From what is happening in the world. Five axioms you need to know in order to understand what is happening in the world in recent years. The attention of the whole world is riveted on Putin

The main conflict of 2012 is the preparation for the Third World War

An isolated approach to the analysis of inherently complex conflicts that are erupting at an accelerating pace around the world is not productive. To understand what is happening and to predict future events, it is necessary to look at the whole situation. The geopolitics of the 21st century cannot be understood in terms of the number of warheads alone. The civil war in Syria, the Arab Spring, the destruction of Libya and Iraq, the rise of China, the catastrophe in Japan, the crisis in the Eurozone, America's missile defense system in Poland, Iran's nuclear program, the approaching "Latin American spring". Taking a cursory glance at this picture, we will see nothing but chaos. However, applying the correct interpretive model, we immediately find all relationships, actions and maneuvers, built in accordance with the mighty (albeit invisible) will, which tacitly rule the world today.

Don't trust the papers...

It's good to be informed. But information is useless if you are not able to analyze it and put it into proper form. An excessive amount of raw data will simply overload your brain. Therefore, it is wiser to stay away from flashy headlines, breaking news, terrorist threat alerts, and leading show business news. It's like an impressionist painting by Claude Monet: close range you will see only a chaotic heap of colored dots, but it is worth taking a few steps back, as the picture will appear before your eyes in all its glory.

Abstracting from information hubbub, we need to find the right connections between events, despite the opposition of the mainstream media. By now, most of us have realized that our planet is at war. And the war is not with aliens (it would be clearer that way!). Our civilization is waging a civil war within itself and against itself. Reading the world press, one might think that sovereign states are at war, but everything is not so simple.

The current world war is being waged by an extremely influential, illegal, authoritarian, but very small, deeply rooted in public and private power structures in almost every country on Earth, especially -. This one is similar malignant tumor, which cannot be removed, but you can try to weaken it and stop metastases in order to avoid the death of all mankind. Mankind needs some kind of “political chemotherapy” capable of destroying the tumor that has enslaved the world.

The clearest manifestation of this disease is the sharp social and political inequality in where 1% of the population falls on the rich, who own 35% well-being of the whole country, and 90% of the population are the poor, who are left with only 25% of the national wealth. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that the vast majority of congressmen, senators and senior officials are just in the same "one percent of the rich."

Understanding the hidden intentions, long-term plans, main goals and collusions of the elites is especially necessary for the citizens of Australia and. After all, formally, the troops of these countries rob and destroy states objectionable to the elites on the orders of national leaders. The same voters fall victim to voter error in Argentina, Colombia, Nigeria or Malaysia. And the fate of hundreds of millions of people who are at risk of being victims of bombings, drone attacks, military interventions and coup d'etat depends on elections in the United States, Great Britain or France.

"Report from Iron Mountain"

An old book from the late sixties called The Iron Mountain Report on the Possibility and Expediency of Keeping Peace was allegedly written by the Hudson Institute (future think tank) at the request of the then US Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara. Many people think that this book is a "duck". However, its content is quite consistent with the events of the second half of the last century. According to the book, it was written by fifteen people from a special research group, whose names were supposed to remain a secret, and the book itself was not intended for the general public. The main conclusion of the "Report ..." is that war or its likeness needed by governments to maintain his power. The book says that the causes of wars are not international conflicts and interests. It would be more logical to argue that in most cases, warlike societies need conflicts and create them themselves. War is the highest manifestation the forces of the state. Because wars, real or possible, are a matter of life and death in terms of conservation control over society.

Also in the "Report ..." it is indicated that production has always been associated with economic "losses". The book argues that war is the most important tool through which artificial economic demand can be created without any political obstacles: "war and only war solves the problem of armaments."

At the end of the "Report ..." is a completely logical conclusion that "world peace" not only undesirable, but also not in the public interest, because war, in addition to economic, also serves social and cultural purposes.

“The constant threat of war is the firm basis for the existence of government. This threat serves as a rationale for political decisions ... war is in fact a synonym for national unity. The absence of wars implies the inevitable absence of state sovereignty and the traditional nation-state.” Thus, “wars are the main evolutionary tool for maintaining an acceptable balance between the population and the resources necessary for its survival. War should be considered a unique need of the human species.”

So, in order to survive, entrenched in, etc., war, the threat of war and rumors of war are necessary as air. However, America, Great Britain and their allies do not need any enemy. Give them an impressive, dangerous, "terrible" opponent. First it was Germany, then Japan, the Soviet Union, the Red Threat. Today, the “terrorist threat from Islamic fundamentalists” acts as a scarecrow. But gradually the sight of the secret elite is shifting towards Russia and China.


In the recent past, Russia, one way or another, played the role of a buffer, a brake and a wall, holding back the aggression of the Western powers. When Russia becomes a buffer, the whole world suffers. Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya and Palestine are examples of this. In all these cases, Russia opposed the EU and in words, but not in practice. Western powers have always gotten their way, even at the UN.

But for some time now Russia is more and more acting, as a brake on ambitions, which is especially noticeable in Iran and Syria. In November 2011 and February 2012, Russia vetoed two UN resolutions put forward by the US-UK-France against Syria. Had these resolutions been passed, Syria would have suffered the same fate as Libya, which came under a 1973 UN resolution last year. Moreover, Russia rejected IAEA pseudo-reports and did not support sanctions against Iran because of its nuclear program. In addition, Russia has sent a significant number of military forces to the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean region, designed to balance the military presence.

It remains only to guess how high the probability of the outbreak of hostilities was in reality. But be that as it may, the calming effect on the US, UK, France and Israel has been produced, and they are forced to delay the execution of their threats to attack Iran and Syria. The flip side of the coin is that the Allies are thus forced to resort to the criminal tactics of artificial incitement. civil war and the surreptitious revolution known as the Arab Spring.

The main question is what else will allow Russia to do before it turns into a solid wall and unambiguously holds in front of the Western powers red line? If or when Russia finally does this, Western countries will either have to retreat or tear down the Russian wall. What they decide will determine whether we all take part in the Third World War or not.

