Calendar for growing seedlings of vegetable crops. When to sow vegetables for seedlings? Optimal seedling age for transplanting

The key to a good harvest of vegetables is well-grown seedlings. We understand how to correctly calculate the time of sowing seeds so that the result exceeds all expectations!

Growing seedlings requires a responsible approach, because the harvest depends on how the "seedling" period of a plant's life passes. Compliance with the temperature regime, timely watering, providing seedlings with a sufficient amount of light - all this, no doubt, is part of the normal development of the plant, but it is equally important to sow seeds for seedlings on time.

Heat-loving or cold-resistant?

Plants that are grown through seedlings are mostly heat-loving (except, perhaps, white cabbage and cauliflower, which easily tolerates slight frosts). This parameter should be taken into account when planning the sowing time, since later the time of planting seedlings in the ground will also depend on these characteristics of the vegetable crop.

For example, peppers and eggplants are heat-loving vegetables, which means that they can be planted in the ground (even in a greenhouse) after the threat of return frosts has passed. But some varieties of vegetable crops, bred by breeders specifically for the northern regions, are able to endure low temperatures, so they are planted in open ground or a greenhouse before other representatives of the species.


Depending on the climatic conditions characteristic of your region, the time for sowing seeds for seedlings changes. The table below shows averaged data on the terms favorable for sowing vegetables.

Name of vegetable crop Southern regions Central Black Earth Region middle lane Ural and Siberia Far East
Eggplant February 5-10 February 10 - March 15 March 21-31 April 5-10 February 25 - March 10
vegetable marrow May 1-10 April 25 - May 15 May 10-15 May 10-20 May 15 – June 10
White cabbage February 10-15 (early), March 20-25 (middle) March 1-15 (early), March 25 - April 15 (late) March 15-25 (early), April 25-30 (middle) March 5-10 (early), April 25-30 (middle) March 10-15 (early), March 20 - April 20 (middle)
Cucumber April 10-15 April 5-30 May 1-10 April 25-30 April 1-15
Pepper February 5-10 February 10 - March 15 March 11-20 March 10-20 March 1-15
Tomato February 25 - March 5 (early), March 1 - 10 (middle) March 10-25 (early), March 10-25 (middle) March 10 - April 15 (early), March 11 - 20 (middle and late) April 1-5 (early), March 10-22 (middle and late) March 1-25 (early), March 20-30 (middle and late)

The dates in the table are approximate and not strict, for a more accurate calculation of the time for sowing vegetables for seedlings, we suggest trying the countdown method, which we will discuss below.

What is important to consider?

In order to get the first harvest of vegetables by a certain time, it is necessary to correctly calculate the time in which you need to sow seeds for seedlings. To do this, you will need information:

- about the duration of the growing season of vegetable crops;

- about the time required for seed germination (germination).

Seed germination time

When calculating the time of sowing certain crops, we often forget about the need to take into account the timing of seed germination. The time of emergence of seedlings and the friendliness of germination depend on the conditions of storage of seeds, their pre-treatment, and the favorable conditions created for growing seedlings. The average figures for this parameter are as follows:

Use seeds that you collected and stored yourself, or buy seed material in specialized stores to protect yourself from scammers and be sure of a good harvest.

growing season

The time from germination to harvest is called the growing season. The duration of this period varies among plants, moreover, it can be different for varieties of the same species - hence the division of varieties into early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening.

Early-ripening varieties need much less time to ripen than late-ripening and mid-ripening ones. As a rule, in the middle lane, plants with a longer growing season are grown by seedlings so that they have time to produce a crop.

Seed producers usually indicate on the packaging information about the duration of the growing season of the crop. On average, the growing season lasts:

This indicator depends on many circumstances: seed storage conditions, biological characteristics of vegetable crops, growing conditions, etc.

How to calculate the sowing of seedlings?

The information given in the tables above can be used to calculate the sowing time for seedlings. To do this, to the number indicating the length of the growing season, add the number of days required for seed germination, and 5 days (approximately) for plant adaptation after planting in the ground. Then subtract the resulting number from the date on which you planned to harvest.

For example, you want to have a tomato harvest by mid-July (let's say 07/20). The packaging indicates that the growing season of your chosen variety lasts 130 days: 130 + 7 + 5 = 142, which means that 142 days must be taken from July 20. It turns out that you need to sow tomato seeds for seedlings on February 28th. Of course, the dates are approximate, since a large number of factors influence the development of the plant.

When to plant seedlings in the ground?

When planning the time for sowing seedlings, do not forget to take into account the conditions under which you are going to grow the plant after it "moves" - whether it will be a greenhouse or greenhouse (protected ground) or just a garden bed (open ground). It is possible to plant plants in protected ground already from the beginning of May, and in open ground - not earlier than the end of May - the beginning of June. It is from these terms that one must build on when calculating the time for sowing seeds.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table, which indicates the optimal age of seedlings for planting in the ground.

When planting seedlings in the ground, you need to be very careful not to harm the young plant, because this is stress for the seedlings.

