Pump suction height 20 m. From what depth can a surface pump lift water. Self-priming pump for water

Daily questions about why pumps cannot suck liquid from a depth of more than 9 meters prompted me to write an article about this.
To start, a little history:
In 1640, in Italy, the Duke of Tuscany decided to arrange a fountain on the terrace of his palace. To supply water from the lake, a pipeline and a pump of great length were built, which had not yet been built before. But it turned out that the system did not work - the water in it rose only up to 10.3 m above the level of the reservoir.

No one could explain what was the matter, until the student of Galileo - E. Toricelli suggested that the water in the system rises under the influence of the gravity of the atmosphere, which presses on the surface of the lake. A column of water 10.3 m high exactly balances this pressure, and therefore the water does not rise higher. Toricelli took a glass tube with one end sealed and the other open and filled it with mercury. Then he closed the hole with his finger and, turning the tube over, lowered its open end into a vessel filled with mercury. The mercury did not spill out of the tube, but only sank a little.
The column of mercury in the tube was set at a height of 760 mm above the surface of the mercury in the vessel. The weight of a mercury column with a cross section of 1 cm2 is 1.033 kg, i.e., exactly equal to the weight of a water column of the same cross section 10.3 m high. It is with this force that the atmosphere presses on every square centimeter of any surface, including the surface of our body.

In the same way, if in the experiment with mercury instead of it water is poured into the tube, then the water column will be 10.3 meters high. That is why they do not make water barometers, because. they would be too bulky.

The pressure of the liquid column (P) is equal to the product of the acceleration of gravity (g), the density of the liquid (ρ) and the height of the liquid column:

Atmospheric pressure at sea level (P) is assumed to be 1 kg/cm2 (100 kPa).
Note: The actual pressure is 1.033 kg/cm2.

The density of water at 20°C is 1000 kg/m3.
The free fall acceleration is 9.8 m/s2.

From this formula, it can be seen that the less Atmosphere pressure(P), the lower the liquid can rise (i.e. the higher above sea level, for example in the mountains, the lower the pump can suck).
Also from this formula it can be seen that the lower the density of the liquid, the more depth it can be pumped out, and vice versa, with a higher density, the suction depth will decrease.

For example, the same mercury ideal conditions, can be lifted from a height of no more than 760 mm.
I foresee the question: why did the calculations turn out to be a liquid column 10.3 m high, and the pumps suck in only from 9 meters?
The answer is quite simple:
- firstly, the calculation is performed under ideal conditions,
- secondly, any theory does not give absolutely exact values, because empirical formulas.
- and thirdly, there are always losses: in the suction line, in the pump, in the connections.
Those. it is not possible in ordinary water pumps to create a vacuum sufficient for the water to rise higher.

So, what conclusions can be drawn from all this:
1. The pump does not suck in liquid, but only creates a vacuum at its inlet (that is, it reduces atmospheric pressure in the suction line). Water is forced into the pump by atmospheric pressure.
2. The greater the density of the liquid (for example, with a high content of sand in it), the lower the suction lift.
3. You can calculate the suction height (h) knowing what vacuum the pump creates and the density of the liquid using the formula:
h \u003d P / (ρ * g) - x,

where P is atmospheric pressure, is the density of the liquid. g is the free fall acceleration, x is the loss value (m).

Note: The formula can be used to calculate suction lift under normal conditions and temperatures up to +30°C.
I would also like to add that the suction lift (in the general case) depends on the viscosity of the liquid, the length and diameter of the pipeline and the temperature of the liquid.

For example, when the temperature of the liquid rises to +60°C, the suction lift is almost halved.
This is because the vapor pressure of the liquid increases.
Air bubbles are always present in any liquid.
I think everyone saw how, when boiling, small bubbles first appear, which then increase, and boiling occurs. Those. When boiling, the pressure in the air bubbles becomes greater than atmospheric pressure.
Saturated vapor pressure is the pressure in the bubbles.
Increasing the vapor pressure causes the liquid to boil at a lower pressure. And the pump just creates a reduced atmospheric pressure in the line.
Those. when absorbing liquid high temperature, there is a possibility of its boiling in the pipeline. And no pumps can suck up boiling liquid.
Here, in general, and all.

And the most interesting thing is that we all went through all this in a physics lesson while studying the topic “atmospheric pressure”.
But since you are reading this article, and learned something new, then you just "passed through" ;-)

The "heart" of any pumping station is a surface self-priming pump. In spite of a wide range of models presented for sale, none of them, in practice, can "boast" of outstanding abilities to suck water from great depths. As a rule, for surface pumps of this type, the limit of possibilities lies at about 8 meters. Models with injectors or ejectors are somewhat "stronger", and the suction depth can reach 12 ÷ 15 meters.

When choosing a pumping station, this circumstance must be addressed Special attention so as not to get into a situation where the funds will be spent in vain, and the unit will not cope with its functions. To estimate the required parameters, you can use the calculator below to calculate the required suction depth for a pumping station.

Explanations on its use will be given in the text part, below the calculator.

Pumps are used to supply water to the house or water the garden. There are they different types and designs, and each of them finds its own scope. If you need inexpensive and reliable device for pumping water from a well, a deck or some kind of container, pay attention to a self-priming pump. These are relatively inexpensive devices that are installed on the surface, they can pump water from a fairly decent depth - 8-9 m. If necessary, the models are supplemented with ejectors, then the suction depth increases to 20-35 m.

Self-priming pumps: device and types

Self-priming pumps pump water from a depth of 8-9 meters, while they themselves are on the surface. Water rises due to the fact that in the central part of the body, due to the movement of wheels with blades, an area is created low pressure. In an effort to fill it, the water rises. So it turns out that the pump sucks water.

Appearance of self-priming pump

Like any other pump, a self-priming one consists of an engine and a working chamber in which the discharge mechanism is located. The shafts of the pump and motor are connected through a coupling, the reliability of the connection and tightness is determined by the type of seal. There are two types of seals:

  • stuffing box - cheaper and less reliable;
  • end seal - more reliable, but expensive.

