Infectious diseases of geese. Diseases of geese: how can these birds get sick

- it's always a big problem even for experienced poultry farmers. Diseases always greatly reduce the number of livestock and cause very serious economic and ethical harm. All poultry farmers know that it is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later.

Goose disease prevention should be carried out regularly in poultry houses. The most important thing is to inspect the entire population of geese every day and, if the slightest symptoms of the disease appear, immediately limit the sick bird from the general herd! It is timely isolation that will allow for the successful treatment of sick birds and timely conduct of veterinary and sanitary measures in the general herd.

Symptoms of goose disease

The main symptoms that indicate that your bird is sick can be: food refusal, lameness, frequent swallowing movements, convulsions. All these signs should alert the poultry farmer. As mentioned earlier, with these symptoms, you should immediately isolate the goose from the herd. This is due to the fact that if the disease is infectious, then it will immediately be transmitted to other winged relatives. After isolation, you should make a rough diagnosis (common goose diseases are below). In this case, you need to pay close attention to the neck, head, limbs, plumage (maybe the bird just got hurt, and did not get sick with an infectious disease).

The main diseases of geese and their treatment

  • Neisseriosis. Ganders are most susceptible to this disease. Symptoms: inflammation of the penis. After this disease, geese become completely barren. The cause of the disease most likely lies in the poor condition of the content: dirty bedding, poor food. If this disease is detected, sick birds are allowed to enter, and antibiotics are administered to healthy ones. Everything in the room should be disinfected.
  • Amidostomatosis. Infection of this unpleasant illness occurs after the goose swallows the larvae of pathogens with food or grass. A sick bird loses a lot of weight. This disease should be treated with carbon tetrachloride, the dose for an adult goose is 5-8 ml.
  • Hymenolepiasis. Geese get sick with this disease after swallowing mollusks or other water insects from a reservoir. Massively, birds become ill with this after being released onto water bodies. Symptoms: paralysis of some limbs, convulsions, very unsteady gait, the bird is always tired.

Often, geese get sick due to another disease called beriberi. Symptoms of beriberi: impaired coordination of movements, the birds are sluggish all the time. In the prevention of beriberi in geese, it is necessary to include constant walks on fresh air should be included in the diet bone meal, fish oil, chalk.

Knowing these diseases of geese, you now know how to treat the bird, as well as how to prevent these diseases.

Kira Stoletova

Farmers who want to breed and keep winged ones need to know what diseases can occur and how to treat goslings. Basically, diseases of goslings occur due to improper care. Many farmers do not maintain cleanliness in the poultry house or the required temperature.

At birth, birds do not have established immunity, and therefore goslings can be exposed to many viruses and infections. It is also important to feed the goslings with the right and high-quality food, their condition and disease resistance directly depend on this.

Diseases of little goslings can be of two types: infectious (which are transmitted from one bird to another) and non-infectious (due to poor care and nutrition).

Prevention from any diseases - timely care and care of livestock. It is very important to show the birds to the veterinarian even when nothing bothers them. So it will be possible to prevent the onset of the disease in time and deliver the recommended vaccinations.

The most common ailments include:

  • coccidiosis;
  • pasteurellosis;
  • enteritis;
  • baldness;
  • rickets;
  • colds;
  • cloacite;
  • goose gait or twine.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.


First of all, coccidiosis affects the intestines and kidneys of goslings. Basically, the disease is typical for young animals under the age of 3 months. Birds may lag behind in development, be weak.

The symptoms of gosling disease are characteristic. Usually, with the manifestation of coccidiosis, there is no appetite, sometimes anemia appears. With this disease, birds can shiver, even if the air temperature outside is positive.

To accurately determine what disease little goslings have, you should pay attention to the color of their feces. With coccidiosis, there is an unnatural shade of feces, diarrhea, and there may also be mucus or even blood in the secretions. In this case, the diagnosis in almost 100% of cases revealed coccidiosis.

If some goslings get sick, they need to be transferred to a separate paddock. The fact is that if a bird is infected, bacteria that can infect healthy birds come out with its feces.

Also, a gosling can be diagnosed with such a disease if order is not observed in the house and unsanitary conditions are everywhere. The disease can also be observed when feeding poor-quality or spoiled food. The cause of infection may be dirty water, work equipment and clothing.

When working with a sick individual, precautions should be taken and all objects and premises should be disinfected. If the geese are already sick with coccidiosis, then the premises should be disinfected several times a day.