Do not overestimate your capabilities!

It is quite logical to conclude that the sooner the seeds are sown, the sooner the long-awaited harvest will ripen. But do not take everything literally and blindly follow this truth. When calculating the timing of sowing, consider your capabilities.

For example, if you sow pepper seeds for seedlings ahead of time (say, at the end of January), then the seedlings will have to be illuminated, because during this period the daylight hours are not long enough for the full development of the plant. If you do not organize additional lighting for seedlings, then it will stretch out and wither.

In addition, in the case of such early sowing, the grown seedlings of pepper will need to be planted in the ground in the first decade of April. In the conditions of the middle zone, this can only be done if there is a heated greenhouse, so if you do not have such opportunities, then you should not rush to sow seeds for seedlings.

After germination, provide the seedlings with proper care, and in a few months you will enjoy a rich harvest of tasty and healthy vegetables!

An important factor in successfully obtaining seedlings on the windowsill is a solid seed material. Buy seeds from trusted companies, from trusted stores. If you have your own seeds, then there is nothing to worry about.

Seed preparation

If you have last year's seeds (fresh), then it will be enough to process them for two to three hours before planting in a solution of potassium permanganate (pink).

If the seeds are more than a year old, then it is better to soak them first in warm water for several hours, and only then pickle in potassium permanganate for 2-3 hours. Otherwise, there will be no friendly shoots, some seedlings will grow larger than others and after a while will begin to oppress the smaller ones.

Seeds pickled in potassium permanganate are filtered and laid out on an ordinary blotter or cotton pad, after 30–50 minutes the seeds acquire a loose state, and now they are much easier to sow.

Purchased processed seeds (they are in green or red shells) are not pickled in potassium permanganate and not soaked, but sown dry in highly moistened soil. Soaking these seeds can only harm friendly germination.

Seedling planting dates

Seeds are sown for seedlings, not all crops at once, because they have a different growing season.

  • and pepper - sown in early February.
  • Tomatoes - sown in the second half of February or the first decade of March.
  • Cabbage - (early), in the first half of March, (late) at the end of March-first half of April.
  • Cucumbers - at the end of March, the first half of April.

Seedlings sown in the month of February will not be strong and lush at first, as a result of a lack of light. The onset of spring, the sun and heat, an increase in daylight hours, will lead to the fact that the seedlings will wake up in a couple of weeks, gain strength and strength.

When planted at the end of February, the seedlings in May will go through the entire cycle of vegetative ripening and eggplants and peppers 30-45 centimeters tall will be in the open ground, and the tomato will be even higher. Now they will only have to open up, bloom and bring a powerful harvest, much earlier than the seedlings sown later.

Planting seeds

The cups (or the container that was prepared) fall asleep with the planting substrate. After lightly tamping (kneading with your fingers), we bring the height of the mixture to approximately two-thirds of the height of the glass.

If the earthen substrate is wet, then the filled cups are ready for planting seeds. If the earth mixture (substrate) turned out to be dry, then the filled cups are poured with plenty of water. Then the seeds are laid out, on the substrate and the substrate mixture is poured on top, with a layer of 1–2 centimeters. Again, lightly tamp with your fingers and slightly moisturize.

The soil above the seeds should be no higher than two centimeters, otherwise the seeds germinate for a long time, or may not sprout at all.

Usually 2-5 seeds are placed in all cups. With confidence in the quality of the seeds, 2-3 pieces are enough (after picking, after a week one of them is left, the most healthy seedling).

If you are not sure about the seeds, then you need to sow 5-6 seeds in each glass. When growing seedlings in pairs (tomatoes and peppers coexist well in pairs), then 3-4 seeds are sown in a glass.

With the same quality of seeds of pepper, tomatoes, cabbage and eggplant, pepper has the lowest germination, and tomatoes have the highest germination. Therefore, when sowing pepper, it is better to play it safe and sow a couple more seeds in each glass.

After planting and watering the seeds, the cups are covered with cellophane (which prevents the substrate from drying out before the seedlings appear) and placed in any warm place (before the seedlings germinate, the sown seeds do not need light). It is necessary to look under the film daily so as not to miss the beginning of seed germination. After the emergence of seedlings, the film is removed and the cups with plants are placed in the light.

Presenting for 2020 every day. Daily lunar calendar for gardeners, florists and gardeners. The lunar calendar of sowing and planting contains a detailed description of gardening work for every day. The calendar recommends favorable days for sowing, planting, caring for plants and a lot of necessary work in the flower garden, garden and vegetable garden, depending on the influence of the moon and taking into account the agrarian terms of Central Russia. The lunar calendar gives the dates for sowing and planting a large number of fruit, berry, vegetable and ornamental plants.

The calendar includes a calendar for 2020. The exact time of sunrise and sunset of the Sun and the Moon, the time of the entry of the Moon into the sign of the zodiac, the hours of the full moon, the new moon, the transition from the growing to the waning Moon, the time of the change of the lunar phases, the longitude of the day are indicated in Moscow time for the coordinates of Moscow.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting for 2020 published for 10 days and updated weekly.