There are models of self-priming pumps with magnetic couplings. They do not require sealing, since they do not have through connections. This is by far the most reliable design, but also the most expensive too.

Structure and principle of operation

According to the mode of action, a self-priming pump can be vortex and centrifugal. In both, the key link is the impeller, only it has a different structure and is installed in a housing of a different handicap. This changes the principle of operation.


Centrifugal self-priming pumps have interesting structure working chamber - in the form of a snail. Impellers are fixed in the center of the body. There can be one wheel, then the pump is called single-stage, there can be several - a multi-stage design. Single-stage always operate at the same power, multi-stage can change performance depending on the conditions, respectively, they are more economical (less power consumption).

Self-priming centrifugal pump device

The main working element in this design is a wheel with blades. The blades are bent in the opposite direction with respect to the movement of the wheel. When moving, they seem to push the water, squeezing it to the walls of the case. This phenomenon is called centrifugal force, and the area between the blades and the wall is called the "diffuser". So, the impeller moves, creating an area of ​​increased pressure on the periphery and pushing water towards the outlet pipe.

Scheme of the movement of water in a centrifugal pump

At the same time, a zone of reduced pressure is formed in the center of the impeller. Water is sucked into it from the supply pipeline (suction line). In the figure above, incoming water is indicated by yellow arrows. Then it is pushed by the impeller to the walls and rises up due to centrifugal force. This process is constant and endless, repeating as long as the shaft is spinning.

Their disadvantage is connected with the principle of operation of centrifugal pumps: the impeller cannot create centrifugal force from the air, therefore, the housing is filled with water before operation. Since pumps often operate in intermittent mode, so that water does not flow out of the housing when stopped, a check valve is installed on the suction pipe. These are the features of the operation of centrifugal self-priming pumps. If the check valve (it must be mandatory) is at the bottom of the supply pipeline, the entire pipeline has to be filled, and this will require more than one liter.

The vortex self-priming pump differs in the structure of the casing and the impeller. The impeller is a disk with short radial baffles located at the edges. It's called an impeller.

The structure of the vortex pump

The housing is made in such a way that it quite tightly covers the “flat” part of the impeller, and a significant lateral clearance remains in the baffle area. When the impeller rotates, the water is carried away by the bridges. Due to the action of centrifugal force, it is pressed against the walls, but after some distance it again falls into the zone of action of the partitions, receiving an additional portion of energy. Thus, in the gaps, it also twists into vortices. It turns out a double vortex flow, which gave the name to the equipment.

Due to the peculiarities of work, vortex pumps can create pressure 3-7 times more than centrifugal pumps (at the same size wheels and rotation speed). They are ideal when low flow and high pressure are required. Another plus is that they can pump a mixture of water and air, sometimes they even create a vacuum if they are filled with only air. This makes it easier to put it into operation - no need to fill the chamber with water or a small amount is enough. The disadvantage of vortex pumps is low efficiency. It cannot be higher than 45-50%.


The greatest depth from which surface vortex and centrifugal pumps can lift water is 8-9 meters, often it is located deeper. To "get" it from there, an ejector is installed on the pumps. This is a tube of a special shape, which, when water moves through it, creates a vacuum at the inlet. So such devices also belong to the category of self-priming. The ejector self-priming pump can lift water from a depth of 20-35 m, and this is already more than enough for most sources.

External ejector connection diagram for wells different diameter- two inch right, four inch left

The disadvantage is that in order to ensure operation, part of the understood water must be returned back, therefore, productivity is significantly reduced - such a pump can provide not very large water consumption, but no less electricity is spent on ensuring performance. When installing the injector in a well or well of sufficient width, two pipelines are lowered into the source - one supply larger diameter, second, returnable, smaller. An ejector is connected to their outlets, and a filter and a check valve are installed at the end. In this case, the disadvantage is also obvious - double consumption of pipes, which means a more expensive installation.

In small diameter wells, one pipeline is used - the supply pipeline, and the well casing is used instead of the return one. Thus, a rarefaction zone is also formed.

Vortex and centrifugal - comparison and scope

First the generalities:

  • maximum suction depth - 8-9 meters;
  • installation method - surface;
  • there must be a pipe or a reinforced hose on the suction pipeline (do not install the usual one, it will be flattened by negative pressure).

Now about what are the differences between vortex and centrifugal models. Peripheral pumps are more compact, cost less, but produce more noise during operation. Centrifugal - quieter, at the outlet they create little pressure. Vortex with the same dimensions of the impeller and the speed of its rotation can create a pressure of 3-7 times more. But it cannot be said that this is their advantage - far from always a large output pressure is required. For example, it is not needed when watering the garden and vegetable garden. Water supplied with high pressure will simply wash away the soil, exposing the roots. Therefore, it is better to take a self-priming pump of a centrifugal type as a pump for irrigation.

High outlet pressure may be required when organizing a home water supply system. This is where the characteristics of vortex pumps will be required. They only have one drawback: they cannot provide a large flow. So more often for these purposes they use the same centrifugal, but paired with a hydraulic accumulator. True, then it turns out to be a pumping station.

Surface centrifugal pumps must be filled with water before starting

The main disadvantage of surface centrifugal self-priming pumps is the need to fill them with water before starting. Not the most pleasant activity, which adds to the hassle when using such a pump for irrigation.

Self-priming pump: device, principle of operation, application

What is a good self-priming pump, what is the difference between vortex and centrifugal pumps, where they are used, the principle of their operation and device.

Analysis of the internal structure and principle of operation of a self-priming water pump

For device effective systems autonomous water supply in country cottages, private houses and summer cottages self-priming water pumps are needed. From the name it follows that this equipment is capable, being at a short distance from the source of water intake, to lift liquid from a depth, passing it "through itself". Models produced by manufacturers differ in purpose and a number of specifications to consider when choosing a pump for domestic use. Quite often self-priming pumps in autonomous systems suburban water supply go together with storage or membrane pressure tank. True, this type of equipment is already called a pumping station.

