Is it possible for lactating smoked. What kind of fish can nursing mothers? Diet while breastfeeding. Useful and recommended varieties of fish during breastfeeding include

Fish is one of the few foods that should supplement the diet of a nursing mother. Many women deliberately exclude it from the list of acceptable products, but in vain. The easily digestible protein contained in fish is very useful, especially when feeding, but what kind of fish can a nursing mother eat, are there any restrictions?

Beneficial features

Fish is simply necessary for the full growth of the child, because it contains such trace elements as calcium, phosphorus, selenium, iodine, which are involved in the construction of bone and cartilage tissues, normalization of the brain. Yes, we are talking about sea fish, which is the most beneficial for health, but is it possible for a nursing mother to have river fish?

It is possible and necessary: ​​B vitamins will help her recover from childbirth, resume blood loss and strengthen the nervous system. In addition, by consuming freshwater and marine fish, a woman can count on strengthening her teeth, nails and hair, which are not in the best condition after the birth of a baby.

Possible harm

Before you find out what kind of fish a nursing mother can eat, you should read the information about the dangers of some fish products. Salted, smoked, dried fish of any kind can be dangerous for the health of the child and mother.

Can a nursing mother eat salted fish? Definitely not. Nutritionists do not recommend it for consumption to anyone and are advised to permanently exclude it from the diet.

Which variety to choose?

White varieties of fish are most preferred for nursing mothers: crucian carp, carp, catfish, bream, grass carp. Pike while breastfeeding is also allowed. Of the marine inhabitants, pollock, halibut, sea bass are useful. You can supplement the diet with these varieties of fish 2-3 times a week.

Red varieties of fish are more allergenic, so trout, pink salmon should be present on the dinner table no more than once every 2-3 weeks.

How to choose the right fish

Nutritionists advise during the feeding period to limit yourself to traditional varieties: river and sea. Exotic dishes, sushi and other culinary delights can cause allergic reactions. Bottom fish is also not the best option, it collects dirt from the bottom of the reservoir and may contain harmful substances, in addition, it has a specific taste.

You can buy fish from reliable sellers offering an environmentally friendly product. Fish of dubious quality with extraneous odors is strongly discouraged from eating. Carcasses must be uniform in color, without damage. A skin covered with mucus or a layer of fat, as well as a yellowish tint, indicates spoilage of the product.

In what form to use



Is it possible to eat salted fish for a nursing mother - many women are interested. An excessive amount of salt provokes fluid stagnation in the body, impaired kidney function, and then swelling and increased blood pressure, so this fish is not recommended for nursing mothers.

Lightly salted fish can be tasted after three months after the birth of the crumbs, and it is better to salt it yourself.


This processing technique destroys a large number of useful substances, while microbes and helminth larvae do not die. This, in turn, can bring a lot of trouble to the mother and her baby.

Dried or cured

An excess of table salt negatively affects the condition of the kidneys and urinary system. Salt, accumulating in the breast streams, changes the taste of milk. Very often this causes the child to refuse breastfeeding, which causes a lot of inconvenience to both mother and baby.


Fat under the influence of high temperature for a long time releases harmful substances that impair the functioning of the liver and digestive tract.

Such fish cannot be present in the daily diet, but occasionally it can be tasted, and it is better to remove the fatty crust. A tasty and healthy dish will turn out if you bake fish in the oven, in foil or steam it. This is a great alternative to frying.

canned food

Canned fish not only has no nutritional value for any person, it can be hazardous to health. Any canned food is made with the addition of substances harmful to the human body, therefore, apart from heartburn and other dyspeptic disorders, a nursing mother and her child will not receive anything.

How to enter into the diet with HB

White varieties of fish are introduced into the diet one and a half months after birth, red ones - only after three. Before cooking, the carcass should be kept for some time in cold water, as a result, harmful substances will be removed from it. As cooking methods, you can choose boiling, stewing, baking in the oven or cooking in a double boiler. To begin with, it is better to limit yourself to a small portion of the product eaten in the morning. This allows the rest of the time to closely observe the child's reaction.

What kind of fish can you choose for preparing healthy dishes with HB - undoubtedly, only fresh or freshly frozen, and it is better to freeze it yourself.

Useful fish recipes for nursing mothers

Fish pieces baked in foil

Easy and tasty dish

  1. The fish is thoroughly cleaned, washed and cut into pieces.
  2. Remove moisture with kitchen towels and wrap each piece in foil.
  3. Stew in the oven or in a frying pan covered with a lid for 40 minutes. The oven heats up to 180 degrees. First, add a little vegetable oil to the container.

