The right pot for an orchid, what is it, or is the choice so important. Easy Growing Orchids in Glass Pots (Vases) Secrets of Growing Orchids in Glass Pots

Growing an orchid in a glass vase and caring for it

Growing orchids in vases is one of the modern trends in interior design. The most suitable variety for this purpose is the Vanda orchid. She is unpretentious in care. The most commonly used is Vanda blue.

Vessel selection rules

Flower growth is largely influenced by the shape of the vase. Vessels with wide bases, but narrowed at the top, proved themselves best.

Source: Depositphotos

Orchid in a vase - original interior design

If you plant a flower in tall vessels or cylindrical vases, it will not only be inconvenient, but also dangerous:

  • the foliage of the plant is constantly collected, this can damage it;
  • the air in such a vessel does not circulate, the humidity grows, as a result, a fungus may appear that will destroy the flower.

What vases should be preferred? The ideal option would be vessels with an expanded base, but narrower at the top. Visually, they resemble a brandy glass.

Important: foliage and flowers should be located above the edges of the vessel.

Caring for orchids in glass vases

Particular attention is paid to watering: you can’t just pour water into a vase, excess water will quickly destroy the roots. Excess water from the vase must be drained after about half an hour, this time is enough for the roots to be saturated with moisture. Water must be defended for at least a day, or a mixture of equal parts of ordinary water and distilled water should be taken.

The frequency of watering is affected by the air temperature in the room: the cooler it is, the less often it is necessary to water, and vice versa.

If the orchid grows without a substrate, it is lowered into warm water for watering.

The orchid is a moisture sensitive plant. The optimum level of air humidity is 60%, so it is advisable to install a humidifier with a timer in the room.

In order for the flower to grow well, develop and bloom actively, it must be regularly fed. To do this, special fertilizers must be added to the water intended for irrigation.

The orchid needs periodic spraying from a conventional spray bottle. In the summer, it should be carried out up to 3 times a day.

The best time for the procedure is in the morning, then the leaves of the plant will have time to dry before the evening.

The flower loves good lighting, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. The ideal place to place a flowerpot is a south-facing window. With a lack of light, the plant may suffer from fungal infections.

An orchid in a vase needs full care, no different from the classic one. And, if you create all the conditions for a flower, it will bloom up to 4 times a year.

Today, experienced flower growers, on whose windowsills there are a large number of unusual indoor plants, are already difficult to surprise with anything. For example, many have ordinary types of orchids. But experts say there are many more. And today we want to introduce you to such a beauty as the Vanda orchid. From the article you can find out what an exotic flower looks like, what are its features, how to grow your orchids in glass vases and other containers, and you will also find tips on how to care for and grow a crop.

Orchid Vanda belongs to epiphytic plants that belong to the orchid family. In the wild, it grows in the north and east of India, in the south of China, and is found in Thailand. The culture is naturally endowed with thick and strong gray-green roots, the length of which can be about 2 meters. They tend to absorb moisture directly from the air. So Vanda orchids manage to avoid water shortages and create reliable protection from the scorching rays of the sun.

Unlike other types of orchids, the blue orchid called Vanda is initially devoid of pseudobulbs. The stems of the plant are also quite dense and can be up to about 3 meters in height. When caring for a Wanda orchid at home, it is realistic to grow stems no more than 1 meter long. Peduncles appear in the leaf axils. They are from 1 to 4 pieces. Large blue flowers in the amount of 2-15 pieces are collected in inflorescences.

But this is the standard color. In fact, the Vanda orchid can have flowers in blue, purple, red, pink, yellow, orange and white. Beautiful flowers of such phalaenopsis acquire a rich color after a couple of days from the beginning of flowering. Which is able to please the grower's eye for up to 3 months with proper care.

If under natural conditions there are about 50 species of the Vanda orchid genus, then only some of them can be grown at home. The most popular among them are Wanda tricolor, rolled, Rothschild, blue.

Features and methods of cultivation

Since the airy, that is, hanging, roots of the culture are covered with a dense layer of velamen, such a flower is already provided with proper nutrition and the necessary amount of moisture. It does not require a substrate. But the orchid in a glass flask is not yet a frequent guest in our homes, although it is unusually beautiful. Hanging roots are somewhat similar to a beard, so flower growers have dubbed this plant a "beard orchid."

A feature of this flower is the ability to constantly actively vegetate. In this case, the growth of the root system and foliage alternates with periods of flowering. At home, an orchid, unlike ordinary species, needs bright natural light lasting about 12 hours a day and good air circulation.

Among the three known ways in which such a beauty can be grown, the most popular is keeping the plant in vases. An unusual orchid in a transparent flask will definitely become a decoration of your home. In addition, caring for flowers placed in vases is noticeably simplified. It is only necessary to place the roots of the plant in a spacious glass flask, the role of which can be played not only by a vase, but even by an aquarium or a jar.

But still, Wanda in a tasteful glass vase will look the most aesthetically pleasing. If you plan to grow orchids in a vase, it is advised to choose a glass-shaped container. After all, an orchid in a beautiful flask of this format can be securely fixed. There is one important rule. Your orchid in glass should not be short of space for the free placement of the root system. High-quality drainage should be placed at the bottom of the vessel - expanded clay and large pieces of bark. And no soil is required.

It is also possible to grow such a beauty in a hanging system. With this method, its roots will be freely hanging. Suspension systems are perfect for greenhouses, balconies and special orchidariums. The only inconvenience is the need to carry out frequent spraying of foliage and roots. During which water can be on the surface of the furniture and floor. Caring for a Vanda orchid in a hanging system requires a certain level of humidity, bright lighting and regular airing.

Lots of light

Many flower growers who purchase Vanda orchids are interested in home care for these flowers. One of the important points is the abundance of light. If you do not provide your pet with intensive lighting for 12 hours daily, it can not only slow down growth, but also not start blooming.

