Planting an orchid in a large pot. Growing orchids in pots: features and photos of flowers. Wooden, bamboo, plastic and metal baskets

Since most orchids are epiphytes, vivo they, as a rule, do not grow in the ground, but curl along trees or rocks, attaching themselves to roughness and ledges on them.

That is why in room conditions their roots must also be provided with sufficient air. This condition can be met by using various perforated containers or blocks (pieces of bark or wood), which will serve not so much as a source of nutrition, but as a support for the plant.

Terrestrial species of orchids (lithophytes), such as, for example, the lady's slipper, Cymbidium and others, are less whimsical to care for. Since they have rhizomes and nodules, unlike epiphytes, they are more adapted to life in room conditions, they just need a special, more nutritious soil.

It is not surprising that a reasonable question arises for beginner flower growers: what should be pots for orchids? Is it possible to plant an orchid in an opaque pot? Or is it better to use a transparent planter for orchids?

At home, both types of orchids are more convenient to grow using pots with large quantity drainage holes to prevent overflow and provide air access to the root system.

This is also done in order not to high temperature air several waterings per day for epiphytes, as required when planting them on blocks.

We will talk more about what an orchid pot should be, later in the article. How to choose a pot for an orchid, you will learn from the video:

Orchid pot size value

The size of the orchid pot is also important. Don't need to buy too big pot for an orchid.

It is desirable that their diameter be equal to their height. large pots for orchids lead to the fact that the soil in them will dry out unevenly, which can cause root rot.

In turn, very small pots without proper support often turn over, which leads to injury to the plant. How to choose a pot for an orchid right size? So that the root system is a little cramped.

Types of pots for orchids

AT this moment there is a sufficient selection of pots for orchids. Orchid pot can be plastic, glass and ceramic. When choosing it, a number of certain rules should be observed:

Important! For those types of orchids that have photosynthesis in their roots, you need to use only transparent pots to provide access to light. And pots for orchids without holes require careful monitoring of the state of the root system.

Let's try to deal with the question in more detail: in which pot to plant an orchid?

Plastic pots without holes

Plastic pots without holes are not suitable for orchids, so they require additional preparation before planting. It consists in applying additional side holes. To do this, you can use a soldering iron, a drill, or just a very heated large nail.

Holes (about five millimeters) must be made on the bottom of the pot.

This will provide good air access to the roots, besides, if necessary, it will be easier to disguise them to give more decorative look. After that, they need to be kept in acidified water for several hours.

Orchids in pots without holes (jars), see the video:

Clear plastic pots

Transparent plastic orchid pots, with enough drainage and side holes, are well suited for beginner gardeners.

With such a landing through the walls, you can observe the condition of the roots. In plastic containers, the substrate dries out more slowly, and there is a small accumulation of salt on their inner surface. In addition, they do not allow the roots to become very cold in winter period and overheat in summer.

Important! Plastic pots do not allow air to pass through, so you need to carefully monitor soil moisture to prevent rotting of the root system.

Glass pots and pots

Is it possible to plant an orchid in glass pot without holes? Growing orchids in glass containers, as well as using glass orchid planters, is acceptable for experienced growers who feel the plant's need for moisture.

The fact is that in such pots there is no possibility for applying additional drainage holes and they have no drain of excess water.

Planting an orchid in glassware requires careful preparation of the substrate and a large layer of drainage. Otherwise, there will be poor air exchange in the vessels and their walls will be covered with algae, and root system rot due to uneven drying of the substrate.

Thus, glass pots for orchids are quite suitable, subject to certain growing conditions. Watch how an orchid grows in glassware on video footage:

Is it possible to plant an orchid in a ceramic pot?

What is the right orchid pot?

If ceramic pots are chosen for planting orchids, they must be covered with glaze and have a sufficient number of side holes. Now they are produced specifically for plants of this type. Planting an orchid in a ceramic pot has several advantages, they are:

  • moisture-permeable and well pass air, which contributes to the fact that moisture is evenly distributed throughout the volume;
  • heavy enough to prevent the plant from falling under the weight of its weight.

Important! Ceramic pots and planters should be light colors to prevent overheating of the orchid root system at high summer temperatures.