Pasteurellosis is a dangerous viral disease. Symptoms in goslings with this disease are different, it all depends on the stage of the course of the disease and the susceptibility of the bird. Basically, goslings have symptoms of pasteurellosis in the first time after infection. There may be diarrhea, discharge from the nasal cavity, weakness and lack of appetite. Due to the fact that the young do not eat, they lose weight, their general condition is weak.

The causes of pasteurellosis are not fully known. The infection can also get through infected individuals and inventory. If this happened in young or even diurnal goslings, individuals may fall on their backs from exhaustion. Treatment should be carried out as soon as the first signs of the disease are detected.

In the acute stage of pasteurellosis, treatment folk remedies or antibiotics may not give the desired result.

Infectious diseases, including salmonellosis or coccidiosis, should be treated with antibiotics prescribed by a veterinarian. At home, self-medication is unacceptable, as this is a serious disease, and the infection must be eliminated from the body.

In complex therapy, you need to improve the diet and add more vitamin and active supplements to it to maintain immunity and vitality.

Baytril is considered the least dangerous of all antibiotics, which is very important for young animals. The medicine is produced in the form of a solution, it must be taken orally. Baytril is well absorbed gastrointestinal tract. The course of treatment on average lasts about 3-5 days. Baytril should not be used simultaneously with other antibiotics. It is not worth treating the livestock on its own with such a drug; it is recommended to invite a veterinarian for examination and further instructions.


Viral enteritis is mainly characteristic of newborn or monthly goslings. A chick can catch enteritis due to improper housing conditions, if the room is dirty, the water is contaminated with bacteria.

An infectious disease can also appear as a result of feeding poor-quality feed. The young have not yet fully developed digestive system and therefore monthly chicks are vulnerable. In unsanitary conditions, adult goslings also get sick.
The first symptoms of disease in geese are similar to those of poisoning. Diarrhea, weakness, lack of appetite, and lethargy may occur.

Treatment of viral enteritis and examination of goslings should be carried out as soon as the first symptoms appear, even if only one sign has appeared. To be sure that this is enteritis, you should take the birds to the veterinarian for a correct diagnosis. The veterinarian can take an analysis and pinpoint the cause of the ailment. If enteritis is confirmed, treatment can be carried out at home.

Basically, to get rid of enteritis, it is enough that the goslings are given a slightly pinkish solution of potassium permanganate with water.

Why do charming goslings get enteritis? Mostly due to the negligence of farmers. You need to know what poultry farming is and how to deal with daily goslings, how to feed and maintain. In the first days of life at home, it is necessary to create cleanliness and warm room for the adaptation of the young.

Baldness or sagging

In the first weeks after birth, birds are very vulnerable, and many farmers say that sometimes during this period of time, chicks lose their down. In a newborn, almost blind chick, the legs may part, and the entire back and other parts of the body may be left without fluff. Sometimes the fluff falls out so that even in the area of ​​​​the head, eyes and neck there is not much of it at all, bald spots are visible in places.

The causes of baldness can be different. Basically, fluff falls out due to a poor diet and beriberi. The diet of goslings should be studied, perhaps their food lacks calcium. It is also required to observe individuals: some are so aggressive that they can pull out and pinch fluff from each other. Sometimes pooh-eating is the result of being kept in a cramped and stuffy room, where individuals go crazy and begin to pinch themselves and their fellows.

How to treat all goslings at home? First you need to identify aggressive behavior or shedding fluff. With the right diagnosis, you can easily cope with the disease. If the reasons are in a poor diet, you can give young animals eggshell or special supplements to restore the balance of all trace elements in the body.

Prevention of such diseases should be carried out regularly. If the birds are healthy, but the fluff continues to fall out or the relatives pluck it, you need to let the goslings out for a walk more often and give more fresh greens in the summer. If you do not take action, then baldness can go all over the body, and the goslings will be completely left without fluff.


Goose disease rickets occurs mainly where the birds move little, hardly walk, and they are deficient in vitamin D. The symptoms of gosling disease such as rickets are as follows: lack of appetite, weight loss, lethargy, brittle bones and a soft beak. All these symptoms indicate a vitamin deficiency in the body. It happens that individuals are so weak that they are not even able to stand up and move.

In the first days of life, it is very important to provide pets with proper care. Prevention of such a disease comes down to normalizing the mode of walking, rest and nutrition, as well as including foods with fish oil in the diet, you can give yeast and vitamin D products.

When it is sunny days outside, it is imperative to let the birds out for a walk so that they can receive the necessary norm. sun rays. Ventilation should also be installed in the house so that there is fresh air in the room.


