Do-it-yourself New Year's interior of an apartment is a budget option. Do-it-yourself New Year's decoration of an apartment or house: ideas and photos. How to make Christmas balls with your own hands

New Year is probably the most favorite holiday among Russians. It is customary to start preparing for it in advance. Already in the first days of December, we begin to think about how we will decorate the home for the New Year's celebration. After all, wonderful handmade jewelry, like nothing else, contributes to creating a festive mood.

Few people embroider, knit, sew, make origami or scrapbook in their free time, but before the New Year the situation changes. It seems that everyone is starting to strive to make some kind of decoration with their own hands to decorate their own home.

Original, whimsical crafts can be done together with the child. Such an entertaining pastime will brighten up boring winter evening hours.

Making window openings

Windows are the “eyes” of the apartment. Decorated with garlands, snowflakes, lanterns, they are visible to all people passing along the street. And inside the house - this is an additional field to realize the ideas of designers.

The onset of the New Year can be met with windows with frosty paintings. Now you can easily buy special paint in the store that imitates snow and draw intricate patterns on window panes yourself.

Traditional window decorations are snowflakes. Exquisite, not similar to one another, they will perfectly decorate your home.

Snowflakes can be cut out of paper or crocheted. They can also be made from various improvised materials, beads, pasta.

To create paper snowflakes, you will need sheets of paper and handy scissors. You can find hundreds of different schemes on the Internet. Before you start cutting, prepare your workspace. Remember that the more complex the circuit, the more refined the result will be.

Snowflakes are good not only for windows - they can decorate chandeliers, fireplaces, bookshelves, Christmas trees.

Another option for festive window decor is drawings. Easily washable stained glass paint allows you to draw attractive images on the windows that create a holiday mood. It can be gift boxes, fireworks, stars, Christmas trees, snowmen, sleighs, Santa Clauses, etc.

You can simply write: "Happy New Year 2018!". Against the backdrop of painted windows, you get just great shots. Drawings can also decorate the glass doors of the cupboard.

We decorate the door

A classic door decoration is a wreath of spruce, pine branches, decorated with cones, ribbons, bells. Artificial snow, a horseshoe, paper stars and snowflakes - all this is perfect as a front door decor. Such fakes can be created with your own hands or purchased in a store.

A horseshoe can be cut out of cardboard and decorated with tinsel. The inscription can be any congratulation or just "2018". Such crafts can be an original gift for guests.


Most often in the photo of decorations for the New Year you can see garlands, not without reason they are considered classics. They can decorate absolutely all rooms. They can be paper, cardboard, foil or LED.

Today you can buy ready-made garlands in almost every store. Garlands, as decorations, are distinguished by simplicity and versatility. They can be hung on the Christmas tree, windows, ceiling, walls, cabinets.

The head of the bed, decorated with tinsel and LED lights, looks wonderful. Garlands have already become a symbol of the New Year. They are the ones who create the holiday spirit.

In addition to garlands, you can use candles. They will look wonderful on the mantelpiece, and on the festive table, and on the windowsill.

It will not be difficult for lovers of needlework to beautifully decorate a house for the New Year. They can sew cute fabric dogs or crochet or knit this symbol of the coming year.

This craft will be a wonderful gift for your loved ones and guests. Wooden dogs look very good. You can stick a magnet on them and attach it to the refrigerator. They will delight you all next year.

Decorating your home for the New Year is an exciting activity that you can involve all family members in. Then the holiday will be more joyful and will be remembered for a long time.

Photo of home decoration for the new year

The time of miracles, magic, unexpected surprises and expected gifts is the New Year. Preparing for it gives you the opportunity to be a bit of a wizard. With your own hands, turn the house into a fairy-tale palace, the home of Mother Winter or the halls of the Snow Queen.

What is needed for this? Available materials, the desire to create, perseverance and patience, a rich imagination and a little ... New Year's magic. Preparations for the holiday begins, it's time to get to work!

