What can be cooked from pak choi? Chinese pak choi cabbage: cultivation and care features, useful properties and recipes Pak choi cabbage recipes

If you are tired of everyday familiar dishes, try cooking something unusual using not the most famous and common products, such as pak choi. You can make a lot of interesting things out of it if you know how.

What it is?

Pak choy or bok choy is a type of Chinese cabbage. This type differs from others in that it does not have heads of cabbage. Around the central main bud, smooth green leaves with thick and dense stems are formed. The name translates to "white vegetable" and is especially popular in Southeast Asia, but pak choi is also heavily grown and consumed in North America and Europe.

Fun fact: Pak choi is a close relative of Beijing cabbage, but the two varieties are very different.

Product benefits

The composition of Chinese cabbage includes a lot of various useful substances, for example, fiber, protein, ash, carbohydrates, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, as well as vitamins A, K, PP, C and group B. The calorie content of 100 grams of such a product is only only 13 kilocalories.

Beneficial features:

  • Normalization of peristalsis of the intestinal walls, getting rid of constipation.
  • Removal of toxins and toxins, cleansing the body.
  • Prevention of atherosclerosis: lowering the level of "bad" cholesterol, cleansing blood vessels and strengthening their walls.
  • Improving the functioning of the immune system, strengthening the body's defenses and increasing its resistance to attacks by pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Chinese cabbage can contribute to weight loss, as it is low in calories, satisfies hunger and gives a feeling of satiety, and also normalizes metabolic processes.
  • Vitamin K normalizes blood clotting, if it is lowered, stops bleeding.
  • B vitamins are involved in many reactions and metabolic processes in the body and ensure the smooth operation of the nervous system, improving mood and sleep.
  • Vitamin A is good for the skin and helps maintain visual acuity.
  • Pak choy is useful during pregnancy: this product ensures the proper formation of the organs of the fetus.
  • Chinese cabbage is good for the heart.
  • Pak-choi has an antioxidant effect: it neutralizes the activity of free radicals, stops the oxidation and aging of tissues, and prevents cell malignancy.

How to choose and store Chinese cabbage?

When choosing pak choy, pay attention to the leaves: they should be medium in size (no more than 13-15 centimeters long) and have a rich green hue, as well as be smooth and fresh. Unpleasant odor is not allowed.

Chinese cabbage is stored in the refrigerator. You can also separate and wash the leaves and wrap them in a damp cloth.

Can cabbage hurt?

Contraindications to the use of Chinese cabbage include individual hypersensitivity to such a product and exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, do not abuse it: glucosinolates were found in pak choi, which in high doses can have a toxic effect on the body. But moderate use certainly won't hurt.

What to cook with pak choi?

Pak choi cabbage is widely known in Asian countries and is actively used to prepare a variety of dishes. And you, too, can do something interesting by studying the recipes below.

Healthy light salad

Here's what you'll need:

  • 300 g pak choi;
  • two medium-sized carrots;
  • onions (you can take purple or white);
  • half a teaspoon of Dijon mustard;
  • two st. l. rice vinegar;
  • a quarter or a third of a small spoon of salt;
  • tsp honey.


  1. First you need to wash the cabbage, divide it into leaves and cut them.
  2. Carrots are washed, if necessary, cleaned of the remnants of the earth and rubbed on a coarse grater or divided into thin straws using a special knife.
  3. Onion should be cut into thin half rings.
  4. Mix honey with Dijon mustard, salt and toffee vinegar. This is a kind of sauce.
  5. Combine all the ingredients, season them with sauce and mix the salad.

Braised spicy pak choi

If you want to get an unusual and very spicy side dish, then you will need to prepare the following products:

  • 700 g pak choi;
  • three st. l. olive oil;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • 10-15 g of fresh ginger root;
  • five st. l. natural classic soy sauce;
  • ground pepper.

Process description:

  1. Prepare Chinese cabbage: divide into leaves, wash thoroughly, dry, chop if necessary, but not very finely.
  2. Ginger needs to be either finely chopped or grated. Garlic is peeled and crushed in any way.
  3. In a frying pan, heat the oil well, put the garlic and ginger in it and fry for literally a minute.
  4. Then lay out and pak-choi. Fry all products for about five minutes until barely noticeable golden, and then simmer under the lid for about five minutes.
  5. Pour in soy sauce and add pepper, simmer the dish for about a minute. The pak choi leaves should darken and completely soften.