China will also be an important factor influencing decisions. All of the above in relation to Russia is applicable to China. Global elites view China as a strategic adversary due to its rapid economic, political, demographic and military growth. In addition, China is increasing its presence in the Pacific and the Indian Ocean.

But Chinese Empire behind ten thousand years of history, and the Chinese think in their own way. China is biding its time, playing chess with the young American Empire. China may well decide to play a geopolitical rather than a financial-economic card by sacrificing all of its dollar reserves, only to cripple the American monetary system that the US needs to sustain its giant war machine. Perhaps China will first use not military, but financial leverage?

The worst-case scenario for the West (as Samuel Huntington notes in his 1990 Clash of Civilization theory) will come true if China achieves two key geopolitical goals that it is slowly but surely approaching:

1. Reaching agreements with India and Russia on close cooperation and strengthening of relations on the Asian continent.

2. Overcoming differences with Japan, with the subsequent achievement of agreements on close cooperation. If Japan and China develop a unified geopolitical strategy, like France and Germany after World War II (which led to the formation of the EU), then the entire Asia-Pacific powerhouse with two-thirds of the world's population will slip out of hand. Just imagine an alliance of advanced Japanese technology and Chinese material and labor resources!

Five types of war...

Back in the 60s of the last century, the authors of the Iron Mountain Report suggested finding a more effective replacement for traditional wars (but, in their opinion, it was necessary to fight anyway). At the same time, future wars acquired unexpected and surprising properties. The Report's recommendations included:

1. large-scale program space research, many of whose goals cannot be achieved (but you can pour in budget money there, as in, raising the economy).

2. The invention of a new external enemy: a potential threat from extraterrestrial civilizations.

3. Creation of a new threat to humanity, for example - pollution.

4. Applying new methods of birth control: adding chemicals to food or water.

5. Creation of fictional, periodically alternating, enemies.

Nearly half a century later, some of these recommendations have been achieved (for example, the first point - military and civilian space). Others are under development and implementation (items two (books and Hollywood films), three and four). But the cornerstone is point number five: "creating fictional, intermittent enemies." There have been plenty of them lately: Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbia, Libya, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Islamic terrorism. Now - Iran and Syria.

The serious problem of mankind is that they are increasingly resorting to covert, high-tech operations, instead of direct interventions, since reports from Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan did not look very good on the evening news ...

At the moment it is possible to distinguish five types of war, which leads with hands , and . Types are listed in ascending order of "psychological" component and strategic/logistical complexity:

1. Military invasion. An undisguised attack, of a clear territorial character, is carried out with overwhelming military and economic superiority. According to the doctrine of the 1990s Colin Powell, "the United States should wage war against other powers only in cases where victory is guaranteed by overwhelming military advantage." Can a more ruthless doctrine be imagined? Cowards bombarding half the globe, sitting with a joystick at the screen in a safe place.

2. Military coup. Local authorities are captured with the help of dissidents and traitors from among the military, while military, financial, informational and diplomatic support is provided. The method was widely used against countries in the 50-70s. As the events in Egypt have shown, it is still used today.

3. Financial coup. At first, the big international banks drive the country into a corner, placing unsustainable debts on it. When the target country is no longer able to cope with debts, banksters send representatives of the "International Monetary Fund" / "World Bank" with the support of the world's media and rating agencies. They bring the situation to economic and social problems, disorganize the financial and monetary system, resulting in growing discontent among the people, which is required to justify regime change. This method was tested in Latin America and is now successfully used against Greece, Spain, Italy, and Ireland. And soon they will try it on themselves and.

4. Social Revolution. Consists of funding political activists to change the ruling regime in the target country. To do this, the American, British and Israeli embassies provide financial, media and logistical (street riots) support for any dissidents, in order to eventually gather all forces around the necessary political party or movement. In the 80s they used the so-called "human rights" organizations in Latin America. A striking example is the Argentine "Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo".

5. Artificial civil war. It consists in financing, arming and supporting the paramilitary "opposition" that opposes the government of the target country. As a rule, a “national liberation” or some other “council” is organized, around which groups of rebels, criminals and the mafia unite, as was the case in Libya, Egypt and Syria. In this case, the key role is played by the CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD, and in the case of Libya and Syria - (CIA department), speaking under the guise of "freedom fighters". In the Middle East, such events were dubbed the "Arab Spring", giving them to the world public opinion under the guise of a righteous uprising of the local population against repressive, authoritarian regimes.

In fact, the benefit is derived from existing problems: regimes that have been too late in power (Egypt, Libya), religious hatred (Shiites and Sunnis). Not surprisingly, Bassma Kodmani, "an executive board member and head of foreign affairs of the Syrian National Council," attended a conference in Virginia last June.

She recently warned of the approach of a “Latin American spring,” fueled by social and political divisions based on a huge economic gap between the rich and the poor. As a rule, the rich are connected to the US, and the poor have leaders who naively believe that the only problem is the "Yankee corporate exploiters", overlooking the really important political and social factors.

Signs of this approaching "Latin Spring" are the Paraguayan coup staged, the purchased elections in Mexico, and the increasing US military presence in Colombia and other parts of the region. Often, a lower level war type can transition to a higher one. For example, a social upheaval can escalate into a full-fledged civil war if it is in the interests of...

What, Where, When, Why

What is the end goal behind all this? Chaos, locally sown by secret elites in certain regions and countries, is harmoniously integrated into the picture. "new world order" on a global scale. Part of the wave of "chaos" is aimed at the destruction of countries that in one form or another have preserved national sovereignty. It was sovereignty that was common feature for all the "rogue countries" - Libya, Serbia. The same goes for new targets such as Syria, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea and Ecuador. The more sovereign states are weakened, the better for the global government, which needs a single planetary state of the communist type with a totalitarian order.

All these Arab Latin American "springs", invasions, no-fly zones, sanctions, rhetoric about "rogue states" are nothing more than preparations for his allies before attacking Asia, i.e., before the war with Russia and China.

