Traveling with a 2 month old baby by car. Traveling with a newborn: pros and cons. Is it worth it to travel with a baby on an intercity bus

Riding in a car with a baby can be quite stressful, especially if you have to drive for a long time. Careful planning will help you avoid common mistakes and make your trip run as smoothly as possible. To organize the best possible trip for your child, proceed to read the first step.


Part 1

Using a child car seat

    Choose a child car seat. Safety must be the top priority. It is critical to buy a child car seat that is appropriate for the age and size of your child. There are three basic types of seats on the market: with the back in the direction of travel (only for children weighing less than 15 kg), combined models (located with the back for children weighing up to 20 kg, and then turned forward facing for older babies), booster seats ( for the proper fit of children over 4 years of age and the correct position of the seat belt on the child). If you have a newborn child, choose the appropriate seat for him.

    • If possible, try to buy a chair before the baby is born. You will need to pick up the child by car from the hospital. The sooner you become familiar with the chair and carefully read the instructions that come with it, the easier it will be for you when it comes time to use it.
    • If you have two cars in your family, consider buying two seats (one for each car). The extra cost is worth it: it will save you time in the future and avoid mistakes when hastily installing the chair on another car.
  1. Install the seat correctly. Car seats must be installed in the back seat of the car. The specific location on the seat is determined by the instructions. Read the directions in the instructions twice to ensure that the chair is installed correctly. Check that all belts are fixed. For newborns, the position of the chair should be with your back in the direction of travel - this is the safest thing for them.

    • Once again, check yourself that everything was done correctly.
  2. Know the rules. You must use proper safety equipment for your children, and failure to do so will result in hefty fines.

    Part 2

    Vehicle preparation
    1. Carry out a technical inspection of the machine. If you are going to drive a long distance, take the car to a service center or to a mechanic for a check. It is better to find out about the problem in advance than to suddenly encounter it in the middle of the road. If necessary, repair and replace certain parts.

      • Don't neglect temperature conditioning. You need to keep the temperature in the car comfortable for the child.
    2. Buy removable sun screens. Don't let your child look directly at the sun, so get removable window shading screens. When driving, make sure that the child's eyes remain in the shade.

      Remove dangerous items. Make sure there are no sharp objects near the child seat, whether or not the child can reach them. If you brake suddenly or have an accident, these objects can be dangerous. Cover metal parts within reach of the child, as they can get hot from the sun and burn them.

      Consider purchasing a mirror. It will be convenient to buy a portable mirror and fix it so that you can clearly see the child in it. It will be easier for you to check the child, and he will also be able to see you.

      Decorate windows. A few bright, removable pictures on the windows can keep your child busy while traveling. Just do not take anything so large that it will prevent you from seeing the situation on the road. The most important is safety.

      Make sure you have a light source in your car. If you have to drive at night, consider getting a backlight with a soft light so that the child is not frightened. The light should not be bright so as not to interfere with your driving.

      Refuel the car. Starting your journey with a full tank of fuel will save you time from extra gas stops. Plus, you'll be less likely to have to force your child to sniff gas when filling up the car.

    Part 3

    Packing things for travel

      Take plenty of diapers and wet wipes with you. Always take more than you think you need. You do not want to be left without diapers halfway!

      • Wet wipes are useful not only for changing diapers: they can be used to wipe hands, as well as to refresh the baby's face.
    1. Pack your products. If the baby is bottle-fed, take more bottles. Your journey may take longer than planned, and you may not be able to wash your bottles. Be sure to take enough formula if you are feeding it to an infant. If the child is already eating complementary foods, then do not forget about him.

      Take plenty of water and food for yourself. If you are breastfeeding, you need to eat regularly and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and have enough milk. Even if you're not breastfeeding, you need to eat and drink to drive safely and be in a good mood.

      Don't forget blankets and towels. A baby blanket can be very useful on the road, as it can be used to support a child's head in a car seat while they sleep, or to keep a chilled baby warm. Towels are good for changing diapers. Just lay them on the car seat before changing a baby's diaper (disposable diapers are also suitable for this purpose). It is also good to use towels for wiping up something spilled or cleaning the soiled face of the baby.

      • Don't leave a blanket on the baby's seat if you can't see your baby all the time. It is very important that the blanket does not cover the face.
    2. Take spare clothes for you and your child. The baby can spill food, burp, make a mess, so it's best to have a supply of clothes with you for both of you.