Experienced gardeners are invited to use the short lunar calendar in pictures, and you can open the general lunar sowing calendar in the form of a table published for three months at the picture link below:

March 13, 2020. Friday

The waning moon is in the sign of Scorpio. Phase 3

20th lunar day. Sunset 8:37. Sunrise 23:55.

Sunrise 6:49. Sunset 18:30.

Day length 11:41.

Suitable days for sowing and planting spicy and medicinal plants. In a heated greenhouse or on a windowsill, parsley, beets, celery, sorrel are distilled to obtain early greens, seeds of early ripe radish varieties are sown. Dive into pots 6x6 cm tomato (tomato) seedlings, which have 2-3 leaves. Planted for forcing gladioli.

Root crops are sown and planted for long-term storage of the crop. Seeds of onions, chives, leaf celery, leeks are sown for seedlings for cultivation in open ground.

Plants are watered and organic fertilizers are applied. Weed, loosen (without touching the roots), mulch the soil. Thin out seedlings. If the average daily air temperature is more than 5 ° C, and the buds have not yet blossomed, trees and shrubs are sprayed to control pests and plant diseases. Harvested for storage in a heated greenhouse.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

March 14, 2020. Saturday

International river day. International Pi Day.

The waning moon from 14:10 in the sign of Sagittarius. Phase 3

20th lunar day. Sunset 8:58.

Sunrise 6:47. Sunset 18:32.

Day length 11:45.

Control pests and plant diseases. Weeds are pulled out, seedlings are thinned out. Cut flowers into bouquets. Harvested for storage in a heated greenhouse.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

March 15, 2020. Sunday

International day of planetariums.

World Consumer Rights Day. Day of workers of trade, public services of the population and housing and communal services.

The waning moon is in the sign of Sagittarius. Phase 3

21st lunar day. Sunrise 1:21. Sunset 9:24.

Sunrise 6:44. Sunset 18:34.

The length of the day is 11:50.

Sow and plant green, root crops, plants for seeds. Parsley, dill, beets, sorrel are distilled on the windowsill to obtain early greens, seeds of early ripe radish varieties are sown. Dive into pots 6x6 cm seedlings of petiole and root celery (1-2 leaves appeared). Planted for forcing gladioli.

Purchase seeds and garden tools.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

March 16, 2020. Monday

Day of the formation of economic security units in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Long icicles - for a long spring.

The waning moon from 19:26 in the sign of Capricorn. Phase 4 from 12:35.

22nd lunar day. Sunrise 2:40. Sunset 9:59.

Sunrise 6:42. Sunset 18:36.

Day length 11:54.

Sow and plant green, root crops, plants for seeds. Parsley, dill, beets, sorrel are distilled on the windowsill to obtain early greens, seeds of early ripe radish varieties are sown. Dive into pots 6x6 cm seedlings of petiole and root celery (1-2 leaves appeared). Planted for forcing gladioli.

Control pests and plant diseases. If the average daily air temperature is more than 5 ° C, and the buds have not yet blossomed, trees and shrubs are sprayed to control pests and plant diseases. Today, apple, pear, and plum trees are pruned (before the buds swell), dried and diseased branches of trees and shrubs are removed, shoots are cut from trees and shrubs. Weeds are pulled out, seedlings are thinned out. Cut flowers into bouquets. Harvested for storage in a heated greenhouse.

Purchase seeds and garden tools.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

March 17, 2020. Tuesday

If on Gerasim the rooker (March 17) the rooks sat in their nests, go out for sowing in three weeks.

23rd lunar day. Sunrise 3:48. Sunset 10:44.

Sunrise 6:39. Sunset 18:38.

The longitude of the day is 11:59.

If the average daily air temperature is more than 5 ° C, and the buds have not yet blossomed, trees and shrubs are sprayed to control pests and plant diseases. Today, apple, pear, and plum trees are pruned (before the buds swell), dried and diseased branches of trees and shrubs are removed, shoots are cut from trees and shrubs.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

March 18, 2020. Wednesday

Day of the Paris Commune.

Waning Moon in the sign of Capricorn. Phase 4

24th lunar day. Sunrise 4:42. Sunset 11:40.

Sunrise 6:36. Sunset 18:40.

The longitude of the day is 12:04.

Sow and plant for seeds and for long-term storage of the crop. In a heated greenhouse or on a windowsill, dill, parsley, arugula, beets, celery, and sorrel are distilled to obtain early greens, and seeds of early-ripening radish varieties are sown.

Seeds of onion, chives, leaf celery are sown for seedlings for transplanting into open ground. Dive into pots 6x6 cm tomato (tomato) seedlings, which have 2-3 leaves, petiole and root celery (1-2 leaves have appeared). Planted for forcing gladioli.

Watered fruit and ornamental plants. Feed with organic fertilizers. Weed, mulch the soil to close the moisture, make surface loosening (so as not to hurt the roots). Thin out seedlings. Harvested for storage in a heated greenhouse.

