New Year's games for children 5. Material on the topic: New Year's contests and games. Intellectual fairy-tale quiz "Do we know all the cartoon characters"

Physiological changes

  • The muscles of the back and shoulders by the age of 6 months have already strengthened so much that the baby can sit without outside support. Sitting, the baby maintains balance and freely controls his hands. Muscle development is also important to start crawling.
  • The child rolls freely in any direction and is very mobile, which requires heightened attention by adults.
  • The vision of 6-month-old babies is fully developed and functions like an adult's. The child easily follows objects that move, as well as the views of other people.
  • Many children at this age erupt the first teeth. They appear on the lower jaw. In this regard, the secretion of saliva in a six-month-old child increases.

A baby at 6 months old can already sit on his own. If your baby is not yet sitting, do not worry and do the appropriate exercises Physical development

During the sixth month of life, the little one gains approximately 650 grams, and the growth of the baby becomes 2 centimeters larger. By this age, the weight of the crumbs becomes twice the indicator that was determined immediately after the birth of the baby. The chest for the sixth month increases by 1-1.5 centimeters, and the circumference of the head - by 0.5-1 centimeter.

Each child develops at his own pace, however, to understand whether the baby is growing normally, the boundaries of the norm were determined, as well as average indicators. physical development children of a certain age. Knowing about them, parents can identify whether there are problems with the growth of the baby and whether the child needs additional consultation with a pediatrician. We presented the main indicators for 6-month-old children in the table:

What can the baby do?

A six-month-old baby has already learned to sit without support. However, many children of this age are not yet able to sit up on their own. In the kitchen, the baby can already sit in a special chair, watching how mom prepares dinner.

Another very useful skill of a six-month-old baby is crawling. Some babies actively move in a plastunsky way on their tummy, helping themselves with their feet, while others get on all fours.

Encourage your baby to crawl as this strengthens the baby's back well.

No less important skills of a 6-month-old baby:

  • The kid also begins to stand on his feet, grabbing his hands on some kind of solid support. If an adult takes the baby by both hands and pulls it a little towards him, he will see how the baby will stand on straight legs. Moreover, holding the little one by the chest, you can see how the baby begins to step over his feet.
  • The child has great control over his hands. If the baby is interested in any object, the baby will reach out with his hands to him. A child can easily pick up a toy that has fallen out of his hand. Holding an object in one hand, the little one can deftly transfer it to the other handle.
  • The child can already connect his actions and the result, for example, if you pull his hand, a toy with a bell will ring, and if you throw it out of the crib, it will fall to the floor.
  • The baby is still studying objects, trying on the “tooth”. This is an absolutely normal way to explore the world for six-month-old children, which should not be taken as a bad habit.
  • The child already knows his name perfectly and answers it with a smile and animation. The kid listens attentively to the speech of the adult. If you tell him about any familiar large object, the baby will immediately find it with his eyes.
  • The speech of a 6-month-old baby changes. The baby connects sounds into syllables, but so far they do not carry any meaning. The number of spoken syllables is increasing every day. Such speech is called babbling.
  • A 6-month-old peanut treats strangers with apprehension and is very wary. At the same time, six-month-old babies are more supportive of other children. They watch them and often copy their actions. With loved ones, the baby can show tenderness, for example, cuddle up to mom.
  • Six-month-old babies can already remove food from a spoon with their lips.

How to assess the development of a baby at 6 months, see the video tips for moms of the Supermoms channel.

There is no need to worry if your 6-month-old baby has not yet learned to babble, sit without support, reach for the desired object, stand on his feet, distinguish between familiar and strangers or eating solid food - all these skills may appear a little later.

But there are skills, the absence of which in a baby should alert. These include:

  • Flips from stomach to back and back.
  • Lifting the upper body in the prone position on the tummy.
  • Ability to sit with support.
  • Turning the head to view the world around.
  • Cooing.
  • The study of toys with the help of hands (the baby knocks them, shakes, feels).
  • Studying different objects with the help of the mouth.

Since a 6-month-old baby explores toys with his mouth, keep them clean.

About what the baby should be able to do at 6 months, see the video of Larisa Sviridova.

Activities for development

  • Let the baby spend enough time on the floor. Spread various toys around the crumbs so that the baby wants to crawl towards them.
  • When the child is sitting on the floor, sit opposite and roll the ball from you to the baby and back.
  • To develop coordination, dad can roll the child on his shoulders, and mom can put the baby on her leg and shake slowly and then quickly.
  • Purchase small boxes to store your baby's toys. The baby will enthusiastically dig into them, sorting through toys.
  • Massage the crumbs daily for 2-3 minutes. Knead each finger in turn, and also lightly sip it.
  • Let the child play with molds or boxes different sizes. The baby will also like toys in which the figures can move in a spiral, squeakers, nesting dolls.
  • Offer a third to a child holding two toys. At first, the baby will want to grab it without letting go of the available toys, but then he will realize that one of the toys will have to be put down.
  • Make several bags for the baby, in which there will be different fillers - buttons, beans, millet, smooth pebbles and others.
  • For the best development of the baby's speech, constantly communicate with the baby when he makes sounds. Answer the baby by repeating his babbling, and also voice all your actions. At the same time, say “mom” about yourself so that the baby begins to correlate this word with you (“now mom will give you a bell”). In the same way, teach the baby to connect the word "dad" with the father.
  • Show your baby books with bright pictures. At the same time, talk about what is drawn in them. It would be great if in such books there are short poems with repetitive phrases.
  • Walking with the baby in the park, show the baby leaves, trees, grass. If you take your 6-month-old baby to the store, do not miss the opportunity to show your baby fruits, vegetables, dishes and many other items, voicing their names.
  • Tie the baby to the stroller Balloon and watch the baby pull the string.
  • The baby is still interested in such games as “cuckoo”, “patties” and “magpie-crow”.
  • Diversify baby bathing with different toys. Let the boats float next to the bathing baby, plastic tableware, rubber toys.
  • Invite families with children to visit so that the baby learns to communicate with another child.