Types of self-priming pumps

Manufacturers produce self-priming pumps with built-in or remote ejector. In this form pumping equipment suction and rise of the liquid occurs due to its discharge. During operation, ejector installations make too much noise, so a special room is selected for their placement on the site, located at a sufficient distance from the residential building. The main advantage of self-priming pumps with an ejector is their ability to lift water from a great depth, on average about 10 meters. In this case, a supply pipe is lowered into the water intake source, and the pump itself is installed at a certain distance from it. This arrangement allows you to freely control the operation of the equipment, which affects the duration of its use.

Important! For all models of household self-priming pumps of this type, it is important to provide protection against "dry running", which provokes a breakdown of the unit in most cases.

The second type of equipment includes self-priming pumps that provide water lifting without ejectors. In models of this type of pumps, liquid suction is provided by a hydraulic device that has a special multi-stage design. Hydraulic pumps they operate silently, unlike ejector models, but they are inferior to them in terms of the depth of fluid intake.

The device and principle of operation of a centrifugal pump

The figure shows the device of a self-priming centrifugal pump. In the body, which has a spiral shape, there is a rigidly fixed wheel, which consists of a pair of disks with blades inserted between them. The blades are bent in opposite side from the direction of rotation of the impeller. With the help of nozzles of a certain diameter, the pump is connected to the pressure and suction pipelines.

So schematically, you can imagine the device of a self-priming centrifugal pump for pumping water, used in private homes and cottages

The principle of operation of centrifugal self-priming pumps is as follows:

  • After the casing and the suction pipe are filled with water, the impeller starts to rotate.
  • The centrifugal force that occurs when the wheel rotates displaces water from its center and throws it to the peripheral areas.
  • Due to the increased pressure created in this case, the liquid is displaced from the periphery into the pressure pipeline.
  • At this time, in the center of the impeller, on the contrary, the pressure decreases, which causes the flow of liquid through the suction pipe into the pump housing.
  • By this algorithm there is a continuous supply of water by a self-priming centrifugal pump.

Important! In the design of centrifugal pumps, there can be from one to several impellers. According to the number of wheels, single-stage and multi-stage pumping units are distinguished. However, the number of wheels does not affect the general principle of operation. this equipment. In any case, the liquid moves under the action of centrifugal force generated by the rotating wheels.

Working principle of self-priming peripheral pump

Air shown in the picture yellow, is sucked into the pump housing due to the vacuum that is created by rotating the impeller (impeller). Next, the air that has entered the pump is mixed with the working fluid contained in the unit housing. In the figure, this liquid is shown in blue.

This figure shows the device and principle of operation of a vortex self-priming pump for lifting liquid to a height of no more than eight meters.

After the mixture of air and liquid enters the working chamber there is a separation of these components from each other, based on the difference in their densities. In this case, the separated air is removed through the supply line, and the liquid is recirculated in the working chamber. When all air is removed from the suction line, the pump fills with water and starts working in centrifugal installation mode.

Possible versions of vortex self-priming water pumps manufactured by manufacturers for domestic use by owners of private houses and country cottages

A non-return valve is installed on the suction flange, which is designed to prevent air from returning to the pipeline, as well as to ensure the constant presence of working fluid in the pump chamber. Thanks to this device and the principle of operation, vortex self-priming pumps are capable, with a filled chamber, of lifting liquid from a depth not exceeding eight meters, without installing a bottom valve.

Important! Vortex pumps are designed for pumping not only water, but also liquid-air mixtures.

What is the difference between vortex and centrifugal designs?

The centrifugal unit is more massive in size than the self-priming vortex water pump, which is compact in size. But centrifugal pumps make little noise, which is important when used in everyday life. Vortex models are sold at a lower price, which is also important for the consumer. At the same time, the water pressure created by vortex pumps can exceed the capabilities of centrifugal models up to seven times.

When choosing a self-priming pump, you should not be guided only by prices, as cheap equipment may not provide normal work water supply systems. It is desirable to build on the purpose of the pump and its technical characteristics. With the right choice of the pump model and the observance of the manufacturer's recommendations on the method of its operation, you can count on the long-term operation of the purchased equipment.

The device and principle of operation of a self-priming water pump

Centrifugal and vortex self-priming pumps for water. The principle of operation of a self-priming pump with an ejector. How does the design of a vortex pump differ from the design of a centrifugal pump.

What are the advantages of self-priming pumps?

Self-priming pumps are a real find for owners of wells and wells who decide to carry out autonomous water supply to your country house. These compact units are reliable protection from overheating. At the first start, a certain amount of water, provided for by the design, is poured into the pump, which remains inside the housing even if there is no liquid in the water supply system completely. In this way, the designers have significantly increased the wear resistance of the equipment. For air suction models, this precaution is not necessary.

Pumps of this type are very often mounted in household pumping stations. They function on the principle of drawing in and passing water through themselves, and are able to maintain a stable working pressure in plumbing system. When working with equipment of this type, it is also necessary to know how to get the pump out of the well.

Due to the reliability and high performance, the units are actively used both in everyday life and in industrial needs.

Application area

The main advantage of any self-priming pump is its durability. In addition, the device is practically independent of service conditions. The industry produces both stationary and mobile pumps, which allows expanding the scope of their application. The equipment handles pumping easily clean water and viscous liquids. Wherein working temperature should not exceed +35 degrees. Although for special products this figure is increased to one hundred degrees Celsius.

AT living conditions the device is used for pumping water from shallow wells for plumbing or abstraction from open reservoirs for watering beds. The pump does a great job of both.

In industry, pumps have the most wide application– pumping out oil and diesel fuel from tanks, salt and waste water. The units are not afraid of water with small inclusions of silt, sand and dirt. Therefore, powerful production models are successfully used for pumping out the contents of sewage pits or draining small private reservoirs and pools.

The only drawback of a self-priming type pump is its working depth of up to 8-10 meters. From deeper reservoirs or wells, it will not be possible to raise water with such a pump. Most often, it is not immersed in water, but is installed on the surface. The injection is carried out through a hose, so the possibilities of equipment in terms of deep use are somewhat limited. But there are also more advanced submersible-type models that cost a little more.

