Clerodendrum bunge planting cuttings in the open field. What are Schmidt's clerodendrum and other types of this plant? Clerodendrum Philippine or Fragrant or Chinese Clerodendrum Fragrans = Clerodendrum philippinum = Clerodendrum chinense

Clerodendrum belongs to the Verbena family and is a perennial woody vine or lush shrub.

Under natural conditions, it grows in Asia, Africa and Latin America, and belongs to tropical plants.

Clerodendrum among the people received many other names that sound very poetic: "bride's veil", "innocent love", "blue butterfly" or "tree of fate".

The flower has been cultivated for quite a long time, but among the flower growers of our country it is not very common.

Persistent interest in this culture has appeared quite recently, but flower shops have picked up this wave of popularity and are ready to please lovers with a variety of varieties.


Clerodendrum is a representative of both evergreen and deciduous forms.

Clerodendrum brilliant

Refers to evergreen shrubs with long curly stems. The leaves are opposite or form whorls of three.

The leaf has an oval shape with wavy edges, reaching a length of eight centimeters and a width of six. Peduncles on short legs, grow in the axils of the leaves.

The flowers are scarlet-red and collected in racemose inflorescences. One of the few plants that can bloom throughout the active period, if you create comfortable, close to ideal conditions for it.

Wallich's Clerodendrum ("Prospero", "Bride's Veil", "Cleopatra's Tears")

Miniature, but very capricious shrub. The branches are flexible, covered with a thin bark of red-green color. Along the entire length are large oval leaves of dark green color.

Flower stalks with white large buds bloom among the leaves. Requires good lighting, long daylight hours and high humidity.

Clerodendrum Philippine

Rarely found in the collections of domestic flower growers. It strikes with a bright aroma in which you can catch the aroma of vanilla with jasmine notes, which becomes more saturated by the evening.

Peduncles are long, with a large number of buds, similar to miniature roses and forming corymbose inflorescences resembling a bouquet.

The leaves of the plant are dark green, velvety, have a wide oval shape. Flowering can be seen on a biennial plant.

Clerodendrum bunge

A fast-growing member of the genus from China, like a firework of bright colors. Light oval-shaped leaves are collected in whorls. Peduncles are covered with small pink flowers, collected in spherical inflorescences. A species that pleases us with flowering from June to August.

Clerodendrum speciosum (most beautiful)

It is a chic evergreen bush, reaching a height of three meters!

The shoots are strongly branched and have the shape of a tetrahedron. Large heart-shaped leaves, growing on petioles of a red hue, are covered with short soft villi.

Flowering is abundant and long, for three summer months. Purple flowers with a red corolla.

Clerodendrum Inerme (unarmed)

Refers to evergreen shrubs, covered with leaves of emerald color and oval shape, the central vein on the leaf is convex. The flowers are white miniature, very decorative, the stamens are long purple.

Clerodendrum Inerme variegated

The carrier of light green spots on the leaves, creating a pattern similar to marble.

Clerodendrum Schmidt

Refers to shrubs. The shoots are dense, the leaves are bright green, oval, wavy along the edge. Peduncles drooping, bear snow-white buds, collected in racemose inflorescences, with a charming sweet aroma.

Cultivation and care

Reproduction methods

Clerodendrum reproduce in two ways:

  1. seeds,
  2. cuttings.



Clerodendrum reaches a decent size, even in cramped pot conditions. Therefore, pruning of long branches and giving the necessary decorative form is practiced annually: a tree, liana or shrub.

Handles pruning well. Pruning is carried out in the spring, after a dormant period. Cut cuttings are used for propagation, and new shoots and flowers grow on the remaining branches.

Old branches are cut off by a third, if new shoots have already formed, then you can pinch their growth point so that the plant begins to branch.

Diseases and pests

Despite the high immunity to various diseases, the clerodendrum occasionally gets sick if its conditions are far from ideal.

Among the pests that infect the flower, one should highlight spider mites and whiteflies that appear when there is insufficient air humidity.

If you notice that your flower has been attacked by pests, you need to treat it with an insecticide as soon as possible!

Treatment is carried out according to the instructions, at intervals of about a week.

The main attack is fungal diseases arising from too abundant watering and lack of a drainage layer.

In addition, there are problems associated with cultivation errors.

  1. leaves wither and turn yellow- it is necessary to water the flower more often;
  2. brown spots appeared on the leaves- the flower is too close to direct sunlight, and got burned;
  3. the edges of the leaves dry up and over time, the leaves and flowers fall off - it is urgently necessary to increase the humidity of the air;
  4. too long internodes, and the shoots are poorly covered with leaves - an increase in daylight hours and the amount of sunlight is necessary;
  5. does not produce flower stalks in spring- you could not provide him with a “cool” dormant period and neglected fertilizers (or, conversely, overfed with nitrogen).

, » Clerodendrum bungei - Clerodendrum bungei

Clerodendrum Bunge - Clerodendrum bungei

Homeland - China.

Verbena family.

Clerodendrum Bunge (lat. Clerodendrum bungei) - refers to fast-growing vines. Heart-shaped dark green leaves turn purple in sunlight. It blooms in summer with bright crimson buds that form at the tips of young shoots. Blooming flowers at Clerodendrum Bunge change their color to pale pink. can reach up to sixteen centimeters in diameter and in appearance resemble a salute salute, the effect of which is enhanced by long stamens. It begins to bloom two to three months after the spring transplant. In winter, with a lack of light, it can drop leaves.

Features of care

Location - Clerodendrum Bunge is well suited to the east or west sides.

Temperature - summer comfortable 25-30 ° C, during the rest period in winter not lower than 16 ° C.

Watering - moderate, does not like stagnant water. In winter, reduce to one or two times so that the soil does not dry out.

Humidity - frequent spraying is a good protection against yellowing and burning of leaves.

Top dressing - during the period of active growth, it is good to alternate complex mineral fertilizers with organic ones.

Transplantation - with the beginning of spring, every year they are transplanted into a new container with a slight increase in its volume.

Pruning - to give a compact shape at Clerodendrum Bunge, the shoots are cut in half. It also promotes abundant flowering.

The photo of any clerodendrum is simply mesmerizing - these plants are strewn with flowers that look like butterflies - it seems that light-winged moths sat down to rest for a while on graceful bushes. Clerodendrums are unpretentious flowers that can often be found in the collection of lovers. Thanks to the many types of clerodendrum, which have original flowers of various colors, the collections of these plants will not look boring and monotonous. This article is all about caring for indoor flower clerodendrum, an overview of varietal varieties, methods of reproduction.

Botanical reference

Clerodendrums are charming shrubs or small trees that naturally grow in tropical and subtropical regions of India, Africa and America. The highest plant height rarely exceeds 3 meters. The Greeks believed that this plant is the tree of fate.

Botanists ranked the genus in the Verbena family; according to the new classification, the clerodendrums belong to the Lamiaceae family.

The leaves of graceful plants have an elongated shape, green color of the leaf blade, pronounced venation and slight pubescence.

Clerodendrum flowers have a different structure, a varied palette of colors, but almost all varieties of ampelous species can boast long intricately curved stamens that make the flowers look like exotic butterflies. Bush varieties bloom in small flowers, collected in an umbrella-shaped or hemispherical inflorescence. In climbing clerodendrum, the inflorescences resemble a loose brush.

When grown in room culture, the height of clerodendrums rarely exceeds 1 m, they are usually formed by pruning, achieving the original shape of the bush.

Species and varieties

What types of clerodendrums can be added to the flower collection? It is worth noting that among these plants it is impossible to single out the most attractive ones - absolutely all clerodendrums are worthy of growing indoors as the most elegant and graceful indoor flowers.

This plant is more often than others can be found in the collections of flower lovers. Thompson's Clerodendrum blooms in charming racemose inflorescences, consisting of white swollen lantern-shaped bracts and graceful red flowers emerging from the center of the bract. Five-petalled flowers of rich bloody color have graceful stamens, beautifully bent upwards.

The oval-shaped leaves with a pointed tip have pronounced deep folds and textured veins. There are varieties with green or variegated leaves. Variegation can be not only white, cream, but also pink-purple in color. The stem has a liana shape, the flowers can be used for vertical gardening.

Liana flowering begins in early spring, can last until autumn, while real flowers fade quickly, and bracts stay on the branches for a long time, changing color from white to pink over time. Sometimes small orange fruits are tied, inside which one large seed ripens - Thompson's clerodendrum is easily bred from seeds.

For successful cultivation of a crop, the following rules must be observed:

  • The lighting is bright, the window sills of the western and eastern windows are ideal for the plant. On the windows of the southern orientation, the Thompson's clerodendrum must be shaded, on the northern ones - illuminated.
  • Temperature varies between summer and winter. In summer, the plant needs to be maintained at 18–24 ° C. Closer to autumn, preparing for wintering, the vine sheds some of the leaves. During the dormant period, the plant is transferred to a cool, bright room, where the temperature is maintained at 14–16 ° C.
  • Watering - in summer, Thompson's clerodendrum is watered with warm, settled water, preventing the earthen clod from drying out, and in winter, watering is reduced to a minimum.
  • Top dressing - in early spring, the plant is fed with nitrogen fertilizer, this is useful to do during the period when new leaves grow. In summer, Thompson's clerodendrum needs to be fed only with potassium and phosphorus, microelements can be added as foliar top dressing.

