A message on the topic of light-loving and shade-loving plants. Light as a factor in the development of woody plants. Actinidia - kolomikta

Almost every summer cottage is divided into certain zones - well-lit and shaded. Areas of the plot in the shade often remain empty and look inorganic, and therefore we decided that it would be quite relevant to study shade-tolerant plants for summer cottages.

To tell the truth, almost every second dacha has buildings or mature trees that cast a lot of shade on a young garden, vegetable garden and flower beds. Partial shadow does not scare plants, because their share solar heat and light they receive during the day in any case. But what to do with areas that are not illuminated by the sun at all or are illuminated minimally? What plants can be planted country house, under an old apple tree or on the side of a new car garage? These questions are answered by DachaDecor.ru specialists, who conducted painstaking work on the selection of the necessary information, as well as the study of forums and the collection of a wide variety of opinions.

Today we will try to describe in detail the areas of plant cultivation, choose annual and perennial flowers, shrubs, berry and vegetable crops for shaded areas.

Such formation of zones and selection of plants for growing in the shade are especially relevant for owners of standard dachas of 6-9 acres, where, frankly, there is not enough space, and oh, how much you need to plant everything!

Determination of site shading and plant selection

You should take very seriously the study of the site for planting plants and the time of its shading throughout daylight hours. Many of us already know the agricultural technology of popular country plants, and therefore it is not difficult to understand that not every one of them will be able to develop normally in full shade. In such an environment, only some types of ornamental plants feel normal. For the rest, it will be necessary to choose zones with partial shading, where the sun is at least half a day.

Distribution of plants in the area

The problem of the correct distribution of plants in the country is very serious, because in small areas it is very difficult to figure out where and what will grow, how to plant correctly. Particular difficulties haunt beginners who have just acquired a summer house and decide where exactly the garden, garden, flower garden will be.

Often tree planting takes place along the fence, so as not to occupy usable area in the country. But here you should choose the right side so that the shadow from the trees does not obscure large areas site. You can also distribute them evenly throughout the dacha, taking into account the requirements of distances. In this way, it will be possible to form areas with partial shading and leave some areas with the most light for those plants that prefer the maximum light.

Summer residents are also accustomed to planting shrubs along fences and hedges, but here it is worth understanding that some of them will be in complete shade from the fence or trees planted earlier. Therefore, the most right decision there will be a planting of berry or ornamental shrubs closer to the center of the suburban area, for example, to divide the territory into certain zones.

For flowers and berries, a place can be found everywhere, since we have long studied the technology vertical gardening and high beds. Besides, there are always small ones architectural forms, which involve the cultivation of flowers on hills. You can also consider unique decorative flower beds, special garden sculptures, original pots in the country and other products, thanks to which plants are provided with the maximum right conditions for growth and development.

Shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants

We are used to seriously confusing these concepts, believing that both plants easily cope with dark areas in the country and endure conditions without sunlight. We recommend to distinguish between concepts and when buying a particular crop, it is imperative to study agricultural technology, the requirements for choosing a place to plant a plant in a country house. Remember, the shade can be stable throughout the day, partial (a certain part of the day due to the course of the sun) or diffuse (sunlight through the branches and foliage of vigorous plants).

The degree of shade and soil

It should be understood that not only light conditions are necessary for the development of plants, but also certain soils and other conditions. Thus, in the thick shadow cast by dacha buildings, dense plantations of shrubs or trees, will feel good sedum sedum, kupeny, magnificent elecampane, heart-leaved tiarka, European hoof.

If you combine these summer cottage areas with well-moistened soil, then it is possible to plant black cohosh, primrose, hellebore, astilbe, dark geranium.

In areas with diffused shade, for example, under walnuts or old apple trees, it is quite possible to arrange a planting of spring umbilical, fragrant woodruff, lupins, daylilies. Some medicinal and fragrant plants- peppermint, lemon balm, others.

You also need to know that not only soil moisture determines the possibility of growing some plants in the shade or partial shade, but also its composition. Thus, on sandstones and sandy loams in partial shade, kupen, lily of the valley, periwinkle, violet, creeping tenacious and others feel normal.

shade tolerant shrubs

Interesting is the fact that in the shade orchard or on delimitation fences summer cottages you can often find shrubs that do not feel any negativity from the shadow. They grow and develop quite normally, without requiring special treatment.