Tempting characteristics for domestic use are:

  • possibility of installation outside the source of water supply - can be mounted on the head of a shallow well with industrial water, in a caisson chamber, a technical extension or in the basement of a residential building;
  • ease of maintenance - all important components are on the surface;
  • low cost of the unit - structural steel is used;
  • powerful motor - there is enough space for its installation in the body, because this is not a narrow cylindrical deep-well pump.

Main types

For self-priming pumps, depending on design features There are several main varieties. It is very important to choose the right pump for the well.

Centrifugal pumps

They consist of a snail-shaped body (it must always be filled with water) and an engine with an impeller-shaped disk (that is, with special propeller blades). The impeller at high speeds creates a vacuum in the housing, which allows the pump to draw in liquid.

vortex pumps

Devices of this type are capable of operating not only with liquid, but also with air. They are not afraid of dry running. Instead of an impeller, such pumps are equipped with a special wheel (impeller) that draws air into the housing and mixes it with the incoming liquid. Excess air is removed through a separate valve. Air also contributes to the occurrence of vacuum and the absorption of fluid.

with ejector

Units of this type operate on the same principles as vortex pumps. However, the ejector allows you to make a fence from a depth of 15 to 30 meters, significantly increasing the power of the device (the standard is 8-10 meters). These pumps are very noisy. There are models with remote ejectors that are installed outside the living space, thereby solving the noise problem.

Usage Methods

Pumps operating on the centrifugal principle can be used for installation both on the surface and directly in the water. Manufacturers produce models of both types. Experts recommend surface models to provide temporary (seasonal) water supply. They are easy to maintain and install.

If necessary, such a pump can be easily dismantled and stored or moved to another location.

And submersible units are considered ideal equipment for an autonomous water supply system (including those used to work in wells up to 30 meters deep). They are also indispensable for many hours of watering, draining the pool or flooded basement.

Operating principle

Any of the self-priming pumps works due to the vacuum that occurs in the housing at the time of operation of the electric motor. There are two holes on the body - inlet and outlet. The first is located in close proximity to the blades (impeller), which rotate due to the generation of torque on the shaft by the engine. The second is located in the end part of the body - water enters here under pressure.

The centrifugal force that occurs when the impeller (or disk for vortex-type models) rotates creates a vacuum that allows water to be drawn in through a hose located in a water source.

The case of centrifugal-type models is pre-filled with water. And vortex pumps work by sucking in air, so the chamber of the device is not filled with water before the first start.

The devices work equally well with both clean and polluted (muddy) water mixed with silt and sand. To work with very dirty water, special models are available, equipped with a protective grill that filters large particles of dirt and impurities. Such pumps are designed for pumping feces or drainage of wells, wells, pools, basements.

What to give preference?

One universal council there is no self-priming pump type to select. Recommendations can be summarized in the following nuances:

Centrifugal devices have large dimensions and are characterized by almost silent operation. Their disadvantages include low productivity and the ability to work with a depth of no more than 8-10 meters. It is a good choice for installation in the home and connection to a shallow well, and as a seasonal option for watering beds with water drawn from a river or lake.

For medium depth wells the best choice becomes a vortex pump.

It is more powerful, it works with a depth of up to 15, and with the existing ejector, up to 30 meters. Such a pump can be installed inside the well by immersing it in water (special submersible models). We add that you need to think about choosing a pump already at the stage of drilling a well.

Model overview

This pump is produced by the Ukrainian trademark of the same name. This is a centrifugal type submersible pump. Works when completely immersed in water.

  • small size - fits in a well with a diameter of 8 to 16 centimeters;
  • reliability.
  • works only at a depth of up to 15 meters;
  • designed to supply clean water without impurities.

The average market price is from 7,800 to 14,000 rubles, depending on the model.

This Italian pump is a typical example of a vortex type surface pump. Working depth up to 7 meters. It is used for irrigation, irrigation and water supply from shallow wells.

  • long service life;
  • design reliability;
  • low energy consumption.
  • cannot be used at great depths.

The average cost is from 10,000 rubles.

Grundfos JPBasic 2

Produced by the Danish manufacturer of the same name and designed to work on the surface. Operates on a centrifugal principle. Can be used as the main node for a pumping station.

  • low electricity consumption;
  • reliable cast-iron body;
  • the possibility of pumping water from an open reservoir.
  • can not be used at a depth of more than eight meters.

Price from 10 200 rubles.

Produced by the Latvian company of the same name. It is a submersible vortex pump. Able to supply up to 51 liters of water per minute.

  • power;
  • installation in a well up to 70 meters deep (which is a record in this class of pumps);
  • low electricity consumption.
  • difficulty in maintenance(the equipment must be removed from the well).

Self-priming pumps, device, principles of operation

Self-priming pump: scope, main types, application methods, operating principle, selection features, model examples

Self-priming pump for water

In life, situations often occur when it is necessary to pump water from one place to another. An example is the rise of water from a well or well, pumping out of a pool, arranging an autonomous water supply network. Examples can be given for a very long time. All of them are different, but each has one common detail - a submersible or surface self-priming water pump.

Unit features

In the process of determining which apparatus is needed, it is important to remember that the appropriate mechanism should be selected for each specific case. So, the self-priming pump during operation takes into account the following factors:

  • the quality of the water to be supplied;
  • its depth;
  • the distance over which the liquid must be pumped;

Usually, all these parameters in an average form are already included in the performance of the unit. But when choosing a pump model, it is better to clarify them further.

The self-priming pump lifts and conveys water while eliminating flow cavitation. Thanks to this feature, the device works very quietly, without creating water hammer. If we talk about a surface pump, then it is not placed in the water, but on the surface, and a pipe is pulled to the water source.

For the production of the pump, high-quality materials are used to ensure the strength of the body of this device. The device itself is impact resistant. aggressive environment and is characterized by high performance.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the characteristics that a self-priming water pump has, the following can be distinguished:

Along with this, the pump has one significant drawback - a limited suction depth, the value of which is only 9-10 meters. But manufacturers have learned to get around this shortcoming. In situations where the water level is very low, ejectors are used. This technique allows you to increase the suction depth to 30-35 m.

