How to make a house layout out of paper step by step. Cozy cardboard house: crafting with children. Other options for paper houses

We continue the Cottage section and offer you an article. We will not offer you to learn how to use computer programs for 3D modeling, especially since it will still turn out to be a painted cottage. We offer you two simple ways, using only the skills gained at school, to make a beautiful, realistic and useful cottage layout in all respects.

A realistic do-it-yourself cottage layout, as we have said, is a very thing. But the question may arise: “What is the use of a real layout of a cottage, and even made by yourself?” The answer is very simple: in this way you balance your ideas and the real world.

So, there are ideas, thoughts, imagination, what the future cottage means for you:

  • how many rooms will there be
  • how it will be convenient there, well,
  • what mats in interior design will be used,
  • how warm it will be there (by the way, about heat - we recommend that you study the article Heating at home - for residents!; a very good article in all respects)
  • what will be there
  • what bathroom paint will be used,
  • what will be the design of the living room
  • etc.

All points are united by a common feature - all this is in the mind.

On the other hand, there is the real world in general, and the embodiment of ideas in material in particular. Of course, the full embodiment of the house is real. However, it is much more useful when a realistic mock-up of the cottage is pre-created. So, perhaps you know that in any major construction, a model of the future house is ALWAYS made. What for? Precisely in order to coordinate ideas with real-life (at least in the layout) things:

  • walls with real thickness,
  • ceilings at the right height
  • partitions at nodal points,
  • real floor height, taking into account the "warm floor" system
  • etc.

What is the practical result of balancing mass and importance by creating a realistic model of a cottage with your own hands?

Well, at least the layout of the cottage will save you from a lot of mistakes and clarify a huge amount of data.

A simple example: there is a beautiful picture of a cottage, color and three-dimensional. However, the construction of a cottage model according to this picture showed the complete futility of such a plan. Why? Because the slope of the roof falls just above the entrance. And in winter, everyone who enters and leaves will receive a charge of rain and snow right by the collar. And given that roof snow tends to fall, homeowners will spend MANY hours just shoveling snow off the roof in front of the front door.

Whereas a simple realistic layout of a cottage with your own hands allows you to avoid a huge number of such errors. The question may arise: why do it yourself? Why not leave it to the experts? Because to live in this house is not for specialists, but for you. And specialists, when making a layout, cannot read all your thoughts and desires about real comfort. Therefore, as a result, you will get a really cozy and harmonious house - only not for yourself, but for those who made the layout.

By the way, a layout is a useful thing, even if the house is built. With it, you can visually see and plan the redevelopment of rooms, the completion of the premises, the placement of the garden and other vegetation. Not to mention the mere aesthetic contemplation of your own home from a bird's eye view. Therefore, we suggest you use two simple ways to create a realistic layout and anticipate problems in advance.

The first option is a realistic styrofoam cottage model.

To create a realistic model of a foam cottage, you need:

  • a simple, even foam ceiling tile (more about it in the article “Ceiling tiles: how to glue it optimally?”);
  • mock-up (stationery) knife
  • scissors
  • PVA glue
  • a little time.

Why foam ceiling tiles? Because this material came at the right time. Firstly, it has a thickness of 0.5 cm, which is almost proportional to the thickness of a real wall, and secondly, the foam of the ceiling tile is very easy and fast to process - it can be cut into even pieces with an ordinary mock-up stationery knife. PVA glue can be used as glue. Or the “Dragon” glue left over from the repair.

To make a model of a house, you need to know exactly what you are doing. That is, you need to have a drawing of the house, a sketch or plan with basic dimensions. In principle, a rough sketch of the architect is sufficient.

In practice, a scale of 1 m = 2 cm is used. This proportion is easy to calculate, and the dimensions of the layout are good - the layout of the house is not large and not small, the thickness of the walls is almost proportional. And then a lot of routine work - marking the foam, cutting out the foundation, walls, roof, gluing the pieces together.