If the average daily air temperature is more than 5 ° C, and the buds have not yet blossomed, trees and shrubs are sprayed to control pests and plant diseases. Today, apple, pear, and plum trees are pruned (before the buds swell), dried and diseased branches of trees and shrubs are removed, shoots are cut from trees and shrubs.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

March 19, 2020. Thursday

Day of the sailor-submariner.

The waning moon from 4:17 in the sign of Aquarius. Phase 4

25th lunar day. Sunrise 5:23. Sunset 12:46.

Sunrise 6:34. Sunset 18:42.

The length of the day is 12:08.

If the average daily air temperature is more than 5 ° C, and the buds have not yet blossomed, trees and shrubs are sprayed to control pests and plant diseases. Today, apple, pear, and plum trees are pruned (before the buds swell), dried and diseased branches of trees and shrubs are removed, shoots are cut from trees and shrubs.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

March 20, 2020. Friday

Day of spring equinox. World Earth Day. International day of the astrologer. International Day of Happiness.

If March 20 is a warm day, then forty days will be warm; if the day is cold - wait for forty cold matinees.

Waning Moon in the sign of Aquarius. Phase 4

26th lunar day. Sunrise 5:53. Sunset 13:56.

Sunrise 6:31. Sunset 18:44.

The length of the day is 12:13.

Today they are engaged in weeding, thinning seedlings. Control pests and plant diseases. You can do pinching and pinching. Harvested for storage in a heated greenhouse. Cut flowers into bouquets. Purchase seeds and garden tools.

If the average daily air temperature is more than 5 ° C, and the buds have not yet blossomed, trees and shrubs are sprayed to control pests and plant diseases. Today, apple, pear, and plum trees are pruned (before the buds swell), dried and diseased branches of trees and shrubs are removed, shoots are cut from trees and shrubs.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

March 21, 2020. Saturday

World Poetry Day. International puppet day. International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

The waning moon from 15:34 in the sign of Pisces. Phase 4

27th lunar day. Sunrise 6:15. Sunset 15:08.

Sunrise 6:28. Sunset 18:46.

The length of the day is 12:18.

If the average daily air temperature is more than 5 ° C, and the buds have not yet blossomed, trees and shrubs are sprayed to control pests and plant diseases. Today, apple, pear, and plum trees are pruned (before the buds swell), dried and diseased branches of trees and shrubs are removed, shoots are cut from trees and shrubs.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

March 22, 2020. Sunday

World Water Day. Baltic Sea Day.

The waning moon is in the sign of Pisces. Phase 4

28th lunar day. Sunrise 6:32. Sunset 16:21.

Sunrise 6:26. Sunset 18:48.

The length of the day is 12:22.

Sow and plant annual ornamental plants and annual crops with a crop of early consumption or processing. They are engaged in forcing onion-batun, chives, onions on a feather; distillation of beets, parsley, celery on greens. Seeds of onion, chives are sown for seedlings for transplanting into open ground. Dive into pots 6x6 cm seedlings of petiole and root celery (1-2 leaves appeared), seedlings of tomato (tomato), which had 2-3 leaves. Planted for forcing gladioli.

On this day, fruit and ornamental crops are watered. Apply organic fertilizers. Loosen only superficially, mulch the soil to close the moisture.

If the average daily air temperature is more than 5 ° C, and the buds have not yet blossomed, trees and shrubs are sprayed to control pests and plant diseases. Today, apple, pear, and plum trees are pruned (before the buds swell), dried and diseased branches of trees and shrubs are removed, shoots are cut from trees and shrubs.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

A few words about the lunar calendar of sowing and planting for every day of the year.

About the lunar calendar of sowing and planting for every day of the year

The daily lunar calendar of sowing and planting contains a list of work for every day in the garden, flower garden and vegetable garden. The lunar calendar is compiled for those who are passionate about gardening, floriculture, and horticulture. In the calendar, the days of sowing and planting of various crops are recommended based on the lunar phases and the passage of the zodiac constellation by the Moon, as well as agricultural terms.

The lunar calendar gives recommendations on what seeds to sow favorably, what plants to plant, how best to care for plants under the influence of the moon. The fertile zodiac signs Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio favor sowing, planting, and a bountiful harvest. On the days of the infertile signs Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, you can sow and plant certain types of plants, mostly decorative. Under a favorable sign of the zodiac, root crops are planted and sown on the waning Moon, and other vegetable crops, berry and fruit, ornamental plants are planted and sown on the growing Moon. On the full moon and new moon, the lunar calendar does not recommend sowing and planting, these days they are struggling with plant diseases and pests.

Also in the lunar calendar, for each day, the necessary daily work in the garden and garden is listed, the result of which the Moon does not affect, these works are determined by the agrarian terms of the area and the weather. In the lunar sowing calendar for these works, we recommend days free from sowing and planting work.