  • Transplantation - young plants are transplanted every year in the spring, increasing the capacity, taking into account the regrown root mass. Adult plants can not be transplanted, leaving them in the same pot, but change 1/3 of the soil to a fresh substrate prepared from peat, coniferous soil, turf and sand, taken in equal proportions. The soil for planting should be slightly acidic. If it is difficult to prepare the soil mixture on your own, you can mix ready-made flower soil and soil for rhododendrons in a 3: 1 ratio.
  • Pruning - Clerodendrum can be pruned in early spring, shortening the shoots by 1/3. Pruning stimulates the appearance of new buds; if desired, you can cut any attractive shape from the vine. Young plants are not pruned, but only pinched off their tops.

Clerodendrum uganda

A charming plant full of tender charms - during flowering, all the branches of the plant are strewn with delicate lilac-blue flowers, for which the plant received the nickname "blue butterflies".

In nature, the Ugandan clerodendrum grows in the mountains of East Africa. Its thin liana-like shoots reach a height of 2.5 m, over time, from grassy, ​​they turn into stems covered with bark.

Leaves on short petioles are practically located on the stem, their shape is ovate-oval, wide. The edge of the leaves may be smooth or serrated.

Clerodendrum Uganda blooms for quite a long time, from mid-spring to mid-autumn. The shape of a small five-petal flower is very similar to the wings of a butterfly.

Plant care is as follows:

  • Lighting - bright sunlight does not scare this delicate plant, so you can place the Ugandan clerodendrum on the southern windows. The plant loves fresh air - for the summer the pots can be taken out to the balcony, loggia or placed in the garden.
  • Humidity - in the summer, the Ugandan clerodendrum requires daily moisture. Spraying can be done in the morning and evening, when the sun does not burn the leaves.
  • Temperature - the summer heat will not harm the plant, but during the dormant period the vine must be kept at a moderate temperature, otherwise flower buds will not form on the plant.
  • Soil - slightly acidic soils are the most suitable substrate for transplanting Ugandan clerodendrum. You can use ready-made mixtures based on peat for azaleas or begonias. Pots for planting adult plants require a large volume - the bush quickly grows the root system, so transplantation may be required 2 times a year.
  • Watering - plentiful in summer, rare in winter, sparing.
  • Pruning - annual, sometimes 2 times a year. Crown formation stimulates the emergence of new buds.

Other types of clerodendrum

Any kind of clerodendrum can be admired for hours, because nature has created these plants, taking into account all aesthetic requirements.

Wallich's Clerodendrum

During flowering, it looks like a snow-white fountain, its flowing brushes consist of creamy flowers with a bunch of intricate stamens. Leaves oblong-oval, few.

Philippine Clerodendrum (Scented Volcameria)

It has the form of an upright bush with wide, rounded leaves, tapering towards the top. White-pink simple or double flowers appear on the tops of the shoots, they form a dense corymb up to 20 cm in diameter. Delicate flowers emit a pleasant smell. The plant does not require special care, it is better to place it on the east side, shading from the burning rays of the sun.

The shape of the bush is similar to K. Philippine, but its inflorescences resemble lavender balls, consisting of small flowers.

Charming Clerodendrum brilliant has spectacular red flowers collected in a brush. Very bright plant, grows well and blooms in room culture.


In summer, aphids, thrips, scale insects or mites can attack klerodendrums. Plants that are grown in extreme heat without moisture are especially susceptible to attack by pests. To get rid of pests, it is necessary to treat plants with insecticides.

To prevent - in the summer to carry out daily water procedures for plants, to moisten the air around them.


Cuttings obtained when performing formative pruning are quite suitable for rooting. You can pre-hold them in water to form roots, and then plant them in separate pots with a loose substrate. It is allowed to plant prepared cuttings immediately into the ground, in this case it is useful to arrange a greenhouse for young seedlings.

Seeds ripen in fresh berries, which can be sown in a light soil mixture, lightly sprinkled with soil. Crops must be gently moistened through a spray bottle, after a few days the seeds will hatch, giving life to new charming plants.

plant description

Clerodendrum is a genus of evergreen or deciduous plants with branched shoots up to 4 m long. Lianas predominate among life forms, but trees and shrubs are also found. Stems are covered with smooth olive-green or reddish-brown skin. Petiolate simple leaves of dark green or emerald color are oppositely located on them. Heart-shaped, oval or ovoid foliage with solid or finely serrated edges grows 12-20 cm long. Depressions along the central and lateral veins are clearly visible on the surface.

On the tops of the shoots and in the leaf axils are corymbose or paniculate inflorescences, consisting of small, but very beautiful flowers. They grow on a long peduncle and resemble amazing bouquets. The bell-shaped cup is divided into 5 parts. Its diameter reaches 25 mm. This is followed by a smaller corolla of a contrasting shade, and a bunch of long (up to 3 cm), thin stamens peeps out of its center.

Flowering continues from mid-spring to early autumn. Bracts usually have a lighter or pure white color, and in the color of the petals it becomes pink, lilac or scarlet. Clerodendrum flowering is accompanied by a delicate pleasant aroma. It also comes from the leaves. Moreover, each type of plant has its own unique smell. Corollas fade much earlier than bracts.

After pollination, oblong fleshy fruits of an orange hue appear. Their length reaches 1 cm. A single seed is hidden inside.

Types of clerodendrum

In total, more than 300 varieties are registered in the genus, but not so many are used in indoor floriculture.

Clerodendrum Mrs. Thompson (Thompson). The most popular species is a deciduous woody vine with thin, smooth shoots. Dense foliage of dark green color grows up to 12 cm in length. The leaf plate swollen between the veins has an oval shape with a pointed end. In March-June, loose brushes on long peduncles rise above the vegetation. White, bell-like bracts surround scarlet small buds. Long white or cream-colored stamens peek out from the center. Outwardly, the flower is very similar to a moth with long antennae.

Clerodendrum Uganda. Evergreen liana grows shoots up to 2 m in length. They are covered with broadly lanceolate dark green leaves, between which loose panicles grow with bluish-purple small flowers. The stamens on these flowers are particularly long and blue in color. The lower petal is enlarged, it has a darker shade. The variety requires brighter lighting and abundant watering.

Clerodendrum brilliant. Evergreen shrub with long climbing stems. The leaves on it grow oppositely or in whorls of 3 pieces. The almost rounded leaf plate reaches 8 cm in length and 6 cm in width. The edges of the sheet are wavy, the base resembles a heart. From the axils of the foliage grow short peduncles with dense tassels of scarlet-red buds. In favorable conditions, it blooms all year round.

Clerodendrum Wallich (Prospero). Large dark green oval leaves grow on long flexible branches of a reddish-green hue. Their length is 5-8 cm. Large inflorescences with snow-white flowers bloom between them. The bush itself is quite compact, but capricious. He needs a long daylight hours and high humidity.

Philippine Clerodendrum. The variety, still rare for our country, is distinguished by an intense aroma of flowers, in which notes of vanilla and jasmine are mixed. By evening, the smell intensifies. A dense corymbose inflorescence blooms on a long peduncle. The buds look like tiny (up to 3 cm in diameter) roses. The width of one inflorescence reaches 20 cm, so it really resembles a bouquet. The shoots are covered with dark green velvety leaves of a wide oval shape. Flowering begins from the second year of life.

The Chinese species is growing especially fast. The plant grows light green broad oval leaves, which are collected in whorls. Beautiful spherical inflorescences of small pink buds bloom on the stems. From a distance, the flower looks like fireworks. Flowering continues all summer.

Clerodendrum speciosum (the most beautiful). Spreading bush up to 3 m high consists of branched tetrahedral shoots. This evergreen plant is covered with large, heart-shaped leaves with short, soft hair. They grow on reddish petioles. From June to September, purple inflorescences delight with a darker, lilac-red corolla.

Clerodendrum inerme (unarmed). An evergreen shrub with long vines covered with oval emerald leaves with a raised central vein. It produces white, moth-like flowers with long purple stamens. An interesting variety is inerme variegated. It is distinguished by lighter (light green) spots on the leaves, which create an exquisite marbled pattern.

Clerodendrum Schmidt. A shrub or small tree characterized by dense shoots and bright green oval leaves with a wavy edge. During the flowering period, many brushes are formed on drooping peduncles. They bear white flowers. They exude a pleasant sweetish aroma.

Reproduction methods

Clerodendrum is equally well propagated by seeds and cuttings.

sowing seeds is usually practiced when it is not possible to get a cutting. Shallow boxes are used with a mixture of sandy-peat soil with soddy soil. It is better to do this at the end of winter. The container is covered with foil and left in a warm room with good lighting. Condensation should be removed daily and the soil should be sprayed. Before the appearance of the first shoots, 1.5-2 months will pass. When the seedlings grow 4 leaves, they pick in separate pots. Usually 1-3 plants are placed in a pot with a diameter of 6-11 cm. After adaptation, the seedlings will quickly start growing.