Magical secrets and little tricks of home decoration for the New Year

Before you start decorating your home for the upcoming winter holidays, you need to think through all the details and little things. They create a unique charm and New Year's mood. No corner of the house should be forgotten.

Particular attention should be paid to the color scheme and the choice of a single style, idea. All elements of decoration should be in harmony with each other, create and maintain the chosen style, a special atmosphere of winter holidays.

Consider the interests and tastes of your household. They are different, you have to find compromises.

For kids' rooms, you can choose funny decorations, "settle" fairy-tale characters, heroes of New Year's cartoons to them. The bright colors will appeal to children.

The living room, where the whole family will gather at the New Year's table, should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable and cozy. For serving a festive table, napkins with themed pictures, a beautiful tablecloth, plates and glasses with New Year's ornaments will be appropriate.

Compositions of coniferous twigs, candles, cones will complement the table setting. Near the appliances you can put small surprises and gifts for your family and friends.

Citrus fruits can be used as candlesticks: lemons, oranges, tangerines.

The kitchen, where New Year's treats will be prepared, also deserves attention: gingerbread houses, compositions of tangerines and apples, bright poinsettia flowers.

Oriental aromas will fill the kitchen if festive candlesticks are made from cinnamon sticks.

The front door is where the homemade New Year fairy tale begins: traditional Christmas wreaths, twinkling garlands, animal figurines.

Decorating windows and window sills is back in vogue - movable modules, carved figures, paint drawings.

Involve your children, spouses, grandparents in the creativity. Creating New Year's compositions is a laborious task, extra hands will not hurt. Joint creativity will not only bring joy to everyone, but also unite the family, give all household members the opportunity to be together.

If you have never done needlework, do not despair - choose a simpler jewelry option. Mastery comes with practice. If you want to change the composition, peeped on the Internet, feel free to do it. A little improvisation, a little imagination - and you will get an author's decoration.

The most interesting spectacular and creative decorations can be made from simple and affordable materials: paper, cones, twigs, fabric, felt. Preparing for the holiday, making jewelry takes time. Don't put everything off until the last day. New Year's chores should bring joy.


The cut-out (vytynyanka) technique has been known for a very long time, but over the past few years it has been experiencing a rebirth. Cuttings are easy to make, the technique is quite simple. The result exceeds all expectations - frosty patterns bloom on window panes, characters of cartoons and fairy tales appear.

You can make modules from cut out figures. Volumetric snowflakes, lanterns, Christmas toys made of paper sway, turn from the slightest movement of air. You can cut out a whole city or a snow-covered forest from thick paper. Lighting brings the composition to life. I want to look into the windows or under the Christmas tree, to see who lives there. And come up with a magical New Year's fairy tale.

Lamps, lamps, floor lamps can become magical and change their appearance. Any pattern and plot can be cut out of paper. You can turn the most ordinary glass jar into a lamp.

Christmas-tree toys-cutouts with openwork patterns will decorate the New Year's beauty. Handmade toys create a special atmosphere.

Any New Year's picture you like can be turned into a template for cutting out on your own. To do this, you need to enlarge the picture using any graphic editor, transfer it to a worksheet using carbon paper. Utility knives work well for cutting. In order not to cut the table, use special rugs.

The advantages of cuttings are the availability of materials and the simplicity of the technique itself. To perform complex compositions will require patience and perseverance.

Christmas garlands

Garlands for home decoration are the most popular option. Shop-bought and self-made, electric and natural materials. Paper, fabric, tinsel and glass toys, traditional and original - the choice is huge.

With electric garlands, you can decorate not only the Christmas tree, but also the facade, windows of the house, stairs, entrance and room doors, and a mantelpiece.

Compositions with LED garlands are not difficult to create. Glass flowerpots of simple or complex shapes are suitable for them. Ordinary glass jars or bottles can be used to create original lamps. Experiments with the shape of cans and bottles, with color and light, give a great result.

Christmas tree from electric garlands? Unusual, but very beautiful. You can attach it using transparent tape or buttons with a wide hat.