The lunar calendar shows the dates of sowing and planting of many plants. These are fruit and ornamental trees, berry and ornamental shrubs, annual and perennial flower and berry crops. Our lunar calendar tells about the favorable sowing and planting dates for almost all vegetable crops bred in the Middle lane, with different growing methods: planting, forcing, sowing, through seedlings, including in a greenhouse, on a windowsill and in open ground.

The lunar calendar of sowing and planting for each day contains astronomical information indicating the exact time of the moon's entry into each sign of the zodiac, the hours of the full moon and new moon, the time of sunrise and sunset, the time of sunrise and sunset and the length of the daylight hours. If the Moon enters some sign of the zodiac during the day, then in the lunar calendar in the column of recommendations for sowing and planting, a note is given before the specified hour sowing, planting and caring for plants according to the recommendations of the previous day of the lunar calendar.

In addition, in the lunar calendar of sowing and planting, for each day, folk signs are given on the moon and signs for the harvest from the folk agricultural calendar.

Astronomical information about the Sun in our calendar

If you observe the position of the Sun long enough, for example, during the year, you will notice that its height above the horizon on different days will not be the same - the largest is on June 21-22, and the smallest is on December 21-22. In different years, these events fall on different days. These days are called the summer and winter solstices. Twice a year, March 20-21 and September 22-23, the Sun rises exactly in the east and sets exactly in the west. These days it is under and above the horizon at the same time (that is, the day is equal to the night), and therefore they are called the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes. Between March 21 and September 22, the Sun rises north of the east point and, conversely, between September 23 and March 21, south of it.

Traditionally, March 21, June 22, September 23 and December 22 are considered the beginning of the seasons in the northern hemisphere of the Earth: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

We publish information on which days the listed astronomical events fall this year in the daily lunar calendar, which is given above.

How to grow plants in the rhythm of the moon phases

The very topic of the influence on the growth and development of plants of the position of the planets in the zodiac circle, in particular the closest satellite of our planet - the Moon, the interaction of the phases of the Moon and growth, plant development, and the activity of microbiological processes in the soil is interesting.

The influence of the Moon on earthly affairs has been known since ancient times. It is with this planet that the tidal and ebb phenomena of oceanic and sea waters are associated, as well as fluctuations in electromagnetic fields that affect the weather. It is believed that during the full moon, the above-ground parts of plants are filled with juice to a greater extent, and at the new moon, it seems to tend to recede to the roots. In the first case, there is a stronger hydration of the tissues, in the second - some dryness. From here, studies of the influence of the moon on plants take place, and on the basis of the knowledge gained, a lunar calendar is compiled for each day of the current year.

Plants are influenced not only by the phases of the moon, but also by its position in the signs of the zodiac. It is better to plant when our companion is in the constellations of Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. Fight weeds when she is in the signs of Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius. The presence of the Moon in the constellation Aries encourages the collection of fruits - they are better stored. Moving to the constellation of Libra is favorable for watering and grafting, to the constellation of Leo - for mowing and weeding, Sagittarius - for digging up root crops, Aquarius - for destroying pests.

According to the experience of astrological observations, the zodiac signs are divided into productive (fertile): Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces, and unproductive (infertile): Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius. Planting and sowing fruit and ornamental plants according to the lunar calendar is best done when the Moon is in a productive zodiac sign.

How is the lunar calendar of sowing and planting for every day

From the angle of practical consideration, the recommendations of the lunar calendar will be consistent if they correspond to the local calendar dates for sowing and planting crops. Due to the dissimilarity of climatic conditions, landscape, soil in different areas, it is impossible to develop a single lunar calendar. If we calculate the timing of sowing crops in another specific area, then we will get significant dissimilarity. In one case, these will be belated dates, in the other - too early (compare the south of Russia and the Urals). Agricultural work, as well as care and cleaning work, are also associated with the length of daylight hours.

The local folk calendar, traditional experience, accumulated knowledge are the main support in the practical activities of the gardener, florist and gardener. For neighboring regions, any lunar calendar needs to be amended regarding the deadlines for sowing and planting, taking into account the conditions of a particular area. Data on the exact time of the Moon's entry into the zodiac constellation can be obtained from the calendar (tear-off calendar) for gardeners and gardeners or the astrological calendar.

The weather also does not fall year on year - there are early and late springs, which is also taken into account when compiling the lunar calendar.

The dates of the passage of the phases of the moon do not coincide by year. In almost a month, the Moon passes through 12 constellations, called the signs of the Zodiac. The following year, the lunar calendar is shifted by 10 days. The dates of the passage of the phases of the moon are repeated after 19 years. Every year, the daily sowing and planting calendar is amended for the specific shape of the season and for the lunar phase.

After the New Year holidays, gardeners begin to prepare for sowing seeds for seedlings. Experienced, with many years of experience in growing vegetables, can easily determine the date of sowing seeds for seedlings, using their observations and calculations. It is much more difficult to determine this date for beginners. To determine and clarify the date of sowing seeds for seedlings, several methods can be used:

  • according to the results of agrotechnical research,
  • countdown method,
  • according to the correction formula.
Shoots of pepper. © Pookie & Schnookie Content:

Using ready-made average parameters

It is advisable for beginner gardeners to use special reference books for crops. Data on the timing of sowing seeds of vegetable crops for seedlings are obtained in long-term agrotechnical experiments under conditions close to the area of ​​cultivation. Seeds are called zoned and when selling on the back of the package, manufacturers always indicate the output data, up to the recommended date for sowing seeds for seedlings.