Disadvantages of pottery include:

  • rough inner surface, to which orchid roots grow strongly. This can lead to injury to the plant during transplantation, which can cause its death. Therefore, in order to damage the root system as little as possible, you need to carefully break the pot and transfer the plant to a new container without separating fragments of ceramic tiles from the roots;
  • the inner walls quickly collect salts on their surface, which harm the roots of the plant.

Important! The porous surface of ceramic containers leads to rapid evaporation of moisture. Therefore, you need to carefully observe the irrigation regime.

Before planting an orchid, a new earthenware you need to hold it for several hours in water so that it is well saturated with moisture. If already used containers are taken, then you must first clean them from salt deposits, and then immerse them in acidified water for a day, changing it several times. If there is a suspicion of the presence of any bacteria remaining in the pot after previous plantings, then it should be calcined in the oven for two hours at two hundred degrees.

An orchid pot without holes is not the best the best choice especially for beginner gardeners. And you need to decide in which pot an orchid should grow based on your experience.

See the video for transplanting an orchid into a ceramic pot:

Is it possible to plant an orchid in a glass pot without holes?

The question of which orchid pot is better does not lose its relevance. Use glass pots for orchids only if available great experience in their cultivation, since in this case the root system does not receive sufficient air access.

Due to stagnant moisture, the roots can rot, and the plant will die completely. Therefore, for those types of orchids that do not have a photosynthesis process in the root system, and it does not require additional light, it is better not to use this species pots.

DIY orchid pot

You can make a pot (basket) for planting an orchid with your own hands. To do this, you can use oak or teak wood, bamboo, plastic, metal mesh stainless steel and even conventional plastic bottles.

How to make a pot with your own hands, shown in the video:

Pots for orchids photo

Below you can see photos of orchids in different types of pots:

Wooden, bamboo, plastic and metal baskets

Wooden products are quite decorative and easy to manufacture, but at the same time, the root system of the orchid adheres strongly to the wood, which causes inconvenience during transplantation.

Therefore, often, in order not to damage the plant, they simply make the same container. bigger size and place a basket with an orchid there, and the resulting space is covered with a prepared substrate. Bamboo baskets have a smooth structure and do not create such problems.

To make pots, you need to prepare planks of wood or bamboo sticks that correspond to the size of the future container. Next, you need to drill holes on both sides small size. The material is laid at an angle of ninety degrees, observing the coincidence of the holes.

The connection of planks and sticks is carried out using copper wire, which is twisted at the bottom of the product into a strong knot, and its upper ends are tied into rings so that the basket can be easily hung, for example, on a fishing line that can withstand big weight and almost invisible. If desired, it can be wrapped using a decorative rope or other material.

Baskets made of plastic or metal mesh are more durable, but often require additional decoration.

In order to prevent the substrate from spilling out when planting orchids in such baskets, it is necessary to close the gaps resulting from the manufacture with sphagnum moss, and place a large bark over the entire height of the product on top of it. After that, you need to fill the pot with the substrate, place the plant in it, and then cover the entire surface of the soil with moss to slow it down.

To finally find out which pots are suitable for orchids, let's also remember such a wonderful and useful thing as automatic watering of plants. In the video you will see what kind of baskets, pots for orchids are:

Plastic bottle pots

In disputes about which pots are best for orchids, the ability to install is often used. automatic watering, remembering that an orchid flower in a pot requires a certain moisture content of the soil and air.

For self-manufacturing pot with automatic watering, you can use two plastic bottles of two and one liter. The pot itself and automatic watering will be made from them. This is done in the following way:

Such a pot with automatic watering allows you to constantly maintain the humidity required by the plant and avoid overflow, which is detrimental to the root system of the orchid.

As you can see, orchid pots at home can be very different, both in terms of the material of manufacture, and in size and shape, and even in function.

Although an orchid in a pot is considered enough capricious plant when bred at room conditions, right choice a pot for planting and competent care at home for an orchid in a pot will avoid many problems with its further maintenance. Therefore, it is worth deciding in which pots to grow orchids in advance, before you purchase the plant.

We hope that thanks to our material, you now know exactly which pots to plant orchids in best and which flower pots preferred for orchids.

All flower growers who collect orchids are faced with the need to plant or transplant these exotic flowers, so the question is: how to plant an orchid in a pot? – is very important for them. Different types of orchids can be kept at home, and each of them needs to be able to create favorable conditions, and for this it is important that the plant is planted correctly. This article will help you figure out what and how to plant indoor orchid to make the flower comfortable.