Play with your baby, it's more fun and exciting

Play with your child the games shown in the TV show "Mom's School" on the TSV channel.

The daily procedures for caring for a six-month-old baby continue to be:

  • Hygiene procedures - washing, washing, cutting nails, combing, cleaning ears and nose. Brushing your teeth is added to them, even if the first tooth has not yet appeared. It is advised to clean the oral cavity of the crumbs with a special rubber brush.
  • Massage and gymnastics. Stroking, rubbing, passive and active exercises help the body of the little one to become stronger.
  • tempering procedures. At 6 months of age, these are air and sunbaths, walking on wet towel, rubdown.
  • Bathing. A bath will not only help the baby relax before a night's sleep, but will also bring a lot of positive emotions.

Do not forget about the safety of a six-month-old baby. The baby can roll over at any time, so leaving it on a raised platform unattended is unacceptable. A child who has begun to crawl is able to get to detergents, sockets and other dangerous things.

You can get acquainted with the technique of general strengthening massage by watching the video of Nikolai Nikonov, the leading doctor and massage therapist in Russia.

Daily regime

The presence of a daily routine is very important for the development nervous system child. A baby at the age of six months needs about 15-16 hours of sleep per night. Approximately 9-10 hours the child sleeps at night, and the rest of the time is divided into 3 daytime sleep, the duration of which is up to 1.5-2 hours. Try to put the baby to bed at the same time every day, and you should not wake up a 6-month-old baby in the morning.

Walks at 6 months of age are still held twice a day, subject to weather conditions. Long festivities are possible in good weather, and if on the street strong wind, rain or the air temperature dropped below -10, you should refrain from walking. During walks, the baby now not only sleeps, but also explores the world around him with interest.

Breastfeeding at six months of age varies slightly. Sucking at night shifts to the last hours before waking up. At the same time, in the first half of the day, the baby is applied to the chest less often, and in the afternoon, the attachments become more frequent.

A six-month-old child, who previously received only mother's milk, begins to introduce complementary foods, choosing vegetables for him in the form of mashed potatoes or porridge. next view complementary foods for a 6-month-old baby will be fruit. A new dish is offered in small portions in the morning, observing the state and reaction of the baby's body.

Breast milk remains the basis of a 6-month-old baby's diet

Formula-fed babies eat 5 times a day. The total amount of food for a 6-month-old baby is calculated by dividing the child's weight by 8. On average, a child of this age eats 1000-1100 ml of food per day. This volume is divided by the number of feedings, so the approximate portion of food for one meal of a six-month-old baby will be 200-220 ml. The food menu for artificial babies includes vegetables, cereals, fruits, butter and vegetable oil.

Typical day

Days with six-month-old babies are interesting and entertaining. And although the regimen for each of the six-month-old peanuts is individual and depends on the biological rhythms of the baby, we offer an approximate version of the daily regimen for a 6-month-old child:

Waking up and the first feeding (the child receives breast milk or formula), hygiene procedures.

Laying down for the first nap.

Waking up and the second feeding (babies on breastfeeding give porridge, and artificial babies add oil to it), a period of wakefulness.

A walk during which the child usually has a second daytime nap in the fresh air.

Homecoming, third feeding (breastfed infant gets mashed vegetables, and artificial baby gets mashed with vegetable oil).

The period of wakefulness and educational games.

A walk, during which there is usually a third daytime nap in the fresh air.

Return home, fourth feeding (this includes fruit puree and breast milk or formula).

Waking period.

Bathing, fifth feeding (breast milk or formula), laying down night sleep.

Night time

Breastfed babies are applied to the breast several times, artificial babies usually do not wake up for feedings.

Do not forget that the baby first of all needs the love and support of parents.

The kid should feel love from his parents, this is the key to his psychological health. Frequent problems

  1. Discomfort from erupting teeth. In babies, the gums swell and itch, which interferes with the baby and makes the baby's behavior capricious. In some peanuts, the appearance of teeth is accompanied by an increase in temperature, liquid stool and other negative symptoms.
  2. Frequent waking at night. A better night's sleep will be facilitated by bathing before going to bed and feeding after it. Also make sure that there is at least 4 hours between your third nap and falling asleep at night.
  3. Injuries. A six-month-old baby is very active, so it is important for parents to prevent any risks of injury, which are enough at this age. The baby can roll over on the bed and fall from it, not hold on to the furniture when he got up, crawl and bury himself in the sharp edge of the furniture or chest of drawers. It is also important not to forget about the risk of pinching your fingers when opening cabinet drawers, to taste detergents, climb into the trash can, choke on small parts of the toy.

Conduct classes with the baby according to the “Little Leonardo” method shown in the video of Olga Teplyakova, an expert in intellectual development.

With each month of life, a newborn child acquires new knowledge and skills. Young parents are happy to watch the baby and note all the skills he has mastered.

At 6 months, a special date comes in the life of the crumbs - half a year from the moment of his birth. By this time, both boys and girls become very active and comprehend new knowledge at an incredible speed. In this article, we will tell you about the developmental features of a baby girl at 6 months and what you should definitely pay attention to at this age.