If you managed to get a stalk of a clerodendrum with 2-3 nodes, then it is first placed in water with the addition of activated charcoal. Cuttings develop best during March-July. With the advent of small white roots, the plants are moved to small pots. At first, they are covered with a plastic bottle or jar. After adaptation, they are transshipped into larger containers. To get branched bushes, the sprouts should be pinched several times.

Care Secrets

At home, the main difficulty in caring for clerodendrum is to create comfortable conditions that are close to natural.

Lighting. The plant loves bright diffused light for 12-14 hours daily. It can be placed in the depths of the southern room or on the eastern (western) windowsill. In the afternoon hours, shading is required. On the north window, the clerodendrum will not have enough light and will have to use phytolamps. Can't wait for flowers without her.

Temperature. Clerodendrum refers to plants with a pronounced dormant period. From April to November, the optimum air temperature for it is + 20 ... + 25 ° C. On too hot days, you need to ventilate the room more often or expose the flower to the open air, but protect it from drafts. In winter, it is necessary to provide the plant with a cool content (about + 15 ° C).

Humidity. High humidity is vital for the plant. It should be sprayed several times a day, bathed regularly and wiped with a damp cloth. For water procedures, well-purified, settled water is used so that ugly stains do not appear on the leaves. In winter, the klerodendrum should be placed as far as possible from heating appliances.

Watering. Houseplants need regular but moderate watering. At a time, a small portion of soft water at room temperature is poured into the soil. In spring and summer, only the top layer of soil should dry out. In winter, the earth is allowed to dry out by half, but no more.

Fertilizer. Clerodendrums are fertilized from March until the end of flowering three times a month. A solution of a mineral complex fertilizer intended for flowering plants is poured into the soil.

Transfer. The root system of the clerodendrum is quite fragile, so transplantation is carried out by transshipment. For the core rhizome, a deep pot is needed. At the bottom, there is a 4-5 cm drainage layer of fragments of red brick, pebbles or expanded clay. The soil is made up of:

  • sheet soil;
  • clay soil;
  • river sand;
  • peat.

Pruning. Even in room conditions, the plant can reach an impressive size. Fortunately, it tolerates pruning well and can take any shape (bush, tree or flexible vine). In the spring, cut to a third of the length of the stems and pinch the tips of the sprouts. The benefit of pruning is also that the flowers bloom on young shoots. The resulting material is convenient to use for cuttings.

Possible difficulties

Clerodendrum has excellent immunity and extremely rarely, with prolonged improper care, suffers from fungal diseases. Other illnesses are not terrible for him.

Sometimes the appearance of the clerodendrum becomes unsatisfactory due to care errors:

  • the leaves turned yellow and withered - insufficient watering;
  • brownish spots on the foliage - sunburn;
  • the leaves dry from the edge and fall off along with the buds - the air is too dry;
  • the internodes are too long, and the shoots are bare - lack of lighting.

Sometimes flower growers cannot wait for fragrant buds on the clerodendrum for a long time. The lack of flowering is usually associated with an improperly organized dormant period (warm wintering). Also, a lack of fertilizers or an excess of nitrogenous top dressings can become a problem. You just need to transplant the flower into the right soil, and keep it at a temperature of + 12 ... + 15 ° C for several months in winter, and the first buds will be noticeable already in early spring.

General information about the Clerodendrum plant

The flower has been cultivated for quite a long time, but among the flower growers of our country it is not very common.

Persistent interest in this culture has appeared quite recently, but flower shops have picked up this wave of popularity and are ready to please lovers of exotic flowers with a variety of varieties.


Clerodendrum is a representative of both evergreen and deciduous forms.

stems. Its long stems are very branched and reach four meters in length. Depending on the species, it may have liana-like stems, or be a tree or shrub.

Bark. The thin, smooth bark of the stems is olive green or reddish brown. Along the entire length, opposite leaves are located on short petioles, painted in dark green or emerald colors.

Leaves. The shape of the leaves resembles a heart, oval or egg, with carved edges. In length, the leaves grow up to twenty centimeters and have clearly visible depressions along the veins.

Flowers, resembling bells in shape, are collected in inflorescences-panicles or corymbs, located in the axils of the leaves or crown the shoot. The flowers are complex in shape and have two corollas: the first is up to twenty-five millimeters in diameter, and the second is slightly smaller and always of a contrasting color. In the center of the corolla are long thin stamens.

Bloom. The tree of fate blooms beautifully and for a long time, from April to August, exuding a delicate pleasant aroma that comes not only from flowers, but also from leaves. Each type of clerodendrum has an individual, distinct aroma.

Pollination. The plant belongs to pollinated species and, after fertilization, a fleshy orange berry ripens, up to 1 centimeter in diameter, with a single seed.

Types of clerodendrum

In the natural habitat, there are more than four hundred plant species, only a few of which are cultivated in indoor floriculture.

Clerodendrum Mrs. Thompson

This is the most popular species among flower growers.

It is a deciduous woody vine with thin, smooth shoots. The leaves are compacted, dark green in color, oval in shape with a pointed end, reaching a length of twelve centimeters.

From March to June, the plant is wrapped in a cloud of flowers collected in loose racemose inflorescences on long stems.

Bell-shaped white bracts favorably set off small scarlet buds, releasing white or cream-colored stamens from the core. From the outside, it can easily be confused with an exotic moth.

Clerodendrum uganda

Refers to evergreen vines that grow up to two meters in length. Along the entire length of the shoot are wide dark green leaves of a lanceolate shape.

In the axils of the leaves, flower stalks grow, collected in panicle inflorescences, with small flowers of a bluish-violet color. The petal below is taller and darker than the rest.

The stamens in the flowers of this variety are very long and have a blue color. Demanding on light and soil moisture.

Clerodendrum brilliant

Refers to evergreen shrubs with long curly stems. The leaves are opposite or form whorls of three.

The leaf has an oval shape with wavy edges, reaching a length of eight centimeters and a width of six. Peduncles on short legs, grow in the axils of the leaves.

The flowers are scarlet-red and collected in racemose inflorescences. One of the few plants that can bloom throughout the active period, if you create comfortable, close to ideal conditions for it.

Wallich's Clerodendrum ("Prospero", "Bride's Veil", "Cleopatra's Tears")

Miniature, but very capricious shrub. The branches are flexible, covered with a thin bark of red-green color. Along the entire length are large oval leaves of dark green color.

Flower stalks with white large buds bloom among the leaves. Requires good lighting, long daylight hours and high humidity.

Clerodendrum Philippine

Rarely found in the collections of domestic flower growers. It strikes with a bright aroma in which you can catch the aroma of vanilla with jasmine notes, which becomes more saturated by the evening.

Peduncles are long, with a large number of buds, similar to miniature roses and forming corymbose inflorescences resembling a bouquet.

The leaves of the plant are dark green, velvety, have a wide oval shape. Flowering can be seen on a biennial plant.

A fast-growing member of the genus from China, like a firework of bright colors. Light oval-shaped leaves are collected in whorls. Peduncles are covered with small pink flowers, collected in spherical inflorescences. A species that pleases us with flowering from June to August.

Clerodendrum speciosum (most beautiful)

It is a chic evergreen bush, reaching a height of three meters!

The shoots are strongly branched and have the shape of a tetrahedron. Large heart-shaped leaves, growing on petioles of a red hue, are covered with short soft villi.

Flowering is abundant and long, for three summer months. Purple flowers with a red corolla.

Clerodendrum Inerme (unarmed)

Refers to evergreen shrubs, covered with leaves of emerald color and oval shape, the central vein on the leaf is convex. The flowers are white miniature, very decorative, the stamens are long purple.

Clerodendrum Inerme variegated

The carrier of light green spots on the leaves, creating a pattern similar to marble.

Clerodendrum Schmidt

Refers to shrubs. The shoots are dense, the leaves are bright green, oval, wavy along the edge. Peduncles drooping, bear snow-white buds, collected in racemose inflorescences, with a charming sweet aroma.

Cultivation and care

Reproduction methods

Clerodendrums reproduce in two ways:

  1. seeds,
  2. cuttings.


This method is rarely used, only if there is nowhere to get a cutting, since it is longer and more difficult.

For planting, shallow seedling boxes are used, which are filled with a mixture of garden soil, sand and peat. The best time for sowing seeds: late February - early March.

Seeds are sown in a moist substrate and covered with a film to create a greenhouse effect. The container is placed in a well-lit room with a constant temperature above 20°C.

The soil before seed germination should be moist, while it is better to remove the condensate from the film.

Shoots appear within two months. After the appearance of the fourth true leaf, a pick is carried out in individual pots. Sometimes several sprouts dive into one pot to give more splendor.


A cutting is needed that has two or three internodes with buds.