If the room is constantly drafty, the birds will often catch cold. Goslings may have snot, symptoms of bronchitis, cough. It happens that farmers do not monitor the temperature in the poultry house. If the gosling is frozen, the cause of the disease lies precisely in this.

If goslings have something like a cough, it is necessary to take tests, only in this case the veterinarian will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Treating all birds indiscriminately by any means may not be effective.

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to install a thermometer in the room and monitor the temperature. Newborn goslings should be kept on warm bedding, provided with clean drinking water and changed as needed. It is also important to ensure that there are no drafts in the house, otherwise the whole livestock may catch a cold. In order for the immunity of birds to be resistant to various viruses and weather changes, you can feed them with complex top dressings and vitamins. With a deficiency of various vitamins, goslings not only suffer from weakened immunity, vitamin B deficiency can cause paralysis.

Cloacite in birds

Cloacitis, or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cloaca, can occur with a deficiency of vitamins A, E and D, as well as mineral feed. This disease of small geese is sometimes compared with hemorrhoids, it is also characteristic of ducklings. As a treatment, it is necessary to adjust the diet: add more green fresh food and carrots to it. On the street, you can build a feeder with a shell and give bone meal.

Treatment with water procedures and water walking helps well. If the inflammation is neglected, then pus may appear at the site of the cloaca. In this case, the cloaca is cleaned of secretions and lubricated with a 5-10% iodine solution. After treatment with iodine, zinc ointment should be applied to the mucous membrane of the cloaca. Veterinarians recommend penicillin and streptomycin. They are based on antibiotics and effectively cope with inflammation of the cloaca. Sometimes they use fat.

Goose walk or twine

Twine, or moving paws, can occur in newborn goslings. This happens because not always the birds can keep their legs in the right direction. Most often, in young animals, the paws move apart to the sides, creating the illusion of a twine, hence the name twine appeared. This disease can be seen already in diurnal birds.

Basically, splits occur due to the fact that the floor in the house is not suitable and the birds simply have their legs moving apart.

In order for the goslings to learn to stand and walk, it is necessary to make the right floor. If the surface is slippery, it must be sprinkled with sawdust. It is necessary to take care of the quality of the floor and its coverage even before the birth of the goslings. Also, many farmers do not pay due attention to those individuals that are kept after birth in an incubator. There, the walls and floor are made of smooth material or covered with a film that makes it impossible to walk and develop normally. Growing in an incubator with a slippery floor even for several days provokes the appearance of twines even in healthy day old goslings.

Twine also appears due to lack of food. The fact is that if you keep adults and small individuals together, sometimes the young simply do not get food, and the growing organism must constantly receive balanced diet. Twine can even be obtained due to the fact that adults peck at cubs, resulting in body deformation.
Be sure to monitor the behavior and maintenance of individuals and conduct timely monitoring of their health.

Geese are a bird with strong immunity, but sometimes diseases become a real disaster for farmers who breed them. Diseases of geese and their treatment is a troublesome event. What are they, what is the reason, how to deal with them and prevent their appearance?

Geese have strong immunity

Diseases of geese - the category is very broad, it includes ailments acquired as a result of improper care, which are not contagious. There are caused by bacteria and microorganisms, injuries or poisoning. But, it must be made clear that the main task farmer - prevention, then the goose population will only grow, the young are healthy and cheerful, and losses are minimal.

Non-communicable diseases


When geese are grown indoors, vitamin D is not present in the diet or it is not enough, the development of rickets is inevitable. It is easy to recognize by its signs:

  • poor growth in young animals;
  • the bird develops weakness;
  • females lay eggs with soft shells;
  • legs in the joints are bent;
  • the beak becomes soft.

It's easy to avoid this:

  • even on a sunny frosty day, adult geese need to be let out for a walk;
  • the presence of fish oil in the diet is mandatory, especially for the younger generation;
  • add concentrated vitamin D to food;
  • yeast also helps to get rid of this scourge.

Walks - good prevention rickets


When food lacks vitamins and trace elements, the birds react to their deficiency very actively:

  • fertility is sharply reduced;
  • the number of eggs is reduced, among them there are many unfertilized ones;
  • embryo development stops;
  • hatched chicks have crooked legs;
  • in young animals, weight gain is not observed;
  • no appetite; with hypovitaminosis, chicks can die.

Treatment and prevention is:

  • food should be varied, enriched with vitamins;
  • it is important to increase the amount of consumption of fresh grass, and in winter grass meal;
  • fish oil also helps to improve the condition during these periods.


