstery scheme.

    1. Dermantin. It is a material rolled into a roll 1.1-1.4 m wide. To carry out the work, you will need a piece of leatherette, the dimensions of which will exceed the dimensions of the door leaf by approximately 10-15 cm on each side for allowances.
    2. Lining. A synthetic winterizer, foam rubber or isolon is perfect as a substrate. The choice of one or another option will depend on your financial capabilities.
    3. Decorative cord for pulling dermantine.
    4. Decorative nails. They are manufactured in various color design, so you can easily choose the most suitable option for you.
    5. Glue. It must be purchased if you plan to make a sheathing metal structure.
    6. Antiseptic. It will be needed for processing a wooden canvas.

    After everything you need is prepared, you can begin to remove the old coating from the door leaf, and also determine whether you will remove the door from the hinges or not. If this is your first time encountering such finishing work, then it is best to remove the canvas and put it on flat surface. After that, it is recommended to treat the wooden door with an antiseptic that can protect it from mold and mildew.

    It should be noted that the door is only sheathed on one side, so you need to pay attention to which way it opens. This is due to the fact that a roller is formed along the edges of the skin. In some cases, an additional roller is used, with which the door structure can be made more airtight.

    Do-it-yourself wooden door sheathing with dermantine

    We nail the leatherette along the upper edge of the door in several places with nails.

    After the preparation is over, you can go directly to finishing work. First of all, it is necessary to make rollers from the cut strips of dermantin, which are nailed along the edges of the canvas from the front side. They can be hollow or filled with cotton.

    Then, a layer of heat-insulating material is laid on the surface of the door, on top of which the dermantine itself lies. At the same time, a margin of about 8-9 cm should be left on the side of the loops. The edges of the material are tucked up and nailed with decorative carnations along the entire edge.

    Nails should be nailed in increments of no more than 10 cm, otherwise the leatherette will protrude.

    Near the hinges, the finishing material is nailed last. In this part door structure a hollow roller is created, which is nailed to the jamb.

    In order to prevent the insulation from moving out during the operation of the door, the leatherette is pulled in several places with a decorative cord, which is fixed with decorative nails. To give the door a unique look, the cord can be laid in the form of certain patterns. You can apply a pattern in the form of a grid, or you can create a beautiful vignette in the center. There are a lot of options for laying a decorative cord. The most popular of them are shown in Fig. one.

    Metal door trim

    Figure 1. Options for laying a decorative cord.

    The process of finishing a metal structure with dermantine is somewhat different from the above instructions. In many ways, upholstery of metal doors is made even easier and faster, because there is no need to fix the finishing material with decorative nails. In the process of decorating the door with your own hands, it is this procedure that takes the most time.

    First, the metal door removed from the hinges and prepared is placed on a flat surface and its edges are lubricated with glue, after which heat-insulating material is applied, trying to immediately lay it down as it should. Then the insulation is pressed against the base of the door and the glue is allowed to grab, after which the excess material on the sides should be cut off with scissors.

    Further, adhesive composition handle the ends of the door and lay the finishing material. This is done in this order: first, the top is fixed, then they go to the side with loops, then they are glued opposite side, and at the very end, the bottom is fixed. When installing dermantin, you need to carefully monitor that it does not warp, and wrinkles do not form on it.

    After the glue has completely dried, the excess dermantin is cut off, and the door is hung in its place. The surface of the door can also be decorated with a cord. Only in this case, instead of nails, the same glue is used to fix it.

    Properly executed door upholstery will serve you for many years, not only giving the whole structure an attractive appearance, but also protecting your apartment from third-party noise and heat loss during the cold season.