Cutlets can also be steamed:

  1. We scroll the chum salmon or pollock fillet through a meat grinder.
  2. Add finely chopped onion.
  3. Mix with two chicken yolks. Instead of yolks, you can use 4 quail eggs.
  4. We form the minced meat, wrap it in foil and simmer in a pan with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil.

From hake you can cook a delicious first course:

  1. Soak about 4 tablespoons of cereal overnight.
  2. Boil 300 grams of fish in salted water, cook for about half an hour, put 1 bay leaf.
  3. Add prepared cereals, 2 finely chopped pickles and 4 potato tubers.
  4. Pass the onions and carrots, take one piece of each vegetable, send the mass to the broth.
  5. Before serving, we supplement the dish with finely chopped herbs. For this purpose, you can use parsley or dill.

Cod with apples

It is necessary to stew this dish on a small fire under a closed lid:

  1. Finely chop one onion.
  2. Remove seeds and skin from 2 apples. We cut them into slices.
  3. We put 50 grams of butter in the pan, wait until it is completely melted.
  4. Stew onions with apples.
  5. We prepare 400 grams of cod, you can use another low-fat variety.
  6. We rub the fish with salt and send it to our stew dressing.
  7. Simmer until fully cooked for half an hour.
  8. Serve the dish along with sour cream.

The dish turns out amazing, it can be eaten even chilled.

Boiled herring

Diet option:

  1. We put the carcass in a saucepan and fill it with water so that the fish is half in the water.
  2. We put on fire, bring to a boil.
  3. Add parsley, salt and one onion.
  4. Cook for another 20 minutes.
  5. Serve this dish with potatoes or cereals.

It is very important when cooking not to violate the main recommendations: the fish must be thermally processed for at least 15 minutes in order to destroy all harmful components. A correctly chosen cooking method will ensure the preservation of all useful substances, and their reserves in the body of a woman and a child will undoubtedly be replenished.


In our video you will find a recipe for a diet fish dish.

First, let's try to figure out why a nursing woman should pay attention to nutrition. Pregnancy and childbirth is a difficult ordeal for a woman. In the postnatal period, an exhausted organism urgently asks for restoration, replenishment of those substances that were in demand for bearing and giving birth to a child.

But since the baby is still connected to the mother's body now through breastfeeding, this makes it necessary to adhere to a certain diet.

And the question immediately arises Is fish included in the allowed foods and is it possible for a nursing mother to fish?

What kind of fish can you?

For the same reason, you should be careful with canned tuna.

Smoked fish of all varieties should also be excluded from the diet, and salted and lightly salted fish should be treated with caution.

You can replace fish varieties that are dangerous for a child with others that contain an abundance of omega-3 fatty acids - the main resource for the formation and development of the baby's brain.

Studies that have been conducted in this area have shown that if nursing mothers began to eat more fish, then their children developed better mentally and physically.

Useful and recommended varieties of fish during breastfeeding include:

  • mackerel,
  • salmon,

These varieties can be consumed canned or fresh. Under control, you need to keep the use of red fish species, as it can cause allergies.

In what form is it best to eat fish for a nursing mother?

You can eat fish in any quantities:

  • baked
  • stew
  • or boiled, because the rare vitamin D and iodine contained in the fish contribute to raising the mood.

By the way, the protein contained in fish, in terms of value and nutritional value, does not lose to meat, but not very healthy fats are completely absent in it.

During the breastfeeding period, you should introduce new foods into the diet gradually and be vigilant about their acceptance by the baby. Constantly monitor whether the child has rashes, whether his sleep and behavior have changed. If at least one of the symptoms appears, the newly introduced products should be reviewed.

In conclusion, I would like to answer the question - “Can a nursing mother fish”? It is possible and necessary!

Young mothers, listen to the opinions of experts, as well as to your "inner instinct", because a loving mother's heart and instinct rarely fail. A child needs a confident, calm and loving mother.

Fish in the diet of a nursing mother is very healthy and nutritious, due to it the needs for protein, trace elements and vitamins are covered.

But if everything is clear with boiled and stewed fish of lean varieties, they can be eaten almost without fear, is it possible to smoked fish while breastfeeding? This question cannot be answered categorically, it all depends on many conditions.

Many of the women are very fond of smoked fish, and they really want to eat it while breastfeeding, but they want to know if eating it will harm the baby, is it possible for a nursing mother to eat smoked fish and how often to do it?

Doctors are sure that if during pregnancy the mother allowed herself to eat smoked fish and did not experience any discomfort, then during the period of breastfeeding, you should not completely abandon this product.

Although smoked products, including fish, cannot be attributed to the most ideal products, they contain many not very useful substances, but they also contain some components that are quite necessary for the body.

Sometimes the body itself tells women what they want at the moment.