It must be said that the dates of sowing the seeds given on the package are averaged. They do not take into account the climatic conditions of the year, the characteristics of the variety named on the label, and other parameters. Therefore, in the winter period (free from field work), gardeners need to familiarize themselves with the recommendations of breeders and select the varieties and hybrids they like from reference books and catalogs.

It is more expedient to buy hybrids marked F1. These are hybrids of the first reproduction. They always differ from subsequent ones in increased resistance to diseases and more accurately correspond to the reference characteristics.

Draw a table in your garden diary and enter data that will help you more accurately determine the date of sowing seeds and planting seedlings permanently in open or protected ground (heated, cold, film, spandbod greenhouses and other permanent and temporary shelters).

The required parameters for the main vegetable crops are given below in Table. 1 and 2. Please note that in tables 1 and 2 the same crops differ in seedling age and planting time (the region is the same, but the districts are different). These tables show how the official data are averaged. Therefore, when using ready-made parameters for sowing seeds, it is better to take data from your area.

Table 1: Average data for sowing seedlings obtained on the basis of agrotechnical experiments for central Russia

Name of culture, days Seedling age, days Date of sowing seeds shoots, days Planting date
early tomatoes 45-50 10.03-15.04 5-7 1-10.06
Tomatoes medium and late 65-70 11.03-20.03 5-7 5-15.06
Sweet and hot pepper 65-75 11.03-20.03 12-14 5-10.06
eggplant 60-65 21.03-31.03 10-12 5-15.06
head salad 35-45 21.04-30.04 3-5 11-20.06
Celery 75-85 12.02-20.02 12-20 21-31.05
Zucchini, pumpkin 25-30 11.04-20.04 3-5 21-31.05
Cucumber 25-30 1.05-10.05 2-4 1-10.06
Cauliflower 45-50 1.04-10.04 4-6 21.05-31.05
White cabbage 45-50 25.03-10.04 4-6 21.05-31.05

Tomato seedling. © Gary Walton

Table 2: Terms of planting seedlings in central Russia in protected and open ground

Countdown method

To apply this calculation method, it is necessary to additionally use regional climatic maps, which show the parameters of the onset of stable warm weather in spring (without the return of possible spring frosts) and autumn cooling. Data on the length of the growing season of crops is also required. For a better organization of the sowing and transplant period, we enter the necessary parameters in our garden diary.

In the table, we place the data on the age of the seedlings, the period of their planting in the ground, the emergence of seedlings, the allowance of time for unforeseen circumstances, adaptation after picking, and the calculated data obtained.

For example: in central Russia, a warm frost-free period begins in the second decade of May. The deadline is May 15th. The period of development of early tomatoes from germination takes 45-50 days. To this period we add 5-7 days for the emergence of seedlings and 3-4 days for the period of adaptation of seedlings after picking and other unforeseen cases (50+7+4=61). Using the calendar, we count back 50 days from the age of the seedlings, 4 days for picking and 7 days for the emergence of shoots and get the number of counting days (60-61 days) and a fixed date for sowing seeds for seedlings. The date falls on March 14-15. Sowing seeds can be extended by conducting it in several periods with a break of 10-15 days. Planting seedlings will take the period from March 15 to April 1.

Here is another example of a countdown for sweet peppers. We determine the deadline for the frost-free period using the climate map. In the southern regions, it falls on the last ten days of April - the first ten days of May. The age of seedlings of sweet pepper, ready for permanent planting, is 65-75 days. We are counting down from May 10 (so as not to fall under the return frost).

By the age of seedlings 65 we add 5 days for germination and 7 for unforeseen circumstances (temperature will decrease, lack of lighting, delay in watering) and we get a total of 77 days. We count them from May 10 and get the date of sowing seeds for seedlings on February 17. So, the period of sowing sweet pepper for seedlings in the southern regions is from February 17 to March 1. If sowed in 2-3 terms with a gap of 8-10 days, then the period of sowing pepper seeds for seedlings will last until March 5-10.

When calculating the date of sowing seeds, follow the rule: it is better to plant younger undergrown seedlings permanently than overgrown ones. Young seedlings go through a period of adaptation to new living conditions faster (like a newborn baby), and overgrown seedlings are inconvenient to plant (a lot of waste) and are prone to diseases during the adaptation period.

If you are not sure about the quality of the preparation of seedlings for permanent planting, then always postpone the sowing date to a later date (sometimes up to 10 days). You can sow seeds in several periods. This technique will provide an opportunity to get into temperature and light conditions favorable for the culture.