Sometimes liquid feces indicate a lack of B vitamins, this can be determined by the symptoms:

  • the bird's feathers are ruffled;
  • the neck arches convulsively;
  • growth stops;
  • in severe cases, paralysis is not ruled out.

With diarrhea, you need to increase the consumption of fresh herbs.

Bringing it to this is unacceptable, but if it happened, then:

  • germinated grain should be given more often;
  • increase consumption of greens;
  • mix vitamin B into the feed;
  • wheat bran will help correct the situation.


This is the name of the disease when the mucous membrane of the cloaca becomes inflamed. It manifests itself when the menu of geese lacks a sufficient amount of minerals and a complex of vitamins: E, A, D. You can determine it by a kind of protrusion of the anus, often ulcers and cracks form on it. You can cure a bird:

  • increasing the amount of vitamins;
  • adding bone meal to food;
  • carrots and grass;
  • allowing the bird to roam and swim.

It is also necessary to treat the mucous membrane: first it is cleared of pus, feces and films accumulated there. Then treat with iodine solution and grease with zinc ointment. The use of ointments containing antibiotics is allowed.

Geese need access to water


When there are a lot of geese in the herd, and there is not enough space in the house, it is too humid, in addition, it is poorly ventilated, the lighting is too bright, then this phenomenon is quite likely to develop. It can be caused by a lack of protein in the body, this especially affects the development of young animals, their intensive growth provokes a deficiency. How it manifests itself:

  • the bird constantly cleans its ruffled feathers, lubricating them with fat;
  • further, they become brittle, the back remains bare, wounds form in this place;
  • in chicks, pulling out fluff and feathers from relatives is observed, the weakest may die.

To avoid this, crowding in the house, dampness and excessive dryness should not be allowed, the bird should walk and splash in the water. If pecked individuals are detected, they must be isolated.

For preventive purposes, milk and eggs, cottage cheese, whey, bran, mineral supplements, grass.

Geese need space

Blockage of the esophagus

This disease is predominantly young. It develops as a result of regular eating of dry food with a lack of fluid, sometimes starvation also leads to this. With complication, symptoms are observed:

  • excessive anxiety;
  • weakness;
  • dyspnea;
  • the beak is constantly ajar;
  • the bird walks staggering;
  • Sometimes he dies of suffocation.

Prevent this condition from occurring:

  • constant access to water;
  • the presence of wet food.

In order not to lose the sick ward, you need to pour about 50 g of vegetable oil into his throat, and after a while, gently pressing on the esophagus, squeeze the contents out.

Sunflower oil is a natural remedy for blockage of the esophagus

This disease is also called the “subcutaneous fold”, its character is single, usually middle-aged geese with a large, so-called purse, suffer. It manifests itself more often in the off-season, when a lack of sunlight and vitamins leads to a prolapse of the tongue between the jaws.

It is also accompanied by inflammation of the mucosa. The phenomenon is chronic, does not develop immediately, and it is difficult to treat it.

Most often, pathology is detected in farms related to the enrichment of feed with microelements, carelessly, sometimes depending on the breed and heredity of the bird. Its development has a chronic form and occurs on the rise:

  • the oral mucosa turns red and inflamed;
  • further, there is swelling and pain,
  • this causes excessive separation of saliva and mucus;
  • it is difficult for a bird to eat, and it loses weight;
  • geese reduce the number of eggs laid;
  • a diverticulum is formed.

Mostly individuals with symptoms that appear are slaughtered. But sometimes, if the manufacturer is valuable for the economy, they treat: the oral cavity is treated with potassium permanganate, some use the method of flashing the wallet, in the place of the protrusion formed, after the operation the walls grow together, the rest dies and falls off.

For preventive purposes, the diet should be designed so that in the amount of nutrients and minerals there was no shortage.

Goose stomatitis


Sometimes it is possible to observe in hatched chicks an eversion of the limbs, or a thickening of the heel. These problems occur when choline and manganese are deficient in the diet. It is very difficult for such chicks to move, they constantly fall, they grow very slowly. With a strong shortage of substances in the female, the development of embryos stops.

In order to avoid the loss of young, it is necessary to organize high-quality nutrition of laying hens and start feeding with vitamin complexes from the first days after hatching.

Qatar goiter

The disease of an adult bird develops when the owner does not monitor the quality of the feed. In this case, the goiter inflates, and the bird loses activity and sits ruffled. Treatment is:


This happens when geese eat moldy food, poisonous plants, due to accidental ingestion of fertilizers and poisons.

When the poisoning is severe, the disease develops rapidly and it is very difficult to do something, and the bird dies.