Planting an orchid, like any indoor plants, begins with the choice of a pot. What to plant a flower at home depends on the type of orchid. If these are epiphytic plants (with aerial roots), which include the Phalaenopsis or Vanda orchid, then the best option for them there will be a transparent plastic pot with many holes on the bottom and walls. Such a container transmits light well, provides air circulation, and allows the grower to control the condition of the roots and substrate.

Most of the transparent pots "for orchids" offered in stores are in the shape of a glass, which is completely unsuitable for epiphytes. The root system of these plants does not grow deep, but superficially, therefore the best option for them there will be a wider and lower container of a suitable size.

Very often, orchids are placed in graceful glass vases, which successfully complement the interior, but can such a container be considered suitable for aerial roots? Of course not, because the glass refracts the rays of the sun, which can cause the roots to get burned, and there will be a big problem with air exchange.

If at home there is a sympodial orchid (with horizontal creeping roots), then it needs a special pot in the form of a low oval or round bowl with drainage holes on the bottom. In such a container, the flower is planted at the edge so that there is enough room for the growth of the rhizome.

We prepare the substrate

The soil mixture for orchids should be as close as possible to natural habitat conditions. In nature, most of these plants live in tropical forests, attaching to the bark of trees with their aerial roots, so bark and wet moss must be included in. AT flower shops you can buy a "special" mixture, however experienced growers consider such a substrate too small and prefer to cook it on their own.

In principle, the same composition of the substrate is suitable for all orchids, the difference is only in the proportion and size of the fragments. For epiphytes, large and medium fractions are used, for moisture-loving orchids - small ones. At home, you can prepare a substrate from the following materials:

  • tree bark (preferably pine) - the basis of the substrate;
  • fragments of ordinary spruce cones;
  • pieces of charcoal;
  • high peat;

The number of components depends on what moisture content the substrate needs to be obtained. For a very moisture-intensive mixture, bark and peat are used in a 1: 1 ratio. To obtain a substrate with medium moisture capacity, increase the amount of bark in relation to peat and add charcoal. As drainage, which should occupy at least 1/3 of the substrate, materials that do not absorb moisture should be used: expanded clay, pieces of crushed stone or polystyrene.

We process the roots

Before planting an orchid in a pot, you need to carefully examine the roots. They may look healthy on the outside, but be empty inside, so each suspicious root must be felt with your fingers and its condition determined. Healthy roots are firm and flexible to the touch, while diseased roots are soft and can smell. All rotten, dried and empty roots must be carefully cut, capturing 5 mm of healthy tissue, and then treated with charcoal powder to prevent infection.

Landing principles

There is nothing difficult in how to properly plant an orchid in a pot, if you spend everything preparatory work. First of all, the planting container must be washed well. running water, treat with 2% soda solution or pour boiling water over. It is believed that the flower tolerates all events more easily if its substrate is dry, so you need to make sure that the orchid for which you plan to plant does not water for several days.

Immediately before planting, the plant is removed from the pot, carefully, so as not to damage the roots, freed from the substrate, washed thoroughly with water, after which the roots are processed and dried at room temperature for 1-2 hours. Landing options will be discussed next. different types orchids, depending on the type of their root system.

Phalaenopsis and tribe Vandaceae

These orchids are epiphytes, so they should be grown in transparent pots with drainage holes to allow air and light to pass through. Be sure to lay a large drainage of pebbles on the bottom of the pot, crushed granite, and in the center of the pot, a piece of foam is placed directly on the drainage. Its function is to eliminate waterlogging, which most often occurs in the middle of the pot.

Further, a substrate of medium and large fractions with a diameter of 2–3 cm is laid out on top of the drainage so that there are small voids between the fragments. This will provide good air exchange and allow the roots to develop freely. The plant itself is immersed in the substrate only by its roots, and the base remains slightly raised above the surface.