Eggplant seedling. © Joel Ignacio

Correction Formula Calculation

As you saw in the examples above, the sowing date of the seeds still turns out to be floating and fluctuates within 10 days. There is another way to calculate more accurate sowing of seeds for seedlings - using the correction formula. To calculate it, additional data will be required, which can be taken from the reference literature or use the results of your long-term observations.

We draw an auxiliary table, where we enter the following data (Table 3). When determining the date of sowing seeds for seedlings according to the amendment formula, we calculate at the level of the variety. That is, we take into account the parameters not in general of early tomatoes or another crop, but of a certain variety or hybrid.

Table 3: An example of calculating the sowing date of vegetable seeds using the correction formula

You will find some of the parameters on a bag of seeds, others you can get from reference books, climate maps of the region, district. To calculate, immediately decide under what conditions the crop will be grown in the post-seedling period.

The following parameters should be indicated on the bag with seeds:

  • name of the variety or hybrid,
  • growing region,
  • sowing date,
  • date of landing in the ground,
  • seed processing.

The last 2 parameters will be a guide for you in the calculations. It is important to know whether pre-sowing seed treatment has been carried out. If not, you must treat the seeds for diseases and pests yourself. Poor-quality seeds will delay the development of seedlings and you can be late with the planting dates for a permanent planting, not get or get very sparse seedlings, etc. To fill in the calculation table, you will need a number of parameters obtained empirically (duration of the growing season, age of vegetable seedlings, seed germination period).

On average, the duration of the growing season is always indicated on the seed bag or in the catalogs of varieties and hybrids of vegetable crops. We take as a basis the averaged data:

  • tomatoes - 75-140 days;
  • sweet pepper - 80-140 days,
  • eggplant - 90-150 days.
  • tomatoes - 45-50 days;
  • mid-ripening tomatoes - 55-60 days;
  • late-ripening tomatoes - 70 days;
  • sweet pepper - 55-65 days;
  • eggplant - 50-60 days.

Germination depends on the preparation of the seed material: - treatment with growth substances, sowing with sprouted seeds or dry, etc. The average seed germination time is:

  • tomatoes - 4-8 days;
  • sweet pepper - 12-14 days;
  • eggplant - 10-12 days;
  • white cabbage - 4-6 days.

Cabbage seedlings. © hmle2217

It is possible to get a harvest at a predetermined time, as well as to prolong the fruiting of a crop. To do this, we sow the seeds in several stages, with a gap (depending on the crop) of 8-12-15 days. In order to get an ultra-early harvest, we select an early-ripening variety and sow it as early as possible, providing all the required conditions (heat, watering, additional illumination, top dressing). There is a risk of losing seedlings to frost, but a quality temporary shelter will help preserve the seedlings and get an extra early harvest.

Planting seedlings on a permanent basis significantly affects the period of sowing seeds for seedlings. If we plant seedlings in open ground, then it is necessary to know as accurately as possible the onset of the spring frost-free period. For central Russia (range Moscow, Ufa, Chelyabinsk) this is the period from 10.06. For a colder region, covering Perm, Yekaterinburg, the frost-free period starts from 15.06. At the level of Voronezh and Saratov, steadily warm weather sets in from 01.05 and in the south (Rostov, Krasnodar) - from 10.04.

The established warming will have a noticeable effect on the condition of the soil, it will begin to warm up. This is especially significant when sowing in film greenhouses and hotbeds without constant heating. By the above dates, the soil for seedlings in a 10-15 cm layer should warm up to +10 .. +14 ° С. With cold soil, it is better to delay sowing. Researchers involved in the agricultural technology of vegetable crops believe that it is more rational to plant seedlings of a shorter period than overgrown ones.

According to the data in Table. 3 we calculate the date of sowing seeds of early tomatoes for seedlings according to the amendment formula.

  1. The date of planting seedlings in open ground for Moscow and the region is June 15.
  2. The optimal age of seedlings is 50 days. According to the optimal parameters, seedlings by this period should have 25-30 cm in height, 5-7 formed leaves, a stem diameter of at least 6-8 mm and 1-2 inflorescences with buds. If the seedlings have such indicators, but the age is still only 44 days, it can be planted in open ground with the above accepted indicators of soil readiness. If the soil has not yet warmed up and the weather is cold, then you can reduce watering and reduce the temperature in the greenhouse (suspend the growth of seedlings) or plant in the ground, making a temporary shelter (for example, use a double layer of spandbond).
  3. From the date of June 15, countdown subtract the age of the seedlings (50 days). We get the date April 27th.
  4. Subtract the seed germination period (7 days). We get the date April 20.
  5. We subtract the adaptation period if the seedlings are grown using picks (1 + 4 = 5 days). We get the date April 15th.

Pepper seedling. © Amy Urquhart

The dates of sowing seeds for seedlings obtained by calculation completely coincide with the data in Table. 1 (averaged seeding parameters obtained in long-term experiments), but are more accurate.

A responsible and long-awaited time for many summer residents is approaching: very soon the window sills of city apartments will turn into mini-plantations for flowers. And one of the most important decisions that the gardener-gardener has to make at this time is the choice of sowing time.