But this is not always the case, and it is possible to save the livestock. When it suddenly appears:

  • causeless anxiety;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • the bird drinks a lot;
  • frequent breathing;
  • in case of food poisoning, suffocation is added to the symptoms.

It is important to start treatment immediately. Immediately introduce the adsorbent, this Activated carbon, organize a plentiful drink, vinegar is added to it, vegetable decoctions, castor oil vodka are suitable at home.

Activated charcoal - first aid for poisoning

Diseases of the genital organs

Prolapse of the oviduct

This may happen:

  • when the goose lays too large eggs;
  • with inflammation of the cloaca and oviducts;
  • frequent diarrhea or constipation.

The fallen organ is washed with cool water, then treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or alum and set into anus. After the procedure, a small piece of ice is placed there. It is necessary to watch the goose, it often happens that it is not easy to lay an egg for her, so she needs help. Manipulations to get the eggs are made with clean hands well lubricated with Vaseline.

Another option: injected into the cloaca vegetable oil, the shell is neatly destroyed and gets in parts.

Yolk peritonitis

They are only affected by geese during the laying period. When the yolk mass penetrates the intestines, inflammation develops there. Accompanied by severe pain, an increase in the size of the abdomen, fever. This situation can occur due to inflammation of the peritoneum, which is caused by the following factors:

  • excess protein content in food:
  • blow, fright of the female;
  • lack of vitamins.

Peritonitis only affects geese

It is difficult to deal with this type of geese disease, because its causes are diverse, and effective methods not found yet. To eliminate provoking factors, it is recommended:

  • do not allow excessive crowding;
  • the availability of adequate nutrition;
  • cleanliness in places of detention.

infectious diseases


It is also called paratyphoid. It is caused by salmonella and is extremely contagious. Infection occurs through the air or the feces of an infected bird. The disease develops under the condition:

  • high density of geese;
  • poor conditions of detention;
  • the presence of vitamin deficiency;
  • stuffiness and overheating.

You can recognize the disease by the symptoms:

  • lowered wings;
  • unwillingness to move;
  • lack of appetite;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • strong thirst;
  • the bird is gradually losing weight.

If adult geese tolerate the disease relatively easily, it develops into a chronic form in them, they become carriers of microorganisms and continue to spread the infection.

In small caterpillars, the disease is acute, and it is not always possible to save the bulk, especially when treatment is not done on time. Furazolidone is traditionally used, as well as antibiotics: tetracycline, oxytetracycline, biomycin.

As preventive measures vaccinations, treatment of poultry houses, vitamin therapy are used.

Adult geese easily tolerate diseases, and they become chronic

Viral enteritis

Enteritis affects the stomach, intestines and liver, it is very dangerous especially for newly hatched chicks. Source - sick birds, contaminated water and feed, inventory with waste products. Symptoms:

  • oppression of behavior;
  • immobility;
  • chicks huddle together;
  • yawn;
  • sometimes young animals have conjunctivitis, nasal discharge;
  • refusal of food;
  • legs become weak;
  • liquid stool with blood.

Those geese that have been ill with enteritis are carriers of the virus for several more years and infect offspring at the stage of egg formation. Treatment is carried out by the method of double vaccination.

pasteurellosis or cholera

This infection is spread by the bacterium Pasteurella. Young, insufficiently strong goslings are most susceptible to it.

It is carried by sick birds and rodents, and enters the body through air, contaminated water and food.

In cool and damp weather, this disease reaches its peak.

Pasteurellosis can enter the body through food and air

Recognizing a sick bird is easy:

  • her condition is oppressed;
  • feathers stick out;
  • hides his head under the wing;
  • no appetite;
  • thirst;
  • foamy mucus flows from the beak;
  • breathing with wheezing;
  • diarrhea mixed with blood;
  • some fall from weakness;
  • convulsions and death of the bird are possible.

It is treated with antibiotics and sulfonamides. Vaccinations are used as preventive measures. The room must be regularly cleaned and disinfected.


If goslings have appeared:

  • foamy stools;
  • state oppression;
  • lost appetite;
  • thirst;
  • the temperature is raised.

Colicobacteriosis in goose can occur due to lack of water

That diagnosis cannot be ruled out. The provoking factors of a dangerous infection are usually:

  • poor conditions of detention;
  • lack of ventilation;
  • poor quality food;
  • lack of water.