Application area

The self-priming water pump is perfect for household needs. It is durable and efficient device, capable of lifting water from a well or well, to transfer it to the house. It is used for irrigation of the site, and not only a well, but also rivers, ponds and others can be used as a source of water. It also finds its application in swimming pools and irrigation systems. It regulates the pressure in the pipeline. Therefore, the mechanism can be used in autonomous water supply systems for domestic and municipal purposes.

Classification by type of suction

According to this parameter, two categories of pump are distinguished: self-priming and normal-priming. They differ in their reaction to the ingress of air into the system.

The normal suction pump switches off when air enters. The flow of water in the system moves by gravity. The machine cannot work if there is no water. Therefore, if air enters, a mechanism will work that will disable the operation in the “dry run” mode. The nuance is that in such a situation, the device must be restarted.

The self-priming pump is different in that the air that has entered the system will be removed automatically. The presence of a person is not required. This function is achieved due to the special design of the device. Air exits through the vantus, which is located in the upper part of the apparatus. There is also a check valve installed, which will protect against air ingress. In modern models, there is a special built-in valve, thanks to which the device independently refills. Therefore, there is no need to control the operation of the system.

Centrifugal pumps

Centrifugal self-priming pumps work due to the installed impeller. Depending on its structure, the principle of operation of the entire unit changes. Therefore, there are two types of pumps: centrifugal and vortex.

Centrifugal pumps have a working chamber, which outwardly can be compared with a snail. One or more impellers are placed in the middle. The type of device depends on their number: single-stage or multi-stage. In the first case, the pump always works with the same power. The second option is more economical, since, depending on the conditions, it can change its power (productivity).

Blades are installed on the impeller, which are bent in the direction opposite to the direction of movement of the impeller. When the wheel moves, centrifugal force is created, a high pressure zone is formed on the periphery and water is pushed to the exit from the chamber. A zone of reduced pressure is formed in the center, that is, in the impeller. This is where the water comes from the supply pipe. From here, due to the movement of the blades and the resulting centrifugal force, the liquid flows to the chamber wall.

The principle of operation is characterized by one drawback: before starting the pump must be filled with water. This is because centrifugal force cannot be generated from air. To prevent water from flowing out of the housing, a check valve is installed on the supply pipe.

Vortex devices

A vortex self-priming pump differs from a centrifugal pump in the structure of the impeller, which is a disk with radial partitions along the edges.

The body of the device is close to that part of the impeller, on which there are no partitions. The second part provides for the presence of a gap. Under the action of centrifugal force during the movement of the wheel, water is repelled to the periphery of the body due to the partitions. But at a certain distance, it returns back to the zone of radial partitions, while receiving additional energy. Water jets collide and form eddy currents.

The self-priming surface pump of this type is also distinguished by the fact that due to its design it is able to create more pressure, which is about 7 times higher than that of a centrifugal pump with the same impeller size. Another plus of this device is that it can work even in the presence of air in the case. This makes it much easier to start the equipment.

But there is also a drawback. It lies in the low value of the coefficient useful action, about 45-50%.

Using an ejector

As already noted, a self-priming pump cannot lift water if the intake depth exceeds 8-9 meters. This significantly reduces the functionality of the equipment. This drawback can be eliminated by using an ejector. When this element is included in the system, the water intake depth increases to 40 m. possible distance from equipment to source.

It should be noted that when adding a remote ejector to the water intake system, its efficiency is greatly reduced and amounts to 30-35%.

Pumping dirty water

There are frequent cases when you need to pump dirty water. In such situations, a self-priming dirty water pump is suitable, which performs the following functions:

  • sewage pumping;
  • pumping liquid from wells, pits, basements, drainage systems;
  • water supply for irrigation (including from an open reservoir);
  • removal of water from the building in the event of an accident.

By their design, such pumps can be both submersible and surface. In the first case, the device does not need additional sleeves for operation, since it is installed at the bottom of the source. In turn, submersible devices can be drainage, borehole, fecal, well.

If the pump is rarely used, it is better to choose a surface one. It is mounted next to the container into which a special sleeve is lowered. Through it, the liquid is pumped out. Allocate pressure, garden, universal, circulation pumps.

As you can see, the right version of the self-priming hose can be chosen for any situation. It is a reliable, economical and durable device that allows you to efficiently get the job done.

Self-priming pump for water

In life, situations often occur when it is necessary to pump water from one place to another. An example is the rise of water from a well or well, the arrangement of an autonomous water supply network, pumping water from a pool. A self-priming water pump is used for this operation.

A freshly drilled well on the site solves 80% of the issues related to the water supply of a private residential building. The remaining 20% ​​is the correct equipment of the prepared well with pumping equipment. Most budgetary private wells are prepared with the calculation of water intake from a sandy aquifer, which lies, depending on the region, at a depth of 15 to 25 meters from the ground surface. Not surprisingly, many users are looking for suitable pumping equipment that is suitable for lifting water from such a depth. Find out which pump is best for an aquifer of about 15 meters by reading the article.

Hydrologists and drilling experts distinguish between three main aquifers:

  • top water;
  • sandy;
  • lime.

The most best water lies deep, from 30 to 150 meters. Not everyone can afford a well for limestone (artesian). The point is not only the high cost of the structure, but also the need to coordinate the construction of such a structure with state structures (artesian water is considered a mineral with all the consequences).

The best option is sand drilling. Sandy aquifer in different regions 10 to 30 meters deep, can provide households with sufficient water of satisfactory quality. In addition, the cost of the construction is affordable, since the depth is small and drilling does not require all kinds of permits.

Characteristics of sand wells

In order to choose the right pump, which will be effective at a depth of about 15 meters, that is, when operating an aquifer that takes water from a sandy reservoir, you should know some features of such structures, such as:

  • water inflow (debit) 1-1.5 m3 per hour;
  • there is a lot of sediment at the bottom (fine sand);
  • inner diameter casing pipe no more than 150 mm (it is not advisable to do more, as this leads to a strong increase in the cost of drilling and well construction).