      Get trash bags. Carry a few trash bags with you to store used diapers, trash, and leftover food. You need to store it in something until you have a chance to throw out the garbage.

      Think entertainment. A few soft toys can keep a child partially occupied while traveling. Play sets attached to the seat are a good investment for little kids. You can take music with you: something that the child likes or something that makes him sleep well.

      • Do not give your child hard toys, they can be dangerous while driving.
    3. You should have important phone numbers at hand. Your phone or address book should have pediatric and emergency phone numbers. You probably won't need them, but it's a good idea to have them with you in case your child gets sick or there's an emergency.

      Don't forget your first aid kit, as well as any additional medications you need. Be sure to bring a thermometer, antipyretics, allergy creams, and other medicines your child may need.

    Part 4

    Traveling by car with a child

      Visit a pediatrician. You are going on a long journey, so let the pediatrician examine the child. He will check the state of his health and will be able to give you advice on the road.

      Get your child used to the seat. If you don't drive often, you may need to get your child used to being in a seat first. Put your child in the seat several times, leave him to play or sleep in it before you go on a trip. This will reduce the chance of your child protesting about being in a seat while you are driving.

      Travel only if you are feeling well. Your child's health is important, but so is your health. Please make sure you are healthy and well before you leave with only you driving.

      Plan the details. Remember that you will have to stop often to feed the child, change his diaper, and calm him down. If it usually takes you 6 hours, plan to drive 8-9 hours since you are now with a child.

      • If travel delays can be significant, you may want to schedule an overnight stay at a roadside hotel. This will give you a chance to rest and recover before continuing the rest of the road.
    1. If possible, take someone else with you. Try to bring another adult with you if possible. Having someone to keep you company, entertain your child, or relieve you at the wheel makes traveling more enjoyable and less tiring.

      Consider leaving when your child is sleeping. Some parents find that travel runs more smoothly when it is scheduled for the night or at bedtime. Thus, the child can oversleep a significant part of the entire journey.

      • All children are different, so you will have to think about what works best for your child. If you think it's better to go when the child is awake and happy, then do as you think.
    2. Dress your child in several layers of clothing. Depending on weather conditions, you will need to dress your child in at least several layers of clothing to keep them warm and warm. Bodysuits and socks can serve as the first layer of clothing, additional layers of clothing can be added as needed.

      Feed your baby and change his diaper before the trip. Meet your child's basic needs before driving. If the child is warm, dry, and full, then it is more likely that he will calmly endure the trip. What's more, you'll have the chance to get off to a good start without having to make endless stops.

There is a category of people who are simply not able to stay at home, and even the birth of a child cannot quench their thirst for travel. Moreover, it doesn’t matter where to go, to a neighboring town to visit your grandmother or to far, far away countries to relax in the sun under the gentle sound of sea waves. However, is it possible to travel with a baby?

If you really want it, then yes!

First of all, you need to decide what type of transport and how far you want to travel with the baby. It is best to go on a short trip with a baby by land means of transport, such as a car or train. At the same time, you can go on such a journey almost from the very first days after his birth, but it would still be better to give the newborn child time to acclimatize to the environment. After all, birth is a serious test for both mother and baby. If you want to go on a trip somewhere far away, while the intended mode of transport is an airplane, it is better to wait until the baby is six months old.

Pediatricians have a negative attitude towards this type of travel, since in the cabin of the aircraft the baby will have to come into contact with a large number of strangers who may be sick or be carriers of any infections. The immune system of a newborn baby, especially in the first months after birth, is not yet ready to resist the effects of many bacteria. Therefore, it is better for the baby not to be in crowded places, such as the airport and the aircraft cabin. When the child reaches a year, parents can safely go on any trip. But first you need to take all precautions so that the child remains healthy.