Of course, such a war is contrary to the Powell Doctrine. China and Russia are very strong and it is very risky to get involved with them. Unless (holy!) they do not clash with each other, and draw other countries into the conflict: India, Pakistan and Brazil. Let's hope that nothing like this will happen in the near future - these events are possible no earlier than 2020. And today we are witnessing preparations for these events in all hot spots.

What is the reason for what is happening? Perhaps the empire-like and hyperinflationary dollar—the bailout of the mighty money bankers—has cornered Western elites. It's like in chess. If you see that any further moves lead to a loss, you have two choices:

1. Admit defeat.

2. Knock over the chessboard... and draw the gun!

As long as Vladimir Putin remains in power in Russia, peace in Europe is impossible. As the biggest obstacle to peace and the main source of potential war, Putin has become the main threat to Russian neighbors and for the West. But what exactly drives them?

Analyzing the reasons for Putin's foreign policy steps, experts differ in their opinions. Some believe these moves are based on his realistic fears of being strategically surrounded by the West. Others see the reasons for his actions in his authoritarian regime and imperialist ideology.

However, the most feature Putin is his unpredictability. Where his foreign policy is based on some discernible logic, his actions are predictable and can be explained in hindsight. But his ability to constantly surprise the population of his country and take the world public by surprise shows that there is neither logic nor strategy at the heart of his actions.

On the contrary, it seems that they are based on his personal whims. As Russia's unchallenged dictator, he can do whatever he thinks is right, whether it's in Russia's interests or detrimental to the interests of his perceived enemies.

In this sense, Putin is the Hitler of the 21st century, a tyrant who solipsistically defines rationality in terms of his own changing understanding of the issue.

A clear example of this is Russia's military build-up and saber-rattling near Ukraine's borders. Does this portend war? Or is it just done to intimidate? No one knows, and every interpretation is just speculation and conjecture about what is really going on in Putin's head.

The same applies to Putin's latest provocation, the alleged neutralization by Russian security services of groups of Ukrainian terrorists in Crimea. Putin's statement that Kyiv has now turned to terror follows directly from his previous definition, which he gave to the democratic government of Ukraine, which came to power after the overthrow of Viktor Yanukovych, calling it fascist.

Is this provocation a prelude to a full-scale attack like Hitler's after the sadly famous events in Gleiwitz in 1939, during which German saboteurs dressed in Polish uniforms attacked a German border radio station? Or is this supposed to scare Russians into supporting Putin's party in September's parliamentary elections? Or is this provocation a signal to the West and Kyiv that Putin is furious and could strike hard?

No one knows, and it is possible that even Putin himself does not know this.


Putin is a master of punching the table 17.08.2016

Putin is preparing a new blow to Ukraine

Newsweek 08/17/2016

Putin and Poroshenko are preparing for a new war 16.08.2016

The attention of the whole world is riveted on Putin

La Nacion Argentina 15.08.2016

The Washington Post 08/12/2016 Is Putin Rational? The answer depends on what is meant by rationality. If rationality means doing what is right from a moral point of view, then Putin is rational - only in some twisted, immoral world. If rationality presupposes a search best means to achieve his goals (however dubious they may be), then Putin must be called extremely (and alarmingly) irrational.

After all, has the power and international status of Russia increased since Putin started the war against Ukraine? Has her economic situation improved? Has his own position been strengthened?

Putin would almost certainly have answered yes to each of these questions (in Germany, too, the Führer believed that the final victory was close at hand - even when his country was on fire), but if an impartial analysis were carried out, the answer would be the opposite.

Finally, if rationality implies an understanding of the relationship between actions and consequences, between causes and effects, then Putin should be considered irrational - not because he misunderstands these relationships, but because he seems to believe that actions do not entail effects, and causes do not produce effects. Hence the unpredictability.

The comparison with Hitler sounds strong, of course, but it is time for Western politicians to understand that they are dealing with a man who could easily unleash a world war because, having been at the top of power for almost two decades, he began to believe that that he is Russia.

What the 18th-century Scottish philosopher David Hume once said about rationality applies equally to Putin: “I would in no way contradict reason if I would rather have the whole world destroyed than scratch my finger.” ". Indeed, the fact that a full-scale military attack on Ukraine, Belarus or Estonia does not seem to make sense is precisely the reason Putin could do it.

Although irrational leaders must be dealt with, the only thing that can (probably) keep them in check is combat readiness. Their promises are as meaningless as their declarations of peace, and the policy of appeasement only whets their appetites. Only strong army and a strong policy of containment can keep them within limits.

German Social Democrats like to say that security in Europe is impossible without Russia. Maybe it is so. But no less true is the statement that peace in Europe is impossible with Putin.

One way or another, he will have to leave so that peace-loving Europeans can breathe a sigh of relief again.

What is happening in the modern world looks like an endless series of inexplicable irrational paradoxes.

All global politics"spun" around the civil war in eastern Ukraine. But the paradox is that politics has ceased to be like politics. The old politics - subtle diplomacy, the ability to negotiate for the good of one's country - is no more. Instead, a strange, irrational dislike for Russia appeared.

There is no doubt that the West is against Russia, and the civil war in Ukraine is used by Western countries in only one vein - accusatory.

It’s a paradox, but the West (yes, the same West that supported the Maidan bacchanalia and turned a blind eye to the development of radical nationalism in Ukraine) blames Russia for the fact that some Ukrainians kill others. Russia, the very country that tried with all its might to warn, prevent the bloody Ukrainian events!

It's a paradox, but the West - the same West that banned testing of cosmetics on animals, turns a blind eye to the horrors of the civil war in the east of Ukraine. There are thousands of proofs of war crimes committed with the consent of the Ukrainian authorities, outright genocide of the Russian-speaking population of the east of Ukraine, continuous violations of the law and all existing human rights, the death of tens of thousands of people... But this evidence is not of interest to world politicians. OSCE observers stubbornly refuse to see anything.

Paradoxically, the people of Ukraine themselves, a country driven to suicide, are convinced that they are at war with Russia, approving the destruction of Russian-speaking fellow citizens. “Ukraine has not yet died…” “We will lay down our soul and body for our freedom…” The words of the Ukrainian anthem evoke sad irony - they turned out to be too prophetic. Taki put - both the soul and the body.