Types of water pumps

All devices designed to lift clean water and supply it to any type of consumer are divided into the following types:

  • superficially located;
  • submersible.

Surface pumps operate at a limited depth (up to 8-9 meters), so they are not initially suitable for the wells considered here. Submersible water pumps capable of operating at great depths have two varieties:

  • vibration;
  • rotary (centrifugal).

For water wells, especially those with a depth of 15 meters or more, only centrifugal-type devices are used. Some homeowners, trying to save on the purchase of necessary equipment, try to raise water using vibration pumps. However, this is the wrong move.

Why vibratory pumps are not suitable for wells

The vibratory submersible pump pumps water due to the operation of the membrane, the frequency of which corresponds to the frequency of the current in the household network, that is, 50 times per second (50 Hz). Approximately the same frequency of natural oscillations have granite and some other rocks that are around the well casing. This leads to the occurrence of resonance during the operation of vibration-type equipment, which is the cause of premature destruction of the underground water intake structure. This is the main reason that does not allow the use of a vibratory pump in a well mine. In addition, when using such equipment, the following difficulties may arise:

  • jamming of the device in the lumen of the casing pipe (you will have to dismantle and re-restore the well, which is very expensive);
  • strong vibration leads to excessive turbulence, which causes silt to agitate at the bottom of the water shaft (there is always sediment in a sand well), so the water will be constantly polluted with solid suspension.

In addition, vibration devices have a small operational resource, so they are unlikely to last more than a season, especially in well conditions. Based on the foregoing, one option remains - to use only rotary (centrifugal) type equipment to pump water from a well 15 meters and deeper.

How do rotary pumps work, features?

These devices are elongated sealed cylinders with holes at the bottom, where water enters. Unlike vibrating equipment samples, centrifugal pumps do not suck in water. It enters the cavity of the device under its own pressure, which is why it is necessary that over rotary pump under any operating conditions there was at least 1 meter of water.

The liquid that has passed through the intake holes enters the rotating wheels, it is swirled, and under the action of centrifugal force, the water is pushed out with a certain pressure into the outlet pipe and further into the ascending pipe.

The speed of rotation of the shaft on which the wheels are mounted is high (up to 10 thousand rpm). Despite being lubricated, the shaft bearings get very hot, so they need constant cooling, which comes from the surrounding water. This is another reason why a centrifugal pump must be surrounded by water during operation. A device of this type should not work on a dry one (fails very quickly). Rotary pumps are usually equipped with automation that turns off the equipment if the water stops flowing through the intake holes.

Parameters characterizing centrifugal pumps

To choose the right equipment for a well 15 meters or deeper, you should pay attention to the characteristics of the device and compare it with the existing water intake conditions. What parameters should be of interest to the consumer in the first place? Here is their list:

  • pressure;
  • performance;
  • power consumption;
  • case diameter;
  • additional options (protection against overheating, availability soft start, Remote Control).

How to determine what characteristics the necessary equipment should have? About this in order.


This parameter of the pump determines to what maximum height it can lift a column of water. To determine the pressure required in a particular case, it is necessary to carry out simple calculations. It is necessary to add to the installation depth of the pump in the well the height of the water rise to the highest point of the water intake (for example, the second floor of the cottage). At the same time, one should not forget about the horizontal sections of liquid transportation, which also create resistance. Usually 10m water passage horizontal pipe equate to 1 meter of vertical lift. Summing up all the data and adding 10-15% to the result (error, plus the resistance of the corner sections of the pipeline and various connections), you get the desired pressure indicator.

It is not recommended to choose a pump with a large margin of safety in terms of pressure. Not only will you have to overpay for a more powerful pump model upon purchase, but it will also use up more electricity during operation. In addition, knowledgeable people argue that pumps with excess power wear out faster and fail.


This parameter of pumping equipment should be correlated with such a characteristic of the well as debit (inflow). We need a pump, the performance of which will not significantly exceed the flow into the aquifer. The debit of wells for sand rarely exceeds 1.5 m3 per hour. It is from this indicator (or from what is indicated in the passport of the aquifer) that one should proceed when choosing the pump performance.


This characteristic of pumping equipment is important only in terms of saving energy resources (electricity). The greater the power consumption, the more you will have to pay on bills for the used electricity.


The circumference of the pump casing must be less than the internal diameter of the casing pipe by at least a quarter. Otherwise, there will be difficulties with the installation of equipment, its excavation, as well as some operational problems.

Popular borehole pump models

Equipment for supplying water from aquifers, which is on the domestic market, is produced by well-known European manufacturers and enterprises located in the post-Soviet countries. Among the products of European brands, the most requested pumps trademarks Grundfos (Germany) and Pedrollo (Italy). In our country and in neighboring countries, the lines of borehole pumps Gileks and Aquarius are produced.

For a shallow aquifer on sand the best option among inexpensive samples of equipment will be Aquarius BTsPE 0.5-16 U. The pump has the following characteristics:

  • maximum pressure - 27 meters (just suitable for installation at a depth of 15 meters);
  • consumption (productivity) - 3.5 m3 per hour;
  • power consumption - 400 W;
  • case diameter - 120 mm;
  • additional functions - soft start, overheating protection.

The cost of such a device is in the range of $ 130-135. From European-made models, you can choose Grundfos SP 2A-9, which has the following parameters:

  • maximum pressure - 39 meters;
  • productivity - 1.9 m3 per hour;
  • power consumption - 370 W;
  • case diameter - 77 mm;
  • additional functions and features - protected from overheating, automatic shutdown in the absence of water, capable of passing solid particles up to 5 mm in diameter, soft start, built-in filter and non-return valve.

Give for such a pump in trading network need about $750. As you can see, with approximately the same characteristics, European-made equipment will cost much more. However, experts say it's worth it. In addition to a long service life and unique reliability, imported pumps better themes, which is much smaller in diameter, that is, suitable for wells with a small section of the casing.