Precautions before and while traveling with a baby

  1. If the child is healthy, parents can go on a trip with the baby. But before the trip, it is still better to consult a pediatrician. Depending on where you decide to go, the doctor will tell you how it is easier for the child to endure the change of scenery and climate.
  2. Before you travel with a baby, make sure that he has all the necessary preventive vaccinations.
  3. Even if you're planning a short trip to a nearby town, be sure to bring baby medicine with you in case your baby gets sick.
  4. Don't forget to make a list of things you need when traveling with a baby.
  5. First of all, take medicines for babies with you: antipyretics, anti-diarrhea, allergies and colic, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, antibacterial adhesive plaster, balm or ointment against insect bites.
  6. Baby care products: baby moisturizer, wet wipes, cotton buds and pads, sunburn protector, baby powder.
  7. When traveling, you will definitely need diapers. At the same time, even in the cabin of a car or plane, do not forget to take 3-4 pieces with you to replace if necessary.
  8. Take a bottle of water, juice, a few jars of fruit and vegetable puree, and enough to last for several days.
  9. Of course, do not forget to take a drinker, a spoon, a bottle.
  10. From clothes, take so many things that they are enough even if you do not manage to wash them for several days. Even if you are traveling to warm countries, still take blouses, they can come in handy. Hats for a child should be for all occasions: a panama hat for the sun, and a closed hat for a cool day.
  11. A blanket and a towel should be at hand both in the car and in the cabin of the airliner.
  12. And, of course, bring your baby's favorite toys. The road is a test even for adults, to say nothing of the baby, which you have to amuse for many hours of your journey.
  13. You will also need to take a stroller, because when you go on a trip, you are probably going to go for walks with a baby, and sometimes one sling is not enough.

Earlier, Sergey and I often heard: “Of course, it’s good for you, but then, when there are children” ... and then blah blah blah, a lot of different arguments why after the birth of a child we are no longer destined to leave the house.

That day has come, Sofia has appeared, and we, naturally, were worried - when we will be able to resume travel and how everything will be now.

I found out about the minimum age for children to travel and it turned out that most airlines take passengers older than 7 days on board.

I would also like to hear the opinion of pediatricians. They almost unanimously repeat - from three months.

Starting from the age of one month, we went with Sophia every month or two. Our first big journey began when she was three months old - we went to Thailand.

In this article I will write the features of our trips depending on the age of the child. Perhaps this will help someone decide when it is already possible to hit the road with the baby.

Traveling with a child under one year old causes the most fears and doubts. Especially the grandmothers. But, probably, this is the easiest children's age to travel.

This is especially true for babies up to six months. The child sleeps a lot, for now he only needs parents from entertainment, if the baby is breastfed, then everything is simple. Children from six months to a year are also good companions, in any case, so far accommodating.

Of course, traveling with a one-month-old baby and with a one-year-old are two big differences. Therefore, further about the experience of our trips by months.

Traveling with a one month old baby

At this age, we managed to travel with Sofia only by car. But often children at this age fly on an airplane.

Probably, these are the most trouble-free passengers - they mostly sleep. Slings and breastfeeding make these trips ideal.

Although, of course, in hindsight, everything seems much easier than at the moment when you are just about to go somewhere more or less far away with your child for the first time.

It is difficult even purely psychologically, especially if you have to fly. Here, being a mom-dad is not quite used to being, and suddenly you go out with a baby almost into outer space - a taxi, an airport with a bunch of people, then a plane, hotels. Viruses, people sneezing and unsanitary conditions are everywhere.

I can reassure you: it will seem like this at three months, and at six months, and at nine months. Gradually you get used to it and relax a little, but the first time is always difficult.

As for the car, it's easier here. You are alone in it, no one around sneezes or coughs. But a car means choosing the right car seat.

If you plan to travel long distances, and especially if the child is small, at the age of one month it is better to use a carrycot. Such a chair is very similar to a cradle from a stroller, but is fixed in the car, and inside this cradle the child lies horizontally, secured with seat belts.

And on the road there is a very great temptation to take the child in your arms while driving. Including because at the age of one month, children on HB eat for a very long time, sometimes for 40 minutes, until lactation is established. Moreover, at this time the child is a quiet and comfortable passenger.

In theory, this is the time to stop. And for safety reasons, and so that later such a problem as the need to accustom the child to a car seat does not arise later. In theory, yes.

Traveling with a 3 month old baby

At the age of three months, Sofia flew for the first time by plane; we traveled to Asia with transfers for almost 12 hours.

As a result, this trip was easier than 600 km. by car in 1 month. The plane vibrates much less and does not shake like a car, which makes the child much more comfortable.

There was nothing complicated about this flight. We decided to fly at night, and as we hoped, Sophia slept most of the way.