Here you will have to destroy all the infected livestock, and subject the room to scrupulous disinfection with chlorine or formaldehyde. The surviving individuals are watered with a solution of furacilin for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Of the antibiotics, neomycin is used, for each kilogram of weight, 50 g of the drug is mixed into the feed. The duration of treatment is from a week to 10 days. It is allowed to give chloramphenicol 30 mg or biomycin 20 g.

Prevention begins from the first days of the young, fed with a propionic-acidophilic culture (10 ml of water, 1 ml of the drug).


Streptococcus causative agent, staph infection, Proteus, usually affects males, become infected during mating periods or through contaminated bedding. The duration of the development of infection is from 30 to 45 days, during which time the weight of the bird decreases.

Then the symptoms manifest themselves more clearly:

  • in females, the cloaca acquires a red tint;
  • ulcers and crusts form;
  • the affected areas are edematous;
  • ganders suffer from inflammation that passes to the penis, as a result of which it is bent and even falls out of the cloaca.

These animals are culled, the rest are carefully examined, and the equipment and the premises are disinfected.

A sick goose is culled

On the skin of geese live various insects, are of particular danger, downy eaters. They are able to cause great concern to the bird: their presence negatively affects the general condition of the bird, development slows down, and females infected with periodine lay much fewer eggs. To prevent the spread of insects, the room is disinfected, and the body is covered with special ointments.

You can offer ash baths to geese, they are non-toxic, and pereeds really do not like alkaline environments.


Worms live in dirty water


If a bird splashes in a pond, when it eats frogs, tadpoles, various mollusks, trematodes and echinostomatodes may appear in their stomachs.

Signs of their presence:

  • depressed state;
  • weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • diarrhea.

Fenasal and bitionol are used as treatment. Infected individuals are deposited, after consumption medicines Quarantine is extended for another 3 days.

If suspicious symptoms appear in the poultry house, in order to diagnose the disease and save the number of young animals, the most the right way- call the veterinarian.

Only a professional will be able to determine the diseases of geese accurately and prescribe proper treatment. The farmer is required to feed his wards well, to provide comfortable conditions residence, constant walking, timely vaccinations, then bird diseases will bypass, and the work will delight with the result.

Of all poultry, geese are the "champions" in terms of the number of hitting them. various diseases. Therefore, those who are serious about breeding these smart and pretty birds need to know at least the main diseases of geese in order to protect the birds in the herd from death.

All diseases of geese are divided into two large groups: infectious and non-infectious. Non-contagious diseases do not have a specific pathogen and are not transmitted to other birds. These include:

  • avitaminosis;
  • rickets;
  • cannibalism;
  • diarrhea;
  • cloacite;
  • blockage of the esophagus;
  • stomatitis;
  • goiter catarrh;
  • poisoning
  • yolk peritonitis;
  • prolapse of the oviduct.

Infectious diseases are dangerous because their pathogen, having infected one individual in the herd, is capable of infecting most of the birds in it to death. These are diseases such as:

  • worms;
  • downy eaters.

Such diseases, although not transmitted infectiously, also quickly affect all birds in the flock.

Non-communicable diseases

These diseases are less dangerous for geese than infectious ones. If geese are detected in time and properly treated, death in such diseases is rare - mostly weak, exhausted birds die.

The main causes of non-contagious diseases of geese are malnutrition and errors in bird care.

Avitaminosis . Most often, the disease manifests itself at the end of winter and in early spring. The cause of this disease is a lack of vitamins in the body of birds. With beriberi, young goslings grow poorly and hardly gain weight. In adult geese, egg production decreases and the quality of laid eggs deteriorates: among them there are many unfertilized ones; in fertilized - embryos during incubation often freeze in the egg, unable to peck the shell; hatched goslings hatch with crooked legs.

For weakened geese, prolonged vitamin deficiency can be fatal. This disease is difficult to diagnose, since its main symptoms are also characteristic of other diseases. You can get rid of this disease by balancing the diet of birds, introducing vitamin supplements into it, enriching it with fish oil, herbal meal or green grass.

Rickets develops with an acute deficiency in the goose body of vitamin D. As a result of the disease, growth inhibition occurs, the bones and beak become soft to the touch, in eggs laid by sick birds, the shell does not harden, but remains soft.

The addition of fish oil to the diet of birds helps to cope with the disease, especially when growing young animals, as well as yeast, mineral supplements with a high content of vitamin D. Like a person, sunlight helps the goose body better absorb vitamin D, so prolonged exposure to the sun, even in hard frost is a good prevention of rickets in geese.

Cannibalism - a rather rare disease of geese of a mental nature. Provokes its appearance deficiency in the goose body required set proteins, and the immediate cause of development is the improper maintenance of the goose herd (cramped room, high humidity, too bright light, etc.).