The usual interior becomes mysterious, mysterious, when garlands are lit in the houses. The most ordinary things become magical. The lights, reflected in the old mirror, beckon to a New Year's fairy tale.

The most ordinary garland can be made original. A little imagination, glass Christmas balls - and the decoration for the windows is ready.

LED garlands go well with paper or fabric garlands. Made by hand, they fill the house with warmth and love. Ordinary paper snowflakes strung on a string turn a room into a winter home of Blizzard or Snowstorm.

Multi-colored Christmas trees, golden stars, white circles, snowmen, penguins, mittens, socks - any New Year's figurines are suitable for a garland.

Fabric or felt garlands are plain, but so warm and homely. Christmas gingerbread and candy canes, gingerbread houses and a Christmas deer, a bearded Santa - making figures for a garland is easy. They can be voluminous and simple. Bright figurines made of felt will be an original decoration of the New Year's table or a good gift for guests.

The most creative New Year decorations are learned from natural materials. Apples, citrus fruits, nuts, cones - the basis for garlands.

There are a lot of variations of New Year's decor. Choose what will bring you and your loved ones joy, a sense of a magical holiday. Remember comfort and safety.

Unusual Christmas tree options

Who said that the Christmas tree in the house should be one? There are not many trees. Surprise your family and friends with handmade Christmas trees. Funny and elegant, small and not very. From what you can make an unusual Christmas tree: from books and cookies, pasta and paper, from pillows and logs, cones and Christmas tree tinsel.

The most "smart" Christmas tree will come from books. An option suitable for students is affordable and inexpensive, easy to make, quick to disassemble.

Multi-colored buttons of different diameters are needed to make a button Christmas tree. Buttons look like Christmas decorations - round, bright, shiny.

The coffee tree is the perfect decoration for the kitchen. Coffee beans will fill it with the aroma of roasted and freshly ground coffee.

A gingerbread tree is not only a decoration, but also a delicacy. You will have to cook it often if there are small and large sweet teeth in the house.

Unusual Christmas trees will not replace the beauties from the forest, but will complement the home interior. Come up with your own options for funny Christmas trees, create!

DIY home decorations for the New Year

From an old light bulb

For traditional or unusual Christmas trees, decorations and toys are needed. Let's make them with our own hands. To do this, we need old burnt out light bulbs, primer and acrylic paints, acrylic varnish, brushes, sponge.

We wipe the surface of the bulb with any degreasing solution.

Cover with primer. If not, paint twice

On top of the white base we make an inscription with blue paint. With a sponge, apply blue paint around the inscription, slightly shading it

The inscription is outlined in gold or silver outline

With a contour, we write out patterns on the surface of the light bulb - snowflakes, frosty patterns (you can first draw them with blue or blue paint)

When the paint and outline are dry, cover the toy with acrylic varnish. It will protect the toy from mechanical damage - scuffs and scratches.

Having tied a shiny thread to the plinth, we cover it with acrylic varnish

We usually prepare thoroughly for the New Year holidays. It is necessary to plan entertainment, menus, outfits and a program for each day off. And before the holiday, we all clean our houses and decorate them. It is important to carefully consider the New Year's decoration of the apartment: decor ideas for 2020, decorations for the Christmas tree, windows and walls. Choose a style to your liking, decide whether you will buy decor or do it yourself, how much time you can allocate for cleaning and decorating.

What colors to decorate the apartment

Before you start choosing decor and decorating your home, you need to decide what colors you will use. Usually, the choice of shades for decorations is influenced by such factors as:

  • The color of the coming year. If you believe the Chinese calendars, then every year it receives a patron, an animal that will help people and protect them. Also, the element that affects everything that happens to us changes every year. In 2020 it will be the White Rat. Actual will be white or gray, and silver.

  • New Year traditions. There are colors that are most often used in New Year's decor, these are red, green, white, as well as silver and gold.
  • Interior design of the house. Even the most beautiful New Year's decor will lose its charm if it is not combined with the interior and colors of the apartment.