The most difficult question here again is what to carry the child in, because not all airlines on board provide a special cradle for newborns.

S7, which we flew to Hong Kong, does not provide a cradle, but allows you to take a carrier on board. In any civilized world, a carrier that just sits on the lap of the parents for the entire flight is wildness.

We flew from Hong Kong to Kuala Lumpur already in a human way, with this very cradle. Of course, it’s easier, you don’t need to keep the child in your arms all the time, but we flew during the day and Sofia didn’t sleep most of the way.

In my opinion, the ideal flight at this age looks like this: short, lasting up to 4 hours, should be daytime, if you need to fly for a long time (7-8 hours), then it is better to fly at night. And if at night, then with a cradle provided by the airline.

Many are afraid of acclimatization. Sophia, if she was (we moved from autumn Russia to Thailand), we did not notice. In October, it was still cloudy and rainy in Krabi, the air temperature was about 30.

I didn’t understand… Acquaintance with the still gloomy sea.

Since such small children quickly overheat, air conditioning is key when moving to the tropics. Of course, you don’t need to turn it on to the fullest, as Asians love, so in a taxi it makes sense to ask him to turn it down if it’s cold.

But to live in a room with a fan, as we used to live, with such a small child, we definitely would not. Prickly heat on the skin is just one of the troubles with overheating.

Many people think that traveling with children of this age is only a whim of the parents and even, in a sense, selfishness, because the baby is not able to see, appreciate and remember anything.

From my own experience, I can confidently say that this is not the case. Here in the photo is absolutely happy three-month-old Sofia, who was happy every time she saw banana leaves in the hotel garden and heard cicadas.

On a journey, in favorable conditions, next to parents who are well, the baby will be well for sure.

At the age of three months, we traveled several times with the child by car, 200-300 kilometers a day, once 700. In order for the child to worry less on the road, the key here is again the presence of a good car seat, which at least dampens vibration a little.

We came to Thailand unprepared and did not know that it would not be easy to buy a car seat in Krabi. And therefore, for the first time, we went from Krabi to Phuket with the usual carrying. If you are going to Asia, then remember that

Traveling with a 4 month old baby

At this age, we traveled from Thai Krabi to the island of Lanta and to Malaysia, to Penang. On the day we got a decent distance - 500 kilometers. We already had a car seat then (the only option that we could buy in Krabi).

The trip "there" was remembered as difficult. Sophia was worried and periodically began to cry. The worst part was that we couldn't figure out why.

It is understandable, when everything around is changing and it is not possible to more or less clearly observe the daily routine, it is sometimes difficult to understand the cause of the child's discomfort. Hot? Cold? Wants to sleep? Eat? Tired? Too noisy? Wet diaper?

During that trip, we made a bunch of conclusions that I wrote. All subsequent trips, we adhered to them and it was as hard as the first time it was gone.

On the way from Lanta. On a ferryboat.

From the main - stop at least once every two hours and stop immediately if the child is clearly tired and very worried.

Many write that it is extremely easy to travel with a very small child, but it seems to me that at that age they either did not go, or they forgot everything.

In any case, I can say that now, when Sophia is a year and two months away by car, it is much easier for us to travel far than in 3-4 months. Of course, she is curious about everything and does not sit still, this is a separate problem of this age, but traveling with an incomprehensible-why-sobbing-child is also not very fun.

Dad: it was worth it to go here! Sofia: sights sometimes have to be seen like this, sleeping. On Pananga.

Traveling with a 5 month old baby

Gradually, the child becomes interested in everything around, regardless of whether it is a fire hydrant or a beautiful flower on a tree.

During this period, I personally began to leave the feeling of guilt that we were taking a helpless little bag to no one knows where. On the contrary, the idea that “all this is not in vain” began to grow stronger every day.

When a child in admiration examines some tropical tree - "beautiful tree!" or seriously contemplates the sunset directly from the sea, all doubts fall away.

Traveling with a 6 month old baby

At six months, we drove the car, as before, sometimes for a long time. No special conclusions were made during this period for themselves.

Traveling with a 9 month old baby

In nine months we had three flights. Of course, flying at this age is not the same as at three. In addition to the increased activity of the child, we are faced with the fact that most children at this age are experiencing a period of distrust or fear of strangers.

This fear manifests itself in 8 out of 10 children, when a stranger approaches too close - the child may be nervous and cry.