Sick birds constantly clean and grease their feathers, so they look disheveled and untidy. Due to excess fat, feathers become brittle and fall out, therefore features birds suffering from cannibalism - naked, in bloody ulcers, backs.

The best prevention of cannibalism in birds is a spacious, well-ventilated house, as well as daily walks in the fresh air and weekly baths. If a diseased bird is found in the herd, it must be immediately isolated from the rest - sick geese behave very aggressively.

Diarrhea in geese provokes a lack of vitamin B in the body. Diarrhea is easy to recognize: the litter of geese becomes liquid and almost continuous, the feathers of sick birds are ruffled, appearance unkempt, neck twitching involuntarily. For goose young, this disease is dangerous due to growth retardation, and in severe cases, complete paralysis.

Wheat bran and vitamin supplements with a high content of vitamin B will help to quickly defeat diarrhea. To prevent diarrhea, sprouted grains must be added to the diet - its green shoots are a real pantry of this important vitamin for geese.

cloacite or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cloaca indicates a lack in the body of birds of a large group of vitamins (A, D, E) and minerals. In sick birds, the anus swells, “blows out”, often small sores or cracks appear on it.

For the prevention and treatment of cloacitis, bone meal, carrots and green grass, as well as complex fortified supplements. To avoid accumulations of pus and fecal residues on the mucous membrane of the cloaca, it is necessary to provide the geese with the opportunity to splash freely in a clean water, preferably with running water. Sick birds need additional care: first, the cloacal mucosa must be cleaned of pus and feces, then the cleaned wounds are treated with iodine solution and lubricated with zinc ointment.

Blockage of the esophagus more typical for young people. In sick geese, the beak is constantly open, they are excited, breathe heavily and stagger when walking. The main cause of this disease is the feeding of small goslings exclusively with dry food and the lack of clean drinking water. It is characterized by high mortality among diseased birds.

To save sick geese, 2-3 tablespoons of sunflower oil are forcibly poured into their mouths, which after 1.5-2 minutes must be gently squeezed out by hand. But such a procedure requires certain skills so as not to damage the bird's esophagus. Therefore, it is easier and safer to prevent the appearance of this disease: dry food must be alternated with wet food and provided to birds in the right amount clean drinking water.

contagious diseases

Dangerous in the first place mass defeat livestock and high mortality among diseased birds - in some infectious diseases it can reach up to 100%.

Infectious diseases are very difficult to treat, so The best way to cope with them - to prevent their appearance in your goose herd.

Paratyphoid (salmonellosis) - an infection caused by salmonella. Incubation period up to 72 hours. It can be transmitted both through the air and through the feces of infected birds. Mostly young animals are affected, although cases of paratyphoid and adult geese are not uncommon.

There are 3 forms of paratyphoid: acute, subacute and chronic. The form of the disease depends on the age of the geese: goslings up to 20 days always have an acute form, young animals have a subacute form, and those who have crossed a 3-month milestone have a chronic form.

The acute form of paratyphoid is characterized by: poor appetite, diarrhea, purulent conjunctivitis, goslings become lethargic, they can sit motionless for hours with their eyes closed. Developing in the body, salmonella affects nervous system, therefore, small goslings often have seizures - they fall on their backs, convulsively jerk their heads, wave their paws in the air, unable to roll over on their side on their own. Mortality from paratyphoid among small goslings reaches 70%.

For the subacute form of paratyphoid, in addition to poor appetite, purulent conjunctivitis and diarrhea, rhinitis and inflamed joints are characteristic. Adult geese tolerate paratyphoid relatively easily - the disease is signaled by severe diarrhea and poor weight gain, and for growing young animals it is also a lag in growth from healthy peers.

Viral enteritis - an infectious disease that develops in the liver, intestines and stomach. Dangerous primarily for young animals - there are frequent cases when viral enteritis took the lives of all the chicks in the herd. It has many other names that characterize its ruthlessness: goose plague, goose flu, Hold disease .

Sick chicks are cold, they instinctively strive for warmth, so they huddle together, constantly yawn. 5-10 days after infection, most goslings die, and the surviving geese fall to their feet. , stop growing, become lethargic and indifferent to what is happening.

Viral enteritis affects not only small goslings, but also young animals, and even adult geese. Among sick young animals, about a third of the birds die. Adult geese carry this infection without visible symptoms and practically do not die from it. But at the same time, the geese that have suffered the Hold's disease become carriers of this infection for several years, carrying eggs already infected with viral enteritis.