It is recommended to place the orchid on a glazed balcony or loggia, as well as a bay window, which is fairly well lit. From October to March, if possible, it is better to place a capricious beauty on the southern windowsill. In the summer, be sure to shade it during the day. Or transfer to a window that faces the east or west side.

Temperature regime

During the day, the flower should be in a room with a temperature regime of 22–28 degrees Celsius. At night it should be at least 6 degrees less. In summer, the plant makes reserves of carbon dioxide, which is useful for normal photosynthesis. It is advised at this time to transfer flowers to an open balcony, loggia or terrace. In the presence of excessive heat and dryness, the culture will not be able to grow and develop properly.

Humidification and ventilation

When asked how to care for an exotic plant, novice flower growers get the answer that in addition to a large amount of light and temperature conditions, the humidity level is important for it - in the range of 50–70%, as well as regular airing. Since the higher the humidity in the room, the easier it is to care for bare roots. Good air circulation is also important. Since this type of orchid reacts negatively to its stagnation. The roots need to be able to breathe freely.

Watering and fertilizing

In summer and spring days, the orchid feels the daily need for water. Moreover, with the advent of autumn, 2-3 waterings per week are enough for her. Moisture stagnation is very dangerous. It is fraught with the onset of root rot. Watering can be done with a warm shower in the bathroom. Allow excess water to drain, blot the foliage with a piece of cloth.

Another way - the plant is placed in a bowl of warm water for literally a minute. You can use a watering can for watering or use the spray method. For Wanda, complex fertilizers with a high mineral content should be used. Young flowers are fed 1 time in 2 weeks, adults - no more than 1 time per month. Both the lack of fertilizers and their excess are dangerous.

Video “Watering and caring for the Vanda orchid”

From this video you will learn how to properly care for the Vanda orchid.

We transplant the orchid into a new glass pot, experienced advice.

To begin with, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the general information on transplantation. As you understand, if the pot becomes too small for your flower, it's time to transplant it. A transplant is also needed if there are any problems and damage in the root system. Well, someone just wants to change the old vessel for a new one, more beautiful and suitable for interior design in the house. By the way, this also applies to lovers of glass / transparent plastic containers.

In the case of transplantation, the main problem is not a process at all, but a result. In order not to mislead you with the title of the article, I will, of course, put in a good word about the transplant itself. Where would it be without her. But before the transplant itself, it will be useful to know something for a start.

When the flower pot is completely filled with roots, they begin to displace the earth. In the case of an orchid, roots can grow above the ground, and this is absolutely normal for a healthy flower. And they can be damaged if they plant an orchid in the wrong land or water it incorrectly. In the event that the roots began to rot or dry out, and even more so, it is necessary to urgently replant the flower. If everything is in order with your roots, then the best time for a transplant is the end of flowering.

Do I need to transplant an orchid into a transparent one?

How do you know if an orchid needs to be repotted? If the earth is crumpled and settled and there is free space around the roots, if you smell rotting, mold dampness, and generally it doesn’t smell like usual, if the pot is noticeably heavier, if the green roots turn gray, brown or some other incomprehensible dark colors and also began to rot, then it's time to do a transplant.

Transplanting an orchid into a glass pot

Carefully remove the orchid from the old pot. If you have a plastic pot, it is better not to be afraid to break it than to damage the delicate roots of the flower. After that, put the orchid in a small bowl of warm water and let it soak there. With the help of the shower, it will be necessary to wash the earth from the roots. Of course, not so that they shine, but the main thing. Consider the roots, whether they are rotten, damaged, and if there are, they must be carefully cut off and sprinkled with charcoal on the cuts. In order for the roots to dry out, the flower can be placed on a napkin or paper towel.

While the orchid dries, you need to prepare the ground for a new pot. Since we are talking about a glass pot, it is very important to follow all the rules so that the drainage is done well. After all, even if your glass pot has holes in the bottom, the evaporation of moisture in it will be completely different. Lay out a layer of ceramic shards (you can also expanded clay) up to 5 cm high. This will allow water to freely reach the bottom of the pot without stagnation. Then we fall asleep the prepared earth and we already place our dried plant in it. It is better to buy special earthen mixtures for orchids, because they take into account the characteristics of the roots.

Features of watering and caring for orchids

After you have planted your orchid in glass and in the absence of holes in the vase / vessel, you can only water it from above. It will not be difficult to do this, control the amount of water too, because the pot is now transparent. The main thing is not to pour or overdry the plant. Since the earth on the surface will dry out much faster than inside your newfangled pot. To do this, the surface of the earth can sometimes be sprayed from a spray bottle.

If you suddenly decide to propagate it when transplanting, well, you can do this at the expense of the main plant. But it is better to read a separate specialized article about this in advance, rather than experimenting while replacing the pot. In general, an orchid can be divided into parts with roots. At the same time, after transplanting, do not forget to leave the orchid alone, while it can only be sprayed every day. But don't water. All in all, complexity. Therefore, it is still better to allocate a separate time for reproduction.

What if, as a result of all your experiments, the orchid has lost up to 95 percent of the roots? Is there a chance to save the plant? Chances are low, of course, but you try. To do this, just like for a transplant, you need to wash the roots, find the dead ones, cut them off and sprinkle them to heal. The very method of salvation is not so much complicated as lengthy. Since you will alternately have to soak the roots and then dry them.

Experienced Tips

If your orchid suddenly doesn't like its new place of residence, as an option, you can take it along with the pot to the workshop and ask them to drill a hole in the glass. After that, put the pot in the water. This will help the orchid come to life.

Even if you follow all the watering rules, the inside of the pot will still be covered with green. And from the transparency of it little will remain. You will not look at the cute orchid roots, but at the greenery. And it's not just about humidity, it's also about exposure to light. Although this greenery does not harm orchids. If this development of events does not bother you, you can leave it like that.