On an airplane, strangers are like olives in a jar. And we managed to notice a pattern: if the third seat next to us is free, then flying is much easier and calmer.

The period of incredulity passed with Sophia by the year. Now, on the contrary, she wants to communicate with everyone, especially with children, but adults are also suitable. So it's purely age-related and passes without a trace.

But if you find yourself on an airplane, bus, etc. during this period, and you see empty seats, but not next to you, ask the flight attendant to transfer a person - everyone, including the surrounding passengers, will only be calmer from this.

Traveling with a 1 year old

A child after a year becomes smart and curious. And also sociable. This has its pros and cons.

With a child, you need to walk a lot and show him everything, but time on the road flies faster. A child is more willing to communicate with strangers, which means that you can find a nanny right on the plane, for example, in a nearby seat. And sometimes it comes in very handy.

After a year, the child sleeps less, and most often during the day he has only one dream, two or three hours. A backpack or sling is no longer very suitable for sleeping - you need a crib or, at worst, a stroller. So all excursions and movements have to be planned taking into account this daytime sleep.

But at this age, children admire literally everything new. Cows in the village, soap in the hotel - it doesn't matter, there can be any reason for joy. Trains, trams, beaches and picnics are all great and fun.

And looking at the world through the eyes of a child, you yourself see that the world is very personal. You look at some even quite familiar things in a new way.

And children at this age absorb everything like a sponge (remember the wonderful book "After three it's too late"?). It seems to me that by starting to travel with a child at this age, you get a chance to raise a real cosmopolitan.

Benefits of traveling with babies

First, when traveling with a baby, you still have relative control over your freedom. The baby does not yet have his own opinion where to go and what to do.

With small children, people go to the mountains (not extreme, of course), and to museums. Such freedom will not last long. But when planning a trip with a baby, you should not develop a too active program either.

Secondly, by starting to ride early, you are guaranteed to adjust and adapt to the moment when the child grows up and it becomes more difficult to ride.

Thirdly, you will look at the world in a new way, because absolutely everything seems wonderful to children by the year.

Fourth, travel is still inexpensive because a child under two years of age does not need a separate plane ticket.

It seems to me that although parents sometimes have a hard time traveling with young children, there is actually a lot of positive and fun in it.

Long-distance car trips have always raised doubts among young parents. But what to do if you want to go to the sea, and there is a baby in the family? The birth of a child is not at all a reason to abandon the usual way of life for couples who love long trips and outings in nature.

Children up to a year can easily endure the road. They sleep almost all the time. It is more difficult for older kids, but this is not a reason to despair. The trip by car is better to start in the morning. The ideal time will be after the first feeding of the baby.

To make traveling by car with a baby easy and safe, you need to take care of the presence of an infant carrier, where the baby will be comfortable and sleep and stay awake, watching the view from the window. It is also very important to have a safe car, which you can choose from ViDi Autostrada.

Nowadays, there are many useful things that you need to take on a trip:

  1. Diapers.
  2. Disposable diapers.
  3. Wet wipes.
  4. Milk formula and complementary foods. Ready-made baby food in jars. Fruit, vegetable and meat puree. The choice is huge these days.
  5. Clean drinking water. Boiling water in a thermos for preparing milk formula.
  6. Necessary utensils.

Don't forget about changing clothes and toys.

Despite the unusual environment for the child, do not forget about the sleep and feeding regimen. In order not to knock the baby's body out of the rut of the usual daily routine.

The most important item on the list of things on a trip is a first-aid kit, where there should be everything you need in case of illness: antipyretics, antihistamines and painkillers, antiseptics, insect bites, a thermometer, bandage, cotton wool. Medical policy in case of contacting medical institutions. Or medical insurance if the trip takes place in another country.

Going on a long trip, one should not neglect stops along the way, it is necessary to make "halts" at least once every two or three hours. Breathe fresh air, eat in nature and stretch. Explore nature with your child. After all, for a little inquisitive, everything will be interesting. You can take photos of the baby during a trip, in a car, in nature. They will remain as a keepsake in the family archive.

There are many hotels along the way where you can take a shower and sleep. Sleep for an adult who spends the whole day behind the wheel is extremely important. First, from the point of view of the safety of the whole family.