But it is advisable to plant them in partial shade, scattered shade, under trees, since the complete absence of sun seriously affects flowering.

Penumbra is also suitable for hydrangeas, it will not harm viburnum, elderberry. On the same plots, you can plant ivy, parthenocissus, clematis.

Flowers and ornamental plants in the shade

In this section, we will present a small list of plant names that are okay with shaded areas, and some are even ready to live without sunlight.


The largest number of plants loving shade, among perennials. Due to the abundance of plant species, it is possible to create not single plantings, but entire longline flower beds that will decorate the shady landscape.

badan- a plant that prefers medium and dense shade. In such conditions, only flowering can suffer, while bergenia grows well.

early blooming daylily prefers partial shade, but in strong shade, flowering noticeably weakens. Modern varieties daylily is best planted in the sun.

hosta- a plant that not only is not afraid of the shadow, but simply loves it. The only requirement is moist soil.

Aconite feels good in shady areas, but like most, prefers moist soil.

Astilbes- shade-tolerant plants, but prefer partial shade or partial shade.

For dicentres penumbra and shade with well-moistened soil - also the best place existence in the country.

Brunner- a pretty and absolutely picky plant that will survive in any shade. But you should be careful with it, as the brunner grows quickly.

In the scattered shade of a young garden blooms beautifully doronicum.

Lily of the valley and cyanosis - practically classic plants for shade and partial shade in the country.

In addition to this list, lupine, bathing suit, fragrant violet, periwinkle, arizema, tiarka, majestic chistous, ostrich, primrose and many others feel great in different shades.


It's worth starting with pansies , choosing different varieties which and planting in shady places in different periods warm season, you can easily achieve flowering from spring to autumn.

Digitalis- a tall biennial plant that copes well with the lack of sun, but always subject to the observance of agricultural technology.

If you need to plant something in full shade, remember to forget-me-not, which will soon create a whole carpet of pretty flowers by self-sowing.


It is rather difficult to choose from annuals, since there are not so many lovers of shady places.

Balsam- copes with partial shade, but suffers from a lack of flowering in full shade.

fragrant tobacco- excellent and sufficient beautiful plant, which can be planted in diffused sunlight in a young garden.

Begonia evergreen- suitable for shaded flower beds and single plantings.


Almost all bulbs love sunlight, but there are some exceptions that thrive in minimal light.

Most of the small-bulbous ones, the flowering of which begins in early spring, can grow in the shade of the garden or shrubs. These are crocuses, blueberries, white flowers, snowdrops.

Daffodils, which still bloom brightly and do not change the vertical position of the stem, are positive for the shade in the garden.

All this applies to flowers and ornamental plants, for which now there is no need to look for some special place on suburban area. Hostas, ferns, periwinkles - in the shade and partial shade, they will easily grow and show the expected result.

What vegetables can be grown in the shade?

Shade-tolerant vegetables and other garden crops are available, and almost half of them are in the country. That is, you will not have any problems with growing food if you find them a small area between shrubs or in the partial shade of the garden.

In addition, there is always the problem of placing light-loving plants, which need to be in the sun for at least 5-7 hours daily. As an example, we can cite the most popular tomatoes in the country (although there are enough such plants). So, if there is no place for all light-loving plants in the country house, you can always use the materials of our site and arrange tall gardens in several tiers, come up with special designs from pipes or boxes, plant tomatoes in containers and pots, for example, creating a “heavy flower garden” on a trellis in this way.

If there is enough space for such plants or you have already mastered their placement, we still have many plants that can be planted in the shade.

By the way, to this issue it is better to approach from the other side - when calculating the planting of light-loving plants, start from shade-tolerant ones and, placing them in suitable places, clog the remaining sunny areas with light-loving ones!

So, vegetables that grow in the shade. With proper agricultural practices, these crops can be expected to produce a good harvest even with minimal solar lighting. Here is a short list of what you won’t have to look for a place for a long time on the territory of the dacha - beets and beans, lettuce, cauliflower and broccoli, onion, parsley, garlic and many more.

