Sayings of great and successful people about attention. You should pay attention not to what is striking, but to what is deeply hidden, to the true cause of the quarrel, which manifests itself in each particular case. — Studiopedia Should not be paid attention

The choice of any product is always associated with useful and useless advice. This is especially true when choosing a car battery. Sometimes motorists have to spend a lot of time at the computer in order not to end up buying a pig in a poke. A person in such a situation absorbs absolutely all the information, which does not always allow him to choosebatteries for cars right. You should be aware of a few tips that will definitely not be useful when buying this unit.

Date of manufacture and weight of the battery

First, you need to remember that for the quality work of a car, it is not at all necessary to buy a just-made battery. After all, auto parts are not bread that can go bad in a short time. The shelf life of most batteries is two years, and if the battery is recharged, it will not lose its performance for another five years.

Secondly, when buying a car battery, the mass of the battery definitely does not matter. Many advise checking the weight, so that it will be possible to identify structural defects in the device or underfilling of the electrolyte. But the weight of the battery from model to model will still be different, since each manufacturer uses its own case manufacturing technologies in the production process. The mass of the battery is characterized not only by the amount of electrolyte, but also by the presence of stiffeners, protective covers on the terminals, handles for transportation and other factors. And even in the passport to the battery, the exact weight will not be indicated.

Electrolyte density

Thirdly, you definitely should not pay attention to the density of the electrolyte. Yes, thanks to this parameter you can determine the battery level. But almost all models of modern batteries are maintenance-free, so it will definitely be impossible to check this parameter. Even in the case of a serviced battery, the seller simply will not allow you to unscrew the plugs before purchasing the product. And anyway, this parameter will not tell anything new to the motorist.

It is also worth remembering that the warranty on the battery also does not matter. The buyer can use it only in the case when he proves a factory defect in the device. These and some other tips will be useless when choosing a car battery.

It is not easy to change the angle of view, because it is against our nature, since it is more habitual to cope with problems by “bending” the outside world for ourselves.

And since external changes are never enough, we are more accustomed to shifting the blame to circumstances, incompatibility of characters, to a lack of understanding and a suitable person ...

The paradox of love...

(By the way, if you like this expression, it could be the title of our book.)

She did not reread what she had written, because she knew that making excuses meant only confirming what was said. Most likely, Nancy is right, and she voluntarily abandoned a serious relationship, thus resolving the paradox of love for herself, and, apparently, made a mistake.

Despite some awkwardness, Laura was relieved to put her thoughts on paper from her life experience. She was eager to get Freddy's opinion. She had little doubt that her colleague would guess the personal nature of her reasoning. It was impossible to predict when Freddy would reply to the message.

Laura surprised herself when she checked her mailbox the next day for an answer from trebor. But most of all, she was struck by the chagrin that she experienced at not finding an answer. Previously, Laura did not notice the habit of depending on anything, especially on some kind of letter.

Surprise gave way to anger. Patient waiting was replaced by nervousness, and frustration - irritation.

A week passed, and in her box there was only one message: an invitation to the next convention.

Maybe Freddie would agree to keep her company again. Laura realized that she wanted to spend more time with this man, whom she was so angry at and admired so much.

Calm down, Laura! asked her inner voice, in which she recognized the intonations of her mother. But despite this, this time she disobeyed him.

She was excited. Without a doubt, there were grounds for concern...

She probably should have called Freddy and asked when he could reply to her message. So what if she never called him, her phone book contains the number Freddy dictated to her in Cleveland. Why not?

She found the number and dialed it. The first beeps were already heard on the other end of the line, when she remembered that Fredy had told her that he had left before Monday.

She hung up without waiting for the answering machine to ring.

It was four long days before Laura's monitor flashed a message from [email protected]


I am very glad that what I wrote was useful to you personally. Believe it or not, that was a huge compliment to me. I appreciate your knowledge and your experience so much that your praise means a lot to me. It's like Pavarotti commenting positively on my singing in the bathroom or something like that.

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There are many ways to read not even a person’s thoughts, but his thoughts, his deepest hopes and fears. Everyone can develop the ability to see through people: it is enough to know about a few points in the behavior of the interlocutor that you should pay attention to. Practice "reading people" more often, get yourself into this habit, and after a while you will be impossible to deceive.

All people are different and everyone has their own habits and characteristics. Somebody
sorting through objects on the table, someone wrinkles his nose funny, shakes his legs,
touches the chin. These behaviors can indicate nervousness, distrust, and more. Or they may be a habit of this person that has nothing to do with what is happening.

That's why it is important to determine which behaviors are the norm for a particular person. And then pay attention to any deviations from the norm, to minor changes in the behavior and facial expressions of the interlocutor. They are the very essence.

Watch from the sidelines and compare

To complete the picture, it is useful to observe the interlocutor from the side: how he
behaves before communicating with you, how it communicates with other people, what language says
his body. During a conversation with you, he will behave a little differently, he will
try to impress. By comparing what you see, you will get much
more information about the person.
After the meeting, do not rush to leave either - see if his mood and behavior have changed.

Always adjust for context

All people in society unconsciously play roles and adjust a little to each other, mirroring the gestures of people they like or those they want to impress. Make allowance for the context in which the person you are trying to read is located, after all in different circles can be different rules. For example, in some countries, eyes are averted because it is customary to express respect, and not at all because of a sense of embarrassment.