But the biggest paradox is that the world economy has ceased to look like an economy. If everything that happens was beneficial to someone, it would still be understandable. But the economic sanctions that Western countries impose on Russia are extremely destructive for their own economy. And even at the risk of their own self-destruction, self-destruction, they do it!

Paradoxes, paradoxes, paradoxes.

Civil war in eastern Ukraine as a result of pressure on the Russian world

In fact, the world has not gone mad at all, and there are no paradoxes in modern events. Everything that happens is a consequence of causes, some driving forces hidden in the collective unconscious of a single humanity.

All cause-and-effect relationships become clear if you look at everything that happens through the prism of the eight-dimensional matrix of the psychic. Then even the not too diplomatic phrase of the American president does not seem strange at all: "There are only two threats in the world: Ebola and Russia."

Without realizing it, the President of the United States voiced what the collective unconscious knows unmistakably - Russia can deprive the future of all mankind. And the point is not at all in the political actions of Russian politicians, not in nuclear weapons and not in military technology.

What then? Why is Russia so special and how can it harm humanity? What is the real reason for this threat, which is not realized, but is expressed by the colossal pressure on the Russian world that we observe?

Systemic causes of what is happening in the world

We live in a time when humanity is faced with real threat self-destruction. This is exactly what Carl Gustav Jung talked about in one of his video interviews: “The world is hanging by a thread and depends on the human psyche. This is not a threat from ordinary disasters or nuclear bomb. It's all the work of people. We - great danger. The psyche is a danger."

Why has the psychic of humanity become dangerous?

The fact is that our collective psyche is constantly increasing and developing. Each subsequent generation is born with a greater mental volume than the previous one - it has greater potential, intelligence, abilities, talents. The leap that mankind has made over the past 100 years in the development of civilization and nanotechnologies testifies to the incredible growth of the psychic.

The problem is that with such growth, not only our abilities have increased, but also the power of desire. This refers to the innate desires of vectors, eight measures of the psychic matrix of humanity.

Since these desires are still hidden in the unconscious, that is, they are not realized by us, as the mental volume of humanity grows, shortages - collective sufferings - grow incredibly.

Collective suffering has reached such a peak that the world is hanging by a thread...

People feel fear of the future. This fear is unconscious, it is not at all connected with the world economic crisis. It is the fear of self-destruction.

Mankind can get rid of this fear and collective suffering only by spiritual disclosure - knowledge of oneself, awareness of what is hidden in the unconscious. That is, the future of mankind depends on how the sound measure “works” - one of the eight measures of the matrix of mental humanity. And this is about 5% of people who are carriers of the sound vector. The most egocentric introverts.

Only a person with a sound vector is concerned about questions about the meaning of life, about the purpose of the existence of mankind, about God, the Great Plan, and the like. The innate desires of a sound engineer are desires for self-knowledge, this is precisely what his specific role and function of a sound measure is.

Why Russian World?

In Western countries (including the USA and Japan), the mentality is skinny - the desire for a sound vector in these countries is aimed at scientific and technical progress, development of IT technologies. Consider the famous sound engineer Steve Jobs. No matter how philosopher and seeker he was, first of all he was a brilliant IT specialist.

Only against the background of the urethral-muscular mentality, the desire of the sound vector is directed directly to the knowledge of oneself - to spiritual disclosure. The spiritual state of a sound engineer is the disclosure of a single humanity in oneself.

The consciousness of each person creates the illusion of separation from the rest, and in the mind of a sound engineer this separation is felt especially sharply.

When enough sound people - the most egocentric people imaginable - come out of the state of egocentrism ("there is no one but me") and experience the whole species in themselves, this will entail the emergence of a collective consciousness in all of humanity.

Collective consciousness is the awareness of what is hidden in the unconscious of a single humanity, a completely different state in which a person cannot harm his neighbor, just as he could not harm himself.

Only by reaching this state, humanity will get rid of the risk of self-destruction. There will be a natural awareness of shortages and fulfillment, tension and hostility will subside. At the same time, the whole world is consolidating around Russia.

In the meantime, a single humanity is led by the collective unconscious, it puts pressure on the Russian world. This is manifested by the actions and statements of world politicians, sometimes frightening them.

What is happening in the world should not be treated with censure, despair, hatred: “But what are you bastards doing?” This perception only increases the hostility. And hostility, hatred is the opposite of the spiritual state.

Creator's words:
I ask you, try to see around you not the sin and UNBELIEF of people, peoples and states, but the LOVE that has fallen asleep in people!
(Message of 08/03/15, verse 14)

Godlessness and power, corrupt alliances of politicians and big business, paid projects, inciting people against each other - this is the reality of our world. The nomenclature of poor minds eliminated in their field all modesty towards their deeds.

The riddles that the powers that be and the Vatican, the "holy diocese" and presidential puppets decide for a long time lulled the collective consciousness of the people. These pages have acquired a lizard-like form, killing in the minds of people the light inherent in each of us. Everything turns into a large sewage pit, where everything that is not evolutionary merges. This hole is already too big! The impoverishment of numerous segments of the population, a complex and destructive information war - this is the reality of our world.

After all, we all think so. After all, we see all this from TV screens and think that the world really is like that! And we all or most believe in it! God, after all, this is exactly what is needed for the complete decomposition of society - the conviction of people in the truth of what is happening around them. And when people believe in it, and people now believe everything, this will lead to a change in reality, where reality will change the way we want.

Think about it, worrying about the downed plane, where 150 people died, we all create a field structure, a living field structure that begins to live within its own space. And we define the space! And this field is not positive. It, like a huge monster, will seek in our minds its power, which we endow it with. And there will be many such attacks because we have forgotten about our sacredness. We forgot about the Power of the Spirit. Forgot who we are! That is what those who know what I am writing about are waiting for. Now I am not saying that it is not necessary to honor the memory of the dead, no. But this is done in a completely different way.