Garden crops in the shade (according to summer residents)

Regarding the following list ... it is not advisory, but purely conditional, since we have chosen the opinions of summer residents in it, talking about the possibility of growing certain horticultural crops in places with a lack of sunlight. Here are just a few of the most interesting ones:

  • Sorrel and garlic do an excellent job with full shading. Sometimes in such zones you can also harvest a good crop of carrots, but this crop is still better to be in the sun sometimes. In addition, upright beans, peas can also be grown in the shade of trees, often even cucumber plantings can be seen here;
  • In regions with hot summers, tomatoes grow well in partial shade. Of course, they need sunlight, but not always its overabundance is beneficial for tomatoes. In the shade of a young or even old garden, you can grow the entire line of green salads;
  • Red currants grow in the shade of a tall hedge. The lack of sun affects the speed of ripening, but not the quality of the crop. Horseradish grows nearby, a little further away, in partial shade - rhubarb, Chinese cabbage, zucchini ... everything gives a normal harvest, if you take care of it.

These opinions from summer residents from different regions, and therefore it can be seen that, depending on the climate, plants can relate differently to the shade and the sun.

Svetlana Yurievna Shapkina
Light-loving and shade-tolerant plants. Lesson on ecology in the preparatory group


"Light-loving and shade-tolerant plants"


Program content: expand children's knowledge of what light- the main condition of life plants. Clarify and expand knowledge of common and characteristic features light-loving and shade-tolerant plants . Form a generalized concept: sun-loving and shade-tolerant plants. Continue to teach to see the connection between living conditions and appearance. Strengthen the ability to care for plants and determine their place in relation to light. to develop mental activity of children, to promote emotional self-expression. Cultivate a keen interest and love for indoor plants.

move lessons: enter into children's dictionary the words: light-loving. shade-tolerant. I will invite the children to walk along the paths of our garden, admire plants. focus on wealth plants, a variety of forms of leaves and stems. the beauty and freshness of greenery, the brightness of the first flowers. Then I will offer to sit comfortably on the chairs and listen to one "story - a true story."

- "He lived - was on light plant lover and connoisseur - gardener. Once a gardener came up with a wonderful thought: create for kids evergreen blooming garden. He planted hundreds shade-tolerant indoor plants and took care of them lovingly. How long, how short, the work was done, but now the garden has grown and blossomed. Autumn passed, winter came, spring came. And then the gardener, having come one day to the garden, noticed that something was wrong with his loved ones. plants. At the far wall, some of them suddenly began to lose the beautiful color of the leaves, the stems stretched out, turned yellow, and attractiveness disappeared. Yes, there are windows plants with unhealthy signs: formed on the leaves brown spots, yellowness, dried flowers. The gardener was frightened for the life of his "green friends" and began to treat them with zeal, gave them medicines, applied fertilizers, regularly watered and loosened, but they did not get better. And then he decided to try to change plants in places: those who fell ill at the far wall, he planted against the far wall. Day, another, and a friend saw the gardener that things were on the mend, plants come to life, and some even released buds and bloomed. And again beauty and well-being reigned in the garden.

Guys! Which of the main conditions do you think affected health the most? plants? (light) .

Why did you get sick plants on the far wall? what happened with plants by the window? To summarize, it turns out that it constantly follows remember: in relation to quantity light indoor plants are divided into light-loving and shade-tolerant(the first ones love a lot Sveta, the second is just as good grow in both shade and partial shade).

light-loving plants differ in their characteristics from shade-tolerant plants.

Today I will teach you to distinguish. Then we will be able to help the gardener to position correctly and we can even compile a gardener's book in which we will place our advice. (I show the "Gardener's Book", examine it).

Then I invite the children to come to shade-tolerant group(clivia, sansevera, aspidistra). What do you guys think this is plants, light-loving or shade-tolerant? (shade-tolerant) . And why do you think? What color are these leaves? plants? (dark green). I suggest you try the leaves to the touch. I ask what are they? (dense, leathery). As a result, I will summarize all the characteristic features shade-tolerant plants: all these rooms plants can grow successfully in dark places, and most of them feel bad when they stand on a bright light. leaves at shade-tolerant plants have a closely - green color, more dense and leathery. I suggest finding it in the central flowerbed shade tolerant plants. I will try to find out in children what signs plants suggest it.

then I will turn my attention to another plant group(pelargonium, geranium, chlorophytum, spotted begonia, coleus, netcreasea, genura, balsam).

What can you say about the color of the leaves? (all plants consider and name the color of the leaves). I will summarize the answers children: all light-loving plants differ from shade-tolerant plants in leaf color. They love to have light- green color of leaves, or motley, bright.

I will propose to find light-loving plants in nearby flower beds and prove that they really love light.