Try not to use too many colors and bright details to decorate the room. An abundance of decor, which, moreover, does not combine well with each other, will definitely not create a festive mood. It will turn out too bright, the shine will “press” on those present, causing fatigue. It is better to give preference to several colors that go well with each other and with the rest of the decoration of the house.

What to make decor with your own hands

If you want your apartment for the New Year 2020 to be not only beautiful, but also unique, you can make your own decor. On the Internet, there are many master classes that will tell you how to make home decorations yourself. And the most popular materials for their creation will be:

  • Plastic bottles. This is a very simple and practical material that is suitable for making small Christmas trees, candle holders, parts for garlands or Christmas tree toys.
  • Textile. From the fabric you can sew cool decorations for the Christmas tree, rat toys, voluminous parts for garlands, socks for gifts and other cool little things.
  • Decorations. Of course, you should not hang your favorite earrings on the Christmas tree. Old beads and bracelets, rhinestones from jewelry, beads and chains made of inexpensive metal will come in handy.
  • Cones, acorns and other natural materials. They can be used directly to create a festive composition in their natural original form, as well as painted to imitate frost, sprinkled with sparkles or decorated in another way.
  • Sweets and fruits. They can be used when creating a composition, used to decorate a Christmas tree or decorate a festive table.
  • Paper. You can make window decorations, garlands, lanterns and much more from it.

Almost any material can be used to create home decorations. If you like knitting, then you probably have threads at home that will make beautiful snowflakes or stars. Cool toys will turn out even from pasta of an interesting shape, glass jars and napkins.

Do not be afraid to show imagination and create, and be sure to allow this to children. Their participation in the creation of decor will make this holiday special, pleasant, sincere and memorable.

A great idea is to make your own Christmas candles. Actually, it's not difficult at all. They can be made from even the simplest candles from any store, painted in gold and adding a little festive decor. You can also mix a little pine aromatic oil with the wax. Such a candle will help to fill the house with the aroma of the holiday, even if you prefer an artificial spruce.

Christmas tree decoration

Decorated spruce is the most important symbol of the New Year holiday. Therefore, we pay so much attention to the design of a Christmas tree or a pine tree, depending on which tree your family prefers. I really want her to be bright and smart for the New Year 2020, unusually, to attract the eyes of guests and delight the kids if you have children. But, unfortunately, with all the efforts, Christmas trees often turn out to be ridiculous and awkward, causing shame among their decorators.

In order for the spruce to be beautiful, it is important to correctly determine the allowable number of toys. Do not hang on the tree "all the best at once." It is better to let the decor be less, but it goes well with each other and with the interior of the house. In recent years, it has been fashionable to decorate Christmas trees with simple glass balls. They are usually placed according to several schemes:

  • In a checkerboard pattern. If you took such a scheme, it is better to purchase balls of two contrasting colors and place them like cells on a chessboard.
  • In a circle or in a spiral. You can alternate the colors to your liking, for example, from the lightest to the darkest, or the colors of the rainbow. The main thing is that everything looks symmetrical and organic.
  • vertically. Balls are placed in vertical rows, which will help the Christmas tree look taller and slimmer.

A great idea is to hang the balloons according to Feng Shui. If you believe in the power of this Eastern space organization practice, using its principles will help bring good luck and prosperity to your home. By the way, Feng Shui has a positive attitude towards the chess distribution of balls.

If you like Christmas tree decorations of unusual shape, for example, in the form of New Year's symbols, or vintage ones, in the form of rockets, vegetables and cars, feel free to choose them. But keep in mind that such a Christmas tree should have a minimum of shiny tinsel so as not to distract from the contemplation of the most interesting toys. You can also choose interesting author's toys, which in themselves are works of art. They also do not go well with a shiny "rain".

A special adventure is decorating the Christmas tree with children. They really want to take part in this and also decorate the tree, perhaps even with their own products. In such a situation, it is better to give a little spit on the beauty and harmony of the decor, but to give joy to the kids. Such a Christmas tree may differ from advertising photos in magazines, but it will be honest and sincere.