Pak choi and mushroom snack

To prepare a snack for every day or for a festive table, you can also use unusual pak choi. Here's what you need for this:

  • 800 g pak choi;
  • 400 g mushrooms (it is best to use fresh champignons);
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • two st. l. olive oil (usual sunflower oil is suitable);
  • Art. l. sesame oil;
  • two st. l. sesame seed;
  • five st. l. wine vinegar;
  • ground pepper;
  • salt.

Preparation description:

  1. Mushrooms must be thoroughly washed and cut into not very thin slices.
  2. Garlic is peeled, crushed, for example, passed through a press.
  3. Pak choi is divided into separate sheets, washed and dried, after which it is cut (small leaves can be left whole).
  4. Toast the sesame seeds in a dry frying pan.
  5. Heat the olive oil, put the mushrooms with garlic in the pan, fry for a couple of minutes.
  6. Then add Chinese cabbage and fry all foods until fully cooked and pronounced golden.
  7. Add salt, sesame seeds, wine vinegar, sesame oil and pepper, hold everything under the lid for a minute and turn off the heat.
  8. When the appetizer has cooled down a bit, you can serve it to the table.

If you find an unusual Chinese pak choi in the store, then be sure to purchase it and try to cook something interesting and appetizing.

It is one of the oldest Chinese vegetable crops. To date, she has gained great popularity in Asia and every day more and more gains new fans in Europe. Pak-choi cabbage is a close relative of Beijing cabbage, but differs from it in appearance, biologically, and also in economic qualities. Although they are completely different, gardeners still confuse them very often. One has dark green leaves and bright white petioles, while the other has light green leaves and petioles. Pak choi is much juicier than Chinese, more piquant and spicier in taste. The main differences are coarser, hairless leaves.

Pak choi is an early ripe variety of cabbage that does not head out. The leaves are collected in a rosette with a diameter of about 30 cm. Petioles are tightly pressed, thick, convex below, often occupying two-thirds of the mass of the entire plant. Pak choi stalks are very crispy and taste like spinach. Fresh leaves are used in soups and salads.

Some call pak choi a salad, but this is not true, because, as mentioned above, this is a type of cabbage. It has a different name for different peoples, for example, mustard or celery. In Korea, bak choi is valued, the smaller the better, as small pak choi cabbages are much more tender.

How to choose

When choosing pak choi, pay attention to the leaves, as they must be juicy green and fresh (not sluggish). Young good cabbage has medium-sized leaves, when broken they are crispy. The length of the leaves should be no more than 15 cm.

How to store

In order for pak-choi to retain its beneficial properties longer, it must be stored following all the rules. First, separate the leaves from the stalk and rinse them under running water. After that, the leaves must be wrapped in a damp towel, then put in the refrigerator.

pak choi calories

Pak choi cabbage should certainly appeal to lovers of low-calorie foods. After all, its calorie content is very low, and is only 13 kcal per 100 g of product.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Benefits of bak choy

Composition and presence of nutrients

Low calorie content is not the only advantage of pak choi, it is rich in fiber, vegetable, indigestible fibers. Fiber is very important in good nutrition, as it not only serves to prevent problems with stools, but also effectively cleanses the intestines of toxins, toxins and cholesterol.

Pak-choi leaves contain a large amount of the most valuable for the human body, vitamin C vessels. Vessels retain strength and elasticity thanks to it. Vitamin C takes an active part in the synthesis of protein, collagen, which allows the skin to remain elastic and elastic longer. One hundred grams of pak choy leaves contain about 80% of the required daily value of vitamin C.

Cabbage also contains vitamin K, it improves a very important indicator of blood - clotting. The body's daily need for this vitamin can be replenished by eating two hundred grams of pak choi.

It should be noted that if you are taking blood thinning medications, then you should not consume pak choi. Vitamin K will reduce the effect of drugs "to nothing".