All events, good or bad, evoke emotions in a person. Every day a person lives with these emotions, modeling his picture of reality. And this picture connects with other pictures or puzzles of other people's minds. And when most of the planet's population lives by this, then the world changes. Because we want it. We want to suffer and regret, we want to be strong, judging and blaming someone for something to hide our weakness.

The whole reality of our world is built on the fact that there are shepherds who tend the flock. And they, as it turned out, have power over society. They introduce new psychotropic technologies, and WE create reasons for these psychotropic technologies to be introduced by puppeteers and start working.

It is necessary to stop this global burial of the World. People, "advanced" and "spiritual", don't you see this manipulation? Can't you stop and think about what's going on so as not to swing the pendulum of evil? Or do you think that if you consider yourself the heroes of this day, denying one thing and identifying with the other, you will help create a beautiful world on Earth?

All of us, consciously or unconsciously, carry that burden of PEACE, which is in the minds of mankind. Everything that happens happens because, while experiencing all this, we, that is, our mind, believe in it. And then, when the mind believes in it, at the subconscious level it creates the world the way we want to see it - in its suffering, criticizing and condemning.

Humans, we are not robots. But we can become them! And we should not forget about it, so that the World Engine does not stop. This cannot be allowed!

"THEIR" goal is to keep us from guessing! About what, you ask? In fact, everything that I described is a reality. "THEY" think that people will get so mired in this material IL that they will forget about the most important thing. And the main thing is that there is a way out of any situation. We also have this exit.

Since We have missed the fact that we, our mind and our beliefs are active energy, and this energy creates the reality of our world, then it is time to remember this. Yes, it is sad that we, having forgotten about this, experiencing the tragedy of the world, actually subconsciously tell the Universe that we still want all this. And all this dirt in the form of the imperfection of our society pours out in abundance from those who know about it, into our reality. But they are afraid of one thing - someday we will suffer our due and realize everything, separating the necessary from the unnecessary, because this is an instrument of evolution.

Look, a sick person is suffering from his disease. The poor man suffers from his poverty. A lonely person suffers from his loneliness. A thin or fat person suffers about his inferiority. So, there is a way out of all this. Some suffer without trying to understand why this happens, they remain in the field of the victim, while leaving the status of a poor, lonely, sick, fat or thin person. And others, having suffered their due, with numerous reflections on how to get out of this situation, go out, changing their status to the status of a successful, beautiful and healthy person.

This is what “THEY” are afraid of, that we will someday go through all these difficulties and all the imperfections of this world and understand the fallacy of our thinking. We must change the picture of the world. But not the way we do it now, killing ourselves behind all the events that take place in the world.

And now everyone who reads me should hear me! Some people may not like this article. But I can't and shouldn't please everyone. Absolutely everything that is written in my articles, I can argue. And I am writing this because ignorance of this is forgiven for those who sleep, but for those who wake up and make the world experience all the tragedies, involving consciousnesses in a web of hopeless illusions, this will not be forgiven.

Regardless of what happens in our NOW, we must be like a rock against which the passions of the World are broken. We must be a beacon in the raging elements. All these sugary identifications with tears in their eyes are the frailty that will continue to lead the world to cruelty, violence and various manipulations. There is no need to give a reason to "THE" who manipulate it.

And for this, each of us must treat what is happening consciously. Mindfulness is a tool of the Spirit. The neutral acceptance of everything that happens in the world creates the conditions under which the karma of the world and personal karma are cleared. And so, in conditions of pity and criticism, we create additional karma and at the same time do not clear our own.

Then tell me, where is Spirituality in these actions? Spirit is LIGHT. The Spirit does not know how to regret or identify with the problems of the World. Spirit is Love, Power, Mercy, Compassion and Wisdom. The presence of these Divine Virtues does not give rise to the opposite.
There can be no PEACE in WAR! Peace can only be achieved in Love and, I repeat, in the manifestation of SACRIFICE, for the SAVIOR of this World cannot bring death, his weapon (and, believe me, the most powerful) IS THE WORD OF LOVE!

paintings by Vsevolod Borisovich Ivanov

“What is the true agenda of the Archons, Anunnaki, Draco and Cabal? What are they really trying to achieve here on earth - and why do you need to know about it?

It is my firm conviction that these ideas are not only far from the truth - they barely, barely touch on some aspects of the stated goals.

The real aims of the ruling KABAP are far more “darker” – and far more evil than most people can imagine, because they are both “alien” and literally “leading” in the long run to a “perverted program” that does not has nothing to do with slightly naive notions ruling elite! The actual agenda leads us straight into the swamp of the Archons - the Anunnaki, Draco and Reptilians ruling the Matrix!

Most of the unenlightened "underhands" who have worked very hard to "support" the new world order don't really have any idea of ​​"Who" they are really working for! Even those who are in the upper echelons of "management", or occupying higher positions in the ranks of the World Government and the armed forces - everyone - whether in the security or power structures, still have no idea that the ultimate goal of everything where all these occult dark forces are taking us is BLACK MAGIC and even much worse!

They are by no means stupid people! In the positions I have listed, the men and women who are working on the study of time travel - teleportation, on the development of anti-gravity spacecraft - Super Advanced Ancient Technology found on the Moon, Mars, and including Earth!

They have extraterrestrial knowledge, knowledge from other dimensions, as well as alternative timelines - and the spaces of all parallel universes - and yet, even they, do not fully “imagine” where all these “secret programs” lead, and what they serve for. all those intricate compartmentalizations that have been so carefully designed and kept under wraps.

So who are they helping?

It's all a SCAM! From top to bottom, and everything in between, everything at all levels is PERMED WITH LIE!

Ultimately, through a system of worldwide corruption that includes: Bribery, blackmail, murder, drug distribution, the global arms market, mind control, sex trafficking, pedophilia, and ultimately even bloody satanic rituals of sacrificing young children used to in order to feed very real disembodied beings living at other levels of frequencies beyond the range of our vision - we have millions of "handy" frightened, or completely corrupted henchmen who are in the middle levels of this strange Off World of Matrix control - stumbling and walking forward, doing what they're told with no real hint of where it's going because they're just pawns!