  1. Cutting is done from March to July.
  2. For the first time, a freshly cut cutting is placed in a solution of activated carbon.
  3. The next day, the water is replaced with clean water.
  4. After the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in separate pots, making a cap from a jar or plastic bottle.
  5. If very small pots were used for planting, after the cutting has grown, it is transplanted by transshipment into a more suitable container.

Creating favorable conditions for growth

In the conditions of an apartment, it is quite difficult to imitate a tropical environment and atmosphere - this is the main problem when caring for a clerodendrum.


The light should be bright and at the same time diffused - so the windowsills of the east and west sides are the best solution. If the room is located on the south side, then the plant should be placed in the back of the room, away from direct sunlight, and not on the windowsill.

This is a plant with a long daylight hours, so you will have to use supplementary lamps to increase the length of the day in winter to 14 hours and in summer if all windows face the north side. Otherwise, you can lose the flowering period.


From mid-spring to mid-autumn, the clerodendrum has an active phase, in which the main growth and flowering of the plant occurs.

During this time, the temperature must be kept above 20°C.

However, if it is too hot (more than 25 ° C), the room must be ventilated or the flower should be taken out to "walk" in fresh air, away from drafts and direct sunlight.

Clerodendrum refers to plants with a pronounced dormant period. In November, with the end of the flowering period, the dormant stage begins, in which the flower rests and gains strength for the new season.

This is the time when the excessive heat of the environment will only harm and it is best to keep the flower at a temperature of 15°C.


Due to the fact that klerodendrum is a tropical plant, high humidity is an essential condition for the health and normal development of the plant.

If the humidity in the house is insufficient, you need to spray the plants daily, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, arrange impromptu sprinkling, or use a special humidifier that will stand directly next to the flower.

During the dormant period, you need to worry less about increasing humidity, but it is strongly not recommended to place the plant near heating appliances.


Clerodendrum, as well as air humidity, is demanding on soil moisture. He loves moist, without overflow, soil. There must be a drainage layer in the pot and constant monitoring is needed to ensure that the soil does not dry out.

Water for irrigation is defended for several days, or rain, melted snow or distilled water is used. During the dormant period, the soil should not be waterlogged, but it should not be allowed to dry out completely.


Clerodendrum is fed during the flowering period, as at this time it consumes a lot of strength and nutrients. Fertilizers are applied three times a month.

For these purposes, special complexes designed for flowering plants are used; they can be purchased at any flower shop or garden hypermarket.


For transplantation, transshipment of the contents of the pot is used. This will protect the fragile root system of the flower and relieve the severe stress associated with changing habitat conditions.

The main root of the flower is taprooted and quite long, so it is best to use tall narrow pots rather than wide and squat ones. At the bottom it is necessary to lay a drainage layer of expanded clay.

The soil can be purchased or prepared independently from garden soil, leaf humus, clay, river sand and peat.


Clerodendrum reaches a decent size, even in cramped pot conditions. Therefore, pruning of long branches and giving the necessary decorative form is practiced annually: a tree, liana or shrub.

Handles pruning well. Pruning is carried out in the spring, after a dormant period. Cut cuttings are used for propagation, and new shoots and flowers grow on the remaining branches.

Old branches are cut off by a third, if new shoots have already formed, then you can pinch their growth point so that the plant begins to branch.

Diseases and pests

Despite the high immunity to various diseases, the clerodendrum occasionally gets sick if its conditions are far from ideal.

Among the pests that infect the flower, one should highlight spider mites and whiteflies that appear when there is insufficient air humidity.

If you notice that your flower has been attacked by pests, you need to treat it with an insecticide as soon as possible!

Treatment is carried out according to the instructions, at intervals of about a week.

The main attack is fungal diseases arising from too abundant watering and lack of a drainage layer.

In addition, there are problems associated with cultivation errors.

  1. leaves wither and turn yellow- it is necessary to water the flower more often;
  2. brown spots appeared on the leaves- the flower is too close to direct sunlight, and got burned;
  3. the edges of the leaves dry up and over time, the leaves and flowers fall off - it is urgently necessary to increase the humidity of the air;
  4. too long internodes, and the shoots are poorly covered with leaves - an increase in daylight hours and the amount of sunlight is necessary;
  5. does not produce flower stalks in spring- you could not provide him with a “cool” dormant period and neglected fertilizers (or, conversely, overfed with nitrogen).

Clerodendrum flower home care


The house flower clerodendrum adapts perfectly to any light, but it should be protected from the midday sun. On the windows of the northern orientation, flowering is unattractive or completely absent. Ideal placement - east or west windows.

Air temperature and spraying

At high ambient temperatures (above 24 ° C), the clerodendrum requires abundant and frequent watering, because. large leaves evaporate a large amount of moisture. Drying out of the soil is unacceptable. Waterlogging, especially in the cold season, can lead to the death of the plant.

The plant easily gets used to the dry atmosphere of the room, but responds very positively to spraying. Its sheet plates absorb moisture throughout the surface. Rain or melt water is most suitable for this - it does not leave streaks and traces of lime on the leaf blades.


Young plants are transplanted every year before the start of active growth in dishes not much larger than the previous pot. Too large flowerpots stimulate the growth of the root system at the expense of flowering. Clerodendrum does not form buds until its roots rest against the walls of the pot. Old plants are transplanted less often, they simply renew the soil, replacing the top layer of earth in a pot every year.

Drainage is necessary for air access to the roots and the outflow of excess fluid. The soil mixture for transplanting should be rich in organic matter and permeable to air. The most suitable mixture of soddy land, humus and sand, which are taken in equal proportions. The safest method of transplantation is transshipment. At the same time, the root system is not disturbed - the plant tolerates such an operation painlessly.

How to transplant clerodendrum, look at the video:

top dressing

In summer, the plant is fed every two weeks with organic or mineral fertilizers with a predominance of potassium and phosphorus. Nitrogen is used only at the beginning of the growing season. In autumn, watering is reduced, and top dressing is canceled until February.

Crown shaping and pruning

The bases of the shoots become woody over time, so it can be formed as a bush or as an ampelous plant. It looks great on various supports, or shaped in a bonsai style.

Pruning only benefits the clerodendrum. Feel free to cut and pinch the shoots, giving the flower the desired shape. And use the remaining branches as cuttings for breeding. This operation is carried out after flowering.

  • To form a lush squat bush, pinch the tops.
  • To get a tall tree, stepchildren and side shoots are pinched, forming a plant into one trunk.

How to cut klerodendrum look at the video:

How the clerodendrum grows and blooms after cropping the video:

Clerodendrum in winter

  • It is better not to put a flower pot near heating appliances.
  • Comfortable temperature conditions are the key to successful flower growth, so do not overheat or overdry the air.
  • The plant will appreciate if you keep it at a temperature of 16-18 ° C in winter.
  • To stimulate future flowering, it will be useful to reduce the air temperature to 10-12 ° C for 2-3 weeks. At the same time, watering is reduced, allowing the soil to dry slightly.

In the cold season, the plant is kept cool. During this time, partial shedding of leaves is permissible. A cool dormant period is important for clerodendrum - it enhances flowering. At a constant high temperature, the clerodendrum grows well without losing leaves, but it blooms much worse. But lush flowering can only be achieved by providing your pet with a good rest, which allows the plant to recover and gain strength.

Why does the clerodendrum not bloom?

A capricious flower may not bloom for the following reasons:

  • Too spacious pot, the plant grows roots and gains green mass.
  • There was no dormant period, which is why flower buds were not laid.
  • The flower "fattens" after heavy feeding.
  • Little light on the windowsill.
  • The plant is under stress after transplanting.
  • Too hot, too high air temperatures prevent the development of flower buds.
  • Excessive watering creates conditions of stress and oxygen starvation, even painful conditions, rotting of the roots are possible.
  • It has not been pruned for a long time, the branches are all old.

Propagation of clerodendrum by cuttings

Clerodendrum is very easy to propagate. It is enough to cut a branch and place it in a vessel with water. Good roots will develop on a warm and bright windowsill in less than a month. No need to wait until the roots become long - the smaller they are, the faster they take root and the cuttings start to grow. When transferring a plant from water to an earthen mixture, one must be extremely careful, because. such roots are very fragile and often break off. The substrate should not be heavily compacted.

It is very convenient to root cuttings in sphagnum moss. It is placed at the bottom of a plastic cup, moistened, cuttings are inserted into it. Roots form very quickly - they can be transplanted into a flowerpot directly with moss. Moss prevents rotting and prevents injury to the roots during transplantation.

To create a lush plant in a flowerpot, several cuttings are placed. The first time after planting, the plant is protected from the bright sun. Cuttings will grow faster if covered with a plastic bag after planting.

Clerodendrum from seeds

Sometimes seed propagation is used, but this method is quite laborious. Seeds are sown in early spring in loose nutrient soil. For sowing, use greenhouses or containers with transparent lids. The first shoots appear after 1.5 months. When 2 pairs of leaves appear, the seedlings dive into small pots.
After 5 years, complete rejuvenation will be required - the old specimen is drastically cut off, sometimes replaced with seedlings grown from cuttings.