To avoid an outbreak of viral enteritis, goslings under the age of 5 days are vaccinated by subcutaneously injecting the blood of ill but surviving geese. After 2-3 days, the chicks are vaccinated again. A similar scheme is also used to treat already sick chicks.

colibacillosis one more infection, very dangerous for goslings in the first days of life. It provokes the appearance of E. coli, which enters the intestines of the bird. As a result of its influence, the body is poisoned, the temperature rises in goslings, diarrhea appears, appetite disappears, but thirst is constantly tormented. If the bird walks with foamy greenish feces, then this is a clear sign of infection with colibacillosis.

pasteurellosis A disease caused by the Pasteurella bacterium. Another name for this disease is cholera. It is transmitted through the air and feed, but often the chicks hatched from the eggs of infected geese act as carriers of the infection.

Symptoms of the disease: depression, protruding feathers, the head is almost constantly hidden under the wing, the bird hardly eats, but drinks a lot, wheezing is heard when breathing, foamy mucus flows from the beak. Often this disease is accompanied by severe diarrhea, and traces of blood are visible in goose feces.

Pasteurellosis is seasonal: its peak occurs in the first half of spring or the second half of autumn. Antibiotics and sulfonamides are used to treat it, but more often infected birds are slaughtered to protect healthy geese.

Neisseriasis - an infectious disease transmitted mainly through sexual contact, although males can become infected with it through infected bedding. The causative agents of infection are staphylococci and streptococci. In males, the penis becomes inflamed, it can bend or even fall out of the cloaca. In infected females, the cloacal mucosa becomes red, swollen, and scabbed.

The duration of the infection can vary from one to one and a half months. During this period, infected birds steadily lose weight. If birds sick with neisseria are found in the herd, they should be immediately culled, the house should be disinfected and the litter should be changed, and the remaining birds should be regularly examined for a month and a half.

Aspergillosis - an infectious disease caused by harmful fungal spores. These spores actively develop in warm, fresh straw or haylage. After drying, their surface is often covered with a barely noticeable grayish dust - fungal spores.

These diseases, although not as dangerous as infectious ones, still cause a lot of trouble for both the geese themselves and their owners.

Echinostomatizodes appear in the stomach of geese due to birds eating tadpoles, frogs and other small aquatic animals. When they appear, the geese become lethargic, eat poorly, suffer from diarrhea. When birds are infected with echinostomatizodes, geese are treated with phenosal and bitionol, and after a course of treatment for 3-5 days they are kept separately from the herd.

Sometimes, with a large number of goose herds forced to live in small room, downy-eaters settle on the skin of birds. When they appear, growth in geese slows down, egg production decreases, and the general well-being of birds worsens. To get rid of downy-eaters, special ointments are rubbed into the skin of the geese, and the poultry house is disinfected.

Prevention of goose diseases

Given the huge number of goose diseases, as well as the fact that many of these diseases have almost identical symptoms and treatment, it is not always possible to recognize the disease even by a specialist veterinarian. It is much easier and cheaper to prevent diseases of geese than to treat them, while losing a significant part of the livestock.

There are 3 fundamental points in the successful keeping of geese: a balanced diet, a sufficient amount pure water and proper management of the herd.

Considering that small goslings are most susceptible to various infections, they must be kept separately from other geese, ideally divided into groups of 5-7 chicks and avoiding contact between chicks from different groups. In this way, not only the risk of infection of the entire livestock is reduced, but the most comfortable conditions for the growth and development of goslings are created.

Particular attention should be paid to the diet. Each age group needs its own diet, so feeding young and adult geese together is best avoided. Be sure to alternate dry and succulent feed in the diet, as well as the use of fortified supplements.

Daily walks and splashing in clean running water is another reliable and affordable way prevention of most diseases.

Geese are more sensitive to conditions than any other bird. The house should be spacious, well ventilated and lit. If you value the health of your feathered pets, they need to change their bedding at least once every 2 days (ideally, every day), and remove leftover feed, especially juicy ones, immediately after feeding.

You need to clean not only the poultry house, but also the yard where the geese walk most of the day. If possible, then the goose herd should be regularly driven out to pasture - on it the birds instinctively find the grass they need.

The disease begins to disturb the bird almost immediately after the appearance, but visible symptoms may appear after a few days. Therefore, upon noticing the unusual behavior of a bird, it must be immediately isolated from the rest and shown to the veterinarian, even if there are no visible symptoms of the disease.

Subject to the above conditions, breeding geese will become an exciting, not too burdensome and quite profitable business for you.