The layout of the house is best done collapsible so that you can see the internal arrangement of rooms, stairs and furniture. For this reason, you should not glue the second floor, but rather make it removable. All elements (if possible) are made proportional - both length and width, height, angle of inclination, relative location.

The layout can be used to visually assess the propagation of light during daylight hours. You just need to know in which direction to the north the house will stand.

A few words about the layout of the cottage using cardboard

To model a realistic cottage layout using cardboard, you need thick cardboard from cardboard boxes. Best of all, the boxes in which the air conditioner, refrigerator and other large household appliances were wrapped. The thickness of this cardboard is also suitable for proportional modeling, as is the foam.

Plus, an important positive point of cardboard is that it is cheaper than polystyrene foam for the ceiling. On the other hand, with cardboard there is a little more trouble. However, only not knowing what and how to do. So, to create a layout of a cottage with your own hands, you need:

  • thick cardboard, good quality
  • breadboard knife
  • scissors
  • PVA glue
  • a little patience.

The procedure for working with cardboard is essentially no different from working with foam. Only one caveat: it is better to glue the walls across, and not along. That is, build them up in layers, and not immediately put them in full height. This will make the walls much stronger and, since they are cut to the width, much neater than the cardboard partitions that were immediately set up in height.

Both cardboard and styrofoam can be painted in “natural” colors for the home. This will help determine the colors in the interior (for example, using the article "Colors in the interior in the light of Goethe's Teachings on Color"). In addition, you can draw the location with color - pipes for heating, water supply, sewerage, ventilation, wiring, and so on. This will greatly facilitate the actual calculation of running meters of materials used. And at the same time will avoid unnecessary loops and intersections.

In the basement, you can approximately place a washing machine, a boiler, for water and other "basement" elements. The bathroom, living room, kitchen and other useful and vital premises are planned in the same way. That is, using the layout, you can, for example, determine the features of the layout of the premises. For example:

The room on the ground floor is quite spacious, so any redevelopment is possible - you can separate, for example, the kitchen with a partition, or hide the entrances to the bathroom and toilet from view. The sofa can be placed by the stairs, and the kitchen can be separated by a bar counter. The option without partitions or with sliding partitions is preferable if you are going to host parties and crowded gatherings - then you need a lot of space.

By the way, an important nuance: the layout of the cottage is best done taking into account the site, and not just the house itself. This will help you choose the best location for your house in relation to the surrounding landscape - high-voltage lines, tall trees, swamps with mosquitoes, etc. It will also allow you to plan the site so that later the problems listed above with trees, poles, mosquitoes, etc. do not arise.

Thus, a realistic do-it-yourself cottage layout is a good help in building or updating your own home.

According to

The layout of the house and its architectural model - how do they differ? The first can be made from available materials: paper, cardboard or wood. It does not have to repeat the forms of a particular structure. The architecture of the building can be anything, as long as you and others like the result of your creativity.

An architectural model is an exact copy of a building with the repetition of all the main and secondary features. It is built with expensive materials and can take months of hard work to complete. Therefore, we propose to start building a model of a house from improvised materials. Don't know how? In this article, you will find recommendations and detailed instructions on how to make a cardboard and wood layout.

Miniature paper house

The paper house layout, the diagram of which is attached in this article, is a simple construction, although the work on its creation can be an interesting creative process that requires attention and perseverance. You will need thick paper, newsprint or packaging will not work.

It is better to take a standard sheet 29x21 cm. If the contours of your future home do not fit into the size of the sheet, you can glue two together using the "butt-to-butt" method with a strip 2 centimeters wide. After the workpiece of the desired size is obtained, it is necessary to make markings. We propose to build a model of a house made of paper, which will be rectangular in plan, two-story, with three doors, windows and


First of all, we recommend copying our diagram, which you see in the photo, in order to indicate the dimensions of the future building. Then you need to decide what the layout will have the length and width. Write these numbers on the chart. Next, determine the height of the first and second floors, as well as the roof. Now you can transfer the resulting drawing to the base sheet using a ruler and a pencil, measuring all the parameters of the future home. The next step is to draw windows and doors. Their location can be changed as you like, relying on your taste. A paper house model allows you to make structural changes at any stage of construction.