With regard to the child, if the mother consumed smoked fish during pregnancy, then during her development, the baby got used to and gradually learned how to absorb the components of this product by the body.

In addition, not all components of the eaten piece of smoked fish directly penetrate the milk. And that means that you can eat smoked fish not as much as you want, but only in small portions and occasionally.

At the same time, you need to carefully monitor the condition and well-being of the crumbs, his reactions to this product.

If digestive changes or skin reactions occur, smoked fish is completely excluded from the diet.

Can a nursing mother smoked fish if she practically did not consume it during pregnancy? If you really want to, you can try such fish no earlier than 2-3 months from the moment you start breastfeeding, and quite a bit.

At the same time, it is worth feasting on it immediately after breastfeeding, so that several hours can pass before the next feeding and harmful substances are less likely to droop into milk.

If you fed a child after eating smoked fish, you should monitor his reactions for at least a day, if the child reacts normally, you can occasionally eat fish, if there are reactions, you should refuse.

Is it possible to smoked fish while breastfeeding?

What kind of smoked fish can mom eat to reduce the risks of unwanted reactions from the child? You need to choose only fresh fish that has not been transported from afar and has not been frozen for a long time before cooking.

Fish meat is an indispensable food product that should be included in the diet of every person. But many new moms question whether fish is safe to breastfeed.

For a couple Healthy dinner fish
plant-based diet When buying caviar The benefits of vitamin D
Required drug

Can breastfeeding mothers use this product?

Fish for mom during breastfeeding is undoubtedly very useful.

  1. In terms of nutritional value, it is not inferior to meat, and is also a source of easily digestible protein.
  2. In addition, fish meat contains a large number of trace elements necessary for a woman during lactation.
  3. Also, the benefits of this product are due to the high content of omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids, which are extremely important for the functioning of some internal organs, improve the body's metabolic processes, and normalize blood pressure.

A woman can certainly eat fish while breastfeeding if she consumed it during pregnancy. Otherwise, you should abandon it for a while.

When answering the question of what kind of fish to eat, it should be noted that this product, caught in your region, is most preferable. It is more valuable than frozen, which loses half of its useful properties. Women who are interested in whether it is possible to eat red fish while feeding a baby should be aware of a possible allergy in a newborn to this product.


When should you quit?

Fish is completely contraindicated during lactation, only if the mother has a food allergy. Then you can introduce it into the diet no earlier than 8 months after childbirth, in very small portions.

Nutritionists do not advise a nursing mother to eat the meat of long-lived marine life, as it can accumulate toxic substances. This applies to sharks, mackerels.

What foods are good for breastfeeding moms

Now let's try to figure out what kind of fish a woman can eat while breastfeeding.

  1. Boiled, steamed. It is recommended to eat in the first months of a child's life, when the danger of allergies is highest.
  2. Baked. It must be introduced into the diet gradually, observing the reaction of the baby to a change in the composition of milk.
  3. Braised. It also retains all the nutrients, so it is acceptable from the first months of breastfeeding.

A fairly popular way of cooking fish meat is frying, while it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether fried fish can be breastfed. During such processing, the meat loses almost all its properties and becomes, if not harmful, then completely useless.

Useful lunch during lactation

Red salted fish for a woman during lactation is one of the most delicious foods, it is not surprising that many women do not want to completely abandon it. This delicacy is quite allergenic, so you can eat it only a few months after giving birth in very small quantities.

The benefits of a marine product
Salmon (trout, salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon)Contains a record amount of useful fatty acids that a woman needs during lactation, reduces the risk of blood clots.Red fish is useful only in small quantities, as it is quite allergenic.
Cod (hake, cod, burbot)Cod meat is the most dietary, while it contains a huge amount of essential vitamins and microelements. Strengthens bones, teeth, improves immunity.Cod contains a lot of vitamin A, which, if consumed excessively, can lead to hypervitaminosis.
Perch (perch, zander)Perch meat is considered dietary, it has a beneficial effect on the digestive and nervous systems, removes toxins from the body.Perch can accumulate heavy metal compounds, so you can eat it in small quantities.
Carp (carp, crucian)The meat is very rich in protein, hearty, tasty. Contains amino acids, antioxidants, easily absorbed by the body.Captive-bred carp may contain growth promoters that should not be consumed during lactation.
How to cook?

Often women wonder which fish dishes are the safest for a nursing mother and at the same time have a good taste, as well as ease of preparation.

While caring for a newborn, it is not always possible to spend a lot of time in the kitchen cooking, but denying yourself delicious food is not a reason. You can recommend the following recipes to young mothers.

Useful marine product

Mashed potatoes with pollock in sour cream sauce.