Some even suggest not to mock the plant and plant it in a well-ventilated plastic pot, well, and they are of course right.

Houseplants cannot be treated indifferently. In every apartment or house there is at least one green miracle that creates comfort. An orchid flower is amazing in its beauty and is popular, and a vanda in a glass vase is an original unique gift, a stylish decoration for any interior.

What kind of vases to give preference? The most convenient vases for growing orchids are narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. Such vases resemble a glass in their shape. Tall cylindrical vases are less popular among flower growers - in them the leaves of the plant often bend and break, which in most cases leads to the death of the flower. Please note that only the roots of the plant should be in the vase, and the leaves are located on top.

Features of care

Growing orchids in a vase, you need to pay special attention to watering. The procedure is different from that for flowers in pots. It is not recommended to leave water in vases, otherwise excess water will lead to the death of the root system of the flower. Usually, the plant is given 20-30 minutes to “quench its thirst”, after which the remaining water is poured out of the flowerpot. Water for irrigation should be soft, it is allowed to mix ordinary tap water with distilled water in a ratio of 1: 1. In summer, orchids are watered every other day, but avoiding waterlogging of the soil. In winter, one watering per week is enough.

In order for a vanda to grow well in a glass vase, bloom profusely and regularly, the flower must be fed. To do this, it is enough to add a little fertilizer to the water for irrigation.

Don't forget to spray. For these purposes, a conventional spray gun is suitable. In summer, this procedure should be carried out at least three times a day. It is better to spray the flower in the morning, so that by the evening the leaves of the plant have time to dry.

When caring for an orchid, remember that it loves light, but direct sunlight should be avoided. The ideal option for the location of the flower are windows facing south. If it is not possible to provide the flower with sufficient amounts of sunlight, additional artificial lighting is used. With a lack of light, the plant may die.

Orchids are prone to fungal diseases. To prevent this, it is necessary to remove dry and broken roots in time. Fortunately, they are clearly visible in vases and the danger can be noticed in a timely manner. If you see that the leaves turn yellow or fall off, cut off the affected area and treat the area with iodine or brilliant green.

If you follow the above conditions of care, add love, attention, care to them, then a vanda in a glass vase will give you the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of flowering up to 3-4 times a year.

Orchids in a vase are not such a rare occurrence lately. Gift options for orchids in large, tall, spherical glass vases, flasks, and vessels are a wonderful gift for any celebration. "Vial" - a mini-vase sealed with a lid that holds the flower in an upright position, preventing water from evaporating. Even with good care, such an orchid can please you with its flowers for a very short time.

The markets of the South-Eastern countries offer hermetic small glass vessels with seedlings of phalaenopsis, oncidiums, cattleyas, vandas and other orchids, which do not require additional documents for export from the country.

This option for acquiring exotic orchids is quite interesting for both amateurs and professionals. It not only allows you to immediately acquire a sufficient number of your favorite flowers, but also try your hand at the role of a gardener who grows a full-fledged plant from a tiny seedling.

Wanda is a stylish beauty in a worthy vase frame.

Wanda in a glass vase is a great decoration for a stylish interior. With large, showy, highly unusually shaped flowers, the vanda orchid is so attractive that it is becoming more and more popular. It quickly adapts to the microclimate of our rooms. The most famous is the "blue vanda", which has stunning beautiful sky-blue flowers.

Only with its high-quality and competent content, the plant will live for a long time, bloom, delighting its owner with healthy leaves and roots. If you have to choose vases, it is best to opt for the shape of the so-called "glasses", which are wide at the bottom, narrower at the top.

Vessels in which vandas are sold can be conditionally divided into low, wide and those in which the height prevails over the width. The latter - vases in the form of cylinders or a truncated flask require increased attention to the content of the plant in them for the following reasons:

In a cylindrical vessel, the lower leaves are in a folded state, their creases and kinks are possible, which is fraught with their loss. Excessive humidity inside the flask, lack of high-quality ventilation sometimes leads to the appearance of bacterial and fungal infections that affect the roots and leaves of the orchid. To prevent this, vandas, which are often kept in such glass containers without a substrate, are not watered directly in it, but taken out and immersed in a separate container with water. After drying, the orchid can be returned back to the vase.

If you are happy with the vase, you just need to lift the plant with flowers over the edge of the decorative vase so that the roots remain inside and the peduncle with leaves remains outside. Then it will be more convenient to take care of the plant, and the flower will feel better. When Wanda is kept in the substrate, it should be sprayed more frequently with a systemic fungicide, as in the absence of holes in a glass vessel, ventilation to the entire depth of the vase is almost impossible.

Secrets of growing orchids in glass jars

Orchids bought in the substrate and, on the contrary, intended to be kept without it, also undergo some training for life with bare roots. Wandas are best suited for this purpose. As a rule, these orchids on sale are precisely unprotected roots.

Vandas, being epiphytes (although there are terrestrial species among them), live on trees, feeding on condensed, rain moisture, the nutrients contained in it, therefore, keeping them at home, the main thing for the free, off-substrate cultivation of Vandas is good, about 60% air humidity in room.

It is not easy to achieve such indicators, especially in winter, it is important to remember the general rule here: the lower the temperature, the less Wanda needs watering and indoor air humidity. And, accordingly, vice versa. Therefore, if it is not possible to install a humidifier with a timer that will maintain the humidity at the proper level, you need to try to provide Wanda with a cool room. Watering an orchid without a substrate is done by immersing in warm water for a time sufficient for its roots to change color from light gray to green. Actually, the signal for watering is the disappearance of the light green color of the roots.

Often, Wanda's orchids are acquired with extremely shriveled, almost unviable roots. The roots that have simply dried up from irregular watering are restored by almost daily watering-immersion for 10 minutes in warm water. The roots, on the contrary, rotting from poor ventilation, fungal infections, are first treated with Fitosporin solution, then sprayed or immersed in water for a short time. The main thing is that after watering and spraying the temperature of the orchid should be at least 20-25 degrees Celsius, otherwise the fungal infection may resume.