Clerodendrum is attacked by aphids, spider mites, scale insects. To get rid of such insects, the plant is washed with warm water and treated with appropriate insecticides. preventive treatment with soapy water prevents insect attacks.


The main reason for the appearance of diseases is excessive watering in the cold season and non-compliance with the temperature regime under the condition of a short daylight hours. Moreover, you have to try very hard to make the plant sick, because. Clerodendrum is quite resistant to various kinds of diseases.

Clerodendrum is very attractive for growing on the windowsill, because its buds look spectacular, keep on the plant for at least 3 months. Caring for him is not difficult - even a beginner in floriculture can handle it, and magnificent flowering will not leave anyone indifferent.

Types of clerodendrum with photos and names

Clerodendrum thomsonae Clerodendrum thomsonae

Clerodendrum Mrs. Thompson comes from the humid forests of Nigeria, Congo, Guinea. It has received the greatest distribution among our flower growers.

The plant reaches its maximum decorativeness in summer, when corymbose inflorescences appear from the axils of opposite leaves, turning into magnificent clusters. Snow-white sepals successfully contrast with carmine-scarlet corollas. The original shape of the cup, similar to a Chinese lantern, consists of five sepals, and it is she who decorates the flower for a long time. Tubular corolla with five recurved petals at the top fades immediately after flowering. Stamens with long carmine filaments protrude 1.5 cm from the corolla.

Clerodendrum wallichii Clerodendrum wallichii

The plant has a second name Veil of the bride. Blooms from January to April. This species comes from India, during flowering it is covered with snow-white flowers of amazing beauty, with long curved stamens, giving weightlessness and grace to the inflorescences.

Clerodendrum brilliant Clerodendrum splendens

It has orange-red flowers and malachite serrated cups. The heart-shaped base, the wavy edge of the leaf plates give the flower an exquisite originality.

Clerodendrum Philippine or Fragrant or Chinese Clerodendrum Fragrans = Clerodendrum philippinum = Clerodendrum chinense

When flowering, it spreads a pleasant aroma far. Under natural conditions, its height reaches 2 m. Simple and double snow-white flowers conquer the aroma of violets and citrus fruits.

Clerodendrum Ugandan Clerodendrum ugandens

It blooms with unusual rare beauty azure flowers, similar to a flock of exotic butterflies. Its flowering can continue all year round. It is most tolerant of lack of moisture, it reproduces very easily.


Brilliant - this is the name of Wallich's clerodendrum, which is characterized by shiny "lacquer" leaves. This species was named after the Danish researcher Nathaniel Wallich, who studied the vegetation of India. In the wild, this species is common in the mountainous part of India, South China and Nepal. The unusually plentiful and lush snow-white flowering that appears at any time of the year also gives decorativeness to this plant.

Very abundant flowering is observed in the autumn. The leaves of this type of plant have a rich bright green color, elongated in length with a slightly pronounced toothing along the edges. Small white flowers are collected in inflorescences and are located on long peduncles. Flowering of one cycle lasts up to 2 months: gradually blooming, small flowers cover individual parts of the plant.
At home, the brilliant klerodendrum grows no more than 50 cm - despite the fact that in the wild it reaches two meters in height. A characteristic feature of the flower are very long stamens. This crop is grown as an ampelous plant, as it has flexible shoots that are prone to drooping. Sometimes a plant can shed its leaves for the winter, but do not rush to throw away the flower - it has not died, in the spring the clerodendrum will again be covered with leaves and will soon delight you with flowering. At home, this plant feels good if the temperature is kept above 18 degrees. It needs quite abundant and frequent watering, spraying and high humidity. Also, this clerodendrum needs bright diffused light. Favorably tolerates pruning, after which new young shoots and flowering are formed on it.


Bunge in the wild grows over 3 meters in height, is a fast-growing vine, common in China. It has heart-shaped dark green leaves with serrated edges that can turn purple in sunlight.

The inflorescence has a dark crimson color, which brightens to pink during the blooming of the flower. Large inflorescences protrude above the plant, located on long peduncles. A characteristic feature is the long stamens that protrude strongly from the middle of the flower. Flowering occurs in summer. And in winter, the klerodendrum can shed its leaves if it feels a lack of lighting.
Caring for this plant is easy. Bunge prefers a fairly warm temperature of stay: not lower than 25 ° C in summer, and not lower than 18 ° C - in winter. Unlike other clerodendrums, this species does not require very plentiful and frequent watering; it does not tolerate stagnant water in the pan. In winter, watering should be reduced and watered when the soil is completely dry. Bunge is best placed on the east or west windows. This species loves high humidity, so it should be often sprayed or set a flower pot on the drain, which is regularly moistened.

Spiny (inerme)

Clerodendrum thornless in the wild grows in the form of a shrub, which is common in Sri Lanka, the tropics of Asia and the Australian continent . The bush has branched and straight shoots, reaching a height of 3 meters. The leaves are oblong, oval with a smooth structure and an even edge along the entire length, have a rich, glossy light green color. The size of the leaves is from 4 to 11 cm.
This flower is characterized by white small flowers that have long light purple stamens. They are located on long peduncles and are collected in small umbellate inflorescences. This type of clerodendrum is quite popular in warm countries. It is planted as a shrub that forms a living fence: it grows very quickly to the required size, it is easy to cut, it is not picky about the type of soil - it can grow even on saline soils in the scorching sun. It does not suffer from droughts, can grow near the sea and withstand salt spray.

As an ornamental houseplant, inerme is used much less frequently. It prefers to grow in a sufficiently lit place, normally tolerates dry air in rooms and does not require frequent watering.

most beautiful

Clerodendrum is the most beautiful - a species that is common in the wild in the tropics of the African continent. In open ground in warm countries, the height of this plant reaches 3 meters, and at home the flower grows up to 1 meter. The evergreen plant has an attractive appearance, which is achieved by bright scarlet peculiar flowers. They do not look like flowers of other species, because they have an irregular bud structure, and the stamens, which protrude many centimeters forward in their length, look like insect antennae.

Small flowers are located, which are collected in inflorescences, on long and rather thick peduncles. Also a characteristic feature is a very long flowering - all summer and half of autumn (sometimes all). The leaves of the most beautiful heart-shaped clerodendrum are large and wide, slightly glossy and have small villi. Intense green, sometimes dark green color harmonizes well with bright and abundant flowering.
At home, the plant also grows well, but likes the place to be very warm and well lit. Summer temperature for a flower should be at least 25 ° C, and in winter it can fall at least 20 ° C. Watering prefers plentiful, but does not like stagnation of water in the pan. For good growth, the flower needs to provide a sufficiently high humidity, so you need to spray it several times a day.


Clerodendrum Thompson is a species that lives in the wild in the tropics of the African continent. This is a semi-deciduous plant that grows in the form of vines, reaching a height of 4 meters. Young shoots of creepers are curly and flexible, woody with age. Cleroderndrum leaves are quite large, up to 12 cm, have an oval shape and smooth edges, pronounced veins. The color of the leaves is rich green. The culture blooms profusely and for a long time - from the beginning of spring to the beginning of autumn.

The flowers are collected in inflorescences, in which there are up to 20 pieces of small flowers. Inflorescences are located on rather long peduncles. The flower has a surprising structure: a five-petal base-bract of snow-white color, above which rises a smaller red flower. Also a characteristic feature are the long (up to 3 cm) stamens that protrude from the flower. Red flowers have a shorter flowering period than bracts, which, after the death of the flower, persist for up to 1 month.
This species is perfectly adapted to living in room conditions. He likes bright diffused lighting, it can be placed on the western and eastern windows. Summer temperatures should not be too high, up to 26 ° C, but in winter, given that the flower is immersed during the rest period, it is necessary to ensure a cool stay, up to 16 ° C. The flower prefers abundant watering, but it should be carried out when the soil dries. The plant loves moist air, so frequent spraying will benefit.


"Blue butterflies" - this name is more suitable for this type of clerodendrum. In the wild, the plant is common in the mountainous regions of the African continent. This is an evergreen semi-liana, which has long, up to 2.5 meters, thin shoots that become woody over time. The plant has leaves with short petioles, broadly lanceolate, smooth or slightly serrated. Foliage color is dark green. Flowers are an exact copy of a butterfly. Four petals in the form of butterfly wings are blue in color, and the fifth repeats the shape of the butterfly's body. It is longer than the rest of the petals, and has a darker color than the others - blue with a blue tint. The stamens are arranged in such a way that they resemble the antennae of a butterfly: they are directed clearly in the opposite direction from the large petal. The stamens are long and slightly curved upwards. The flowers are collected in inflorescences, which are densely arranged on long peduncles.

Clerodendrum Uganda is considered an unpretentious flower, but still requires some attention and care. The plant loves a well-lit place and is not afraid of direct sunlight, so it can be safely placed on a south window, southeast and southwest windows are also suitable for it. If possible, in the summer it is recommended to take this flower to the balcony.

In summer, the air temperature should be quite warm, up to 26 ° C, and in winter the plant needs a cold rest period, up to 15 ° C. You need to water the plant as the top layer of the earth dries up. The flower does not respond well to dry air, so you need to regularly spray the flower and humidify the air in the room.