Moisture-loving orchids

Representatives of this group are, oncidiums, bulbophyllums, masdevallias. They are moisture-loving, but do not tolerate stagnant moisture, so it is very important what and how they are planted. To grow and make such an orchid bloom, you need to provide it with drainage, consisting of large fractions and occupying about half the pot. A piece of foam is also placed in the center. The substrate layer should be no more than 10 cm, and for some species (bulbophyllum) in general 2-3 cm. The plant is buried in the substrate to the base. A thin layer of moss is laid out only along the edge of the pot.

sympodial orchids

The method of planting these orchids differs in many ways from the previous two, which is explained by the peculiarity of the development of their root system. The roots of sympodial plants, of which Cattleya is a prominent representative, grow horizontally, forming shoots of young orchids, so they need a lot of space.

The best option for planting such a flower would be a pot in the form of a low bowl or basket, on the bottom of which a layer of large waterproof drainage is laid. Pieces of bark are used as a substrate, pine cones, bottle caps. The plant is planted at the edge of the pot so that there is enough space for the young growth.

Fixing and aftercare

After planting, the orchid must be fixed, since even a slight wobble, which occurs mainly in a moist substrate, will not allow the plant to take root. For this purpose, purchased holders or frames designed specifically for orchids are usually used, but at home you can also use improvised means - wooden pegs.

After fixing, the flower should be removed in the shade and not watered for 5-10 days. Until the orchid takes root, you need to monitor the condition of the substrate, and, if necessary, replace its individual fragments.

Video “What to plant orchids in?”

From this video you will learn how to choose the right pot for planting orchids.

Orchids are perfectly adapted by man to home living conditions. This allows them to easily change one phase life cycle the other, continuing to develop and delight the gardener. But there is one stage in the life of every orchid owner and his pet, which is not so easy to organize and survive. This is a transplant. A very important role in transplantation is played by landing and its strengthening on it.

Orchids are very sensitive and do not always tolerate moving well. To successfully cope with this procedure, you must be attentive to detail and very carefully handle the flower.

In this article we will talk about planting orchids at home.

Pot selection

Planting an orchid largely depends on where it is planted. The pot plays a crucial role in the development of a flower, because it is inside it that the basis for the health and well-being of the plant is formed.

When choosing a container, take into account the manner in which the flower grows in natural conditions. The orchid family does not take roots vertically down, but grows in width. That is why the flower pot is chosen not deep, but wide. This will avoid stagnant water and rotting of the root system.

In their native tropics and subtropics, these beauties have a very long daylight hours, so they are used to a lot of light. Therefore, it is better to choose a pot with transparent walls. This will avoid unnecessary watering, because the gathering condensate is clearly visible through the wall. Its presence indicates that it is too early to water the plant.

Important! The advantage of a plastic pot is that it is inert with respect to other materials and the orchid roots do not adhere to it. Roots can grow tightly to clay and wicker containers.

Glass pots are also of decorative value, the walls of which are also transparent. Inside them there are cavities for the location of the plastic core. However, it is dangerous to plant a homemade beauty in a glass pot, because the walls refract light and the plant can get a sunburn from this.

Important! Glass containers are not placed under the sun, as this causes burns.

Drafting the ground

Before you properly plant an orchid in a pot or other container, you need to deal with the soil. The substrate is the basis on which the well-being of the flower rests, and its future depends on it. Inexperienced flower growers are recommended to purchase ready substrates in a specialized store. Experienced flower gardens will not be difficult to form it with their own hands.

Substrate requirements:

  1. The ingredients must be finely ground. Huge pieces of bark or fern root cannot be considered a substrate in any way, it is most likely already a block.
  2. Do not use garden soil, because it has low air permeability, which harms the root system.
  3. Sterility. The soil is not only the basis for a flower, but also comfortable spot for building colonies by insects or infections. Therefore, before use, all soil components must be sterilized.

You can form a substrate from:

Hardwood and pine bark. Pieces of bark are easily separated from the tree, which should not even have a hint of rotting and should be completely dry. Otherwise, you can infect the flower with a disease.

fern root. Adult root and healthy plant is extracted from the earth. Divide it into pieces of 3-4 centimeters. You need to dry the root of the cutting field. And use after drying.

Moss. In addition to sphagnum moss, not a single moss is suitable. This representative of its species lives in swampy areas. After harvesting, the moss is dried. Next, the moss is kept in a solution of insecticides or combined preparations for about 12 hours, and then dried again. In the substrate, it will act as a moisture accumulator.