I will draw the attention of children to the "sun" and "cloud" decorating the garden. Let's consider them. I ask why it's a cloudy day? What do the guys want to do when it's bright the sun shines? (play).

Let's play with the sun. The kids are talking the words: "Sun, sun, shine, play with our guys." And "clouds" and "suns" will fly into their hands (Handout). Children examine them, and then play in didactic game"Sun and Cloud" (Children find on the card plants in the flowerbed and with the help of the "sun" and "clouds" they show knowledge about).

On the last card I will show a ficus. children will find him and determine his attitude to light. Next, I will talk about the ficus. Ficus is native to India. evergreen plant of the tropics. In the jungle, the ficus reaches a height of 30 m, and the leaf is up to 1 m long. Ficus is very useful plant for humans. It gives rubber, hence it is called the rubber tree. The ancient Indians made ficus resin ("tears of a tree") balls and play with them. And our ficus beautifully decorates the garden.

To sum up, the guys have perfectly learned to identify light-loving and shade-tolerant plants. Now you can take up the design of the "gardener's book". I will say that since everyone knows how to draw, then we will compile a book from drawings, only in the drawings we will definitely note light loving plants"sunshine" shade-tolerant -"cloud".

I will offer the children to take an easel and everything necessary for drawing. In the process of work, I will individually consolidate the knowledge of children about light-loving and shade-tolerant plants. To the music of the Waltz of the Flowers, the children solemnly carry their drawings to the book (if the paints are dry, they put them directly in the "gardener's book", if not, then next to the border). Then we examine the drawings with the children, thank you for their diligence and work, for helping the gardener. I encourage children to check group whether they are correctly positioned plants in relation to light.

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In this section, I want to tell you about the important role played by plant lighting how seriously it is necessary to pick them up in apartments, houses and how important it is that the plant is on the side of the world that it needs.

A huge mistake is that a person chooses a plant that he likes. At the same time, he does not think that the conditions of detention in his apartment may not be suitable for the plant: temperature regime, air humidity, lighting.

Therefore, when you choose a plant in a store, check what conditions are needed for it.

Let's get back to lighting. First of all, let's figure out on which side of the world and at what time the sun appears, and also on which side it does not appear at all.

East- the sun appears from dawn and leaves at 12-12.30.
South- the sun appears at 13.30 - 14 and leaves at 16-16.30.
West- the sun appears at 16.30 and before sunset.
North- the sun does not appear during the day and only half an hour before sunset you can observe the sun.

Of course, the houses are located in different ways and, accordingly, the arrangement of windows changes. The result is not a pure east, south, etc. , and the windows face southwest, southeast, northwest, northeast. When choosing plants, even this factor plays an important role.

Each group of plants needs specific lighting. There are sun-loving, light-loving, shade-tolerant and shade-loving plants.

Sleep-loving- these are plants of semi-deserts and arid regions, as well as those plants that grow in the uppermost tier of tropical and subtropical forests.

Light-loving plants prefer bright diffused light with indirect direct hit sun rays. These rays are not scorching, they scatter through the first upper tier forests. Light-loving plants form the second tier of forests.

shade-tolerant plants and shade-loving- this is the lower tier, which is covered with the shade of trees and shrubs of the upper and middle tiers. Shade-tolerant plants can still get rare rays of the sun through the foliage of trees, and shade-loving plants most often remain without sun, in the shade.

But do not forget that this lighting refers specifically to natural conditions. AT room conditions plants receive less light than in open space.

Directly on the windowsill, the illumination is 75-80% of the illumination outside the window, at a distance of 1 meter from the window, it falls by half, and at a distance of 2 meters, the illumination is only 15-20%.

For any shade-tolerant and shade-loving plant, 15-20% of the lighting outside the window is not enough for normal development, this is already deep shadow where plants need to be given additional lighting.

You must remember that shade-tolerant and shade-loving plants- these are not the plants that grow in a dark corridor, indoors, but those plants that need light shading, and these plants easily put up with artificial lighting, which is turned on at 7-8 o'clock in the morning and turned off at 20 - 21 in the evening.