  1. Put the peeled pollock together with onions in a deep frying pan.
  2. Pour in hot water.
  3. Simmer the dish for no more than 10 minutes.
  4. Then mix 100 gr. sour cream with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, add to the dish.
  5. Simmer covered for another 15 minutes.
  6. While the fish is stewing, boil the potatoes until soft.
  7. Add a little butter, cream and puree it with a blender.
  8. Pour mashed potatoes with sour cream sauce, put pollock on top and serve.

Fish soup for a nursing mother.

  1. Pour 300 g of fresh carp with 2 liters of water and cook until tender.
  2. Remove fish meat from the broth and add allspice, bay leaf and chopped potatoes.
  3. Cook for 15 minutes.
  4. When the potatoes are ready, add 4 tablespoons of your favorite cereal (barley, rice, millet) to the dish, boil until tender.
  5. At the end, add sautéed carrots and celery and 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, after 2-3 minutes the soup will be ready.

So, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to eat fish while breastfeeding has been found. Fish is not only possible, but also necessary, the main thing is to choose safe types of this product and responsibly approach the cooking method.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

Most consultants and pediatricians today agree that use of this product by women during lactation is allowed. But only if during pregnancy the expectant mother also consumed smoked fish.

At the same time, it is important that during the past use of fish for food, a woman does not experience unpleasant consequences in the form of heartburn, nausea or diarrhea. During lactation, all these side effects can only intensify.

It is also important to clarify the absence of an allergic reaction to fish and seafood. from next of kin. If it is absent, the woman herself always tolerated the use of smoked fish well before breastfeeding, then this product can be included in her diet.

From what month?

It is allowed for the mother to use this food product with HS no earlier than 3 months after the birth of the child. But this is in cases where the baby was born absolutely healthy and he does not suffer from diathesis and severe colic.

Important! If the child was born weak and in poor health, a nursing woman can include smoked fish in her diet no earlier than 5 months after birth.

Benefits for mother

Reasonable use of this product during lactation will only benefit the mother's body.:

  1. It contains an easily digestible protein that helps the female body recover and blocks the excess accumulation of lactic and uric acids in it.
  2. Omega acids help strengthen the cardiovascular system, increase immunity and prevent the appearance and development of allergies, help normalize hormonal levels. They also help improve brain function.

It is also important that all these substances are completely absorbed by the female body.

Is it allowed to give to children?

Smoked fish can be included in the child's diet no earlier than from the age of five.. Only by this age is the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract formed. The immunity of the child by this age is also almost fully formed. If a child suffers from frequent eating disorders, is allergic to various foods, then it is possible to include smoked fish in his diet only from the age of seven.

Benefits for the child

This food contains many vitamins:

  • vitamin D- the best remedy for strengthening bones, nails and teeth, besides, it is he who is necessary for the child's body to prevent rickets;
  • vitamins B, E, A, C- help maintain vision, maintain youthfulness and beauty of the skin, help strengthen the nervous system.

We must not forget about the benefits of omega acids, which are responsible for the attention, intelligence and immunity of the child. In addition, it is fish protein that is completely absorbed by the child's body.


The main danger of this food product for a nursing woman and her child lies in its far from flawless composition.

  1. Many manufacturers use liquid smoke in its preparation, which does not bring any benefit to the body.
  2. There is always too much salt in smoked foods, including fish. It worsens lactation and provokes the appearance of edema.
  3. Hot smoked products contain too high levels of carcinogens.
  4. If the fish has undergone insufficient heat treatment, helmitin larvae may remain in it.
  5. The child may develop severe diathesis.

To avoid all these dangers, it is necessary to competently and reasonably eat smoked fish.

During the GW it is better to buy smoked fish from a trusted manufacturer and famous varieties.

If a woman did not use any of her species either during pregnancy or before her onset, then she cannot be eaten during lactation.

You need to choose a whole carcass with a head and elastic pulp and a light aroma of smoking.

Preference should be given to the freshest product. The best choice would be smoked fish with white meat and low fat content.

How to enter into the diet?

The timing of the trial use of smoked fish should be chosen in accordance with the recommendations for the age of the infant. For the first time, mom is allowed to eat 50 g of fish. It is best to do this in the morning and immediately after feeding the baby. In this case, before the next feeding, the fish is almost completely absorbed and processed by the female body. This means that harmful additives will get into breast milk in minimal quantities.

Attention! It is better to introduce cold-smoked fish into complementary foods first. Hot smoked products are allowed in the diet only if the child is already more than one year old.

During the first days after using this product, a woman should carefully observe the reaction of the child. If there are no negative consequences, then fish is sometimes allowed to be included in the diet. If colic appeared, the baby became restless or he developed diathesis, the inclusion of smoked fish in the diet should be postponed.