Other necessary components:

  • Pumice. Purchased at the store. It is considered an excellent material for drainage.
  • Expanded clay. Like pumice, it is good in the substrate, but its fine fractions are also suitable for mixing with other components.
  • Charcoal. In small quantities, that is, approximately 5% of the total soil, it exhibits antiseptic properties and regulates the acidity of the environment.

Important! If there is too much coal, then salts from the water are deposited on it and the acidity of the environment increases greatly.

Composition option:

  • Pine bark - 5 parts;
  • Moss - 1 part;
  • Charcoal - 1 part;
  • Expanded clay and pumice - drainage.

The simplest substrate:

  • Charcoal - 1 part;
  • Pine bark - 5 parts.

Medium complexity substrate:

  • Charcoal - 1 part;
  • Moss - 2 parts;
  • Pine bark and chips - 5 parts.

Stages and methods of landing

Before planting orchids in the ground, you need to sterilize the container. This can be done with hydrogen peroxide or baking soda. After that, rinse with hot water.

The first stage of landing is preparatory stage. It involves the preparation of tools and antiseptics.

  • knife or scissors, possibly secateurs (necessarily sterilized).
  • well crushed charcoal or a bactericidal preparation.

The next step is to remove the orchid from the old substrate and clean the roots from its components. For safe extraction, it is best to mash the old container in your hands so that the soil lags behind the walls.

Important! If the soil does not lag behind the walls, then the container is cut.

After cleaning the roots, a visual check of their health is carried out. If obviously rotten areas are found, then they must be cut off immediately, and the sections should be rubbed with charcoal or treated with a bactericidal preparation. The next step is a touch check. Healthy roots are elastic, but rotting roots are soft and, when pressed, liquid oozes out of them.

The orchid is left for 1.5 - 2 hours so that the leaves and roots dry out. And also, so that primary adaptation to cuts and injuries occurs.

Below are some ways to plant a flower in the ground.

First way

Oncidiums and Miltonia, for example, are orchids that love water, but are very sensitive to stagnation in the ground. For such species make high drainage system which fills half of the container. A piece of polystyrene, that is, polystyrene, is placed in the middle of the drainage. The height of the substrate itself is approximately 10-12 centimeters.

Planting an orchid in such a low substrate is quite dangerous, because it can tip over without having time to gain a foothold. To stabilize the flower, rails are used, which are installed around the plant. Then the peduncle or growth point is carefully attached to them. When the plant becomes stable, the stabilizers are removed.

Second way

This solution is for sympodial species, which are formed by bulbs and pseudobulbs. The size of the components is chosen large enough and the pot is filled with a mixture of large pieces of drainage. A piece of foam is placed under the growing point of the orchid. The middle of the flower is set closer to the edge to allow new bulbs to actively grow without obstacles.

Important! Substrate components for sympodial species must be waterproof.

Third way

This solution is suitable for planting Phalaenopsis and Vanda hybrids. In a pot with transparent walls and many drainage holes, not only in the bottom, but also on the sides, a low drainage is laid. Its height varies from 2 to 5 centimeters. Then a third of the pot is filled up and the orchid is neatly placed. The roots are evenly distributed over the pot.

Important! If one of the roots is cracked, you should not tear it off, because the regeneration of the underground part of orchids is at a high level.

Then the rest of the soil is carefully poured on top. Periodically shake the container so that the soil sags a little. It is not worth pouring a substrate with a slide, it is best to limit yourself to the level of the growth point.

It is not necessary to crush the substrate with your hands after the plant is planted, because this will compact it too much and a lump may form around the root.

Due to its safety, low labor intensity and minimal stress for the plant, this is the most The best way planting orchids.

Fourth way

Before planting an orchid in a pot, you should carefully analyze it. appearance. If there are a lot of aerial roots and they are long enough, then she may be better off on the block.

First, a piece of board or bark is selected. Large enough to fit most of the root system. Then a hole is made in the middle of the block and a soft wire is installed in it, which will hold the flower on the block.

Then the container is hung in a pre-planned place and after that the orchid is fixed on the block. The roots are carefully laid out on the surface. If the air in the room is too dry, then the roots are covered with moss.

Important! Orchids with long aerial roots grow very well on the block.

Important details after landing

After planting a flower, it is left in quarantine for a week and is not satisfied with sudden changes in watering and lighting. After the orchid is fully adapted, all the conditions familiar to it should return.