How to decorate doors

The choice of decor ideas for doors is not as wide as, for example, for Christmas trees. Most often, they simply hang a traditional Christmas wreath at the entrance. But there are other ideas as well. In addition, it is interesting to arrange interior doors. Use a variety of wreaths for this, even handmade ones yourself. There are some interesting ideas for "wreath" decor for the New Year 2020:

  • Paint a simple wreath gold or silver with spray paint from a spray can. This will hide minor flaws in homemade decor and make it more elegant.
  • Add coffee beans, dried citrus slices and spices such as cinnamon sticks to the wreath. So it will not only decorate the room, but also aromatize.
  • Dream up a little and make a non-standard wreath of spikelets, walnuts, Christmas balls and other interesting and unexpected materials.

If you do not want a wreath, you can hang rain and other tinsel on the door. Also an interesting idea is to cut a Christmas tree out of paper and stick it on the door. It can be an openwork white pattern or a cheerful multi-colored tree painted by children.

It is very fashionable in recent years to decorate the windows of apartments and houses. So your house will look elegant not only from the inside, but also from the outside. There are several popular ways to decorate windows:

  • Sticking paper stencils on glass in the form of pictures with a New Year's plot or individual elements. You can download them for free from the Internet, print and cut them yourself.
  • Glass painting. To create pictures, you can use gouache, toothpaste, soap and special spray paints.
  • Use of special ready-made stickers. This is an option for those who do not want to mess with the decor for a long time, but want to get an excellent result.
  • Creating a festive composition on the windowsill. If you have large windows with wide window sills, then you can add a whole composition there or a festive scene like a nativity scene.

If you choose to decorate with paper stencils, paint them lightly with sparkles. So your pictures will look like powdered with snow.

A very simple, concise and pretty decor - simple Christmas balls hung on ribbons on the cornice. You can also put candles in a candlestick or beautifully arrange a garland or LED cord. You can also hang a wreath on the window, which is traditionally used to decorate doors. So your window for the New Year 2020 will be the most elegant and original.

For everyone, the New Year is a reminder of childhood, the smell of tangerines, joyful fuss, I want to do Christmas decorations. It is troublesome, but pleasant, there are many surprises ahead, I want to quickly plunge into the atmosphere of magic and wait for a miracle.

How to decorate a house for the new year to give relatives and friends a holiday?

Making Christmas magic

Accessories and decorative details will help to make a fairy tale out of a familiar environment. And believe me, it is not necessary to purchase expensive jewelry. To reduce the emitted light of the chandelier, pick up candles, place them on the table, shelves near the fireplace, windowsill.

If ordinary candlesticks do not fit the interior, use transparent jars for which you can buy multi-colored sand, sea salt. Glasses filled with water look elegant, candles will float in them.

Where without snowflakes? This decoration is considered a classic; you can not buy it, but make it yourself at no extra cost. Suitable foil is silver or gilded, multi-colored cardboard, corrugated paper. Stick the cut out parts on the windows, decorate the Christmas tree, attach to the ceiling lamp or lay them out on the festive table.

If, as planned, you will have a natural spruce, you can create a couple of small trees. You will need threads of different shades, tinsel. The frame should be cone-shaped, you can lay it out of sweets or make models from fabric. Christmas trees made with your own hands will become souvenirs for guests and loved ones.

Original gifts can be made from cones, spruce twigs, or decorate the table with them. Get a spray, and give such elements shine with silver, it is evenly applied to any surface. Creating a New Year's decor, the mood rises by itself, the approach of the holiday is felt.

Decoration of the main guest of the New Year

Fashion changes, which cannot be said about traditions. The symbol of the New Year is the tree. Lovers of the classic style decorate the tree with snowflakes, sweets and fruits, adding bright glass balls of various shapes.

Some people think that spruce should have a minimum of accessories so that it does not look ridiculous. Designers advise to harmoniously combine shades and perform a single composition.

Astrology says that the outfit of a beauty depends entirely on what year it is. For example, 2016 its symbol is a monkey, she loves bright details and things that shine, 2018 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, for her a yellow palette of shades will become a symbol. The choice is yours.