I want to give a table of sun-loving, light-loving and shade-loving plants. I think this table will help you in placing plants in an apartment, office, house.

sun-loving Light-loving Shade-loving
Agave Abutilon Aglaonema
adenium Maidenhair Maidenhair
Aloe A pineapple Alocasia
Cautuses Anthurium Asparagus
Baban Araucaria Begonia
Beaucarney Ardisia bilbergia
Washingtonia Asparagus vriesia
Gemanthus Aphelandra Ginura
Hippeastrum Balsam Hypoestes
Datura Begonia Guzmania
dendrobium Gardenia Disigoteka
Garnet Ginura dieffenbachia
Zamioculcas Hypocitra Dracaena (with dark leaves)
Jasmine Gloriosa Zebrina
Citrus Hydrangea Calathea
Kalanchoe Datura sour
Karyota Disigoteka Cordelina
Clivia Dracaena Ktenante
Croton Zantedeschia arrowroot
Coconut Schlumbergera Ludisia
Coffee Ripsalidopsis Monstera
Liviston Jasmine Ivy (with dark leaves)
Medinilla Citrus Saintpaulia
Spurge Calceolaria Syngonium
Likuala sour Stromanta
Oleander Coleus Scindapsus
Passionflower Cordelina Tradescantia
rapis Coffee Philodendron
Hibiscus Medinilla cissus
Sansevieria Monstera Sansevieria
Rose Muraya
Strelitzia Oleander
Crassula Nightshade
Canarian date Passionflower
Hoya Reo
Yucca rapis

Some plants are repeated in different columns, for example, the monstera can be in a bright location, but it also feels great in light shade.

Sun-loving plants that are located on the southern, southeastern, southwestern sides must be shaded from the scorching rays of the midday sun in the spring and summer.

Light shading is necessary from the beginning of March - it is in March that very active scorching rays of the sun appear more often after winter cloudy days and plants can get sunburned.

An important role is played by the length of daylight hours. For example, tropical plants natural conditions receive 12 hours of daylight throughout the year. In our climatic conditions in winter period daylight hours are 7.5-8 hours.

Therefore, in the autumn-winter period, tropical plants need additional lighting.

Subtropical plants calmly relate to a short daylight hours, but at the same time they should be in cool conditions of +8 +12C. If there are no cool conditions, in warm conditions subtropical plants continue to grow, the shoots stretch out, become thin, the leaves become smaller, cacti stretch out - the plants are deformed.

Subtropical plants - for cool winter gardens. In that situation, if subtropical plants are in a warm room, they also need additional lighting up to 12-13 hours.

An excess of daylight hours (more than 15-16 hours) also leads to a disruption in the development of plants - the shoots are elongated, the leaf plasites become smaller, become thin, brittle.

All biochemical processes are disturbed. An excess of daylight hours is a damaging factor, disrupting the normal development of the plant.

The length of the daylight hours affects the flowering of plants. Some plants lay buds with a decrease in daylight hours and bloom in winter. These are azaleas, gardenias, flowering Kalanchoe, poinsettia, cyclamen, Schlumbergera.

If the above plants grow in a room where the light is on for more than 11 hours, the budding will not occur.

Sincerely, Maya.

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Light is the main, vital factor that determines the development of plants. It is a component of photosynthesis - with the help of chlorophyll (a pigment contained in the green part of plants), the energy of the beam is converted into growth energy.

The ratio of plants from different climatic zones different to the world. Types of open habitats of the tropics and subtropics require very high illumination, do not tolerate the slightest shading. For example succulents, cacti, many palms, some bromeliads, orchids). Plants of the lower tiers of humid tropical and subtropical forests (many arrowroot, aroid, ferns, begonias) in culture need more or less strong shading from direct sunlight.

Depending on the light consumption, all plants are divided into 3 groups:

- neutral,

- plants long day,

- short day plants.

neutral plants start to bloom if they receive enough light for a long period of time (fairly bright light for 8 hours, and even better 12-16 hours). Depending on the species, neutral plants require different amount Sveta. Example: begonia, abutilon, asparagus.

Long day plants only when the ovary is formed and flowers appear, when for several weeks they receive the so-called minimum light per day, the value of which is not the same for different plants and is approximately from 13 to 15 hours. If the plant does not receive its daily minimum, then it does not bloom. The nature of the lighting (natural or artificial) does not matter. Illumination should not be excessive. Example: gloxinia, saintpaulia, calceolaria, coleus, cineraria, primrose, bellflower, balsam, epiphyllum, pelargonium, stephanotis.

Plants with a short day ovary and flowers appear only if within a few weeks (usually 8-10) they receive a strictly defined amount of light. Usually they need 12, 13 or 14 hours. Although in winter the amount of light is small, nevertheless it is quite enough for short-day plants. Example: zygocactus, tradescantia, kalanchoe, azaleas, large-flowered begonias, poinsettia.