Pak choi contains the most vitamin A among its relatives. It stimulates the renewal of the skin at the cellular level, and in its absence, the synthesis of rhodopsin, the photosensitive pigment of vision, is not possible. Vitamin C deficiency adversely affects human vision and often leads to poor visibility at dusk, which is popularly called night blindness.

Useful and medicinal properties

Pak choi cabbage is a very valuable dietary vegetable. It is indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system. Pak choi juice has a bactericidal property and retains all biologically active vitamins, minerals and enzymes.

Pak choy is considered an ancient remedy. Its juice has healing properties and is used in the treatment of non-healing ulcers, wounds, burns. The leaves are rubbed on a grater, mixed with raw egg white, and this mixture is applied to wounds.

This vegetable is of great value in the treatment of anemia. Together with cabbage fiber, harmful cholesterol is excreted from the body, and this plays a huge role in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis of blood vessels.

Pak choy is used as a dietary component for diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

In cooking

To maintain good nutrition, it is very good to eat pak choi. It is usually fried with meat, tofu, other vegetables, also steamed, fried in oil or used as a side dish. Everything in pak choi is edible, both roots and leaves. It is very easy to clean and cook it: the leaves, separated from the petiole, are chopped, and the petiole itself is not cut into small circles.

But it should also be remembered that after boiling or stewing, pak choy leaves will lose most of their useful qualities, in particular vitamins. So it is best to consume pak choi in the form of a salad. To do this, take bell peppers, freshly grated carrots, grated ginger, dates and pak choi leaves. All ingredients must be mixed and poured with lemon juice, sunflower or olive oil can be added if desired.

Chinese cabbage Pak-choi is widespread in eastern countries, Europe and North America, but is almost unknown to us. What is special about this vegetable, why it is worth growing it in your backyard and whether it is difficult to do it - read further in the article.

What is pak choi?

Pak choi or bok choy (Brassica rapa chinensis) is a leafy annual plant of the cruciferous family. It is especially popular with residents of Southeast Asia and southern China, and is increasingly capturing the markets of Europe and the USA.

In our country, the plant is not very popular. It is often called: petiole cabbage, Chinese leaf or simply Chinese. The last name is not very true, since Beijing cabbage is called Chinese.

Botanical description

Pak choi is an early maturing variety. An adult plant does not create a head of cabbage, but forms a lush rosette of leaves, which reaches a height of 20 to 60 cm, a diameter of 40 to 45 cm. It looks more like a lettuce than a cabbage. The leaves are located on thick and fleshy cuttings with an external bulge, tightly pressed against each other. The sheet is large, delicate, slightly corrugated. According to the color of the leaf plate and petioles, 3 main types are distinguished:

  • Joi Choi. Bright dark green leaves grow on white petioles.
  • Shanghai Green. Both leaves and petioles are light green. The leaves are a little darker.
  • Red Choi. The petioles are green, and the leaves are green below and red-violet above.

Sort Joi Choi

Shanghai Green Pak Choi

Variety Red Choi

After germination, the cabbage forms a leaf rosette, and after full ripening, it throws out an arrow with flowers. After the peduncle ripens in varietal cabbage, seeds can be collected.

Pak choi has a branched, thin, shallow root system. The depth of occurrence does not exceed 15 cm.

Historical information

Pak choi is known as one of the first vegetable crops to be grown in China, where it still occupies a special place in national cuisine and medicine.

In the 19th century, it was brought to Europe, where it was liked and successfully grown.

Popular varieties

The State Register of Breeding Achievements includes many varieties of Pak-choi. All of them are recommended for cultivation in private farms and consumption.

Pak choi cabbage varieties table:

Variety name Vegetation period, days Productivity, kg / sq. m Plant weight, g Description
Alyonushka 45 9 1800 Semi-spreading socket. Small dark green leaves with a grayish tinge, the petiole is fleshy.
stonefly 25-35 2,7 250 The socket is semi-raised. The leaf is light or green in color, slightly wavy along the edge, the central vein is fleshy, juicy.
Vitavir 25-35 6,2 500-700 Low, semi-folding socket. The leaf is short, somewhat pubescent, with a wavy edge. Petiole of medium thickness, short, green.
Golub 25-35 6 600-900 Rosette with a diameter of 40 cm. The leaf is medium, light green, smooth. Petiole of medium thickness, wide, short.
corolla 50-60 5 1000 The socket is sprawling, small. The leaves are rounded, smooth along the edge, dark green. Petiole narrow, short, white.
Beauty of the East 35-45 6 700 The socket is vertical, average size. The leaf is smooth, with smooth edges, green. Petiole medium, light green.
Martin 35-45 10 1500-3000 Semi-raised socket. Leaves are smooth and green. Petioles are fleshy, juicy, green.
Swan 50-60 5-7,5 1100-1500 The rosette grows horizontally. Leaves are oval, entire. Petiole fleshy, white, long.
Peahen 50-60 10 1000-2000 Semi-straight socket. The leaves are oval, smooth, green. The petiole is fleshy, without fibers, crunches.
In memory of Popova 35-45 10 800 Semi-folding outlet of medium size. The leaves are green, smooth with a slight wave along the edge. Petioles are white, flat, medium in size.
Chill 50-60 6,5 1500 The socket is semi-folding, medium-large. The leaf is light green, smooth. Petioles of the same color as the leaves are flat.
four seasons 35-45 7,5 1350 Semi-folding outlet of medium size. The leaf is green, smooth. Petioles lighter than leaves, thick, wide.
Chingensai 35-45 3 120 The outlet is compact. The leaves are even along the edge, smooth, green. Petioles of medium thickness, lighter than the main color, short.
Yuna 50-60 5 800-1000 Half socket. The leaves are medium in size, dark green, dissected, wavy along the edge. Petioles narrow, green.

Useful properties of Pak-choy and its harm

95% of Pak-choi cabbage consists of water, it also contains many vitamins (A, C, K, PP, B1, B2, B9) and minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, sodium, phosphorus, zinc). It is a dietary product that contains only 13 kcal per 100 g.

Beneficial effect on the body:

  • cleans from toxins and harmful cholesterol;
  • improves the elasticity of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, supports the heart;
  • promotes the renewal of skin cells;
  • helps to heal wounds, improves blood clotting and hematopoiesis;
  • used as prevention of oncology;
  • improves immunity.

But there are some precautions in use:

  • the vegetable contains glucosinolates, which, if consumed excessively, are harmful to the body;
  • the enzyme myrosinase, which is found in all cruciferous, negatively affects the functioning of the thyroid gland, prevents the absorption of iodine;

    To prevent the negative effect of the enzyme, cabbage is subjected to heat treatment.

  • for those who suffer from the pathology of thick blood and take medicines that thin it, the use of Pak-choi is contraindicated;
  • people who are allergic to any kind of cabbage should be used with caution.

Preparations before boarding

You can grow Pak-choi cabbage all year round in a greenhouse and in warm weather in open ground. The plant is not demanding on the composition of the soil and does not need special attention and skill of the gardener.

Location and climate

When choosing a place for the garden, consider the following features:

  • Good warm-up. Cabbage loves a well-lit area or partial shade.
  • Soil moisture. Do not plant cabbage in an area where water will stagnate after rains.
  • Soil acidity. Cabbage will feel best on soil with medium acidity pH = 5.5-7.
  • Daylight hours. The best period for growing is considered to be early spring or the second half of summer-autumn. Long daylight hours, at the end of May, June and July, can provoke the plant to shoot arrows. Under such conditions, it will not be possible to get a good harvest.

    Pak-choi cabbage shoots arrows and blooms with increasing daylight hours.

  • Freeze resistance. Seedlings are not afraid of a short-term drop in temperature to -4 ° C.
  • Predecessors. Beans, cereals, pumpkin, nightshade, onions can grow in the garden before cabbage.
    Any kind of cabbage, turnip, radish, radish, swede will be a bad predecessor.

Land preparation

Soil preparation for planting Pak-choi begins in the fall.