Physical development of a baby girl at 6 months

In most cases, girls develop a little faster than boys. By the time she is six months old, the future fashionista, as a rule, already knows how to easily roll over in both directions - from her back to her stomach and from her stomach to her back. This skill is very important for every baby, because with its help the baby can change the position of his body in space and becomes much more independent.

Very little time will pass, and the baby, driven by natural curiosity and interest in surrounding objects, will begin to pull her body up in her arms, and even later, crawl on her own. In some cases, the level of development of a child-girl at 6-7 months already allows her to move to horizontal plane, so now you can’t leave the baby alone for a minute.

In addition, many six-month-old babies are already mastering the skill of independent sitting. If this skill is not yet available for your daughter, you can help her with this, but only after prior consultation with a pediatrician. The musculoskeletal system and spine of infants are not in all cases finally formed by 6 months, therefore, before planting the baby, it is necessary to assess the level of her preparation from a medical point of view.

Psychological development of a child at 6 months

Most six-month-old girls have active babble during the game, that is, in their speech, fragmentary syllables appear, consisting of vowels and consonants. The baby becomes very emotional, she tries to completely capture the attention of her mother and communicates with her in all available ways.

At the same time, in the presence of unfamiliar adults, many children begin to be shy - when they see a new person, a six-month-old toddler freezes, carefully examines his face, and only after that makes contact.

For the correct and full development of a child at 6 months, various educational games and activities are very important. Be sure to give your daughter a daily "mother's" massage and light gymnastic exercises that the doctor will advise you to strengthen the spine and musculoskeletal system of the baby, and also do not forget about the importance finger games, which are a wonderful simulator for the development of fine motor skills of the hands and active speech of the child.

Six months is enough significant date in the life of an infant. There are so many events and new impressions on this frontier. First food, first tooth. And the first syllables, though they are not realized.

Having overcome the first half of the year, the baby gradually becomes a personality, an individuality with its own traits and characteristics.

The baby grows and develops with the same intensity characteristic of the first year of life.

What can a baby do at 6 months?

It will be useful for parents of a newborn to find out what a child can do at 1 month. To do this, you should read an informative and informative article by a children's doctor.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with what a child at 2 months old should be able to do, what basic skills and abilities a two-month-old baby has.

Find out from the article of a children's doctor how a child develops at 3 months, what are the basic skills and abilities of a baby at this age.

Useful information that relates to what a child can do at 4 months. The pediatrician tells in detail what activities are effective at this age and when to worry about the development of the baby.

  • If the child has not yet learned roll over on the back and on the stomach, At six months, it must be able to be sure. Parents should not lose vigilance and not leave the baby alone. Especially if the baby lies on such a plane from which it is easy to fall, carried away by rolling from the back to the tummy and vice versa.

In order not to worry later about a bruise on the forehead, a broken nose or a possible concussion, always insure the child, do not lose sight of him, if necessary, put barriers in the form of pillows or something else.

  • The child is already sitting, confidently or with support. Some babies at this age will already be able to sit up on their own from a prone position, helping themselves with their hands. Others need to be helped by gently lifting them by the handles from a supine position. And if earlier than six months, pediatricians do not recommend that the girl get involved in prolonged sitting, then 6 months - optimal time to start sitting.

If a 6-month-old baby does not sit and does not even make an attempt to do this, does not express any desire at all, you should consult a doctor.

  • A 6 month old child makes the first attempts to crawl. This usually happens when he moves his body forward from a sitting position, moving his arms. But since the muscles of the legs are not yet strong enough for such exercises, he moves like a plastuna, actively helping with his hands.
  • A baby at 6 months successfully masters the skills of handling a spoon. When eating, he actively opens his mouth and removes food from a spoon. At this age, you can already learn to drink from a mug.

The best option for the first mug would be a cup. It is light, when it is rolled over, a lot will not flow out of it, and it will be easier for the baby to regulate the volume of pouring liquid.

  • Continue to develop skills in handling toys. The kid can already grab them from any position, transfer from one hand to another. Among the toys, the baby makes pets with whom it is especially pleasant to play.

Neuropsychic development and emotions

The amount of information perceived by the child and processed by his brain increases. Receive their food for the development of the senses.

Physiologically, the child is still far-sighted, and it is not very handy for the baby to examine objects when approaching too close.

But the baby is already beginning to gradually distinguish colors. The first one is red. It is this color of toys and objects that attract the baby in the first place. Children of 6 months not only distinguish colors, but they can also separate them into categories “light” and “dark”.

A 6-month-old baby begins to respond to his own name. Hearing it, he turns around, looking for the source of the sound, the owner of the voice. Sound own name very nice for baby. In response, he perks up, smiles, moves his arms and legs.

Of course, there is no such reaction to someone else's name. The baby does not react in any way or just looks at talking person waiting for the speech to continue.

In communication with others, the child shows everything large quantity emotions and feelings. It is no longer just joy and sorrow. A whole range of reactions of the baby to the events surrounding him and communication with other people grows and develops.

Of course, he first copies all this, adopts from his parents. With age, all these unconsciously copied reactions will become part of the child's personality.

In dealing with unfamiliar people, the baby is cautious. In most cases, of course, he will not scream at their sight, but he will not quickly jump off his mother's hands either. A child at 6 months of age prefers to be wary of strangers.

Games become more diverse. The child likes to take toys, pull them into his mouth, try on the tooth. Now he not only shakes them, listening to the sound. The kid can throw them with force, knock on the crib or the floor, offer them, stretching them out, to mom or dad. Seeing a small fragment of a hidden toy, he finds it, pulls it out and plays for a long time.