The top of an evergreen plant is decorated with stars or figures of angels. Many have already noticed that today hand-made products arouse great interest among people. It's great to make Christmas tree decorations with your family. It can be painted balls or cones, sewn figures of animals. In general, it all depends on the imagination. How to decorate a Christmas tree figured out, let's go further.

New Year's lighting of the apartment - the spirit of celebration

There is a huge assortment of garlands in the market and in stores. They differ in the emission of light, are made in the form of ribbons or cords with neon. The main criterion when choosing light bulbs is safety. During the purchase, carefully check the cord and the quality of the lamps.

From the point of view of aesthetics, it is necessary that the garland hang attractively both day and evening for several weeks. You can add variety and complement the lighting with decorative candles or lanterns.

The garland is used not only for spruce, it is used to decorate doors, windows, while the atmosphere is even more filled with mystery and magic, sometimes animal figures are laid out on the walls and ceiling. The design depends on the symbol of the year.

There are waterproof LED string lights that allow safe use in the bathroom. Place the lighting higher so that children and pets cannot reach it. Glue, hooks, double-sided tape, thread, wire and carnations will help fix the garlands.

Buy special materials that are easily washed off wallpaper and glass with wet wipes. Having done everything right, your illumination will hang for a long time and you will not have to worry about the safety of guests and relatives.

We create a New Year's interior

Do not limit yourself to one Christmas tree and the smell of tangerines. Now you will understand that decorating the interior for the new year with your own hands is not a difficult task. A month before the holiday, think about what you would like unusual, original and attractive in the house.

Be sure to find out who will symbolize the next year and, based on this, get to work. Cut or buy decorations and hang them in rooms. Having learned which animal will become the main one according to the astrological calendar, purchase its figurines of different sizes. Some will hang on the Christmas tree or stand near it, others will help decorate the festive table and interior.

Don't forget candles and other fabulous lighting. You can draw ideas from our photos of New Year's decoration. Keep all your loved ones and children busy, including, they love fussy preparations for the New Year.

Approaching 2018

I would like to tell you a little about the trend of next year. The main shades will be terracotta and dark green. Cover the table with a golden or orange tablecloth, pick up bedspreads on the sofa and pillows in the same color. The bright palette will be remembered by guests and cheer up.

Dilute the familiar atmosphere with red napkins, scented candles. Use a different tone, there can be no more than three, even from so many colors you can make a lot of combinations.

It has been said that next year's zodiac sign is the Yellow Earth Dog. She is a symbol of yellow, because everything connected with it will do.

We hope we helped you figure out how to decorate an apartment for the new year. All in your hands. Fantasize, connect designers, listen to the opinion of relatives and friends.

We also posted a whole photo gallery with the most interesting ideas. There are many options, choose one and carefully plan your actions, do not miss anything. Ask the children what they would like to receive as a gift for the New Year, take care of the decor of surprises. Rent a Santa Claus costume and make the kids happy.

Photo of the New Year's interior

New Year is a traditional holiday celebrated by many nations every 365 days on the night of December 31st and January 1st. It is on this night that fabulous magic happens, because only on New Year's Eve all adults become children for a while and also begin to believe in a miracle. However, a few days before the celebration, it is necessary to prepare the house for the celebration. In this article we will talk about how to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2020.

In what style to decorate an apartment in 2020?

Before you start decorating your apartment, inspiration should come to you, as it will increase your motivation for creativity, reinforce the clarity of ideas and help you successfully realize your plans. Then you have to choose the option of decorating the apartment, but since there are many styles of decorating, we will tell you only about the most fashionable and popular ones.