Ventilation is also important. Vandas contained in high, narrow vases should be well ventilated, and glass, plastic bottles, vessels should be washed using disinfecting solutions. The roots of such orchids need frequent treatment with fungicidal (antifungal) drugs. The rotting parts of the roots are subject to timely removal, powdering the cut with crushed coal, or lubricating it with Fundazol gruel.

There are several Vanda growing secrets that are used if the plant suddenly becomes ill. Sometimes, suddenly, Wanda begins to lose turgor (her leaves become soft, sag, wrinkle). The reason for this condition lies in the insufficient strength of the roots, because. The Vanda orchid grows leaf mass only with a well-developed, healthy root system. It is important to carefully examine the plant, remove it from the substrate (if any), replace it with a new, carefully disinfected one. After that, the orchid is hung upside down in a darker place than before. Thus, the energy of growth, always striving upward, is redirected to the growth of roots.

Once every two weeks, you can spray the plant with special fertilizers for orchids, or by separately spraying with Novosil, Polisilk preparations. The polysaccharides contained in these preparations contribute to the regulation of photosynthesis processes, stimulating the production of beneficial nutrients. Sugars support Wanda's strength - while foliar treatment should be carried out throughout the plant, from roots to leaves.

An orchid hanging upside down does not retain excess moisture in the internodes, while the risk of fungal and bacterial diseases, despite frequent moisture, is reduced to almost a minimum. In this state, Wanda is ready to grow a normal new root system in 3 months, and when her young roots in an amount of at least 3-5 pieces reach 6-7 cm in length, the orchid can be turned over to its usual state.

The Vanda Orchid in a glass vase is not only a stylish accent of a modern interior, it is a long-lasting, living decoration that anyone who loves plants can afford to keep.

Beautiful orchids are welcome guests in the house. Their exquisite beauty, graceful flowers and richly colored leaves will bring a touch of elegance to the interior. An orchid looks especially sophisticated in a vase without earth, in a glass flask. Through it, the drainage structure and massive roots are visible. In addition to aesthetics, the choice of a transparent vessel for an orchid has practical benefits - the roots of this plant are involved in photosynthesis, which means they need sunlight. Is it possible to plant a delicate orchid in a glass pot, and how to choose it - all the nuances should be taken into account.

A whimsical flower will not please the hostess with abundant flowering and good health if planted in an unsuitable container. It is very important to consider the shape of the vessel, the material from which it is made, and the filling.

Flowerpot shape

You need to choose a transparent planter for a capricious orchid, based on some nuances. Narrow rectangular flasks and cylinders should be immediately abandoned. The roots are cramped there, and the growth of the orchid will slow down. You can’t also buy a tall glass in which the plant will “drown” along with the leaves. The ground part must remain at large, in the airspace.

Common and popular forms of a vessel for orchids:

  • laconic geometry: a simple cube, a low wide cylinder;
  • roundness: perfect ball, hemisphere;
  • glass shape: narrow - at the top, wide - at the bottom;
  • two vessels in one: the inner one has drainage holes, but is smaller than the outer one and is suspended in it. The containers are connected at the top.

For an orchid, a vessel in the shape of a cognac glass is perfect - a wide and convex main part, a narrow neck in which the top of the outlet will be fixed from staggering.


I want to frame a beautiful orchid in a beautiful planter, and when choosing a material, glass immediately comes to mind - transparent, sonorous, glaring. However, glass flowerpots do not always have drainage holes, and without them, the plant will die from an excess of moisture and lack of ventilation. You can, of course, try to drill holes yourself, but this is quite difficult to do without the necessary skills and tools.

However, a glass orchid vase cannot be completely ruled out. The main thing is that it should not be narrow and cramped. You can take a wide square or round one, put drainage on the bottom with a thick layer, and plant a flower on top. Arrange the lower leaves so that they rest on the edges. Thus, the plant will gain stability. But too wide vases for orchids are not quite suitable - aesthetics to the detriment of practicality. Do not forget about the long peduncle. For him, you need a rod fixed in a flowerpot.


Not all orchids have roots involved in photosynthesis. Varieties Wanda and Phalaenopsis can safely grow in a glass flask.

Glass will be replaced with clear plastic. Its advantages:

  • such vessels always have numerous ventilation openings. If there are not enough of them, it is easy to drill additional ones in soft material;
  • the massive roots of the plant do not stick and do not adhere to the plastic, but slide freely over it;
  • the material accumulates heat well, perfectly transmits sunlight;
  • on sale is a wide selection of multi-colored plastic vessels, you can make a beautiful composition of a flower and a flask.


Clear plastic orchid containers come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. When choosing, it is desirable to strive for complete harmony between the variety of orchids, the color of the flowers, and the size of the plant. White flowers will be set off by a bright flowerpot of saturated shades. For colored ones, it is better to take a solid color that echoes the main color of the flowers, or just transparent.

Many small flowers will balance a large pot, and one or two large inflorescences will balance a small flask.

Planting and growing orchids in water

You need to place the plant in the flowerpot so that it feels as comfortable as possible. It is important to follow 3 basic rules:

  1. The roots are loosely laid out inside.
  2. The aerial part is above the upper edge.
  3. The socket is flush with the edge.

Glass containers have advantages over ceramics. They form a natural humid microclimate necessary for the roots. This is the natural environment for these tropical plants, because wild orchids grow riveted to the tree line, without soil. They get their food from sunlight and rainfall.

However, if you put a glass flask in a cool place or where there are temperature changes, the flower may suffer. The glass cools quickly, and the root system will cool down. It is very important to keep the container in a place with a constant temperature, with natural light.

On a note!