In this article, we talked about how to plant an orchid at home.

In conclusion, we suggest that you watch a video that tells you what mistakes should not be made when planting an orchid.

Orchid - incredibly delicate, beautiful, exotic flower, which was appreciated by many collectors and just lovers of plants. Like any beauty, an orchid can be capricious and needs proper care. This traveler came to us from distant rainforests, therefore, to ensure her proper hospitality in ordinary apartment is not easy. Today we will consider the question of how to plant an orchid so that it is satisfied and delights you with its flowering.

Please note that planting an orchid in a larger pot immediately after purchase will not work. This plant is experiencing severe stress with any changes in environment, and he needs to be given time to get used to the move at least 2 weeks. Before planting, you need to choose a pot and soil. The right pot for an orchid must be made of plastic, have a drainage hole and a size at which the roots of the plant are placed inside, but there is no free space left. Less common than the common plastic pot, glass planter can harm the flower, as refracted Sun rays able to burn its roots. By the way, ideal solution can become a plastic transparent container, for example, from under ice cream. Orchid roots should receive enough light. A drainage hole is also necessary so that the roots of the plant do not rot from excess moisture.

So, to plant an orchid, fill the bottom of the pot with a drainage layer that includes crushed bark, charcoal and pebbles. The roots of the plant are very delicate and require careful handling. Dead ones during transplantation should be cut off and treated with ground sulfur, charcoal or ground cinnamon. Carefully remove dried petioles with tweezers. Pour the soil into the pot, while leaving 3 cm to the edge of the container in order to be able to add fresh substrate. Further, moss is laid out on the surface of the soil, after which the planting process is considered complete. After this, it is better not to water the orchid for 2 weeks. In general, it is recommended to be careful with watering an orchid, it dies more often from an excess of moisture than from drought. Cut off dead roots carefully, do not confuse with a healthy root. It is green or silver in color, dense and hard inside, and those processes that are to be removed are brown or off-white. Orchids love it Fresh air, so keep the window open or put the plant under a fan if possible. Keep the temperature in the room between 18 and 21 degrees, place orchids on the sunny side, but protect from the bright midday sun. In winter, the flower needs additional illumination with the help of special lamps.

If you did everything right, then the question of how to transplant an orchid will not bother you for a long time. Any change in the environment, as already mentioned, for these flowers is a strong stress. Therefore, transplanting should be done no more than once every 2 years.

Orchids are flowers of extraordinary beauty, but at the same time very demanding in terms of care. This is especially true for orchids in pots, which many people like to grow at home.

However, even the pot needs to be chosen correctly for orchids so that they delight you with their flowering. Today we will tell you what pots should be for these flowers and how to properly care for them at home. You will also see photos of orchids grown on balconies or window sills in flowerpots.

What should be the pot?

Orchids are those types of flowers that do not grow in the ground, but are attached to other plants. That's why pots for them should be selected so that they serve as a stand and support for them. If you choose it incorrectly, then the root system will rot, respectively, the flower will die.

Under natural conditions, orchids are strengthened on tree trunks, so their root system allows them to do so. At home, this function is shifted to pots. They must have such a shape and structure that the plant develops well., did not dry out and was not subjected to negative impact dry indoor air.

An orchid pot should be chosen from materials such as:

  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • ceramics.

Also, the following conditions are put forward for pots for growing orchids:

Description of pots with photos

Below is a description of the pots from different materials. Some are shown in the photo.

Plastic containers for orchids

Most Popular plastic structures. The advantages of plastic are obvious:

  • favorable cost;
  • durable plastic;
  • easy to clean;
  • durable;
  • transparent and well transmits the sun's rays.

Also, this characteristic is good because you can look at the root system of the orchid and prevent it from starting to rot. In plastic pots, you can make additional holes on the walls or bottom for drainage..

Glass structures

Many people prefer to use glass-based pots for growing orchids. They are also transparent and transmit light well. Compared with plastic containers, they have an external appeal and perfectly decorate the interior. But they also have a minus - this is the inability to make holes for drainage.