The development of a child at 6 months already allows him to actively improve his skills in handling a mug and a spoon. And although, of course, he still cannot eat on his own, he will not refuse to simply hold a spoon in his hand while eating. In the future, this will stimulate the baby to eat on his own, without the help of parents.

A child of six months pleases his parents not only with communication and emotions, but also with developing speech. This is the time for the babbling to begin. Previously emitted sounds merge into the syllables "ma", "pa", "ba". Sometimes even the words “mother”, “dad” are heard. But these are not real words yet, because they are unconscious and are obtained by combining, repeating sounds and syllables heard by the baby from loved ones.

Physical development

By six months, the baby had already decently grown up and gained weight.

The weight of a child at 6 months, compared with birth weight, doubles. You can more accurately calculate how much a child should weigh at 6 months by adding up the birth weight figure and the amount of due increases for previous months. By six months, the baby is gaining an average of 4.5 kilos.

The growth of a child at 6 months also depends on the initial parameter. Usually, in 6 months, the baby grows by 18 centimeters.

With the growth of the baby, the proportions of his body also change. The head in relation to the body becomes smaller, while the chest grows more intensively. By six months, their circumferences in most cases are equated, become equal to 42-44 centimeters.

More precisely about ideal weight and the growth of the child will be told by the centile table, which is on the table of every local pediatrician.

The weight gain and growth rate of a girl and a boy may differ. Usually boys physically develop more intensively.


The nutrition of a child at this age includes formula or breast milk and complementary foods. Moreover, the leading role is given to milk and products that replace it.

6 months is the deadline for the introduction of complementary foods. Formula-fed babies start feeding at 4-5 months of age. For the breast optimal age– 5-6 months.

It is not worth delaying, as well as rushing, with the start of complementary foods. Earlier, its introduction is fraught with allergies and digestive problems, later - anemia, rickets and malnutrition.

After six months, the baby needs more energy, and therefore calories. His growing need for minerals, vitamins. Complementary foods, in addition, develop the skills of chewing, swallowing, enrich the life of the baby with new tastes and smells.

Basic Rules

  1. The introduction of complementary foods begins with cereals or vegetable puree. This is determined individually for each child.
  2. The time for a new meal is morning. The baby at this time is hungry and does not want to sleep. Therefore, he will not strongly object to the sight of new food. This will allow parents to watch the baby during the day.
  3. Small volume. We start with 3-5 milliliters. This is a teaspoon. Then breastfeed or formula feed.
  4. Gradual increase in the amount of food. In 5-7 days, we bring the amount of food to the age norm, replacing one feeding with a complementary food product.
  5. Introduction of a new product no earlier than 4 days later.
  6. We introduce multicomponent cereals, vegetable and fruit purees after monocomponent, in 7-8 months.

The best time to introduce fruits and vegetables into your diet is summer. Dishes made from fresh, not defrosted foods are much tastier and more valuable for the child's body.

A 6-month-old baby will most likely not give up the breast even after the introduction of the full amount of complementary foods. And he will ask her after a hearty breakfast, and after a hearty lunch. In fact, this happens very often. Do not worry, the time will come, and the baby will completely switch to adult nutrition.

Daily routine and sleep

During the day, the baby still has 2-3 daytime sleep and one nighttime. The duration of the day is individual. From half an hour to several hours.

An uninterrupted night's sleep is 6-7 hours, then the child usually wakes up for reinforcements. Some children are already sleeping through the night. True, among infants this is a rarity.

The active phase of sucking is shifted to the last few hours of sleep.

To make the crumbs sleep stronger and longer, small rituals can be introduced into their lives. A ritual is a specific sequence of actions performed before going to bed.

For example, gymnastics, or exercises on a fitball, - bathing - massage - a bottle or chest before going to bed - a lullaby. So, having got used to the given sequence, the child will already know that after all these actions it is necessary to fall asleep.

First tooth

Perhaps not the first, but the second or even the third. For most children, six months is the most common period for the appearance of the first teeth. First, the lower units are cut.

Often this process is accompanied by a slight increase in temperature, loosening of the stool and a general deterioration in mood. But as soon as the tooth appears above the level of the gums, all symptoms disappear.

At this time, you need to devote more time to processing toys and washing hands. After all, babies put everything in their mouths. Especially when it itches and hurts. And swollen gums are an excellent environment for the development of various kinds of stomatitis.

If the baby is sucking on the pacifier, it's time to wean it off. The pressure exerted by the pacifier on the growing teeth can lead to improper formation of the jaw apparatus.

Instead of a pacifier, offer your baby a teether.

How to develop a child at 6 months?

The development of a child never stands still. The whole environment with its sounds, smells, tastes and objects already makes possible the development of a 6-month-old baby.

It is important for parents to know that their main contribution to the development of the child from 6 to 7 months is the creation optimal conditions for the safe knowledge of the baby of this world and all kinds of help and encouragement.

For a child at 6 months, various toys play an important role. The simplest will be useful musical instruments- tambourines, maracas, drums, xylophones.

Of interest to a baby at 6 months are balls of different sizes and colors, toys made of materials of various textures. It will be interesting for the kid to get acquainted with the tactile and sound sensations received from these games.

For the active development of speech with a baby, you need to talk a lot. For some young parents, however, it is quite difficult to tune in to a constant flow of speech. You shouldn't worry. This skill comes to everyone over time.