Wrinkles reflect the character of a person. If a person frowns and twists his mouth for years, it will be noticeable. Facial expressions can tell a lot.

  • When a person longs to be understood and convincing, he raises his eyebrows, wrinkling his forehead. People who have pronounced longitudinal wrinkles on their foreheads have been trying all their lives to establish contact with others and want to be heard.
  • When you are attractive to the interlocutor, his facial muscles relax, his head tilts a little to one side, blood rushes to his lips, making them a little plump and brighter. If meeting with you is unpleasant for him, his face will be slightly tense.
  • If you see a smile on a person’s face, but there are no wrinkles in the corners of his eyes, then he smiles at you insincerely - this is a fake smile. Such a smile can also indicate that the interlocutor feels uncomfortable.
  • Squinting eyes during a conversation (as if a person is trying to see something small) indicate that he is trying to understand, understand, concentrate, and probably feels out of his element. If a person with a squint looks directly into your eyes, then this signals his distrust and ill will.
  • Dilated pupils speak of strong sensations, of sympathy, excitement, interest. When a person quickly sorts through thoughts in his head, frantically looking for a solution, his eyes run around.
  • If a person avoids direct eye contact or, on the contrary, looks too closely into your eyes, there is a high probability that he is telling a lie.
  • Most often, when a person remembers something, his pupils are directed either up or to the left and up. But when writing and inventing on the go, a person looks to the right and up.

Behavior in a team

In collectives, people are grouped according to the similarity of views or characters. Observe your interlocutor, find out with whom he prefers to spend time. A lot will also be said about how he behaves with people, whether he is worried about the convenience of others or unceremoniously interferes with them and does not even notice it.

  • A talkative and verbose person is usually proud and touchy.
  • Quiet speech and avoidance of public statements are inherent in people prone to self-criticism, assiduous and insecure.
  • If the interlocutor constantly interrupts, hears only himself - he is pessimistic, distrustful and selfish.
  • If a person speaks little, this does not always indicate his stiffness. Perhaps this is a sign of success: such people talk less and do more.

We feel that he should not be trusted: having sufficient experience in observing people, we subconsciously and very quickly compare the smallest details of behavior and recreate a complete picture. This is how intuition works. It can and should be developed, and it should also be listened to more often. Of course, sometimes we can make mistakes in our intuitive assessments, but gradually, with practice and experience, we will make fewer and fewer such mistakes.

Can a person, if desired, hide their true intentions, feelings and fears? Or, knowing the intricacies of behavior, facial expressions and gestures, you can figure out absolutely any person, even the biggest cunning and skillful actor? How do you think?

We can get to know a person who is madly in love, but not pay attention to some features of his behavior, because they can signal that we are facing a typical future tyrant and despot.

We all strive for happiness. This is normal and natural. Meeting a person with whom you will live happily all your life and not losing him on the first date is perhaps easier than seeing him as your soul mate.

Of course, it is good to have an image of a healthy relationship and strive for it. However, in life it is important to learn to focus not on how “it should be right”.

Each person carries out (if he decides to do so) his own search for “right” or “wrong”, makes a choice and takes full responsibility for this choice.

Therefore, psychologists are so fond of talking about the inner feelings and sensations of a particular person, because feelings of comfort (“I feel good and like it”) or discomfort (“I feel bad and don’t like it”) are more important than beliefs, principles, or our advice about what to look for on a date.

So this is your life, your choice, and if you like a person, you are comfortable and pleasant to be in his company, then this person is the “right” one for you.

However, we suggest all the same - do not rely too much on your feelings, they can deceive you, but resort to a reasonable assessment of your partner's behavior.

Pay attention to the date should be on the following personality components, namely:

- on his level of general culture, worldview and upbringing
- level of thinking, ability to analyze
- social environment and its impact on a person
- Peculiarities of childhood and the presence of psychological traumas
- emotional manifestations and the ability to control oneself

The level of general culture and upbringing determines the presence of the ability for tolerance and tolerance in relationships.

Features of thinking, the ability to analyze will determine how hasty a person is in his conclusions, whether he is able to take into account various factors at all, think logically, and whether he is objective in judgments.

How to study the social environment of a person on a first date?

Pay attention to the peculiarities of the attitude towards others, strangers, for example, to the waiter. Or the way you talk on the phone. You can notice a special attitude towards others, or the influence of others on the person himself.

Pay attention to how the person talks about their loved ones - with warmth or noticeable irritation. For example, if a person clearly does not respect his parents, then the same disrespect will eventually overtake you, because the person clearly has not been taught to respect others, even those closest to him.

Already on the first date, you can talk about how his childhood passed. Some features of childhood affect the degree of openness of a person, the ability to trust others, to be close.

If a person experienced psychological trauma in childhood, then he can fence himself off from the world and withdraw into himself.

Try to pay attention to the manifestations of the emotional sphere, which largely affect the reactivity of human behavior, that is, to what extent his behavior and reactions are due to external influences.

For example, whether his behavior depends on his mood, whether it is easy to piss a person off and similar features.

If you notice some behavioral manifestations that alert you, then do not have illusions that you will become extremely special for a person, and he will change for you.

Be sure to pay attention to all the manifestations of a person both on the first date and on all subsequent ones, it is reasonable to approach the choice of a partner in order to protect yourself from negative experiences and be happy.