1. Growing temperature: Clerodendrum loves diurnal temperature changes - keep it indoors with an air temperature of 16 - 20 ° C during the day and 12 - 15 at night. In winter, a dormant period begins, which the bushes must spend in a cool room with a temperature of about 12 ° C.
2. Lighting: direct sunlight should not fall on the plant, the flower likes to sunbathe only in the morning and evening.
3. Watering and humidity: Water regularly in spring and summer, slightly drying the top layer of soil between waterings, in the winter months, reduce the frequency of watering in accordance with the room temperature, it is better to increase the humidity.
4. pruning: sanitary - remove old dying leaves, forming - the growth of klerodendrum must be kept under control. Proper pruning promotes abundant flowering.
5. Priming: nutritious and rich in organic matter, well-drained soil.
6. top dressing: mineral or organic fertilizers, in spring and summer, every 2 weeks. During the dormant period, feeding is stopped.
7. reproduction: stem cuttings, air layering, sowing seeds.

botanical name: Clerodendrum.

Clerodendrum home - family . Lamiaceae.

Origin, birthplace of the plant . China and Northern India.

Description. Clerodendrum or volcameria is a large deciduous shrub or small tree, reaching 7 m in height in nature, with a gray and smooth bark.

Leaves up to 30 cm long. arranged oppositely on long petioles, ovate or heart-shaped, sometimes serrated along the edge. The upper surface of the leaf blade is dark green in color with sparse bristly hairs, the lower surface is light green, pubescent, especially on the veins.

flowers small - about 1.3 cm in diameter, tubular with long stamens, very fragrant, white, pink, salmon, red or bicolor, collected in large inflorescences - panicles. Flower stems during flowering may be covered with small sticky droplets. Flowering is long, can occur simultaneously with the ripening of fruits.

Fruit- berries the size of a pea, when ripe, acquire a dark color - blue or black.

Height. Before 2.5 m. indoor clerodendrum grows.

2. Care ha clerodendrum at home

2.1.When it blooms

July to October, flowering occurs only with proper care and observance of a cool dormant period, young plants bloom most readily.

The size of the pot also affects flowering - in a close one it will be more plentiful.

2.2. Reproduction of clerodendrum

cuttings, which are easily rooted even in a glass of water. When young plants reach height 15 - 20 cm. pinch the top of the bush. layering, division adult plants, pieces of the root system. If you pollinate the flowers and get fruits - you can collect from the plant seeds which have excellent germination. Sowing carry out spring, seedlings are kept in a warm place without access to direct sunlight. Dive seedlings in separate small cups are carried out with the appearance of the first true leaves.

  • Philodendron - photo, home care, indoor flower varieties, reproduction, growing from seeds, description, soil, flowering, why the liana turns yellow
  • Fuchsia - photo of a flower, home care, cultivation, varieties, description of a houseplant, keeping in a pot, flowering, reproduction, planting
  • Hoya or wax ivy - photo of a flower, home care, description of indoor plants, flowering time, purpose, varieties and varieties, reproduction, signs and superstitions associated with a flower, why the plant does not bloom
  • Bougainvillea - photo of a flower, home care, growing a houseplant, reproduction, flowering time, description of varieties, why the liana does not bloom, planting in open ground and keeping in a pot, pruning
  • Adenium - photo, home care, reproduction - growing from seeds, pruning and plant transplantation, grafting and flowering

2.3 Growing, pruning

Cultivation of klerodendrum requires compliance with certain rules of agricultural technology. Use support for plant development. For abundant and long flowering, winter rest is required. During this period, a cool place away from any heat source is suitable for placing the plant. In winter, the plant may reset part foliage or even completely fall off - this is a normal process. Cool wintering contributes to the suspension of growth and development, and this is important, since in low light conditions the flower will form weak and elongated shoots. After flowering or in early spring, before new growth begins, cut vine. Do this without regret, as flower buds will form on current year's growth and heavy pruning will encourage more abundant blooms.

thin out old shoots and any others that have exceeded the desired size. After pruning, place the plant in a warm and brightly lit area, or outdoors if temperature permits. Bush will appreciate the stay outdoors in the warm season - take the plants outside during the summer months. For placement on the street, a place is suitable that will be protected from strong gusts of wind and rain, and will also be shaded from direct sunlight.

2.4. Clerodendrum transplant

As it grows and develops, annually spring into larger pots. More suitable for landing shallow and a flat pot. When transplanting, they carefully examine the root system and cut off rotten and old horses with a sharp sterile pruner. The places of cuts - the wound surface - must be sprinkled with crushed charcoal or ash for disinfection and drying.


Moist, well-drained, loose and rich in organic matter substrate. The soil for keeping the plant should be loose and easily pass moisture and air to the roots.

2.6. Diseases and pests of clerodendrum

In the cold season leaves turn yellow at the slightest overflow. When grown in direct sunlight, the leaves burn out and become light. Sometimes there are spotting leaves and chlorosis. drops the leaves and wither with insufficient watering. Plants are drawn out in the absence of light.

From insects- Plant pests can be attacked by aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, scale insects and spider mites.

Insects - pests

insect name Signs of infection Control measures
Small bright dots on leaf blades, yellowing and falling leaves. Disturbed white, small butterflies take off from the surface of the leaves Chemicals: Zeta, Rovikurt, INTA-VIR, Fufanol and even Karbofos, Aktellik, Aktara, Confidor, Commander, Tanrek. Folk remedies: soap solution, garlic solution, yarrow and tobacco infusion, dandelion infusion, sticky traps for adult insects
Mealybug The surface of the leaves and shoots is covered with a fluffy cotton-like white bloom. Plants lag behind in development Folk remedies: spraying with soapy-alcohol solution. Infusion of tobacco, garlic, cyclamen tubers, alcohol treatments, and pharmacy tincture of calendula performed well. Chemicals: green soap solution, Aktellik, Fitoverm.
Inconspicuous cobwebs on the leaves, yellowing and falling of foliage with extensive damage. The surface of the leaf plates becomes dead and covered with small cracks. Plant development slows down. Folk ways. Plants can be washed in the shower and left in the bathroom in a humid atmosphere for half an hour. Irradiation with an ultraviolet lamp every week for 2 minutes. Chemicals based on pyrethrum, sulfur powders, Fitoverm, Aktellik.
Sticky droplets appear on the leaf blades, leaf blades curl and deform, tender buds and young leaves wither. On the tops of the shoots, buds or the underside of the leaf plates, insect colonies can be seen. The flowers of an aphid-infested plant may become misshapen. Folk ways: nettle infusion, decoction of rhubarb leaves, wormwood, soap solution, tobacco and dandelion infusion, onion, marigold, yarrow, tansy, dusting with virgin ash. Chemicals: Sulfur powders, treatment with green potassium soap of green mass without getting into the ground, Decis, Aktellik, Fitoverm.
Shield and false shield Sticky droplets on the leaves, yellow small spots on the surface of the leaf blades. With a large spread of scale insects, they contribute to the drying and falling of leaves. Flowers slow down Folk methods of struggle. Spraying with soapy-alcohol solution. Scale insect larvae do not like garlic infusion, they also use pyrethrum-based products. Chemicals. Fitoverm, Aktellik, Fufanon.

  • 2.7. Watering

    Water plentifully, but let the top layer of soil dry up between waterings. In autumn, the frequency of watering is gradually reduced. In winter, reduce watering only to prevent the earthen clod from drying out. Especially do not be zealous with watering if the clerodendrum has shed its foliage.

    2.8. Fertilizer

    feed 2 times a month during the period of active growth with fertilizers with a high content calcium. Mix crushed eggshells into the soil. This is a great organic supplement that is good for the plant. Clerodendrum is great for organic top dressing.

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    2.9 Temperature

    The optimal range is from 16 to 20°C afternoon and 12 - 15° С at night. During the dormant period, you can place the bush in a cool room with a temperature of about 12 ° C.

    Grows best with good lighting, but also tolerates partial shade. If the plant dropped its leaves for the winter, then lighting will not play any role.

    2.11 Spraying

    Bush prefers enough high humidity- spray the foliage.

    2.12. Purpose

    The home flower looks great in a hanging basket as a ampelous room plants or on a wallpaper. With the help of competent pruning, you can form a flower in the form standard tree.

    2.13 Note

    Often on the leaves of plants appear small sticky droplets- Nothing wrong with that. Clerodendrum is not considered a poisonous plant.


    3. Types of clerodendrum:

    3.1. Clerodendrum Thompson - Clerodendrum thomsoniae

    The species is a subtropical evergreen shrub or liana. The leaves are green, entire, glossy, reach a length of 15 cm. In the warm season, the plant adorns itself with spectacular white or slightly creamy flowers with dark red corollas, collected in large apical inflorescences. For this color of flowers, the plant received a second name - Liana of a bleeding heart.