The sixth month is the right moment to purchase the first book. Preference is given to publications made of thick cardboard, or made of fabric.

Gymnastics complexes, fitball exercises, massage and baby swimming will help in the development of motor skills.

Closer to the year, you can teach your baby to differentiate the main shades. However, the question

how to teach a child colors

Relevant and at the age of six months. That is why the baby needs to show objects various shades to improve visual and color perception.

When should you worry?

Of course, the development of each crumb is individual. But there is a certain list of what a child should be able to do at 6 months in without fail. And a child who does not know how to hold his head at 6 months, for example, deserves the close attention of doctors.

You need to see a doctor if:

  • the baby does not hold his head confidently;
  • with a slight sip on the handles does not make attempts to sit down;
  • does not respond to emotional contact with a smile or animation;
  • does not distinguish between parents and strangers;
  • does not make attempts at pronunciation of sounds;
  • does not respond to sounds and speech;
  • not interested in toys.

Always remember that your baby is beautiful. And the time spent with him is unique.

Independent home observations must be carried out under certain conditions, otherwise the results may be biased. If the child is hungry or tired, it is better to postpone the study. What else needs to be considered in order to correctly assess the development of a child at 6 months? You will find a detailed answer to this question in the article.

Child development at 6 months. Pronation"

Put the baby on your stomach. The development of a child at 6 months is expressed in the fact that he leans on outstretched arms with completely open palms, practically without touching the litter with his elbows. The body of the baby is also elongated to the lumbar spine, its mass falls on the arms and lower parts of the pelvis, and the head is at an angle of 45-90 ° with respect to the bedding.

Raise the side of the mat with the baby lying on her stomach to an angle of 45 °. With such a lateral elevation, he will seek support with the handle and leg that are on the side located above (balance reaction). Do the same on the other side - this ability should be equally expressed on both sides.

Turn the baby on its back, put your thumbs into his arms, clasping the hands with the rest of your fingers, and gently pull up to a maximum angle of 45 ° from the bedding. From more early age baby development at 6 months differs in that he now experiences obvious joy from the new position of the body, immediately grabs your fingers and tries to pull himself up. In addition, some may already tilt their heads forward so much that their chin touches their chest.

After sitting the baby, hold him by the shoulders and tilt upper part his body in turn forward, backward and in both directions up to an angle of 45 ° to the vertical line. Both in the sitting position and when bending to all sides, the baby's head is held straight at 6 months, demonstrating the so-called “good head control”.

Put the baby on his feet, supporting his armpits with both hands. The development of a child at 6 months is determined by legs straightened at the knees. Now for 1-2 seconds he already manages to keep the mass on his feet, sometimes he. At the same time, the body and legs of the baby do not yet form a straight silhouette, you can observe the forward tilt of the upper body due to a slight bend in the hips. In addition, the grasping position of the toes can still be seen at this age.

Lay the baby on his back or sit on your lap, supporting the lower abdomen. Make sure he can move his arms freely. Offer the child a red cube (rib length 30 mm). In doing so, you must either keep the cube large and index fingers, or just put it on your open palm. To attract attention, you can knock this cube on another, but you can’t put it in the baby’s hand. Baby development at 6 months allows you to timely slow down the movement of the hand when touching the proposed toy and then purposefully grab it. However, a six-month-old baby still grasps the object predominantly with one hand. Please note: the palm should be open and pointing down. Another important point: the child presses the cube to the palm of his hand with all fingers (and outstretched thumb) and hold for a few seconds. If something does not work out, you can try again several times.

After the kid grabbed the cube, watch how he will do with it next. The development of the child at 6 months is clearly expressed in the fact that he now knows how to shift the cube from one hand to the other. In this case, one must take into account the fact that many children at this age prefer to use one hand for grasping. In addition, a six-month-old baby moves the cube faster from the less frequently used hand to the more frequently used hand. At this age, it is sufficient that the transfer of the toy from hand to hand is observed in at least one direction, but without the help of other parts of the body or the pad (the child should not use the mouth as a “third hand” or put the cube on the pad and then take it with the other hand ).
If the baby constantly just brings the cube to his mouth, then he needs to be distracted from this, for example, by giving a pacifier.

Child development at 6 months. Interaction with the outside world.

Before testing the next reaction, care must be taken to ensure that all stimuli and distractions that may be of great interest to the child, whether they be faces or objects, are removed from his field of vision.

Ask someone from the family to take the baby on his knees and sit with him at an empty table so that he can freely move his arms and manipulate objects. Sit opposite and place a red or yellow cube on the table in front of the child. As soon as he fixes his attention on it and reaches out to grab it, push the cube in front of the baby to the edge of the table so that the toy falls to the floor. The development of a child at 6 months is characterized by the fact that he fixes the cube with his eyes, follows it with his eyes if he is moved along the surface of the table, and looks over the edge of the table until the cube disappears from view. At this time, he, as a rule, bends his upper body in the direction of the fallen toy.

Language and communication skills of a 6 month old baby. What does a 6 month old baby say?

Listen to what your baby babbles when he is alone in a familiar environment, being in a calm mood. The development of a child at 6 months is manifested in the fact that he chats, demonstrating his entire “repertoire”. As a result, he gets sound formations that are separated from each other by clear pauses and have a sound similar to “ee”, “ge / he”, “ge” he, “e”, “ge / heh” , "e-pa", "yes-de", "yes-ta", "grrr", "mem-mem-mem". It’s not scary if you don’t hear all the vowels and consonants listed here from the mouth of your baby. It is much more important that he pronounce them with varying sound strength and pitch, while emphasizing individual sounds.