In transparent vases, orchids can be grown without a substrate, as the root system obtains nutrition through photosynthesis.

Pros and cons of keeping orchids in water

You can grow a healthy orchid at home without a substrate, in a liquid. But it should not be water immediately from the tap, but a nutrient mixture containing a complete set of trace elements.

This method of growing orchids is called hydroponics.

There are also inconveniences of growing an orchid without soil, but they are small and consist only in the regularity of manipulations:

  • you will have to make sure that the water does not heat up, but always remains at the same temperature, slightly cool;
  • Monitor fluid level, top up as needed. It should be flush with the beginning of the root system, but below the outlet;
  • feed the plant more often, enriching the water.

Not all varieties of orchids are suitable for growing in an aquatic environment. Phalaenopsis and some other types of domesticated crops are most favorable to water. They do not feel the need to dry the roots, the so-called dormant period, and calmly endure the constant presence in the water.

Substrate and nutrient liquid for orchids

In the absence of soil, the root system of the flower still needs to gain a foothold in something, so good drainage is necessary. Expanded clay, glass beads, polystyrene, perlite, diatomite, green mix, that is, those materials that do not rot in water, are suitable.

The last two types must be used carefully: add water to the flask with the plant in time. Diatomite and greenmix, with a lack of water in the container, will draw moisture from the roots.

As a substrate, the so-called semi-hydroculture, expanded clay is ideal - a porous material that can absorb and release moisture. Pour a layer of expanded clay on the bottom of the orchid pot so that it closes the holes. Plant the orchid vertically, arrange the roots roundly so that they lie naturally, without creases and tangles.

Next, pour a thin layer of perlite, approximately 5-6 mm. Then - diatomaceous earth, previously soaked in water for an hour. On top is a layer of green mix. The ratios of the components are approximately equal. It is allowed to use one type of substrate, most flower growers choose expanded clay.

Filled with a substrate glass with a flower installed in it is poured with water. It should not touch the top of the outlet, but be about 1 cm below it. You should take only filtered or settled water, and preferably rain or, if possible, melted water. These whimsical plants can only be fed with special nutrient mixtures specifically for orchids based on the life cycle of flowers. Mix food with prepared water.

How to transfer an orchid from soil to water

If you decide that orchids will be better in water, the transfer to the “new place of residence” must be done gradually, otherwise the plant will experience stress and may die from a sudden change in “climate”. Walkthrough:

  1. Remove the flower from the pot, very carefully free the root system and beard from the remnants of bark, moss, granules. Remove damaged, very old, rotten roots.
  2. Immerse before the start of the outlet (not higher!) In cool water and leave in it for 2 days.
  3. Gradually drain the water over the course of the day so that the roots dry out slowly. The water level in the tank at the end should be approximately 1 cm.
  4. Keep the plant in this state for a week. Then gradually add water again. Set a schedule for keeping in water - 5 days, when dried - 1 day.
  5. After that, the final water level is topped up. The plant must get used to being in it all the time. Enrich water with food once a week.

You can visually determine when it is time to moisten the roots. If they turn from green to silver, then they lack moisture.

Orchid care at home in the water

In fact, taking care of a flower living in an aquatic environment is easy. Care consists of periodic water changes and the addition of nutrients. Change the solution every 2-3 days for fresh, adding food to the water. During the manipulation, you should take the plant out of the vase, dry the roots a little, examine them to see if they are healthy. If necessary, cut off rotten ones with sharp scissors. The container must be inspected to see if the ventilation holes are clogged. Every month, the substrate should be poured out of the flask and washed under running water.

After 5 minutes of drying, you can put the flower back into the flask and pour in a fresh solution. In winter, a low water level is acceptable, and in summer it is better to increase it, so moisture evaporates quickly under the hot rays of the sun.

Hydroponics is a relatively new, alternative way to grow orchids. Nutrients quickly enter the root system, ensuring rapid growth and rapid flowering. Orchids in glass look unusually impressive. For such cultivation, Phalaenopsis is most suitable - in a transparent glass vase, it feels great and pleases with magnificent flowering.

This is a fairly new method, so often growers make mistakes incompatible with the life of cultivated plants.

Let's find out which one is needed for orchids. This method, of course, has both advantages and disadvantages:

Important! However, the shortcomings can be somewhat leveled by replacing the glass vase with a plastic one. At the same time, the decorative effect and high soiling of the container will be preserved.


Such cultivation is in itself is one of the ways. There are variations regarding the placement of the plant itself in relation to the container (fully inside or half outside).

Proper placement without the use of a substrate

the right way is the only one:

  1. inside;
  2. And the top is outside.

That is, the plant is placed halfway in the vase. In this way:

  • The plant itself is outdoors;
  • The base of the rosette is flush with the edges of the vase;
  • And the roots are inside.

You can fix the plant in this position with wire or by any other available means and improvised materials.

Substrate filling

Not needed, since monopodial orchid species are usually grown in vases (,). In some cases allowed use, for example, if you need to leave the plant unattended for a while.

Types of containers

In shops there are transparent vases:

  • Classic, stretched up;
  • Cylindrical glass-shaped with a flat bottom.

These containers are not suitable, because:

Best fit glass-shaped vessels for cognac is:

  • Large spherical vessels;
  • Flattened in height;
  • Able to fit inside the entire beard of the roots;
  • While remaining compact and decorative.

In such a vase, a plant will not suffer from constant stuffiness, while the roots will be in a humid microclimate. Consider how to care for an orchid in a glass vase.


Consider caring for an orchid in glass at home. Plant care is not much different from traditional orchid care in the substrate, but it has some nuances that need to be known and taken into account. First of all, it concerns:

  • The vase itself;
  • her material;
  • Forms;
  • And the place of residence of the plant.


plants in a glass vase no different than watering an orchid, which grows in the usual or . The procedure is elementary: you need to carefully pour water into a vase in such an amount that the roots are completely immersed and wetted. Water must be:

  • soft;
  • settled;
  • With a minimum content of mineral salts.