    3.2. Clerodendrum Ugandan - Clerodendrum ugandense

    Evergreen shrub, in its natural environment can grow up to 3 m tall. The leaves are glossy, dark green. The plant becomes especially attractive during the flowering period, when bright buds appear on it, opening into flowers with 5 rounded petals, resembling butterflies. The peculiarity of the flowers is that the side petals are painted in a blue hue, and the largest lower petal is purple. The shrub develops quickly, but tolerates formative pruning, with which it is given a compact shape.

    3.3. Philippine clerodendrum - Clerodendrum philippinum

    A very showy flowering shrub that can reach a height of 1.8 m. The leaves are dark green and glossy. Delicately pink, double flowers, each of which resembles a rose, are collected in large apical inflorescences - umbrellas. This variety has a very attractive aroma, which intensifies in the evening and at night.

    3.4. Clerodendrum inerme or unarmed - Clerodendrum inerme

    Hardy, evergreen, large shrub, which in nature reaches a height of 3.5 m. The plant has small, oblong - oval, green leaves. The flowers are white, with rounded petals and long pink stamens, although not very abundant, they can appear at any time of the year and have a charming aroma.

    3.5. Clerodendrum Wallich or Prospero - Clerodendrum wallichiana

    The second name is the bride's veil. The plant is characterized by thin, gracefully arched shoots and hanging inflorescences - brushes. The bush reaches a height of 2 - 4 m in nature and has oblong - lanceolate, entire green leaves with branched veins. Inflorescences reach a length of 20 - 35 cm and consist of many white, fragrant flowers.

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3.6. Clerodendrum Bunge - Clerodendrum bungei

Dense rounded shrub up to 2 m high with large (up to 30 cm long), dark green or burgundy, oval leaves. The edges of the leaf blades are serrated. Inflorescences - large apical umbrellas up to 15 cm in diameter, consist of many small pink flowers that bloom from the edges of the umbrella to its center. During the flowering period, the plant emits a very pleasant aroma. There are variegated varieties with leaf blades that have a white stripe along the edge.

3.7. Clerodendrum Speciosum - Clerodendrum Speciosum

Evergreen shrub with large lanceolate, emerald green, glossy leaves. The flowers are bright pink, red or crimson, with long thin stamens, collected in large hanging, branched inflorescences. Even after flowering, the plant retains its decorative effect for a long time thanks to pink pointed bracts.

3.8. Clerodendrum brilliant - Clerodendrum splendens

A large evergreen liana or shrub up to 3.5 m high. The leaves are oval, glossy, green, up to 18 cm long, arranged in opposite pairs. The flowers are bright, red, less often white, about 2.5 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences up to 15 cm in diameter.

3.9.Clerodendrum Schmidt - Clerodendrum schmidtii

Large shrub with bright green, oblong-lanceolate leaves. White fragrant flowers are collected in drooping loose inflorescences - brushes up to 30 cm long. Standard forms of this variety look extremely attractive - such trees are surrounded by a delicate lace of inflorescences from all sides.

3.10. Clerodendrum calamitosum - Clerodendrum calamitosum

Evergreen shrub with green, toothed leaves 5 to 15 cm long. The surface of the leaf plates is slightly corrugated, with well-defined veins. The flowers are white, with 5 oblong petals and long thin stamens, collected in loose umbrellas at the tops of the shoots. The plant has a delicate, pleasant aroma, which intensifies in the evening.

3.11. Clerodendrum "Musical note" - Clerodendrum incisum Macrosiphon

A very spectacular shrub with emerald green foliage located oppositely and inflorescences - loose umbrellas, which, before blooming, resemble a salute. The flowers are white, fragrant, with long purple stamens, resembling notes before blooming. Flowering occurs in waves, several times during spring and summer.

3.12. Clerodendrum Champagne splash or indicum - Clerodendrum indicum

The bushes of this variety have long, straight, slightly branched shoots, on which oblong, narrowly lanceolate leaves are densely located. During the flowering period, very large, loose inflorescences appear on the tops of the shoots - panicles with small greenish-white flowers. The flowers are arranged on very long, curved flower tubes and really resemble champagne splashes.

3.13. Clerodendrum paniculatum - Clerodendrum paniculatum

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One of the most unusual and original house plants can rightfully be called the clerodendrum, which surprises with its original flowers. The variety of their shapes and shades is amazing: blue, red, white, orange with simple or double petals, long or short stamens. The green part of the plant is no less spectacular - large bright leaves are the perfect backdrop for magnificent inflorescences.

If your house has a blooming clerodendrum, the surprise of the guests is guaranteed. It’s just that growing such beauty is not at all easy - among flower growers, this representative of indoor flora is considered very picky. However, enthusiastic lovers of domestic plants are not afraid of difficulties, and the result will surely exceed all expectations.

In order to properly care for the plant, it is worth getting to know it better.

According to the botanical classification, clerodendrum (lat. Clerodendrum) is the common name of a genus belonging to the large family of Lamiaceae (lat. Lamiaceae). Everyone knows the closest relatives of clerodendrum - spicy herbs (basil, mint, oregano, thyme, rosemary). More recently, the plant belonged to the Verbena family, but phytogenetic analyzes conducted in the 90s showed the fallacy of such a classification.

The name has also changed: before, the clerodendrum was called volkameriya. Subsequently, scientists found that Volkameria is a separate botanical genus. The modern name of the magnificent handsome man is formed from two Greek words: "kleros" - fate, fate and "dendron" - tree. It was not by chance that the klerodendrum was called the "tree of fate" - the ancient Greeks used the plant for religious ceremonies in honor of the goddess Aphrodite and for medical purposes. And its modern folk names are “innocent love”, “crying heart”, “bloody cross” and “fluttering butterfly”.

[!] Those who believe in omens believe that klerodendrum brings happiness to girls and women. Well, more mundane people note the pleasant, delicate smell of its flowers.

Homeland clerodendrum - tropical regions of South and Southeast Asia and Africa. Individual species can be found in America, Australia and even in the south of our country.

At least three hundred species of clerodendrum are found in nature, but only a few of them are suitable for indoor cultivation.

Types of clerodendrum suitable for home cultivation

Despite the fact that there are not too many indoor types of clerodendrum, they are very diverse. Some of them, for example, are grown as ampelous plants, others - in the form of a small tree or shrub. There are deciduous species that need a dormant period during the winter months, and there are evergreen representatives. The most spectacular clerodendrums most commonly found in room culture are:

Clerodendrum Thomson(lat. Clerodendrum thomsoniae) - a plant with large oval leaves of deep green color. Of particular decorative value are flowers with red petals and a white bract in the form of a box, collected in dense inflorescences. The flowering period of Clerodendrum Thomson is April-June, and at the end of summer there may be a reappearance of buds. It grows as a small tree or shrub. Soft young shoots tend to become woody over time. Deciduous species, baring the crown in the cold season.

Clerodendrum beautiful or speciozoom(lat. Clerodendrum speciosum) can be grown both in ampel form and in the form of a shrub. The leaves are oval, pointed at the end, bright green. The bracts are painted in a delicate lilac color, and the flower petals have a pink-red hue. With proper care, flowering can continue almost all year round.

K. Thomson, K. lovely

Wallich's Clerodendrum(lat. Clerodendrum wallichii) is also known as "Nodding Jasmine". The long branches of the plant are decorated with large dark green leaves and clusters of snow-white flowers with long stamens. Under the weight of the inflorescences, the shoots bend slightly, this feature of the plant is noted in its name. As a rule, it is grown in the form of a spreading shrub.

Clerodendrum uganda(lat. Clerodendrum ugandense) - this variety is distinguished by thin elongated shoots, small oval leaves and pale blue five-petal flowers with long stamens. Most often it is cultivated as an ampelous (hanging) plant, less often - in the form of a shrub or tree. The Ugandan clerodendrum looks especially decorative on decorative supports entwined with stems.

K. Wallich, K. Ugandan

Clerodendrum Philippine(lat. Clerodendrum philippinum). Extraordinarily beautiful, creamy pink flowers, collected in a ball-shaped inflorescence, resemble small roses. Flowers can be simple, five-petalled, but more often you can find a terry variety of the plant. Flowering continues almost all year round, and the aroma exuded by flowers is very rich and pleasant. The leaves are large, green, heart-shaped.

Clerodendrum Bunge(lat. Clerodendrum Bungei) is distinguished by the original form of inflorescences. The ball-shaped inflorescences consist of a large number of star-shaped pink flowers with elongated petals and stamens, while the total diameter of the ball can reach 15 cm. The blooming of Clerodendrum Bunge is often compared to fireworks in a dark sky. The leaves of the plant are dense, oval, dark green. In bright open sun, the color of the leaves may acquire a purple hue. It is grown as a shrub with many shoots or as a tree with one central stem.

K. filipino, K. bunge

Clerodendrum tripartite or three-pronged(lat. Clerodendrum trichotomum) - a large plant with large leaves and shoots woody with age. Decorated with small bright pink flowers with pointed petals and a blue center.

Clerodendrum Inerme or spineless(lat. Clerodendrum inerme) blooms with small white flowers with long stamens, densely covering the bush. The leaves are dense, glossy, oval-pointed.