Layout assembly

The next step is to draw all the "wings" that you see in the diagram. They will act as mounting brackets when assembling the layout, support the roof and connect the walls. This is followed by the most critical part of the work, requiring accuracy and attention. Go through all the lines of the drawing with a ballpoint pen along the ruler and with pressure. This is done so that you can bend the paper in the right place.

A paper house layout requires precise fold lines. After all the boundaries are drawn, you can cut out windows and doors with scissors, as well as "wings". The next crucial moment: it is necessary to correctly bend the entire structure and glue it in the right places. For this we recommend PVA glue. When the layout is dry, you can start coloring.

Cardboard house layout

Such buildings are made not only from paper. A do-it-yourself house model can also be made from cardboard, a material strong enough to make the building look “real”, with opening doors, windows, floors and ceilings, interior decoration, and even inhabitants sitting inside on miniature sofas and chairs.

It all depends on how much the "builder" is interested in the end result. He can build any layout of the house with his own hands. However, its implementation is a complex creative process that requires accuracy and perseverance. You will need the usual tool: scissors, a clerical retractable knife, an awl, a ruler (preferably metal) and PVA glue.

Corrugation as the main material

It is better to take two types of cardboard for making a layout: smooth and corrugated three-layer. The second will go to the floor and ceiling, and the first - to make a corner for connecting individual parts of the structure, small details of the exterior and interior design. A cardboard house layout needs a base. This can be a plate glued from two layers of corrugation or cut from plywood. The base or sole of the layout is drawn according to the size of the future home and can be filled with decorative miniature flower beds, garden vases, and benches.

Next, you need to draw on the basis of the layout of the walls, porch and outbuildings. After that, you can start manufacturing the main parts: walls with cut out door and window openings, the ceiling and floor of the second floor (if you need to prepare corners from thin smooth cardboard to assemble the structure. The longer the corner, the stronger the connection. Optimally, its length should not be less than 70% of the length of the connection Cardboard corner width - 1.5-2.0 cm.

wooden house model

A do-it-yourself model of a house made of wood can only be made with the participation of adults, since the work is related to woodworking machines for home use. They are quite dangerous if there are no working skills. Hand tools for woodworking also require caution when working with them. The blades of knives, planers, nail files and engravers have sharply sharpened cutting edges.


Do-it-yourself models of wooden houses require accuracy in the process of work. Their creation is an exciting creative activity, during which the master can show ingenuity and ingenuity. First you need to make a drawing of the future house. Then make the base for the layout. After that, you can start creating details.

Walls and floors are best made from thin boards 1.5-2.0 centimeters wide and 5.0-7.0 mm thick. The workpieces are located on a flat surface close to each other and are fastened with the same rails, which are superimposed perpendicularly from above and pressed by some kind of load. Previously, all parts are coated with PVA glue. After the manufactured block dries, it can be customized according to the drawing and joined with other parts.


The assembled layout must be sanded and sanded. This is done manually with a 25-N glass cloth on a fabric basis. Then the surfaces are sanded clean with 8-H sandpaper until completely smooth. After processing, the layout can be painted, doors installed, windows inserted and finishing work done.

A do-it-yourself model of a house, as a rule, has a removable roof. This is necessary in order to have free access to the interior, since in a miniature building you will have to install toy furniture and other interior items. The surface of the walls is pasted over with "wallpaper", that is, with painted strips of paper. The floor must be painted brown or covered with linoleum - it can be made from oilcloth.