Russian style

It is better to carry out this design option in a separate room, and in the rest to keep the neutral classics, since modern furniture will not be combined with it. Since this style is mainly characterized with a Russian stove, it must be made first. The stove can be drawn both on a poster and made from a regular rectangular table. You need to make a copy of it as accurately as possible. To do this, you need to depict a fire in the furnace, and also draw a stone in it. To make this image natural, find some real logs and put them on the stove, and the Russian-style room will be ready.

western style

Western style has many different variations, but Scandinavian is considered the most New Year's style. To recreate it, you need to arm yourself with a variety of images of deer. They can be on pillowcases, napkins, paintings, towels, etc. This design also provides for the presence of a natural Christmas tree without exquisite decoration. For table setting, use a red and white scale, and hang a garland on the wall in the form of some kind of New Year's inscription. That's it, now your apartment will have a western style.

feng shui style

This style allows you to place Christmas toys, garlands, tinsel and other decorations in any place convenient for you. The Christmas tree can be placed in any form: natural, artificial, in the form of crafts, etc. The best place for it will be the center of the room, but if you can’t put it there, then you can choose the western or northeastern direction.

Decorate front doors

Before we go home, we immediately see the front doors, so our pre-New Year mood depends on how we decorate them. And in general, all the doors that are in the house need to be decorated, because they are always in front of our eyes.

The most beautiful and original decoration is a wreath. You can not only buy it in a special store, but also weave it yourself from ordinary branches, tinsel and balls. The second option, of course, will be much more economical, but it will take more free time. In addition, using adhesive tape, you can fix the rain and ordinary Christmas balls, which will also decorate the doors. Instead of a wreath, you can cut out funny New Year's figures from paper. To secure them, you need to use tape.

How beautiful to decorate windows

Windows are the most viewed part of the apartment from the street, which must be decorated without fail, as they will delight not only you, but also passers-by.

Curly or ordinary candles are quite suitable for decoration. They need to be put on the windowsills in a stand decorated with rain, cones, etc., and next to put a couple of tangerines and some sweets for beauty.

On the window itself, you can draw New Year's figures with white gouache, and then cut out snowflakes and other New Year's characters from paper. You need to glue the resulting figures with PVA glue and a brush so that after the celebration you can easily remove them from the window.

With the help of tinsel, you can make various inscriptions, for example, "2020", and you need to glue beautiful New Year's toys or cones on the frames.

How to decorate a balcony

The option of decorating a balcony in an apartment depends on whether it is insulated or not. If yes, then it is decorated with small flowers, as well as a natural Christmas tree in a pot, which will delight you for more than one new year. On the sides you can hang golden tinsel in the form of bells. Place a lamp on the table and arrange various New Year's toys around it. All this will help create a festive atmosphere on the balcony, below we have collected interesting ideas for your balcony.

Christmas wall decor

Decorating the walls and ceilings in the apartment is very simple. To do this, you just need to use the ideas of your preferred decor. Ceilings are usually decorated with paper garlands that you can make yourself with the whole family, which will also allow you to unite as a single team.

And here are some tips for you on what and how best to decorate so that it looks very beautiful:

  1. The garland is great for any interior, but even one garland will not be enough.
  2. In the store you can buy cheap posters with New Year's images and stick them on the wall. Such posters and figures are good because after the holiday they can be carefully peeled off and stored until next year.
  3. If someone in the family is fond of knitting, then you can take some yarn and lay out a Santa Claus hat with a pompom in the form of a piece of cotton wool, a Snowman and much more on the wall. Such fun homemade things cheer up doubly.
  4. Large socks for gifts will also look beautiful on the wall. They can be pinned with a button or glued on double-sided tape. But then you need to sign each sock for each family member.
  5. Small branches hanging on a string to the wall look very cute and stylish.
  6. In addition, beautiful bells can hang on the wall. They go well with multi-colored ribbons.
  7. If there are children in the apartment, then you can make a wonderful box for letters to the case of Frost from cardboard. The child will decorate it himself and hang it with the help of adults. Everyone will be happy with such a cute decoration.

Beautiful photo wall decoration ideas for the new year 2020

New Year's decoration of ceilings

Agree, it is very beautiful when beautiful decorations hang from the ceiling in a room. The ceiling also needs decoration. There are a lot of ideas here on how to do it. It is not recommended to hang a garland on the ceiling, as it will be very difficult to attach it correctly and there will be a high probability that it will fall and break, and perhaps one of the relatives or guests will be cut on the glass. Then the holiday will instantly be spoiled and turned into a big pile of trouble, and here are some tips for you.