It will be useful for parents of a newborn to know. To do this, you should read an informative and informative article by a children's doctor.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with what a two-month-old baby should be able to do, what basic skills and abilities.

Find out from the article of the children's doctor how it goes, what are the basic skills and abilities of the baby at this age.

Useful information that relates to what can. The pediatrician tells in detail what activities are effective at this age and when to worry about the development of the baby.

  • if the child has not yet learned roll over on the back and on the stomach, At six months, it must be able to be sure. Parents should not lose vigilance and not leave the baby alone. Especially if the baby lies on such a plane from which it is easy to fall, carried away by rolling from the back to the tummy and vice versa;

In order not to worry later about a bruise on the forehead, a broken nose or a probable one, always insure the child, do not lose sight of him, if necessary, put obstacles in the form of pillows or something else.

  • the child is already sitting, confidently or with support. Some babies at this age will already be able to sit up on their own from a prone position, helping themselves with their hands. Others need to be helped by gently lifting them by the handles from a supine position. And if earlier than six months, pediatricians do not recommend that the girl get involved in prolonged sitting, then 6 months is the optimal time to start sitting;

If 6 month old baby does not sit and does not even make an attempt to do this, does not express any desire at all, you should consult a doctor.

  • 6 month old baby makes first attempts to crawl. This usually happens when he moves his body forward from a sitting position by moving his arms. But since the muscles of the legs are not yet strong enough for such exercises, he moves like a plastuna, actively helping with his hands;
  • a baby at 6 months successfully masters the skills of handling a spoon. When eating, he actively opens his mouth and removes food from a spoon. At this age, you can already learn to drink from a mug;

The best option for the first mug would be a cup. It is light, when tilted, a lot will not flow out of it, and it will be easier for the baby to regulate the volume of pouring liquid.

  • continue to develop skills in handling toys. The kid can already grab them from any position, transfer from one hand to another. Among the toys, the baby makes pets with whom it is especially pleasant to play.

Neuropsychic development and emotions

The amount of information perceived by the child and processed by his brain increases. Receive their food for the development of the senses.

Physiologically, the child is still farsighted, and it is not very handy for the baby to examine objects when approaching too close.

But the baby is already beginning to gradually distinguish colors. The first one is red. It is this color of toys and objects that attract the baby in the first place. Children of 6 months not only distinguish colors, but they can also separate them into categories “light” and “dark”.

A 6-month-old baby begins to respond to his own name. Hearing it, he turns around, looking for the source of the sound, the owner of the voice. The sound of your own name is very pleasant for the baby. In response, he perks up, smiles, moves his arms and legs.

Of course, there is no such reaction to someone else's name. The baby does not react in any way or simply looks at the speaking person, waiting for the continuation of the speech.

In communication with others, the child shows an increasing number of emotions and feelings. It is no longer just joy and sorrow. A whole range of reactions of the baby to the events surrounding him and communication with other people grows and develops.

Of course, he first copies all this, adopts from his parents. With age, all these unconsciously copied reactions will become part of the child's personality.

In dealing with unfamiliar people, the baby is cautious. In most cases, of course, he will not scream at their sight, but he will not quickly jump off his mother's hands either. A child at 6 months of age prefers to be wary of strangers.

Games become more diverse. The child likes to take toys, pull them into his mouth, try by mouth. Now he not only shakes them, listening to the sound. The kid can throw them with force, knock on the crib or the floor, offer them, stretching them out, to mom or dad. Seeing a small fragment of a hidden toy, he finds it, pulls it out and plays for a long time.

The development of a child at 6 months already allows him to actively improve his skills in handling a mug and a spoon. And although, of course, he still cannot eat on his own, he will not refuse to simply hold a spoon in his hand while eating. In the future, this will stimulate the baby to eat on his own, without the help of parents.

A child of six months pleases his parents not only with communication and emotions, but also with developing speech. This is the time for the babbling to begin. Previously emitted sounds merge into the syllables "ma", "pa", "ba". Sometimes even the words “mother”, “dad” are heard. But these are not real words yet, because they are unconscious and are obtained by combining, repeating sounds and syllables heard by the baby from loved ones.

By six months, the baby had already decently grown up and gained weight.

The body weight of a child at 6 months, compared with birth weight, doubles. You can more accurately calculate how much a child should weigh at 6 months by adding up the figure of body weight at birth and the amount of due increases for previous months. By six months, the baby is gaining an average of 4.5 kilograms.

The growth of a child at 6 months also depends on the initial parameter. Usually, in 6 months, the baby grows by 18 centimeters.

With the growth of the baby, the proportions of his body also change. The head in relation to the body becomes smaller, while the chest grows more intensively. By six months, their circumferences in most cases are equal, become equal to 42 - 44 centimeters.

More precisely about ideal mass the body and height of the child will be told by the centile table, which is on the table of every local pediatrician.

The weight gain and growth rate of girls and boys may differ. Usually boys physically develop more intensively.


The nutrition of a child at this age includes formula or breast milk and complementary foods. Moreover, the leading role is given to milk and products that replace it.

After six months, the baby needs more energy, and therefore calories. The need for minerals and vitamins increases. Complementary foods, in addition, develop the skills of chewing, swallowing, enrich the life of the baby with new tastes and smells.

From the article of the children's doctor, parents will be able to learn how to properly and how to cook mashed potatoes from a variety of vegetables.

The best time to introduce fruits and vegetables into your diet is summer. Dishes made from fresh, not defrosted foods are much tastier and more valuable for the child's body.