K. tripartite, K. Inerme

Clerodendrum fireworks(lat. Clerodendrum quadriloculare) surprises with the shape of bracts and buds. Long purple bracts with snow-white buds at the ends look like an intricate flower firework. The leaves are large. glossy with a purple color on the underside. There are also variegated (variegated) forms of this species.

Spectacular inflorescence clerodendrum paniculata(lat. Clerodendrum paniculatum) is shaped like a bright orange Chinese pagoda. Flowers stand out brightly against the background of large green heart-shaped leaves.

K. fireworks, K. paniculata

Recently, clerodendrum is increasingly found in the collections of Russian and foreign flower growers, and botanical breeders have turned their close attention to the plant. More and more new varieties of this representative of tropical flora appear: with double flowers of various shades and with leaves of variegated color. But, no matter what kind or variety of clerodendrum appears in your home, the plant needs proper and thorough care.

Clerodendrum care at home

In order to grow a healthy and blooming clerodendrum, it is necessary to create a microclimate in the room that resembles a natural one. These are, first of all, good lighting, high humidity and temperature. In addition, it must be taken into account that winter and summer plant care are different, since the clerodendrum rests in the cold season.

Temperature and lighting

The range of summer temperatures most suitable for the southern flower varies between 20-25 ° C. In autumn and winter, it is advisable to rearrange the plant to a cooler place where the thermometer does not rise above 15 ° C. Cold wintering will mark the change of seasons, which will subsequently have a beneficial effect on the growth and flowering of the clerodendrum.

As for lighting, its intensity should be equally high at any time of the year. It is best to place the klerodendrum on the southwest or southeast window sills. In summer, on especially hot and sunny days, the plant needs to be shaded a little, otherwise burns may appear on the tender leaves. In winter, when there is little sun and short daylight hours, additional shade is not needed.

Watering and humidity

Watering regime, as well as temperature, depends on the season. In spring and summer, when the plant is in the vegetative stage, it should be watered abundantly, however, avoiding waterlogging and acidification of the soil. In general, you need to water as the top layer of the substrate dries.

[!] Water for irrigation should always be soft (filtered) and warm (25-27°С)

In autumn, when the klerodendrum is preparing for a dormant period, watering should be gradually reduced to one or two times a week. Well, in winter, moisture is needed in minimal quantities, the plant should be watered no more than once every two to three weeks.

For clerodendrum, a plant from tropical forests, air humidity is of great importance. That is why it is important to spray the flower often. For example, in spring and summer, this procedure should be carried out at least twice a day, in spring and autumn, two to three times a week is enough. In general, the colder and cloudier the weather, the less spraying is required. You can increase the humidity in the air in other ways:

  • using a household humidifier;
  • placing the flower on a pallet with wet pebbles or expanded clay;
  • using an aquarium or other open vessel with water next to the plant.

Decorating and trimming

Clerodendrum is good because, depending on the type and desire of the grower, it can take a variety of forms: ampelous (hanging or on a support), branched shrub or tree. The fact is that the young shoots of the plant are flexible and supple, but over time the branches begin to become woody.

Having started growing a young clerodendrum, you should immediately decide on the desired shape.

If you need a vine that winds along a support, when planting, you need to dig in the frame and, as the shoots grow, intertwine them with wire. Spreading shrub can be formed. planting several shoots of clerodendrum in one pot. And the tree will turn out if you cut off the extra side branches, leaving only the strongest, which will later become the trunk.

Regardless of the chosen form, every year the clerodendrum needs to be cut and pinched.

[!] Buds appear only on young growth. The more new shoots the clerodendrum grows, the more flowers there will be.

The best time for pruning is the end of February - the beginning of March. To be trimmed:

  • dry and weak branches - completely, at the base;
  • branches that thicken the crown - completely, at the base;
  • the rest of the shoots - about a third, to stimulate new branching.

Soil, top dressing and transplant

The soil for planting a tropical plant should have the following qualities: friability, nutritional value, moderate acidity (pH 5.6-6.5). You can prepare the substrate yourself by mixing leafy, soddy soil, peat and sand in proportions of 2: 1: 1: 1. From ready-made mixtures, a universal nutrient soil with the required pH is suitable. For better water and breathability, you need to add a little vermiculite, perlite or sphagnum to both the prepared and the finished substrate.

Clerodendrum should be fertilized only in spring and summer, during the period of growth and flowering. The best choice would be top dressing for flowering plants (Agricola, Pocon) at the dose recommended by the manufacturer. To maintain the glossiness and rich green color of the leaves, you can use the organo-mineral complex "Emerald".

In order for an adult clerodendrum to feel good, it needs an annual transplant. Regarding the timing of transplantation, the opinions of experienced flower growers differ. Some believe that a tropical flower should be transplanted in early spring, after pruning. Others say that in this case the plant does not have time to recover and tie a large number of buds, so the best time to transplant the clerodendrum is the beginning of autumn, after flowering has ended.

In any case, when changing the place of residence of a flower, it is necessary to remember some nuances:

  1. The pot should be only 1-1.5 cm larger than the previous one. A too voluminous bowl is the reason for the poor flowering of the clerodendrum.
  2. The best way to transplant, the least traumatic to the roots, is transshipment. The plant is removed from the bowl along with a clod of earth and planted in a new container. The voids between the walls of the pot and the root are filled with fresh soil.
  3. If there is no opportunity to transplant the klerodendrum, you can simply update the top layer of the substrate.
  4. The drainage layer in the container should be at least a quarter of the entire volume of the pot.
  5. After transplanting, in order to avoid root burns, any top dressing should be excluded for about two weeks.


It often happens that the clerodendrum does not bloom, which upsets its owner. Especially often beginner flower growers cannot achieve flowering. In order for the buds to appear on time and in large numbers, it is necessary:

  • Arrange a cool wintering for the clerodendrum. During the dormant period, the plant gains strength and prepares for future flowering.
  • Trim the clerodendrum in a timely manner, stimulating new branching.
  • Position the plant in a well-lit area. Without enough light, flowering will not occur.
  • Replant klerodendrum in late summer - early autumn, after flowering.
  • Fertilize generously during the growing season and flowering. At this time, the clerodendrum consumes a lot of vitality, so it needs additional trace elements.


At home, the clerodendrum propagates in only two ways and by cuttings. Let's consider them in more detail.

It is not so easy to grow a clerodendrum from seeds - they germinate for a rather long time, and a specimen obtained from a seed blooms only in the second or third year of life. In addition, varietal qualities are sometimes lost during seed propagation.

Seeds can be collected from a faded plant or purchased from a specialized store. For their landing, it is necessary to prepare a closed plastic greenhouse and soil, consisting of equal parts of peat and sand. In February-March, the seeds, practically without deepening, are placed in the ground and placed in a bright and warm place. From time to time, the soil needs to be moistened, and the greenhouse needs to be ventilated. Shoots should appear in 1.5-2 months.

Propagation by cuttings is a less laborious method. For reproduction, shoots left after pruning are perfect. The only thing worth paying attention to is the age of the shoots: for planting, you need to choose adult, semi-woody branches. Young, green stems will likely not produce roots.

Rooting of cuttings occurs in water or in a wet peat-sand mixture, and the container with cuttings should be located in a warm and bright place. After the roots and several pairs of leaves appear, the cuttings can be planted in ordinary soil and cared for like an adult clerodendrum.

Pests, diseases and growing problems

The main insect pests that threaten clerodendrum are scale insects, mealybugs, aphids and spider mites. If the colony of insects is small, you can get rid of them with folk methods that are safe for the plant - infusion of onions, garlic, tobacco, mechanical removal. In the case of a high number of pests, modern broad-spectrum insecticides will come to the rescue - Aktara, Intavir, Aktellik, and so on.

Clerodendrum diseases are usually associated with improper care of the plant. Inexperienced flower growers spray the plant too rarely or, on the contrary, water it too often, put the pot of clerodendrum in a dark place, and do not fertilize the tropical flower. Because of this, most of the ailments that clerodendrum suffers from occur.

The plant itself will help determine what exactly needs to be changed in care:

  • The leaves turn pale and their tips dry out from watering with hard tap water.
  • Clerodendrum leaves turn yellow, and the veins remain green - a symptom of chlorosis. Iron chelate will help get rid of the disease.
  • Clerodendrum sheds leaves, some of the shoots dry up. If this happens in the fall, you should not worry: the plant is preparing for the winter. The reason for the spring or summer leaf fall may be excessive dryness of the air. It is necessary to spray the plant more often, at least twice a day.
  • Shredding of buds, excessive stretching of shoots indicate a lack of sunlight.
  • Irregular brown spots on the leaves indicate that the plant is frozen - the air temperature is too low, and the water for irrigation is too cold.

The handsome clerodendrum is undeservedly rare in our homes, although its flowering is an impressive sight that pleases any person. Good and thick green cap of large emerald leaves. Put in just a little effort and you will grow one of the most wonderful representatives of the kingdom of Flora - a magnificent clerodendrum, a beautiful flower of love.

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