This is important, first of all, for the delicate roots of the orchid, as well as will help to preserve the decorative effect of the glass. After all, after the evaporation of water, mineral salts form a plaque that is perfectly visible and does not look very attractive.

Advice! It is ideal to use rain or melt water, of course, only if the process of collecting precipitation was carried out in an ecologically clean region.

After 30-45 minutes, the water must be carefully drained. Do it with the utmost care, because:

  • Wet glass is very slippery;
  • The vase may accidentally slip out of your hands;
  • Shatter and injure you or others with fragments.

Make sure that no water remains in the vessel after draining. Average watering frequency is:

  • 2-3 times a week in warm weather;
  • And once a week, if it's cloudy outside.

It is always necessary to monitor the plant and take into account its current needs. On hot summer days, watering can be daily. Time for the procedure better to choose in the morning so that the plant has time to dry by the evening.

Feeding and pest control

Under natural conditions happens naturally when rain washes away the humic substances formed on its surface from the trees directly to the roots of the epiphyte. Therefore, when grown indoors, these plants require competent and dosed top dressing.

Fertilizing orchids is best done after flowering.

The most important thing is that must be remembered: it is better to carry out frequent top dressing with a weak solutionthan rare, but strong. This is also explained by the same features of feeding orchids in nature. After all, rain in the tropics washes away a not very rich layer of substances, but it does this quite often.

In practice, this means that an orchid during the period of active vegetation and a set of green mass should be fed with liquid fertilizers once every 1-2 weeks in ¼ of the concentration indicated on the package.

Advice! Before the procedure, it is necessary to moisten the roots of the plant with water to minimize the risk of burns with a solution of fertilizers. Foliar fertilization, which alternates with root fertilization, has proven to be effective.

Treatments from carried out with diluted insecticides from the sprayer. Use fine, giving a misty jet. It is necessary to process all parts of the plant (from all sides), except for flowers.

How to monitor the health of the roots?

The best prevention is maintaining plant hygiene at the optimum level. In this case, it is necessary:

  • Select the size of the container, sufficient so that the roots of the plant fit freely inside;
  • And also there was the possibility of ventilation and free access of air inside.

Not allowed:

  • Hypothermia of the roots;
  • As well as debris and dirt inside the vase.

In time remove the dead and roots from the plant.


Quite periodically remove the plant from the container and leave it in free space for a while. You can do this:

  • while bathing;
  • Or when you want to wash the vase from the accumulated dirt.

Attention! Orchid roots can sometimes stick to the sides of the vase, so care must be taken when removing the plant from the container.

Risks of Infectious Diseases

The reasons

The cause of this kind of disease is accumulation of pathogens: fungi and bacteria.

To prevent orchid diseases, it needs proper care.

It is enough to imagine a damp basement in a building or a corner of the house on the north side to understand how this happens. Fungi or bacteria gather and breed in damp, sheltered places. A glass vase, where there is no ventilation, is the ideal place in this case.


Necessary periodically air the plant and the container itself. For epiphytes, access to fresh air is extremely important. In turn, this minimizes the possibility of:

  • Stagnation of moist air inside;
  • And the appearance of mold, fungus and bacterial colonies.

It is also very important to keep the plant under suitable conditions, that is:

  • Provide sufficient;
  • Optimal mode;
  • And watering.


Periodically, the vase must be washed, as accumulates on the inner walls:

  • layer of algae;
  • And mineral deposits.

Decontamination procedure or prophylaxis can be carried out using:

  • A weak solution of potassium permanganate (of course, while the plant should be removed);
  • Or fungicides.

Useful video

Watch the video of how an orchid grows in a glass vase:

Learn in the video how to care for an orchid in a glass vase:

Video instruction for the treatment of orchids from various diseases:

Watch the video on how to properly water an orchid:


Growing orchids in glass vases rather unusual way.. Thus, with its help, you can somewhat diversify your collection. In addition, no one has canceled the fact that a plant in a glass vase, especially a large blooming Vanda, looks very elegant and can become the center of the whole composition, attract the eyes of guests and their enthusiastic exclamations.

Wherein must be remembered that you can not chase aesthetics to the detriment of the health of the plant. Reasonably weigh all the priorities and enjoy the orchids.

There are a lot of ideas on how to grow flowers at home, but glass ones are one of the popular options. The method is new, but if you do not carefully study its features, you can make mistakes that will lead to the death of the plant.

An orchid without a substrate or in the ground should only be partially submerged in a flowerpot, which will allow it to remain outdoors. The sockets at the base should be placed flush with the edge of the container. A support is required, for which you can use a wire.

Proper cultivation of orchids in glass vases will allow you to enjoy the beauty of the flower all year round. Among the advantages of the method are the presence of:

  • humid microclimate inside a transparent pot;
  • high level of decorativeness;
  • neat look.

There are also disadvantages of a glass orchid pot:

  1. The glass sheet has a low thermal conductivity, which leads to rapid cooling of the root system.
  2. Glass is fragile and impractical.

If you replace glass vases with plastic ones, this will eliminate the described shortcomings.

Planting an orchid in a glass pot is already a method of growing a plant, but there are several options for exactly how to place a tenant in a container.

  1. Inside.
  2. Half.

The correct location, in which there is no substrate, is landing:

  • roots in a pot;
  • apex left above its surface.


Orchids in glass are kept without a substrate, as this method uses varieties of an epiphytic monopodial species, for example, Vanda.

In extreme need, you can use the hydrogel to leave for a short time.

Capacity Requirements

To breed flowers, you need to pick up glass pots for orchids. This procedure is important, as an improperly selected pot will negatively affect the growth and development of the pet. Care at home for phalaenopsis does not differ from placement in ordinary soil, but important nuances must be taken into account.