A 6-month-old baby will most likely not give up breastfeeding even after insertion full volume complementary foods. And he will ask her after a hearty breakfast, and after a hearty lunch. In fact, this happens very often. Do not worry, the time will come, and the baby will completely switch to adult food.

During the day, the baby still has 2 - 3 daytime sleep and one night. The duration of the day is individual. From half an hour to several hours.

An uninterrupted night's sleep is 6 to 7 hours, then the child usually wakes up for reinforcements. Some children are already sleeping through the night. True, among infants this is a rarity.

The active phase of sucking is shifted to the last few hours of sleep.

To make the crumbs sleep stronger and longer, small rituals can be introduced into their lives. A ritual is a certain sequence of actions performed before going to bed.

For example, gymnastics, or exercises on a fitball, - bathing - massage - a bottle or chest before going to bed - a lullaby. So, having got used to the given sequence, the child will already know that after all these actions it is necessary to fall asleep.

First tooth

Perhaps not the first, but the second or even the third. For most children, six months is the most common period for the appearance of the first teeth. First, the lower units are cut.

Often this process is accompanied by a slight increase in temperature, loosening of the stool and a general deterioration in mood. But as soon as the tooth appears above the level of the gums, all symptoms disappear.

At this time, you need to devote more time to processing toys and washing hands. After all, babies put everything in their mouths. Especially when it itches and hurts. And swollen gums are an excellent environment for the development of various kinds of stomatitis.

If the baby sucks on the pacifier, it's time to wean it off. The pressure that is exerted on growing teeth can lead to improper formation of the jaw apparatus.

Instead of a pacifier, offer your baby a teether.

How to develop a child at 6 months?

The development of a child never stands still. The whole environment with its sounds, smells, tastes and objects already makes possible the development of a 6-month-old baby.

It is important for parents to know that their main contribution to the development of the child from 6 to 7 months is the creation of optimal conditions for the safe knowledge of the baby of this world and all kinds of help and encouragement.

For a child at 6 months, various toys play an important role. The simplest musical instruments will be useful - tambourines, maracas, drums, xylophones.

Of interest to a baby at 6 months are balls of different sizes and colors, toys made of materials of various textures. It will be interesting for the kid to get acquainted with the tactile and sound sensations received from these games.

For the active development of speech with a baby, you need to talk a lot. For some young parents, however, it is quite difficult to tune in to a constant flow of speech. You shouldn't worry. This skill comes to everyone over time.

The sixth month is the right moment to purchase the first book. Preference is given to publications made of thick cardboard, or made of fabric.

Gymnastics complexes, fitball exercises, massage and baby swimming will help in the development of motor skills.

Closer to the year, you can teach your baby to differentiate the main shades. However, the question is relevant even at the age of six months. That is why the baby needs to show objects of various shades to improve visual and color perception.

When should you worry?

Of course, the development of each crumb is individual. But there is a certain list of what a child should be able to do at 6 months without fail. And a baby who cannot, for example, hold his head at 6 months, deserves the close attention of doctors.

You need to see a doctor if:

  • the baby does not hold his head confidently;
  • with a slight sip on the handles, does not make attempts to sit down;
  • does not respond to emotional contact with a smile or animation;
  • does not distinguish between parents and strangers;
  • does not make attempts at pronunciation of sounds;
  • does not respond to sounds and speech;
  • not interested in toys.

Always remember that your baby is beautiful. And the time spent with him is unique.

By six to seven months, your baby has made great progress: he is already confidently rolling over from his stomach to his back and from his back to his stomach, sitting without support and actively trying to crawl. If you support him under the chest, he will step over his legs - this is how he prepares to take the first independent step.

At eight months, the child crawls well, sits up and lies down on his own; stands up, clinging to a support. His movements are becoming more precise and purposeful: at six months he can grab objects with one hand, swing a rattle, at seven he shifts a toy from one hand to another, at eight he tries to clap his hands, and at nine he is already able to pick up small objects or take cubes out of the box. Your baby spends more and more time awake. What would you like to play with him? Maybe exercise your fingers?

Speech therapists and psychologists do not tire of repeating that the development of speech is directly related to the development of fine motor skills. The fact is that the speech areas of the brain are formed under the influence of impulses coming from the fingers.

How to collect a pyramid?

At six months, the baby can already play with the pyramid. For now, however, he will only remove the rings, and you will put them on the rod again and again. It is usually advised to wear rings only in the “correct” order - from largest to smallest. But you can try other options: for example, to assemble a “self-propelled structure”. Put large rings on both ends of the rod, and small ones in the middle. Fix the structure with the tip of the pyramid so that the rings do not fall. Now the pyramid can be rolled to each other on the floor, and then again taken apart by the ring. Be sure to comment on the actions of the baby: “Dashenka took off her ring. Removed another ring. Dasha filmed all rings! No more rings."

If you happen to have two pyramids (for some reason, relatives and friends really like to give these toys to kids), you can build an almost real racing car in five minutes. In big plastic bottle carefully make four holes from under the water or kvass, into which then insert two rods from the pyramids (these will be the axles). We put two wheels on each axle, and the car is ready to travel around the apartment.

Pampering for the benefit of business

When your child grabs food with his hands, licks his fingers, unbuttons a diaper he has just put on and picks his nose, let the thought serve as a consolation to you that by doing so the young explorer develops fine motor skills. If it annoys you, provide a decent alternative.