Only a few of the world's leading leaders know which way the world is heading!

This is not something that middle-level managers are told about. For who would voluntarily agree to betray their own species, in favor of these other dimensional Satanic Forces from another dimension.

Lies are different on every level! Even those who are at the very top thinking that they are being told the truth that these are aliens! After all, they lie to everyone else, but not to them!

How did this group of Satan-worshipping Luciferians manage to infiltrate the highest circles: governments - the Vatican - the military, and even centuries-old secret societies like the Templars, Freemasons and the Knights of Malta? The FALSE must be so great as to be almost indistinguishable from the truth!

To these people, including: Warlords - Bankers - Corporate CEOs - Clergy - Media Executives - Top Judges - Legislators, Top Lawyers - Hollywood Directors and Actors - and the whole "Mobile" of the NSA / NRO / CIA / FBI / DVB / KGB / FSB / MOSSAD / MI5 and MI6 are given some details of what is planned so that they can carry out their part of the plan, but they are lied to about the rest! Because if they were told the whole program, even they would not want to participate in it!

Here is the Cliffs Notes of the true endgame - in which all the dots are finally connected - of the seemingly chaotic and disjointed events currently taking place on earth, which are in fact orchestrated.

"WE" as a group currently live in a "synthetically" artificially created magnetic Hologram! It is very ancient, and until recently was a program that most people did not know about!

It has to do with the alien DIRECTOR "Disconnected" from Prime Creator, which some people even refer to as the source.

We live in an artificially created "construction" of our 3-D "reality" that is actually very similar to the matrix shown and described in the television movie, however, having a large number differences, our 3-D bodies are not locked in the "capsules" of the machine world, and are not stacked like high-rise buildings.

This hologram has been designed, constructed, and powered by the Black Occult Wizards of the Reptilian world and the Human Hybrids who are masters of deception and mind control!

Many years ago, based on the down-grade of Reptilian genetics, the original organic, divine form of man was created - the physical body in which we (as people of the Earth) live in this “3-D” reality!

Many DNA strands of our genetic code have been completely disconnected from the primary chains in order to disconnect “us” from the Great Cosmic Mind, to which we, as immortal and eternal souls, have always been connected.

They did this in order for us as a “whole group” to accept their mind control program, and once they got that they forced us to be very active in ways that are very destructive to ourselves and to our planet. . This was necessary for them, because they needed us to be at an extremely low vibrational level in order to provide a completely controlled and illusory "reality" that cannot be achieved in any other way!

This is because what we “call our reality” is collectively created, and very “changeable” due to the day to day “shaping”, magical (magnetic) and illusory environment, literally starting to move back up the scale, in the direction of extremely high vibrations, if it is not constantly Monitored, if it is not controlled daily, keeping it from it.

This is true reason that we are seeing: the controlled, low vibrational behavior that happens every day all over the planet! The Totally Controlled Media is carefully "continuously" spreading negative news flow through the media, including TV - Radio - Magazines - Newspapers, which actually plant the frequencies or symbolism of sacred geometry and stimulate the human brain in such a way as to form its perception in hypnosis into within the framework of the basic VIBRATION program, which is very important for exercising control over our reality.

This is important for many reasons, but above all because our collective behavior, which includes all our thoughts, all our words, and all our actions, in interaction with each other here on Earth, literally helps them - first in creating, and then in the content of the Magnetic Prison, in which we all live together, which literally surrounds us from all sides - remaining invisible.

The careful use and manipulation of this secret, esoteric and ancient knowledge is directly related to the tandem "ley lines" of the Earth grid that fringes the surface of the planet - and a duplicate of this grid of ley lines, occupying a space approximately sixty miles thick above the planet, which is located in a very magnetized state and is a symbiosis of "functional" frequency regulators, largely dependent on the transmitted or transmuted energy of human beings, which creates a visual, holographic representation of reality.

Don't underestimate the importance of this!

At this time, the energy of our consciousness, which includes our purposeful thoughts, words and actions, "supported" by the well-structured sacred geometry of the location of all these - government, military and religious buildings, placed directly on top of the ley lines at the main points of intersection of the grid, captured, severely distorted, and then redirected into this GRID TANDEM in order to control and redirect it, and ultimately use this transmuted human energy in order to forcibly create an "ARTIFICIAL REALITY".

This would not have been possible without the “perverted” use of magnetic grids and the ever-increasing back “pumping” of negative energy into these Sacred Grids.

And again, the importance of this cannot be overstated!

This is the KEY to this whole capture operation!

The controlled prison of the Matrix worked very well for thousands of years, until, finally, Prime Creator intervened and he said enough, that's no more!

This is contrary to His Cosmic Law, Everything that these very high frequency (but obviously dark beings) do both in relation to the Earth and in relation to those who incarnated here (some literally arrived on the Earth of the Zone years ago, and still so far are trapped here in endless cycles of reincarnation).

The unfortunate beings who actually incarnated here in the zone years ago and got stuck "trapped" inside this synthetic "frequency prison" for so long that they literally forgot who they really are!

They no longer have the slightest idea that they are the eternal souls of Prime Creator, or that they are simply reincarnating here on Earth over and over again and living a useless life that is “subordinate” only to the desires of these dark forces of these higher dimensional beings who feed on the matrix.

When the Prime Creator finally said enough, an epic WAR began between those who supported the light and those who sided with the dark forces. Those who came out in support of the Prime Creator were “outraged” that these unquestionably higher beings and “players” within the framework of the Universal Game of Free Will, do not want to stop and free these poor unfortunate souls, keep them captive in a deceitful way, which appears in the eyes of the environment in such a way. as if they actually “CHOSED” it!

These dark creatures have long decided that they want to be cut off from the Prime Creator in order to live on, without the need for development, that's what they are striving for!

Fast forward to our time!

Now, as a result of Prime Creator's decision to put an end to this, the Galactic Center has sent out a massive amount of very high frequency light waves as well as transformational "light photons" from higher dimensions that literally not only reconnect the damaged strands of DNA into a corrupted human form, but also allow human beings to BYPASS some of the most regulated frequency levels at which the Archon-Anunnaki-Draco exist. Which forever deprives them of access to us, and blocks their ability to use OUR CONSCIOUSNESS as a source of food.