  1. Type of flowerpot.
  2. The material from which it is made.
  3. The form.
  4. Location in the house.

The form can be of various types:

  1. Classic, stretched up - looks beautiful.
  2. Cylindrical, resembling a glass with a flat bottom.

The latter view is not the most ideal choice, because:

  • it has a large size;
  • containers do not look very attractive;
  • it is not practical due to inappropriate decorativeness.

It is better to choose a glass vase in the shape of a cognac glass, which:

  • large;
  • spherical;
  • flattened in height;
  • can accommodate the entire root system so that it does not stick out;
  • compact;
  • decorative.

In such flowerpots, flowers do not experience stuffiness, and the roots are provided with an ideal humid microclimate.

Orchids in glass containers do not grow badly, as the material transmits light well, but decorativeness is considered the main advantage. Maintenance requires maintenance, which is made more difficult by the lack of drainage in the bottom of the flask. This can lead to an excess of moisture, and this adversely affects the state of the root system, which is fraught with the death of the flower.

If you choose the wrong container, the grower will face the formation of a large amount of algae on the walls of the vessel. Accordingly, if there is a desire to grow orchids without soil, then you must strictly follow the rules for the formation of drainage.

You can put a pot with a plant planted with soil in a glass container, adding decorative pebbles to the space inside the vessel.


  1. Attractive look.
  2. Large selection of decorative items.
  3. The roots of the plant will receive a sufficient amount of nutrients and air.
  4. If necessary, the outer glass container can be removed.
  1. It is difficult to choose the shape of the outer pot.
  2. There may be a violation of air circulation, which will negatively affect its growth and development of stalks.
  3. Possible excess moisture.

Requirements and fit

Often even experienced flower growers are interested in whether it is possible to plant an orchid in a glass pot, but the answer will be positive if:

  • an orchid without soil will be an initially healthy plant;
  • drainage will be properly formed;
  • the substrate will be carefully selected;
  • provide strict control over irrigation.

Glass vases for orchids are not considered the best way, since if the container is narrow and cylindrical, then the foliage, gradually growing, will begin to bend and break on the edges.

Too high a flask can cause a slow outflow of moisture, insufficient air intake, which will soon lead to fungus and decay. Therefore, a vase for an orchid should have a leg, a wide bottom and not too narrow a top, and such a height that the roots are inside the vessel, but the leaves are outside.

You must also plant an orchid in compliance with the rules presented by experts from the field of botany:

  1. A glass orchid pot must be disinfected with boiling water or steam sterilized.
  2. Cover the bottom of the container with a layer of expanded clay chips, also pre-treated with disinfectants.
  3. Sphagnum moss should be in glass pots.
  4. The rest of the space will be filled with phalaenopsis in a glass vase and a substrate that you can cook yourself or purchase in stores. However, first, the contents of the pot with soil, but without a flower, must be poured with warm water and left for half an hour to saturate with moisture.
  5. Next, drain the water.
  6. Plant the plant in a layer of bark, and cover its surface with moss, previously moistened with water. They lay out the area near the root collar.

Features of care

Orchid in glass needs thorough care. Watering should be carried out under the same conditions as when kept in a regular pot:

  1. Fill the orchid planter with water in such a volume until the roots are completely hidden. They must be thoroughly soaked.
  2. Use soft, settled water, and it should contain a minimum of salts. The root system of this plant is very delicate and easily damaged. Improper care may lead to the formation of plaque, visible to the naked eye, and significantly spoiling the appearance.

It is necessary to water with melt or rain water, but only if the collection is carried out in a region with a clean atmosphere and a normal ecological situation. Similarly, cultivation in water should be carried out using a clean, settled liquid without harmful impurities.


After watering, leave the vase with orchids for half an hour, then drain the water. It is important to be careful not to drop the container, as wet glass has a slippery surface.

You need to make sure that even the slightest amount of water does not remain in the container. Orchids in water should be kept 2-3 times a week, provided that the weather is warm and 1 time in cool and cloudy.

The flower grower must carefully monitor the condition of the plant in order to take into account its needs, change the microclimate, watering, air temperature around the flower, etc. For example, an orchid in a glass vase needs regular feeding, which happens naturally in nature, as humic substances are washed off the tree bark by rain, which is extremely beneficial for the root system.

At home, the choice of microelements, their dosing and timely application are required. Top dressing should be carried out after flowering, for which use a not too concentrated solution, which can be added more often than a strong concentrate.

During the period when active vegetation occurs and green mass increases, liquid fertilizer should be applied 1-2 times a week. Before the procedure, wetting the flower roots in water to prevent them from being burned by the solution. Especially on sheets that alternate with root ones, and pest control should be done with a fine sprayer that can create a foggy jet.

To make the plant feel comfortable, you need to periodically remove it from the container for a short period of time. So the orchid in a glass flask will actively grow and develop, and air baths can be done while bathing or if there is a need to wash the flowerpot from dirt.

The most important thing is not to pull the flower out of the container, as the roots can stick to its walls, and therefore care is important to prevent damage to them.

Possible problems and difficulties

Growing orchids in water and in ordinary soil is not always successful. In rare cases, the formation of problems is possible:

  1. The edges are starting to wrinkle. The reason is high air temperature. In the daytime and at night, the changeable temperature difference should not exceed 8C.
  2. Dryness and decay of the root system. The reason is abundant watering, too narrow a pot that squeezes the roots, heavy watering after a long absence of water.
  3. There is no flowering. The treatment is heat stress. The difference between the temperature at night and during the day should be 12-14C.

The constant maintenance of orchids in water is accompanied by the formation of a disease caused by pathogens, for example:

  • fungi;
  • bacteria.


To prevent problems, it is necessary to properly care for beauties. The ideal microclimate for the fungus is a damp and secluded place, such as a glass flowerpot, in which there is no ventilation.