Glass containers are best used by experienced flower lovers, but beginners are advised to take plastic flowerpots. All because the substrate in glass container dries unevenly, and the roots can rot. BUT poor air exchange can cause algae to appear on the walls of the vessel. But only experienced gardener can prevent this. Features of ceramic pots

But ceramic pots for orchids are not particularly suitable. Very often, the roots of a flower adhere to their walls, and this greatly injures them. And what to ceramics are often heavily covered with a glazed layer, which causes blockage of pores, respectively, the plant does not have access to air. But if you stop at ceramic pot, then take a pot for orchids, and put a plastic container inside.

The cost of the pots ready-made depends on such factors:

  • material of manufacture;
  • decor;
  • the form.

The cheapest are plastic pots, the most expensive are ceramic pots.

DIY orchid pot

A pot for growing orchids can also be made independently. To do this, you need to prepare a plastic base, for example, a food container. Choose your own form The volume of the structure must correspond to the size of the flower. At the bottom of the container, you need to do it with a knife, screwdriver or drill a large number of through holes, it is also desirable to do them in the side walls of a homemade pot. From the inside, in the middle of the container, install a shampoo stopper so that the flower cannot fit snugly against the bottom of the container and breathe better.

Preparation of the substrate for home orchids

You can purchase ready-made substrate for orchids at a specialized outlet. And you can do it yourself according to the instructions:

  • prepare the pine bark by separating it from the trees;
  • boil it for 20 minutes;
  • dry;
  • grind to the size you need.

If you soak such pieces of bark in fertilizer for a flower, it will bloom especially profusely. To this end, we put the substrate under oppression and fill it with ready-made top dressing. After a few hours, the bark needs to be removed and dried.. Then the plant can be transplanted.

When you are just starting to grow orchids in pots, it is better to buy special soil mixtures for them in specialized outlets. The packages always say what varieties they are suitable for, you should always pay attention to this.

Well, for those who have been growing these flowers for more than a year, it will be interesting to try to prepare the soil on their own based on the substrate with the addition of dry moss and earth from the garden.

Orchid transplant

Sometimes it becomes necessary to transplant these flowers. In doing so, you must follow these rules:

After transplanting, the orchid can be watered only after five days, and fed only after a month.

Rules for caring for a home orchid

Remember that you need to transplant a flower only when you really need it. Moreover, it can be transplanted even during flowering. The orchid can be rearranged from one place to another, so that she herself chooses the one that is most comfortable for her.


How you follow the rules for lighting a flower depends on how it will bloom and whether it will bloom at all. If an orchid there will not be enough light, then she will not have enough nutrition for a full growing cycle, and if it is too intense, then the flower will simply burn out.

Therefore, it is very important in this regard to find golden mean». If the flower has little light, then its leaves will acquire a dark green hue, and if there is too much, they will either turn yellow or become covered with brown or dry spots.

Watering rules

Successful growth and flowering of orchids also depend on proper watering. In many ways, it all depends on the type of plant. Most orchids in natural conditions are not in water and their roots cannot stand stagnant moisture. and saline solutions.

Some varieties need the soil to be slightly damp, while others are such that the substrate for them should dry out between waterings.

The intensity of watering also depends on the following factors:

It is worth noting that orchids tolerate a lack of moisture more easily than its excess. They love enhanced watering only during active growth, with the release of peduncles and flowering. But you need to reduce their number in the period after flowering and in winter when there is little light and the room is cool.

For watering orchids, you need to use only settled water, as an option - boiled or filtered. After the plant has faded, two vines or three buds must be counted below it, and the rest is cut off.

When the last flower is dropped, the plant needs to be given rest: transfer it to a semi-dark place and keep it at a temperature of 24 degrees. During this period, you can not change the location of the plant and water it.. Sometimes spraying of the roots is allowed.

What temperature should be for orchids?

Most varieties of these flowers feel great at home at temperatures from 18 to 27 during the day and from 13 to 24 at night, respectively.

Highly it is important to observe the difference in night and day temperatures for successful flowering. If the heating does not allow you to feel it, then it is necessary for the plant to be cooler at night than during the day, such conditions must be created independently.

When transferring orchids at night to cool places, new flower stalks may appear faster.

In most cases, orchids perceive slight temperature fluctuations quite normally. But remember that when lowering temperature regime watering needs to be reduced, and when increasing - increase accordingly.

Now you know what a pot should be like for growing a beautiful and healthy orchid at home, and what needs to be done for this in terms of care. If a follow all the rules and recommendations, the flower will delight you with its beauty.