The effects of light exposure (phototropism) can be observed in almost any plant - it reaches for the light. But we should not think that if we constantly rearrange the plant closer to the light, then we are doing it a favor. If stronger plants with decorative leaves positively react to light, then for flowering plants that are more sensitive to light, the consequences of the rearrangement can be detrimental. Azalea, camellia, "Decembrist", gardenia are known for the fact that when changing the angle of incidence of light, buds and sometimes leaves are immediately shed. Therefore, the pots of these sensitive plants must be "light-marked" as with a felt-tip pen or marker (or just stick a strip) a strip is placed on the side of the pot facing the light. It helps with the temporary taking of plants from the windowsill, then put it exactly as it stood.

As a rule, in the vast majority of cases, flowers are on the window. But windows are different.

If your window looks out north, northeast or northwest, then near it you can put a plant that does not particularly need light. West side considered very warm. Suitable for light sensitive plants southwestern side, in other cases, the plant must be darkened. With no blinds South side dangerous even for cacti. Plants can withstand very dry air and rapid evaporation of moisture only in winter. This side without shading is the least suitable for indoor plants. East side favorable no less western, but on the northeast side, only shade-loving plants can grow well.

When placing plants a little further from the window or in the room, it should be borne in mind that the amount of light entering the room decreases sharply with distance from the window. Even a simple curtain "eats" more light than we think. Even the dust accumulating on the leaves prevents the access of light, so the plants need to be washed regularly, and the pubescent leaves should be cleaned with a soft brush. By the way, the cleanliness of windows also plays an important role - clean windows increase illumination by 10%. close to window glass the illumination is about 80% of the illumination outside the window, at a distance of only 1 m it drops to 50, at 3 m from the window it is only 3-5%. The amount of light plant needs for its normal development (growth, flowering, fruiting), is determined by the illumination, measured in lux, and the duration of illumination (length of the day). A light meter is used to measure illumination. On cloudy days autumn days illumination on outdoors is approximately 1000 lux. Some shade-tolerant plants (aspidistra, rhombic cissus, asparagus, aloe, bilbergia, chlorophytum) are satisfied with this in winter time. The winter minimum light is 500 lux. Experts unanimously believe that shade-loving plants need at least 1000 lux, and for light-loving and flowering plants this figure increases to 5000 lux (for example, Aphelandra, Sanchetia, Beloperone, Abutilon, Bellflower, Ceropegia, cacti). Flowering plants and many variegated species need more light, so when placing plants indoors, you must first take into account their need for light. However, it should be remembered that in the spring and summer, many plants on the southern windows suffer from overheating by the sun's rays through the glass. Under the influence of direct sunlight, their leaves brighten and burn out, there may be burns - brown marks or thin and papery areas - this is a common problem for plants located on too sunny place if they are not adapted to such conditions. Most often, such problems arise if you leave drops of water on the leaves illuminated by the bright sun (water acts as a magnifying glass) or if you hold the plant near patterned glasses that collect rays. Therefore, in summer, most of the plants located on the southern windows need light shading with paper or a transparent curtain.

Spring and summer are the most favorable for plants. At this time, with an abundance of light, a long day, plants rapidly accumulate organic matter, shoots, leaves develop more rapidly, root system. Many plants bloom at this time, while others form flower buds for autumn-winter flowering. in spring and summer days the amount of organic substances formed in the plant during photosynthesis significantly exceeds their consumption for respiration. With a decrease in the level of photosynthesis in the short autumn-winter days, organic matter is barely enough for breathing, growth stops. In the most dark days at an extremely low level of photosynthesis, plants are forced to expend on respiration the reserves of organic substances accumulated in leaves and roots.
Among indoor plants, there is a large group of shade-tolerant species that can exist for quite a long time in low light conditions (below 500 lux) without losing their decorative qualities. These include many aroid (aglaonema, dieffenbachia, monstera, syngonium), ivy, dracaena, fatsia, ficus, sansevieria. AT dark rooms Plants with a well-developed root system should be used. Large, strong specimens are much more stable in conditions of lack of light, since with a low level of photosynthesis they can use reserves for some time. nutrients accumulated in the roots.