Step by step work:

  • Autumn digging. Dig the bed well, remove the roots of the plants.
  • Fertilizer. Apply organic fertilizer (10 kg) and superphosphate (1 tablespoon) per 1 sq. m.
  • Deoxidation of the soil. If your area has acidic soils, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lime or 200 g of ash per 1 sq. m.
  • Heavy soil. To correct the situation, add coarse sand or rotted sawdust to the site, dig it up.
  • Spring digging. In the spring, dig the soil to a depth of 15 cm.
  • Application of fertilizers. Add 1 teaspoon of urea per 1 sq. m.

seed preparation

Seed preparation does not require any specific actions and consists in:

  • Calibration. Sort through the seeds and choose the largest ones. If there are not many of them, medium-sized ones are also suitable.
  • Germination test. Prepare a 3% salt solution and dip the seeds in it for 5 minutes. Collect those that have surfaced, and those that have fallen to the bottom are suitable for sowing. Immediately, under running water, wash off the salt from them, and then dry them so as not to provoke premature germination.
  • disinfection. Dip the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate, then rinse with water. This will protect plants from fungal and bacterial diseases.
    Another way is to warm up. To do this, prepare hot water (48-50 ° C). Seeds are placed in a gauze bag and dipped in water for 20 minutes. The difficulty of this method lies in controlling the temperature of the water.

    If the temperature is more than 50 ° C - the seeds will lose their germination, if it is below 48 ° C - there will be no disinfecting effect.

  • Germination acceleration. Seeds are placed in a container and filled with water so that it covers them. Changing the water every 4 hours, the procedure is carried out at room temperature for 12 hours.
    You can apply a solution of Nitrophoska (dissolve 1 teaspoon in 1 liter of water). Keep the seeds for 12 hours.
  • hardening. Seeds are placed in the lower section of the refrigerator and incubated for 24 hours.

After that, the seeds are dried so that they stop sticking to the fingers and start sowing.

How to plant Chinese collard greens?

Pak-choi can be planted in two ways, which will be discussed later.

seedling method

For seedlings, seeds are sown in late March-early April. This method is good because it allows you to get an early harvest.

Work sequence:

  • Seedling container. Prepare the required number of peat pots. It is recommended to sow seeds immediately in them, so as not to damage the delicate root system during transplantation. You can use peat tablets.
  • Priming. Fill pots with potting mix, coconut substratum works well.
  • Sowing seeds. You can put several seeds in each pot. And after germination - remove the weak ones.
  • Close up. Seeds are covered with soil to a depth of 1 cm.
  • Place for sprouting. It should be warm, well warmed up by the sun.

The first sprouts will appear 3-5 days after sowing.

To provide yourself with a constant harvest for a long time, you can sow seeds for seedlings in a small amount every 7-10 days.

You can transfer seedlings to the garden or to the greenhouse after 3 weeks. In doing so, adhere to the scheme:

  • 40-50 cm - between rows;
  • 20-35 cm - the distance between plants in a row, depending on the size of the rosette of the variety.

Seeds in open ground

Seeds can be sown in open ground starting from April, when the earth warms up to + 3-4 ° С or in July.

Seeding order:

  • Method. There are 2 methods of planting in the ground:
    • Ribbon line. When the seeds are glued onto the tape and stacked in rows. Or a groove is made in the ground and seeds are sown in it.
    • Into the holes. The bed is divided into rows in each row, holes are made with a depth of 2 cm after 30 cm. 2-3 seeds are placed in each hole.
  • Close up. Cover the seed with soil.
  • Shelter. Cover the rows with plastic wrap to maintain heat and moisture. This will promote rapid germination.
  • shoots. The first plants hatch in 1-1.5 weeks.

Diseases and pests, control and prevention

Cabbage resists major diseases well. Of the pests may be affected:

  • Cruciferous flea. The pest gnaws large holes in the leaves. You can fight with the help of ash or ash and tobacco dust (1: 1), with which the soil is sprinkled. Another method is to cover young shoots with agrofiber.
  • Cabbage white. Dangerous for cabbage are not the butterflies themselves, but their caterpillars. Tobacco dust is suitable for the fight. Leaves with pest eggs must be removed.
  • Slugs and snails. They are removed either manually or with the help of special baits that can be purchased at the store and laid out between rows.

When using chemicals, follow the instructions and do not use them during the harvest period.