Everything that is done independently is more carefully stored by an adult, and even more so by a child. The easiest and most affordable paper crafts for kids. Well, who doesn’t like their own house for dolls or superheroes, which was so lacking in the game? Therefore, today we will do what we will tell you how to make a house out of paper. This craft is fun to create for parents and children together.


Dollhouse paper house: origami

A dollhouse is useful in any children's game, and the origami technique will help to realize all the dreams of a child and ideas of what a house should be like.

For such a house you will need 2 hours of free time. You should also stock up on such materials and tools:

  • thick paper, which should be in the shape of a square with sides of about 50 by 50 cm;
  • a simple pencil and an eraser;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • double-sided colored paper to make trees and flowers;
  • felt-tip pens, pencils and paints.

Advice! If you took paper 50 cm wide and 50 cm long, then the product itself will be 25.5 cm deep and the same in width and length. These are not the only sizes that are suitable for creating a house. You can use a square and larger and smaller sizes. For children, of course, it is better to take smaller paper so that it is easy for them to fold the craft.

Now let's get to work on the house.

1. Take a paper square (if you have one-sided colored paper, then the colored side should be at the bottom - invisible) and fold the top corners with the bottom ones to make a rectangle (now the colored side is visible);

2. Lay the left side of the workpiece on the right side, achieving a square sheet shape. Open again to the left to make a vertical fold in the middle;

3. First, fold the left edge to a vertical line in the center, and then do the same with the right. Smooth with your hand;

4. Unscrew the top sheet of the left side with your fingers, as if climbing inside. Bend the top corner towards you to make a small triangle at the top;

5. Open the top of the right side and do the same steps as in the previous paragraph;

6. Try to place the workpiece on a flat surface. Please note that its middle should be straight, and the walls that are on the side should form a parallel to each other, but at the same time adjoin the middle perpendicularly;

7. Move on to decorating the house. It should be colorful, beautiful and eye-catching.

Start from the roof. To make it look like tiles, take scrapbooking paper (preferably pieces of different colors and designs) and cut out circles of the same size from it. With a simple pencil, draw along the roof and mark the lowest point where the tiles will lie. There, draw a line parallel to the surface, and glue the circles, focusing on it. Tiles on the first line should not touch each other. Glue the next row on top of the first one, as it were, between the elements. Then the next according to this principle and so on.

Tiles do not have to be cut out of paper and glued. You can simply draw the outline of the tiles with a simple pencil. And then paint with different colors of felt-tip pens or colored pencils;

8. The interior of the house (paintings, furniture, etc.) can also be painted. And on the outer walls, apply windows with curtains and flowers in pots, doors with felt-tip pens or pencils;

9. Make the trees like this: take green paper, draw the outline of the trees, and then cut them out. To make coasters for them, you need to cut out small semicircles.

At the bottom of the trunks and on the stands, make cuts so that you can insert one element into the second crosswise. Do this and put the craft on the table next to the house.

Advice! If you want to revive the house and its interior, then you can do the following: put small real flowers in pots on the floor of the house inside, a small rug that you can also make yourself, just like a picture or a panel on the wall. Find beads, small parts from bracelets, watches and other things that can be used.

Paper log house

Let's make a log house out of paper, like in the old days.

You will need:

  • White paper;
  • very thin paper (to make logs);
  • scissors;
  • colored pencils, markers;
  • glue.

Let's get to work:

Paper gluing houses: schemes and templates

Video instructions

Watch the suggested videos and choose the right paper house for yourself

Paper origami house:

Simple paper house:

What could be more interesting and exciting than making some crafts to decorate your home with your own hands? After all, what you can think of and do yourself, you can not buy in any store!

Such products serve not only as decorative elements in any apartment, creating a cozy atmosphere and mood, but also are the reason for the most exciting pastime during their creation. After all, children so love to cut and glue toys from multi-colored paper - houses, animals, rockets and ships! Adults often help them in this entertaining business and *a paper house for children* will be a universal decor for a children's room or a subject for games. At the same time, a fairly simple and very original craft - a paper house with your own hands, which you can easily make with your child, will serve as a bright decoration for the holiday and bring many pleasant moments when creating it.