Many travelers prefer to eat at roadside cafes and fast food restaurants. However, it is better for a nursing mother to take care of the usual homemade food, taking it from home, at least for the first time. A cooler bag will be a good helper on a trip.

The diet of the mother affects the quality and quantity of breast milk, and, accordingly, the well-being of the baby.

It turns out that there is nothing wrong with going on a long car trip with a baby. For the child and the family as a whole, it will be an invaluable experience when everything is together and at the same time there is a change of scenery.

You just need to thoroughly prepare for the trip and only positive emotions will remain from the trip!

A couple of decades ago, pediatricians advised traveling with a child only after he was 3 years old. In our time, experts recommend waiting until the age of two. However, many modern mothers have long been successfully traveling abroad with babies. In this article, we will tell you how to plan the perfect trip with a small child.

Planning a trip with a baby: what you need to know when traveling with children, life hacks

Naturally, traveling with a one-month-old baby is different from relaxing with an already grown toddler. As a rule, trips with babies are comfortable, because babies sleep most of the time. A one-year-old toddler is already more difficult to keep in place, he stubbornly studies the world and shows his curiosity.

Why travel with small children? Firstly, parents take a break from everyday life. A positive emotional climate in the family is important for the child. Secondly, the sea air, walking on the sand is useful for the baby. Pebbles and shells will help develop fine motor skills, and swimming in salt water is an excellent tempering procedure.

However, it should be remembered that traveling with a child under one year old always carries various risks and inconveniences. Changing climate and time zone is a big stress for a child. In addition, kids often get tired of traveling, on vacation there is a risk of heat stroke, sunburn. During the journey, children come into contact with a large number of people who can be sources of viruses.

IMPORTANT! Do not choose exotic countries for traveling with a baby. Before going on vacation, study the epidemiological situation of the country you are going to visit.

What transport to choose for travel? When choosing a country for a holiday, it is important to remember that long flights with transfers and long trips by car are harmful to babies. In addition, the child will not be able to appreciate the sights yet. Therefore, it is better to choose the nearest beach resorts with a mild climate for families with babies.

When traveling with a child, it is important to avoid significant climate changes and sudden changes in time zones. Preferably sandy or sandy-pebble beaches with a smooth entrance to the sea. The most popular places for families with babies­:

  • Bulgaria;
  • Greece;
  • Turkey;
  • Spain;
  • Montenegro;
  • Italy and others.

For babies, travel by plane or car is ideal. Each the family chooses transport based on the possibilities of the family budget and personal wishes. Railway services will cost less, but the trip will be long. Airlines will help you quickly and comfortably get to your destination, but you will have to fork out for speed.

When traveling by car, you yourself plan the route and time of departure, but traveling by such transport is tiring, especially for a driver who has no one to replace him. Toddlers often get sick in the car, they get tired of being in a confined space for a long time and the vibration of the wheels. Older children find it difficult to sit still, but frequent stops and entertaining games on the trip smooth out the situation.

IMPORTANT! When traveling on an airplane with a baby, choose seats by the window. In the event of turbulence, baggage from the shelves may fall onto people sitting at the aisle.

What to take on a trip with a baby: tips

It is better to pack your bags in advance so that you do not forget anything in a hurry. When planning a trip with a child, you should minimize possible risks and prepare to collect the necessary things scrupulously and carefully. What to take for the baby on vacation?

  • : antihistamines; medicines for temperature, for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, for sore throats, for coughs; nasal drops; dressing materials; antiseptics; drugs for intestinal colic; antibiotics; painkillers; preparations for burns and insect bites; ear and eye drops, thermometer, etc.

, containers, thermos with hot water, bottles, etc.

  • For a nursing mother: breast pump, feeding cape, etc.
  • Rattles.
  • Necessary little things: nipple, nipple holder, nimbler, pool diaper, nasal aspirator, sling or ergo backpack, thermos, garbage bags, etc.
  • and : mosquito net, rain cover, etc.
  • Warm clothes and a blanket.
  • Documents and their copies, etc.
  • IMPORTANT! Going on a trip, be sure to take out medical insurance!

    Often, even with a strong desire, it is difficult for parents to decide on a vacation with a baby. When weighing all the pros and cons, it is important to remember that there are not only risks and some inconveniences when traveling with babies, but there are many devices that ensure a comfortable pastime. And proper preparation for a trip with a baby is the key to a successful vacation.