Artificial lighting (lighting)

To create more favorable conditions for keeping plants in poorly lit places in winter, it is recommended to use artificial lighting. Under conditions of short daylight hours from November to the end of February, plants are illuminated additionally for 10-12 hours. In this case, the illumination should be at least 500-800 lux. In rooms without daylight artificial lighting should be 1000 lux for shade-tolerant plants and at least 5000 lux for flowering plants and cacti. The duration of illumination is set depending on the species of the plant. For artificial lighting it is recommended to use fluorescent lamps - they are more economical and emit less heat. Moreover, now they produce special "flower" lamps from Philips, Osram, Hagen. They need to be placed based on power - for example, if lamps with a power of 40 W are taken, then at least 6 pieces must be placed per 1 sq.m. You need to hang the lamps at a height of 25-30 cm for ornamental flowering and 30-60 for ornamental plants.

Light-loving trees and shrubs

  • Scotch pine;
  • Poplar trembling (aspen) and other poplars;
  • Birch drooping;
  • Siberian larch;
  • Common ash;
  • Acacia white;
  • Juniper Cossack;
  • Juniper high;

Shade tolerant trees and shrubs

  • Yew berry;
  • Norway spruce and other spruces;
  • Siberian Fir and White Fir;
  • Linden heart-shaped and Linden large-leaved;
  • Common hornbeam;
  • European beech;
  • Common lilac;
  • Boxwood evergreen.

How to determine the light-loving nature of a tree

Most reliable way- refer to the dendrological reference book. In addition, there are signs that with great accuracy allow you to determine the requirements of a tree for illumination.

Signs of photophilous plants

  • leaves live only on relatively young shoots (up to 3 years);
  • the crown is not very dense, the leaves are relatively light shades;
  • in the forest and simply with group growth, the lower shoots die off early;
  • single trees develop noticeably better than trees growing in groups form powerful trunks and a large crown.

Signs of shade-tolerant plants

  • dense crown;
  • dense leaves of dark green color;
  • leaves can live on old, long-lignified shoots;
  • in the forest and in group growth, the lower shoots die off slowly or do not die at all. Trunks are cleared of dried branches slowly.

Changing lighting requirements over the life cycle

A plant's need for sunlight is not constant. Seedlings of trees are undemanding to light, since their nutrition is largely due to the supply of substances in the seeds. As the plant grows and develops, the need for light increases and reaches a maximum in mature trees that bloom and bear fruit intensively.

Change in light requirements depending on temperature, humidity and nutrient availability

With an increase in temperature (up to a certain level), the intensity of photosynthesis and oxidation increases. Since photosynthesis requires light, the need for light also increases. In low light and high temperature plants try to "reach out" to the sun, forming long thin shoots and leaves.

The same can be said about humidity. Company specialists for landscape design consider that water is also necessary for photosynthesis: therefore, as soil moisture increases to the optimum, the need for light increases. At excess moisture and insufficient lighting, the growth of trees slows down, and their resistance to infectious diseases decreases.

Macro- and microelements that plants receive as part of mineral salts do not directly participate in photosynthesis, but are part of enzymes and structural proteins. At the same time, plants react differently to fertilization in low light conditions.

The increased content of potassium and phosphorus with a lack of light does not have a significant effect on plants.

With an improvement in the availability of microelements, even in conditions of lack of light, trees grow better. This is due to the fact that trace elements play an important role in the formation of enzymes, and when they are introduced, the plant uses the “light potential” more efficiently. Foliar fertilizing with manganese is especially good, the effectiveness of which has been repeatedly proven by relevant studies.

How to provide plants with light

We can't increase the intensity solar radiation. For trees on adjoining area we cannot even increase the length of daylight hours, since their artificial lighting in the evening would require huge and senseless expenses. The only way providing our trees with light is a sensible and careful approach to their placement. To do this, it is necessary to correctly draw up a project for landscaping the site.

  • relief of the site;
  • the location of buildings, already growing trees and other elements that can shade plants;
  • the need of each tree for lighting, its shade tolerance;
  • tree growth rate different types;
  • estimated height and crown area of ​​each tree.


An important role in the life of plants is played by the length of day and night. Plants react in a certain way to changes in the length of daylight hours - in this way they "prepare" for the onset or end of winter. These reactions are called photoperiodism.

Features of photoperiodic reactions of plants should be taken into account when atypical for this climate zone. For example, typical plant short daylight hours, white locust when grown in Leningrad region will not stop growing with the onset of autumn and is likely to be severely affected during the first frost.