Caring for Pak-choi

Caring for Chinese kale is:

  • thinning. It is necessary for the row-tape sowing method. Carry out the first thinning after the appearance of true leaves. Weak plants are removed, leaving 10 cm between them. After the rosettes grow and the row closes, carry out the second thinning, leaving 20 cm between the plants.
  • Top dressing. It is needed only if fertilizers were not applied during planting. Apply organic fertilizer at the beginning of the growing season. For this purpose, a solution of mullein (1:10) or bird droppings (1:20) is suitable.
  • Polivakh. Cabbage loves abundant watering. You can use the sprinkling method, but remember that stagnant water can lead to fungal diseases.
  • Weeding. Remove weeds in the garden in a timely manner, this will help in pest control.

When and how to harvest?

You can try the first harvest 3 weeks after planting. Cut off young leaves leaving 2-3 cm at the root, more mature - even higher. This will allow you to re-crop on cut rosettes - cabbage quickly grows new shoots.

Cut leaves cannot be stored for long, so harvest as needed. If necessary, you can wrap the leaves in a damp towel and store up to 2 days on the refrigerator door.

If the plant was cut at the initial stage of arrow formation, it can be consumed, since the leaf has not yet lost its juiciness.

Leaves older than 50 days, for early varieties, are considered overexposed, become coarse and unsuitable for food.

You can see what Pak-choi looks like in the video clip. From it you will also learn the features of growing, caring, harvesting and what can be prepared from a vegetable.

Pak-choi or Chinese cabbage (Brassica chinensis) is one of the oldest vegetable crops in China, which today enjoys great popularity in Asia and is increasingly gaining fans in Europe. A close relative of Beijing cabbage, it differs from it in appearance, biology, and economic qualities. Gardeners often confuse these plants, although this is a completely different cabbage.

An early ripe variety of kale that does not form a head. Its leaves are collected in a rosette with a diameter of 20-40 cm, the petioles are thick, strongly convex from below, very tightly pressed against each other and often occupy 2/3 of the plant mass. It tastes like spinach. Fresh leaves are used to make salads, soups, stews.

The main difference between Chinese cabbage and Beijing cabbage is coarser and hairless leaves.

One has dark green leaves and bright white petioles. The other has both leaves and petioles light green.

Pak-choi, someone calls it a salad, but in fact it is a kind of cabbage, which has a different name for different peoples, celery, mustard, etc.

This cabbage is much juicier than Chinese cabbage, and also has a more piquant taste and spiciness. The leaves are dark green, round, growing on white petioles.

Pak choy belongs to the mustard family, so it has a distinctive pungent, somewhat spicy flavor.

In Korea, the smaller the pak choi, the better it is. small sprouts of pak choi are more tender.

Pak choi Chinese cabbage has crispy stalks and spinach-like leaves.

Pak choi is usually sautéed with meat, tofu, or other vegetables, but can also be steamed or fried in oil, and served as a side dish on its own.

Chinese cabbage is a valuable dietary vegetable. Indicated for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

Pak-choi juice is bactericidal and contains biologically active vitamins, enzymes and minerals.

You can eat everything in pak choi - from roots to leaves. Pak choi is easy to prepare and easy to clean.

The leaves are chopped, separating from the petiole, and he is also cut into small circles.

But this cabbage ancient remedy.

Its healing juice is used in the treatment of long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers, and burns.

The leaves are rubbed on a grater, mixed with raw egg white and applied to wounds.

This vegetable is especially valued as a vitamin product in the fight against anemia. Together with the fiber of Chinese cabbage, cholesterol is excreted from the body, which plays an important role in the prevention of atherosclerosis. It is used for dietary nutrition in cardiovascular diseases, stomach ulcers.

Benefits of pak choi

Fans of low-calorie food should like it, because. in it very few calories. 100 gr. This cabbage contains only 16-18 kcal.

In addition to being low in calories, pak choi, like the more familiar white cabbage, is rich in plant-based, indigestible fiber.

And this is a very important ingredient in our nutrition, because. cellulose not only helps to avoid problems with stools (constipation), it also effectively “vacuums” the intestines from toxins, toxins and cholesterol.

Pak choi leaves contain a large amount of such valuable for the body and blood vessels vitamin C. In particular, thanks to him, the vessels retain their elasticity.