  • The most competent way out may be rain, suspended on stretched threads. In addition, there is another way to beautifully attach the rain to the ceiling. This method, alas, is only suitable for people without stretched ceilings.
  • A small piece of cotton wool moistened with water is wound around the tip of the rain. Then with this cotton wool you need to rub on a piece of ordinary soap. After that, it easily sticks to the ceiling.
  • Bright Christmas decorations or sweets can hang from the ceiling on beautiful satin ribbons, which will be eaten during the celebration.
  • You can stick beautiful luminous stickers on the ceiling, it looks just amazing.
  • Also in old boxes you can find pieces of foam. With the help of a clerical knife, you can cut anything out of them, and if you try hard and color these figures, then Santa Claus, a Christmas tree, and a Snowman will spin right under the ceiling.

After decorating the ceiling in the apartment, you need to check that everything is attached well and nothing will fall on your head or guests.

Well, now a couple of creative photo ideas for decorating the ceiling for 2020

We decorate the New Year's corridor

After passing the front door, we immediately see a corridor in front of us. A significant number of people do not want to decorate it, but in vain, because every time you pass by it, you can feel the New Year mood.

They decorate it in different ways, but the most interesting option would be if you stretch the garland beautifully along the walls, decorate the shelves with tinsel and unbreakable Christmas balls, and stick luminous stickers on the cabinet. At the same time, everything unnecessary must be removed from the corridor so that all the decorations are clearly visible. At the entrance to the house, you can also sprinkle tangerine oil, so you can feel the holiday without going home.

How to decorate a child's room

Well, the time has come to the children's room, it can be made in the genre of any New Year's fairy tale. Here, only your imagination will help, but we will only show a few photos of ideas on how to do everything and tips.

We decorate the Christmas tree in style

Decorating a Christmas tree in each family can become a separate tradition. For example, you can buy a set of different snowmen, and then each family member will decorate the spruce with his own toy. First you need to decide on a place for a green tree, given the arrangement of the festive table.

  • A small tree, artificial or living, is best placed on a cabinet or table for ease of decoration.
  • If the tree is small, then it would be better to put cotton wool or any other snow substitute under it.

If there is not enough money to buy a fluffy spruce or its analogue, you can go to the nearest grove and collect fallen spruce branches or buy them at a low price on the market. Such branches can be decorated and placed on shelves and tables in vases or simple jars.

  1. At the top of the Christmas tree for beauty should be a star or an angel.
  2. Also on the spruce itself you can wind a multi-colored beautiful garland.
  3. From above, you can fix bunches of rain, so your tree will sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow.
  4. It is better not to hang balls, cones and sweets of the same color next to each other so that the spruce does not seem to be of the same color.
  5. On the tips of the branches, you can carefully put pieces of cotton wool, imitating snow. For greater beauty, you can sprinkle cotton wool with liquid sparkles.
  6. Also, near the artificial Christmas tree, you can spray fir oil for smell, but not much. Such oil in most cases does not cause allergies and is safe in composition.
  7. You can also hang children's crafts on the Christmas tree. The child will be very happy that his work is so appreciated.
  8. Candles on the Christmas tree should not be placed in any case, because this can lead to a big fire.
  9. If you decide to put gifts under the Christmas tree, then it is better to check in advance whether they fit there. In the case of artificial Christmas trees, it will be much easier to correct the situation, because most have a height-adjustable stand.

And if it turned out that you did not have enough finances to purchase a Christmas tree, then there will certainly be a way out. Get everything that you have in the house in the pantry and create something like a Christmas tree. Books, tree branches, gift boxes, old accumulated jars painted with acrylics or gouache, paintings, spruce branches and much more can become building materials. The most important thing is to mentally see the image of your future Christmas tree in order to understand what to sculpt for what!