You can, for example, give out an unnecessary bag or shirt with a large zipper. However, be careful not to get your baby's fingers in it. Children usually enjoy opening and closing velcro fasteners, especially if there is an interesting picture or application hidden under the flap of the fastener. If you have a Velcro pocket on any of your clothes, hide a small toy in it and show your baby how to get it. Famous American pediatricians W. and M. Serz write that their six-month-old son Matthew loved to explore the breast pocket of his father's shirt, because there he invariably found a fountain pen.

Teach your child to flip through the pages first of cardboard, and then of ordinary books, tap the piano keys with your finger, take off your socks, squeeze a small rag or sponge in the bath - all this helps to develop fine motor skills.

Where can I find a new toy?

At the age of six or seven months, often the kitchen becomes the most attractive place in the house. Firstly, most often mom comes here and creates something terribly interesting in her pots and pans, from which breathtaking smells come. And secondly, there are so many jars, boxes and lids here that your eyes just run wide! But can you play with it? Of course! In any kitchen you will surely find:

  • plastic cups, spoons, plates and other utensils (you can pretend to cook food in it, stir the “porridge” with a spoon and treat it to toy friends);
  • wooden spoons of any size (they knock perfectly!);
  • small saucepans and lids for them (you can try on different lids for the saucepan and choose the right one);
  • plastic bottles - empty or filled with water, various cereals (just do not need to fill the bottles to the end, then it will be more interesting to watch how the grains move or the water overflows);
  • plastic jars with lids (put inside, say, a few pieces of sugar and experiment with such a homemade rattle);
  • matter of different textures and colors (small towels and even clean washcloths will do);
  • small boxes with and without lids (you can also put something interesting in the boxes, for example, a small toy or a piece of an apple);
  • any "balls" - from a ping-pong or tennis ball to apples, oranges, balls of wool, etc.
  • disposable paper cups or plastic yogurt cups (they can be put one into another, build towers, and then disassemble);
  • a great toy - a set of multi-colored foam rubber sponges for washing dishes. At first, the baby will squeeze them, feeling the new texture with his fingers, and closer to a year, perhaps, together with you, he will try to build a tower, path or ladder for a small doll out of sponges.

Do not seek to "fill up" the child with toys in the hope that he will leave you alone for a long time, sorting out his treasures. At this age, the baby can only deal with one or two toys. And when he gets bored with them, you replace them with new ones.

Psychologists believe that for the development of orientation in space, it is useful to place toys at some distance from the baby so that he can get them by pulling them towards him. You can also tie ribbons about 30-50 cm long to toys, then the possibilities of manipulating toys will increase. It is better to use ribbons or braid made from natural fabrics (it's great if they are different in texture - silk, velvet, cotton braid, lace). Nylon bands are too stiff and usually not very popular with children.

hide and seek

Let's hide the toy bunny so that some part of it remains in sight (cover it, for example, with a diaper or a light blanket). At first, it is better to hide the toy in front of the baby. Found? Excellent! Now let's contrive and hide the bunny at the moment when the child turns away, but we will still leave some small part of the toy in sight. Where is the bunny? The task has become more difficult. If you failed to cope with it the first time, do not be upset, and even more so, do not scold the baby. At 7-8 months, he solves an important question: what happens to objects when they are not visible. A certain image is imprinted in his memory.

This game, surprisingly, prepares the baby for the first parting. In order to let go of the mother, the child needs confidence that the mother will definitely return, that she is not gone forever. And for this, his mother's image must be preserved in his memory.

Then you can try to hide behind some kind of shelter and call the baby. If he couldn't find you right away, look out of hiding and call him again. Hooray, mom found!

Are we crawling? Let's crawl!..

The importance of crawling cannot be overestimated, although often parents do not pay attention to this stage. special attention. It is with the help of crawling that the baby first begins to move independently in space. But in order for him to do this, it is necessary to provide him with space for movement! A child who spends the whole day in a crib or in an arena simply does not have the opportunity to crawl. The best place for a baby from six months and older - gender.

However, providing the opportunity for crawling is not all. It is necessary to create the need for crawling, and in this, apart from special exercises, as always, games will help. Remember how at 4-5 months your baby learned to grab a toy hanging on a ribbon (we talked about this in detail in the last issue). This experience will now be useful to him in mastering a new skill. Maybe he would like to chase a centipede on a string? Bring it closer to the baby from a distance outstretched hand and then slowly move it back a little. Happened? Let the baby feel the joy of victory, sincerely praise him for a successful “hunt” and, of course, give him an honest booty. If he could not reach the toy, try again and again. You will definitely succeed!

Next step: toy relay. Place several toys on the floor at some distance from each other (the distance is determined solely by the capabilities of your baby). Draw the child's attention to the toys and invite him to crawl from one object to another.

When the baby crawls more confidently, you can play in a tunnel made of a large cardboard box. First, roll the ball through it, and then invite the child to climb through the tunnel himself.

In the second half of the year, the style of communication between the child and the adult changes fundamentally. If in the first six months it was an exclusively emotional connection, now the baby and the adult, so to speak, are also becoming business partners. Of course, the emotional connection is preserved, and the baby will be happy to communicate with you, sit in your arms, accept your love and give you his own. But, in addition to attention and affection, from now on he expects cooperation and active cooperation from you. joint activities. For example, a child throws a toy and smiles happily in anticipation of you picking it up and handing it to him. Raised, handed over. Again throw with a smile on his lips. Don't get annoyed, the kid is not doing this to test the strength of your nerves, he is only inviting you to the game. Another time, he will hand you a toy and will wait for you to not only take it, but also play with him.

Try to respond sensitively to the calls of your child, and he will definitely appreciate it!

Inessa Smyk