As a result of this out of control - the war - "we" ended up where we are now.

For the past 70 - 100 years - those who work in support of the Archon - Annunaki - Draco program (both human and non-human) have worked very hard (behind the scenes) in order to create a genetic model new form a human body that can exist on the surface of the Earth under even greater control.

This "genetic research" has already been carried out in secret, in deep underground laboratories, by some of the best genetic scientists in the world, gathered together!

Many of these scientists have never told the truth about what they are working on. Some talked about it being a new body for the Grays, or lied about anything other than telling the truth that it was actually a new and better prison suit for the human soul.

Manifestation of Free Will! It is the only stumbling block for this whole plan of the dark forces. And it is Free Will that has been the subject of many of my previous articles so far.

Going back in time -

When the Prime Creator intervened And said enough, he immediately questioned the dark forces, claiming that they neglected his instructions about the Free Will of the Universe. The Dark Forces in response claimed that if this is indeed the Free Will of the Universe, then they had the “right” to disconnect themselves from it, and not develop in the past, since they so desired

And, as a result of having an inexhaustible harvest or source of energy to feed them in the form of young, fast-growing souls, they realized that there was nothing that could stop them, no matter what.

It was at this point that they were told that they could do what they wanted as long as every soul would, at all times, have a choice in the matter.

So now the dilemma that has arisen before them becomes clear to you!

They have been told that they can do whatever they want - but this countless number of souls that they feed on energy must always have a "choice" whether to take part in interaction with the dark forces or not!

This didn't sit well with these very high frequency Dark beings because they realized that their plan would not work in the end because no one would want to participate in it of their Free Will! Therefore, in order to “counteract” this potentially undesirable result, the first version of a simplified form of the human body was created and implemented on Earth.

The "magnetic grid" of the Earth was taken over and began to produce a fake, synthetic reality, so that even when a voluntary "choice" was given, as a result of the extremely low frequency of vibrations that cover the Earth and the endless mind control on their part, the human souls themselves are always chose the dark path. THE ISSUE HAS BEEN SOLVED!

Needless to say, Prime Creator was not impressed with the “solution” that these dark energy beings came up with to solve the problem of diminishing influence from the Free Will that every soul has!

Since He wanted these dark beings to return to Him, He gave them one more chance and told them that they should always tell the human souls trapped in their prison about what they were going to do with them here on Earth. so that, collectively, souls would indeed be able to make an honest choice.

Unwilling to do so, but forced to cooperate, the Dark Beings began using "symbols" and languages ​​with words that had double and even triple meanings, and then by shuffling the words back and forth and putting those jumbled-words in incomprehensible places, and making that many years before any event they intended to bring about, they claimed to have "fulfilled" Prime Creator's direction by giving everyone prior notice!

The Prime Creator shook his head again!

Maybe you will finally understand why I have a real problem with these creatures!!!

The funny thing is that there are literally millions of "adult" men and women living on Earth - right now - who are completely in the service of these beings and don't even know it!!!

For money, fame, status, and rewards, they are ready to run the program! They are dressed in business suits and work in government - Education - Business - Religion - Army - Media - Science - Hollywood -

If they participate in public life- they do stupid things like "demonstrate" the pyramid symbol - or the so-called all-seeing eye - appearing on television sticking out their tongue in the form of a pyramid symbol - using a huge number of secret handshakes or symbols that demonstrate that they are being exploited in the dark! That they don't understand what the dark forces really want!

Returning to the present

The reason that the Dark Forces need to use human scientists to help them is not that they cannot do this work themselves, it is that they send a message to the Prime Creator and the Universal Cosmic Supreme Councils that these HUMAN BEINGS of EARTH are “strongly involved” in this plan, and thus fully agree with it!

They need to exploit this loophole by which they hope to "hide" with their plan, which is constantly being revised by very high Cosmic Beings.

The biggest problem for the Dark Forces is that the "old" genetically reduced form of the human body - the one you see everywhere on the planet, the one we all incarnate in - no longer works to keep our consciousness for a very long time. low vibrational level and we as a group are literally breaking out of the prison they put us in! This is the intention of the PRIME CREATOR.

HOWEVER, the Cabal does not give up SO EASILY!

They decided to “create” a completely new, and even more disconnected human body, or the human body is a suit for all the "souls" that are still trapped in the prison of the Matrix.

This costume will not only be much more simplistic compared to what we have in this moment, it will be even more manageable.

It will have machine parts and machine technology will be embedded in all of its components, which will assist in the total fully computerized control of living beings, in such a way that there will be almost no possibility for the poor embodied soul in this body in order to be able to choose other than what her controllers want!

So now you know - How do they hope to return to their past, having got rid of the Councils of the Universe and Prime Creator?


They do it with your tacit CONSENT - BECAUSE PEOPLE DON'T SAY - NO TO IT!

They say that:

At present, freedoms are being destroyed daily, with the “consent” of the majority! They talk about how people are “asking” for more and more “protection” from the government! They say that people are AFRAID and thus want these restrictions in order to feel safe!

The newly created human body suit will definitely be the most safe place for the soul that is afraid! This is designed for such a soul, because this is exactly what they want!!!

They don't want freedom, they want security! They want the safety inside this cute synthetic reality prison!


The Dark Ones are currently "terro-shaping" the planet, by daily chemical releases - as well as by changing the environment by placing toxic NUCLEAR Dumps everywhere - and by changing the weather in order to get a surface world with the best frequency range for new hybrid bodies to exist. .

Remember that the Earth is actually FREQUENCIES! If the frequency is too high, the new hybrid bodies will not be durable and will not work well in it. They are specially designed to live in very low and very toxic vibrations!

For those who think this is all too far-fetched - this has all happened before!

The Grays are a perfect example of real living beings whose souls have been "placed" into genetically altered bodies under Draco's complete control. They have no real free will - and they are considered a race of Draco's servants throughout the universe.