The choice of a pump for a well is a very responsible matter, because it is he who is the most important node equipped water supply system. Today, manufacturers offer numerous models of surface and deep well pumps with various technical specifications and prices.

  1. Surface pumps for wells;
  2. Downhole pumps for wells:
  • centrifugal;
  • Vortex;
  • Screw;
  • Vibrating.

The advantage of the surface pump is more convenient maintenance and repair and lower price. But submersible pumps, unlike surface pumps, can be used at great depths. In addition, water from the well, passing through the working chamber of these devices, cools the engine, protecting it from overheating and premature failure.

According to the control mode, all pumps for wells are divided into manual and automatic. And if the automatic ones are powered by the network, then the manual pumps are non-volatile.

Principle of operation

Surface pump for wells

Surface pumps are suitable only for shallow wells (less than 10 meters). Their body is installed on a special floating platform or directly on the surface. When using a surface pump, it is imperative to ensure that moisture does not get inside the motor, otherwise the device may break. A photo of a surface pump for a well is presented below.

Centrifugal deep well pump

The centrifugal submersible pump, the photo of which is below, is the most popular view pumping equipment for wells. Inside it is a shaft with a wheel made of two plates interconnected by blades. The wheel rotates, centrifugal force arises, due to which water enters first into the pump, and then into the pipe. Centrifugal pumps are versatile and have the best quality-price ratio. It is advisable to install this equipment in wells, the depth of which exceeds 100 meters.

The best manufacturers offer a wide range of units with different parameters. From the proposed range you can always choose and buy suitable pump for a well. The only limitation is that this equipment is sensitive to the presence of solid suspensions in water, so before installing it, you need to take care of filtration plants.

Vortex submersible pump for a well

The vortex deep pump (see photo) is designed to supply water from wells with a depth of 30 meters to 100 meters. Inside the casing is an impeller driven by a motor. The output creates high blood pressure, and water rushes into the outlet pipe. In this case, the pumped liquid should not contain impurities of more than 40 g/l.

Such equipment allows you to create a constant pressure in the water supply system, even if the well has a small flow rate. However, compared to centrifugal models, vortex ones have lower performance.

Screw submersible pump

Screw (screw) pumps have the lowest cost. Inside the unit there is a rotor with an auger located on it. Through the inlets at the bottom of the pump, water enters the pumping chamber, where a rotating auger stimulates its movement further into the outlet pipe. Screw pumps are used to lift water from wells with a depth of no more than 15 meters. A photo of the device is shown below.

Vibratory submersible pump

This type of pump is not the best solution for well construction. First, vibratory pumps will lift sand and other solid particles from the bottom of the well, which can then enter the water. Secondly, vibrations will gradually destroy the well, slowly but surely filling it with sand. The appearance of the vibration pump is shown in the photo.

Hand pump

This well pump works by means of a special lever, which is manually operated. At one time, the device is capable of pumping up to 1.5 liters of liquid. A hand pump is the best option when there is no electricity. Video and photo materials for operation and installation hand pump can be found on the web.

Pump for wells up to 20 meters deep

For wells with a depth of 10 meters or 15 meters, injector surface pumps can be used, which are always more convenient to maintain. However, this type of equipment has a low efficiency, so even for wells up to 20 meters deep, it is better to use submersible models.

To select a pump for a well of 15 meters with suitable characteristics, you need to calculate the height of the water column. To do this, add the depth of the well, which can be measured using a conventional rope with a load, and the required pressure (1 atmosphere is taken equal to 10 meters), and subtract from this sum the distance from the location of the submersible pump to the bottom. You also need to correct for hydraulic losses in the pipeline, which are about 10%.


  • Well depth - 20 meters;
  • The distance from the pump to the bottom is 4 meters;
  • Required pressure - 2 atmospheres, i.e. 20 meters;
  • The length of the pipeline is 40 meters.

In this case, the required pressure is at least 20+20-4+(40*0.1)=40 meters.

We will choose a pump for a well of 20 meters. Among budget models with a head of 50 meters, the best option will be the Russian-Chinese Unipump pumps, the price of which does not exceed 10 thousand rubles. In the middle price category Belarusian pumps Belamos and domestic models of the Vodomet series are located, the cost of which is in the range of 12-15 thousand rubles. The price is slightly higher (about 20 thousand rubles) for the Aquario units of the joint production of Russia, Italy and China.

The most expensive, but at the same time the most reliable, are Italian, Danish and German-made pumps with a price range of about 28-41 thousand rubles. Photos of pumps can be viewed on the websites of manufacturers.

Pump for wells up to 30 meters deep

Consider how to choose a pump for a well with a depth of 20-30 meters. To do this, by analogy with the previous paragraph, we calculate the magnitude of the pressure.


  • Well depth - 25 meters;
  • Pipeline length - 40 meters;
  • Required pressure - 3 atm. (30 meters);
  • The distance from the submersible pump to the bottom of the well is 5 meters.

Head for our well, 25 meters deep = 25+30-5+(40*0.1)=54 meters.

Which pump to choose for a well 20-30 meters? Based on the value obtained and the required performance, as well as the diameter of the casing, models with suitable parameters are selected. In this, as in the previous case, vibration models can be chosen for pumping water. It is better to take a centrifugal pump for a well of 30 meters.

Pump for wells up to 40 meters deep

With a well depth of more than 30 meters, it is recommended to use centrifugal deep pumps. However, when using such equipment, it will be necessary to ensure a low content of solid particles in the water. Permissible concentration is usually indicated in the pump passport.


  • Well depth - 40 meters;
  • The required pressure in the plumbing system is 3 atm. (30 meters);
  • The length of the pipeline is 50 meters.

The pressure for a given well of 40 meters is: 40 + 30-5 + (50 * 0.1) \u003d 70 meters.

The best pumps for wells with a depth of 40 meters are Danish models of the Grundfos brand, the price of which will be about 41 thousand rubles. Pumps of the Italian brand Lowara and the German TWU have a lower cost - about 28 thousand rubles. Photos of pumps of these brands are on the websites of manufacturers.