In addition, this vitamin is involved in the synthesis of collagen, a protein that helps the skin remain firm and elastic. 100 gr. contain about 80% of the daily value of vitamin C.

It also has a lot vitamin K. It improves such an indicator of blood as clotting.

After eating 200 grams of this green, a person inflames the daily need for this vitamin.

But it should be noted here that people who are taking blood thinners should not use it. Due to vitamin K, the effect of these drugs is reduced to “no”.

Well, this is a champion among his relatives in vitamin A.

And this vitamin stimulates the renewal of skin cells; without it, the synthesis of the light-sensitive pigment of vision, rhodopsin, is indispensable. Deficiency of this vitamin negatively affects vision and can lead to poor vision at dusk (night blindness).

By the way pak choi cabbage contains 4,468 units of this vitamin, in Chinese salad 336 units., and in our native white cabbage there are only 90.

This is how the Asian brother left the Russian far behind.

Well, you know the useful properties now learn how to choose it.

The leaves should have a juicy, green color.. They should not be "sluggish" and good young cabbages have medium sized leaves that are crisp when broken. The length of the leaves should preferably not exceed 15 cm. In general, these are the selection criteria.

After buying it, of course, you need put in storage. To do this, separate the leaves from the stalk, rinse them. After that, wet a towel with water, wrap the leaves in it and put the towel in the refrigerator.

Unfortunately, it cannot be stored this way for a long time, the leaves will simply wither. Therefore, it is advisable to use it as soon as possible.

Can cook salad.

For this you need bell pepper,

grated, fresh carrots,

dates, some grated ginger and cabbage leaves.

All this is mixed and poured with lemon juice.

Pak choi salad:
Pak choi - 1 piece
3 tablespoons of grated ginger;
garlic cloves - 2 pieces;
Half a cup of raw soy sauce;
Juice of half a lime;
3 tablespoons of olive oil.

Cut the pak choi carefully, without touching the leaves too much. Grind all the remaining ingredients in a blender, then mix with the salad and leave to marinate. The pickling time is up to you. But I personally liked it best after a night in the fridge.

If the leaves are stewed or boiled, then be aware that due to heat treatment, they will lose most of their useful qualities.

Namely, vitamins will be destroyed and only coarse fibers will remain.

Well, try pak choi, maybe you will like its taste, and its beneficial qualities will help you and your loved ones stay healthy.

Now let's move on to the presentation of the Pak Choi stew recipe:

We clean a kilogram of pak-choi cabbage, cut off and discard the tips of the petioles

The leaves are separated from the petioles, and the petioles themselves are cut into thin strips. Coarsely chopped leaves
Cut into cubes three or four onions

We heat 5-6 tablespoons of olive oil in a frying pan and simmer the onion in it until transparent, stirring it so as not to burn
Lay three to four cloves of garlic - chopped

After a minute, put the pak-choi stalks into the mixture and simmer for about ten minutes.
Only now add pak-choi leaves and simmer for another three minutes
You can salt and pepper at any time.

Very interesting, original and tasty side dish for fried meat. Yes, and as an appetizer, a very good dish is obtained.

Pak-choi manti

Pork - 400 g
cabbage Pak-choi (bok-choy) - 2 heads
onion - 2 pcs.
egg - 1 pc.
oil growth. - 100 ml
butter - 75 g
green onion - 1 bunch
salt, ground pepper to taste

From flour, salted water and eggs, knead an elastic, slightly tight dough. Cover the dough with a bag and let it rest.

Wash the meat and chop very finely.

Wash and dry pak choi cabbage, do not confuse with Beijing cabbage, these are different vegetables). Crumble cabbage, chop finely onion and green onion.

Mix chopped vegetables with meat, add 50ml growth. butter and 75g melted butter. Season everything with spices and mix thoroughly.

Once the dough has rested, roll it out to 2mm thick. Cut out the circles using the shape. Put the stuffing on the circle and sculpt the mantu in the Asian manner.

Manti should be small. Lubricate the cascans from the pressure cooker growth. oil, then lower each molded manta upside down into the oil and fold it onto the kaskan, leaving gaps. Boil water in a pressure cooker pot and set the cascans with manti. Steam for 35 min.
Pak choi manti is best served with sour cream garlic sauce or as you wish.