The REAL “plan” – known only to the highest members of the CABAL – is to GET RID OF THE OLD DISCONNECTED BODY FORM (Destroying 90 percent of the Earth’s population) and thus destroy the old body “suit” that no longer works for them!

Then – they will pull out the “new” body suit – the 3.0 human suit that has already been created and is waiting in the underground labs – and through a process that most people can’t even imagine – by literally “powering” all the souls that cannot free themselves from the Earth’s pull – will again be involved in the reincarnation cycle, in these newly created, and strongly machine-like bodies. Problem solved again.

If that happens - then it will be next to impossible for everyone in this UNIVERSE of Free Will (even Prime Creator himself) to help these souls who have not stood up for themselves and rebelled against this power grab - which is becoming more and more evident every day!

This is the reason for the WAR - and the reason why all loving SOULS have incarnated here at this time, and are currently called to these very positive and loving actions!

It is actions - actions - actions - thoughts - words - and deeds that have the greatest impact / impact on these magnetic holograms!

Positive, light-filled action every day that redirects these endless energies back into the Earth grid.

Yes - love is greatest power! I personally wrote about this many times! And that was/is the “plan” of those who came here to use love to literally dissolve the Matrix!

However, this is only the part of the Harry Potter movie in which Harry tells his friends that Voldemort has finally "figured out" that "they" are hunting "horcruxes" and are literally destroying them! And now that he knows about it, the boy is pissed off!

The CABAL has finally discovered that millions and millions of light oriented beings are now here on earth and are using LOVE VIBRATIONS against them - they are furious! They are currently DECLARED WAR on every living thing on the planet that is not one of them!

These higher frequency dark souls, the so-called RULERS of this planet, DO NOT WANT PROGRESS – EVER!

They don't want to move forward with the evolution of Prime Creator's soul growth plan!

They are happy with what they have achieved - and because they have disconnected themselves from Prime Creator's Universal Energy Support System -

Now they are DEPENDENT on other beings that feed them as a raw-battery of energy and resources / MONEY (CURRENCY), which allows them to live forever as a completely free and separate part - ETERNALLY cut off from the Prime Creator AND HIS RULES,

Remember this is the Free Will of the Universe that Prime Creator is talking about – so “they” (the dark ones) now claim to be operating within their free will rights, staying where they are – and not wanting any progress EVER!

The rules of Free Will in this Universe are absolute - but they don't work the way most people think. Yes, there are learning lessons, but they are not structured in the way he thinks. Most people

They lie in the “choices” you make at every moment of your life! But it means much more than just that. It's not just about what you choose to do! Also, a lot depends on what you have NOT decided to do yet!

Only 50 percent of your total vibrational levels are due to what you choose to do on a daily basis! The remaining 50 percent (in order to achieve complete and perfect balance) must be something that you have not chosen yet, Ah! These are my friends, this is the other side of the coin - and it really has two sides.

That is why I literally beat the drum every day saying, “HEY – EVERYTHING IS THERE – half of the vital ingredients are missing the recipe, it helps every soul find THEIR VIBRATIONAL FREEDOM!

If you don't speak out and oppose the program being implemented directly, right now, in front of you on the planet -

Then - a very important rule of free will says that you "tacitly" agree to IT - and also testifies in support of what is happening.

If you don't actively say NO, then according to the rules, you can "assume" that you said yes!

There is only one way around this rule - you can act like the yogis of the past - go live in a cave and meditate there all day long - without taking part in this illusory world in this completely - magnetic hologram - so you do not agree to it! THEREFORE, YOU LITERALLY REMOVE YOURSELF FROM THE SYSTEM BY YOUR DAILY ACTIONS AND ACTS OF DISCONSENT.

In this way, you can bypass the rule of "tacit consent" and eventually become free from the hologram! Very few souls have been able to do it this way! The other way is to have someone who is already free of the hologram - who will take full responsibility for you as a SOUL - which is also very rare - and almost never happens.

Those who did not take decisive and drastic steps, and who still use this system in their Everyday life, tacitly agree to this in the event that they do not oppose it.

For example, using the Declaration of Disagreement.

Just look at all these so-called "on-line" contracts that are being offered to you by sites like Google and Facebook every day today! They're showing you how it's currently happening - they're doing it because they have to!

Every time a new software update comes to their online program, they automatically “select” the box to include all the changes!

You automatically set the "on" state for everything they want!

This is no accident!

If you take action and refuse any NEW IDEAS, then you choose - a very simple action such as simply pressing a BUTTON AND REMOVING your consent to change.

Does it happen by chance? NO - This shows us what we need to know, because they are required to act in accordance with Cosmic Law.

You are being shown very clearly that if you do not choose to leave their idea system, then in accordance with their rules and laws - YOU WILL be the one who chooses them - and is considered an accomplice!

YES! There are rules to this game - only they're not the rules you've been hearing about for decades.

Every judicial "System" in the world has been operating exactly as I have just described to you, and has been doing so for almost 100 years. Is this a coincidence? Not!

I don't care how many times you object to what I'm talking about in this article - the truth is that if you are brought into a courtroom by the police, you automatically choose this system from the moment you enter the courtroom - in unless you take very real and courageous steps to say no!

I, and many others, are talking about this again and again, right now! This and information is intended for everyone, those who are able to see.

If you have chosen your system - REAL CONSEQUENCES WILL COME IN YOUR LIFE, FOR YOU! With this, no one who has ever been in the courtroom can disagree.

So the main question is: WHY?

Do you think this situation is different in higher strata of society? What are the higher strata of society? How many people were there and saw them? Do you understand what happens at higher levels when you get there?

Even if you feel more or less comfortable temporarily being “on the other side”, what body will be available for you to incarnate if the KABAL gets its way?

The Matrix must disappear! It can be destroyed!

This dark energy channeled into the grids needs to be changed. We all together as a big group can do it!

When we remove our consent to whatever the Cabal is trying to do to us, it loses its power.

There are great beings of Love working with every soul. A Daily Action is required to break the Matrix!

Now is the time to do it once and for all!
Bradley Loving.