Preventive measures include periodic ventilation of the container. Air is essential for epiphytes, as it can prevent:

  • stagnation of moisture;
  • mold growth with bacteria.

Phalaenopsis in water needs:

  • sufficient lighting;
  • maintaining the desired temperature;

Transplanting to hydroponics

A soilless orchid can be actively growing in a hydroponic pot, a solution that has the right nutrients added in the exact proportion. This placement allows you to go on vacation for a short time and not worry about the fact that the pet will die from a lack of moisture and water.

Advantages of the method:

  1. The lack or excess of fertilizers is excluded.
  2. The formation of pests, rot and similar problems is categorically impossible.
  3. Such orchids in a vase do not need to be transplanted.

Growing an orchid in water is quite simple, but many prefer to plant it in a substrate consisting of the following components:

  1. Expanded clay, designed specifically for plants and its size should be 8-14 mm. Before use, thoroughly rinse the material and rinse with running water.
  2. Perlite fraction 3-6 mm, with capillary properties.
  3. Diatomaceous earth large, medium and small, which is able to absorb 150% of the liquid, which is more than its own weight. Soak it in water for 1 hour before use.
  4. Greenmix. Composition - mineral moisture-absorbing and water-repellent wool in combination with perlite.

To grow an orchid and take care of it at home, you should purchase a plant in a specialized store where healthy and uninfected sprouts can be offered. Some prefer to order online. But, you need to be sure that the supplier is trusted and sells flowers that will justify the declared technical characteristics.

An orchid in a glass vase without earth is an unusual way, but it is with its help that you can make a collection of plants more original. Those who already use such containers attest to the fact that they are more elegant and can be used as the centerpiece of an entire composition. They are able to attract eyes and cause rave reviews, especially if Wanda is blooming luxuriantly. Accordingly, before growing an orchid, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Often, plants are grown in this form in Asian countries, where they are already sold in this form. It is important to understand that the narrow glass container in which it is sold cannot be used for a long time, since the plant will not last long in this form. In a glass container, there is usually not an adult plant, but seedlings..

ATTENTION: The most common for this method of keeping is the Vanda orchid. You can also grow phalaenopsis.

But we will talk specifically about the Wanda orchid.

Orchid Vanda has a strong root system. The length of the root can reach 2 meters. The roots are thickened grayish-green in color and covered with a thick layer of velamen. The stem of this flower at home stretches up to 1 meter in length, and in nature up to 3 meters.

The leaves of the flower are large and are not closely spaced and double-rowed. They are leathery and fleshy and bright green. The flowers of the plant may have a color:

  • snow-white;
  • cream;
  • lemon yellow;
  • Orange;
  • cherry red;
  • light pink;
  • rich raspberry;
  • violet;
  • violet blue.

Capacity Requirements

Before you grow a plant, you need to choose the right container in which you "settle" the flower. This is one of the most important procedures due to improperly selected capacity, the plant may die.

The form

The most suitable is the one that has a narrow top and vice versa wide bottom. Their shape resembles a glass.

Do not use tall cylindrical containers, despite their attractiveness. In such containers, the leaves often bend and break, which can kill the orchid. Do not forget that only the roots of the plant are in the container, while the leaves are located on top.

Glass containers provide the roots with plenty of light. However, their main advantage is their decorative properties. However, the use of such containers requires a lot of experience in caring for orchids. All due to the fact that there are simply no drainage holes in the glass container. Therefore, it is quite easy to get an excess of moisture for the roots, which they really do not like. This leads to their decay and death of the flower.

IMPORTANT: Also, in such a container, the plant will not receive enough air, and from this, algae will appear on its walls.

If you still decide to use a glass container, then you must take care of plenty of drainage and the right substrate. And it’s easier to put a plastic pot with a plant in a glass container you like.

But there are also disadvantages of growing an orchid in a glass vessel.:

  • Possible excess moisture.
  • Small amount of air for a flower.
  • Additional drainage holes cannot be made.
  • It is difficult to choose the right shape so as not to harm the flower.


  1. Beautiful vases.
  2. Flasks.
  3. (read about which pot is better to choose - transparent or not).
  4. Glasses (for small orchids).
  5. Glass mugs.

Special Requirements

If you want to grow your flower in a glass pot, then you must:

  1. Choose a healthy plant.
  2. Take care of good drainage in the pot.
  3. Pick a good substrate.
  4. Strictly control watering.

A glass flask is far from the best option for growing orchids. They have a narrow cylindrical shape because of this, the leaves of a growing flower are bent and broken. And the flower dies. Same way in a high flask, moisture will not leave well and enough air will not flow, and this is a direct path to fungal diseases and root rot. Therefore, you should not choose glass flasks for your pet.

ADVICE: As for vases, the best option is a glass-shaped vase, wide at the bottom and narrow at the top. Be sure when planting in a vase, you need to remember that the roots are in the vase, and the plant itself is outside.

Watch a video about planting an orchid in a glass pot:

Features of care

A flower in such conditions needs thorough care.:

  1. Follow watering guidelines. Immerse the root system in warm water for 20-30 minutes. Protect leaves and root neck from prolonged contact with water. The substrate should dry in 2 days. The best option for watering is spraying. In winter, water once a day.
  2. Feed during the active growth stage. Add fertilizer to water for irrigation. It is better to use mineral fertilizers.
  3. Timely deal with diseases and pests.

Possible problems and difficulties

  1. Root rot due to improper watering.
  2. The appearance of insects in a container with a flower.
  3. Green coating on the walls of the container.

Where can you buy?

You can buy glass containers for orchids at any specialized store.. The seller will help you choose the best option. You can also order containers online. The cost on the Internet is from 190 rubles, and in stores - from 140 rubles.

If you want to have an unusual decoration in your home, then definitely choose an orchid in a glass container. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with all the requirements of the plant and then you will succeed.

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