To get good seedlings, you need to choose the right sowing time

Experienced amateur growers usually have years of proven answers to the question: “When to sow?” Beginners dig through piles of magazines and books, sometimes extracting conflicting information. Meanwhile, new types of vegetable crops and new varieties of familiar ones appear on the market - and we all want to try to grow them. And new plants mean new dates. How to calculate them? I want to find universal formula, truth? Well, let's try!

Formula elements

The optimal sowing time for seedlings, even for the same crop, can vary markedly, which is why, for example, I am very skeptical of general recommendations such as “you need to sow tomatoes from March 1 to March 10.” Universal, in my opinion, is almost impossible to name - too many individual factors determine it. But it can be calculated, and with great accuracy.

The optimal sowing time, even for the same crop, can be different.

For this we need to know:

  • the length of the growing season for a particular crop;
  • the optimal age of seedlings for a given plant when it is planted in the ground;
  • growing conditions (, open ground);
  • desired harvest time;
  • seed germination period;
  • climatic conditions of your region.
At first glance, a lot and difficult, right? But let's take a closer look at these elements of the future formula, and you will see that everything is not so scary.

Length of the growing season

We are talking about the time that passes from the moment of emergence to the full formation of the plant and harvest. Naturally, the duration of this period is different for different crops, and it is those that have a long growing season that we usually grow in seedlings - otherwise, in our latitudes, they simply will not have time to produce a crop.

You need to know what is the length of the growing season for the selected variety

In addition, the duration of the growing season differs for different varieties of the same plant. On this basis, distinguish early ripe, mid-season and late-ripening varieties. It is clear that late-ripening crops require more time to form a crop than early-ripening ones, and we, of course, must take this into account when determining the time of sowing.

The seed packet says length of the growing season in days- that's what we need. Well, for reference, you can remember the "average" data on the most popular vegetable crops:

  • - from 80 to 140 days;
  • - from 90 to 140 days;
  • - from 100 to 150 days;
  • - from 50 (ultra-early) to 190 (late) days.

As you can see, the range is quite large, therefore, for example, tomatoes of late varieties for seedlings are sown already in February, or even in January, and early ones - in March-April.

Optimum seedling age

For transplanting seedlings and planting them in the ground, each crop has its own optimal age - it is at this time that young plants most easily endure the traumatic procedure, take root faster and get sick less. Accordingly, it is necessary to choose the time of sowing in such a way that by the time of planting the seedlings have reached the most suitable age.

Each type of seedling has its own optimal age for planting in the ground.

  • early ripe tomatoes- 40-50 days;
  • mid-ripening tomatoes- 55-60 days;
  • late-ripening tomatoes- 70 days;
  • Sweet pepper- 50-65 days;
  • eggplant- 45-60 days.
Please note: The figures given are indicative; specific values ​​depend, among other things, on the length of the growing season. You can read more about this in articles on growing seedlings of the most popular vegetables. And if you want to learn even more about seedlings, join the joint project of 7 dachas and Poisk Agroholding. Here you can not only study the theory, but also ask questions to professionals - specialists of the Agroholding, get qualified advice or tips. Well, the lessons are devoted to seedlings:

plant heat requirements

Most of the vegetable crops that we grow in seedlings are very thermophilic. The exception is, perhaps, only, which tolerates relatively low temperatures well. Why is this important to us? Because this indicator will ultimately affect the time of planting seedlings in the ground.

Most plants grown from seedlings are very fond of warmth.

One thing is important: do not rush. After all, overgrown, too early sown seedlings will not give, contrary to expectations, early and high yields. So is it worth tormenting plants and tormenting yourself? Those who have tried to get early seedlings know for sure that it is not easy: there is still little light, there is not enough heat either, and much more effort is required for growing!

Calculation example

For example, let's consider the calculation on specific data. For example, let's calculate when to sow seedlings of the popular variety "Moskvich" for seedlings in the conditions of the Middle lane for planting in open ground.

1. Despite the fact that this variety of tomato is considered resistant to low temperatures, planting in open ground should not be started earlier term "HEAT". For the Middle lane (the latitude of Moscow), this is approximately June 10 (see. table number 1).

2. "Moskvich" - an early ripe variety, duration his growing season- 90-105 days, so optimal seedling age for landing in the ground will be 40-50 days. We subtract this period from the date of planting seedlings - we get the period from April 20 to May 1.

Let's check ourselves: Based on the length of the growing season (90-105 days), this variety of tomato, when planting seedlings at the age of 40-50 days, will need another 50-65 days to form a full-fledged crop. The number of frost-free days in the Middle lane is approximately 90 (see Fig. table number 2), which means that plants in the open field will be able to successfully grow and please us. Although we understand, of course, that the August cold snap can significantly shorten this period - but that is another story ...

3. tomato seeds germinate, on average, about 5 days. We subtract them from the received period - we get the approximate sowing dates: April 15-25.

So that there are no questions about calculating the timing of sowing for seedlings of the main vegetables, you can watch the following video.