It can be a snow-covered hut with a Christmas tree for the New Year or a mystical castle with ghosts and bats for a fun Halloween, a multi-colored house for dolls with bows and ruffles or an impregnable fortress for knights, or maybe a rural house with a fence and flowers, comfortably perched on the windowsill of your kitchens. After all, creating * a paper house with your own hands * you are completely immersed in the world of fantasy and become the creator of the most unthinkable ideas! Well, * how to make a paper house * so that it is unusual, bright and pleasing to the eye, we will tell you in our article.

How to make a paper house

Materials and tools:

  • scheme
  • cardboard (white and color)
  • colored paper
  • gift paper
  • paints
  • scissors
  • pencil

Decorative elements:

  • ribbons
  • beads
  • artificial flowers
  • cones
  • berries
  • twigs
  • moss, etc.

1. First, let's choose a scheme for the future house

The template you like can be printed on a printer or simply gently, without pressure, transferred through the monitor screen onto thin paper, after enlarging the image to the desired size. The template obtained in this way is cut out, superimposed on cardboard for the future house and completely outlined with a pencil. After the diagram is drawn, it should be carefully cut out and prepared for gluing. To do this, you need to draw the blunt side of the scissors along the fold line of the walls so that the cardboard can be easily bent and cut out doors and windows. If you have never made a paper house before, then we advise you not to be smart with complex schemes and small details, but to choose an easier option. Your paper house scheme to which is simple and understandable has every chance to turn out beautiful and original the first time. Some types of schemes for paper houses are presented below. Click to enlarge:

2. Cut out doors and windows

Doors can be opened if the opening is not completely cut or fully arched. It is the same with windows: the shutters in them can open or the window will be, according to the plan, without shutters. The finished window made of colored cardboard can also be glued separately to the wall of the house without cutting an opening. Everything here will depend on the scheme that you have chosen or made amendments to the design of the house at your own discretion. After all the necessary details are cut out, you can glue the house, giving it a square shape.

3. We make a roof

The roof is glued separately. It is cut out of white or colored cardboard, folded in half and attached to the walls of the house. You can decorate it beforehand: draw a tile or make it from separate strips of colored paper, cover it with velvet paper. If a pipe is provided in the scheme, then it is also cut out, folded at the bend and glued to the roof. Smoke can be attached to the pipe. To do this, a wavy smoke is drawn on cardboard, cut out and glued at the base to the inside of the pipe.

4. We make a stand

The finished house can be glued to any stand made of cardboard, wood or plastic, pre-cut to the size of the house and decorated with a fence made of strips of colored cardboard, green paper grass, dry flowers, berries, leaves, moss. You can attach a twig to the stand with plasticine, and hang beads on it and glue flowers. It will turn out a very elegant version of the summer house.

5. Decorate the house

We bring the house, already ready and fixed on the stand, to the final. To do this, we decorate and decorate the walls, windows, roof and base of the house. If this is a New Year's option, then the roof with a chimney can be strewn with snow - with foam crumbs, having previously smeared the places with glue, cover with cotton wool, paint with white paint, depict snowflakes, make snow-covered windows. Decorate the house itself with colored tinsel and beads, attach a paper silhouette of a snowman and a Christmas tree next to it. You can use ready-made pictures for decoration or cut out figures from gift paper.

The Halloween house is made of dark cardboard, with the addition of silhouettes of ghosts and bats. Windows can be made from bright yellow or orange paper, creating the effect of light in the house. Nearby, on a stand, you can glue trees and a cardboard fence, put a black cat on the fence. You can be sure that your child with great interest and enthusiasm will help you cut out creepy characters of a fun holiday from paper!