Pump for wells up to 50, 80, 100 meters deep

For wells with a depth of 50 meters, 80 meters and 100 meters, deep-well pumps with high power or household pumping stations are installed. Just as in the previous cases, the required pressure is calculated.


  • Well depth - 80 meters;
  • The distance from the pump to the bottom of the well is 5 meters;
  • Required pressure - 2 atm. (20 meters);
  • The length of the pipeline is 100 meters.

Pressure \u003d 80 + 20-5 + (100 * 0.1) \u003d 105 meters.

Also, when choosing a pump for such wells, you need to take into account that it will be difficult to lift it for maintenance or repair, so you need to stop at better and more reliable models that can work smoothly for a long time. These can be, for example, pumps of the Grundfos brand (price about 35 thousand rubles) or Pedrollo (with a price of about 25 thousand rubles).

Installation and installation: video

In this section, you can watch a video on installing a pump for a well, as well as read some tips from installers.

  • If not a surface pump for a well is selected, but a deep one, then it must be installed with immersion in water, but at the same time be no lower than 1 meter from the bottom. Typically, the immersion depth is from 15 meters to 40 meters. The pump is lowered into the well along with a plastic pipe for lifting water, a safety cable and an electric cable;
  • The surface pump is installed either indoors or in the well caisson. A hose is connected to the suction pipe, which is lowered into the well. In cases where the surface pump is equipped with an external ejector, in addition to the suction hose, a pressure hose is lowered into the well. Videos on the installation of such equipment can be found on the network;
  • When installing a deep or surface pump, it is recommended to install a check valve with a filter to protect against water hammer;
  • Before installation of a deep or surface pump, the well is cleaned and flushed.

Below is a video of the installation of a pump for a well.

Help in choosing

For wells, it is preferable to select not surface, but submersible models. In this case, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Head. Examples of its calculation are given above;
  2. The performance of the pump, which depends on the daily need for water. In terms of averages, then kitchen faucet has a maximum flow rate of about 10-12 liters / min, a faucet in the bathroom - about 20-25 liters. On average, to provide water for two bathrooms, a bath and a kitchen, you will need to buy a pump for a well with a capacity of up to 1.5 m³ / h;
  3. From the flow rate of the well, l/h, measured empirically. This value shows what maximum volume of fluid per hour can be pumped out of the well without lowering its level to a critical level;
  4. The inner diameter of the casing. Submersible pump must freely enter into it;
  5. The sensitivity of the pump for the well to impurities in the water. These data are indicated in the device passport;
  6. It is recommended to choose a well pump with built-in protection against overheating and dry running. True, the price of such models is higher.

Popular models and their specifications

Most often, wells up to 40 meters deep (for example, 20 meters or 25 meters) are equipped for private use. Consider best models suitable for servicing wells up to 40 meters deep.

German multistage submersible pump Wilo TWU 3-0130

This pump (see photo) is one of the best options. The equipment differs in the increased reliability and can serve without failures more than 20 years. Has the tight case made of high-quality stainless steel. The pumps of this series are equipped with a single-phase or three-phase motor, can be operated at a depth of more than 100 meters and are capable of pumping water at a temperature of 3-40°C.


  • Pump diameter - 3 inches;
  • Nominal productivity (cubic meter / hour) - 2.6;
  • Pressure - more than 80 meters (88);
  • Has built-in protection;
  • The maximum concentration of solid particles is 40 g/l.

During operation, the pump must be completely immersed in water. Useful photos and video on the pumps of this manufacturer can be viewed on the official website.

Danish pump Grundfos SQ 1-80

Grundfos pumps, the appearance of which is shown in the photo, are not inferior in reliability to German models.


  • Diameter - 74 mm;
  • Productivity (cubic meter / hour) - up to 1.5;
  • Pressure - up to 96 meters;
  • Power 750 W.

Pumps of this brand are equipped with safety systems that protect equipment from overheating, overloads and dry running. You can buy such a pump at a price of about 30 thousand rubles.

Gilex Water Cannon 60/92

The advantage of this model (see photo) is a low price with good technical performance.


  • Pressure - up to 92 meters;
  • Productivity (cubic meter / hour) - up to 3.6;
  • Power - 1.1 kW.

All parts of the pump are made of durable wear-resistant materials, which ensures the reliability of this equipment.

Italian Pedrollo 4 block 2/13

The appearance of the pump is shown in the photo. All components of Pedrollo pumps are made of wear-resistant materials, so these models are one of the most best solutions under increased loads. At the same time, their price remains quite affordable.


  • Pressure - up to 135 meters;
  • Productivity (cubic meter / hour) - up to 9.

Belarusian Belamos TF-100

This pump is characterized by the best price-quality ratio, it is easy to maintain and repair and has decent operating parameters.


  • Productivity (cubic meter/hour) - up to 5;
  • Pressure - up to 100 meters.

The units are equipped oil system engine cooling, which helps to avoid overheating and failure.

These models for this moment are in the highest demand among consumers. All of these units are submersible, since surface pumps for wells are rarely used.


Estimated prices for popular models in central region are given in the table.

Pump model, manufacturer Productivity, m³/hour Pressure, meters Price in thousand rubles
Unipump ECO Russian-Chinese production, diameter 4 inches 1,8-4,8 Up to 52 Less than 8
Belamos TF with 3" diameter 1-3,3 Up to 60 About 14.5
Wilo, Germany, 3" 2,6 Up to 88 About 40
Italy Up to 9 Up to 135 Around 28
Aquario, Russia-China-Italy, 3 inches 1,5 Up to 60 21-22,5
Spanish made ESPA Neptun 4" Up to 4.2 Up to 60 Approximately 25
German made TWU 3" Up to 3.8 Up to 70 Around 28
Grundfos, Denmark, 3" diameter 1,5 Up to 80 Over 40
Gardena, Germany, 4" 1,5 Up to 60 Around 31
Lowara, Italy, 4" 1,4 Up to 105 28-29